#my kitty sits purring in my lap hehe
alwaysneedyforsir · 7 months
i'm glad your arm is okay :3
(yes, i managed to read all the way down those tags about baking. they were very cute 10/10 would read again)
aw that’s very sweet of you hehe thank youuu!!
spoiler alert if you read thru the essays i leave in my tags, you’ll def discover v fun lore about me 🤭🤭
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lale-txt · 1 year
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✱ visiting the cat café with JJK men (pt. 1/?)
a/n: first time writing for JJK aaaa. i should have done this a whole lot sooner! happy to be taking those fine gentlemen out for a date at the cat café hehe. and with the current events in both manga & anime i think it's fair to say we deserve to have a bit of a slice of life delulul moment, right... (πーπ)
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“did you roll around in catnip before we got here or…” 
Gojo only grins at you before he starts a monologue, something about his natural musk that makes him irresistible to little meow meows, explaining how cats are attracted to cursed energy and how he has a limitless amount of it, yada yada yada…
you aren’t listening anymore, only feeling slightly jealous of how he’s swarmed by cats without any effort, like he didn’t have to go through the whole humbling process of getting to the floor and mumbling pspsps until your mouth is dry only for the cats to ignore you
every single cat in the café is practically begging for his attention and honestly, can you blame them 
the cats are in heaven. Gojo is in heaven. the staff is in heaven. 
a chonky white Persian cat is extra persistent and secures a spot on Gojo’s shoulder, chewing on his hair and that’s when you know you will be leaving this café either without your boyfriend or with a new cat
in the end Gojo simply ends up buying the cat café (oh to be stupid rich) and treats it as his own personal oasis from there on and you can’t even be mad because you get to see his beautiful bright smile whenever you head there together
at first, Nanami isn’t too eager when you suggest going to a cat café 
the thought of cat hair all over his sandwich doesn’t please him, but he can never resist your pleading eyes and from the reviews he read the food there is supposed to be excellent, so he reluctantly agrees
skeptical at first, he sits down with you, trying to study the menu when an extra curious cat jumps on the table, bumping their tiny head against his chin which makes Nanami frown
“aww, someone likes you”, you croon and try not to laugh at Nanami, hesitantly petting the cat in front of him which starts purring loudly
which attracts even more cats
suddenly you’re swarmed with them and Nanami is doing his very best to give each of them a fair share of his love, even loosening his tie a bit and sleeves rolled up
forget about the food, he’s on a mission now
Nanami will lie awake at night, wondering if owning a cat could fix at least a dozen of his problems (they’re all Gojo related)
majestic Sukuna, King of Curses, allergic to cat hair 
oh, he’s trying. he’s fighting for his life, sitting on the floor and trying to pspsps the cats with four hands at once
but his sneezes are so earth shattering loud that it spooks the kitties and they gather everywhere but in his lap
except for that one deaf and blind cat that’s always drooling a little which happily lets Sukuna pick them up 
the King of Curses will look at you triumphantly, like see, I’ve made this peasant cat obey me, but his eyes are tearing too much to even make out the silhouette of you 
good for you because it gives you enough time to snap a good hundred photos of him cuddling with the cat, too stubborn to admit that they might be killing him softly
back home (and after stopping by a pharmacy for allergy pills) you’ll see a dozen tabs open in his browser (you taught him how to google), searching for “anti allergy cats”, “if i shave my cat will i stop sneezing”, “cat hair allergy why” and “why cats won’t obey me”
local tired lawyer man needs a fucking break 
you know how prone your man is to overworking himself, so you make it your own little mission to take him out on small dates during his lunch break 
he doesn’t even bat an eye when you suggest a cat café. maybe if he’s surrounded by cats he won’t have to think about the injustice of the whole world, so sure, he’s in
Higuruma feels a sense of calm wash over him the moment he sits down and a kitty rubs their head against his legs, ready to activate their cursed purring technique on him
of course he remembers your favorite drink and orders it for you, something sweet to go along with it as well, and then he’s completely absorbed by the various cats in the café
he’ll point out every kitty that catches his attention and takes lots of photos of them and from you (and he’ll make it his new lockscreen)
kisses you goodbye once you drop him off at the office again and will text you later that he had the most fun in a long time
will also send you the most candid photos he took of you and will smile to himself when you make one your new profile photo, already excited to go back to the cat café with you
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styxwanderer · 5 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.6]
part 1 Part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 <part 6> part 7
[A for Abduction, B for Bribery]
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
Word of you secured in the dragon’s and his herds arms spread wide. Some were brought to despair, some are brought to joy, some are brought to anger, some are even more determined.
“Of course the final boss would be the dragon, but there is nothing me a genius can’t do hehe..”
“Silver! How do i look!” You enthusiastically walked up to him, now dressed in the black and green uniform. 
“..it.. it looks good on you, y/n.” The precious boy stammered. His unique orb staring at you.
You had no idea why, but you felt yourself wanting to hug the silver haired boy, or maybe sleep on top of him. You just need to get him to lie down first.
“Come, we should show father and malleus!” 
You intertwined your hand with his as you cling to him. Silver was shocked out of his mind from your boldness, even more so when you started purring in his hold, but he wouldn’t mind it either, it’s just a matter of keeping his heart steady that he mind. He could bow hear his heart beating in his ears, he just hope his complexion is not as obvious as his heart is.
“We are back father, Malleus.” 
“Oo welcome back—“ the both of them stood shock at your close proximity with silver, even so when you start to rub your cheeks against his biceps. 
“Aaa~ it seems this little kitty is very attached to you silver, after all you had been very good with animals.” Lilia can’t decide if he should be proud of his son or be jealous that he is favored by you. He had agreed to share you, but that doesn’t mean you can have favorites amongst them. 
Malleus was jealous, he had known you longer than silver but why must you choose silver? That’s alright, he would just prove to you that he is much kore deserving of your favour than the silver haired boy. 
“Child of man…” sitting in his throne, he called to get your attention, trying to get you to come to him. 
You ignored him, silence filled the room making silver sweat a drop, not wanting to offend his Leige. This makes malleus hurt.
“Come kitty, you can’t act so spoiled. When your king called you, you need to acknowledge him.” Lilia pried you off his son, sensing the jealousy that bubbles up the dragon fae.
“Malleus hold this.” Lilia throw a mouse toy connected to a string. This caught your attention, you begun to approach the dragon.
“Oh?! You wanted to approach me now that i have this? Interesting indeed.” Malleus swish the stick back and forth. Your head, of course follow. 
You leap to the toy trying to catch it, but Malleus had retracted the toy to his hand holding it. Your eyes remain slitted as you readied yourself.
You pounced to his lap shocking the trio. In a reflective movement, malleus had stretched the hand to the air, and accidentally dropped it. 
“Oh no-“
You being a spoiled naughty cat you are deciding the best course of action is to jump over malleus, your feet stepping on top of his head, between his horn and leaped behind him to catch your prized mouse.
“Nyaa~” you meowed amused with your catch. The room once again become silent, 
“Ahahahahahha, how brazen this cat is, i have never had anybody even dared to think of stepping my head. Me, the heir to the briar valley. How amusing~”
“Hahahha.. if sebek is here he will either foam in his mouth, or have a mental breakdown, maybe both.” Lilia laugh
Silver too joined in, finding your boldness endearing and adorable, he wouldn't mind  if you had stepped on his head too. 
you returned to Malleus lap, finding it comfortable enough, this had made Malleus ecstatic tho he tried his best to hide it. you finding your foot print to be dirty and half guilty over your action decided you need to clean your mistake, you licked the top of his head grooming his hair back to its proper state. 
a prince can't have a messy hair! 
"oh my! your bravery is very admirable! The soldier in briar valley ought to learn a thing ir two from you." lilia mused
"how long does it take to plan a wedding.”
“Ohh my! Well it might take a year or two. But with a skillful fae it could take a day or two.”
“Malleus, is it not too early? We are still at school.” Silver chirped in.
“Doesn’t matter, they had accepted me as hers.”
Malleus haul you up and spins you around. The blushing fae is spinning the room with you, still confused of the situation and more preoccupied with the toy in your hand:
“We shall be wed And have a kid or two. Our wedding would be the most magical! What a dream come true~”
Even though silver and lilia are a bit jealous that Malleus are abled to gain the title your husband, they wouldn’t mind at all since a king’s job would be plenty, and of course there should be somebody looking over you while your beloved husband is away. 
With Malleus preoccupied to plan the wedding he have silver and lilia to look over you, your over energetic drive have driven both lilia and silver out of their energy. 
“Oh no..” silver said mid playing as he felt himself getting drowsy and drowsier. Then  silver passed out on the floor.
“Noo.. you can’t leave me Silver, haaa-“ 
Lilia looked back at you thinking he have to continue to play with you alone but to his surprise you just walked toward silver before curling up on top of his abs and enjoying the boy’s warmth.
“ i guess the whole cat mouse game had also tire you out.” 
A rumble in your stomach became a bell to lilia.
“Oh! You are hungry too? What a demanding kitty, what can i do? I shall make you a grand fiest.” 
You were about to protest but all is too late since lilia bolted out of the room.
“I should just topple the plate over once he comes back for bow i shall enjoy this nice pillow” you thought.
There is a voice again, you looked around to find the source. A hand then came out of the big door.
“Come here kitty kitty kitty~~~” it whispered 
“What is this smell?” You thought 
“It smell, so… so very..”
You bolted towards the door to find the source of such delectable smell.
“Idia?? Nice to see you here! Also.. heyy~ what’s that sticking all over you? It smells so good~” 
You grow closer and closer to the guy sniffing him up and down. Idia is standing nervously, he had somehow managed to stick a lot of catnip all around his clothes hair and body, stuffing as much as he can inside under his jacket of course.
“It..it doesn’t matter, the smell, its just something special for you..” his voice getting lower towards the end.
“Ohh! Idia you are the best!” You hugged the now pink flame haired boy. 
“Eh uhm not really.. haha.. so you would want to come with me righht? Ill give you lots of these if you come with me.” The nerveous boy had somehow snapped his personality to a cocky bastard. 
“Yess! YES! Where should we go?” 
“Just follow me!” 
You are latching yourself to Idia as you give his occasional rub on his neck, his arm, his chest, sniffing the delectable smell. 
You had been successfully stolen by the timid boy. 
Once malleus and lilia came back and finding the passed out silver and not a single strand of your hair in sight, a thunder roars through diasomnia. This snaps Silver out of his dream. 
“FIND HER, and punish those who dare to steal from me!” 
“Yes, malleus.”
“What is this smell?” 
Meanwhile in Ignihyde,
“Awhh whose the good kitty?” 
“Me! Me!” 
You had a brad new collar, a blue triangle patterned collar with a beautiful silver charm, which engraved “ property of Idia, please return” on the back side of it. You are given a comfortable ignihyde uniform. You are nuzzling Idia in his room, enjoying the comfort of his body and the addictive smell. 
You hug him close rubbing yourself everywhere around his body, sniffing him close. You can never get enough of his smell. 
“I am the best, i am a genius. Not even the final boss can win against my brilliance” Idia thought, patting himself on the back for his brilliant idea. No body could rival his brilliance he manically laugh inside. 
He decided to play his  game in his bed as you latch to his torso, sitting in his lap. The both of you comfortable with each other. A peck of pink flame always colouring Idia’s hair. 
“Ignihyde dorm leader had taken y/n away from him.” The news spread. 
“That guy?!!” Ace half-shouted shock.
“Well he is quite a cat lover, Still we have to get y/n back!” Grim grumbled
“We hafta to et em back! “
“Uhmm.. to get them away from my brother.. is going to be quite hard..” Ortho ponders.
“A! Its because you are on his side isn’t it!” Ace accused.
“Not its not!! Its just the fact that Idia manage to steal them away from the final boss means that he also come prepared, like a final boss.”
“What ever would make them go with that guy.” Deuce ponders. 
“Delivery for Idia shroud.”
The five of them glanced back at the rabbit delivery courier. 
“Oh! Deuce! Nice to see you here.”
“Nice to see you too, can we help you with something.”
“Ah its just, do you know where to find idia shroud.”
“Oh yes he is my brother.”
“Is that so, well i got a package, I don’t know where to drop it off, he said he is going to meet me but i guess he lost track of time.”
“Geez typical of my brother.”
“Right i will just leave the package to you, please sign here.”
“And here is your package.”
“Uwaaaaa!” Ortho almost tumble down as he try to hoist the package up. 
“What is this? Why is it so heavy!!”
The courier had already left probably in a hurry.
“ hey.. that’s idia’s right?” Grim said.
“The  he must’ve building something that capture y/n or some defense! If we get to know what he is building then we can defeat the final boss eaze peaze right?” Grim smirked
“Oh! Nice thinking! Now open the package!” Epel enthusiasticly said. 
“Wait! No! If brother know you went through his stuff! He will be mad!!!” 
“What he doesn’t know wont bother him!” Ace smirked closing in on ortho who is trying to protect his brother’s package.
“Im sorry ortho but this is for the best.” 
Jack hauled the box out of Ortho’s grasp as he open it. 
“Eugh this smell. Ah!” Jack had accidentally thrown the box down. Letting it’s content to spill.
“Hey! Computer program is very delicate ya know!”
“It isn’t computer program.” Jack answered.
“AAAAHHH!!!” A collective gasp were heard.
“THAT BASTARD Is bribing my henchhuman!” Grim fumed. Even though, it smelled good, if you aren’t there to serve him he rather not have it. 
“That’s rude! My brother is not that low! He must’ve used this … for other reasons… probably..” 
“WHATEVER! Now this is ours we can used it however we liked, even to lure a certain cat!” Epel smirked.
“Nice thinking! Human!” Sebek.
“Oh what’s with the commotion here?”
“AAAHH!! Its Riddle, Trey, and Carter!!” 
“It is certainly noisy around here.” Azul and the tweek appeared 
“ stop yapping already, and what is this smell?” Leona said wincing his nose. Ruggie walking aside, hand behind his head. 
“Ohhh!! Is there something going on here?” The scarabia duo come in. 
“ what a troublesome thing, epel i expected you to be more reserved around these miscreant. “ vil and room has also joined them.
“Oya oya? Is there some sort of meeting we are not invited into?” The diasomnia trio appeared. 
“Ah look its the traitor group.” Leona taunted.
“Whatever shall we do to a grouo of traitor.” Azul joined in.
“A beheaded sure is filling for the crimes of betrayal is it not.”
“Truly it is, afterall  a dog that bites the hand that feeds them needs to be punished.”
“Hahaha, don’t be too cruel now you two, now that item, it’s idia’s is ot not?”Azul chuckle 
“Ooo? He is building something to building a project?” Malleus questioned
“My brother’s business is none of your business!!”
“Plus it’s finder’s keepers so HANDS OFF!”
“Oh still dare to bark?”
“Ohh look at all those catnip.” Lilia suddenly show behind them.
“Malleus could this possibly the smell from before?”
“Hmm.. It Is! Haaa unexpected of shroud, he dared to enter the dragon’s territory and claim his bride/groom? How terrible.”
“Ha? Whose bride/groom?” Leona retorted.
“Of course they should be mine, None of you know how to take care of them properly!” Vil joined.
The seven of them tried to escape but were soon caught by the tall huge juniors.
“Where are you going noww? I havent squeeze you all yet~”
“Hahaha, that’s true, floyd needs his fill for today.”
“Stop this little pups..” 
The potionlogy came with Crowley who was tied and forced to go whereever he is, Sam, Vargas, and also Trein. 
“Stop fighting against each other for once we have greater problem.”
“What is it?”
The first year could only sigh and surrender to  whatever fate is to come.
After the explanation the second and third year felt like hunting and mauling the crow. 
“Eekh! I told you im sorry already! It’s not my fault —“
“Its your fault ya kno..” Sam interrupted.
Vargas is trying to calm the boiling crewel.
“Ha, we need to catch them before the inspector comes and give them the antidote to their potion.” Trein concluded.
“This package, idia’s package might’ve proven to be useful to us.” Crewel said
“we need to come up with a plan.”
“Haaa, im sorry brother.” 
[ Words 2505]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
[ maybe i should add tw: druging LOL]
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kurogane2512 · 6 months
Kuro... Kuro... Imagine Lisa putting aphrodisiac into catgirl reader's drink while she is in her heat, claiming that it will help alleviate it... Save me Kuro...
That is so wild and hot and exactly something Lisa would do 😭
NSFW AHEAD | Lisa x catgirl!reader
Lisa is the perfect lover you could ask for; she's sweet and caring, gives the best hugs and kisses, scratches the right spots and especially loves petting your ears. Her library smells amazing with all the books and her own tea, you love sitting beside her table and relax with her. It's a perfect lifestyle that you'd never want to change.
On the other hand, your heat seasons are terrible. And that's only because Lisa is so insistent to help but you don't want to show this embarrassing and desperate side to her, and ofc not bother her with relieving you. Most of the time, you surprisingly do a good job of hiding your heat with suppressants and staying away from her, but she eventually catches on and feels upset you don't let her help.
This is how you came to your present situation. Lisa found you curled up in your room when she came to meet you, she immediatley knew you were having your heat with the way you were purring and squirming. Oh, she was waiting just for this. She handed you a drink saying it would relieve you, and you were too dumbed down to think anything and drank it straightaway.
Your body felt hot all over, even worse since you were already on heat. You desperately ripped away your clothes and squirmed while hugging a pillow, scratching and biting the fabric as an uncontrollable feeling surged through you and your mind became hazy.
"L-Lisa.... what was that drink— ngh...~"
"Hehe, a little punishment for you, my kitty~"
Lisa smirked and watched you shrink and hold the pillow tighter, hugging it and squriming all over.
"N-No... why... don't look at me....ngh... please....~"
Lisa chuckled then slipped out of her clothes and climbed on the bed, crawling towards you then gently grabbing your face to make you look at her.
"Shh shh, don't hide from me. I'm here to help you, alright?~"
"No... don't look... It's embarrassing!~"
"No, you are adorable. I have been trying to tell you every time that I want to help you in this~"
"Then what was that drink? It made me so much...."
"Yes.... nya.... aaah.... please do something....~"
"My my, now you are finally begging me? Hehe, it was just an aphrodisiac. But don't worry, it wasn't so potent, you'll feel fine soon~"
You moaned and wrapped your arms and legs around Lisa, subconsciously rutting your hips into her and tears filling yours eyes
"Please help... ngh— I won't do it again....aaah~"
Lisa smirked and wiped your tears then leaned down to passionately kiss you before sitting up and entangling your legs with hers in a scissor formation. She held your right leg up and hugged it while she moved back n forth, her core rubbing against yours and sending shivers in your body. Her pace was slow and rhythmic, you could feel how her folds grinded into you and rubbed across, your clits bumping together and slick coating each other.
Lisa watched your pleasured expression in delight, your nails scratching the bedsheet as you desperately tried to thrust up into her. She gasped lightly and giggled followed by grinding into you faster, your folds rubbed together as Lisa increased the pace tenfold. Your head shot back as pleasure overtook you, you sat up to hug Lisa and unexpectedly pushed her on her back now.
Lisa was in your hands now, you wrapped her legs around your waist and needily thrusted forward. She whimpered and arched up, her breasts bouncing with each thrust, you leaned down and lapped up her neck before biting down and staying in that position. Your legs still moved with hers, your wet clits rubbibg messily while your teeth marked her skin.
"Cumming... Lisa... m-mommy... please— nghhhh!~" you rapidly thrusted forward then felt a snap in your abdomen as you finally released, mewling her name and biting her as your mate. Lisa had wrapped her arms around you long ago, her nails scratched down your back as she held you for dear life with the way the bed shook with your thrusts.
"Aaahn... good job, my kitty~ Come here, mommy will relieve you as much as you want~"
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sherrendipities · 3 months
lola's post fr has me thinking what kind of pet i ammmm 🥺 i always likened myself to a puppy bc when i get so excited n giddy (ie every time Daddy or Sir talk to me hehe) i Feel in my SOUL like a lil pup that's jumping on their owner in excitement. also tail wagging. if i had a tail she'd be wagging aggressively every time they so much as look at me !!
buuut. that said. hard agree with lola that i'd yellow at being told to bark. idk that's like. blegh :p doing it, i mean!!! i love seeing other adorable lil subs barking, but i think i'd just feel weird for me.
fetch is smthn i never even considered? i've always thought it'd be cute to be asked to fetch things for a Dom, just in the sense of being able to service them in day-to-day life. like if we're snuggling and you ask me to "be a good girl and fetch my phone/a glass of water/ etc," i'd jump up n be soooo eager to serve 💕 though if what ppl mean is the inherent act of playing fetch as erotic play then idk it'd feel silly and it'd take me out of the moment lol. i think it'd be super fun to watch another sub do it!!! ugh now i'm imagining laying my head on Daddy's lap, his hand gently petting my head, while he makes another of his subs play fetch hehe 🥰 one of our common friends is the world's cutest lil puppy (u kno who u are xoxo) and it'd be such an adorable look on her!!!
that said, i'm a giant cat person n i have some cat tendencies lol. genuinely the more im thinking of it the more im like ohhhh i rly am kitty. i could make a list fr. like hear me out:
nuzzlinggggg omg. yk how cats rub their cheeks on things incl their owners as a scent marking thing?? v me core. wanna feel his cock rubbing against my cheeks before i start licking n taking him into my mouth 🥰 but also i love love love hands cradling n caressing my face!!! i always thought of it as a hand fetish thing (it is lol) but it also lowkey feels like i'm a lil kitty getting her cheeks pet
i love making biscuits!! sort of lol. but fr one of my most frequently recurring fantasies is laying down with someone, our legs tangled together, my head in the crook of their neck, n my hand running up and down their chest 💕 n now that i think abt it, very kitty coded. we've all had a kitty snuggling us n started purring n making biscuits. bonus points that i dont scratch u while doing it (well, maybe a little if u want 😋)
i am a purring machine lol. am i vastly disappointed i can't make the exact sound of a purring cat? deeply. but when i'm rly relaxed n cozy n very horny, i have to actively hold myself back from mewling nonstop 🥺 just tiny lil whines every time i sigh out a breath. n i for one think i deserve sooo many pets n that i shouldn't have to suppress that urge ever !!!
i 1000% have the energy of a kitty that loves snuggling. like why would i sit anywhere except ur lap?? if ur sitting anywhere i'm right there fr.
last but not least is the obvious fact that i own multiple sets of kitty headbands lol. they're just so cute n i used to wear them out all the time !!! i have puffy curly hair n i always loved the look of two cute lil kitty ears poking out from the bushes hehe
bonus point: my aforementioned fav puppysub mutual n i are both Daddy's pets, n i think the image of Daddy owning a kitty n a puppy who like to play with each other is tremendously cute. i rest my case your honor.
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
OKKKK since peoplez wanted to read it.... here it is :3 SHINUSHI FIC YEAAAHHH (its under the cut lawl)
A cool breeze drifted about in the summer air as small speckles and cloudy blobs of white were littered across the blue sky. It was neither too hot nor humid to do any activities, resulting in many people out and about today. Families at the parks, couples on afternoon dates… it was a perfect day outside! “1136! 1137! I can still keep going!!” Loud counting sounded throughout the area, followed by the swishing of a baseball bat being swung repeatedly. Jyushimatsu was outside today, adoring his baseball uniform and practicing his batting with his baseball bat at the park in Akatsuka. He had gone out for exercise initially, but as he progressed further, he decided today was nice enough to enjoy it as is. And so, with his 1148th swing, he dropped his bat and leaned back, stretching his body out. He could feel the adrenaline and excitement pumping in him, riling him up with so much energy. “Haaa!! Hustle Hustle! Muscle Muscle!!” He chanted as he stretched, pumping his arms up and down. After finishing stretching and grabbing his bat from off the ground, he strutted back over to the metal bleachers and to his bag, taking a seat on the empty bench. He popped open a water bottle and proceeded to chug it, albeit slowly so as to not make himself throw up. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Jyushimatsu felt prideful in how much he worked today. Well, at least so far. There were still plenty of hours left in the day, and so much left to do… As he stared up into the sky and watched the clouds drift along, he was pulled from his thoughts as he heard a distant sound. Blinking himself out of his mind, he whipped his head back and forth to find the source of the sound. It sounded like… meowing? He stood up and began to take a step until he felt something brush up against his leg. He finally realized where the sound was coming from… Below him! “Ahh, didn’t see you down there! I almost stepped on you, hehe!” As he looked down to his feet, a black and white longhaired cat had padded up to him. It sniffed his legs and the general area around him before gently rubbing against his calf, purring loudly. Jyushimatsu bent down and let the cat sniff his fingers before allowing him to pet itself. He scratched and stroked the cat’s back, giving it, particularly much attention at the back of its ears. As he squatted and took in the appearance of the cat, he realized it reminded him a lot of someone he knew. It reminded him of his friend, Shinrei. It only dawned upon him further as he looked at the cat’s eyes, identical to Shinrei’s. Blue and black. When Jyushi stood up and went to sit on the bleachers, the cat jumped up and sat next to him, waiting as he fully sat down before climbing into his lap. He smiled down at the kitty in his lap, petting it as it purred loudly in his lap. Mom is going to have a lot of fun with the cat hair later when washing his uniform…
“You remind me of my friend, Shin-chan! You look just like her, as if she was a cat!” He pointed out loud, talking to the cat as if it was a real person. It mewed back in reply. “She likes cats a lot. She has one, too! Her name is Eve… she’s a really nice kitty!!” As he began to ramble on about Shinrei and all things related to her, he could feel himself getting lost in his rambles, the time passing much quicker than he had anticipated. When he realized it, it was almost sunset. “Ah… it’s almost time.” He noted as he looked up to the sky, the sky blue now replaced with gradients of violet, red, magenta, orange, and yellow as the sun began to set. More clouds started to roll in, possibly for a light shower tonight. He took in the atmosphere while the cat from his lap sat up and stretched, yawning as it was stirred from its relaxation in Jyushi’s lap. Padding off of him and down onto the ground, the cat mewled back at him, likely as thanks, and trotted off. “See you later, Mrs. Kitty!” He waved lightly, smiling and bubbly with happiness. Oddly enough, it felt nice to ramble to someone, even if it was a cat. Ichimatsu always told him that cats are smarter than people think, though. So maybe it did want to listen to him… Shinrei did like listening to him talk about his day, too. That’s another thing the cat and Shinrei had in common. Huh… As he got up from the bleachers and stretched, he took mental notes of what else might need to be done. “Hmm… I did baseball, running, exercise… Now onto Shinrei-chan’s place!!” Jyushi clapped his hands together, smiling as he decided his next plans for the day, or rather night. He dusted himself off, removing any cat hair that might be a nuisance, grabbed his bag, and walked to his next destination.
“Aaahhh, Jyushimatsu! You’re covered in cat hair!” Shinrei shouted as she opened her door, seeing Jyushi standing outside of her house. His shirt and pants were littered with little strands of black and white cat hair. She told him to take off his uniform as soon as he got inside, throwing it into the wash to save his mother the trouble of dealing with cat hair all over their place. Throwing on a fresh pair of clothes that he had accidentally left at Shinrei’s before, he relaxed onto her couch with her cat Eve at his side, scratching her head and ears gently. Shinrei was seated next to him, working on an instrumental track for her music. Humming out loud in surprise, Jyushi almost whacked Shinrei in the face with his hands as he remembered the events of today. “Ah! Shinrei-chan! Guess what I saw today!” “Hmm? What'd you see?” “A kitty!! A cat! A cat that looked just like you! It was black and white, had long hair, and even the same colored eyes as you! On the same eyes, too!”
She paused her typing and mouse clicking, looking up at him with a surprised smile. “Really? That’s surprising… are you sure it wasn’t me checking in on you?” Jyushi chuckled to himself at the joke, feeling his cheeks flood with waves of heat as he blushed. “I don’t think so! Was it you, Shin-chan?” She hummed, “No… I was busy with my music today.” “Ah…” Jyushi sighed, looking back at the TV in front of them for a few moments. “Mrs. Kitty was really nice.” “…was she?”
“Yeah! She listened as I talked for hours and hours… she stayed in my lap the whole time!” Jyushimatsu glanced over to Shinrei, locking eyes with her as she looked up from her sewing. “She must’ve been a really nice kitty, then. I’m sure she loved listening to you talk.” As she said this, Jyushi wrapped an arm around Shinrei, pressing them close together, shoulder to shoulder as he rubbed his cheek against hers affectionately. He paused, pressing a light kiss to Shinrei’s cheek before looking at her again, smiling wide. “Yes… she was.”
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apricotgojo · 4 years
hello love! Can I please request a somewhat spicy sub!chat noir x reader? Maybe where the reader is kinda feeling him up and leaving him hickeys and he’s a purring and moaning mess? Maybe he’s begging her to keep going and who is she to say no to such a sweet baby kitty? If that’s not too much of course😌 tysm
Hello bb ! I hope that this satisfied your sub! Chat needs hehe (i know it satisfied mine so) I really love how this came out and maybe i’m willing on continuing another part from here) Thank you so much for this request ! <3
Pairing: Chat Noir X Reader
Warnings: NSFW, characters are aged up in college here :), swearing.
Tags: Sub!chat, Dry humping, begging.
This is how it all went down. He saved you from an akumatized villain. He flirted. You flirted back. Then you guys started hooking up.
You didn’t understand why Chat Noir would do this with a civilian but like every other person on this planet, he has his needs. He would knock in a pattern on your window so you knew it was him and you would let him in, you’d talk for a bit, ask each other about your day until one of you breaks and pushes the other on the bed or against the wall. He was good in bed. Very good. You knew you’d never grow tired of this affair. To top it all off after you both finished you’d sit in bed and talk about all sorts of things. Aliens, Conspiracy theories about the media, gossip about people and sometimes he’d even play Mario Kart with you.
There were no strings attached. You both made it clear from day one. There couldn’t be. You both didn’t have the time for a relationship, you both didn’t have the energy for one so you simply stuck to the title ‘fuck buddies’ until one of you decides to back out. This night was different though. A smile didn’t appear on your face when you hear the familiar knock on your window because you were stuck cussing at your computer screen and rubbing your head in frustration. You had an essay to explain Shakespeare and his works but for some reason you kept deleting all that you’ve typed because you couldn’t put your thoughts into words.
He knocked again, quickly this time. “I know you’re there, beautiful.” His voice was muffled through the glass.
You huffed and put your laptop on the bed before stomping to the window. You opened it and were met by the hero grinning at you. You, on the other hand, didn’t have a pleased look on your face.
“I’m not in the mood Chat.” You state and were about to close the window again but he held it to stop you from closing it.
“Ma Belle, did I do something wrong?” He asks, a frown on his face.
You shake your head. “No, I just have this stupid essay that I’ve been trying to type out for the past four hours.” You sigh and make your way back to your bed, rubbing your temples.
He follows you inside and closes the window behind him.
“Maybe I can ease your stress for a little bit.” He says, a smirk on his face.
You simply shoot him a glare and he chuckles nervously, putting his hands up in defense.
“Okay. No sex. Got it.” He sits beside you and looks at what you’re typing.
“You know you can leave right? If you’re horny you can go to your other side bitches.” You say as you type away, your eyes glued onto your screen.
Chat purses his lips, like he held himself back from saying something and shook his head.
“Maybe I came here for some company.” He says.
You snort and chuckle. “Yeah right.” You say sarcastically and look at him, but he wasn’t smiling. You gulp and your smile fades away. Did he seriously come over because he feels lonely?
His face was leaning closer to your and you were leaning closer too. No. You had to finish this stupid essay.
“Stop distracting me kitty.” You whisper and kiss his nose quickly before looking back at the screen.
He groans and falls back on the bed, playing with the pillow.
“I can help you if you’re writing about Shakespear, I wro-“ He stops himself from talking and you turn around, quirking your eyebrow at him.
“You wrote an essay like this?” you questioned.
He visibly gulps and shakes his head.
“Do you go to college?” You question further.
He chuckles nervously. “You know I can’t tell you that mon ange.”
You stare at him for a moment before looking back at your screen. You decided not to pry further, he seemed uncomfortable talking about his personal life and you decided to respect his wishes.
Your phone started to ring and you see that it’s your friend from college Marinette. You pick it up.
“Hey Mari.” You say as you type.
“The deadline has been changed to next week!” She exclaims happily.
You were filled with rage.
“what?” You deadpanned.
“Yeah apparently some students asked to change it because they were having difficulties so he changed it to next week instead of tomorrow morning.”
“I literally asked him to extend the deadline three days ago and he refused. I swear to god I want to kill this son of a bitch” You groan and clutch your fist in anger.
She sighs, “I know girl, but hey at least you’ve got more time on your hands!”
Marinette always tried to be positive when she could and you appreciated that but honestly you needed to vent. “Yeah, thanks for letting me know Mari.”
“No problem! Bonne nuit.”
“Bonne nuit.” You sigh out before you end the call.
You groan out in frustration and shut your laptop.
“What happened?” Chat asks.
You get out of your bed and start to pace around.
“I have been working on this essay for the past four days, knowing very well how stupid it was that the deadline was only five days for a two thousand word essay on fucking Shakespeare and when I ask to extend the deadline, the son of a bitch replies with an angry email saying theres enough time and that im just lazy.” You finally breathe and chat was about to say something but you cut him off.
“But when his privileged French pupil ask him to extend the deadline of course he agrees and you know what, I think it was Adrien fucking Agreste who asked him because hes the fucking pretty model boy who has everybody on their knees for him just because of his high status.” You sit down and without realising you start talking about a different subject.
“Yeah, I get it, everybody wants to fuck the pretty blond guy with money, I would too but at least I don’t look like a thirsty bitch every time he talks to me, some girls in my damn college have literally no chill and I swear to god one day I want to make him my bitch, make him weak for me to show those bitches what i’m capable of.” You were breathing heavily at this point and your face was flushed red.
You always thought Adrien was attractive, everyone did but whenever he talked to you, you responded normally to him unlike other people who constantly laughed at everything he said to try and get in his pants. He was a good guy but he was too well known for his own good and it made you uninterested in him. You thought he was out of your league, that’s what those french bitches told you at least. They belittled you just because you’re foreign - you knew they were just jealous that Adrien was always the one to come up to talk to you unlike them.
That was enough ranting for now. You look at Chat who was staring at you wide eyed, his cheeks glowing red.
“You don’t need to say anything, it’s just-“ You look down at his body and notice something. “Chat..why are you hard?”
He crosses his legs over the other awkwardly to try and hide it. “W-What are you talking about?”
You stand up and walk over to him and he walks back until he’s pressed against the wall.
“What? You get hard thinking about me making someone weak?” You whisper to him and he looks away from you. “You want me to do the same to you kitty?” You kiss his ear and he shudders, nodding slowly. Your hand moves down from his chest to his belly and your lips move from his ear to his jaw. Chat tilts his head back and a frenzy of purrs emerge from his parted lips. He was aroused, in a state of euphoria even with your small, light touches. Your hand moved lower until it reached down to the tent he had in his suit. It was painfully tight for him. Your fingertips lightly brushed over the bulge and he cussed under his breath.
“Fuck.” He whispered while you continued to touch his clothed erection and lick up his neck. He kept purring and moaning at the same time. You loved seeing him worked up like this. Your lips latched on to a certain spot on his neck and you sucked on it harshly, nibbling at it when you got the chance and putting more pressure with your hand against him.
He was a mess, grinding against your hand and breathing heavily.
“Ma Belle – merde,” he couldn’t even speak without stuttering. “I want more, please.” He begs and you look up at him, noticing the red mark on his neck and feeling very pleased with yourself.
“More what, kitty?” You whisper and remove your hand from where it was.
He groans in frustration.
“More – I-I want you to touch me more.” He pleads. “Please.”
You smirk at him and pull him to your bed, pushing him back on the bed and getting on his lap. Before he could react you put your lips on his and start to grind on top of him.
He moans against your lips and throws his head back, holding onto your hips for support. You could tell that he wanted to take his clothes off but you wanted him to come right then and there.
Your hips move against his, the friction pleasing you the same, causing you to moan but grin at the worked up blond beneath you.
“Shit, shit I’m close.” He whimpers and closes his eyes, moving his own hips with yours to get more pleasure.
It felt so good but you knew you couldn’t finish with him, maybe you could continue after but your hopes disappeared when you heard the beeping coming from his ring.
“Mon Ange I-“
“Shut up and come for me kitty.” You groan out and quicken your movements causing him to part his lips and hold onto you.
His body shakes and he spews out cuss words in French while he comes undone, thrusting his hips up and whimpering.
You’re both breathing heavily, looking at each other both dazed and tired. You were about to lean in for another kiss but his ring starts beeping furiously.
You hop off of his lap and watch as he groans while he gets up, uncomfortably moving because of the mess he made between his legs.
“I’m sorry I cant finish you off.” He says, pouting at you.
“It’s okay Chat, I think you’ve done enough today.” You wink at him and he chuckles bashfully.
“Until next time Mon ange!” He says and opens the window.
“Bye Kitty.” You blow him a kiss and with that he’s off.
Maybe you could actually finish yourself off to the thought of him being a mess for you but before you could even do anything, your phone beeps and you see a notification from Adrien Agreste.
 “Did you hear that they moved the deadline for the Shakespeare essay? Pissed me off tbh.”
It was like he knew you accused him of something and to top it all off this was the first time he’s ever really texted you. It was weird but maybe you shouldn’t think much of it. Right?
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darthkruge · 4 years
Imagine the reader and Anakin getting a pet like a puppy or something
ty for feeding my fluffy brain i love u anon <33 !!
ive talked about anakin being a cat person before but i can’t find the post bc tumblr’s tagging system is more unorganized than a fucking frat house- anyway
i think you’d be the one to bring it up. bc anakin has his droids y’know? and he’s got you, he doesn’t really think that he needs a pet
but then one day you and him are walking together. and you see this cute ass kitty and ur like 🥺🥺
and anakin sees your reaction and fuck knows he can’t turn you down when you look like that so y’all go home and the next day when you show back up to the apartment after work, he’s got a cat in the house!
and you’re like “ani omfg what did you do?!” bc he’s like chasing this cat around and the cat is running and jumping on shit and meowing ani’s like ??? why tf is is yelling at me ?? make it stop ?!
and you spend the evening getting used to ur new pet and then ani’s kinda grumpy bc it got into some of his mechanics stuff alskalsk
but then the next morning you wake up and you’re curled into anakin ofc but you look down and see this cat also curled up on him. and his metal arm is holding you to him and his flesh hand is stroking this cat and the cat is purring and it’s so fucking cute 🥺
and you’re like “anakin-“
and he cuts you off and he’s like “shhhh don’t wake her up!!”
and you’re just “...okay” 🥰 and you just curl back into him and it’s very very cute
also i think anakin would get super attached and lowkey really offended every time y’all are watching something on the holo and the cat sits in your lap instead of his 💀💀
i think the same dynamic would appear if y’all had a dog, too. i wrote cat bc i hc him as a cat person hehe. he’s busy and cats are really chill and independent, i think he’d just vibe with them <3
but if you had a dog anakin would love walking it with you. he’d have one hand holding you into his side and the other on the dog’s leash and he’d make it his mission to be home at night as much as possible (whenever he’s not gone, y’know?) so you all can walk ur puppy together !!
also i think anakin would like it if y’all had a pet. especially if you aren’t a jedi or going on missions constantly. he’d like to know that ur not completely alone in the apartment, idk i just think it’d make him feel more comfy with leaving all the time.
that being said every time before he left he’d kiss the puppy or kitty on their little animal head and just softly say something along the lines of “take good care of y/n for me, okay?”
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kpopmoonz · 4 years
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Love Language
A/n: don’t mind the names I used for the girl friends… u can change them to your liking… I just love Park Ji-min and the name ”Yejin”. Long post ahead!
Minghao loved showering you with presents, but really all you needed was his warm hugs and kisses
He thinks it’s receiving gifts, actually it was physical touch.
For quite some time now you and minghao have been going out with each other. You’ve enjoyed the shopping trips you’ve had as well as the little gifts he’d always give you. Others would say he’s spoiling you but for some time now you’ve been feeling the opposite. At first you ignored the feeling and assumed it was just a small issue within yourself, but it came to a point where you just weren’t satisfied.
It was your 1 year anniversary and of course, minghao had given you the best present ever. It was a minimal yet elegant gold plated necklace that had his birthstone and yours as a pendant. Engraved in the back was your pet name “宝贝” (bao bei I.e. baby) alongside the date of your anniversary. You loved the necklace and wore it the moment you got it out of its box.
But this was more so the reason you felt guilty you were having such negative feelings over your relationship. The rest of the night, you enjoyed the peaceful view of Seoul under the glimmering light of the stars and moon above you with good food, music, and the love of your life.
The next morning, minghao who had stayed over for the night was nowhere to be seen. You were saddened you didn’t get to wake up to his peaceful figure still sleeping snuggly under your blankets, but you knew this was what you signed up for after accepting the hallyu star’s proposal. You groggily got up and out of bed to the nearest mirror, which was hanging by your study desk. You admired the shining cold chain around your neck and played with the pendant hanging just above your collar bones before you sighed and moved to the kitchen for some breakfast.
For a moment, you were shocked to find a plate of your favorite breakfast cling wrapped on top of the counter. It held a little note filled with your boyfriend’s handwriting, “good morning baobei ❤️, sorry I had to leave early. Here’s a little something to compensate,” It read. You giggled at the little emojis he managed to draw around the text before taking the plate and reheating it in the microwave. While waiting, you went back into your room to retrieve your phone. Walking back to the kitchen, you found he left multiple messages for you in your CaoCao chat.
“Good morning 😘”
“Did you see the meal I prepared for you?”
“Sorry I didn’t get to serve it to you personally :((“
“I couldn’t be late for our rehearsal.”
“We’ve got a busy day ahead so I might not be able to message you soon.”
“I’ll make up for it! Promise!”
“Got to go now baobei.”
“I love you!”
You smiled to yourself taking in his sweetness before replying to his messages.
“Good morning! 🥰”
“I was sad I didn’t get to see you when I woke up :((“
“I found what you made! I love it! Thank you!”
“Don’t worry! Work hard for carats and me 🥰”
“I’ll be watching you hehe”
“I love you too!”
Just as you finished, the microwave dinged and your plate was ready. Sitting by the counter you enjoyed the meal he prepared for you and even sent a picture of you enjoying it to minghao. After a few minutes he replied to you with a video of him in the practice room with the other members greeting you and telling you not to be sad anymore as well as urging you to visit them soon. You laughed at their cuteness and sent a quick reply, “don’t worry! I’m okay! Have a safe practice :)) I’ll visit soon.” Before eating up the rest of your meal.
After cleaning up you walked to your little veranda by the living room and stared out the glass doors. Where your little friend, your pet cat (your and minghao’s baby), came up to you and purred against your leg. “Oh, I’m alright.” You tell her, picking her up. She snuggled into your embrace as she continued to purr loudly. You sighed out the window before whispering, “am I really though?”
A few hours later, you found yourself in a little coffee shop a few minutes away from your apartment in comfortable clothes. You wore grey joggers, soft rubber shoes, and one of minghao’s hoodies. Your fingers circled the tip of your mug as you waited for your friends to arrive. Like you, they weren’t wearing flashy clothes.
“Yah, why’d we need to meet up here?” Yejin, a close friend of yours who was also a known icon whispered over to you as she took the seat in front of you. “Ah, sorry.” You softly smiled ashamed to tell her you couldn’t stand being in your apartment right now as it felt like a jail cell.
You two started chatting waiting for your other friend to arrive. “So, why the sudden meeting?” Yejin asked, peering into your face with suspicion. She knew you wouldn’t call your two friends together unless it was a dire emergency. And she was right about that, but you didn’t want to spill without jimin park. “I’ll tell you later~” you insisted before changing the topic, “before me, how’ve you been? It’s been awhile.”
Yejin goes on and tells you about her life and career endeavors before Jimin (park) finally walks through the entrance. She was in the same comfortable outfit, and would almost look unrecognizable but her bubbly and shiny personality was still striking. She greets the both of you and orders her drink before getting settled beside yejin. When she finally does, you spill the tea.
You started off with telling them how much you love minghao and all that he’s done for you, the good of your relationship, and all the happy times you’ve both had before slowly pouring out your heart’s discontentment.
“I just... I honestly don’t know if it’s me or if it’s the season... or honestly if it’s just cause we aren’t compatible with each other you know!?” You told them at a loss. They both look at you with empathetic eyes and tells you how valid your feelings were. They too know the struggle of dating in your situation and lifestyle and can’t help but relate. However, when you asked about what you could do about it, they started throwing questions at you to get a better grip at the situation.
“How have you been treating him?”
“How has he been treating you?”
“Are these feelings new or has it been there for some time now?”
“When did this begin?”
“How have you been coping with it?”
And the golden question, “have you told your boyfriend yet?”
You answered all these honestly but carefully knowing people might be eavesdropping on your conversation. When the girls finally gathered the information they needed, they concluded a third party to the conversation was needed. Specifically someone without bias to you just to balance out the discussion — thankfully Jimin was ahead of this.
Jimin tells you to wait for them to arrive and to consider inviting the group to relocate to your apartment as the arriving guest may cause a bigger stir than the three of your presence combined. You didn’t understand where the suggestion came from, but as Vernon entered your sight, you knew completely why you needed to change venues.
So you did.
Back at your apartment you were greeted by your loud kitty meowing for attention. Yejin was quick to act on it as you lead your other guests to your living room. They all made themselves at home quickly getting comfortable on the sofas or the carpet.
Jimin gave Vernon an accurate and precise recap of what you had just shared and he nodded his head as he processed the information. Vernon was quick to read the atmosphere and for some time he met up with you and minghao, he sensed it already. What Jimin shared was just confirming his hunch.
You hugged a sofa pillow tightly against your chest waiting for the boy to speak.
“I know, I’m younger, and I might be wrong but...” Vernon started, which was replied to by yejin with, “don’t worry! Speak your mind,” encouragingly.
So the boy did.
“Well. For one I don’t think it’s the end of you and minghao-hyung,” Vernon tells you. He was looking directly at you with a serious expression, “I know how much hyung loves you and how much you love him. I mean before I was sent home all minghao hyung did was worry about how you were doing because he left you alone.”
You were touched by his acknowledgment and listened closely to what he had left to say, “Honestly Minghao-hyung is a guy you can easily talk to...Tell him about how you feel and I’m sure he’ll listen. In fact, he’ll know you better and it’ll do the both of you more good than bad,” he advised, “if you hadn’t noticed, Minghao hyung is a guy who finds it quite easy to cut off any ties with people especially those who aren’t clear on what they want from him, but honestly noona, Minghao-hyung would never give up on you,” he revealed.
“So, my final is: be frank with him. Tell him what you want from him, he’ll act on it. Trust me.”
You thanked him and your friends for helping as you felt a lot better now.
For the rest of the day, the four of you decided to play games on your console and enjoy a few light drinks just for the heck of it.
Before leaving, Vernon gave you a hug and told you to not worry about it too much. After one last goodbye you quickly asked why the boy was sent home early, “oh! I was given a free pass since it was my birthday.” He chuckled.
Your eyes grew big at the news and quickly screamed, “oh my gosh! Happy birthday! Sorry you wasted your day here!”
Vernon shook his head and smiled, “no! Don’t worry! This was better than spending it alone at the dorm anyways!” Before walking out of your sight.
It took a couple of weeks for Minghao to come home but when he did it was a whole day off making the wait worth it. Playing with your pendant, a habit you developed when you're nervous, you were sat on your sofa with your kitty purring loudly against your stomach as she curled in a snug ball on your lap. You heard the keypad of your door chime signaling minghao had finally arrived. You jumped in your seat waking your pet who quickly hurried off to find a new napping spot.
Minghao greeted you with a big smile as you did the same. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly before placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You help him unpack the plastic bags he was carrying. They were mostly filled with food and a few trinkets from the places he’d visit on tour, most were bought because it reminded him of you. You thanked him before taking in a deep breath calming your heart. He was talking about his escapades from the last few days when you gently took his busy hand in yours. His eyes quickly caught on staring at your expression.
“What’s wrong baobei?” He whispered carefully, as his eyes flickered with worry.
You smiled softly up at him and replied, “I have to tell you something,” in the same sad whisper.
You slowly guided him to your sofa where he took the seat opposite to yours. He adjusted himself so he was sitting cross-legged but facing you directly, and you did the same. He intently listened to your heartfelt confession, and was lost at first but realized where you were getting at towards the end. When you finished you couldn’t look up at him feeling ashamed.
Minghao carefully brought his finger to your chin to gently lift your head up. He was closer this time, you could feel his warm breath against your face. His expression was soft and sympathetic as he stared deeply into your eyes searching for anything you thought of leaving unsaid. When he found nothing he spoke, “baobei, you know I love you a lot. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way, I was unaware of it.” He apologized. You wanted to stop him then and there and tell him it wasn’t his fault but you knew better than to do so. It was his turn to confess.
Minghao continues to go on about his assumptions, his unawareness, and his sorrow about how you’ve been feeling before he thanked you for still staying and enduring the hardships you faced internally. He also thanked you greatly for having the courage to confess something so frightening to say aloud. In the end he told you how you didn’t have to keep any of it all to yourself anymore and that you didn’t have to feel helpless as he was going to be there for you more. He knew you had needs and so did he, he just didn’t know he was getting more from the relationship than you were. And though you made it clear you didn’t see minghao as the only source of your wellbeing nor did you want him to be; minghao knew it still wasn’t fair you didn’t feel as loved as he did all because the language he used to deliver his affection wasn’t inline to what you were familiar to.
In the end of it all minghao moved to press a soft hot kiss on your lips. With the same desire and feelings you returned his kiss. The weeks away from his warm touch plus the released tension from your mind and body added more heat to the kiss as it became deeper. It started of as a slow passionate exchange till it escalated into something hotter and quicker filled with the desire to touch each other. You were slowly pushed down onto the cushions by minghao’s weight as his hands found the hem of your shirt. Your hand found its way from his cheeks to dark silky hair, you entangled your fingers in them as you fisted a few knowing he liked it. A deep moan rung through minghao’s throat and into your mouth as his cold hands flew under your shirt and onto your hot skin. You gasped at the sensation as goosebumps tickle your senses. But just before anything more happened, your cat came running into the room singing songs of hunger.
minghao reluctantly pulled himself off you and glared at the calico. “Tsk, but you had her for a whole week.” He grumbled clicking his tongue at the cat who continued to wail. You couldn’t help but laugh under your boyfriend at how silly he was covering your face with your arms out of embarrassment. Minghao’s ears perked hearing your familiar giggles as he turned to look at you in between his hands by both sides of your head. Minghao positioned himself so he was straddling you by the waist and moved to take your arms away from your flushed face. At first you tried to fight him, but since he was physically stronger than you - you were bound to lose. Your hands were now pinned above your head by one of minghao’s hands as you tried to turn your face to hide your pink face.
Minghao loved the way he could make your strong facade disappear and expose such sight knowing it was because you trusted him so much. With his free hand, he moved your head to face him once again, and he gently kissed every inch of your face. The sensation of his warm lips leaving sloppy kisses around your hot face caused you to squirm as your giggles bounced off the walls of your apartment. He continued to do so before your cat’s wails ringed through your ears once again.
This time minghao finally lets you go and got up to satisfy the wails of your baby. But before he could get too far you grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him down to your level with all your strength. For one last time, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips. You felt him smile from cheek to cheek against your lips, before you sent him off to feed the queen of the house, your cat.
It’s now been months since you confessed to minghao, and vernon was right, things have gotten a lot better for the both of you. Headed for their studio, you walked with minghao hand in hand as close as you can be to each other through the lobby and the halls.
Entering their practice room the boys were overjoyed by your visit as well as the snacks you brought with you. When everyone was munching away, you were cleaning up the packaging they left behind. Minghao comes from behind you and slowly shakes his arms tightly around your waist, but not too much to stop you from what you were doing. From the side, where he was eating and chatting with Seungkwan and his other hyungs, Vernon smiled and nodded knowing you did the right thing.
A/n: Have you ever had someone misunderstand your love language and was too afraid to correct them??? I have… It was tough 😔
See y’all again some day!
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Helping Robert
It had been a few months since Luka has help Robert come sober, slowly but surely Robert was doing good. Going to AA meetings were something that Robert was not too keen on doing. Sitting on around talking to a bunch of strangers was something that didn’t feel right to him.
As the week was rolling by Robert was sitting on the couch, looking up at the ceiling and ichying for a drink, but he throw out every bottle of whiskey he hand lying around the house.
He could go the store and get some. No one would know. Luka wouldn’t know.
One drink would not kill anyone.
Robert shook his head, and sat up. Places his hand over his face, and sighs loudly to himself.
Betsy, the Boston Terror was looking at him, she whimpers.
Robert smiles at the pup and pats her head, gently. “Good girl.”
He reaches for his phone, and looks at him. Should he reach out to Luka?
The guy was probably asleep, but Robert texted him.
Robert’s text: *hey. you awake?*
He sent a massage, and waited about a few moments. After about a few minutes, Robert was about take a shower when his phone chimed. He quickly looks at his phone, saw Luka was still up, thank god.
Luka’s texte: *hey! 😁 what’s up? everything okay??*
Robert paused before texting back. *can I come over for a bit??
After a few moments Luka texted back *yeah, sure. Come over. Are you ok??**
Robert’s text: I need to talk to someone.
Meanwhile at Luka’s house he was sitting down in the living room, really a book, staining at his phone with a worried expression on his.
Luka’s text: Yes, of course.
After a 10 minutes, the door bell ring and Luka walks over to open the door, as soon as he did Betsy came running like bat out of hell and ran into the living room.
Robert came walking in. His face looked somewhat pale and dark circles under his eyes.
Luka: Hey. ... Are you okay?
Robert: N-No... just... havin’ a rough night is all.
Luka nods but didn’t say anything, Robert walks into the living room, where Ponyo the cat lying on the couch sleeping soundly.
Robert smiles and reaches out to pet the cats head.
Ponyo lets out soft meow, and begins to purring, and rolled onto his back, letting Robert pets his belly.
Robert: Heh. Good kitty.
Luka: (walks in) Can I get you some tea?
Robert: Tea? (looks at him)
Luka: Yeah, I have green tea, green tea with mint, black tea, peppermint tea, or plain mint. ... ... Oh. There’s raspberry tea, chamomile tea.
Robert: ... ... The hell are ya, Luka? British?
Luka: Heheh. Kinda. I did live in the UK for 10 years with my husband before we moved back to the U.S.
Robert: ... ... Well that explains lot... Um... I dunno, ain’t much of tea guy... Chamomile tea, I guess.
Luka: You got it.
He walks out the room, and Betcy follows him into the kitchen.
Robert stops petting Ponyo and begins looking around the the large living room.
It was sit up very nicely, the couches pushed up against the walls, a large coffee table with beautiful flowers in small vase in the meddle, and some book.
Robert looking at the the photos that were hanging on the walls.
He looks around and smiles when sees cute pictures of Amanda when she was younger, and some pictures of friends and possibly some family.
Robert walks over the fireplace and sees one picture that caught his eye.
He reaches out and takes it, then looks at it.
Robert: No... It can’t be.
It was picture of Luka, smiling like at the camera his hands on Amanda’s shoulder who was held two pease signs and standing next on Luka’s right was taller muscular looking, with brown sink, light hazel eyes, and his arm Luka’s waste and his other hand on Amanda’s head.
Robert then saw other two photos with Luka and same taller man. It was wedding photo, both of them looked younger, and both wearing tuxes, and were kissing, and other laughing with white cake all over their face. And one where the the taller man was carrying Luka bridle style looking angry and embarrassed, and the taller man laughing and smiling brightly.
Robert then saw another picture of the Luka and the taller hold small baby girl Amanda, both of them smiling happy, and one the taller man was holding baby Amanda, her small on his shoulder, and a sweet smile on the taller face.
Robert: ... Alexander ‘The bone crush’ Jarvis! (thinking) LUKA WAS MARRIED TO ONE WORLD’S GREATEST BOXERS!? ... OH, MY GOD!!!
Amanda came walking down stairs, and sees Robert, standing in the living room and dumbfounded look on his face.
Amanda: Hey! Robert! ... Are ... you okay?
Robert: (looks at her) YOUR OLD MAN WAS ALEX BONE CRUSHER?!
Amanda: (looks at him awkwardly) Um... Yeah.
Robert: Oh, yeah! Kid, your dad was world famous boxer! You’re dad kicked ass!!
Luka: (walks in with a hot cup of tea) Here’s your—
Robert: (storms over to Luka) YOU WERE MARRIED TO ALEX THE BONE CRUSH?!
Luka nearly drops the hot cup off onto himself, and looks at Robert confused.
Luka: HUH?! What... the hell are you talking about?!
Amanda: Dad, language.
Luka: ... ... (gives her a sideways glance) What in the world are you talking about?
Luka: ... Ooooookay. And...?
Robert: ... Why are you not makin’ a big deal about this!? Your husband was a world famous boxer! YOU WON 35 MATCHES AND ONE OF THE BEST BOXERS IN THE WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD!!
Luka: ... ... (gets annoyed) Can you please shouting in my house. You’re freaking out the cat.
Robert blinks looks at Ponyo, who he saw was running out of the room.
Robert: Oh, sorry, old man.
Robert sits down the couch, and Luka places the tea onto the table and Amanda sits in the love couch, and Betcy hops onto her lap. Amanda smiles and hugs her.
Luka: Yeah, I was married to Alex.
Robert: For how long?
Luka: ... Um, Amanda is 18, so... 23 years
Robert: ... Seriously. Y-You were married and raised a kid with Alex The Bone Crusher.
Luka: (smiles) Yep. But to us he was a loving father and husband to us. Plus he kinda hated being famous.
Robert: Really?
Amanda: Yeah. Daddy hated being a celebrity. He would do interviews, and show up to charity events, but that’s about it. He just enjoyed boxing.
Robert: ... Huh? I-I didn’t know you were married to a badass man. Dude was monster in the ring.
Luka: Yeah... He was. (picks up the photo, and smiles) But he was big softly and goofball. And kind of big baby.
Robert: No, really?
Amanda: Oh, yeah. Daddy... Would scream and run away if he saw a bug. He hated bugs, snakes bats... And he was scared of ferrets.
Luka: Hehe. Remember you had a Ferret was a class pet, he refused to come out of room, then you made him the it... God, I have seen a man go from pure fear to madly in love in one second. Heh.
Amanda: Then he tried to adopt a ferret and we got Ponyo instead.
Luka: Yeah, Alex was a one of kind man.
Robert looks at the sweet smile on Luka’s. Amanda was looking one to other and stands up.
Amanda: Welp, it’s gettin’ late.
Gonna hit the hey. Night, Pops.
Luka: (look up) Huh? Oh, goodnight, sweetheart.
She walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek, smiles at Robert, who nods and smiles, she heads the upstairs.
Robert: ... You’re is a good kid.
Luka: Heh. Yeah. She is one of kind. (puts the photo down) So... Are you okay?
Robert looks at him, then looks at the mud of tea that was in his hand.
Robert: I... have been strugglin’ a lot lately.
Luka looks at him, and Robert sighs and takes a drink from his tea and sighs.
Robert: I-I was about to walk over to the liquor store... (puts his hand over his face) I... I don’t know what to do, Luka. I’ve been goin’ to these AA meetings for the past month and ... I don’t if I can’t keepin’. ... We had to hold hands and sing Goddamn Kumbaya.
Luka: I don’t think it’s that bad.
Robert: Luka, literally we had a stand in the a circle and sing kumbaya... It was... awakened.
Luka: ... ... That’s... Okay. (thinks for a moment) Have you thought about talking to someone?
Robert: I tried to reach out to Mary, but she’s got own shut to wal with.
Luka: That’s not what I meant.
Robert looks at him confused.
Luka: I was saying you should see a therapist about this.
Robert: ... A therapist? You’re bullshttin’ me.
Luka: (gets serious) I’m not bullshitting. I think you should see a therapist. I know a good one. Her name is Jessica Gilbert.
Robert: Wait... You go to therapy?
Luka: ... Yeaaah. Me and Amanda both do.
Robert: Wait, seriously? You both go to therapy? But...
Luka: But what?
Robert: You’re both so normal. You guys don’t see seem to have an issues. (grins)
Luka didn’t say anything, just looks at away for a moment. Robert’s smile fades, realizing that he said something stupid.
Robert: Shit... I-I... I’m sorry I wasn’t tryin’ to—
Luka: No, it’s... Okay. (pauses) After Alex passed away, Amanda... She... completely shut down. She wouldn’t eat, bearly spoke a word for 2 weeks. It was like all the joy and happiness was sucked out my girl life. It was most terrifying thing in my life. So, I took her see Jessica slowly but slowly, but surely, Amanda was back to herself.
Robert: ... ... What about you?
Luka: Huh? Oh, well, I have been seeing Jessica for years, even before Alex passed away. I-I hacd PTSD and anxiety.
Robert: ... ... Damn. I-I ... hand No idea.
Luka: Yeah. It’s something I don’t like talking about. I had a shit happened to me some years ago, but... I’m a lot better. (smiles) Yeah, I have days where I snuggle. Just like you.
He reaches and touches Robert’s hand, and squeeze gently.
Luka: Which is why I think you need this. I can’t make you going to therapy, but... I promise helps heal, the scars are there, and they still hurt like hell, but trust me... they will heal if let them.
Robert looks at Luka, and slowly takes his hand into his holds gently, the smiles.
Robert: Okay. I’ll give her a call tomorrow.
Luka smiles, and Robert moves closer to Luka, and rests his head his against his.
Robert: ... Thank you, Luka.
Luka: What are friends for.
Robert: ... ... Can I, um, stay the night?
Luka: Yeah. Of course. Let me set up the geust bedroom set up.
Robert nods and the two walked up the stairs and down at the very end hallway, and last down to the left, and small room.
Luka walks over to small closet and pulls out some sheets and blankets, as Ponyo came walking into the room, rubbing his body against Robert’s leg, and Betcy came running up, next to the cat.
Ponyo looks at her and begins nuzzling closer to her, Betcy began licking his face.
Robert watches them, smiling at the cute sight.
Robert: Gotta say Ponyo is very good with Betsy.
Luka: Heh. He is. We mostly grew with a our old Rottweiler, Suzy. She was a good girl. (pulls some blankets on the bed)
Robert: Aww. I wish I could have met her.(rubs the back of his head) Um, ya thanks. For lettin’ me stay the night.
Luka: No problem. I can understand. I kinda hate being alone sometimes too.
He made up the bed, and looks at Robert with smile.
Luka: Nothin’ to fancy, but it should be comfortable.
Robert: It’s perfect. Thanks again, Luka.
He walks up to him, his face goes a little pink, and hugs Luka who was taken aback by this action and hugs him back.
Robert: Thanks. ... I-I... I don’t really don’t know what else say. Thank you.
He pulls away, Luka’s sweet warm smile nearly made Robert’s heart melt.
Luka: Hey, Wait. I think there’s something that could help you. Give me a few minutes.
He walks up out room. Robert sits on the bed, and lays on it, looking ceiling.
After a few moments, Luka came walking caming back holding a black notebook, and pen.
Luka: Here.
Robert: Huh? (sits up, and takes it, and looks through the blank pages) ... ... I’m lost.
Luka: It’s a journal. I thought it might help you.
Robert: I’m don’t get it.
Luka: Well, Me and Amanda journal all the time, and it helped us out when dealing with our personal issues. It might help you as well, Robert.
Robert: Soooo... Write down my thought and feelin’. That kinda shit?
Luka: Pretty much.
Robert: And this works?
Luka: Dosen’t hurt to try.
Robert: Heh, touché.
Luka: Is there anything else you need?
Robert: No, you and Amanda have been good to me. I’m gonna try and gets some set eye.
Luka: Of course. Let me know if you need anything.
Robert nods thanking Luka again, he smiles the walks out the room.
Robert then looks at the notebook, he sits on the table, heads into the the bathroom, get changed into his pjs and brush his teeth.
He walks of the bathroom with a green t-shirt and gray sweatpants, looks walks over to the bed, looks down at the notebook again, thinking.
Robert: What the hell...
He sits down an the bed, picks up the notebook and pens, slowly began writing.
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I love your writing style so i’ve got prompts for you! How about,, hear this,, peter begging tony to adopt a baby kitty!! would love it if you could make it ddlb tho hehe ((we all LIVE for little peter)) and tony are reluctant about it at first but eventually gave in because who could resist cute little peter begging? Hehe :3
Thank you love ahhhh💕💕
aNd yes I live for ddlb so ofc I’ll make it that✨✨
Daddy Tony, 18+ Peter, ageplay, cat adoption, fluff
”Daddy, please! I’ll take care of it, I swear! Please…”
Tony’s head was ringing with all of Peter’s begging. He didn’t even have a clue where the boy had picked up the idea of them having a pet, and out of all of the options, a cat. The mechanic was reluctant at first, due to all the horror stories he had picked up here and there throughout his life.
’My cat threw up on me.’
’My cat destroyed my sofa, which I got just last week!’
’My cat broke the vase that belonged to my dead mother.’
Yet, here Tony was sat on the sofa next to a napping Peter with his iPad in his lap, researching different cat breeds. One breed in particular caught his attention and after some reading on some veterinarian sites, Tony came to a decision. A week later, he went to meet with a potential seller in her home, who had just recently gotten a litter of five Norwegian forest kittens.
Tony did not expect to be so fascinated by the squeaking, tiny creatures. The kittens were still blind and stumbling around crying out for their mother on the floor, but there was something adorable about it all. Every now and then, the mother cat would get out of her basket to go fetch her five kittens back after they had crawled out to explore the world around them.
”They are very loving, kind and gentle cats with a strong sense of nurturing, as you can see.” The seller, an elderly woman called Gunborg explained as the mother cat, Sif, trotted by with one of her kittens in her mouth, placing the crying kitten in the basket before fetching another one.
”What about shedding?” Tony asked and Gunborg chuckled with a knowing smile before answering.
”They have long coats, but my Sif has never been a horrible shedder, so I don’t think the kittens will be either. However, a proper grooming once a week should do the trick.”
Looking down at his feet, Tony found one of the kittens climbing clumsily on his shoe. Seeing how busy Sif was, Tony decided to pick up the kitten into his hands. The kitten made a hoarse squeak and cracked one blue eye half open at Tony before nuzzling into his hands. The mechanic only had one soft spot, and that spot had Peter’s name on it, but this tiny creature could perhaps make a close second.
”I’ll take this one.”
Three long months passed and Peter kept nagging, but this time Tony did not mind it as much, knowing that the money had been transferred and the kitten would be theirs very soon. It was a Friday when Tony finally brought the kitten home and like he and Peter had agreed the day before, they would spend the weekend in Daddy and Little space. So, when Peter arrived home from the college lecture, he called out for his Daddy.
”Living room, baby!” And soon enough Tony heard padding socked feet approach him where he was sat on the sofa. The boy launched himself at his Daddy, knocking the breath out of him for a second.
”Okay, okay, easy! No wrestling on the sofa, yeah?” Tony said with some sternness and arranged Peter’s long and skinny limbs so that the boy was sat on his lap before starting on the good news that he was sure would delight the boy. ”Pete, I got you something today. I’ll show it to you in a second, okay, but you have to promise me to not scream or make loud noises. It’s very important, baby boy, do you understand?”
Peter seemed to catch onto the seriousness of the situation easily and nodded his head obediently, although Tony could see that he was trying very hard to hold back his bubbling excitement. ”I understand, Daddy.”
”Good boy. Now, sit tight and I’ll get the surprise, okay?”
Peter was practically buzzing where he sat on the sofa and gasped loudly when he saw his Daddy walking in with a cage, but quickly covered his mouth with his hands when he remembered what his Daddy had told him.
”Is it a kitty?” Peter whispered and scrambled to the floor where his Daddy set the cage down gently and opened the door to it.
”It is, baby boy.” Tony confirmed and moved to sit behind his boy on the floor. Together they waited for the kitten to gather her courage and step out of the cage and into her new forever home, which she did quite quickly.
”It’s so cute!” Peter squealed, his hands still covering his mouth in disbelief of what he was seeing. The kitten was much more steady on her feet now and trotted over to Peter to greet him with a squeaky meow, wide blue eyes starring up at him curiously. The boy picked her up gently and held her to his chest.
”She’s a Norwegian forest cat.” Tony explained. ”And you can call her whatever you want, baby.”
”Really?” Peter gasped out again, his eyes welling up with tears as he craned his neck to look up at his Daddy. ”Is she mine?”
The older man nodded with a smile and Peter slumped back against his chest, babbling ’thank you’ over and over as he cried softly with the kitten held to his chest.
The kitten’s name became Tigger due to her multicoloured fur that reminded Peter of a tiger. She turned out to be a playful little rascal, always on Peter’s heel when he was dashing around the house playing and giggling happily in little space. She was also excellent company for the boy when he was all aged up, sitting on his lap while he studied and purring softly. However, Peter wasn’t the only one who grew very close to Tigger. Tony, even though he would never admit it, did get a sweet spot for her and didn’t mind the shedding on his lap whenever she cuddled up to him at night and began purring as he petted her.
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Foot Massage
This isn’t at all how I wanted to write this, I re did it about three times but I couldn’t get off a gentle kick. So here is the out come.
Klance ft. Shiro 
Keith fell back onto his bed with a groan, gaining the other male in the room’s attention. “What wrong with you,” Lance asked snobbishly from the bathroom. He was in the middle of tweezing his eyebrows, towel on his head, already in his robe. He had been in the shower since Keith ditched him for training. Keith huffed out in pain again as he curled his toes, “Nothing,” he mumbled. “Clearly it’s not nothing if you--,” he stopped in the doorway of the bathroom before crossing his arms. “Really,” he asked staring at a half Galra Keith. “What,” Keith asked brining his foot to his thigh as he tried to remove his boot. As he did the sock came off with it, revealing a purple foot with toe beans and pads. “Oh,” he said softly. “Yeah… oh. You overdid it again in the training deck,” Keith blushed a bit. He couldn’t really get out of this lecture. “Not really,” didn’t mean he couldn’t try to. “Keith you have cat ears,” Lance huffed walking back into the bathroom.
“Lance, don’t be mad,” he pouted. Putting the tweezers back Lance walked into the bedroom again. “I’m not mad, just upset,” he mumbled walking up to Keith. “How bad did you over do it,” Keith shrugged. “Not to much,” he said looking down at his foot again. Taking off the other boot the sock also slipped off with it. Curling his toes he groaned slightly before stretching them out again. Laying back on the bed he let out a sigh of relief. “Not much huh,” Lance asked kneeling on the bed next to Keith. Keith blushed again, “Um well I was kinda competing against Shiro,” Lance pinched the bridge of his nose. “Damn it Keith,” he sat down on one of his legs, the other draping of the bed much like Keith’s. “I didn’t pull anything this time,” Keith assured. “Sprain,” Lance asked. Keith shook his head, sitting up he took his foot into his hands and started rubbing it.
“What, your feet hurt,” Keith shrugged. “Kind of,” Lance held out his hand. “What,” Keith asked rather confused. “Your foot,” Lance replied. “What about it,” the younger pilot rolled his eyes. “Give it to me dummy,” Keith’s face really heated up from embarrassment, which to Lance seemed to always be cuter when he was in his half Galra form. “What,” Keith asked again. “Keith, foot. Give. Me. Not hard,” Keith moved back a bit from Lance’s hand. “N-No it’s fine, I got it,” Lance rolled his eyes before taking Keith’s ankle from his grasp and pulling it out. Keith gasped at the sudden movement but quickly bit back a moan of pleasure when Lance started rubbing the balls of his foot. “Mmmm, Lance,” he purred leaning back into the pillows, a blush spreading past his cheeks.
“Does that feel nice, kitty,” Keith took one of the pillows and covered his face with it. “Shut up,” he mumbled before letting out another purr. “So cute,” Lance laughed lightly. After a while he zoned out on just rubbing Keith’s feet, he wasn’t sure how long had gone by before something brought him from his trance. “Hehe! That tickles, Lance,” Keith giggled. “Huh,” Lance asked looking over at Keith. A pair of yellow eyes were peeking out from behind the white pillow, along with some black hair and purple ears that had lowered slightly. Lance blushed at the sight, Keith was truly adorable. ‘Lhahance,” Keith giggled again trying to pull his foot back. Looking down Lance noticed he was now working on Keith’s soles.
“Oh,” he stated simply before smirking. “this tickles,” Lance asked scratching the fluffy surface with a feather light touch. “Hehehe,” Keith giggled helplessly. “Does my kitty like being tickled,” Lance teased continuing to play with Keith’s foot. “Lahahance,” Keith wiggled his toes. “I thhehehought yhohu whehehre going to rhhahaub my feehet,” Keith whined. “I was but you still need to be punished for over doing it with Shiro,” Keith’s eyes widened. “What? Nhohoho,” Keith giggled harder when Lance moved up to the paded balls of his foot. “Lhahahahance,” Keith squirmed around in an attempt to dislodge his foot. Lance stopped and grabbed Keith’s other foot.
“Whahahit,” Keith giggled coming down from the tickles. “Yes,” Lance asked. “Plhe... please don’t tickle me,” Keith said presenting his best puppy... well kitten eyes. “Hmmm begging? I mean kinky, but not saving you this time baby,” Lance sent him a wink before crawling on top of Keith. “Lance,” Keith pouted. “Aw come on kitty, I know you like this,” Keith groaned and pulled the pillow over his head. “Shut up,” Lance laughed. “Keith your just... so cute,” it was moments like this that the two were comfortable being all gentle and lovey dovey. Lance placed a kiss on the top of Keith’s head before resting his head on the part of the pillow that was on Keith’s chest.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle,” Lance lightly brushed his fingers up and down Keith’s lower sides. “Mmmhmhmppphh,” Keith giggled into the pillow, squirming slightly. “Keith, are you in there,” a voice called form the other side of the door, followed by a knock. Lance huffed and stopped his attack. It was Shiro. Keith pulled down the pillow before looking at Lance’s annoyed face. “Uh yeah. come in,” the door opened. “Hey I just wanted to see if you w-- oh,” Shiro stood awkwardly in the doorway. “I can, I can come back latter,” he offered. “No, no…  it’s fine,” Keith said sitting up. Shiro awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before walking up to the bed.
“You okay, you look kind of red,” he stated sitting down next to his little brother. Keith’s turned even more red at the realization, earning a snicker from Lance. “Everything.. .okay,” Shiro asked looking betwen the two. “Yeah,” Lance laughed. “I was just tickling Keith,” Shrio smirked. “Oh really,” He asked pulling the smaller male into his lap. “Shiro dhohohn’t,” Keith was laughing in anticipation. “Don’t what, Keith? You have to be a little more specific,” Keith giggled more, burying his head into his pillow. “You want us to tickle you,” Lance asked picking up Keith’s feet again. “These little toe beans look like they could use some tickles,” he teased. Keith was really giggling now though neither man had touched him. “N-Nohohohoho,” Shiro brought his hands to the former paladin’s lower sides.
“You know for someone who doesn’t want to be tickles, your not trying all that hard to stop us,” Shiro pointed out as he started massaging the area. Keith jumped and let out a yelp before dissolving into giggles. “Could it be you… enjoy this,” he asked. Lance started poking each toe pad, earning a jolt from Keith’s leg and harder giggles. “Ahahahahaha,” Keith didn’t bother fighting either male off. Yes he was embarrassed, yes he felt a little awkward, but he was more comfortable with Shiro there. Not much was awkward when he was around. He knew Keith like that back of his hand, and he knew he liked this. It was a special form of bonding he was surprised Keith was letting Lance try with him. Keith’s giggles mixed in with purrs as Shiro started scratching behind his ear. “Ghuhhuhuysssss…. Ahahahaha! Sth… sthahahap,” he wiggled his toes weakly at Lance while just bearly squirmin away from Shiro.”I’m tirrreeedddd ehehehehe,” he giggled. Shiro stopped his attack, looking up at Lance to signal the same. Lance was a little upset, it wasn’t everyday he got to play with Keith’s toe beans but today was also a gentle day, not the normal playful one.
Shiro shifted slightly pulling Keith closer, which the younger gladly allowed to happen. Shiro was now leaning back against the leftover pillows, Keith curled up on him purring contently as his brother scratched behind his ear. “Um excuse me,” Lance glared. “Aren’t I the boyfriend here,” Keith huffed and opened his eye slightly, the yellow fading away. “At least Shiro would have remembered the bonding moment,” he argued before nuzzling into the older paladin. Lance’s face turned red before he grabbed Keith’s ankle. “That’s it,” he yelled before tickling Keith’s toe beans like crazy. Keith’s head flew back as Shiro held him hostage for the next few minutes of torture.
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4birds-of-a-feather · 7 years
Chapter 26 - Man, it doesn’t show signs of stoppin’ [part 2]
Birds Of a Feather
(In the previous chapters: Ed found out Layla’s ticket to Boston but decided not to do anything about it, Layla put everybody’s presents under the Christmas tree and finally went to the airport... in the meantime, Eddie went for a walk and pondered about his relationship with the girl and Sara apparently took part in a Christmas recital. WARNING: a super-short update – this means that another one will come sooner than you expect – and traces of Italian here and there; if you can’t grasp our mothertongue’s words, just ask – it won’t be an essential dialogue, but it’s always nice to understand every hidden undertone, right?)
14:00 BOSTON AA978 GATE 28 DELAYED TO 16:30
Layla snorted as she saw the scoreboard change for the second time. She had already sensed it wasn’t good news because she had heard some irritated clamor from the other passengers waiting like her. At 11:30 she was already at SeaTac although the flight was scheduled at 14, because she was afraid of getting stuck in traffic and missing it, also considering it was the day before Christmas and the sleet was getting heavier. A first delay of one hour had been announced almost immediately and now there was a second one and nobody was explaining the reason. <Other flights are being delayed too> Layla thought, sitting on an iron bench and holding onto her trolley suitcase as she looked through the names and numbers on the scoreboard. She wanted to call David to warn him about her being late, but she also didn’t really want to give up her seat since the waiting space was packed and someone would have taken her place as soon as she had stood up. It took another delay to 17:00 a few minutes later for her to finally decide to go searching for a payphone. She dialed the number and hated herself for still knowing his number by heart. <Hello> “David, it’s me” she said, as she put another couple of quarters into the payphone, just to be sure. Usually a quarter wasn’t even a minute. <Hey, babe, where are you? Shouldn’t you be boarding your flight like... right now?> “Yes, I was supposed to, but it was delayed and-” <Right, was I supposed to? Like, really? Am I doing the right thing? Why am I here? Why am I on the phone with this guy? Shouldn’t I be calling my family? Shouldn’t I be getting ready to go to a party somewhere instead of wasting my time?> <Layla, please, you don’t need to find an excuse not to come, just say you don’t want to> he blurted out, interrupting Layla’s considerations, and it took all her patience not to tell him to go fuck himself <Maybe that’s what I should have said before, instead of accepting this invitation> Layla thought before speaking. “It’s no fuckin’ excuse, for fuck’s sake!, I’ve been here in this fuckin’ airport for almost five fuckin’ hours just to come to Boston and give you a fuckin’ chance to explain and apologize and right now I’ve just lost my fuckin’ seat and I’m using a dirty ass payphone that’s stealing all my fuckin’ money and I’m holding the fucking receiver with a napkin ‘cause it’s fuckin’ disgusting and you know I’m not exactly finicky and delicate so you can imagine how bad it is. And all this just because I wanted to warn you so you won’t get fuckin’ worried... So don’t you dare saying I’m making up fuckin’ excuses!” <Uhhhh, ok... When’s the flight scheduled, then?> he asked as if nothing had happened and Layla didn’t know if she should be relieved or not. She couldn’t believe she managed to cut him off so easily and prevent him from making a scene. At the same time she felt some kind of frustration. “17:00” <WHAT? Do you mean you’ll be here by ten o’clock in the evening? More or less?> “I hope so” <Apparently he’s already changing his mind...> Layla said to herself and she was sort of surprised when she found herself almost waiting for him to come up with one of his excuses to ditch her on Christmas Eve. <Fuck, I guess we’ll be waiting for Santa snowed in in my car> David smirked and Layla felt almost disappointed. “Snowed in? Is it snowing there?” <It’s been snowing for a good hour. Actually, I was considering leaving home right now so I’m sure I can get to the airport on time to get you> “Maybe that’s why flights have been delayed repeatedly, because of the snow” <Well, uh, looks like weathering is against our reconciliation, hehe> he joked and for a second she took it seriously. <Maybe it’s a sign, maybe I should just get out of here and go back home... that’s actually not my home but my neighbors' apartment and is most likely empty by now. Sara’s with her family, Jeff is at his party and Eddie must be with him for sure. At least I’m in company here> Layla pondered as she looked around to see the many tired and angry faces of people waiting for their flights to go back home for Christmas. “Everything is against this, most of all logic, but if we’re putting an end to this relationship, we’ll do it on good terms” <IF?> David asked, clearly amused. <Of course he had to focus on that detail...> “Sure, we are ending this” <But you said if, so it means there’s still hope!> he eagerly pointed out. “Surely there’s no hope for my flight because they’ve just announced it’s been delayed to 18:30...” <If you’re dressed in red you could just pretend you’re Santa and bring the presents because you won’t be here before midnight> “If I’m Santa, I’m afraid kids will get their Christmas presents on Easter if it keeps on snowing like this” <So, are you ditching me on Christmas?> “Listen, I’ll call you back in one hour and give you an update on the situation, ok?” <Make it half an hour, babe; some friends are going to Boston Common first and then to a party at the frat house and I wanna keep that opportunity open, you know, just in case> the guy said and Layla finally recognized her old boyfriend. <Of course he had a plan B, I’m the loser who only had one plan. A stupid one> “Ok, later” she said and hung up the phone as she already made up her mind.
I’ve been out walking I don’t do too much talking these days These days
Sara couldn’t see it, but she knew that the tip of her nose was bright red; nonetheless, she didn’t cover it with her scarf and kept on walking – the frost bit it, but at least it was something she could feel. In fact it might had been hours since she had said goodbye to her friend, pretending to go straight home but instead choosing to walk numbly through the streets of Seattle. It could have been a whole day, for all she knew. Under the bonnet she was wearing her trusted headphones, while her Walkman was playing the tape she had made some time before, the one for when she had the “mean reds” like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. This was one of those days.
These days I seem to think a lot About the things that I forgot to do And all the times I had the chance to
The wind hit her with lashings of snowflakes, making her eyes sting, but that wasn’t enough to stop her; she kept on wandering, no particular direction in her mind. Her legs thought otherwise, dragging her to a familiar neighborhood where she hadn’t set foot in a few years; it was bittersweet to see how time hadn’t been able to erase that route from her memories, and yet she wasn’t able to turn her back and go back to the loft she was sharing with her best friend, her best friend’s crush and her bitter enemy, who also happened to be her ex-crush.   <Since when has my life become this fucked up?> A couple of minutes later, she was in front of 852 Northeast 68th Street.
I had a lover I don’t think I’d risk another these days These days
Sara took in the sloping roof, the dark red building and the way the snow had covered that garden where she had played and strolled for eleven years, and then sighed: her heart was aching badly and yet she had just arrived there. The girl was gazing distractedly at the wisteria tree – now just an entanglement of withered branches, all twisted – when suddenly she saw a dark spot out of the corner of her eye: a big tabby cat had just come out of the house and, after trotting down the steps, it had finally begun to run around in the snow. “… Monty?” The brown cat ignored her and kept on hopping here and there, trying to capture some snowflakes without any success. She gulped loudly, then opened again her mouth. “Monty, is it really you?” Again, the animal didn’t notice her and went on with its task; Sara decided to take a last chance and then she would have gone home. “C’mere, old sport!” she finally shouted, the voice a bit trembling but full of hope all the same. The tabby lost immediately all of its interest in chasing the snowflakes, pricked up its ears and let out a confused meow: its gaze was curious, but it still didn’t trust her. The girl let out a deep sigh and repeated the same words, then crouched down and tried to call the cat with little kisses and drumming fingers on the gate: the animal finally approached her, sniffing her hand and letting her scratch the soft skin behind its ears. That last gesture made the cat lower its defenses: purring loudly, Monty crawled nimbly into her lap and began to knead on the fabric of her coat.   “L-look at you…” she started to sob “I left you when you were just a scrawny kitty, an-and n-now… you’re so big, and so fluffy – and yet you didn’t… you didn’t forget me” Monty rubbed itself against her, and Sara pulled him into a tight hug, burying her tear-stained face into its soft fur. All of a sudden, it seemed that her problems could wait for her a little bit longer.
And if I seem to be afraid To live the life that I have made in song It’s just that I’ve been losing so long
“Montyyyy! How many times have I told you not t-” a deep voice came from the house’s entrance, then stopped abruptly “Oh, hello” Sara immediately put the cat on the ground and got up, drying her eyes with a sleeve of her coat. “H-hello... I-” she croaked, then cleared her throat “Actually, I was goin’ away… Uhm, happy Christmas and have a great evening, ‘bye” Not even wanting to hear his response, the girl started to walk away but was instead stopped by the man. “Wait! I… I think I know you – and Monty surely does, he never trusts strangers” he finally approached her with a smile, but winced when he came face to face with her “… Sara?” The girl finally looked at him and startled when she recognized none other than Giacomo Vannini, her father’s best friend. “That’s you, right?” he asked but didn’t wait for an answer: instead she felt herself being swept into a tight hug, the tears already resuming to form in her eyes. “I can’t believe it, after all this time… it’s been five years, right?” “… yeah” Giacomo finally released her from his embrace and looked at her intently. “You let your hair grow… you already were pretty, but now – look at you, you’re a woman” “How’s life been treating ya and Teresa? Good, I hope” Sara quickly changed topic, hunching her shoulders “Oh, of course the same goes for Vittorio, Caterina and Carola” “It’s all good, thanks” the man gave her an affectionate pat on the back “Teresa and Caterina went grocery shopping for tonight’s last preparations, I’m goin’ to pick Carola up from Sea-Tac in a couple of hours and Vittorio’s driving from Vancouver” “It’s nice to hear that you guys are all together” she gave him a little smile, while Monty demanded her attention by rubbing itself between her legs – he succeeded in doing so, because she picked him up and he was finally able to give her little nudges with its head.  “But what about you, Saruccia? You alright? Are you studying? Working?” “Both – I’m working at a record store, it helps with the rent and University expenses” “That’s good to hear – you live alone?” “Nope, with a, err-a couple of friends” “Wonderful, it’s no good to spend everyday without friendly faces around you” She nodded, and he interpreted that gesture as a permission to go on with his inquiring. “You got a boyfriend too, right?” “… what?!” “I’m not asking for my son, I swear it!” he raised his hands in defense “Just pure curiosity” “Well, I-I’m not with anybody” “… guys in this city must be seriously blind, I’m speechl-Accidenti, che cafone sono stato!” he abruptly facepalmed “Non ti ho neanche invitato dentro – please, come inside! Be my guest” The girl immediately felt the blood freeze in her veins; she shook her head, politely refusing his invitation. “I left it exactly as it was, c’mon! Oh, and by the way: you should totally stay for dinner, that’d be a huge surpris-” “I don’t think that’d be a good idea” she interrupted him “I… I can’t go inside, and I don’t want to – had enough surprises for today” Giacomo nodded: “I can understand, I’m sorry if I pushed you…” “No hard feelings, Giacomo; I know you were just trying to be nice… as usual” she took a deep breath and, after giving Monty a last scratch under its chin, she put it on the ground. “You know what? I’ll take Monty’s carrier out and you can take him at home with you, ok?” “What? No, wait! And what should I tell my flatmates?” “That you ran into an old friend of yours who can’t care about his cat anymore, so he has entrusted you with this task” “Monty in my loft? No way, he’d go out of its mind in 5 minutes, I’m telling ya – he’s used to living here, and I don’t even have a garden… it’d be cruel” she gave Giacomo a sympathetic smile, patting him on the shoulder “We’ll see each other soon, it’s a promise” “You sure? I don’t want you to disappear for another five years” “I won’t, I swear” she sighed for the umpteenth time “Give my best to Teresa, Vittorio and the girls – and have a merry Christmas” “You too, sweetheart; God knows you deserve it more than all of us” the man gave her another tight hug and then let her go. Biting her lower lip, Sara waved goodbye and disappeared around the corner.
I stopped my dreaming I won’t do too much scheming these days These days
It was a matter of seconds: that familiar sensation of being followed immediately overwhelmed her. The girl started to run, suffocating at each step she took but not stopping to regain her breath – maybe this time her heart would have finally ceased to beat, allowing her to experience the sweet embrace that was tailing her ever since that damned July… <Maybe my time has finally come> she pondered, sliding against a cold wall and fumbling with her headphones; she removed her gloves and her trembling hands immediately became red, but she didn’t mind – she still couldn’t feel anything. When her fingers finally found the ‘play’ button and pressed it, her breath returned regular; she felt the crisis washed away by the music, her mind slowly reprising to function, but her body deadly tired. She closed her eyes and let the snowflakes gently touch her face – the face of a young woman, troubled but alive.
Please don’t confront me with my failures I had not forgotten them
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Ladybug finds an adorable stray cat which Chat Noir is jealous of, and Adrien just happens to find out about!
Okay sorry this took forever, I got super into it and I wanted it to be perfect. I hope you like it, enjoy! (Will post on fanfiction.net soon) I like to call this one “The CATastrophe”. hehe. 
EDIT: Included the Fanfiction.net link -  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12580618/1/A-Small-CATastrophe 
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“Awwww, whats this?”
Chat stopped walking and turned around to see Ladybug on her hands and knees on the roof, crawling around the corner.
“My lady?” He walked back over to see what all the fuss was about. He got there in time to see Ladybug sittting crisscross-applesauce on the roof with a light caramel and dark brown long-haired tabby cat in her lab. She grinned proudly as she gently scratched his ears. Chat’s jaw dropped.
“Who’s cat is that?” He asked as soon as he regained the ability to speak. That fluffy little puffball was just sitting, happily curled up in her lap, like he totally deserved to be there. Chat immediately felt jealousy swell inside him. Which was totally stupid, he told himself, its a cat, and you are THE Chat Noir, crimefighter, partner to ladybug, defender of Paris, etc, etc. Have a little perspective, Adrien, he chided himself mentally. But then he saw her give him a loving, gentle kiss on the head and he swallowed hard. God, what he wouldn’t do to be that cat just then.
“I dunno, he was just sitting up here, curled up in an empty gutter. This poor little guy doesn’t have a collar, either.” She scratched down his back, and the cat purred loudly. Chat’s ear twitched.
“Well I’m sure he’ll be fine, we should go before our transformations run out.” Chat offered a hand to help Ladybug up.
“What?? No!” She turned as if to sheild the cat from Chat’s outstetched hand. “We can’t just leave him here. He’ll be cold, and hungry.” She nuzzled her cheek against his soft fur. “Won’t you baby? Awwww, who’s a wittle bitty baby waby-” her speech quickly devolved into baby talk. She was so cute holding that fluffy cat like that. Ladybug was so confident and strong and quick-witted, he didn’t often get to see her being a gushy teenage girl. He decided this was freaking adorable, and he couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face.
“C’mon, he probably lives out here. Besides, I’m cold and hungry.”
“But he’s so sweet!” As if to accentuate her point, the cat curled his tail smugly around himself. “Im taking him home with me,” she declared, and stood up with the floof in her arms.
“No fair, you never let me come home with you,” Chat pouted, leaning his head on her shoulder. He blinked his big green eyes a few times. The tabby booped at his bangs as they fell across her shoulder. Ladybug sighed, but her lips were pulled back into a grin.
“Mon chaton, you aren’t a real cat.“ She playfully patted his head.
He gasped and threw his hand over his forehead dramatically. “My lady, you wound me deeply! How could you say such hurtful words to me, your only partner!” He cried with a grin. This time, she couldn’t help but laugh at his display.  Chat smirked. Let’s see that little puffball make her laugh like that.
“Mrowww,” the cat interrupted.
“He’s right, we should get going now. Ill see you tomorrow night, chaton.”
“Till then, my lady,” he said with a very typical dramatic Chat Noir bow, a cheesy grin, and, for added flair, backflipped off the roof.
Ladybug just smiled and shook her head as she walked off. A quiet evening on patrol usually left them with a lot more energy, but finding this adorable cat made a nice quiet night with Chat Noir even better.
Chat climbed back into his window, closed it, and detransformed. As usual, Plagg plopped himself down in the middle of his oversized bed and moaned loudly.
“I need Camembert,” he groaned, dramatically throwing a leg up. “So tired…”
“Plagg, come on, you didn’t even have to fight today.” Plagg flew himself over and perched himself on Adrien’s head.
“I thought you were gonna fight that alley cat Ladybug picked up,” Plagg laughed and rolled over onto his belly. Adrien sputtered.
“Please Plagg, that’s insane, I’m not going to fight a literal alley cat!” he swatted Plagg off, who floated away and kept bellowing for cheese until Adrien finally gave him some. That cat Ladybug picked up was just a pet, he reminded himself. He was her partner, the only one she trusted with her life, and her with his. Their bond was special. He smiled to himself as he started the shower.
Marinette carefully made her way back to her house, which is much more difficult that one expects with a cat in one arm. Luckily for her, she was able to get her window open with one arm.
“Alright kitty, here we go,” she whispered as she set him gently on the desk. The cat mrrrowed in mild protest at having been manhandled so and began to furriously lick his paws. “Tikki, spots off.” A flash of light briefly illuminated the room as she detransformed. The cat jumped a little at the light. Tikki perched herself on Marinette’s shoulder.
“Marinette, why did you bring that stray cat home?” She squeaked, eyeing the cat suspiciously.
“He seemed lonely and sad, I couldn’t just leave him all alone. Look at him, he’s so cute!” She grinned down at Tikki, who was returning her smile with a dubious glance. “Oh Tikki, I’m sorry, I suppose I should have asked you first, its just so hard to when I’m in costume, and-”
“-Oh Marinette, its okay!” Tikki zipped up to her face. “I think its sweet you want to take him in. Cats can be a very big responsibility, and you already have so much on your plate. Also,” she added, glancing at the cat again, “cats tend to think Im some kind of bird.”
“I’ll keep you safe,” Marinette reassured Tikki as she cupped her kwami in her hands. Tikki nuzzled her cheek happily.
“Now come on Marinette, its late and you have school tomorrow.” Tikki reminded her.
“Alright, let me get something for the cat to eat.” Marinette slipped her shoes off and slooowly opened her bedroom door. She had no idea how to take care of a cat, but she figured they probably liked fish. “I know we must have a can of tuna in here somewhere,” she muttered softly to herself as she riffled through the kitchen cabinets as quietly as she could muster. “….no….no….aha!” She triumphantly pulled the tuna can from the shelf. She grabbed a can opener and cut the can open.
“Psssst, kitty cat?” She crept back into her room and set the can down.
“Mrowwww!” The cat leapt enthusiastically off the desk to lap up the tuna.
“There we go” Marinette smiled, then yawned. “Alright Tikki, I’m definitely going to bed now.”
“Wait one second, Marinette!” Tikki piped up. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“My alarm clock is set, my laundry is done, my homework is finished…. I don’t think so?”
“You have to give you new pet a name, silly!” She chuckled.
“Oh! Right!” She paused and sat on her bed and watched the light and dark brown fluffball purr loudly through mouthfulls of tuna. “Well he certainly likes Tuna…. is that a good name? A cat named Tuna?”
“I think its cute!”  giggled Tikki.
“Tuna the cat it is!” Marinette declared with a yawn. “Goodnight, Tikki.”
“Goodnight, Marinette.”
Adrien was tired.More tired than someone his age should be, he determined as he walked off the set of his latest photoshoot in these crazy tight jeans. Admittedly, they looked amazing on him, but beauty is pain and these jeans were proof of that. Oh well, he shrugged as he crossed the street. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. Well, on the bright side, it was only 6:30, meaning they’d finished almost a half an hour early. He had time! Time…..for what, though? Patrol with ladybug wasn’t until 9. Father wasn’t expecting him home until 7-ish. He could just walk around? Enjoy the day? Or- Suddenly his empty stomach interjected with a loud gurgle. That’s right, he had a light lunch today. He grinned. He would go visit the Marinette’s bakery. Father wouldn’t know because he’d think he was still at the shoot. He pumped a fist in the air excitedly. Carbs! Pasties! Freedom! He was so excited he jogged the whole 4 blocks.
“Ting, ting,” the door bell rang as he walked in. He loved everything about this place. The ring of the door when you walked in, the smell of pastries, and Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng were so nice every time. It was so comforting.
“Hello, Adrien,” Smiled Mrs. Dupain-Cheng warmly as she walked to the counter from the kitchen. He grinned brightly. He often felt more welcome here than in his own home.
“Hello Mrs. Dupain-Cheng,” he said, unable to keep the big grin off his face.
“You’re in a good mood today,” She noted, returning his smile and punctuating it with a small chuckle. “What can I get for you today?”
“Well, I-” He was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a loud crash from upstairs, followed by a yell.
“Mom!!” Came a desperate cry from upstairs even as Marinette climbed down the stairs cradling a squirming cat in her arms. “Mom, I think Tuna’s hungry, he keeps jumping up on my desk and biting my sl-” she froze when she saw Adrien standing in the bakery. “A-Adrien!”
“Hi, Marinette,” he said with a small wave and a smile. “You have a cat?”
“Y-Y-… cat! Yes, I, um, I found a stay cat last night, and he followed me home, and, well, I….” She trailed off nervously before clearing her throat in an effort to regain some composure. “This….this is Tuna.” She held out the fluffball of a feline to Adrien, who now wore a small red collar with a tag that read “Tuna”.
“Aww, he’s so cute, and….” He trailed off as he took the cat in his arms and Tuna batted at his bangs. This was surprisingly reminiscent of….. No, No way. That wasn’t possible…..was it??? Holy crap Adrien slow down! Just because Marinette got a cat the same time Ladybug happened to get a cat and looked exactly the same and the cat remembered him and-
Marinette was kind of confused. Adrien was staring at the cat like it contained the secrets of the universe. She peered curiously at his face. Nervousness was beginning to give way to worry. “Umm, Adrien? You don’t have to hold him if he bothers you, or you don’t like cats, or….?”
“Oh!” He snapped out of his sudden trance. “No no no I love cats, they’re like the best things ever-” He hurriedly reached out to give the cat back to Marinette. “I just remembered I’m late for….” he trailed off as Marinette reached out to accept Tuna back from him. Their hands touched and he froze and looked into Marinette’s eyes intently.
Oh God oh God oh God, Marinette prayed silently. What is he doing??? Her cheeks reddened more the longer he stared. Her heart was racing wildly. It was almost like he was looking for something???“A-Adrien?” She finally managed to squeak out.
Her mother was giving him a really strange look. Shit, he was causing some kinda scene. “Oh! Sorry, M-Marinette. I have to go, Ill be backk later,” He said to Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. He bowed, yelled a hurried “thanks!” as he ran out the door and didn’t stop till he had turned the corner and was out of sight.“I worry about that boy,” Mrs. Dupain-Cheng sighed as she shook her head. “Is he okay?”
“I have no idea…..” Marinette replied, obviously concerned as well. “Ill check on him tomorrow at school.”
“Good idea,” her mom said before heading back into the bakery kitchen. One thing is for certain, she thought as she took Tuna back upstairs, tomorrow was gonna be an interesting day at school.
Adrien’s head was spinning so fast he could feel himself getting dizy. Was it even possible? It wasn’t IMpossible…..right? He believed in coincidences, but this was too much….RIGHT??? He couldn’t think straight. His feet were walking home on autopilot while he tried to digest what just happened. How could he have missed it?? They have the same hairstyle for crying out loud. And blue eyes. And…. wait, no, there’s got to be more than one person in the whole of PARIS who had dark hair in pigtails with blue eyess….RIGHT???
“AAAAGH!” he cried. This whole thing was messing with his head.
“Adrien?” Nathalie called. Oops. He had actually made it home. “Are you okay?”
“Im fine, just tired. Long day, going upstairs to do homework!” One thing is for certain, he thought as he grabbed his backpack and took it back upstairs, tomorrow was gonna be an interesting day at school.
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