#so it’s kitten’s bedtime now
alwaysneedyforsir · 7 months
i'm glad your arm is okay :3
(yes, i managed to read all the way down those tags about baking. they were very cute 10/10 would read again)
aw that’s very sweet of you hehe thank youuu!!
spoiler alert if you read thru the essays i leave in my tags, you’ll def discover v fun lore about me 🤭🤭
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azrielsrealmate · 2 months
alcohol and pancakes
azriel x reader
summary: azriel was always devoted to you, but when drunk? He was clingy, touchy and devoted. And he wanted to take care of you even if his mind was spinning.
warnings: mentions of alcohol?
word count: 1.3k
this is a silly little thing because I’ve just read somewhere that Azriel gets clingy when drunk and oh my god that’s sooo cute 😭
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Your touch on his cheek was like a soothing balm for a wound that throbbed and stung, with each languid and incredibly soft stroke easing the pain more and more. He let go, leaning into your touch.
Why did he always have to be the tough and unbreakable guy? He wasn’t that tough, nor unbreakable, he was just... himself. And your gentle caresses made him want to whimper. His honeyed eyes closed with a hum of satisfaction, and you laughed softly. Why was even your laugh soft? Azriel didn’t understand. Azriel didn’t want to understand.
“How much have you had to drink?” you asked, arching both eyebrows in pure tenderness.
It took Azriel several seconds to process the question, in reality, he had drunk quite a bit. But that didn’t diminish any of the things he wanted to do with you, which at the moment was nothing more than resting his face between your generous breasts. He nuzzled your palm, breathing in and pressing a soft kiss.
“Not too much.”
Liar. Lies. A shadow whispered in his ear, and Azriel nearly growled, brushing it aside and nuzzling your hand further.
“Ah, I see,” you murmured, entertained by the sight—a warrior nearly two meters tall, and a spy no less, clinging to you like a needy child craving affection. Your voice was drenched in amusement, dripping over him just enough to make him open his eyes slightly.
“I’m not that drunk.” He almost whined, his eyebrows furrowing, and you had to stifle another giggle. Not wanting to offend the oh-so-scary shadowsinger that was hovering over your body, laid across your marriage bed.
“I’m not that drunk,” Azriel repeated, this time with a firmer, almost defiant tone, though it wasn’t as firm or defiant as he intended, because you could see the tremor at the corner of his lip, trying not to smile like a fool upon seeing your own smile. He reminded you more of Nyx trying to convince you that he wasn’t sleepy at bedtime just to spend more time with you, than of the five-hundred-year-old spy that he was.
His eyes, usually as inscrutable as the night sky, were now clouded by a mixture of alcohol and a tenderness he rarely allowed himself to show—a vulnerability that made you stroke his cheek once more.
“Azriel…” you whispered with a gentleness that only softened the normally sharp edges of his face further. You could see the freckles scattered across his nose, small and nearly invisible, like tiny constellations marking his skin. And the slight green ring in the center of his eyes, and a few strands of hair longer than the others.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of you,” he said, burying his face in the crook of your neck, this time sounding more resolute, acceptably more resolute, as he breathed in your scent like it was a balm he desperately needed. The way his body, so big and strong, curled up against yours was a delightful paradox you couldn’t help but enjoy. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders to pull him closer. You felt the weight of his head on your shoulder, the brush of his dark hair against your cheek. “I can take care of you... always.”
A soft laugh, impossible to contain, escaped your lips. The irony of his words filled your chest with a playful warmth. “Really?” you teased, your hands caressing his back with the same slow indulgence of someone petting a spoiled kitten. Carefully avoiding his wings, so as not to turn clingy-drunk Azriel into horny-clingy-drunk Azriel. “Then, if you’re so capable, why don’t you go down to the kitchen and make me some dinner?” You were pretty sure he would wobble if he got up.
Azriel lifted his head, his eyes gleaming with a determined light that almost made you regret your words. He could make you dinner—no, he should make it for you. You were his mate, and he had lost count of how many nights he had come home dazed with exhaustion only to find a warm dinner and loving arms.
Before you could react, he got up from the bed with the agility of a feline, the weight of his determination palpable in the air, your thoughts incredibly wrong; he didn’t wobble even once.
“Azriel, no—” you began, reaching for his arm as he headed toward the door. “It was a joke, I’ve already eaten, please don’t try to make me dinner when you’re in this state…”
He didn’t listen, or decided not to, moving through the room with that lethal grace so natural to him. You were forced to follow him as he made his way down the hallway and then down the stairs to the kitchen.
When you reached the kitchen, you made sure to turn on the lights because Azriel hadn’t bothered, given that he was already opening the cabinets, inspecting their contents with an intensity that almost made you worry.
“I’ll make you pancakes,” he announced, and you laughed, so much that your cheeks turned red.
“Pancakes?” you approached him, placing a hand on his arm in an attempt to stop him. “Az, that’s not dinner.”
“It will be,” he said, determined, and his stubbornness brought another smile to your face. There was no stopping him now, so you resigned yourself to helping him.
He continued to inspect the cabinet contents, searching for something that he didn’t even have in mind. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle—he was so determined that he didn’t even seem lost.
“How about you start by getting the flour?” Azriel’s eyes lit up as if he finally remembered something. He grabbed the bag of flour. Then he looked back at the other contents in the cabinet, and you wanted to laugh again.
“The eggs and then the milk.” As he pulled out the ingredients with hands that were skilled but slightly shaky, you stayed close. He observed everything he had taken out, all placed on the counter, and then directed those hazel, clouded eyes at you, tentatively, in a silent question.
“That’s all we need.”
“Ah… I knew that.” He said as if trying to convince you of something.
“Of course you did, I wouldn’t doubt that my clever shadowsinger knew.” You were teasing him, but he didn’t even notice. Though you did notice the red that brushed his cheeks.
You handed him the bowl and the ingredients, watching with amusement as he measured and poured, his brow furrowed in concentration. His hands, which usually wielded weapons with deadly skill, now worked with adorable clumsiness to mix the ingredients. As he stirred, fearing that Azriel might spill too much of the mixture out of the bowl, you moved closer to help him, your hands gently falling over his, trying to guide him. Azriel froze for a second, and you knew almost instinctively that he was looking at the scars covering his hands, so different from the softness of yours. You offered him a warm smile, quickly making him forget about it.
The warmth of the kitchen was comforting, but not as much as the warmth radiating from his body next to yours. That warrior who could bring down armies was now focused on making pancake batter with the same seriousness he would approach any crucial task. And though pancakes weren’t a conventional dinner, you knew that the dedication he was putting into them made them more special than any banquet.
“Is this good?” he murmured, turning his face toward you, and for a moment, his honeyed eyes met yours.
“Perfect,” you replied softly, allowing yourself a small moment of respite in his closeness, enjoying the tenderness hidden behind that façade of hardness.
Azriel nodded, satisfied, before turning toward the pan that was already starting to heat. And as he poured the mixture, you couldn’t help but admire him, so determined and so devoted. All for you. All yours.
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mattluvr · 3 months
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⋆·˚ ༘ * a pure smut matt sturniolo oneshot !
( dad!dom!matt with a raging breeding kink, oral — f!receiving, edging, dirty talk, praise )
matt wants another baby.
you do not. even if the sex to conceive your daughter had been some of the best you two had ever had, the dirty words matt had uttered that night still engraved into your brain, you’re adamant that you don’t want another child.
your daughter, now two years old and goddamn adorable, wreaks havoc at every opportunity, despite her angelic appearance; your brunette ringlets and matt’s bright blue eyes she’s inherited are a mere deception.
so often, when you and matt clamber into bed after a long day trying to prevent your kid from seriously injuring herself, you’re too tired to even entertain the idea of sex, let alone trying for another baby.
but today is your fifth anniversary with your boyfriend, whose insanely annoying charm has managed to change your perspective on a second pregnancy in the space of a romantic dinner at an italian restaurant.
so now you’re laid on your bed, spread eagled as matt kisses the burning flesh of your collarbones, your dress unzipped and being rolled down teasingly slowly. you moan into the thick air as one of his hands comes down to tweak your nipple through the flimsy material of the lingerie set you’d specially chosen; blue, his favourite colour.
“shit, matt.” you mumble, arching your back into his touch with a low moan. “makin’ me feel so good.”
“that right?” matt smirks, pinching your nipple harder to push your stimulation. you whine in response, stretching your neck to the side to invite matt to make more marks, not having to restrict the sounds pouring out of your mouth.
on the rare occasion that the pair of you share moments of intimacy, it’s rushed and usually restricted to mutual masturbation to reduce the risk of your daughter walking in and being scarred for life. but she’s staying with uncle chris and uncle nick, who are most likely feeding her way too much ice cream past her bedtime, so you don’t have to worry about anybody walking in.
“so fucking good.”
matt smiles, pleased with himself, and hungrily removes your dress completely, practically drooling at the full lingerie set reveal. he works quickly to pull the straps of your bra down, hands reaching round the back of you to undo the clasp, the tips of his fingers calloused but gentle. then, matt works on your panties, trimmed with baby blue lace, pulling them down, the material tickling your skin.
you buck your hips up as all three pieces of material float to the foot of the bed, starting to become impatient. you crave matt’s dick inside you, core pulsating as your boyfriend begins to move away from your chest, pressing kisses along your stomach until his mouth is level with your heat.
he doesn’t wait a second; lips are latched onto your clit before you have a chance to register what’s going on, a loud whine erupting from your throat as you let your head fall back on the pillow behind you. matt hasn’t eaten you out in months, and you’ve forgotten how talented he can be with his tongue.
as soon he latches onto your swollen clit, oozing arousal, you start to feel the familiar pit of longing form at the bottom of your stomach, close to release already. embarrassing; you must’ve been overly sensitive, making you easy to push to the edge, matt’s harsh kitten licks over your pulsing bud not helping matters.
your boyfriend picks up the pace of his ministrations against your bundle of nerves, gripping your thighs tighter as you begin to shake, on the verge of releasing. “matt,” you warn, whimpers spilling past your lips. “i’m close.”
“already?” his degrading tone and the laughter that follows only heightens your embarrassment, covering your face with your hands. immediately, matt is jumping to remove them, one hand lingering to grip your jaw. he sighs before diving back in, his next words muffled. “fine, just make it a good one.”
but as soon as he gives you permission, your orgasm right fucking there, matt pulls away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“matt!” you cry out, using your thigh to hit his head, mouth wide open in disbelief. “i can’t believe you just did that.”
“don’t talk back to me.” he hisses, the hand that was still loosely on your jaw now squeezing your lips shut. you rarely see the dominant side of him this extreme, glad that he’s restricting your words in your state of speechless.
“you can cum once i’ve fucked this second baby into you. no complaints.”
and then he starts thrusting into you, roughly and relentlessly; you hadn’t even noticed him slip his lower garments off, pushing his way inside you, suddenly aware of how he fills you up and the pleasure you’re receiving from his length and girth.
you moan, legs instinctively widening, the sensitivity of being edged mere seconds before still raging, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap. matt is also getting sloppy, his thrusts weak as he struggles to restrain his release. he still has his hand pressed firmly against your jaw, muffling all your noises as you edge close to your orgasm.
“fu-uck.” matt’s breath hitches, his eyes trained on you as he pumps in and out; he already looks fucked out, his hair sticking to his forehead. “you gonna let me make you pregnant again? huh?”
you nod, eyebrows drawing together, the pleasure overbearing. you need to cum and you need cum now. matt is still whispering dirty things in your ear is he hovers over you, the boy’s legs shaking yours. “i’m gonna cum soon, baby, okay? you’re not gonna let a drop out.”
you nod again, your whole body tensing in your effort to hold back your orgasm. you’re willing matt to hurry up, silently due to matt’s continued clamped hand, the bed creaking mercilessly.
“oh, right there.” matt groans, his orgasm now on the edge too; you can feel it in his body movements. “god, sweetheart, i’m gonna…”
he trails off, head thrown back, hand dropping from your chin as he braces himself on either side of you. “cum!”
and he does, messily but in strong waves, painting your insides white with guttural moans. and, with your mouth finally freed, you’re able to orgasm as loud as you want, your body shaking as your high rolls over you.
once you’ve both come down from your shared peaks, matt pulls out of you, using his index finger to push the cum that trailed out after him back up into you; he evidently wants that second baby more than anything, and whilst you’re exhausted looking after one, there’s nobody you’d rather have multiple kids with than the boy now collapsed by your side, panting.
in your tangle of bare skin, you caress your boyfriend’s cheek, your words a soft whisper. “i’m excited now.”
“for what?” matt raises a quizzical eyebrow, placing the hand that had been gripping your jaw roughly minutes before over yours.
“for our daughter to have a sibling, duh. if we’re not pregnant after that, then i want a refund.”
and matt’s smile in response could’ve lit up a million stars.
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atoltia · 20 days
A Feline Distraction
You head over to one of Sylus' villas in the suburbs only to find him... being yelled at by a cat?
In which Sylus got chosen by the cat distribution system.
Sylus x !femMC
Fluff, domestic fluff, a cat
You really didn't know why you came by so early.
When Sylus sent you the invitation to come to one of his villas - the same one where you sought out shelter from the rain that one time you had a mission in the suburbs - he didn't set any time, just the open message that he will be there and he does not have any work that day.
Which was his way of telling you that yes, he was aware that it is your day off and he wanted to spend the day with you. The invitation sounded innocent enough, if the man that you were thinking about wasn't Sylus. You knew very well that if you didn't go, he'd have gone to your apartment instead whether you liked it or not, and considering that Xavier just came back from one of his long missions - it might just be best if you indulged the man.
And besides, it wasn't like it was going to be unpleasant. It's a nice day out and you remember that house having a pool and a lovely garden. Maybe you could convince him to take a dip with you, clothes being optional.
And Sylus - well, it's been a few weeks since the two of you spent some time together and you do admit that you've missed the man. Besides his seemingly gruff persona, he's pleasant company to be around with (and you definitely didn't miss the way he would hold you, just keep you in his arms whenever the two of you were together. Definitely not).
So there you were, pushing through the gates of the villa while the early morning sun shone bright overhead, admiring the way the blossoms of the nearby flower bushes were blooming as the sunlight dappled through the trees.
You looked up, your lips curling into a smile when you saw him by the rose bushes, standing tall and proud with his arms folded over his chest, his face contorted into a frown -
Hm, what?
You stopped, blinked as you watched Sylus stand there beneath the shade of the nearby trees, long fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as a kitten was trying - and failing - to climb his pants leg while an open can of tuna lay undisturbed by his feet on the cobblestone walkway.
It was a pretty little thing. White, wispy fur with a cute dark spot at the top of its head covered a tiny little baby about the size of your hand. It couldn't have been more than a few weeks old, maybe a month, by your estimate.
It was stubborn though, judging from the way it kept climbing Sylus' pant no matter how much it fell, and the loud shrills of its mews was very present in that lovely morning as it desperately demanded the man's attention.
"Sy." You smiled when he looked up, those ruby, ruby eyes that were swirling with frustration mere moments ago shifted, warmth blooming into them when his gaze landed on you. He didn't move to meet you as he decided to stand his ground as his leg kept getting barraged by one tiny cat, although his arm outstretched to grasp you the moment you were within his reach.
"Hi," he murmured into your hair, twirling a lock of it between his long fingers as he pressed you to his body, careful to not agitate the still climbing kitten.
"Who's this?" you asked as you looked down at the little rascal, now chirping at the both of you. It's gotten up to his waist now, claws fully dug into the leather of his belt.
Sylus sighed, and you could see his attempt to dig for patience. "She's been trying to climb me for the past half hour now," he grumbled, his fingers tapping into the length of your back. "Like a certain kitten that's insistent on her bedtime schedule."
You laughed, brightening his day almost immediately, as you leant slightly to cup the kitten within your hand. It didn't make a fuss, but it now directed it's insistent mewing at you.
"Aren't you a pretty baby?" It wasn't lost on you the way Sylus' eyes softened as you cooed, his head tilting to the side as he shifted his bodyweight to his other foot. You bent down to the ground to where the tuna was, nudging the baby so it could eat.
Before it immediately jumped back to climb Sylus' leg.
He turned towards you.
"Do you see the problem now?"
You inhaled from your nose sharply, his eyes narrowing when he saw you struggling to keep your composure. "Wow," you exhaled as you hid your smile with the back of your hand. "Such a problem, indeed."
He clicked his tongue before drilling a finger into your side, which resulted in you being unable to hide your glee of the situation anymore as you doubled over in delight.
So hilarious was your partner's plight that you just had to lean up, used his wide shoulders as support as you stood on the tips of your toes, to give him a noisy kiss on his jaw.
The kitten mewed between you.
"Yes, yes," you chided, picking the baby back up and holding her up to his eye level. "She wants you."
"Doesn't everyone?"
"The cops certainly do."
He snorted, once again folding his arms over his massive chest as stared at the cat in your hands. It took him a few moments, but you've spent enough time with him to know that there were hundreds of thoughts circulating in that man's head as he tried to figure out the best course of action.
Yet, he sighed in defeat.
"Come here." The kitten was dwarfed within his hands, her big eyes impossibly bright as he turned her over to be cradled in his arms. The incessant mewing stopped and was already replaced by purring that could rival his motorcycle engine.
You were ecstatic.
Now within the confines of the house, the kitten went absolutely feral over the tuna that it ignored for over half an hour, making a mess of its tiny face and his marble countertops.
"What are you naming her?" you asked, your fingers gently petting the top of the cat's head.
It wasn't often that you saw Sylus to look so affronted, but to see him like that over a cat was a hilarious experience.
"I'm not keeping it."
"Why not?"
He looked at you, one wonderfully sculpted brow arched at your direction. "Do you really expect me to keep a cat?"
You raised a brow in turn. "You have Mephisto."
"Sweetie," he said, digging for patience from his already lowered supply. "He's a mechanical bird."
"His battery died once in the middle of watching me and you freaked out and came to get him yourself."
"He's my eyes on you," he insisted. "I needed him fixed immediately."
Your brow stayed lifted. "I still have video of you cradling him like a baby," you said evenly. "Or did you forget that ever happened?"
He lifted a shoulder, shrugged. "I'm merely protective of what's mine."
"Great," you said as you clasped his hand, pumped it once. "You'd do great with Sofia."
"Excuse me."
"Nice dealing with you, love." Mirth flashed in your eyes as your lips quirked with laughter.
He tugged your hand, pulled you towards his chest. Frustration mixed with amusement danced in his eyes as he leaned down and nipped your lower lip. "If that's how you proceed with negotiations, I'm going to have to sit you down for lessons."
"If it works, it works." You kissed his throat, hummed, rocked him as you stood. "I'm gonna go for a swim. Make sure you get the tuna off her face." And with a slight push, you were off him, making your merry way to the pool.
"What am I going to do with the both of you?"
You laughed, and the last thing you saw was him standing, both hands on his hips as he watched the cat.
It didn't take long for the photos to come.
Sylus wasn't averse to taking photos, certainly when it came to you considering the last time you checked his phone there were hundreds of pictures of just you.
He sent you several pictures of little Sofia with the excuse of giving you "updates" but you know full well he was as smitten with the cat as you were.
It's hilarious, really. He was a terrifying man. The mere mention of his name could make even the hardened of space criminals second thoughts. You've seen this man in combat, and even utilized his skills to aid you with your work. To the common folk, Sylus was the boogeyman that wasn't meant to be messed with lest you wanted to die.
Cats adored him.
Or at least curious about him, even with the smarmy look he always has on his damned beautiful face. Since the very first time you've met him, he'd be sending you a photo or two of random cat interactions, most of which he never invited to happen.
You remembered that one time he sent you a photo of one of his sitting rooms and asked you to find a black kitten that managed to get into his manor without anyone knowing. You had to come over and help him scour for hours because, as you found out, finding a black kitten in a room with dark furniture was nearly impossible.
And there was that other time, in the same villa where you found him being scaled by little Sofia, you two had quite a close encounter with another kitten that was stuck in his basement.
Many dates, many vacations, and you could always recall him being stopped by at least one cat and the occasional bird along the way. It was adorable, and the fact that he didn't quite agree with your assessment made it even more so. So you weren't that surprised to find him being hounded by a one month old kitten.
It became part of your morning routine. Beginning the day with cat photos was certainly a strong starting point, elevating your mood considerably. Practiced and posed, elegant photos of a quickly growing kitten graced your eyes, preparing you for a day filled with Wanderers, no doubt.
But Sylus' texts weren't the only ones you look forward to.
The moment Sylus stepped foot inside the manor in the N109 Zone, Luke and Kieran immediately added you to a group chat where they sent you all the other... media that your partner vehemently refused to send you.
The first stream of texts were several photos and videos of Sylus using his evol to help him bathe the kitten, with the front of his shirt and his hair already soaked.
And another one, a few days later which you assumed was taken from outside his bedroom window, of Sylus with his eyes closed, fingers digging deep into his biceps as Sofia and Mephisto were seemingly having an intense argument (the last photo in that set was Sylus directly looking at the window while streaks of red and black were lashing alarmingly close to the camera).
Many more photos of Sylus asleep either on his office or living room couch, fast asleep in the way you know he liked, with a cat sprawled directly on his stomach happily dozing the day away.
Kieran sent a photo of Sofia wearing a frilled collar decked out with sparkling rubies. The caption read: this cost more than six months of my salary (¬_¬")
You stifled a laugh, sending a quick reply before Captain Jenna caught you using your phone in the middle of your work hours.
You mean your allowance?
We don't get an allowance!, came the indignant reply seconds later. You get an allowance.
You grinned before sending him a crow emoji.
Your favorite one, however, was of Sylus frowning over what Luke said to be a legal document, the insult of having to read such a mediocre piece of legality plastered openly on his face all the while having a fluffy cat laying belly down on top of his snowy hair. It quickly became your phone wallpaper.
Mm. It has been a week since you last visited, and Jenna has been not so subtly pestering you to take some leave (it wasn't your fault you were a workaholic, but Jenna didn't want to hear it).
So that was that.
The sun was setting when you reached the manor, a large bag of groceries in one hand and a parcel on the other. The twins made quick work with the groceries the moment you stepped in, most likely because they knew you bought that new candy bar from Linkon City that they've been raving about for weeks.
You tried to not be too loud, as you knew Sylus would be asleep during this time of day. Soft footsteps padded on the polished hardwood floor
You remembered the first time you were given free reign to explore the manor, the amount of times you got lost amongst its many rooms, its many corridors. It used to feel so cold to you, so vast and cavernous even with the plush furniture and expensive art. No matter how many hours you've spent in front of one of the fireplaces in the many sitting rooms, no matter how many plushies you added to the bedroom he designated for you, no matter how many times you tried to make it feel like home.
It wasn't until that one night, more than a year ago now, that you felt the frost slowly dissipating. It wasn't anything special, just the two of you in the kitchen, trying to figure out what to make for dinner as the chef called in sick.
You didn't figure him being the type to know how to cook, seeing as he commanded his own business empire, but he was more than adequate. Still, you weren't about to let him do all the work. You were eating, too.
It was a mess, mostly because you two kept bickering about the recipe - with you being too stubborn to yield and him thoroughly enjoying the look of competitive frustration on your face. It wasn't fair that his reach was longer than yours, and even with your training, you couldn't take the recipe book that he held up in the air.
Cursing your hunter's training for a lack of a decent vertical jump, you landed a little bit wrong, a little to farther back than you anticipated. You remembered the surprised look on both of your faces and the sudden swishes of the black and red of his evol. A lot of cursing, a lot of pulling, and suddenly both you and him were on the floor covered in flour.
You barely registered the snickers of two voices by the doorway, didn't register the clicks and shutters of multiple photos being taken, and definitely didn't register immediately that you were on him, straddling him as the bag of flour rested on the top of your head (and yes, you still do remember the way his large hands rested protectively on your hips, which explained why you were on his lap rather than having a broken tailbone with an impact with the floor).
You two dusted yourself quickly, still bickering but with less heat, you decided to just order pizza all the while the two of you trailed flour on the floor.
It's a nice memory, one that you've come back to whenever you arrive here. And you were sure Sylus thought of it often too, considering the fact that he gives you a teasing look whenever you were in proximity of a bag of flour.
You basked in that warmth as you threaded the corridors, taking your time to get to the west wing to get to his bedroom. Opening the door as quietly as you can, you peeked it, smiled when you were met with a small mew.
Sofia laid at the foot of the bed, her tiny head raised in greeting. You shuffled in, careful to not make any noise. The parcel you carried was placed on the sofa as you secured the curtains, knowing full well that Sylus would be annoyed to wake up to open curtains.
You turned, smiled as you watched your partner just doze on the massive bed, hair mussed and squished to one side. Gone was the look of tension that he often had, the stress he carried momentarily held at bay. Taking off your coat, you moved to the bed, careful to not nudge too hard.
With one hand you patted the tiny cat's head just before you crawled beneath the covers, sighing when a strong arm reached out to wrap around your waist.
You let yourself get pulled into his warmth, get pulled into the safe and comfortable. With the utmost tenderness, you placed soft kisses on his bare chest, on his neck before nuzzling in.
It was still pretty early, you thought as the sleep was slowly overtaking you. A few hours wouldn't hurt. So long as it was with him.
Sylus woke an hour later, ruby eyes still bleary, and yet he was pleased to find himself being sandwiched by the two kittens in his life. He smiled that rare smile that was only reserved for you and sighed.
Maybe keeping the cat was a boon after all.
Listen. Sylus' Tender Curve has me in shackles.
Check out my masterlist for more Sylus fluff!
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Notes on Keeping the Children Alive, by Maedhros Feanorian
One of them tried to bite me yesterday. A spirited effort, but doomed to failure. I will teach them how to do it better– their teeth are certainly sharp enough for it.
Woke up with flowers growing through the crack in my bedroom window. I suspect this is their doing. They are not very good liars.
Letting them climb on me has proved an effective bribe for good behavior.
They appear to like being tall. (possibly related to being descended from Turgon and Thingol??)
They stopped being afraid of me faster than most adults. Am I losing my touch???
Disregard previous note. Eldritch monsters recognize each other.
Am teaching them how to make the most of their shapeshifting abilities for political intimidation. They are shaping up to be menaces. Good.
Twins are old enough to begin swordfighting, and clearly eager, regardless of what Maglor says.
I have taught the children to argue with Maglor. I am certain they will eventually wear him down.
Gave the children more blankets so they would stop using my cloak as a blanket. New blankets have been resolutely ignored.
I am sure they'll stop commandeering my coat if I ask them.
I have decided not to ask them. (They are very cute when they are asleep)
Children are now attempting to negotiate their way out of bedtime.
Small animals appear to like the children. Especially birds.
They found a kitten in the stables yesterday. They would like to keep it.
Teaching the children to argue may have been an error.
Children asked whether it was possible to have three fathers. I am uncertain why. (Thingol homophobic??)
One of the children called me "Atar" today. Definitely did not cry about it. Not even a little bit.
It appears the children were asking about three fathers because they would like to be adopted.
I informed them that two fathers was the limit, but that Maglor could be their second mother, if they like.
Kano was too stunned at being acknowledged as the children's parent to correct them about calling him "Amme." Another successful plan.
(Kano, if you're reading this, then yes, this is payback for referring to me as a "brooding drama queen" for patrolling Himring's walls, in a very un-dramatic way, like a normal, responsible lord)
(Also, you of all people do not get to criticize me for being dramatic)
The children's Quenya is finally good enough for them to start reading higher level diplomacy treatises. I couldn't be prouder.
The children have never done anything wrong, ever, in their lives. I know this and I love them.
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ennabear · 5 months
I'm begging you to write about mean!abby and reader finding a kitten in one of the buildings, Abby not letting her save the kitten but reader cries all night so Abby HAS to go back and get the kitten...
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a/n: plsss this is so cute 😭 thanks for the request baby ilysm and i may or may not have written too much about this 🤗💗💗
daily click / boycott tlou / help these families evacuate / free palestine
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abby wasn’t mean necessarily, just very strict. she knew you even better than the back of her hand, and she liked that you depended on her for everything.
hungry? ask abby to make something for you. tired? good, it’s almost your bedtime, don’t want you being cranky in the morning. can’t reach something? better go get abby to grab it for you.
so when you saw that poor kitten while walking back to your apartment, you knew you had to ask her for it. it started with you just hearing a few pleading mewls before turning around and seeing it toddling toward you.
“aww, abs, look! it’s a little kitten!” your smile growing. you were met with a cold “hmm.” from abby. “can we take it home?” you asked. “absolutely not. we don’t have room for an animal.” it was partially true. your apartment wasn’t huge, but it was a comfortable size, and you were moving soon anyways.
ignoring her, you picked it up and continued strolling beside her, cooing at it’s small size and adorable face. “did you not hear me? i said put it back.” she snapped. “don’t call it an ‘it’, abs. i think it’s a girl.”
she glared at you, unamused. “now.” you walked over to a small corner and placed her down, giving her a final pet as your eyes welled up. even if you couldn’t keep her, you at least hoped you’d see her again. maybe it would become a neighborhood cat that everybody mutually loved, everyone except abby.
you didn’t talk to her the rest of the walk home, which was short, or even meet her gaze. although you understood that she only ever tried to look out for you, sometimes she was too strict. you went to bed that night without even returning a kiss, too angry at her, too worried about the poor kitten all alone outside. scared, cold, hungry.
these thoughts continued to plague your mind, eventually causing tears to collect. you hid your face in abby’s chest and sniffled, trying not to start sobbing. “baby?” she asked, “are you alright?”
“abs… that poor kitty. it doesn’t even have a family.” you were crying now. “w-what if it gets too cold, or it gets h-hit by a car.”
abby frowned at your words. “it won’t, honey. it’s already survived this long, it can go a few more nights before someone else picks it up.”
“but it’s n-not supposed to survive on its own. someone probably left it there to die.” you were sobbing, too.
“well, we’re not taking it home. i’m sorry, hate me all you want but we don’t have time or space for a pet.” you didn’t understand how she could be so mean. you cried even harder at this, hoping, praying the cute little guy survives. you cried into her chest until eventually, sleep took you.
abby had other plans. she didn’t know you’d instantly get so attached to that cat, and she hated that now you were crying because of her. she only wanted to do what was best for you, but there was no winning this battle.
once she was sure you were asleep, she slid her shoes back on and headed outside, hoping it was stills there, even more that there was only one. to her luck, the kitten was still there, instantly jumping up and waddling toward her. it’s meows seeming louder than earlier, like it recognized her or something.
she picked it up with two hands, trying not to hold it too close in case she changes her mind about wanting to keep it. slowly, she tiptoed back inside, trying her hardest not to wake you.
her fingers raced to ask google every question she had about caring for it. things like what to feed a baby kitten or where to get kitten milk replacer or how do baby cats stay warm at night? after finding what she needed, she put the kitten in an old shoebox and carried it out to the car.
surprisingly, the kitten didn’t seem to hate the drive, it was mostly just excited to be out of a big, scary parking lot. she put the car in park, and swore to herself that she would take no longer than 10 minutes in the store.
12 minutes later, she’s back with a syringe, a tin of kitten milk replacer, a heating pad, a litter box, and a water bowl. the kitten peeks up at her after she opens it just to check in. it meows and tries to grab her hand, but she closes it too quickly and drives back home.
when you wake up, you’re surprised to see that abby is still in bed with you. usually she’s at the gym, or if not, she’s definitely started her day by this time. with hands on her sides, you roll her over to cuddle with you. “abs,” you whisper into her neck, “why are you still here?”
“i had a long night.” she responded. “and i’m sorry i made you cry, i promise the cat will be fine.”
you completely ignored the second part, “long night? no you didn’t.” how could she have had a long night? she was in bed with you the whole time, right?
“go look on the kitchen table, silly girl.” so you did. you yawned and put on your slippers, making your way out of the bedroom.
on the kitchen counter you found an old shoebox, a heating pad with a temperature remote attached to it, a soft hand towel, and a sleeping gray kitten.
tears threatened to spill again as you felt abby’s arms wrap around you, her head snuggling into your neck and whispering “surprise.”
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janumun · 5 days
Faaaaa my babyyyy, I'm here as promised. 🥺🥺 We already talked about this in dms and you seemed so interested so can you write the lads men reacting to mc's death, please pretty please
When You Are Gone [All LaDS Men - Angst Headcanons]
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Rated: SFW - Angst Tags: hurt/no comfort, poorly dealing with the death of a loved one
Summary: The LaDS men dealing with the aftermath of your death, in the heartbreaking messages they leave in your voicemail almost regularly even long after you’re gone, in an effort to cope with your loss.
Author’s Notes : Hey darling, absolutely! Here you go. Hope you enjoy (?). 😭 This headcanon’s a bit differently formatted because I was inspired by the game’s speech to text function. 
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TW: knowingly putting oneself in danger, mortally wounded Sylus, insomnia, mild spoilers for Razor’s Grip ASMR 
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Hey there! You’ve reached my voicemail, which is a rare occurrence. That either means I do not know recognize your caller ID. Orrrr you are a certain infuriating Boss Man, trying to calling me up at all ungodly hours of the night again. Whoever you are, leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back to you ASAP.  
A heavy snort of sour laughter rolls past bruised lips, to hear the familiar automated sound of your voice playing on the other end of the line; one Sylus does not tire of no matter how many times he’s heard it. A thick, punishing burst of pain fractures across his torso when he chokes up on the blood gurgling within his throat.  
Sylus reaches to curb the sound within a bloodied fist, clearing his throat to speak once more. 
I suppose I did deserve all your reprimands, seeing as I am still calling you way past your bedtime, kitten.  
His voice lowers an octave, slow, gentle.   
I hope you’re having a good dream. 
I’m only calling because you told me to let you know anytime I’d be away on a risky mission. A hushed chuckle sounds on the other end of the line.  
You'd practically ordered it of me — do you remember?  
The night when you grabbed me by the lapels and asked me to not make a deal all on my own, ever again. That you worried for me whenever I was gone and you wanted to know the next time I planned on taking a mission, of this caliber. 
You’d willingly walked back to me and since then, I have always made space for you, just like you’ve wanted. 
I’ve kept up my end of our bargain.  
A guttural moan of pain sounds through the otherwise quiet of the night.  
These wounds of mine... functioning without sleep for this long, and a poor decision made on my end, the combination was bound to have consequences.  
His chuckles knell throaty, labored. 
And now, all I wish to do is sleep.  
A lengthy silence follows after, making one believe the user on the other end of the line might’ve cut the call. Or fallen asleep in exhaustion of his wounds, like he said.  
Before that gentle burr of his sounds once more. 
You know I can’t die, sweetie, unfortunate as that is in this moment.  
But I do have a wish for when my body inevitably loses its awareness for the short time it takes to recuperate.  
I hope, Sylus’s voice softens. that when I close my eyes this time, I get to see you in my dreams.  
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TW: allusions to embalming a body long after death, mentions of a protocore heart that continues to function even after the host’s death, denial of grief 
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Hi, you’ve reached my voicemail. I am currently unavailable but drop me a message and I’ll get back to you, stat. 
A quiet insouciant voice — the clearing of a throat — begins on the other end of the line.  
Akso Hospital Log 171, the time right now is 4:17 AM. The host’s heart continues to function, although its less-than-optimal cardiac output remains at 1L per min. A pulse rate of 13 beats per min has been documented today. A slight decrease from its value yesterday, recorded at 17 beats per minute.  
A brief pause. 
Does it bother you to hear me speak of you this way? I’m sorry. A mere force of habit on my part. You are my patient, after all. Documentation must be precise, and to the point, for our research to progress, if we are to have even a sliver of a chance at resuscitating your heart.  
I have hope we will succeed; I will do my utmost as a doctor so that we may save you.  
Another pregnant pause. 
Do you too think I am foolish for my efforts?  
Greyson accosted me in the hallways tonight after my scheduled surgery and he seemed so... incensed. For being unable to give up on you, for crossing a line, to not get overtly attached to any of our patients, he said it was a clear violation of our Oath and called it my professional failing. And afterwards... he implored that I give up now.  
Someone once asked me, long ago: if I would go beyond death to try and bring back the person I loved, were they to pass away. And I answered that I would not, a desecration of the dead is not something I’d wish to do. Or wish upon the deceased. I would rather divert all my efforts to ensuring they would live, that their heart would continue to beat healthy.  
So, in retrospect, it is Greyson who’s strange in expecting my willing defeat, without having even tried to the best of my capabilities. Not when your heart still continues to beat. 
I do, however, miss you... very much, even though hope remains in my heart. 
When the day comes that you wake up, I hope you do not have to suffer like this, ever again. 
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TW: gradual loss of vision, self-blame 
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Hi, hello! I’m unable to answer your call at the moment but hey, feel free to drop me a voice message and I’ll get back to you soon. Bye-bye! 
A sharp inhale; as if the person on the other end of the line is wracked by sudden, vicious pain.  
Before the sound smoothens out, as if it had never been. An airy voice begins, although the nonchalant inflection to his tone sounds odd, all wrong — a fact the recipient of the voicemail would’ve been able to parse instantly, were they still around. 
Hey cutie! It’s me again, your favorite person in the entire world.  
Sorry about that earlier, I always get a bit startled whenever I hear you say good-bye in that crazy adorable voice.  
Since y’know, the very last time we met, you never told me you were leaving. 
Silence descends.  
It really feels like it’s been another 800 years, I fear the fish will actually start flying and the whales will start walking this time.  
Only, I don’t think you’re coming back this time, are you?  
My bride can be so cruel sometimes. 
A humorless laugh.  
Anyyyyway, I’m dropping a voice note today because my eyesight’s been acting up a bit lately so I can’t really leave you a text like I usually do.  
And before you scold me about it, I know I’m not supposed to be painting this long but I’m close to completing this new painting of you and I can’t rest until it’s done and dusted.  
Don’t hate me for it, pretty? 
A pleased, wistful sound.  
I really wish you were here so I could show it to you right now.  
A strident crash sounds in the background of the caller as paintbrushes overturn along with a color palette; garnet red and deep purple staining his floor a macabre color Rafayel cannot perceive in that moment.  
Whoa, now that’s gonna leave a mess from the sounds of it.  
Whatever, I’ll clean it up later once I get my sight back.  
The point is, cutie, I’ll share a snap of the completed painting with you once it’s done.  
Be prepared to be absolutely blown. So dazzled you fall head over heels in love with me. 
And then perhaps... return, if you like it and me enough.  
His sigh is steeped in mild vexation.  
Waiting hurts.  
Having you not remember our time together, in every lifetime we meet, hurts. It really is all your fault, you know.  
A soft, disgruntled moue you can hear within his words.  
But I hope, in our next life, we don’t cross paths.  
That way, you won’t be forced to sacrifice yourself for my sake, ever again, you silly girl.  
A throttled sound; it almost sounds like a wretched moan of pain.  
I don’t want our bond to shackle you down anymore so I think... I’ll let you go now.  
A human like you far suits the sun, not being saddled down below within turbulent seas. 
So, this will be our final farewell now. 
The words nearly scraped free of his throat on a rasped sound.  
Goodbye, my beloved bride. 
I loved— 
Beep. Your message has been recorded and sent.  
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TW: very brief traumatic remembrance of your demise 
Hi hi! You’ve reached the ever-diligent Miss Hunter’s voicemail. I’m probably out on a mission right now so I’m unable to respond but I’ll get back to you ASAP if you drop me a message instead!  
A soft chuckle warms the air in fond recollection to hear your voice. The knot of Caleb’s brow furrowing deeper as he tries to imprint that cheery voice into his skull to overwrite the sounds of your pained screams still knelling within his ears.  
Before he clears his throat to begin.  
Hello to you too, pipsqueak.  
It’s your 25th birthday today and I thought I’d record this little memento for us. 
Happy Birthday, my tiny hurricane of disaster. I really miss you, you know, even if you don’t seem to.  
He chuckles in resignation. 
I should’ve let you bother me more often if I knew you were going to be this terrible at keeping in touch with your best friend later.  
We really didn’t have much time together once I returned from my posting abroad. Work kept you so busy.  
I should’ve scolded you more often about taking appropriate breaks in between missions. God.  
A gentle laugh resounds on the other end of the line. 
Reprimanding you like a dad used to be Zayne’s job among us three, not mine.  
The tiniest of fractures slip into his voice. 
Anyway, I’ve kept to my side of the bargain we made while I was away from Linkon; to leave you regular voice messages about my day and I guess the habit’s just... stuck.  
I visited the grocery store earlier to shop for ingredients to whip up your favourite parmesan risotto tonight.  
It was almost like you were with me, you know.  
With each item I passed by; from the strawberries you love to inhale to your favourite cola displayed, front and center, within their fridge. I almost picked one up for you before I— 
He visibly halts himself, his breathing somewhat erratic. Before he resumes once more. 
That nice kid you’re friendly with was manning the counter today and he recognized me almost instantly. All thanks to being towed around the Supermart with you, no doubt. 
He even gave me a nice discount on the items when I told him I was whipping up a birthday dinner for you.  
A short pause. 
The risotto was pretty good, if I do say so myself. I wish you could’ve tasted it too.  
Sorry I didn’t bake a birthday cake for you this year because it’s just me in the house now. 
I don’t have a certain cute girl, with a crazy sweet tooth, to eat it with me and you know I’m not really fond of sweets.  
His voice drops into a hushed sound, wrought with emotion. 
Time flew by so fast. It seems like only yesterday when we were both kids, huddled around a coffee table with you trying your best to blow out the candles on the cake Grandma baked for us on your birthday.
He laughs softly.
You had a difficult time growing up because of your heart but you were always so brave.  
I wish I could’ve spoiled you more often. If only I knew then that our time together would be so short.  
His voice breaks into a slight tremor.  
Your Caleb really misses you... every day of my excruciating life. 
But... I hope that now... wherever you are, you aren’t in pain anymore. 
If there is a life after this one, I hope you let me find you in it, too. 
I love you, little spitfire.  
End of voice message. 
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TW: space travel, personal logging of a journey, self-imposed isolation and neglect
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Hi there, you’ve reached my voicemail as I’m unable to attend your call at the moment. Leave a message after the beep and I’ll be sure to get back to you soon! 
Hi to you too, angel.  
It’s been a while since I’ve left you a message, hasn’t it?  
I’m sorry, I’ve been facing some turbulence anomalies ever since my ship hit the Bode’s galaxy so I’ve been a bit occupied.  
Where were we last time?  
Ah, I told you how Jeremiah’s shop has been thriving on Earth lately, because I remembered you saying you wanted to know how he was doing the last time we spoke.  
You never got the chance to see for yourself after.  
He pauses.  
I didn’t want to tell you at the time because you and Jeremiah really seemed to be growing close as friends and that bothered me.  
Forgive me? 
A shift of gears sounds within the quiet interior of the spaceship as Xavier adjusts a few controls.  
I know these logs will never reach you but I still want to talk to you about our journey.  
I never...  
His voice drops; the sliver of a whisper.  
got to show you this small planet I found while out on my travels, a long time ago. I named it Uluru. It’s a red rock planet, you see.  
I told you about it once and you said you’d really like to go see it someday. “Xavier’s own planet,” you said.  
I think you were teasing me then. But I wanted to tell you, it’s not just Xavier’s planet but “Xavier and MC’s little planet”.  
I didn’t have the chance to show it to you while you were still— 
A violent catch of breath followed by a soft curse, cleaves through the quiet. 
A low exhale before that quiet voice picks up once more. 
Uluru is reaching the end of its life soon after all these lightyears and I wanted to go together with you to see our planet one last time before it died.  
As for what I’ll do after...  
A pause and a thoughtful hum, follows. 
I think I’ll stay there once I’ve witnessed its demise.  
Earth no longer has any springs for me to return to now that you’re gone and Philos — well I can’t return to that place anymore.  
So, I think I’ll stay, among the ruins of the place that was supposed to be our home.  
With you. 
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End Notes: Thank you for reading! I know many of us wept about how we wished for God to take all of Zayne’s pain and give it to us instead so here I am, happy to do exactly that. 😇 Happy Zayne story branch release, y’all. 
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated if you are so inclined, lovelies!
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You can also find me on Ao3 and twitter, if you’d like to chat or just squeal with me about hot characters, in general.
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zil-street · 3 months
Human John headcanon time!
Gets tired very quickly after gaining a body.
Wears a wooden ring on his left pinky.
Very loud.
Will still narrate things when he’s walking next to Arthur, and occasionally does this with other people when Arthur isn’t around.
Can still see through Arthur’s eyes if he concentrates really hard, this gives him a headache though.
Look at him hard enough and sometimes things will feel off, like his shadow is moving while he is just sitting still.
Got drunk with Noel one time and then never again because the hangover was the worst pain he had felt in a while (he had one drink).
Very clingy not just with Arthur but also Noel and eventually Oscar. Will just kinda drape himself over them whether they’re standing or sitting.
Loves gossip about people he doesn’t know.
All the little old ladies in the neighborhood love him because he’s quite the strapping young man. At least five of them say he’s just like their grandson.
For his first meal he ate way too much and got stomach cramps, even though he didn’t really like half the stuff he was eating. Next morning Arthur gave him bread and butter and that was a much better start to the whole food thing.
Really quiet when walking and scares the shit out of other people because they hadn’t realized he was in the room. Arthur is the only person this doesn’t affect.
Ambidextrous because he kept forgetting which hand he was supposed to be writing with.
John keeps a daily diary because a part of him is scared to forget anything about his life and he doesn’t trust that some weird eldritch being *cough* Kayne *cough* won’t mess with his memory.
John is a bit mischievous and goofy around people he knows well but will snap into “normal person” mode when he’s around others. Noel finds this hilarious, Arthur does not.
Never sits in chairs properly, and somehow ends up half lying down (for exceptions see the above headcanon)
Faroe specific:
He will describe her puppy dog eyes to Arthur whenever she wants something.
Carries her around everywhere, and lets her hang off his arm.
90% of the time something she hasn’t experienced neither has he so they both gang up on Arthur trying to convince him to let them go do something.
She likes his voice so Arthur and John alternate reading her bedtime stories.
Has a list of hard ‘no’s from Arthur on what he can or cannot buy for Faroe. Otherwise she’d have two puppies and three kittens by now.
Both Faroe and Arthur will occasionally fall asleep while leaning against him. One time both of them at the same time. He was overly cheerful about this and sat way too still for multiple hours.
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pedge-page · 8 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife # 8- Drama Queen
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Can be read with others in series or alone
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Warnings: allusions to sex, mostly fluff and comedy
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Its been a pretty quiet evening, and with you home, thats saying something. Joel's minding his business watching Tv when you come plopping down next to him on the couch. He doesn't acknowledge you.
So you scoot over and sigh heavily. Still No reaction from the male.
You feint a yawn and snuggle your head on his shoulder. He smiles a little, but doesn't look at you. You rub affectionately like a kitten.
Take the hint, you stupid hunk.
Your pretty manicured hand creeps on his thigh, stroking up and down senually with delicate fingertips.
He knows where this is going, but he won't entertain you. He coughs a little, bored, and continues scrolling channels. Wants to see how far you'll go to get what you want.
As if on cue, you persist. Wrapping your arm over his broad shoulders, hitching your knee awkwardly on his thigh despite the baby in your belly squirming at the uncomfortable angle. You playfully boop his nose, giggling like a flirt. He purses his lips, but nothing else.
You stare at his profile, that unique Joel Miller look of concentration. Handsome and stoic—that little shithead.
You're teasingly rubbing your fingers through his scruff, twisting gently as a massage.
You bring your lips and kiss him kindly on the cheek. Something sweet. Innocent. Then again, but a little longer. Then some more, peppered down his jaw, along his pulse. Heated and wetter. Growing more needy and nipping his ear, making little happy moans as your hand continues to wander over his legs, tip toeing to his crotch.
Joel sighs, finally looking at you. "There a reason you're trying to get me turned on, ma'am?"
"Mmm," you hum, biting your lip and staring his plump ones. You crawl closer, breasts smashed against his bicep as you lick your lips, tongue peaking out with lusty eyes trying to put him under your best charm. Yesyesyes give it to me, Fucker!
"I want a Big—" you kiss his nose "—Messy—" teeth nip at his lower lip "—Hot—" you peck him teasingly, sucking his flesh in your mouth so he knows you mean business. Then you stare down at him with your serious eyes, foreheads pressing,
"—Fudge Cookie Dough Chocolate Gooey Fantasy Milkshake with extra Rainbow Sprinkles from Clyde's Creamery."
Yeah. He knew exactly this is where this was going.
He cracks a warm smile, cupping your jaw and parting your lips with his thumb. You suck it into your mouth, hoping to please him. Just as hes about to kiss you, he leans in and says, "No. Its 11pm. Bedtime."
You get off his lap with a cold shoulder and a scoff, proceeding to ignore him for the rest of the night.
Hes evens surprised when you go to bed still silent, facing away from him without a kiss goodnight when you turn off your lamp.
Until it's 2am when he's startled awake by the sound of the the front door opening. He's storming downstairs trying not to trip, and haphazardly throwing a shirt on backwards while in his boxers, only to see you with a packed bag, hand dramatically caressing  your bump with fake ass tears down your cheek going outside to the car.
"Where the FUCK are you going??" He asks, rubbing his eyes. Aggravation and rough exhaustion evident in his tone.
"You said you didn't love me, so I'm leaving," you huff. There's no hint of a joke in your words. Genuine pain. Hurt. Quiet and walking away. You dont wait to see his reaction and without another word, you turn to leave.
Hes so whiplashed, wracking his brain trying to remember any time he even remotely could have said something like that and you interpret it—
"I SAID YOU COULDN'T HAVE A HOT FUDGE COOKIE DOUGH CHOCOLATE GOOEY FANTASY MILKSHAKE because it was FUCKING 11PM AND CLOSED! Now get your fat beautiful ass and our baby back in here and dont ever pull this stupid stunt again!"
You scowl at him, preventing any physical reaction of your internal swooning he thinks my ass is pretty. You hold your ground and refuse to move from your position, defiant, in flip flops and a long nightgown on the front porch at 2am.
Joel furrows his brows and closes his eyes, soothing over the wrinkles you've caused to grow on his forehead.  "Fuck. I'll get you one tomorrow morning for breakfast. Okay?"
You smile giddily and skip back inside "Okie!" You step past him drop your shit on the couch, kissing him on the cheek. "Dont forget the extra rainbow sprinkles."
He grunts, glad that it's dark enough in the house you can't see how exhausted and annoyed he is.
"Oh and close the door, Joel! You'll wake the neighbors with your unnecessary shouting bit. Dramatic much?" You scoff, and waddle up the stairs and right to bed like nothing happened.
Tommy also has access to your ring camera notifications and sees Joel and you out there and the whole conversation, and he's laughing so hard when he watches the playback. He teases grumpy exhausted Joel the next morning, conveniently with a to-go milkshake in his hand at 8am.
"Softy for your girl?"
"Shut up."
"And when you have the baby, then there's gonna be two of her!" Tommy wheezes.
Joel's saggy and wrinkled eyes manage to open wider than ever as that particular horror sets over him.
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Dr. Stevens and His Sugar Baby
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Warnings: SMUT, Sugar Daddy Erik, Daddy Dom Erik
Part 7.1
Erik and Sienna spent their Saturday out on the town. They hopped on the back of his sports bike and he gave her a spare helmet to put on. They zoomed through the streets of San Francisco and kicked off their day of fun with a trip to the Museum of Modern Art. Erik and Sienna took a couple of selfies before walking hand in hand towards the museum. There was an exhibition for a South African visual artist named Zanele Muholi. Muholi calls attention to violence and trauma enacted on queer people while celebrating their beauty and resilience. It provided an opportunity for the Bay Area audiences to experience the full range of the artist’s expansive project.
It was powerful and beautiful all at the same time. Erik held Sienna’s hand as they walked around the exhibit admiring all of the visual art. Erik was a fan of Zanele Muholi and he met her during a trip to South Africa during an art event there. Sienna wondered who Erik didn’t know because he’d been to many places and met so many high profile individuals. Erik introduced Sienna to Zanele and they spoke for some time before she was whisked away.
After exploring the exhibit, they left to grab some lunch before Erik surprised her with floor seats to a basketball game. They finished their lunch and headed back to the condo where Erik fucked Sienna’s brains out before they could even make it into the door. They’d been flirting and teasing each other all day and Erik couldn’t take it anymore. 
Whenever that happened, he needed to be inside of Sienna right that instant. Imagine how hard it was to control his urges whenever they’d been apart due to their schedules. He could get in that pussy every which way and on any surface he pleased now. He bent her over, pulled her jeans and panties to her ankles, and stuffed her full of big dick from behind. She braced herself against the wall and her mewling had him going crazy in that pussy.The jeans she wore fit her ass so nice he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her all day. 
Sienna tried to behave herself for the sake of the museum date, but Erik dressed in a leather moto jacket, with his locs in a ponytail turned her on strong. She would brush her ass against the crotch of his leather biker pants whenever she passed him to elicit a groan from him. Truthfully, she still wasn’t over the previous night. That bed was a mess with their mixed fluids. Erik made Sienna cum before she could even step foot inside of the condo and soon after Erik was shooting his load deep inside her pussy. 
They spent the rest of the early evening getting ready for the game. Erik wanted to drive his motorcycle again but Sienna decided to wear a dress. He drove his Lexus and they met up with Apollo and Kitten. Sienna had never been to a pro basketball game and she never had interest in the sport before. Being surrounded by people with money and popularity made her feel a little out of place. Erik held onto her the entire night. At least she had Kitten to talk to whenever Apollo and Ignus got into the game. They all had Korean BBQ afterwards and Sienna was getting sleepy. Too much fucking and moving about drained her. Erik sensed this and they left to get some rest.
It’s Sunday now and Sienna was fast asleep in a T-shirt with no panties. She was sleeping on her stomach with her hands tucked beneath the pillow. Erik had already woken up to go to the gym for an early session. He returned and wasn’t surprised to find Sienna still snoozing. He took off his athletic shoes, socks, Nike sweatband, and iwatch. Erik silently walked over to his bed and looked down at Sienna’s sleeping frame. He loved watching her sleep. Erik strokes her cheek with a single finger before taking that same hand to lift the sheets.
Peeking underneath, he could see that she had no bottoms on. Good girl. That’s one of his rules. When it’s bedtime, Sienna sleeps with no panties or sleep bottoms to give her daddy better access whenever he wants it. And he was craving it badly. Erik left to take a brisk shower and when he returned in his naked glory, Sienna was on her back now. Erik gently pulled the sheets back to her feet and he lifted the hem of the T-shirt she wore. There, sitting fat was his favorite pussy. 
Erik thumbed her pussy lips softly while staring at her sleeping face. She started shifting in the bed, eyebrows pinched together and her bottom lip pouted. He took his finger to slip between her pussy lips and feel on her clit. She was nice and slick for him. Sienna opened her eyes and looked up at him with the cutest, sleepy expression he’d ever seen. Erik simply smiled at her before bringing his finger to his mouth and sucking her juices off. 
“Good morning, baby girl.”
“Morning, daddy.” Sienna said with a sleep laden voice. 
“Did you sleep well?”
Sienna nodded her head.
“I went to the gym. I needed a good workout.”
Sienna stretched and Erik’s eyes dropped down between her legs.
“I bet you’re exhausted,” Sienna said before yawning.
“Nah. I’m actually energized.” Erik replied.
He stroked her left thigh. 
“Baby…I want some pussy.” Erik declared. 
He wasn’t asking. He was telling.
“Daddy, I already know you do,” Sienna sat up on her elbows, “I was just waiting for you to take it.”
She dragged her bare foot over Erik’s rock hard abs. Erik seized her foot in his hand and brought his lips down to kiss her pretty toes. Sienna bites her lip when Erik’s kisses travel towards her thigh. 
“Maybe you can pass some of that energy onto me through that big dick,” Sienna whispered seductively, “I could use it.”
“Oh yeah, little mama? Are you sure you can keep up with me?”
“I’m sure. Are you sure you can handle this good pussy so early in the morning?” 
“I can handle that pussy whenever, baby. Just put it on me…”
Sienna laying on her back, Erik pushing her thighs back and slid two fingers past her opening until his digits were sucked in by her walls. Erik leans over Sienna and he lifts her shirt to reveal her breasts. Like always, they’re hard and begging to be sucked. He wrapped his lips around a stiff nipple and yanked. Sienna moaned into his ear softly. Erik sucked her nipples back and forth and then he sat back on his knees to watch her face while he fingered her. 
“You’re always so creamy for me…listen to that…so juicy…”
Sienna tugged on her nipples. 
“I’m gonna squirt like that…”
“You know I love it when you do it…”
“That’s it…make a mess all over me…”
Sienna squeaked and as if a damn broke her pussy squirted all over his hand and created a puddle between them. Erik would press his fingers against her spot and each time a tiny stream of liquid would spray from her pussy like a spitting fountain. Erik looked at his fingers when he withdrew them and it was dripping wet and covered in her slime. Erik used that hand to fist his dick. 
He lined his tip up with Sienna’s pretty pink puss and sank inside with a long hiss billowing from his lips. Sienna twisted her head and moaned. Erik immobilized her legs so that they were wide open and touching the bed. He looked Sienna in the eyes and his hips were pistoning in and out of her. The bed was firm but Sienna’s body did all the bouncing. Erik was up on his tip toes and balls deep. 
“Fuck me,” Sienna gasped, “Fuck me like that…”
Her skin was covered in goosebumps and at the pit of her stomach was a tightness that could only mean one thing. She was about to cum. Already? Sienna accepted the powerful feeling and hot tears rolled into her hairline.
“Who couldn’t handle this pussy in the morning?” Erik taunts.
He wasn’t through with her yet. He still needed his nut. Erik had her pinned against the mattress with her ankles in his grip. He knocked her walls down like a wrecking ball. 
“Oh my god! I can’t stop cumming!” 
Sienna dug her nails into Erik’s arms with how hard she clung to him. 
Erik pressed his body against hers and buried his face in her neck. He went from fucking her hard to fucking her with sharp thrusts that yielded. He would go deep and sit there, withdraw his hips slow to the tip, and then BAM! He was right back inside with another toe curling stroke. Sienna bites his shoulder and her nails claw his back.
“I love the way your pussy just fits around my dick, baby…”
“I’m gonna cum so deep in this pussy, princess…”
His words mixed with his stroke was too much.
“You ready for this nut?” Erik asked aggressively in her ear.
“Here it comes…mmmmm—”
His hips went out of control and after five more deep thrusts that had Sienna crying out Erik pulled out and  he came all over her stomach. He put it back in and slow stroked her while they kissed. Eventually, Erik slipped his dick out. Sienna sat up and tried to stretch her stiff muscles but Erik sat behind her and massaged the knots out of her shoulders and upper back. 
Sienna went to take a shower while Erik got dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. He put on a pair of slippers and left the room to get a head start on breakfast. He opened the fridge to grab everything and the bottle of champagne from Friday night to make mimosas. Sienna arrived dressed in a pair of gray yoga shorts and a white crop top with her braids styled in a high bun. She jumped in to help Erik with the waffle batter
“Focus,” Erik wipes batter from the tip of his nose, “Silly girl…”
Sienna was in a playful mood. She was showing a side of herself that lets Erik know how much of a fun-loving person she is. He had to chase her around the kitchen a couple of times and pic her up over his shoulder. 
“Behave!” Erik popped her on the booty, “You just want my full attention.”
Erik put her down and kissed her lips. He finished making the waffles and then he moved onto the eggs. Sienna sipped her mimosa and decided to cut up some strawberries. The food was nearly done. Erik had just finished the grits when Sienna started shaking her ass on his crotch. 
She sat up straight and gave him an innocent smirk.
“You asking for a spanking, girl. Do you not see me at this hot stove?” Erik fussed.
“Fine, I’ll behave…for now.”
Erik narrowed his eyes playfully at her and then his hand reached out and he slapped her on the ass hard. Sienna reached back to cover her butt with a pout of her bottom lip. 
“Expect more of that if you keep trying me. Why don’t you grab some plates for us and set the table on the balcony?”
Sienna went to set the table while Erik made sure everything was ready in serving bowls. He made more mimosas since Sienna had drunken hers down. She returned with a bright smile. 
“Can I have a kiss, daddy?”
Of course Erik wasn’t going to deny his baby girl a kiss. He smirked at her with a single dimple deep in his cheek and grabbed her by the chin before pressing his lips into hers.
“I’m gonna go use the bathroom and I'll come back.” 
She turned to leave and on her way out she bent over and made her ass bounce for Erik before walking away. He shook his head at her while carrying some of the food out to the balcony. It was a nice sunny day to eat and enjoy the weather. 
On his way back in, there was a knock to Erik’s door. He halted his footsteps in the living room to make sure he’d heard it.
Knock knock knock. 
“Did I order something?” 
With a crease in his brow, Erik strolled over to his door. He leaned in to look through his peephole and his face went blank. He stood at his full height slowly and tightened his jaw. His onyx eyes searched the area for any sign of Sienna.
Knock knock knock 
Erik wrapped his fingers firmly around the door handle and after a few meditating breaths to calm his frustration, Erik unlocked the door and cracked it open. His eyes zeroed in on the unexpected guest and he didn’t hide his anger. 
She smirked at him mischievously. 
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Sienna made her way down the steps of Erik’s condo with a skip like she was Dorothy in a whimsical garden. She paused abruptly when she heard a mellow voice she didn’t recognize. Sienna back tracked and leaned over the top railing to catch a glimpse of who it could be. Her brown eyes fell upon a petite woman with tawny-brown skin, bouncy shiny black hair, and playful eyes. She’s dressed in a white fitted blouse, a pair of boyfriend jeans rolled at the ankles, and nude Louboutin pumps. 
Before he could even say anything else, she entered his apartment and brushed past Erik like she was welcomed in. He blew air through his flared nostrils and cut his eyes at her like she was his mortal enemy.
“You shouldn’t be here, Faith…”
Faith’s eyes were searching high and low.
“Where’s your girlfriend? Smells like you’ve been cooking.” 
Sienna narrowed her eyes at Faith’s remark.
“What do you want, Faith? You can’t just come here unannounced.” Erik spoke with frustration.
“I was in the neighborhood doing a bit of shopping so I figured I’d stop by to see how you were doing,” Faith turned around to face him, “How’s life treating you?”
“Great.” Erik replied.
“Still that busy surgeon I see. Can’t be too busy if you’re making time for your new girlfriend.” 
Erik pinched the bridge of his nose and clenched his jaw. 
“No, actually. You were at lunch the other day. A friend of mine saw the two of you.” 
“Listen, Faith. What I do and who I see now has nothing to do with you anymore. We’re divorced. I don’t owe you an explanation—”
“She’s young, isn’t she?”
Sienna rolled her eyes. Of course she would take it there.
“I think it’s time for you to go.” 
Sienna watched as Erik opened his door and waited with a hard glare at Faith. Faith chuckled and shouldered her LV bag before taking purposeful slow strides to his door. She looked around her one last time before stopping in front of Erik. She placed a hand against his solid chest and proceeded to drag it down his body but Erik caught her roaming hand in a firm grip. 
“No. You don’t get to do that. Manipulate me…”
“That young pussy has your mind all twisted. What do you expect to happen between you two, Erik? Marriage? A family? What do you even have in common? What would people think?—”
“How’s Brian doing?” 
Faith yanked her hand away from Erik. She turned her gaze towards her heeled feet.
“You never made time for me. You worked so much and created distance between us. All I wanted was to feel loved…”
“So you fucked some other dude to fill that void? Faith…I’ve heard this shit time and time again. Don’t come back here, understand? You gotta go…”
Sienna could hear the hurt in Erik’s voice. Faith really broke his heart when she cheated. And to show up like this and say what she said about Sienna after what she did? Sienna’s inner dialogue compelled her to stay where she was because if she didn’t…
“I still love you, Erik,” Faith said between sniffles, “I was lonely—”
“Faith,” Erik said her name with a warning behind his tone, “Leave—”
Sienna’s eyes bugged out when Faith pressed her lips against Erik’s. Erik broke the kiss with anger and that’s when Sienna descended the stairs. Erik heard her footsteps and he looked down at Faith before his eyes met Sienna’s. From her body language and expression, he knew she’d heard everything. Sienna and Faith were staring each other down like they were two predators ready to strike. 
“So, this is her?” Faith pointed at Sienna, “Really, Erik?”
“Weren’t you dismissed?” Sienna fired back. 
“Baby girl,” Erik held out a hand to calm her down, “It’s okay, she’s leaving—”
“Where did you find this one?! Some club?!”
“Didn’t he find you at a bar crying over your drink?”
Faith cocked her head to the side and tried to walk up on Sienna but Erik held her back.
“How dare you!? You’re nothing! He’s not serious about you, little girl!”
Erik’s voice bounced off of the walls like Zues from Mount Olympus. Both Faith and Sienna were shaken. His chest puffed out and his hands were clenched into fists. With flared nostrils and a penetrating stare between them both, Erik cut his eyes at Faith and pointed a thick finger at her.
“Leave. Now.” 
Faith fumbled with her LV bag while fighting back tears. She walked out of the apartment and turned to look at Erik but he slammed the door in her face. Sienna hadn’t been in an altercation in a while so the adrenaline pumping through her body shocked her. Erik lowered his head with shame after locking his door. 
“I’m so sorry,” Erik said.
Sienna watched as he finally looked over at her with embarrassment. 
���She was rude and out of order.” Sienna said.
“Yes.” Erik responded, “it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let her in.”
“It’s not your fault, Erik. I heard everything and saw everything. You weren’t wrong.”
Sienna walked up to Erik and lifted his chin so he could look at her. She smoothed some of his locs out of his face and stared into his eyes.
“I love you.” Erik said.
“I love you too.”
Sienna kissed his cheek and Erik wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in. 
“This was such a nice moment between us before she came here. I gotta make it up to you.” Erik whispered into Sienna’s ear.
“I’ll think of something later. Let’s go eat before the food gets cold.”
Sienna leads Erik out onto the balcony and they take a seat at the table. Erik gives Sienna a smile from across the table while filling up his plate. 
Sienna enjoyed her food while her mind replayed the events that happened. Faith’s words lingered on her mind. Stealing glances at her man from across the table, she wondered what the future holds for them. Sienna didn’t want to think that Erik would grow tired of her. The thought alone pained her. Erik could feel her eyes on him and he looked up through the curtain of locs and shook his head to move them away. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” He whispered.
Sienna gave him a half shrug, “Nothing.”
Erik placed his fork and knife on his plate and licked his lips.
“What’s on your mind?” He questioned.
“It’s nothing, really,” Sienna cut into her waffle.
“Does this have anything to do with Faith?”
Sienna shook her head but Erik could see her eyes welling up.
“Baby,” Erik stood up and crouched down next to her, “What is it?”
He rubbed her back and Sienna exhaled a shaky breath. She turned in her chair to face him and Erik grabbed both of her hands. 
“Talk to me.” 
“I don’t want you to get tired of me.” Sienna finally said with a whimper in her voice.
Erik exhaled and his shoulders slumped.
“Look at me, Sienna,” Erik commanded. He made his voice softer, “I could never get tired of you. The way I feel about you…I’ve never felt. I’m not saying that because it sounds nice, I’m saying it because I fucking mean it. You’re the first woman to ever make me feel this love so deep…I would never sabotage that. I would never grow sick of that feeling…baby…you never have to worry…”
Sienna’s tears rolled down her cheeks. This intense love she felt for Erik made her body shiver. It was love so deep she could feel it in her nerves. It was love so intense that it scared her. 
“It’s not even about the sex it’s–it’s so much deeper than that with you. Being around you brightens my day. Being around you I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. Don’t you ever doubt that, hear me?”
“Yes,” Sienna sniffled.
“Come here,” Erik picked Sienna up and she wrapped her legs around him, “Fuck Faith. Fuck what she said, baby.”
They swayed side to side while tightly clinging to each other. Erik’s heart pounded against his rib cage and he buried his face into Sienna’s neck. 
“You’re my girl?” Erik asked
“Yes,” Sienna replied.
“Forever?” Erik asked.
“Yes,” Sienna sniffled
“Give me a kiss.”
Sienna lifted her face from Erik’s neck and pressed her soft lips against his plump ones. They tongued each other down while Erik held her up with his hands beneath her ass. Sienna broke the kiss and smiled at Erik with puffy eyes.
“Keep smiling, that’s what I wanna see,” Erik nibbled on Sienna’s neck, “Now, can we finish this good food?!”
Sienna giggled, “Yes, I’m so hungry.” 
Erik put Sienna down and she sat back in her seat while he took his place across from her. They laughed and picked up their glasses, toasting to what the future holds for them before enjoying their brunch with a great view.
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Doctor Stevens finished off the last of his Liquid IV before entering the hall from his office. He was running a little behind schedule, so he took long strides to OR 4 so he could get started on a joint fusion case. Once there, a good friend and colleague of his, DeMarcus Abrams; an Anesthesiologist Assistant, greeted him while gowning up for the case. 
“Erik, what’s up man?” 
DeMarcus tilted his chin up in greeting since he was already dressed in sterile gear. 
“Marcus! How’s it going, bro? Been a while since I’ve seen you here.” Erik replied.
“Been good, man. I know, I picked up a shift here. You know I’m in between working here and UCSF Medical Center.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about all of that. How’s married life treating you?”
DeMarcus blew out his cheeks and laughed.
“It’s amazing. I’m a father of triplets now.” 
Erik gawked at DeMarcus. Lori, the RN, came over to help Erik gown up. 
“Yeah, E. Three beautiful baby girls.” 
Erik beamed, “Oh my God! You know you gotta show me some pics, Marcus! Congrats, man! I’m so happy for you. That’s beautiful, man…beautiful.” 
“I’ll show you some pics. Let me get in here…”
DeMarcus slipped inside of OR 4. Lori just finished up with Erik and he made his way inside, gloves up, a few residents waiting patiently. The Anesthesiologist that DeMarcus was assisting had already put the patient under. He let DeMarcus take over so he could step into another case where he was needed. 
“Alright, sorry about that. Let’s do the demographics and get started…”
The Circulating Nurse read off the patient's chart. It was an Arthrodesis of the lumbosacral spine. The patient is a fifty-three-year-old Caucasian male with surgical history of a left shoulder replacement due to a car accident. 
Afro beats filled the room as Doctor Stevens got started. Everyone worked as a team and no one got on his last nerve. He joked, laughed, engaged with the residents, and moved his hips a little. He was in such a good mood because of a special woman in his life. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He’d been busy all week long with case after case. He needed some time away, even if it was for a work event. 
“Alright, let’s take a second. I need an X-ray.”
The Radiologic Technician rolled the C-arm forward and awaited their instructions. 
“Give me an AP, lateral, and fifteen degree oblique to start…”
Erik and the rest of the staff backed away to stay out of the radiation field. 
“Last time we chatted, Erik, you were finalizing things with you-know-who.” DeMarcus said.
“Ha, yeah, I gotta tell you about that one…”
Erik walked over to look at the image. He was happy with what he saw, so he motioned for the Technician to continue.
“It’s all over. I’m no longer a married man.” Erik replied.
“Thinking about getting back out there?” DeMarcus questioned.
Erik made his way over to see the lateral image. 
He stepped away again.
“…I’m with someone new. She’s amazing.” 
“For real?! That’s alright, man. You’re not a spring chicken anymore. Gotta get it in while you can.” 
Erik and DeMarcus laughed.
“Hold on fool…”
Erik shook his head and chuckled to himself while he headed towards the screen to see the image. 
“We’re good to go.”
Erik was in the zone after that. 
He held out his hand and the Surgical Tech passed him the surgical blade. Erik made the incision he needed and carefully separated the skin and muscle.
“Forceps, please. The long ones…”
Lori accepted the forceps and safely handed them to Erik. 
“Thank you…I need some overhead light caudally…”
The Circulating Nurse adjusted the light towards the foot of the table. About two minutes later, Dr. Stevens found what he was looking for. 
“Okay…I see where we need to fuse…”
The Residents crowded in closer to inspect as well before stepping away for Erik to have some space.
“I also see the fracture here at L5-S1…hmm…may need to file this out just a bit before fusing. We don’t want our patient coming back because the screws cracked the vertebrae…”
The Residents nodded and hummed. 
“Pop quiz, what’s this? Titanium or Stainless Steel?”
One of the Residents, an Indian girl, raised her hand timidly. 
“Titanium. I can see that it’s more durable and it appears more lightweight.” 
The entire OR 4 erupted into laughter. They loved it when Dr. Stevens was in a playful mood. Less attitude and shouting. No one liked to be on his bad side. 
Erik grasped the curette to scrape away tissue. He worked and bobbed his head to the music. It was nothing but good vibes and good energy.
“Whoever this new woman is, she got her claws hooked on you, Stevens.” 
Erik cracked a smile. No one could see his megawatt smile since it was hidden behind a mask and face shield. 
That’s right. His woman. 
“I need the saw now…”
The saw wizzed to life and Erik carefully sawed away at a disc between L5-S1. The saw came to a complete stop and he handed it back to Lori.
“Okay…So now, we fuse. Give me an overhead light cephalad.”
Circulating Nurse came to the rescue and she tilted the light towards the head.
Erik put screws, rods, plates and cages in. The fusion took almost an hour to do. He called for repeat X-rays before he finished. 
“What’s her name if you don’t mind me asking?” DeMarcus questioned.
“I’ll tell you when we leave.” Erik responded.
“Okay…we’re looking good everyone…”
The Technician pulled back when Erik gave his approval. He hoped this was his final case of the day and he couldn’t wait to get home and shower. He closed up the incision in the patient’s back and did one final checking before exiting OR 4 for the rest of the team to finish up.
Erik removed his surgical gear, washed his hands, and headed back to his office. He checked his phone and noticed a missed call from Sienna. He knew what it was about. She’d taken her finals and promised to call him when she’d finished up. 
Erik shut his office door and settled behind his desk. He FaceTimed Sienna, elbows propped up on his desk and leg jittery beneath the table. He was so nervous. He knew his baby girl was going to pass, but he still felt anxious. Sienna came into view. 
“Hi, Daddy!”
She was sitting in her car, dressed in her nursing school scubs. Her curly hair was slicked back into a bun with baby hairs. Erik could tell that she had been crying. Her bottom row lash extensions were wet from her tears. Her beautiful brown eyes reminded him of maple syrup. She had the biggest smile on her face. 
“Hey, little mama! How did you do?”
“I PASSED!!!!”
Erik scooted back in his office chair with wheels and raised both of his toned arms above his head. He cheered Sienna on, hooting and hollering. One hand came down onto his desk and he bit down on his bottom lip.
“I can’t believe it!!”
“What did I tell you? I knew you had that, baby!”
“Daddy, I passed! I’m so fucking hype right now!”
Sienna couldn’t stop smiling. 
“One step closer to that NCLEX and graduation. You got this. I’m so fucking proud of you, girl. Fuckin’ killing it…”
“Thank you! I’m in high spirits. I’ll be in my dream job in a matter of months.” 
“Yes ma’am. I can’t wait to see you. We gotta celebrate in Hawaii.”
“Definitely! I also plan to do a little something here with friends on Friday before we go? Maybe go out for drinks and clubbing…”
“Sounds like a plan, love. Let me know the details and I can take care of it.” 
“Okay! I’ll let you know later. We’re leaving for Hawaii on Monday, right?” 
“Yes. I’ll pick you up after you spend time with your friends this Friday.”
“I love you,” Sienna said with a pout of her bottom lip.
“I love you too, babygirl. Let me go…I’ll talk to you later, alright?”
“Do you think you could come over?” 
Erik smirked at Sienna. 
“Of course I can. I’ll be over tonight.”
“alright, beautiful. Drive safe, later.” 
Sienna put up the peace sign and ended the call.
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Erik couldn’t stop smiling to himself. He was so proud of her. It was beyond words. He grabbed his lunch bag from the mini fridge and left his office. He had some leftover guacamole and chips to eat. Erik entered the break room and there were a few people scattered about that were finishing up. Erik noticed DeMarcus at a table in the corner with a half-eaten deli sandwich and Lay’s chips. 
“Finally get to take a break, huh?” Demarcus blurted out between bites of his Turkey club. 
Erik sat his lunch bag down in front of DeMarcus before pulling out a chair to take a seat across from him.
“Yeah, got a THR and a TKR back to back before it’s time for me to leave. I have a trip to Hawaii.” Erik explained.
“That award ceremony?” 
“Yep, it’s an excuse to relax, you know?”
Erik retrieves his generous homemade guacamole and chips. 
“Oh! Let me show you the three rugrats!”
“Did you just say the three regrets?!” Erik remarked with wide eyes and elevated brows. 
DeMarcus shakes his head while chewing his masticated food. He chuckled to himself before taking a sip of his Lipton Green Tea to wash the food down smoothly. 
“No, nigga. I said RUG-RATS.” 
“That’s why you’re supposed to chew your food first before you speak,” Erik laughs, “Three baby girls?”
“Three identical baby girls that have their own personalities…”
DeMarcus shows Erik a bunch of photos of them, swiping left. Erik couldn’t contain his dimpled smile. They were so adorable and chunky! 
“Yvette was carrying all of them?! Man…the power of a woman. That’s amazing, De.”
“I know, snap-back wasn’t what I expected but…”
Erik’s forehead furrowed at DeMarcus’ remark. 
“How is Yvette? Is she still doing hair?” Erik asked.
“She is. Opened another salon a month ago. I’m so proud of her.” DeMarcus replied with a prideful smile.
Erik munched on his guacamole and chips. DeMarcus went on and on about how being a first time dad is an adjustment, how expensive babies are, and how he hadn’t been out for months. Erik couldn’t relate, but the DeMarcus he knew before he became a married man and a father used to cut up. It was so bad that Faith complained about Erik hanging out with him. 
“Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. So, a new lady friend?”
Erik peered over at DeMarcus with a coy smirk. 
“What’s her name?” DeMarcus questioned. 
“Sienna…sounds sexy. Is it serious?” 
Erik rubbed his hands together to get rid of the crumbs before grabbing his lemon water. He took a few sips before he responded to DeMarcus. 
“It is.” Erik replied.
“How did you two meet?”
Erik looked around to make sure it was safe to discuss this without anyone eavesdropping. He’d been good friends with DeMarcus for years, he could trust him. Especially with the amount of secrets Erik’s kept regarding DeMarcus and his actions. Like the bachelor trip to Jamaica where he cheated on his fiancé with some chick he’d been talking to online for a while. Or the time he used to hook up with a nurse during overnight rotations. 
“…she’s a nursing student.”
“For real?” DeMarcus whispered in shock, “Like, one of the students working the orthopedic floor? In the blue scrubs?”
“Yeah,” Erik whispered, “That’s how we hooked up.” 
“Damn. How the hell did you bag that?”
Erik chuckled, “You got jokes I see.” 
“She young?” DeMarcus asked, excitement swimming in his dark brown orbs.
Erik simply nods his head while continuing to eat his snack.
“Does Sienna have a friend?” 
“Fool, you got a wife and kids at home. Relax.” Erik argued. 
“And you had a wife that I would have never thought you would divorce. You tryna get your groove back or something dipping in some fresh pussy?”
Erik cocked his head at DeMarcus. The nerve of this nigga.
“Faith cheated on me. She deserved to get divorced, and  I don’t need a groove back, nigga. Shit ain’t never die. I’m really feeling her…I love her. She’s amazing.”
“She got your nose wide open, E. You better hope she doesn't take you for all you’re worth. That’s what they do. You got all this money. They see that as a meal ticket. All I’m saying is be careful, E. Don’t jump into anything you’re not prepared for.” 
Erik almost choked on his water at DeMarcus’ words. 
“Marcus, are you serious? You jump into shit you’re not prepared for all the time. If anything, you need to look out for yourself.” 
“We ain’t talking about me.” DeMarcus jokes.
“We need to talk about you. You better hope Yvette doesn't get rid of you this time around.” Erik argues.
“Yeah, yeah, nigga. Anyway, any plans tonight? I was thinking we could get some drinks. You can hit up Jamie, Tony, and Leo. Like old times. I need to let loose.” 
Erik didn’t have any plans tonight. He wasn’t going to see Sienna until tomorrow. It has been a while since they all linked up. 
“Yeah, why not? I’m down.” Erik said.
“I was thinking Blackbird.” DeMarcus declared.
“I’ll let the fellas know. Just text me the time and I’m there.”
They clean up after their meal and Erik turns to leave when he spots Teairra walking in wearing maroon scrubs with a matching cotton scrub cap, black cat-eye frames, and black patent Dansko nursing shoes with floating hearts printed on them. That beautiful pageant smile and topaz eyes fringed with wispy lash extensions was directed towards Erik. 
“My favorite doctor!” Teairra announced while greeting Erik with a hug. 
“Sup, T? Good to see you.” 
“I’m really glad to see you. You know I’m transferring to ortho, right? That means we get to see more of each other.” Teairra flirts.
“Ha, you’re something else, T. Guess who decided to show up?”
Erik stepped to the side and pointed at DeMarcus. Teairra gasped with surprise before opening her arms to hug him. 
“DeMarcus! How have you been?! Good to see you!”
“You too! Look at you girl, damn! Still just as beautiful!” 
“Cut it out,” Teairra slaps his arm, “I heard you had triplets?! I want to see a picture!”
“Aight, I’ll show you the girls, but real quick…any plans later?” 
Erik cut his eyes at DeMarcus. He knew exactly where this was going. After all, Teairra and him did have history. She didn’t think Erik knew, a lot of people don’t know. 
“No. I was gonna head home and pour myself a glass of red wine after my bath and watch a movie. What’s happening?” 
“Erik and I are grabbing drinks at Blackbird. A few of our mutual friends will be there. I was wondering if you wanted to come through?”
“Ooh, sounds fun. I don’t mind. You still have the same number?” Teairra asked. 
“I do. Do you?” 
Teairra giggled to herself causing Erik to look heavenward with a shake of his head. 
“Yes. Still the same. And you’ll be there for sure, E?”
Teairra strokes Erik’s bicep affectionately. DeMarcus clears his throat to gain her attention back. 
“Yeah, he’ll be there. Don’t flake on me, T. I ain’t seen you in a while. We got catching up to do.” DeMarcus said.
“Of course. I’m a woman of my word. I got a few hours left on the clock before I punch out. I’ll see you two later.”
Teairra gave them both a flirty wave before sauntering over towards the fridge to fill up her Stanley cup with filtered water. DeMarcus and Erik both share a look before leaving the break room. 
Erik waved goodbye to DeMarcus before heading back to his office. After putting his things away, Erik returned to the OR and knocked out two cases back to back that took him a total of four hours to complete. Despite all of the work, Erik had all the energy in the world, so much so that he clocked out as a Surgeon and clocked in as a Radiologist. After completing his residency as a Surgeon, Erik returned to San Francisco and did an additional five years for Radiology while simultaneously working as an Orthopedic Surgeon. 
Erik took the elevators down to radiology while clipping his work phone and pager to his hip and retrieving his dictation recorder from his white lab coat embroidered with his name. From the elevators, Erik made his way down a silent hall and past a few rooms until he found an unoccupied reading room shrouded in darkness. He sat down, monitors surrounding him. Everything came to life with a jerk of his mouse. Erik brought up images that needed to be read and transcribed. He wanted to knock out as many as he could within the next hour so he could finally leave for the day. 
“Osteopenia. Minimal degenerative changes. Soft tissue swelling. Trace effusion. No fracture. There is atherosclerosis of the arterial vasculature. There is also a calcified partially seen, oval-shaped density seen posterior to the right mid-thigh region, which is of questionable significance of etiology. Further evaluation with ultrasound would be beneficial…”
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Erik pulled up to 2124 Market Street, parking his Lexus before hopping out. Erik wore khaki cargo pants, a white T-shirt, and a denim jacket. He paired his look with white Jordan’s and minimal gold jewelry. His locs were loose and he smelled like Chanel Bleu De. Erik walked into Blackbird Bar and spotted Leo playing pool with Toni. Unfortunately, Jamie couldn’t make it due to an emergency. Toni, the Intellectual Property Lawyer who goes by The Owl at Honey Pot, just finished his turn and he passed the stick over to Leo. Toni grabbed his glass and took a sip while shit-talking Leo. 
“Damn, ya’ll couldn’t wait for your boy?” 
Leo and Toni looked up at Erik at the same time. They paused the game to dab him up. 
“Ready for our trip?” Leo asked.
“I’m all set. Just have to pick up the lady tomorrow.” 
“Where are you two going again?” Toni questions.
“Hawaii. An honorary ceremony for prestigious doctors all over the U.S.” Erik replied.
“Sounds like some mischief. I’m sure you two will have a story to tell when you get back.” 
Erik and Leo could only laugh at Toni’s remark. He was correct. 
“Treasure is really excited about it. She’s currently spending my money on a bunch of shit she probably won’t wear.” Leo said.
“I need a drink…”
Erik excused himself to the bar. He waved down a tall, thin white male with shaggy hair, thin lips, and hollow cheeks. He looked like he smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. He settled in front of Erik, tossing a black towel over his shoulder. 
“I’ll take an old fashioned bourbon, little ice please.” 
Erik watched him whip up his drink and then he sat it on a napkin in front of him. Erik took a cocktail straw before walking back over towards the pool table. He caught the tail end of a conversation between Toni and Leo.
“…Me and Emerald eloped. It was the craziest time.”
Erik cocked his head back with surprise. 
“You eloped?! What?! When?!”
“About a month ago. We went to Vegas. I know, crazy, right? She just does it for me. I’m so obsessed with her…”
Leo shared a look of astonishment with Erik. Toni was the least spontaneous out of the friend group. Emerald really took him out of his shell. She’s definitely what he’d been missing.
“Wow…” was all Leo could muster. 
“Got pictures?” Erik inquired.
“I do…mostly naked…”
Erik put his hand up, “I think I’ll pass.” 
Leo turned his mischievous gaze onto Erik.
“What about Miss Peacock?” 
Erik instantly smiled at the mention of Sienna. 
“I’m so proud of her. She’s graduating nursing school soon. Such a big accomplishment, you know? I have a huge surprise for her. I plan on taking her out of the country to Jamaica. I have it all planned out…can’t give you guys the details yet.”
“A proposal?” Toni asked.
Erik simply shrugged one shoulder while taking a sip of his old fashioned. 
“Have you met her family yet?” Toni asked. 
“Nah. But I plan on it. She’s from Houston so we’re going there for a weekend. Mostly her mother’s family. She doesn’t have a relationship with her father’s side.” 
Leo chuckles, “I met Treasure’s dad…man has a mean right hook I’ll tell you that.”
Erik’s eyes bugged out over the rim of his glass. Toni’s mouth hung open. 
“It’s all good now. It was mostly because he has a way of talking to her in the most disrespectful manner. She’d endured that bullshit for years and I wasn’t going to stand there and watch him belittle her. So, I spoke up. We tussled for a bit, I walked out of there with a busted lip. He ended up with three cracked ribs. Nice guy…”
Leo was just as much of a hot-head as Erik. There have been plenty of times where Leo got himself into altercations that could have landed him in jail. Just a crazy white boy. 
“I say that to say…you may run into some issues with her family for a number of reasons. Don’t be like me, E. Have some reason. Channel your inner Toni.” Leo explained.
“Thanks for the advice,” Erik replied with a shake of his head. 
Leo clinked glasses with Erik and then his eyes went towards the front of the bar where he recognized someone. Erik followed his gaze and noticed DeMarcus walking in wearing a black linen button-down top, matching black pants, and designer sneakers on his feet. He had a fresh line-up with the waves on swim. As he made his way towards them, he threw his hands up in greeting. Leo sat his drink down and brushed past Erik to give DeMarcus the meanest dab that sounded like a loud clap. He pulled DeMarcus in for a bro hug, patting him on the back. 
“Marcus! What’s good, man?! Long time no see! What the fuck, Stevens?! Why didn’t you tell me this asshole would be here?!”
“Leo! Crazy fuckin’ Leo! What’s good, cuz?! Aye! Toni! Looking good my dude!”
“What’s up, De!” Toni shouted.
“Get a motherfuckin’ drink you fuckin’ asshole!” Leo gripped DeMarcus’ shoulders before shoving him away towards the bar. That action caused Leo’s Prince Charming haircut to fall messily into his eyes. He smoothed his hair back as he walked back to the pool table. 
“Let me take this off,” Leo removed his leather biker jacket, jacked arms with tattoos showing from his black, distressed muscle tee.
“Here we go,” Toni spoke with a hushed tone. 
“To have you two in a room again…memories,” Erik said.
“Makes me want to return to practice.” Leo replied.
“I’m back…”
DeMarcus sauntered over with his drink. He checked his phone while taking a spot next to Leo. 
“Y’all mind if a lady joins us?” DeMarcus asked Toni and Leo.
“Who? Your wife?” Toni replied 
“No. Her name is Teairra. She works with Erik and I.”
“Fine with me.” Leo said.
“I’m cool with it,” Toni brought his attention back to his drink. 
“So, how’s everything?” Leo asked.
“Same old shit, just three babies added into the equation. You?” 
“Life’s great. I just came back from Egypt with my baby doll. I’ve been enjoying life.” Leo replied with a content smile.
“Baby doll?” DeMarcus raised an accusatory brow at Leo.
“Treasure. She’s my sugar baby.” 
“Sugar baby?”
“Yes, Marcus.” Leo shakes his head.
“So, Erik has a girlfriend younger than him and you have a sugar baby?” 
“We all have sugar babies, DeMarcus. Well, Toni just married his so technically she’s his wife now. Erik’s thinking about proposing. Jamie is the only one missing tonight.” 
“How the fuck did y’all pull this off? And why the fuck was I left out?”
“Because you’re married.” Erik blurted out.
Leo peered at Erik, “Well…technically I was married when I started messing around with Treasure—”
“But you were in the process of divorce. This fool isn’t.” Erik argued.
“I know this nigga ain’t got morals now.” DeMarcus jokes.
“Did I ever cheat on my wife?” 
“No, but I’ve seen your eyes wander many times.” 
“It happens,” Erik shooed DeMarus, “I’m not doing this with you. We all know how you treat Yvette.” 
“Guys, relax, yeah? Let’s drink and kick it!” Leo said.
Erik heaved a sigh before downing the rest of his drink. He excused himself to the now crowded bar for another drink. It took him ten minutes to get another glass of bourbon. When he returned, Teairra had made an appearance. She was dressed in a strappy, slim-fit, all black, body con dress. She didn’t leave anything to the imagination with her cleavage hanging out. All black stilettos on her feet with toes painted red, silver hoops in her ears, and her hair styled in a low bun. Those topaz eyes were on the prowl. She looked like she came for a good time, not a long time. 
“Hi! I’m Teairra,” She shook Leo’s hand before turning towards Toni, “Nice to meet you both.” 
“Wow, so these are your friends, huh? Interesting.” 
Teairra’s eyes lit up like Christmas. What she saw was a potential train. Erik knew that look in a woman’s eyes. 
“It’s so great to finally meet you guys!” Teairra said. 
“You too, beautiful. So, you know these two?” Leo said. 
Teairra spotted Erik and she didn’t hesitate to nibble on that pouty, bottom lip and eye-fuck him. Meanwhile, DeMarcus wasn’t feeling that. He gave Erik a dirty look that went unnoticed. 
“Oh yeah. This one here is my favorite doctor, and this one—we go way back. He went and got married on me and shit!” 
“Don’t do that, T. You know it’s still all love,” DeMarcus spoke defensively, a hand to his chest as if she’d pierced his heart.
“Mhm, if it’s still all love, buy me a drink,” Teairra sassed, poking her curvy hip out and thrusting her chest forward. 
“You know I gotchu! Whatchu want, love?” 
“Surprise me.” 
DeMarcus licked his lips at her before walking away. Erik and Leo share a look and then they cut their eyes at Toni who was trying to contain his laughter. 
“So, how do you all know each other?” Teairra asked.
“I met Toni from school way back when. Leo and I used to work together.” Erik said.
“Okay! Do any of you handsome men have a wild story to share about Dr. Stevens with the gifted hands?” 
Toni and Leo share a laugh. DeMarcus returned with what looked like a lemon drop martini. Teairra accepted the drink, taking a sip while staring Erik down. Erik looked away and down at his now empty glass, finding the melting ice within interesting. 
“Well, This man here is a great dancer. He’s the life of the party for sure.” Toni replied.
“Really?! You dance, Dr. Stevens?” 
“I do.” Erik said.
“He’s a sugar daddy.” 
Erik slowly looked over at DeMarcus. Teairra’s mouth dropped open and she looked at Erik with shock. 
“A sugar daddy?! What the hell?”
Leo and Toni remained silent. They could practically see the anger in Erik’s body language. 
“He’s also hot-tempered. Everyone here knows not to fuck with him. Right, DeMarcus?” Leo said in a playful manner to mask the warning behind his words. 
DeMarcus didn’t seem to catch the hint. 
“He likes them young, T.” DeMarcus continued.
“Erik, how old are you?” Teairra asked. 
“I’m forty-five. I’ll be forty-six in October.” Erik said
“You’re only like…eleven years older than me. So, that makes me young too, right?”
Teairra gave Erik a purposely slow once-over. She wanted Erik badly and he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. 
“T, calm down. He’s spoken for.” DeMarcus said.
“And you’re married,” Erik looked at DeMarcus with a glare. 
DeMarcus didn’t have a rebuttal for that. Leo cleared his throat before asking if anyone wanted to join him in a game of pool. 
“Damn, I mean…I was right there, Erik!” Teairra laughed. 
DeMarcus took that time to snake his arm around Teairra’s trim waist. She took sips of her martini while Erik and Leo took up a game of pool. Erik removed his jean jacket and placed it on a stool. The sleeves of his white T-shirt strained against his biceps. Teairra wasn’t paying attention to a thing DeMarcus had to say in her ear. She wanted Erik. Erik could feel her staring but he ignored it. 
“What this sugar baby got on me?” 
As the game went on, Teairra made her way over to Erik, leaning her body over the pool table while he tried to focus on making his shot. He cut his eyes at Teairra for two seconds before turning his attention back on the game. Erik aimed for a green ball and shot it towards a few balls, watching them scatter. He stood up and when he looked down at Teairra, she was staring at his crotch. Erik gave the stick to Leo and created space between him and Teairra. 
“You don’t want to answer my question?” She pestered.
Erik ignored her. 
“You need another drink, beautiful?” 
DeMarcus came over with a fresh martini. Teairra gave him a flirty smile, accepting her drink. 
“Why do you keep bothering, Erik? Bother me.” DeMarcus said.
“If I bother you, it’s gonna be trouble, De.”
Leo took his shot and one of the balls fell into a corner hole. Erik kissed his teeth before snatching up the stick. 
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game!” Leo shouted.
“Fuck you!” Erik yelled back. 
“Don’t be a sore loser, E,” Toni jokes.
“You think I'm a lose, Toni? Like you?” Erik laughs.
“Fifty bucks on Leo!” DeMarcus said.
The game continued on, and Teairra was becoming increasingly drunk. Erik started to become concerned that maybe she should stop drinking. Any surface in that bar, Teairra was arching her back over it and popping her ass. That shit was moving like water. DeMarcus was stuck in a trance. He was playing a mental game of tug-a-war right before them. One part of him wanted to go over and get behind that while the moral part of his mind told him no. 
Leo missed an opportunity with a shot and an uproar happened between him and DeMarcus. Erik simply laughed to himself while motioning for Leo to pass him the stick. Leo kissed his teeth as he watched Erik take a final shot, the shot that made him win the game. Teairra cheered and clapped while DeMarcus sulked. He reluctantly slapped the fifty bucks onto the pool table. 
“Nah, De, save that for some formula or something.” Erik quipped. 
The laughter that erupted around them had DeMarcus making a stank face. Erik didn’t want his money. 
“You think you’re a big shot because you got all this money! I got bread too, nigga!” DeMarcus shouted defensively. 
Erik scrunched his handsome face, “never said you didn’t. I’m just saying you got a family to feed.” 
DeMarcus sucked his teeth before grabbing his drink to finish. Erik could tell he was drunk.
“De, it’s cut off time, bro. You had enough.” Leo said.
“The one time I got to hang out with you fools and now I’m drinking too much?! Let me live!” DeMarcus argued.
“It’s a hotel across the way. Maybe you should sleep it off.” Erik suggested.
“I got a Lyft here but I’m definitely getting a room for the night. Those martinis caught up with me,” Teairra said.
“I’ll get you some water.”
Erik left to grab her some water from the bar. Blackbird was wall-to-wall filled with people. Erik couldn’t even hear himself think. He made it to the bar after shoving past some people. He flagged down a woman with electric blue hair and she made her way over towards him. Erik ordered three waters and she gave him three bottles. On his way back to the pool table, Leo and Toni were talking closely. Erik searched and there was no sign of Teairra or DeMarcus. 
“Where did they go?” Erik interrupted.
“De went to the bathroom. Not sure where Teairra went.” Toni replied.
The mention of the bathroom made Erik feel the urge to relieve himself. He sat the bottles down and walked towards the men’s. When he arrived, he opened the door and it was mostly empty except for the first stall. Erik could see two pairs of feet from beneath the stall. A man and a woman. He walked over to the urinal and while he relieved himself, he could hear sucking and slurping sounds coming from the stall. He already knew what was up. 
“Mmm, yeah…suck that dick, T.” 
Erik flushed and went to wash his hands. He could only shake his head. The noises grew louder and shuffling intensified. 
“This nigga…”
The stall door pushed open and standing there, spit covered dick hanging out through the opening of his briefs, shirt pushed up beneath his chin, was DeMarcus. Teairra was crouched down in her stilettos with one hand full of dick and the other reaching out to keep the door open. Her lips down to her exposed chest was covered in spit. Her once pristine makeup was now ruined from the amount of tears that had fallen from deep throating. Erik couldn’t tear his eyes away. 
“What the fuck, T?” DeMarcus blurted out with agitation. 
“What? He can join us if he wants. I’d love to suck both of you off…I wanna see what that dick tastes like…I bet it’s pretty…isn’t it, Doctor?”
Erik felt his dick jump. He had to get out of there and fast. The bourbon coursing through his body mixed with the sudden horniness was all too much. 
“Nah, I’m good.” 
“Suit yourself, maybe next time then.” 
Teairra winked at him before turning to suck DeMarcus off again. She didn’t even shut the stall door. She was throating him with no hands all the way down to the base. DeMarcus threw his head back and groaned. Teairra dropped her hand from the stall door to grab DeMarcus by the balls. The door slowly closed, hiding them from sight. Erik walked out and he tried to shake the feeling of his hard dick pressed painfully against his jeans. 
“You good?” Toni asked. 
Leo gave Erik a weird look. Erik grabbed his Jean jacket and proceeded to slip it on. 
“E?” Leo tapped him on the arm, “What’s up?”
“…DeMarcus is getting his dick sucked by Teairra in the bathroom.” 
Toni and Leo looked at each other with big grins. They started laughing, too far gone off of whatever they were drinking. 
“Couldn’t even wait to get back to the hotel! Damn! She doesn’t waste time…”
“DeMarcus better clean himself off well before going back home to Yvette…” 
Erik checked the time on his phone. It was after 11 pm and he was jaded. 
“Listen, I’m about to head out.” Erik announced.
“So are we. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” Leo said.
“Yeah, let me get back to Emerald.”
They all said their goodbyes with hugs and handshakes. Neither of them cared about DeMarcus or Teairra. They all knew he was going back to the hotel with her to finish. 
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Sienna was dropped off at her apartment by one of her girl friends that she hadn’t seen in months due to school. Dressed in a dark wash denim mini dress with platform pink heels, Sienna waved goodbye, almost tripping in her shoes when she stepped up onto the curb. They shared a laugh before Sienna entered her building.
 She fixed the front of her dress, frustrated that it had slipped. Inside, Sienna rode the elevator up to her apartment and quickly made her way inside because her feet were killing her. She decided on a last minute dinner celebration and had one too many green tea shots. It felt like the room was spinning. She clumsily made her way over to one of her sofas, flopping down haphazardly before bending over to loosen the straps that wrapped around her calves. 
Giggling to herself, Sienna placed her shoes to the side so that she could stand. She walked towards the kitchen to grab herself some water and a liquid IV packet. She proceeded to mix it in a cup and afterwards she walked back to the living room. Sienna wasn’t quite ready to get in bed, too excited and turnt to rest. She was so close to the finish line. All of that hard work will finally pay off. In just a few short weeks, she’ll be graduating. Her pinning ceremony is within a week, and she had a photo shoot set up for her cap and gown pictures. 
Sienna drank her liquid IV and decided to put on some music. R&B playlist on, she stood up to go take off her dress and put on a robe. On her way to her room, Sienna’s phone buzzed. She sat her shoes down next to her bed and opened her bag to retrieve her phone. There, she could see that Erik was calling. She smiled to herself before accepting the call. 
“Are you home?” 
“Hello to you too, Sir,” Sienna rolled her eyes, “To answer your question, yes, I am. I just got in.” 
Sienna could tell that he was driving. 
“I’m on my way.” 
“Did you just get off work?” 
“No. I went out for drinks. I have a story to tell you.”
“I’m all ears.” 
“Aight, I’m five minutes out. I’ll see you when I get there.” 
“Okay, drive safely. Love you.” 
“Love you too, lil’ mama.” 
 Sienna had plans to do a late night Only Fans session. Maybe this could be the introduction into Erik being a part of it. Why not? That’s her man. She’d been doing sex work less and less since being with Erik and she missed it. She no longer needed the money, but the fantasy of so many people tuning in to watch her fuck her man turned her on something serious. That was her entire aesthetic anyway. Be a slutty sugar baby for an older man. And her boyfriend is all of that. 
Sienna took a quick shower and when she finished, she rubbed down with some scented body oil and Orphic body shimmer oil. Her makeup was still intact and she quickly set up to film. She could hear the door opening so she made her way out of the room, cracking the door. She secured her magenta, silk robe around her body and spotted Erik taking off his shoes and denim jacket. He looked delicious. She could smell his cologne from where she stood. His shoulder-length locs framed his handsome face, giving him a rugged look. 
“Hey, daddy…”
Erik’s onyx eyes fell on her and he paused, raking his eyes up and down her body. No matter how many times he saw her, she still got the same butterflies in her stomach. Sienna blushed as she made her way over to him. Arms up and around his shoulders, her robe slid open revealing some cleavage and a little thigh. Erik scooped her up, lifting her off of the floor with his arms circling her waist while she was pressed against him. Sienna gripped his face and leaned in for a kiss. They swapped spit and tongued each other down. Sienna could taste the top shelf bourbon on his tongue. She broke the kiss and stared into his eyes longingly while rubbing his cheeks with her thumbs.
“I missed you…I’m so proud of you.�� 
“I missed you too. Thank you, daddy,” Sienna smiled, “How was your day?”
Erik walked over to the couch with her still in his arms. He carefully sat down, Sienna straddling his waist. Erik rubbed his hands up and down her ass over the silk robe repeatedly. He rested his head back against the sofa so that he could get a better look at her. His eyes were low and she could feel his brick hard dick against her pussy lips. 
“It was crazy. Back to back cases. I took a break after three cases to go down to Radiology and do some readings. I knocked that out in an hour. Went out for drinks…how was your day?”
Sienna toyed with his chain, “Amazing. I went out to eat and had drinks with a good friend of mine. I’m seeing her tomorrow too.”
“Sounds like a good time…”
Sienna gave Erik a timid smile. He pinched her cheek.
“So, what did you want to tell me?” 
“Oh,” Erik sat up, “So, I caught up with an old buddy of mine named DeMarcus. He worked the cases with me today, he’s an assistant anesthesia tech. Anyway, he invited me out and I invited Toni and Leo. Jamie couldn’t make it. So, DeMarcus invited Teairra…”
“…Teairra from work?” Sienna asked. 
“Yeah, the nurse. She came into the break room and caught up with DeMarcus. So, she showed up tonight with us at this bar called Blackbird. DeMarcus and Teairra have history…they used to mess around during overnight shifts back in the day…”
“Doesn’t Teairra have a crush on you?” 
Erik hesitated to respond. Sienna doesn’t like Teairra; she's too touchy-feely. Doesn’t know boundaries. Sienna already knew she was on that same type of shit tonight. She was visibly and rightfully annoyed. 
“Why was she even there with a bunch of men? Like what did she think was going to happen? Spinning on all y’all dicks?” Sienna argued. 
“Baby, calm down. She tried it but I wasn’t giving her the satisfaction. She ended up sucking dick in the bathroom before I left anyway…DeMarcus. And he’s married with kids. He’s been cheating on his girl for a while now…”
“I’m irritated. Did she touch you?” 
Erik’s eyes bore into Sienna’s. 
“She kind of…stroked my arm…that’s it. Everything else was just staring me down…”
Sienna’s brows snapped together. She was pissed. Erik tried to sooth her by stroking her arms. 
“How did you know she was sucking dick in the bathroom?”
Erik observed her body language closely. Despite her being upset, he was so turned on in the moment. She was doing things to him with that cute frown on her face and the bratty tone of her voice. It was rare that he’d witnessed Sienna like this. 
“…I saw them. I saw her sucking his dick…she pushed open the door to the stall so I could see…”
Sienna drew her bottom lip into her mouth and looked up at the ceiling. She folded her arms beneath her breast causing them to sit up and point out at Erik’s face. He could see her nipples straining against the silk. He licked his lips and fought the urge to yank that robe open and suck on her nipples.
She looked down at him finally with a screwed up face. 
“I told you, nothing happened. Why are you so upset?” 
She unfolded her arms and her breasts bounced.
“Because, I don’t like her. She wants you and you’re mine. You’re my daddy…”
She pouted and went to lift from Erik. He trapped her with his hands on her waist. 
“Sienna, look at me…”
She exhaled before rolling her eyes down towards him. 
“Are you sassing me, lil’ mama?” 
“Why did you watch? Did you like watching her suck dick?”
Erik looked Sienna up and down. He did. It turned him on. It’s not like he wanted Teairra to suck his dick. Erik has a serious voyeurism fetish. Sienna knows this. She does as well. 
“Baby girl…I’m not gonna lie to you…it did turn me on. But, I don’t want her, I want you.”
Erik stroked Sienna’s chin while she stared into his eyes. 
“I am your daddy. And you’re my baby.” 
“…she wants you so bad. But you’re mine.” 
“I am,” Erik smirked, “I am yours. All of me. She wanted to taste this dick and see how pretty it is…her loss.” 
Sienna shifted her hips on Erik. His dick was practically knocking at the seam of his pants to be freed. He needed to be ten inches and balls deep in her tight wet puss expeditiously. 
“She said that?” Sienna questioned.
“Yeah…all while sucking his dick.” 
Sienna scowled. 
“That bitch…”
“That bitch ain’t getting this dick though. You know why…”
Sienna looked into Erik’s eyes.
“That’s my dick.” 
“Mhm…your dick, Princess. All yours…”
“And she can’t have it…”
Erik licked his lips. Sienna reached between them so she could grip Erik’s bulge. She made a whimper sound in her throat that had Erik biting his lip hard. He wanted to hear her make that sound on a never ending loop while he beat that pussy up. 
“Daddy…I’m taking that dick right now.” 
Sienna pushed off of Erik and took off her robe. Erik watched that robe fall from her body and the way her skin glowed and glistened with whatever she put on had him stuck. He couldn’t look away. 
“Damn, baby…”
He reached out to touch her but Sienna smacked his hand away. Erik cut his eyes at her, staring at her like she lost her mind. 
“You don’t get to touch me yet. You owe me for what you did tonight. That dick belongs to me…”
So, she was going to dominate him? Erik could only size her up with a half, dimpled smirk. That won’t last. She’s too much of a submissive. All Erik has to do is whip his big boy out and she’s on her knees. 
“I have a surprise for you in the room, daddy…”
Erik didn’t hesitate to push himself off of the sofa. Fixing his strained erection, he followed Sienna to her room. She pushed the door open and Erik walked in. His eyes scanned the room and he noticed that she’d set up to film. He looked at her with an arched brow. Sienna walked out of her closet after two minutes wearing knee-high white socks with pink bows on them and matching kitten ears. 
“Get undressed. I want you to lay on your back…”
Erik took his time taking off his clothes. With only his briefs left, he didn’t tear his eyes away from Sienna while he pushed them past his hips. That big dick sprung free and bounced between his legs. Sienna’s eyes followed the motion of his balls and dick swaying back and forth. So pretty and smooth with bulging veins and a fat tip. She could feel her walls clenching in preparation.
“Mmm…it’s definitely pretty…”
Sienna crawled onto the bed and turned around so that Erik could have a view of her pussy from the back. Sienna arched her back deep and when she did, her cheeks spread and he could see an opal butt plug in her ass. He sucked his lip into his mouth and grunted. 
“That fat pussy is wet, baby girl…that plug is beautiful in that ass too…mm…you tryna tell daddy something?”
“I’ve been training with my plugs because I want you to fuck me in my ass…”
Sienna spread her cheeks with her hand and that pink puss spread open. She was dripping. That clit was nice and hard, her labia glistened and begged to be sucked on, and her wet hole wouldn’t stop leaking. So juicy and ready for his tongue and dick. 
“Sienna…” Erik wrapped a fist around his dick and jerked. 
“I want you to lay back daddy so I can ride your face…”
Sienna made room for Erik to climb in bed. She had the camera facing away so his face wouldn’t be revealed, only seeing his lower half. He laid back against her pillows and Sienna got on top of him. They were in a 69 position. Erik’s girthy length was definitely camera ready. The ring light made the vein on the underside of his dick pop out. Sienna could feel him spreading her wide to the point where she could feel cool air on her clit. 
“Mmm, yes, eat that young pussy…gobble it up…”
Sienna stared into the camera while Erik’s big dick sat against her cheek. She rubbed her face along his length like a dick-crazed slut. Her tongue swiped from his balls all the way to the tip. With each pass of her tongue, she would leave behind a trail of spit that shined. 
“I love this big, daddy dick so much…”
Sienna opened up and sat his dick in the back of her throat. She made herself gag on it. Erik was busy sucking on her pussy. Sienna sucked long and hard while cupping his balls in her hand. She would push up on his sack to force-feed her throat some dick. She became cross-eyed in a slut-induced trance. Her lips popped off when Erik started slurping loudly while spanking her ass. 
“Yes! Mmm…daddy…keep doing that…you love the way my pussy tastes? Hmm?” 
Sienna lifted her hips so she could rock back and forth on Erik’s tongue while sucking his dick. Each time her pussy would meet his tongue, Erik would swipe and flick her clit. 
“I love the way your tongue feels on my pussy…”
His big dick was back in her mouth like it never left. With a roll of her neck and a tighter grip of her lips, Sienna sucked like her life depended on it. Saliva formed bubbles that trailed down to Erik’s balls. She had his ass then. He popped his thick lips off her folds and moaned into her pussy.
“Uhhhh, fuck…suck that fuckin’ dick, Princess. Eat daddy’s dick up…fuuuuckkkkkkk….”
Erik went back to feasting on Sienna’s pussy. His tongue caught her creamy lips and he cleaned her up before sucking her clit again to produce more. She was a mess. His lips were covered in her arousal. The most he’d ever witnessed. This Onlyfans shit must be a huge turn on for her. 
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum in your mouth!” 
Sienna jerked Erik’s spit-covered dick while her face frowned with ecstasy. Her body shook with her release, Erik’s face practically between her cheeks. He didn’t stop eating her pussy. Sienna slurped on Erik’s tip while fisting his dick and she could see his thigh muscles contract and his toes curl. He was about to give her a nut to remember. 
“Give me that nut daddy…I want it all over my face…”
“Mhmmmmm,” Erik could only hum because Sienna’s hefty cheeks were sitting on his face. 
“It’s so thick…I can feel it swelling in my hand…this big dick…cum for me…give me that cum…I want it…”
“Hmm! Mmm! Hmm!”
His cum shot out from his slit and landed all over her chin and lips. The more she jerked and sucked, the more he came. That creamy, white nut trickled down to his balls and Sienna didn’t leave any of it behind. She stared into the camera with her doe eyes while covered in cum. 
She lifted off of his face so he could breath and Erik sat up while Sienna moved to his side so that they could focus on his dick. He was still rock hard, dick saluted and balls tight. He was ready for more, and it always amazed Sienna how much stamina he had for his age. He could go multiple rounds and keep up with her. 
Jerking his dick, Sienna and Erik kissed, aware that his cum was still on her face. Sienna broke the kiss and stared Erik in the eyes while slowly beating his dick. 
“Who’s dick is this?” She whispered seductively.
Erik licked his lips, “Yours…”
“This my dick, daddy?” 
Sienna started licking and sucking on Erik’s neck.
“I wanna ride my dick…”
“You better ride it all the way, baby girl…”
“That’s how I do it, I want all this dick in my pussy…”
Erik smirked at her, “I wanna feel that pussy deep. If you gon’ take charge, you better do it right or I’m a fuck you myself.”
“When have I ever backed down from a challenge? Hmm?” Sienna replied sassily.
“Let’s not get bold for your fans, Princess. You know daddy have that ass crying. I’m extra hard right now too,” Erik took it upon himself to show her just how hard, “Don’t think because that puss nice and ripe I won’t dig you a new fuckin’ hole.” 
Sienna almost came from his words alone. Such a nasty man. She could only whimper as she threw one thick leg over him to straddle him. Erik’s wide palm with outstretched fingers whacked each mocha cheek with force. The feeling of his hand spanking her sent a vibration down to her clit. 
“Do that again, Unh,” Sienna arched her back over Erik and started twerking her ass. Erik alternates his spanking, his hand coming down with force. Her flesh stung so good and the closer his hands were to her pussy, the more she leaked. 
“Put this dick in, Sienna. Hurry up.” 
Whack! Whack! Whack! 
“C’mon, lil mama. Get on this dick before you make me mad.” 
She did as she was told even though she was supposed to be the one dominating him. Sienna pointed his tip at her opening and she thrust her hips back so he could slide in. He looked into her eyes and she looked at him with a stuck expression on her face. 
“Mhm,” whack! “Ride this fat dick.” 
“This dick feels so much bigger inside of me!” 
Her ass sat on his balls. Sienna positioned herself so she could rock back on him. Planting her hands against the bed, Sienna started bouncing. Her ass ricocheted and created a loud collision. Erik kept his arms outstretched, fighting the urge to grab her waist, plant his feet into the mattress, and ram his dick in. She was doing her thing though, wetting his dick up good. 
“That’s it, fuck this dick, Princess. Good girl…show me this dick is yours…get down on this dick…”
“Yes! Oh, fuck,” Sienna felt chills all over, “It’s hitting my spot!”
They could both tell. Erik could feel her walls repeatedly squeeze him and the way he glided in and out of her pussy had his lip poked out and his eyes low. That pussy was creamin’ all over his dick. Sienna could feel nothing but his thick pole wet and hard going in and out of her never ending. It sent tingles all throughout her pussy. 
Sienna looked back and she gasped. Creamy and wet. It was a beautiful sight. She was loving that dick in her pussy so much that she had to get up on her feet to ride it. Erik made a fist with his hands. A deep growl rumbled in his chest. Sienna looked down at him with spit hanging from her mouth and her eyes crossing. She was cumming.
“Look at that dumb, stuck look on your fuckin’ face. You cummin’ ain’t you? Huh?!”
Whack! Whack! Whack! 
Sienna came down on Erik’s dick and squirted. Her body convulsed out of control. Erik had to hold her in place, afraid that she would fall off. The mess she made was nothing but a sticky, creamy, puddle. Erik’s dick slipped out of her wet hole and he sat up on his elbows to admire it. Damn, he wanted to taste it. His tongue ached to taste it. With a glint in his eye, Erik gave Sienna a look that told her ‘end this Onlyfans shit right fucking now’. Sienna took the hint and ended the recording, planning to upload it later. 
“I want you to look at all this mess you made on me…”
Sienna peered down at Erik’s dick. She formed a crease in her brow while sucking on her finger. 
“Clean your mess up. Get down there and clean this dick off.” Erik barked out. 
Sienna didn’t hesitate to put her face between his legs and clean his big dick off. Erik was still solid and ready for more. 
“Yeah…you know not to forget these nuts…now, who’s in charge?”
Sienna pulled her lips off of his sack to stare at him.
“You.” She replied with a small voice. 
“Show me that pretty ass pussy…”
Sienna turned to face him. She leaned back on her hands, got up on her feet, and spread her thighs. That flower opened up and all he could see was a wet and gushy mess. It was all over her lips, clit, and inner thighs. 
“Damn…lil’ mama…”
Erik sat up and got down on his knees on the floor. He dragged Sienna towards the edge of the bed and instructed her to stay just like that. Pussy opened wide, legs pushed out, and eyes on him. Erik looked up at her through his lashes, curled his long tongue, and licked to his heart's desire. Sienna chewed on her bottom lip and fought the urge to close her eyes. He cleaned off her inner thighs so attentively. Each pussy lip he would suck into his mouth leaving behind a trail of spit. This man was a fucking pussy monster. She couldn’t hold her weight anymore. That didn’t fucking matter to Erik, he had her knees by her ears and his plump lips all over her pussy. 
“Daddy…daddy, please,” Sienna cried. 
Literal tears streamed down her face. It was that good and that overwhelming. Her inner thighs bounced out of control and she gave into the feeling as his lips sucked her clit. One weak hand reached out to put his locs into a tight grip. 
“Unhhhhh, uhhh, unhhhh, unh—uh-–uhn–uhhhhh—”
She cried with her release. Erik kissed up her stomach until he was face to face with her. He tongued her down before dragging his tongue down her neck and then he gripped her titties, pushed them together, and feasted on them. This fine ass, grown man knew how to make her body feel and do things she’d never experienced. It was overwhelming and refreshing at the same time. 
“Keep your legs open just like this…this how I’m fucking you now…”
He was back inside and balls deep. Erik sat up, locs swinging in his face, built body working overtime to fuck her. He had her ankles pinned back so she couldn’t move. Sienna clawed the sheets and stared down the valley of her body at Erik beating her pussy up. 
“Such a big girl…mmm…you take dick so good, baby…just how daddy likes it…ready for this dick all right…dick hittin’ that pussy, yeah?” 
She was squirting again but Erik fucked through all of that. 
“I want that ass next.” 
His tone was rough. She couldn’t wait. 
“I can’t wait—daddy!”
Erik held his dick deep and thumbed her clit. She came again. 
“Look at this shit…”
Erik withdrew his hips and Sienna looked down at how messy his dick was. He moved his hips so that his dick could glide between her folds. 
“I'm taking this plug out now, okay?” 
Erik didn’t wait for her response. He gently tugged and the tight sphincter of her anus contracted. She moaned at the sensation, more than ready to feel his dick in her ass. She’d prepared for this moment long enough. It was time. She showed him where her lube is and Erik made sure to use enough to make the experience more enjoyable.
“Aight, turn around and arch your back…”
Sienna got into position. Erik folded her legs and climbed onto the bed, standing above her. He crouched down and aimed his dick for her ass. His tip sat at her ass and then he pushed, her back-door entrance opening. She. Clenched up and sucked him in, Erik hissing from the sensation. 
“Oh my goodness…”
Sienna exhaled, relaxing her body while Erik pushed deeper. 
“It’s going in my ass…fuck, it’s going in my ass…”
Mouth hanging open, eyes wide, Sienna could only look up at Erik. He caught her eye and winked at her with a lick of his lips. He was finally all the way inside.
“Tight ass…damn, damn, damn….”
He pulled back and Sienna gasped. 
“Spread your legs…keep that ass open, Princess.”
“It’s so much…”
“I know, but it feels good, right?”
It was such a great feeling. 
“Let me dig this ass out…”
He increased the tempo. Sienna gripped the sheets. To feel his big dick from tip to base go in and out of her had her speechless. Erik got down on his knees behind her and kept her cheeks spread open with his large hands. Now, he was going faster. Sienna drooled onto the bed.
“Fuck my ass, daddy…”
“Fuck this ass? You want me to dig you out?” 
Clap! Clap! Clap! 
“OH FUCKKKKK!!!!!!!”
Erik had Sienna by her shoulders. Tears streamed down her cheeks while her ass continued to get pounded out. 
Her pussy leaked. Erik noticed and swiped his thumb between her folds until he found her clit. With all her wetness, he flicked her clit with his thumb. 
“That clit is nice and fat right now. Ass so fuckin’ tight…gotta open this tight shit up.” 
“You fuck ass like that?!” 
Sienna was astonished. She loved anal. This man could use all her holes. She wasn’t letting him go. He was the complete package. He pinched and tugged on her hanging clit and labia and that sensation mixed with his dick pounding her ass out had Sienna seeing the galaxy. 
“You nasty, good pussy, tight ass, deep throat slut!!!!”
She loved his degradation. 
“I’m your nasty slut!—”
“As long as you know who the fuck you belong to! Ugh!”
“Are you cumming daddy?! Please cum in my ass! Please!”
“I fuckin’ love you!”
Erik’s balls slapped Sienna’s clit harder. Harder and harder. He was about to explode. Her asshole got the pounding of her life. She buried her face into the sheets as sweat poured from her body. 
“Ugh! FUCK!”
Hot cum filled her ass. She was dizzy with lust and her body ached for more.
“Daddy…fill my ass…” 
“Gahdamn, Sienna…”
@hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixt @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @seyven89 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @cocoa-puffs @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee @princessxotwod @palmstreesallday @kokokonako @coolfancyone @soulsparker @richgirlaesthetics
363 notes · View notes
surshica · 2 years
: CL16
genre: stupid fluff, social media (smau)
warnings: translated french
A/N: let’s ignore everything that happened in this gp! this is my first EVER f1 fic so ernmmm bare with me! i’ve had this like whole thing in my head for a while but i was just too lazy LMAO ANYWAYS i’m also deprived of some fics..ENJOY ?!!
synopsis: soft launching a relationship with charles — charles leclerc x streamer fem!reader (fc: tina kitten)
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 793,610 others
yourusername when he gets the princess treatment instead of me..
user1 my streamer is in a relationship..🫠
user2 this means we can’t be parasocial no more…I HOPE THIS “MAN” CAN FIGHT.
alex_albon okay tell him to stop being clingy so you can play goat simulator with us
yourusername he said, “they suck at the game so they can wait, i like the princess treatment” soo…
user4 as much as i want to theorize and say it’s an F1 driver it’s unlikely…she’s just a twitch streamer.
user8 “just a twitch streamer” my ass..as if she isn’t the biggest streamer and influencer
user4 i mean itd be a downgrade for a professional to date a non professional athlete or like model or idol🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc okay little buddy it’s past your bedtime
landonorris okay buddy..don’t make me use THE blackmail.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, tomholland and 2,072,473 others
charles_leclerc my jpg era? nahh
user3 okay so are we going to talk about who took these photos cause i know damn well you didn’t take them..
yourusername whoever styled you should get a raise
charles_leclerc i’ll tell her that, it’ll inflate her ego some more
yourusername she doesn’t deserve you 😐
user6 this is kinda suspicious..what if.
user2 WHAT IF????
user6 what if yn and charles are 🤞
carlossainz55 charlie finally got a sense of style !!
pierregasly groundbreaking ‼️
user9 okay but why does he actually look good in this outfit..
user10 f1 twt going crazy over this fit
liked by yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, georgerussell63 and 628,927 others
yourusername stream today!! we’ll be playing among us vr with *drumroll* landonorris and georgerussell63, be sure to tune into it today
user1 WITH THOSE TWO??? it sounds chaotic..
user10 HMMM….
charles_leclerc where is my invite ☹️
yourusername you said no because chat would laugh at you..
charles_leclerc this makes it seem like those two are your favorites…
yourusername they are.
charles_leclerc hand back the paddock passes<3
liked by charles_leclerc
user5 bye they’re literally flirting.
liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername
user6 THE HEART AFTER PADDOCK..am i seeing this correctly
user2 what if you actually predicted it…
alex_albon i can already hear lando screaming..
landonorris slanderous.
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris, lewishamiliton, alex_albon and 1,729,168 others
charles_leclerc désolé mon amour le secret est sorti..😅❤️
user6 YEAH I KNEW IT. everyone who made bets pay up! i do apple pay venmo zelle paypal
user1 bye you’re so unserious 😭
user3 aye they tryna make bank i don’t blame them
user2 it’s like they’re a mastermind..IS CHARLES GOING TO WIN THE NEXT GP?!?
user6 yes. he is going to podium and be at least 2 or 3
yourusername you couldn’t wait just a little longer..not till your next gp? ;;
charles_leclerc my fingers slipped!!
yourusername fat fingers!
charles_leclerc that’s not very nice chéri:(
yourusername yeah no more princess treatment for you.
charles_leclerc HEY NOW…THATS NOT FUNNY.
landonorris are mom and dad fighting..☹️
charles_leclerc i hope you never get imposter when you play amongus again
landonorris HEY MAN TOO FAR.
user10 the pictures..THE PICTURES. sleeping on a highway tonight 🤞
user4 interesting choice in a s/o…
yourbestie that person would be me 😍
yourbestie took y’all forever, im surpised charlie brown over here didn’t spill the beans earlier
charles_leclerc who are you calling charlie brown? 😒
yourbestie you.
@ surshica | rb & follow.
2K notes · View notes
citruswriter · 3 months
"Did you really just call me —---"
I just like the idea of the boys being called the wrong name by an overtired reader
Bayverse Turtles x Eepy Reader
Listen with me! ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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Leonardo x Reader 🧡
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You'd been up for over 24 hours.
You were working on some damn essay and surrounded by a graveyard of red bull cans.
You were barely even awake, slowly tapping at the keys on your laptop while Leo sat on your bed reading a book.
"I think it's time for bed, dear." He said finally, getting up to take you to bed.
You whined in protest as Leo gently tugged you. "Fuck off, Mom. I need to finish this". You muttered and Leo couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh I'm mom now?" He questioned and you tilted your head back to look at him, a sleepy smile appearing. "Oh hey Leo".
Que this man laughing his ass off.
"Come to bed, blossom. You're so tired, you just called me mom". He said, picking you up bridal style.
You couldn't help but snort with laughter. "That's fucking hilarious."
You were asleep before your head even hit the pillow.
Leo took the time to pick up a little bit before crawling into bed with you
"Of all things to call me, you call me mom". He muttered as he kissed your forehead.
Trust me, you will never live this down. He's teasing you about it for years.
✯¸.��´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Raphael x Reader 🧡
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Raph had been out on a night patrol and had left you in his room. You wanted to wait up for him, really you did. But you were just so damn tired.
So you got all comfy and cozied up into a little tiny ball before drifting off.
When Raph finally came back, he couldn't help but smile down at you
"I'm back kitten." He muttered, gently shaking you. You whined and pushed him off if you.
"Lemme aloneeeeee." You whined, not exactly fully awake. Raph raised a brow ridge at you and tried to pull the blankets back in hopes for some cuddles.
"Hunter if you don't fuck off, I'm beating your ass and then telling mom". You growled before turning over, huffing.
Raph stood there for a few seconds before chuckling and rolling you onto your back.
"Hunter?" Was all he said and you cracked your eyes open.
"Hm? Oh hey baby." You said with a sleep giggle, unraveling some to give him some blanket so he could crawl in and cuddle you.
You hummed as he drew you close against his plastron.
"So who's Hunter?" He asked and you scrunched up your face. "My older brother." You replied.
Raph laughed softly and kissed your cheek. "Go back to bed, sweetness"
And for your information, yes. I have an older brother named Hunter. Fuck you Hunter.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Donatello x Reader 🧡
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Oh boy.
For once Donnie was trying to drag you to bed.
It had been hours and you were still researching for your latest hyperfixation. And as much as he understood and admired your passion, it was bedtime and goddammit this man wanted his fucking cuddles.
He noticed your eyes droop and he sighed, standing up to tug at you.
"Bedtime, little one". He said but you just whined, tugging your arm back. "Five more minutes, Dad."
Donnie let out a laugh. "Did you really just call me dad?" He snickered and you slowly drug your eyes over at him before giggling.
"Oh my gosh I did." You said, planting your face in your hands and laughing with him.
"You. Me. Bed. Now". He said, picking you up. "Bossy, bossy." You teased but nuzzled into him none the less.
He scoffed and laid you down. "You're way worse. Don't even." He said as he cuddled up to you, arms trapping you against him.
"G'night". You said, speech slurred from how sleepy you were. Donnie nuzzled into your neck, breathing you in and chrruing softly.
"Good night, my dove".
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Michaelangelo x Reader 🧡
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You were so tired. You had stayed up all night last night playing video games with Mikey and now it was midday and you were dead tired.
You leaned your head back onto the couch that you and Mikey had been sitting on and you could feel yourself getting drowsy.
Mikey looked over at you and nudged you. "(Y/N)?" He questioned as he notified you drifting off.
You whined and pushed his arm away. "Not now, April. Whatever earth shattering news story you have right now can wait". You complained.
Mikey couldn't help but laugh. "No way you just called me April." He called and you lifted your head to look at him and laugh yourself.
"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry, Mikey". You giggled out and Mikey smiled softly, grabbing you and placing you on his lap.
"Get comfy. You can take a nap on me." He offered and you smiled, squirming around until you were all comfy.
It didn't take long before you drifted off into slumber against him. Mikey did his best not to move too much.
And when you woke up, there was pizza and orange crush waiting for you.
Oh and you're never living this one down. Not with Mikey. Be prepared to die of embarrassment.
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It's shitty, I know. But it's also super cute so I'm posting it anyways and ya'll can suffer with my cringe.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Hihihi hello!!! Hope ur doing well 🫶🏻
Cale n the co with someone who likes to give quick, gentle kisses? It can be platonic as well (sorry i kiss everything i like)—the kids, rosalyn, cage, hannah, their pillows, n many more. Like imagine kissing the kids' foreheads more than just few seconds and so sweetly bc they love their adorable little faces with big doe eyes so much-- I'm gonna cry so bad bro. I live for happiness w my unreal beloveds 🫂
Hershey’s - LoTCF & Gn! Reader
notes: I think 4+1 fics are becoming my go-to...
tags: gender neutral reader, sickfic at the end, fluff, kisses, platonic
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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When you first worked with Cale everyone was immediately introduced to your… peculiar habit.
[Name] kissed Cale’s hand as a greeting.
“It’ll be my pleasure to work with you young master.”
“Is this how you greet everyone?”
Cale asked but he didn’t look uncomfortable. Unlike when Clopeh compliments him. Because unlike that lunatic, the young master could feel the respect in that peck.
“When it seems appropriate. I’ll refrain from doing it if you are uncomfortable.”
Yup, [Name] is a hundred times better than Clopeh. They can’t even be compared.
“No, it’s fine. I was just curious.”
“As long as the young master doesn’t mind then.”
It was a rare day when everyone was taking a day off. No one was training or anything. They have all collectively decided to laze around.
“[Name] tells us a bedtime story!”
Raon demands as he and the kittens lie down on Cale’s bed. The owner was rolling around the marble floors somewhere else.
“But it’s still midday? Why would you want a bedtime story now?”
[Name] tilts their head in confusion at the kid’s demand.
“Cale told us that anytime is a good time to sleep nya!”
Hong reasoned as he tapped his paw on the bed for emphasis.
“Fair enough. I’ll get a fairy tale book then.”
Two stories in and the children already looked drowsy. All of them are ready to take a nap. [Name] closed the book they were reading and leaned down to kiss each of the children’s foreheads.
“Sleep well, kids.”
After that, they demand [name] to tell them a bedtime story every night.
…it certainly wasn’t because the kiss felt nice.
…not at all.
“Thanks for training with me Choi Han!”
[Name] thanked the swordmaster. Only the two of them are in the plaza. Everyone else had already finished for the day but [name] asked Choi Han for extra training.
“No problem.”
Choi Han replies as he hands his friend a bottle of water to drink.
Together they sat in silence. Only the sound of the water being drank and the towel wiping their sweat could be heard.
“Come one, let’s go. We have to shower before Beacrox kicks our asses.”
[Name] chuckled as they offered their hand for Choi Han to grab. The black-haired man also laughs as he imagines the chef’s angry face.
Once they reached the door to [name]’s room they got on their tiptoe.
Then kissed Choi Han’s cheeks.
“Thanks again, Choi Han! I’ll treat you to something nice next time!”
With that, they enter their room leaving the poor man outside with a very red face.
“First time?”
Rosalyn laughs as she passes by the swordmaster.
Choi Han knows that it’s just the way [name] shows affection.
But still, he can’t help but feel embarrassed.
Sniff. Sniff.
On sniffed as she held back her tears. 
Why the tears one might ask?
She accidentally scraped her knee while running around in the Forest of Darkness. The sting from the wound hurts so bad that it makes her tear up.
“Oh no baby come here. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
[Name] picks the silver kitten up so they can clean the wound. Once they entered the room On was placed on the bed so they could get the first aid kit.
In no time, the kitten’s knee is all bandaged up.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“No. Thank you [name].”
[Name] smiled brightly as they received On’s gratitude. They then leaned down and kissed the silver kitten’s bandaged knee.
“To make it heal faster.”
“Then… every time one of us gets hurt we can go to you to kiss it all better?”
On paws [name]’s face. They are now on their way back to meet up with everyone.
“Of course! But that right is exclusive for children. The grown-ups can handle themself.”
[Name] winks at On and both of them giggle as they walk.
Deep inside, On thinks she shouldn’t tell the rest of the kids about this privilege.
She feels like they would deliberately hurt themselves just to get a kiss.
[Name] was sick with a fever. They have been delirious and fading in and out of consciousness for 2 days now.
There’s not much they remember but they did retain the memory of a bunch of people kissing them.
“Get well soon.”
Rosalyn kissed the crown of their head as she wished them well.
“It’s hard seeing my sparring partner sick like this. Get better soon so we can spar.”
Choi Han kissed their hand with a promise of spar.
“I know you said it’s exclusive for children but maybe it’ll work on you too.”
On pats their head as she kissed their forehead.
“Get well soon [Name]! Because you're sick I’ll read you a bedtime story instead!”
Raon kissed their cheek before he started reading a children’s storybook.
…[name] genuinely doesn’t know anymore if their red face is from their fever or their kisses.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Batting Practice Part 4 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You get a little bit of time alone with Bradley, and now you want him even more. When he asks you about Frank, you realize you need to tie up some loose ends. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Everett was beyond excited for his first tee ball game, and he insisted on wearing his jersey to school on Friday. He wanted to wear it to bed on Friday night as well, but you made him change into pajamas. 
"What time does my game start?" he asked for the millionth time.
"Sweetie, I already told you. Tomorrow morning at 10:30. And that's why you need to get in bed and get a lot of rest."
After six bedtime stories and a cup of water, he was finally dozing off to sleep, and you were about to check your work email. 
But when you looked at your phone, you saw a few texts from your sister and a text from Bradley.
Bradley Bradshaw: I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'm probably allowed to spend a little extra time with the Team Mom. Maybe you'll keep your Kitten claws tucked away and let me buy you something from the snack bar after the game?
"Oh my god," you whispered as you sat on the edge of your bed. You lay back and literally kicked your feet up in the air as you wrote back to him.
I'll keep my kitten claws away if you buy me an Icee and a soft pretzel.
Then you sat up and gasped before running downstairs to the kitchen. Everett's tee ball schedule was hanging on the refrigerator where you and he could both see it. You took it down, sending a magnet flying in the process. You were right; Monday's practice was dress up day. The kids were supposed to come to practice in costumes, and there was a note encouraging the parents to dress up as well. 
With a squeak, you found the magnet and hung the calendar again before running back upstairs to your room. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Sounds perfect. And maybe you can fill me in more about what else Kittens like to eat and drink. For future reference.
You buried your face in your pillow to keep from screaming too loud. You felt like you were seventeen again and about to get asked to prom by Kyle Jenkins. Except this was even better. 
You sent back a cat emoji before you opened your Amazon app and searched for what you needed for Monday. 
You found a cat ear headband and a cat tail to make an adult cat costume. Then you dug around in your closet for something to pair them with. You had black jeans, but couldn't find a suitable top. After a few minutes of searching, you added a black bodysuit to the shopping cart along with some washable face paint. Before you could second guess yourself, you charged everything to your credit card with next day shipping, and started to get ready for bed. 
You needed to be well rested for Everett's game. And for the snack bar.
Bradley took a quick shower while his coffee brewed. The bathroom was right next to the kitchen and living room, and his bedroom was the only other room. His apartment was kind of small, and he kind of hated it. 
Last night, he had spent hours thinking about bringing you back here, but it was so boring and bare, it made it look like he had no personality. Then he started thinking about what your place might look like. Then he started thinking about what your bed might look like. Then he was just imagining you in a nondescript bed with him, and he started touching himself. 
He wasn't really surprised. You were such a treat to look at, and he was more attracted to you than he had been to the last dozen women he had hooked up with combined. There was just something about you. The combination of wholesome mom vibes were mixing with the way you responded to him when he called you Kitten. It was a lot for his brain to process how sexy he found those two things when put together. 
For a brief moment he thought about masturbating again in the shower, but he didn't have enough time to indulge in that like he really wanted to. 
He quickly toweled off and finished getting ready. He sipped his coffee and scrolled through his text messages with you, being extra careful not to spill anything on his white baseball pants. 
God, you were so flirtatious. That little kitten emoji threw him last night. 
He rubbed a hand across his mouth and mustache and grabbed his gear for the game. He'd never make it through the day if he didn't try to stop thinking about you. 
He arrived at the field early and started setting things up with Bob, but he kept glancing around, looking for you. And if Bradley thought you looked good when you came to practice directly from work, that was nothing compared to how you looked today.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned as you made your way across the assigned field with Everett in his blue jersey. Your jeans were tight, and you had them paired with a Padres shirt and cap. 
When you looked over at him, you smiled and mouthed, "Hi, coach."
Bradley handed the cones he was holding to Bob and headed directly for you.
"Hey, we still need to mark off the outfield!" Bob called after him, but Bradley didn't pause until he was next to you.
"Kitten," he whispered as you took Everett's cleats out of his bag.
You glanced at him over your shoulder, and Bradley made sure you could tell he was checking you out. 
"Coach," you whispered back just as Everett launched off the bleachers. 
"Coach Bradley! Are we playing against the orange team?" he asked, pointing to the kids in the opposing uniforms. 
"We sure are. Those are the Tiny Hawks. Much less intimidating than a Tiny Eagle," Bradley said, adjusting his cap. "You ready to play? We're going to need our top power hitter if we have a chance at winning."
"Yeah!" Everett yelled. 
"Start warming up for the game," Bradley said, patting him on the shoulder as he ran toward Bob. Then he turned toward you and smirked. You were chewing on your bottom lip as you looked up at him like you were about to kiss him. "You look cute, Kitten. And on that note, I'm going to go cool down for the game."
Your laughter followed him as he went to meet with the referee. When the game started, he could hear you cheering loudly for Everett, your voice reaching his ears over everyone else's.
The game was honestly pretty exciting for a bunch of first graders hitting a ball off a vertical stick. Everett had two hits and even made it to third base during one inning. And whenever there was downtime in the game, you still got to look at Bradley in those tight, white pants. 
The moms behind you started whispering, and you were trying not to laugh. 
"I'll bet Coach Bradley could bench press me. His biceps look like fire hydrants." 
"Tara, he's got to have a girlfriend. There's no way something that meaty is still on the market."
Then Everett hit the ball so hard, another player on his team scored a run. "Go Everett! Run!" you shouted, jumping out of your seat and cheering. 
Bradley turned around and smiled at you as Everett won the game for his team. You waited for the kids to shake hands with each other, and then Everett gave Bradley another high five before running to you.
"Mommy!" he shouted as you caught him in your arms. "I'm a power hitter! Just like Coach Bradley said!"
"You really are! You were amazing!"
Then he wriggled out of your arms and said, "Can I play on the swings with the other kids?"
There was a good view of the swings from the snack bar, and now Bradley was heading your way with his gear bag slung over his shoulder and some dirt on his white pants. 
"Yeah, Ev. Just stay on the playground."
Bradley stopped in front of you. "I have a little team business I'd like to discuss with you, Team Mom. Would you join me on a bench near the snack bar?"
You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh. "Sure, Coach Bradley." So you turned and walked next to him for the first time; Everett was usually tucked in the middle when he walked you both to your car. Bradley was so tall when he was right next to you that you had to tilt your head up to talk to him. The other moms were right. He was definitely something to look at. 
"Congrats on your perfect winning record, Coach," you told him, earning a deep laugh that made your lips part as you sucked in a breath.
"Thanks, but I guess I should really be thanking Ev. He won us the game."
You just smiled and glanced at your son as he played. "He's doing so well. I can't believe it."
Bradley just shrugged as he led you up to the window to order some snacks. "He's talented, and he's fast. Does...his dad practice with him?"
You glanced up at him and shook your head. "No. Danny barely sees him at all."
A crease appeared on Bradley's brow and he immediately looked kind of angry. "Why not? He's not local?"
You snorted as you gave him a pitying look. "He lives in Mission Beach. He's just not interested."
"What the fuck?" Bradley asked, earning a glare from the woman who was trying to take your order at the snack bar. 
You just nudged his arm as you ordered your soft pretzel and cherry Icee. He ordered himself a soft pretzel and a lemonade and paid before you could get to your wallet.
"I already told you, it's my treat," he said, grabbing both drinks while you grabbed the pretzels. "Now I need you to explain to me how Everett's dad lives in San Diego but never spends time with him. I don't understand."
You just shrugged and sat down on a bench in the shade. "It's just one of the many reasons Danny and I are divorced. He never showed much interest in Ev, even when he was a baby."
Bradley settled in next to you and handed you the Icee. "I mean... babies are kind of scary. But Everett is fucking great."
You just looked at him, his pretty brown eyes flashing with anger and annoyance. 
"Yeah, Ev is the best. We're better off without Danny."
Bradley took one of the soft pretzels from you and ate half of it in one bite and chewed it up.
"Does that mean you're single, Kitten?" he asked without hesitation. "Been wanting to know."
You grinned at him as your phone vibrated in your pocket. "You've been wanting to know?" You ignored a text from Frank and set your phone down on the bench between your thigh and Bradley's. 
"Come on, Kitten. Just tell me. You're playing with me like I'm a ball of yarn."
Your grin gew as you nibbled on your pretzel and tried to figure out what to tell him. Essentially Frank was nothing. Inconsequential. In fact, he was really irritating you at the moment as another text came through after you'd already told him you were busy this weekend. 
"Well," you started. But now Frank was calling you. As you tried to ignore the call, Bradley looked at the screen.
"Who's Frank?" he asked, looking up at your face with a forced neutral expression. "Someone you're dating?"
"No," you replied, scrunching up your nose. 
"So you're single?"
"Good. Because you've got some salt on your lip," he whispered, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. Without giving it a second thought, you licked the salt from the pad of his thumb. Bradley froze with his eyes wide, staring at your mouth. "Jesus, Kitten."
Your face had the decency to grow warm as he leaned in a bit closer and whispered, "Next time I'll kiss it away."
You let out a tiny squeak as your phone started ringing again. 
"Damn it, Frank," Bradley growled as he scooped up your phone and answered it. "This is Kitten's phone. How can I help you?"
"Bradley!" you gasped, lunging for the phone as he switched ears. You watched him sip his lemonade as he looked at you, keeping the phone firmly out of your reach. 
"Yeah, I hear you, Frank. But she's at a tee ball game right now. Want me to relay a message?"
"Give it back," you scolded him, reaching for it again.
Bradley shook his head, but you just climbed across his lap to get your phone, your chest pressed against his. But now he was holding your phone out in his massive hand with his arm extended, and smiling a few inches from your lips.
"Bradley!" you said with an exasperated laugh. "You're terrible!"
"And you're wonderful," he replied as you anchored one hand around his neck and reached for the phone. You planted your right knee between his thighs and reached, but he finally relented by handing the phone to you.
"Frank?" you asked a bit breathlessly when you had the phone to your ear. You were touching Bradley in the weirdest assortment of places, but neither of his hands were on you. You wished they were. 
"Frank, I'll see you on Monday," you said, paying no attention to what he was saying before ending the call. 
"Who's Frank?" Bradley asked again, his breath ghosting across your cheek as you eased yourself off of his lap. But his hand came up to your waist to hold you in place and your eyes met his.
"A guy from work. Who doesn't know how to take no for an answer."
"What the hell does that mean?" Bradley's voice was tight. 
"Oh, just that I told him I'm busy this weekend, but he's still bugging me." You swallowed hard. You were going to need to completely end things with Frank. Soon. Because as you eased your knee over Bradley's thigh, you had to fight the urge to kiss him. You never craved kisses from Frank. "But maybe he'll leave me alone now that you answered my phone."
You were sitting on your knees on the bench facing Bradley when he turned toward you and asked, "Do I need to worry about Frank?" 
Your lips parted in a silent smile, and you laughed. His eyes looked a little hurt as they met yours. 
"You don't need to worry about anyone, Coach."
His face eased into a soft smile. "Have you given any more thought to that Phillies game, Kitten? It's my treat if you and Ev want to go."
"That's not necessary," you insisted. But you wanted to go in the worst way. 
But if you told Everett that this was even a possibility, he would ask about it nonstop for the next month. Letting Everett spend time with Bradley outside of tee ball was just asking for trouble. Spending time by yourself with Bradley outside of tee ball was probably just as bad. 
"I know it's not necessary, but I'd still love to take both of you." 
His eyes were so sincere. You had never been interested in a guy who you allowed to be around Everett before. But Bradley was in two categories: Everett's Coach and a guy you really liked. And it would be impossible to separate the two now.
"I want to say yes...."
"Then say yes," he replied. "And you should say yes when I ask you out on a date without Everett. And you should say yes when I ask you if I can practice tee ball with him since his dad sounds like such a tool."
You felt soft inside. "All of that sounds nice, Coach. And I do the best I can with helping him practice, but I don't know that much about baseball."
"I can teach you," Bradley said softly, stroking your knee through your jeans. "Over dinner? What do you like to eat, Kitten?"
"I'm not picky."
"What's your favorite?"
You kind of shrugged. "Cheap burgers and expensive champagne."
Bradley laughed. "I love that, too."
Then Everett came over and squeezed onto the bench in the small gap between your knees and Bradley's thigh. "I'm starving," he whined.
When you checked your phone, you were surprised to find it was a lot later than you thought. "Ready to head home for lunch?"
"Yes," he said, and just when you were about to remind him to thank his coach, Everett threw his arms around Bradley's neck.
"Thanks for making me such a good player."
You watched Bradley return his hug, something you couldn't ever remember Danny doing. 
"I didn't do much, kiddo. You're a natural," Bradley told him with a smile. 
"I don't know what that means, but it sounds good," Everett said, standing up and collecting his gear bag. 
"Thanks for the snack," you whispered as Everett took your hand and started pulling you toward the parking lot. 
"Bye, Kitten."
Bradley watched you walk away, looking like a real treat in those jeans. The bench was suddenly too quiet and lonely without your attention for him to bask in. So he just sipped his lemonade and tried to figure out how to make you feel more comfortable. 
Clearly you were hesitant to tell him who the hell Frank was. That was a potential problem. But Bradley had to smile at the memory of Frank sputtering in confusion when he answered your phone. 
Frank was going to have to go.
You also needed some reassurance about Everett. Bradley genuinely liked your son, and he could picture himself tossing a ball around the park with him. If he wanted to play real ball in the fall, Everett was going to need to get better at fielding. He seemed to love baseball as much as Bradley did at that age. And honestly baseball was the one thing that really helped him deal with losing his dad. 
It was funny how Everett reminded him so much of himself, but Bradley thought perhaps Everett had it worse than he did. Nick Bradshaw was just gone from Bradley's life by the time he was in first grade. Completely wiped away. No chance of ever seeing or talking to his dad again. But Everett's dad lived a scant five miles away from this bench and never spent any time with his kid. 
"Fucked up," Bradley mumbled to himself. Especially since you and Everett's dad had been married. Who does that shit to their family, divorced or not? Bradley had to roll his shoulders to help himself calm down. 
If it was okay with you, he would take Everett to the park one day. He thought they would both have fun. 
As he finished his lemonade, his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text from you.
"Okay, Coach. Take us to the Phillies game. We both really want to go with you."
He smiled and opened the internet tab where he had been looking at tickets. He bought three seats in the outfield and took a screenshot of the receipt. Then he texted you the image along with a promise.
"I really want to go with both of you, too."
Bye, Frank. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
serum 💦
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Minho groaned dramatically as he rushed back into the bathroom and took a seat on the tub behind you.
„Kitten, you are doing skincare for hours. When is this finally over? The cats need you!“ His whining reminded you of a little boy. You smiled sheepishly while applying silky lotion all over your body.
„Are you sure it’s the cats who need me?“
He rolled his chestnut colored eyes at you, never wanting to admit his vulnerability.
„Yes. They do. And maybe… I do, too.“ Your left brow rose in surprise. „Only maybe? Well, then I can take my time I guess.“
Minho got up hastily and swung his arms around your body. „I lied. I need you, kitten. Please don’t make me wait any longer.“ He placed kisses on the back of your neck as he looked at you pleasingly. „Please, y/n.“
You loved how much he needed you. When you two first started dating he was so closed off and cold but now it’s like he’s pouring his innermost feelings out to you without even thinking about it. It warmed your heart knowing that he trusted you that much. And at the same time it turned you on - badly. Minho was not one to beg often but when he did? Instant panty dropper. Something about his lowered body language and glistening eyes made you feel powerful and dominant – feelings that were normally his to occupy in your relationship.
Your voice was hoarse, you were already vividly imagining what was about to come. „I.. I‘ll hurry up, Min.“
This moment of vulnerability only lasted for a short moment as Minho decided to take another route by showing you exactly what he thought of your pre-bedtime agenda.
He was pampering you with kisses as his hands roamed your body. Minho sensed you getting wet just by touching you like this, knowing exactly what his little kitten liked. Your head fell back on his broad shoulders as he was playing with the hem of your lacy thong, his long fingers sliding in effortlessly. Little moans escaped your lips as you were trying to steady yourself.
„What’s wrong kitten? Are you too distracted to do your skin care?“
His tone was malicious but you didn’t care. You let out a deep moan as his index finger found your clit, massaging it lightly. He sucked in his breath, getting harder by the second.
„Fuck, how are you so wet already?“ Minho thrusted harder against you, pushing you against the hard sink. The cold marble felt amazing against your hot skin, almost as amazing as his throbbing cock against your ass cheeks.
„Min“, you huffed out.
„Yes, kitten?“
„Let’s go to the bedroom. Please.“ He chuckled into your ear and intensified the pressure on your clit.
„Baby, we can’t. You still need to do your skincare“, he cooed into your ear. You grew impatient - the audacity this man had.
„Min, I swear to god. Will you fuck me already?“
He didn’t need to hear that twice.
His fingers slid into your dripping pussy - without a warning which made you tense up only to become even more aroused. He started pumping his fingers in and out of you, fastening the pace as he pleased. You felt so good, he made you feel so fucking good.
„Kitten?“ You were at the brink of your first orgasm.
„Remember how you prioritized your skincare over me?“
Eyes filled with lust and a hunger for dominance looked directly at you. You tried your best holding his gaze but failed as he was sliding in three fingers by now.
„I want you to do it. Do your skincare.“
You were too distracted to argue so you complied. You reached for the remaining products, all while trying not to come on his fingers. The bathroom was filled with sounds of Minho‘s shallow breathing, your melodic moans and the wetness of your core. You applied the eye cream as he was quickening the pace.
„Oh god, Minho, wait!“
He wasn’t having it.
„Do your skin care kitten, you now understand what you get by prioritizing it over me. Come on.“
You grabbed the lip mask and applied the thick cream on your plush lips only to part them right after as your boyfriend was massaging your clit now.
„Fuck I- I -Min!“
He smirked seductively at you, trying to last a little longer.
„Do I Make you feel good, kitten? Because you make me feel so good.“
He pushed himself against you even harder. Your hands trailed behind your back to his pants, wanting his dick so badly.
„Hmmm kitten, did you not forget something?“
His eyes darted to the serum on the right. You were too fucked out to notice that you had applied everything in the wrong order but so what? You grabbed the little glass bottle and opened it. You applied three drops on your face - forehead, cheeks and chin. It was nearly see-through and thick, staying on your face until you rubbed it in. But before you did you noticed Minho‘s eyes widen with even more desire. You smirked as you knew exactly what he was thinking.
„Min, do you like my new serum?“
Your question pulled him out of his daydream. You placed your index finger on your cheek and slowly smeared it all over your face, not breaking eye contact once. His breathing got heavier as he let go of your waist and started touching himself. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized that he was jerking off.
You turned around, wanting to help as he motioned you to go down on your knees. You followed his orders and looked up at him - even though he was doing the filthiest things he still seemed divine to you.
„Kitten“, he barely spoke. Sweat was forming on his forehead, his sharp jaw tensed as he was about to come for you. Your excitement grew bigger and bigger.
You tried to get closer to him, eager to suck him off and swallow his delicious cum. You loved how he made you feel so dirty, as if you were doing the naughtiest things just for him. Minho smirked at you, he loved how eager you were for him. He loved how much you would take for him, just because you wanted him that much. He shook his head and denied your request to suck him off though. You started sulking until you heard his explanation.
„Before we do that kitten, let me do this.“
Minho came all over your face, covering you with his shimmery cum just how he liked it. He looked down at you, a mixture of love and possession in his aroused eyes. He placed his thumb on your cheek and smeared his own cum all over your pretty features.
„See kitten, I think my serum is way better for you.“
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the99thfanboy · 4 months
So an age reduction thing happens and the batkids are all little. This all goes as you might expect, chaos throughout the manner and Bruce is exhausted with Alfred being the only one that can get them to all behave at the same time.
However, one thing you might not have thought of is that the batpets are all reduced too. Puppy Ace plays with the kids all day, but curls up to Bruce in the study after bedtime. Damian sneaks little calf Batcow into his room. Alfred the cat, now kitten, slinks though the various rooms to nap with each little batkid throughout the night. And so on.
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