#my jshk posts
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manganiti · 11 days ago
A small clue about the way the Yugi twins are and differ
In PP, it's first shown that Amane wore the uniform shirt the way it should be, whereas Tsukasa had the shirt out of his pants.
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In ch. 101-103 when there was a glimpse of the past, it's the same.
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I think it gives us clues of the way each twin is?
Like, Amane is someone who tries to maintain the status quo, follow the rules on the outside, he "holds back", meanwhile Tsukasa disregards social rules, he doesn't care what others think of him. He's chaotic, he's just the way he is. He "doesn't hold back".
Tsukasa, after merging with the pit god, lost part of his humanity. While he's still fundamentally himself, this merger has changed him. He no longer thought as a human would, and as a result, he felt no need to hold back his true nature.
In contrast, when Amane was still alive, he remained fully human, and that human side of him held him back. His humanity made him suppress his true nature, as he still adhered to human instincts and morals.
I think it also could be a clue about the misunderstandings between them. I'll expand on that later.
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iamhereinthebg · 17 days ago
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✨Mystery kids ✨
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mari-lair · 7 months ago
Fascinated by Aoi's little lies to keep her cute girl image at the start of the manga. Here are my top 3 lies.
1. Her disinterest in scary stories.
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Aoi adores scary stories, she loves sharing them with Nene because she too loves these kind of stories.
She gave Akane a hanitarou, which is a haniwa clay figure. These figures are associated with graveyards, death, and containers of souls. A very niche present from our 'cute gardener with no interest in scary stories'
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During the spin-off, she was the one interested in Kukkuri-san.
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Aoi is blushy while reading the book, and she is excited to play the game, raising her arms, and using '!' when the mokke moves the piece.
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Bonus: She chose to watch a Jaws kind of movie with Akane. Not spooky, perhaps, but still a pick more inclined to the scary than the cute.
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2. her interest in Teru
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She uses Teru as an example of people she want to know more about, even adding this.
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But I can guarantee 100% that Teru's book wouldn't be her first choice.
She only cares about Nene and Akane this early in the manga, she doesn't even know Teru is an exorcist, nor does she feel compelled to learn about him this early on, sparing Teru no thoughts during the grim Reaper arc (the arc where she is at her most honest).
He is a puppy to her, a convenient prince 'everyone loves', so she can just play along. It's a small lie but I find it interesting cause just like the 'oh i don't like spooky stories', this lie highlights just how high her walls are.
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3. Love expert Aoi
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This one is just funny. Self-explanatory too "Oh nene you need experience" Aoi look at yourself in the mirror, you are bitchless too.
And sure, your case is an incredible achievement of attachment issues instead of lack of rizz but still, you go Aoi, gaslight her.
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aventuras-de-andre · 8 months ago
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my guy didn’t even hesitate 💀
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liothebiblioklept · 3 months ago
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Love their confidence 💪💪🔥🔥🔥
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mysteriousmissme · 6 days ago
this caption is so funny because when has kou adashino minamoto ever been ugly
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have you seen him.
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box-radio · 4 months ago
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happy birthday to the twins from the hit manga series toilet bound hanako kun!!!1!
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musicalmoritz · 5 months ago
I love being a Nene fan because no matter how much hate and misogyny is aimed her way, she will always be the protagonist. It doesn’t matter how hard people try to deny that fact, by definition she is the main character and has been called such multiple times throughout the series. The story will always be about her lifespan, and she is at the front of every major arc in the series (although ofc some of the minor arcs do center around side characters). Hanako will always be in love with her, Aoi will always be her best friend, and every other character people use to put her down probably loves her too because she is so good at befriending people
Your faves would love Nene, send word
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itzprismosblog · 3 months ago
Whatever month your born in is the tbhk character your stuck in a room with for a whole 24 hours. How’s it going?
January = Natsuhiko
February = Mei
March = Hanako
April = Mitsuba (apparition)
May = Teru (definitely not my month..)
June = Nene
July = Tsukasa
August = Kou
September = Akane (boy)
October = Sakura
November = Tsuchigomori
December: Aoi (girl)
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icantmoveitmoveitanymore · 3 months ago
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Day 7: Free day/christmas can be either? Not rlly christmas-y though!!
Idea was timeskip>terukane growing apart>akane moving on>teru pining...but it rlly doesnt show so just to show what the initial plan was ig
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ocelotlesbian · 3 months ago
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mitsuba if he was fucked up and evil
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manganiti · 7 days ago
Amane's/Hanako's memory loss
We know that Amane/Hanako doesn't remember some parts of his past, the most notable being the reason he was fixing the clock.
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However, there are some other things that he doesn't remember. And those things are... his encounters with Nene when she traveled to the past.
Yet, at the same time, he subconsciously recalls them.
1. "Body remembers but mind doesn't" instance #1: The Tanabata Star Festival 
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I don't think that Nene changed the timeline when she traveled to the past, but rather it was destined to happen in the previous timeline, because note that before she traveled to the past to meet little Amane, Hanako was already confused as his heart started to beat faster after Nene whacked his forehead.
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Like, the whack triggered the sensations he had when Nene kissed his forehead in the past. That's why the "?" like, "Why am I feeling so nervous out of nothing because she whacked my forehead?" It's like, his body remembers what happened even if his mind doesn't.
Something interesting is that Amane doesn't remember Nene 4 years later.
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Many people think that it's because he met her when he was little and then he forgot about her because he grew up, but I don't think that's the case. For example, even though Tsukasa was 4 when he first met Nene, he still remembered her when he was 12.
I think Nene had such a strong impact on Amane when he was 8.
He liked her because of her fat ankles, then blushed because she cleaned his mouth with a handkerchief, had a crush on her after this and was willing to give her his one wishing slip. Then, he told her she was his type and he even changed his wish of becoming an astronaut, to meeting her once again, writing her name in the process. Finally, he hung the wishing slips she gave him from the big wish tree and smiled as he looked at them. She was his first love!
That's why it doesn't make sense that he doesn't remember her.
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It’s as if his memories were altered while he was still alive. But by whom? Could it be The Clock Keepers? Did Amane became a Clock Keeper in the ages of 8-12? Could an accident that happened during that time, make him lose his memories? (Before the one that happened at the school festival).
Or could it be Tsukasa who manipulated their "accidental encounters" through time so that they would develop their bond, but it was very important that Amane wouldn't remember Nene at the same time, hence, he altered Amane's memories so that his big plan to grant Amane's wish could work?
2. "Body remembers but mind doesn't" instance #2: Picture Perfect
At first, we weren’t sure whether what Hanako did to Nene when he locked her up was a kiss on the forehead or showing him getting closer to hug her. However, with the recent official art and the anime, it’s clear that it was a kiss on the forehead.
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It doesn't seem that Hanako remembers something about her from when he was alive, though. He just subconsciously remembers the kiss she gave him on the forehead. I think it became something really special to him, a sweet gesture of affection.
3."Body remembers but mind doesn't" instance #3: The magic spell
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So, this is another example of how Hanako subconsciously recalls the kiss Nene gave him when he was 8, but as I previously said, it's very clear that he doesn't remember meeting her when he was still alive.
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Still, his emotions and actions scream and show how much that interaction meant to him when he could remember. It's as if those memories are trying to emerge from the depths of his mind.
It's also an example that shows that what happened in the past with Nene, is already part of the previous timeline.
I know that it started with Hanako giving a kiss to Nene as a magic spell, so she replicated it with Amane, but also Hanako seemed confused when his body reacted to Nene's whack on his forehead at the festival.
I think he replicated the kiss Nene gave him on the forehead when he kissed her cheek, but if he hadn't done it, Nene wouldn't have replicated it with Amane.
It's like a causal circle of kisses interactions. Like there's no beginning or ending. It was everything at the same time, in some way and no kiss interaction could have existed without the other (When I started to write this theory I didn't know I could be analysing these kisses interactions this deeply lol but it's very interesting).
4. "Body remembers but mind doesn't" instance #4: Love at first sight
Another example of he has memory loss but his body remembers is the day Hanako met Nene for the first time because she wanted him to grant her wish.
What if Tsukasa planned everything from the beginning? How did he know that Nene would have such a strong impact on Hanako? Hanako liked Nene at first sight!
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It's as if Tsukasa knew he could take advantage of the feelings Hanako had for Nene and he made them a crucial part of his plans. It's also strange the way Hanako got attached to Nene so quickly and it's like Tsukasa was expecting Hanako to get attached to her that quickly.
I think that aside from the time travel events that are shown in the story so far, something really important happened between Nene and the Yugi twins when they were alive.
Those interactions made Tsukasa realize that Amane/Hanako's and Nene's feelings were mutual, or maybe he manipulated everything so that they could fall in love with each other (That would make him HanaNene biggest shipper lol).
(This is a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" kind of situation. My head is gonna explode hahaha)
Either way, Hanako doesn't seem to remember Nene because his memories related to her are altered along with his reason for fixing the clock. Could his memories about Nene and the clock be related?
Tsukasa knows the full story.
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iamhereinthebg · 3 months ago
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In the heart of the Red House
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mari-lair · 8 months ago
Akane is Aoi's sun. There is no real light at the end of Aoi's tunnel in chapter 70, she is already dead, but the manga composition keeps framing Akane as her source of light.
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He shines in her POV
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aventuras-de-andre · 5 months ago
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ruffledgloves · 8 months ago
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