#my heart really is so full
tame-a-messenger · 4 months
No offense to the other accounts I follow on here, but I think you’re by far my favorite one. I love sending in asks and I of course don’t know you personally but you seem like a nice person and we share the same love for our duo. So thank you for making this account and being awesome. I hope you’re having a great day/night while reading this 🫶
I can't even start to say how much being in this community has made my cup so full. I had no idea people were going to be so sweet and kind about a silly little blog like this. I thought I'd have to fight off people making things out of nothing and being weird, but EVERYONE and I mean that, has been SO FUCKING NICE.
YOU ARE SO WELCOME. AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. You guys give me somewhere to put my thoughts so I don't think I'm insane <3 (and you guys know you're not delusional either, and I think that's beautiful <3)
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nikoco11 · 3 months
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that datamined karlach design…..
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attleboy · 4 months
time for my favorite kind of audience interaction! completely spontaneous!!! :D sequel to this based off what people said i should do with her... @royalphantompain
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can't swim. idiot (don't get mad at me i can't swim either)
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@vanillawaferstudios @scentedrascalwobblerflap
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@lemonpuffxxx @all-seeing-tomato
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well it appears we killed her! good job team!! :D [clap clap]
it's fine she'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. probably
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No spoilers but I never thought anything could top the animation, color palettes, and the overall visuals of Into the Spiderverse but Across the Spiderverse absolutely did without a doubt in my mind. Just gorgeous animation and compositions all around and I can’t wait until it comes on dvd so I can pause and admire every single frame. Everyone who worked on character designs, backgrounds and lighting etc should be so so proud of the work they’ve done.
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sillyfairygarden · 5 days
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my world blooms around you (this user has not stopped thinking about esmp1 shadowbeans)
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halorvic · 1 month
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#sars cov 2#covid 19#i've interacted with 4 different friends/acquaintances in the past month alone who have all been hospitalised after having a stroke#(and in one case multiple strokes)#one who i visited in hospital over the weekend had a (unmasked) nurse coughing up a lung in her room 👍#and one of them who had to undergo surgery also had to be moved to a different hospital#bc the ward they were keeping him in was full of confirmed covid patients 👍👍#idk how many times it needs to be said before it gets through people's heads but VACCINES ARE NOT ENOUGH#and encouraging ppl to rely solely on them when there are already plans to jack up the prices so you have to KEEP PAYING for boosters#for an ONGOING mass-disabling event is so laughably unrealistic and absurd and flat-out demonic#you need to mitigate the actual spread of covid by WEARING A MASK + fighting for CLEAN AIR/proper ventilation in public spaces!!!!!!#ppl are so eager to forget the whole 'break the chain of transmission' thing and how effective masking is and so this is where we're at#'i got infected and infected other ppl who might die or become permanently disabled but it's no big deal bc no one else wears a mask#so if /i/ didn't infect them someone else would have anyway so it's not my fault and really its got nothing to do with me and my choices'#if everyone is responsible then no one is responsible - that's how it works right?#it's no wonder some ppl go rabid at even the sight of someone wearing a mask and minding their own business#ppl seeking treatment for unrelated conditions/illnesses and then dying from covid caught in hospitals#due to lack of npis/basic mitigation measures - no regulations no accountability#we truly live in a hell (''new normal'') of our own making#anyway none of this is new news at all i mostly thought it might be good to share the info graphic abt signs of stroke#covid has been given free reign and chances are increasing as to how likely you'll encounter it happening to someone you know at some point#also heart attacks and pots and alzheimer's etc etc etc
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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apticho · 8 months
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my hope, my star
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sakuraspoke · 23 days
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"phantom of the opera and ONLY phantom of the opera"
just in case i couldn't already love it enough ffs
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jokingmaiden · 1 year
okay i could easily ramble about @somerandomdudelmao’s art and how amazing it is for hours, but i’m bad at expressing affection so i’m settling for a meme
anyways i saw these tags
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and all i could think of was this
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startistdoodles · 9 months
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Kirbtober Day 9: Anime
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kitamars · 11 months
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how can you drop a heavy burden if it's holding you up as well
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gummi-ships · 4 days
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - The Caribbean
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corrodedcarpals · 1 year
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watch your back.
jacob belongs to carnivorekitty
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Feeling Fruity
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jerswayman · 2 months
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i think we all know it's you who never wants to leave brando
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