#goodmorning/night/afternoon to you too Anon<3
tame-a-messenger · 4 months
No offense to the other accounts I follow on here, but I think you’re by far my favorite one. I love sending in asks and I of course don’t know you personally but you seem like a nice person and we share the same love for our duo. So thank you for making this account and being awesome. I hope you’re having a great day/night while reading this 🫶
I can't even start to say how much being in this community has made my cup so full. I had no idea people were going to be so sweet and kind about a silly little blog like this. I thought I'd have to fight off people making things out of nothing and being weird, but EVERYONE and I mean that, has been SO FUCKING NICE.
YOU ARE SO WELCOME. AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. You guys give me somewhere to put my thoughts so I don't think I'm insane <3 (and you guys know you're not delusional either, and I think that's beautiful <3)
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