#my government wants me to kms
demon-princess13 · 8 months
being chronically ill is being able to stay stonefaced while a doctor explains that the only thing they can do for you is offer you MAID (medical assistance in dying)
this has happened ~three times~ since we introduced the stupid policy.
i want you to find a way to help me that doesn’t involve a surgery w/ a 1-2 year recovery time. not help me kill myself.
but no; denying a major 16 hour operation means I must wanna jus die loooooool
I hate it here!!
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ephemerle · 11 months
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gommyworm · 2 years
#i look so fucking hot today#and i have nobody to appreciate it#my best friend lives 8 hrs away and constantly leaves me on read#which i understand we both tend to drop off the face of the earth when we arent around each other#my only other friend is a guy like 3 yrs younger than me who i have more of a like ? casual friendship w where we like#complain about the government and check in on each other n stuf#and like hes a very good boy but i cant like Talk to him about my life or show him my very attractive fit bc thatd be weird asf#and the only other person i talk to is my ex lmfaooo and that has its whole set of issues#i really desperately need friends or like a bf or something like i cant sit with myself like this every day or im gonna kms#i should hit up my therapist lmaoo i ghosted her a while ago and gooooood would i love someone to talk to rn lmao#like someone who already knows backstory and like the shit involved in my stupid shitty life#man i made my makeup look so nice so i coukd stop crying all day and now i fucking ruined it lmfao#idk why im so stressed these days i just want to be dead#i genuinely think i need like professional help lol like this is way worse than normal#maybe seasonal depression on top of the regular shit ? idk whats even happening anymore#i think im gonna really try and read a book so today so i can not exist for a bit#man and i got all fancy n shit 😔😔😔😔 this sucks ass#maybe i should get some sort of diary app or soemthing so i dont have to do this on tumbkr lmfao#prpbably less embarassing that way#whatever not like ppl reading this really care plus its interesting to see ppls thots i think#i hope u enjoyed the show :^)#gommywords
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theafrochick · 1 year
If I have to explain to my grandma one more time what a monitor is and that's what I bought one more time I'm gonna lose my fucking mind bro. I actually hate it here. But there's no way in hell I can afford to move out even if I get an actual job.
(and my names on the house so like....I'm gonna end up back here anyway)
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theygender · 1 year
TLT fans: did you guys know about the real Wake? I hadn't heard about her until we covered World War II in my world civ class this semester
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake (1912-2011) was a covert operative who was at the top of the Nazi's most wanted list in WW2, nicknamed "The White Mouse" for her ability to repeatedly evade capture. She was born in New Zealand with Māori heritage, grew up in Australia, and joined the Resistance after traveling to Europe and witnessing the harsh treatment of Jews in Vienna by the Nazis
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Wake worked in the Pat O'Leary Line escape network until her Resistance organization was compromised by the Germans in 1942. After that she fled on foot across the Pyrenees—with several close calls that she escaped by flirting with German soldiers—and made her way to England to join the Special Operations Executive. She was part of a three person team codenamed "Freelance" which parachuted into occupied France. During this operation she got stuck in a tree after her parachute became tangled in its branches. The local Resistance leader who found her reportedly said “I hope that all the trees in France bear such beautiful fruit this year" to which she replied "Cut out that French bullshit and get me out of this tree"
While working in the Freelance operation Wake once biked 500 km (310 mi) without stopping in the span of 72 hours across Nazi territory to retrieve a new radio and codes after her team's were destroyed in a Gestapo raid. Without this feat, Freelance would not have been able to communicate with London and there would have been no more supply drops to support their Resistance organization. During the war she was also part of a raid which destroyed the Gestapo headquarters in Montluçon, in which she reportedly killed a Nazi sentry with her bare hands to prevent him from raising an alarm
Wake's fellow operatives described her as "a real Australian bombshell. Tremendous vitality, flashing eyes. Everything she did, she did well. She was an excellent shot, excelled at fieldcraft and put the men to shame by her cheerful spirit and strength of character." "She is the most feminine woman I know until the fighting starts. Then she is like five men." "We both came to the conclusion that she was 10 times the man I would ever be"
By the time of her death in 2011, Wake had been awarded the George Medal by Britain; the Medal of Freedom by the United States; the Médaille de la Résistance, the Croix de Guerre (x3), and the Légion d’Honneur by France; and the Badge in Gold by New Zealand. Due to a complicated relationship with Australia, she originally refused to accept any awards from the Australian government, saying that they could "stick their medals where the monkey stuck his nuts." In 2004, however, she accepted the honor of Companion of the Order of Australia as well
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AITA for telling mom to stop giving me unhealthy food and then refusing to say "I love you" back?
I (16, FtM) am autistic, for the longest time I struggled with eating different types of foods, in fact, i only started eating vegetables when I was 16 because my nutritionist told me to. Since I have memory, i've been teased by my weight, all my life. It led me to make decisions i'm not very proud of (like getting groomed at 8-9 years old), because of my low self esteem.
I've gone to the nutritionist a total of 2 times in my life, but in my opinion i should've gone more but my parents didn't seem to think the same. Both of those times the doctors told me I was a little overweight. They didn't tell me i was obese or morbidly obese which thank god because I would've broken down and kms (not really but even thinking of getting told that makes me anxious).
They did tell me to start eating more food other than fried food and other type of stuff. After the meeting, my parents started scolding me for embarrassing them in front of the doctor, but all i did was being brutally honest with her! I told her how my parents keep buying flavored water which has at least 2 stamps in it (The government makes it so that companies have to put stamps on their products saying what's exactly in it), so the only source of natural water is the one we boil ourselves, which i drink every time i do exercise. And also how the dinner mom makes is sausages and french fries, it's quick and easy. This last week I've eating that dinner two times and on the weekend i ate fast food for lunch, on Saturday and Sunday which means TWICE. By the end I was so worried i might have to double my exercise next week (so now) to balance it off. I felt really fat on monday so uh not a good feeling.
For my part, I've had this discussion with my P.E teacher, and she agreed to make me play basketball more so i can both exercise at home and more at school other than P.E class. I've also done the effort of eating vegetables (which due to my autism it was very hard at first but I've gotten the hang of it!) And doing more exercise at school.
But even when mom agreed to start feeding me more healthy foods, it's like she gave up. She's gone back to giving me the same lazy foods that are filled with cholesterol and grease, and every time i eat those it makes me feel worried. Tonight was one of those dinners and all i want is to get it out of my system (literally).
I told mom she can't keep feeding me like this if she wants me to lose weight, and she responds by saying "but what can we feed you? You don't eat anything else" which? Fucking excuse me? WHAT DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST MONTHS??? She always says that, it's like whenever i eat entire salads she fucking ignores me or something! It makes me feel so angry, fuck my efforts i guess???
I got more angry, but she's my mom, so i decided to shut up. Since i was getting ready to bed once i got comfortable she told me "I love you", which is a normal habit we have every time i go to bed. She says "i love you" i say it back. But this time I didn't, and she just sighed and closed the door.
Right now i'm really mad at her, but i recognize that maybe not saying "I love you" back was a bit too much, but if i have to stop saying it at all for her to understand I want to lose weight, then so be it. If she doesn't want to recognize im the only one doing the effort, whatever. I'm thinking of starting to refuse her food to make myself clear.
What are these acronyms?
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jackpot-sad-dude · 7 months
my tumblr account is on an email that my parents don't know about, so as long as tumblr doesn't get banned, i will stay here. the pinterest account that i've had for five years now will have to go. my discord account will have to go. hell, even the character.ai account that i made on a whim once to see what it was all about, that will have to go.
there's so many things on the internet that i've maintained and loved for so long. things that got me out of bed each day. things that kept me from kms when life got especially tough with my parents. it's better now. hell, I'M better now. i've been happy for the first time in years.
please don't let KOSA take that away from me.
please don't let KOSA take that away from anyone.
i don't want anyone to have to go through the devastation that KOSA getting passed will cause.
i don't want any more people to die. but they will. that's the only thing the government cares about anymore. "dead kids". they speak like their tongues aren't laced in the toxins that killed us. that helped us take the pills. that helped us pull the trigger. they act as if they're trying to help us. to give us the will to keep living. they're not. all they want is more control. and they will do anything to get it. even place the name of their schemes by an innocent name like "Kids Online Safety Act" to guide the people to their own demise. it makes me sick.
please. i beg of you.
stop KOSA.
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
Something about the way that Big Business likes to operate in this country rubs me the wrong way. They stride into little, upstanding communities and push them around to get a slightly better deal on extracting our precious, non-renewable natural resources. Only pollution and human misery is left behind. For a brief, shining moment, I was the solution to this corruption. And then I kind of let things go to my head.
Running for office is easier than you'd think. All you need to do is get signatures of a hundred people. An afternoon at the mall, asking folks to save the endangered Pacific African Grey Rhino, will just about do you. Of course, there's also the filing fee, but I managed to distract the lady working the counter at City Hall and transfer the cheque from another mayoral application to mine when she wasn't looking.
Quite why I fell out of favour with The Mayor is between him and I. We go way back, and it would not reflect well on my upbringing to reveal our private feud in public. Not like it stopped him, though, as he blabbed to every talk-radio host, morning-news talking head, and local newspaper about how awful I was. They just laughed, thinking that nobody could be that bad, and surely it was some kind of desperate lie, another sign that he had lost touch with the common man. Such embellishment did get my name in the public ear, and I won in a landslide after promising to double speed limits (that's all it takes.)
From day one, I went about kicking all the huge-capitalism greedheads out of my city, mostly because I got tired of them driving their Porsches slowly on my newly speed-unlimited corners. Big lawsuits were launched, rich folks ejected into the nearest river. I was on the news every day in my stained coveralls and greasy sweater, adding further credibility to my regular-dude motif. If you were some kind of crank weirdo who liked to tell other people at the bar what the government should do, then I was your representative. And crank it I did. Wait, that came out wrong.
After about a week of this, I think the big business monsters got together. They went to their little gangster restaurant and they decided the best way to get rid of me would be to catch me up in a bribery scandal. Didn't work: I took the bribe and bragged about it to the news. That bribe? 2005 Dodge Neon, with an un-torn drivers' seat and only about 180,000 km on the odometer. Mint. They did their homework. The problem was that I now had a fancy new car, which I had effectively stolen from rich people, but I didn't want to look rich, so I didn't drive it to work.
The problem is that I slowly became paranoid. As with my forebear, I lost touch with the common man. I began to fear that they were going to steal my Neon – my retirement fund – while I was at City Hall, doing stupid mayor stuff. Soon, I lost focus on my work, and I slipped in the polls. There was only one thing left to do: stop coming to work for a few weeks and don't answer the phone. Works every time!
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quaranmine · 4 months
you were in Iceland?? epic! I've been there as well (in 2022), how was it? how was the volcano? (if you don't mind me asking, feel free to ignore this)
Yes! I was there 5/18 to 6/1. I've wanted to go for like a decade and have been semi planning this trip for 2024 for a year and a half, then properly researching and planning since January. It was SO AMAZING. Exactly everything I wanted :) I was ready to go home at the end for like, my own bed and some rest, but now I miss it and want to go back lol
If you went in 2022, did you get to hike to the Fagradalsfjall eruption? I know those were the "tourist" ones that people could get closer to. The current eruptions are part of another volcanic system on the Reykjanes peninsula, Svartsengi. They aren't open for hiking. It erupted again 3 days before I left. I got to see it twice! On our last full day we drove out of Reykjavik and saw it along the highway, and then the day we left we stopped on the way to the airport. I took this with my 250 mm from literally the side of the highway:
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It caused no interferences with our travel. It's a fissure eruption, so the lava is erupting along a fissure and isn't as big and explosive. Initially they were afraid this one might disrupt air travel if the lava flowed to the sea (producing more ash and steam) but it didn't. It was very cool to see! I feel bad for the people who lived in Grindavik though, it’s been months since they had to evacuate and there isn't an end in sight for them yet. The Icelandic government really stays on top of things like road closures, weather reporting, etc so I checked their websites daily. The main concern with the eruption as gas pollution, so I just checked their pollution forecast to see if the wind was going to blow it over us or not (it didn't.)
Our trip went great. We had mostly good weather and apparently left just in time because this last week there's been a pretty nasty problematic storm across the whole country that left a bunch of people stranded. But we left 2 days before that. We drove 3,300 km in our rental car (2,050 miles) and did the entire ring road + some of the Westfjords + Snæfellsnes + Húsavik + Borgarfjörður Eystri as detours. Our rental car was named Jim because that was his license plate. We bonded with him lmao
Here's a few photos :)
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Major things I did: Katla Ice Cave, Vestmannaeyjabær, Silfra snorkeling in 2°C water, Jökulsárlon boat tour, Húsavik whale watching, countless waterfalls, puffins at Borgarfjarðarhöfn, Hvammsvik hot springs & Sky lagoon, and Mulagljufur Canyon.
It was at coldest, 2°C (35°F) with downpour rain being pushed sideways into your face by wind to the point you could hardly open your eyes. It was at hottest 19° C (66°F) and sunny. We mostly got great weather, it was only one day that was particularly bad. Mostly it was between 7°C - 13°C (45°F - 55°F) the whole time.
I NEVER saw it get dark and that was a novelty to me the entire trip. Like it never settled in as something I got used to. Presumably it got mostly dark somewhere around 2 am but I was always asleep by then and even if I woke up to go the bathroom, it'd be like 4 am and already light again. The furthest north we stayed was Ísafjörđur, and according to timeanddate.com by May it never reaches full dark, only civil twilight for 3 hours and daylight the other 21. I can't imagine if I'd actually have been there during the solstice, with just that extra month for the days to be even longer!
Now I want to go back for a short winter trip to see the northern lights and then for a proper summer trip to see the highlands (closed the whole time we were there for thawing season)
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thevampireslovelywife · 3 months
and @themortalityofundyingstars
Guess what I'm ranting about first?
The United States government
Oh how I fucking hate them
Like I tried to stay out of politics for so fucking long but atp I can't
I literally fucking can't because my life is constantly in fucking jepordy due to that son of a bitch trump
Project 2025 makes me actually wanna kms
I'm always joking about wanting to hop countries but it's not a fucking joke anymore
What the hell are all these old white men going to do for us?
Cause 1. I'm black 2. My sex is female 3. I'm fucking gay and trans
Oh and a minor
So my future ain't looking so damn bright now is it
And it's like there are so many things that can be done to fix this fastly deteriorating country
But the only ones who have these ideas are a whole bunch of minors who are already so done with the state of the damn place that we've given up
And this doesn't go for everyone obviously but
I'm just so damn done
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi! It's me again, the K-A anon, I'm gonna sign off as KY from now on because I'll be sending in asks pretty often >.< I was thinking about what else I could share when I saw this ask from that anon: https://www.tumblr.com/mrs-monaghan/717439250562531328/but-media-call-them-a-couple-and-jk-is-called-tae?source=share
"Media calls JK Tae's girlfriend" therefore they're together? Oh anon, you have it the wrong way round entirely. If K-Media truly believed that Jk and V were together, there would be no way in hell that they would post the article with that headline. Dating scandals are a really big deal in Korea, so articles that reveal relationships are taken very seriously. (It's common criticism that articles about celebrities' love lives are written with more care than articles on politics/governance.) Now, if there was even the slightest suspicion that JK and V were dating, this is not how K-Media would let the cat out of the bag. Also, everyone is fully aware of the agreement between Dispatch + other pap companies and BH, right? The agreement applies only to dating news, so these companies will do their best to find any scandal surrounding BTS that isn't about their love life. (JK's car accident, Itaewon, etc) So it's funny that K-Media should release articles like this, because that means the articles calling JK Tae's girlfriend don't breech the agreement they have with BH (aka don't post anything regarding love life). In other words, these are fun articles, not meant to be taken seriously.
I told you all lol. Koreans don't take Taekook seriously, for good reason. + If there's anything you want to know from the K-side of KM supporters, maybe let me know in the replies? There's too much, I don't know where to start. Thanks Shaz for providing this wonderful space for sane and logical discussion among KMers.
Wait, the agreement is limited to their dating lives only?
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Well that explains why they're always quick to report on other things. This makes alot of sense actually.
Y'all heard KY she's ready to answer y'alls questions, go ahead guys. Comment. As for me I'm ready for KY to hop into my DMs. Go on girl, DM me. Don't be shy
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trainsinanime · 1 year
tell me about french train headlights
They're all the same! Or at least they were, from the mid-1950s to about the early 1990s. They all look like this:
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Okay, some context for why I find this interesting. Suppose you see a picture of a train, especially one made in the second half of the 20th century, and you want to know where the train is from. The key trick to telling this at a glance is having a bit of autism, but more specifically, the headlights.
In Europe, all major and many minor countries used to have their own government-owned railroad and their own train-building industry, which would build trains to the specifications of their railroad company. There has always been some exporting going on, but for the most part, the trains you'd find in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and so on would be all completely different. This has changed drastically over the past 20ish years.
One thing about this old model is that railroad companies would standardise certain parts within their fleets, especially small parts that need servicing and replacing every now and then. It saves on how many different types of spare parts you need to have.
Headlights are the most notable among these by far: Every train needs to have some of them. All trains have basically the same requirements for their headlights, no matter how fast or slow or whatever they are. Before LEDs, you needed to service the headlights regularly to replace the light bulbs. Also they are glass parts at the front of a fast moving vehicle, they can get damaged, so spare parts logistics are an issue. And most importantly, we as railfans can easily see them. So you get something like this:
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As a result, basically all railroad companies in post-war Europe standardised their head- and taillights for all or most of their trains. And all of them had completely different ideas. Fundamentally, all of them agreed that you need white headlights and red taillights, and since modern trains are easily reversible, you put both of them next to each other.
But do you make the white and red lights the same size (West Germany, Netherlands) or different sizes (Austria, East Germany)? Are they separate things, or do you combine them into one assembly (UK, Switzerland)? Do you make them anything approaching normal sized or gigantic (Poland)? Maybe I'll do an overview post over these later, but I don't have enough pictures in my library right now and I'd have to scour Wikipedia for them later.
The French headlight design shown here is in many ways just one of many, but also interesting in its own right: The actual lenses for red and white are the same size, but the white headlight gets this huge lens assembly that makes it look much more prominent. You can clearly see that different French designers had very different ideas about whether you align the center-lines (most of them), or the bottom of the lens assembly. Why is the headlight lens so big, and what are the metal tabs around the bottom half of the circle? I have no clue. My guess is to put some coloured glass panes in, but I have no idea why you'd need that. Also, note that the red taillight classically has a fresnel lens, that's unique as far as I can tell.
I've taken all these pictures in the Cité du Train, the big central French railroad museum in Mulhouse. (That's why I was posting about traveling to Basel early this weekend. Mulhouse is actually really close to Basel, and going via Switzerland is the most practical—and most scenic—route for me) The oldest locomotive I could find with these headlights was CC-7107:
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During high speed trails in the early 1950s, this locomotive reached a speed of 326 km/h (203 mph). That made it only second best behind the other locomotive at the trials, BB-9004:
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This one reached 331 km/h (206 mph), a world record that would not be beaten for a long time. The difference was nothing to do with technical performance. Instead, both locomotives melted their pantograph, the part on top that touches the overhead line to get power, at around 320 km/h (200 mph). BB-9004 had a second one that it could lift up to continue accelerating, while CC-7107 only had the one. For a long time, SNCF pretended that both locomotives had reached 331 km/h, to protect the reputation of both manufacturers.
What's notable for our purposes is that BB-9004 has different headlights. As far as I can tell, these seem to be an earlier standard design, also found e.g. on the CC-65001 diesel locomotive:
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And even on steam locomotives, like this class 141 R:
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So CC-7107 lost on the high speed world record, but it was the way of the future when it came to headlights. These headlights then started cropping up everywhere. From the detail pictures I've shown you above, we have e.g. Le Petit Gris (the small grey one, an EMU for suburban services in Paris):
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A CC-6500, dressed up with a nameplate for the express train it was hauling. Fun fact: One locomotive of this type (not this one) was used in the US for a while, as Amtrak was trying out new electric locomotives to use. They weren't happy with it and bought a Swedish one instead, mostly because this locomotive's suspension did not work well with the American track quality.
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A Z 2200, a diesel railcar for rural lines designed to be cheap first, second and third.
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A BB-26000, which feels altogether way to new to be in this museum.
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It's from the 1980s, so I guess the first are reaching retirement age. But at the same time: The train I took from Basel to Mulhouse was still pulled by one of these BB-26000.
Other favourites include the BB-25600 with its rare diagonal light arrangement:
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Or the really terribly lit gas turbine train RTG, which puts the headlight on stalks:
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Fun fact: Amtrak did end up buying a few these. They didn't use the same white headlights (although they did use the same stalks), but they did use the same fresnel lens red taillights.
And the headlights went all the way up to the top. To the TGV. Only these headlights aren't very aerodynamic, so for their high-speed train, SNCF decided to cover them up.
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As far as I can tell, SNCF used these headlights in the TGVs up to the Réseau series, including the Eurostar. That meant that they're also found, though behind faded glass, on the TGV Atlantique 325 in the outdoor area. Number 325 is notable because it was involved in another high speed trial, and reached 515.3 km/h (320.3 mph) on May 18th, 1990.
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That was a world record, of course; in fact only the French ever exceeded 500 km/h on conventional railroads. So these headlights did get their world record after all. They didn't get to keep it for long, though. In 2007, a newer TGV reached 574.8 km/h (357.2 mph). That one is still in service, though, and it was equipped with newer LED headlights. I think it's highly unlikely that this record will be broken anytime soon, but if anyone does, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the French again, they like that sort of stuff.
Some final odds an ends with the headlights, though: Here's CC-40101, which isn't actually relevant, I just like the way it looks.
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Designed for service in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, with four different voltages and four different train control systems, and that with mid-1960s technology. It wasn't quite as successful as hoped, and in service it only ever reached Belgium, but still, look at that design. The front is supposed to evoke an athlete, a sprinter about to start, but this type of design has instead become known as "Nez cassé", broken nose.
BB-9291 shows a rare early version without red tail lights at all. Someone thought they were saving money.
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This small work train has a free-standing version of the headlight, which shows us how deep it really is. Apparently, the French headlight is actually not that deep, and isn't that a nice summary for this post?
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And a personal favourite of mine, I even bought a T-Shirt with it on it, the Z 600:
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The design, in particular the side windows (recessed instead of flush, no outside visible gasket) says Swiss, the headlight and SNCF logo says French, it's narrow gauge and it has a third rail to provide power. Just all around a weird little train, for the weird little line known as the Mont-Blanc Express from France via Switzerland to the bottom of the Mont-Blanc mountain. The train was built in Switzerland, experts of building small trains for mountains, but for the French part of that rail line, so it got French headlights.
Headlights with exporting is a fun topic in its own right. Do you keep the headlights from the country of origin, or demand your own? You will find both approaches. Both Portugal and the Netherlands bought very similar electric locomotives from France. Portugal has French headlights, the Netherlands insisted on (less interesting) dutch ones.
These days, of course, you will still find these headlights, but they're getting rarer. They stopped being used in new trains around the mid-1990s. What's more, the ones you do find, like on this MI-84 in Paris, probably don't have the fresnel lens taillight anymore. Instead, those were replaced with LEDs.
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LED lights for railroads make a lot of sense. They last forever and require less power. And since most railroads have standardised their head- and taillights, you just need to design one replacement light for most of France, and then keep building that one until SNCF stops giving you money.
(Since we're showing a picture from Paris, a quick note: These headlights were never used on passenger-carrying trains for the Paris metro. However, some work trains do have them.)
These days, standard headlights are completely gone. LEDs don't need a lot of replacing, and they give you much more freedom to do things like shapes and patterns and designs. Also, we don't have the "one country, one railroad, one rail industry" pattern anymore. Instead now we have multi-national rail conglomerates. Alstom is technically French, but arguably just as much German, ever since they bought Bombardier's rail division, nominally Canadian. Stadler is Swiss, except for the stuff they build in Germany or Poland or Belarus or Hungary or…, and some of their most interesting products right now are built and designed in Spain.
The end result of that is this:
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That's a company I saw at a trade fair (Innotrans, Berlin, 2022) that makes LED train headlights, and specifically they make… all of them? Okay, I'm exaggerating, but this is a great picture to drive a European rail fan insane as they try to assign the different headlights to different trains. You get Stuttgart trams, German (and Turkish) high speed trains, lots and lots of Swiss stuff. Nothing specifically French that I could tell, but at least the German high speed train regularly travels to Paris.
The standard headlights, or their LED variants, were still in use for work trains until fairly recently. There are not that many companies that make rail grinders or ballast tampers, and those tend to just use whatever headlight their customer tells them to. But these days they go for shaped LED headlights as well, because they're just better, and because thanks to European standardisation, a headlight approved in one country can (generally) be used in all European countries.
(All pictures © me, feel free to use them under CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE if you want)
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jammiedoggo · 1 month
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UK radioactive mutant wildlife
Description: (This is fictional, not real) Wildlife inhabitant the outside radioactive comtaminated area of facility has mutated into monsterous beast with national distinctive feature, the teeths. An offical statement from goverment warned everyone to be cautious and leave the these beast alone while profesional handle them when in circumstance. Their wild habitat must be left alone due to how dangerous both radioactive comtaminant and the beasts. A research has been started to study and understand them while the plant is still in decomissioned and demoshing.
Short summary Windscale/Sellafield history: 10th october in county Cumbria, England, UK. A fire broke out west coast at windscale nuclear reactor facility and Plutoium production plant, that was UK most serious and worst nuclear disaster. when a routine heating of the No. 1 reactor’s graphite control blocks got out of control, causing ajacent uranium cartridges to rupture. The uranium thus released began to oxidize, releasing radioactivity and causing a fire that burned for 16 hours before it was put out. The fire left about 10 tons of radioactive fuel melted in the reactor core. The Windscale fire also caused the release of sizable amounts of radioactive Iodine into the atmosphere. As a consequence, the government banned for several weeks the sale of milk produced in a 500-square-km (200-square-mile) area around the reactor site. At the time, the British government released only sketchy details of the accident and in general tried to minimize its seriousness. The contaminated Windscale reactor was subsequently sealed until the late 1980s, when a cleanup of it was begun (cleanup expected to be completed in 2015).
Source: Here below
Short summary (That i cheated by copy and paste): https://www.britannica.com/event/Windscale-fire
Tumblr media
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscale_fire
Journel: It is originally going to be joke art based on the Bri ish meme of jagged teeth combined with Windscale/sellafield radioactive comtamination from fire disaster in 1957, then cyberpunk idea comes up and i loved it. So it's part Bri ish joke combined with cool cyberpunk.
Everyone knows about the infamous nuclear disaster chernobyl and fukushima but not for windscale/sellafield and i'm bringing it to the spot light here. I first learn't about is from youtuber fasinating horror who does short docmentary of disaster incident for educational.
The inspiration of the other artstyle beside from cyberpunk is credit to the artist Tomb of null: https://x.com/tombofnull. I adore the artstyle and artworks, check out this artist artwork if you want.
Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments.
There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed.
[!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).
If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.
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szayelapowo · 3 months
fuck i know what i am now i finally figured it out
originally i thought i was a hellhound that tried to escape hell and was punished by being born into this sick diseased human body, but that never felt quite right. or at least not the first part. the second part is sort of right though.
what i actually am is a rogue church grim. i was a normal dog at first. i had an owner but he betrayed me by burying me alive in a newly built graveyard. then after i became a ghost i found out what happened and that i would be forced to protect the humans that were buried there after me and i was pissed. i thought my owner cared about me. i thought i could trust humans but i was wrong so i decided i wasnt gonna do what they wanted. why should i be forced to guard humans after what they did to me?
my memories are still pretty hazy and theres a several hundred year gap between when that wouldve happened and when i was born into this existence but i remember being stuck and miserable there for a while. i had another owner at some point though. like an evil thing, not human. i could shapeshift into a red dragon and white cat (and maybe other things?) for some reason too. what i think happened was the evil thing gave me that power and freed me from being bound to the cemetery, but in exchange for that freedom and power i had to agree to eventually be reborn as a severely disabled human (as punishment for the intense hatred i had of them).
idk what will happen after i die again. ig probably ill go to hell. was it worth it? idk but at least i got to meet szay, so yeah ig maybe it was. i just hope i can stay with him after bc hes my owner now and always will be.
but it all makes too much sense.
a) why i havent died yet despite the ridiculous amount of diseases i have. its because im not allowed to die, my punishment hasnt ended yet. i guess it wont end even when my body finally gives out since my hatred and negativity are only getting stronger the more pain and trauma i experience. i was born a month early and almost died at three days old. i should have, the doctors said i would likely have brain damage (i do). only reason i survived was because i hadnt fulfilled the agreement with the evil thing yet.
b) why i hate humans and never trusted them. i know there are good ones out there but how would i know which ones they are when the one i thought was good fucking murdered me? so i just dont allow anyone to get too close because how do i know they wont do it again? i cant trust anyone.
c) why im obsessed with the idea of being someones pet, of having an owner (szay now). because thats how it was before the pain started, when i felt loved. and then again after that, but that was a more negative experience.
d) why i refuse to take orders from anyone except my owner/mate (szay). why i get so pissed off, violent, and suicidal whenever someone tries to tell me i "have to" do anything, especially cops or the government. id literally rather die again than be forced to do what they want just because they say so. they have no right to make me do anything. if they threaten me with imprisonment for refusing then ill just kms out of spite. fuck them all, theyre not my owners. only szay has that kind of authority over me.
e) why ive had nightmares since i was a toddler (maybe before that but i dont remember anything from this life before age 2-3) of humans trying to kill me and turning into a black dog or red dragon to either defend myself or escape.
ive also always had a natural instinct to growl and bite when humans look at me or get too close. even as a toddler, before the abuse and trauma started (or before i perceived it as that and it started affecting me emotionally anyway).
ive always been able to feel my claws, fangs, ears, tail, and fur, (and rarely wings) and my joints always hurt because theyre in the wrong places, (and my buttcrack constantly aches because my tail aint there gdi) but the feelings get more intense when im scared or pissed. i itch and feel invisible bugs on me all the time too, probably fleas? my guts always hurt too either because theyre built wrong or because im not supposed to be able to eat human food (but you can take my chocolate away from me when i die for good lmao)
that last part (the phantom body parts, pain, and bugs) i guess is probably hallucinations from being schizospec, but everything else is real. i know its not a delusion, its just what i was before this existence.
...this post is a mess im sorry. there was more i wanted to say but i forgot. the pain in my intestines and joints is getting bad again. ugh.
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jkl-fff · 4 months
what's the furthest (approximate) distance you've travelled by yourself (as in without a travelling companion)? e.g. if you travelled via plane from london to seattle or something Idk how far that is but you get the picture. :P
The furthest I've ever travelled by myself was to a little town in France called Bourgoin-Jailleu. I spent a year there in my early 20s working at the high school as an "English Assistant" (the French government had this cool program where they would bring in native speakers for the language classes to help the students develop their linguistic proficiency). Which means I was basically the school's pet USAmerican. There was also a Brittish girl and a guy from Guatamala (for Spanish, just to be clear). We would help teach in class, talk with the kids outside of class, be involved with club activities after school, etc.
I mostly went because I wanted to live in France again for a while, and to see if being a teacher actually was a job I wanted to pursue before committing to changing my major. It was great!
Anyway, from the nearest international airport (SLC) to Paris is about ... 5100 miles. Then another ... 300 to BJ, for an approximate total of 5400 miles (8700 km).
I guess we could also add my trip during spring break to Florence, Italy (super cool city, very important for the Renaissance), which would throw on another ... 400ish miles.
Fun Story: While returning to BJ, I dozed off in the Italian train and was awakened by a food trolley guy asking me "Panino, signore?" My response was a groggy, "Wha?". To which he went, "Ah, Americano. SAND-A-WICH-A? YOU BUY? IT'S-A GOOD!"
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