#my friend alledgedly
ratboysims · 1 year
ok my game is working again after literally re installing all of sims 4 it turned out the problem was my friend somehow was staying logged in and connected even when i was logged in and connected -__- so ea wouldn’t let my game open -__-
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thiirsdaygirl · 5 months
no spoilers -> i finished the yangchen books, id rate them honestly a 10/10!! the first one was sooooo interesting and sucked me in, i didnt think that politics could be so interesting loll. the second one had the same effect, watching the relationships become fixed over the course of the novel was amazing. f.c.yee is TRULY an amazing writer i was genuinely wowed especially when the perspectives switched to unlikely people to give backstory. after these books, yangchen has to be one of my favorite avatars, and her and kaviks relationship is so complex and i want them together SOOOOO bad.
okay now SPOILERSSSS -> I LOVEDDDDD that kavik and yangchens relationship at the end of the first book was bad. i loved that they had a whole arc of becoming friends only for him to betray her for his brother who hed been wanting to see for so long, and i love that their relationship was fixed in the second book. i ABSOLUTELLLYLYLYL wanted them together i am the NUMBER ONE yangvik shipper on GODDDDD. anyways!! jujintas introduction in the first book was so interesting and i wanted to know so much more about what actually happened with him and him “killing” his brother or smth?? alledgedly… but i loved him and yangchens group w akuudan and tagayum and kavik calling him JUJI. oh i died. speaking of tagayum and akuudan they were SO CUTE, when i first read the part in the first book ab them being husbands i was so excited and i think they were handled so well (im very excited for kyoshi and rangis relationship i havent read the kyoshi books yet!!) their betrothal bracelets or necklaces or whatever are LEGIT SO CUTE and their backstorys!!!! anyways… CHAISEE!!!! i LOVEDDDD HERRRR her as a villain ATE DOWNNNNNN she was CRAZY. her backstory, the pearl, her baby, THE REVEAL WHICH I WILL TALK AB THE OTHER HALF OF RIGHT NOW. kaviks brother, kalyaan’s reveal in the first book was CRAZY. and his appearance in the second was EVEN CRAZIER. i was so shocked when kavik saw him, and then when he revealed that kavik had no leverage because he already came clean to chaisee and HE WAS THE FATHER OF HER BABY???????? my jaw dropped, i was in the car with my grandma and my cousin they can vouch for me. back to chaisee, when she was begging yangchen while thapa was preparing to use his combustion bending, oh gurl that was crazy. oh my god i almost forgot NUJIANS DEATH WAS SPOILED FOR ME BUT WHEN IT HAPPENED I ALMSOT CRIEDDDDD. and yangchen finding jetsun after so long was heartbreaking and also hearthealing and simultaneously heartstopping.
okay well if u wanna know anymore (theres a lot more) feel free to dm me or ask me any questions anytime ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i will be reading the kyoshi books next, and if the rumors of the other avatars books coming out are true i will be SOOO excited and read them so quick. 🔥
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fracktastic · 2 months
Frankfurt Airport, 2024
Or, “good thing we got here super early. And yes, this is totally why I’m paranoid about always getting to the airport super early.”
So. For those of you who don’t know, there is a super special secret security code you can get on your boarding pass, and if you get it, you will get super shitty security screenings. It’s printed on your boarding pass as “SSSS” and it’s supposedly random. Unless it’s triggered by flying on a one-way ticket, traveling to the wrong places, not having a checked bag, or traveling alone.
Suffices to say, I’ve gotten the lucky boarding pass before. And I got it again today. Yesterday? I don’t know. Blame the jet lag. 
This time, I didn’t actualyl do any of the things that alledgedly trigger it (traveling with my spouse on a return ticket to a NATO country in Europe, with checked bags). And… I don’t think it’s entirely random, but that’s a conversation for another day. It is what it is.
What I do want to voice some strong opinions on was how it was handled at the airport.
Before heading to the area with the US-bound flight we were boarding, we had to stand in line to go through a kiosk. There, an angry man separated me from my husband and told him to move along. I was escorted to wait with my fellow selectees (Random my ass. But again, no tthe main theme here). There, I got to watch the short, angry man yell at a father for wanting to stay with his minor child while she was being separated off and searched. When he argued that she was a child (true) and that meant he should stay (pretty sure that’s actually a legal right in those situations? Not a lawyer. Anyhow), our short, shouting friend started threatening him. He’d be “randomly” selected, too. He’d be on a list. And so on. The man pointed out that this kept happening to them. Short, angry security guy continued threatening until he got distracted by someone else to drag over to the random pool of selectees.
Dad stayed. Not sure if he got bonus scrutiny for it, as they went for their totally random search after I did. I do know they were among the last to board the plane. 
Anyhow. We’re hearded off to the “behind the scenes” zone. Short security dude continues to be rude and threatening. The first few are summoned. Then me. 
Silly me, when the lady asked if she could answer my bag, I asked if I actually had a choice. Should I have been snarky, you may ask? Probably not. But at this point, my better judgement had retreated behind a general sense of frustration. 
Instantly, she summoned over two very large, very armed police officers to stand over me. Cue the questions - why am I refusing, what do I have to hide, what was I doing here in the first place?  
I responded that I wasn’t refusing, just asking, as it seemed like I had... disproportionate luck with getting “randomly selected,” especially flying home from Europe, and it was starting to feel a little racist. But fine, I said. Do whatever you need to do to let me go home.
At that point, he appears to be photographing my passport with his cell phone (mind you, I’ve already cleared immigration and regular security at this point; I’ve been “stamped out” of the Shengen zone and am legally in the “nowhere” that is airside at an international airport). He insists he isn’t photographing it because that would be illegal, but keeps doing what he was doing, fusses with something on the screen, etc.... I didn't notice the police do this with anyone else's documents, but I wasn't super focused on them by the time I got to the screening cube.
Eventually, they decide I might actually be a teacher from California and not some terrorist mastermind, at which point, they commence with swabbing my computer, swabing my feet and shoes, etc., and  the woman peaks up my skirt (not pats - peaks - I am very sure she saw my underwear), and I’m allowed to go, just a little more disillusioned and a lot more apprehensive about future travel to Europe. Am I on a list? Will I have trouble on entry if I come back again? It’s probably paranoia, but what does one do if denied entry? Is there an appeal process? And again, I’m probably being paranoid, but here we are.
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thundersyst3m · 4 months
By the way, my point still stands to him.
Just because im a bad person in my past, doesn't mean he's automatically good and everything i say is disregarded.
Hope you tell your friends about your teen years too, the alledged doxxing, the alledged driving kids and teens to sh and suicide, the things you alledgedly did together with your groomer against others, at least I hope you can be truthful about that.
No amount of harassment or shaming will make me be quiet about the things you did, hold yourself up to the same standard you hold me.
"So you didn't change" me being angry at what you did doesn't make me a bad person? People just don't know what you did so It looks like i'm just angry for free.
Thats all I'm gonna say.
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midnightcowboy1969 · 8 months
My Elvis Files Polls: Context
For the uninitiated. Bill Bixby starred alongside Elvis in Clambake (worst movie I've ever seen) and Speedway in 1967. Bixby was an Elvis fan and got a bit starstruck when Elvis wanted to greet him (when they met for the first time) when they worked on Clambake (I think). Alledgedly, they became friends. Bixby, the forever bachelor, even discussed with Elvis whether to marry Brenda Benet (they were married from 1971 to 1979). Anyways, Elvis died in 1977. There were conspiracy theories emerging about his death. An important person here is Gail Brewester Giorgio, she wrote a fiction book about a famous singer faking his own death. She happened to name that singer after a real singer who was not Elvis, but sounded like him. He also wore a mask. She converted this story into a conspiracy theory about Elvis faking his death. Now, in 1991, after Bixby got told that he had prostate cancer, he agreed to host a live show about the death of Elvis. He said that he only agreed to do the show because the people around him had convinced him that Elvis may be alive although he was dead. On the show, Gail was the star who Bixby turned to all the time to ask questions etc etc. There were also other people there, a cousin of Elvis, a fan club president, a cop, some experts, etc etc and they all argued that Elvis was alive. The final guest on the show was a French-Canadian who had read an Fbi file. The conspiracy was that well, Elvis' dad got scammed by a conman belonging to a fraternity of conmen. In order to take down these con artists Elvis worked with law enforcement and faked his own death. So, Elvis wasn't dead but in hiding because of his involvment with this aka. dead but alive. This is all bogus of course. A year later Bixby claimed no embarassment about the show and he stepped on stage again to do a follow-up to the Elvis show (The Elvis Files) called the Elvis Conspiracy. Gail was not there. In this special, they debunked the conspiracy theory. Joe, a friend of Elvis who saw his dead body basically said "Bill, everyone, he is dead" and then Elvis' hairdresser who dressed Elvis' dead body came on stage and talked to Bixby about death, about moving on. Elvis isn't dead but he moved on. Michael Landon's not dead but moved on. Bixby wouldn't die, but move on. At the end of the special Bixby admitted that he did not believe Elvis was alive. My personal theory is that Bixby did believe that Elvis was alive (until around the second special) because of his own situation with the cancer that ended his life in 1993.
Anyways, when I make the polls, I use screenshots from the first special (the Elvis Files 1991) and imitate how Bixby and Gail spoke to one another.
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inf1nyxw0rlds · 2 years
no but actually it's so sad how like... one scene caused people to declare that infinite is a pathetic, weak and whiny villain. i understand why the infamous "i am not weak" thing first got memed, but whenever i hear these jokes five years later, and i'm reminded this is his legacy... man.
infinite, canonically, was a mercenary captain; he was the leader of his own team and not only that but alledgedly, people refered to him as the ultimate mercenary, which i'm actually inclined to believe. he had a reputation. he had to have trained, built up a lot of skill, and bear in mind, he's also almost inarguably half blind (doesn't need to see out of the blacked out side of his mask, wields sword in left hand-- is he naturally left handed, or was this an adaptation, meaning he could, theoretically, be self-taught ambidextorous?-- and overall facial trauma is referenced and drawn attention to frequently) ... this would imply, for his position, a large amount of dedication in my opinion, as he would have had to adjust his combat strategies and the like to this in order for it not to disadvantage him. he was (is) strong, and capable. this isn't some kind of stretch. and losing one fight to the ultimate lifeform doesn't automatically negate this.
moving foward, if we're to acknowledge that infinite was a well-known, feared mercenary, then it's likely that losing wasn't a common occurance for him; hence the shock, especially when combined with, oh, yeah -- the death of his entire squad. you might believe that infinite was selfish based on his reaction, and how he carries himself, and i really can't say that he's decidedly not selfish... but selfishness doesn't inherently imply his team meant nothing to him. characters can have complexities, and i believe that this is super important for infinite as a whole -- more on that later, but it's ill-advised to take a character who's theme is masking himself at face value.
in further regards to his breakdown, i think that the reason there was so much heavy emphasis on his weakness was because of pre-existing trauma -- or if not outright trauma, then an issue that was apparent prior to his defeat at shadow's hands. there's a decent amount of evidence to support this, and i think it would also serve to explain how he became such a force to be reckoned with as a mercenary -- he was constantly pushing himself to be better, better, better, because weakness wasn't allowed in his eyes, losing wasn't allowed. and then he does. catastrophically. he loses that fight, but he also loses just about everything else. his squad, his entire squad, are dead. all at once, just like that, there then gone in a single night. and, i think, how could he not blame himself? how could someone like that not come to the conclusion that, this is because i was incompetent -- this is because i was weak?
anyhow, i digress lol. all this to say that infinite is a skilled combatant. infinite captured sonic. infinite trapped shadow in virtual reality. infinite's illusions had real world impact. infinite talked back to eggman. and even if the phantom ruby "wasn't his power", that still doesn't mean he's useless without it. i don't think you could achieve these results with just anybody; it's not just about the power itself, it's about who uses it and how it's used.
i genuinely don't think infinite is weak. i understand that he talks big game, and many people walked away from sonic forces feeling underwhelmed by him, but i mean this wholeheartedly. there is so, so much i want to say about him as a character after the past five years i've spent rotating him in my mind and analysing him to my friends haha, but it's hard to formulate my thoughts into something more coherent and... y'know. makes-sensy. doesn't sound totally unhinged. yeah.
i'm gonna just go ahead and post this now as i've been sitting here for far too long (longer than the length might suggest). in conclusion umm. dog. sure that'll do
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daddyfuckedme · 10 months
Hi! Looking for a little advice. My longtime girlfriend (wlw) dumped me a few months ago and the day after I went no contact. It's been really hard, I didn't even get to wish her happy birthday this year but I recently messaged her asking for her key to my house back. She agreed and we chit chatted casually for a while before she left me on read. We've spoken a couple times since and she always lets it go for a short amount of time and then she bails first/leaves me on read to end the conversation. The last time I reached out was a few days ago to tell her I was thinking of her on the anniversary of a loved one's passing and she blew me off. I took the hint but I still don't have my key back and don't want her to have it if we're not even gonna be on so much as a cordial basis. We got together the first time in 2013 after being friends all our lives, until she broke up with me in 2017. Then in 2020 we started fooling around again and then she dumped me again in August. She didn't have a reason this time alledgedly and gave me the "It's not you it's me" and I'm just wondering if at this point with the provided context if you think I did something wrong by going no contact with her? Did I ruin my chances of maybe one day reuniting with her? I have loved her since I was a little girl and she's the only person I've ever been with. I wanted to grow old with her. :'( What should I do? (Love your blog btw <3)
No I’m telling you now, it’s always better to go no contact in these situations so you’re showing them that you can live without them even though they broke your heart. I don’t want to be harsh, but her not finishing conversations/ giving you the time of day is an indication you should go back to not reaching out. You’ve tried before so she knows if she wants to you would probably talk to her in the future again so that’s covered. Sending you all the positivity. 💗
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ohanny · 2 years
another friday, another cutie pie episode! so here are my thoughts while watching the second episode:
kuea is absolutely not me because i would never check my email first thing in the morning, notifs be damned
also even if i did get good news, i would not have the energy to throw a full "blackpink in your area" on top of my bed
kuea: oh yes, i am a bit... sore lian: ¬‿¬
ugh, why can't you just talk to this man who just happens to be a supportive, relatively mentally stable, functioning adult who dresses nice, cooks you food, pulls out your chair and YOU ACT LIKE THE RETURNING HIDE AND SEEK CHAMPION OF 2022
lian: if you need help, you can always tell me me: IF ONLY
nonetheless, i've had a boyfriend for a decade and i feel as single as the last crushed pringle at the bottom of the tube of doom when zee looks at nunew
kuea, a lying liar who lies: kon diao texted me lian: i love you me: KUEA DO YOU FEEL EVEN A LIL BAD???
i love the mission impossible theme tune
nong diao squared ready to cover up crimes
yi can smell bullshit a mile away but unfortunately for him, he's also a weak victorian bitch who gets flustered by a cheek touch from a twink he (alledgedly) fucked in his car just last week
diao is a good friend with a good brain cell. we all need a diao.
kuea: i have a lot to think about. me: you also have a lo to TALK about goddammit
meanwhile poor lian is just trying to plan his barbie dream wedding, oh dear
yi is here to be the best man but also to watch the world burn.
kon diao loves lists. kon diao is me.
the world does not deserve diao. this show certainly doesnt. if he was running it, again, it would be 5 minutes long. well, maybe 15. he would keep all the spicy bits.
this beauty clinic is totally not the sponsor of this series.
the totally not sponsoring intensifies
i will never not mishear this as "cosmic-exo entertainment" and i am not sorry
uh-oh, their barbie dream weddings are NOT the same
lsakjfkasljfafj a nuer x syn intermission! and nuer has a less questionable shirt on!
you two (ಥ﹏ಥ)
but props to syn never hiding his intentions and props to nuer respecting his choices even if they make him a sad boy. SOME PEOPLE could never
hia yi is eternal suffering personified even at a cake tasting and quickly becoming my favourite.
foei: oh is it too crowded? do we need more room? the gays: *offended*
salaldkjf i am catching vibes. pls tell me they will grey's anatomy this and diao and yi will end up getting married in the barbie dream wedding horror show while kuea and lian elope in korea
"you can make the final decision" says lian, not having any idea they like the polar opposite things.
he is a smooth bastard though. "ah yes, my favourite wedding singer will be too busy being my husband"
"oh no, how will our suits match if we cannot see them?" you dumbo, you have kon diao, the wedding planner extraordinaire. he has a list for that.
diao has been calling out bullshit since birth at this point.
yi: ah yes, they are so compatible. diao: dude, they can't agree on anything. yi: which is not my problem.
yi really be like "pfffft, let them talk it out between them" as if we have time to be here for the next ten years. he really couldn't give less fucks, lol
how can he answer cosmic-exo in that suit. go change.
oh, the straights are at it again
lian: thank you yi: oh, you already picked a suit? lian: yes yi: wow, i am so helpful. you are blessed to have me tolerate you.
i love how nunew's voice gets so much deeper when he switches to english
kuea: what should i do? me screaming at my tv: TALK TO YOUR MAN
diao is seriously like baby yoda and syn doesn't need to become a monk. he just needs to hang out with diao more for some deep wisdom and then keep living in sin.
nuer is a sweet understanding angel and syn is a pouty baby and i could watch these two forever
"it's our wedding, not just mine." except you have NO IDEA you're not getting your wedding but an industrial scale keerati legacy production
yi: see? they're totally on the same page diao: ...
who is this random laxatives lady and why does she look like she's about to place a curse on kuea?
lian: you pick kuea: i am fine with everything narrator: he was not, in fact, fine with anything
diao turn of the tap for fucks sake, it is very obvious you are not paying your own bills in this economy
diao: my dog is so smart yi: your dog is literally an idiot
oh god here we have hia yi talk about marriage and kasdjflkafj they might kiss and i can't believe i am about to say this but at this point diao needs to worry about me cooking that cockblocking dog :D
lian: *trying* kuea: cosmic-exo is calling, byeee
look at his sad eyes, he KNOWS
"why am i talking to a doll?" BECAUSE IT IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION WITH YOU. you deserve better, boo.
lian: aren't you kirin already kuea: but i could be cosmic-exo kirin in korea. lian: okay. kuea: ... wait what?
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violaobanion · 1 year
with all the calculated misery going around i'm srsly ready to stop making content any day now. we all know tumblr is gonna go down that path (together with facebook, instagram, x, etc etc), as they've already been making the site gradually worse over the years and adding options we can pay for to alledgedly make it better.
i'm already making content for free. i have nothing to lose. and i can send physical letters to my internet friends if i have to. if that turns out to be the cheaper option - fucking watch me, bitch 🙂
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f4kef4ngs · 6 months
this is gonna be a really petty evil and mean post so if you don't like that scroll away. it's gonna get bad.
during our friendship you pretended to defend me, pretenede to like me, pretended to support me when in the end you said all you wanted was my abusive ex. told me I was a creep and a freak and disgusting and you only got close to me to get with him. when I fucking confided in you about how abusive he was and you pretended to care, all you wanted was him. hope you got it. hope he abuses you worse than he did to me. you deserve it. you fucking pig. fake fucking friend who deserves shit and nothing else. wanted him more than my friendship you fucking deserve it. liar. fucking lying disgusting pieces of shit you deserve each other. I hope it kills you both. wyatt aka wretched one and emily aka pigwhore you were made for each other because you are both despicable manipulative lairs. hope you get what you want. she wants the abusive douchebag and he 2ants to die young from an overdose. hope they get what they want and both die. I really do. I hope they see this. I hope they feel bad. I want them to feel bad when they die and I want them to think of me and how much it hurt. worthless pieces of despicable shit. it was years ago and it still hurts. still can't trust. still can't make friends, hope you are a friendless husk
fucking ruined my life. hope I can ruin yours too 🤞
the betrayal hurts the worst. thought I had a friend to confide in when I was finally free. thought she'd be happy when we weren't together. but all she said when I said it ended was that she had already slept with him a few times (so helped him to cheat on me as my BEST FRIEND ALLEDGEDLY) then told ME that I WAS A DISGUSTING CREEP and got with him. that's not something you can just get over. I'll never have or want close friends again. I don't trust now. thanks, bitch
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joemoibackup · 9 months
can i share my reasons for believing without being attacked?
someone stated she was on the guestlist for the hoard premiere. they arrived and left separately but his fans were there so this isnt as insane as it sounds.
she knows has interacted with the hoard producers and luna
she boasts about her favourite birthday present, a ‘k’ intial from our boys favorite shop the great frog
during the festival, she somehow bumps into lorn who attaches onto her. lorn knows about her and joe through a or millie
she posted a picture from the underground on her way to a date
she posted ‘this must be the place’ which is from one of joes favorite bands
she immediately put things to rest saying she wont post about her personal life, which she doesnt, she doesnt post her friends or family
she is allegedly spotted with him at a restaraunt and a fan uploads this to twitter. it shows their current location so it is removed
wesley follows her, she removes it
alicia becomes more insane knowing he has moved on
he is alledgedly spotted at the streets gig with her
she posts a photo of beautiful flowers
he is announced for a northern comic con, his first which is coincidental considering she is from the north originally
people start thanking her for getting joe to the north
she follows joe keery and ridley scott the weekend before jk is due to visit the uk
joseph cancels the con and flies to malta with his dad
joseph flies to malta to finish filming, she travels to malta a week later
she addresses posts as ‘we find this funny’
she defends herself without addressing the elephant in the room.
i think that is my extensive list but to me all signs point to something happening
Nonnie I’m gonna try not to be rude here, and I’m sorry if any of it comes off of rude but here’s my take on all of this
A lot of this sounds like a girl who is just dating. The flowers could be from anyone. I’ve gotten flowers from a man before, and I’ve gotten flowers sent to my office from a client before. Those could be from anyone.
I don’t ever remember seeing anything on Twitter about him being on a date at a restaurant. That would’ve made the rounds. And if he was spotted at a gig with her… That also would’ve made the rounds. And it didn’t.
I don’t know about that but she has a very wide variety of songs on Spotify. Somebody sent me her Spotify link and I did look at it. I’m not saying that I didn’t look at it.
Following Joe Keery doesn’t really mean anything. She clearly likes his music that’s very obvious based off the Spotify. And following Ridley Scott, if she’s trying to be a Director, or a writer, he would be somebody to follow.
The worst thing was never confirmed. In fact, it’s like 99% sure made up by fandom. Nobody ever has proof of that.
People are thinking Joe for getting her to the north because they are assuming things. The only reason he was going to the north was because he was getting offered a lot of money for it. And he didn’t end up canceling it.
We find this funny, could definitely be about her friends, or it could be just her fucking around.
There are answers to a lot of this, and I don’t wanna go through all of them because I don’t wanna hurt your feelings or for you to feel like I’m attacking you. We’re allowed to have different opinions, but I need to play devils advocate here.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
From these paparazzi photos it seems that Pedro is always in the gym 😅 I wonder if he just wants to stay in shape, (he looks very toned 👀) or is preparing for some upcoming project... or maybe he's seen the silliness of some of his fans when they found out that he possibly smokes and wants to show that he is a healthy and strong man🤭
Nah, he’s been working out for months. He started to be papped more after November last year or so, and he was already working out. It was bound to happen with his fame rising with TLOU and him signing with CAA, a bigger agency.
As for new projects, I was telling my friend I like to think he’s also prepping for Mando that alledgedly starts filming in October (Lateef has already posted he’s working out for it), and that maybe Pedro will be more in the suit. But we know there may be another role coming too… 👀
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scorpion-flower · 3 years
Rachel Oates is being bullied by fans of Gabbie Hanna and Gabbie herself, with her 'friend' Jimmy Snow (Mr Atheist) joining Gabbie's side.
Creepshow Art is outed for writing horrible things about other creators who were supposedly her friends and for doxxing her sister on an anonymous platform.
And Rob Dyke was outed for grooming teen fans and asking from colleagues and friends to sell him their nudes.
YouTube world is craaazy
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So, I have no fucking clue why this is only just now occurring to me, but please consider: a fucking marvel au with Keigo Takami/Hawks as Steve Rogers/Captain America, and Touya Todoroki/Dabi as Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier.
This has to be a thing that someone's done already, right? Where is it? I need to see it. Fan art, headcanons, fics-- show me that good shit, I need to see it immediately.
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It's been a hard day friends. My grief has been particularly heavy to carry. The night my littles were born, the trauma of it all, has been weighing really heavy on my heart.
Now the SC had alledgedly voted in secret to overturn women's reproductive rights. This means that women won't have a choice, and will be forced into the trauma I experienced against their will. There aren't words to express how heart shattering that is.
As I continue to try to go into another pregnancy, the fear of all the ways it can go wrong consumes my mind. Now I find that fear magnifying. I live in a conservative state that, while there are no trigger laws in place, will quickly outlaw abortion. This means that if things in the next pregnancy go poorly I likely won't be able to utilize my healthcare team, who know me and my journey and who I trust immensely, if an abortion is medically necessary. That's fucking scary.
I will ackowledge that I am a privileged and have the resources to travel to obtain healthcare if that is what it comes to. But many women in this country are not. Many will have to subject themselves to unsafe medical conditions or be forced into carrying a fetus to term in a broken system that lacks universal healthcare, parental leave, livable wages, or affordable child care.
This is fucked. I am lying in bed and can't hold back tears. I'm incredibly sad. And angry. And feel defeated. This is an injustice to anyone with a uterus. This is white, wealthy, evangelical men (and to a small degree women) not giving a shit about women's rights or women's health. This is not separation of church and state. This is going to endanger the lives of women and families across the country.
My heart hurts.
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titleknown · 3 years
...Okay, so a now deleted anon response on why “fanfic bad” and the post anon was responding to are actively pissing me off as someone into the creative commons.
Like, I don’t even read fanfic and I viscerally hate this. So, I wrote a whole essay on why. Which ended up so long I had to put it past a Readmore to avoid wrecking everyone’s dashes. As one does...
Like, yes the majority of fanfic is bad and formulaic. So is the majority of non-derivative-work-based writing! Everyone talks about bad romantic writing in fic, but I mean, the romance novel industry exists! People who read a lot of published fiction know this! Fanfic is not special!
Like, I notice the people who talk shit about fanfic never actually do any promotion of actual online original written fiction, just “real books.”  IE, things that go through the direct corporate hirearchy of a publisher. The kind of corporate hirearchy (and, at this current era, downright monopoly) they alledgedly despise fanfic for re-enforcing.
Like, for people who hate books over fanfic, I never see y’all talk about stuff like Worm or the SCP Foundation or Fluoresensitive or; say; my friends’ totally free webnovel Joy Traveler.
Which has me convinced that people like that don’t hate fanfic, they just hate independent writing outside of the publishing ecosystem due to Sturgeon’s Law + confirmation bias and use fanfic as an acceptable target. And that leads to another thing.
Because, like, that’s the only real difference between “derivative works” and “fanfic.” Copyright law.
Like, even if fanfic isn’t helping challenge the status-quo because if it did it’d get sued out of existence, which is a common talking point against the other common talking point that Fanfic is Transgression, people like that aren’t either
In fact, they’re actively making things worse by focusing your critique on; at your core; a percieved inherently debased nature of derivative works as lazy and bad if they happen to fall within the walls of the landlords of culture.
If you talk about how you want IP law loosened and copyright duration shortened, but also making the whole “fanfic bad” arguments, you’re actively making it harder to fight for it by saying that the creativity exercised in unauthorized derivative works is structurally; inherently bad!
Because; the dividing line is so arbitrary; just a date and words on a legal document; that you can’t argue against “fanfic” being inherently unoriginal as a form without arguing the same regarding; say; any modern book that uses Dracula or Sherlock Holmes as a major character.
Like, that’s one of the big talking points of people bootlicking our current bad copyright system, that derivative works are inherently bankrupt and debase the works they alter; and that opening up copyright would just allow the hordes to turn literature into a soup of garbage. And I think that you’re lying about wanting to fix things if you’re repeating the talking points of the people who say it Like That.
If we’re to take one common talking point I’ve seen as embodied in this other terrible post, that the works that attract fandom/derivative works today only do so because they are so artistically bankrupt to serve as a cypher, then that would inherently impugn the collaborative form by design.
Because, if the modern collaborative form is at its apogee with artistically bankrupt works Not Worth Saving, then why is the collaborative form worth saving? The treatment of the shared world as bankrupt compared to the isolated, “complete” novel is evidence of this too.
Hell, the dismissive view of the “superheroes are modern mythology” talking point that used to be A Thing before the MCU’s monopoly ruined it is telling, because it misses the point of that idea. Which is, classic mythologies relied on that collaborative storytelling because they were never copyrighted.
Which makes the point that copyright is relatively new, and these shared characters/worlds represent the closest thing we can get to a modern version of that sort of storytelling under that system. And fanfic is the closest we can get to expanding that to a wider audience without bullshit licenses.
Which; as we see via the flaws in corporate media empires and their fanbases and the flaws of fanfic culture; is a kinda crappy kludge to accomodate a fundamental style of human storytelling to a system not designed to allow it to thrive.
Which means they should be held in common rather than landlorded over, because those enriched by all should be shared by all. Basically, a narrative equivalent to Georgism.
And that’s what makes me mad! The argument that “fanfic inherently bad/formulaic” undermines the entire core idea of the creative commons movement I push for!
Because it ultimately is an argument against communally shared art and stories, because it treats our shared culture not as a seized commons to be taken back but as a walled garden to walk away from; which is why there’s so little visible political momentum to fight back for it!
And, again, I don’t read fic! I have plenty of mean things to say about Ao3 and the way its contradicting goals and bigoted/pedo-protecting “freeze peach” rot-from-the-top contribute to its toxicity! I have my issues with fandom’s lack of agitation for a true creative commons and the complacency in institutions like Ao3 and the culture that surrounds it!
But, when I try to agitate for open settings, when I make my Open Source Characters and worldbuilding projects, I feel like they’re spitting in my face when they take people trying to build the creative commons they should have had from the scraps they are given and saying “You idiots don’t deserve to have this.”
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