#my favourite ship dynamic fr
reinedeslys-central · 4 months
when one of them has an arguably higher social status (like, they're both well-known and respected but one is just COMPLETELY on another level)
but the canon makes it so very crackingly clear that they are BOTH so incredibly whipped for each other, there is zero one-sidedness in this relationship lol
love 020 (denounce the cringe all you want (and also the scandals oml), but you can't deny they do really go for the both-these-characters-are-SO-whipped-for-each-other angle)
solangelo (well-liked camp medic vs Literally The Hero, and make of that dynamic what you will ig)
wangxian. just. them. yeah
there IS another example I just can't think of it right now I'll come back to this
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robynator · 4 months
re-read some of the scenes in russian roulette and i have to say, i find it hilarious how much of a hypocrite john rider is
john to yassen: forget about your grandfather, family is a weakness that can be used against you by your enemies. oh you're carrying a watch that used to belong to him because it reminds you of home? weak. get rid of it.
also john to yassen: i've been married for three years and have a kid on the way. yes, i am wearing my wedding ring in your presence, despite the fact that you are a baby assassin in the making and i keep telling you that sentimentality is a weakness. and now i am going to meet up with someone that is definitely not my wife, but don't tell rothman, ok? i'm not supposed to do that on a mission so this is super secret
john to yassen: assassins do not have preferences. your preferences can get you killed and if you make a habit of ordering the same food or drink at any place, that can be used to find you
also john: *orders grenadine on every possible occasion & has a habit of drinking his special whiskey after a successful kill*
dude really said ”do as i say, not as i do”, while never acknowledging that he went against his own teachings in the first place, all the while gaslighting yassen with the whole ”i am not advising you to leave scorpia, i just don't think that you are cut out for this line of work, but of course the last thing i want to do is dissuade you, i'm just saying that you can leave not that you should” thing. he is SUCH a manipulative bastard i love him
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jevilowo · 20 days
For funsies
fun ship, but they're GodComplex4GodComplex and I fear that would only end in disaster
if there is one heavypyro fan on this stupid baka planet it is me. shout out to menacing quiet individuals who like violence but have a soft side fr.
literally The Original toxic yaoi rivals to lovers red blue combo ship. speeding bullet and napoleon complex fans WISH they had our shared update and corresponding voice lines
BATTING HELMET: (scout n solly)
i just think it's really funny trust me on this one guys. have you seen them in the fourth comic it's a constant "yes, and" bit between the two of them. soldier's love language is choking people out.
HIT AND A MISS: (scout n pauling)
like most ms pauling ships, i'm only into it if scout's a cool lesbian. which he is not most of the time.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA literally the ship of all time save me heavymedic save me. if they don't smooch in the next comic i will become jay pinkerton's personal sleep paralysis demon.
my feelings on it are Complicated. twas my first love (otp) in this fandom, but the overabundance of twinky uwu scout and daddy dom snoipah has built up some resentment on my part. call me back when people stop making up imaginary life problems for sniper to comfort scout over.
literally just rarjack if they were boys and not horses to me and i'm not even an mlp fan. it's alright, just doesn't really stick out to me.
LITERALLY THE POWERCOUPLE EVER TRULY A LOVE STORY FOR THE AGES or at least the version that exists in my head is. i have so much made up spyma lore it's crazyyy. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with sniper it's quickly becoming my favourite genre of fanart (i have seen at maximum three)
SUPPORT SANDWICH: (spy n sniper n medic)
in my opinion, it is healthy for everyone to have at least one ship they just like bc they think it's hot. for me, that is support sandwich. not much else to say on that the fics are all banging go look them up.
SNIDOS: (sniper n GLaDOS)
hell yeah.
i used to like it a lot, but timelining implies ms pauling's been working for helen since her mid teens at the latest so i no longer like it. 4chan leaks my beloathed pleaseee don't make them kiss i think it would kill me in a bad way
URINE SAMPLE: (medic n sniper)
there's a lot of werewolf and vampire stuff for these two on ao3 which is pretty fun. and i'm way more likely to find sniper angst under the medicsniper tag than sb and bs which is always a plus.
have you seen that one animation where pyro gives birth to spy's child and gordon freeman is there at one point. yeahhhh. the ship's pretty cute tho spy would be sooo soft for pyro they'd light his cigarettes for him.
THE FORBIDDEN RED/BLU ROMANCE GOES CRAZY I ADORE IT. same team bnb is pretty banging too. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with zhanna.
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. imagine. spy x pauling. yuri. that will be all.
SWORDVAN MY LOVE!!! idk what it is about demo and sniper together but HELL YEAH TOP 5 SHIPS FR FR. shout out to the guy still writing monsterous intent, they're like single handedly carrying the swordvandom.
I used to think "this is cute" but then my friend got really really into it and that hyped me up into "THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SHIPS OF ALL TIME" territory. bonus points if they're yuri! shout out to Technicolor California, my current favourite fanfic of all time (it overtook running blind in the interal rankings). oh yeah insert mandatory "no hate to engie and pyro father son dynamic preferers" message here lol.
Ok that's enough I will cover more at some point maybe.
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mariquss · 5 months
I won't say anything that wasn't said before soo I'm gonna talk about my favourite ship and characters instead lmao
Sooooo eh Jax? He was so shitty, I expected that but he was such MENACE in this episode. He just wanted his violence and when he didn't get it he was SO PISSED. But he's still my fav character, he's very complicated and I can tell we'll know more about him as the show will progress.
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Pomni? I LOVE POMNI SO MUCH. EVEN MORE THEN BEFORE. Her talk with Gummigoo melted my heart FR<333 She felt so useless, she felt like she won't survive this place but... she could talk about it with him and get him out of his existential crisis. I was nearly sobbing, this is so relatable and beautiful.
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Andd funnybunny? I was so happy we have some interactions between them. That one scene with the trucks got me wheezing lmao
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I love their dynamic so much. I feel like Pomni will hate Jax with passion and she'll be showing it a lot. I don't think she'll let herself be bullied by Jax like Gangle. I think she'll treat him more like Zooble and I love this idea. That can make interesting dynamic when they'll have to work together in the future.
So yeah, that's all I have to say for now, I loved this episode so much and I can't wait for more<333
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Yeah yeah tdi writers when it comes to female characters could be better but can we please focus on the fandom? Y’all have no excuse as to how you treat these characters!!!
Hello some of the best written and intriguing characters are female, some of the best dynamics include females but y’all are too busy with your male characters and male ships and your internalised misogyny I mean what who said that???
But fr to go onto some of my most hated things in the fandom because I’m in a whingey mood and want to complain and this blog is great if it’s okay I’m gonna dump these here;
Courtney haters need to SHUT UPPPPPPP!!!! I don’t care if you think she’s badly written she’s not and especially not for tdi standards y’all just want to complain about an interesting female character there’s sooo much to her you can just dig into it’s delicious I love her!! And yet she’s still antagonised by the fandom??? I’m not gonna act like she did no wrong and wasn’t the villain because hello did we see action but it’s more nuanced that her being annoying and evil! Y’all just need to look at her more!!!
Svetlana is ALWAYS neglected by the tdi fandom hello she’s one of the alters we see the most yet everyone hates her!! Why!! She’s not my favourite sure I prefer Vito, Manitoba and maybe Mal maybe but come on! She’s a part of the gang too stop ignoring her!!!
People who hc male characters as misogynistic are icky stop itttttt!!! It’s not fun!!!! I have more to talk about this later but I hateee when people say that male characters are misogynistic when either they’re clearly not or they make such a deal of it cough Ezekiel. I’m fine with it being a joke once again I will make fun of Ezekiel till the day I die but when people low-key make the male characters misogynistic it’s like why! Especially when it’s male fans sorry had to be said.
Can we please not ignore platonic male and female friendships pretty please!!!!! We saw how many of the male and male friendships were fake and caved in on themselves we saw the downfall of the guys alliance why do we act like it’s only the females?? I swear the male and female friendships are the only normal ones in the show bar like Gwen and Duncan because they had to do that but hello we all love a bit of DJ and Heather why do we act like we don’t???
The way tdi fans treat the male x male relationships compared to the female x female relationships is soo gross leave them alone please! They can be just as good!!! You don’t believe me well gwourtney has just as much potential as any male x male relationship but y’all don’t want to hear that! And they’re all so fun hello?? Mkulia did more for the homosexuals than anything pride ever did (jokes). Also you can have your toxic yuri like you have your toxic yaoi y’all just can’t understand that there isn’t as critical of a difference between females and men as you like to act there is oops sorry
The way y’all treat Dawn… sighs. She’s not some cute little garden fairy especially not after tdi she definitely doxxes people on Reddit if they’ve wronged her she definitely leaked Scott’s ip address after tdi. Like yeah she’s nice and a good person and likes animals but let her have fun too please
The way roti fans treat zoey is despicable. They treat her either likes she’s the devil and evil and poor little Mike zoey is so hypocritical and evil and mean, or they treat her like she’s a two dimensional piece of cardboard. Didn’t want to say this but she had some of if not the funniest lines in roti. Yeah she sucked in AS but everyone did and im predicting people treated her like this before AS even came out.
Uh TL;DR treat the female characters like how you treat the males please they’re not that different you just hate women.
Uh take this all with a pinch of salt if you do any of this you don’t hate women im just being hyperbolic but there is clearly some issues with the way you view women if you do any of this. Sorry it’s true I’m sending anonymously because I fear this will strike a nerve.
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piracytheorist · 4 months
I chose violence ! So, ask 22. <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I am really choosing violence here because I recently got the Family Portrait light novel book and I (re-)read the story of Anya and Damian getting lost in the woods and I am so amazed at how people miss how their dynamic can be funny.
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Look at how Anya completely dismisses him and tell me she deserves to be reduced to an "I can fix him" narrative for Damian's uwuification. She's not playing "hard to get", she's standing up for herself while Damian is being too stubborn to confront his own conflicting emotions.
To be clear, this is far from my "favourite part of canon", but among the "parts of canon everyone else ignores", this is probably the one I feel people miss the most about. It's not funny when Damian bullies her (yes I have seen that take before because some see the bullying as "teasing" between equals and sorry but it very much isn't), it's funny when Anya ignores him or one-ups him and he's just left there pouting and grunting.
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I cannot comprehend people seeing this and taking it seriously. It's just funny because Anya only challenges him when she's not trying to. She tries to help him, or impress him, or do anything positive, and she gets the cold shoulder. Then she gives him a funny look and Damian's entire world is shooketh. But saying that Damian was never a bully, that somehow his intentions were always noble, or that he never considered her lesser is just... biased, for starters, and second, it removes from the equation how funny it is that the girl he tries to avoid at all costs even by insulting her - or her father - to their faces keeps coming back to haunt him because he has a crush on her. The uneducated pleb actually helped me! The horror!
It's just funny and I cannot comprehend taking it seriously. You work with kids for a few years and you only see that stuff as funny antics you'll laugh at with your friends, and nothing close to something you'd get invested in. Like fr there's a girl at the school I work at always complaining about one certain boy and I joke with my friends about how people are only so obsessed with others when they have a crush on them - but it's just that; a joke between me and my friends, and something I would never even dare to think to utter in front of any of my students. And the thought of giving one (1) iota of shit about my students' romantic relationships makes me wanna barf. Let alone doing that for six-year-olds, even if they're fictional.
Idk I just feel that amatonormativity has just poisoned the public opinion so much that only romance is important and all other fictional character dynamics are merely an afterthought, if even that, and that can only make discussing fictional stories less interesting, more limited, and more shallow. And honestly, it can be unfair to the original material (yeah yeah I know death of the author but sometimes you gotta separate canon from headcanon and fanfiction). There's so much fun to have with fictional stories if you set romance aside for once.
(Anime only fan here and not interested in debate on this. Don't spoil me and don't try to sell this ship to me)
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not-eli · 1 year
Rating Total Drama ships because I chose violence
Gwent - Alright hear me out. They were one of my favourites as a kid and it's really a pity they turned out that way. Trent genuinely loved Gwen so much but he lowkey deserves better ngl. 5/10
Gwancan - 1/10. No. Just no.
Gwortney - Their chemistry was really strong. Another good example of opposites attract, and again I wish things turned out different for them. Still, 8/10 one of my favourites fr
Scottney - I still have to process where the heck this ship came from. They literally never talked to each other and fell in love in three episodes??? Sorry not sorry, 3/10
Duncney - I have mixed feelings about this. They were so cute and my season 1 otp, but that was their only moment of glory. I love the opposites attract dynamic, but they made Courtney way too overcontrolling and Duncan... It's better if I shut up. 7/10
Lyler - Idk what yall say, they're definetely one of the cutest ships in this fandom. Lindsay often forgets Tyler's name but holy moly he NEVER lost his patience with her, he could have easily told her to screw up but always waited for her and it's just so cute to me. 9/10
Aleheather - Who follows this blog (and ao3 fics) knows how much I fucking love this ship. I've always been a sucker for enemies to lovers and god if I love their dynamic. The denial, the secret care, IT JUST MELTS MY HEART ALR? 10/10
Aletyler - I didn't even know this was a thing before I searched up total drama on Tumblr. Never saw their chemestry (even though I have to admit, the "paying back the favour" thing is a fantastic fanfic idea giver) and never shipped them much. Plus, some fans can really become oppressive with it (which, pay attention, appens with every ship). 2/10, sorry not sorry.
Alenoah - Look, Alejandro is at this point shipped with half of the fandom. But I have to admit, this ship isn't that bad. Another example of enemies to lovers, which I repeat I'm a sucker for, and can really turn out well if you think about it. Not my favourite, but a good 5/10
Nemma - I don't get why this is so hated. When I first watched the season I really appreciated Noah's change as a character. He clearly loved Emma with his heart and soul and it was just so cute to me. 8/10 for sure
Izzowen - Sorry if the name isn't correct. Now, I have mixed feelings about this too. They were really cute together and it's a pity it turned out like this, I think they could have worked a little better. 6/10, it's silly and makes me laugh.
Coderra - Alright, alright, Ik what yall are going to say. Sierra's actions weren't good at all. I already expressed my feelings about her and I don't wanna do it again, but I think that Sierra could have grown so much more as a character. In ROTI we see her wearing Cody's hat while hugging him, and by his smile we know that he now feels more comfortable around her. It's a shame that she came back to her obsessive behaviour in All Stars. Still, 5.5/10, pretty good if you ask me.
Zoey and Mike (dunno the name) - Again, I don't get the hate. Mike literally loved Zoey so much, cared about her since the first time he saw her, and it's obvious she feels the exact way about him. 7/10, loved them as a kid
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rewatching the original star wars trilogy at the moment but i had to pause halfway through TESB because i think i'm one of the few people on earth that just cannot stand han solo's fuckboy attitude and gets super annoyed and disgusted with it idk it's not sexy to me, it just makes me feel icky. ANYWAY will be giving notes on those films when i've watched them all but i rewatched rogue one because it's my favourite star wars film and i'm an exhausted, tear stained mess rn enjoy these ramblings - spoilers under the cut
i love this film so much, could go on about it for ages and ages tbh but that would be a crazy long post even for my standards, so my biggest takeaways are that it's honestly the best looking film from all of the star wars movies we've got that i've seen (i haven't seen solo yet but i'm not really interested in it tbh but if people think i should see it maybe i will). the music is phenomenal, the visuals are stunning, the casting is spot on, and the storyline is cohesive. brava fr on this one
i was so into the first half i legit didn't really make notes so that's what you get for like the first half of the film lmao i was just too glued to the screen
i am so in love with this group of people, i think they're the most dynamic of all the groups we see
i haven't seen andor yet but you bet your ass i'm gonna after this because i forgot how much i love cassian - diego luna is fantastic
cassian and jyn <3 also K2 i love you
baze, chirrut and bohdi also just fill me up with joy this whole crew is *chef's kiss*
when baze calls jyn little sister 😭
the pure joy on literally every single rebel's face when they fly in and start shooting the AT-AT's is enough to send me into a fit of laughter and tears 😭 🙌
star wars ships designs are so unique and awesome i love them
K dying had me crying it always gets me
chirrut 💕
general raddus is such a g oh my god
baze, you mean so much to me
that hammerhead corvette is so powerful what
jyn and cassian are like, yeah they're, they mean a lot to me, their relationship means a lot to me, i'm fine
lies i'm literally sobbing at this point and can no longer type
had to come back eventually just to write that i'm forever grateful they hugged at the end because they could have done a cheap kiss shot but they didn't and i love and appreciate gareth edwards for this + vader's entrance is fucking astounding
this is genuinely the only star wars film that always makes me cry because i care so much for all the characters and they all fucking DIE - the skywalker saga doesn't have this level of stakes in the fact that we know they all survive at the end of the day, but this movie literally isn't like that, they all die for the cause and it's fucking heartbreaking and powerful and it wasn't for nothing!!!! 10/10 fr imo, i need a fat glass of cold water now because i'm a total wreck dudes like i am this emoji 😭 rn no lie (i cry laughed through writing this final bit because damn dude y'all should see me i don't get this emotional for movies that often but i'm a complete mess and my throat hurts)
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
Dunno if anybody asked you this before but
opinion on different ships involving wotbc? (that you know of)
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ALL of them?? Deranged ask, muting you on the server for a thousand years, no trial. Jk of course but :O!! I have gotten asks about ships before, plus I did a silly lil ship bingo that I may have to bring back- But just for YOU, joyous one, I will simply summarise and link things! Put it all together!
Starting within the Black Circle itself:
There is no ship combination between them I'm inherently against, I say boldly and bravely. Could probably write for most of them too, even if they're not my absolute favourite, because again, I don't straight up dislike any of them.
Of course I do have my personal top dogs cough cough cough- Like at this point it's no secret I'm a very normal and casual enjoyer of Ogron x Gantlos (gantlogron? ograntlos?? I like gantlogron better ngl). Maybe it's the way I personally enjoy writing Gantlos, but it's just so easy? To make them work?? And if you're not a fan of easy, you can always take the more angsty route and make them. Slightly less equal. They come in multiple flavours!! I think this might be my favourite ship for both of them currently, but I'll elaborate on that in a sec.
Next is my other top dog, Duman x Anagan (DUMANAGAN 🦅🦅). I feel like I've talked about them way more than I actually have?? Maybe it's hidden in reblogs and tags but dang sjsksk, either I should tag better or yap about them more. It's probably gonna be the latter. There's just something about their 'decently normal guy x the HORRORS he keeps inviting everywhere' that does something for me idk, in a platonic way as well. I just really appreciate them as a duo, in whatever dysfunctional form their relationship comes in. Frequently bought together ass couple smh.
About both Gantlos x Anagan (anagantlos? GANAGAN!!!) and Ogron x Anagan (????anagron?) I can be kiiinda brief. Haven't seen a lot of Gantlos x Anagan, but it's fine, why not. Ogron x Anagan is slightly more interesting to me, but maybe that's because I personally enjoy making them clash a bit. Probably still doable though.
Now- Not to slut shame Duman, definitely not during pride month, but this man gets around in a way the others don't and it must be said. Maybe it's his adaptability but DAMN. Ig that's kinda the point of him though. To me. Just the age old question.. Duman is every wizard's favourite, but who's his favourite? Nobody knows. If it's between Ogron x Duman (..dugron?) and Gantlos x Duman (dumantlos) I probably like Ogron x Duman slightly more? They both have angst potential though. Is something I've noticed. Duman gets around but at what cost? Maybe I should just read happier fics.
Actually NO it's Duman's fault there's so much angst around him, that's what he gets for canonically dying and having ties to envy. Dumed Doomed from the start fr.
Moving on to?? There being ships with three of them?? Which is extremely funny to me. Exclusion. Some of these I've only heard about, some I've seen actual content for- Ogron x Anagan x Duman, brought up by someone in the server unironically, Gantlos was NOT invited. Ogron x Gantlos x Anagan, ah yes, sometimes a family is three husbands and the weird pet they found that's their son now. Ogron x Gantlos x Duman was just angst, and Gantlos x Anagan x Duman gives me dumanagan convincing Gantlos to mess around with them vibes I'M SORRY. This is really taking me places.
Y'know you could always just have them all date each other at that point. Affectionately nicknamed 'dumanagantlogron' right here right now. Don't see it a whole lot, but that's probably because it gives you less group dynamic wiggle room. Understandably not for everyone because of that, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. Me personally, I could be convinced. Be wild be free. Also imagine being at a bar or whatever, one of them comes up to you and goes "Hey, me and my three boyfriends just love your vibe" what do you do where do you go from there bye
This is gonna be a BIG one bro, I might have to cut it here for now and make a second part just so it doesn't become scroll hell- I'm only now "done" yapping about ships INSIDE the Circle. I still have so much to say, I know too many ships. Yeah I'm really cutting it here sjsks
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firstroseofspring · 1 month
8, 11, 16, 19, for the trek asks? 💖
<3333 heyyy!!!!
8. are you a nepo baby? (has trekkie parents/uncles/siblings)
no i am not actually! my family doesn't know anything about it really, i started watching it on a whim! :)
11. do you have any songs that you associate with star trek characters?
yes !!! @trillscienceofficer introduced me to the beths and chappell roan for b'elanna and i think about her every time i listen to them. i also really like son of a preacher man for tuvok/t'pel...
there's a filipino folk song called katakataka (i listen to the eva eugenio version) that reminds me of sirella nd martok. i tend to think of worf a lot when i listen to old country songs... big bad john by jimmy dean im thinking of specifically cause of the lyrics but also just like the steeldrivers and other country artists have this earnest vibe that i think fit him. :) hank williams singing about the country... old soul worf vibes
andd also corny but oh no! by marina... and brutal by olivia rodrigo are very b'elanna and seven songs to me
16. your favourite ship?
i forgot to mention in the first ask but actually i'm a big fan of k'ehleyr and worf they had a lot of tension (the good and bad kind) that i found sooo compelling fr... the shared history... the arguments... the yearning.... the loud silence!!!!! oughhh. just the- worf wanting to be with someone who understands his background in the way she can, who doesn't see him as lesser for being in starfleet, but then also holding her up to the same standards other people hold him up to- we have to do this the perfect klingon way or this is wrong etc.
and k'ehleyr trying to discern after they sleep together whether he wants her or wants to be understood or wants do the honorable thing and marry her despite what he might feel... but then also not really feeling totally okay with herself and her identity, and what being with worf, who embraces that stuff to a fault, would mean for herself and eventually for alexander. i thought that the dynamic was so engaging and i liked seeing what a relationship looked like outside of (? but not totally) human convention the blood on the palm scene? slayyeddd
19. share a headcanon!
hmmm i think vulcans think it's polite to look away when someone (vulcan, this might be impractical with other races) is displaying an emotion really overtly! crying or laughing maybe... i think if someone was going into pon farr and getting mad i'd try to leave or at least look away, it must be uncomfortable to see on display like that!
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ven10 · 9 months
Quagmires triplets number 5, 6, and 13 please
5: My favourite ship of them
Isadora/Violet as that’s what I’ve read the most fics+seen the most artwork of regarding Isadora in a romantic relationship however I like the concept of Isadora/Fiona too but would need a lil more convincing.🖤💜✒️🔧
Duncan/Klaus: it’s wholesome+they are compatible. I like the thought of them nerding out together. Also researcher/journalist? Even their interests fit! Not to mention that they would both be impossibly awkward whilst trying to flirt before getting together. :)💚💙📝📰📘
Quigley/Violet: idk man it’s just a lovely ship. (Very lovely indeed.)🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫨🫨🫨😌😌😌💜💜
Fr tho I think it’s something to do with those 2 characters who have had to be fiercely independent for so long learning to rely on each other. I also feel like their romantic dynamic is the most chaotic+interesting out of all of them too, like it’d by no means be a smooth relationship but it’d be a worthy one. They’d be good for each other.
6: My least favourite ship of them
Isadora/Klaus: Nah, they’re Friends. +it’s a great friendship too, I’d say their friendship is worth more than their romance would be.
Duncan/Carmelita: No. She bullied him the ENTIRE time. They have 0 chemistry. They have very little in common, i.e, nothing to bond over. Unless you imagine them getting nostalgic over how Carmelita bullied him for being an orphan which just…no…that’s about the furthest from romance there is.
Quigley/Carmelita: I’d hope Quigley would have better taste. Although, it would be hilarious if after reuniting with his siblings then they’re about to tell him all about their awful time at Prufrock when Quigley is like “Wait! First let me introduce you to my girlfriend!” Then the gf is Carmelita 😬😬😬
13: Your favourite friendship they have
Isadora+Klaus: they bond over books of literary analysis+pull faces at each other in class :)
Duncan+Sunny who he was willing to protect via kicking a fake version of her round in a circle. His heart was there even if his brain wasn’t.
Quigley+Violet. It was a tough choice between Vi and Quigley’s notebook which kept him from being lonely on his travels 😀
Thanks for the ask, I’m always happy to talk about the Quagmire triplets!!! :D
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wallet6464 · 8 months
Okay favorite character and favorite ship of said character (If you don't have a fave ship of them, then you can ramble about your fave ship in general)
~ fan-mans
Hi fan mans!! first ask!!
Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about my fav: great tiger!! (Warning: this has turned into an essay)
There is so much to like about him, his fight is fun in the games I have played so far (I’ll probably see what happens with arcade), he is memorable, his personality is fun, he is entertaining , he is LITERALLY magic you can’t be any cooler than him bro.
For context Mike Tyson’s punch out was my first punch out game and he is so satisfying to beat there, countering his turban flash for a star is so therapeutic, and if you don’t do the speed strat his mirage ( I forgot the name) is super satisfying to hit. It’s fun to listen for the wind and the block accordingly and then get your reward of a free knock down! He left such an impression on me when I first picked up the game like last year!
As for wii? He is also my favourite fighter there. Not only is he dripping with personality he is also fun and different to beat! As I am learning speed stats for wii (I’m practising speedruns rn) TD tigers is one I love to just do. It's so satisfying and fun! And even fighting him normally it’s still a blast to see what gem flashes and adjust accordingly not to mention his stars are so fun to obtain too. To add on his KO animation has such incredible sounds and visuals of his magic failing really hammering in the damage mac did.
Other than the fights his personality is incredible! He is cocky and fun teasing little mac with the most uncool lines but it’s fine I would be like that if I was MAGIC. He is so easy to think of headcannons and scenarios for since he is so flexible and fun! He is so interesting with the magic and his background and reactions. Another thing I LOVE his voice I could sleep to it I bet. It’s so soothing even when he is yelling (he needs a podcast fr) .
Overall great tiger is my favourite for so many reasons lol but tldr: his fights are fun and he is super cool!
Now the second part of the ask. Who do I ship him with? Hondo!
I think their dynamic is so fun with hondo being a very polite guy and tiger being full of himself lol. They would balance each other out so much imo. Plus I fully believe they are just Tism4Tism on vastly different parts of the spectrum lol. They would have an autism day where they just partake in their fixations or special interests (for example watching or reading Sailor Moon together).
I think since Hondo owns his little steak house he would let Tiger perform his music for the guests!
Tiger would also tease him relentlessly and would come up with the WORST pet names. Also who do you think taught hondo those illusions on the hondo rush?
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lesharl-eclair · 11 months
simi fic recs pt. 1
um i wrote half of this at 2am so.. any errors mine ::::) heed the tags etc etc i think this doesnt; need to be saisd
all fics below the cut; if you enjoyed these fics, please show the authors comment and kudo love; should you be the author of a fic that's here, and don't want to be here, please reach out to me and your wish is my command :)
individual fics first as always!
maybe just a little by neonbreadsticks (G, 4.1k)
Kimi doesn’t remember much these days. Only the soft glow of the sunlight through the beige curtains, and the smell of the flowers in the garden before they bloom. The sound of a beat-up Aston Martin idling in his driveway and his dustless shelves in his living room. The curve of Seb’s lips, pulled back against his cheeks, the crows feet that only appear when he laughs at things beyond Kimi’s level of understanding.  Kimi doesn’t remember much these days, but he remembers enough.
ok fr i cried (and proceeded to write this)
this is one of my all-time favourite simi fics because of how beautiful it is - their story isn't over-embellished, it's just given a lot of space to shine. there's a certain heartache that comes w/ the added complication of ferrari & discarding of naivete & us vs the world levels of heroic framing & the idea that seb isn't ok but kimi's there that makes the fic really bring on the waterworks for me.
to survive the tides by @shih-coulda-had-it (T, 4.6k)
The surge of want nearly overwhelmed Sebastian’s impulse control, sorely tested since the beginning of their partnership in Ferrari, and now so worn and tattered that Sebastian almost said, ‘Yes, go ahead, take whatever you want, I will give it to you.’ Sebastian Vettel attends the 2018 FIA Prize Giving.
OH MY GOD i spent an embarrasingly long time making sure it was actually your tumblr hehehaha.
something really special about the way you wrote the interactions. everything is incredibly true to life (warily impressed at the amount of research you must have done)
there's a sense of restrained tension slash want slash bittersweet something that runs through this entire thing. am very compelled. every time i reread this it's a different experience.
to the finnish line by @rosyjuly (E, 3.2k)
"It’s the perfect car to have some fun. Might even take the roof down.” They do. They also take Charles back to their hotel room.
can i just say i let out a very embarrassing noise when i realised who the author was on tumblr like oh my GOD. OH my goddd
SIMI DOMESTICITY SHINING THROUGH??? as unlikely as it seems in such a fic. inside jokes. the very questionable power dynamics lol. seriously torn about how to feel for charles. very brilliant unexpected characterisation.
what a thing to choose by @thereisstillalifetolive (E, 2/2, 10.1k)
If someone had asked Kimi what he thought about Seb’s acting ability prior to this he would’ve laughed in their face, Iceman or not. Because while Seb’s ability to talk circles around a question he doesn’t want to answer is unparalleled, a reasonably trained goldfish could discern how he feels about it. Except. Right now, Kimi’s not entirely certain what year he’s actually in.
still don't know how to talk about this fic coherently it was one of the holyshit moments for me
there are still some tiny sweet moments that shine through. amidst all the Stuff going on. and the vulnerability becomes all the more devastating. like yes this is ageplay this is performance (to some extent) but it's also very real. characterisation is breathtaking, sex speaks for itself, possessive kimi + desperate seb is hmmmmhmmhm. rearranging my brain.
thanks for reading, etc. there's loooots more simi fic recs coming your way if i can be bothered
as always, if you enjoyed this, or if i missed any fic, please let me know :) drop me an ask for any ship if you're dying to see something!
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
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-> Smartphone wallpapers for the best TLH ships <3 Some of my absolute favourite dynamics in TSC fr fr. I miss them so much. The wallpapers are free for everyone, but please reblog this post if you use them!
The Jordelia and Thomastair pics are official art from a book box and Cassie's newsletter. The Gracetopher one was drawn by @thorndale whose art I absolutely love and adore.
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riordanness · 6 months
Heyy!!! What are your 5 most favorite couples and why do you ship them???
hiii this is gonna be quick cos i’m lazy burnt out
1) percabeth. always and forever my favourite ship of all time. i won’t go into extreme detail but they literally mean the world to me. definition of soulmates. they have every good trope !! greatest love story ever told.
2) ricky bowen and gina porter. (percabeth variant #1) literally binged hsmtmts for them. love them to death. they’re so alsjskdjd and uGh i just adore ricky
3) ravi singh and pippa fitz amobi. (a good girls guide to murder). i love these idiots oml. (percabeth variant #2) they put me through so many emotions?? sarge?? hey sarge remember me?? i hated it and i adored it at the same time. cried over them fr. go read it.
4) killian jones and emma swan (ouat). i love these too (percabeth variant #3) loved their enemies to lovers shit and the dynamic in general. how they let their walls down for each other etc etc. i just love them yk. go watch ouat bc you should it’s so good
5) newt and thomas (maze runner). i’m not usually that into gay ships but omg?? missed opportunity?? these dumbasses are soulmates in another universe. (also, fuck i hate myself for getting so into maze runner as a younger girl bc i still cry over (SPOILERS) newt’s death every time i think about it. but yea they’re the best anyways
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from-izzy · 9 months
Your moots as TBZ ships???
hi anon! thank you for sending this in! 💖 sorry it took a while (i think this took more than a fortnight i'm so sorry 😭) because i had to think about it!! i'm doing ones that i talk to frequently or once in a while! to all my moots that i haven't/barely talked to, hmu! (i'm sorry that i'm too shy 😭)
welcome to another episode of '😭-izzy-doesn't-know-how-to-explain-things-and-she's-very-sorry-about-it'
@cloverdaisies - juric
so! you know how juyeon adores eric and juyeon is (arguably) eric's favourite hyung? 😊 they do everything together and is so comfortable around each other despite their age gap? 🥹 well, i mean clo and i are the same age but since around 2022, clo has always just been a writer to me. then out of nowhere, in the spur of the moment and a sudden hit of confidence i told myself "omg! 👀 what if...i just text cloverdaisies, say my greetings, thanks then disappear? if she doesn't respond then alright, at least i said whatever i had to say." yeah...it went well! very well! i love clo! 🤍 so much! 🤍🤍 and i hope she knows that!
@heemingyu - nyusun
ok so...we're just a tiny bit chaotic? 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a tiny bit 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ i think we hide it quite well in group chats (...that's a lie) but when we're on dms...oh yeah...the world really isn't ready for us when we meet 🤭 like sunwoo who adores new and annoys him all the time, i admit that i do it to sana too. but at the same time, like new who is always teasing sunwoo and being crackheads together, that's sana to me 😁 it's just...yeah...i feel like for the sake of world peace, we probably shouldn't meet? and sana should most definitely should not drive 🚗 (just like what new said in his bubble!)
@justalildumpling - sunric
my response to this: so roode 😭 just absolutely roode 😭😭 the audacity to even--but this is saur chaotic sibling energy 🤣 i get what you mean now when you say that we're more like sunwoo and eric rather than an old married couple like jaemin and jeno fr 😮 but also j! aussie aussie aussie! i finally have another friend from aussie that i can annoy if i do come to you (or you come to me...but i don't think j likes me that much though so...) 😟 life is...sad...and i get bullied by j all the time...sigh...☹️
@littleroaes - ppangcob
hmmm...i'll be honest with you, i'm not too sure how to explain this 😭 but! i think we just radiate this kind of energy! 😊 we are both very shy at first and dora is the same as well (in a good way! i will always protect you! 🫂 especially from sana, i promise!) ppangcob is the shy duo of tbz but at the same time, very comfy around each other and others when you get to know them well 🤗 just from our dms and interactions, dora is so silly and funny like girl! thanks for being my first mutual! 💕
@sungbeam - sunkyu
there ain't a lot of words but I'M SO SORRY FOR THE MOMENTARY PAIN AND CONFUSION THAT I PUT YOU THROUGH UMMMM 😭😭 but i am still going to hide (after this, let me say my words first) 🫡 just like sunwoo who auditioned for the company because he saw changmin...that's it! ok bye! i'm leaving! see you!! 😁
@winterchimez - kevcob
...do i need to explain this though? 🤔 but ok i guess i'll do it. so, like i mentioned, i think we're a different kind of soulmate dynamic where you get bullied and teased 😁 and i'm the one that teases you 😁😁 (ily i swear) kind of like kevcob as well 💕 but remember that time when we texted and we sent the same idea and question at the same time?? 🤗 like huh?? no one that i know irl does the things that i do?? this dynamic is so new to me...but i'm so ready for it 🥹 also, what are you waiting for? the stars have spoken? ⭐ book a flight ✈️ to where i am please and thank yew!
@wuahae - bbangju
ok so hear me out 😭 i don't really know how to explain this one either but! just the times when i would cry in vc 🥹 also ask help or something and cat would be like "yes, i have the solution." 🥹 but i'm also just reminded of that time in the concert when younghoon was reading his speech and crying but juyeon was like "it's okay, take your time" 🫂 i just have a feeling cat would do that tbh. we haven't talked much recently but i love you and i hope life is treating you well, cat! 💖
@zzoguri - cobric
me is the crying, emotional mess 😭😭 and moni is the parent that is intently listening to the child, putting in reassuring comments 💬 and trying to calm me down, chipping in their own experiences 🗨️ and telling me that they understand 🫂 moni has always been like that since day 1. i guess it really is true that we're not really strangers 🥹 sorry that we haven't talked much! i do miss you and i hope you're doing well!
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