#my favourite densi moments
stanathanxoox · 6 months
You Mean?
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One being extremely touched that other can visualize having a baby with them, a family. - Ominis Gaunt x reader
The two of you were sat lazily entwined on the couch that had been conjured in the room of requirement back in your fifth year. Now here you were just days away from graduating from Hogwarts, your NEWT exams finally finished as of this afternoon, beside your boyfriend of the last year and a half. Ominis had asked to court you upon your return from the summer holidays between your fifth and sixth year and you were more than happy to agree, having developed major feelings for him during your first year at Hogwarts. Fiercely loyal and protective of his friends he had been there for you when Sebastian had decided to flee after killing his Uncle and his sister had turned against him. Even though you had sworn you weren’t going to turn him in you were positive that he felt someone would, and Ominis and you had lost a best friend that day. You heard from him occasionally in letters that he sent, but he always said never to write back to him and so you didn’t at his wishes. You knew he was safe and that was the main thing. Your pulled from your thoughts when Ominis pulls you closer to him and nuzzles his head into the crock of your neck, a favourite resting place of his. You moan when you feel the light kiss he places their and feel his lips turn up into a sweet smile.
“I can’t wait for us to be out of here. For us to settle down and have a family of our own. A baby, with a mix of both of us” he whispers and you turn towards him, having thought of that before, but honestly you hadn’t thought that Ominis was thinking the same thing. It made you so happy that he wanted the same future together that you did
“You mean, you want to start a family with me?” you ask 
“Of course I do my beautiful girl, since the moment we started courting I knew you were it for me”
“Oh my goodness, yes I want all of that with you too Ominis” you say throwing your arms around your boyfriend, who chuckles at your enthusiasm before placing a kiss on your lips.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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idreamofdensi · 2 years
6x14: Black Winds-Where Deeks is Environmentally friendly (he is so cute)
Damn I love when Deeks gets like this. He is such a good man and when he is trying to do the right thing and be environmentally friendly he gets pricked for it (Kensi’s Cactus 🌵karma) shock is so cute but I don’t like seeing our boy get hurt for doing the right thing.
I know it’s been awhile since I have posted anything (I have been very sick, I have terminal stage 4 appendix (bowel) cancer) and have been in and out of hospital 🏥 but I am trying to catch up with my blogs. So I am posting this clip for my dear friend @blogger360ncislarules since I have promised her a backlog of clips and I keep on breaking that. I hope this one will make her smile thou.
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densi4eva · 4 years
6x03: Praesidium-Where Deeks wishes Kensi has a snooze button
Things are getting serious. They are falling asleep together. They look so cute and so comfortable in each other’s space.
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riskinghearts · 7 years
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“Life is really short, Deeks. I mean, we saw that today, we see it every day. And, I don't know how much time either one of us has left... but I do know this. I wanna spend the rest of what I have - with you."
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laylasjoon · 3 years
Best believe I’ve got a list of all my favourite densi moments
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romancemedia · 4 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles S11E22 - Code of Conduct
In the 22nd and final episode of the 11th season of NCIS: Los Angeles, the team  investigate an extremely sensitive case when two navy seals reveal their chief officer has committed war crimes.
Although this wasn’t the original intended finale for the season, this was definitely a great ending and was no doubt one of the most intense episodes I’ve ever seen. This episode was in full on serious mode as team took this as one of their most important, intense and personal cases yet, especially for our dear, Sam Hanna. Being a former navy seal himself, Sam took it more personally than anyone else on the team and pretty much lead the entire investigation. This case was no laughing matter as two navy seals have come forward to reveal their chief is not the hero everyone believes him to be, revealing how he killed an unarmed prisoner and has even killed innocent civilians. Sam and Callen along with Devin Roundtree traveled to Afghanistan to talk with the rest of their team while Kensi and Deeks remained behind and worked together with Sarah MacKenzie to get the full details from the navy seals. However, the investigation had its difficulties in the form of higher ups and other politicians who wanted to end the investigation before it even started. What’s worse, Sam, Callen, Roundtree and Wallace were quickly captured thanks to Roundtree. Man, first he almost gets himself blown up and now this.
This episode had no easy moments as pretty much throughout the whole hour had me on the edge of my seat, almost since the very start and the episode only grew more intense. The most intense moment of the entire episode is when the team learned exactly the whole story regarding Argento’s actions and we see it all through flashbacks and it was quite gruesome. I really feel for those seals who came forward. They were scared and feared for their lives, knowing what Argento was capable of, but were still so brave and couldn’t remain silent any longer and in the end they simply had to do what was right. I also loved the moments with Kensi, Deeks and Mac. They were all great together and it’s nice we finally got to see Deeks and Kensi working together again. Although I love Fatima and her friendship with Kensi, I will always prefer the partnership between our dear Densi. Anyway, the situation looked even worse when Agrento managed to track down Callen, Sam and the others and was willing to even kill Sam to ensure his silence. Thankfully, the rest of the navy seals followed their comrades lead and finally stood up and stopped Argento and witnessed his arrest. My favourite moment was watching all the seals as their signed their statement and said their oaths. It was a wonderful sight. Justice Has Once Again Been Served. Plus even better, Sam and Callen have officially made an offer for Devin Roundtree to become an official member of the NCIS LA team. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later and though he needs more time to think about, I think it’s a pretty safe bet we know who will be Fatima’s partner when the show returns for season 12.
Overall, this was a great season finale for NCIS: Los Angeles 11th season and as of today all of the NCIS shows have officially ended their current seasons. I can’t to see them all return and I’m looking forward to seeing all the action, excitement, drama, humour and heart continue in season 12 and with so much more still yet to come. Nell’s return, Roundtree’s decision, Kayta’s return, Densi get pregnant and more moments for Callanna and Sam and Katherine. Looking forward to season 12.
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warpigeonss · 4 years
my all-time ultimate fave character: Probably Deeks! 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Granger Danger ( i miss him)
a character I used to like but now don’t: sometimes i like hetty sometimes i dont but i guess thats the point
a character I’m indifferent about: Joelle w h y does she pop up so often go away, i suppose Mosely 
a character who deserved better: harley hidoko harley hidoko harley hidoko
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Callen/Joelle 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Densi obviously 
a cute, low-key ship: do eric and nell count here?
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: I actually like Callen/Anna oops 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Callen/Joelle although i am sure there are other i just cant remember rn
my favourite storyline/moment: this is so difficult there’s so many moments, Kensi proposing to deeks, idk i remember enjoying season 8, Arkady singing Hetty Davis eyes lol 
a storyline that never should have been written: pretty much every time Joelle appears, some hetty stuff and Mosely i did genuinely begin to like her a bit before Mexico happened
my first thoughts on the show: its okay but not as good as NCIS 
my thoughts now: i love this dumb exploding cop show and bits of it are genuinely better than the main NCIS
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
Quarantine Survey
Tagged by @wanna-be-bold
Where are you isolated?
The crushing despair that is my mind.
What are you currently reading or watching?
Reading Densi fic and watching Two Broke Girls
If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
The will to live.
What kind of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
Writing fic and I don’t know if putting a puzzle together is considered creative or form but that’s me.
A song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
Coming up with as many scenarios in my head as possible hoping that one of them might be true.
Favourite healthy/’good’ coping techniques?
Running/working out. Writing my thoughts out on paper.
Tagging: @detective-and-agent-deeks @psyched1328 @bluenet13
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dominicvail · 6 years
What do you think about season 9?
i have liked more episodes than i disliked them. 
for the bad~
If i could choose, i’d cut out that terrible cyberbully/eco terrorist episode, the one with the crop virus???, and probably the Joelle one, too. That irritated me because it felt preachy in the same way the cyber bully one did. I would go back and make them, instead of airing the eps in the wrong order, hold a new episode for a week and air a repeat, because airing 3 as 2 was insulting to sam’s characterisation. 
I haven’t sat through 9x24 yet, bUT while i found Callen’s animosity towards Mosley to be ridiculous as we went through the weeks, childish and out of line at the time, it’s now fairly clear to me they only kept it up for so long so they could do the opposite in the finale and have Mosley run riot, i’m actually very annoyed at that. It seemed manufactured after a while when Callen was still being all shady at her despite her not actually being a bad boss, and i couldn’t fathom why they did it for so long, until now anyway. Now it’s clear and i’m just annoyed at it. 
and this is mildly petty but i’m gonna include it, i’m annoyed Andrea Bordeaux did not get series regular status, she was in it a HELL of a lot more than Linda Hunt and i can see little reason for her not being added to the cast list other than the network didn’t want a female heavy network show. 
but the good
i have liked Densi this season, nothing has seemed contrived, the build up to this drama is clearly placed throughout the whole season and they haven’t lost the essence of both characters throughout their relationship. I genuinely think this is one of the best long term examples of ship writing in any show, like, ever, the issues they have stem from established characterisation and flaws they are aware of but still do not manage to stomp out entirely. They clearly love, support and have each other’s backs and respect each other’s autonomy (that respect, ironically, has lead in part to this conflict they’re in). 
I feel like the writers handled introducing 2 new characters at once well, they feel like real people to me. I love that Harley is clearly after the acceptance and friendship of her new colleagues, but has the sheer loyalty to refuse to pick one or the other between them or her boss. It’s an honourable quality to have. At the same time, i feel like they handled having a new AD actually fairly well, until Mosley actually totally lost it (and aside from the obviously contrived deeks v her plot, i understand her actions even as she’s driving me up a wall), she was a decent and fair boss, she let the team get away with So Much Shit and she did not have to, but they also managed to retain that feeling they had with Granger, that yes, this person is on my side, but also... we can’t be sure they will back me up. 
some of the stand alones have been amazing, as well, and the mirror themes in the episode with Callen’s father were actually kind of artful if not entirely depressing. Ep 200 wrote an ensemble stunningly, while also retaining the show’s core of being about partners flawlessly. I finally got an emotionally resonant wrap up to Granger’s story from a character we’d met before, AND Callen and Sam. And i do respect that there were undoubtedly a million reasons why last season they foisted that off on people we’d not met before (and therefore had not met miguel and would not have had trouble filming the episodes) I did feel like the audience got short changed. 
Kensi, i think, has done pretty well this season? She’s not been at the forefront, but what we’ve gotten for her i genuinely like, she’s taking on another kind of mentor relationship with Harley like she already did with Nell, and it’s nice to see Kensi’s nurturing side, along with a few of her classic ‘ew men’ one liners. 
I thought that the writers learnt their lesson about writing long game plots with the Vietnam business. My issue in the past has been their ability to set up a spectacular intricate plot and then just... let it drop and tie a bow on it and say it was wrapped up simply. In this story, they did not make the plot so complicated that it couldn’t be wrapped up with simplicity and it helped So Much. 
Sam looking out for Harley was adorable, big brother Sam is my favourite. 
the ???????
i’m on the fence about how i feel about neric, looking back on it it’s clear how absurdly flirty they were, and the writers did carefully make it so we’re to understand their moments DID happen, just off screen, i just feel like they fell back into old patterns of only treating them like people when they were required for obnoxious plot exposition. But hey, at least they gave me something, and frankly i wasn’t optimistic. 
I am, while still furious about Michelle, pleased they managed to incorporate her memory in the season without necessarily feeling like she was being used. I mean, she was, but i appreciate they didn’t rub it in my face. 
they kinda went ??? with callen and anna, on one hand i recognise this as a vague warning tale for densi, but also, i’d have hoped anna had earnt her own stories as opposed to just being a cautionary tale. 
some more Alex would have been nice because we didn’t see her and then had a scene of her yelling at G and balance is needed, and more of it than that. They told us about a happy family that found each other and didn’t bother to show us. 
anyway here ends this stream of consciousness, i’m incapable of brevity. 
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stanathanxoox · 9 months
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Being touch-starved and needy was really starting to mess with their reputation as a tough guy. - Lucifer x reader
It was something that he was only slightly ashamed of. The need to constantly be in his girlfriends presence, or his favourite thing having some part of himself holding her in some way, was only a slight dampner to his reputation of being a tough guy. But he, the fallen angel from heaven with the promiscuous reputation had fallen so deeply in love with Y/N the minute he laid eyes on her, and from that moment onwards he couldn’t bare to be apart from her. For the first time in weeks you were getting the chance to see your girlfriend again as she had been out of state to visit her family and now she was back and in your arms.
“I missed you so much my sweet Y/N” you whisper as you place a kiss against her forehead
“I missed you too Samael” she says, the only human who had ever used your angel name. You squeeze her tightly before pulling away and holding her hand before taking her luggage in the other. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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idreamofdensi · 3 years
5x11: Iron Curtain Rising-Where Deeks and Kensi are pining for each other
Kensi and Deeks in pining mode.
This broke me.
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snorlaxishere · 4 years
4x05: Out of the Past Pt.1-The One Where Kensi wants Deek’s Bacon 🥓
Lol this is so good. Kensi and Deeks getting flirty and so much loser to being more than partners. Their thing in this season so drilled to high and was set to explode in spectacular fashion.
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Answer these 30 questions about yourself, then tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know. I was tagged by: @blaineandsamevanderson​ (:
1)  Nicknames - Sometimes Lauri or La 2.) Gender - Female 3.) Star sign - Sagittarius 4.) Height - 1.63 / 5′4′’ 5.) Time – 6:15 PM 6.) Birthday - December 20th 7.) Favourite band – Too many, Queen, The Beatles, Imagine Dragons, Rammstein, Epica, Glass Animals, 2 Times Terror, Disturbed 8.) Favourite solo artist – Freddie Mercury 9.) Song stuck in my head – “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes (like a good Sensie LOL) 10.) Last movie you watched – Spider-Man: Homecoming 11.) Last show you watched – Teen Wolf 12.) When did I create my blog – November 2011 13.) What do I post – Malec, Blam, Densi, Marty Deeks, cats, Marvel, Sense8, NYC, ECO, Harry Shum Jr, Matthew Daddario, Olivia Dunham, Fringe, Brian J. Smith, MGG, food porn (mostly desserts), Kat Dennings, 2BG, Hayley Atwell, Emeraude Toubia, Darren Criss, Shadowhunters, NCISLA, The Defenders, Will Gorski, Lito Rodriguez, MCU, Teen Wolf, Holland Roden, Chadwick Boseman, Simone Simons and much more! 14) Last thing I googled – Real Bodies 15.) Do you have other blogs –  Yep, a side blog about TV shows and characters (http://ilovetvshowscharacters.tumblr.com/) 17.) Why did you choose your url – My URL is from a song by Disturbed 18.) Following - Not many, 114 19.) Followers – Again, not many, 444 20.) Favourite colours – All shades of green 21.) Average hours of sleep – 4-5 22.) Lucky number – I don’t have a lucky one, but I like the number 7 23.) Instruments I played – Only the flute in middle school LOL 24.) What am I wearing – Black leggins, a black tank top with a cat in sunglasses on it and a maroon wool sweater 25.) How many blankets I sleep – One, plus a polar fleece one if it’s really cold 26.) Dream job – Good question, I actually don’t know 27.) Dream trip – NYC 28.) Favourite food - Pasta, pizza, cheesecake, eggplant parmigiana, ice-cream, french fries, bruschetta (LOL I’m so Italian about this) 29.) Nationality – Italian 30.) Favourite song – This is so difficult, at the moment it’s “Wise Enough” by Lamb
Not gonna tag 20 people though XD @ifyoulikepinacoladas31000 - @iflifeisyourstage - @divergent338 - @aprylynn - @raccoonsmate4life - @jammie3132 - @blame-blam - @sassyzazzi
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
My favourite TV proposals:
List (in no particular order) 
QUINTIS - Scorpion, 2x24 + 2x22/2x23 ring reveal: -- although a bit too much, it was vert “Toby” & I loved how it played out...until the “No” #shehadtosayNO
QUINTIS - Scorpion 3x07: -- it was perfect in every way #shesaidYES
MONDLER - Friends: -- although it made Monica angsty, Chandler’s (and Phoebe’s) plan & it’s execution were perfect #shesaidYES
CASKETT - Castle 5x24/6x01: I loved the location - the swings. Loved that  they talked it out... that he proposed not to keep her from taking the job, and that she she wants to marry him AND she is still taking the job. I kinda even liked that they left it at a cliffhanger. 
DENSI - NCIS:LA 8x24 -- Kensi proposaing to Deeks (though I do love the previous proposals by Deeks, too, a lot, then this one that gave us an actual answer, is my fave. But Deeks “coma proposal” was very sweet and his “rehabilitation proposal” was lovely,  but they were kinda one-sided, so...)
SHAMY - TBBT 10x24 + 8x24 ring reveal -- the whole storyline #whatwillshesay
CHARAH - Chuck: 4x13 -- I love how theyre sitting in the hospital corridor, and he just gets up, opens the box, and she looks at him/it... it’s a wordless scene, but it works so perfectly visually. (how we see this moment happen "through”  a vacuum cleaner) 
SWARKLES - HIMYM 8x11/8x12 -- though it was different, then the element of surprise (for Robin, for many viewers), and all that was what I liked. It was in character for them, I think. 
HODGELA - Bones 2x20 -- The Jack & Angela  “glowing shrimp” proposal that came after several “random” (kinda) proposals...
ED/CAROL - Ed (Stuckeyville) 4x09 - though completely cheesily “romantic”, the proposal scene was very in character and suitable for them. #listof25plusoneofyourfavouritethings
Honorable mentions:
Marshall/Lily - HIMYM 1x01 (if there would’ve been a longer scene, this might’ve been on the main list. But it’s great that the show opens with a proposal scene...which is actually a proposal rehearsal scene...)
Ryan/Jenny - Castle 3x11 (if there would’ve been more story to it and if the scene had been longer, then this might’ve been on the main list)
Luke/Lorelai - Gilmore Girls 5x22/6x01 - Lorelai “pulling a Luke” and proposing to Luke to shut him up. (he “fake proposed” the same way in the past, in ep 1x06 #justlookingforsomethingtoshutyouup)
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romancemedia · 5 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles S11E18 - Missing Time
In the 18th episode of the 11th season of NCIS: Los Angeles, the team investigates a potential UFO sighting while Anna makes a decision about her future.
This was a good episode, I wouldn’t say one of my favourites but this was a decent episode that gave us action, mystery, romance, humour and most of all suspense. This episode focused on the team having to locate a missing DIA agent who goes missing shortly after he was investigating a potential UFO sighting. One of the main reasons why this episode was highly anticipated was because of the appearance of Scottie Thompson, who we all know very well from her previous role as Tony DiNozzo’s ex-girlfriend, Jeanne Benoit from NCIS. Although I like Jeanne, I didn’t like her character DIA Agent, Sarah Raines and for good reason. Turns out, she was a dirty agent who had her partner kidnapped so she could sell stolen data over to the Chinease government and that the whole UFO sighting was a hoax. It was interesting to see the team talking about aliens. Eric I’m not surprised and the ending with him and Nell in Ops was cool. Although I really wish we could have been what they were looking at. I love Densi’s discussion and I especially loved it when Deeks managed to trick Kensi into saying alien abduction. It was both funny and cute. My highlight Densi moment of the episode. Plus, Sam taking down the bad guys with tables were hilarious. XD
However, what I really enjoyed about this episode was the on-going storyline regarding Anna. It makes me so happy to see that her and Callen are back together again and that Callen is going to support and be there for Anna during this difficult time in her life. Sadly, Anna is going a little stir crazy being cooped up and believes that getting her life back will not be easy even if the CIA scrub away her criminal history. Anna decides enough is enough, but before she turns herself in she speaks with her dad, our beloved and hilarious, Arkady Kolcheck  from a distance. I love that moment, once again showing Arkady’s love his daughter and proving yet again, he really is a great dad and is heartbroken over her situation and wishes he could’ve done more. I love Arkady more than ever after this episode.
However, in quite the typical manner, just when Anna turns herself in, her worries are over as by the time Callen arrives, they find that Anna’s criminal history d warrent for her arrest are completely gone therefore... Anna is a free woman once more. Hallelujah. In the end, the team all enjoy a well deserved celebration at the Squid and Dagger with everyone (except Beale) revealing they knew the whole time about Callen and Anna. Plus we get to see a beloved and sweet reunion between father and daughter for Anna and Arkady. All’s well that ends well I guess... except, it turns out that Anna is secretly under surveillance. It looks the CIA have plans for Anna she doesn’t know about since they are using her as bait to lure her former cell mate. I Did Not See That Coming
Overall, this was a decent episode. I’m looking forward to seeing Anna getting her life back and seeing this new addition to her storyline play out. Unfortunately a reminder to everyone, due to the show wrapping season 11 early, we don’t have many episodes left so I’d say enjoy these last ones while we can. Until then I’m looking forward to seeing the return of Agent Devin next week.
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I was tagged by the lovely @sciencebabies​ once again, sorry for the delay :D
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
name:  Chiara
height: 5′1″
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (and proud :D)
go to SSBB character: what?
fictional character I’d date:  Leo Fitz <3 (duh)
favourite band or artist: OneRepublic
when did i make this blog: in 2011, it’s almost the 6th anniversary :D
how many blogs do i follow: 465 :D
what do i post about?: anything that I like on my dashboard, but lots of Fitzsimmons+AOS
do i get asks on a regular basis?: Unfortunately not, even though I wish. People, don’t be afraid
aesthetic:  A good cup of tea with cakes. The colours of autumn. Spending time with friends. The colours of the sky at sunrise/sunset/twilight. Reading a good book in complete relax. Being a nurse. Having a relaxing bubble bath. The warmth of the fireplace. Neat Handwriting and Stationery.
Time right now: 15.21
Song stuck in your head: at the moment is 24k by Bruno Mars
Last movie watched: The Other Woman
Last TV show watched: Shadowhunters if I’m not wrong.
What are you wearing right now: pajamas :D
Do you have any other blogs / saved URLs: nope
Why did you chose your URL: because of my otps (even though I don’t watch NCIS: LA anymore) Densi and Fitzsimmons
Pokemon team: none?
Favorite color: red in general
Average hours of sleep: probably around 6-7 hours, usually more during the weekend
Lucky number: 8, because it’s a round number
Favorite characters: FitzSimmons, B99 team, Ron Weasley, Remus Lupin, Becky Bloomwood, Johnlock.
How many blankets do you sleep with: one and it’s a duvet :P
Dream job: scrub nurse in Trauma theatres (which I’m currently doing)
I’m tagging as usual @mcavoying​ @tryalittlejoytomorrow​ @mrsdecaestecker​ @asunnysideup​
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