#Deeks has a pain in his ass
orionares · 2 years
Whumptober, Day 4
Hidden Injury
NCIS: Los Angeles
"Up and at 'am, blondie!"
Officer Marty Deeks lifts his head off of the cot and groans at the sharp pain that runs from his shoulder blade down to his hip. He's sure something is broken, sprained at a minimum, after fighting off a low level gang member with a metal pole.
Sergeant Michael Ferguson appears over Deeks and kicks the foot of the metal cot. The vibrations from the bed sends another sharp pain across his shoulder so painful that Deeks winces. 
"For someone who has enough time to rat out other brothers and sisters in blue," Ferguson sneers, "You seem to have a lot of time on your hands. Let's go."
"Where-" Deeks swings his legs off the bed and sits up to a wave of nausea,"- are we going?"
Ferguson opens his mouth and then pauses to read Deeks' pale skin. "Undercover too much for you, rat?"
The term rat stings, even six weeks after Deeks' testimony to IAB about two dirty cops. As the rat, he's found himself talking to no one, trusting no one and as of now, relegated to the worst undercover jobs available.
"I'm fine," Deeks lies. The lie, as he's learned, is safer than the truth.
 I should probably be in a hospital right now.
I feel so alone right now that it's suffocating me. 
I'm positive no one will care if they find I'm injured anyway. 
Get your ass back here for a stint. Tell the little ninja you'll be back in three days. -Bates
Three days, like every other last minute undercover stint, is wildly off.
The stint- infiltrate a crew of robbers going after a string of homes in Beverly Hills- takes seventeen days. 
Seventeen days of being surrounded by highly paranoid, itchy trigger finger crew. Very little sleep, very little food and water that isn't energy drink and donuts. 
Seventeen days where Detective Marty Deeks is on his own, back in an element of only relying on himself. He's still in a flight or fight state when he's with NCIS with his guard down only a hair when he's with Kensi. 
And because of his luck, the  stint ends exactly on day seventeen- 4:30, actually- when he's thrown through a plate glass window.
Unlike the previous times he's walked into work, Deeks receives a few concerned looks from his team. 
He hobbles over to his desk and lowers himself in with a sigh. Sam, as warm and friendly as expected, raises an eyebrow at him and motions to the small cut on his forehead.
"What's that for?" Sam asks. Deeks glances over to Callen, who watches with an impassive look on his face and Kensi, who watches him with concern. 
"Ah, it's nothing. Had a boring stint with LAPD," Deeks lies. No, he will not mention the six stitches, the mild concussion and the signing himself out against medical advice. 
The reactions are as expected- Sam and Callen share a look that reminds him of dismissing a child while Kensi eyes him worriedly. Her look lingering on him gives him hope that she'll dig for answers in front of the boys.
Instead, Kensi gives him a short nod that says you and I are going to talk about this later, reserved for conversations that usually happen one on one. 
And in the meantime?
"What'd I miss? Hetty finally getting Granger to smile?" Deeks jokes, earning a snort from Callen, a small smile from Kensi and an eye roll from Sam. The detective settles in the silence until he meets the gaze of Hetty from across the bullpen.
It's an all knowing, near omniscient look the operations manager gives him from across the bullpen. It's a look that screams many messages that'll eat at him for the following days.
You aren't going into the field. I hope you knew that when you signed yourself out of the hospital AMA.
I will be having words once again with Lieutenant Bates regarding your undercover stints. 
You can tell them. You aren't alone.
Deeks swallows, dropping his gaze. I've been alone for so long- the temp- for so long. Easier said than done. 
"It's always fun for us to share and care about our feelings with the FBI and LAPD," Investigator Marty Deeks wonders aloud, earning an eye roll from Kensi. She tucks her hands into her Kevlar vest and teases, "You are just happy that you got to put that Agent Beckett in his place. 
"Damn straight," Deeks replies. He surveys the clean up of the tri- agency task force to shut down a domestic terrorist group. He overlooks the smug Agent Beckett, the scattering of officers and agents until his gaze falls on a young police officer limping towards a squad car.
"Hold on, Kens." Deeks walks towards the officer and clocks him to be a probationary officer by the absent insignia on his sleeve. As he gets closer, the younger man's poor attempts to hide the grimace of pain brings Deeks back to his early days of being an officer .
"You good?" Deeks calls out. The officer stops in his tracks, groans loudly and calls back over his shoulder, "m fine."
"That limp says otherwise."
The officer scoffs and awkwardly hobbles a turn to face Deeks. He's a few inches shorter than Deeks with dark brown  hair cut in an undercut. "You don't know me."
"I know you were overeager in there," Deeks replies, nodding towards the entrance of the raided warehouse. "And that you've avoided talking to anyone in the chances of getting called out for getting injured."
The officer's scowl softens into a frown before muttering," No one needs to worry about me. Look, I don't know what kind of things you've heard , Agent-"
Investigator, Deeks corrects silently. "Look. All I can tell you is to go check yourself out by paramedics because killing yourself and hiding injuries won't give you what you're looking for as a cop. Take it from an ex-cop who was alone most of his career. One who isn't alone anymore."
Recognition sparks in the younger man's eyes. "You're…uhh, Deeks?"
Deeks extends his hand forward and as the man shakes it, he replies, "Investigator Deeks, actually for NCIS. Go get yourself checked out-"
"Officer Morgan," the younger man pipes. He gingerly touches his ribs and admits, "I think I broke a rib."
"I've lost count how many of those I've broken," Deeks chuckles. "C'mon- let's get you looked at."
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
WIP asks: 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 14
Give a 5-word summary of this chapter/fic.
Sometimes violence is the answer.
2. Give the first line of this chapter/fic.
Once they were safely inside the security perimeter, Nick decided he couldn’t stand it anymore and pulled his matchbook and empty-but-for-the-last cigarette pack of his pocket.
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
Yes--it's not really a twist, necessarily? It's more an implication that never gets resolved. It's up to reader interpretation. (I'm being vague because, y'know, spoilers.)
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far?
Glory pulled [Nora] forward into a tight hug, and the pressure from her metal breastplate against her chest and her strong arms around her back forced the air from her lungs. For a second, staring over Glory’s shoulder at bullet-chipped concrete of the opposite wall, Nora’s muscles ached too much to breathe. This was how she went, then—survived the most dangerous man in the Commonwealth just to be crushed to death by an overenthusiastic gesture of appreciation.
Nora’s eyes slid shut. Her head was heavy. Glory was warm and solid, and smelled like sweat and gunpowder and hot metal. Nora’s head dipped, her chin pressing against the cool leather of Glory’s coat. It was the adrenaline winding down, some part of her knew. Like the end of a race, when you’ve just passed the finish line. A temporary feeling.
And then Glory released her, leaned back, and clapped a hand on her uninjured shoulder. Her perfect teeth were bright white in the fluorescent lights as she smiled, and her eyes glinted with something feral as she cupped Nora’s face in her hands.
“You did good, sister,” she said.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
There's a lot of Glory in this fic:
“So, if this doesn’t work—”
“I swear I will avenge your swift but incredibly painful death,” Glory said solemnly.
Nora wrinkled her nose. “Gee, thanks. But I was going to say, if this doesn’t work, we don’t tell Nick about it.”
“Oh, no, agreed. My lips are sealed, sis.”
“Or Deacon.”
“Pssh. You don’t have to worry about Deeks. He knows what I’m like; he’d assume I bullied you into it. I’d just put him in a headlock if he bitched about it.” Glory pointed a finger at her. “And you should too. It’s Dez you don’t want to let catch wind of this. She’ll sideline your sorry ass faster than you can even think to apologize.”
“Are you speaking from experience?”
Glory drew an imaginary zipper over her lips, and raised her eyebrows significantly.
“No comment.” Nora nodded once, and took a deep breath. “Got it.”
Glory chuckled. “You’re quick. I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
One of the ending scenes when all of Nora's previous decisions lead her to making one big, life-altering one. No spoilers, obviously. It feels like low-hanging fruit to say part of the climax is my favorite, but if that scene could have the same impact without all the words that come before it I'd just write it instead. Alas, I'm longwinded and like context.
14. What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter/fic?
Settling on a voice for Nora has been tough--not because she's underdeveloped, but because I'm indecisive. There are a couple different ways I could take her character, all of which have benefits and drawbacks. I just need to pick a lane and stick to it or find a way to mesh them.
Fortunately for me, my beloved beta reader is really good at voice and keeping it consistent, so I've got her watching out for me.
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idreamofdensi · 2 years
6x14: Black Winds-Where Deeks is Environmentally friendly (he is so cute)
Damn I love when Deeks gets like this. He is such a good man and when he is trying to do the right thing and be environmentally friendly he gets pricked for it (Kensi’s Cactus 🌵karma) shock is so cute but I don’t like seeing our boy get hurt for doing the right thing.
I know it’s been awhile since I have posted anything (I have been very sick, I have terminal stage 4 appendix (bowel) cancer) and have been in and out of hospital 🏥 but I am trying to catch up with my blogs. So I am posting this clip for my dear friend @blogger360ncislarules since I have promised her a backlog of clips and I keep on breaking that. I hope this one will make her smile thou.
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tawruhs · 2 years
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five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender (platonically or romantically or otherwise!) )
@italianexotiicbeauty sought out the constellation: @ sam hanna -- from the dea agent.
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THAT FIRST TOUCH: mary and callen always got along. like, more than fantastically so, and sometimes---- sometimes, sam hanna could get jealous of that. but damn if his partner knew what pushed his buttons, because callen would do everything in his power, to make sure he did and often at that. but then again, what're partners for? so mary passed the 'test', so to speak. because she is showing him pictures of her belgian malinois. the name of the dog escapes him briefly, but he's just watching callen make some smartass comment and she whacks him playfully with the back of her hand while laughing. lips purse in thought, before he escapes his chair, wanders over to catch her chin with his fingers and kisses her right there. might earn them a whistle from callen. the pain in the ass.
THAT SECOND TOUCH: sam knows that bringing his kinds into any sort of relationship is touch and go. but. aiden and kamran mean the world to him. and he's not comfortable with allowing just anyone to meet his family. however, the dea agent has always been, for lack of a better word, different than most. that's in the good sense. so he's planned a day at the beach for everyone. mary coming on her own, him and the kids. sun, sand, swimming, jet skis, snorkeling, the works. really does go off without a hitch. except for his kids being unable to decide on food. well. they have very different tastes, so he doesn't expect less. so he gives them both a $20, letting them pick on their own. once they disappear, he pulls her into his arms, kissing her forehead. ‘ pretty sure you've won them over. ’
THAT THIRD TOUCH: leaving deeks there never sat right with him. they had both been tortured so violently. and he partially, if not fully, blames himself for the fact. something he's never truly discussed with anyone. he tries to keep a strong facade as he does with everything, but there are times, especially now with how he sees him with kensi that make him think twice. grunting suddenly, he blinks as he's been smacked with a pillow from the right side. brow lofted, he catches mary in the act, chuckling. ‘ alright, alright, ’ hands up in surrender. ‘ my mistake. i thought you liked puppies. ’ random topic to diverge from his own mental state.
THAT FOURTH TOUCH: sam hated how bitter he felt. michelle had always been too good at her job. almost too good. he had been worried from the get-go. especially when it came to the likes of isaak sidorov. she had to play like she was in love with the man. and it tore at him, piece by piece. sam's rage was unhinged. he was at headquarters, pounding the life out of a punching bag. his fourth one by the looks of it. he's not holding back, the punches landing with a deadly amount of accuracy as his mind is riddled with memories. the last blow, the one that sends the bag hurdling across the floor, is what breaks his focus. it's then that he'll feel a hand on his bicep. ‘ sorry, ’ he utters almost too quietly. ‘ got lost in my thoughts. ’
THAT FIFTH TOUCH: the former navy seal was really almost impenetrable when it came to emotions. he had been hardened considerably, thanks to the job. it's either that or it's his partner. whatever the case, he really and truly can't get over the fact, that steve mcgarrett is gone. he knows that steve is doing it to better himself, to get the free time and the freedom he needs. it doesn't help that he considered steve a close friend, hell, even family. it hit deep in his chest, almost a pain he couldn't bother to describe. when he felt the tender, sensitive touch of her fingertips across the broad spans of his shoulders, he let out the breath he'd been holding in for too long. thankfulness pooled deep in those chocolate browns. no words needed. this time.
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
730 Days
A/N: Happy 2 years to our favorite couple! Also, a little callback to Higher Power.
She hadn't been feeling good all day. These bouts of nausea along with major fatigue were effecting her more and more by the day. Her body and emotions were being put through the wringer, and on top of all that she kept getting worried glances from her husband all day at work, along with a myriad of text when he was out in the field.
He's worried about her, she knows that and if the roles were reversed there's no doubt that she would be acting the same, but she's also feeling a bit claustrophobic.
It's in the moment that he tells her she needs to eat something that she snaps back at him and she then realizes just how bad these mood swings are. He doesn't say anything back to her, but she can feel his eyes watch as she packs up her bag and starts heading towards the door.
She begrudgingly makes her way towards the truck as the defining silence and her husband follow her.
A few minutes later her eyes are watching the golden sun illuminates the buildings, as they pass by. She's so lost in her thoughts that when he turns onto a new street it takes a second to realize that they're in their neighborhood.
The blood quickly drains from her face when he pulls up into their driveway without a word and jumps out of the truck. They were suppose to be going to the pier for dinner in celebration but that's obviously not happening now, she shouldn't have snapped at him, he was only trying to help. She feels tears spring to her eyes and can't help fight the feeling of helplessness, as she reaches for the handle and prepares herself for a night full of silence.
She's so caught up in her actions that she doesn't notice him coming around to her side of the vehicle until he's opening the door with an understanding smile on his face.
He's immediately alarmed when he sees her tears, worried that something happened in the few brief seconds that he was absent. His hands find her face, as he scans her eyes, looking for any indication of what could be wrong. "Baby, what is it? Are you okay?"
Goddamn these hormones is the first thing that crosses her mind. Her eyes follow his cerulean blues that are mixed with worry and turmoil, unable to stop her lip from quivering as she slowly nods her head, but the tears are already falling.
Before she knows it, he's pulling her out of her seat and into his chest. His strong arms wrap around as he cradles her against his body helplessly. His lips find the crown of her head, feeling his own tears start to form in his eyes as she her fingers cling to back of his shirt. Her muffled sobs, breaking his heart that much more. "I thought you were mad at me."
He pulls back slightly, his finger finding her chin, tilting her head up so that he can see her beautiful eyes. "Baby, you have every right to feel how you're feeling. Your body is going through so much, I know you don't mean it and I also know that I've been a little annoying the past few days."
"A little?"
He scrunches his nose at her quick reply. "Touché."
His thumb finds her soft skin as he wipes her tear stained cheek, a teary-eyed smile spreading to her face. "Touché."
Unable to stop himself, he huffs a laugh. "Why do you do this to me?"
"What ever do you mean?"
He shakes his head, as she playfully bats her eyelashes at him.
Grabbing her hand, he reaches for her bag and then shuts the door before making their way into the house where he immediately guides her to their bedroom and tells her to undress. She's just about to protest when he slips into the bathroom and she hears the water turn on.
Doing as she's told, the brunette slowly pulls off her clothes, but grows curious when he doesn't immediately come back out. Once fully bare, she steps into the en suite and realizes why he's still in there. She's met with a very amazing view of his perfect derrière, as he pours some lavender along with bubbles into the water before lighting a few candles.
"Nice ass."
"Oh, you like that, huh?"
"Mmmhmm." She smirks as he pops his butt out even more and starts backing up into her.
She can't help but laugh a his ridiculous action when he suddenly stops, whipping around and places a kiss to her lips. "Your bath awaits you, my queen."
Taking his offered hand, she follows him to the tub, noticing that the jets are already turned on. God this man. With the help of her partner, she steps into the warm water, already feeling the pain and ache dissipate from her body.
She sits down, leaning her head back against the edge as her eyes slowly close. Taking a deep relaxing breath she waits for her husband to join but he never does, somewhat alarming her. She opens her eyes once again only to see him watching her, unmoving. "Husbands don't stare at their wives."
"Maybe not other husbands," He smiles thinking back to the last time she said those words to him and how so much has changed. Slowly bending down, he gets on his knees, now eye level with her, his fingers finding the stray piece of hair, and pushes it behind her ear. "But I most definitely stare at my wife."
The semi-shaggy blonde lets out a content sigh, raising his wife's curiosity. "What?"
"I shouldn't be allowed to be this happy."
He's trying to kill her; he's physically trying to kill her. His words paired with the look in his eyes tempts her to just pull him in with her, clothes and all. "I could make you even happier if you joined me."
"I know you could, but I have to do something." He doesn't make a move at her offer and stands up, leaning down once more to places a kiss to her forehead. "Enjoy your bath, baby."
She steps into the the living room an hour later, surprised that her partner hadn't come to check on her. Her body almost feels like new, as she stretches her limbs. Stepping into the kitchen half expecting to see her man standing over the stove, she surprised yet again at the empty room. "Babe?"
He doesn't answer back, making her worry. She steps into the mudroom, thinking maybe he was doing some laundry or giving Monty a bath, but all she finds her their old pooch sprawled out in his bed. Bending down, Kensi runs her fingers through his mange. "Where's daddy, boy?"
He raises his head for a minute as if he's sizing her up before huffing and laying back down. "Yeah, I don't know either."
Tracking back down the hall, she's about to go for her phone when something in the backyard catches her attention. She walks over to the sliding glass door as she watches her husband maneuver around their new backyard, hanging up a string of lights that she pointed out to him the other day.
She watches as he hammers the nail, hitting his finger the first time before he's able to secure the wire. He hops off the ladder and meets her eyes, a nervous smile spreading to his lips, as she opens door.
Walking towards her, he runs his fingers nervously through his golden locks.
"What did you do?"
"Well, I know you probably weren't feeling up to going out tonight so during lunch run I stopped by the store and well..." His eyes lock with hers, as he tries to read her. "Is it okay?"
The tears begin to run down her cheeks as she nods, falling into his arms.
Taking her hand in his, he leads her over to the outdoor patio, as the fire in the pit crackles, and their favorite love song playlist playing in the background.
He guides her to the couch, stretching out his arm to offer her a seat. She watches as he quickly heads back inside but comes right back out with a steaming mug and a bottle of red Gatorade. If she wasn't married to him already, she'd definitely be down on one knee right now.
She gladly takes the mug of chicken broth from him as he sits the bottle of of electrolytes on the side table next to her sounding much more like a parent than she's ever heard before. "I thought this would be better on your stomach."
Grabbing one of his hands, she pulls him towards her, brining her lips to his. "Thank you, baby."
He places another kiss to her lips before taking a seat next to her, throwing the blanket over them as she curls into his side. "Anything for you."
She relaxes into his embrace, the bath was amazing but its nothing compared to this. Tilting her head back, she meets his eyes before he leans down, placing his lips to hers once more.
"730 days."
"That's a long time."
He nods, watching as she takes a sip of her broth. "How are you feeling?"
"A little better."
Nervously, he bites his lip, trying to find the courage to say what he's about to say. "I'm gonna say something and all I ask is that you hear me out."
"I think we should consider adoption."
She whips her head around so fast that she almost gives herself whiplash. "Deeks..."
"Let me finish."
She nods for him to continue and places her mug next to her drink before turning her body fully to face him. The sadness she sees in his eyes worrying her.
"I just hate seeing you like this and knowing that I can't do anything about it. You're making all these sacrifices and we're not even sure this will work. Plus there are tons of kids out there that need parents...that could need us."
"Why are you just now telling me this?"
"Honestly, I know how much you want this...how much we both want this, but I see the toll it's taking on you and I just want you to be okay."
"I can handle this."
"I know but-"
She shakes her head, cutting him off. Her hand finding the scruff of his jaw, his immediately covering it. "But nothing, Deeks. I knew what I was getting into when we started to go this route, and I want this. I want to at least try this because I think if I don't, I'll always wonder what if...we'll always wonder."
"Are you sure?"
Her heart breaks a little at the strain in his voice. "Baby-"
"I just want you to be okay."
"I know." Her lips find his, trying to reassure him as much as possible. Slowly standing up, Kensi offers her hand to him. "Dance with me?"
"Always." He smiles, taking her hand and pulls her into him, her head finding its place in the crook of his neck.
They're able to get through two song, before her dizziness kicks in again. He helps her sit down, handing her the bottle of Gatorade.
Knowing that she's probably about ready to call it a night, he reaches behind the couch and pulls out a bag, handing it over to her. "I actually got you something."
"For me?" She's confused because they both agreed that they weren't doing presents which should've set off her warning bells because it was his idea in the first place. Opening it, she reaches into the paper bag and slowly removes the bottle. A knowing smile graces her face when she sees the familiar label.
"Yeah, its a gift for the tropical sun, it's made by a woman in Venice for a very select clientele, it's hypoallergenic and made with organic coconut oil, shea butter and jojoba."
She gives him a knowing smile, flashing back to 9 years ago at Christmas when he last said those words to her. The Gatorade is helping ease her stomach and she's feeling a lot better. She bites her lip as a plan begins to form in her head. Looking up at him under he eyelashes, she flashes him an "innocent" smile. "You know what would be really good right now?"
"If you gave me a deep tissue massage with this."
"You're wish is my command, Princess."
She leans forward, bringing her lips to his ear as she whispers. "Sans clothing."
His eyes go wide as her hand finds its way down his stomach and into his boxers, leaving his mouth dry. "Yep, no-yep, that sounds good."
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densi-mber · 4 years
The Call
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A/N: For the prompt: Kensi or Deeks gets kidnapped by Kessler. Inspired by The Call.
He takes a quick look around the corner, surveying the dimly lit room of the bunker before a loud crash down the hall draws his attention.
Taking large strides, Deeks walks towards door that’s slightly ajar and pushes it open. He’s immediately filled with rage as he watches Kessler force his wife’s head underwater, her arms and legs flailing as she tries to break loose.
Kessler’s so clearly wrapped up in what he’s doing that he doesn’t even notice when Deeks comes up behind him until the former detective wraps his arm around his neck, pulling him off of his wife.
Kensi’s finally able to pull her head up out of the water, gasping for air, wondering why Kessler’s assault finally stopped, but when her vision finally clears, she gets her answer.
Her husband’s struggling as Kessler holds a scalpel to his throat, breaking the skin. Grabbing the heaviest thing closest to her, she sneaks up behind the ass and knocks him over the head with it, which is enough to distract him so that Deeks is able to lock his arm around Kessler’s neck, putting him in a sleeper hold.
A few minutes later the husband and wife duo watch as Kessler’s eyes slowly drift open and begins to struggle against the chains that are now wrapped around his arms and torso, pinning him to the chair. “I’ll just escape again. You’re never gonna get rid of me.”
Kensi’s brow furrows in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Deeks’ mirrors his wife’s look of confusion. Trying everything in him, to hold back from ripping this guy limb from limb, he takes hold of her hand, intertwining their fingers. “We didn’t find you. Kensi escaped and I found her running through the woods. She’s a badass as you well know.”
“Thanks, babe.”
He turns to meet her tired mismatched orbs. She doesn’t want to be here just as much as he doesn’t want to be, and they don’t have to be. “Let’s get outta here.”
Kessler lets out a loud growl at the exchange between the pair, trying to shake his restraints loose but there’s no give.
They walk towards the door, Deeks ushering his wife out first, his protectiveness still as present as ever. Once they’re in the hall, the couple sends Kessler one last parting, smug smile.
As Kessler continues to yell, Deeks latches the door shut, handing off the lock to his wife. “Would you like to do the honors?”
“With pleasure.”
Once the the lock is secure, they climb up the ladder to the cluster of trees. The fresh air hits her skin and she about looses it right there. They secure and lock the trap door, hiding it beneath the dirt and leaves around them before taking off back towards the house on the property.
Deeks throws his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side and places a kiss to the top of her head. “Well that was fun.”
“Yeah, but I think it was enough fun for the year.”
He nods his head and starts guiding them back the way he first came. “I couldn’t agree more.”
“How’d you find me anyway?”
“I may have called Eric and asked him to take Kessler’s life apart and he found this place.”
“Where’s Nell and Fatima?”
He doesn’t answer her right away, his eyes focusing on the house just a few hundred yards ahead of them. “Deeks?”
She lets him gather his feelings, lord knows she needs to. As they continue to walk, she leans her head against his shoulder, relishing in the feel of his touch, his closeness.
“I may have gone rogue, well I guess it’s not technically rogue if I’m not an agent.”
“So they don’t know you’re here?”
“No, they know. I told Eric to call them once I got far enough that they couldn’t stop me.”
She stops them in their tracks, shaking her head, trying to hold back her tears as she watches her husband’s eyes pool with their own. Her hand finds his cheek, their eyes dancing with so many emotions. “You stupid, stupid man.”
“I love you.”
The brunette closes the distance between them, bringing her lips to his for a desperate kiss. “I love you so much.”
As the words fall from her lips, everything starts to really set in for her. How close she was to death, how close she was to losing him and losing what they have. She’s unable to hold back her tears any longer and burrows her head into his neck, desperately clinging to his body.
He places a kiss to her temple, and tightens his grip around her. God, he doesn’t know how she does it. She’s carried so many burdens for so long by herself, but luckily she has him now, and she’s been slowly letting him carry these burdens with her. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, baby.”
“I’m so much tougher than this.”
“You don’t have to do that especially in front of me. Just let it out, I’m here.”
His words hit her deep, an uncontrollable sob wracks through her body. “I thought I was gonna die.”
Tears run down his cheek at the sheer pain in her voice. He wishes he could just take it all away for her.
As they sit down the front porch they continue to cry, cry for the pain they’ve been put through, but most of all for the life they still have together. “I got you, baby. I got you.”
A/N: I highly doubt this will happen, but it was fun to write!
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ejzah · 4 years
A/N: This idea was originally suggested by @mashmaiden and is the next in a series about Deeks at FLETC, but deviates from canon. I put took me a very long time to figure out and I’m still not sure if I am fully happy with it.
In a previous fic, an instructor had asked Deeks to speak on his experience when he was tortured by Sidorov. Since this deals with some events from Descent/Ascension, there is mention of violence, trauma, and PTSD symptoms.
A Matter of Experience
Deeks let out a very long breath as he waited for other students to arrive. After a lot of consideration, he had decided to grant Flores’ “offer”. He still absolutely hated the idea, but he knew he was technically doing Flores a favor. Plus, Flores wasn’t wrong. Most of the current candidates had never experienced anything as traumatic as he had.
He hoped they never would.
The night before he’d spent a couple hours going over a rough draft of his presentation. Deeks had also covered some ground rules with Flores. Although he had no control over what questions his classmates would ask, he reserved the right to refuse to answer.
Pulling in another long breath, he closed his eye and rolled his neck a couple of times.
“You ok, Deeks?” Flores asked, actually looking concerned. He had an odd mixture of ruthlessness and deep understanding which didn’t necessarily work well together.
“Yeah, fine. I’m good.” He felt vaguely queasy and restless, but he wasn’t about to tell Flores that. “We never discussed what I should do if no one has questions,” he added. “Do you have a back up lecture?”
“Oh believe me, there’s always questions with this case. We’ll be lucky if we get out on time.” He seemed to realize that he sounded a little insensitive. “Based on what I’ve heard about you, you can handle this Deeks. But if you changed your mind, I won’t judge you.”
That strange feeling of embarrassment returned, but he didn’t have time to evaluate it or respond to Flores as other students started trickling in.
Deeks had purposely chosen a chair to the side and a few rows in where he wouldn’t be too obvious, but could get up without too much trouble. Flores gave them a couple minutes to settle and then walked to the front of the room.
“Good Morning, everyone. I hope you’re all managing your classes alright,” he said. “For today’s class we will be focusing on case study 9.”
He paused as the majority of the class flipped to the appropriate page. Deeks’ pulse pounded faintly in his ears and he swallowed twice, closing his eyes briefly. Even if the details weren’t burned into his memory, he’d reviewed the case, just to be sure he wasn’t caught off guard.
It was surprisingly straightforward, not overly gratuitous and Flores reviewed the details with surprising speed. There was no getting past the pictures though. They were graphic, nauseating. He knew the exact moment everyone saw them and heard someone behind him whisper his name.
When Flores ended the lecture, which was over much faster than Deeks would have liked, he nodded to Deeks and added,
“Now some of you may know that one of your colleagues was involved in this case and he was kind enough to agree to share his experiences with us.” Deeks stood up, joining Flores at the front of the room. “Please welcome Marty Deeks, former LAPD Detective.” Flores gave him what he guessed was supposed to be a supportive pat on the arm and then sat down a few feet away.
It was clear that many of the candidates hadn’t made the connection between him and the battered guy in their text book, but as he glanced around, realized that maybe half the class were watching him with the same strange reverence Omar, Jake, and Charlie had when they first met.
Clearing his throat, he pulled in yet another shallow breath and glanced down at the small stack of notecards in his hand, then stuffed them in his pocket.
“As, uh, Instructor Flores said, I’m Marty Deeks,” he started, pausing to clear his throat again. “But most people just call me Deeks. If any of you have spent more than a few minutes around me, you’ve probably figured out that I have a terrible habit of talking too much.”
A couple people chuckled, but most stayed silent, some looking curious, others intrigued, and a few, mainly Alan, outright suspicious. He’d expected some skepticism since, as usual, he didn’t fit into the mold they expected.
“Like it says in that case study, Agent Hanna and I were captured and held by a Russian arms dealer. They took turns torturing us-“ He swallowed harshly, holding back the shiver that crept up his spine and continued. “to gain information about a colleague who was undercover.
“They had us in separate rooms, but I could still see what they were doing to Agent Hanna. I couldn’t do anything though because I was bound to a chair. I could only watch as they electrocuted him and wait to see what else they had planned for me.”
Before he could continued, Alan raised his hand, his gaze almost defiant and angry as he waited for him to respond.
“Did you have a question?” Deeks asked mildly.
“What was it like?” he said, watching Deeks eagerly, and maybe with a touch of disbelief in his voice as he eyed him. “The case study mentioned that you experienced dental trauma, but it didn’t really go into detail.”
Flores started to intercede from behind him, but Deeks held up a hand, holding him back. If Alan wanted details, he could give him details. He’d avoided the guy as much as possible and put his arrogance and aggressiveness down to immaturity, but now Deeks was truly annoyed.
“No it’s ok.” He smiled tightly at Alan. “One guy shoved this metal device in my mouth so I couldn’t close it. Then Sidorov got out a drill and demanded to know the truth. The whole time I was lying my ass off, trying to keep it together even though I knew he was going to stick that thing in my mouth.”
His breath hitched a little as he felt the phantom pain of the drill bit obliterating his teeth. Someone swore under their breath and Deeks felt perverse satisfaction when Alan squirmed uncomfortably.
Forcing the memories back, he took a couple of slow breaths and then added,
“I ended up with multiple broken teeth, damage to my mandible, and shredded gums-so yeah, dental trauma as they so nicely put it.” Maybe that was going a step too far, but it seemed pointless and Flores had wanted them to know what it was really like. “It took years for me to stop flinching when I heard a drill or to make it through getting my teeth cleaned without almost knocking the hygienist’s lights out. To this day, it’s probably the single most horrific thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Everyone’s eyes were on him, the anticipation and tension almost tangible. A woman-he thought her name was possibly Maria-raised her hand and Deeks nodded for her to speak. Unlike some of her peers, she wasn’t staring at him like he was a particularly interesting soap opera.
“You said it took you years to get over the trauma,” she started a little hesitantly. “Exactly how long did it take?”
“I wish I could tell you that there’s a point when it no longer affects you, but it never really happens,” Deeks said with a gentle smile, sorry he couldn’t give her the answer she so clearly wanted. He saw her face fall and he realized just how young she was and probably pretty horrified at this point. “The memories and dreams and all the other symptoms can lessen over time. They never go away though. That trauma, those scars, they are with you forever.”
“So you’re saying there’s nothing we can do about it?” Another student asked, sounding annoyed and maybe a little scared. “If something like this happens to us, we just live with the trauma for the rest of our lives.”
Deeks shook his head.
“No, there’s a lot you can do. Go to therapy, let the people you love help you, and whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself.” A memory of eating bad takeout with Kensi when he was at his lowest point and added, “Whatever you do, don’t try to face if alone. Believe me, your friends and family will be everything.”
The questions continued for the remainder of the class and as Flores predicted, they went over by 15 minutes. Deeks was completely exhausted and a little shaky, but overall not as much as he had expected. He would probably pay the price for being so explicit about his injuries with a resurgence of nightmares.
“Nice work,” Instructor Flores complimented him as he was packing up his notes and untouched book. “I didn’t expect you to be that...open.”
Deeks grimaced, realizing that he’d basically taken over the class and gone completely off script from what they discussed.
“Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away.”
“No, you got the point across. And that’s what they needed.” Flores patted his arm and nodded his appreciation. “Thank you.”
Deeks left the room, intending to skip lunch and go straight to bed until his next class. Maybe he’d get in a quick call to Kensi. The sound of her voice sounded very appealing and comforting right now. He was about halfway down the hall when someone called out,
“Deeks!” He groaned, recognizing Alan’s distinctive voice and turned as he approached, not up for dealing with him at the moment. He stopped a couple feet from Deeks, eyeing him warily.
“Was Everything you said in there true?” he asked and Deeks rolled his eyes, huffing out an exasperated sigh.
“No, Alan. I just made it up so I could get free implants,” Deeks answered derisively. “Now are you done trying to intimidate me? Talking about the guys who drilled holes in my mouth is a little bit exhausted.”
Alan flinched, but didn’t back down.
“I wasn’t trying to insult you.” He glared at Deeks as though he’d done something wrong.
“So implying that I embellished a case to make myself sound better isn’t an insult?” Alan muttered a fairly creative curse under his breath and then said,
“I’m sorry for what I said the first time we met. I was wrong about you, ok?” He shook his head, jaw clenched like the words were almost painful for him to say. Looking at the ground, he admitted, “Look, I’m struggling with a lot of the courses.”
“And you’re telling this to the guy you hate because...?” Deeks asked, not overly surprised to hear that Alan wasn’t doing well. He’d heard quite a few stories about him clashing with instructors among other things.
“Because I need help and you seem to actually know what you’re doing,” Alan said bluntly, apparently past his embarrassment. “So what do I need to do?”
Deeks blinked at him for a second, resisting the urge to laugh. Even in a moment of crisis, the guy was still making demands.
“Well one thing that I always have to remind myself about is to not let yourself get cocky.“
Alan gave him an incredulous look and shook his head.
“What? That’s your expert advice? Don’t be cocky.”
“A piece of it. It’s easy to get full of yourself. I do it all the time, but there’s always room to grow. New things to learn,” Deeks told him with a shrug.
“What could you possibly have to learn?” Alan asked acerbically. “I’ve seen you in most of these classes and you don’t even break a sweat. It’s freaking annoying.”
Deeks actually did laugh then and nodded.
“I do have a lot of experience. Like you pointed out, I’m the old guy.” Alan didn’t look amused so he sighed, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “Look, if you want you can join the study sessions I have with some of other guys. But if you do, you need to lose the attitude because there’s not time for that.”
Alan clenched his jaw, but nodded in apparent agreement.
“I’ll think about it.” With that he turned abruptly, adding a terse, “Thanks.” As he walked away.
Deeks just watched him go, shaking his head, and glanced down at his watch. If he hurried he could maybe just squeeze in a half hour nap and the call to Kensi.
A/N: I know this one ends a little abruptly, but I figure I’ll be writing more in this series.
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third-rail-vip · 4 years
wip whenever
(because I can’t pass this off as six sentences even though it’s sunday)
Tagged by @adventuresofmeghatron (i spotted your 6 sentences!).  Tagging: @asaara-writes @mayihavethisdanse @minuteminx @pchberrytea @velvet-verve  @tarberrymentats 
My notes for this seasonal but not so festive fic are actually starting to resemble real live paragraphs in places, so here's a chonk so i can feel productive.  This fic has 3 cameos, here’s just one of them*.  I’m going self indulgent guys.  2021 is the year of me writing it because i feel like it.  Anyway, here’s my very wippy wip:
Having her head in the clouds was a lifelong acquired hazard, despite every new danger in the world Ivy was still the distracted kind of clumsy.  The well worn tread of her boots failed to find purchase as she stepped forward - her eyes following the strings of lights and paying no attention to the patches of ice glazing the stairs.  
Skittering on the traitorous surface she gasped, arms grabbing out for anything to steady herself on but she was too far to reach the railing.  Just as she resigned herself to going arse over tit, a familiar arm wrapped itself around her waist, and a mock-judgemental sigh ruffled her hair when her shoulderblades bumped back into MacCready’s chest.
“Look at you,” he cooed. “Like a baby radstag.”  Ivy didn’t have to see his face to know the smirk he was wearing as his arm wound tighter around her waist.
“Oh, aren’t we smug.” She rolled her eyes, sinking her head back onto his shoulder so she could confirm his exasperating expression.  
“We can’t all be this agile.  It takes years of honing your senses to know your footing without even look--”
Her world flipped horizontal as MacCready’s legs disappeared out from under him, dragging them both down to meet the frozen metal steps with a painful thump.
“Fuh-- my frickin’ ass,” Mac groused under his breath, rocking onto one hip beneath where she’d landed unceremoniously in his lap -- and in doing so jammed enough .308 rounds into the back of her thigh to floor a behemoth.
“You have the grace of a dancer,” Ivy snorted once she’d got her winded breath back.  “No really, you’re like fred astaire reborn.  Teach me your ways.”
“Oh shut up.”
“Falling for me so soon?”
A chuckle came from the tunnel entrance behind them where a security guard leant, arms folded, against the wall.  The man lowered his sunglasses enough that Ivy caught the glint of steely blue eyes as he winked at her over the rims.
“I’m flattered. Truly,” he snerked, pushing off the wall and swaggering past them down the stairs.  “But I’m afraid I’m simply married to my work.”
Smooth bastard even almost disguised the ground slipping under his sneakers as he stepped out into the marketplace.
“Jackass,”  Mac muttered somewhere behind her head -- still trying to rub some life back into his butt.
Just because they’re together doesn’t mean they’re going to stop taking the piss out of each other - there’s just extra touching.  *Now with added Deacon.  This is the first of potentially hundreds of times Deeks will wind up MacCready, especially about Ivy.  And I’m looking forward to it.
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xeunoais · 5 years
I Hate You
(A/N: i know this probably sucks but its been sitting in my drafts for months now and i just wanted something to do with it besides delete it yk?? so anyways i hope you enjoy this little angst & this gif has nothing to do with this but i love kensi and deeks more than i can even explain!!)
Summary: You and Shawn have known each other since high school. And you just recently started dating and are now at a rocky point in your relationship and its only so long before you reach your breaking point. But what’s Shawn going to do when you finally do break and there is no way for him to fix it anymore.
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It's only been six months. How does a relationship fall apart in just six months?
Shawn and I have only been dating for six months and it's been a living hell. I think we just weren't meant to be together and rushed into this relationship too fast.
We have been friends since high school so we both just dived straight into the deep end and rushed into this whole thing way too fast. Now its biting me in the ass.
I know that this works for some people but just not us. It's been hard and just last night we started fighting. I had called him over to hangout tonight to see if we can try and work things out or watch a movie or do something that doesn't include fighting.
When he arrived the first ten minutes seemed to go fine until we put in a movie that he suddenly didn't wanna watch.
"Shawn, you picked the movie, how did you change your mind in five seconds?" I asked confused.
"I didn't. all I said was I didn't wanna watch this." He rolled his eyes.
I sighed knowing another fight is coming which I'm not ready for. This is getting so old so fast.
"Do I bore you?" He asked annoyed.
"What? Who said anything about that?" I asked.
"You sighed like you were bored with me! Just admit it Y/n you don't wanna be with me." He glared angrily at me.
"Maybe I don't." I let out even though I didn't mean it. Or at least I thought I didn’t. It sort of just slipped but before I could take it back he said something that may not seem like big deal but it really hurt me. It hurt a lot.
"I hate you." He said. He said it with nothing but anger and hate in his eyes. I couldn't see anything else, not an ounce of regret or pain just hatred.
It's almost as if he meant it, and I think he really did. I had to look away because if I continued to stare at him then my entire heart would just shatter and I'd break down.
I felt the tears building up but I wouldn't let myself cry, not in front of him anyway. As soon as I started to look back at him I heard the door slam shut.
I looked to see that he left without a single word or anything. It caused my heart to ache and finally tears rolled down my cheeks. He meant everything he said and just left me like I mean nothing.
I don't deserve that or the pain he put me in. I don't care how it's done but we need to breakup or something needs to change.
I'm not going to stay with him or in a toxic relationship when I know I deserve better than that.
*Shawn’s POV*
After leaving her apartment I sat in my car debating on whether I should go back in or not. I really shouldn't have walked out like that but all we do is fight and it's just so old.
I love her a lot and want to make things work. I also know that we can't make anything work without trying.
Day by day I feel like this relationship is only growing more and more toxic. Maybe we shouldn't be together and all of this is just a sign telling us to end things.
It's not something I want to do and it definitely makes me hurts me more than I want it to. Soon enough I drowned myself in my own thoughts and fell asleep.
I stood outside her door for a moment and before I started to knock I heard sniffles. My heart completely sank hearing her cry and I opened the door to find her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.
I made my way over to her and sat down before wrapping her in my arms and holding her tightly. She didn't pull away or hesitate to hug me back and we stayed like that for a while. I let her cry into my chest knowing this is my fault and I'm going to fix it.
I shouldn't have gotten so upset over a movie and left her like that. It was a petty thing for me to do and I regret it. Everything I said to her like ‘I hate you’ makes my heart ache. I never meant that and will never mean it.
I could never hate her even if I wanted to. She's the most important person in my life and I care for her more than I do myself.
"Please don't hate me Shawn." She cried. I slowly pulled her away to make her look me in the eyes. Her wet warty eyes looked into mine and it pained me.
"Never Y/n. I didn't mean what I said to you and I couldn't ever hate you. Okay I..." I paused feeling my heart warm.
"I love you." Her saddened face lit up and she smiled. I haven't told her those three words yet, until now. Now that I've said them I feel amazing and like I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have her be mine.
"I love you too Shawn." She smiled as she cupped my cheeks in her hands and pulled me in for a soft but loving kiss. I happily kissed her back enjoying every second of it.
When we pulled away I hugged her and held her in my arms for however long I could.
"I'm so lucky to have you." I whispered as I ran my fingers through her hair.
A knock at my door made me shoot up from my spot on my couch. I looked around the apartment, looking for Y/n. Then it hit me, I was dreaming.
I got up to answer the door and when I opened it I saw her. She was standing there in her own hoodies, sweats, and a beanie that she stole from Brian when we were in high school.
And in her arms was the box, I scanned over her appearance. She looked so broken. Her eyes puffy, cheeks stained and red from the tears. She was hurting and it was my fault.
“I just came to uhh give you this. I would’ve left it outside your door but I didn’t want it to get taken.” She mumbled before pushing the box of my stuff into my arms.
“Y/n, baby-“ I started but was quickly cut off by her.
“Don’t. Don’t call me that. You don’t have a right to call me that anymore. You hate me remember.” She tried to fight back the tears but at that last sentence she broke.
Before I could even react her back was facing me and she was walking away.
I just fucked up the only thing I had good left in the world and there was nothing I could do about it. I can’t fix this.
The End
(A/N: i know this was short but i still hope you enjoyed this and remember, feedback is highly appreciated!!)
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Country Roads, Take Me Home: Chap. 2
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye
A/N: I'm telling you right now, this story may have gone completely off the rails. It's been a weird summer and...I honestly don't quite know what happened. This is your warning!
Read Chapter 1 Here
They were up bright and early the next morning to take Monty to doggy daycare where Roberta would pick him up at the end of the day. Then they hit the road for Yosemite. So far, things were going exactly according to plan. Until they inevitably got stuck in LA traffic.
“Remember last night when I asked you about snacks? You brought some right? Because I don’t know how long I can last without snacks,” Kensi said after about forty minutes.
Deeks looked at her sideways. “Did I buy snacks? Do you think I don’t know you after all this time? Check the fridge.”
She unbuckled her seatbelt and walked halfway back to the little kitchenette. Opening the fridge her eyes went wide in delight. “You got me Reese’s?”
“Of course I got you Reese’s. I wanted this to be fun, not the road trip from hell.”
She rejoined him, plopping happily back into her seat and giving him a peck on the cheek. “This is already off to a better start than all our other vacations.”
“I told you.”
“So why Yosemite? There lots of other parks in California.”
“Well first of all, Yosemite Sam. Second of all I was looking at the out of state parks and mapping our trip. The only one kind of on the way out is Yosemite. Well, and Death Valley, but I thought we should probably avoid any place that advertises killing off visitors.”
Kensi nodded, biting into a Reese’s. “Good point.”
He looked at her. “Are you going to share those?”
“I thought you bought them for me,” she said around a mouthful of chocolate.
“I did, but as your loving, devoted husband who is taking you on the vacation of a lifetime, who buys you snacks and cleans your house and saves your beautiful, beautiful ass multiple times a week, you could share one.”
She glared at him and withdrew one candy from the bag, putting it directly into his hand. “Thank you,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road as he unwrapped it.
“What is all this traffic?” she asked, trying to peer down the freeway. 
“Rush hour,” Deeks said, moving them forward another two feet.
“It’s not usually this bad at this time.” She craned her neck, pushing up out of her seat. “I think someone has a flat tire.”
Sure enough up ahead there was a much older and smaller RV half on/half off the shoulder. “We should see if they need help,” Kensi said.
“Babe we’re off duty. They look fine.”
She gave him a look and he sighed, flipping on the blinker to maneuver them onto the shoulder behind the stopped vehicle. They hopped out and walked toward an older couple evaluating a very flat tire. “Hey you need some help?” Kensi called over the noise of the traffic.
“Oh bless me, yes, thank you!” A woman who looked to be about Roberta’s age waved at them. “My Bill here could use some assistance.”
“What’s the problem?” Deeks asked.
The man, Bill apparently, stood and rubbed his hands together. “Carol and I were just driving along and we musta run over something. Tire’s flat as a pancake and those lug nuts are so tight it’s like they’re cemented on.”
“Young man if you could give him a hand we would appreciate it,” Carol said. 
Deeks shook his head and gestured to Kensi. “Sugarbear, this one’s all yours.”
“Oh,” Carol seemed startled. “I don’t think—“
Kensi reached for the tire iron and within seconds had loosened one of the nuts. Both Bill and Carol raised their eyebrows. “Well I’ll be darned,” Bill said in amazement.
“Somebody’s been eating their wheaties!” Carol said. 
Kensi smiled as she worked the second lug nut. “My dad had a lot of tricks.”
“I’m Marty,” Deeks said, holding out a hand. “This is my wife Kensi.”
“Bill and Carol Weekes,” Bill said. “That’s quite a lady you’ve got there.”
Deeks smiled. “She certainly is.”
“Babe, can you get the spare?” Kensi called.
“On it!” Deeks looked to Bill.
“I think it’s in the back,” he said. “Come on in.”
Deeks followed Bill inside the RV and was immediately assaulted. “Ah! What the—?”
“Oh, sorry!” Bill said. “Kujo! Chewbarka! Tank! Twinkie! Patrick Dempsey get off him!”
In a rush of fur and wagging tails, five dogs raced back to Bill, leaving Deeks covered in slobber and dog hair. “They’re tame, just likely to lick you to death,” Bill said with a chuckle.
“Uh yeah,” Deeks said, wiping his hands on his pants. “Ouch!” He jumped as teeth sank into his ankle.
“Patrick Dempsey!” Bill yelled again, swatting the little dachshund away. “I shoulda said they’ll all lick you to death except PD. He’s vicious.”
“Right.” Deeks rubbed the sore spot. “The tire?”
“Oh yeah!” Bill popped open a hatch and hauled out a donut. “There we go.”
“Great.” Deeks grabbed it from him. “Let’s take this to Kensi and she’ll have you out of here in no time.”
He received a final nip from Patrick Dempsey on the way out the door, then handed the tire over to Kensi. Together they had it on within minutes. “Oh my goodness, how can we ever thank you?” Carol said as Kensi tightened the final bolt.
“No need,” Kensi said. “We’re happy to help.”
“Well that’s not acceptable,” Carol said bustling off into the RV.
“Aw my Carol. She’s not going to let you leave empty handed,” Bill said, elbowing Deeks with a grin.
Sure enough Carol was back seconds later, a tinfoil wrapped plate in her hand. “Here,” she said. “These are some of my world famous chocolate chip cookies. Made with real butter and eggs, none of that vegan stuff all you west coasters are so fond of.”
Deeks had to bite back a laugh as he took the plate. “Thank you. You two be safe now all right?” He said.
“Will do!” They waved cheerily as they headed back inside and started the RV up.
“Well they were…” Kensi couldn’t seem to find the words.
“Yep,” Deeks said. “And you didn’t even get a bite from Patrick Dempsey.”
She raised her eyebrows. “What?”
Deeks shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. Come on. Adventure awaits in…approximately five hours depending on traffic.”
It was a lot more like seven hours by the time they finally trundled into the park. Deeks picked up a parking tag for the RV and a map to their campsite. “Oh thank god,” Kensi said as they pulled into their spot. “I need to get out of this thing.”
“You do realize we’re going to spend most of this trip inside the RV,” Deeks said. “That’s why I got the nice one.”
“And it is so nice baby, but breathing the same air as you for this many hours is…too much.”
“I think you’re hangry. Let’s get a little fire going and we can have some hot dogs, a couple s’mores and you’ll feel better,” Deeks said.
“You know the way directly to my heart,” she said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
It was quick and easy to get a campfire burning and soon they were cuddled up next to one another in a blanket, making s’mores. Kensi had just whispered something very dirty in Deeks’ ear and he was on the verge of grabbing her and taking the party indoors when a very loud, rundown RV pulled into the spot directly next to them. “Well that’s not really what we came here for,” Deeks grumbled as the RV backfired and let out a huge explosion of exhaust before giving a wheezing cough as it turned off.
“Um, Deeks?” Kensi said. “Is that—“
The RV’s door opened and a dachshund ran out, barking like mad, and lunging for Deeks’ leg. “Whoa!” he yelled, dropping his s’more and leaping out of his seat.
“Patrick Dempsey! You get back here right now!” A woman bellowed, charging out the door after him.
“Carol?” Kensi asked as she pulled the dog off Deeks’ leg.
“Well hey there fellow travelers!” Bill said, smiling broadly as he descended the steps. “What a coincidence!”
“Coincidence or nightmare?” Deeks muttered, rubbing his calf.
“It is a coincidence,” Kensi said, elbowing Deeks to shut him up. “I don’t remember you saying this was on your schedule.”
“Well we got to talking as we drove and Kensi, you made this sound like such a fun idea we decided to hop on over,” Carol said.
“Really sold it to ‘em huh Kens?” Deeks asked under his breath.
She elbowed him again. “Well don’t let us interrupt your fun,” Carol said. “You two lovebirds looked so cozy when we drove up. We’ll just keep to ourselves over here.”
“And don’t worry about making too much noise! You know, if things start to heat up later.” Bill winked at them. “Carol and I are very sound sleepers. Won’t hear a thing.”
“Perfect,” Deeks said weakly. “We’ll keep that in mind.”
“Well I guess we’ll turn in,” Bill told them. “Been a long day. You kids have fun!”
Patrick Dempsey gave a final yip as Carol scooped him up and they went back inside. 
“So…do we turn around and go home now?” Kensi asked.
“No,” Deeks said firmly as he put out the fire. “This is going to be a normal vacation. We’re going to see lots of pretty rocks, eat road food, and have lots of sex. NORMAL.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled. “I’m not sure we’re capable of normal.”
“Yes we are,” he insisted, grabbing her hand. “Come on.”
He pulled her inside and the door had barely closed before he was kissing her, hands fumbling with the buttons on her shirt. “Deeks!” Kensi laughed, then gasped as he nipped at that one, particular spot on her neck. “Deeks, what are you doing?”
“Well we gave this thing a test drive. We tried out the refrigerator, the wifi, the satellite. And now, I think we need to test out the bed,” he said with a grin, swinging her up into his arms and carrying her to the back of the RV where he tossed her onto the mattress.
He whipped off his belt with a dramatic flair and then dove on top of her, pressing kisses to her face, neck, wherever he could find as she laughed. “I think you’re still a little overdressed here,” she said, tugging at his t-shirt. 
“Well that’s easily fixed.” Deeks sat up fast to take the shirt off and whacked his head on the ceiling. 
“Ooh!” Kensi sat up, reaching to cradle his face while he closed his eyes in pain. “Oh my god, are you all right?”
“Ow. Yep. That smarts.” He rubbed the top of his head. “I feel like that’s a pretty major design flaw.”
“Well maybe they didn’t intend for people to have wild and crazy sex in here,” she said, trying to stifle her laughter.
“No problem,” Deeks said with a grimace, clearly trying to ignore his throbbing skull. “We’ll just switch tactics.”
He leaned down toward her again and was immediately interrupted by the loudest, most frantic barking either one of them had ever heard. “You have got to be kidding me,” he said dropping his head onto Kensi’s chest.
She ruffled his hair and pressed a kiss to the injured spot. “They’ll stop in a second.”
Sure enough they waited a moment and the barking ceased. “Okay then, back to business,” Deeks said with a grin, leaning over once more.
The barking started again. And then again. And then….again. Deeks groaned and rolled onto his back so they were side by side. 
“This is unbelievable,” Kensi said breathless and annoyed.
“So much for a normal vacation.”
A/N: Sometimes people ask if I base my stories on real life so, fun fact, for eleven years my family had a mini dachshund named Willy. He was a demon beast from hell. Seriously. Patrick Dempsey is based on him. His name is Patrick Dempsey because I think it's hilarious when animals have extremely human names. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! More shenanigans to come!
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orionares · 3 years
Whumptober: Bruises
Whumptober: Day 6- Bruises
NCIS: Los Angeles
A/N: Takes place after ‘Ascension’, the first episode of season 5
Old habits are hard to break.
Marty Deeks lowers himself onto the bench in the OPS gym and blows out a weak breath through pursed lips. The detective is drenched from sweat under Los Angeles’ 110 degree heat index and a three hour hunt for a Russian operative throughout the city. As the third case after returning to work, Deeks had expected his first few cases post- torture would have some form of normalcy.
Today is not one of those days.
Everything hurts.
He should tell his teammates that while chasing said Russian operative through a residential neighborhood, he had been tackled by the suspect and the pair had tumbled down a ravine. The fall had resulted in a likely broken wrist, a busted knee and a hot, murderous pain just below the right side of his ribs.
He should go to the hospital.
But the team exists in an akward period now with traces of life before Sidarov and bloody torture devices in his mouth. Bits of being the ‘temp’ and feelings of inadequacy are now intertwined with healing scars in his mouth and glimpses of what he takes as pity from the others on the team.
So old habits of burying his pain, physical and emotional, remain in this odd inbetween. Because of a lifetime of being unwanted and three years of being the team’s pain in the ass, he’s going to sit here and feel like shit.
Deeks’ head droops as a wave of dizziness nearly knocks him off the bench. If he passes out in the middle of the gym, he’ll never hear the end of it. He pushes his legs out for stability before pressing his palms against his thigh.
He cannot pass out.
What the detective can do is remove his Kevlar, which feels like lead. The strap over his left shoulder is already partially torn from the fall. He doesn’t have the energy to lift the vest off so he does the only thing that he can think of- he straightens up and grabs both ends of the vest and pulls down with the last bits of remaining energy he has.
Rip! The strap breaks after a few seconds of force.
His body rocks to the right at the momentum far enough for him to slip off the bench and onto the ground. Pain shoots across his rib cage and down to his stomach.
He cannot be the weakest link and pass out in the OPS center.
He cannot be the weakest link and pass out in the OPS center.
He canno-
Callen’s voice explodes in his right ear, jolting Deeks back to consciousness. The detective lifts his head, wide eyed to see Callen tapping his cheek and staring down at the detective’s hip with worry. Callen’s ‘friendly’ discussion with Deeks after his panic attack during his first case back remains in the back of the detective’s mind and is a complete contrast to the worried lead agent in front of him.
“Hey, Hey- Marty, look at me,” Callen directs him softly. His blue eyes flicker between meeting Deeks’ eyes and whatever is down near the detective’s hip.
“Wha’s,” Deeks slurs. “'I'm fine.”
Sam rushes into the gym, whips his head left to right and finally focuses down to Callen and Deeks. “What the hell?” the ex- SEAL mutters.
“Found him passed out,” Callen explains as he pulls Deeks’ vest from off his chest, “and there’s discoloration- bruising all over his stomach. Help me carry him to Kensi’s car.”
Sam drops down by Deeks’ side and shakes his head. “Deeks, is this from the ravine?”
The detective barely registers Sam’s question and his head lolls to the right. Callen puts a hand against Deeks’ cheek and yells, “He’s burning up. Help me-”
The rest of Callen’s words don’t register as he slips further into a haze. The detective doesn’t feel his body being lifted on each side by his teammates or hear Kensi’s gasp and panicked questions. He doesn’t hear the arguments among the three in Kensi’s SUV while speeding through the streets of Los Angeles.
Instead, Deeks drifts until he finally passes out.
When Deeks wakes again, he’s greeted by three pairs of relieved eyes.
Before Sidarov, there’d be Kensi waiting at his bedside, ready with quips and poorly hidden glances of relief and happiness. Sam and Callen would drop in briefly, give a nod of approval and be on their way while the Wonder Twins visiting would be a 50/50.
Now, his entire team is gathered at the foot of his bed as if he’s about to die.
“Am…” Deeks mumbles, “not….dying, right?”
“You scared the hell out of us,” Kensi says softly. Her tone is warm and comforting, triggering more doubt. “No, you aren’t dying.”
“Where am I?”
“Hospital,” Sam answers. He stands across from Kensi at the foot of the bed. “ You passed out while we were carrying you out of OPS. You said when you fell that you were fine- why didn’t you say anything?”
Deeks drops his gaze to his lap and begins to fiddle with his fingers. The answer is obvious- I don’t trust any of you yet to care. “Old habits, I guess.”
“Old habits,” Callen repeats. He exchanges a quick glance with Sam before stating, “Then let's break them. I know that I haven’t been welcoming for years. I'm sorry."
"And I meant what I said. I'm not doubting you ever again," Sam adds.
"Sunshine and gunpowder," Kensi says with a smile. Her smile says- Yes, I heard you in the boatshed.
Their words are filled with hope and promises and yet he's hesitant to trust them. The childhood scars and trauma of abandonment will sit on his shoulders for life. But he's willing to try and by the looks in the eyes of Callen, Kensi and Sam, so are they.
"Ok," Deeks replies with a small smile, "Let's do it."
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crunkumbee · 5 years
Never Again
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Jim Street x Reader
Request: Would you be up for writing a Jim Street fic where he is dating a girl who is in SWAT and she gets hurt and he gets really protective and Hondo has to keep him calm? Or something similar to that? -🎁
Word Count: 1.2k (1234 to be exact and that’s hella satisfying)
A/N: Hehe sorry this took a while but hope you enjoy!!
You and Street had graduated from the police academy together and saw each other here and there while on the job but you never really interacted until you were both training for SWAT. Everyday he would flirt with you until you gave in for a date. The only reason that you didn’t give in sooner was because you didn’t want to be distracted while getting your dream job by your dream man. But it was the day you both got the news that you two would be in SWAT and on the same team. That was the best decision you have ever made. Now 6 months later you were in a relationship with Jim and now having the best team you could ever ask for. This relationship with Street consisted of a lot of locker room makeouts. 
Today Hondo called the whole team in on their day off for a new case.  You and Street were in the middle of some personal business so when you got the call you both were a little annoyed but it was part of the job description. 
When you both pulled up to the building and found Hondo in the debriefing room with the rest of the team. 
“We have a case and I hate to call you all in on your day off but it’s high priority. Two women were killed this morning and there’s evidence that more will happen in a different location if we don’t stop it now and we were the only team available.” 
After an hour of research we narrowed it down to two locations seven miles apart from each other. Hondo, Tan, and you went into what you all thought would be the safer place while the others went to the other location. Hondo didn’t like the idea of splitting up but it was what was best for the job. 
You knocked on the door while the other two were searching around the home. The door opened quickly and before you could even react a man shot you in the arm and ran out the door. Pain stretched through your arm and you called it in and ran after the man. It was hard to move your arms as normal but you kept going with the fear that he would call backup. You could hear Hondo and Tan behind you as you ran but you were always faster than them both. As you were catching up to the rabbit you were finally close enough to go in for the tackle but as you jumped he turned around and fired his weapon into your abdomen. You fell on top of him but he was able to push you off. Now you were on the ground and you could feel the warmth of your own blood start to pool on the pavement. Hondo ordered Tan to stay with you while he got the man you were chasing. Everything went dark after that moment. 
Street and the rest of the team were loading up the men that they were looking for when Deacon got a call from Hondo saying that you were being rushed to the ER and that Street should head over there immediately. He hung up the phone and walked over to Street. 
“Street I need to talk to you.” 
“Hey Deek I know I kinda slipped up back there but I still got him, don’t worry I won’t let it happen again.” 
“Street that’s not what I need to talk to you about. Things went south with Hondo and y/n and she’s currently in an ambulance being rushed to the ER and I want you and Chris to go meet Hondo over there. Take Chris’s car.” 
Street didn’t say anything but he jumped into Chris’s car and motioned for her to get in. He was on the brink of tears while telling her what happened. He sped through the traffic with the lights and sirens on, no longer caring if he got in trouble for it later. He pulled up to the hospital right after Hondo and the trio all got out and they couldn’t even go in. They just stood there in uniform and looked at the building where you could possibly be taking your last breaths. 
Chris was the first one to move and walk in. She checked the three of them in and while they weren’t allowed to go back there, they could wait in the private waiting room around the corner. 
“I should have insisted on going with you guys. I could have helped her. We might not even be in this situation right now if I were there to help you guys.” Street said walking up to Hondo while Chris was talking to a nurse. 
“Those weren’t your orders Street. This is not on you. The only person responsible for what happened was the man that shot her and he will do cold. hard. time for what he did to her and we both can make damn sure about that. But right now we need to worry about making sure she makes it out of that room alive.” 
“I’m just worried about her Hondo. She’s the only one. I haven’t felt like this with anybody and I don’t think I could live without her.” 
“She’s done a huge part for this team and has saved my ass more than once. She’s tough. She’ll make it through.” 
Chris walked back and started to tell them what the nurse knew about your condition.
“Nurse says that there was a complication with the bullet that went through her stomach but she’s in surgery still so we just have to wait.” 
It was just then that Hondo got a text from Deacon that they were on their way to the hospital to wait with the three of them. 
Together the team waited until a doctor that looked tired walked into the room. 
“We have y/n out of surgery and she can have visitors. One of the bullets had gotten turned on the ride here so that caused some complications but in the next few weeks she should be able to be back in the field. 
“Damn y/n ain’t gonna like that, she hates desk work.” Luca said sounding just as relieved as everyone else. 
Street walked into your room while Hondo told the team to give you two a few moments. 
“You look like shit.” you said from the bed once you saw him. 
“That sort of thing sometimes happens when you almost lose the love of your life.” 
You paused before coming up with a smartass comment. He thought you were the love of his life? 
“Do you really mean that?” 
He sat in the chair next to you to stop you from trying to sit up. 
“Yes I mean that. Don’t go doing shit like that again. Alright?”
“Yes sir. Never again.” you retorted while saluting him. 
The rest of the team walked in and quickly surrounded your bed. All of them saying something along the lines of them being glad that you’re alright, desk work and how they were going to buy you drinks once you were out of the bed. While all of this is happening Jim Street was holding your hand and it wasn’t until that day that he knew that he fell more in love with you than he ever thought possible. 
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Deacon St. John || Guardian Angel with a Sniper
A/n: In many of these stories, you'll have to imagine Sarah doesn't exist. That was difficult to say because I actually enjoy her relationship with Deacon and he has her name tattooed on the side of his neck.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
***** Prompt: While annihilating Marauders in an ambush camp in Belknap, Deacon is saved by an unknown sniper. Curious as to who was watching over him, he searches for the mysterious person. *****
~3rd Person POV~
"Bunch of rapists and murderer. Not a single one of you is making it out alive," Deacon mumbled as he concealed his presence in shrubbery near the outskirts of the ambush camp. He held his crossbow tightly as he snuck up to the camp. Trudging up a dirt path, he dove behind a stack of logs before a man on patrol spotted him.
When he turned his back, Deacon emerged from his cover and shot him in the back with a bolt. The marauder groaned as his body collapsed and took a final breath before dying. As he moved deeper into the camp, he killed more men and women. What he failed to to notice was the man with a machete sneaking up behind him. His footsteps went unnoticed as Deacon was solely focused on what was in front of him.
The marauder raised his machete and swung it down. Before the sharp blade made contact with Deacon's head, a bullet whizzed through the air and pierced him in the skull, killing him instantly. The drifter turned around and cursed under his breath as he watched the man's body crumple to the ground, blood oozing from the hole in his head.
Turning his head back to the camp, Deacon witnessed the remainder of the marauders fall one by one. Whoever was killing them was rather skilled and had a silencer attached to their rifle, annihilating the assailants left and right in complete silence.
Deacon followed the line of fire when he witnessed the person kill the last marauder. He was cautious and slightly frightened when he emerged from his hiding place, wondering if he had been saved on purpose or the sniper had missed him by accident. Judging by their accuracy, he leaned more towards the "save" option. Looking up, a glint if silver caught his attention. "There you are." Curiosity took over and Deacon couldn't wait to see who had taken out an entire ambush camp with only a sniper rifle.
On the cliffside overlooking the marauder's encampment, Deacon discovered where the person had been laying in the dirt. "Damn," he groaned, seeing he missed the mysterious sniper. When he turned around, he glanced down and identified an imprint of a boot in the dirt. He kneeled down on one knee and examined the print further. "Which way are you going, huh?"
He followed the trail down the slope and into an old, tattered building. He climbed through a window and crouched beside the door, listening to someone talking to themselves.
"How many more times will those assholes keep returning?" The person huffed in annoyance. "I'm wasting precious ammo here..."
Deacon peered out the bathroom door, spotting a woman with (h/c) locks. He couldn't tell what she was doing because her back was turned to him. Slowly, he crept out of the deteriorating bathroom. His eyes bore into her back and failed to notice the Can by his foot. He kicked the small object, alerting the woman.
The woman spun around with her sniper locked and loaded, aiming the firearm at him. When she recognized Deacon, she lowered her gun. "You're the man who infiltrated the camp."
Deacon gradually stood up fork his crouched position, raising his hands to show he wasn't a threat. "Most people try to avoid marauder camps, but you're clearly not most people."
"Yeah, well," she sighed. "They're a pain in my ass and this is the third time they've returned to this camp. It a little difficult getting around when they're breathing down my neck. Guess seeing all the dead bodies of their fellow members doesn't send a message at all. Either that, or they're dumber than they look."
"Sounds like you're acquainted with them," Deacon remarks, keeping his hands up as he took a single step towards her.
"Was. I left once I found out they were raping and killing people. They still keep tabs on me and I decided to return a favor or two."
"By killing them."
"Exactly. You gonna complain about my morality? Because if you are, I'm calling you a hypocrite right now," she smugly grinned. "I saw you take out some of them. Saved you from one, too."
"Which I am grateful for," Deacon stated.
"You can lower you arms. I'm not gonna shoot you," she chuckled. "By the way, name's (Y/n)."
"A pleasure to meet you, Deacon. You don't see many nice faces this far from settlements. All you run into are Rippers, Marauders, and Freakers. By your attire," she said, glancing down at his outfit. "You're a drifter."
"You can tell just by my clothes?" Deacon remarked with a scoff.
"No. I knew the moment I saw you through the scope. Normal people don't go out of their way to kill marauders. They just avoid them all in all." (Y/n) flung the rifle across her back.
"How much?" Deacon suddenly asked.
The woman's eyes narrowed in bewilderment. "What do you mean?"
"If you help me take down another camp, I'll pay you."
(Y/n) hopped up onto a table and crossed her legs as she stared into Deacon's eyes. "I'm no gun for hire, but I'll make you a deal. How 'bout this: we take out the camp and you just pay me back by giving me a ride to wherever I want."
"You've got yourself a deal, (Y/n)," Deacon responded rather cheerfully. "When will you be ready to go?"
She snatched up a small makeup pouch and placed it in her coat pocket. "Right now. Lead the way, Deacon."
Arriving at Bear Creek Hot Springs, Deacon and (Y/n) dismounted the motorcycle. They spotted a single sniper, which made the woman grin. She placed a hand on the man's back and patted it. "Leave the sniper to me. I'll cover you." She spun on her heels and began searching for a good vantage point.
Deacon hid out of sight, staring up at the enemy sniper. When he saw the woman collapse and drop her rifle, he knew (Y/n) had worked her magic. Moving forward, he made his way through the encampment.
While the marauders were busy in searching for the hidden sniper, Deacon was able to take them out one by one. Among the marauders was a rather large and burly man. He dove behind a large bolder, preventing (Y/n) from getting a good shot. Deacon tried to sneak up behind the man while he was searching for the sniper, but he turned around before he could drive the blade through his skull.
The brute elbowed Deacon in the face, incapacitating him for a few seconds. In the small time frame, he knocked the drifter to the ground and reached for the machete strapped across his back. He shouted as he swung the blade down, but it abruptly stopped a few inches from Deacon's face.
The marauder pinning the drifter down gurgled and coughed up blood before another bullet pierced his skull.
"Holy shit..." (Y/n) breathlessly sighed as she lowered her weapon, watching Deacon kick the corpse off him. "Are you alright?"
"Y'know," he groaned as he got to his feet, placing a hand over his bloodied nose. "This is the second time today you've saved my ass."
The sniper smirked, resting her firearm across her shoulder. "I did say I would have your back."
Deacon winced as he messed with his nose. "Glad to see you stuck to your word."
"Sit," the (e/c)-eyed woman demanded, nodding towards a picnic table. The drifter did as she commanded and sat down. (Y/n) pulled out the makeup pouch from her pocket and unzipped it. Inside were bullets, gauze, a few bandaids, and a small bottomless of rubbing alcohol. Deacon was quite surprised to find what was truly inside the pouch. (Y/n) noticed his gaze and snorted with laughter. "Did you really think I had makeup in there?"
"Not gonna lie—I did," he answers honestly.
"Makeup in the middle of the apocalypse? Even if I did, there's no way in hell I would waste such a luxury while hunting Freakers and Marauders. I wouldn't even spare an ounce of foundation for Rippers." (Y/n) pinched the bridge of his nose and wriggled it. He winced from the small wave of pain. "You're lucky. Your nose isn't broken."
Deacon waited patiently as the woman tended to the cut on his nose and wiped the blood escaping his nostrils. She took a bandaid out of the pouch once she cleaned the cut and placed it over it to prevent anymore germs from attacking the open wound. "There. It's a shame I don't have Hello Kitty bandages. I know you'd wear it proudly," she teased, placing the rubbing alcohol back into the makeup pouch and sealing it.
Deacon rolled his eyes with a groan at her comment. He chose to not acknowledge it and stood up. "A deal's a deal. But..."
(Y/n)'s smirked drooped into a frown. "I don't like the sound of this..."
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm still gonna need your help," he exhaled. "For now, we're headin' to O'Leary Mountain. We've got a safehouse there."
"Uh, "we"?" She questioned.
"Boozer and myself. He's like a brother to me."
This was the first time (Y/n) had heard Deacon's voice rather gentle. He didn't strike her as a man who could speak highly and gently about someone else. Under his gruff exterior was definitely a man who cared deeply for others. She couldn't help but smile warmly. "To O'Leary Mountain, it is."
Upon arriving, the duo were greeted by a rather buff man tattoos on his head. "Where the hell have you been, Deek?"
"Making the roads safer to travel," Deacon replies as he hopped off the bike while (Y/n) remained.
The unknown drifter eyed the woman with a wary gaze, unsure of what to think of her. This was the first time Deacon ever brought someone to the safehouse of his own free will. "Who's this?"
"This is (Y/n). She's been helping me take out the ambush camps."
Said woman dismounted the bike with a gentle smile. "You must be Boozer. Nice to meet you."
Boozer wasn't sure how to feel about the mysterious woman and turned to Deacon. "Can I talk to you alone?"
"Jesus, Boozer, fine," Deacon huffed in vexation as he followed his fellow drifter up the steps of the watchtower.
At the top, Boozer looked down upon the woman who respected them by staying by the bike. "You trust her?"
Deacon flung his arms on the metal railing, leaning forward as he watched (Y/n) rummage through her makeup pouch. "Listen, it's thanks to her that I don't have a goddamn machete lodged in my skull. She could've sniped my ass by now, but she hasn't."
"She could be waiting for the perfect opportunity," Boozer retorts vehemently.
"Christ, Boozer! Not every damn person out in the shit is after us! She had my back while I infiltrated the ambush camps. She had plenty of opportunities to put a bullet in my head, but she didn't. Whether you like it or not, she's helping me."
The air between the two drifters became dense with silence. Boozer weakly glared at his partner in crime. "I hope you know what you're doing, Deek."
"I do," the man responded with a hint of anger towards Boozer's doubt in his decision.
Not wishing for the awkward and tense silence to return, Boozer questioned Deacon's plan as he was curious to what he planned on doing next with (Y/n). The bounty hunter told him how they'd take out the ambush camps in the Cascade region in the upcoming days.
Knowing he couldn't change his friend's mind, Boozer sighed in defeat. "Alright. Do what you gotta do, but make sure watch your back. You may trust her, but I don't."
"I always watch my back, Boozeman. You worry too much," Deacon remarks. Boozer rolled his eyes before entering the watchtower and crashing onto his bed with a grunt.
Down in the ground, (Y/n) meandered over to a platform that overlooked the mountainside. The setting sun slowly descended beyond the horizon, the warm and vivid rays still gripping ahold of the forest below before vanishing from sight. She enjoyed the warmth of the beautiful rays until they were replaced with darkness. The sniper didn't realize Deacon had joined her until she heard his boots scuffle against the wooden platform.
Not even sparing him a glance, (Y/n) crossed her arms and kept her eyes glued to the horizon. "Not only do you have an impressive safehouse, you've got a beautiful view. It's almost like the world hasn't been torn to shreds." A cacophony of groans from nearby caused her to sigh in disbelief. "And the moment's ruined..."
Deacon had become quite interested in the woman standing beside him and had questions he wanted to ask her. "So, who is (Y/n)?"
The woman giggled lightly at the sudden question. "I was a marine biologist in Orlando. Now, I'm a woman with an itchy trigger finger."
"You're a little far from home, don't you think?" Deacon chortled.
"I was visiting my parents when the outbreak occurred. I tried to leave and head back to Florida, but those NERO assholes wouldn't let anyone leave. Lo and behold, here I am."
Deacon was a little hesitant to ask his next question when he heard about her parents. "Where're your folks now?"
(Y/n) glanced down, eyes plastered to the splintering wood below her. "Dead."
Taking a few steps back, the drifter rubbed the back of his neck. "Shit, I didn't—"
"You didn't know, Deacon. No need for an apology. They died only a week after the outbreak. We were hunkered down in their house in Marion Forks when a few Swarmers broke into the house while we were sleeping. They ended up breaking through the window in my parents' room and... tore them apart within minutes. I was able to escape while they were occupied with eating my parents." (Y/n) spun around to face the drifter, bring her bottom lip before releasing it. "You're lucky to have Boozer. My parents were all that I had left. And now, they're gone. Gotta admit—I'm kinda jealous of how close you and Boozer are."
Deacon was in disbelief. He couldn't believe (Y/n) had no one else in the world who cared about her or her well-being. He wasn't good at trying to comfort people, but he wanted to try and reassure her. When he opens his mouth and no words came out, he sealed his jaw.
(Y/n) cleared her throat, regretting how she made the atmosphere between her and Deacon tense and awkward. "You should get some rest. We've got quite a busy day tomorrow."
"We've, uh—we've got a spare mattress in the watchtower. You're free to use it," Deacon explained.
(Y/n) offered him a weak, forced smile. "Thanks. I'm gonna stay down here for a little while longer."
Deacon tugged on the rim of his backward facing cap. "Suit yourself."
(Y/n) watched the drifter wall up the two flights of stairs and enter the watchtower before redirecting her gaze to the shadowy scenery before her. Her hand gravitated towards her collarbone, grabbing the chain hung around her neck. She gripped the two rings threaded through the silver chain tightly. One was her father's wedding band and the other was her mother's diamond ring. A tear trailed down her cheek and she immediately wiped it away. "Dammit..."
The next morning, Deacon woke up to the sound of Boozer mumbling incoherently to himself. Running a hand across his face, the man sighed. "What's goin' on?"
"(Y/n)'s gone," Boozer plainly states, emotion void from his voice.
"She's probably just wandering around," Deacon said, blowing off Boozer's words as he left the watchtower in search of the woman. "(Y/n)?" He glanced around the safehouse, wondering where she could've run off to. By the state of the spare mattress, he knew she hadn't used it.
Suddenly, the sniper's head popped out from behind the shed. "You need me?"
"Uh, no. Just... wondering where you were. Boozer thought you ran off."
At hearing their conversation, Boozer left the watchtower. He stood beside his only friend in this hellish world, crossing his arms as he eyed the approaching woman. "Guess your guardian angel didn't give up on your crazy ass."
"Last time I checked, guardian angels don't carry around snipers on their back," Deacon stated.
"Yours might."
Deacon glanced at Boozer with a raised brow in silence. He turned his gaze to (Y/n), who seemed more dirty than yesterday. He also noticed the small bags forming under her eyes. "You didn't sleep. Why?"
"Too busy doing some reconnaissance. On the road, you said you were unsure of where the camps were located in this region. Goods news," she smirked, revealing a map of the Cascade region. "I've been able to pinpoint two."
Deacon took the map, analyzing the red circles on the piece of paper. "How'd you—"
"One word: smoke," she grinned triumphantly as she interrupted him. "I had to climb a tree to get a better look of the area. I... may have fallen while I was climbing down and landed in a pile of mud."
A deep chuckle of amusement came from Deacon as he handed the map over. "You're one hell of a strange woman."
"I'll take that as a compliment." (Y/n) snatched the map out of the drifter's hand and gestured to his bike. "Shall we?"
Deacon didn't see a reason in waiting any longer. "Let's get going."
A year had passed since Deacon encountered (Y/n) and asked for her help. He never thought their partnership would last this long, but he found himself always asking her to tag along on missions for Copeland, Tucker, and Rikki. They faced Marauders, Rippers, and plenty of Freakers in their journey through Oregon.
Deacon and (Y/n) were currently in Lost Lake Camp. Rikki had dragged the drifter off, needing to talk to him in private. The sniper sat by a gazebo, listening to the guitarist create a melodic tune with his guitar and singing along. She leaned forward and reminisced in He peaceful moment. It had been nearly two years since she heard any form of music or even a simplistic melody. Even the birds stopped singing after the outbreak.
"Hey, you ready to head out?" Deacon's voice sliced through the tranquil atmosphere.
(Y/n) frowned slightly due to the beautiful moment being ruined as she got to her feet. "Yeah. What did Rikki need?"
"Bounty hunt. Seems we'll be hunting down some asshole named Ken Greene. Bastard shot a woman in camp and stole her wedding ring before making a break for it," Deacon explained.
"Stole a wedding ring? Why kill her over something that small?" (Y/n) questioned, a single brow arched in confusion.
"It doesn't matter why. We're gonna find his ass and kill him. Rikki wants us to bring back the ring as proof."
The woman grinned, tugging at the strap across her chest. "Let's hope he runs. I do enjoy a thrilling chase."
The partners departed from Lost Lake Camp and headed to Camp Pioneer. It wasn't a long ride and they arrived ten minutes later. Deacon decided to hide his bike when he heard the jubilant laughter of many men and women close by. (Y/n) separates from the drifter and searched for a vantage point. It was difficult finding a good spot due to there being no cliffs or plateaus that overlooked the camp. "Damn. Guess the bushes will do."
The sniper laid down in a throng of shrubbery beside one of the cabins and peered through the scope atop her rifle. She observed the cackling individuals gathered around a campfire. Dead bodies were scattered throughout the camp, turning the pure, white snow crimson. (Y/n) wasn't sure which man was Ken, but she and Deacon would make sure not a single one of them left Camp Pioneer alive.
Without hesitating, (Y/n) aimed at a woman and pulled the trigger. Her body collapsed, blood pouring from the bullet hole in her chest. The corpse alerted the remaining drifters gathered around the fire. They scurried around in search for cover with their weapons drawn. Through the scope, the sniper spotted Deacon sneaking up behind one of the drifters and slicing her neck. He moved on to two more men while (Y/n) terminated another man and woman poking their heads from cover in front of the restrooms.
Unbeknownst to the woman, a figure snuck up behind her and discovered her hiding spot. The man used his bare fists to punch (Y/n) in the back of the head. She cried out in pain, but the blow wasn't enough to knock her unconscious. She swiftly spun around, dropping her sniper and kicking the enemy in the shin. He grunted and delivered another punch. This time, his fist slammed into her face.
(Y/n) searches for the knife Deacon had given her a few months ago, but before she could grab it, the man grabbed the chain around her neck and yanked her up. The force broke the chain and he grinned when he saw what was once around her neck. "Oh, where'd you get these treasures?"
"Give them back," (Y/n) growled.
"How 'bout this." He pulled out a pistol, aiming at her head as he admired the wedding rings. "I keep the rings and you get to—"
Before he could finish his sentence, (Y/n) kicked the man in between the legs. He whimpered, dropping the rings and the firearm. She pounced on top of him, punching him over and over in the face. Blinded by anger, she hadn't realized he stopped breathing and continued her storm of punches.
"Hey! Hey! (Y/n), stop!" Deacon shouted as he finished off the last man and ran over to her. His yelling fell on deaf ears as she proceeded in beating the enemy. He kneeled beside her and grabbed her hands before she could deliver another punch to the dead man's face. "He's dead, okay? Look at your hands."
(Y/n) glanced down at her bloodied hands, noticing it was a combination of hers and the man's. The adrenaline pumping through her veins blocked the pain in her hands and she didn't even feel the cuts and bruises on her hands until she calmed down. Her eyes widened as she tore her hands out of Deacon's and searched through the thin layer of snow covering the ground. "The rings... Where're the rings?!"
Deacon glanced around and grabbed two rings off the ground by his foot. "You mean these?"
The woman snapped her head in Deacon's direction and peered down into his palm. "Yes! Oh, thank god..."
"Whose are these?" The drifter questioned as he handed the rings over to her.
"They're my parents' wedding rings." (Y/n) held the jewelry close to her chest. "Were you able to kill Ken and grab the ring he stole?"
"You beat me to it." Deacon plucked the diamond ring off the dead man's finger and held it up to show his partner. He glanced down one last time at Ken with a scoff, admiring (Y/n)'s handiwork. The man's nose was shattered and twisted in the wrong direction. His cheeks were sunken in and his eyes were out of alighted. "You really did beat the shit outta him. Never knew you had it in you."
"Neither did I." The moment (Y/n) stretched her fingers, she hissed in pain and regretted moving them. "Ah, shit..."
"Hold on." Deacon fished around in his pockets until he found gauze. "Give me your hands."
(Y/n) held out her trembling, bloodied, and bruised hands. Gingerly, he wrapped the white fabric around her knuckles and fingers. It didn't take long for the white to turn crimson.
"Addy'll have to take a look at your hands when we get back to Lost Lake." Deacon placed the remaining gauze in his pocket and went to grab (Y/n)'s sniper from the bushes.
"Could you hold on to these for me?" She asked, holding out her parents' wedding rings.
"Yeah." Deacon took the jewelry from her and placed them in his pocket.
The woman stood up and followed Deacon to his motorcycle. As she hopped on behind him, she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist. With every little movement of her hands, she could feel immense pain surge through them. "Fuck... I shouldn't have beaten him to death..."
Deacon huffed with laughter. "Lesson learned."
"What did you do—punch a rock?" Addy inquired as she inspected (Y/n)'s hands.
"Something like that..." She mumbled in response.
"You should see the other guy," Deacon scoffed.
The doctor didn't question any further and searched around the infirmary for the antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, and gauze. Finding what she needed, the woman placed them on the bed beside (Y/n). "Not gonna lie," she began, dousing the gauze in hydrogen peroxide. "This is gonna hurts like hell."
(Y/n) gritted her teeth in pain the moment the gauze made contact with her open wounds. She flung her head back, desperately trying not to yell at the top of her lungs. She glanced to whee Deacon stood and saw he was gone. "Where'd he—Ah! Addy!"
"Sorry, but we can't these cuts to get infected. Your lucky you didn't break your hands. It'd be a little difficult to do your job if your fingers were broken." Addy finished wrapping the woman's hands and grabbed the bottle of antibiotics. "Take one of these before you sleep. I didn't any sign of infection, but I just want to be sure. The pills will also help with the pain."
"Thanks, Doc," (Y/n) smiled gently.
"No more punching or shooting until you're completely healed, understood?"
"But what if—!"
"Understood?" Addy's voice held a dark undertone.
(Y/n) sighed. "Fine..." Glancing up, she locked eyes with Addy. "I can at least walk around, right?"
"All I'm telling you to do is avoid anything and everything that will aggravate your injuries, (Y/n). Walking isn't one of those things."
"Then how the hell am I gonna eat?" The sniper groaned.
Addy smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm sure Deacon would be glad to help you."
"Ha ha, very funny, Addy. Nice to know you have a sense of humor." (Y/n) stood up and made her way to the entrance of the infirmary. Before the door closed behind her, she thought she heard the doctor say something under her breath but decided to ignore it.
(Y/n) waltzed to the docks where the kitchen was located. A few men and women greeted her as she walked past them. Reaching the edge of the dock, she gazed out at the still, crystalline water. In the distance, she spotted a few Swarmers wandering along the banks of the lake.
"Wondering where you went."
The woman jumped slightly at hearing Deacon's voice from behind her. She peered over her shoulder at the drifter. "Shit, Deek, you gave me a heart attack..."
"Turn around," he demanded.
(Y/n) did as she was told and spun to face him. Deacon held something in his hand as he wrapped them both around her neck. She felt something cold touch her skin as he latched something behind her neck. He pulled away and the woman glanced down, lifting one of her sore hands and brushing her fingers gently against the metal. "A new chain. Where'd you—?"
"I, uh... I asked Rikki if she knew where I could get a necklace chain."
(Y/n) threaded one of her fingers through both her parents' wedding rings, making sure to not aggravate her impaired hand. "Thank you, Deacon." She flipped her gaze back to the water, silence befalling them. When she remembered what Addy said, she turned back to face the drifter. "There was something—Deacon?" The woman noticed he was staring at her with a scramble of emotions in his eyes. Her brows furrowed in confusion as to why he seemed so out of character at the moment. "You feelin' alright? It's like you're somewhere very far from here."
"Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat. "I'm fine."
By the nervous tone in his voice, (Y/n) knew he was lying. "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of the England. Now tell me what's bothering you. We've been friends for a year now and I can read you like an open book. Somethings bothering you and I won't stop pestering you until you tell me what it is. It'll make you feel better if you get it off your chest." The sniper glanced down for a split second with a sigh. "God, I sound like a therapist..."
"Fine. You wanna know?" Deacon snapped back, which unfazed (Y/n) because she already knew he wasn't fond of people prying. "It's you."
"Me?" (Y/n)'s eyes slightly narrowed at the revelation. "Did I do something to piss you off?"
Deacon paced back and forth while scratching the back of his neck. He remained silent, refusing to answer the woman's question as he wasn't sure how to respond. Suddenly, he came to a stop in front of (Y/n) and sighed. "Fuck it."
(Y/n) wasn't sure what was happening until Deacon placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her towards him. He placed his lips against hers in a hungry and needy kiss. Due to how much force he put in the kiss, the woman placed her injured hands on his arms to keep herself from falling backwards.
They heard someone walking towards them and Deacon pulled away from (Y/n). Turning around, he saw a smirking Addy watching them. She held up a bottle of antibiotics. "You forgot something in the infirmary, (Y/n)."
"Uh, yeah," the woman sighed. "Thanks, Addy."
She went to snatch the small bottle from her, but the doctor retracted the pills. She leaned forward and whispered to (Y/n), her smirk widening. "What'd I tell ya?"
The sniper grumbled in response. "Just give me the damn pills..."
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
Trader Pt. 4
The door bursts open, two men immediately filing in one after the other. The first guy trains his weapon on the partners in the living room with the second beginning his search for the couple they’re here for. Luckily the few seconds when the men were focused on Ellie and Nick, Kensi and Deeks enough time to hide behind the adjoining walls.
Deeks watches across the way as his wife reaches for her boot, pulling out her knife. Wonder Woman’s always prepared. 
Once she’s secured her weapon Kensi locks eyes with her husband giving him a nod in understanding.
At her go ahead, Deeks makes his way around the wall towards the other doorway that leads to the hallway and ultimately the living room. Once he’s around the corner he watches as the unsuspecting assailant walks unknowingly towards the doorway where his wife is. 
“WHERE ARE THEY?!” The first guy’s voice carries across the apartment as he keeps his gun on Nick and Ellie. 
Seeing as though both perps are distracted right now, Deeks takes his window and slowly begins to creep up behind the guy in the living room.
Kensi’s eyes stay glued to the doorway and as soon as the gun is at her eye level she karate chops the guy’s forearms knocking his weapon out of his hand. As they struggle, he’s able to knock the knife out of her hand, but she has another weapon.
Just as Ellie kicks the gun out of their guy’s hand, Deeks wraps his arm around his neck in a sleeper hold until he passes out. 
The resounding cry of pain that emanates through the room has the three quickly whipping their heads around towards the dinning area where Kensi is standing triumphantly next to the other guy, who is curled in the fetal position, grabbing onto his crotch as he wales in pain. 
“Wonder Woman -1, Bad guy - 0” Deeks smiles proudly at his wife.
Ellie looks at the couple as Deeks makes his way back over to his partner. “Who are you guys?”
Kensi looks at her husband, sending him a wink. “Me and him, we’re the Crush Crew.”
“How come we don’t have cool nickname?” Nick looks at his partner with a full on pout. 
Deeks’s eyes light up when the light bulb goes off in his head. “I got it! Fred and Ginger. No, Black Anacondas.”
Nick’s eyes light up and nod in acceptance. “Sold.”
The blonde agent rolls her eyes as her partner throws his arm around her shoulders. “We’ll think about it.” 
Before anything else can be said, Nick’s phone rings, startling the four adults. “It’s Vance.”
“Yes, sir?”
“Are you sure?”
The other three agents take in his questioning demeanor as they listen to one side of the conversation. 
“Yeah, the Crush Crew saved our asses.”
Deeks turns to his wife and is met with a smirk. God he loves that smirk. 
Nick shakes his head remembering that the director has no idea what he’s talking about. “The-never mind. Kensi and Deeks are good.”
The raven haired agent nods his head one more time before hanging up the phone and informing the rest of them. “He said that all the threats have been neutralized and we can head back to HQ for a debriefing.”
Knowing that they’re safe now, Kensi lets out a sigh of relief as she look at her husband. “Deeks.”
Sensing the vulnerability in her voice his eyes quickly find hers. “Yeah?”
“I know I’m probably fine but-“
“But what? Are you okay?” He asks her as his eyes roam her body, looking for any sign of blood or injury. 
“Yeah, I’d just like to go to the hospital to make sure.”
“Of course.”
Kensi steps off into the bedroom to get their things while Deeks sets off to relieve Ellie and Nick of their duty. “Hey, you guys can head to HQ we need to take care of something.”
“Uh I don’t think-“ Ellie begins to speak but is cut off by her partner.
“It’s fine. Vance said we’re clear.”
The blonde nods her head in understanding and once the other agents take custody of the suspects they leave the apartment. “Okay, see you guys back at the farm.”
Deeks nods as the agents leave and turns in the direction of the hallway, immediately being met by his wife. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Mmmhmm. I just worry, you know.”
God does he know. He worried about her wellbeing before she got pregnant but once they finally did get pregnant it intensified by like a billion. “I know. But you didn’t get hit in the stomach, did you?”
A soft smile graces her face as she places her hand on her abdomen. “No. He didn’t get the chance.”
Deeks leans forward bringing his lips to hers. “That’s my girl.”
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atombombbagel · 6 years
romanced companions and sole have a massive fight and break up: how companions deal w it and how they react whenever they see sole afterwards??? (extra angsty w danse & mac pls i love them)
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to all of these reactions, I feel extremely bad about it :(
ANGST AHEAD, this is very very over exaggerated…
Also, I know in the ask it says ‘how do companions deal with it and how do they reactafter they see Sole afterwards’ but I’m leaving that to part two (because Ihave another request to tie in, hope that’s okay)
Trigger warning; mentions of drug use.
 In gamespoilers, just in case you haven’t finished the game or what not - (Blind Betrayal, The Nuclear Option, Far Harbour DLC)
Hope you enjoy! 
Cait:Another one. Cait slammed the mirrored cupboard door closed, nearly shatteringthe glass. This was the last straw; her blood was boiling, and she hadn’t seenmuch action in weeks. She could barely control her rage. She stormed from thebathroom and into the bedroom where Sole was getting dressed.
“D’ya have te keep thisjunk lyin’ around the house?” Cait asked angrily. Throwing a psycho needle ontothe bed. “That’s not the only thing in the cupboard Sole. Why would ye keep theseinside the house when ye know my past.” She was visibly angry at this point.Sole turned around and looked down at the bed.
“I’m going to get rid ofthem, we pick so much junk up I forget to sell-”
“SELL THEM!?” Cait boomed,her Irish accent getting thicker. “Why would ye sell them knowing what they do.Get rid of them!” She put her hands on her hips, shaking her head.
“I think you’re beingunreasonable, imagine the money we could make-”
“Are ye thick Sole?” Caitfurrowed her eyebrows, cutting Sole off again.
“What are you so worried yourold junkie ways will return. Relax.” Sole snapped.  
“FUCK YOU.” Cait Shouted beforehuffing. “D’ya know what I can’t do this. I’m out.  You’re a fuckin’ asshole.” Cait threw herhands up before spinning around on her heel and walking hot feet out the door.
She does her best to avoidSole after she left them, because she knows full well if she saw them, she’d eitherjump their bones or punch them in the face. She wants to do neither.
Curie:“Oh no!” Curie whisper-yelled as she watched the poor settler getting mutilatedby ruthless raider. “We have to help them!” she turned to Sole who was alsowatching the horrible sight in front of them.
“We can’t, we’ll giveaway out position.” Sole hated that they couldn’t help. “There are too many ofthem, if we go in guns blazing, we’ll end up like that poor soul.” Curie knewthat there wasn’t much they could do, but it was in her nature to be caring.She had to do something. She got up attempting to go in there but Sole grabbedher and carried her away. “What are you doing?!” Sole snapped at Curie.
“Why did you stop me!They need me!”
“That was a suicide mission!I’m sorry but he was as good as dead.” Sole didn’t mean to sound so harsh, butthey couldn’t take back the words now.
“What happened to theminutemen being of the people, for the people?!”Curie questioned. Sole was taken aback by Curie’s tone of voice.
“There wouldn’t be anyminutemen if we all went on missions like that. We must pick out fights!” Soleshook their head. “I can’t lose you.”
“You may not have lost mein death, but you’ve lost me as a partner.”
“What do you mean?” Soleasked, their forehead creasing.
“You’ve changed. Those poorpeople. You would’ve helped them but now I’m not so sure.” Curie sighed. “Ihave to go.”        
Danse:The loud explosion reverberated through the sky, it would have alerted anyonefor miles and miles. So, when Danse heard the commotion he rushed outside, hiseyes scanning the mess in disbelief. It was gone. Metal and fiery rain. Whocould do this?
Danse lifted his head ashe heard the ding of the elevator, alight smile appearing on his lips as he saw Sole appear from the doors. Sole didn’tshare the same expression. He furrowed his brows.
“Sole? Are you alright?” Heasked, now filled with worry. Sole just looked at him for a moment, trying tobuild up the courage to tell him. They knew this was going to be bad.
“I had to do it. I didn’thave a choice. I’m sorry,” Sole said quietly, unable to look the taller man in theeye.
“What did you do?” Danse’sworry was exacerbated by Sole’s cryptic words.
“The Prydwen. The Elder,he didn’t give me a choice.” Sole swallowed the lump in their throat. They lookedup at Danse for a split second, his face etched with disgust.
“That was you.” His toneof voice was cold and its scared Sole. “There were children up there.”
“You think I don’t knowthat?” Sole shot back quickly. “There are children in the institute too.” Dansecouldn’t even look at Sole. What Sole had done was repulsive. “This wasn’t an easydecision for me.”
“You murdered so manyinnocent-”
“Innocent?” Sole snapped.“The Brotherhood are hardly innocent! Look at what they did to you!”
“Oh, and the instituteare much better!” Danse fired back. He turned away and looked down. What Solehad done had made him sad at heart, but all he could feel was this bubblingrage in his veins. “Get out.” He ordered, turning back to face them.
“Danse, lets talk aboutthis.”
“No! I don’t want to hearit. We’re over, I could never date someone so cruel and selfish.” He spat hiswords at Sole like a snake would spit its venom. Sole didn’t say another word,they just left, left Danse in his own misery.
Deacon:Deacon’s secret identity was all he had. It kept him safe, it kept him distant.That was until he met Sole. They saw straight through him and tore down thosewalls and identities he’d spent so long building. How could they do this to him?
“IT WAS YOU.” Sole hadnever heard Deacon shout so loud, in fact they’d never heard him yell at all.It was shocking to say the least.
“What are you talkingabout?” Sole asked, their voice a little shaky. Deacon scoffed as he looked directlyat Sole. He wasn’t one to be messed with when he was angry.
“Remember those guys wewere scouting? The ones who kidnap the synths and torture them?” He lowered hisvoice, but not by much. Sole nodded slowly.
“What about the-”
“Don’t bullshit me Sole,I know you told them of my identity. You. You are you the one who went to ‘speak’to them.” He took a step forward which made Sole take a step back. Sole wasstuttering.
“I didn’t, I swear.”
“You actually sold meout. I TRUSTED YOU,” Deacon boomed, and Sole swore his dominating voice shookthe room. “We’re fucking done.”
“Deeks, I wouldn’t. Don’tdo this. It wasn’t me. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Sole pleaded but the agent wasn’ttaking any of it.
“Stay away from me.”  
Hancock:“You were flirting,” Sole snarled, shaking their head. All Sole wanted was tochill out in the bar with Hancock and what did he have to do, talk to thatpretty girl who was so enamoured with him. “Oh, Hancock you’re so brave!” Solemocked coldly. Sole’s blood was boiling, and Hancock’s wasn’t that far off.
“There is a differencebetween flirting and being nice Sole,” Hancock fired back. “You get jealous ofthe stupidest things. It’s hard to take you anywhere.”
“WHY ARE YOU WITH ME THEN!?”Sole raised their voice louder than usual, making Hancock take a step back.
“Sometimes I don’t evenknow!” He shrugged. “You’re over the top! And you’re blowing this way out ofproportion! She was being friendly.” He paused before adding, “You’re just jealousI get the attention and you don’t.”
“Fuck you Hancock,” Solehissed, “She was clearly trying to get you to fuck her so why don’t you go andshack up with her?!” Sole knew that they were pushing him, whether it be onpurpose or not.
“I’ve had enough of this.”Hancock pushed passed Sole, heading for the door.
“If you leave now, we’redone,” Sole snapped. The ultimatum didn’t seem to bother him, he was too angryto care at this point. He reached for the doorknob. “Wow. You love me my ass.”Hancock ignored Sole completely leaving through the door to cool off.
MacCready:“I don’t need your help!” MacCreadyaccidently snapped at Sole, and this wasn’t the first time he’d done it either.Sole being the sweetie they are was only trying to help Mac patch up a wound,only they had poured a little too much alcohol in the cut. MacCready cursed asthe cut oozed blood and alcohol, the wound stinging beyond relief.
“Oh! I’m sorry,” Soleimmediately apologised to him, but it went straight over his head, the onlything on his mind was the pain emitting from his leg.
“Stop trying to be sohelpful all the time! I can do things myself you know!” MacCready’s shoutingfrightened Sole a little. They’d never been on the receiving end of MacCready’sfury. “Just, get away from me. I don’t need you here.”
“Well if you don’t wantme around,” Sole said sadly, taking a few steps back. MacCready just glared at them.“I’ll just go. I’m so sorry.”
“Good!” MacCready calledafter them as Sole left the room, heading back to their home. They never knewhe felt that way about them.  
Nick:Acadia, Far Harbour, The children of Atom. Sole struggled to decide what thebest course of action was. Nick had tried to put his two cents in, but Sole wasn’texactly listening to reason, they couldn’t they were too confused by the wholesituation and Nick, well he was obviously going to side with DiMA. Why wouldn’the? They knew each other.
“You don’t have to dothis. DiMA didn’t mean any harm.” Nick tried to convince Sole not to tell the peoplewhat DiMA had done. All the lies he’d told to keep the peace. But what is peacewhen it has a deadly cost? Sole didn’t know.
“I can’t deal with all thesefactions against each other, all the time. If it isn’t the Brotherhood and thesynths, its this. I can’t let him get away with what he did. It WAS wrong,”Sole informed Nick, knowing full well they couldn’t change his mind on the subject.
“One mistake shouldn’tdefine a person, you of all people should know that.”
“Classy. Bring up my mistakesto justify someone else’s actions.” Sole turned away from the synth, pacingback and forth as they did so.
“I will not stand by andlet you do this.”
“You can’t stop me fromdoing what needs to be done Nick, I’ll do what is right no matter what.” Heknew by the look on Sole’s face he wouldn’t persuade Sole otherwise, theirfinal decision would be just that, final.
“Maybe not, but I can end this. I can end us,”Nick threatened but Sole just turned and glared at him. “I’m not sticking byyour side this time. We’re done here.” Nick wasn’t joking either, he had hismorals and so did Sole. Maybe they weren’t meant to be.
Piper:Piper was fuming. She had spent hours findingout all the necessary information she needed to write the biggest story of herbudding career. Just when she thought she had the perfect published masterpiece,she finds out that her source was a phoney. The greatest piece of writing she’dever put together was fake and if people found out, her reputation would onlyget worse.
“You gave me the dodgiestsource out there!” Piper boomed as Sole walked through the door to the Publick Occurrences.As soon as Piper’s loud voice shook the small building, Sole stumbled back, startled.
“What do you mean? Theman for your interview? He told me-”
“You did it on purpose!You knew this would be a fantastic story! But no. No one can be a hero and savethe day except good old Blue, straight out of the vault, sob story and all.”Piper’s rage only increased when Sole tried to explain themselves, but she didn’twant to hear it, she didn’t want any of Sole’s lame excuses.
“That isn’t true at all.I was by your side trying to HELP you, not sabotage you. Who told you I stabbedyou in the back?” Sole asked, trying to stay calm.
“It doesn’t matter who!All that matters is that you did it! You wanted to see me fail!” Piper snapped,this time crossing her arms. Sole had seen her get angry, they’d just neverseen her get this angry. “I thoughtyou loved me!”
“I do love you. You haveto believe me-” Sole pleaded.
“Get out!” Piper shoutedand Sole took a step back. “GET OUT AND DON’T COME BACK.
Preston:Preston stood in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Solehand over some Jet to Mama Murphy. He toldSole to stop feeding her addiction but instead of listening to him, theyused her sight for their own use, endangering the old woman further.
“Sole.” He grabbed theirattention with his thunderous voice. Sole could tell he was angry. They toldhim they would stop and here they were getting caught again. “A word.” Henodded his head towards the door. Sole gave a light smile to Mama Murphy beforefollowing Preston out the door.
“Before you say anything,I needed her help. I’m close to finding Shaun.” Sole tried to reason withPreston but at this point he didn’t want to hear Sole’s reasons.
“How many times have Isaid to stop giving her chems? They aren’t good for her. I know you want tofind your son, but this isn’t the way! You’re killing her! How could you be so self-centred?”Preston scolded.
“He is a child Preston! Ineed to find him!” Sole shot back, creasing their eyebrows as they looked athim.
“NO! Not like this!” Prestonshouted, moving closer to Sole’s face. He was visibly angry now, you could tellby the creased-up features on his face.
“You can’t tell me whatto do!”
“FINE! Then were done. Ican’t continue to support you if you’re going to force drugs into Mama Murphy.I can’t.” Sole’s expression immediately softened. Preston was breaking up with them.What.
“You’re not actuallygoing to break u-” Sole started but was cut off by Preston who was stillenraged.
“Yes I am. Don’t think I’mhelping you anymore. I’m completely done.” Preston didn’t even wait for Sole toreply before he backed away, leaving to them to their own devices.
X6-88:X6-88 tapped his transmitter in confusion, usually it worked fine, there havebeen a couple of instances where it had played up at sent him somewhere else insteadof the destination he wanted, but never had it just stopped working. It was annoying,he’d have to contact a member of the institute or find another courser to helphim fix it. And by fix it, he had to find a deceased courser… regardless, hewas trapped until Sole returned. Which they did shortly after it had broken.
“It is good to see you.”X6 said with a faint smile as Sole walked in their home. Sole smiled lightlyback at him, only X6 could tell something was up. “What is wrong?” He asked,sitting down on a chair next to his bottle of purified water.
“You’re not going to likethis, but please hear me out, okay?” Sole pleaded and X6 nodded. He was reasonablewhen it come to most things. “Shaun… Father, I do believe that deep down hethought he was doing what was right…” Sole took a long pause before musteringup the courage to continue. “But I couldn’t let him carry on with what he wasdoing, it isn’t right. I couldn’t let him replace people, destroy families. I’msorry.”
“I don’t understand.” X6said, confused.
“The institute. It’sgone.” There was a long moment of silence, X6 coming to terms with what Solewas saying. He stood up and removed his laser rifle from his belt, pointing it atSole.
“How could you?! How couldyou go against me like this?” The look on his face just read betrayal. Sole didn’tthink they’d ever see that look, mixed with a bit of sadness, on his face.
“I didn’t go against you.The institute and what they stand for, its wrong X6. But now, we can betogether away from all of this. We can start over and be happy.”
“I could NEVER be happywith you. You destroyed my home! You killed Father!” He stepped forwards, pointinghis gun at Sole’s head, ignoring the tears stinging their eyes.
“Put it down, NOW!” Sturges,who had heard the commotion, came in and held a short hunting rifle to thesynths head. “I think its time for you to leave.” He nodded his head towardsthe door as a demand. X6 lowered his gun and headed out the door, taking onelast look at Sole before leaving the settlement.
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densiland · 6 years
A Line in the Sand (9x23) and Ninguna Salida (9x24) - DensiLand: Analysis of all things Deeks & Kensi
A Line in the Sand (9x23) and Ninguna Salida (9x24) – The one(s)... where everything is broken
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Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, a DensiLand Analysis returns! ��(And thanks as always to��ncislosangelesfan.com for all the screencaps!)
Even I can’t believe it’s been 4.5 seasons(!) since I wrote & posted one of these. It’s a testament to 1) how burnout I was from the incredibly long “The Frozen Lake” (5x10) effort and 2) how life can change. 
Before we jump into the episode, I want to express my gratitude to the entire cast, crew, etc. for creating these incredible episodes, episodes that have been sorely missed in regard to their quality, entertainment, storytelling, conflict, action, and so much more. It made me remember everything I loved about this show and characters.
So why these episodes & this post now? This all stems from our incredible @wikideeks team and our reviewer Karen. I was so excited to share my comments on these episodes on her review post. I found I couldn’t stop writing! It grew far beyond what was appropriate for a simply “comment” and I immediately felt that pull to write this post - almost exactly the same feeling that drove me to start this blog in the first place! Just know it’s not as chronological and detailed as my previous posts grew to be, as they had gotten out of control. (Plus, I wanted the most important stuff IMHO at the end!)
Preparing for the episodes - In seeing who was writing & directing these, I was excited! Then I thought, "Oh no, Military! What is he going to do to them this time?!" Like others said, where has THIS pair of episodes been all season?! THIS is the quality you get from people who have "institutional memory", who have been there from the start and can pull from the mountain of backstory. What an epic reminder of what this show has been and still can be. The rest of this I'll break into categories & characters.
HANDICAMS - Like someone else said, it was too erratic this time. Were they different cameras or the operators running? It was too jarring. Callen's pursuit with no music, which I'm sure was a purposeful choice, didn't just feel like NOT their show, but also not a professional network show at all. Weird.
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(Simply because this photo should be posted.)
2 HOURS! - It was a glorious NCISLA movie that so many of us have longed for! Definitely worth it. Quality from top to bottom! 
MOSELEY -  Let’s just get this out of the way, as I don't want to spend much time on her. Initially, I expected they were pulling a "Granger" - hate him at first and then grow to love him. Nope. Not even an inkling. This character &/or actress (???) were consistently abhorrent. (It probably even made some of us apologize for the times we were angry with Hetty.) Not only does Moseley (thus Ms. Long) need to go based on all of this character's out of line words and actions, but I also hope it's done in a spectacular way. No slinking out silently to raise her kid. No, this is deserving of a public shaming from the entire team and epic firing by Hetty (in her most bad-ass fashion)! Deeks and the rest of the team deserve to be avenged. (Can you tell I’ve gotten pulled into the Marvel Universe since my last post?)
HIDOKO - As to not be forgotten, even though we didn’t “see” her Hidoko deserves mention. Good actress, interesting character. But it really depends on what TPTB might have in store for her if I’m invested in having her back. She's probably alive, but either way I'm ok. (But if she's dead did it have to be in such a graphic way?!)
ISSUE OF CHARACTER - I loved the continued thread of "character", as like Karen, I immediately had a flashback to Deeks & Sam's conversation over the chess game on the stakeout. Seriously, how do you question Callen's character? (Even Callen wonders this...)
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SAM - They kept making such an issue of his continuous bleeding and I don't think it was just due to his slowing down/not keeping up with this case. It feels like there will be something more with this. It's no surprise he wanted to go after the kid, based on his own, and I like how he acknowledged the entire team was in this together. I'm curious why Moseley didn't snap at him the way she did Deeks.
FIRED - Yeh, that happened. (See the Surf Log over at wikiDeeks - tough to keep so short, thus this here!) I think we’ve all been waiting for a season or so for this too happen. Whether it was from Granger losing patience, LAPD pulling another stunt, or who knows what else, this had been foreshadowed for quite awhile However, the reason for this was outrageous, as there was no real basis other than Moseley pitching a hissy fit. (Reign it in Gayle!) Yet, like Deeks I was still utterly shocked. 
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For a moment. For some reason knowing Hetty was still there gave me confidence and peace that the decision would be reversed. Eventually. (And yes, a rascal indeed!)
Also, I don’t get why no one else on the team defended Deeks. That was disappointing. This was a very different reaction than when Callen turned in his badge. 
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Can we also appreciate this Tyra Banks-like “Smeyes” (pronounced Smize) from Deeks/ECO? Knowing he can testify against her (& with Kensi as a witness) is all we need as faith that he’ll be back. 
BROKEN TEAM/PLANE SCENE - Skipping ahead, (don’t worry I’ll come back to “The Garage”) I actually loved the plane scene, of seeing them all at odds with each other as 1) it's something that rarely happens, especially at the same time and 2) creates the intrigue of how they come back together. 
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(Thoughts about Silent Kensi are ahead!)
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(Who else shouted & did a fist pump when they saw Deeks emerging from the car? What? Oh that was just me? I bet if you’re reading this you did too!)
Yet, based on what had happened, sadly there was no way this was a happy reunion. If anything, it just ramped up. The tension in that fuselage was combustible! 
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Call me a “raging optimist” (like my BFF does about me with my honors students, even though that’s the opposite from my natural default), as it applies here. Even when I see it with my own eyes faith springs eternal when considering Densi. They’ve invested too much for too long for it to be otherwise.
This single utterance, “I’m still your partner. At least one last time.” Ouch! A punch right in the feels! The bittersweetness of this possibly being their last mission together.... NO. Absolutely not. I am not having it! So let’s unpackage this:
His words might initially just sound like carrying out his responsibility (even though he’s technically fired) of being Kensi’s partner, of “having her back”. It’s so much more. I know you Deeks; I’ve got your number! It’s simply be a pained cover for his unwillingness to leave Kensi.
He used the word “partner”. We all know how much that term actually carries, and it’s far beyond their work pairing, even if that was the jab he was taking. The other word holding a lot of weight here is “last”. Is this Deeks drawing a line in the sand (stay with me) specifically to get Kensi to see how serious he is and to force her to consider “their” finality? If so, this is a risky move in knowing how Kensi can’t be forced into anything. 
Speaking of...
DENSI - That scene. Those actors. This is the brilliance that brought me (& probably you!) to them. I know so many people are just longing for the "happily ever after". In the long run yes. Yet if you know anything about me (from this blog), I'm a fan of the long-run, the journey, of overcoming obstacles. I've become accustomed to having the minority viewpoint on this. 
Some comment they thought Densi was already past this topic. While yes, it's been a regular subject, I don't recall (like Deeks) there being any firm conclusion. Perhaps people aligned the engagement with agreement regarding kids and “getting out”, when that's clearly not the case. What they showed us were each of them being at absolute odds/opposite ends of a spectrum with each other. When in order for them to be together is a compromised (not like Kensi referred) negotiated middle ground. A happy medium if you will. I understand having kids does tend to be an absolute; however, the when, where, how, etc. are fluid. 
DEEKS - Dear Lord, when Deeks uttered, "I don't think we should be getting married." - the tormented look on ECO's face CRUSHED me. (BRILLIANT & BRAVO!) Deeks has only recently made firm moves & plans to get out. (Kensi has never been one to make personal choices quickly.) The events earlier in this case and season have seemed to only escalate this. To me, it feels like anxiety & fear are pushing Deeks to get them out "before it's too late". (Although the “knocked up” comment was wrong in so many ways.) 
He’s now become desperate & pleeding. ECO gives us a Deeks who is coming undone, even beyond his post-torture recovery - & it’s beautifully vulnerable. 
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This may feel smothering to Kensi who isn't YET there. (He's always been ahead of her with their 'ship.) As always he was willing to work through it before he’s pulled away. Still, he gives us hope: HE GETS TO THE PLANE. He gets to her. 
KENSI - Yes, I left her for last, because again if you know anything about me, Kensi's my girl, a character I can relate to in too many ways. So here's my defense of Kensi. 
First, it's too easy to project onto her in the garage as she says very little in the middle of the discussion. Silence it tough to interpret accurately without infusing your own beliefs. Second, that silent characteristic is pure Kensi. She withdrew, just as she has so many times before. Here, huge kudos to DR, as she isn’t able to rely on words, but instead must carefully express non-verbally to convey Kensi’s thoughts & feelings. 
Some might be angry that Kensi hasn't "evolved" past this, but in unexpected situations we naturally gravitate back to what we know, what is customary to us. Kensi simply reverted to her natural default. She was struggling to handle everything Deeks was putting on her in that moment and I believe was working to try to get a grasp on the warring thoughts racing through her mind. 
Third, someone else commented that maybe she has for some reason learned she can't have kids. Intriguing, but a stretch in my mind. As if this was true I'd suspect she'd feel driven to tell Deeks. Why? Out of fear he would leave her and she had to know, had to get it over with. I prefer to read this as fear that maybe she won't get pregnant; that this would make her feel like a failure to herself and Deeks. She (&/or he) would feel so ashamed then THAT will make them fall apart. She's trying to get in front of a potential future situation that might not even be reality - at least as far as we factually know at this point.
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She's silently screaming, as her very worst fear is coming true: She believes he's leaving her. While Deeks' initial words might lead to that thought, that's not really what he's saying. (And he says that!) He needs (they both do) to work through this topic before they get married. 
Kensi's turning to go back to the job, yelling at him about her job, of who she is, is "just" her reverting back to what is known, solid, and safe - her job. Her job that won't change. Her job that won't betray her. The one thing that's always been there for her to escape to. Something that makes her feel proud, satisfied, and fulfilled. A job that very rarely puts personal, feeling demands on her.
Finally, let's not forget in the field she screams at him, "We stay together." While it might have been in the heat of the mission, those words extend far beyond their professional partnership - just as Deeks’ final lines in the plane. This is the fight in Kensi, the grit of doing whatever is necessary, even if it's painful to get to resolution. (Think of how much time & effort she put into tracking down her father's killer.) And just as Deeks got to her in the plane, she didn’t get on the chopper; she stayed with Deeks.
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Yes, she’s angry. But is she really angry at Deeks? Maybe on the surface. But it’s just as likely she’s frustrated with herself of not being able to find a way to get out/to see beyond this job, of not having worked this out solidly with Deeks before this point, of having walked away from him earlier. We know an angry, fighting Kensi isn’t going to let anything get in her way; the struggle is perhaps her biggest obstacle is herself. Yet she’s able to break out, even if it’s verbal lashing demanding that she & Deeks stay together on the ground. This shows us she's not willing to really walk away or lose Deeks. 
For all the times their ‘ship has “appeared” more one-sided, of Deeks being the one chasing after Kensi, here we get the opposite. (We’ve seen it before, but more quietly & casually, like when she was trying to see him after the torture, when he was in jail, even when he’d been shot & in the hospital.) Her single line is all the hope I needed. (Hope from Kensi Blye, who woulda thunk?!)
ONE LINGERING ASPECT - There's one thing I am struggling to come to terms with. Kensi has seen Deeks having been tortured, of temporarily walking away from the job once. We know he somewhat came back to NCIS because of her, but did she think it would be that simple? That all of these near-misses would have no impact on him? (Remember Nate said the trauma is physically & psychologically cumulative.) That he's made of the same steel that she is? That he would simply bounce back (again)? She lives like she's bulletproof even though she's already been proved otherwise (coma). If it could happen to her, wouldn't the same hold true for Deeks? Does this not also scare her? 
Seems strange, especially for a daughter who lost her own father at a pretty early age. How has she not considered that for her own future and that of a potential child/children? As someone who experienced this loss myself, I personally would work to avoid that at all costs. 
CLIFFHANGER - I actually like this, not knowing what's going to happen. Of course that's maybe because this show has trained me to expect a positive outcome (eventually). There are so many potential permutations and combinations of outcomes to consider and keep us invested over the summer - something that's been sorely lacking the past couple of years. So I say, "BRAVO!" 
Finally, as fate would have it, today my daily lunchtime Dove Dark Chocolate wrapper contained, "Keep them guessing." As Deeks would reply, "Done."
-------------------------------- P.S. As for all the swirling rumors of ECO leaving fully or partially, until he says, who truly knows. While I personally subscribe to an “all in or all out” mentality, the man has to live his life. Yes, he has a family to support (which is easier with a full-time gig), but it also has to be a life well-lived. We all have dreams and aspirations, work to avoid stress and boredom - celebrities included. For him to go into a recurring role, would be disappointing and lessen both the show and Densi. I would never be happy for us to lose Deeks. (The only support I’ll put here is for DR & Kensi; she was here before Deeks and is a complex and compelling independent character in her own right. She doesn’t need Deeks or any other man to be a significant individual character.) ECO & Deeks leaving completely would be devastating, something I personally refuse to consider.
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