dcmoniism · 3 months
@italianexotiicbeauty : a special starter.
although elijah mikaelson was known for his impeccable suits and ties, there were special occasions that he wanted to leave a strong impression for and, therefore, required a slight change in his attire ; especially important dates with his girlfriend, mary — couple anniversaries. things had been complicated between them for a long time, and yet, love prevailed. they deserved to celebrate their love in every way they could. he compromised with niklaus, and permanently moved out of the french quarter to live with mary, as they both wished to do. adjusting the bow tie around his neck, his pristine white shirt and his 'E.M' cufflinks, elijah catches a glimpse of her through the full-length mirror. mary was an absolute stunner naturally, but whenever he announced there was a special occasion and she shifted her attires to match his, it took his breath away, for sure.
turning on his heel to look at her, elijah can't help the subtle smile, and immediately lets go of the bow tie and collar to allow her to fix it up for him. “ absolutely beautiful. ” he compliments, his hand resting on her waist. not wanting to smudge a perfectly applied lipstick, elijah leans in and presses a tender kiss to her cheek. “ mary, ” elijah calls for her attention, wanting to make sure he has it fully — though he needn't doubt such, he always had her attention — “ before we go for dinner, i have something i wish to give you privately. ” to keep the moment between them and them only. elijah was one for privacy, intimacy, contrary to popular belief, considering he was a mikaelson sibling — and the mikaelson family was always extremely extravagant.
“ i know we have not had an easy time. ” the original vampire recognises such, “ that it took quite the fight for us to get here, together. sharing this property with you has been... challenging, ” for someone that had gotten so used to his personal space, “ but extremely enjoyable, and i would not have it any other way. ” he simply could not picture it anymore. living in a property without mary, her belongings, her scent just wasn't possible anymore. reaching inside his pocket, elijah draws up a set of keys and an electronic key. “ i took the liberty of buying you a gift for our anniversary. ” he knows she will enjoy each every one for sure. “ this key belongs to something i have left in our garage for you, come take a look. ” he hides the electronic key in his hand and extends his other hand towards her to guide her down to the garage.
“ i hope it's a model of your liking. ” through his words, it was obvious that the key belonged to a vehicle. an italian make, of course. as the door opens, elijah glances over at her to gage her reaction. “ a maserati quattroporte gts. ” black in colour, with tinted windows for her own safety and privacy. he holds out the key, allowing her to take it and take a look at its interior if they wished to, though... “ there is another key... well, keys for you. ” and these obvious look like the keys to a property — and that was exactly it. “ these... are the keys to this property. ” rather than use his keys, now mary had her own set of keys to use. a clear demonstration of his commitment, trust and love for her. “ these... these are special keys that i want you to have. ” how was he to explain that he bought a property, in her name, in venice? “ after our dinner tonight, we will be on our way to venice... and those keys open the door to our home there. ”
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copiious · 11 months
continued from here. // @italianexotiicbeauty
[text]: i guess you didn’t get the memo, but i’m officially a single man.
[text]: now what were you saying about wanting to kiss me somewhere? 👀😏
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chvmpiiions · 6 months
continued from [x] // @italianexotiicbeauty
(msg): geez, come on babe I was just screwing around with you.
(msg): don’t deny a injured man a meal otherwise I would starve. 😭
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rvbelhearts · 6 months
@italianexotiicbeauty continued from 💚
[ 📲 sms: Mary ♥️]: You say that now!
[ 📲 sms: Mary ♥️]: I’m kidding, but I love you too honey. Even though the circumstances suck, I can’t wait to spend all this time with you.
[ 📲 sms: Mary ♥️]: I think that is an obvious answer. Absolutely!!
[ 📲 sms: Mary ♥️]: Maybe after the surgery we can go there??
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legendsxx · 3 months
🕶️ • @italianexotiicbeauty asked: ❛ you still love me, don't you? ❜ •
He had been in the process of setting up for his next twitch system, Austin was on his way to join. Normally getting on twitch wasn’t his thing, but it had been a way to occupy his time since he was still on the injury list. He still had no clue when he would be able to make his comeback, he was taking it by a day by day situation. Still regardless of how he distracted himself, the last thing he wanted to do was slack off in his relationship.
“Wow…” his mouth dropped dramatically before a shake of his head was made. “I must suck as a boyfriend if you have to ask that.” He said as he placed the controller down. He motioned for her to come over to him before turning his chair to place his hands at her hips as he looked up at her. “I don’t think it’s possible for me to love you more.”
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avengd · 2 months
calmly yeets the violinist towards max.
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kingofthecornermarcel · 4 months
umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf umf.
"Come here." He whispered, moving to tug her on to his lap. Burying his face in her neck and inhaling deeply. "You're not too bad yourself."
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sxltedgxn · 4 months
there's a double tap on Dean's shoulder.
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⚝ he doesn't need to look up to know who's tapping on him - but he does anyway, a smile tugging at his lips as he closes the book in his lap. ❝ was wonderin' if i'd be seein' you soon. ❞
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nightmvrerhvdes · 5 months
the trauma nurse is here to get one of those three kisses and she's not leaving til she does !
“You know, if you want to have a kiss, all you gotta do is ask?” Cody grins, grabbing her by the face and plants the biggest kiss on the lips.
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tobeblamed · 6 months
the level of absolutely grounded dean has found himself in right now. mary isn't cackling at his misfortune, absolutely not.
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" between you an' me, you know what the problem is with people these days? they have high expectations, and they punish you for not livin' up to them. "
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blbcabelts · 7 months
❛  winter is my favorite season of the year. everything looks just so pretty.  ❜ ( mare at finn ... cue her also yeeting a snowball at him ! )
a pronounced frown paints itself upon the visage of the demon, brushing off residual snow from the impact he'd failed to dodge. there's a brief lived fit of laughter, but the air stills once more before ultimately balling up some snow and returning the attack. " ... i'm partial to autumn, myself ... "
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dcmoniism · 3 months
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defeatsthem · 11 months
@italianexotiicbeauty didn't like for anything but i'm invested in m&m now so lol have this
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"Are you going to take part in my entrance or not?" His return was still weeks away but planning it out with no clear-cut answer from her was driving him insane. Max's entrance in London had to be huge and mean something. This was the first time Max was meeting Mary in person over some impromptu lunch that her team had set up and so far, even if they were maybe 20 minutes into it, he was already losing his mind over her jumping to discuss frivolous things. "It's a simple answer. I got about 10 other violinists that would be chomping at the bit to take part if you don't want to."
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chvmpiiions · 6 months
[TEXT] - i’m making dinner tonight, you should come over. // mary @ kenny. 🥺🥰
(msg): you offering to do something nice? 😳 it isn’t poisoned is it?
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rvbelhearts · 7 months
@italianexotiicbeauty from text meme
[ 📲 sms: Mary Baby] Of course you can see me, baby. Just picture me like you always picture me in your dreams 😏.
[ 📲 sms: Mary Baby] I do look good though because I’m rocking that new red outfit you got me. Wanna FaceTime so you can see it?
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legendsxx · 1 month
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses.
// we could always add on to our ship collection!! especially since you have your multi-blog now haha.
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