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zoomingupthathill · 3 months ago
"Looks like I'm in charge tonight. I don't give a shit what you do, just don't break anything, don't leave, and stay outta my way, capisce?"
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max couldn't help but roll her eyes. throwing the nearest object at his head. "go back to looking at yourself in the mirror billy. don't pretend to care what I do, if I went missing for days the only reason you'd notice is because mom and neil were yelling at you -- why do you care if I leave, i'll be back before they get home and notice i'm gone." the redhead already had plans to sneak out to the arcade. she wasn't going to be listening to her stepbrother.
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deadlykitefight · 6 months ago
@bingbxng asked: The Wraith chitters beyond perceivable sight, cloaked in the spirit realm as he admires what he's just finished. A rhombus shaped offering of his own nestled in a small clearing at the end of a trail of small, wilting pink petals. He would wait as long as he needed to for the survivor to come along and discover the dusty kite yards away from where he lurked; aged, yet still in flyable condition. Father's bell in hand, he continues to wait with the utmost patience.
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Renato was exploring as he usually does, sometimes he even wanders a little too far. This time, his activities were halted, the petals were the first thing to get his attention. He found it intriguing, since he's been here he hasn't seen something so -- thoughtful. Maybe even romantic. Following the wilted flowers up to the clearing, eyes widening at the sight before him.
He didn't dare touch it. Not yet.
Head lifting, as he began to look around, began to listen. Maybe if he could hear someone near by -- he could ask. The kite just sitting there, waiting to be cared for. Finally his self control vanished, and his fingers, shakily reached out. Ever so delicately trailing the fabric. "You just need a little love." He whispered, face cracking into a grin. Besides his time with The Wraith, this has been the happiest he's been since entering The Fog. Still he didn't scoop it up, not yet. Maybe someone was on their way back for it? He'd wait a little, see if anyone came for it. Or if it was left for him. He would ask Philip about it later, once he saw him.
It almost looked like it was left, but he couldn't be too sure. Did this kind of thing happen often? The Wraith would know. For now, he'd guard it. Watch over it. God, it has been too long since he's come across one of these.
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thesacrificialxlamb · 4 months ago
"simp" walks away while flipping hair.
"What on earth is a simp...." Finn couldn't be offended even if he wanted to. The word was foreign to him. "Cool it with the hair flips Troy Bolton."
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prankdate · 5 months ago
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Anonymous asked: ❛ ah, so you aren’t heartless after all. ❜ - from @joshinyou
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Josh was the one person in the group that she still avoided for the most part. Group chats , or group events were one thing, but even then, the two of them didn't go out of their way. Neither extending an olive branch. Guilt consuming her, as well as the lingering of a grudge. One she didn't necessarily have the right to have. Bitterness tugging at her insides, fighting to rear its ugly head. -- As if he had anything to do with what happened to her that night. Fortunately, she didn't endure any of his prank.
His words caused her entire body to straighten, arms crossing over her chest. "What is that supposed to mean?" She questioned, turning to look at him. Keeping her features impassive, but there was a slight bite to the tone of her voice.
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wavrlynatural · 7 months ago
“Oh… you see I think I’m actually busy that day. — my calendar is pretty booked”
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“You are hot… but maybe not womb blessing hot?”
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ofdamnedsouls · 4 months ago
april wants a ship, but not just any ship.. one filled with angst, and feels.
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luckhissoul · 10 months ago
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@noiranamnesis asked : “No, I said “do not under any circumstances do that.”" - via Rem
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he wanted to say he had an excuse. that he was learning. but that would sound bloody stupid, wouldn't it? if he gave himself away like that he would lose whatever edge he had still. he lets out a small laugh and then shakes his head. "well, must have gotten mixed up a little bit. but come on, the results were bloody brilliant." they weren't, not exactly. but he was adaptable, or so he liked to think.
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zoomingupthathilla · 1 year ago
Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand? 
I’ll be honest, at first I could not stand Mike, now I adore him— but for the longest time I wanted to throat punch him lol 😂
I also can’t stand Angela, max and I both want to kick her ass.
& I cannot stand these two characters so much— that I don’t even remember their names, but the two friends that Steve hung out with in season one? I even liked brenner more than them.
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kingofthecornermarcel · 1 year ago
whats the url even mean? i dont get why “corner”? shouldnt it be “quarter”
LMAOOO listen , I have had this url since the very first episode that Marcel was in-- which was 2013? I think sooo like 11 years ago & I don't know if I heard it wrong or what, but it is what I chose. & it has stuck.. I have the same url with quarter in it saved ; bc it does make more sense BUT I can't get myself to change it. So the answer is the URL means nothing, & it is staying <3
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wavrlywizard · 7 months ago
Anonymous asked: ❛ i'm just trying to look out for you. ❜ / @intrcducingme
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Alex knew she was going to regret the words about to come out of her mouth. Unfortunately she couldn't stop them, in the heat of the moment, her emotions haywire.. He got the brunt of it. "Don't, I don't need or want you to look out for me Nate. You're just wasting your time." She didn't mean a single word -- she needed him more than she'd admit.
"I'm not a damsel in distress, my brother might think I can't do anything on my own, but he's wrong. You're both wrong, and i'll prove it."
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zoomingupthathill · 5 months ago
mike vc: will u still love me if i was a worm on a string?
"When I was little I used to make mud pies, you know, dirt, rocks... leaves? Add some water, top them with worms.." She admitted, not sure why she let him in on something potentially embarrassing. Finally tilting her head, as if she were actually considering something so absurd. "On a string? Like... a fishing rod, or... are you balancing on this string , Wheeler? I need more information before i'm able to answer this question." The red head was a little hung up on the string, she couldn't get passed it for some reason. "If you were just a worm... I'd put you in my pocket, hope not to crush you. I just --- I don't get how the string fits in." Again, she didn't answer, but now for an entirely different reason. She'd have to admit to loving him if she did.
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deadlykitefight · 6 months ago
@bingbxng asked: Philip is going to scoop Renato up bridal style and just stare at him. No mask in the way this time. He wants to kiss him something fierce, and it's more than obvious with the way milky hues are so honed in on the survivor's lips as an idle purr sits in his throat fondly. Perhaps it's the lingering thought that Renato might not desire his scarred lips against his own that keeps him from acting.
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He lets out a small whimper, similar to the ones in trials. Loud, and totally out of his control. Luckily this one is due to excitement, mixed with a little bit of shock. Renato wasn't expecting to be brought in his arms, but what was even more surprising was the fact that he wasn't wearing his mask. Laid bare for him, and in this moment only him to enjoy. Renato oblivious to the way The Wraith was looking at him, too caught up in everything else. One of his hands moving to reach out, running his fingertips along his scarred face, his bottom lip. "You shouldn't hide.." he whispered.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of." His voice still soft, leaning closer. His free hand moving to rest on the side of his neck, squeezing just gently enough to apply pressure. To let him know, he was holding on, he didn't want to be let go. Not now.. -- not for as long as he'd be allowed to stay here in this moment. The Entity itself wouldn't be able to pry him from Philip's arms. Preferring this adrenaline much more than the cat and mouse game he was usually thrown into.
His own eyes fluttering closed, as he inhaled deeply. Trying to calm the nerves that were building. Renato's head angling so he could get even closer, his breath ghosting over The Wraith's lips.
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thesacrificialxlamb · 4 months ago
he's a ten but ................. looks like a justin bieber from wish.
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"Someone is still cranky about the Troy Bolton comment. -- Careful Kol, you're letting it set in how deeply that bothered you... Also, Justin Bieber wishes he looked this good."
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prankdate · 5 months ago
jesvshotsaucechristmascake asked: ❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. ❜
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Once they escaped the mines, she just wanted to know if Mike was okay, if he was alive. Questions being thrown at her left and right, but none of hers were answered. Tugging the jacket closer to her body, as she looked him over. Taking in the cuts, and scrapes, eyes making their way to his hand. "Break? -- It might be a little too late for that." She whispered, the confidence that was once there wavering, almost nonexistent at this point.
Jess hasn't had the chance to look in the mirror, see the damage fully... but if she looked anything like Mike, she wasn't sure she wanted to. "Mike, I..." Her words trailed off, as she finally took a step closer, itching to reach out, but unable to find the courage.
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wavrlynatural · 5 months ago
*smooches bestie's cheek*
"What was that for?" She questioned, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Alex wasn't entirely used to affection, but she definitely enjoyed receiving it.
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