a theatre girly currently hyperfixated on the outsiders
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 6 days ago
this is so heartbreakingly beautiful
sobbing over the musical today (I do this everyday)
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 8 days ago
cole bob debut tn🗣️🗣️🗣️
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 9 days ago
renni!two-bit is incredible! i got to see him in january and it was so so good
Renni!two-bit is actually everything to me why don’t we talk about him more often
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 10 days ago
davis wayne paul debut today!!!
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 10 days ago
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 10 days ago
Some thoughts and notes from tonight's show!!!
Act 1:
- Henry is the horniest Two-Bit ever:
- He thrusted his pelvis into the hubcap when he first entered, and then Steve, Soda, and Ace all mocked him and mimed it
- He took a handful of gravel and thrusted his pelvis into his hand & threw the gravel so it looked like he was jacking off on each beat at the start of GGAH
- He also moaned when he was grinding against Soda
- And he was just throwin that pelvis AROUND during his solo
- "Two-Bit, you got the grease?" "I might!"
- I just noticed only now that it's scripted so the audience never applauds after both RITF's
- When everyone walks into the Curtis house, Ace said "hi Darrel" and he responded "hey baby"
- Ponyboy had the most "my brothers talking to me about girls but I'm gay" look I've EVER seen during the anne margaret bit
- I'm not sure if he does this every show, but Brent was hunched over in the kitchen during Great Expectations, so he was resting his head on his crossed arms on the table, and it made him look so small
- Daryl plays Johnny SO WELL he goes from 16 year old kid to tough greaser in the blink of an eye
- He was also playing with the gravel when he was sitting in the tire
- When Dally moved to go after Johnny's parents, Daryl put his fists up like he was gonna fight him off
- When Bob tosses his flask to Paul, Ryo rumbled it SO BAD
- JOHNNY AND PONY MOVING TO SIT WITH CHERRY AND MARCIA WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY I've seen Trevi and Sky and Brody and Sky before but Brody and Daryl??? Fucking UNMATCHED
- the way Daryl IMMEDIATELY ran to Pony after Darry hit him
- They were. um. They looked. Very caring. Towards each other. During FAFT
- Daryl sang "walking around the park" instead of "walking through the park" in Run Run Brother
- Daryl looked at the blood on his hands near the end of Run Run Brother and AUGH
- He also looked SO scared when Pony moves away from him on the "train"
Act 2
- Aramie said "why don't you ask those socs why the line got crossed" instead of "ask the socs"
- Ryo flubbed the "you should be as mad as me" line in JFT
- Johnny's head was in Ponyboy's lap before, throughout, and after Throwing in the Towel
- Aramie and Brent skipped some lines in the scene before TITT and Brent just slowly walked toward Aramie and stopped, paused, and then said a line and you could see him figuring out which line to restart with
- During Hoods Turned Heroes when Darry lifted up Ace, Milena smacked Brent's ass
- Daryl's hospital gown is a different colour than Sky's? It was like, a muted darkish pink
- At the start of the rumble, a Soc yelled either "GET THE FUCK OFF" or "GET THE FUCK UP" to Two-Bit or maybe it was Soda? They were downstage left and I was back house left I couldn't see much)
- God the way Soda held Pony after Johnny dies...
- Some water from the rumble got in Aramie's mic during Little Brother and it made him sound all hollow and far away and it was really cool! He eventually tapped his mic and the water fell off but it was a really interesting effect while it lasted
- There was a BIG ass crash backstage when Cherry visits the Curtises before the finale (I think. It was somewhere around there)
There's probably some other things I forgot/missed BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOD Y'ALL and a Ponyboy cosplayer in the first row got the book tonight!!!
Oh also at stage door Renni complimented my hair and my outfit (and then he said, and I quote: "the fit is fitting!!") & said more people should dress up like I do when they see theatre, and later when he waved from his dressing room window he pointed at me and I don't think I'm ever gonna recover from that actually
And The Board!:
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 10 days ago
also right after the rumble was over brent wa jumping on brody going “you did it baby!!!! you won your first rumble!!! he did it!!!” and called him baby at least twice that i heard ☹️☹️☹️
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 13 days ago
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we owe so much to brie
#1 parry warriors dan berry and brent comer
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 13 days ago
I got Trevor’s rap from the live:
You’re welcome :)
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 14 days ago
#1 parry warriors dan berry and brent comer
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 17 days ago
uhh scared to say this but i want to remind everyone to take care of themselves. its natural to be upset that actors are leaving the show but at the end of the day you don’t know these people and you should not be so upset affects you physically or affects your mental health, makes you anxious or stressed etc this should not consume your life it is actually not good for you at all and it might be a sign you need to take a step back and prioritize yourself
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 17 days ago
i’m out of school sick this week so of course the only logical thing to do is watch a bootleg i have and cry
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 17 days ago
barton cowperthwaite leaving the show. another cannon just went off
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 17 days ago
In all seriousness, though it hurts to see people leave the show and know that I won’t get to see them again, knowing that there will be new cast members who will be just as exciting, and who we’ll get to watch make their debut in the show, and sometimes even their broadway debut!! makes up for it in every way (though im still in pain, trust that im still in pain lol)
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 18 days ago
i just tested positive for both covid and the flu at the same time and let me tell you, i wouldn’t wish this shit on my worst enemy
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 21 days ago
born to be a tenor boy so i can go to the outsiders open call
forced to be a high belting soprano currently living nowhere near new york
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hyperfixations-and-stuff · 26 days ago
the thing i love most about chappell more than her talent or the outfits or even the art it self is how committed she is to advocating for her self and others so loud and proudly i cant imagine how nerve racking it must be or anyone but especially a new artist
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