#my fav character so far!!!!!!!!!! i love his backstory so bad
stunie · 14 hours
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mushroomflood · 24 days
Can I ask how you’re feeling about the new trailer? :)
Ok, buckle up, you’ve opened the floodgates :). I am so glad that the trailer has finally been released. I followed a “days until sonic movie 3” page (that has now been deleted 😞) back when there was ~600 days left. There is now 114!! Thats practically right around the corner, I am salivating at the mouth for this.
They have been giving us nothing of this movie so far. Like small scraps of “this is Maria’s actress!” here and “Keanu might be voicing Shadow” there. Finally we’ve gotten something, and I think Shadow looks amazing. I love him riding his motorbike, doing the little drift, beating everyone up, and just being cool in general. Im so ready for him to wreak havoc and I can tell there’s gonna be a lot of Shadow and Sonic rivalry (to friends arc) going on. Also, Maria!! I cant wait for her demise (sorry Shadow). I just wanna see where they go with his backstory, and cute little snippets of him before he hated everyone.
The movie models are just so well rendered, so I am looking forward to seeing new scenes of all my boys (no girls it looks like). While a lot of people are really disappointed that it seems like Amy,Rouge, etc. won’t be in the movie, I never really thought they would be, and don’t necessarily want them to be either. I think the movie would be better focusing on Shadow and Sonic(+Knuckles+Tails).
I am a bit worried about critics, as the Knuckles Series got a lot of hate when it really wasn’t bad. Like, it had some childish and/or unfunny parts, and it did focus more on Wade than I would have preferred. But at the end of the day it was centered around my absolute fav character, and any new Knuckles content I will eat up. We would never have seen him in his silly little hat if it wasn’t for the series, so who cares if it wasn’t the best. It gave us hours of new Knuckles scenes to talk about, and I think a lot of it treated him pretty well.
But, if people start hating on the new movie like that, it will really sap the joy out of it. So I hope everyone will try to find stuff to enjoy, instead of stuff to nitpick. …That being said, I really hope they don’t treat Knuckles like a joke. He gets put into ‘comedic relief’ way too often, and even though Boom!Knuckles holds a special place in my heart, I would rather Knuckles’ character be treated seriously. He has so much potential, and I don’t want him to slowly slide back into the meathead character bc he’s way more than that.
The trailer didn’t exactly do him justice, but all of the boys got beaten real easy, so I’m holding out hope that he won’t continue to blunder. Since the movie is gonna be focused on Shadow and Sonic, I don’t think Knuckles (and even Tails) will get as much screen time. And while that does suck, it’s not horrible. If we get some family bonding and brotherly interactions, I’ll be happy. I just hope that they do Knuckles right for the time he is there. Please treat him carefully sonic movie universe, I beg you. He is my baby.
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"So far in what could loosely be called your life, you have made a living watching others. Society would call you an informant. a rat, a snitch, I call you unworthy of the body you possess, of the life you have been given."
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Hello. I am Michael. I don't want to be on this app but I was told it'd be a good place to connect with others like myself, start new bonds, possibly "have fun". I don't know what to say here. I am 30 exactly, I'm a male and I own a hamster named Rusty who has one eye, I don't like loud people and I like to sleep.
Talk to me if you want, I won't stop you but I don't want any weird stuff. I'll ignore you. It's easy.
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Hi! Back at it again, making another blog. If you guys don't know me, I'm Richie, he/him, a gay trans man with a love for horror movies, video games and photography! I own @riotsnrebellion, @nintndo64, @metalhead-painter and my main blog is @1nervegas1. This blog is extra special to me as Michael is my absolute fav character ever.
Going through the usual warnings of talk of violence, gore, sexual themes, drug addiction and self destructive behaviors, so if that's not your thing? You've been warned for it
Im okay with shipping and nsfw asks! Im all up for oc x canon, canon x canon and rarepairs! Just message me beforehand so we can discuss the ship!
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Some more info on him because hes not too talkative about himself just yet: Michael is a cisman, he goes by he/him and he's also bisexual (something he struggled with when he wasa teen), after a particularly bad drug charge and while he was trying to go through therapy for those with addiction, he had the choice of either becoming a police informant or having more charges dropped onto him by non other than Eric Matthews, so he picked the 1st option, no matter how much he disliked it. He spent most of his childhood looking after his younger sister, Madeline, so she's really the only person he trusts fully. Michael isn't one to open up too easily, but he'll try his best. JUST as he was getting better, he was grabbed by jigsaw. He goes to the survivors meetings but hardly speaks, he also wears a set of rounded shades to hide his missing eye
More info on him and his backstory can be found HERE! (once I get to work on writing the post)
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-#👁️‍🗨️>MICHAEL CHATS (interactions/rp)
-#💬>MICHAEL TALKS (hisbown posts/rambles)
-#‼️>MICHAELCORE (things I associate with him
-#🔃>MICHAEL REBLOGS (self explanatory)
#����>RICHIE RAMBLES (ooc)
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pixelchills · 8 months
Also in each of of your fics which were your most fav chapter you've written for them?
Oh, this is such an interesting question and I'm so bad at making choices... XD I'll try to answer this as best as I can with all of my multichapter fics (and grouping oneshots together).
Dolldrops First Adventure:
Despite not being able to finish the last chapter of this fic, I think my favourite chapter to write was either chapter 3 or 4, because that's when I realised I really enjoyed writing things from Sun's POV and have my stories centre around his experience. The alarm clock scene and Sunny and Chill making flower crowns were also really cute to write.
A Not so Sunny World (Prequel):
This is my longest fic so far, so it's really hard to choose which chapter I enjoyed writing the most... I am quite torn between the first meeting between our celestial animutants in chapter 3, and Sun's embarrassing sexual awakening in chapter 17 after Moon cuddles him...
A Not so Sunny World:
So far, I think I really nailed the tension and horror in the first chapter quite well. I literally had to take breaks from writing it and even delete a scene because I was so anxious of what was happening. I'm aiming to gain a similar climax to the last chapter of Arc 1.
My Dear Daffodil:
I actually like most of the chapters in this fic for different reasons, but if I need to choose which one I enjoyed writing the most, it must've been the first one. I loved getting Solar's backstory out and build him up as a character.
May I Love You
Even though there's only a couple of chapters out, I've written 5 so far. My favourite one to write must've been chapter 3 so far, but I don't want to spoil it ;)
From all of my oneshots, Bloodmoon has been the one I probably enjoyed writing the most. It was refreshing to touch a subject I haven't seen many writers do and write a hurt/comfort fic with my favourite characters (or my version of them). It is also a very personal work for me since all of Moon's uncomfort and pain comes from personal experiences.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
10 Things I Love About 3 Will Be Free
I am very late on this one, I know it! But this week I finally sat down with @wen-kexing-apologist and binged the whole thing, and had a grand ol’ time doing it. @waitmyturtles the verdict is two enthusiastic thumbs up. This was such a fun romp, and here are a few of the things I loved most about it:
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Guess who has a new blorbo!! In hindsight it is absolutely absurd that it took a Tay Tawan girlie like me so long to watch this show, because Shin is an instant entry on the all-time fav characters list. I love his sad gay ass. He’s sensitive, he’s lonely, he’s repressed, he’s far too susceptible to Stockholm syndrome, and I would protect him with my life.
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A working class trans character with an actual plot?! Thank you for your endless gifts, P’Jojo. Sure, my girl Mae made some questionable choices (just a little light murder!), but listen, I support her, in the words of @wen-kexing-apologist, embracing her feminine rage. And in the end, she figured out exactly the right target for her rage and lived her best life.
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A Survivor. Gets shit done. Absolutely will kill a man if he forces her hand. Loyal to her boyfriends even when it would probably be smarter to ditch them. Also, she so pretty.
Neo’s tanks and crop tops
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I never claimed not to be shallow.
Neo and Shin’s backstory
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Episode 5 was my favorite of the show and the moment it really clicked for me. I loved getting a glimpse of Shin’s lonely and dejected teen years (I just wanna talk, Ken 🔪🔪🔪). I loved that the basis of Neo and Shin’s relationship and initial attraction was the way they played together. Shin laughed more in his few days with Neo than he probably had in the several years preceding them. I loved that Neo gave him his first kiss and that Shin treasured those memories so dearly.
The Worst Criminals Of All Time
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Truly remarkable these three are still alive by the end of the show. Their ideas were half-baked and their execution was severely lacking. They never had a plan they thought all the way through and they never had a single scheme that went off without a hitch. Luckily, the bad guys chasing them were also thoroughly incompetent, so it all evened out. The only smart person in this show was Miw’s mom, who knew the only prudent move was to stay the hell out of this mess.
Miw and Shin’s friendship
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I just love that these two developed their own bond, even though they’re not into each other the same way they’re both into Neo. They both risked their lives to save the other. They tease and joke with each other. Shin literally wanted to bring his new bestie home to live with him. They’re adorable.
This weird little guy
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Toptap. My guy. What are you doing here and why are you being so strange? Are you good, are you bad, are you chaotic neutral? Who can tell! Certainly not me. But I enjoyed every moment your weird ass was on the screen.
There's a polyamorous relationship, and it’s depicted onscreen!
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Okay, here’s the part where I admit my expectations for the poly romance in this show were a liiiiiiilttle off base. I must gently rib the fandom for leading me to believe this show would have any actual sex in it (or really a focus on romance at all) and once again recite to myself a universal truth: gifs removed from context are so misleading. At the same time, I also must acknowledge how groundbreaking it was at the time to depict polyamory at all. I would have loved a bit more time spent on the actual relationship dynamics and the emotional complexities of this triad they formed, but I recognize that’s not really what this show was about and appreciate they included a polycule in the first place. Now that it’s 2023 and he’s been give a lot more freedom, I look forward to Jojo’s further exploration of sexy polycules in Only Friends.
Against all odds, these crazy kids got their happy ending
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When this show started I did not see any way for them to come out of this in good shape. I was going to be happy if they simply survived. But not only did they survive, they are thriving! Shin has inherited his dad’s legitimate business and discovered he looks hot in a deep V. Neo and Miw are living that beach life they deserve. Everyone loves each other and everyone is at peace. A+, 10/10, would watch again.
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Doctor Who: The Ultimate Speedrun Marathon - Series 1 (2005)
Eccleston as the 9th Doctor seems to be a big fan favorite, including among my Whovian friends, so I was especially excited to start his era. Needless to say, I was very impressed! This series really brought Doctor Who out of its ‘80s era funk and into the modern age, so its importance deserves the praise, which I’m about to give in truckloads.
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General Thoughts
Right out the gate, Christopher Eccleston was the perfect actor to take on the role! From what I’d heard of the 9th Doctor before watching this series, I assumed he’d be very serious, edgy, and overall just a grimdark take on Doctor Who. The early 2000s was ripe with franchises and reboots like that, so I was pleasantly surprised to see just how three-dimensional he was! I was mainly familiar with Eccleston from the 2010 TV movie Lennon Naked, which he was fucking awful in, so to see him so perfectly embody the Doctor gave me whiplash ngl. He does have darkness in him, which comes out in relation to his Time War PTSD and his hatred of the Daleks, but he’s also really lively and snarky in most moments. Such a great character all around! If Paul McGann makes you fall in love with the Doctor’s personality, Eccleston makes you understand it.
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I assume the tragic backstory 9 mentions throughout this series (regarding the Time War, the destruction of Gallifrey, and him being the last of the Time Lords) was a retcon made for this series in particular, since the 8th Doctor was on his way back to Gallifrey at the beginning of the ‘96 TV movie. Maybe he was just visiting the rubble idk. I could be wrong, but I include this just to mention that I assume lore retcons will probably be rampant from here forward, so I’m cool with that.
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Moving onto this Doctor’s companion, there’s a few. The main one we follow is 19 year old Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper. I was familiar with Piper as Brona/Lily in Penny Dreadful, which she was great in, so it was cool to see her again in a very different role. Rose starts out really wayward and flat, but over the course of the series and her adventures with the Doctor, she grows more involved with the world and becomes happier as a person. It’s a cool development that really cuts to the core of what the Doctor represents as a traveler and explorer of all things exciting and hopeful. Dr. Grace Holloway gives her a run for her money as my favorite companion so far, but Rose is really interesting and overall just a great human protagonist for us to tag along with.
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Along with her, there’s also Mickey (Ricky?) Smith, played by Noel Clarke, and Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman. With Mickey, I assumed he’d just be a throwaway character, as a teenage boyfriend Rose leaves behind for good to move onto greater things, but he comes back again and again, with a lot of development that really surprised me! He grows from a pretty flat and lame guy into a character with a lot of agency and intelligence. His angst over Rose leaving him for time/space adventures was also really sad :( I felt bad for him honestly, but he grows beyond his need for Rose and comes into his own right
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Captain Jack was really fun too. Reminded me a lot of Firefly. I expected him to be one-off character too, but he sticks around and is really fun to follow. It’s cool to have another snarky space/time adventurer around for a little bit. He’s also a bi king so that’s dope as fuck
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Back to the 9th Doctor himself, I really liked the parallels drawn between him and the Daleks. This might just be a coincidence, but I think the interior walls of his TARDIS look a lot like the outer shell of the Daleks. Just thought that was a cool detail.
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Speaking of his TARDIS in general, the more industrial look contrasts with the 7th & 8th Doctor’s warm homely TARDIS. The spindly concrete pillars and the shiny metal walls/floor are really striking. It’s like a modern-art exhibit. It’s both very 2000s and very classic looking.
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Favorite Episodes
Aliens of London
World War 3
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
The End of The World
Favorite Moments
“You would make a good Dalek”….. omg chills
Rose being there for her father’s death was really sad and moving. That whole episode was great, but that last moment was especially effective
“Kill yourself.” lol
Charles Dickens having his own sort of Scrooge-esque arc was really nice. A bit sad knowing that he would die a year after the episode is set, but still bittersweet and nice.
The Doctor’s joy after realizing everyone finally gets to walk away okay in episode 10 was great! It’s an amazingly emotional moment for someone who’s gone through so much loss and grief, and Eccleston plays it perfectly. Everyone lives!!!
Rose getting super glowy TARDIS powers was cool as hell for her development into a hero in her own right, as well as being dope as fuck overall. I’m gonna assume/headcanon that the “Heart of the TARDIS” that appears in the finale is the same as the Eye of Harmony that appears in the TV movie.
That final regeneration scene… So cool! I’ll miss Eccleston, but he made the most of his time as the 9th Doctor. The way David Tennant also makes his appearance uniquely his was super funny. Just kinda commenting on his new teeth and then shrugging it off.
Alright, that’s it for Series 1, as well as the end of Eccleston’s run as the 9th Doctor. It was a fun ride and an amazing start to this fresh new beginning to the franchise, but I suppose it’s time to move on with him. Now, onto Series 2, with David Tennant taking over as the 10th Doctor.
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f1oricide · 1 year
You got any rise ocs ? Love to see them ^-^
Omg thx for asking, I do actually!! If you go further down my page, I draw her human form for a fanfic I really love. I don’t have a name for her yet bc names are hard :/ BUT! I do have a little backstory for her
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She is a battle nexus champion, but she occasionally works as a debt collector of some sorts for big mama. She hates getting her hands dirty so she uses magic claws as weapons. You can’t see it bc of the angle her hand is in, but in her glove, there’s an oval shaped gem that creates the claws for its user. If she has the gloves off, she can’t create those claws.
She loves magic! It’s so fascinating to her and she wants to study hard to be the very best sorcerer there is, but due to some unconventional events she’s got a bad rep at witch town, so she tends to steal magical artifacts when she’s out.
The reason she always goes back to big mama and her battle nexus is bc she’s a black cat, which isn’t bad at all but her power is probability control. She can manipulate fortune AND misfortune, but she struggles to control her magic which ends up inconveniencing to even hurting others around her. She can steal peoples luck as well to give her an upper hand in battle, which is why her eyes can glow a bright yellow.
For a cat with bad luck, there really isn’t any option for her but to go back to the place that accepts her even if it’s for their entertainment.
Now she isn’t the strongest physically, so she relies on her speed, magic and tools to win battles. She uses Mantis styled fighting techniques in hand to hand combat, but a flaw she has when fighting is that she puts too much focus on one thing she forgets about her surroundings which could potentially hurt her or allies.
Id like to believe she’s quiet but when she gets to know you, she gets very chatty, a bit snarky, overzealous, and pretty quick witted. She always has a trick up her sleeve…she has a lot of things up there. Very mischievous, sometimes can go too far with her tricks. Lowkey a bit condescending, but she chill ig.
She’s def a morally gray character, a bit chaotic neutral, the kind that does good or bad stuff for her benefit and maybe her friends too.
She’s known big mama since she was a kitten, so she knows her way around battle nexus ( may or may not be big mamas fav ).
She was born as a twin, her sister being a white haired kitten, both parents had white fur so u see where this is going. Kinda the black sheep in the family, she’s always causing trouble but she means well, her sister is the complete opposite tho. Has the power cause luck and take misfortune away, her sister became the favorite but she got a nasty personality. They always budded heads and fought but eventually her sister and her friends provoked her to the point she scratched her sister in the face out of self defense, the parents got mad and tried to declaw her but she ran away.
Now idk where in time I would like her to meet the turtles and April, but I have a story in my head inspired by some fanfic I read.
So she gets called into big mamas office for a new assignment, capture the turtles alive and bring them to her. Usually when she out she doesn’t have the authorization to bring her targets to the hotel, just to collect and come back. Even if she did, I’d be taken care of by goons, not big mama personally, so she’ll def recognize that it’s a big job if big mama is telling her this personally.
So she conducts research on the turtles but stalking them pretty much and finds out they’re friends with a girl named April O’Neil, so she uses a cloaking choker to enroll at her school and befriend April. It works and eventually, the turtles do some stupid shit and end up getting “found out” by her and April.
Slowly they all become friends (Leo has his suspicions) and eventually she gets invited to the lair by Mikey. She becomes the closest to him not only bc he’s the most social, but he has great magical potential, and she’s intrigued.
Once she gains all of their trust (may take a while) she eventually calls all big mamas goons to their lair and captures them, but at this point, she knows they’re actually good people and not the usual targets she gets assigned to, so after an inner battle with herself, she caves and lets them go, despite the fear in her veins at the thought of big mamas wrath.
I don’t wanna spoil TOO much abt this even tho I most definitely did💀
I wanna write abt her story and her relationship with the turtles and April (specifically one turt in particular;) idk I’m open to any suggestions and as always, sorry if this is a bit all over the place :))
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lou-iz-stat · 5 months
So……. 2 MORE WEEKS!… and it still does not feel real to me that we are going to get season 2 so soon. I am sure it will destroy me and create an everlasting wound deep in my soul.
Anyway episode 6! I won’t lie this the episode that I have watched the most out of the rest. I have probably watched it over 15 times and that is not an exaggeration. It’s my fav episode because there are just so many iconic moments in this one.
Let’s not waste another moment. Get into this!
IWTV S1 E6: Like Angels Put in Hell by God
This ep starts with Louis looking real bad as he tries to recover from the drop inflicted on him by Lestat.
He definitely has PTSD from the fall 😔
At least we get the ‘cloud gift’ name drop.
We also have Dr. Fareed which is a character that is most prominent in the Prince Lestat trilogy I believe. I do not know if this is true I have not read that far yet.
We then go back to the story and Claudia is making Louis chase a goat for his recovery.
And here comes Lestat being where he is not wanted. The throwing of his coffin out the balcony is everything 🤣
When Lestat comes to give the car to Louis I must admit he looks so so good 😩 But I still don’t want Louis to let him back in! Because I know he has not changed even though he says so.
But I do believe that if Louis did tell him to leave and to never see him again Lestat would listen! But he doesn’t tell him that because he still can’t let Lestat go even after everything he has done. It’s too much!
Lestat is crazy for what he does with ‘Come to Me’ but I love when Sam sings it ❤️
And this what. I am talking about when I say that so much of this episode is so iconic! Swimming a dirty ass river to break into your exe’s place and telling Antoinette to leave HER HOUSE so that you can have violent hate sex while she is just outside listening to it all. It’s just so messy and insane! Gotta love it
Sam Reid is just so so good in the scene where they are questioning Lestat! His acting is just *chef’s kiss*
And everything he tells them of how he became a vampire is true 😭
“…I loved Lestat with a wounded one.” 😭😭😭
Yes Claudia you should baaaaaa at him!
Nooooo Claudia what he said about Magnus was true!
More Nicky name dropping this episode. And knowing the backstory with that I just wince at the whole conversation they are having. But what can I say she really is her father’s daughter
And of course he didn’t kill Antoinette being a brat so much so that he did not like being told what to do. And yes Louis he is ‘all kinds of fucked up’ and this why I love this show. Everybody is fucked up just some more than others.
Ugh the scene where Claudia tries to get Louis to leave with her breaks my heart.
Then we go back to modern day and this is where in the original interview Daniel wanted to be turned. And ohhhhh Armand is not happy that Louis offers to turn Daniel now hehe
The utter shock I had when Claudia is just sitting in the townhouse instead of on a train. 😱
But oh, oh! The train scene is everything. It is just so fucked up and scary! This show is in the horror genre after all. And that doesn’t stop this scene from being iconic.
From “Tickets, please!” To “Claudia, you left without saying goodbye…. Again” it just lives rent free in my head.
God he such an asshole to her!
And she defeats him at chess at the same time that she is plotting his murder! That’s some queen shit honestly.
When Lestat is shouting in French, if you ever look up what he is saying it is actually so unsettling
Awwww our boy (Daniel) is eeppy
I don’t care what anyone says I love the 70s flashback.
And boom! As we all know Rashid is actually someone Daniel has met before! Shocker! Yeah yeah it’s Armand we know this.
Yay! I got through another one! We only have one more rewatch then s2! I cannot believe it and again it does not feel real at all! I am sure by next week I’ll be able to write more since I won’t have as much school work left to do.
Thanks for reading
14 days!!!!! Life is worth living!
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chiroptaro · 1 year
Hey! Who are your top 3 action webtoon characters (doesn't have to include main character) and why?
gives u a big hug when i saw this ask i yelled out loud ty SM for asking . i had to think long and hard about this one bc honestly there are SO many amazing characters to choose from augh!!! okok im gonna put it under a read more bc i went a little overboard my bad 🤧
slight spoilers(?) for viral hit, teenage mercenary
3. kayden from eleceed!!!! okay first of all shoutout to casein nitrate for being the funniest fuckin concept ive ever read in a webtoon oh my GOD. when he was in human form for the first time in front of the gang and ilhyuk and was like "why arent they giving me treats.." I WAS ROLLING OH MY GODDD. THE WAY HE INTERACTS W PEOPLE IN HIS CAT FORM IS HYSTERICAL. anyways as a character i rlly rlly like him because of how much he. cares about jiwoo like that's LITERALLY his son that's his little boy the found families in eleceed have me sobbing all day theyre so important to me. i also like him because of HOW STRONG HE IS?? LIKE HE'S SO YOUNG BUT HE'S RESPECTED BY EVERY AWAKENED BC OF HIS STRENGTH LIKE OMG. also he is so so gender im so jealous of him and kartein UGH. speaking of kartein him and kartein's relationship is great to me bc they bring out dif sides of each other that r super cool to see !! also theyre hilarious together . kayden's funny and he looks cool AND he kicks ass AND HE'S A GRUMPY DAD FIGURE like it does not get any better than this.
2. ijin from teenage mercenary/mercenary enrollment !!!! this one is my fav webtoon of all time 💓💓 i adore ijin because like...even after all he's been through and how grim and immovable his life has made him, he's still so so gentle with his grandfather and little sister. he loves his family so so much and it makes me ILL. speaking of his family i adore just how many families he HAS like he has the numbers, major kang and all them (his relationship w them has me absolutely dead on the floor the amount of rants ive gone on abt them is frankly worrying), dusik cha n his right hand man, and ofc his grandpa and dayeon!! he's so caring that he creates such strong bonds with so many people and they become irreplaceable in his heart and he would do absolutely anything to protect them. he puts the people he sees as family over EVERYTHING in his life and once a person has become part of his fam he becomes super protective of them <3 an example of that is once he knew that jiyeh was engaged to major kang, who was the first person to really help him understand what family means, he immediately added her to the ppl to be protected and went super far to protect her when she got kidnapped because he knows she's special to major kang!! someone in the comments said "his in-law!!" and that had me sobbing on the floor bc he got so excited and felt like he had to be cool in front of her AUGHH. he's such a sweetheart while also being an incredible and badass fighter and that combo is my fav kind of character 🫶🫶
1. MY ABSOLUTELY FAV IS TAEHUN FROM VIRAL HIT/HOW TO FIGHT. me and my buddy literally rant to each other all the time about him every time he shows up we're kicking our feet twirling our hair giggling.... i haven't finished his backstory arc (im paused at the beginning of it i've had to mentally prepare myself) but i like him bc he's really passionate abt taekwondo and was ready to teach it to hobin even tho he said he would beat the crap out of him the next time he saw him ... imo this was the turning point for them and if hobin hadnt gone to him to learn the back kick taehun wouldnt have become such an integral part of the hobin yu company(lol). i also rlly love that he was determined to start a newtube channel even tho he thought it was embarrassing aughh it was so cute!! also he watches hobin's streams and is visibly super proud of how far he's come and i think thats rlly sweet <33 i also love him bc he's incredibly gender like i wish i was him so so bad the mullet and the style and the LIPGLOSS AND MASCARA AND EYELINER and the snark and the asking for 500 won thing he's so frickin cool im obsessed with him AUGH!!! i just think he's super cool. another reason is bc of how obviously fruity that guy is like oh my god he cannot be normal for 3 seconds every time he's trying to intimidate someone he has to get all up in their personal space like,, be fr. when he first confronted yeonu(?) did u see that pose bruh what was that. every time his fangirls show up in v-hit's chat im like theyre LITERALLY me i could not relate to them more honestly. i made him an entire pinterest board . the entire reason i started reading v-hit was for him bc my friend told me abt how cool he was and i just had to get in on that so,, yaya !!! he exceeded my expectations a thousand times and ilhsm
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^ some of my fav taehun scenes altho every single panel he's in has me blushing and giggling 🤭
frankenstein from noblesse!! he's so badass and i love his hair and he's so loyal he just. aughh even tho the gang pisses him off sometimes he still cares for them sm
mr na from get schooled/true education!! he cares so so much abt the kids and helping them and he really wants to defend his fiancee and prove that she was right to say all kids can change <3
gerard from weak hero...he is so special to me i love how old man he is. he sleeps in bushes and enjoys slapstick comedy he's just like me fr!!! i just love him soo much smth about these guys who fight w kicks 💓
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kkotda · 3 months
dear miss koi 🤍 i hope you are able to get some rest but please do tell me who appeals to you the most so far from wind breaker 👁️👁️
dear miss ai 🫶🏻 thank you i’m now tempted to not fix my sleep schedule just so i can be in a similar timezone as you but oh my goodness i need truckloads of sedatives with the thoughts i have for these characters so far (context: i’m not even 3 full eps in 🤡)
koi no yokan fr with sakura haruka
i met him first ep and was so drawn to him because of his heterochromatic eyes and split colored hair but oh my goodness the further into the ep i got the more i realized he’s just a wet little stray cat and i want him i want him so much
i knew what i was getting into with all the suo content i’ve seen but omg when i officially met him i was so :0
like his tassel earrings i am ripping my hair out he’s so pretty so so pretty and the way he walks too. it’s so confident and relaxed and sophisticated and i love him i love him i love him
also could not escape the umemiya content…
i wouldn’t want to escape them either HE’S SO UNSERIOUS ITS SO HAHAHHAHAH but his very first appearance where he’s welcoming the first years to his little talk on the intercomm i love himmmmmm and the way he’s like “protect the town” and everyone immediately gets so serious and the respect that he commands i’m so (i am rattling the bars to my cage violently)
fr about to pull a thanos with a “fine, i’ll do it myself” mentality BECAUSE HE’S ALSO SO PRETTY PINK HAIR WITH THOSE BEAUTIFUL GREEN EYES AND THE PIERCINGS. THE PIERCINGS!!!!! and his hair kept back by the pins (or was it a headband? sleep deprivation is talking but it’s fine) THE ENDING THEME DID HIM SO BAD I WAS LIKE WHO IS THAT AND THEN I SAW HIM AND WAS LIKE :0000 WHO IS THAT
last but certainly not least, mr. headphones
i think his name is kaji?? i saw a post on twitter where the user was like he’s inumaki design with bakugo personality and i immediately went 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥 because hello???? AND THEN I SAW HIM FIRST EP AND 1) COULD NOT UNSEE IT (i love inumaki he’s like my fav from jjk) BUT 2) I SAW A CLIP OF HIM WITH BKG PERSONALITY AND WAS LIKE mom can i have him omg
i can’t wait to meet endo (i think that’s the guy with the tattoo on his neck??) and i want to meet togame and choji because i’ve heard the most wonderful things about them (i love painful backstories)
BUT MISS AI, AM I RIGHT IN THINKING THAT MR. UMEMIYA CAUGHT YOUR EYE (i saw a post that was like gojo traveled to wb and is the strongest among bofurin and grows little tomatoes and whatnot and i was like 🥲🥲🥲🥲 ykw he deserves that)
how desperately i wanted sugishita to be geto coded but he’s super devoted to umemiya and ykw i’ll take that, geto in another universe
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winxixia · 9 months
Hello! This is for the character ask game, could you do questions 1, 4, 12 and 23 for Jasper please? I always love seeing your artwork of him on my dash 😙
Hello, thank you for sending this ask!! Here we go!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I used to dislike him because he is the bad guy and I won't spoil the game for those who have yet to play it, but he did stuff that made me livid! But then, later in the game, we see his backstory, we are given his motives... I wouldn't say it cancels the harm he has done but it gives you room to reflect on it. He's only human in a fantasy world where the devil can literally murmur in your ear... He's redeemable if you take the time to study his character (in act 3 at least, in act 2 he went too far...) and he has a lot of potential for character growth. He's much more complex than what many gamers think!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would put him everywhere rofl!!! But I have a soft spot for fairytales like Beauty and the Beast; I even wrote such AU for them you can find here. My secret AU is the count of Monte-Cristo where I would put all my fav characters and ships haha.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
As a child, he learnt how to play music instruments, and is rather fond of violin himself. I love to imagine an act 3 with playable Jasper who plays music with the party members at night around the campfire...
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This one! It is an artwork from the Rivals game! A shame it closed.... How I wish they made at least a second artbook because the illustrations were so pretty!
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jujubui · 1 month
whatre your fav danmeis? (optional: nd why?)
sincerely, I-am-so-bored-send-help
have a nice day/night !
My favorite danmeis right now:
"Ballad of Sword and Wine," "The Disabled Tyrant Beloved Pet Fish," "Scum Villain Self Saving System," and "The Husky and his White Cat Shizun". I'm currently only reading a select few series, as I buy physical copies. However, I'm looking into reading more diverse danmeis soon :3 I'd like to read "Golden Terrace", as its name sounds really pretty!!
Why certain series are my favorites:
"Ballad of Sword and Wine"- The main character is very cunning! I believe he's a tad bit evil, but I like that he's kind of like a Villain :3 The enemies to lovers trope is apparent from the get-go, as well. I also love the illustrations!
"The Disabled Tyrants Beloved Pet Fish"- This story is actually a kind of wholesome story.😭😭 I like isekai stories, so this series fits my "likes" already. The main character is so silly as well! There's not much angst (from what I've read so far) which is a nice breather.
"Scum Villain Self Saving System"- Honestly, this was the first series I read by MXTX!! I thought it was funny as fuck. I also like that the main character changed Luo Binghe from a man with a harem to a man with a heart only for shizun.
"The Husky and his White Cat Shizun"- This story honestly wrecked me!!! I cried so many times when reading. 😭 However, I like that characters who are deemed "morally bad" have a backstory that explains it. Sometimes, "bad guys" are evil just cause. The characters in erha though, they've all got a reason to be such a bitch. 😭 I also relate to Chu Wanning... So it's nice to see him slowly depend on others
(Sorry if anything is answered sloppily! I'm tired today 😭)
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patchdotexe · 1 year
ok heck it uhhh stickmolus
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(this is still one of my fav drawings for it. the guuuyyyys)
it is! a Henry Stickmin au! taking place in our Limoliverse setting, which is the catch-all name for.. several stories we haven't made any content of except character designs and incoherent tumblr posts. um. hm. WELL the part that matters is that everybody is aliens!
it's a very loose adaption of the whole series, except with the twist being that henry is jumping between routes willy-nilly and potentially even creating brand new ones as he goes thanks to breaking things in unexpected ways. you know how it is with spaghetti. also there's a lot of background worldbuilding that we are very bad at actually implementing
(also it has an askblog! @stickmolus is in a weird limbo state on account of the exhaustion and my difficulty to keep up an ongoing interactive project, but its fun to read and i still think about picking it back up. i want to so bad. i am my own worst enemy)
quick hits:
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Henry is.. something! nobody knows what his species is, including himself. he just straight up spawned one day and immediately began doing crime. this immediately got the attention of the CCC, especially once he started pulling out every power and item out of his back pocket and launching between timelines at random.
everyone's response to him is some form of panic on account of him being an Unauthorized Fucking Thing. speaks english but also writes in minecraft galactic and can make nether portal noises. he's not mute but there's a pretty big language barrier he's trying to work around and when he is able to talk to people he's pretty sparse with words. his head is weirdly shaped and i admire max's ability to actually Make A Whole Ass Sculpture Of This Guy oh my god i just looked over at my shelf and got emotional
i did animation memes with all 3 of triple threat and henry's is RENARD!
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Charles is a pilot for the Limolian military and is certified in both air and space travel! good for him. he's a limolus, which is kinda the "mascot species" for the setting seeing as its. named after them. they've got your basic run-of-the-mill psychic powers tropes and are heavily inspired by Giegue from the Mother series! i could talk about them for a very long time. LET'S TALK ABOUT CHARLES.
charles was stationed on earth for a while and as a result is considered kinda Weird because he picked up a lot of earth culture stuff. he's fluent in both english and lilio so he's henry's translator, although his translation is pretty loose and skips details and basically he is not reliable no matter how hard he tries. i love him
his animation meme is BAM BAM! and it was really really fun to make. i love drawing charles i love thinking abt charles he is My Boy
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ELLIE oh my god this drawing doesnt have her tattoos. what the hell. ellie is ALSO a limolus! they can be colours besides red its just that ellie and charles are both red. anyway. she's very good at telekinesis because canon ellie already uses the force, so that's her solution to most problems. her relationship with henry is a bit rockier from the get-go due to a communication barrier on Several Levels, but theyre able to get along! ..in some routes. oops.
uhhhh she's actually got some pretty intense backstory that hasnt come up yet because Ellie Has Not Appeared On The Blog At All for the love of god why did i pick the order i did its gonna be FOREVER until we see ellie AUGH. but she got locked up in the wall for some Pretty Serious Crimes (like uh. treason?) and even in timelines where she joins up with charles there's some friction because of that.
her animation meme is Wolf in Frenzy which is probably the best one ive made so far ngl
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Reginald's anatomy is terrible and i hate drawing him. also he's a musae, which are very long/tall and very venomous. the toppats overall are a ragtag group of people of various species and various backgrounds, in stark contrast to the govt which is like 90% limoli. also he's a pathetic noodle of a man but that doesn't stop him from being a tricky bastard
i didn't animate him but he shows up in RENARD for like 5 seconds if that counts
uuhhhh also i have a "#stickmolus au" tag. which is probably pretty incoherent. im tired
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 7: His Name Is Sinbad [Part 3]
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Is that your man, half of the Magi fandom?
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A small change, in the manga Sinbad was more "consider several options & pick one", here he's just "this is how I see it & I'm gonna stick to it".
Also, gdi, I love these backgrounds.
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Aladdin's doubting if they're doing the right thing far more than in the manga. Like, I think in the manga he just... didn't. He was kinda more interested in getting it done & finding Alibaba.
And, tbh, that kinda makes sense? He crossed the desert, he's kinda used to bandits being dangerous and all that.
No, fr, he sounds like he doesn't want to do it, but will do anything to see Alibaba again.
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I love him.
Also, I've really said my 3 fav characters were Alibaba, Ja'far & Kouen, and now I'm like I'VE ABANDONED MY BOY. There is another. Sphintus my beloved. Get ready, bc I will spam him in Magnostadt Arc so hard.
"Sinbad might look suspicious" LMAO
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The way he quickly moves to hide behind him. 10/10
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Really love the music in this entire scene.
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This one sounds a bit like the slowed down Enfin Apparu.
In the manga Sinbad just tells them to take what they need, just not to kill anybody. Here he's more encouraging. Not to kill, but, like, in general. The manga was more like giving permission, and here he's telling them "you should take action if you believe what they're doing to be unfair". Which, y'know, is kinda stupid when I think about it. Anime!Sinbad is fucking lucky, because this action could have lead to a political mess, like, bro could've just said that their king sucks & they should fight him. Not a good move, Anime King Sinbad!
Like, I know Sinbad will end up involving himself in internal affairs of Balbadd, but the anime makes it look pretty bad because of this scene. Supporting an existing rebellion is one thing, but encouraging to rebel is a different one.
Also, here Morgiana & Aladdin are searching for Ja'far, cuz they think Sinbad might've been attacked. In the manga it's Morgiana who hears something & informs Aladdin.
There's another thing about Morgiana & her being sidelined in the future - she's rarely singled out, especially later on. But the anime does that already. On the one hand, it's cool to see Morgiana & Aladdin be a team, but on the other, Morgiana oftentimes is viewed as a part of a group, by Alibaba specifically. If he ever thinks about her in the first place. Aladdin and Morgiana. Hakyruu and Morgiana. It's hardly ever just Morgiana.
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I've told you! No Aladdin seeing Alibaba, just Morgiana noticing something wrong & informing him, then taking him away from the danger.
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Looks fun.
Ok, this is something I like. The manga basically infodumps about these swords, but here, it comes up in an actual conversation. "Your red fogblade of illusion horrifying as always, Zainab. / Shut up, and use your yellow fogblade of corrosion, Hassan."
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Valse Hot playing as they appear.
Morgiana wrecking shit. Neat.
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Ok, it's sth I don't think I've commented on the manga read, but Cassim going ??? it's a girl?? Is a mix of "kind of funny", and a nice characterization moment. Both in the anime & manga he looks surprised and kind of guilty. He might be an asshole, but he wouldn't hit a girl. Makes sense, given his backstory.
Also, I'm pretty sure Morgiana's Mariam's age if she, you know, were alive.
Also, that Alibaba with his stupid haor & one eye visible. As if there were any doubts who he was. Well, I get WHY, but in the manga he actually hid his face properly.
Ah, here Cassim just keeps going, in the manga it's Zainab who basically tells him "doesn't matter, she's the enemy!"
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Also, another thing I haven't commented on in the manga - Cassim very early shows that he is the real leader. He's the one to take command in this mess, while Alibaba just stands back & watches.
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Determination monolog. His priority is Alibaba, he needs to find him, and he needs to deal with these guys to do this.
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(insert Saya's short scream here)
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I love how quiet it gets, btw.
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-gasp- IT'S HIM!
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How would you rank the barians from least favorite to most favorite
OK SO. IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ASK FOR WEEKS CUZ I WAS WAITING UNTIL I HAD ACTUALLY SEEN ALL SEVEN BARIAN EMPERORS IN ACTION. and now well im done watching the series SO!! im glad I waited because over the course of the back chunk of zexal ii my opinions on all the emperors got jostled around so much AND I ENDED UP LIKING ALL OF THEM A LOT. so i guess caveat for this list: love all 7 of these guys so much, definitely one of my favorite "factions" of yugioh characters. my fuckign kids
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anyway, from 'least' to most favorite
7. Girag: THIS FEELS SO MEAN. SORRY GIRAG like I said i love 'em all but I guess he's the one I like the least, if only because his design is.... unfortunate. And his backstory is......................... unfortunate. They really said "this black character didn't actually do any of his supposed achievements; a literal tanuki did them for him" and called it a day huh HHFDGSDFG Yugioh Not Fantastic Moments but what can ya do. He's still fun. I love his dub voice I genuinely do wonder if it being a bit of a Rocky Balboa impression was a deliberate choice (since he's buddies with Alito Boxer Kiddo Extraordinare).
6. Dumon: AGAIN. A LITTLE MEAN. SORRY DUMON FDHGSG he's grown on me a BUNCH since I started z2 mostly because i lesbianpilled him in my brain but he's gotta be #6 because his Barian form is probably my LEAST favorite of the bunch. I'm not big on his very flat eyes but I do love the idea that they're because He Cant Fucking See. His human form is so fucking funny they really librarypilled this guy so hard. He's low on the list but still dear to me. Definite Zexal Real One.
5. Marin: GOD. RIOMARINMERAG. I LOVE HER. I REALLY DO. her Barian form's color palette is just gorgeous and she has an awesome ice motif and she's a COOL SPORTY JOCK and she LOVES HER BROTHER but my GOD she suffers from Girl in a Yugioh Series SO BAD. THIS POOR GIRL IS FRIDGED FOR LITERALLY OVER HALF THE SHOW!!!! she does 1-3 cool things and They Shred Like Hell but there's just barely enough of her in the show for her to really blossom into one of my top favs :( don't worry sweetheart im coming
4. Mizar: ok so now we're getting into the territory of where I Just Really Like These Guys. I didn't give a SHIT about MizarMizael until the Moon Duel, and then I proceeded to give SO many shits about him. What can I say.... sad kiddo YGO character backstory gets me every time. I love that he pulled an Aporia and face-turned and tried to take on the Big Bad but fumbled so fucking hard he died in one turn. His Barian form is ROUGH, THOUGH. HIS SHADES OF YELLOW ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE TO EACH OTHER PUT SOME MORE GREEN AND RED IN THERE. Anyway. Been cooking a trans woman Mizar headcanon for a little while now. estrogen and hooves could have saved her.
3. Nasch: I. really like Shark. I'm still sorting out favorites in my mind but Shark is definitely in my Top Five and I like him as Nasch by extension. Definitely one of the coolest Yugioh Rivals by absolute far. His slow growth as Shark from Mean Bully to Guy Who Cares So Much About His Friends just GUTS me!! This is what ygo's all about babeyyy!!! And the sheer amount of AWFUL SHIT that happens to this kid, MY GOD. He loses his sister over and over again and ends up with SO MANY LIVES ON THE LINE it's a fucking wonder he didnt have a turbo emotional breakdown and collapse. Also I love when characters have species identity crisis and claim to throw their humanity away<3 I know that one <333 ALSO his color palette is really good, I wish his pants were dark though.
2. Alito: ALITOOOOOOOO ALITO MY BI ITALIAN REP. he is latino to me. as well. anyway Alito is also one of my Absolute Top Favorite Zexal Characters I fucking love him. I love Tough Guy Who Kids Love. I love his Battlin Boxers. I love his narrative parallels to Nistro (also one of my fav characters). I love both his forms!! His Barian color palette rocks. ALL OF HIS DUELS GO SO DAMN HARD ESPECIALLY THE MYTHIRIAN NUMBER ONE AND HIS 'CONTROLLED BY DON THOUSAN' DUEL. He's just so good!!! His dynamic with Yuma makes my brain spin around. I need to draw him for real so bad. I hope they put him in Duel Links soon I will whoop and cheer and clap.
cmon. gotta be basic here but you know it's VECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! God he might be. My most favorite Zexal character. He is certainly the one making me the Most insane. I feel like a version of me from a different dimension made this character in a lab just to psychologically torment me. He's BONKERS, he's FUNNY, he's SO OBSCENELY EXPRESSIVE IT'S INSANE, he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY BESTIE'S BLORBO, he LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. Absolute Dana Monster Perfect Storm thats destroyed my house and my brain. And then they had to go and make him SAD!!! JUST TAKE ME TO THE VET AND PUT ME DOWN, MAN!!! s-tier yugioh character. top tier favorites hall of famer. i love him to bits. half my screenshot folder looks like this now
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
I actually think I COULD have been okay with Armand's casting, tbh? I think vibes-wise, he actually works? I mean, he's not book armand, but I feel like we all knew that with the age issue and how ridiculously pretty he's supposed to be, that was always going to be impossible.
But my bigger issues are more that it already feels like they're going to pretend there's no love in his relationship with Louis, that Devil's Minion is a no-go, and that he's pretty much just going to be there to make Lestat look slightly less worse and give the audience someone to hate. Frankly, the only positive for me so far is that they superpowered him, which I kind of enjoy after watching Anne make him more and more helpless with each book, lol
hjsdkg ugh like, to be honest i'm so fucking bummed and depressed about this whole thing and I feel so left out and genuinely don't understand why Devil's Minion fans are excited about it. 😂
(tbf I feel like, as an old DM loser, I'm not seeing the excitement amongst the other fandom olds and outspoken stans. It feels like newer fans are excited and I'm excited for them but I know they're like, coming to this from a difference experience than me. idk I feel left out LMAO I can't emotionally connect with it at all.)
But yea I really like the actor, I don't have an issue with him in particular. Like, he's too old LMAO but. I was kind of expecting that. But so far I've enjoyed ALL the actors and I don't hold the bad writing against them. They all killed it with what they were given, and none of them were faithful to their book counterparts in the slightest.
I just. Yeah. The reveal was really bad writing. RJ's comments afterwards gave me huge red flags that they're going to use Armand as a Loustat wedge, similar to the way they used Antoinette. I'm also really concerned about how they'll handle his backstory because they handled Claudia's SA so poorly. And the way they made Lestat so 2D and unlikable and just an asshole makes me feel really upset about what they'd do to Armand, because I worry it falls into the Shallowest Takes Possible that we tend to see in fandom from the non-Armand-fans that he's just, like, this evil little creature. He's such a complex character and so many people in fandom just reduce him to being a little gremlin and it really sucks, and I'm so worried that the show is going to take that approach too.
It's just such a bad investment into a series, you know? This was supposed to the foundational season and it was filled with cheap bullshit and continuity errors on their own lore, how are they supposed to build on this?
AND LIKE TBH I HATE THAT THEY SUPERPOWERED HIM?? A LOT????? Like I ranted about this on Twitter the other day and I'm not ready to try to repeat myself LMAO but like, I think having him immune to sunlight is a HUGE misstep for him as a character and I'm just. Ugh.
like this is a fucking nightmare, seeing your favs done dirty like this.
Anyway we always knew it was going to be the Lestat/Loustat show and I didn't expect Armand or Daniel to be centered meaningfully but like man. It just really would've been awesome to see Devil's Minion on the screen and it sucks that we're never gonna have it. Some background info? A single standalone episode about them one day? Something we could gif for a few years? Anything?
Like I truly needed so little lol.
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