#my fanfic year review
mxmia · 2 years
Because it's always great to see your progress. If future me reads this: go and write something. Total Completed Works: 15 out of 16 works posted in AO3 LMAO.
Word Count: 29,657. It's not a lot but it is, and that is all that matters. Fandoms I’ve Written for: Encanto, The Hobbit, The Lord Of the Rings, The Silmarillion. I hope to branch out a little more while still writing for my favourites in 2023, let's see!
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? I wrote way more. I started 2022 with practically 0 hopes of writing anything because I just wasn't in the place mentally and I'm really pleased to see I've managed to overcome all of that and more or less write quite a bit. What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? The series Finwëohíni itself is something I'm proud of and hope to keep writing; but if I had to choose I'd choose he was a fire burning down a forest, my dear Findis & Fëanor fic because it was something that I hadn't written at all before and it turned out quite well, I'd say! Any Plans for 2023? I'd quite like to write more for the series Finwëohíni, and I'd like to try and write for more fandoms as I get into them instead of feeling scared about posting those. I have a longfic/adaptation of a videogame (Hogwarts Mystery, which is probably not the best choice but I still really want to do it) that I'm working on to improve my writing, even if I don't know if I'll finish and or post it. :D I also have a Silm longfic(ish) that is just retelling the Silmarillion from an OC's point of view, but I'm not sure if I'll ever finish that either, haha. Happy new year, everyone. For the last time in 2022 -mxmia
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fiveredlights · 11 days
helmut marko could tell me 1+1=2 and i still wouldn’t believe him okay he’s as useful to me as a man’s dick… which is to say not useful at all given that i am a lesbian ❤️‍🔥
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meetinginsamarra · 6 months
My Year in Review
I have not written a lot this year. 2 fics and 15 ficlets. I started with plotting and writing a real casefic last December and managed about 5 chapters. Then there was a very long general writing hiatus starting June 2023 due to - let's say - challenging IRL events that ended only in October. October was great with the whumptober prompts and I completed the challenge for the second time.
I restarted writing on the casefic in November highly motivated and because I broke my ankle and have been on sick-leave since then there was a lot of writing time. I finished chapter 12 today, 43k words in and there will be "only" two more chapters to write. Depending on my beta I hope to be able to post on AO3 soon in early 2024.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup in February 2023, part 2 of the crackfic series "Sherlock's Secret Laboratory Journal"
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15 ficlets (parts 6 to 20) in my Sherlock Ficlets for Writing Challenges collection for the May writing prompts by @notjustamumj
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Slowly Suffocating a fic following the 31 prompts for whumptober
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hbyrde36 · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
not tagged by anyone but i'm gonna take a page out of @rocknrollsalad 's book and go for it anyway! 💜 I think it'll be nice to have a record to look back on and see exactly where I was at the end of this year. Happy almost 2024!
Words and Fics
313,118 words published on ao3 😱
23 total works published
3 multi-chapter fics -completed
3 multi-chapter fics - wip's
2 one-shots (technically two-shots)
1 seven part series of Steddie week ficlets
8 drabbles and microfics
Top 5 Fics by Kudos
Shelter in Place
Times Like These
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Caught in the Undertow
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
My fandom fic events in 2023
@thefreakandthehair's Spicy Six Summer & Winter Challenges
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
STWG Hozier Discography Project
Unnamed/unpublished summer camp fic
Finishing up all existing wips and probably starting a few more if i'm honest!
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tags: (i'm late to this party so you may have all been tagged already but i'll tag some friends i don't remember seeing a year in review from💜) @penny00dreadful @pearynice @sourw0lfs @hairstevington @soaringornithopter @hitlikehammers @dreamwatch and anyone else who wants to do it and hasn't yet!
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penny00dreadful · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Big, big thanks, hugs and kisses to @thefreakandthehair, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation and @hbyrde36 for tagging me in this! 😘
Words and Fics
296,897 words published on my AO3, plus about 47k of unpublished WIPs 👀
15 total works published
1 WIP currently publishing
4 unpublished WIPs 👀
7 multi-chapter fics complete
7 one-shots
3 tumblr only oneshots
10 drabbles and ficlets
Top 5 Fics by Kudos
Somebody To Love
Return of The King
Before He Cheats
37 Years To The Day
My fandom fic events in 2023
Is that it?
Did I really do only one?
I gotta do more fandom fic events
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
Completing Cat and Mouse! I am a few chapters ahead and I just finished my big climactic chapter and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED
STWG Hozier Discography Project 🤫
Finishing out my 1 year anniversary fic event thingy, including:
Post-Apocalypse AU
Enemies to Lovers Roommates
Dungeons and Dragons AU
I can't WAIT to see what lies ahead in 2024! Bring it on, bitch!
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Taggy tags! Sorry if you've been tagged already! @klausinamarink, @shares-a-vest, @pearynice, @starryeyedjanai, @cranberrymoons, @thisapplepielife, @xenon-demon, @mentallyundone, @imfinereallyy, @estrellami-1, @artaxlivs and anyone else who wants to do it and hasn't yet!
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agaypanic · 6 months
My Fanfic Writing Wrapped 2023
Tumblr didn't do personal 2023 year in reviews, so I did it myself. Not sure if this is completely accurate bc I'm only human, but I tried lol
In 2023, I posted 119 fanfictions! 25 posts were headcanons, while the other 94 were fully written fics. I posted the most in November, with 20 fics and 5 headcanons.
My third most requested character was Malcolm Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle), with 10 fanfics and 2 headcanons. Second place is Benny Weir (My Babysitter's a Vampire), with 21 fanfics and 9 headcanons. First place (not surprised at all lol) is Reese Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle), with a whopping 24 fanfics and 8 headcanons!
My Top 5 Fanfictions of 2023
5. Summer Love (Benny Weir X Reader)
Summary: Benny’s friends don’t believe him when he tells them he has a girlfriend.
289 likes, 11 reblogs, 2 comments
4. Give You My Shoulder (Mike Schmidt X Reader)
Summary: It’s not uncommon for Mike to have a nightmare, mainly from reliving the trauma of his brother being taken. Luckily, he doesn’t sleep alone anymore.
296 likes, 7 reblogs
3. A Nudge (Benny Weir X Cupid!Reader)
Summary: As a descendant of Cupid, Y/n moved to Whitechapel to help people find and connect with their soulmates. The supernatural gang gets suspicious of the new girl. What happens when they catch her about to shoot a love arrow and Benny gets hit?
317 likes, 19 reblogs, 1 comment
2. Girl of My Dreams (Rory Keaner X Reader)
Summary: Rory Keaner was already heavily infatuated with Whitechapel’s pride and joy, Y/n L/n. But when he finds out she’s a nerd, he falls even harder for her.
379 likes, 17 reblogs, 2 comments
1. My Babysitter's a Vampire Simp Headcanons
Summary: Individual headcanons and scenarios of Benny Weir, Rory Keaner, and Ethan Morgan being a simp for you
439 likes, 11 reblogs, 2 comments
I hope that in 2024 I write more things (both fanfiction and original works) and I'm so grateful to all of you have been along for the ride! I love writing, no matter how bad the writer's block gets, and it means a lot that there are people out there who support what I do. And although it was a bit time consuming, this was really fun to make lol maybe I'll do it again next year :)
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vermin-disciple · 6 months
2023 Fanworks: Year in Review
1. Gentlemen of Fortune (Jan, 378 words, Garak/Bashir)
2. Odds and Endpapers (Jul, 1,043 words, Garak/Bashir, Jake & Ziyal)
3. The Smoke of Her Burning (Oct, 1,225 words, Garak/Imaginary!Bashir)
4. Can't Have One Without the Other (Oct, 1,108 words, Garak/Bashir)
5. Don't Sweat the Details (Oct, 560 words, Nog & Jake, Background Jake/Ziyal)
6. Poonraker: For Your Flies Only (Oct, 1,432 words, Garak/Bashir)
7. Theory of Mind (Oct, 441 words, Mirror!Spock & Mirror McCoy)
8. This Be The Verse: Miscellanea (Nov, 3,389 words, Garak/Bashir, OCs, Bashir & O'Brien)
9. All the Comforts of Home (Nov, 761 words, Garak/Bashir)
10. The Gift of Giving Names (Dec, 2,680 words, Kira & Odo, Jadzia/Worf, Garak/Bashir)
1. When my love swears that he is made of truth... (Jul, 117 words, Garak/Bashir)
1. A Bag Full of God (Feb)
2. OFMD Wirebound Notebook (Feb)
3. Had we but world enough, and time by Philosopher_King (Mar)
4. The Game Is Afoot by Sapphose (Mar)
5. A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson (Jul)
6. Freedom's Just Another Word (Jul)
7. A Private Universe by AuroraNova (Jul)
8. Speculative Cardassian Reproductive Xenobiology by tinsnip (Oct)
9. DS9 Weekly Planner (Dec)
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1. The Spy Who Robbed Me (Jun, 22 minutes, Garak/Bashir)
2. Inimicus Inimici Mei (Oct, 11 minutes, Garak & Tekeny Ghemor)
3. Courtship Displays (Oct, 15 minutes, Garak/Bashir, Bashir & O'Brien)
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Other Fan Crafts:
1. Obsidian Order Mouse Pad (Feb) - Made for my mom, using supplies leftover from my bind of "A Bag Full of God."
2. Planter Box Graffiti (Jun) - Done in tempera paint and soft pastels, and a stencil cut with Cricut for the DS9 silhouette. FYI, it's still there, in spite of the rain.
3. Lazy TOS Cosplay: Bread and Circuses T-Shirt (Aug) - I didn't post about this, although it features in the photo I took with Andy Robinson. The design is an iron-on cut with Cricut.
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4. WIP: Concrete Garden Beds - I haven't posted about this yet, but a couple of months ago I started screwing around with concrete. Naturally, I decided to make some giant ST themed yard art with it. Planning on turning them into succulent gardens. I was hoping to finish them before the end of the year, but didn't have either the time or the weather for it. So, here's a preview of the bigger one:
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Year In Review:
Total word count: 13,134
Longest complete fic: The Gift of Giving Names (2,680 words)
Most popular fic: Can't Have One Without the Other (kudos: 153, bookmarks: 14)
Most popular fan craft: My bind of A Stitch in Time (507 notes)
My personal highlights: The Gift of Giving Names and The Smoke of Her Burning. The former is something I've had on the back-burner for years so I'm glad I finally got it finished to my own satisfaction. The latter is the opposite: I didn't plan at all, just wrote in a day or two in response to a prompt. It's been a while since I wrote something this bleak and angsty, which was fun. I'm also incredibly pleased with how my attempt to pastiche a Shakespearean sonnet turned out. And finally, for bookbinding, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to top my version of A Stitch in Time.
All in all, kind of a lousy year for writing, but not bad in terms of fanwork diversity. I'm particularly happy with the progress I've made with my bookbinding, and looking forward to playing around more with concrete in 2024.
Happy New Year!
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ladyaj-13 · 6 months
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LadyAJ’s 2023 Fics
This year I wrote 16 new stories (and one new chapter on an old one!) across five fandoms - One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, The Eagle and new-to-me Ted Lasso. Details below, I hope you’ll check some out - I like to think there’s a bit of something for everyone. 
One Direction
Bloom - T, 28k, Louis/Liam
Do you like historical AUs? Do you like awesome art by @whatagreatproblemtohave? Then you’ll like this, written for the One Direction Big Bang.
In early 1970s Oxford, Detective Sergeant Louis Tomlinson has to deal with the dual pressures of a case that hits too close to home, and the arrival of new colleague Liam Payne. Payne is both the bane of his existence and, uh... dangerous. Very dangerous. His eyes, that is. His lips. The way he stands.
A story of rain and cobblestones, cigarettes, and repression. And the sunshine after the storm.
In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers - T, 9k, Louis/Harry
Because who wouldn’t love white knight Louis coming to their rescue?
Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson.
Louis fucking Tomlinson.
Pageant Material - G, 6k, Louis/Zayn
Watch me throw Miss Congeniality and Kacey Musgraves together, shake it up, and give it a Zouis twist. Written for the Zouis fest.
Louis flicks a nearby switch, lighting the bulbs around his mirror in a soft glow. The buttery yellow catches on the edges of his cheekbones, sharpening the dip. He looks more grown up this year. Some of his baby fat has melted away, and he sucks in his cheeks to see what he might look like by twenty five if this pattern continues. Then he crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue.
Or, the Zouis teen beauty pageant AU.
The Way to My Heart - T, 6k, Louis/Harry
Fluffy, funny AU Larry with lots of Nouis friendship on the side. Written for the a/b/o fest.
Louis' having a bit of a dry spell, until he bumps into an attractive alpha in the supermarket and leaves with his number. It was a hard bump. Very... muscular.
The only problem is, said alpha asks Louis to cook for him - which is not exactly his skill set.
Feeling Feline - T, 4k, Louis/Niall
Nouis, my beloved, with shelter-worker!Niall and magical cat transformations. Written for the Louis rare pair fest.
“I’m telling you,” drifts through the cracked door, and Louis’ ears prick, twitching with interest. “There’s something wrong with that cat.”
“Have you talked to Liam?” asks another voice, worried. Louis thinks it’s the tall one with curly hair. Taller one. They’re all tall when you’re ten inches high.
“Not medically wrong,” the blond one says. “But I swear, and I know this sounds nuts, but I don’t think he’s a cat?”
Fine Line - G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
It’s present day, it’s canon compliant, it’s just long enough to read while waiting for the bus assuming it’s not got stuck in traffic.
Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make.
He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
In The Dark - T, 666, Gen
Choose your own character in this spooky snippet written for the trick or treat fest.
It’s the dreams.
He’d be fine without the dreams… suggesting things. If he could face all this - whatever this is - with a clear, rested mind.
Bound - G, 619, Liam/Zayn
Vampire AU? Check. 
Months should pass like hours for a vampire, but to Zayn they’ve felt endless. Now, finally, it has come. The day he takes his consort.
Tread Carefully into my Life - T, 29k, WIP, Morse/Jakes
See? I told you it’s not abandoned. Maybe 2024 is the year I finally finish this canon rewrite where Jakes stayed - in the meantime, enjoy nearly thirty thousand words of their on/off up/down shenanigans!
He can't help the way his eyes drift across the room, to Morse in his shirtsleeves, arms crossed across his body. It’s a defensive posture, which is no surprise, but otherwise he looks collected. Calm. Like facing down man eating beasts is all part of the job, and despite the evidence of today, it most certainly is not part of the job.
Tigers. For the love of God, give him an axe murderer any day.
Stepping Out - G, 9k, Morse/Jakes/Joan
Established polyamory with the Oxford disaster trio. Jakes didn’t leave.
“You know what I haven't done in ages?” Joan asks, punctuating her question by flinging her legs up and leaning dramatically backwards against the sofa arm. Peter almost spills his tea. “Gone dancing. We should go.”
Kindred - G, 2k, Gen
Ohhh series nine. Pre-slash Morse/Sam if you really squint.
Sam Thursday, Morse, and the power of orange juice.
Offcuts - G, 2k, Morse/Jakes/Joan
With this final instalment, the series is complete. As a whole it's almost 32k, so if you like Endeavour and polyamorous relationships, set aside a Saturday and dive in.
Snapshot scenes of life with the trio.
Adding it Up - G, 887, Morse/Jakes
Let’s return to series three, because Jakes.
Fred’s been a copper for a long time. It’s in his bones at this point, a habit so engrained he can’t turn it off. Like Morse with his beer and Jakes with his cigarettes, Fred’s addiction is piecing things together. Even when he’d rather not.
Ted Lasso
Would You Rather - G, 1k - Colin & Jamie, Roy/Jamie
It had to happen! Diving into a new fandom is always a pleasure.
"I’m talking about percentages. Like, yeah, you’re gay. So maybe you’re at like, eighty, ninety per cent. But if I say who’d you rather fuck out of Ms Welton, Keeley and Maisie from the canteen, you know what you’d say, right?”
Colin is beginning to think Jamie doesn’t know what gay is. "Erm, no."
Squeegee - M, 525 - Roy/Jamie
Short and snappy ;)
Jamie’s beautifully vocal in bed, but long, pitchy squeaking is new.
The Honeypots - T, 5k - Eggsy/Harry
Partial AU with undercover, honeypot spy shenanigans and obliviousness? I wrote it for a reason. I mean, it’s right up my street.
Eggsy is MI6. Harry is Kingsman. They have each been tasked to seduce a suspected rival intelligence agent.
The intelligence part may be overselling it.
The Eagle of the Ninth
Winter Sunlight - G, 1k, Marcus/Esca
I think writing a fluffy, happy gay farmers fic is actually a requirement of this fandom. Here’s my offering.
“How is it,” a familiar voice mutters drowsily, muffled by the drape of skins and fur, “that after all these years, you still can’t manage a proper lie in?”
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 7 months
Year In Review: Favorite Lines/Snippets!
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Hello, my lovelies! Many thanks to @anincompletelist for not only creating this tag game, but for including me in it! I have ALWAYS loved a good quote that can hit someone right in the heart, and this year, I've been incredibly lucky to write a few such segments myself (that hit ME in my own heart!). Words that I stepped back from the keyboard after writing and thought "did I actually write this?"
Additional thanks to @kiwiana-writes and @firenati0n for the tags on their years in review as well!
What If I Do?
“Fuck,” is all that he can say, but even that tastes of Alex, of top shelf whiskey and the cinnamon he always adds to his coffee. Alex had spoken the word into Henry’s mouth on countless occasions, so he was all-too-familiar with the way it slipped off of his tongue so smoothly, as if the letters themselves were forged together just for him by some foul-mouthed god who knew the damage such a word might wreak in the possession of someone as fearless as Alexander Claremont-Diaz.
But though fire may burn through carefully worded commands parading as suggestions on a pretty page, it stands no chance against the might of a golden crown. He only wishes he could fan the flames high enough to reach that blessed melting point. Watch it all soften and liquefy until it’s no longer a gilded cage but a puddle at his feet. He thinks, bitterly, that even then he wouldn’t have the time to escape before it would congeal and stiffen and trap him once more, forever frozen as a statue rather than a prisoner. And perhaps they’d prefer it that way. Statues can’t fight back.
The Rope
This is not supposed to be his life. He was always supposed to love Alex from the other side of a wall, never daring to climb over. So instead, he’d punched a hole in that fragile wall under the winter moonlight in the White House Garden, the taste of Alex on his tongue. And again and again he’d punched new holes in the weakening structure, reaching through and grabbing and clawing at whatever pieces of Alex he could grip, knowing that he’d never be able to grasp his heart. Except when, somewhere along the bloody way, he had. But Alex was never supposed to let him.
His first attempts to contact Henry are a flood. Incessant, desperate, confused. All paragraphs and punctuation. And then a storm. Intense in the moment but eventually losing its power. Streams of single sentences sent in quick succession. Then a trickle. Droplets of isolated words over the course of agonizing days. Until finally, they dry up completely, and Henry’s thread of communication falls lower and lower down his inbox. Alex tries not to actively seek it out.
The Maldives
“I love you. I don’t have your extensive vocabulary to say it, but the truth is that I’m absolutely crazy, head-over-heels, desperately in love with you, and I’ve spent so much time not saying it that I want to spend the rest of my life saying it as much as I can. I want to wake up beside you each morning and say it before we start the day. I want to text it to you from across any distance between us, whether it’s an ocean or the couch. I want to gasp it at the ceiling when you do that thing with your tongue. And I want it to be the last thing you hear before you fall asleep each night. I love you, and I want you to hear it so many times that it heals the pain of thinking you’d never hear it in the way you always dreamt.”
You can’t escape this drying ink
He knows, as they approach the door just down the hall from the main ballroom, what awaits him on the other side. He knows it as certainly as he knows what a terrible mistake he made on these very grounds to start the new year. A blank page already gushing bright red ink before he’d ever had the chance to write a single word other than “Alex.” He’d dripped his bleeding pen across the map as he fled, red ink footsteps trailing behind him in the snow, a smear across the map over the 3,700 miles separating them. He’d trailed it from the plane to the car, from the car through the palace, staining the perfect ancient path walked by kings and queens as he retreated back into the cage of his own making, a cage he never should have left, for now he knows what damage he wreaks when he allows his heart to guide him.
Save a horse Alex is a book that Henry has read countless times. He knows the placement of every punctuation mark, from the freckle above his hip to the smallest of scars on his knee, sustained while thoughts of Henry plagued his every waking moment, Alex admitted to him once. He’s familiar with every piece of dialogue from “motherfucker” to “sweetheart” and his personal favorite, “baby.” He’s bookmarked all of his favorite pages and even added his own annotations, like the way Alex always wants to look Henry in the eyes after they make love, regardless of what positions they may have ended up in, or the soft snores that come only when Alex is completely and utterly spent, nothing left to give but the sound of his breathing that never fails in lulling Henry to a deep sleep after him. But in the constant reading of the book of Alex, Henry is never bored. There is always something new to parse from between the lines. Words that aren’t explicitly stated. Details that can only be found by diving deeper than the surface. And Henry is happy to spend the rest of his life sinking to the depths of it, turning the pages again and again.
Heart enough
“Well, normally with a royal guest staying here, I’d roam the halls in a white sheet moaning about taxation without representation, but the joke would be wasted on someone as dull as Henry, so here I am…”
Alex has never seen Henry like this. So raw and vulnerable. Someone who needs. Frankly, he didn’t think it was even possible for a prince as polished as Henry to ever falter. Never thought a spine as rigid and straight could ever hunch, that a heart as walled off and locked away could ever break. How very wrong he was.
The taste of the whiskey from Alex’s flask and the champagne Henry drank earlier in the evening mixes with the rainwater that continues to pelt them from above, falling in their mouths and baptizing their tongues in the memories of this night that Alex knows he will never, could never, forget.
Wind me up, fill your cup like a river, drunk on watching me drown
He’d almost be impressed that a statue sculpted out of unforgiving, unchanging marble could affect anything but a strong-jawed, tight-lipped expression of utter disdain, were it not for that very first meeting of the prince and the president’s son. But nothing Henry could ever hope to do in his meticulously scheduled life of cutting ceremonial ribbons and haunting the corners of ballrooms is capable of wrenching and scraping the clock hands backwards, turning back the years of disappointment Alex has felt for ever pressing his fingers to a photo in a magazine and allowing himself to dream of someone just like him. Someone who understood.
Alex quickly realizes, though, that he’s never stood this close to the prince before. Never made out the freckles hiding beneath the carefully applied makeup. To the dungeons with a blemish on a royal face! Never noticed the halo of hazel around his pupils, a tiny island in eyes as blue as the ocean. He wonders, briefly, if Henry would choose to embrace these perceived imperfections if given the chance. Would the open, grinning young man from the magazine sign his looping script on an agreement of a royal portrait painter dotting a canvas with physical proof of being kissed by the sun, or mix up a bit of color other than the most stunning cerulean for his eyes? Or does he relish in the mask that he wears, locked as perfectly into place as every strand of his golden hair?
The injury of finally knowing you
He listens to the quiet sound of snow drifting to the ground around him and thickening the blanket of white. He listens to the distant thump of music and the explosion of fireworks across the city, of liquor-soaked laughter and raucous cheers. He listens and listens, his ears straining as if some part of him hopes to hear his father’s voice break through the clouds as brightly and certainly as he knows Orion shines somewhere above the earth upon which he stands on trembling limbs. What he doesn’t expect when he listens is the lilt of another voice from behind him, an all-too-familiar sound that never fails to color his dreams in flashes of vivid molten gold, fiery scarlet, and radiant orange, lighting his very imagination aflame. Every word spoken by that voice now grows a fraction louder with each soft, crunching step through the snow.
Unsure who's done this so far, but wanting to throw out some tags for @indestructibleheart @thinkof-england @whimsymanaged @sparklepocalypse @duchessdepolignaca03 @ships-to-sail @magicandarchery @suseagull04 @rockyroadkylers @inexplicablymine @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @affectionatelyrs @lizzie-bennetdarcy @songliili @priincebutt @daisymae-12 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @leaves-of-laurelin @roseharpermaxwell @adreamareads @indomitable-love @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @ninzied
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
My Tumblr Year in Review 2023 (homebrew edition)
Per this post, I guess they aren't doing the personal Tumblr Year in Review this year, which made me very sad, so I decided to DIY as much as I could using JetBlackCode's Tumblr statistics tools.
I had 313 original posts this year, and got 12,405 notes. (JetBlack's numbers don't exactly match up to previous years' Year in Review, but it's close enough). This is a little lower in posts than last year, but a little higher in notes.
Top 5 Posts:
5. Mid-Century Menos
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4. some shinigami and their hobbies
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3. Sowing/reaping, but make it fanfic
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2. Do shinigami have blood transfusions?
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Some Oddly Specific Comparisons Between Renji and Ken Barbie Movie
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Big year for posts for me! #1 and #2 both blew up because other people added stuff to them (and then #2 got reblogged by a Tumblr-famous person), but that's how Tumblr works, so thanks, friends, for inflating my notes for me! #3 was really strange because it has accumulated notes very slowly, but steadily. Every day, I get notes on that post. Also, every day I think about the person who reblogged it with the tags "I would simply write my fanfic from start to finish and not have this problem." Imagine, having a brain so functional (couldn't be me).
I am very happy that I had two fanarts in my top 5 again this year, especially considering that I didn't draw all that much this year. I guess that makes the shinigami hobbies post my all-time #1 fanart. Not bad, considering I didn't even color it!
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reliablejoukido · 7 months
Zuzu's Year End Fanfiction Wrap-up Template - free to use
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Hi pals! I've been looking for something like this for a while. I always see end of year art summaries and wish I could make something for fanfiction. So i did! Feel free to download the blank and sample images from tumblr, but they are also available in the Google Drive.
Google Drive link contains:
Blank PNG that you can edit in an image editor
Example text PNG that you see above, in case you want guidance on what it can look like
Editable PSD file for those who have Photoshop
An editable PDF form for those who don't have image editors or Photoshop (PLEASE see directions file on how to use the PDF)
Directions file
To save space and make it easier for tumblr, the image I made only has 3 months. Feel free to duplicate in order to make more months.
(Note on the "status" category: you can put anything you want here. Whether you edited, completed something, drafted half a chapter, published a chapter... this is left vague so you can put whatever you want here.)
You can find a more robust example here.
Credit is appreciated so that others can find and use this.
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praetorqueenreyna · 6 months
2023 AO3 Year-End Fic Review
I found the AO3 review I had made last year and decided to fill it out for 2023! Answer all the questions yourself, then tag some friends!
What is your AO3 account?
I'm at LittleQueenTrashMouth on AO3!
2. How many words did you write total in 2023?
I wrote 69, 299 words in 2023 for 4 different fandoms! Well 3-4, since one fic was a crossover fic. Most of that was for ACOTAR, which is HILARIOUS considering last year I was so convinced that I was done with ACOTAR. I played myself. It's also way more words than I wrote the past few years, which is cool!
3. How many fics did you publish in 2023? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
I published 17 fics in 2023, 15 of which were for ACOTAR. 3 of those are multichapter, and the other 14 were oneshots.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
The longest fic CONTINUES to be my multichapter Tamlin/Lucien fic, lovely and lonely, which is now at 27,528 words and is ALMOST DONE. My longest oneshot is the Nesta/Eris fic, counterintelligence, which is at 4,446 words. The shortest fic I wrote last year was you up?, which is a modern AU Tamlin/Rhysand fic.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
My most popular fic was lovely and lonely, which is now at 2,044 hits and 107 kudos!! My least popular fic was the Tamlin/Briar fic Come, my drifting flower, which is at 29 hits and 5 kudos. But TO BE FAIR all the fics I wrote for my gift exchanges are at the bottom of the list for hits/kudos, because they were only published like a week ago!! So the least popular fic that has been online for over a month is my Eris Week fic Concession Strategy, which is at 168 hits and 11 kudos. BUT ACTUALLY I'm realizing now that somebody put the fic in a secret collection so nobody has been able to read it in months lmao. So my REAL ACTUAL least popular fic is the Tamlin/Amarantha fic obsessed with you, at 226 hits and 17 kudos.
6. What fic didn't perform as well as you thought it would?
I feel like I've answered this before lmao but ANYWAY I thought a knife for every heart would perform a little better. It's been up since March and has 143 hits. I guess people don't want to read about Lestat and the Corinthian fucking nasty.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
ALREADY my Nesta/Eris ACOTAR secret santa fic soare cu dinți is performing way better than expected! It was posted just a couple weeks ago and already has 262 hits, which is PRETTY GOOD for an ACOTAR rarepair! In general I've found that Neris fandom fucking SHOWS UP when you write them fic, which is awesome!!!
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote in 2023?
LMAO my favorite fic this year continues to be my Yellowjackets fic, Lagomorpha. idk I just love writing body horror and psychosexual tension and learning about how fucked up rabbits are. I also just LOVE Shauna, I'd really like to write more from her POV in the future!!!
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2023?
OKAY LISTEN!!!! yall are very talented but really stood no chance against @goforth-ladymidnight's Tamcien fic A Second Chance. Seriously, if you haven't read this fic, GO READ IT RIGHT NOW!!! IT'S AMAZING!!! LIFE CHANGING!!!! EARTH SHATTERING!!!
10. Tag your friends to have them do this year-end fic review as well!!
OKIE I TAG PEOPLE!!! if you see this and I don't tag you, please fill it out!!
@queercontrarian @northern-star-polaris @riote @thevanserrras @foxcort @goforth-ladymidnight @andrigyn @looseleaflettuce @isterofimias @drowning-in-cacophony
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meetinginsamarra · 6 months
My Year in Review
I have not written a lot this year. 2 fics and 15 ficlets. I started with plotting and writing a real casefic last December and managed about 5 chapters. Then there was a very long general writing hiatus starting June 2023 due to - let's say - challenging IRL events that ended only in October. October was great with the whumptober prompts and I completed the challenge for the second time.
I restarted writing on the casefic in November highly motivated and because I broke my ankle and have been on sick-leave since then there was a lot of writing time. I finished chapter 12 today, 43k words in and there will be "only" two more chapters to write. Depending on my beta I hope to be able to post on AO3 soon in early 2024.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup in February 2023, part 2 of the crackfic series "Sherlock's Secret Laboratory Journal"
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15 ficlets (parts 6 to 20) in my Sherlock Ficlets for Writing Challenges collection for the May writing prompts by @notjustamumj
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Slowly Suffocating a fic following the 31 prompts for whumptober
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I could not reblog my own post (it's been deactivated??) so I'll just repost it.
I wanted to thank all the lovely people who have reblogged and commented on the original.
Thanks for the "congrats" @thetimemoves
Thanks for "every finished fic is a victory" @raina-at
Thanks for "Sending happy writing thoughts your way for 2024" and "That's a lot accomplished" @helloliriels
@lololollywrites said "I think our perception of “a lot” is skewed compared to those who do not write at all" and "this is significant and you should be proud!"
You are def right! The "not a lot" I referred to is biased because I wanted to write much more and am a bit unsatisfied with this. But apart from me no one knows this and sees the result objectively as it is.
@totallysilvergirl said "Sometimes we gallop, sometimes we canter, sometimes we walk for a bit. Happy new year's eve, and hope RL is gentler with you in 2024 🤍"
Thanks for the wishes and your wise words, I like them very much.
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firawren · 6 months
2023 Beauty and the Beast fics
Can I celebrate me and my friends for a sec?
My friend @thefamilybruno's fic "Once Upon a Dream" was the 5th most kudos-ed fic of 2023 for the Beauty and the Beast 1991 fandom! (And frankly, 3 out of the 4 fics that exceeded hers in kudos aren't even about BatB, just tagged in the fandom, so I consider hers to be the 2nd most popular BatB fic of the year.)
My friend @annaofthenorthernlights's fic "Instincts - or the beast inside" was the 15th most kudos-ed!
And amongst my fics, "Beauty and the Brute" was the 6th most kudos-ed, "Transformation" was the 9th, and "Scent doesn't lie" was the 13th.
I know fic is not a popularity contest, but it still feels good to receive acknowledgment and to celebrate each other as members of the same small BatB fandom community. I'm really proud of the fantastic stories we've created and shared this year!
Thanks so much to everyone who read these and gave us kudos! You help us stay motivated to keep sharing our writing with y'all.
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vashti-lives · 4 months
I have finally conceded that gremlins have eaten my kindle voyage and I do, in fact, need to replace it. It's been more than year of waiting for it to "turn up" interspersed with frantic episodes of looking. It's not happening! It's in the negaverse now.
That's all! I don't need to be able to write on it! I don't need it to play videos! I don't need a big screen! I don't want to pay $200+ dollars. I just want to be able to read long fanfic on an e-ink screen again.
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thetimemoves · 2 years
2022 in Review
I wrote two fics this year. I had hoped to finish more, but I can’t be too disappointed. Two fics! I wrote none for many, many years. Plus, this year was Not Great, so I will take all the wins I can get. That said, my drafts folder is bursting; I am optimistic for 2023!
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Resetting the Break
When Mycroft Holmes finds himself on John Watson’s doorstep after Sherlock’s (miraculous, melodramatic) return, he wonders at himself. He doesn’t do this, groundwork.
This is Sherlock’s mess, not his (lies), but he feels inexplicably compelled to defend his blasted brother. To John Watson, of all people.
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Their poolside confrontation with Moriarty casts John and Sherlock adrift and leaves them struggling to reconnect.
Enter Maya Sutherland, whose case of love and deception brings a familiar face back into their lives and shocks them into action.
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What have you created this year? Tagging @discordantwords​ @calaisreno​ @educatedinyellow​​ @helloliriels​ @clevermanka​ and any of you who’d like to share! Please tag me if you do!
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