#my effort of explaining
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year ago
I am never going to complain about Greek Duolingo again
I mean, I am. But still.
So, as some of you know, my family has been coming to this tiny Greek seaside village for several years. Just over a week ago I came out here with my mum, under the impression that early September, after the height of the summer heat, would be a good time to have a holiday. ANYWAY Storm Daniel had other ideas about that. Locally things are improving (I'm actually really pissed off about the disaster-porn tone of most English-language media coverage, but that's another post). The power is back on, there's running water most of the time, and though the latter is not drinkable, a truck from the government came and handled out free bottled water yesterday. But we are currently kind of stuck. Can't do tourist things. Can't go home. There aren't any local flights out until Saturday and the road to Thessaloniki is still closed.
So this evening, feeling kind of aimless and depressed, I go down to the nearest beach with a couple of binbags and start cleaning up in an effort to at least do something positive. I always try to do this at least once out here and obviously, after the storm, there's a lot more plastic and rubbish than usual.
At some point I find this large, round bit of metal - some kind of machinery part, I think -- that's too big for the bag, so I take it to the bins on its own, leaving the rubbish bag on the beach. And when I come back for it, something among the stones beside it moves.
Specifically, it pulls its head sharply inside its shell
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So, meanwhile I've been trying to learn some Greek with the help of Duolingo.
I currently have a 33-day streak and... I have questions. Shouldn't I be able to use the past or future tenses by now? Shouldn't I be able to say "x is like y"? I can't do those things. But one thing I absolutely can say all day long is έχω μια χελώνα : I have a turtle.
This is far from the limit of Duolingo Greek's turtle-related content. "An obsession with turtles" is my mother's characterisation. I can inform you that the turtle is not a bird, and, improbably, that the turtle is drinking milk. I can introduce you to a turtle in company with a horse and an elephant. As far as Duolingo is concerned, it really is turtles all the way down.
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Now this, you may be able to see, is not a turtle. It has claws rather than flippers. It is a tortoise. I know there are wild tortoises in Greece: my aunt once rescued a pair of them shagging in the middle of the road -- but that was up in the mountains. I've even seen one myself, but it was also on a road and very dead.
I am 95% certain they don't belong on beaches. There's nothing for it to eat, except, unfortunately, a lot of plastic. Even if it gets off the beach it will immediately find itself on a road where it could get hit by a car. I'm pretty sure it must have been washed down by the floodwater and has been just sitting there, dazed, ever since.
Now obviously the first thing I want to do on encountering this unusual animal is to go and tell my mummy, so I do. The tortoise immediately brightens her day. She agrees that the tortoise is not happy on the beach and needs to be taken somewhere safe. it gets surprisingly wriggly when picked up so we put it in a carrier bag with some grapes and cucumber and go looking for somewhere to rehome it.
We find a path leading up between the houses towards a likely-looking field, but before we get very far a dog in a yard goes berserk and a man's head pops over a fence and demands to know what we're doing. He does this in English, as evidently we're just that obviously tourists.
"I found a tortoise on the beach!" I explain. "We want to find somewhere to put it."
"A what," he asks.
"It's like a, you know," I begin and then to my astonishment I find myself saying... "μια χελώνα"
"Oh! A turtle!" he says.
"But from the land. δεν είναι χελώνα", [it is not a turtle,] I say, as I am worried he will tell me to put it back near the sea where I found it. As it turns out it actually IS a χελώνα, Greek does not distinguish between turtles and tortoises, but I don't know that; I can't even name the days of the week or identify any colours other than pink yet, give me a break.
The man's entire demeanour changes and thaws. He does not worry about my turtle-that-is-not-a-turtle conundrum. He knows where οι χελώνες come from and where η χελώνα μας belongs. He leads us through a gate into a courtyard area.
"[somethingsomething] μια χελώνα," he explains to the assembled onlookers, of whom there are, suddenly, a surprising number.
"ΜΙΑ ΧΕΛΩΝΑ!!!" crows the throng of delighted small children, who are, suddenly, everywhere.
"μια χελώνα!" I agree, accepting that at least for current purposes, that is what it is.
"Μπορούμε να δούμε τη χελώνα σας; [can we see your turtle?]" asks an adorable little girl, shyly, and I understand??
The children fucking love looking at the χελώνα and showing it to them is kind of magical?
I finally put the tortoise down on the grass of this wild area off to the side of the courtyard, and marvel aloud that it is weird that I barely know any Greek except how to say μια χελώνα.
"I think she will soon run off," a kind lady called Aspasia assures me, seeing I remain slightly anxious about its fate. "I don't know why I'm saying 'she'. I suppose because χελώνα is feminine in Greek."
"Yes! I know that!" I exclaim, thrilled.
"Well done!" she says. And also she asks if we are OK for drinking water after the storm and if we need any help with anything and is just generally incredibly lovely and now we know more of the neighbours!
So "μια χελώνα" has just become, by a long way, my most-used and most understood and all-around most conversationally successful phrase in Greek. So I guess I have to admit I was wrong to doubt Duolingo's wisdom: it is correct to be obsessed with turtles. And I concede that prior to learning how to count to ten or to distinguish right from left, the simple ability to yell the word TURTLE over and over again is, it turns out, a crucial element of the responsible traveller's social skills.
(I am pretty fluent in Italian and turtles haven't come up in conversation even once?)
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aangelinakii · 14 days ago
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— an inquiry for mr drake.
summary : tim's family pay you a visit to find out what's got their brother so laidback at home, without knowing you're what's got him so smitten.
note : a very rare part two to this post !! i loved the idea for this second part so much i couldn't resist,, i wanted to stay with the taylor swift theme but couldn't find a song i felt fit this so i ditched it,,,, anyways here it is i hope you enjoy, it's a little cracky / jokey but i jope it's good anyway thanks for the request <33
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when a knock came at your office door that afternoon, you hadn't expected it to open to reveal two men you'd never seen. at that, you hadn't expected their strange alikeness to your boss.
from the stark raven hair dusting their eyebrows to the light piercing eyes, although both of them were quite a lot larger in their build than his, of which you'd gotten to know quite well after the last few months.
if you didn't know any better, you might think you're about to get beat up in your own office.
"how may i help you?" you had asked them, peering up from your papers, pushing your voice in an effort to not sound too suspicious, or even afraid.
one was taller, almost built like a human juggernaut, with large muscles although it was evident he tried to hide them beneath a huge hoodie over his frame; the soot-black was broken at a section where flecks of white had seemed to grow in.
the other was more lean, more confident about his physique, allowing a polo shirt to define it; his skin was tan, glistening in what sunlight spilled in through the window behind you. he was the one to speak first, stepping past the threshold. "we have a question about tim— mr drake? he said anything we have to ask him we can come to you."
judging by the way the taller one lingered by the door, you were getting more and more sure that the mafia had come knocking on wayne enterprise doors.
"um, sure, what's your query?" you asked, sitting up straighter and plucking a pen from its holder to scribble something down on the edge of a paper to show tim later.
despite the smile the polo shirt one had pushed upon his lips, the heavy uncertainty in your chest had remained, gaining weight as he stepped up to your desk and perched himself down at the single chair on the other side of it. "just so you don't think you're about to be attacked, i think it'd be best if we introduced ourselves; i'm dick, and back there is jason, we grew up with tim." he glanced back at the one by the door. "we're his brothers."
"that explains it," you attempted to chuckle, the weight on your shoulders slowly evaporating.
"not by blood or anything," the tall cross-armed one huffed. "i think i'd rather die than have tim be my actual brother by blood."
your gaze silently travelled to him, and dick craned his head around to stare at him.
in return, jason shrugged his shoulders up to his ears, and his arms seemed to tighten their loop over his chest. "don't worry about it..."
when dick finally turned back to you, he owned a curious glint in his eye, that shone as a cloud passed the sun behind you, and another crossed over it in an instant. "you haven't noticed tim acting different lately, have you?"
he was leaning forward slightly, a soft crease in between his brows, eyes narrowed a little bit.
not that you could think of...
"well, not to speak ill of my boss or your brother, but he's been quite stressed with this start-up that keeps asking for funding," you explained. you knew quite well the extent of his stress, for you'd been the person to help him relieve it each night when every other computer screen was black, the only sounds throughout the building that you both shared.
but these two guys didn't need to know that.
a beat passed, you looking between the two of them. "why? is everything okay at home?"
this time when dick glanced back at jason, it wasn't out of judgement — it was a shared expression of knowing.
"we think he's met someone," jason was the first to speak now, glancing behind him and stepping further into the room, closing the door.
met someone?
well, assuming that someone was you, you had to decide how to respond.
should you explain that you've actually been seeing him, even though you'd agreed not to tell anybody in the office? these two weren't colleagues, maybe they didn't count. after a second longer's thought, you decided it would be better to keep things secret until you properly discussed it with tim.
if he wanted his brothers knowing, he would have told them, wouldn't he?
shaking your head softly, you gave a shrug. "i'm sorry, i haven't noticed anybody coming in or out of his office." not when you're the one doing it.
but just because you couldn't tell them what was going on with tim, didn't mean you couldn't find out.
"how has he been acting anyway?" you continued, earning the two boys to look back up at you from their silent brainstorming. "you know, just so i can keep an eye out on any weird behaviour."
dick's bottom lip jutted out and he took a few beats to recall. "i don't know, he's just been a lot happier lately. if someone — jason — tries to get a rise out of him, he'll just brush it off, act totally different to normal."
"yeah, he's getting boring now," jason piped up, which earned a smile from you.
"and he's been buying new cologne," dick added. "which we noticed, because he used to wear lynx but now he's wearing expensive stuff, i can tell."
expensive stuff, huh? you could certainly tell. sounds like a big jump from lynx just to impress a subordinate.
you were about to open your mouth to respond when the door creaked open once again, causing jason beside it to flinch.
this time, the person entering was a familiar face; that of tim drake himself, the man of the conversation.
"have you got those— oh."
he fell still, looking between his two brothers, one seated, one standing; both just as in shock-horror as the other.
"didn't i tell you to leave?" tim scowled, his knuckles paling on the doorknob as he gripped it.
mouth agape, you glanced around at the men. "didn't you say anything they wanted to know, bring them to me?"
tim's expression faltered for a moment, his jaw setting in place as he continued to stare down his brothers, gaze lingering on one for a few beats before turning to the other. "i did say that. before i told them to leave the building because they were beginning to piss me off."
now, dick was quick to stand. "and we'll leave right now!" he exclaimed. "just trying to get to the bottom of your smite."
he flashed tim a cheeky smile and began to move past him out the room, clapping a hand on his shoulder on the way. jason, on the other hand, sent you a pointed look before following.
as soon as jason's backside was out the door, tim was closing it on him with a sigh.
"never knew how to keep their noses out of people's business," he grumbled, stepping towards the chair dick had been sitting in and slumping down into it.
unable to contain a soft, sappy smile, you stood from your desk and stepped around it, perching along the edge of the wood, knees brushing against tim's thigh. a hand came up to run itself through his gelled hair, and you leaned carefully forward to press a small peck to the forehead exposed by the action.
"your cologne smells amazing," you sighed against his hair, just barely catching a whiff of it as you moved against him. "much nicer than lynx."
what had been him leaning into your touch, sighing quietly beneath his breath grew rigid and still.
"what did they tell you?" tim's voice came cold, but in a way it was difficult to hold in a laugh.
when you didn't respond, tim pulled away quickly and jumped to his feet, racing to the door. although he closed it behind him, you could hear a combination of boyish laughter and little brother whines that practically painted the picture for you, loud and clear — and you could imagine tim would have to run a board meeting to make sure none of what was heard was spoken of again.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 11 months ago
Ok so Harry has a tendency to blatantly state out loud just how much the Dursleys don't give two shits about him (to the point that the people around him think it's just a typical teenager over exaggerating their complaints), but... Does he realise that the way he is being treated by them is wrong?
Also like, I know that the way the Dursleys treated him plays a huge part in the way Harry behaves and views himself- specifically him not thinking an adult is a reliable source of help and protection + his disastrouly low self esteem + how he doesn't respond to Snape's everything (which is the exact opposite of what James would have done) ... But what are the other ways in which he got affected and it shows? (Someone once mentioned that they hc that when feeling extreme emotions Harry tends to skip out on food and may have nearly wasted away in his second year had it not been for Ron and Hermione- which is also why they act so much like Harry's bodyguards)
Yep, Harry put no effort into hiding his abuse. He literally told anyone who would listen. By 5th year, he was making jokes about it to Ron and Hermione who seemed used to it.
Now, you've raised a few questions and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.
Does he realise that the way he is being treated by them is wrong?
I think he does. Most of his comments about his relatives' treatment definitely sound like Harry is very aware that he shouldn't be treated like that.
“I told you, I didn’t — but it’ll take too long to explain now — look, can you tell them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys have locked me up and won’t let me come back, and obviously I can’t magic myself out, because the Ministry’ll think that’s the second spell I’ve done in three days, so —” “Stop gibbering,” said Ron. “We’ve come to take you home with us.” “But you can’t magic me out either —” “We don’t need to,” said Ron, jerking his head toward the front seat and grinning. “You forget who I’ve got with me.” “Tie that around the bars,” said Fred, throwing the end of a rope to Harry. “If the Dursleys wake up, I’m dead,” said Harry as he tied the rope tightly around a bar and Fred revved up the car. “Don’t worry,” said Fred, “and stand back.”
(COS, page 31)
“It was cloudy, Mum!” said Fred. “You keep your mouth closed while you’re eating!” Mrs. Weasley snapped. “They were starving him, Mum!” said George. “And you!” said Mrs. Weasley, but it was with a slightly softened expression that she started cutting Harry bread and buttering it for him.
(COS, page 39)
But Harry wasn’t going to stand for this. Gone were the days when he had been forced to take every single one of the Dursleys’ stupid rules.
(GOF, page 33)
“Excellent,” said Lupin, looking up as Tonks and Harry entered. “We’ve got about a minute, I think. We should probably get out into the garden so we’re ready. Harry, I’ve left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry —” “They won’t,” said Harry. “That you’re safe —” “That’ll just depress them.” “— and you’ll see them next summer.” “Do I have to?” Lupin smiled but made no answer.
(OOTP, page 54)
“You don’t seem to need many qualifications to liaise with Muggles. . . . All they want is an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies. . . . ‘Much more important is your enthusiasm, patience, and a good sense of fun!’ ” “You’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle,” said Harry darkly. “Good sense of when to duck, more like . . .”
(OOTP, page 657)
It seems Harry is very much aware that the way he is being treated is wrong. the younger Weasleys and Hermione are clearly aware of that too. Harry calls the Dursleys' rules stupid, he knows the Dursleys aren't treating him the way they should and that he doesn't have to take it. That he shouldn't have to take it.
Harry is kind of a best-case scenario of an abused kid and Dumbledore was so lucky Harry ended up functional enough for his plans. It could've so easily gone down differently.
Honestly, I'm enraged on Harry's behalf at how Arthur, Molly, and Lupin (and every other adult) just completely ignore his mistreatment. He really does just state plainly what's going on and has Ron, Fred, George, and Hermione backing up everything he says.
What are the other ways in which he got affected and it shows?
I do like when Harry's approach to food is affected by the Dursleys starving him, that being said, there isn't really any book evidence for it. It's an interesting headcanon to explore though. His low self-esteem, willingness to endanger himself, and his thinking that adults be counted on are definitely effects seen in the books. As for other things we do see in the books:
1. Harry is actually really quiet. He doesn't speak as much as Ron and Hermione and he's pretty awkward with social interaction. He mimics Ron in many ways since he never had any friends before him.
His approach to studying is one of the ways he mimics Ron socially. Harry actually read their school books before 1st year, he found Hedwig's name in a History of Magic. And he planned to study at the beginning of Philosopher's Stone. Then he meets Ron and realizes no one in Gryffindor except Hermione actually studies, and she is hated for it. So he didn't bother studying either, even though he planned to because he wanted to fit in.
2. Harry isn't great at emotional regulation, specifically anger. Harry is a pretty angry character and throughout the books, he actually has moments when he completely loses himself to a sense of anger.
A boiling hate erupted in Harry’s chest, leaving no place for fear. For the first time in his life, he wanted his wand back in his hand, not to defend himself, but to attack . . . to kill.
(POA, page 339)
“Madame Maxime!” said Fleur at once, striding over to her headmistress. “Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!” Somewhere under Harry’s numb disbelief he felt a ripple of anger. Little boy?
(GOF, page 275)
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . .
(GOF, page 300)
If Dudley’s friends saw him sitting here, they would be sure to make a beeline for him, and what would Dudley do then? He wouldn’t want to lose face in front of the gang, but he’d be terrified of provoking Harry. . . . It would be really fun to watch Dudley’s dilemma; to taunt him, watch him, with him powerless to respond . . . and if any of the others tried hitting Harry, Harry was ready — he had his wand . . . let them try . . . He’d love to vent some of his frustration on the boys who had once made his life hell —
(OOTP, page 11)
He does calm down the older he gets. But he definitely has a lot of anger in him.
3. Harry, in general, has a disrespect for authority. I assume this is an extension of his distrust of adults, in that no teacher or nurse ever helped him. Harry is so anti-authority and anti-orders, that he can resist the Imperius Curse decently from the first try.
Harry just doesn't do orders or authority. Actually in the earlier books, and even in books 6 and 7, Harry has his doubts about Dumbledore. He repeatedly tells people he's Dumbledore's man, but in his head, he has doubts. Like he has for any other adult with authority over him.
“Dumbledore’s been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!” he hissed. “He’s not as gone as you might think!” Harry retorted. He was speaking at random, wanting to scare Riddle, wishing rather than believing it to be true —
(COS, page 282)
“Because the Ministry of Magic’s still after me, and Voldemort will know all about me being an Animagus by now, Wormtail will have told him, so my big disguise is useless. There’s not much I can do for the Order of the Phoenix . . . or so Dumbledore feels.” There was something about the slightly flattened tone of voice in which Sirius uttered Dumbledore’s name that told Harry that Sirius was not very happy with the headmaster either. Harry felt a sudden upsurge of affection for his godfather.
(OOTP, pages 82-83)
He's very distrusting of adults and authority, but also his peers. He doesn't tell Ron and Hermione everything in the earlier books because he is very slow to trust. Which, makes sense for someone who grew up like he did.
4. His occasional impulsiveness is an extension of his issues with emotional regulation, I think.
5. I think Harry's cunning Slytherin streak is a result of his abuse. The Dursleys' mistreatment taught him to sneak around, to lie, to be clever. It taught him to keep a blank face when being yelled at because if he reacted it'll make it worse.
He learned how to insult the Dursleys in ways that go over Dudley's head. His little way to rebel.
6. His response to pain as well. We see it with Umbridge and the blood quill for example:
He let out a gasp of pain. The words had appeared on the parchment in what appeared to be shining red ink. At the same time, the words had appeared on the back of Harry’s right hand, cut into his skin as though traced there by a scalpel — yet even as he stared at the shining cut, the skin healed over again, leaving the place where it had been slightly redder than before but quite smooth. Harry looked around at Umbridge. She was watching him, her wide, toadlike mouth stretched in a smile. “Yes?” “Nothing,” said Harry quietly. He looked back at the parchment, placed the quill upon it once more, wrote I must not tell lies, and felt the searing pain on the back of his hand for a second time
(OOTP, page 267)
Harry can hide his pain and not react to it, and he does it well. He learned from the Dursleys that she wants to see his pain, and he isn't going to give her what she wants. Instead, he grits his teeth through it and doesn't react externally.
Even later in the book when Umbridge threatens with the Crociatus Curse, Harry just braces himself for it, not planning to break (in later books too, Harry is very willing to get hurt and just deal with it). He is willing to take torture without reacting, and I think this is something he got from the Dursleys.
These are the some other things that came to mind regarding your question. There are probably more that I can't think of now that I might add later. Harry is who he is in part because of his nightmare of a childhood. So many facets of his personality just link back to it.
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 5 months ago
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The hyperfixation demons are screeching at me to write a comprehensive list of all the reasons I like Fukutora, so today I present to you "Ant ignores their responsibilites and spends several paragraphs explaining why Fukutora is peak despite them having roughly 10 seconds of shared screen time"
1. Contrasting Personalities In general their personalities fit together really well— Fukunaga barely speaks while Tora exclusively shouts at max volume and can't stfu to save his life, Tora's overly-intense and takes everything way too seriously while Fukunaga's cracking jokes in the middle of important games, they're even literal opposites on the court as the two wing spikers. Their differences compliment each other perfectly and because of that I think they'd grow a lot being together, Fukunaga would learn to open up and Tora would mellow out. Another good contrast is how Tora's all about looking cool and standing out while Fukunaga tends to blend into the background, which leads into my next point...
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2. MY ROMAN EMPIRE (aka chapter 309) I know it's only two pages out of a 33 chapter match but i dont care, this scene makes me feral. I read the manga after watching Dumpster Battle, so imagine my suprise when my two favorite losers had a moment THAT GOT CUT FROM THE FUCJIGN MOVIE (I'm still salty, it should've been a full season).
Anyways these pages rooted their way into my brain because they show that even though Fukunaga goes unnoticed by most people (both in-universe and by readers) Tora realizes how great he is, and not only respects his play style but views him as a rival on the same level as himself. One thing I appreciate about Tora is that despite him being the stereotypical "strong manly athlete" type he doesn't think his methods are the best or only way of doing things; Fukunaga scoring points without "big fanfare" is just as cool as the shit he and Tanaka pull off. The phrasing "that I hafta surpass" could even imply that Tora sees Fukunaga as more than an equal, as someone who's ahead of him since he doesn't need to be flashy or loud to do amazing stuff.
Look at his smile on page two, bro's just excited to have someone who motivates him to keep pushing himself. And as we've learned from Kagehina: what's gayer than a rivalry?? All in all I think it's sweet that Tora notcies his efforts and admires him when few others do. Side Note, I've seen a translation of these that call them "Nekoma's Wings" and I think that's a sick nickname.
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3. Bi Tora and Internalized Homophobia I love a good internalized homophobia arc, and characters like Tora that center so much around girls and manliness are some of the most fun to explore them with imo. You could say he's one of the least likely characters in hq to be queer since he's THE woman-lover next to Tanaka and Noya (and Yachi) but that's what makes it interesting—his gay awakening would hit like a tsunami and send him into life-ruining bi panic for months, especially since he's already such a mess when it comes to romance. He gives me the vibes of someone who has no problem with other people being gay but struggles when it comes to himself since it clashes with his conception of what it means to "be a man" or whatever. My point is he'd have the most intense no homo phase to grace this earth and I think that's both super funny and compelling for his character.
Also as a bi person myself it's kind of frustrating how bisexuality is treated online sometimes. It's annoying when a person's queerness is negated the moment they show attraction for the opposite gender, so headcanoning a character like Tora as a bi while still being openly into women makes me happy.
4. The Stage Play They're so silly in the stageplay. Why is he dragging him around by the feet? Why are they screaming at Kenma? Why is he constantly bopping him on the head in the background? WHY IS HE SERVING FACE IN THE PROMO PICTURES? So silly.
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(Ignore how blurry these are lol) 5. Ant's Little Sister Bias This is a me thing, I like ships where one party has an annoying little sister who bothers them, sue me. Its cute. Akane and Fukunaga could have the most adorable friendship if you believe.
6. They Match Each Others Energy My first post about them was me rambling about this so just read that, TDLR they're both energetic menaces who match each other's freak.
7. Kenma's Forced Third-Wheel Purgatory Putting Kenma in a situation where Kuroo's graduated and his closest remaining friends are dating and constantly forcing him to third-wheel is just about the evilest thing you could do to the guy. He may be one of my favorites but this is well-deserved punishment for his crimes.
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8. Baffled x Baffling Another ship dynamic I like a lot is when one person is unabashedly weird and the other thinks they're a total freak... but likes them anyways. They don't know why they like them. They can't explain it to anyone. Whenever the person does more weird shit they're like "why tf do I like you." But even so they're whipped as hell. Anyways Tora barely understands a single thing Fukunaga does and I think that makes for a funny crush to have.
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9. Fukunaga's "Current Concern" Don't have much to add here, it's just proof to me that they hang out idc. Like why are you concerned about what he wants?? Kinda gay dude. Big fan of Fukunaga whispering to him and Tora answering at full volume so other people hear a one-sided conversation.
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10. These Fics Before I knew this ship was even a thing I stumbled on these fics while browsing the Fukunaga tag, that's what got the gears turning:
• My favorite one, third-year shenanigans • Peak, need to be signed in tho • College AU • This one is mostly gen Fukunaga but the few moments they have are perfect (also really fun Nekoma interactions overall)
11. Other Miscellaneous Thoughts • Both of them being public figures/lowkey famous in timeskip is cute, like imagine them being each others' biggest fan before they make it big.
• Chef x guy who eats a lot is peak fiction. In this case they both eat a lot. Their grocery bill is a horror story.
• I know it's because characters are usually grouped by year and Kenma ditches them to sit with Kuroo but they're always together in the stands, pretty gay if you ask me
• I hc Fukunaga as genderfluid so Tora still gets his chance to be a wife guy. Him and Tanaka ranting to each other while Kiyoko and Fukunaga drink tea in peaceful silence.
• I think Fukunaga's the type to enjoy people watching and Tora's always doing something dumb. Observing him like a little bug under a microscope
• They're both so silly looking, cartoony ahh designs. I just think they'd make a funny couple visually, they're so square and stick to me if that makes any sense lmaoo
If you got through this whole post you're a real one, thanks for reading to my brain dump. I think about them every day and need more people to understand the vision
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theleechyskrunkly · 1 month ago
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Guys I genuinely couldn’t be more thankful 🥹 I never thought I’d make it above even 50 followers, so to have reached a milestone of over 100 is just so mind blowing to me. I want to take all of you who have gotten me here, but especially my dearest mutuals, you guys are so amazing 😭🙏
I’d like to give my most special thanks to my irl who introduced me to Tumblr in the first place! @enigmatic-pers seriously THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS COMMUNITY PERS, YOURE THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!!
Now on to ALL my mutuals, because you guys are all so fucking amazing I can’t even begin to explain it!
YOU 🫵🫵🫵 @cyanide-latte YOU AND YOUR SILLIES BRING ME ETERNAL JOY!!! I hope your life is filled with wonderful things and I BEST be seeing more of those silly babies (OCs) of yours 💗💗💗
I EAT UP EVERYTHING YOU POST SO HARD @tixdixl LIKE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW??!?!?!!?! You are like the chill guy (gender neutral) of my mutuals 😭 your energy is so calm and nice to interact with, ADORE YOU AND YOURS OCS 💗💗💗
😈 @distant-velleity you… YOU… YOOUUUUUU GRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH My brother in arms when it comes to OC torture, peak interactions but your taste is questionable Kai 😄 (fishkisser 🫵/neg)
I sense your presence and wish I could marry you (we’ve divorced twice) @elenauaurs your art tips on drawing what I feel like are marvelous, you’re genuinely a very caring person and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you energy. Love you to bits Elena 🫶🫶🫶
We didn’t interact much, but you’re an oddball just like me fr, and for that I like you 😈🫵 @nahelenia
Bro. Bro. That are you made of Aurinelle? Literally my reference for everything. If someone asks about him? I show him that image. You are FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! FOREVER CREDITED YOURE SO FUCKING AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥 @ghostiidasponk
SHOOPYYYYYYY AAAARRRRGHHHHHH @boopshoops YOURE SO COOL AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually adore your art and the effort you put into your OCs, you’re very cool and one of my favorite twst artists out there. Keep it up 💞💞💞‼️‼️
We haven’t interacted in a while, but your art is honestly so cute and funny!!!! I love your humor and you’re honestly great <3 @saikira999 HOPE YOU GET MORE RECOGNITION FOR YOUR SKILLS IN THE FUTURE <<33
*stares deep into your eyes with my scary brown orbs 👁️👁️* Well, well, well… If it isn’t one of my favorite artists whom I didn’t even realize I was mutuals with for the longest time ever 🙂 @oathofoaks YOU PRICK I DIDNT EVEN KNOW YOU HAD A SECOND BLOG FOR THE LONGEST TIME 👹👹👹 anyways. YOURE SO FUCKING COOL AND AMAZING YOI DONT EVEN KNOW!!!! Def top 3 favorite twst artists, without a doubt! its an honor to be your mutual ☺️☺️💕
MY MOOTHEERRRR!!!! MY ELDER SIBLING!!!!!!! AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN!!!!!!!! @twistedwonderlandshenanigans my top notch cheerleader (and opp because those chanclas hurt 😢😢😢) you have NO IDEA how much I appreciate you being in my life. Your encouragement and sweet words of comfort bring an immeasurable joy to my days, and every time we interact I get EXTREMELY giddy. LOVE YOU TO PIECES V 💞💞💞💓💓💓💓💖💖💖
Literally my other half because who tf is you and who told you you could match my freak 🤨🤨🤨🤨 @lumdays I hope a boulder falls on your head and Jade Juca Leech appears to save you <3 /aff
HIIIIII DARLING 🤪🤪🤪💖💖💖💓💓💓 @amatsuchan-eiliniel literally so lovely, sweet, and amazing 🤩 I want you to know I love you so so much, and you will forever be THE ROOK TO MY VIL <<<333 🏹👑
Another moot who I don’t interact with NEARLY as much as I would like to, but I appreciate you regardless @br3adtoasty your art is MESMERIZING 🤩🤩🤩‼️‼️‼️
HIIII ELLIS HIHIHIHIHI @starry-night-rose my coquette pink girl comrade ALL THE WAY!!! Love love love your sweet kind energy, you’re truly adorable and I hope for great things in your life 💓💓
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heavenlyvision · 1 year ago
After hell freezes over
Word count: 16k
Pairing: Bi-Han x F!Reader
This part four to my 'When hell freezes over' series, read the other parts first, linked below :3
part one, part two, part three
A/N: This got way out of hand guys, I am so sorry. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness while waiting for this update !!! I love and appreciate you all so much!!! Also: LONGEST FIC!!!!
Summary:  The cat’s out the bag, everyone knows, and now you have to have a very awkward conversation and Bi-Han isn’t around to help. When he gets back, you try to offer him space to open up to you, but you have to do the same in return. Bi-Han makes you keep your word.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst (iddy bit), soft!Bi-Han (like so soft almost ooc), mean!Bi-Han, return of Jealous!Bi-Han, (minor) handjob, face sitting, face riding, man handling, p in v sex, squirting, clit slapping, titty play, no use of y/n, I think that’s all <33
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Sore doesn’t even begin to describe how your body feels today, if you thought your muscles were achy the day before then you don’t know how to explain what this feeling is. Everything is heavy, but a satisfactory kind of heaviness. The kind where you’re so sore that just laying completely still feels like you’re about to ascend into heaven.
When you wake in the morning and reach out beside you, you find the bed empty, Bi-Han’s absence making the room feel so much larger. Your heart pangs a bit at the realisation, he didn’t even wake you. That, and he still hasn’t changed your bed sheets.
Rubbing at your eyes, you try to sit upright, body aching in protest. He certainly succeeded in his goal, there is no way you can train today, not in this condition. You rest your back against the beds headboard, considering if you really need to get out of bed yet or not.
The fact that you’re still naked is one of your biggest motivations for possibly moving. Just as you decide you should get out of bed, Bi-Han slides the door of your room open and slips inside, he’s making an effort to be quiet. But as he turns around to look at you, he notices your sitting form.
“You’re up,” he states.
“Very observant of you.” You have a bothered expression on your face.
Waking up alone after expecting him to still be here has upset you, which is even more annoying, because he is not obligated to stay. The sway he has over your feelings confounds you, he is one man, and yet, so much more.
“Are you… annoyed with me?” He asks cautiously.
He raises a brow at you, “It seems like you are.”
You huff out a sigh, “I’m trying really hard to not be, because the reason is ridiculous.”
“And what is the reason?”
“When I woke up, you were gone.” You feel pitiful but you can’t help how you feel, and he makes you feel vulnerable.
His lips turn up into an amused smile, “That’s really cute.”
You frown at him, you aren’t trying to be cute, “I don’t like it.”
“Don’t like what?” He asks.
“How much I want to wake up to you in the mornings.”
His mouth twists, like he’s trying not to laugh, “Sweet girl,” he moves around the foot of the bed to stand beside you, “I went to get you some coffee.”
He lifts one of the two cups towards you, the cups you didn’t realise he was holding.
You pout a bit, feeling bad about being upset now, “That’s really thoughtful… thank you.”
Reaching for the cup, you hold it in two hands, enjoying the warmth it’s giving you. Bi-Han sits on the edge of the bed facing you. He’s watching you drink your coffee with kind eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble into the lip of the mug.
He smiles into his own mug, “Don’t apologise for that,” he considers his words while he sips at his own drink, when he’s pulled away, he places the mug on the table beside your bed.
He continues to speak, “It is nice to know that you want me here with you.”
You tell him, “I always want you.”
He’s silent as he looks into your eyes, searching. You aren’t sure what he’s looking for but you’re starting to regret your words, maybe you shouldn’t have said that. Maybe he doesn’t feel the same. Your propensity for being honest possibly biting you in the ass. It isn’t the first time you’ve regretted your words as soon as you’ve spoken them.
But even though you sometimes regret your words, you always mean them. Which is why Bi-Han sitting stoically in front of you and not replying is making you feel… exposed, emotionally.
Bi-Han’s hand moves to pluck your mug from your hands, and then he places it next to his own on the side table. His action confuses you, are you being punished in a really specific and odd way? You look up at him, bewilderment clear on your face.
And then he’s suddenly grabbing you and pulling you into his lap, wrapping you up in his arms. His lips pressing soft and quick kisses to your face, on your cheeks, lips, anywhere he can get to. His unexpected display of affection drags joyful giggles from you.
“Stop, stop,” you’re still laughing as you protest against him.
He does eventually pull back from you and when he does you ask, “What was that for?”
“Felt like it.” Is all he says in return.
His feelings for you run deep but his actions speak louder than words. Last night showed you that he is not eloquent in speaking his feelings, it frustrates him how he can’t seem to find the right words, but he tries and when he can’t verbalise them, he shows you. And that’s enough for you right now.
You shake your head in disbelief, “Can you put me back down, my muscles are not agreeing with movement today.”
A large, arrogant smile grows on his face at this information, “No training today?”
“Try not to gloat so much,” you bop him on the nose with one of your fingers.
“Not gonna make that promise,” he replies as he moves you back onto the bed.
His eyes trail over your bare skin, looking at all the hickeys he left behind last night. You cover yourself with the bed sheets, he is not allowed to be horny again, he might break you.
You shoot him with a pointed look, “Stop it.”
His eyes look back into yours, “I am not doing anything.”
“Mhmm,” you hum back at him.
Moving from the bed, he gets up and pulls out a shirt and some underwear for you. He places them down on the bed in front of you.
“Thank you,” you say.
He grunts in response, he’s about to turn away but your hand shoots out and tugs at his, pulling him down. When he’s close enough, you lean up to him, taking his lips in a sweet kiss. One he happily accepts, his hand coming up to gently hold the side of your face. You go to end the kiss, but he pulls your face forward, reconnecting your lips for just a moment longer.
When the kiss does end, it’s on his terms. Standing to his full height again, he moves across your room and shuffles through your belongings.
“What are you looking for?”
He continues looking inside drawers, “Sheets, I said I would change yours.”
“Linen cupboard, next to the bathroom door.”
He grunts in acknowledgement; you take the hint and move off the bed. Grabbing the clothes and heading into the bathroom, while in there you decide to shower quickly, rinsing off the prior nights activities.
When you exit the bathroom, you notice that Bi-Han has changed the sheets for you, “Thank you for changing them.”
“I don’t know why you bothered, probably gonna ruin them again soon anyways,” he shrugs at you from his position on the bed.
You shake your head at him vehemently, “Nah ah, I need to heal, or you will break me.”
He rolls his eyes at you, like you’re being so dramatic, but you’re genuinely concerned for your physical wellbeing.
Bi-Han is sitting with his back against the headboard, legs spread out length wise on the mattress. As you approach the bed you climb over to him, straddling him and hugging his upper half. His arms come around behind you, holding you close.
“This is just cruel you know,” he huffs into the top of your head.
“I don’t know what you mean, I just want a hug.”
“Mm but I can feel the warmth of your cu–”
Cutting him off you say, “–You are insatiable, truly.”
“Your fault, truly.” He retorts.
You press your face into his chest, resting your forehead against it. Your body is fully relaxed against him, savouring the closeness and enjoying the intimate moment. You think Bi-Han gives the best hugs, his embrace holds you perfectly, always making you feel so secure.
Moving your head to the side so your cheek rests on his chest, you say, “How am I going to get out of training?”
“Tell the truth,” he shrugs.
“That is an awful idea, and you know it.”
“Well, whatever you decide, it will have to be soon.”
“Not helpful,” you complain.
You can’t see it, but you just know he’s rolled his eyes at you again, “Tell them you wanna meditate or some shit, whatever it is you spend hours doing at that rock.”
“That is helpful, albeit rude,” his idea isn’t a bad one though, you could just sit at the rock, Liu Kang doesn’t mind when you train like that.
His chest rumbles with an amused sound at your complaint of his rudeness.
“Before I forget, I have a mission to go on with Kuai Liang and Tomas, I will be gone for a few days,” he mentions it flippantly.
His attitude towards telling you irks you a bit, you look him in the eyes, chin resting on his chest again, “If you ever manage to forget to tell me something like that, I will hunt you down just to give you the silent treatment.”
He has an entertained smile on his face, “Then, I will always tell you when I have to leave.”
“Good,” you state, pressing a kiss to his chest before laying back down.
You end up falling back to sleep, laying against his body. You don’t get much more sleep, unfortunately having to start the day but you appreciate the extra half an hour you do manage to get. Especially since when you do wake up, Bi-Han is still holding you.
You’ve not run into anyone today; you sought out Liu Kang to inform him of your decision to meditate today and then came straight to the rock. Despite actively avoiding everyone, the turtleneck you wore yesterday has made a secondary appearance today, hiding the additional hickeys bestowed upon your skin. It’s hot when Bi-Han gives you them but people seeing them is so insanely embarrassing. One wouldn’t be that bad, but you have like 20 on you right now.
The pure volume of them is what has you hiding your body, it wouldn’t even matter if everyone knew you were with Bi-Han. The idea of them seeing visual evidence of how you practically let him do to you as he pleases in the bedroom would have you dying on the spot from mortification. But, you digress, hopefully they will heal while Bi-Han is gone, and you’ll be able to stop dressing in long necked shirts. Which seems feasible until you remember that he’s probably just going to mark you up even more when he comes back. Whatever, this is a problem for future you.
Right now, you should be focusing on your breathing, which is easy enough, you didn’t realise how much you’ve missed your enlightenment rock. It gives you the space to breathe and reconnect with nature, feeling the energy move through you. Time always manages to slip away from you when you come here, too engrossed in the way you feel, the things you can sense. The Earth speaking to you, it’s soothing.
Footsteps can be felt on the Earth behind you, and then you feel Bi-Han’s eyes on you. His presence has you smiling to yourself, but you don’t move, waiting for him to come to you. Which, he does, walking around you and standing directly in front of the rock.
Your lack of a response has him huffing out, “I know you know I am here. You always know.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you retort, smiling up at him now.
His face is stoic, but his tone is gentle, “I have to leave now, we should be back in a few days, maybe less.”
“Be safe,” you tell him.
The thought of not seeing him for a few days dampens your mood, you’ve been growing accustomed to his presence. You feel like he just left on a mission for Liu Kang, but you understand he is an important man with commitments he has to attend to. You’re just some girl he likes.
“Mmm, I’ll try,” he shrugs in response to your request.
You frown in disapproval at him, “Not funny.”
His attitude is dismissive, “I’ll be fine.”
“When you come back, I have something I want to show you.”
“And what’s that?” His expression turns suggestive.
Your roll your eyes at him, “Nothing like that.”
You go to lightly smack him on the chest, but he catches your hand in the air. Stopping it from making contact. His hand drops yours, both of his coming up to hold your face in his hands. His eyes look intently into your own, his really pretty eyes. You practically melt for him in his hands.
Your expression makes him smile fondly at you, “So sweet on me.” He observes.
“I’ll stop.” You threaten, you don’t need the attentive commentary on your feelings, it makes you feel open.
It makes you feel seen, the horrible ordeal of being known and all that. It’s attention you are not accustomed to.
“Don’t you dare.” He hums, looking at you, eyes sparkling as they flit over your face, your neck; he won’t say it but he’s sweet on you too. Maybe more than you are on him.
You want to retort back again, keep the back and forth going. Hoping to prolong this conversation, prolong being in his presence but he’s leaning down to you. His hands still holding your face between them, he immediately deepens the kiss. Tongue in your mouth, he’s insistent but not forceful. He kisses you with the force of all his feelings, telling you everything you need to know without him having to speak a word.
Your own hands grab onto his forearms, you’re letting him kiss you how he needs. He’s taking what he needs, and it has you sighing into his mouth. His lips always, always overwhelming you. One of his hands goes from your face and pulls at your sitting waist, trying to move you closer to him.
Arms looping around his neck and holding on, your body stretching up. Both Bi-Han’s hands hold onto your hips, as he pulls you into him. Lips never pulling apart for more than a second, he’s holding you to him now. You’re no longer sitting and instead pressed to him, arms wrapped around his neck, his own arms holding you up. Your feet are not even touching the ground, he’s holding you up effortlessly, keeping your mouth level to his.
His kisses are fatal, and full, and when he pulls his lips away, he rests his forehead against yours. You’re breathless, both of you are. And you’re trying to savour the moment, you rest your head on his shoulder, hugging him to you. He accepts the embrace and holds you tightly.
He speaks softly, “I’ll go anywhere you want, when I am back.”
You hum against him, “thank you.”
And then he’s leaving, taking Kuai and Tomas with him. You were his one and only stop before going.
You’ll miss him.
That evening at dinner isn’t the same, Bi-Han never offered much in the way of conversation, but it feels significantly quieter without him. He may not have spoken much, but his presence always said plenty.
Usually something like, “shut up, don’t talk to me.” or “don’t look at me, I don’t like any of you.”
It’s funny how much he puts up with you, when you think if anyone else mildly annoyed him, his instinctual response would be to punch them. Though, he isn’t sleeping with anyone else here.
Dinner is also quieter without Tomas and Kuai, at least verbally. They offered more words than Bi-Han, you find their differences interesting, they’re brothers and were raised together but something was different for each of them. There is so much that you want to know about Bi-Han, but he has a sad way about him, not obviously. Outwardly he comes across as angry, but underneath you feel a sadness and you wonder why. It’s something you want to ask him about but isn’t something you should ask about, some things can only be offered, not taken.
You’re deep in thought when your eyes catch on Raiden’s, he notices you coming back from your thoughts and offers a polite smile, one you return.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yup,” you nod at him.
This group makes you happy, you’ve never had much in the way of friends, so suddenly having a group of them is nice. Though, having people who care about you is an odd feeling, that’s not to say you haven’t had people care about you before, it’s just that in the past it’s been conditional or surface level. This isn’t that, everyone here is so genuine to you and sometimes it stuns you.
You’re pulled from your thoughts again, “What’s that, sugar?” Johnny asks from beside you.
You don’t know what he’s referring to, you turn to look at him, expression confused, “I don’t know?”
His smile is evil, his finger comes up and presses into a point on your skin, where your jaw meets your neck, just below your ear. Your blood runs cold and one of your hands comes up to cover it.
“It’s nothing,” your eyes are wide as you shake your head at him, silently begging him for discretion.
Johnny either doesn’t catch on or doesn’t care, “I know a hickey when I see one!”
Noises erupt from everyone at the table, Raiden chokes on his food across from you.
“What the hell, Johnny!” you huff at him.
You take it back; Johnny is the exception to the group and no longer a friend. His grin is large and mimics the Cheshire cat.
“Who gave you a hickey?!” Kung Lao yells out from next to Raiden.
You sigh deeply, of course this happens when Bi-Han is gone.
“Wait… is that why you weren’t at training today?” Kenshi asks from the other side of you.
He caught on quick, how annoying of him.
You’re holding your head in your hands, shaking it in exasperation. What did this night turn into.
When you look up again, you’re very obviously embarrassed, face contorted with your discomfort. The guys don’t notice, they’re all looking around the table, trying to find out who you’ve been sleeping with.
“This is none of our business,” Liu Kang interrupts, trying to be the voice of reason, but by the look he gives you, you can tell he wants you to tell him who you’re sleeping with. Such a gossip.
They ignore Liu Kang, and once they’ve determined it’s none of them, “OH MY GOD, it’s one of the brothers!” Johnny exclaims.
“Oh, well then obviously, it’s the scary one,” Kung Lao says.
You’ve still not said anything, you wouldn’t even know what to say. Bi-Han literally just left a few hours ago and now everything is out, because of him. You didn’t even know there was a hickey there, he would’ve seen it before he left too and just kept it to himself bastard.
“He does stare at her a lot,” Raiden notes, joining in.
“Et tu, Brute?” You complain.
He looks at you sheepishly, feeling bad.
Johnny’s hand comes out and shakes your shoulder, swaying you, “Is that why he looked like he wanted to kill me yesterday?”
There isn’t any point in denying… but you’re going to try anyways, “I don’t know what you guys are on about, you’ve all come to your own conclusions.”
You have a horrible poker face right now, being put on blast has you so embarrassed that any lie that you try to tell falls flat. Your attempt falls on deaf hears, they all shoot you a dubious look, even Liu Kang looks like he doesn’t believe you.
“I mean, he was especially murderous yesterday, he stares at you a lot, he went to say goodbye to you earlier.” Kenshi points out.
“How did you know he came to see me?” You ask, you wouldn’t think Bi-Han would tell anyone about that.
“I didn’t,” Kenshi has a supressed smile on lips, if he had fully smiled, it’d probably look as evil as Johnny’s. He’s proud of himself for catching you.
“Oh sugar, I am so sorry, you’ve just told on yourself,” Johnny’s hand is still on your shoulder, and he rocks you again.
You sigh and roll your eyes before smacking Johnny’s hand off you, “Not nice, Kenshi.”
“I am sorry,” he certainly does not look sorry, he acts better than Johnny but he’s just as bad.
Kung Lao interjects, “Okay, wait, for how long have you guys been,” he makes weird motions with his hands trying to finish what he means without saying it.
Lucky for him Johnny says it, “How long have you guys been fucking?”
“Johnny! Have some decorum,” Liu Kang chastises him.
Everyone else looks to you, all eyes on you, waiting for an answer to Johnny’s very invasive question.
You look up to the ceiling, hoping it might fall in on you and you can avoid all of this.
Raiden speaks to you gently, “You do not have to tell us anything if you are uncomfortable–”
“–Screw that! You have to tell us, he’s so… mean and you’re so… not!” Johnny interrupts.
“It’s been over a week, not long.” You say honestly, answering them will move this along quicker.
“Over a whole week, and no one noticed?” Kenshi says.
You clear your throat, “Well, Kuai knows.”
“You told him and not us!” Johnny is offended, “You aren’t closer to him than me, what the hell?”
“It wasn’t about choosing to tell him.” You shuffle in your seat, uncomfortable.
Kung Lao catches onto what you mean first, his eyes wide, “OH MY GOD,” he exclaims.
Raiden taps him, “what, what?” Kung Lao leans into him and whispers his suspicions to him, Raiden’s eyes also grow wide.
Liu Kang is shaking his head side to side from the head of the table, he knew immediately what you meant, he just doesn’t want to make this experience worse for you.
Kenshi and Johnny share a look around you for a few moments before their facial expressions also grow shocked when they catch on.
Johnny looks back at you, a hand over his mouth and one pointing at you, he’s being way more dramatic than necessary. But it’s what makes it so fun for him, the dramatics of an actor.
“You didn’t tell Kuai… he heard!”
“Yes, thank you for verbalising that, Johnny,” you sigh out.
Everyone is silent before he starts to let out stifled laughter, it’s apparently contagious because they all start laughing together. Everyone but Liu Kang but you know he’s enjoying this, his eyes bright and amused.
What a bunch of schoolboys, “Oh my god! Grow up!”
The laughter dies out slowly, “I can’t believe you guys, we are not friends anymore,” you pout out, “Especially you,” you target Johnny.
His hands raise up, “Hey! Why me specifically?”
“For not keeping your mouth shut.” You cross your arms over your chest.
Johnny’s smile grows even larger, if that’s possible, “Why are you wearing that turtleneck, sugar?”
You snarl at him, “I think you know why, sugar.”
Gasps comes from Raiden and Kung Lao.
Kenshi speaks next, “Jesus, did he maul you?”
Your head falls to your shoulder in a show of your own dramatics, “He might as well have.” You pick your head back up quickly, “It was Johnny’s fault!”
“How is it my fault?” His voice is offended, a hand falls on his chest.
“You flirted with me, it made him jealous,” you shrug.
Johnny pleads his case, “That wasn’t my fault! You’re hot and had your thighs either side of my head!”
“Don’t say that in front of him,” you tell Johnny sincerely, if Bi-han was here you’d genuinely be concerned for Johnny’s safety, “He already wants you dead.”
Johnny is flabbergasted, “HUUUH?”
“He actually isn’t happy with… any of you, not that he ever is,” you say.
“He tells you how he feels?” Liu Kang asks.
“He tries,” you nod.
Kenshi adds, “and he gets jealous?”
“Very,” you nod again.
“Dude, he LIKES you,” Johnny concludes, proud of himself.
“I know,” okay, you find this really funny, they think they’ve discovered something that you didn’t know, “He told me.”
“And?” Kung Lao probes.
“And, I like him too, which he also already knows,” you raise an eyebrow. You think they’re having a hard time grasping the fact that he talks to you and has told you how he feels.
“Woah, you guys have like… a full secret relationship,” Johnny remarks.
You confirm, it isn’t labelled but, “I guess so, pretty much.”
“I am stuck on him liking someone,” Kung Lao jests.
The comment pulls a smile from you because it is funny that of all people, he likes you.
“I mean at all, not just romantically,” He adds.
A chuckle comes from you at his addition.
“Well, I mean… if he was going to like someone it’s no wonder it’s her,” Kenshi says.
“That’s true,” Johnny replies.
They’re all nodding their heads in agreement; it’s making you feel bashful, “Okay, we can still be friends, since you all like me so much,” you say in a joking manner.
“Nice!” Johnny rejoices, to which they all join in the celebration. Their stupidity makes you laugh, you’re very fond of them all.
“He didn’t want anyone to know,” you tell them.
“Maybe he shouldn’t have assaulted your skin then,” Kenshi shrugs.
You decide to be a little bit mean; you turn to Kenshi and look him dead in the eyes, “You have no idea how bad it is,” you’re mostly joking but also yes, it is that bad.
Kenshi’s eyes get wide, and he tints pink as he understands the weight behind your words. It’s an amusing sight.
Johnny also catches your implication, “Holy shit–”
“–Are you going to tell him we know about the two of you, when he gets back?” Raiden cuts off Johnny, changing the subject, which you’re thankful for.
You shrug at him, “I’ll have to, I can’t lie to him, he always knows.”
“How cute,” Johnny has a sickening sweet lilt to his voice, mocking you.
You roll your eyes at him and push his shoulder, jostling him, “watch it Hollywood, you’re on thin ice right now.”
Tonight, has been, a lot, you couldn’t foresee this coming, but at least it wasn’t as bad as you thought it was going to be.
“Is he freaky in bed?” Johnny leans closer to you to ask, trying to be discrete; everyone hears him anyhow.
You take back your earlier statement; Johnny is making this about as bad as you thought he would.
Raiden rolls his eyes at Johnny, having saved the conversation from this direction only for Johnny to swivel right back around and hit you with this question.
You ask him, “Do you want me to answer honestly? Or are you just ribbing me?” You genuinely can’t tell.
“Of course, I want the truth,” he scoffs.
You pause, you don’t know what to say, “he’s hot.” You decide to be dismissive.
“Oh c’mon, that’s boring, I want something juicy!” Johnny whinges.
“It’s hot, he’s good…” You trail off, remembering how verbal Bi-Han is in bed, how much he talks to you, how much you enjoy it, you miss him.
Johnny boos at your non-descript detailing of your sex life.
“Johnny, go get laid,” you tell him.
A chorus of ‘oooooh’ erupts from the guys, rubbing your teasing comment in Johnny’s face.
“You all know far too much now anyways, any more information you want, you can risk your lives asking Bi-Han for.” You shut down all further questioning for the night.
You’re putting up a brave front but them asking Bi-Han directly will result in one of two ways, one: he kills them on the spot, or two: he gives far too much detail, happy to explain how well he fucks you, hoping to deter them from wanting you. It’s like the marks he left behind, they’re a sign of ownership, and you’re sure his words would reflect the same kind of intent. Especially after he got so jealous the other day. You’re just hoping Bi-Han’s aura is too threatening for them to even attempt at asking him something like that.
You aren’t sure if you should be concerned about everyone finding out or not, Bi-Han wasn’t exactly trying his hardest to keep your relationship on the downlow, but you also know he probably doesn’t want people to know.
Cause like he said, ‘two things can be true at once’.
The past couple days have been gruelling, the nonstop teasing from mostly Johnny but also all of them has been, exhausting. It isn’t particularly upsetting but it is almost constant, this is why you wanted to keep it secret. Not because of any grander reason, but because these guys are unbearable sometimes and you spend almost every day, all day with them.
Right now, you’re all having a break from training, standing in the open courtyard, you were all having a nice conversation but of course the subject of you and Bi-Han always comes back up. It’s like the go to topic when conversation dies down now.
Johnny is whinging again, “Come on, give us something! Or does he just lay there silently?”
He is pressing you about your sex life again, weirdly invested in the dynamics.
You shake your head at him, “Johnny I don’t know what makes you think I would give you explicit details about my sex life, it’s not any of your business.”
You really wish Bi-Han were here, dealing with this on your own is very difficult, you imagine it would be easier to cope if he were beside you. They should all be back later today, possibly the evening, you just have to field the questions until then.
“It’s a weird dynamic and I can’t picture it!” He is still pushing it.
“Why would you want to?” You ask him.
He’s being very dramatic, “Because it’s odd! Like a car crash you can’t look away from”
“Not comparable Johnny!” What the hell, your sex life with Bi-Han is not like a car crash.
“No but it’s like…” He’s clicking his fingers together trying to remember the term he is searching for, “morbid curiosity!” He snaps in finality, pointing at you.
You shake your head and groan, “Most people who experience that are also polite enough to not ask, be more like Raiden,” you point at Raiden, he’s standing across from you, he’s been very polite and not bombarded you with inappropriate questions.
You add, “Curiosity killed the cat.”
“Ah yes, but satisfaction brought it back,” Johnny concludes, his smile smug.
You stand there silently; you’ve decided to just ignore him now. Which of course, does not work, he is now poking at your side, repeating your name over and over.
“Come on, just a crumb of detail!” He huffs out at you before suddenly going quiet.
They’re all quiet and you know why, Bi-Han is behind you. You can feel his presence, looming over you from behind, he’s not looking at you. You assume he is shooting the others a killer glare.
“She is a sweet little thing in bed,” Bi-Han adds, his tone humourless, he’s pissed.
You gasp at his statement and turn around to him, you slap him on the chest lightly, “What the hell Bi-Han?!”
You look up at him with an angry expression, he’s still looking at the group behind you. His face as stoic as usual, his tone was angry, but his expression is blasé. He’s daring them to ask him more, he will answer and that’s a threat.
You look back at everyone, none of them want to talk, all a bit red in the face. They’re uncomfortable and shooting dirty looks at Johnny, who is looking away to the sky with an innocent expression on his face.
Spinning back round you look up at Bi-Han again and this time he looks down to you, his gaze immediately softening at the sight of you. He leans down and hugs you, one you accept because you missed him, even though he just made it difficult for your friends to look you in the eyes.
When he pulls back you go to turn around and apologise to the guys, but Bi-Han has other plans, he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, walking away with you.
You go to protest, “Hey! Wait–”
“–No,” he says, simply.
You can see the guys as you’re carried away, Johnny holds two thumbs up and has a huge smile on his face. You point at him, your gaze burning as you look directly into his eyes. Making a promise to get back at him for being so annoying and nosy.
As you walk through the grounds, you walk past Kuai, Tomas and Liu Kang, Bi-Han doesn’t stop walking, completely ignoring them.
“Hey guys, glad you’re back safe,” you say waving at them as you’re carried past.
Tomas has a confused look on his face as he waves back at you. Kuai’s expression a disapproving one, his brother continues to exasperate him, and Liu Kang just looks, exhausted.
You’re carried back to Bi-Han’s room, and once you’re inside he places you on the floor gently. Gaining your footing and stretching once you’re standing again.
You tell Bi-Han, “That wasn’t necessary, I would’ve come with you willingly.”
He changes the topic, “So they all know.”
You look as guilty as you feel, “Yes…” You say, Bi-Han gives you a stern look, but you continue, “…but actually, it’s your fault because they saw one of the hickeys you left!” You point an accusatory finger at him.
His face morphs into an expression of pride, wolfish smile present on his lips, “Good.”
“No, no, not good, and you know, it occurs to me that you would have seen it before you left and said nothing!” You point out to him.
“And if I did?” He shrugs at you, face dropping into a serious expression.
“No… mmm, no…,” you’re struggling to think of a punishment, there is only really one thing you can punish him with, “No sex!”
He’s quick to answer, “Okay, then I did not see it.”
His expression is definite, you know he’s pleased with himself, but he’s keeping his poker face on.
Your hands land on your hips, disapproving of his attitude, “Is this what you wanted?”
He looks upwards and to the side, pretending to think, “I can’t say I am particularly torn up about it.”
“You have no idea the torment I’ve had to put up with,” you sigh out.
He considers your words for a second, “Want me to kill them?”
“NO!” He knows you do not want that.
He smiles affectionately at you, “I am sorry I wasn’t here with you.”
“You should be,” you pout at him, you’re a little miffed with him right now.
And he knows which is why he hits you where you’re soft for him, “I missed you, sweet girl.”
You want to tell him you missed him too, but you don’t, instead you huff out, “I doubt it.”
He moves to you as he speaks, “Missed you, made sure we finished as quick as possible, just so I could see you again.” When he reaches you, he holds your head in his hands, his eyes soft as he looks into yours, “did you miss me?”
He’s trapped you, “Of course I missed you,” your response is mumbled out, begrudged with yourself for giving in so easily.
He smiles at you warmly, you look up at him, “Still annoyed with you though.”
He rolls his eyes playfully at you, “I am sure I can fix that.”
Leaning down he presses a single kiss to your lips; one you don’t return. He’s still holding your face in his hands, your own hanging limply at your sides. He grunts in disapproval at your lack of response.
“Kiss me back,” he demands.
You shake your head in response.
He huffs out an annoyed breath, “You’re not being very polite, missed you so much and you won’t even kiss me.” Your heart pulls in your chest and you almost give in.
He leans down and kisses you again, and again, and again. He keeps kissing you until you sigh against him, he takes the opportunity to enter his tongue into your mouth, finally able to kiss you properly. Your hands instinctually come up for something to hold onto, grabbing at the material of his shirt.
His own hands moving from your face down to your thighs, he picks you up and you gasp against his lips. Your inner thighs resting on his hips, your arms holding onto each other from behind his neck, the sudden shift shocked you and you’re holding tightly onto Bi-Han for balance.
“Relax, sweet girl, I’ve got you,” he nuzzles at the side of your face, inhaling your scent.
You take his lips back in yours, he turns the kiss dirty immediately. Tongue in your mouth, taking your breath away. He walks you both to the wall, and your back rests against it. His mouth never leaves yours, savouring the way you’re kissing him, enjoying the small sounds he’s pulling from you. His kisses are insistent, showing you just how much he missed you.
When he pulls away, it’s to look at your face, he’s taking in all your features and taking pride at the look in your eyes. It’s the same expression you always have when he kisses you, so soft for him, gooey eyed. His kisses take all thoughts from you, the only thought you have is his lips on your own.
“Ah there she is, my sweet girl, the one who’s so polite to me,” he hums, nosing at the skin of your cheek.
“Don’t be mean, not after kissing me like that,” you reply.
He laughs lightly and goes to place you back on your feet, but you cling to him, wanting a hug. He lets you hang on, but he sighs out in faux annoyance. You tuck your head under his, resting your forehead against him.
You mumble into his chest, “Still annoyed that you left me here to deal with them all.”
“Probably for the best, you are more patient than I.”
“Would’ve been nice to have you here, I was super embarrassed,” you shake your head into his chest.
“My offer to kill them still stands,” he’s joking, mostly.
Pulling your face from his chest, you laugh in response, “No, thank you.” It’s quiet for a moment, and then you remember, “I still have something I want to show you.”
He looks at you with a suggestive look on his face, “and what’s that?”
“Nothing like that,” you frown at him, he knows already, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you.
He chuckles at you and pecks your lips, “Show me later? After lunch?”
“Sounds good,” you smile at him.
His eyes glint with mischief, “There is something I would like to see right now,” he remarks, moving to the bed and laying you down on it. He’s on top of you, straddling your outer thighs, keeping you still underneath him.
“Bi-Han, do we really have time for this?” You ask, not completely upset with where this is heading.
He smirks at you, “I do.”
And then he’s pulling your shirt off, a gasp pulled from you as his head dips to leave more marks on your chest, lips trailing to your breasts. He sucks harshly against your soft skin, nibbling at the tissue on your breasts. He takes a nipple into his mouth and flicks it with his tongue, the stimulation has you whimpering, chest rising towards him in response.
His large hands grip you, holding your ribcage still as he works at your nipple, he parts from you, making a popping noise as he does.
“Got perfect tits, missed them,” he hums, moving to your other breast.
His mouth is cold, you think he’s doing it purposefully. Either way, its enhances the pleasure he’s giving you. One of his hands grabs at your other breast, fondling it, tugging at the nipple. The moans that want to escape are being held back only by sheer will, which is slowly falling away.
Pulling back, he sits up a bit, looking at your rapidly rising and falling chest. His eyes holding anything but pure thoughts, both of his hands grope at your tits, he’s toying with you. Enjoying your growing need for him, you go to say something about it, but his fingers start pulling at both your nipples, it has you sighing a moan and forgetting what you wanted to say in the first place.
He’s proud of himself, rendering you speechless just from the way he plays with your tits, and if he wasn’t touching you in such a divine way, you just might curse him out about it.
“Such a pretty little thing,” he coos at you.
“We have to go to lu–hah–nch,” you gasp out.
“In a moment,” he says.
It’s going to be more than a moment and you know it, just based off the almost feral look on his face, and by the way one of his hands leaves your chest to travel down your body. Cupping your pussy over your pants, he massages you before spreading your pussy lips to rub at your clit through the material of your pants. You squirm at the stimulation, huffing out quiet whimpers as he rubs at you.
He's about to say something, probably something obscene but it’s cut off by a knock on his door. A voice follows it, “Lunch is ready,” it’s Kuai’s voice, he sounds… weary.
Bi-Han rolls his eyes, you know he’s going to say something nasty so you cut in over him, “Thank you, Kuai, we will be there in a moment.” You keep your eyes locked with Bi-Han as you say it.
Kuai hums his acknowledgement and walks away.
You go to sit up, but Bi-Han places a hand on your sternum and pushes you back down, “Hold on, wanna look at you for a moment more.”
His words make your heart jump, but you tell him, “You can look at me plenty, later.”
Groaning, he pulls you up and off the bed, you smile up at him. Standing on your tippy toes, you give him a kiss and he hums into it.
“Watch it, I’ll keep you here.” He warns.
You giggle a little at his threat, it doesn’t feel intimidating at all, it makes you feel hot. Everything he does increases your temperature; it really is ironic considering.
He reaches for your discarded shirt, and you hold your arms up in the air, waiting for him pull it over your head. Instead, he stands there, holding your shirt and staring at your tits. Sighing at him you give him a ‘really?’ look. He does ultimately put your shirt back on you, he’s careful when he does. Not wanting to be too rough as he redresses you. It has you feeling weak for him, he’s always so careful with you, in little ways.
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” he groans out, not looking forward to eating with everyone. He’d much rather stay here and have his way with you.
Taking his hand in yours, you both walk to the eating area together.
Lunch is… awkward. Everyone is side eyeing you and Bi-Han, he sat down beside you today. He doesn’t usually sit next to you, but now that everyone knows, he did. That introduced issues with the seating though, not the first ones to be fair. But Johnny and Kenshi aren’t allowed to sit either next to or in front of each other anymore, on account of their arguments that turn into kicking under the table.
So, Johnny is in his assigned seat next to you and Kenshi usually sits on your other side, but now he is sitting next to Bi-han. You can tell Bi-Han is unhappy with this, on all fronts, but mostly that Johnny is next to you. Though, if Johnny were to sit next to Bi-Han, you’d worry he’d say something to get bodily harmed, so you argued to keep him next to you. Furthering Bi-Han’s hatred for Johnny, but making Johnny feel special, which was not your intention.
But that is how you end up feeling very uncomfortable, the table is tense, and everyone is sharing looks with each other.
“Am I missing something?” Tomas says.
Oh God, no one has told Tomas, Johnny chokes back laughs beside you and you shoot him a look, telling him that he is specifically not allowed to tell him.
“We’re fucking,” Bi-Han says, motioning between the two of you.
Tomas has a shocked expression on his face, tinging pink as makes eye contact with you.
You have to take a deep controlled breath, your eye twitches with annoyance. Maybe it was better that Bi-Han wasn’t here the other night.
Head snapping to the side, you look at him, your expression one of pure anger, why would he say it like that? And why would he say it like that to Tomas???
He doesn’t look at you, doesn’t find anything wrong with what he said, “have been for a couple weeks.” Bi-Han looks up for a second, thinking, “in the courtyard, my room, her room..”
“Shut up, Bi-Han!” You say it in a hushed and urgent tone.
Johnny is trying so hard not to laugh but he finds what Bi-Han said so ridiculous and out of character that he can’t help but crack up.
Doing some more controlled breathing, you sit completely still and calmly say, “Johnny, if you don’t stop laughing, I am going to hit you.”
“Stop warning people, puts you at a disadvantage,” Bi-Han tells you, completely unbothered. You don’t think he realises he’s in trouble.
“I appreciated the warning,” Johnny interjects.
Ignoring the both of them, you attempt to control your blood pressure, how is this worse than the other night?
“Is that a comment from experience, Bi-Han?” Kuai asks.
Bi-Han looks at him, he doesn’t answer but his silence says plenty. Kuai looks amused at this development, finding it funny you tried to punch Bi-Han but gave him a warning first.
Kenshi adds to the conversation, “He’s right, if you actually want to land a hit, no warning.” He tells you.
“But that’s not nice, I don’t actually want to hurt someone,” you huff out. You give warnings for a reason, to give them a chance to correct the behaviour.
Bi-Han smirks beside you and says quietly, “sweet.”
Your lips downturn at Bi-Han, he’s made this much more messy.
“Was I the only one that didn’t know?” Tomas asks.
“Yes,” Bi-Han says, he continues to eat his lunch.
You tell Bi-Han, “You aren’t allowed to talk anymore,” Before addressing everyone, “I will talk, you will all listen.”
Everyone sits quietly, waiting for you, “Bi-Han and I like each other, we have been… together for almost a couple weeks now, I am not going to share intimate details of our sex lives,” you shoot Johnny and Bi-Han incriminating glances, “Tomas you are last to know, Kuai found out first and the others found out while you were gone.”
Tomas looks at Kuai, offended that he didn’t tell him about you and Bi-Han, you’d feel bad, but it wasn’t really any of their businesses anyhow. The only person you felt bad for was Kuai and that’s because he heard the two of you.
“We are adults, so I think we can all accept this and move on, yes?” You ask.
As you look around the table, they all share their agreeance, all except Bi-Han, who is still completely unbothered, eating lunch.
Liu Kang looks like he feels bad for you, “Your relationship is between the two of you, we will not pry any further,” he says very gently, trying to salvage the situation.  
“Yes, we are all sorry for being invasive,” Kung Lao says, very pointedly targeting Johnny with his tone.
“Don’t fault me for being curious! It’s an odd dynamic,” Johnny argues.
“It is not any of our business,” Raiden adds.
Bi-Han looks Johnny dead in the eyes, “She lets me do what I want, and she enjoys it, creams ar–”
“Bi-Han!” You cut him off, your face on fire. He looks at you, you have a very strained smile on your face as you say, “stop. talking.”
His eyes widen slightly, realising he’s upset you; he goes to speak more.
“No,” you say simply, shutting down further conversation. Your lunch has been finished and so you stand up abruptly, “Don’t follow me.” You tell him as you walk away.
Everything is silent as you leave, no one daring to talk.
Your plans for this evening have been ruined, you had something to show Bi-Han and you really aren’t in the head space for it now. In all honesty, you might be overreacting, but it doesn’t change how you feel right now, you need a moment to calm yourself.
Leaving the dining area has you feeling better, your skin felt like it was on fire. From both embarrassment and anger. You don’t know what was wrong with Bi-Han to be so upfront, the first time Kuai asked about your sex life he almost bit his head off and he didn’t even outright ask.
Now he is willing to tell everyone far more details – too many details. You need an hour or so, to process everything and calm down. Bi-Han knows how embarrassed you can get so it was unkind of him to be so blunt in front of everyone. The only thing you can think of is that he seemed a little on edge, maybe that’s why he said it the way he did but then why take it out on you?
The result is the same though, you’re upset with him. It was already uncomfortable for you, and you wanted him to help. It didn’t even seem like he tried to help, jumping straight to the nuclear option.
Going back to your room isn’t an option, you told him not to follow you, but you know he’ll be looking for you anyways. The first place he’ll look will be your room, then enlightenment rock, and probably most of the grounds. You decide to go somewhere he doesn’t know about, it’s a flower field that’s dead, has been all winter, the cold killing them and causing them to wilt.  
It’s where you wanted to bring him, but you decide to go there now, knowing it will take him a while to find you here. Biding your time, because talking to him right now won’t go well… for you. Talking things out directly after they’ve happened never ends well for you because if you haven’t had time to decompress, to get perspective, you might become overly defensive, or mean. And the last thing you want is to be mean to Bi-Han, not if he doesn’t deserve it.  
So, you sit in the middle of this flower field, allowing yourself to breathe in the air. What has happened, has already happened and you can’t undo it. But when you are ready you can talk to Bi-Han and try to understand how he was feeling in that moment. Sometimes you hate this about yourself, but you always think about the why. Why did he feel the need to say that, why did he choose that moment to say that, why doesn’t he seem to care, even though it embarrassed you.
Opening your eyes, you take in the flower field; it must have been so vibrant when it was blooming. It would’ve looked so, so alive. The beauty of nature and how flourishing it can look, how vivacious naturally occurring colours can be.
It never ceases to amaze you, when you think of how – just like people, nature needs the right environment to truly bloom and share its beauty with the world. You think Bi-Han is like a flower field, no one sees how beautiful he is, they don’t give him the right circumstances. But in small moments together, when you compliment him, or look at him with the most softest gaze, he blooms for you, and it is magnificent.
It takes him about an hour, but he does find you. You can’t tell if he’s pissed or relieved when he sees you. He walks right up to you, where you’re sitting in the middle of the flower field.
“I have been looking everywhere for you,” he says, straining himself to stay calm. Not wanting to worsen his situation.
“I know, I have been waiting for you,” you tell him, and then you pat the ground beside you, wanting him to sit.
He sighs but he sits down beside you anyways, “Why are you waiting for me in the middle of a dead field?”
“It’s what I wanted you to see,” you don’t look at him.
He’s looking at you though, intently, “Why would I want to look at a dead flower field?”
You smile to yourself, because yeah, who would want to look at a dead flower field. No one cares when the flowers are already dead, but when the time comes back around, this field will be gorgeous, and people will care then.
You ignore his question, instead asking him your own, “Bi-Han, you were rude tonight, and you embarrassed me, in front of my friends, why?”
“I… don’t really know, I was in a… bad mood and answered thoughtlessly, my intention wasn’t to embarrass you,” he’s struggling to tell you how he felt, this isn’t the type of confrontation he’s used to.
“It wasn’t your intent, but it was a consequence of your actions,” you tell him how it is. Sometimes people don’t mean to hurt you but that doesn’t change the fact that they did.
There is only one thing he offer you right now and he knows it, but you don’t really know if he’s capable of it. You think if this was anyone else, you wouldn’t hold their hand through this, but you don’t think Bi-Han is used to trying to make things better after he messes up. That and you think it could’ve been worse.
So, you ask him, “Why were you in a bad mood, Bi-Han?”
“I was… jealous, again,” he looks to the sky before continuing, “that Cage, he already pissed me off the other day by flirting with you, and then his invasive questioning of our sex life, and then he gets to sit beside you at the table, after being a little–”
“–Okay I can see that this is more of a culminative thing, rather than just earlier,” you gather pretty quickly he still isn’t really over what happened and everything else is just adding fuel to the fire.
You can understand his annoyance with Johnny, because you’ve been annoyed with Johnny, you just haven’t had the chance to properly ask him to stop, but you know if you do, he will. You’re going to have to prioritise talking with Johnny but that’s not to say all the blame is on him, Bi-Han still messed up out of jealousy.
“Tomas didn’t deserve being told like that,” you say, gently. You feel bad for Tomas, stuck in the crosshairs of Bi-Han’s anger.
He grunts at you, not agreeing but not willing to argue with you over it.
You sit beside him silently, giving him time to figure out what to say next. You can understand, kind of, how he is feeling.
He sighs beside you, “Will you look at me… please?” He asks tentatively.
Turning to look at him in the eyes you can see he does seem to feel bad about letting his anger get ahead of him.
“I misspoke and I am sorry,” it’s all he says, but it’s all you really need.
You don’t need him to overexplain himself, it undoes an apology in a way, trying to argue for yourself rather than just coping to your mistake.
“It’s not okay, but I understand,” you reply.
You both sit in silence again, you decide to break it with a joke, “You didn’t kill them, did you?”
He hums, “No, but I considered it.” He’s also joking, you think.
His hand moves slightly closer to you, you think he wants to touch you but is worried you’ll pull away. Shuffling your body closer to him, you take his hand in yours. He relaxes slightly at the contact.
“What did you want to show me?” He’s curious now.
You smile up at him, “If I show you this, you have to tell me something about yourself, it can be anything, but something no one else knows.”
He seems a bit hesitant, “Better be worth it.”
Letting go of his hand you adjust yourself so you’re sitting on your knees, turning to Bi-Han you see he’s watching you, “Don’t watch me, watch the flowers.”
He rolls his eyes, “There aren’t any flowers.”
“Just – watch,” you remark.
He huffs but looks out to the field, you turn forward again and place your hands on the ground. You focus your energy on the field, breathing slowly, you hear nothing – feel nothing. The field is dead, but as you release your feelings into the ground through your hands, you can hear the flowers sing to you as they come back to life.
Colours blooming all around you, the flowers standing tall as you thaw the Earth and allow the flowers to flourish. The sounds and feelings of the Earth coming back to life run through you, the afternoon sun hanging low in the sky falling on your face.
After the whole field is back to its most vibrant form, you sit back and look out at it. It’s not something you’ve attempted to do before, not on a large scale like this. You’ve brought back house plants and listened to the way the Earth hums, but you’ve never tried to bring back a dead field.
Looking over at Bi-Han, you see he’s looking out to the field, stunned at all the flowers you brought back in one go. You’ve not shown or really told anyone about your ability, only Liu Kang knows, and you didn’t exactly tell him. You don’t tend to tell people because it’s not something you feel is especially helpful in combat. Not like fire, or ice, you’re in tune with nature, you feel a deep connection to it, but it doesn’t go much further than that, as far as you can tell anyways.
“It’s beautiful,” Bi-Han says.
You ask, “Is it worth it?”
“Yes,” he has a small smile on his face as he turns to look at you.
Motioning for you to come closer, you move from where you are sitting and crawl over to him, flowers brushing against your skin as you do.
When you’re within reach he pulls you down to him and hugs you to his chest. You fall into his lap sideways, your legs over to one side as you sit on him, you look up at him but he’s looking out to the field. You tuck your head under his chin, ear resting against his chest. His arms are wrapped around you, holding you close as you sit on his lap.
He sighs from above you before speaking, “I trained hardest, out of Kuai Liang and Tomas… I was the eldest and next in line for Grandmaster… and I was pushed harder, given less leeway by my father. And I hold resentment towards them all, because I didn’t get the same experiences as them, I was being forged into the Lin Kuei’s weapon. They were children first and… they had each other.”
That’s the sadness you knew was there, the loss of a childhood, of brotherly connection, of any connection. This isn’t something you can relate to; you don’t know how to help him with this.
“I want to help… how can I help you?” You ask him, pulling back to look him in the eyes.
One of his hands cups your cheek, holding you tenderly, “You have been, you being beside me helps plenty.”
You lean into his hand, enjoying his touch.
He speaks, asking you, “Now you tell me something no one else knows.”
“I already showed you,” a small smile is present on your lips.
He isn’t satisfied with that, and you knew he wouldn’t be, “Doesn’t count.”
You huff out, “Mmm let me think.”
Leaning your head back on his chest, you ponder for a moment on what you could share with him.
“Sometimes, I worry that I am useless… like even when I try to be helpful, whether it be through my actions, insight, advice, anything… that it is not helpful. And I worry that I am only worthy of taking up space if I can be of service…” You pause for a moment before finishing, “I feel undeserving of the space I take up.” You bare your soul to him, because you truly feel that you’re not allowed to exist if you can’t offer anything in return.
His embrace tightens around you a fraction, “You are so useful, sweet girl and even if you weren’t, I’d want you all the same.”
His words effect you deeper than you would have expected them to, you tear up slightly at the affirmation that he wants you, useful or not. You tuck your head into his chest further, rubbing your eyes on his shirt to get rid of your tears before they fall.
Both of his hands pull your head back, looking into your teary eyes. His expression is so soft for you, filled with so much kindness, an expression you wouldn’t have thought him capable of a couple weeks ago.
“Sweet, sweet girl, my sweet girl,” he hums out, before leaning in and kissing you.
It’s a tender thing, he has no ulterior motives behind it, he just wants to gently kiss you. Wants to be connected to you. You accept the kiss, letting him do with you as he pleases, your mind filling with nothing but thoughts of how soft his lips are. How kind he is to you, how much you would be willing to sacrifice for him. Oh yeah, he’s stuck with you now, you think.
When you part from each other, he lays down on his back, taking you with him. You’re both laying on a bed of flowers, you roll off him and instead tuck into his side, he rolls to his side too, so he can look at you.
You tell him, “I think you’re a lot like this flower field, it’s why I wanted to show it to you.”
“And how exactly am I like a flower field,” he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Because, you’re beautiful when you bloom,” you say it with no shame, meaning every word spoken.
He looks a little flush in the face at your words, “kind words will get you into my bed.” He changes the subject.
You laugh at him but complain, “I have more questions.”
His head rolls back in an overdramatic way, he groans as he does, “Fine.”
“Favourite colour?” You ask.
“Blue,” he says.
You look doubtful of his answer, “Really?”
“Yes, what’s yours?” He turns the question on you.
Smiling at him you say, “The brown of your eyes.”
You’re mostly teasing him, but you also can’t think of any colour prettier than the colour of his eyes right now. The way the sun is setting is lighting his eyes up into a beautiful, honeyed brown and you think you could fall into them and die happy.
He rolls his eyes at you, “Flatterer.” He shakes his head at you, “Next question.”
“Mmm, who’s the smartest person you’ve ever met?”
He thinks on it for a moment, his face telling you that he doesn’t think he’s met any smart people, before his expression shifts as he has an answer, “My mother.”
That’s really sweet of him you think, he’s a mama’s boy.
“How about you?” He asks.
“Me,” you say, big smile on your face.
“What a cop out.” He complains but his eyes are alight with an amused look.
“I am asking the next question,” he says.
“Go ahead.”
You’re happy he’s actually getting invested in this little game, this is something you’ve wanted for a while now. Getting to know him is some of the most fun you’ve had in a while.
He considers what to ask, not realising how difficult it is to pick a question to ask off the top of your head, he eventually settles on, “What is your favourite feeling?”
“Oh, easy, earlier when I brought the field back it was silent because the flowers were dead but when I brought them back, it’s like they sing and the singing of life itself is beautiful.” You answer him enthusiastically.
You think about it for a moment more and decide to be very open, “And, when you look at me, it sends a shiver down my spine… that I’ve grown to enjoy.” The confession has you feeling bashful.
“That’s cute,” he pinches your cheek before the hand trails down your body and lands on your hip, gripping you there, “My favourite feeling is your tight little cunt wrapped around–”
“–Oh my god, do you think about anything else?” You exasperate.
His laugh is distracted as he shrugs at you, “Sometimes.”
You change the subject and ask him another question, “Favourite place?”
“Next to you… or inside you,” he changes the subject right back.
You groan at him and push him off his side and flat onto his back. He chuckles as he’s falling back.
The rest of the afternoon is spent together in that flower field, talking with each other and recounting old memories. Talking about anything and everything as the sun goes down. You think that this will always be one of your favourite memories, even if it did start with you being pissed off with him.
When you both return, you part ways, Bi-Han has to speak with Liu Kang and have a proper debrief about the mission. You on the other hand, want to shower and clean off the dirt and pollen on your clothes. Bi-Han promised to come to your room when he was done though.
On the way back to your room you, mercifully, don’t run into anyone and make it back without your mood being ruined.
The shower is such a welcome delight, cleansing yourself of the day and all the difficulties that came with it is a wonderful thing to be able to do. And when you’re done, you get to pamper yourself by moisturising and putting on comfortable pjs. It isn’t often that you get to wear some of your own clothes from before you were here, so it’s always nice when you get the chance to.
It’s also a bonus that you packed a matching set, ironically, it’s blue – you wonder if Bi-Han will notice or care. It’s very cute that his favourite colour is blue, something that you think, yeah is obvious but you didn’t know if he wore blue because of the Lin Kuei, his aesthetic, or if he liked it. Having him answer questions has given you some clarity and insight into him as a person and you feel so giddy about it.
You fiddle around your room, tidying away some of your belongings. Cleaning up the small messes that have been built up over the course of a few days. You’re stuffing around with some trinkets when there’s a knock on the door, it startles you and you fumble with the small jewellery box you’re holding, it falls onto the ground in front of the dresser.
You answer who you assume is Bi-Han first, “Come in,” you call out before ducking down to the ground.
On your hands and knees, picking up some of the jewellery that had scattered on the floor, you notice an earring slipped under the dresser and you arch your back, bending down further to reach under and get it, as your face gets closer to the ground to look, you realise a ring has slipped under further than the earring.
You can hear the door slip open and closed from behind you, “Are you kidding me?” Bi-Han groans out from behind you.
You hum in question at him, grasping the earring and then attempting to get a hold of the ring, it’s just barely out of reach.
Bi-Han comes closer, standing directly behind you, watching you struggle to reach the ring, “Great view,” he comments.
Ignoring him, you arch forward a tiny bit more and he whistles at you from behind, you roll your eyes at him and then your annoyance is replaced with a feeling of victory as you finally get the bloody thing out from under the dresser.
Sitting back up you lean on your knees, holding the two small pieces of jewellery up in triumph, you pack all of the spilt trinkets back into their box and stand up, placing it back on the dresser.
As you turn around, you’re met with the sight of Bi-Han in his night robe, his hair down, he seemingly has also just showered. Not to be overly dramatic but, you might die just from looking at him.
“Hello,” you say sweetly, enamoured by the sight of him.
He shakes his head at you, “Get everything from under there? Or is there more?”
“That was all of it,” you tell him.
He hums in disapproval, “That’s a shame.”
“How was the debriefing?” You ask, curious.
His expression turns annoyed, “Mmm, it was fine, rather not have gone, it was a waste of my time.”
“You think everything is a waste of time,” you jab.
He quips back, “Not true, you aren’t a waste of my time.”
His expression turns mischievous, “And where will flattery get me?”
“Everywhere,” you give him an innocent smile, it doesn’t match the implications of your statement.
Moving closer to you, he grabs your hips, admiring the blue pyjamas you’re wearing, “You look good in blue, should wear it more.”
“I don’t own much blue,” you comment.
He shakes his head, “We’ll have to change that.”
Reaching up your wrap your arms around his neck, you want to kiss him but he’s out of reach and you’re stretched as far as you can go. He’s purposefully not leaning down, staying out of reach. It makes you pout at him.
“What? What’s wrong now?” He asks you, playing dumb.
“Will you kiss me, please?”
His head tips to the side, pretending to have to think about it, “Mmm, okay, since you asked all pretty like.”
He leans down and kisses you, effortlessly picking you up as he does. With his hold on your hips, he carries you over to the bed. When he reaches it, he turns around, so his back is facing it, he leans down and places your feet back on the floor. He continues to kiss you, it’s filthy, his tongue in your mouth, licking at you, his teeth nibbling at your lips. You gasp against his mouth as his hands come around and grope at your ass cheeks, holding handfuls of it.
Pulling back, he whispers against your lips, “I haven’t forgotten, you’re sitting on my face, sweetie.”
Your insides twist at his statement, you’ve never sat on anyone’s face before, you’re a little nervous about it. You want to protest but his hand slips inside your shorts to grip your bare ass, and he realises.
“No panties?” He asks.
You hum, “I didn’t ah, think they would be necessary?”
“Should’ve just been completely naked and waiting for me then,” he remarks.
“Thought you might like the blue.”
He groans in response, “and I do, but I’d like it better on the floor.”
He pulls his hair back into a bun as he speaks. The small act of him tying his hair back makes your desire for him grow.
Once he’s tied his hair back, he’s harshly tugging your shorts down, they slip down your legs effortlessly with the force he pulls them down with. You don’t get time to react properly, because he’s picking you up and chucking you down on the bed. A breath is pulled from your chest as you land on it, Bi-Han is crawling over top of you, he presses a tender kiss to your lips and then he’s manhandling you again. Rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him as he does.
You’re straddling him in this position and he’s flat on his back. You understand now, he tied his hair back, so your knees don’t pull on it. You’re apprehensive, making no moves forward, much to Bi-Han’s dismay.
He grabs your thighs and tugs you all the way to his face, “Bi-Han – wait!”
A deep groan of protest is pulled from his chest, but he stops moving you, your cunt sitting so close to his face but not close enough for him reach, also to his dismay.
He has to put in a lot of effort to tear his gaze away from your wet pussy, “What’s wrong?” He huffs.
“I’ve never done this before,” you feel timid at your admission.
“Mhmm, thas fine, I’ll take care of you, just sit on my face and let me tongue fuck you. It’ll be good, promise.”
His words serve to set your face on fire rather than any comfort he may have meant them as. But his hands slowly stroke your thighs in a comforting manner, trying to get you to relax for him.
“’Kay, Mm ready,” you mumble out.
“’Atta girl,” He taps your thighs, letting you move this time.
Gently, you travel the rest of the way forward, your cunt right above his mouth, he doesn’t take his eyes off you. Appreciating the view, it makes you bashful, the way his gaze devours you whole, eyes filled with lust.
“Sit down,” he guides.
You lower yourself slightly, not sitting on him, scared to suffocate him. He let out a sound of disapproval, “Sit. All the way down.”
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” you protest.
“Trust me this is gonna do the opposite of that.”
You go to argue with him, “but–”
He lightly slaps your thigh at your objections, “–When I say sit on my face, I mean fucking sit on it.” He growls out at you.
You still have your reservations, but you sit down on him, it still isn’t your full weight, but your pussy is right on his waiting mouth. The feeling has a small sigh coming from your lips.
Bi-Han is growing impatient under you, and he rumbles into your cunt, he’s sick of going at your pace now. His hands wrapped around your thighs grab on and tug you down, a cry of protest is pulled from your lips but he’s stronger than you and he’s pulled you into a full sitting position on his face.
His tongue laps at you, the unfamiliar feeling has you shooting forward, hands grabbing at the headboard. Bi-Han moans out from under you, the taste of you, how wet you are, the smell of you, all adding to his own arousal.
He keeps licking at you, tongue entering your pussy hole, fucking up into you, his nose rubbing against your clit. The pleasure has you seeing stars, moans falling from your lips, ones that you aren’t particularly focused on right now. Too involved in the way Bi-Han is eating your cunt to remember to be quiet.
His hands move you back and forth, encouraging you to ride his face. Your thighs shake but you get the hang of it, starting to slowly grind back and forth on his face. The breaths coming from you are stuttered, catching on the moans and whimpers you’re letting out.
It’s loud and messy, the way Bi-Han eats you out, obscene slurping noises filling the room, your slick all over his face and between your thighs. As your hips gain more confidence, Bi-Han slips his tongue from your hole, flattening it against your cunt, letting you glide across it.
The new feeling has a particularly loud whimper pulling from your chest, he groans at the sounds your making, both your moans and the sound of your very wet cunt. This was all he could think about on the mission, and it was very distracting.
His hands stay on your thighs, helping your rock against his face and tongue. Your own hands grip the headboard tighter, your grinding speeding up, chasing your high that is right there.
Bi-Han groans into your cunt, loving the way you’re desperately humping his face. If you had any thoughts other than how good the pleasure feels, you’d be so embarrassed over how desperately you’re chasing your high. Using this beautiful man’s face to get yourself off.
His hands grab at your ass, spreading you cheeks and playing with the globes of your ass. Your moans increase in pitch and frequency, so fucking close, you just keep rutting against his tongue and nose. And when he hums and groans into your pussy again, you keel over, the force of the orgasm unexpected, a short cry pulled from your lips at the feeling.
Bi-Han encourages your grinding as you come down, licking up everything you gave him, the lewd slurping noises not stopping as he sucks at your cum. Eventually, you pull away, it has to be you that pulls away because Bi-Han would stay between your legs until the Earth imploded.
Shuffling back down his body, you sit on his lap, and he sits up, making sure you stay exactly where you are as he rests his back against the headboard, where you were just gripping. If you weren’t both so consumed by each other, you’d probably notice the light scratches your nails left in the wood.
Bi-Han has the most proud smile on his face, “perfect little cunt, always so sloppy and wet for me, could die between your legs and would die a happy man.”
You’re still a little fucked out from the orgasm he gave you, “Always say the most lewd things, Bi-Han.”
“Sue me for loving my girls pretty cunt.” He shrugs at you.
You crawl closer to him and press your chest to his, laying your head on his shoulder, “Thank you.”
He chortles at your comment, “For what?”
“Mm, good orgasm.”
“The day I don’t give you a good orgasm, kill me.” He says in the most serious tone.
You chuckle at him, he’s so silly, “Could never kill you.” You mumble against his skin, “Like you too much.”
He hums at your words, “Don’t tell me you’re already all fucked out?”
You shake your head, “Gimmie like 3 minutes.”
He huffs out an amused breath, but cradles you to him, hands stroking your back. As his hands move up and down your back, he decides he wants your top off and so he pulls it off. You let him, lifting your arms to make it easier for him.
Before you lay back against his chest, you pull his robe open to expose his chest, craving the skin-to-skin contact. You don’t notice but he’s watching you with so much affection, finding your movements adorable.
His hands hold onto your hips, giving you time to regather your faculties, but he’s growing impatient, as per usual. His hips rise slowly, mostly on their own accord, searching for your cunt. When he grinds up into you, his dick twitches in response, a groan pulling from him.
“Can’t wait any longer,” he declares.
He pulls your hips down to meet his, grinding your naked pussy into his dick, barely covered by his robe. Pulling away slightly, you untie his robe and open it properly, his cock pulsing and waiting for you.
Which you do make a comment about, “So needy, Bi-Han.”
“Don’t be a tease,” he grunts, not enjoying the switch in dynamic.
You hum out to him. Grabbing his cock, you leisurely pump it, giving him stimulation but nowhere near enough for his liking. His hand wraps around your own, tightening your grip under his, and he starts fucking into both your hands. His head tipping back against the headboard, groans and grunts slipping from his lips.
The sight is something to behold, your pussy drooling at the image of him fucking into your hand, head rolling back from the pleasure.
“Mmm, so pretty Bi-Han,” you comment, his cock jumping at the compliment, you smile to yourself at his reaction.
“Need your – ngh – creamy little – cu – nt – hah.” Words broken up by his gasps of pleasure.
You move your pussy right over his cock, his hand pulls away from yours in favour of gripping your hips, trying to hurry you along.
Your grip lets go of his dick, “Bi-Han, lemme do this,” you huff.
“Alright, jus – hurry up,” he groans.
Slipping the head inside is a whole ordeal, not having been fucked by him in a few days, you have to open yourself on his cock all over again. Moving down until you’re just taking the tip, Bi-Han sighs at the minute relief.
Your hole flutters on the tip of his cock, Bi-Han chokes at the feeling, “Ffffucken hell,” he grinds out.
You pull off him completely, before sliding back down and taking more of him. Bi-Han is biting his lip and clenching his hands into fists beside him, trying so hard to just let you do this at your own pace.
And you do take your own pace, pulling off him again but not sliding back down him, instead you lean down and spit onto the head of his dick, Bi-Han’s eyes watching you very intently. Groaning loudly when you grip him with your hand and stroke your spit up and down his length.
His cock wasn’t wet enough for you, but it is now, you reposition yourself and fuck yourself down onto him, nearly halfway. Your cunt spasming around his dick is like a gut punch to him, his self-restraint being tested in a very cruel way tonight.
Pulling up slightly, you keep him inside you, fucking yourself up and down on half of his cock, whimpers being ripped from your mouth at the way he fills you. Bi-Han has to tear his gaze away from where your pretty little cunt is sucking him in, afraid he’ll cum now, before he’s all the way inside. Not a fear he used to have but the way you grip him is so heavenly, he thinks he remembers, but then the next time he’s inside you it’s brand new again.
“Bi-Han, can you help please?” You ask, needing help getting to the hilt of him.
“Gods, fucken finally,” his voice is strained.
His hands hold onto your hips, picking your body up and down, helping you fuck down onto his cock. The way he manhandles you like a doll makes you dizzy. His grunts low in pitch as he fucks up into you, pulling you down at the same time. He’s still holding back, being as gentle as his resolve is allowing, not wanting to hurt you.
With Bi-Han’s help you take him completely, you’re sitting in his lap, taking his big cock, full to the brim of him. You slap his hands off your hips, wanting to do this yourself. He pulls his hands back, looking forward to you attempting to fuck yourself on his massive cock without his help, he knows, just like earlier, you will ask for help. Even if you have a very cute and determined look on your face right now.
Bi-Han’s hips twitch under you involuntarily, he’s needy, needs you to move, “C’mon sweetie, need yo – hah – u to move.”
“’ve never ridden someone before, gimmie a sec.”
A groan is ripped from his chest at your confession, his dick twitches inside you, loving the idea of being the first man you ride, his possessive streak making a return.
“Mm the first man you’ll ride, and I’ll be the – hah – fucken last too,” he says, grabbing your face in one hand, making you look at him.
His face makes your pussy clench around him, his eyes so needy, so possessive. The feel of your cunt makes him groan out. Hesitantly, you lift your hips upwards, leaving just the tip inside you before dropping back down all at once. It rips a moan from both you and Bi-Han, you almost go cross eyed, not expecting it to feel like that. He feels so much deeper than the other times, you feel so much fuller. Your cunt leaks around him an obscene amount, making a mess of his lap.
The absolute filth of the display makes you lightheaded, your eyes wet from pleasure and all you’ve mostly done is sit on it. Bi-Han’s ego grows tenfold at the sight of you, he’s going to make a smart-ass comment, but you lift all the way up again before dropping all at once. His moan is needy, so is yours.
You whimper as you keep that pace, slowly pulling up, leaving just the tip inside before dropping on him all at once, punching a moan out of him every time you do. All you’re really doing is working the both of you up, but you want to see if he’ll break, and he’s waiting for you to ask for his help.
Bi-Han is using every fibre of his being to hold onto his control, loving the way your face contorts as you spear yourself open on his cock. Loving your big wet eyes, you almost look like you’ll cry and it’s driving him feral.
His eye contact is so intense, you go to look away from him, but he tuts, “Ah, keep looking at me sweet girl, wanna see the moment – hah – you start crying from how good my cock fills you.”
You look back into his eyes, overwhelmed by everything. You stop your previous rhythm and instead hold him still inside you, clenching down on him. You can’t keep up that other pace, so you hold him inside you, and grind down into his pelvis, the contact on your clit has you gasping and fluttering around him.
Bi-Han’s head rolls back at the feeling, eyes going with it, his hips grinding up into your cunt. The sight of him alone has you deciding to cave, you don’t care anymore.
“Bi-Han, please… help.”
“Thank the – hah – ffffucken Gods!” He exclaims, gripping your hips tightly.
He plants his feet on the mattress and then he’s simultaneously pulling you up and down his cock and fucking it up into you. You actually do start crying from the pleasure, finally getting a consistent feeling of him moving inside you has you going brain dead. Eyes glazing over, still open but not seeing.
The image of your face switching into a fucked dumb expression and tears falling from your eyes brings Bi-Han immense satisfaction and pleasure, nearly blowing his load at the look on your face alone. The whimpers and whines coming from you not helping either.
Your nails scratch at his bare chest, your pleasured noises coming consistently, you don’t think you could speak even if you tried so you don’t even bother trying. Just let yourself get fucked down onto his big dick.
You’re cumming first, and you’re cumming hard. Pussy squeezing Bi-Han so tightly his pace slows, his need doesn’t though, he keeps fucking you through it.
He encourages you, praising you, “Look so fucken – hah – pretty cumming on my cock, Fffuck look at you – ngh.”
His thrusts neither slow down nor stop, he’s still fucking you like there’s no tomorrow, his cock aching with need, twitching violently inside you, his own thighs spasming slightly.
“Bi-Han you’re so – mmm – beautiful when you’re – hah – close, wanna put you – fffgh – in my mouth,” you tell him, making mindless horny comments as he gets closer to his own high.
“Oh – FFFFUCK!” He cums with a shout, it's sudden and catches him off guard.
Your mention of wanting to suck his dick arousing him to the point of orgasm, he grasps your hips and pulls you down, grinding you into his pelvis as he fills you with all his hot, sticky cum. The feeling of him filling you up making your cunt twitch around him, your thighs shaking.
He looked so good as he came, skin glistening with sweat, abs clenching as he twitched, his own thighs shuddering with his orgasm.
“You look really hot when you cum,” you inform him.
His dick jerks inside you at the compliment, “You look hotter.”
You lightly grind your hips down more, overstimulating him slightly, his response is a needy whine, his hands stop you from moving, “Gonna have to give me a second if you wanna go again.”
Moving forwards, you press your chest to his, skin to skin contact making your heart soar.
Humming you say, “Jus wanna keep you inside me.”
“Fucken – I truly think you’re trying to kill me sometimes.” He complains, though not really, he enjoys the things you say to him.
You press a kiss against his neck before you decide to give him a hickey, sucking into the pulse point on his neck, nipping at it as you pull away. Bi-Han doesn’t say anything and so you add another, to the front of his throat, and then one on his collar bone, and the other side of his neck. You keep sucking marks into his neck, chest, anywhere you can reach, when you’re finished, you lick up the length of his neck and take his lips in your own.
The kiss tastes like his skin and your cunt, he grabs the back of your head and shoves his tongue into your mouth. His kiss is fervent, filled with need and lust, you moan into it and his cock twitches to life inside you.
He grinds his hips up into you, but you refuse to move, keeping him still inside you, keeping yourself busy with his lips. He pulls you away with the grip he has on the back of your head, pulling you by the hair. You huff out at the loss of his lips.
“Now look what you’ve fucken done,” he says, referring to his painfully hard dick pushing up against your cervix.
You feel like you might melt around his cock, pussy creaming around him. You look him in the eyes, giving him an innocent smile but he knows better.
He pulls you off him, ignoring your whines of protest, and lays you on the bed, flat on your stomach. His hands spread your ass cheeks, looking at his own cum spilling out of your pussy hole. He groans at the sight, never not enjoying the image of you filled with his cum.
Grabbing one of your pillows, he lifts your hips and slides it under them, elevating your lower half slightly. He removes his robe completely, chucking it to the floor. Leaning down, he lays over your back, skin to skin, he enters you from behind in this position.
Fucking into you slowly, fucking his cum back into you. Your whines and sighs soft, enjoying the tempo he’s set. It feels intimate, his hands travel to your own, interlocking your fingers as he leisurely fucks into you from behind. Quiet groans and grunts falling from his lips at the feel of your slippery cunt. His cum is leaking back out of you onto the sheets.
His cock drags in and out of you at a slow pace, one that is pleasurable but as you get needier, you crave him harder, deeper.
Your need evident in your drooling cunt, lower halves getting slicker as time slips by, “More, please – hah – Bi-Han.”
“No, take it like this, greedy little thing,” he groans out from above you.
It feels like he fucks you like that forever, so close to the edge but never tipping you over it, his hands eventually travel back to your hips, he pulls your knees up so you’re resting on them and not your stomach. His pace picking up at the change in position, unleashing a punishing pace.
Skin slapping skin filling the room, along with the absolutely lewd, wet squelching sounds of your pussy. Getting fucked so well on him, fucking you back on himself, moving you how he pleases. Your face is pushed into the mattress and you’re dribbling against the linen, tears streaming down your cheeks again, the overstimulation almost too much.
Bi-Han is grunting and groaning above you, the most feral noises coming from him, you realise in this moment what he’s attempting to do right now, and you go to crawl away from him, not wanting to make an even bigger mess.
He growls out at you in disapproval, “You’re going nowhere – hah – sweet girl, gonna have you squirting on me again, ffffuck–”
“Mhmm, too messy,” you shake your head against the bed.
“You’re always messy, sweetie, got the creamiest ffffucken – ngh – cunt.” His words make your cunt spasm around him, “Ah, getting so fucken close aren’t you?” He observes.
You shake your head at him again but one of his hands comes around to your front and he lands controlled slaps to your clit, making your cunt spasm around him even more. One particularly firm slap to your clit has you cumming with a shout, the pleasure too much, making you tingly all over.
Bi-Han is ecstatic at the view of you squirting on his cock, it pulls his own orgasm from him almost as soon as it happens, he fucks you both through it, gritting his teeth against the force of his orgasm. Shouting expletives and your name in the same sentence, his own orgasm overwhelming him. He ends up freezing a portion of the beds sheets with his momentary loss of control.
You’re puffing against the bed, on the verge of passing out from your insane orgasm. Bi-Han pulls out of you slowly, careful with you as he separates from you. His eyes lock onto your cunt and the way it's spasming from your orgasm, pushing his cum out as it does.
He's mesmerised by it for a moment, using all of his remaining self control to not lean down and lick you clean with his tongue.
“You okay, sweet girl?” Bi-Han checks in on you when he catches his breath.
You nod your head, eyes closed, “Mhmm, might pass out.” You puff out.
He chuckles at you, enjoying the tear streaks staining your cheeks, and the absolute fucked out look on your face.
He tucks your hair out of your face and leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He leaves and comes back with a wet cloth, wiping up the mess between your legs. You’re mostly out of it but when you come back to, he’s redressed you in your blue pyjama set, he’s also back in his robe.
He’s lying beside you in the bed, carefully watching your face.
“Did I actually pass out?” you ask.
“Yes, was a little worried about you actually.”
You smile at him, “Cute.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls you into him, both of you on your sides facing each other, embracing. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“You’re changing the sheets this time,” he comments.
“Wrong,” you say.
He groans, “What’s in it for me if I change the sheets again?”
“I’ll give you head.”
He’s all too happy with that deal, “Done.”
Part five
A/N: Thank you so much for reading the whole thing! This update for some reason ended up being so long which is funny because I didn’t think myself capable of writing something this long when I first started writing, like 5k was a feat for me and now I’ve just dropped a 16k fic. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it as much as the first three chapters!!! If you have any thoughts, feelings, questions, observations about the chapter, anything, feel free to message me! Requests are open and like usual after an update I will be working through a few of those before the next part <333
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pedripics · 20 days ago
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Pedri: «I like being a leader, it's a role that doesn't scare me at all»
(via EFE - February 11, 2025)
Sant Joan Despí, (Barcelona) - Despite his youth, midfielder Pedro González 'Pedri' (Tegueste, Tenerife, 2002) is not afraid to become one of the leaders of Hansi Flick's Barcelona, ​​a coach who, as he explained in an interview with EFE, asked him at the beginning of the season to take "a step forward" as head of the engine room of the Blaugrana team.
With the arrival of the German coach last summer, the Canarian footballer has not only left behind the muscle injuries that have slowed his progress in the last three seasons, but, positioned a little further away from the area, he has become the conductor of a team that is "feasible" to fight to win all the titles, he says.
Happy with his new role on the field
"I really like this position because I'm in contact with the ball, I touch the ball a lot, the game goes through me. I feel more comfortable and I've learned how to position myself better in defensive tasks," he says.
The advanced statistics prove him right. Of all the players who play in the five major European leagues and European competitions, Pedri is the one who has given the most pre-assists, with 7 pre-assists that have led to a goal assist.
According to the Spanish international, Flick's confidence has been key to his improvement - "he told me he wanted me to dominate the midfield," he recalls - and he naturally assumes being one of the leaders in the dressing room.
"There are a lot of young players and because of my experience I should be one of the leaders. I like being that, it's a role that doesn't scare me, not at all. I just want to face it to try to make Barça win titles," he added.
He feels “very light” on the grass
In addition, Pedri has found continuity in his game this season, something that he had been lacking in the last three seasons due to the muscular ailments he had been suffering from.
In this sense, he says that he currently feels "very light" on the grass, where he can make "several efforts in a row" without fear of breaking.
"The way we train," he admits, has been one of the main reasons why he has played in 35 of the 36 official matches that Barcelona has played this season - 33 as a starter - surpassing the 34 he played last season.
"It doesn't mean that the other way of training was bad, but it's just that it suits me very well," he says. After the arrival of Julio Tous as head of physical preparation last summer, the first team of the Blaugrana, says Pedri, does strength exercises "much more measured" for each player and their needs. "It's a job that suits me better personally and, that's why I'm feeling so good," he says.
In addition, genetic tests were carried out which, according to the Tenerife midfielder, determined that he needed to play the matches in a row, with hardly any breaks. "I prefer to play, since my body finds it harder to get going when it stops for one or two weeks," he added.
Good atmosphere in the locker room
And that is what Hansi Flick is doing, asking him to "stay calm, maintain possession and from there create opportunities" in a team in which there is a "feeling" between the players, he highlights.
"We're always laughing and joking around, because there are many players who aren't even 20 years old. We laugh a lot and the good relationship we have off the pitch is transmitted on it," he says.
In addition to Pedri, another of Barça's footballing leaders is the Brazilian Raphael Dias 'Raphinha', the team's second top scorer this season with 24 goals, who is praised for his work capacity.
"He deserves it a lot, because there was a time when he was being criticized, when he wasn't at his best, but you always saw him training, wanting to improve, wanting to have those opportunities that you knew were going to come to him because of the way he worked, he's spectacular," he added.
He also praises other colleagues such as Pablo Páez Gavira 'Gavi' and Fermín López - "they seem to be going crazy, but the work they both do is incredible," he says - as well as his friend Ferran Torres, who this season is reaping "the fruits" of his work.
Optimistic about the selection
Since his breakthrough in the elite with Barcelona in the 2020-21 season, Pedri has also established himself in the Spanish national team, with which he won the European Championship last summer.
“Whenever you win a tournament like the Euros, you always think: I hope the World Cup comes soon, we are doing very well. We have to wait, they are dynamic, we have a great team. It is good that Rodri (Hernández) and Dani Carvajal - both injured - can make it to the 2026 World Cup and so we have everyone available,” he says.
The Barça player also highlights the influence of coach Luis de la Fuente, who he says knows “almost all” of the national team's players due to having trained in the lower categories of the national team.
“That is very important when it comes to transmitting. He believed in you when you were little and he continues to believe in you in the absolute. That gives you a lot of confidence” he points out.
He doesn't forget his roots
Beyond his day-to-day work as a professional, Pedri does not forget his roots, not even when he chooses to join forces with a brand. This is the case of Plátano de Canarias, a product from his “land” with which he is very proud to collaborate.
“Many times it is personal issues, emotional issues, that make one thing satisfy you more than another, and not so much because of the economic value or other things. You value sentimental or emotional things more than anything else,” he says.
The Canarian footballer has also been involved in a campaign to promote healthy habits among young people through the consumption of fruits such as bananas.
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crescenthistory · 1 month ago
heh-the anon who said i js sent my first ask and now this is my second!!!!
ok so....is there anything from the 2K event YOU want to write/expand on? like smt YOU wanna do.....cause this is me telling u to do it <3
i love everything youve written so far and i think you should write smt that you kinda wanna do....if that makes sense....not saying ur not happy abt ALL of the asks-i can tell u love ur readers-but js, smt you want to do yk?
this is SO sweet of you my dearest anon, thank you so so much<33 hahaha it's silly but you make me feel seen, thank you for daring to send asks! proud of you. in general, i want to write more drabbles for the valkyries, but i've also had magical!dealer!remus on my mind lately, so that's what we're going for !
i will EXPLAIN magical!dealer!remus
carina's 2k celebration
cw: kind of drugs but it's mostly magical, systemic injustice, wizarding war without casualties
remus who can't get a stable job seemingly anywhere in the wizarding world because he's a registered lycanthrope
despite the fact that he essentially helped save the entire wizarding world with the rest of his friends – most of which were offered honorary positions in the ministry for their efforts
not remus
he was dirt poor, burnt out and pessimistic about life and institutions
james and sirius tried to various extents to help support him financially, but he would not accept it unless he physically had to
he lived with sirius without paying rent but tried his best not to think about it – especially because after the war he couldn't really stand being away from his friends
"i'm not your charity case, prongs, you have a kid to look after"
"i don't want you to use me to pay off your sins sirius"
"i can take care of myself"
i think he would angrily say "fuck this shit" for a while and work in a muggle bookshop in london while
and maybe he would even enjoy the reprieve
but he would quickly feel isolated
in the wizarding world, he feels that he is not fully understood because he's a werewolf, but in the muggle world he has to even hide the fact that he's a wizard
he winds up applying to random jobs in wizarding london again, everything from shopkeeps and waitressing to pharmacies
throughout his life, remus has used a lot of different medications, ranging from potions to muggle medication to various ~herbs for pain relief
and at hogwarts he always made sure he did as well as physically possible to "make up" for being otherwise highly unemployable
he particularly excelled in DADA, potions and herbology, for obvious reasons
at some point when struggling to pay for the super overprized ingredients he need for the next full moon at an official apothecary that had rejected his application weeks prior, i think a bulb would go off in his head
he would more or less run home to sirius and they would have this conversation:
"if i were to start a business, would you sponsor me?"
"i've been trying to shove money down your throat for years moons, you already know this"
"would you be willing to get your money dirty?"
".... go on"
remus pitches this: he opens a "chocolate store" on the outskirts of diagon alley to serve as a front for him dealing various magical and non-magical herbs, potions, medication, drugs. etc.
everything and anything that unconventional wix could need to get through life that's hard to access
whether that be other werewolves, other "half-breeds", those with permanent magical injuries/conditions that the ministry ignores, those with ptsd from the war, etc.
you need to show registrations or prescriptions to get most lycanthropy potions, pain remedies, etc. which makes it hard to get for anyone flying under the radar or too poor for medical documents
not with remus – anyone can come in and ask for anything
thus, a form of dealership
his intentions are 1) be anti-establishment and say f u to the minister 2) supply the people with what they need without the hellish and discriminatory bureaucracy of the ministry
(unless kingsley becomes the minister in this au, in which he would begin working on the problems from the inside while turning a blind eye to remus' endeavors)
i think remus would also have a designated section for helping treat addiction of different sorts
his pitch stretched on for forever but sirius was with him from essentially his first word
"hold up, i need to rope james into this"
james immediately suggests that the front store should be called "moony's delights"
"... i'll think about it"
the front store would serve as a regular chocolate shop to the average bypasser, so there would often be children stopping by getting chocolate
remus would sell regular chocolate – that i imagine marylily help bring to life – to regular customers
but his real services were to the non-regular wix, for which he's got stacks on stacks of alternative chocolates, in addition to his shelves upon shelves of ingredients and potions
i imagine remus fetches most of the ingredients and brews most of the potions himself, utilising all his expertise
for once, he allows his friends to join in because in his mind they're not just helping him but also the greater good
lily becomes his partner who helps with both chocolates and potions
molly prewett/weasley grows some of the herbs lol
sirius and james supply both any legal patents they need to put down to get a shop and then they preemptively set up a team of top notch lawyers for protection
by the time remus gets around to this, one of the best educated lawyers is their dearest order-member emmeline vance who is more than happy to help out
i believe frank longbottom could be her apprentice
the order of the phoenix remained close friends and kept an "it takes a village" mentality to everything, whether that be getting friends back on their feet or raising the little baby phoenixs
(because they fought way too hard to keep this village to not utilise it to its fullest extent)
it takes a while to get the shop up and running efficiently, of course
at first it's something you need to have heard about from a friend, but as it surges in popularity, more and more wix know where they need to go if they need a fix of any kind
within the "underworld" of the wizarding society, i believe word spread the fastest
and perhaps the knowledge that "moony's delights" sold potions and herbs specifically for various "half breeds" may be contained to just this underworld
while more everyday wix know that they can get general pain relief or help chilling the fuck out
there are so many reader insert ideas i have within this au that could be requested
customer!reader would be fun, but so would business partner!reader who is brought in by lily or emmeline and eventually falls in love with remus
in general i think little punk remus lupin would 100% open a semi-secret dealership while the marauders and co protect him
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year ago
Scara being a horror attraction worker, you and your friends are walking around the attraction and you can’t help but feel like the pretty masked indigo haired boy is fallowing you and scaring you and your friends on purpose, getting a little to close as he comes up behind you and drags his fake knife down your neck. Or maybe when he whispers how good your doing at not screaming when he witnesses you jump a bit from a sudden scare
When you end up dragged away or lured by him don’t be surprised if he takes you right there and then <33
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Semi public sex. Fingersucking. Degradation. Reader is written as afraid of dolls because I am. Chucky the doll scares the shit out of me.
I love requests like this. 😳 Roma is all better now 😌
Scaramouche loves his job. He got to scare the snot out of people on a nightly basis. And he was good at it. If a scream count existed, Scaramouche had the highest count.
You had his attention almost immediately. You had a target on your back when several other people he worked with tried to scare you and your friend, but all they got was a slight quiver.
You were the type that had to incredibly caught off guard to get scared. He was all but licking his lips at the challenge. And he couldn't even begin to explain how aroused it made him feel.
Scaramouche hadn't been able to have this much fun in awhile because people were just so predictable. You sure were interesting though. He needed to know what made you tick.
He started with the usual, jumping at you from behind things. However, he seemed to get a little closer to each time. He wasn't relentless. At least not at first.
Scaramouche got little jumps or quivers here and there from you. That only made him more determined.
Never once did you scream.
He got an interesting sight at the part where you would have to go through a room with motion sensor dolls. Your eyes got really wide, shaking your head at your friend. "No, I can't. I'll meet you outside the door of the next room." You backed up a little, your face pale.
Scaramouche's eyes were glued to you. You even started to shake a little. He narrowed his eyes as he watched you. This just wouldn't do.
He couldn't have something else scare you. He has to be the one to do it. However, that didn't mean he couldn't use the situation to get your attention somehow.
Stepping out from around the corner, Scaramouche drug the blade of his fake along the wall as he walked by, locking eyes with you as he passed. His boss was going kill him for this one.
You thought his eyes cut right into your soul.
He walked into the room and promptly skewered one of the dolls with his knife. "Your in the way," He said, letting it drop to the ground. He pointed the blade of the fake knife at you. He was coming for you.
Little did you know in more ways in one.
And Scaramouche more than had your attention now.
He ramped up his efforts more than ever. Getting closer still. Until he got the closest of all. You didn't even see him coming. And truthfully, you started looking for him to come and scare you. You were starting to anticipate his scares, and when they didn't come like you expected, it threw you off.
That was just what he wanted. Because only then could he get this close to you. Like a hunter closing in on his prey. And you were the innocent little lamb.
You gasped startled. But you didn't scream. And that made him want you more. You shivered when he pressed the blade of fake knife against your throat. "What a good girl you are. You didn't even scream," God, he wanted to grind his twitching cock against your backside. Up this close to you he could smell how good you smelt.
It sent him reeling.
Scaramouche had to have you.
All of you.
Scaramouche set up a perfect lure for you. One that would send you right in his direction. He took the time to go back into the office and grab a big poster board. On it he wrote: One of you must go one way and the other another. Only one of you may come out on the other side to meet in the same place. Abandon hope all yee who take these separate paths.
Drawing a few ghosts and bats on the sign to make it seem like it had been part of the attraction the whole time, he hung it up outside near the wooded part of the attraction.
When you saw the sign, you looked at your friend. "I guess I'll see you soon," You kissed your friend on the cheek and headed down the path Scaramouche hoped you would.
If you hadn't, he still would've found a way to work it in his favor. You stopped, looking around when you saw no indication of which way you should go. Then you heard a familiar voice.
"Psht, come this way," Scaramouche said, curling his index finger at you in a come hither motion. A shiver went up his spine when you without hesitation walked towards him.
"It's you. Have you been following me? And what with that doll earlier?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
Shrugging, Scaramouche suddenly looped his arm around your waist, bringing your body flush with his. "I had to get your attention. So I took away the threat. I couldn't think of a better way to do it."
He wanted you. And you, you wanted him to.
His breath fanned across your lips, hovering there for consent. However, his hands were already wandering along your body to test the waters.
Nodding, you tilted your head up and kissed him. He parted your lips with his tongue, finally getting taste you. It curled and glided with yours, guiding you backwards up against a tree.
Scaramouche's kiss stole the breath right from your lungs, his mouth swallowing your moan as he lifted you to pin you against the tree. You were melting into the kiss. Melting into him.
Pushing your skirt up, he groaned feeling how wet you were as his thumb found your clit, pressing a damp spot into the lacy fabric. You mewled into his mouth.
This boy, with his hypnotic eyes and dominating tongue were swallowing you whole. He chuckled at your reaction, biting at your lips as he pulled away. "Already so wet. What a little slut you are," He purred, shivering when you moaned loudly hearing his degradation.
Grinding needily against you, he batted your hands away impatiently when you tried unbuttoning his jeans. Bracing an arm around you, he peeled your panties off, wasting no tip pressing the head of his leaking cock against your clit.
You gasped in pleasure, grinding against it seeking the friction on your throbbing clit. He groaned from how hard his cock throbbed, stopping all motion for a moment just to tease you.
You wrapped your arms around him, tangling your fingers in his hair. His lips hungrily captured yours again, swallowing your gasp as he pushed his cock inside of you.
It felt just as felt as heavenly as he imagined, his cock stretching your walls apart as he bottomed out inside of you. "I'll help myself to making you scream now," He hissed, pulling out to the tip before abruptly thrusting into your cunt all at once.
Every thrust kissed deep into your sweet spot. If your legs weren't wrapped around him, your knees would've buckled. Putting his lips close to your ear, soaking in your cries of pleasure as they got louder, he said, "You are all mine now."
Your fingernails clawed into the back of his neck, making him shudder in bliss feeling the sting. "So loud," He grunted, his hips snapping into yours, "what a whore." He couldn't get enough of it.
Drinking in the haze of fucked out bliss clouding your eyes, he pressed you harder against the tree so he fuck his cock deeper inside of you. "Open your mouth, slut," He growled, pushing the tips of his fingers against your lips.
Scaramouche had beautiful fingers. You opened your mouth eagerly, your tongue curling around them as you sucked. Your cheeks flushed, eyes melting into a look of utter adoration as he pushed his fingers into your throat.
Moaning, you choked on his fingers. "Good girl, such subservience," He pumped his fingers in and out of your mouth, transfixed on the way drool pooled around them.
"So tight..fuck, I'm cumming," His thrusts turned sloppy, his cock ribboning cum inside of you. The warm feeling of him filling you full made you squirt all over his cock. He held you against him, cradling you as you trembled from your orgasm.
Scaramouche relentlessly fucked his cum inside of you, a white ring forming his cock. You clung to him, rocking your hips into his. He didn't stop until he was satisfied.
You mewled when he pulled out of you. Setting you down, you had to lean against him because your body felt limp from the intensity of your lovemaking.
"Your name? What's your name?" You asked, resting your forehead against his.
He nuzzled his forehead against yours. "Scaramouche," He scooped you up bridal style, and you didn't notice until he did that your panties were in his pocket. "Can't have any leaking out," He chuckled when he heard your shy squeak.
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callme-holly · 1 month ago
hi!!! could you do gang x reader head cannons for when you are very obviously struggling with something (school work, paperwork, a random task, etc.) but you can never admit that you need help/is extremely stubborn?
Have an amazing day!! i love your writing, thank you so so much <33
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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a/n: i'll edit this tmr but my wrist hurts so bad for no reason LMAO
Darry Curtis:
Darry will notice immediately when you’re struggling and will always take the time to step in and help you, no matter how busy he might be. He won’t call it out directly, not wanting to embarrass you, but he’ll address it in a calm and gentle manner.
If you try and brush him off, he’s incredibly insistent, not backing down until you accept his help; he’s not going to let you just sit there and wont leave any room for argument. He’ll stay with you, slowly working through the problem until you can either finish the rest on your own or until it’s done. 
Sodapop Curtis:
Soda’s first instinct is to try and draw your focus away from the task that is bothering you, especially if you’re particularly stressed or overwhelmed. He’ll wait for you to loosen up a little before offering his help, albeit a little sheepishly. 
He makes it pretty hard to refuse the help, and no matter how much you want to, he flashes you that stupid little smile that has you agreeing without really thinking. He’ll bring a little more fun to the task, encouraging you when it gets particularly difficult or frustrating.
Ponyboy Curtis;
Pony will be the first to notice your frustrations, especially if it’s related to homework. He’ll be a little wary about offering at first, especially if you refuse, but the more he sees you struggling, the more insistent he becomes. 
He’s very soft-spoken, explaining things in a way that’s helpful and not overly degrading, making sure you understand. He’ll help you through every single step, going over the parts you need repeating with extreme amounts of patience until the task is complete. 
Johnny Cade:
Johnny is a little hesitant to offer help at first, not knowing if he’s the best person for the job, but after he silently watches you struggle, he’ll gently offer assistance. 
He’s a little insecure about how helpful he actually is, but his calm manner and soft words is enough to subside your stress and calm you down enough to work through whatever it is that’s giving you trouble. He’ll give you lots of praise, sticking with you until your done/
Dallas Winston:
Dally won’t notice right away as he isn’t the most observant when it comes to little things, but the second he sees you getting snappy, he’ll smirk and start teasing you. He isn’t helpful in any way shape or form, but he’ll sit with you nonetheless, occasionally distracting you and giving you a break from the task.
Once you’re done, he’ll give you teasing praise, talking about how helpful he was and that you never could have done it without him there.
Steve Randle:
Steve will immediately point it out if you’re struggling, not letting you brush off his help no matter how hard you try. He’ll pull up a chair, looking over the problem before quietly working through it with you.
His guidance isn’t great, and he tends to take over a little bit, but it wont take long for the task to be completed and for him to pull you away from it to distract you with something a little more fun and less stressful.
Two-Bit Mathews:
At first, Two will tease you relentlessly, but when he sees you seriously struggling and getting frustrated, he’ll step in and offer to help. He’ll almost turn it into a game, giving you little kisses as rewards everytime you get through a small section of it.
Once you’re done, he’ll brag about how easy it was, but he won’t ever downplay your efforts.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 10 months ago
Nightingale 🕊
Dick Grayson x reader
《A/N》: first piece for Dickie bird!! Truthfully, I just whipped this up really quick for my dear friend @allysunny . There isn't much I can do, but I hope this helps a little bit <33
If it's too personal, let me know, and I'll take it down 🫶🏻
~Fi 🐝
《Content》: lots of comfort from Dick. reader is stressed bc of school work. Dickie being the best boyfriend 🩷
《Word count》: 1.5k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Not only the moon that hung high in the sky but the burning light of your laptop illuminated your face as your tired eyes ran over the words again. With a shaky sigh you closed the device and dragged a hand down your face before a frustrated groan left your throat.
Your forehead rested on your desk as you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to ignore the salty sting in your eyes and your closing throat.
"Stupid grading system, stupid classmates..." you forced through your tightened throat, hoping that your wrath and frustration would somehow reach your fellow students on a spiritual level and make them stub their toe or spill their hot drink.
Or accidently end up in crossfire from the many shootings taking place in Gotham. You weren't picky.
Your fingers threaded through your hair and tugged at the roots, trying to get the blizzard of feelings out of your chest.
Before you had any chance to stop it, a few hot tears of frustration trickled down your face, adding to the overwhelming state you were in.
The hard wooden surface of your desk started to hurt your head, pressing unpleasantly agaisnt your forehead. A dull and pulling ache ran up your neck as well, courtesy of the weird twisting position it was in. You couldn't find it in yourself to care, pulling at the strands of your hair.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Dick sighed out in relief once he slipped through the window of your shared livingroom. Patrol wasn't too rough tonight, but he could feel the soreness in his muscle setting in.
A fair consequence after being a bit of a show off with his gymnastic skills.
Your warm apartment was a welcome contrast to the biting cold Gotham nights he knew all too well. Dick wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with you and be enveloped by the love that never failed to warm his heart.
He took his mask off his face and ran his hand through his black locks, trying to distract himself from his buzzing skin. The Nightwing suit felt all too tight right now and he couldn’t wait to get it off.
His eyes fell on the bedroom door, slightly ajar, and he cocked a brow. You should be asleep. He let out a sharp breath. He'd told you to sleep. But deep down he knew you'd be up and about the second you heard the window close.
"Stubborn girl..." he grumbled, albeit with a soft and worried intention behind his words.
You could see the door being pushed open from the corner of your eye as a big block of black and blue stepped in.
"Honey..." he said softly followed by a sigh after seeing your hunched over and distraught form at your desk.
"Hi Dickie." You replied, absolutely defeated. The feelings of anger and frustration had faded and left was only the deep sadness of being treated so unfairly.
"Hey, pretty..." his brows scrunched together, not liking how sad and tired you sounded.
"What's wrong, hm? 'Told you to get some sleep." He spoke quietly, prying your hands away from tugging at your hair and replacing them with his, gently petting your locks.
His touch made it even harder to fight the tears you've been trying to hold in. All you wanted was for him to hold you and make everything go quiet, even if it was just for tonight.
You stayed silent for a moment, Dick kneeling next to you.
"Got an e-mail about that presentation.." you explained, ready to break into tears at the mere thought of it. He gently turned your head so you could see him.
"Give me five minutes to get out of this suit and I'm yours, alright? You can tell me all about." He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and you nodded your head.
His comforting touch left you in the blink of an eye as he whisked off to the bathroom. With a quick rummage through his drawer, he was already prying at his spandex prison.
Luckily, he had nimble fingers and was back at your side within the promised five minutes, much more comfortable and ready to be your shoulder to cry on.
"C'mon, sweetheart. Let's get tucked in, yeah?" His voice was gentle and soothing, drawing you in like it always did.
Dick took your hand and helped you into bed, knowing well that you didn't need his assistance physically but that you needed to be cared for right now.
You were cuddled up next to him, wrapped in his embrace and your cozy blanket while he stroked your cheek. He frowned slightly at the couple of salty streaks that had ready dried on your skin.
"Are you okay to tell me what happened?" He asked carefully, not wanting to overstep. You took in a shaky breath.
"D'you remember that project I told you about? You know, that hig presentation with lots of other people?" He hummed in response, listening attentively.
"Well... they fucked it up. None of them were prepared, they were sputtering like a rusty engine- one chick even finished her text while one member was already presenting." You complained, feeling the distaste for such unreliable people bubble up in your chest once again.
"And now..." there was a slight crack in your voice when you spoke, making Dick holding you just a little bit tighter," they're dragging me down with them. I was prepared, I did good, but I get a shit grade too now. It's not fair."
You choked on the last word, finally letting the tears spill. You were already so overwhelmed with work, with things you needed to do that you had no time for, you didn't need a grade you needed to fix just because studying was such a foreign concept to some people.
"It's not fair, Dickie..." you cried, head resting on his shoulder with his head on top of yours. His heart cracked a little. You were such a hard worker, always going above and beyond to achieve your goals. Only to be dragged down due to a chain reaction.
"I'm sorry, baby, you don't deserve that. I know how hard you worked on that. Those assholes didn't even try.." he huffed, wiping at your ever flowing tears.
"A-And now the teacher sent an e-mail which is basically just her saying how disappointed she is and that we're doing terrible." You sobbed, needing all that stress to go somewhere. Dick maneuvered you even closer to him, stroking your back at a comforting pace.
"If anything, they're doing terrible. You did great, honey, okay? You'll figure it out. And I'll be here to support you, you know that. I'm sure you can contact the teacher and work something out. But I just want you to know- look at me.." he said softly, tilting your head to look at him. It pained him to be see you so upset.
He much preferred your pretty lips pulled up into a bright smiled instead of the wobbly pout with tear stained cheeks it was in now.
"I want you to know... that everything will be okay. You will be okay. I promise you." His voice was clear but quiet and soft as he gently bumped his nose against yours.
"You will be okay." He whispered, holding you tightly as you got the last of your sobs out and your breathing evened. They were sweet murmurs against your temple as he had you pressed against his chest, stroking your hair.
Dick held you as the moon shone through the window, he held you until it was covered by clouds and you were plunged into a grey darkness. He held you and wiped and kissed your tears away even as faint peak of colors emerged from the horizon. You were exhausted with puffy eyes as you laid in his embrace, the burden on your chest lightened for now.
You glanced up and saw how dark the bags under his eyes were, but despite that, he was still smiling down on you with a look so sweet and loving you could feel your teeth ache.
"How 'bout we make ourselves a cozy day tomorrow, hm? I'll read you Pride and Prejudice, we can have some cake, cuddle all day.." he trailed off, have of it in a slur as he struggled to keep his eyes open.
"I'd love that." You sighed with a sleepy smile, tangling your fingers together.
"You can sing for me, too.." Dick yawned, scooching further down the bed and tucking himself under the blanket, with you tightly held to his chest, of course. You giggled softly, craning your neck to press a kiss to his cheek.
"My lovely, little Nightingale..." he murmured, a dopey smile on his lips.
"I love you, Dickie bird." You said softly, bringing your lips to his in a sweet kiss before sleep took you away.
"I love you more, honey." He mumbled against your lips, content as ever, with his beloved Nightingale snug in his embrace.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ──☁️── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You're gonna be okay, I promise <3
More of my works --> 💫
《DC taglist》: @certifiedredhoodlover @allysunny @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
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samsblades · 3 months ago
thinking about you being an angel and sammy being completely and utterly in love in u. you're just so sweet n caring, and ur this celestial being that's so much more powerful than him but he still feels this need to protect u from everything bad in the world!!
and you're just so nice to everyone, u dont understand when ppl are being jerks or sarcastic until sam pulls you away with a gentle hand on ur back and tells u. "honey, stay away from ppl like that, ok?" he's all worried and you just smile and nod
and you're so curious, always asking him questions and he loves to answer you! he's sitting down, staring up at u with a gaze so soft and loving while u pace around and ramble on about the things on earth u dont understand
i just loveee this dynamic i think it's so sweet 💕
YES THIS DYNAMIC IS MY FAVORITEEE heheh i love angel reader x sam soooo much kissy kissy muah muah okay sorry lol
no cuz just like. i love it i love all of this. i loveeee the idea of protective sam and then you being protective of him during a fight and he's like "no, wait-" and then he remembers that you're a literal angel as you absolutely slay your opponents literally and he's like heart eyes <33
and then he gets to be all protective in a more emotional way probably, with rude people like you mentioned!! he takes a sort of (very respectful) pride in being able to teach you things and help you learn about the human world.
and UGH the idea of him sitting and looking up at you as rant <33 he's got the hugest heart eyes (as per usual) and he's just. so in love wow <333 this idea is just the cutest to me i love it. and even if you're talking a mile a minute, he takes careful note of each and everything that you don't quite understand, and even if he doesn't explain it to you right away, he takes the time and effort to explain the little things when he gets the chance over the time, like when the subject comes up, or he randomly thinks of it during a quiet moment. he never sounds condescending or anything, he is always so sweet and kind and thorough about it <333 love him so much ugh
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miwiheroes · 2 months ago
Dropping Byler Evidence Every Day Until Season 5
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Day 7: The soundtrack . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Here is a little one for you today since I'm a little tired and busy today, but I'm still keeping my promise for you guys DGAHSGDJ hopefully I can keep this up yknow <33
One of the things that I think that writers just can't explain to me if byler isn't endgame is the fact that some of these soundtrack choices cannot be coincidences. If byler isn't endgame then I will have to really really question why the two soundtracks in season 4 titled 'Being Different' and 'You're the Heart' are perfectly lined up!!!!!
Here is a youtube video with the lining up of the audios after putting the two tracks together: X
Being Different is the track that plays during the van scene. It has the motif and the chord progression of the famous ones in 'The First I love You' and 'The First Lie'. However, it is very much incomplete. In my opinion, this soundtrack piece correlates to the one titled 'The First Lie' because it is the very first lie that Will has told to Mike before, making it a very impactful moment.
You're the Heart is the track that plays when Will encourages Mike to say I love you to El, which he then does, and it plays while he's monologuing. This one is also incomplete. This soundtrack piece may correlation to the one titled 'The First I love you', obviously because it is the first time he's really said I love you to her, but this is not genuine love because the L in the the 'love' in the title of that song is not capitalised.
So when you put them together and they are linked, make a complete song rather than utter rubbish, this tells me all I need to know.
'You're the Heart' cannot be complete without 'Being Different.'
Mike's monologue speech cannot be complete without Will's speech to him in the van.
Going through this much effort to make these two songs match up so perfectly with each other is not coincidental. If it symbolises something like this, why would this then end in having Mike and El end up together without anything changing due to the Painting and its impact?
It maybe shows what we already know even more: that Mike could never have made his speech without Will's words. He could never have felt like he loved El without those words. But they weren't El's words, so Mike only loves the idea of her. The idea that in reality is Will.
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twit-ter-pa-ted · 1 year ago
Love Language - Vinsmoke Sanji
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a/n: this is the first of the 'love languages' series im posting! ofc i had to start with my bbgrill idiot cook. slight warning that yes, this is ranked in the way i think sanji's ll's would be ranked. i've finished writing for the monster trio and i may or may not write one for usopp and nami too (and maybe robin? vivi? we will see.) anyway, enjoy reading! <;33
Acts of Service
This is Sanji's main love language. He loves cooking for the crew and most of all, you.
Given that he's a gentleman at heart, he goes above and beyond to show his love in this way.
Beyond cooking, he often offers you a glass of chill water whenever the sun's glare is too intense.
On top of that, he refuses to let enemies lay their hands on you in battle (even when you're perfectly capable of defending yourself). You could win a battle without so much as laying a finger on your opponents, and vice versa, with Sanji around.
There is so much more I could list under this.
He doesn't like receiving acts of service. He believes you should live an elegant life in the world without so much as lifting a finger (even if you're a pirate.), especially not for anyone else.
Physical Touch
Your touch is his lifeline! He can't get enough of you.
You're almost always there to accompany him whenever he cooks.
You learn that the best place to watch him cook from are the counters, because he'll find any excuse to pass by you and lovingly squeeze your hips or your waist, or kiss your shoulder, neck, cheek, lips, or your forehead. Whichever is most accessible as he casually passes by.
When he's not cooking and lounging with the crew, he likes resting with you on a hammock, limbs tangled together like a messy bundle of rope.
He likes running his fingers through your hair, but he also likes having your fingers in his hair. He goes crazy for you either way.
Words of Affirmation
He's a very vocal person.
He constantly tells you how pretty he thinks you are and how lovestruck you have him. He never fails to tell you just what's on his mind.
Whenever he tries to teach you ways how to cook, a string of affirmations endlessly leaves his lips to help encourage you.
On the other hand, Sanji is used to compliments, but compliments from you just hit different. He'd go soft the moment a praise is uttered from your lips and he'd be like pudding in the palm of your hand.
Quality Time
He loooovvveessss quality time.
Whenever he's cooking, he likes having you watching him. He'd explain to you every step in what he was doing even if you didn't exactly understand what most of it meant (He'd explain the terms to you like you're five. It's cute.).
He's practically fastened himself to you with a stitch. He rarely leaves your side and is always there with you (he may as well be your bodyguard), though he makes sure he doesn't suffocate you with his constant presence.
Giving/Receiving Gifts
Sanji loves to give gifts, though often gives gifts that have more effort than spent Berries.
He would pick a flower – hell, make a bouquet – while you're walking along a village and end up giving it to you at the end of the day.
He would absolutely write you a 10k worded, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font handwritten love letter expressing his love for you and still think that isn't enough to show you how much he loves you.
Alternatively, he's brought to tears whenever you gift him something. Whether it's something he wanted or something that just reminded you of him, he'd be very appreciative of it.
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verystrxxwberry · 10 months ago
Hi, Alex! How is your day going? I was here to do a request about MCL high school life (completely sfw, so it is safe!) about the routes dealing with a reader who is stressed because they overwork in school and still doubt that will never achieve the dream of going to university?
It's just I am pretty stressed with the thought of not being able to go to university, because even if I overwork a lot, I don't get the perfect grades that I would like :(. Anyway, thank you so much! Love your writing<33
MY CANDY LOVE HSL; When you are stressed about school.
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, MCL HSL routes, comfort. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Greetings! I am doing quite good, thanks for asking. Regarding your issue, I understand you a lot, because my last year before entering university also was like that. I don't know how your country's education system will work, but whatever it is, university is not the only path in life. There are many people who have moved on without a career or something; and above all prioritize your own health! I understand that you want to get good grades, but if you overwork yourself you will only block your brain and not allow it to function well because it will be exhausted since it has no rest. Good luck, and take life easy, it's only one life you have and you have to enjoy it!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
He didn’t start caring about his grades until he saw that he failed almost every subject during the first months of classes. Sigh… he can’t let that happen.
Initially, there was a contrast between you and him. He was the stereotypical rebellious kid who didn't care about classes, and you were that student who was always keeping up with the class. Castiel is aware of how much effort you put into studying. Many times he would tell you to come to his house to spend time with him, and he would let you study on his desk for a while without any problem. Of course, he is strict about breaks and insisting that you give your little head a rest.
He will even quietly kiss your head spontaneously as you are focused on studying, to cheer you up however he can.
Castiel feels confusion when he sees that a grade matters so much to you to the point of breaking down over it. He doesn't blame you, but considers that you don't deserve so much pressure regarding grades. As he looks you in the eyes  and pulls your hair out of your face, he would say "Come on, life doesn't end because of a grade. You're human, not a machine; although sometimes machines fail too. But so what? We can't be good at everything. Ask for help, don't give up." You can feel his hand cupping your chin to make you look at him. And you can see the worry and affection on his eyes.
He's concerned about how this issue affects your mental health. After every test you take, he would take you somewhere for a date so you don't get over stressed. A break for your own good never hurts.
In Castiel's opinion, college is overrated; but he knows you are capable. More than once he will have had deep conversations with you about "You're already too hard on yourself, don't drown yourself in an abyss of negativity before you start something you want." 
Even if you didn't go to college, that wouldn't make you any less human. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Castiel would support you no matter what your decision, though he'd rather you take things more lightly. He doesn't like to see you stop enjoying your actuality because of the stress of school.
Nathaniel's strict prioritization of his studies was mainly because of his father, but Nath had inner desires that went against the stereotype that he was.
During class he already noticed that you felt some frustration when you received your test grade. His hand rested on your forearm and he looked at you with concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" 
When you explain your disappointment in reference to your exam grade, he sighs and shakes his head. "Get that thought out of your head, dear.... No grade is perfect and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses." He strokes your back gently, in order to comfort your state of mind.
If you're struggling with something, he has no problem helping you to understand it. He makes dates to study with you in a cafe <3 (he would end up inviting you to dinner or a drink in the cafe itself). And never feel ashamed of failing! Everyone does and there are always opportunities to improve. If there aren't, then life goes on; don't get stuck in the past.
Whatever grade you have, it will be something Nathaniel will congratulate you on. What matters is that you tried!
Nathaniel knows that having a good healthy schedule for your homework and study management will be what helps you get to college. He supports you, as long as you don't break your boundaries. Don't set expectations, don't compare yourself, just do what you can without pushing your limits and you can get to where you want to be.
Another thing Nath would also do is to talk to the teachers so that they can help you in those subjects that are more difficult for you, and he could accompany you if you wanted. Anyway, he does it for your sake and seeing that you also put dedication makes him feel happy and proud. At the end of each day, before you each leave for home, he would give you a little kiss on the forehead and say "Good job today."
Lysander takes everything calmly, even studies. During classes he takes light notes, but generally listens to the teachers. Not ironically, his memory does not usually fail when it comes to his studies. Likewise, he is not a strict person with his schedule and he will see that you are quite strict with yours. Why do you study so much if your brain needs a break?
Lysander has no problem accompanying you to the library, but he insists that between assignments you take certain breaks. More than once he will tell you "Don't be so hard on yourself, it will have negative consequences in the future."
After each study session he sings to you to relax in his arms, to take your mind off anything study related and get some rest.
Lysander believes that you shouldn't look so much into your future, since the present is already unpredictable enough without planning for something stable in the future. You build your way towards that goal you have, but you will always encounter some difficulty along the way. He knows that your grades are that difficulty that keeps you from moving forward in terms of your hopes of going to college.
"Honey, do what you can; what matters is that you tried. Life goes on, sometimes you have to take shortcuts or other paths that don't allow you to reach your goal. But it will never be your fault, since you already know that you have done your best" He would tell you while caressing the back of your neck. "Be proud of yourself and stop criticizing yourself so much. You don't value yourself enough to see that you are capable enough to put so much effort into things; and that is what should be valued the most."
Oh no, he's not going to let your little pretty face fill with sadness over something as annoying as grades. He understands that you want to go to college and he will certainly encourage you to follow your dreams; but in moderation! He would suggest that you come to his house to study with him, or to the library, and then he would reward you with cookies.
Kentin will force you to take at least two or three hours a day for yourself. You know what they say about playing sports for a while a day so you can exercise your concentration? Well Kentin believes it and will encourage you to join his routines so you can concentrate better and study in less hours than extending them to the point that it affects you negatively.
There's nothing more upsetting for Kentin than seeing you cry over a grade. "Hey, nooo, listen, you're more than enough, don't let a grade ruin your life! You're very disciplined, I'm sure that facet already opens many doors for you even if you don't make it to college" He would tell you as he cradles your cheeks in his hands.
He's going to kiss your tears, he's not going to let you be sad for long.
Kentin is very involved in you taking some time out of your day just for you. He invites you to his house to take a nap, or to go practice sports with him, or bake cookies in his kitchen. But he also supports you to study and spend time studying; but he offers you the idea of balance your organization so that you can clear your mind and have a more positive mindset.
Maybe Armin is a bad influence when it comes to giving school advice?- He would literally tell you to focus on being happy and leave all those worries behind you. In fact, he supports that idea of; if it makes you feel bad, leave it.
But he knows he can't be such a bad influence and push you to make decisions that distract you from your path for so long. 
It confuses him why you care so much about your grades. He witnesses all the effort you put into studying, since during exams time he can barely see you :(. Usually because he always brings his console with him, and that's going to distract you from studying. He doesn't mind being patient; he will always send you messages of support when you go to study!
It took him a while to realize that it really is an issue that affects you, but when he saw that it was serious, ah-ah, don't even think about overworking. "You know what happens to a character when they run out of stamina? They feel weak, they can't cope well with situations and they need rest. So do you!"
The easiest way he has to distract you is to write you a message in discord and saying “hop on terraria, bb” (or any other game). But he can completely adapt to those things you enjoy doing! He doesn’t mind (even if it is out home he is gonna whine a lot)
No matter the grade you get on an exam, he is gonna clap at you and feel very happy for you. Sometimes he’d make you blush from embarrassment at how loud he can be… But still, he is very proud of you. And he is not gonna hide it!
“Oh, hey, what’s with that pout? Come on, smile! You did such a great job.” He speaks in such a sweet way that it barely looks like him, but he wants to make you smile, to squeeze you in between his arms. “Never give up, you are strong enough to deal with this and more! But do it at the needed pace to not drain yourself, remember?”
Never back down never give up
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 11 months ago
AITA for refusing to buy my friend gold? 
I (f/33) have a very good friend (f/39) who is Hindu and an Indian immigrant, and this year she invited me and my wife (33) to celebrate Diwali with her. My wife and I are white canadians and not religious. We’ve been friends with her for almost a decade, but in the last few years have become very close and now she is basically family. We happily accepted.
We brought over food and the stuff to make paper lanterns, and we had a lovely time. The problem came when near the end of the night, when my friend told me that it’s been so long since she had people to celebrate Diwali with, and she was getting excited for presents. I didn’t know Diwali included presents so I hadn’t brought her anything, besides the craft supplies and food, she said that was fine and we could get her something next year.
I asked her what sort of gift she would like, and she said gold was the traditional gift and, I quote “but make sure it’s above 10 karat or it’s basically tin, I’d just throw it away.”
I thought this was a joke at first so I laughed, which made her confused. I explained that I would never give anyone gold as a gift, I’ve never even gotten my wife gold, we couldn’t even afford wedding rings. When she still looked confused I tried to clarify, and asked how much is a gift of gold, traditionally (since I’ve never bought gold, I had no idea how much it would cost.)
She told me a minimum of 500 dollars.
At this point is the behaviour I think might make me an asshole, because I was laughing in complete disbelief very openly. I told her that was completely insane, and I would happily spend every Diwali with her and get her a gift, but there was no way I was buying her 500 dollars worth of gold, ever, especially not if it was a yearly thing.
I know that in India, my friend was of a pretty high caste socially and her family is well off, and here in Canada she is an accountant who owns her own condo, and is looking to buy more property and become a landlord. My wife and I live frugally, we’re blue collar and both from working class families. An average amount I spend on a Christmas or birthday gifts for someone I’m close to would be about 20-50 bucks.
After I’d explained all this to her, I could tell she was disappointed and it had made her sad and confused. Part of me feels bad for laughing at her tradition, especially since she made the effort to include us and has no family here to celebrate with. But it honestly boggles me, and makes me a bit mad, honestly, which I know is unfair since it’s just differences in how we grew up, but I can’t help feeling annoyed and like she’s not seeing her privilege.
This has been compounded by the fact that for Christmas, which we also celebrated with her, she actually gave us gold, worth quite a lot, in the form of a special coin. We’re not the type to display fancy stuff, so it just sits in storage now. But I’m worried she may expect tit-for-tat, even though the only way we could possibly afford to give her gold back in exchange is if we sold what she gave us which we are definitely not supposed to do.
We still hang out constantly and we will continue to do so, she is a for-life friend for a lot of reasons, and I’d love to make her holidays and celebrations special, but this is just a sticking point for me, and I find myself feeling/acting like a prick every time it’s brought up.
So, AITA? Does anyone have suggestions for this situation?
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