#my diet has been horrific
sylvieons · 2 months
I am so disgustingly tired, like idk why, I feel like I'm gonna die I'm so tired/fatigued/exhausted/drained/every possible word for it and my grandma suggested "maybe you're not eating enough red meat" so I'm gonna take this as an excuse to order a steak or a burger via DoorDash later. Living in luxury. Thanks grandma.
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WIBTA if I told my girlfriend to lose weight?
Okay, so that sounds horrific, but bear with me.
To be clear, I (23M) could not care less what weight she (27F) is or what she looks like. I love this woman with my whole heart and none of it is about her appearance. We’re pretty much engaged in all but name, the only reason it’s not official is because we don’t have money to even think of weddings right now, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with her.
Thing is, she’s obese. Like, medically, not in a derogatory sense. This is massively affecting her health. She’s constantly out of breath, constantly in pain, constantly struggling, and it’s leading to other conditions such as sleep apnea. She thinks she has asthma because she’s always struggling to breathe, but I’m 95% sure it just comes down to weight and her doctor has said the same, but she tends to write it off as doctors being fatphobic.
Much of this is due to the fact that she used to struggle with binge-eating disorder. She no longer binge eats, but she does overeat in general because her body is so accustomed to constant food, so she gets painfully hungry and dizzy after 2-3 hours of not eating.
I’ve tried to encourage her to exercise with me, diet with me, count calories etc., but she gives up super easy when she doesn’t see immediately results. She also says herself that she finds it very difficult to see herself accurately - she has the reverse of “typical” body dysmorphia, where she sees herself as thinner than she is, so she genuinely sees herself as thin or like slightly curvy. (To be clear, she is very visibly obese, people comment on this often, and while I’ll be the first to go fists up if someone’s a dick to her about it as people have been I also am genuinely worried about her health.) Because of that she has no motivation to lose the weight because she just doesn’t see it. It’s bad enough that she’s been told by doctors she WILL likely struggle later in life with heart failure, diabetes etc if she doesn’t lose weight, yet her POV is more, “It can’t be that bad because I’m not that big so I don’t need to worry about it”. She has occasional reality checks, most recently she put her measurements into some site that shows an image of what you look like from a third person perspective, and she was completely shocked like “I can’t look like that. Do I? This is a wake up call”, but days later it’s completely lost and she’s back to saying she’s not that big again.
She wants kids with me, and I just absolutely do not want to commit to having children with her when I know there’s a not-insignificant chance she’ll have serious health issues in the future that could mean she’s not with us for as long as she could be. Both for the kids’ sake, and selfishly because I want her around! I don’t want to think about something happening to her earlier in life and being without her.
But I just don’t know what to do. Gently suggesting it hasn’t worked, saying I’m worried about her health hasn’t worked, saying I don’t want kids until she’s healthy hasn’t worked (even if she’s still overweight I really don’t care as long as she’s not in a “danger zone” y’know?), trying to meal plan with her hasn’t worked, trying to get her to keep track of calories hasn’t worked, trying to exercise with her hasn’t worked.
People I’ve asked in the past have told me to be firm about it, but I’m incredibly reluctant to do that - I struggled with anorexia for most of my teenage and adult life and I know how deep it can cut to have your weight criticised or commented on. I don’t want to be that dick who basically calls someone I love very much unhealthy and fat and tells her to lose weight or no kids or some horrible shit like that.
But I just. Can’t work out what to do. She does express a willingness to lose weight, she says she wants to, she just doesn’t have that motivation to do it. I don’t know what else we can try.
AITA for focusing on this in the first place? Like am I actually just being fatphobic, or is my own past with EDs influencing my thinking? Am I going about it all wrong? Should I just accept it as something that’ll be a potential issue in future and deal with it then or am I fair to worry about it early on?
What are these acronyms?
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octoppai · 13 days
Help save my cat's ass (Literally!)
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In the past few years, my cat Monet was diagnosed with severe constipation - something that is usually manageable with daily laxatives and a wet food diet. But in the past couple of days, he was acting very strange. Growling and mewing and doing a lot of straining. He had constipated episodes before, but was always able to pass things.
Fast forward to today, where he was diagnosed with obstipation, an even more severe form of constipation. His x-ray was horrific, bowels entirely impacted with waste the size of a grapefruit. Luckily, the vet seemed confident that a couple of days of fluids, enemas and manually working it through him will get it to break up so that he can pass it all.
Of course this isn't cheap. On the higher side, we're looking at a $3,500 bill to cover all of the costs. And in any other situation I'd take commissions, but this year has been so hard for me and my family that I cannot sit down and draw art that I would deem worth giving to people.
So. You know what to do, tumblr. If you can donate even a little bit, you can do so via my paypal - and if you can't donate, please consider signal boosting this so other people can see it.
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foursaints · 6 months
thursday snippet ♡
thank you for the tags my sweets @itsjaywalkers & @carniferous i got so excited to read yours when i saw the notifs...
“Stop swaggering around like a fucking— expensive gigolo.” Barty just nabs the soda can right from his fingers, slinging his arm over the back of the booth— over Evan’s shoulders— and lounging himself down in one contiguous motion, “Oh, you wish I was your gigolo. That’s why you’re bringing it up, yeah? Freudian, Rosie.” Evan tries for a chuckle that he hopes sounds wry but instead comes out tinged with a slight edge of hysteria. He can feel Barty’s hand where it’s brushing against his shoulder, the strip of his exposed wrist, “I wish you had a pelvis that, like, obeyed the laws of physics. Seriously, how do you even tilt it like that, when you walk? Do you practice in the mirror? Every morning?” “If you were buying me, Rosie, how much would you pay? Humor me— just, like, ballpark number. More or less than a two-bedroom house?” Barty pauses, Evan’s drink halfway to his lips, considering. His voice dips that octave lower, “I’d do you for free, you know.” Evan wrinkles his nose, recoiling, “It would actually have to be for free, because I’d probably actively pay you to stay away from me. Never in a million years would I—“ “You know what they say—” “—I swear if you open your mouth and it’s another fucking made-up, bullshit fucking folksy proverb—” “—Hyperbole is the bedfellow of sincerity,” Barty finishes undaunted with a flourish of his Diet Coke. Evan snorts, “Yeah, now if you could kindly point me to whatever fucking fake Ye Olde Horseshit Almanac you pulled that one from, it would be…” He finally trails off as he catches a sudden glimpse of Regulus’s face, jaw agape, a single french fry frozen in its path to his mouth. Evan realizes, with a sudden wave of humiliation, he forgot that Regulus was even there. His eyes are flicking between them like he’s watching a routine broadcast tennis match that devolved into sudden, horrific violence. “Oh, this is bad,” Regulus gapes, “How long has this been going on? This is, like, really bad.”
honestly this is such a long snippet but i Care Them sorry.. ofc i tag @static-radio-ao3 @pupmotif @casstration @grimsneverendingfuneral @sanguineerose and also autumn always @betaot4
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lunatic-pudge · 2 months
Postal Dude NSFW Alphabet
Was gonna work on my TF2 and Postal requests, but I've been sick and was in the ER cause of it. But depsite all of that, I'm still horrifically down bad for this stinky pissman. My need for this man cannot be contained. Halp
A: Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Admittingly, his aftercare kinda sucks. Just wipe ya off then pass out. It's just not something he's used to. You're gonna have to teach him how to do some proper aftercare. It'll take some time, but he'll get better at it with some time
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of their and also their partners):
Now I'm putting my own (weird) biases here, Dude likes his hands. They're so long and spidery. Perfect to shove his fingers down your throat. He's such a long and gangly man.
Now his favorite body part on you would be your thighs. Thick thighs means a nice, fat ass and I can just tell that this man is an ass man. And also thigh highs?! The way they hug the thighs are there's that little thigh pudge at the top of the thigh highs. You know what I'm talking about. Dude lives for thick thighs. Choke them with your thighs, he'll die a happy man
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically):
I'd like to think cums a lot. Please let me dream. Just picture him cumming in you so much that it spills out of you as more tries to fill in you. Maybe even creating a little tummy bulge.
But for taste wise, it is BITTER. Like it starts salty but gets bitter the more you taste it. So good luck with that. Man's good for stuffing ya, but the taste is one that will take a bit to get used to. Someone get this man on a better diet!
D: Dirty Secret (pretty self explanitory, a dirty secret of theirs):
I feel like he's secretly an exhibitionist. I just know that Dude would get off to people seeing him getting fucked. Hell, he'd probably let people run a train on him if given the opportunity. This man's a slut to the highest degree even though he gets no bitches
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?):
I'd say he's got a decent amount of experience. Like, he definitely knows what he's doing. Could it be better? Yeah. Much of this man's potential has yet to be discovered
F: Favorite Position (This goes without saying):
Homie doesn't discriminate. Any position is a good position. You wanna ride him? Go for it. Want him to bend you over and pound the fuck out of you? He's already bending you over. He definitely loves being bent over, stuffed and fucked
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.):
Has this man ever been serious? He's a chill boy. I don't really have much to say here. He's a goofy goober
H: Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpent match the drapes? etc.):
I'd say Dude's got a decent amount of hair. Definitely not hair, but not bare. And even then, it's light in color so it doesn't catch your attention at first. And he's kinda groomed. He'll keep up with it if asked
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic aspect):
Dude's not much of a romance person. But that doesn't mean he isn't trying. On special occasions, like anniversaries or your birthday, he'll put the effeort in. He'd be cheesy and break out the rose petals. How'd he get them? Don't worry about it. He's even broke out the candles as well, ignore the burn marks on his hands, his ass was not paying attention when lighting them and almost set the trailer on fire
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanons):
He does jack off, kinda often, but it's just never enough for him. He's tried all sorts of things but finds much more satisfaction being able to fuck someone. He gets irritable when he doesn't get needs fufilled
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks):
I'm doing it. I'm going there. I don't care what you people say. He's got a piss kink. (So does Sniper but he's not apart of this, fight me) He will piss on you and he will have you piss on him. He'd be gross and try to drink your piss. He doesn't care. I'm a piss kink Dude truther
Another major kink I'll throw in here is pegging. He loves it when his lady put the strap-on on, bends him over, and makes him her bitch. Pegging makes Dude the most adorable little sub ever. Just a begging and moaning mess. You know you love it, don't deny it
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do):
Anywhere and everywhere. Just say the words and he's ready. Nothing will stop this horny man. NOTHING
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going):
Your existence gets him going. You could be sitting around, reading a book or watching T.V. and that gets him hard. It's his inner simp showing. What really gets him going is seeing you wearing one of his shirts and nothing else. Especially when the shirt starts to ride up your thigh. It's like your teasing him without realizing
N: No (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs):
Now Dude is a pretty open guy, but of course he has limits. I'll just say that he's not into the really gross stuff. The only gross thing he likes is piss. Like, that's the only time you're gonna see this man at his most vile. Anything else gross and he'll start gagging and leaving
O: Oral (Preference is giving or recieving, skills, etc.):
Loves oral. Prefers to receive but will gladly give. Sit on his face. He's begging you to. But when you give him head, watch out cause if you don't stop him, he'll wanna fuck your face. He loves being able to stuff his cock down your throat
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.):
Loves going fast and rough. He lives for it, especially when you mark him up during it. Rarely is slow and sensual. He'll be slow on thos rare intimate moments he has. But wither way, he will leave you a shaking, satisfied mess afterwards
Q: Quickie (Their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.):
Not the biggest fan but desperate times call for desperate measures. He tries to not partake in quickies often so when it does happen, he's so desperate to cum
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks etc.):
Huge risk taker. The risk is what gets hims going. Always ready to take them. Bouns points if you're like him in that aspect. You two would be such an unstoppable force, for real for real
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?):
He's got some pretty good stamina, especially when he's high on crack. He's practically insatiable. You two will be going at it for HOURS. Practically a whole day of sex so you better be prepared or you'll be a pile of dust afterwards. And yes, he will make fun of you for it.
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
Literally in the one scene in Brain Damaged when he's sitting on his couch, there's a fucking dildo on the floor. So obviously yes, he owns toys, and yes he uses them. And yes, he will use toys on you. Why wouldn't he? Using toys means extra fun, and Dude ain't gonna pass up such an opportunity to tease and overstimulate you
U: Unfair (How much do they like to tease?):
Such a teasing bastard, and a hypocrite. Loves to tease and make you beg, but can be stubborn at first when you try to same tactics on him. He knows how to press all the right buttons when teasing. He rightfully deserves to be treated back, but also a little more harsher for being such a little shit
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds they make? etc.):
I'd say Dude isn't the loudest, he prefers to hear you rather then himself. But that can easily be changed with a little pegging. Remeber, he's a hoe, so he is fun to make a moaning, whiny mess, just begging for more
W: Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character):
If it isn't obvious by now, this man is bi/pan. You cannot look at this man and say he's straight. It's just such a bold face lie. Homie likes his men, women, enbys, trans people equally. All he wants is a good time. I'd say he has a slight preference for more feminine people. But now by saying that, I'm thinking of femboy Dude and I'm more than here for that
X: X-Ray (Let's see whats going on under those clothes):
Now please bear with me here, cause I unfortunately don't have male anatomy. I'd say he's about six inches, cut, head's this nice little rosy pink color and SENSITIVE
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive):
Very high drive, constantly horny. He cannot be contained. Sometimes multiple rounds a day isn't enough for him. He understand that sometimes, you're not gonna be needy as him so he's used to having to take care of himself. Though he'd appreciate some help during these trying times
Z: Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?):
Almost immediately after doing the do. That's probably why his aftercare sucks cause he's ready to pass the fuck out most of the time. Falls asleep like a man in the Victorian era dying from Influenza. He's practically clonked out like a dead man too. It's ridiculous and deserves to be bullied for it
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pigeon-behavior · 1 year
So, to make my position clear now, considering Ramsey Loft is returning to social media:
She is a horrific example of a companion breeder. She cannot be trusted to protect POC in her spaces (or even listen to them). She does not have sound judgement on husbandry or behavior. She has willingly put up a video of herself committing animal abuse and then explained it away (she is very good at this.) Her interactions with the community have been plagued with uncomfortable power dynamics, whether that was intentional or not.
I was much closer than I would prefer to the events that went down. I was part of a group that had to search through her posts to get an accurate count of how many birds she was keeping in her 10x10 loft. The callout post circulating out there has accurate screenshots but makes some interesting claims on behavior and diet, if I recall correctly. That doesn't matter so much as I will never trust this woman again.
It does not matter that she was personally kind to me when I fell mysteriously ill. I watched her let her followers dogpile somebody who dared to ask an innocent question. I watched her and her husband invite those uncomfortable with their obviously racist stance to leave the space. I have seen the video where she throws a bird, a BIRD, against a wall in anger.
As far as I know she still does not provide adequate grit (no, a mineral lick is not enough, especially because I KNOW she can buy better in this country), and she continues to feed directly on the sand, which is, by the way, a wonderful way of storing worm eggs. A worm bank, if you will.
There are too many things I take issue with - so long story short, I do not support that woman. Even if she can get her husbandry turned around, I am never going close to her again. If I were you, I wouldn't either.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Soft hc for tecchou please, I love him🥹
Thank you so much for requesting!! I haven't done headcanons yet so sorry if the format is weird or if it reads odd, I'm still figuring this out
These are really self-indulgent ngl but I am trying!!
Soft Tecchou HCs
Tecchou definitely speaks his own love language, so what might be considered 'inappropriate' or weird is just him showing that he cares
He probably reaches over and fixes your shirt collar or hair a lot. He likes to use it as an excuse to touch you - like yea he could just be normal and give you a hug or a kiss, but instead, he'll just keep reaching over and brushing off some lint on your shoulders
He looks almost like a weird butler since he keeps reaching over so you don't have a hair out of place. You've had to tell him to stop multiple times before. He just coughs and pretends like he wasn't hyper-fixated on you for the last 30 minutes.
Occasionally he might feel like being annoying and shove his hand in your pockets. This is one of his favorite places to leave you little gifts too - like rocks or flowers. Your pockets are unfortunately always covered in dirt because of him, no point in trying to clean them out.
Speaking of gift-giving - this man is always giving you something. Usually, it's a snack he knows you like or just a water bottle so he knows that you're hydrated. Despite his diet I can see him being the type to constantly drink water 24/7 and would want you to at least drink a glass of water a day.
He just tries to give you gifts that make you happy or to show that he cares - big fan of him giving you little rocks.
He strikes me as a geology/nature science guy so would probably tell you about what he just gave you in great detail if you let him (This is important knowledge btw so indulge him)
Definitely has said "you remind me of them in some ways" after describing the most horrific creature you have ever seen/heard of (He means it as a compliment)
Dude definitely admires your personality and work ethic more than your physical features - he would probably say that's his favorite part of you if you ever asked (he's really good at dodging the "am i pretty?" question so don't even try it)
Tecchou probably stares at you a lot and like 9/10 times he's thinking about how much he loves you.
He also definitely doesn't realize he's been doing it for so long until someone tells him.
You're just really fun to look at - you grab his attention easily, which is the perfect time to give him a little kiss btw
He loves it when you do that - give him a kiss and he stops what he's doing just to look at you for a bit.
It's cute, he gets these big ol' puppy eyes and everything. Would wag his tail if he had one.
When you're alone he is a lot more physical - in public he tends to be a bit standoffish since he is usually on guard 24/7, but when you're alone together he definitely loosens up a lot
Probably is a little annoying about it - if you're not doing anything important he will forcibly drag you to the couch so you can cuddle. Doesn't matter what you do, he will pick you up for cuddles.
They're not bad though, since he's really warm and actually a good hugger. You just have to accept them since he likes to give affection quite randomly.
Sorry if this isn't the best but I am being super self-indulgent here. Trying my absolute best though but I'm so glad you requested especially Tecchou cause I am in shambles rn and he is my glue
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rocketyship · 8 months
what is ur webcomic about
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This is Ra.
Ra is the protagonist of my webcomic currently in development.
Ra is trapped in a magic necklace called the sundial where he is forced to grant the wishes, whims, and pledge his eternal service to whoever wields/wears it, until the next person gets it or whatever. If he does not do what is asked of him, he is typically horrifically (mostly violently) punished by the god he upset by committing a crime he doesn’t even know about. On top of this, he is also cursed into the form of a snake unless the wielder sees him as a person (which is very rare). Not to mention he is unable to consume regular food and drink, and is on a very healthy diet of blood and gold.
The webcomic is split into three parts, each containing twelve chapters (excluding the prologue). The first part details his experience over 12 centuries with different wielders/creatures and how over this time he goes from someone well meaning if not naive (due to loosing his memory) to a self-serving, manipulative, oddly flirty, egoist hell bent on escaping and killing the god (Citanis) who imprisoned him in the first place. The second and third parts following how he goes about such a plan.
The comic is very much a dark fantasy phycological horror, that goes into themes of absurdism, stoicism, cynicism, and existentialism, and the themes of what constitutes as human and “other”. The scripts and story boards are all written out, and page production will be starting on the 24th after my final exams. One thing I will note is that this story has a very different tone to the Love Au (which will still get worked on), it’s far more surrealist and gets kind of nonsensical and trippy at points, and is more obviously a horror story but still with its own quirks. Notably it starts out decently tame, but gets progressively worse as the chapters go on, done to show Ra’s deteriorating mental state and his desperation as things seem to just keep getting worse for him.
I want to rattle on so so much more, but like then there will be spoilers, but here: have some more sketches and concept art 💕💕💕
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This is a Citanis concept (their design has gone through the most development, and what has been holding this project back so long)
Here are the other gods Ra encounters throughout the story (These are the upper ones)
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The wielders that the story focuses on, excluding one cause none of my drawings of her seem to have her clothed (she’s a forest nymph, she don’t need no panties)
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And yeah! I’m so so excited to get drawing all this!! Hopefully the prologue will be out either late January or early February next year
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honeycombhank · 3 months
I feel like I was this close to losing Tobias tonight..
I feel an immense amount of guilt.
I have kept mama Moony’s three girls from choking by feeding them a completely different diet then I normally would and I’m looking into making my own food, but my other girls and the boys have been eating the good old Ox bow kibbles.
I didn’t think that the problem was the brand of food I was getting, because it was only certain rats that were choking and not all of them. Idk it’s hard to explain in detail.
Tonight I ran out of food and realizing I had some other food that had been left over and was still in the airtight container I figured I would give that to them because Moony’s three daughters had previously choked on it but no one else did so I thought it was still fine for my other rats.. well I was wrong.
Tobias july choked on that same kibble tonight!
As soon as I saw I took all of it out of every cage I had put it in and returned to Tobias to see how I might be able to help him, it was absolutely horrific.. at first he was choking like my other rats were so my plan was to sit next to him and talk kindly and keep calm and watch him as he went through this, but then everything changed and I’m telling you I thought he was going to choke to death in my hands tonight, he was pale and there was stuff coming out of his nose and he started to tint purple, I attempted to help him an hoped that gravity would be on my side. This entire situation was horrendous and so incredibly scary. My love and I felt helpless, I could not see the object in his mouth and he wasn’t drooling the way my other rats have when they have choked and the amount of energy he was using to try and dislodge this food was scary, it felt like a last effort level of energy, then he was limp and he pooped and he was pale and I was crying and hoping I could help him.
I didn’t give up and after a lot of hard work I managed to help him.
As I held him in my hands upside down and forcefully patting his back, he started to chew and it became clear he had the ability to breathe a bit better again, his ears gained a bit of pink and he looked at me, he looked right at me and walked right up to my face and licked me and got as close to my face as he could, my love was standing next to me and said, “you just saved his life” it was a surreal moment, my rat and I had an understanding of how scary that truly was for both of us.
He is in a small cage with water and fresh blankets.
I am asking you all, if you could thank the universe for letting him live on to experience more of this beautiful world and if you could just think some really good thoughts for my boy Tobias July.
I am so thankful, as I cry laying in bed. I Am so thankful he is still with us.
And I am throwing that food out and getting new food tomorrow. I am also going to start researching how I can make my own food and what that would take.
I am truly taken back by how many times my rats have choked just in one year.. I have never even heard of this happening to someone, even having one rat choke is crazy but having to go through multiple choking and for them to go through that!? It’s terrifying and there has to be a way to keep them healthy and safe.
😭 my sweet boy
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isleofdarkness · 7 months
Writing this I realized my main thoughts on Evie's backstory are "DIE DIE GRIMHILDE DIE", to which... wow, what a surprise, never would have crossed my mind/s
AAAAAAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN. How fucking full of shit you have to be to starve a BABY for them to not be fat. Who starves a newborn? Who does that? Genuinely, who the fuck does that? Oh god, I hate her so much.
You know what pisses me off the most? THIS IS REAL. I mean, obviously is not real, but like- this shit happens A LOT. PEOPLE STARVE THEIR CHILDREN. Like, is common. I can name three or five friends of mine whose mothers implanted diet culture and self-hatred into them and GOD- I hate almond moms with a burning passion. Anyways, going back to the review-
“If she wasn't getting those, doctors are sure she wouldn't have made it even another two years.” Im ok, everything is totally fine, nothing wrong, everythi
“Grimhilde made sure her daughter knew how to sexually attract and please men.” 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
“Her bedroom, which had once been her beloved refuge, had become a place she couldn't stand due to all of the horrific memories made in that room.” “Evie felt the boy go completely stiff, breath coming far too quickly but with practiced silence- who even developed the skill to hyperventilate silently?” You depict abuse victims so well and in a way that doesn't feel caricatured, they feel real. Thank you.
“He was terrified, shaking and tense, the same kind of terror Evie felt when her mother was angry.” Poor babies, they deserve the world :(
“When his blue eyes finally meet hers, he suddenly looks so much older. In her moments of vulnerability, when she dared look in her cracked mirror, she knew her eyes could look like that.” Is this about Evie looking younger due to undernutrition? (“...she's clearly underdeveloped. The poor girl looks like she's thirteen without her makeup.”)
Evie and Malcolm are the cutest, I want to hug both of them.
Also fuck that guy, whoever he is. I'm glad Agony beat his ass.
“Agony was the first girl her own age she had ever met. The first girl she'd ever been friends with- the second friend she'd ever had. Evie was absolutely thrilled.” I love them, Evie's so in love.
“Evie dared not get up as Grimhilde screamed at her. She screamed about the company Evie was keeping, using every racist term towards Black people that she knew, calling Agony a cripple and Malcolm a retard (along with several other derogatory terms for people with Down Syndrome that I won't repeat,) insulting them based on their backgrounds (Agony's "whore mother" and calling Malcolm a slave because of his mother-) if there was a way Grimhilde could insult the two, she used it. She blamed Evie for her assault, shaming her for "being a cheap whore instead of a princess" and acting as though Evie had consensually had sex and hadn't been a child raped by an adult. She forced Evie to apologize to her, then forced her to apologize to the man who'd assaulted her for the "trouble she'd caused" and having people "hurt an innocent man." ” I HATE HER SO MUCH. GOD. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER. The fact a child rapist knew he could go to her and tell her about how he had assault her daughter multiple times and, not only not face any consequences, but also get that child to APOLOGISE TO HIM talks about how much of a shitty mother AND person Grimhilde is. Also, all the slurs? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
I had two moods reading this "Evie, Malcolm and Agony are the cutest and deserve the best" and "FUCK GRIMHILDE, I HATE HER"
Thankfully, the worst part is about to be over. Now she has a friend with connections to people who can help her. Of course, better doesn't mean her life is going to be perfect.
(TW for starving a child and referenced child sexual abuse and assault)
The amount of times I've heard about people restricting how much a baby eats to give them a "slender figure-" babies are supposed to be fat! That baby fat they have is very important! And babies are growing so rapidly, they need a certain amount of calories so that they can grow and their bones can fuse and their brains can develop! I agree, it's messed up.
Children deserve to not worry about their weight. They deserve decadence and the joys of life. Yeah, they still need to be healthy, but children deserve to have candy and sweets and food that isn't always healthy. Their bodies are still developing, they need this stuff because even unhealthy things make up a natural part of their diet. They have a minimum daily calorie requirement and certain vitamins to help their internal organs develop properly. To deprive them of that and blame their perfectly healthy weight is not only cruel, it's medically dangerous. Let kids exist without counting calories and sabotaging their bodies by trying to stay slim.
Thankfully, she's getting better. It's slow-going and doctors aren't sure how much is going to be permanent, but she's getting better and the damage is starting to mend.
Absolutely horrific to put that on any child, especially one who is elementary school age, Grimhilde.
Thank you. I'm trying really hard to convey how horrific child abuse is, and I'm glad I'm getting it across.
They do deserve the world. They deserve the entire galaxy.
You know how children have this young look in their eyes? Like you can look into their eyes and tell that they haven't seen as much of the world, that they're innocent and carefree? It's like this beautiful spark they have in their eyes. Malcolm didn't have that spark. His eyes were serious, tired, filled with way too much experience for someone so young. Evie had seen that spark leave her eyes over the past year or so, and she had seen how it made her face seem older, more adult. A child without that spark just seems older than they are, and that's what Evie meant. Malcolm, like her, didn't have that innocence anymore. He'd been through too much, like she had, and it had forced him to mature far too early.
They're very cute.
He was just some minion. That was one of the only times Agony didn't regret using her power (most times have been on accident and, while this one was, too, she doesn't feel that sorry that it happened.)
They were already so important to each other.
Evie had found the first two positive connections to other people she'd ever had, the first two friendships, the first two connections to children her own age, and Grimhilde spent a solid hour insulting them. It was horrific. As for that guy, you'll be pleased to know that Agony told her uncle and that that guy is never going to hurt Evie or any other small child ever again.
Both moods are extremely valid and are exactly what I was going for. Thank you so, so much.
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r1ddly · 11 months
Yeah hold on let my think of some, I just got off a conference call LMAO
Probably has a shell fish allergy
Keeps any and all records of himself at his house, both for control and also because he thinks it's funny
He loves to complain and start arguments, he doesn't care if he's wrong or not he just thinks it's funny
He'll also actively gaslight or lie in front of people
This man has no sense of shame or regret or embarrassment, he never really feels them (only once or twice ever in his life)
Does he actually get scared? Yes, he's a lot fearful then what others expect. Though he expresses it very differently
I've been thinking about romantic stuff with my jon, not necessarily with me or anyone but in general- can he fall in love?
I think he can, just not traditionally, ya know? Though those are headcanons for another day AND another blog wink wink
Bitch hates jello
Actually he also hates fruity candy with the exception of Starburst
I retract my statement on saying he doesn't like sweets- I think he does but very specific sweets and he only eats them on specific days and times
Like he'd eat one Starburst on Friday, or kisses on Saturday at 5:30 pm
Actually you know what his diet fuckn sucks LMAO
Only eats specific meals and it's nothing special
I think I mentioned it before but he's got bad poster and he's a LOT taller then what we actually see
Idk about face claims or anything and I am working on a voice claim video for my rogues but I will say, Cillian Murphy definitely had some influence in his design LMAO
I can't decide if he has thick or thin hair ngl, I'm leaning towards thicker hair but he just doesn't take care of it well
He's extremely passive aggressive
He's also pretty patient at times
Oh here's a thing- he's very catty! Actually he kinda acts as a "mean girl" at arkham
He can actually be a really mean bully, which is ironic as he used to be horrifically bullied when he was younger
He wouldn't do the things his bullies would do but he'd definitely tease you, trip you when walking down the halls, prank call you, call you out for no reason- he's very petty
Though he doesn't necessarily hate you when he does it, you'd know when he hates you
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thenecropolix · 7 months
I see I've garnered some interest on my last post regarding vampires and speculative biology, therefore I'm happy to share my thoughts and the conclusion I've reached in terms of vampire anatomy
So to preface this, I actually am not a huge fan of vampires in terms of how modern media has portrayed them; compared to more fascinating yet gruesome concept of lycanthropy and its metaphorical parallels to humanity, identity, and horrific transformation, Vampires just... lacked that appeal to me with the simplicity of an otherwise abnormal human with pointy ears and having a thirst for blood.
When you look at it from the biological lens in regards to actual vampire bats, it's fascimating but incredibly ridiculous to think that a creature could subsist entirely on blood; it's an extreme specialization that only works in oh so many critters due to how unsustainable it to just live off of a liquid diet.
There's also the matter of just the overall appearance; as fun as it is drawing winged humanoids that still retain human limbs, a quick descent into anatomy made me realize how heavily modified the skeleton had to be to accommodate for a naturally mult-limbed vertebrate because at the end of the day, bat wings (and bird wings as another reference) are modified arms and hands that, with the addition of normal arms/hands, would be an anatomical nightmare.
In trying to come up with a plausible explanation as to how a living vampire would anatomically work, I came to 2 separate conclusions: the vampire would either have a modified keel (an expanded sternum in birds) that would allow for the place of grasping limbs positioned lower along the body in addition to a pair of wings (thus making them 4 limbed), OR (the more plausible idea in my mind) they would be more anatomically similar to a pterosaur in which only 1 finger is modified to act as the wing, allowing the other 4 fingers to be free at the cost of reduced strength (but which is then made up for in the back limbs, which would be anatomically similar to that of a primate with the bonus of human hand flexibility).
There's also the matter of sociability and behavior in vampires that I think is rather ironic; often, older media portrays them as brooding figures that live solitary lives and compete with another, but funnily enough vampire bats are highly social (well the females are at least) and have been documented sharing food and participating in allogrooming; ergo, I like to think they'd be more sociable, perhaps even on par with the modern wolf in terms of social dynamics (albeit modified).
Lastly, the food issue came to my attention and it occurred to me that perhaps rather than being obligatory sanguivores, vampires are instead facultative sanguivores and live more akin to scavengers or carrion eaters like vultures; that is, they stalk prey that's injured or on the verge of death. The prey in question I imagine would consist of medium to large ungulates like wild boar, deer, and elk as opposed to humans (I think "attacks" would be misinterpreted much like those of other apex predators e.g. perhaps the vampire was feasting on a human that was already dead or was extremely desperate for food); regarding their hunting hours, naturally they are nocturnal, but I think moreso cause they're sensitive to sunlight in the way any nocturnal critter is: the eyes are better suited for the night (light won't kill them, it's just not easy on the vision nor, perhaps, sensitive skin).
For a more modern interpretation regarding the whole thing with blood, I had the thought that as opposed to vampire bats who go for fresh blood, I thought that perhaps they could consume coagulated blood as it's a common ingredient in blood sausage and soups in other countries (contrary to American media). This actually then made me realize it seems no one's thought of the word building concept of vampire farmers who raise their own livestock for personal consumption (imagine if you will, a vampire farmer hiring human farmhands with livestock maintenance cause you can only do so much with hands on your legs and only 4 working fingers attached to a wing). Alternatively there are those with hunting licenses permitted to stalk the environment for prey around certain times of the year).
I think... I think I've gotten most of what I had in mind out of my head (although knowing me, I most likely forgot to note a thing or 2), jumbled as it is; if anyone is further interested in the anatomical concepts, I'd be happy to post them on my other blog where I mostly post conceptual work
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anewkindofme · 8 months
A lot of people kind of headcanon sam Winchester as having an ED. So, I was wondering if you maybe agree with that and if so, do you think it’s something he takes with him into little space? Also, if he does have it as a little as well, do you have any headcanons about how dean deals with it?
Also if you need ideas for Damon and Stefan: maybe Stefan takes his toy somewhere Damon told him not to, he loses it and freaks out but doesn’t tell Damon, and eventually Damon finds out and fixes everything?
Ask me for headcanons on characters from my fandom list!
Thank you for the idea for Defan!
As for the Winchesters…
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TW: major discussion of eating disorders…
I think both of them have different forms of an eating disorder.
Dean has an issue with binge eating. It stems from at times not knowing where his next meal would come from as a child. If food was scarce while John was gone, he of course gave it to Sammy. (Though don’t get me started on the time when Sam threw a tantrum about the cereal, Dean threw out the spaghettios. He would’ve eaten them for sure…) He also is just so used to eating junk. Pie is less filling, so he had to eat more of it.
He eats when he’s sad. He eats when there’s a victory. He eats when he’s angry. Even if he’s not hungry, he just eats.
Meanwhile, even the food that Sam ate growing up was all junk and I’m sure he got sick of it. In spite of all the younger Sams being regular size, Sam says this in S1…
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Which I know is where a lot of the “Sam has an eating disorder” stems from. I do think there may have been a period where Sam was overweight and we just didn’t see it. Or, I could buy that he went to a clinic after he left for Stanford and they were like “your diet is horrific”. And he spiraled into a health kick after that, which lead to him scared to touch that junk.
I think overall, Dean supports Sam wanting to eat healthier, especially when he’s Little. However, he probably tries to overfeed him as he’s so skinny. Then Sam doesn’t want to eat because he’s self-conscious. Cue tantrums and I can even see Dean losing his cool.
I think it takes a long time before they both realize their relationship with food isn’t healthy. Sam starts going to therapy for other issues and his therapist points out it’s not healthy that he’s so obsessed with calories and wanting to survive off protein shakes and salad. Then when she talks to Dean, he explains how he’s been handling it and the therapist is like…
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So, they both have work to do.
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gojuo · 2 years
I heard many people say that if the showrunners were good writers they would definitely make aegon and rhaenyra parallel each other. And tbh it's such an interesting take , because that would flesh out the conflict and make it very grey as it should have been. Also the fact that syrax is yellow and sunfyre is gold and you know... Gold and yellow are very similar so i think it's an interesting detail from GRRM. So what you think about this ? If u have given the chance to write their dynamic and how they parallel each other, how will u do it? I'm curious
Syrax and Sunfyre couldn’t be more different to be honest 😭 Syrax for starters is useless and lazy, never went out into battle, never hunted for her own food, forgot she could fly and breathe fire, essentially letting the mob of KL kill her, her one and only kill is Joffrey, etc. etc. She was worthless and did nothing during the entire Dance, mirroring her rider I guess 😭😭😭 Sunfyre contrary to that was a much younger dragon who DID ride out into battle, who DID hunt for his own food (balanced diet of other dragons, grand maesters and princesses #healthygainz), who has THE most dragon kills, who was horrifically injured but still kept on fighting kept on surviving who refused to die all to find his way back to Aegon and to help him achieve his goal of killing Rhaenyra, WHO SHOULD HAVE DIED TEN TIMES OVER BUT REFUSED TO ALL FOR AEGON BC SUNFYRE KNEW HIS BELOVED RIDER NEEDED THAT MONSTER DEAD AND HE COULDN'T LEAVE THIS WORLD BEFORE HE MADE SURE SHE WAS GETTING DIGESTED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also exactly mirroring his rider...
Anyways this is about the dragons but dragons do resemble their riders so I feel like this would also be their dynamic. They’re just too different. Both in the book and in the show. In the book Rhaenyra is hungry for violence and makes the declaration of war first, she never cared for her siblings (always calling them her half-siblings), was gleeful when they died, when she was young in court she made fun of them along with Daemon to entertain herself, etc. Aegon in contrast had to be convinced to take up the crown, he says “What kind brother steals his sister’s throne?” (paraphrased, I don’t have the passage with me right now) when Criston tried to persuade him (RIP Kingmaker Cole, one of the most butchered Greens on the show), insinuating that he had resigned himself to being unwanted, only being convinced to ascend the throne himself because him and his entire family would have to be killed in order for Rhaenyra to have a smooth succession, etc. etc.
In the show they obviously tried to soften Rhaenyra’s canon ass personality bc they need their Daenerys 2.0, but then again, she was also beefing with her little 2-year-old brother on his birthday????? Like.. “No one is here for me,” she cries but they are at her baby brother’s birthday party ????? I’m fucking crying why was this grown woman so upset people were celebrating Aegon’s birthday, as if she herself didn’t get birthday parties every single year too 😭 Anyways show!Rhaenyra is less bloodthirsty and deliberately awful, but she still makes the declaration of war first, she still beefs with her baby brother, she still never makes an effort to get close to them (evidenced in the Driftmark episode), all in all she still doesn’t see them as family.
If the show was in my hands, I would have never whitewashed her character (bc she would be the antagonist and Alicent/Aegon the protag so lol) so if it was up to me, I would have had young Rhaenyra trying to bond with Aegon, but failing miserably because of her own feelings of doubt and insecurity of her position. And also, because Daemon is grooming her and slowly turning her against her siblings because he has his claws in her bc in my version of the show, Daemon would be the unequivocal villain of the series, serving no one but himself, not even Rhaenyra. Remember that he was starting with grooming her when she was 8 years old after being named heir. He, being as self-serving as he is, would have more chance of getting close to the throne as Rhaenyra’s King Consort than being uncle to King Aegon. (He doesn’t give a shit about her, he just cares about her power & title.) So Daemon would be poisoning young Rhaenyra against her siblings and since she would be feeling isolated in her younger years, fearing that her father would replace her with Alicent and their kids, it would be just way too easy for Daemon.
I think what I would do is that because of the big age gap between Rhaenyra & Aegon + Daemon always all up in her ear + her fucking off to Dragonstone for most of Aegon’s life, I would have had their characters be paralleled (Rhaenyra is loved by their dad and is the heir and has all his attention vs. Aegon is loved by the court + has better PR and Rhaenyra fears her position will go to him). Any interaction I would have them do would be extremely strained and filled with vitriol and resentment and bitterness, but I think what would be best for them is their interactions not being face-to-face but mostly through ranting about the other behind their backs. Aegon, whenever the family believes he’s fucked up and the frustration becomes too much for him, he’d just be like, “Who the hell cares what I do? Father only sees sister anyways/Sister-who-is-more-of-a-stranger-to-me is the one who will inherit everything that should have gone to me so why even bother?” etc. etc. such moments of vulnerability. For Rhaenyra, we would have such moments when she’s younger and Aegon is newly born. As a girl who’s lost her mother, who’s watching as her father is with a new wife, she would feel like she and the memory of her mother is getting replaced by Alicent & Aegon, and the fear of losing her only family (her dad) to someone that is not her and then also losing the inheritance her father gave her to someone that is also not her would make her a young and insecure girl, feeling isolated (perfect moment for Daemon to begin his grooming) and extremely hostile towards Aegon. As they grow older, Rhaenyra would see how Viserys cares so much for her and loves her whereas Aegon sees none of it, so she would be feeling vindicated and rub that in his face, only showing him apathy and spitefulness whenever they brush shoulders in passing. But what do I know, I’m just some girl writing fanfiction... Instead, the superior CondalHess are going to have their first and last interaction be when he kills her 🙃
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
Sidelines: Arm Wrestle
Every year the Avengers football team holds a big charity event all of the players and the cheerleaders are all expected to be there. This year it’s going to be a carnival themed event and you’re more than a little excited. You’ve each been given a booth to work and sometime to work that booth. There had been some talk about a kissing booth for the cheerleaders, some of the girls had been okay with it but most of you thought it was horrifically demeaning, incredibly sexist and absolutely appalling. Not to mention super, super gross.
Thankfully when it was brought up to Carol and Maria they’d backed you completely and made sure that Pepper was aware of the idea. One that she’d immediately put a stop to.
Now your options were a photo booth, one where Happy was watching interactions and with a single glance from any of the cheerleaders he would escort out the person in question. It was a no questions asked situation, if one of you were uncomfortable the person in question was out.
You had second shift at the photos, you weren’t overly thrilled about it but you were with Natasha who you knew wouldn’t take any shit from anyone which made you feel better about possibly having to kick someone out.
You head to the event early, there are tons of people at the stadium already, you know that Steve had two shifts to do, one signing autographs and another shift working the arm wrestling booth.
You know that he has a break during your shift but you’re still pleased when he comes wandering over with Clint, who is finally going steady with Natasha, to bring you a Diet Coke and a large soft pretzel.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
“Say it with kisses Sweetheart.” He teases and you roll your eyes at him,
“This isn’t a kissing booth Rogers.” You scold and he laughs before throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you to him. He presses a quick kiss to the side of your head before letting you go and get back to work. Nat, Yelena, Monica and Sarah all “aww” loudly and it’s then that you come up with your little plan of revenge.
“Nat, I need a favor.” You tell her before giving her a wicked little smirk.
“Oh, that look spells trouble for Steve and I’m completely in.”
“One of the many reasons that I love you Nat.” You tell her and she laughs as you get back to work.
When your shift is over you and Nat head over to where you know that Steve is working the arm wrestling booth. He’s currently going against another man who is doing his best but you know that Steve isn’t even trying yet. The timer runs down to five seconds left and you see him flex and bring the other guy’s hand down. The other man chuckles and shakes his head as Steve shakes his hand. You give Nat a little smile and wink then flounce over to where Steve is standing for the next challenger.
“Hey Sweetheart.” He says with a grin.
“Hi,” you tell him with a smile before you place your elbow in the spot on the tiny table, “I might need to get a little closer since I’m so short.” You tell him and he laughs and shakes his head.
“Now this isn’t gonna be fair Sweetheart.”
“What? Scared you’re going to lose?” You tease and Bucky lets out a bark of laughter, “Wanna make it interesting Barnes?” You ask and Nat grins.
“Sure. Fifty on Steve.”
“Fifty on Cat.” Yelena calls and you can’t help but be pleased with how your little plan is working. You hold out your hand, waiting for Steve’s and he narrows his eyes at you, you give him a sweet little smile then look down at your hand expectantly. Steve laughs softly then puts his hand on the table and takes your hand.
“Three, two, one, go!” Sam says looking amused and you lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. The second that you know he’s distracted you push his hand down to the table. You pull away triumphantly and Steve lets out a laugh of surprise.
“That’s cheating!” Bucky cries and you laugh,
“I never used my other hand, it stayed on the table.”
“She’s right. We have proof.” Nat says wiggling her phone and Bucky scowls,
“We got hustled!” He cries throwing his hands into the air.
“Somehow, I don’t think I mind.” Steve says grinning down at you.
This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.
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bloodyvenomboy · 1 month
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Gross. Gross disgusting man Gabriel my horrific bird man.
Hes a shifter, specifically the bearded vulture, a carrion who's diet is 60% bones! Gabriel has always been attracted to death by nature, it literally sustains him. At some point in his young life this attraction became devotion. He dedicates himself to it as a religion, a god. He founded a church and became a priest, dedicating his time to preaching and praising the glory that is the force of nature we know as Death. His sermons are as poetic as they are demented, each one baptized with the blood of a sacrifice. A sacrifice, not taken in vain, not simply a meaningless death, but a true look into the eyes of god
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