#my darling Lady💛
lesbiianboyfriend · 2 months
feeling Hestia several times today but having an ear infection so I cant hear her sucks. let me talk w my Lady please lord
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corroded-hellfire · 10 months
Thanks for the Help - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
A collaboration with my darling @munson-blurbs, who I'm eternally thankful for 💛
Summary: The first Thanksgiving as Eddie's girl comes with some unexpected pressures, but also some unexpected kindness.
Note: Happy Thanksgiving!
Words: 5.9k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Did I already get all the ingredients for the green bean casserole out? Oh God, did I set the oven to the right temperature for the turkey? I’m missing a vegetable. What am I missing? Jesus, did the carrots just disappear?
Frantic is an understatement for how you’re scrambling about the kitchen, trying to do twenty things at once. Sure, you’ve cooked meals for people before—hell, you’ve cooked many meals for the Munson family before. But this is Thanksgiving. Arguably the most important meal of the year. You refuse to screw it up. 
What if the boys are disappointed in your cooking? Of course Eddie would say he enjoyed it no matter what, but you want the truth. The boys are good with the truth—for the most part, anyway. Luke can be brutally honest at times. Some days it’s refreshing, some days you wish the kid would keep his mouth shut when he says that the skirt you're wearing is an “old lady skirt.”
Eddie is useless in the kitchen—occasionally detrimental. The boys are too young to be of any great help to you, either. It’s all on you. You’re either going to sink or swim, you’re just having some issues getting into the water. 
This is the first Thanksgiving that the boys aren’t spending with both of their parents. Both you and Eddie were curious how they would react to this, but they don’t seem to be deviating from their usual, cheerful selves at all. Part of you is worried they’re going to compare your cooking to Brittany’s. Will they wish their mom was here cooking instead of you? No, you know with absolute certainty that isn’t the case. Even if they do prefer Brittany’s cooking to yours, there is no way they would want their mother here instead of you. Not to mention that Brittany had scampered off to California to visit her family. Eddie tried to have the conversation with her about where the boys would go, but she just rolled her eyes and told Eddie she already had plans. No Brittany already makes this Thanksgiving better than any he’s had in years. 
For you, this only added pressure—not only were you cooking an entire Thanksgiving dinner, but you also had to ensure that Luke and Ryan weren’t distraught over this abrupt change in family traditions. Eddie has told you many times not to be nervous, but since when did that work for anybody? “Don’t be nervous.” Oh great, thank you for the advice, I’m not nervous anymore!
Last night as you were getting into bed, Eddie could tell you were on edge and tugged you over to lay on his chest so he could hold you. 
“What’s going on?” he’d asked. 
You hadn’t said it out loud to him yet. You knew you could, it’s just embarrassing. Plus, Brittany was never a pleasant topic to discuss. But this is Eddie; you could bare your soul to him, and he’d still be there holding you. 
“I’m scared that I won’t be able to cook as good of a meal as Brittany and the boys will be disappointed,” you’d admitted.
Eddie let out a heavy sigh and softly rubbed up and down your back. 
“Sweetheart, half the time we were at one of her relative’s houses, anyway. Brittany only cooked Thanksgiving a handful of times. You cook far better than she does. The boys are so happy to have you with us this year. I’m so happy to have you. Plus, I’m the alternative here. Anything you make will be a masterpiece compared to whatever I’d come up with.” 
His words had soothed you a little, but when you woke up this morning, the dread still slithered throughout your chest. You feel a bit more relaxed when you see two sleepy-headed boys coming down the hall in their pajamas. Luke’s curls are a mess—more so than usual. And Ryan has a few sections of his hair that are standing straight up. What do these kids do in their sleep?
“Good morning,” you greet them.
“Mornin’,” Ryan mumbles. You only get a half-hearted wave from Luke in response. 
“You guys want some cereal?” you ask. It might be a nice break from searching for ingredients and running around in circles.
“S’the parade on yet?” Luke asks before letting out the longest yawn that you’ve ever heard. 
“About seven more minutes, bud,” you tell him. “Cereal?”
“Yes, please,” Ryan says. 
“Sure!” Luke adds. 
You turn to Eddie, who is leaning up against the counter and inspecting his fingernails like he has not a care in the world. “Um, babe?”
“Can you get the boys their breakfast?” The request is terse, your anxiety amplifying your frustration that he’s taking up space in the kitchen without doing anything. 
Eddie throws Lucky Charms and milk in plastic bowls and brings them over to his sons, flipping through the channels until he gets to one showing the parade. Ryan and Luke buzz with excitement as the New York Fire Department kicks off the event, oversized balloons trailing not far behind. 
“I could be one of those balloon string people,” Luke says as a gigantic Garfield floats by. 
Ryan rolls his eyes. “It would carry you away,” he answers with a smirk. 
Luke’s eyes light up, excited by the prospect of this impromptu voyage. “Where?”
“Over the rainbow. In Munchkinland,” Ryan deadpans, crunching on his cereal. 
“Hey, Scarecrow, Tin Man, be nice,” Eddie says and picks up a couch pillow to bop each of them on the head with from behind, making his way back over to where you’re prepping veggies.
He comes up behind you, resting his hands on your hips. “Baby, did you even have breakfast yet?”
“Uh, I had a granola bar,” you say distractedly, trying to find the right page in a cookbook.
Eddie shakes his head and smiles. “Sweetheart, come on. Sit down with me. Eat something.”
“I have to get the turkey in the oven and get everything else prepped so I’m not scrambling for ingredients…” you explain, closing a drawer with your hip. 
He laughs kindly. “And you will, right after you eat an actual meal. You won’t be much of a chef if you faint.”
“Just let me make sure I have all the ingredients for the green bean casserole. I know it’s in this damn book somewhere.” You lick your forefinger as you flip through the pages on a mission to find the recipe. 
Eddie sighs and drops his forehead down to your shoulder. He knew you were going to put too much pressure on yourself today, even after he tried to explain to you last night that there’s no reason to stress about anything. At this point, any further reassurance would likely be a waste of breath, so he just grabs a slice of carrot and absentmindedly pops it in his mouth. 
You can no longer hide your frustration, even if you wanted to. “Eddie, what the hell?” Anger seeps through your gritted teeth when you chastise him. 
For fuck’s sake, you think, sighing in annoyance. “You’re eating the ingredients!”
“It was one carrot slice!”
When you glare at him, Eddie puts his hands up in surrender and starts to back away, nearly bumping right into Ryan. 
“Uh uh,” Eddie says, shaking his head when his oldest son drops his empty bowl in the sink. “Kitchen’s gonna have enough going on today. Wash your bowl and put it away, please.”
Ryan does as he’s told, though his mind wanders back to all the things he learned about Thanksgiving at school this week. He looks over at you while you prep the turkey, a huge grin on his face. 
“Did you know they don’t think there really was a turkey at the first Thanksgiving? Oh! And the first Thanksgiving lasted three days!”
You’re only half listening as you focus on basting the bird up with butter, careful not to miss a spot. 
“That’s pretty cool, Ry,” you say with half-hearted enthusiasm. 
“And they think there were only five women there. That’s crazy!” Ryan continues. 
Luke wanders into the kitchen and Ryan tells him what Eddie did—to wash and put away his bowl. He does, but not as willingly or thoroughly as his brother. 
Once the boys go back out to watch the rest of the parade, you breathe a sigh of relief. Now maybe you can chop the rest of the carrots without accidentally slicing a finger. 
The agitation that’s built up in you over the course of the morning starts to abate as you’re able to get a few tasks accomplished. You wash your hands in the sink, hoping the lemon scent of the soap will take some of the stench of onion off of them. As you turn around to grab a paper towel, Ryan strolls back into the kitchen. You hate the surge of irritation that floods through you. Ryan didn’t do anything wrong; he’s just walking around his own home.
“Can I help?” he asks, adorable smile on display. 
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” you say as you look around at all the supplies spread out on the countertops. Anything that needs to be done next involves a knife, the oven, or stove. Nothing that Ryan is old enough to work with. “I’ll let you know when there’s something I need you for, okay?”
“Okay,” he says with a shrug.
Internally, you heave a sigh of relief. Maybe now he’ll go back out with Luke or go bug Eddie. But he stays in the kitchen, bouncing around on the balls of his feet as he looks at the different ingredients that are out. 
“President Lincoln is the one who made Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1863!”
Two things you would never do are tell one of the boys to shut up or discourage them from learning. The little devil on your shoulder wants you to do exactly that, though. Before you can say anything, Luke skips into the kitchen and glides over the linoleum floor with his socked feet. He pushes past his older brother to be closer to you.
“We learned all ‘bout the Mayflower! And the Pur…purit…purg…uh…” he trails off.
“Puritans?” you say, tone harsher than you intended. Luckily, neither of the boys notice. 
Luke pipes up this time. “I made a pilgrim hat in school, but then it, um, it broke.”
Ryan cocks a curious eyebrow. “It broke? How?”
“I sat on it.”
Eddie sees the boys getting underfoot and swoops in. “Parade’s back on,” he reports, ushering them back over to the couch before spinning around to face you. “I can help chop, if that’ll help.”
You begrudgingly agree, handing him a knife and a butternut squash. 
He hasn’t even been at the task for two minutes when he yelps, “son of a bitch!”
You jump, startled by the sudden noise. “Wh-What?” you ask at the same time the boys call out, “swear jar!” in unison. 
“Cut my finger,” Eddie mumbles, shoving his forefinger in his mouth while you huff and grab a paper towel. “Jeez, it was an accident. What’s going on with you?”
You massage the bridge of your nose, feeling like you have three kids in the house instead of just two. “Nothing,” you reply, fist clenched, “just…go put a Band-Aid on.”
With his dad occupied in another room, Ryan wanders into the kitchen. 
“Did you know that female turkeys don’t gobble?”
Did you know that this female human is about to lose her patience? You keep the snark to yourself, though part of you thinks your tongue will fall off with how much you’ve been biting it today. 
You’re the first one to listen to what the boys did in school, what they learned, and help them with their homework. You read with them, quiz them, even hit them with your own trivia tidbits. On any other occasion you’d absolutely love this. But now? Now it’s grating on you like sandpaper against your skin. 
“It’s a commercial,” Luke announces as he joins the gang in the kitchen. He stays quiet for a moment, and with your back to him since you’re checking the potatoes on the stove, you think he may have left, but then you hear, “can we get McDonalds?”
Luckily, Ryan answers for you. “No, it’s Thanksgiving!”
“Oh. Right.”
When Eddie returns, one of the boys’ SpongeBob SquarePants Band-Aids wrapped around his finger, he presses a kiss to your cheek. You start to smile, feeling yourself relax until you watch him skim some of the fried onions for the green bean casserole. 
“Boys, do you wanna help?” Your palms tightly gripping the edge of the countertop is the only thing keeping you from imploding. 
“Yes!” Luke begins to jump up and down, flashing a gigantic smile. 
“What can we do?” Ryan asks, putting a hand on his brother’s shoulder to prevent him from going airborne. 
You muster up all of the enthusiasm you can, which isn’t much. “It’s a very important job. Are you guys up for it?”
“Yeah!” they cheer in unison.
“Okay.” You lean in as though sharing a precious secret. “I need you to be my little security guards. Your dad,” you gesture to Eddie, “has sticky fingers and keeps stealing ingredients. Can you two keep an eye on everything to make sure he doesn’t take anything else?”
“Aye aye!” Luke salutes like he’s taking orders in the military.
“He’ll never get past us!” Ryan promises.
Eddie raises his fingers from behind them. “And, um, what can I do?” he asks.
“You wanna help? Uh…set the table?” you offer with a shrug.
You can vaguely hear him mumble under his breath about that being a kid’s job; the boys hear it, too, and they laugh. 
“It’s like you’re the kid and we’re the grown-ups!” Ryan giggles. Eddie ignores him and puts down placemats. 
Both Luke and Ryan take their job very seriously; every time Eddie even looks in your direction, they’re on high alert, shooing him away. This gives you a bit of peace and allows you to accomplish more tasks than when you had three Munsons trampling through the kitchen like wildebeests. 
The apartment buzzer rings, followed by a cheery, Southern accent-twanged, “it’s me!”
“GRANDPA!” Luke shouts, bolting for the door. He buzzes Wayne in while Eddie reaches over his head to unbolt the lock. 
Wayne walks through the door a few minutes later, carrying an apple pie just as he promised. His brows crease when he takes in the sight of you practically tripping over the boys in the kitchen, trying to do everything yourself. 
“You’re not helping her?” he asks his nephew, a slight accusation in his tone. 
Eddie holds up his bandaged finger. “I’ve been banished.”
Wayne pulls him aside, dropping his volume to a whisper. “I’ll work on dinner. You go cheer up your girl before she starts to cry.”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Cheer her up, like…right now?”
Confusion contorts Wayne’s mouth for just a moment. “What…oh, Jesus. Not like that. Just give her a pep talk.” He shakes his head disapprovingly. “What are you, a goddamn animal?”
“Take a break, darlin’.” Wayne says, turning to you. “I can handle things in here.” This much you know from his countless stories as an army cook. 
With the eldest Munson controlling the kitchen, Eddie takes the opportunity to pull you aside, into the bedroom. He puts his hands on your shoulders. “Can you take a deep breath for me, babe?” He smiles when you inhale for three seconds and then exhale slowly. “Look, I know you want this to be perfect, but I’m gonna love you whether we have the fanciest dinner or PB&Js.”
You try your best to listen to him, but there’s still this nagging sensation in your brain. “But the boys—”
“Sweetheart, they think Kraft mac and cheese is the pinnacle of fine cuisine. They just want to spend time with you.”
You nod, logically knowing that Eddie is right, but your mind still not fully accepting it. 
“I want to make it the best it can be for them.”
Despite your stressed out and anxious state, Eddie can’t help but smile. It’s an adoring smile as he pulls you against his chest. He presses a few soft kisses to the side of your head before resting his own against it.
“I love how much you love them,” he says. “You know what would make this the best Thanksgiving for them? Including them, just like you did. I know they had to be driving you up the wall, but you didn’t tell them to quit it or get out. Instead, you gave them jobs and made them feel important. Princess, all they want—all we all want—is to sit around the table with the people we love and eat and laugh and just enjoy the time together.”
“That sounds lovely,” you admit with a dreamy sigh that makes Eddie chuckle.
“This is already my favorite Thanksgiving,” he tells you. ‘All my favorite people are under one roof. The delicious food you make is just going to be the icing on the cake.”
“We have pie, not cake,” you tease, poking a finger into Eddie’s chest. But your lips do quirk up in the approximation of a smile. Eddie takes this as a win and gives you a big smacking kiss on your forehead.
Wayne has a well-oiled machine going when you walk back into the kitchen. He hardly even looks tired; he completely has control over the situation. Since Eddie was busy in the other room talking with you, your small security guards are apparently taking a break from their shifts.
Ryan is still spouting out facts to his grandfather about the holiday. Now, it makes you chuckle as you listen to him giving a history lecture. Between Wayne swooping in to be your hero and Eddie trying to calm you down, there’s less pressure on you. You’re able to appreciate the enthusiasm of the boys and how they’re getting into the spirit of the holiday. With one more deep breath, you know you’re ready to get back in the kitchen and work alongside Wayne.
“Grandpa,” Ryan says as Wayne checks on the turkey. “I’ll tell you this because I know Daddy won’t care. Football on Thanksgiving didn’t become a tradition until 1876!” 
“Huh,” you muse as you open a can of green beans. “Do you know who it was between?”
“It was Yale and Princeton!”
Of course he knows that, too. Ryan never ceases to amaze you. You’re pretty sure he knows more now than you ever will. Maybe you could get him to help you with your statistics course that’s being a pain in the ass. You chuckle at the thought of Ryan attempting to explain the equations to you, getting frustrated every time you just stare at him in confusion.
Eddie walks into the kitchen and looks around, eyes landing on his eldest son.
“All I heard was, ‘Daddy won’t care.’ What exactly wouldn’t I care about?”
“Football,” Ryan says.
“You got that right,” Eddie says and musses up Ryan’s hair. “Could be worse though—at least it’s not basketball.”
Luke frowns. “Why don’t you like basketball?”
Wayne shakes his head like don’t get him started.
“All they do is shoot balls into laundry baskets! And they’re already, like, seven feet tall! It’s barely a challenge!” Eddie’s whiny protests are adorable, though it’s very clear that’s not his intention.
Luke shuffles over and whispers in Ryan’s ear, “I wonder if it’s ‘cause Uncle Steve and Uncle Lucas were on the team and were better than Daddy at it.”
The two children–or three really, with how Eddie’s been acting today–take their sports arguments into the living room while you and Wayne continue to cook.
“I gotta tell ya,” the older man says as he measures out the butter to put in the mashed potatoes, “I’ve never seen Eddie and the boys like this.”
“What, acting the same age?” you tease with a smirk.
Wayne chuckles and shakes his head. “Wasn’t gonna be what I said, but that don’t come as a shock to me neither. No, I ain’t ever seen them so happy before. Not ‘cause it’s a holiday and they’re all excited; in general. They’re happier overall. And that’s ‘cause of you.”
Emotion tightens your throat. To know that Wayne can see from an outside perspective that Eddie and the boys are happier having you around? It makes you feel light as air, but you could also burst into tears. Not of sadness, or even happiness really, just tears of so much emotion building up inside of you. Luckily, you don’t have to come up with anything to say because Wayne continues talking.
“I know the two of ya haven’t been together that long,” Wayne says with a shrug, “but I can tell by the way you two look at each other.”
“He’s my person,” you agree, managing to squeak the words out.
“I can’t wait to be at your wedding someday,” he says, emotion clear in his voice as well. “Think I might be almost as excited as those two knuckleheads out there. The small ones, that is. Darlin’, you fit right in with our family.”
In all the time you’ve known Wayne, you’ve never heard him open up like this. To anyone, let alone you. The two of you made friendly conversation when you were still the babysitter and have had some pretty long conversations with one another now that you’re Eddie’s girl. But nothing like this. It makes you take his words even more to heart; you do fit in with this family.
“That means a lot,” you say in a soft voice. Shyness suddenly creeps up in you. “I just want to make this extra special for all of them, especially now that they don’t live together full-time.”
A pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, startling you. 
“Mine.” Eddie punctuates his declaration with a kiss to your cheek. You giggle and turn around in his arms, only to find he’s snagged a green bean from the bowl. 
“Eddie Munson, I swear to God!”
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The nerves that had dissipated over the course of the day start to work their way back up as all the food is set on the table and everyone begins to take a seat. You have no doubt that some of the dishes will taste great, but those would certainly have been made by Wayne. If anything on the table is bad, you’re sure that will fall in your lap.
As if he can read your mind, Eddie slips an arm around you and presses a kiss to your temple.
“Breathe, baby,” he whispers.
You follow his instructions and take your seat at the table, right next to Ryan. Eddie’s seat is at your other side, the head of the table–if it could even be called that with a table this small. 
Everyone but your boyfriend is seated, but Luke looks like he’s ready to dive headfirst into the sweet potato casserole. When the turkey had come out of the oven a little while ago, Eddie asked if Wayne wanted to have the honor of carving it. His uncle just shook his head and told Eddie that’s his job now. 
Now, Eddie stands in front of the turkey, and as you look up at him, you can see a smile quirking the corners of his lips. He clears his throat and looks out at his family sitting around him. Making a toast wasn’t something Eddie planned on doing today, but in the moment it feels right.
“So, uh, this Thanksgiving looks different for all of us this year. It’s been a bit of a weird year, but it led us to this. All of us being at this table right now with each other. Looking around at everyone’s faces I’m pretty sure everyone is smiling a little bigger, too.” Eddie lifts his glass. “My favorite people in the world are all right here with me. You all are what I’m most thankful for—not just today, but every day. So, cheers to a happy Thanksgiving.”
Everyone clinks their glasses together, and Luke makes sure that everyone has touched their own glass to everyone else’s. To no one’s surprise, Luke is also the first one to comment on the food once everyone has dug in.
“I wanna eat this food every day.” He shoves a forkful of green bean casserole in his mouth as if to prove his point.
“It really is great, sweetheart,” Eddie concurs. He reaches over and rubs his hand along your arm affectionately. Purely in a teasing manner, Wayne clears his throat, which leaves Eddie to add, “And you too, Uncle Chef Boyardee.”
Ryan’s too busy stuffing his face to speak, but it makes you chuckle at how focused he is on the food. Normally, Luke’s the one with that appetite intensity. He slows down quickly though, his eyes far bigger than his belly. His fork trails through some butter pooled in a small puddle on his plate when he gets an idea.
“Let's say what we’re thankful for! Grandpa first.”
“Easy,” Wayne says once he’s swallowed his mouthful of food. “Family.”
“New traditions,” Eddie says when Ryan points at him. Next, the finger is aimed in your direction.
“Love and acceptance.” 
Eddie’s leg purposefully brushes against yours, so you gently tap your foot against his.
“I’m thankful for you!” Ryan grins up at you, two missing baby teeth only adding to his adorableness. He wraps both of his arms around your one and gives it a hug. “I’m so happy I get to see you more.”
“It makes me happy too,” you say as you rest your head against his, emotions once again threatening to get the better of you. “I have so much fun with you guys.”
Luke takes it upon himself to announce what he’s thankful for since all attention is currently diverted away from him. 
“I’m thankful no one’s got scurvy, and for my dog,” the six-year-old announces.
“Luke, you don’t have a dog,” Eddie says.
The little boy shrugs before spearing a piece of turkey on his fork.
“That’s what you think.”
You, Eddie, and Wayne all share confused expressions that lead you to giggle, which in turn has everyone at the table laughing as well. 
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Eddie and the boys do most of the clearing of the table when everyone’s finished, since they didn’t cook, but you and Wayne pitch in as well. Right after Luke puts a dirty bowl in the sink, he gasps and bolts out of the room. If it were anyone else, one of you might question it, but it’s Luke.
He runs back in and slides to a stop right in front of you. The way he starts jumping up and down makes you worry that he’ll puke, so you gently rest your hands on his shoulders to keep him grounded. 
“I made this for you!” He proudly brandishes a hand turkey he made at school. “I made it ‘specially for you!”
“For me?” you ask, your hand coming up to rest on your chest. 
“Yes! I knew as soon as we started making ‘em in class, I wanted to give mine to you.”
This is the one. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back today that has the tears finally emerging. You bend down to give Luke a big hug, trying to hide the tears while doing so–you’re not sure if he’d understand that you’re crying for a good reason. 
“Thank you,” you tell him. “I love it so much. Can I put it on the refrigerator?”
“Uh huh.”
You move a few scattered magnets out of the way to place the hand turkey front and center on the fridge. It gets held up with a magnet shaped like a heart–which Luke made at school for Valentine’s Day. While you’re busy admiring your new favorite art exhibit, Eddie and Ryan have left the kitchen and headed into the living room. You don’t even notice until there’s a crash in the room just a few feet away.
“We’re okay!” Eddie calls. “Just a VHS avalanche.”
Chuckling to yourself, you walk out of the kitchen and tilt your head in curiosity. 
“What’re we watching?”
Ryan holds a VHS up over his head in triumph, leaving Eddie to be the sole person to clean up the avalanche of fallen movies. 
“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!”
Luke comes into the room behind you and taps your hip to get your attention. “Are you going to watch the movie with us?” 
“Of course I am,” you say, giving his curls a ruffle. “I love this movie. But I love you Munsons even more.” 
A grin so bright lights up Luke’s face that it leaves you a little surprised. He looks more excited than when you told him he had most of this week off from school the other day.
Eddie gets up now that the VHS tapes are fixed.
“Why don’t you two put the movie in?” he asks as he walks over towards you. “Babe, will you help me put the pie in the oven?”
“Sure,” you say, a little confused about what he’d need help with. Opening the oven, putting the pie in, and then closing it seems like a pretty simple task. 
Eddie takes your hand and leads you into the kitchen. He stops right in front of the oven and peeks over your shoulder to make sure the boys didn’t follow. When he sees the coast is clear, he rests his hands on your hips and gives you a small smile.
“You just looked a little confused about Luke’s reaction,” he says, before smirking and adding, “I may not be a competent cook, but I can put a pie in the oven by myself.” 
“I’ll still be here for supervision if you need it,” you tease. “But yeah, Luke looked like someone just told him he was getting that dog, not that I’m watching a movie.”
Your boyfriend sighs and rubs his hands up and down your sides, letting his thumbs dip under the hem of your shirt.
“We watch The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving every year; it’s a tradition. Brittany never watched it with us, though. She’d either be too tired, had to make a phone call, blah blah blah… So, not only the fact that you’re watching it with us, but you’re happy to watch it with us is something new to him.”
Tears flood your eyes, and you feel your heart double in size in your chest. You’re pretty sure this day is going to kill you before it’s out.
“I didn’t realize it meant that much to him.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says with an adoring smile. “You mean that much to him. To Ryan. To Wayne! God damn, I thought the old man was gonna stick me in the oven when he saw how stressed out you were.”
You let out a soft giggle and take both of his hands in your own. “I don’t think Roast Eddie would have been as good as the turkey.”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “I have it on good authority that I taste delicious.”
“You’re a perv!”
As if to prove your point, Eddie grabs your ass.
“Only for you, babe.” He laughs and takes a deep breath. “But I really am sorry that I stressed you out today. I’m so used to you having everything under control; it didn’t occur to me that you could’ve used my support.”
You nod and give the one hand you’re still holding a small squeeze. “It’s okay. And now we know for next year.”
Next year. Because you’re going to be here next year, and every year after that. You’re his girl, part of his family, and he intends to make sure it stays that way. 
Eddie grabs the pre-made pie out of the freezer and pops it into the oven. He wipes his hands off on his jeans and takes full advantage of the two of you being alone to pull your body up against his. You think he’s leaning in for a kiss, but he leans in and licks the tip of your nose. The unexpectedness makes you giggle and wrinkle up your face.
“Are you sure you’re the older one in this relationship?” you question.
“Older, yeah. More mature? Never claimed that.” He gives your ass a playful swat before heading back out to the living room, you following along behind him.
Eddie plops down on the couch, Wayne already comfy in the La-Z-Boy recliner next to it. You sit down on the couch as well but leave space between you and Eddie in case either of the boys wants to sit there. Both manage to squeeze themselves between you, making both of you chuckle as you scoot toward the respective arms of the couch. Ryan is on the cushion with Eddie, while Luke sits by your side. 
As Eddie hits play on the remote, Luke shifts at your side. He keeps moving and squirming around, never seeming to get comfortable. It’s not unusual for him to be a hyperactive kid but he’s usually ensnared by movies the moment they come on. 
“You okay?” you ask him.
He nods twice and looks up at you, a hesitant expression on his face. 
“Can you, um… Can I, uh…” He trails off, looking at your arm closest to him. It takes a moment for your brain to figure out what he wants. Happily, you lift your arm and give Luke a smile. He immediately curls into your side, and you wrap your arm around him. You have to take deep breaths to keep yourself from crying for what feels like the millionth time today. You’ve run the gambit of emotions these past twelve hours, so it’s nice to sit here and relax.
You look over and see Eddie watching the two of you, also grinning. Ryan is leaning into Eddie’s side, but not curled up and close like Luke is with you. Needing to express your emotions in some way, you lean down and press a kiss into Luke’s messy curls. His head pops up and he looks at you. Slowly, a big smile spreads on his face, identical to his father’s. Luke leans up and presses a kiss to your cheek before resuming his previous position tucked into your side. This time, a few tears do leak out–you’re just careful not to let them fall on the small boy.
As the movie gets going, you take a second to look at the others in the room; Wayne, relaxing with a can of Diet Pepsi in his hand and watching the movie. Eddie, the television screen reflecting in his big brown eyes. He grabs a blanket from the back of the couch and lays it across his and Ryan’s laps. Then Ryan, who pulls the blanket up to his chin and snuggles back against the cushions to watch the movie. Last but not least, little Luke. The mini-Eddie. A ball of energy one moment, melting your heart with his sweet words the next. 
You smile to yourself and whisper, not loud enough for anyone else to hear, “God, I’m so thankful for you all.”
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Hello darling 😘 I was just reading your fiction with scrabia and Ramadan and I was wondering if you could do one with leona since he's my fav
Okay so I don't actually take requests but I saw this and was like 'you know what - it's Ramadan, I'm fasting, let's do this' (also Leona is one of my favs as well 💛) so here, enjoy:
Celebrating Ramadan With Leona
I write reader as female
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Now when it comes to you, Leona’s already a pretty respectful person/lion and during Ramadan that gets amped up
He has already ordered the entirety of Savanaclaw to treat you with respect and to consider you as one of the higher ups in the food chain but during the fasting period he has the entire dorm at your beck and call, making sure that you don’t have to lift a finger.
Your bag is carried, your books are carried, at one point these adorable buff himbos thought it would be a good idea to just place you on a cushioned chair and carry you like that - which you were quick to shoot down
If you need anything new - shawls, abayahs, clothes, prayer mats, even a tasbih, he’s taking out his shiny black spoiled rich prince card and just throws it to you 
He definitely asks around Scarabia to see if there’s anything else you need that you haven’t told him or gotten for yourself
And no, it doesn’t matter that ‘Kalim kind of got it covered’, he’s buying it for you. Besides, it's nice to have extras to be prepared.
He’d make sure that there are plenty of shaded, cushiony areas where you can rest in his dorm (he already made a dedicated room for you when he found out that you were muslim for you to have privacy/pray/do whatever - and yes, the Savanaclaw students used their excellent construction skills to even build a wudhu area)
He writes home to his brother and sister-in-law explaining your situation just in case Cheka wants to visit and ends up running you ragged because you’re too kind to say no to him. You wake up the next morning to find a care basket from the King and Queen of Afterglow Savannah, giving you well wishes and the way Leona’s eyes don’t meet yours tells you all that you need to know.
(He also asks his sister in law if she knows any ladies that practice the same things you do so he could get a better understanding)
Whenever it’s time to break fast, the entire Savanaclaw dorm throws a feast (it's usually a barbeque) and they all eat with you like one big happy rowdy family 
No matter how much of a sleepy kitty he is, he always makes sure to wake you up on time for iftar or suhoor if you’re sleeping when the adhaan goes off
I like to think that NRC has an adhaan that plays through the school’s speakers but the individual dorms have their own set up as well
Oh imagine for your Ramadan henna you manage to incorporate a lion like Leona’s tattoo or like paw prints or something like that and proudly show it off to him and he just scoffs and mutters something about you having good taste 
Okay so you know those anger translator videos? Well, since you can’t swear or use bad language when you’re fasting, Ruggie has a whole arsenal of words to unleash on anyone giving you a hard time (typically Ace, Deuce or Grim are the ones who do this but pretend they’re not there), and then he reports back to Leona
These were all that I could think of.
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lovinkiri · 2 years
Hi, I really like your work! Also your page is so prettyyyyyyy💛
Can I request some headcanons (sfw or not, I'll leave it up to you!) for Tokoyami, Sero and Monoma (separately) with a chubby rader.
It's okay if you don't want to write this, also, if you don't want to write for all of these characters.
Have a nice day!
Hands All Over You
Author's Thoughts: You have no idea how happy this made me. I've been gone for a bit but I'm pretty sure it's cause I don't feel as inspired. This made my day though, I literally gasped 💕 AND OMG YOU ARE MY FIRST MONOMA IM TOO EXCITED—
Warning: NSFW-ish (what we called a lime back in the day), Groping, Cussing, Etc.
Fumikage Tokoyami
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All this man wants to do is hold you and snuggle, I swear!
He'll intertwine his fingers and rest his palms over your tummy, pull you on top of him with his hands on your hips.
He slides his hands over your skin, appreciating and making himself aware of every curve and dip.
Dark Shadow can often be found winding himself around your waist, nuzzling your plush figure.
When you guys make out, his hands are roaming.
While he's occupied with you, Dark Shadow's talking all sweet in your ear because I swear he has a dirty mouth, and I'll die on that hill
"C'mon, take it off for us. You will, won't you?"
And when they switch, Tokoyami loves to praise his darling
"So beautiful. I can't believe I have you all to myself. "
"... Sort of."
Hanta Sero
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Like Tokoyami, he loves touching you, but this man cuddles and gropes you anywhere. And I do mean anywhere.
Grocery store, work, your parents' house, anywhere.
Whenever you guys hang out with your friends, his head is on his shoulder and he's hugging you from behind.
He prefers to have you on his lap too, and brushes away any concerns you may have of being "too heavy".
Just assures you that you aren't, and that feeling your weight on his lap is sexy ;)
They poke fun at his clinginess, but he just sticks his tongue out a grins.
"You're just mad I get to hold this cariño all the. Mantente enojado."
He loves seeing you dress up. One of the few men who love going shopping. Not only does he like clothes in general, but he wants to see you try on everything.
Buys whatever you like, doesn't matter.
"No te preocupes por eso. You're already doing enough, looking all pretty for me."
Don't be surprised when he wants to join you in the dressing room. I promise you won't regret letting him in though.
"Shhh. We don't want that nice lady outside to hear us, do we?"
Cariño = Honey
Mantente enojado = Stay mad/angry
No te preocupes por eso = Don't worry about that.
Neito Monoma
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Neito can be pretty self-involved... Except for when it comes to you.
Because Neito thinks you're stunning, curves and all.
When he has a bad day, he's burying his face in your soft skin and holding you close again.
"Mm... You feel so soft against me, My Love..."
He loves your pretty thighs, loves laying his head on them, rubbing them as you lay in bed together.
Loves to see you in skirts and shorts. I'm telling you, the man is secretly pervert.
As soon as you walk in, he's looking you up and down with that sexy smirk.
Pulls you between his thighs and admires you.
"Such pretty hips..."
When you get intimate, he kisses all over your pretty body, praising you the whole time.
"Perfect. All of you, every inch of you, is perfect. Don't you ever forget."
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readychilledwine · 8 months
✨️What Readychilledwine's favorite SJM males would call you✨️
💝Just a little headcanon of what my favorite males would call you as their mate. This is part 2 because tumblr limits how many images you can post 💝
Warning - she's long because of the fanart, but I figured we all deserve some eye candy today
(P.s. fanart is credited unless I could not find the creator, if you happen to know, please comment so I can add it.)
🌙 Crescent City 🌙
Ruhn - Michelle Taiki Art, Hunt - Anna Stone, Tharion - Sncinder
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✨️ my mate, hot stuff, momma (regardless of momma status), queen ✨️
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⚡️angel, little wife, sugar, my other half, baby girl⚡️
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🌊wifey, hun, baby, sweetheart, Lady Whatever🌊
👑 Throne of Glass 👑
Rowan - Dominque Wesson, Fenrys - Morgana0anagrom, Lorcan- secia fanart (its ai I apologize), Sam- Beth Gilbert art, Gavriel - Morgana0anagrom, Dorian - Mads Schofield
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🪶 sugar, lovey, baby, dove, little bird, my queen 🪶
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🐾pet, lovebug, little doe, baby🐾
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🌌 princess, wife, dearest, my lady, little one🌌
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🗡sweetheart, dear, my heart, my lady🗡
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💛tigress, mate, precious, princess💛
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🖤 my light, my queen, darling, goddess🖤
💝💝peep part 1 for the ACOTAR males here💝💝
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General taglist :
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Feysand | Oh So Sensitive Wings
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type: fluff & smut warning(s): suggestive, smut: in p in v, vulgar wording, minors dni!! word count: 2.1k words request: based on the headcanon request that Feyre uses Rhys’s wings for drawing. I would like to dedicate this story to @autumndreaming7 for being such an amazing friend and wonderful person, I hope it brings a little smile to your face💛
read on ao3
- all rights reserved -
Rhys giggles softly— the sound joyful and so very un-High-Lord-like, so pure, so adorable it has Feyre chuckling loudly as a reaction. Her hoarse laugh fills the High Lord’s ears and he revels in it, bliss taking root in his chest and warming him from the inside out. 
“Hold still,” Feyre orders then, flicking her mate’s ear a little. An almost gleeful grin spreads over her face, her eyes aglow with a hint of mischief. She rocks her hips against his front, knees braced on the bed, her brush tightly clasped in her hand. “I am not done yet.”
“I have noticed that, Feyre-darling,” Rhys answers in a low voice, his hands tightly fisting the pillows above him. He groans somewhere deep in his throat when his mate ever so slightly swipes her brush up the base of his wing and fully returns her attention to her work of art.
It is such a gentle sweep and immediately lets Rhysand’s thoughts wander to Feyre's fingers moving up his wing instead of the brush. “Darling,” he purrs, the low rumble reverberating through Feyre. Her toes curl a little and she feels damp heat pool in her core. The High Lady of the Night Court knows that her mate can smell her arousal, but she does not mind, she actually likes it. She has him fully under her mercy, he lets her paint his wings, said he would love to try it and so they ended up in bed, Feyre’s brush attached to his wings, gently sweeping over the sensitive membrane, adding lovely decorations the High Lord. 
Rhysand has to lift his arms, keep them above his head so Feyre has access to all areas of his wings. They originally planned on painting the backside of his wings, but Rhysand said he could then not see the painting himself then and so they opted for the inside. Like with a book, you open it and a whole new world is presented to you. 
“Yes, my love?” Feyre answers, her tone sultry, her voice a breathy whisper in her mate’s ear. “Is that not to your liking?”
Rhysand only chuckles in answer, slowly shakes his head, feeling the cool tip of the in paint covered brush move up his wing. It is close to the sensitive part but still not so close enough that it would arouse him even more — if that was even possible. Every fiber in him is already screaming for his mate, his whole body yearning to be fully consumed by her. But the High Lord of the Night Court knows that his mate is a little tease, knows how much she is enjoying it and so he lets her have her fun, knowing that later it will be him who will enjoy the fun.
With graceful simplicity the brush moves over the leathery membrane of his wing while Feyre is straddling him and Rhys can’t tear his eyes away from his mate. His gaze is constantly glued to her face, those stunning blue eyes, her full lips, the concentrated expression on her face. She is the most beautiful female he has ever seen and still today Rhysand can’t thank the Mother and the Cauldron enough for bringing her into his life. 
His leg jerks up a little, his teeth capturing his lower lip when the tiny, soft tip of the brush ever so slightly grazes the vein leading up to his talon. He groans lowly, and lowers one arm, his hand grabbing Feyre’s hip, finger tips digging into her soft skin. It is the side where Feyre hasn’t painted anything yet, so it is all good — or Rhysand thinks so. His High Lady raises a brow in reprimand, her lips pursed, but her mate’s soothing purr soon makes her lips turn into a small grin. “Darling, that was too close.”
A feline smile plays on her lips when the High Lady raises her brow once again. She leans in a little, her core rubbing against the hard ridge of her mate’s arousal. “I doubt there is too close when it comes to me touching your wings.” Rhysand tightens his grip on her hips, his jaw clenched when he groans once again, his chest rumbling. He finds himself beyond words, because his mate is correct.
It feels like the room is boiling, both their skins hot and tight with the rising desire. Rhys’s heart is beating a little faster then, his palm turning clammy from where it touches his mate’s soft skin. In the room it smells like paint and arousal and he knows he can’t stand it for much longer, wants to be buried deep inside of his mate. 
Mischief is etched into Feyre’s features when she sweeps up her brush and smudges it over her mate’s jaw, chuckling viciously at the blue line grazing his skin. “Unclench your jaw, my love, you will grind your teeth down to nothing.” 
“You cruel, wicked thing,” Rhys answers through gritted teeth, his eyes aglow with desire. And he knows that Feyre’s passion is just as acute as his own. He can practically feel the dampness pooling between her thighs — he can definitely scent it. 
“Stop blabbering and lift your arm again, I can obviously not continue like that, Rhys,” Feyre then orders and only reluctantly the High Lords lifts his hand off her hips and moves his arm backwards, his biceps flexing when he once again grips the pillow underneath his head and then grins. “Well, then, darling, do your worst.”
And Feyre does, setting out again to finish his first wing so she can finally move on to his other, but not before painting a few colour lines onto his solid chest, first using the brush, then her fingers.
Rhysand enjoys the peaceful moment, trying to not let his thoughts wander too far, and just focuses on how happy his mate seems. Nyx is safe with his aunt and uncle, Cass and Nesta, enjoying a lovely day with them, while his parents finally have a little time for themselves. 
“It is coming together beautifully,” Feyre whispers and smiles, her gaze trained on the short white coloured lines she is currently placing on the inside of Rhysand’s second wing. 
A night sky, she had said she wanted to draw, with stars and shooting stars. 
The movements of the brush are all coordinated and gentle, Feyre is fully focused and Rhysand loves nearly nothing more than seeing his mate like that. She is stunning and breathtaking and he desperately wants to move his arm so he can brush the short strand of hair that is toppling over her forehead out of Feyre’s face. But he holds back, knowing if he moved he would smudge the paint and he really does not want to destroy her masterpiece. And so he holds still until Feyre is finished which is not too much time later. She finishes her painting with the biggest grin on her face, her in paint covered hands now resting on her mate’s belly.
There is already a lot of colour there, but Rhys does not mind, he just wants to see what his mate has done. And so Feyre moves off him, shimmies backwards until Rhys has enough space to move of the bed, and he strolls towards the mirror. Feyre stays, kneeling on the bed, her gaze following her mate, momentarily dropping to the very obvious hint of his arousal that shows through his thin sleeping pants. She has to grin to herself. 
Standing in front of mirror in all his powerful glory, Rhysand flares his wings. They look majestic behind his broad shoulders. The High Lord looks at Feyre’s work of art in utter admiration — it is stunning and absolutely artistic. Glancing over his shoulder at his mate, Rhysand immediately gets an idea on how to repay her for it. His gaze lands on her hands braced on the lower bedframe and he knows what he wants to do. “Stay like that, darling. Only lift your butt a little for me.”
From the lower end of the bed you have the perfect view into the mirror and Rhysand thinks that he will enjoy nothing more than watching the masterpiece on his wings while making love to his mate. He raises his brow, smirking a little and sends her a mental image. Feyre understands immediately what he is aiming at. And Gods, she loves the idea already, having craved her mate for the past hours she has been painting his wings.
“You know, I want to reward you for this masterpiece,” Rhys purrs when he climbs onto the bed and moves behind Feyre. He looks at her through the mirror, both their eyes aglow, their skin tingling with anticipation and desire. “I want to show you exactly how much I love it. How proud I am of this masterpiece.” He grins, feline and a little cocky, when his hands slide up Feyre’s outer thighs and he shoves up the shirt she is wearing and thinks that is is very fortunate that she has only been wearing a shirt and underwear this morning.
“Take that off for me, darling, will you?” The shirt is gone in an instant, which leaves Rhys ogling her front through the mirror for a long moment until he gathers his thoughts again. His hand slides up Feyre’s back, over her spin to the nape of her neck and he makes her move so her hands curl around the lower bed frame again and her butt is lifted. His index fingers curl around the hem of her undergarments and pulls them down to her knees, leaving her fully exposed for her mate. Her core is glistening with arousal and Rhys relishes in the sight of her, rosy and wet and just for him. He swallows before sucking his lower lip between his teeth. “You marked me earlier, now I am going to return the favour, Feyre-darling.”
The High Lord flares his wings simultaneously to his hand moving to the front of his slacks and he frees his already rigid and throbbing length. With his one hand he is stroking himself at the same time the index and middle finger of his other hand glide through his mate’s folds, eliciting the most beautiful gasp from her. “More, my darling?” “Always.” Feyre speaks through gritted teeth, her voice close to a hiss. Her knuckles turn white from how tightly she is already holding onto the bed frame. Rhys pushes his fingers into her, preparing her for his cock. “So wet,” he purrs and loves how her walls clench his fingers, how her body shudders and goosebumps appear all over her skin. He makes her come with his fingers once, stroking himself slowly before he removes his fingers and licks them clean, growling deep in his throat at the taste of her — of his mate. 
The High Lord positions the tip of his cock against Feyre’s entrance and slowly pushes in, blissfully stretching her out like it always used to be, and moving into the hilt.
His mate moans, the sound so hoarse and low, Rhys has to call upon all his restraints to not come right at the sound of it. One hand braced on her hip, holding her in place he slowly pulls out until only the tip is in. When he thrusts into her again, his hand brushes up her spin until he can grab the hair at the nape of her neck, his fingers wrapping around some strands of hair, pulling softly. “Lift your gaze, darling. Look at the masterpiece you created.” He grins when Feyre does as told, her gaze not moving to the wings first but to her mate’s eyes.
“You are the masterpiece, Rhys.” It is now Feyre who grins, sincerely and in a way that tells Rhys again how much she loves him. Her eyes are ablaze with passion and desire and for a moment they are the only thing Rhys can look at, holding her gaze through the mirror while he moves into her again. His thrusts are long, almost languid and coordinated, working her softly and making her feel every inch of his proud length until he can no longer hold back. His pace turns faster, the thrusts harder and quicker, making the bed shake and Feyre moan. Her head is thrown back, eyes shut, and her lips part with a cry of pure bliss and pleasure. Satisfaction nears in waves, before it washes over her, makes her clench arounds mates cock. She feels him pulse inside of her and comes with a scream, her mate’s hot seed spurting off her walls when he comes simultaneously, his growl filling the whole room, and making the furniture shake. 
“No, you are the masterpiece, Feyre darling,” he drawls and gives his High Lady’s rear a gentle smack. 
tags: @brekkershadowsinger @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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forest-falcon · 11 months
It's Scone until it's Scone!
"Virgil Grissom Tracy!"
Virgil stalled his bite of cream tea; the confectionery mere moments from his lips.
What was it with him and cakes?
"Oooh you're being middle-named!"
Gordon bounced gently on his seat, his grin rivalling that of the Cheshire cat's.
"Jam then cream? Tut tut!" Penny tsked.
Virgil's brows knitted.
"Something wrong with that?"
Her ladyship sighed and took a delicate sip of tea.
"When we take cream tea, it is cream then jam. Scones were a Devonshire delicacy, darling."
Virgil grunted.
"But last time I was in Cornwall, they served it with jam then cream?"
"Devonshire is not Cornwall."
"Close enough though?" They're like...ten minutes from one another!"
"In a Thunderbird, maybe."
Gordon watched the exchange like a tennis umpire eating popcorn.
"I mean, even without our Birds, we could still travel there quicker than it takes Virg to use the bathroom!"
Penny attempted to disguise her chuckle with a small cough whilst Gordon felt the full wrath of his brother's brows.
"Be that as it may; it's cream then jam, Virgil. Can't have my boys learning poor luncheon etiquette."
Virgil studied the scone.
He couldn't believe he was even arguing about this, but found himself somehow invested in the jammy debate.
"But surely jam then cream would make more sense? Structurally speaking, the cream is less dense, so would benefit from being on top?"
Penny removed some invisible lindt from her jacket; a tell the Tracys had discovered signalled her ladyship's disapproval.
Gordon crouched down to examine Virgil's Cornish creation.
"Virgil, Virgil, Virgil! Whatever will we do with you?"
Gordon gestured for his brother's plate.
"May I?"
Virgil muttered something about it all tasting the same anyway before surrendering his plate.
"M'lady?" Gordon held out his hand to receive Penny's plate.
Penelope obliged.
Gordon held both up to the light, carefully rotating each plate in turn, before setting them down on the coffee table next to his own.
"I think I have the answer to your Devonshire-Cornwall-cream-tea-debate!"
"Please no."
Virgil hid his face behind his hands in anticipation of whatever mischief The Fish had planned.
Gordon used both Virgil and Penny's scones to sandwich his own.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: The Tracy Island Triple Decker Scone!"
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soph-the-podcast-nerd · 2 months
Warning Penumbra podcast spoilers
Ok remember when I said tumblr didn’t save my review pt 1 of the juno steel series finale? Well. I just found it in my drafts so. Here it is if anyone’s interested
Rita my darling you are my absolute favorite person be my best friend
but. Where is Nureyev. Where is the boy.
im actually glad hes taking some time maybe they’ll finally have a *healthy* relationship
Especially taking time to talk about slip
Damn juno loves his mysteries
HEY BTW!!! Are we gonna see the carte blanche crew one last time? Because if not I will cry. I will sob.
When did juno become so knowledgeable about self care? What the hell? I mean its good but what how when
Imagine juno gets hired to find out who stole from his client and its just. nureyev.
AAAA hes going back to brahma!!!
20 bucks the penumbra team slips one more awful kiss sound into part 1 or 2
also “your better half” is so cute and cheesy I love them so much
Lmao rita is such a shipper I love her so goddamn much I love her
AAAAA Buddy and Vespa my favorite ladies!!!!
so. Where is my favorite jet sequliak.
you know who i miss? This is not related to anything (yet) but I miss mick. Mick is also my favorite character hes so silly and goofy I hope we can hear from him
bro its fucking tea how do you not know how to make fucking tea
🎶Ride on the magic ruby🎶 beep beep
Oh my god the ruby’s going home LETS GOOOOO!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
I’m really enjoying this episode so far. We’re getting to see everyone one last time and everyone seems to be getting their happy ending
And with that the episode comes to a close 😔
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florencetypemaniacs · 5 months
What would the Ro's do if the Mc just ran and leapt at them? Who's catching them and who's letting them eat dirt? (friend and dating stage)
Similar Ask HERE
💛 Marcel
Friend Stage: Catch
Marcel laughed. "You almost made me drop my coffee."
Date Stage: Catch
Marcel pulled you closer, kissing the top of your head. "I got you, darling."
🧡 Margaret
Friend Stage: Catch
Margaret frowned. "Uh....hi!" She said, trying to hold you up with her weak arms.
Date: Catch
Margaret giggled, not even trying to hold you up as you both ended up on the ground in a heap of kisses, not minding the weird looks.
❤️ Owen
Friend Stage: Catch
Owen stood at attention, holding you with ease as he looked around, trying to pinpoint the danger that wasn't there. When he realized there was no threat, he raised an eyebrow at you. "Do you need something?"
Date Stage: Catch
Owen just held you higher, so he was able to give you a kiss before sitting you down, gently. "Hey, Lass/Duck/Lad."
💙 Rosemary
Friend Stage: Fall
Rosemary looked at you on the ground, only to stare at her nails. "Don't you think it's rude to run at a lady?"
Date Stage: Catch
Rosemary smiled, setting you down and pulling you in closer, wanting to be near your warmth.
🩵 Tai
Friend Stage: Fall
Tai looked down at you, his usual emotionless expression replaced with narrowed eyes like a parent about to get onto their child. "Why, Oleander?"
Date Stage: Catch
Tai rolled his eyes, hiding his face in your neck, questioning out loud. "How am I in love with you?"
💚 Zane
Honestly depends on what kind of day he had....lol.
Friend Stage: Fall
Zane just sidestepped and watched as you fell, only getting close as you looked at him. "....Can I have a cookie?" He asked, eating some hard candy that he got from his pocket.
Date Stage: Catch
Zane grinned. "Well, hello~"
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Sorry Boys
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The first  part of this chapter is on a group chat with all the original six Avengers, Loki, Bucky, Peter, and the twins. The other part of the chapter is a regular oneshot.
Glorified Tincan: Avengers Assemble!!!!
America's Ass🙌: Hey! That's my line!
Glorified Tincan: shut up grandpa
Russian Spy👀: when did Steve learn how to text?
Manchurian Candidate: he learned earlier
Speedy: when did you learn how to text!?!?
Me: I taught Bucky and Steve
Reindeer Games: I am not your brother! You bumbling imbecile turn off your caps lock and you do not need so many question marks! And I have learned quite well how to text. But (y/n) if you would like to help me, come by my chambers later darling😉
Speedy: I think I just threw up a little in my mouth
America's Ass🙌: same
Manchurian Candidate: Me too
Reindeer Games: you're all just jealous that my darling is with me
Speedy: you sure about that? you know her lips are even softer than they appear
Legolas Wannabe: Oh shit! Pietro you better run if you don't want to get attacked by a knife wielding maniac!
America's Ass🙌: we're under attack?!
Russian Spy👀: nah just Pietro
Glorified Tincan: yeah we have two knife wielding maniacs here, youre gonna have to be more specific Barton
Legolas Wannabe: well it was just Loki but our second maniac looks like he's about to attack
America's Ass🙌: Oh no
Paprika Twin: get ready for the show
Best SpideyBoi💛💛: 👀🍿
You looked up from your phone when you heard the yell.
"Loki, get back here! We talked about this! No chasing people with knives!" You heard Thor bellow from somewhere in the compound.
"You too, Buck! No chasing people with knives!" Steve exclaimed.
"Don't worry! Pietro doesn't have a knife!" You heard Bucky shout, making you snort. You chuckled lightly but stopped when you heard a crash.
You stood up quickly, running down the hallway towards the noise. When you walked into the room you saw Bucky and Loki glaring at Pietro, each with knives in their hands.
"Damn Barton, you weren't lying," you exhaled, almost impressed that they had managed to corner the speedster..
You watched as Thor walked between Loki and Pietro. "Calm down, brother! You must let the quick one go."
You stepped toward them. "Don't worry, Thor. They most likely won't be able to hit him."
"Most likely?” Pietro gave you a wounded look, his hand placed over his heart. “Really, gorgeous? I thought you had more faith in me—I do have super speed after all."
"Yeah, but you also have an ex-assasin and a literal god trying to attack you so…”
"Well, none of you boys need to be jealous of Pietro anyway," Natasha said as she strutted into the room. 
"And why is that?" Loki questioned.
"Because you should be jealous of me." Nat responded smugly, quickly spinning you and capturing your lips firmly in hers. She pulled away with a smirk. "Isn’t that right, babe?"
"Babe?!” Wanda squealed, clasping her hands together. “How did I miss this!? When did this happen??"
“About two months ago,” you responded with a smile. “Sorry, boys.”
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rekino2114 · 7 months
Random texts they sent you with drdt ladies.
I saw this genre of post and thought it was really fun, so I wanted to do it.
Teruko tawaki
My 1 leaf clover☘️💚:Aaaaahhhh fuck my luck fuck my life shit shit shit.
Yn:Geez teruko, are you OK? What happened?
My 1 leaf clover☘️💚:I accidentally sent Xander a photo I wanted to send you, and I can't even delete it cause he already saw it. My luck is the worst he's gonna stab me or something.(i'm a terrible person)
Y/n:That's a bit dramatic, don't you think? What kind of photo was it?
My 1 leaf clover☘️💚:...
Y/n:Ooooh, I get it now, I didn't think you were the type to do that.
My 1 leaf clover☘️💚:I love you and wanted to do something special. now, shut up and help me fix this problem.
Y/n:ok,I'm gonna talk to Xander so you don't have to.he's a nice guy. I'm sure he'll understand.
My 1 leaf clover☘️💚:thanks.I owe you one,love ya
Y/n:i love you too, even with your luck
Min jeung
Cutest bookworm📚💜:Hey y/n, did you know the eiffel tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer because the iron heats up and it expands.
Y/n:cool how did you find that out?
Cutest bookworm📚💜:I was studying for a French test and feel down a rabbit hole
Y/n: why did you tell me?
Cutest bookworm📚💜:I knew you'd listen to my facts you're basically the only one who does
Y/n:awww thanks min I love you by the way I think you've been studying too much how about we watch a movie?
Cutest bookworm📚💜:but I have a test....in 5 days
Y/n:you're gonna be fine you're the smartest person I know you need to relax more
Cutest bookworm📚💜: ok thanks I love you
Y/n:great I'll be at your house in 20 minutes with snacks I love you too
Arei nageishi
Bowling babe🎳🩵: heeeeey, babe, guess what your awesome girlfriend did for you today.
Y/n:did you make another person cry?
Bowling babe🎳🩵:Yep! this asshole was saying how much he was better than you, and I should have been with him ah! What a loser he was crying so hard when I was done with him
Y/n:Thanks? I guess
Bowling babe🎳🩵: You bet you're thankful to have me as your gf
Y/n:why did I date you again?
Bowling babe🎳🩵:cause you can't resist me now, come here so we can go on a date
Y/n:You're right. I guess I can't. I'll be there soon
Hu jing
Best mom and gf🦋💚: Hi dear, I just wanted to check if you have eaten enough and if you're OK both in a physical and mental way. If anything is wrong, remember that I love you and you can talk to me
Y/n:you have no idea how much just reading that made my day 100 times better
Best mom and gf 🦋💚:oh why did something happen?
Y/n:Not really, but just you just made my heart melt
Best mom and gf 🦋💚: I'm glad I could make your day better
Y/n:You always and yes I have eaten enough by the way I love you a lot
Best mom and gf🦋💚:Thank you. I'm glad you're good both in a physical and mental way. I love you too, never forget that.
J rosales
J📹💙(I can't think of a nickname):Hey, come here, arturo's annoying me again.
Y/n:Really? Again?
J📹💙:Yep, he's calling me Julia too it's really uncomfortable
Y/n:Don't worry, I'm coming
J📹💙:Thanks, appreciate it. no matter how many times I tell him to stop, he still continues he's so annoying
Y/n: I know, but don't worry, I'll try to deal with him
J📹💙:thanks I really love you
Y/n:love you too
Veronika grebenshchikova
My bloody gf☠️❤️:Hey darling,have I told you how handsome/beautiful you look today?
Y/n: For the last time, Veronika, we are not watching the entire saw franchise again
My bloody gf☠️❤️:but why? It's so much fun with all the blood and the torture
Y/n:I'm not saying it's not fun, just that it's the third time this month.
My bloody gf☠️❤️:How about this, then? We'll cuddle, and I can hold you when you're scared,I'll pull you into my chest and play with your hair, I'll also bring snacks and blankets. How does that sound?
Y/n:Fine, but you owe me one
My bloody gf☠️❤️: sure dear I'll remember that and I'll be waiting for you.
Rose lacroix
Bob ros(e)s🎨💛:help me
Y/n:What happened rose, are you OK?
Bob ros(e)s🎨💛:I spent like 2 hours painting I'm about to fall asleep. I need coffee
Y/n: No, you need rest I'll bring you tea and blankets and help you sleep ok?
Bob ros(e)s🎨💛:thanks you're the bebsjdhdjshuk
Y/n:rose,did you fall asleep while writing that?
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Uhm Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing amazingly well 😊 i was just wondering if I could request a Lady Lesso x reader
Where Lady Lesso she found out that she was pregnant and get really nervous about telling Y/N,not knowing what Y/N would say nor how she will react to it so she didn't tell the younger woman but Y/N had noticed her girlfriend's silly actions and behavior so when the days over she told Lesso she needs to talk to her,and Lesso being nervous than she already is thought Y/N's going to leave her when Y/N had said that Lesso tells her she's pregnant but Y/N can't believe it but none other than that she's happy and can't stop asking if it's really hers
Thank you 🥰 I wish you all the best! Stay and keep safe always 💞💛 have a great day/night
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> warnings: none
> a/n: tysm for requesting this! i had fun playing with the characters banter lol
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“Stop fidgeting, Leonora!”
“I can't help it, Clarissa!”
“Have some patience for the woman, Dovey. She's pregnant after all.” Emma butted in while grading her papers. Although she couldn't believe that Leonora was pregnant, actually she could believe it, after all Leonora did marry an Ever, but her getting knocked up? Oh she was more surprised than ever.
“Be quiet, Anemone!”
“Oh sorry, we wouldn't want Y/N to know what's happening, right? Even though she is the mother of the child.” How it happened, Emma didn't want to know.
“She's coming! Be quiet!” Dovey whispered. She was happy for Y/N and Lesso, but she was Leonora's friend before yours, so she would help the other dean as much as possible.
Knocking, you heard hush voices talking on the other side of the door.
“Come in!”
Pushing the door open, you raised your eyebrow at the sight of your wife having... tea? with Emma Anemone and Clarissa Dovey.
Frowning, you put your hands on your hips and asked. “What are you three plotting?”
“Nothing bad.” came Leonora's answer.
“Coming from you?” you scoffed and sauntered towards them. “Perhaps poisoned teas?” you picked up a cup and sniffed it before downing it.
“Trust me, if I wanted to kill you, I would've done it before marrying you.”
“Oh but where's the fun in that, my love?”
“You know, I'm starting to think you're a Never disguised as an Ever.” Emma commented. Sure, she knew you very much, as she was your sister after all.
“The feeling is mutual, my dear sister.”
Smiling, you sat on Leonora's lap and kissed her forehead. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” came Dovey's comment.
“Do what?”
“Get off me, darling.” Leonora pushed you, not harshly but enough to send you tumbling down.
“Ouch!” You put your hands on your chest. Truly you weren't hurt by the fall, you were hurt by your significant other not wanting any physical contact from you.
Pulling yourself from the floor, you rolled your eyes. “I'm starting to doubt this marriage, Leonora.”
“Don't start, Y/N.” Emma warned, but you gave a sneer and stomped out of the room.
Days passed and you couldn't be bothered to speak to your wife. Although she was acting different, and by different, her eating habits, from eating anything in the morning to only eating vegetables, became a surprise to you. Leonora would always eat up anything she could digest, but now, she was careful.
Another change is her clothing, sure she would always wear something tight beneath her vest, but now all she wore was her vest and a white polo.
Deciding to end whatever was happening between the two of you, you grabbed her arm and dragged her down to the Doom Room just as dinner ended.
Slamming the door shut, you pointed to the chair in the middle. “Sit.”
“How you know this room exists is quite baffling to me.” Albeit joking, she followed your order. It wasn't everyday her Ever wife became dominant with her.
“We need to talk.”
With your words, Leonora froze. Her eyes widened at the thought of you leaving her. Her nervousness didn't help, as well as the swelling of her bump.
Swallowing, Leonora clenched her jaw. “About what?”
“We can't keep doing this, Leonora.”
“Can't keep doing what?” If you were playing a game, she would play with you until you surrender.
Breathing deeply, you closed your eyes. “Leonora, just apologize.”
Now it was her turn to breathe deeply, you weren't leaving her, you just wanted an apology from her. And she knew exactly what her apology was for. “I'm sorry for keeping it a secret from you.”
“Tha– what?”
“I'm sorry for not telling you sooner that I am pregnant, with your child.”
It felt like time froze for Leonora, she couldn't look at your face. Whether it had disappointed written all over it or joy, she didn't want to know.
“Leo...” Lifting your hands to your mouth, you walked towards her softly. “Oh my love.”
You cupped her face and leaned your forehead against hers. “Look at me, my love.”
Leonora knew she couldn't resist you, not when you were this close to her. Drawing her eyes to you, she saw you smiling tearfully at her. Returning your smile, she let a tear roll down her cheeks. You weren't disappointed at her.
“It really is mine?” you asked as you lifted your hand to caress her stomach.
“Of course.”
Laughing, you sniffed and gave your wife a tearful kiss. Oh how grateful you were for her.
“I love you.”
Both of you said simultaneously, looking at each other's eyes with more love than any Ever with a happy ever after could have.
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conkers-thecosy · 8 months
Hello dear one!!
I haven't sent an ask in a very long time and figured I'd remedy that by asking you, what is one thing you're most excited about this year? Whether it be a personal goal your hoping to achieve, an event you're looking forward to, or even something fandom related. I know the start of this year hasn't been treating you very kindly so I hope that I can bring a little bit of light with this ask 💜
Hullo, my darling! 💛
I've missed you! I feel like we've been ships in the night for the past few months, and it's lovely to hear from you! And this is such a nice question, thank you so much for sending it to me!
Well, something I'm looking forward to this year... I'm going to London in July! I was meant to be going last week to stay in a hotel and watch Phantom of the Opera at the West End (which has been on my bucket list for yeeeears) but because of my fall down the stairs and then catching pneumonia, I couldn't make it.
But! All is not lost, because even though my ticket was non-refundable, I called the theatre and spoke to a very kind lady who let me pick another date to exchange to, so yay! Now I'm going in July, *and* I'll be seeing The Killers at the O2 that same week! I'm really looking forward to it, I've got a cute little hotel booked and I'm going to do some other fun stuff, too! It's going to be lush!
This was super fun to talk about! I got a bit sad when it all happened and I realised I wouldn't be able to go, but! Being able to answer this lovely ask to you has made me excited again, so thank you!
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call-me-starshine · 4 months
HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈🌈🎉🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍
here are some of my favorite AceLu coded songs (with receipts)
Like A Prayer — Madonna (Ace to Luffy)
"I hear you call my name, and it feels like home" (like c'mon)
"I'm down on my knees" (marineford, just go with it)
"in the midnight hour, I can feel your power" (down bad for over-powdered twinks)
"like a child, you whisper softly to me, you're in control, just like a child" (it's Luffy c'mon)
Mary On A Cross — Ghost (both to both)
"all we got was blues / all we got was bruised" (though life, though love)
"but through all that sorrow, we were running high, and the truth of the matter is: I'll never let you go, let you go" (literally them pleeeeeaseee)
"your beauty never ever scared me" (like COME ON)
Clarity — Zedd, Foxes (both?? LUFFY TO ACE)
"high dive into frozen waves where the PAST COMES BACK TO LIFE , fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time" (COME ON)
"hold still right before we cRASH 'CAUSE WE BOTH KNOW HOW THIS ENDS, a clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again" (COME ON)
"'cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need, CHASING RELENTLESSLY, still fight and I don't know why" ( C O M E O N )
The Edge of Glory — Lady Gaga (both, like a duet)
"it's hot to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous" (Ace-coded)
"I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you" (Luffy-coded)
"put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames tonight" (honestly, either one could say this to the other)
Message In A Bottle — Taylor Swift (Luffy to Ace)
"and I became hypnotized, by freckles and bright eyes" (literally Luffy when he looks @ Ace please)
"'cause now you're so far away and I'm down" (waited three years to find him)
Curiosity — Carly Rae Jepsen (both???)
"break a bone, got me on my knees, you break my heart, just to watch it bleed" (idk AceLu-coded)
"so don't break me tonight, this is crazy love, and you know I'm gonna follow you home, through the rain, 'cause I need your love" (Luffy-coded, idk)
We Found Love — Rihanna, Calvin Harris (both)
"we found love in a hopeless place" (it's just vibes, honestly)
Wasted Summers — juju<3 (Luffy to Ace)
"I wasted like half of my summer tryna hold on your hand" (this one's just vibes)
Your Love Is My Drug — Kesha (both)
"I don't care what people say, the rush is worth the price I pay, I get so high when you're with me, but crash and crave you when you leave" (it's just giving AceLu)
Hot — Avril Lavigne (both🫣)
"you make me so hot, you make me wanna drop, it's so ridiculous, I can barely stop, I can hardly breath, you make me want to scream, you're so fabulous, you're so good to me, baby" (AceLu obsessed with each other 🤭)
Sex On Fire — Kings of Leon (both 🫣)
"all the commotion, the kiddie-like play" (👀)
"soft lips are open, them knuckles are pale" (👀👀)
"I could just taste it, chased it" (👀👀👀)
Can't Help Falling In Love — Elvis Presley (Ace to Luffy 😭)
"wise men say, only fools rush in" (PLEASE)
"shall I stay, would it be a sin?" (OHMYGOODNESS)
"like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be" (I CAN'T)
"take my hand, take my whole life too" (I'M DONE)
I'll Be — Edwin McCain (Ace to Luffy)
"I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips, instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above" (shoot meeeeee)
"I'll be your cryin' shoulder, I'll be love's suicide, and I'll be better when I'm order, I'll be the greatest fan of your life" (pleaseeeeeeee)
"you're my survival, you're my livin' proof, my love is alive and not dead" (jfc *pterodactyl screech*)
"and I dropped out, I BURNED UP, I FOUGHT MY WAY BACK FROM THE DEAD" (😭😭😭)
Sweater Weather — The Neighborhood (Ace to Luffy)
"all I am is a man, I want the world in my hands, I hate the beach, but I stand in California with my toes in the sand" (Ace would hate sand but STILL GO TO THE BEACH BC LUFFY LOVES IT)
"use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure" (☺️)
"touch my neck and I'll touch yours, you in those little high waisted shorts" (LUFFY IN HIGH WAISTED SHORTS)
thank you so much for your time😘😘😘
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
omg the chubby!aegon with his fiesty girl was SO HOT! ty for indulging me, i love your writing so so much, you’re literally my fav on this app! 🫶 ok but like adding on… what if she was like a lady or princess from a kingdom not in westeros but in like essos or sothoryos and she is just so smart and strategic, beauty and brains! aegon is so frustrated and slightly insecure that she’s so cool but also that she doesn’t listen to him! he’s like playing the prince card and telling her to listen to him and she’s just like lol idgaf you’re not my prince! and he’s so mad! but when they’re in the bedroom and he’s got her in his grasp, he finds out she’s a virgin and that changes everything(he literally goes crazy not knowing whether to be soft and sweet to his darling or going in dominating and rough for her first time)… once they’re married, she’s being his smart girl in court but when they’re in the bedroom, he’s pinning her down and fucking her dumb all night🤧
STOP IT!!! Thank you anon, you just made my day 🥺 I love messages like this 💛
but yes, definitely. The thing about Aegon is (or any of the royals really), they’re SOOO used to getting everything they want, it’s literally all hand fed to them. Aegon wants whores, whores he’ll get, unlimited wine? Absolutely. Food? Endless!!! So when he sees something he wants but can’t get his hands (or cock) on, he starts to lose his shit. No one has ever denied him before because a) they want him just as much or b) out of fear of disobeying, they do as they’re told. so when he meets reader and sees that she isn’t as interested or keen as him, he starts to doubt himself, especially his charisma and appearance. People always comment about his Targaryen looks and charm although he only realises now that half the time they say it for the sake of saying it, all ego. so he’d be very surprised to hear that reader agrees to their betrothal. come the wedding night, and they’re all alone, she starts to show a vulnerable side & admits that she’s a virgin.
Internally he’s fucking living. It’s been a LONG time since he’s been with an actual virgin, he definitely has an innocence kink. He likes the idea that he can “claim” you and that he has the power to taint you. It gives him this urge, this flex. Makes him feral!!!! I think he’ll be tender at first, you know taking it slow so he doesn’t frighten her from the idea of sex, ease reader into a small make out sesh, once he starts feeling her wetness and getting her warmed up, he pounces. He sees she’s comfortable and literally under his will, he starts to lose himself, becomes more dominant. He’ll use his body against you, pressing you deep into his, trying to shove his cock as deep as he can into you. The tightness around his cock makes him THROB like no tomorrow.
She’d definitely swell with child in no time, he’ll make sure of it…
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lilbeanz · 2 years
Hii! I'm so excited to start reading you new fic, retellings of the books are my fave kind of fics, I just love to see people's interpretations of all the events and characters.
Also if it's ok, can you rec me some active drarry blogs to follow?? I just recently made a Tumblr and almost all the blogs I've found are inactive 😭 I'd like to fill my feed with drarry art 🥺
Ahhh hello anonny darling~!
Firstly thank you soooo much! It updates every Tuesday 🥰
And secondly yes I most certainly can! The drarry community has so many wonderful talented artists, you are in for a right treat!
@caroll-in creates wonderfully cheeky comics and art, a classic around these parts!
@ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm is truly an ✨️artiste✨️ creating showstopping painterly works of art every time!
@to00fu makes the most wonderful drarry art for them ✨️classy vibes✨️🥂 but they also do such soft pieces too there's such a nice balance🥰
@babooshkart makes you feel so warm and cozy with their gorgeous homely pieces of artwork🥰
@pato-roldnart I get on my hands and knees for Pato, their work is S T U N N I N G!!!
@reebeex makes adoooorable drarry art (as well as some wolfstar!)
@snarkyships-drarryside is a master of illustrations, I bow down to their hilarious, amazing work.
@trashcanprince LEGENDARY pieces of drarry artwork like seriously top tier, amazing, stunning, never seen before, *the whole Lady Gaga meme.*
@anzukero has an art style that POPS out at you, so stunning and amazing!
@nina-scribbles has a beauuutiful style!! Does drarry so much justice! (also the actual goddess of background art like😍)
@beebox-illustrations my love, my queen, my wonderful amazing Bee! Has a spectacular array of hilarious comics for you to sink your teeth into🐝💛✨️
There are soooo many more wonderful artists who churn out drarry for you to stumble upon, I'm so excited for you🤩
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