#my dad loves me and does everything for me
dukeofthomas · 2 days
"Jason just needs to see things from his family's perspective and understand how much they love him (despite them never actually communicating or showing him through their actions)" is out. "The batfamily putting a single bit of effort into understanding Jason and reconciling with him on his own terms" is in.
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The Helena diaz of it all has me fascinated. I’ve said for a long while that Eddie’s real issues are his mommy issues and this episode just cemented for me that we’re gonna explore that and deal with it.
Because it’s Helena who forced Eddie to grow up to fast - because her husband wasn’t around much - so she pushed Eddie into de facto parent and husband role ls - selfishly filling her needs and ignoring the damage it was doing to her son (it is a form of abuse in my book).
Eddie then had the audacity to fall in love with and marry Shannon and get her pregnant. It’s why Helena was always so off with Shannon - she was punishing her. She is also punishing Eddie for all of this and his refusal to return to El Paso only cemented further her bitterness and resentment.
Now she does have Ramon back she doesn’t need Eddie any longer to fill that role so she is still punishing him and part of that is tied into her glee over now getting to parent Christopher - something she has always been intent on doing the doppelgänger just gave her the opportunity- as well as allowing her to further punish her son and his love of Shannon.
Her barbed comments about building a pool were all about showing what she can provide Christopher - how she is parenting him better than Eddie - it’s part of her mind games - making Eddie feel like more of a failure as a parent to his son.
The reality of course is that the reverse is true - Helena’s parenting is all superficial, flash and showy - it isn’t the hard day to day parenting when things get tough and you have to be the bad guy. While Eddie has made mistakes, there is nothing superficial, flash, or showy about his parenting. It’s why bucks comments about Eddie being a great dad are so important.
Eddie feel like a failure right now and that he is entirely to blame for everything. But in reality, while he does bear a bit of the responsibility, the truth of the matter is that he needs to learn and deal with the fact that all of it actually stems from Helena and her abuse of her young son - Shannon never stood a chance just like Eddie never has.
#genuinely don’t see how she can get any sort of redemption arc#but this is 911 so maybe they’ll find a way 🤷🏻‍♀️#Helena’s treatment of Eddie is a form of child abuse - it has done so much damage to him psychologically#I do really hope we finally get to meet Sophia and adriana as part of this arc beciase I think it might be very revealing#I am also wondering if Ramon had a stache in the past - and that is what Eddie is subconsciously trying to mimic#and that is about him trying to regain his mothers affection - trying to fill that husband role she forced him into#and that shaving it off is a part of his dealing with that and choosing to free himself from her clutches#and in doing that - standing up for himself etc - it will be the trigger that v ring schristopher back#the catholic guilt and Eddie’s queerness is also all tied up in this - the church reinforces and condones Helena and her actions#the Catholic Church has a long history of abuse of children in all it’s horrendous forms#so Eddie seeking solace in that direction think it will help him find away back to Helena’s good books only for it to open a few doors he#has bolted shut#as for the queer aspect - forcing Eddie to grow up too fast and fill this role of husband to his mother and parent to his siblings means#Eddie never got the chance to learn who he actually is - to explore his sexuality and all that goes with that - at the age one normally#would - as a teenager and into your 20’s. it explains so much around his relationship with Shannon and dealing with the helana of it all#and the queerness of his identity - ​will also allow him to actually let Shannon go#Eddie’s arc is going to be incredible - heartbreaking and gut wrenching - but incredible#Helena diaz it’s on sight - she is evil and cannot be redeemed in my eyes!#911 spoilers#Thinky thoughts#eddie diaz#911 abc
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skittlespizza · 2 days
"why can't you just be fucking nice. why does everything need tov be sarcastic with you, why do you have to hurt me, nicole? cant you just fucking listen to me? i thought you were my fucking friend. my dad is fucking hurting me and all you can do is make jokes and laugh!" jecka
"every situation ive been in is a joke because if i think about it deeper I'll want to kill myself again. i can't love or care for anyone because i was never loved or cared for. why does she want me to love her, to care about her? does she love and care about me? she can't, surely." nicole
no longer in highschool, jecka's leaving for college soon,, THIS IS WHAT THE FLIPSIDE COULD'VE EXPLORED
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 22 hours
Hiii! I've been thinking for a while now if you have any hcs about Mikey and Kazutora's friendship in the last line, they're my favs and I'd love to read about them together ><
Ohh i love their friendship, here's how i think it would be in the good timeline!
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Mikey still kicks Kazutora's dad despite knowing he isn't a kidnapper in this timeline. He just wanted to kick him for everything he put Kazutora through. 
Speaking of that incident, Kazutora and Mikey became friends the same way in this timeline. Mikey purposely kept things the same, knowing it worked the first time.
Mikey directly asks Kazutora for a birthday present this time, telling him exactly what he wants (he chooses something inexpensive but it still takes a lot of effort like a taiyaki from a specific place Kazutora has to drive far to). 
Kazutora is the first one he takes for a ride on his bike (the others protest but Takemichi smiles knowingly).
The first time Mikey demands that Kazutora be the one to give him a piggyback ride, Kazutora was very nervous about accidentally dropping him. 
Mikey keeps a close eye on Hanma when he first joins the gang, especially when he hangs around near Kazutora (Draken wonders if Mikey is jealous). 
In this timeline Mikey is the one who suggests Kazutora dyes his hair partially blonde (he get's tired of waiting for him to come up with the idea by himself).
Kazutora and Mikey are playfully competitive with each other
Sometimes the two of them laugh over things Baji has done (Baji dislikes this)
Kazutora attends Mikey's races often
Mikey introduces Shinichiro to Kazutora and all of his friends early on this time. 
Kazutora replays the words Mikey said to him in his head a lot "You're belong to me, therefore all of your pain and suffering are mine"
Mikey will sometimes smile when he sees how happy Kazutora is in this timeline (he does this with the others too).
If there's a smaller then average animal in the petshop, Kazutora names it Mikey.
They both finds Baji's popularity with girls odd (maybe they're a bit jealous too).
And finally, Mikey insists on Kazutora eating dinner at his house and sleeping over often. He never says anything but he knows Kazutora isn't happy at home.
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starzzmissthesun · 2 days
i think you should totally drop whatever hc/ideas you have lying around honestly...i would love to see more into ur brain...pls <33
Hi!!!! Sorry this is a little late, I got so distracted with an animatic im working on(😈) and then a stupid essay😭😭 being honest rn... Almost all of what I've been thinking about is my fic.. 😔
But!! I can still go a little into that without spoilers. I've finally figured out The Perfect ending for this story that I feel fits with the overarching themes I wanted to tell. I've been making sure that every little detail fits with the themes I wanted to show, I wanted it to overlap Regulus and barty's characters and their overarching themes with PD. I also didn't want to just replicate PD cause I feel like that doesnt have the depth or commentary I want to out into it. Idk ive always thought it's super fun to put everything as some sort of symbol or metaphor or foreshadowing. I'm like literally so close to being done drafting and then I can actually talk about it a little more😭
Anyways! I've also been thinking about barty post regs death 😔(when am I not) But more specifically how every memory he had would almost be tainted, everything now would have an air of questioning and unsureness. Even memories where Regulus isn't there, just wondering where was he? What was he thinking? Am I remembering this right? What could've I changed? What was the domino that caused all of this to happen? Eventually finding it hard to accept the way it really was, having the "I guess it was" and feeling it, but overintellectualizing it. His logic and reasoning is his downfall in this situation, that's what makes him go crazy. (Side note I NEED to make a little post about his intersection between intelligence and madness) Hes doing a complicated version of when there's a task that seems so simple that you think it's a trick, but it's not, it's just that. What happened with Regulus was just that.
Also, I've recently self reflected and realized that a lot of my barty characterization is similar to how I think of Leonard Cohen's art(who I LOVE LOVE LOVE) Idk if you've listened to him or read any of his work, but I HIGHLY suggest it, it's perfect for fall. Anyways, a lot of his songs and poems carry themes of having a twisted self image, not completely self deprication though it may seem, but something else. It's closer to understanding and knowing that you are. Different. And unconventional. It's an uncomfortablility he has with himself. Being soemthig twisted from what you should've been. A lot of his stuff is also to do with tragically losing someone, out of their own choice, and still feeling very loyal yet bitter. Also of loving something so much that it turns dark, or it goes too quick, it spirals. Also his love songs are very barty's perspective on bartylus to me. And like, obvious war mentions. I could give some specific recs similar to barty or them if you'd like.
Another thing is of Regulus and his relationship with his dad. Though I see it completely reasonable if his dad was just kind of, not there and neglectful, it could give very interesting implications to his character, I like it the other way around. Orion seeing what a more carefree attempt at raising a child does and keeping Regulus even closer than he did before. I think Orion always liked Regulus more, despite him being the second, because he was a model son. I don't think he wanted this life or even to have kids, so Regulus being so complacent and in line with what he was supposed to be as a pure blood made him the decided favourite(as much as he could have one). He was always keeping a close eye on Regulus and he could feel it, but he didn't do anything out of place anyways. Orion could tell when he was even thinking something he wasn't supposed to. I believe that, no matter how much she tried, walpurga was too caught in her own head about her duty as a mother to see S+R as anything other than Her Kids, as property that she was supposed to care for and tend to, she obviously loved them, but couldn't see through them. But Orion was there around every corner looking through regulus' eyes into his soul to search for any thing out of his perfect kid.
Anyways.... That's all I can think of rn😭 but if you have questions about ANY of them lmk!!! I love yapping about my little thoughts 😁😁
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miss-may-i · 22 hours
Miss May I: Season 5 Part 30
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Farah: Good morning, Bella. I made coffee.
Isabella: Good morning. Where's Dad?
Farah: He left.
Isabella: Where'd he go? Is he coming back?
Farah: That doesn't matter.
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Isabella: Is that why you're getting divorced?
Farah: I don't want this to make you think anything less of your father.
Isabella: Honestly, this makes me think less of both of you.
Farah: Why don't you sit down so we can talk?
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Isabella: I guess I just don't get it. This makes me feel like everything I've always known about love and happiness is a lie.
Farah: We never lied to you. We've always loved you and your sister. This was a long time coming, Bella. We just didn't want to do it while you were little. Selling the house and having to split your time between your father and I. It's not good for a child.
Isabella: Wait, you and Dad are selling the house?
Farah: We have to. I can't afford this place on my own and your father and I won't be living together anymore.
Isabella: Then where does that leave me?
Farah: You're an adult now. You can come with me if you'd like, and I'm sure your father feels the same way. Or you could go off on your own. Have you ever thought about what you wanted to do with your life?
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Isabella: I guess I just never thought this day would come. I always thought I'd stay here until Richie graduated then we'd go off to live our own happily ever after.
Farah: But what about beside that? Take it from me, you need to know who you are outside of being a wife and a mother. You never thought this day would come, and neither did I: The day my girls were grown and time to leave the nest.
Isabella: Just 'cause we're older doesn't mean you and Dad have to get divorced.
Farah: I already told you, we're not doing this because of you.
Isabella: Then at least tell me why. What could Dad have possibly done that's so horrible to ruin our family?
Farah: *Sigh*
Farah: There's another woman. And there has been for a while.
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Isabella: Why does this keep happening? Does no one have a heart? Julie's dad cheated on Jade, Vivi's husband cheated on him, Noah cheated on Julie, Damian cheated on his girlfriend with Julie ... and now Dad? Why even marry someone and start a family with them if you don't even love them?
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Farah: I'm sorry baby.
Isabella: How can I ever trust a man to love me when it seems all everyone does is cheat?
Farah: You find the right man.
Isabella: How do I find out if he's the right man before it's too late?
Farah: ...
Farah: I wish I knew too.
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Family Tree
*A few poses by @bmit04*
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icarusredwings · 3 days
you ever think about well.. better than the alternative being a wade song? like,, guy who thinks he's broken wanting to be a good father and someone who can be loved.. like it's him isn't it?
First. This is my 1001th post, and Im up to 506 followers! Thank you, everyone, for everything!
Secondly- Congrats. You made me cry. I litsened to this and thought about it very deeply. Its something thats always resonated with me becuse I KNOW the voices in his head are constantly having anxiety on whether or not Ellie is going to get herititary cancer or not and itll he all his fault. If she'll get herititary mental illness. He worries if HIS own mental illness is going to prevent him from being a father. He spirals in so much worry that shes going to end up thinking hes ugly or gross. That she won't want him as a father, that she would be better off as someone elses kid. But BY GOD if ANYONE tries to take this little girl from his custody theyre going to have to pry her from his cold dead, collared hands.
I actually had a sad idea of Logan helping Wade get his daughter back because they claimed he was a danger to her and that the place they live is unsafe for her. It makes Wade insane. Like actually nuts. It's like he just.. breaks. There's no sympathy, no joking around, constantly crying in pain, no warnings, just plain, quick, silent murder. In this fic I actually had the idea of them getting married "Just to get ellie back" because Logan (as a room mate) can't stand the sight of him absolutely loosing his last purpose of living. So he adopts Ellie legally and shares custody of her, so now hes also her legal guardian and caretaker. "Supervises Wade with his daughter" kind of position and yet he doesn't. Theres no point. He knows Ellie is extremely safe and yes they need to move to a better home, Wade at least wants to live again now that he has Ellie..
The guy holds her so tight every night and plays with her all the spare time he has. Even when hes exhasuted and bloody from work, he still makes time for her. Sure, hes falling asleep at tea parties but at least hes present.
At the time Logan was a single dad of Laura and Gabby too so when they got court house hitched, they didn't tell the girls since yk "Its not like that"
But eventually it DOES become like that and they both have a happy little family of 3 crazy little girls, their crazy dad, and their even crazier papa. Oh and their puppy puppins.
I wont be writing this but if anyone does, tag me!
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A Hunger games AU?!?!
You are so evil and devious and cruel…
Give me more
I was gonna talk about all of book 1 but the reaping kinda got long so here’s my thoughts on the reaping day
So the Curtis gang all grow up in district 12 and if you thought they were poor before, they’re like barely surviving now. They died when Darry was 16 in this tho. Darry does a LOT of illegal hunting to keep them alive. He makes Soda come with him a lot because if something happens to him he wants them to like- not die-
The rules of these games are that they pull a guy and a girl but anybody can volunteer for anybody
Darry did everything he could to keep his brothers safe while he was a teenager. Soda wasn’t allowed to take out tessera, but when Darry turned 18, there was nothing else to do. They’ve both determined Ponyboy will NEVER take one out. So if I did the math right Soda should have 8 entries and Ponyboy has 2.
Ofc it doesn’t end up meaning much anyways because the time comes and Ponyboy gets reaped. Darry legit almost passes out and Soda is frozen for a couple seconds. But after a couple seconds he comes back to himself and without thinking he volunteers
Ponyboy freaks out, and Steve is like ‘what the fuck are you doing-‘. Darry doesn’t know how to feel ngl but he isn’t surprised. Honestly though nobody in the gang has any hope in Soda, they’re trying to pretend they do though
That would be the end of it, but when they ask for volunteers, who else steps up by Steve Randle. Soda immediately panics and begs him to take it back but Steve already had his heart set on this and there was nothing anyone else could do.
Goodbyes are…a lot. Soda was crying even before he made it into the building, and it got worse the second he saw his brothers. Ponyboy shouted at him for a little bit before curling up in his arms and sobbing. 
Darry was straight to business. He told Soda to stay away from people and hide for as long as possible. He told him not to worry about him and Ponyboy, that they would be fine and waiting for him if he came home. If.
Finally Darry pulls him into a hug, telling Soda how much he loves him. Then, the three minutes are up and Ponyboy are dragged out of the room. Ponyboy fights, and manages to crash into Soda’s arms one more time before he’s dragged out. Soda cracks open the door and peeks out, immediately shutting it when the last glimpse he gets of Darry is his holder brother crying.
Dally, Two, and Johnny all come in at the same time. Two and Johnny don’t say much, just wrapping him into a hug. Two starts to promise that he’ll be okay,  but Dally yells not to say that
Dally proceeds to tell him he’s fucked once he’s in that arena. Once the games start there is absolutely nothing he can do for himself. So, he needs to make every second before that count if he wants to stand a chance. He’s handsome, he’s charismatic, he can get the audience to fall in love with him and that’s what he needs to do. He’s about to tell Soda something else, but time runs out and they’re dragged out of the room before he can.
His next visitor is a shock to him. Paul Holden, who’s the mayors son, comes in and calmly sits across from him, they make pointless conversation until Soda asks why he’s there. Paul says he doesn’t know. They sit in silence for the rest of the time, and Paul leaves willingly when the time comes. As he’s leaving he tells Soda his brothers will be fine, and that they’ll eat as long as he has something to say about it
After that Soda just spends some time alone trying to compose himself. At least for the moment, he makes peace with the fact that he’s probably going to die next week. His sadness turns into anger at Steve
Eventually he gets taken to the train, on the way him and Steve walk by eachother. They don’t talk but the tension is already there. Steve hadn’t cried at all yet, his dad didn’t even come to see him and the gang already knew what he was doing and didn’t try to talk him out of it. (Darry had come in crying, and thanked Steve once he learned of the plan. Steve promised to bring his brother home)
These boys tear up the food table in the train. They both feel super sick after. They meet their mentor and escort though. Their mentor is a drunk like Haymitch is, and Soda takes it as the first of many signs showing how absolutely fucked he is.
Neither of them like the escort much. Steve hates her and Soda thinks she’s well meaning but she also keeps talking about how lucky they are to be here. Eventually they both just leave and are left alone in the hallway.
They have the first genuine argument they’ve ever had. Soda yells at Steve for putting himself at stake like that, and for putting them into a situation where they have to compete for their lives. And then Steve says that they’re not competing because they’re getting Soda home, and that just makes him more upset
The fight ‘ends’ when Steve says it was Soda’s fault they’re here anyways cause he’s the one who volunteered first. Soda asks if he should’ve just let his little brother die and Steve doesn’t respond. Soda storms off to his room, Steve goes to his, and this time they both cry into their pillows. 
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scarletwinterxx · 1 day
please write more of dad!jisung 🥹🥹🥹
helllooo~ i actually got a few dad jisung requests , apologies it took this long but I finally wrote it😊 hope you like it!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.Keep reading
"What if she cries?"
"Then do something about it?"
"Okay but what do I do?"
You look over your boyfriend and the baby girl in his arms, both looking at you with curiosity in their eyes. "Jisung, that's your daughter. You kept her alive for this long, you'll figure it out"
"Pretty sure we made it this far because of you. You're the brain in this relationship"
Jiwon babbles like she's the one talking to her father, this makes Jisung look down at the baby girl in his arms. Leaning down to boop their noses together, something he knows his daughter loves.
"Stop talking yourself out of getting groceries, it's only a few things and I really need to clean the house, your parents are coming over" you tell him as you put a few things inside her diaper bag, just the essentials incase she needs them while they're out.
When you got pregnant with Jiwon, you admit you felt lost. You and Jisung were still very young. You just turned 20 when you found out, everything that could go wrong already playing in your mind. The only one who talked some sense into you was your boyfriend. Jisung was the voice of reason during that time, he really stepped up and made sure you were taken care of.
First agenda on his list was to get a place for the two of you, the apartment wasn't too big but enough for your small family. The two of you worked remotely so it was perfect when the little one came.
Now your daughter is a year old, she's everything the two of you dreamed of. And even though she came a little earlier than planned, Park Jiwon is the light of both your universe's.
Jisung loved the little human with everything he is, his favorite part is that she looks like you in every way. He must have saved a nation in his past life to be blessed like this, living with the love of his life and the little life the two of you created.
"Here's a bag just in case she needs anything, she got snacks in there. Also packed some for you" you joked, putting the bag on his shoulder.
You laugh as you watch the 6 foot guy holding a pink bag and a baby with the biggest pink bow, "You two are adorable, now go I have some cleaning up to do"
"Wish me luck" he mumbles, giving you a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the front door
"Hey, when someone comes up you and says 'oh my gosh, you're baby's so cute' what do you say?" you call out to him
He rolls his eyes, a smile forming on his lips "She looks just like her momma"
"Damn right she does, now go. Love you both, see you later"
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canirove · 22 hours
The invinsible princess | Chapter 3
“First times”
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 (coming out next Friday - October 4)
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“Knock, knock.”
“Mum, hey.”
“May I come in?” she says from my room's door.
“Sure” I smile. 
“So…” she says, sitting down on my bed. “You are leaving again.”
“It's just for a few weeks, mum.”
“A month. And then it's the summer holidays and you are also going away with your friends and I don't know when I will see you again.”
“Don't be that dramatic, mum” I laugh. 
“The house is gonna be so empty without you and your sister…” she continues . “Though I guess we should be getting used to this. To you spending more time away and following your own path. You aren't our little girls anymore, you are women now.”
“Don’t let dad hear you saying that” I chuckle.
“I won't” she smiles. “But Sofía… Is there anything going on?”
“Lately you've been… I don't know. Different.”
“Different?” I ask as I keep packing my bag.
“Yes, like… I don't know how to explain it, but you look different. Happier.”
“Well, I am happy.”
“Because you aren't invisible anymore?”
“Sofía…” my mum says, taking a deep breath. “I know that's how you've been feeling all these years. As if you weren't important to us, as if everything was for your sister and we were ignoring you. As if you didn't matter, as if you were just a second choice. But you do matter, Sofía. You do.”
“I know” I whisper, playing with the necklace Pedri gave me over Christmas. Touching the little banana charm has become something I do mostly without thinking when I am nervous or feeling a bit anxious, something that helps me relax.  
“And now… I don't know. You've spent most part of this year constantly going to Barcelona and staying with your aunt and your cousins, looking the happiest I've seen you in a long time when you come back, and I can't help but feel like… like…”
“Like they are giving you the love you deserve. The love your father and I have failed at giving you.”
“You haven't failed me, mum” I say, looking at her.
“Haven't we? Because I can't remember the last time I saw you smiling like this. Well, I do. When Spain won the Euros” she chuckles. “You had the same sparkle in your eyes after the boys came to visit us.”
“The same sparkle?” I laugh.
“Cheesy, I know. But it's the truth” she shrugs. “Both things aren't related, are they?”
“Your aunt Cristina has a theory but… Nah. Forget about it.”
“A theory?” I ask her. “What theory?”
“Well, she thinks you are dating someone in Barcelona, and that he may be either one of your cousin's teammates or a Barça player from the football team. One Irene seems to fancy.”
“What?” I laugh, hoping that my reaction will hide the fact that my aunt is right. Kind of.
Because Irene actually fancies a guy who plays handball with her brother, and since I owe her for helping me when I meet with Pedri, now I'm doing the same for her and accompanying her to his games.
“You two go watch your cousin play handball all the time and also go to the Camp Nou pretty often. And then you alone disappear most weekends and don't stop by the house. You say you are meeting with friends, but she suspects it's because you are staying with a boy.”
“That's… I…”
“Ferran!” my mum suddenly says.
“That's the boy Irene apparently likes. Are you dating him? I saw you looking his way when they visited us. He is quite handsome.”
“I'm not dating him, mum” I chuckle. “And I wasn't looking his way.” Though I was, because Pedri was obviously next to him. 
“I wouldn't mind if you were” she shrugs. 
“Really? He is… a football player.”
“And?” she says. “I was just a tv news presenter when I met your father.”
“Yes, but… But you had a degree. Most football players have struggled to finish high school.”
“Sofía, as long as you love each other and you have a healthy relationship, I don't care about what the person you choose does for a living. But whatever they do has to be legal, of course” she says with a playful smile.
“Of course” I reply, also smiling. 
“Does this mean there is a boy, then? Is your aunt right?”
“I… ummm…” I say, back to playing with my necklace.
“Got it” she winks. “Am I right about what I was saying earlier too?”
“About you going to Barcelona so often not just because of a boy, Sofía. I think you are doing it because of me and your father. Because here with us you feel alone and lonely. Because here it is all about your sister and getting her ready for her future. And when we do something together as a family, like going to an event the four of us together for example, it also ends up being about her. So I understand it, Sofía. I understand if you've felt left behind and invisible, and now in Barcelona you don't anymore.”
And the thing is… that she's right. That in Barcelona I've found what I didn't have in Madrid, and not only because of Pedri. 
My aunt Cristina (my dad's sister) has basically adopted me and has been taking care of me as if I was another of her kids (she has four, Irene and her three older brothers). She has set a room just for me, and a box with things she knows I like (like my favourite chocolate or some of my favourite skincare products), is waiting for me in my bed every time I go back. And every day I share at least one meal with her, Irene, her brothers or all of them at the same time, something I'm not used to and that I've always missed back in Madrid. The laughs, the bickering between my cousins, the catching up about how your day has been… With my parents it mostly is silence or talk about work, even when Leonor is at home.
And speaking of work, I've found myself working on something I actually like, which isn't easy being who I am, invisible or not. 
My aunt takes care of some charities and foundations created and sponsored by the crown, and while Irene is at uni, Pedri in training and I'm bored at home, I usually accompany her to her meetings and help her with everything she may need as some kind of assistant. That's how I've found myself taking care of the foundation named after my sister, one that is focused on young people and helping them in anything they may need. And I… love it. I love it all, from coming up with new ideas for charity events, to meeting the kids and teenagers who are part of the foundation and spending time with them and helping them with whatever they may need, to even doing all the paperwork. 
Last time I was in Barcelona for example, I helped a group of kids with their homework, and once we were finished we spent most of the afternoon playing together, all of them going back home with a big smile on their faces. Them and I, to be honest. 
On this trip, among other things, I'm going back for an event with Barça's foundation that I've managed to organize thanks to Pedri's help, and I am so looking forward to it. You should have seen the kids’ faces when I told them about it, they couldn't believe it. I can't wait to see their reaction when he actually shows up and surprises them. 
And now that I mention him again, things are going so well between us… I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, that everything I'm living and feeling with and for him is real. That I'm… that I'm in love with him even if I haven't found the guts to tell him just yet. 
What I have had to guts for, tho, is to say yes when he asked me to be his girlfriend, and he did it just a couple of weeks ago while he was away with the national team in Germany. 
Since it was the first official game Spain was playing after winning the Euros and Germany kind of is special for us, I went to watch him play. It wasn't an official visit, so as usual, going unnoticed was the easiest thing in the world.  
After the game we managed to have a sneaky date, and it was perfect even if we didn't leave my hotel room. Carlos was the best and helped us with everything, and even though he has to deal with us constantly being cheesy and too touchy when we are together out and about, I think he is starting to get used to it. To us being together.
“I'm sorry, Sofía. I'm sorry we've made you feel like that. That we've ignored you and neglected you the way we have.”
“Mum, I…”
“But we love you, Sofía. You know we do, don't you?”
“Of course I do, mum! I've never doubted that.”
“Then… do you forgive us?” she says, getting up and walking towards where I am standing. 
“There is nothing to forget, mum” I say, taking her hands on mine. “I know you were doing the best you could. And being invisible isn't that bad sometimes” I shrug.
“You aren't invisible, Sofía” she says, squeezing my hands. “You are a remarkable young woman, one I am very proud of. One both your father and I are very proud of.”
“Thank you, mum.”
“Ugh, come here” she says before hugging me. 
“Mum, can you… Can you squeeze me a bit less tightly, please? I can't breathe.”
“Oh, sorry” she says, still not letting go of me. “See how you aren't invisible?”
“Yeah” I chuckle.
“Though I hope you aren't using that excuse to do things you shouldn't. Like sneaking out to see that boy…”
“Oh, look at the colour of your face” she laughs. “Will you tell me more about him if things get serious between you two?”
“I will.”
“Good” she smiles. “Now, do you need any help packing? You know I'm an expert. And maybe we could put on some music while we do it? I'm so out of the loop with what you girls like... Last thing I remember is One Direction, and I believe they stopped making music together years ago.”
“You are a bit out of date, yes.”
“Then… May I help you pack?”
“You may” I smile. “Thank you, mum.”
“You're welcome” she says, kissing my cheek.
“Look at him. He never pays attention to his hair, and now he's been looking at himself in the mirror for the past five minutes” Ferran chuckles.
“His girlfriend is coming to see him play. He has to look royally good” Fermín says.
“I can hear you, you know?” Pedri says, trying to tame a lock of hair that keeps sticking out. He should not be bothering so much with it, he's about to go into the pitch and after a couple of runs it'll be ruined. But Sofía is on the stands, and he wants to look good for her even if she always says that she prefers his hair when it is messy.
“She is still coming to my birthday party, isn't she?” Fermín says.
“She is. She actually got you a present” Pedri says, giving up with his hair.
“A royal one?”
“Will you ever stop with those jokes?” Pedri says, rolling his eyes.
“Ummm… no” Fermín smiles.
“Don't worry, Pedri” Ferran says, putting an arm around his shoulders and messing his hair with his other hand. “He will go all shy when he meets her and won't say a word to her the whole night, you'll see.”
“I already met her when we went to the palace after the Euros, you know?” Fermín says.
“Yeah, and you weren't able to look up her shoes” Ferran laughs. “So don't worry about him, Pedri. Just focus on the game and scoring a goal to dedicate to your princess.”
“What? Many people call their girlfriends princess as a cute nickname” he shrugs. “No one has to know that yours actually is a real one” he smirks.
“Yeah, well.”
No one from the team knew about Sofía. No one but Ferran, Fermín and Gavi, of course. And Pedri was expecting to end the season like that, with not having to tell anyone else. 
They only had four more games left. Four games, and he would be able to go on holidays with Sofía. 
They had booked a little house in the south in France to be alone and celebrate their anniversary since they had picked the date they met at the Euros for it, and he couldn't wait to go there and just disconnect. To spend his days waking up and going to bed next to her, cooking their meals together and eating them in the garden while they talked about the most random things, going for walks together without worrying about someone recognising them, to watch the sunset together on the beach, and basically enjoy her company and… well. Her. 
“Guys, finally! Where were you?” Fermín asks us when we walk into his house. Or shouts, because the music is so loud and there are so many people…
“There was traffic” Pedri says.
“What? I left after you did and the roads were the same as always after a game” Gavi says, joining us.
“And you left before Ferran, and he already is here” Fermín adds.
“Is he? We should probably go say hello to him, you know how he gets if we…”
“You are not going anywhere until you tell us where you were” Fermín says, stopping Pedri.
“We… umm…”
“We had to wait until Carlos had checked the party and made sure it was safe for me” I say.
“What?” both Gavi and Fermín say, looking my way.
“It's the usual procedure” I shrug. The usual… with my sister. With me things are more chill. “He says thank you for making it a party with no phones, by the way. It makes his life easier.” Which isn't a lie.
“I… umm… you're welcome?” 
“Anyway, why don't we get ourselves a drink? What do you want, Sofía?” Pedri asks me, trying to escape from his friends. 
He's been worried about them not behaving properly in front of me since the day I confirmed I would be attending the party. When I've met them on their own it's been fine, they all are really nice guys. And Fermín actually got a bit teary when I gave him his birthday present earlier after the game, which was really cute.
But Pedri fears that once they all are together and have drank a bit, they may get too cocky and say something they shouldn't in front of me. But not because he is hiding things from me or anything like that. Our phone conversations are so long that by now we basically know everything about the other when it comes to boys, girls, relationships, crushes and hook ups. He worries more about… embarrassing things and stories. 
“Look who is finally here!” Ferran says behind us, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and the other around Pedri's. “What took you so long?”
“Sofía’s bodyguard had to check if the house was safe” Gavi says.
“What?” Ferran laughs. “Did you seriously believe that?”
“It is the truth.”
“And I'm blonde, Pedri” Ferran laughs again. “Guys, haven't you looked at them?”
“What do you mean?” Gavi asks with a confused look.
“Swollen lips, the neck of Pedri's t-shirt is a bit crooked, Sofía isn't wearing lipstick and she was when we met them at the stadium… These two were late because they were making out in his car. Maybe doing more than that” Ferran smirks.
“No!” Fermin gasps, his eyes going wide. “You guys are late to my birthday party because you were too busy fucking?”
“Language, bro!” Gavi says, elbowing him and nodding towards me.
“You can swear in front of me, Gavi. It's ok. You should hear the things I say sometimes” I chuckle. “And we weren't fucking. We just had a quick make out session because my boyfriend here scored an amazing goal and we had to celebrate” I smile, looking at Pedri. “Besides, sex in his car isn't too comfortable.”
“Sofía!” Pedri gasps. Now he is the one whose eyes are about to pop from their sockets, his cheeks turning bright red.
“What? It's the truth, you've said it yourself” I shrug.
“You are lucky he got rid of the Mini before he met you” Ferran laughs. “Because if you find this car uncomfortable…”
“And I'm lucky I already got my driver's license and I don't need Pedri taking me everywhere” Gavi says.” Having to go training with him every day in that car knowing that you two have… you know…”
“Can we please talk about something else? Like, we are here to celebrate Fermín getting older, not to discuss details about my personal life” Pedri says, letting go of my hand and crossing his arms over his chest. He looks so pissed… 
“Exactly!” Fermín says. “Let's go get us some shots to celebrate. Follow me.”
“Pedri…” I say as the others start walking away. But he doesn't hear me… or doesn't want to. And I'm pretty sure he dodged my hand when I tried to touch his arm. “Great” I sigh before following him.
“To the birthday boy!” Ferran says once we all have our tiny glasses.
“To me!” Fermín smiles. 
“Pedri, where are you going?” I ask him when he finishes his shot and gives Gavi his glass, walking away and completely ignoring me. Again.
“Oh… trouble in paradise…” Fermín chuckles. “Ouch! Why did you hit me, bro?”
“Do you seriously have to ask?” Ferran says, nodding towards me.
“Oh, umm… Sorry, Sofía.”
“It's ok. I'm… I'm gonna go talk with him. Take this” I say, giving my glass to Ferran.
“Sofía, do you want me to go with you?” he offers.
“This is my mess, Ferran. But thank you” I smile before leaving him and the others and starting to look for Pedri among all the guests. How can Fermín know so many people?
“Hey, I know you!” a boy says, stopping me when I make it to the garden. 
“I don't think so.”
“Of course I do! You are the hot princess!”
“The what?”
“Yeah… Bro, what is the name of the princess?” 
“Leonor?” one of his friends says, not even bothering to look at me.
“Nah, not the one with an old lady name. The other one, the hot one!”
“Oh, Sofía.”
“Yes, Sofía! You are her, aren't you?” he smiles.
I am the hot princess? What? Since when?
“I'm afraid you are mistaken me with her. Besides, what would she be doing at a party like this?” I chuckle.
“Yeah, you are probably right… You still are really hot, tho” he smirks.
“Thank you. But now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find my boyfriend” I say, giving him my best fake smile, the one I usually use at boring events. 
“Burn!” his friend laughs, some other people around us joining him. 
“Boyfriends can break up, you know?” he says, ignoring them.
“I know” I sigh. Mine may be thinking about that right now. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you. And thank you for the compliment.”
“You're welcome. And princess or not, you know where to find me!” he says as I walk away.
“Ferran… Fer… Ferran” I say, tapping on his shoulder. “Ferran!”
“Shit!” he says, turning around. “Sofía?”
“Hi, yes. Sorry for interrupting” I smile at the girl he was making out with. “But I can't find him.”
“I can't find… you know” I whisper, not saying Pedri's name just in case the girl has recognised me. “I've looked everywhere and I can't find him. And I don't want to call Carlos and ask him if he has seen him leave, because I know the look he will give me, and I can't deal with my bodyguard telling me I told you right now.”
“You have a bodyguard?” the girl asks.
“That's how she calls her older brother” Ferran quickly says. “But are you sure you have looked everywhere for him?”
“Yes” I nod. “I fucked up, Ferran. He got mad and now he has left me and…”
“Sofía, hey, no. We are gonna find him and you will fix things.”
“I hope so. Because I… I… you know.” I love him.
“I know” he says. “He does too.”
He… what?
“Do you mind if I go help my friend find her boyfriend? They had a little argument and… you know. But I'll come back and I will make it up to you. I promise” Ferran says to the girl with a smile that could make anyone fall at his feet. 
“Ok” the girl says before whispering something in his ear. “Don't take too long.”
“I won't, I promise. Let's go, Sofía” he says, taking my hand and basically dragging me behind him.
“What did she tell you?” 
“Oh, you don't want to know, Sofía. You don't want to know…”
“Ferran, I may be a princess, but I'm not a delicate flower like the ones you read about in fairytales.”
“That's what I've gathered after some things Pedri has told me” he says as he suddenly stops, making me almost crash into his back before he starts walking again, leading us upstairs. “But I am a gentleman, Sofía. What she said will stay between her and I.”
“Sure” I snort.
“Ok, fine. I may tell the boys some details about it. And… this way” he says as we go up another set of stairs.
“Ferran, where are we going?”
“I assume you checked all the rooms on that floor while looking for Pedri.”
“I did, yes. And saw things I didn't want to see.”
“Been there” he chuckles. “Did you come to this floor too?” 
“I did. But all the rooms were empty.”
“Did you go into the attic?”
“There is an attic?”
“There is” he says, opening a door I hadn't seen earlier since it has no handle. It is one of those kind of hidden on the wall, one you have to push to open. “Fermín basically uses it as a storage room, but it has a balcony with amazing views and Pedri has always loved it. So if he hasn't left the party yet, he's up there.”
“Aren't you coming with me?”
“It is an attic but there are no spiders if that's what you are afraid of. Pedri would never go there if that was the case” he chuckles. “And this is something you need to do on your own, Sofía.”
“I guess, yes” I sigh.
“Good luck” Ferran says, giving my hand an encouraging squeeze.
“Thank you” I smile. “And good luck to you too. Though I think you won't be needing it with that girl.”
“We'll see” he says before walking away.
“Ok, Sofía. You can do this” I say, taking a deep breath and going up the stairs.
Like Ferran said, the attic basically is a big storage room, boxes of gym machines, shoes and random bits and bobs scattered everywhere. At the end of it there is a big glass door that lets in enough light to illuminate the room without having to turn it on, and that door is currently open, letting the music and the voices from the party come in.
As I get closer to it, I can see someone sitting on the floor, his legs hanging between the bars of the balcony's railing. 
“Pedri?” I call.
“Bloody hell!” he screams, hitting his legs as he tries to get up.
“Sorry, I'm sorry. Are you alright?”
“I may wake up with a huge bruise on my knee tomorrow, but I'm fine” he says, massaging his leg. “What are you doing here, Sofía?”
“I… I was looking for you.”
“To embarrass me a bit more in front of my friends?”
“What? No! I just… I… I'm sorry.”
“I was looking forward to this party, you know?" he says after a few seconds in silence. "Actually, we both were. We had agreed on wanting to spend some time with the boys and have fun like any people our age would do, relax a bit before the end of the season and before we can go on holidays just the two of us. And as you also know, my only worry was that the boys could start behaving like idiots and saying things that they shouldn't, embarrassing me in front of you. I've spent the whole week telling them to behave, that if they actually were my friends, they would do it for me. Little did I know, that it would be you the one embarrassing me in front of them.”
“C'mon, Pedri. It was just a little bit of banter between friends.”
“Banter that made me uncomfortable, Sofía” he says, standing up. “You know how much they've been teasing me about you and our relationship since we started seeing each other. And you also know that even if they aren't doing it to be mean, it bothers me. Because I may be a worldwide known football player, but you are Spain's fucking princess. Yes, the second in line, but still a princess. And sometimes I can't help but feel… I don't know. Small next to you.”
“I know what you are going to say. That I'm not small. At least not in the way I'm thinking” he chuckles, his smile quickly disappearing. “But just as you struggle with feeling like your whole life you've been invisible to everyone despite me telling you that that's not true, I struggle with this. With sometimes feeling like I'm… not enough for you. And those insecurities came back earlier when we were with the boys. Because you are comfortable and confident enough to openly talk about such personal things with anyone, but I'm not. One thing is doing it between us, in private, and another with and in front of my friends. Like, it takes ages for Ferran to get something out of me and I know I can trust him with my life!” Pedri says, running a hand through his hair. “And I thought you knew that and understood it, Sofía. So when I saw you talking about it with them… Well. It hurt.”
“I'm sorry, Pedri. I truly truly am. Because I do know you feel that way and I understand it. I do, I swear. I should have known better and just shut up. But I didn't and I kept talking because I'm an idiot. I am a fucking idiot” I say, kicking an empty shoe box. “And I'm not trying to excuse myself but I just… I don't know. I guess I was just too excited because we were doing something normal with your friends. And then you have to add the game and your goal, the make out session in the car and… I don't know. It's like I was drunk in happiness and I got carried away and… I'm sorry.”
“Yeah” he whispers, neither of us saying another word for what feels like an eternity.
“I guess I should go back home” I finally say. “Carlos will probably be glad when he sees me. You know he didn't agree with any of this. With us.”
“Wait, what?”
“He didn't like the idea of us coming to a party with so many people, and he's never liked the idea of us together. He's started to get used to it, but since that misunderstanding when we met, I know he has never fully trusted you. So I guess he'll be happy knowing that it is over.”
“Over? What are you talking about, Sofía?”
“We have broken up, haven't we?”
“What?” Pedri laughs.
“Isn't that what just happened?”
“Of course not!” he laughs again.
“Then… umm…”
“Sofía, we haven't broken up” he says, taking my hands on his. “This has just been our first real and proper fight as a couple.”
“Wait, really?”
“Just that?”
“Just that” he chuckles.
“Then you aren't… I mean… Are you…”
“I'm a bit pissed and also disappointed, but that doesn't mean I want to break up with you. It only means we need to keep working on our relationship. Keep talking and telling each other how we feel, what we think, what worries us.”
“Oh... I see.”
“So clever and bold with some things, and so naïve when it comes to others, Sofía…” he says with a teasing smile.
“Could say the same about you, Pedro.”
“You could, yes” he laughs. “Looks like we are made for each other.”
“Yeah” I say with a shy smile. Here I am once again, feeling my face getting warmer by the second just because he has said or done something cute. “There was something Ferran told me before he helped me find you…”
“He helped you find me?”
“He did. I had been looking for you everywhere and couldn't find you, started to freak out, and had to interrupt him while he had his tongue down a girl's throat.”
“Wow” Pedri laughs. “Did she at least take it well?”
“She did. And if she had doubts, the smile he gave her sent them all away.”
“Oh, I know that smile. It is a dangerous one that has broken many hearts. But what did he tell you?”
“He… I mean… I implied something, and he said that so did you.”
“I… Ok” I say, taking a deep breath. “I basically told him that I love you but without using those words, and he said that you…”
“I love you too, Sofía” Pedri smiles.
“You… You do?”
“I do” he nods. 
“That's… umm… ok” I say with a nervous laugh.
“Too many emotions in a short period of time, uh?” he says, moving one hand to cup my face, his thumb caressing my cheek. A cheek that is obviously burning.
“Definitely. I've gone from thinking we were breaking up to telling you I love you for the first time and you saying it back in what, five minutes?”
“Something like that.”
“Fermín said that his birthday party was going to be an unforgettable one, and he wasn't wrong. He probably had something different in mind, but… Did I tell you that some random guy recognised me? I obviously told him he was mistaken, that what would Princess Sofía be doing here. But he said that I was the hot sister. Me! And he also said that Leonor has an old lady name, which is pretty funny and…”
“And you are rambling, Sofía.”
“Am I?”
“Yep. And even though that guy was right when he told you that you are the hot princess, proving once again what I always tell you about being invisible… You, my lady, also are rambling” Pedri smiles, the fact that he has used his nickname for me making all my doubts and fears disappear.
“Another thing we have in common, then” I say. “You know, you may be right, and we may be made for each other.”
“We are made for each other” he corrects me. 
“Even if I sometimes I'm an idiot and have a bit of a big mouth?”
“Even so” he chuckles. “I love you, Sofía.”
“I love you too, Pedri” I say before kissing him.
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goshdangronpa · 2 days
Where to begin in sharing my thoughts on Class of '09: The Flip Side ...
Well, how about the positives? Everything I've seen is so negative, and trust me, I have thoughts. But I enjoyed quite a lot of it, and I wanna do my part to balance out the discourse. So, here's a list.
Jecka makes for an interesting protagonist compared to Nicole. She's far more emotional - I swear, she breaks down crying in every route, which is genuinely disconcerting. She's also way less savvy. I'm not fond of how overwhelmingly negative these endings are (more on that in another post), but it at least makes sense. Nicole gets the upper hand in several endings from the previous two games because she's usually cunning enough to avoid potential problems, manipulate her way out of them, and/or get people in serious trouble. Jecka may be a bit of a bitch (and I love her for it!), but as she says in one ending, she kinda needs Nicole. Putting her in the protag role isn't just subbing her in for Nicole. Flip Side explores how things would go for someone with slightly more conscience and way less guile.
Jecka's so goddamn gay, oh my god. Wanting to look for a "goth work girlfriend" at Hot Topic. "I can afford holes, Imma buy me some hoes!" Kissing Ari! She says she only did the latter for attention, but girl ... girl. Someday she'll ask someone "Doesn't every girl think about sleeping with their gal pals?" and be shocked when that someone says no. (Tbh when I heard that one route would explore a previous game's route from Jecka's perspective, and when I saw the CG of the jeckari kiss on Tumblr, I created an entire plotline in my head that didn't come to fruition. Pity - it'd at least make for a good fanfic.)
"It's been seven seconds." The scenes based on this bit are some of the funniest in the whole series ("Why don't you magically gather some friends?"). Like something straight out of South Park. If the Co09 anime Kickstarter had reached the stretch goal of a full 25-minute episode, would this have been the script? I've heard people say that Flip Side doesn't feel like Class of '09, or that the dialogue isn't as good in this one, but this part, among others, works for me. "Can anyone do the math?" "... I thought this was health."
I'm a lifelong FYE patron who will drive 40-odd minutes to visit the only remaining store in my entire region. So for me especially, the entire FYE storyline was a ride. It reminded me of American Dad, where every episode turns something mundane into an elaborate conspiracy or wild adventure into its secret underbelly. It's awesome from beginning to ... well, not the end, but it's mostly awesome. And we get to hang out with Kelly! That's neat!
This is apparently my hottest take: the "foot whore" routes are not that bad. For starters, they're not presented in a way that fetishizes Jecka herself. You never see her feet, or see what she does with them. Yall can still find the suggestion of it gross if you want, but comparisons to Quentin Tarantino seem unwarranted! More importantly, the foot services enable the writers to explore topics of sex work while keeping the game light on actual sexual activity. It's rare to see such subject matter broached in a thing like this, yet we get to see how circumstances can pull desperate people into selling their bodies, and how swiftly and easily they can have their boundaries violated and their safety compromised by the customers they depend on. The increasing disruption of normal conversations by the text notifications of Jeffery's donations is a genuinely despairing plot device. Both endings are troubling for different reasons (again, that's for another post), but the game's got something to say in a way that, to me, is fairly mature yet distinctly Class of '09. (Credit to my partner for this observation, I'm so grateful I could play this with them.)
... Uh ... the music sting from the opening monologue bumps ... It sounds more Class of '17 than Class of '09, but it's still cool ...
Okay so I can't think of more, at least not right now. (EDIT: How did I forget the Hatman? That was cute!) Flip Side may be the most flawed game in the series, but it's still pretty good. At the very least, I don't think it's the shitshow other people are making it out to be ... though there is a smell. I'll go deeper on the negatives in other posts.
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kiwi-queen-blog · 3 days
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Beneath the Stars
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ship: firstprince
warnings / tags: extreme fluff (A LOT of fluff) , mild pda, mentions of alcohol, very mild cursing
word count: 1055
summery: Henry takes Alex stargazing at Windsor castle
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Alex could hardly contain his excitement; he was on his way to Windsor Castle—or rather, on his way to see Henry. It was the first time he was going to see Henry in months. He was actually going to see him, not just on a screen but in real life; he couldn't wait. Both Henry and Alex’s schedules had been extremely busy lately, but thanks to Shaan and Zahra, they had managed to arrange one weekend for themselves. No press pictures or public outings—just a quiet weekend at Windsor Castle for the two of them.
The car came to a stop, and Alex almost ran out of it but was held back by his seatbelt. Unfastening it, he swung the door open, jumping out and fervently searching the grounds for Henry, looking around like a lost puppy when he couldn't find him. He felt two arms close around his waist—Henry's arms.
“Guess who?” Henry spoke affectionately.
Alex spun around in Henry's arms, kissing him and once again cursing the few inches Henry had on him. They both smiled into the kiss, holding each other tightly as if they'd never be able to hold each other again.
Shaan cleared his throat, announcing his presence and causing Henry and Alex to break away from each other, a slight blush creeping up Henry's cheeks and a mischievous grin covering Alex's face.
“Everything will be set up for you,” Shaan stated, nodding to Henry before turning and leaving them alone.
Henry laughed, hiding his face in the crook of Alex's neck, and Alex smiled brighter than he had in a long time.
“What does he mean?” Alex inquired, curious about what Henry had planned.
Henry lifted his head, looking into Alex's eyes. “I guess you'll just have to see and find out,” he teased, smiling softly as they walked closer to the castle.
Taking Alex’s hand, Henry led him around the castle, showing him the hidden corners tucked away from prying eyes, the rooms he liked to spend time in, and the areas where he had spent his childhood. They spent hours wandering about the castle, sharing memories of their past year together, holding hands, and kissing.
“And this is where we spent most of our time when I was younger—me, Mum, Dad, and Bea,” Henry said softly.
“It must be something, growing up with all this history around you,” Alex admired.
“I feel like I've been learning about this castle my whole life,” Henry replied. He glanced down at his watch and back into Alex's eyes. “Follow me,” he said, taking Alex’s hand once more and leading him through the castle doors and outside to the green garden. A few metres away, there was a picnic basket, a wine bottle, and two glasses on a chequered blanket. Henry smirked as Alex gasped at the sight.
“Did you make us a picnic?” Alex asked, looking up at Henry with eyes full of adoration.
“Well, technically, I didn't cook it, but yes, I thought of it,” Henry teased as they walked to the blanket, Alex a step ahead of him.
“I love you so much,” Alex said, kissing Henry's cheek and sitting down on the blanket. Henry chuckled and sat adjacent to Alex. He looked up at the sky; it was now nearly dark. The sun was going to set soon. Henry poured the wine into the glasses, passing one to Alex as he nuzzled into him. They watched as the sky of bright oranges and reds slowly changed to blues and purples, the sun casting shadows over them. Stars began to stand out against the night sky, glowing white dots in the canvas above. The night was warm and still. Henry began to pull things out of the basket, setting up a picnic in front of him and Alex. The air was filled with the sounds of nightfall—crickets chirping, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. The sky above was clear, promising a dry night ahead, with the last traces of daylight lingering behind.
They spent what felt like years staring up at the sky, picking at the food Henry had arranged for them, which ranged from finger sandwiches to sausage rolls to chocolate brownies and Victoria sponge cake, as well as a charcuterie board.
“See if you look there,” Henry said, his mouth partially full of a grape from the charcuterie board. “Those stars that are aligned, if you look around them at stars like Betelgeuse,” he gestured around the sky, “you can see that that's the constellation of Orion.” Swallowing the grape, he turned to face Alex and said, “You know, according to Greek mythology, Orion was a huntsman that the god Zeus placed among the stars.”
“Okay, wait,” Alex smiled. “Let me try. So that’s Orion’s Belt, right?” Henry nodded. “So then, there's Betelgeuse! Did I get it?” he asked.
“Yes, exactly. And if you follow the line of Orion’s Belt, it leads you to Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. It’s in the constellation Canis Major,” Henry answered.
“Wow, Henry, you’re like a walking astronomy encyclopaedia. Do you have a constellation named after you?” Alex joked, amazed at Henry's knowledge of stars.
“Well, no,” Henry replied, blushing slightly. “But I, uh, did name one after you.”
Alex blinked in surprise, his cheeks colouring faintly at Henry's admission. He hadn't expected such a sweet gesture.
“You named a constellation after me?” Alex grinned, his eyes softening with warmth. “That's... wow, Henry. That's probably the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me.”
“See that one, a little away from Orion,” Henry pointed. “See how it kind of looks like a book and quill? Well, I named it Alexios Major after you. In my head, it's associated with courage, creativity, and passion, and legend has it that it inspires those who look at it to pursue their passions fearlessly.” He finished gazing back and forth at Alex and the constellation.
“You are the most amazing person ever. I love you so much, it's unbelievable,” Alex praised him, staring into his eyes with enthrallment.
Henry smiled and kissed Alex, going on about his star and the mythology and background behind it well into the night. It was nearly sunrise by the time they both staggered up to Henry's room in the castle, wrapped in each other's arms.
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notes: this is my first post on tumblr! I hope you liked it! im still new to writing fics so any advice or thoughts are extremely appreciated!
thank you to @ObsessedWithDavidTennant for beta reading this!
if you liked this you can check out my other fics in my ao3
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littlemissmarianna · 17 hours
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TK’s absence is not a red flag.
Not at first.
Carlos is used to coming home to an empty loft these days. Just like his husband is used to waking up alone.
Both realities sting, though Carlos tells himself it’s not a permanent arrangement. When he solves his dad’s case – when not if – then life will settle down. Carlos will be home every night with TK, cooking dinner and watching TV. He’ll be there to ask his husband about his shift. They’ll talk and laugh and cuddle on the couch, then make up for lost time in the bedroom. Carlos looks forward to it. He craves it. It’s been so long since he’s drifted to sleep with TK in his arms. It’s been even longer since they’ve –
Carlos sighs when his phone rings. After literally working all day and all night, he’s exhausted. He’s not in the mood for whatever Owen is calling about, but he answers with a forced smile.
Owen’s voice sounds equally strained. “Where are you?”
“The loft. Why?”
“Is TK there?”
The question immediately sets Carlos on edge. “No. He has a shift.”
“He does,” Owen confirms. “But he’s not here, either.”
Carlos listens as his father-in-law blows out a breath, undoubtedly reliving the last time TK didn’t show up for a shift at the firehouse.
“You don’t think….”
“No,” Owen replies. “I know my son is solid in his recovery. I mean, yeah…TK has been struggling over the past few months. But the extra meetings have helped him cope with everything. And of course Cooper is always there for TK.”
Carlos clenches his jaw. He’s not sure if that’s meant as a dig against him, but it sure feels like it. Carlos also wasn’t aware that TK has been struggling…or going to extra meetings…or hanging out with Cooper. It’s all news to him, but what does Carlos expect? He sees his husband for maybe an hour each day during their lunch breaks. And while they’re together, Carlos is usually reviewing a file he brought with him or thinking out loud about a case. That doesn’t leave much room for TK to share what’s going on in his life or confess how he feels. When is the last time Carlos even asked?
“I am worried, though,” Owen continues. “TK should be here by now. What time did he leave this morning?”
“I, um…” Carlos clears his throat. It’s always embarrassing to admit how much he sucks as a husband, especially when he’s talking with TK’s dad. “I don’t know. I wasn’t here.”
“Ah. I see.”
Carlos pictures Owen’s expression as the silence becomes awkward. His father-in-law’s disapproval and disappointment are unmistakable. Owen warned Carlos not to let Gabriel’s case consume him, but Carlos is allowing it to do exactly that.
“Well…” Owen sighs. “All my calls to TK are going straight to voicemail, so I guess I’ll call Cooper. Maybe he’s heard from my son and knows what the hell is going on. I’ll keep you posted.”
Carlos tries to ignore the guilt and jealousy that rises in his chest. He should know where his husband is, not Cooper.
When Owen hangs up, Carlos dials TK, convinced that he’ll see Carlos’s name and answer on the first ring.
He doesn’t.
Carlos’s call goes straight to voicemail just like Owen’s, which has several implications.
Maybe TK is rejecting their calls.
Maybe he turned off his phone.
Maybe the phone is inoperable for some reason.
Carlos tries not to dwell on any of those possibilities as he listens to his husband’s voice. What he would give to hear it in person…
It’s TK. Leave a message. I’ll hit you back.
“Hey, baby. It’s me. Your dad said you didn’t show up for your shift, and now we’re both worried. Call me, okay? Let me know what’s going on. I love you.”
Carlos follows up with a text before wandering around the loft, his concern increasing with each new discovery.
The light TK typically leaves on for Carlos wasn’t switched off this morning.
Their bed wasn’t slept in.
The shower and bathroom sink are bone dry.
So is TK’s towel.
But what’s most alarming is TK’s wallet and keys left on the dresser.
Carlos stares at them, then startles when his phone rings again.
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godserene · 13 hours
Say what you will of my mother, god knows I’m the first to complain of how much I miss her and how long we spent apart, but it takes a whole new level of strength to sacrifice close to everything for a child that hadn’t even been born yet, she did so so much to make sure she would have me and I’d be okay and on top of all that, to look at this child you did everything for and admit that the best thing for her would be to grow up safe somewhere you can never go? After EVERYTHING she did for me, all those years, all those tears, everything to give up her chance of raising me or even SEEING me for over 20 years to make sure I’d be where I was safest? This takes a level of strength I could never have
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sysig · 8 months
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Gift (Patreon)
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vaggieslefteye · 3 months
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ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴄʜᴏᴏꜱᴇ ↳ anonymous asked: HUSK and ALASTOR or angel and valentino?
#hazbin hotel#husk#hazbin husk#alastor#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel edit#hazbin edit#radio demon#requested#make me choose#my gifs#dad beat dad#flashing gif#flickering gif#the full ask said ''in whichever way you define'' at the end so#i chose based off of which dynamic i'm more intrigued by. valentino as a villain and as a challenge to angel is REALLY interesting dont get#me wrong here. it's great. but THESE two have a lot of untapped potential for husk specifically#alastor is just there at the moment but HUSK. husk. it really is a mirror to angel's situation - everything wrong in his afterlife is#because of that gamble. but he WAS an overlord. HE was the one doing that horrible shit before. that's INTERESTING!!#he gathered and gambled away souls like money. it was all just a game to him. now HE'S getting his. a sick poetic justice in a way.#i am SO excited to see if they dive into this more!! will he ever self reflect? if he does will we SEE him doing this reflection? will it#be enough to play a part in him choosing to redeem himself? or even decide if redemption is worth the effort? i feel like there's potential#with his dynamic with alastor to influence that big time + his friendship with angel will also be a major factor#also making this set made me realize the hallway scene is like their one major interaction. jfc and it's fucking HORRIFYING lmao#look i loved their pilot interaction/dynamic as much as the next person but this is just. SO much better. more things to explore.#i'm really glad in the end that they were rewritten in this way. A+
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