#my coworkers are gonna think im dead
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stormyoceans · 3 months ago
wake up moni!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mydollsaregay · 4 months ago
found the article, i think:
holy cannoli, I can see why it made that random woman shake her damn head and send an email 😂
it’s clearly a chill, off-the-cuff opinion piece, so im not gonna ding them too hard for just like. talking about their opinions. however.
the audacity to rank felicity highly for her stories being exciting because the take place around the time of a war, while simultaneously completely dismissing caroline out of hand is INSANE.
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sketchtastrophee · 26 days ago
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old art again!! this time a rough animation of sawyer and yarnaby 😎 (looks better if u click to view 😭)
im working on a short ppt animation rn. im thinking i should post it to my youtube channel, though im not sure if people here would see it. i think i can link videos on here?? idk
okay I'm gonna talk abt more chapter 4 stuff.. this time about prototype's previous identity.. ch4 spoilers and also a theory below..
hiding the solo yarnaby under here LOL
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people theorized 1006 was elliot, which was recently disproven in the chapter 4 tape where poppy refers to elliot as her dad and wishes he were there. in the same tape she addresses prototype as a completely different person. also recall that elliot died in the 90s, meanwhile prototype met theo in 1989. so yeah, they aren't the same person
I've also seen people say rich is prototype, which cannot be true either. in a ch4 tape he speaks to one of the employees under his supervision. the kid mentions his coworkers joking about him going missing. before the bbi, it would not make sense for this to be a common rumor at the company, which means this tape had to happen after harley was hired in 1990; at a time when the company would have a reason to silence people
prototype existed in 1989 at the minimum, but considering he says "it's always been about you and me" to poppy, he's likely the prototype of HER. she's elliots daughter, she died in the 60s, meaning prototype was probably created around that time as well.
this means that rich can't be the prototype because he was human long after prototype was made
if you want my take on who prototype truly is, i'd say his identity doesn't necessarily matter. i don't mean to say his origins aren't important, just that his name and specific role in the past probably doesn't mean anything in the long run. i've never believed he was elliot or rich, and maybe in the future i'll be proven wrong but for now i'll tell you the theory i've had since june of last year
elliot's daughter dies in the 60s. he divorced his wife in 1930, so his daughter is probably in her 30s when she dies. she gets sick or injured, maybe she's actively dying or already dead by the time elliot begins his research. he looks for ways to bring her back, but it doesn't work on the rats (as he mentioned a note in the 2nd chapter)
so what does he do? he tries it on something bigger as he said he would: a human. of course he's not going to try this experimental method on his own daughter, even if she's already dead, so he finds someone else to use it on. we know that elliot wasn't evil or anything, so it's unlikely he killed anybody to use for the experiment. considering the orphanage isn't open yet (it opened in the 70s, not the 60s), prototype probably wasn't an orphan child either. if i run with my simple version of the theory, elliot may have dug up a body in a graveyard and used that. maybe a fresh one, who knows. he tried it, it worked, then he revived his daughter with the same method.
this is likely what harley wanted to know about in the chapter 3 tape (the "i learn something new about you every day" one), and also what prototype is asking harley to figure out in the ch4 tape they're both in. in that case, sawyer never actually figured out how to revive people with the poppy substance. sure, he can transfer people into the toys, but he can't bring anybody back to life
more reason to believe prototype and poppy are of the same "batch" is because it seems they are the only two who don't need food. it's outright stated about him in the ch1 trailer, and insinuated with her saying the "toys will starve otherwise" when she's talking about how nasty them eating humans is. she refers to them, not herself. her and prototype are probably the only 2 who were ever brought back from the dead, which circles back around to his monologue and gives meaning to the "it's always been about you and me, poppy. what we are". when i heard him say that i felt like my theory was lowk confirmed 😭😭
no guarantee this is right, but it's been my guess for a long time
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clownboy-yeehonk · 11 months ago
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doitforbangchan · 5 months ago
La petit mort - K.S
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Pairing: Non-idol!Seungmin x reader
Warnings: Afab/fem reader, smut, death. im keeping this vague for the mystery aspect- read at your own risk. Not proofread :)
WC: 4.9k
Happy Halloween yall 🎃 masterlist
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“Have you seen the news?” 
“I heard they found the body in the river.” 
“The cops are saying there's a serial killer on the loose.” 
“Another victim was found behind a dumpster all mangled.” 
“Each one is more violent and gory than the rest.”
Everywhere you turned someone was talking about the recent string of murders in your area. For weeks all anyone could talk about was this supposed ‘serial killer’, and after a fifth body was found last night the mania has only increased. Even here at work it was inescapable. The scariest part though, was that you recognized a few of the victims. Not very personally, but you had mingled with them and even flirted with one. And now they were dead. 
“Hey y/n?” 
You jumped as your thoughts were broken and your eyes tore away from your computer screen. Behind you leaning against the opening of your cubicle was your coworker and newly made friend Seungmin. 
“Seung, you scared me!” You scrunched your face at him, then flipped him off when he laughs. 
He brought his hands up and wiggled his fingers at you, “Scared I’m gonna get you like that killer? Ooooo better watch out!” 
You rolled your eyes, “You know, each victim so far has been a man so I think you’re the one who better watch out or you're gonna be next.” You teased him with a giggle.
Seungmin had started working for your company a few months ago, first as a temp then he was hired on as a full company employee. You were both fast friends since you both liked to poke fun. What had started as him teasing you about the Kuromi calendar on your cubicle wall turned into a wonderful friendship and dare you say- a flirtationship. 
“As if.” He scoffed. “I’m not stupid enough to get caught by someone like that.” 
You hummed, “Hm, could’a fooled me.” He scowled at you, causing you to laugh. 
“Well I was gonna invite you to a show tonight, but if you’re gonna be an ass then forget it.” 
“A show? Who’s playing?” You inquired, your interest now peaked. 
Seungmins lips curled into a sinister smirk, “No one important.. Just 3Racha.” 
“No way!” You shot out of your seat in excitement. The shit eating grin on his face told you he was serious. “Ahh Seung!” You launched yourself at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You had told him many times how much you loved the group and would love to see them live.
“I don’t know why you’re getting so excited, I revoked my invitation, remember?” His tone was light but still sassy as he jested and hugged you back. 
“Nope! You put it out into the universe, you can’t take it back!” You squealed and hugged him tighter, then remembered you were still at work and had to act in a more professional manner. You released him quickly and took a step back, your face flush with embarrassment as you cleared your throat. “I mean, it sounds like a good time.” 
Seungmin chuckled at your cute change of attitude. “They’re playing at that new venue across town, the small one with the bar. S’ not much but I figured you’d wanna go.” He shrugged in nonchalance. “I can uh, pick you up if you want.” 
You nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile on your face. “That would be great!” 
“Awesome.” He rubbed the back of his neck as if he was suddenly feeling sheepish, a faint pink creeping up his ears. “It’s a date then.” 
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The rest of the work day went by so slowly, the hours passing by at a snail's pace making you want to pull your hair out. You weren’t just excited for the concert but to go out with Seungmin. On a date. A real date. So far you had only hung out as friends, usually with at least another person from your friend group so this was a brand new experience. And you were beyond nervous and excited. 
You had worked out the details together before you had gone home to change, deciding you would get there a few minutes early to get a drink or two before it started. After getting home you took a quick shower, then put on a pair of black ripped jeans that hugged your ass just right and a maroon colored corset crop top. Adding a red lip and a smokey eye to complete the look. You hoped Seungmin would like it, you really wanted to impress him tonight. 
At exactly 8:00 there was a knock at your door. You slipped on your sneakers and opened the door. Seungmin was leaning after your doorframe with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans and boots, looking both comfortable and stylish at the same time. And so so hot. 
His eyes raked over your form, making you mildly self conscious. “What are you looking at?” You said playfully to get his attention off your body. 
His eyes snapped to yours, then they rolled at you, “God forbid I appreciate the outfit you clearly put some effort into. You look great, by the way.. For a gremlin.” 
You smacked his arm making him laugh, then you lightly shoved him away so you could lock your door. “Says the troll.” 
He leads you down to his car and even opens the door for you, making you secretly swoon. The drive over to the venue was nice, he played songs from 3Rachas latest album getting you both pumped for the performance. 
The venue was small, more like a hole in the wall club with a stage in it, but it had a tiny outside area with a fire pit. Luckily it wasn’t that packed yet and the two of you were able to get to the bar pretty quickly. Seungmin paid for your drink no matter how much you had insisted since he had gotten your ticket. 
As Seungmin was talking to the bartender about what drinks you wanted you felt a body come up next to you and lean on the bar. “Hey there, gorgeous. Can I buy you a drink?” 
You looked over to see a decently good looking guy, giving you a flirty look. You shook your head with a polite smile, “No thank yo-” 
“Her boyfriend already bought her one.” Seungmins voice was a borderline growl from behind you. Your head swiveled around to see him glaring at the guy. “Get fucking lost.” 
“Seung..” You said quietly. 
The man put his hands up in defense, “My bad bro, didn’t know. Just trying to shoot my shot.” 
“Well shoot your shot on someone else.” Seungmin handed you your drink then led you away from the bar and towards the stage area. 
“What was that?” You asked in a hushed tone. “Why did you get so hostile?” 
“That guy is a fucking creep, he looked at you like you were a piece of meat.” He sneered, “You don’t need that shit.” He seemed to sense how his change in temperament made you nervous so he dialed it down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so possessive. I just didn’t like his vibe, it was gross.” 
You placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned into him slightly, “I wasn’t expecting it, is all. And I definitely didn’t expect you to say my boyfriend bought me a drink.”
 He was lucky it was dark or you would have seen how flushed he became. “I uh -well I mean- uhh.” You had never seen him so tongue tied and it was both alarming and adorable at the same time. 
With a coo you reached up and pinched his cheek. “Aw Seung, it’s ok no need to get flustered, you can be my boyfriend if you want too. ” Seung swatted your hand away and scowled at you slightly. “No I’m serious, I do really like you and would love to have you as my boyfriend, Minnie.”
 He broke into a giddy grin. “I mean, since you're practically begging I guess I could be your boyfriend.” You rolled your eyes and reached up and gave his arm a swift pinch. “Ow! I see how it is, you weasel your way into my life then you abuse me? That’s just cruel.” Seungmin couldn’t help but break character at the end and let out a laugh, then pulled you into his arms. 
You hugged him in return. Just as you were about to lean up and kiss him the lights in the room dimmed and the stage lights turned on. You spun around quickly to see the group run on stage. You let out a squeal and grabbed Seungmins hand. This was going to be a night you would never forget! 
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It was a little over an hour into the show now. You were dancing and singing along to each song, the drink in your system making you feel extra good. Seung had been beside you bopping along and laughing at your joyful antics. 
“Hey, I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick.” He leaned in and spoke in your ear. You nodded, giving him a thumbs up. “Do not go anywhere, stay right here please.” He added, his eyes giving you a serious stare. 
“I promise I’ll stay right here.” You kissed his cheek then looked back at the stage. He gave you a pleased smile and left you to your devices. 
It was about 15 minutes later that he returned to you. “Sorry, those lines are long. Did I miss anything good?” 
“Duh it’s all good!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as a slower beat started to play. “But you made it back for my favorite song, sooo I can’t be upset.” He placed his hands on your hips, pulling your body flush against him. Being this close you could see a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, “are you alright, Min? You look a little.. Off.” 
He shook his head, dismissing your concerns. “Yeah I’m good, s’ just hot in here, there's a lot of people in here.” 
You nodded in understanding. “Well I hope you’re not too hot for a dance?” 
He smirked down at you, “For you? Never too hot.” 
He suddenly twirled you around, making you giggle then he pulled you back into him, his hand in yours. No one else around you was dancing like this, they were all jumping around or being crazy, and it made it feel extra romantic- that it was like the two of you were in your own little world. 
You both swayed together as you looked up at him taking note of all his handsome features. With a bated breath, giving him time to pull away if he wanted, you leaned up slowly and gave him a chaste kiss to his lips. 
With a deep flush to your face you gave him a shy smile. Before you could say anything he grabbed your face and pulled you into a deep kiss. You let out a gasp of surprise then melted into him, letting him run his tongue along your bottom lip. 
You put your hand on his chest as you tasted his mouth, the light lingering taste of his beer making this even sweeter. Now you were certain that tonight was special. You hadn’t had this much fun or been this enamored in a very long time. It was perfect. 
A loud blood curdling scream brought you out of your dreamlike state, making you quickly jump away from Seungmin. 
Someone screamed, causing a massive panic to spread over the crowd. Seungmin grabbed your hand before you could even react, yanking you towards the exit. “Time to go.” He said while maneuvering you both around the clusters of people.  
You could hear another person yell out, “SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!” 
“What the fuck is going on?” You questioned as you went out the exit, your eyes were wild as they flickered to Seungmin in terror. 
“I don’t know, but we’re not sticking around to find out.” He answered, remaining steadfast on getting you both the fuck out of there. 
“Seung..” You clung to him as you entered the parking lot. You could faintly hear the sound of approaching sirens, as someone must have immediately called the police. “I’m scared.” You couldn’t hide the tremble in your voice, “What- what if it’s that serial killer? Oh my god, what if they were there with us?” 
“Y/n, I would never let anything happen to you. I will always protect you.” There was no amusement in his voice as he spoke to you, leading you to the car and opening your door. He leaned in and buckled your shaking form, then rested a hand on your face again making you look at him. “Hey, I’m serious. I will keep you safe. Do you trust me?”
With a shaky breath you nodded, “Yes, I trust you.” 
“Good. Now let me keep you safe by getting the fuck out of here.” 
He climbed into the driver's seat, starting the car and swiftly driving away. Seungmin offered to drive you home but you really did not want to go back there alone and his house was closer. He took you to his place, keeping an arm wrapped around you the whole time as he unlocked his door until it was closed and locked again. 
His house was small, and looking around it was very clean. Borderline too clean. As if it was barely even lived in. Odd, but maybe he just liked his place to be really tidy. 
Seungmin led you to the couch, sitting you down. “I’ll grab you some water, help you sober up a little bit.” 
You nodded and leaned back into the cushions. A minute later he returned with a glass for you. You accepted it with a quiet thank you, taking a much needed sip. It was then that you looked at the clock on the wall and noticed how late it had gotten. 
“Oh shit I didn’t realize it was already almost midnight. I should call an uber or something to take me home.” You took out your phone but it was lowered by Seungs hand. 
“You can stay here if you want. It’s already really late and after everything that happened I don’t think I’d trust a rando to take you home.” 
Thinking about it you came to the conclusion that he was right and you also did not want to spend your night alone. “Ok, only if you don’t mind.” 
“Of course I don’t mind. You’re my girlfriend now after all, you can stay whenever you want.” He smiled warmly then offered you his hand. “Come on, I’ll get you some pjs.” 
His room was a little messier, with his bed not neatly made and a few plants by the window. Seungmin opened his dresser and grabbed some sweats and a baggy shirt, handing them to you. You thanked him and without even thinking about you began stripping. Or maybe you thought about it a little bit, glancing at him when you pulled down your pants to see him gulp then awkwardly avert his eyes. 
After you were dressed in the pjs you threw yourself at his bed, then opened your arms as an invitation for him to join you. He threw his own sweats on and took off his shirt, giving you a quick view of his broad chest. 
Ever since you had met him you had thought Seungmin was cute- sexy even- to an extreme degree. But seeing him tonight revved that up to a hundred. The way he had gotten you out of danger and brought you to safety, how he had stayed calm and collected during the chaos.. He was like your knight in shining armor, and you wanted to thank him personally. 
Seungmin climbed in with a snicker after turning off the light, letting you wrap around him before he pulled the blankets over both your forms. After adjusting to have you resting upon his chest he let out a deep sigh of content. 
“Are you alright, Seung?” You whispered into the darkness after hearing his sigh. You let your hand rest atop his chest, running softly along his skin. 
“More than alright, babe.” He answered then kissed the top of your head. “What about you? That shit was pretty traumatic.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, m’ alright. Happy to be here with you.” You then poked him in the chest, “Don’t let it get to your head though!”
His chest rumbled from his deep chuckles at your antics, “Never.” The hand you had on him very slowly moved down to his stomach, tracing the light trail of hair and making his breath lighty hitch. “What are you up to, little devil?” 
“Nothin,” your answer was coy as you continued to lower your hand, “Just wanted to.. Thank you for keeping me safe tonight.” 
“Oh yeah?” The smirk on his lips was incredibly clear in his voice. One of his own hands came up to pet along the side of your thigh. “Thank me how?” 
Finally you made your way to the front of his sweats, feeling his bulge that was steadily growing under your touch. You kissed his neck tenderly as you palmed him, his whine and buck of his hips giving you the confirmation you needed that he wanted you to touch him just as much as you wanted to give it to him. 
“Nnngh, so that’s how. Alright sweetheart, you can thank me in any way you want.” He groaned slightly, the husk in his voice causing a flood in your own underwear. 
With tentative movements you pulled the band of his sweats down his thighs until his member was released. The man let out a slight hiss when your hand made contact with his now bare skin. From what you could tell by feeling alone he was big. Big enough that you couldn’t even fully wrap your fingers around him. You briefly wondered if that would even fit inside of you. 
“That’a girl. Go ahead and rub the tip fo’ me.” You did as he requested, your thumb running over the slit on his tip and collecting the precum that was beginning to leak out and using it as lubricant on his dick. “Fuck, that’s it baby.” 
Seungmins fingers traveled from your thigh to your own covered center, giving you a quick circle motion over the bottoms then diving his hand into them, finding your now drenched core. “Mm, Seung.” You whined when his fingers expertly found your clit. 
“Jesus christ you're so wet. What made you so sopping, honey? You like using your hand to get me off, hmm?” He had a bite to his voice that was both teasing and dominating that made you flood even further. As if he could feel it he commented, “ Fuck you do like it don’t you? Bet you like my own fingers buried in your sweet cunt too huh?” Then he shoved two long digits into you, making your hips buck into him and a wanton moan escaped you. 
With a rapid nod you clenched down on his fingers, “Uh huh, so good Seung.” 
“I know love, I know. But you know what would feel even better?” 
“Let me put my cock in you instead of my fingers.”
 You clenched down on him again at the suggestion, “Yes please. Want it.” As soon as the words left your lips you were suddenly thrown onto your back with your head bouncing off his pillow, a gasp of surprise leaving your lips. The sheets were torn off of the both of you and your bottoms were yanked down and off your legs as well, until your lower half was completely bared to him. 
He climbed on top of you and crashed his mouth against yours, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip making you squeal from the small burst of pain. You could feel him lineup his member with your hole, his tip going to push into you slowly. 
Your back arched at the intrusion. You were right, he was big. So big that you could feel your walls squeezing the life out of him as he stretched you out. “Seuunnggmiiinn oh my gooooood.” You cried into his neck as he fully seated himself inside of you.
“Fuck babe, you’re so fucking tight, you might just squeeze my dick off if you don’t relax.” Seungmin groaned, the bliss clearly overtaking him as he tried not to move too much and let you adjust. After a few moments you started to get used to his size within you and began to relax a little. “There we go, sweet thing. Imma move now, alright?” 
With your go ahead he slowly started thrusting into you. You could feel each drag of his thickness against your walls, the sensation making you throw your head back in pleasure, your eyes half open and watery. Holding himself up with one arm he used the other to rub harsh figure eights on your sensitive nub that resides between you.
“God your so fucking beautiful.” He moaned, “Can’t believe I have the most perfect woman in my bed and that you're all mine.” He picked up his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping together filling the room. “M’ never letting you go. Not now that I have you. Never.” 
His words should have been alarming and at any other time they would have made you question what he meant- but your brain was turning to mush due to the intense amount of pleasure he was giving you. You could barely remember your own name nevermind the nonsense he was spewing. 
You could feel the dam within you about to break, your high about to crash over you. “S-seungminnie, I’m gonna- gonna cum.” 
“Do it. Cum all over my cock, baby. Give it to me now.” 
With a scream you came, the band snapping and giving way to euphoria, his name a jumbled mess as you clung to him and shook. “Min- Seung- minnie oh my god, nnghhh.” 
“Mmmm, good girl, feels so fucking good. Gonna cum, gonna fill you up and make you mine. Gonna pump you full.” He practically growled and put his face into your neck, sucking harsh dark marks onto your skin as a show of ownership. There was a sudden hotness that shot inside of you, coating your insides with his white essence. It was a good thing you were on birth control or you were sure that you would have gotten pregnant. 
Seungmin trembled as he finished giving you his load, his arms threatening to give out as he lowered his body to rest atop you. The sweaty man laid gentle kisses on your now marred skin, the softness being a great comfort for you. 
After a few moments he rolled off of you, curling you up into his side. You were so exhausted that as soon as he had exited you you had begun to drift off into a deep slumber, nuzzling into him until darkness took you. 
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You were awoken by the sun shining through the windows the next morning. Blearily opening your eyes you looked around your surroundings, seeing you were still in Seungmins bed and you were still very naked. A heat rushed to your face when you remembered what you had done last night, a giddiness filling you. The man was beside you, snoring quietly as he kept sleeping. 
As much as you wanted to cuddle him and go back to sleep you could feel the remnants of your naughty activities coating your lower region. With a sigh you swung your legs over the edge, grabbing the fallen sweats and slipping them on. You noticed your phone on the nightstand and grabbed it on your way to the bathroom. You decided to go out into the hall bathroom as to not wake up Seungmin. 
While you were doing your business you opened your social media. As you were scrolling you came upon the news report for what happened at the venue last night. Curiosity got the better of you so you clicked on the link.
 Immediate shock filled you as you read the article. There was a picture of the victim from last night, and a deep chill rocked you when you saw that it was the man who offered to buy you a drink that had been murdered. According to the report his face was bashed in against a brick wall until his head had become mush. 
You were so engrossed and mortified by the article that when you left the bathroom you hadn’t noticed you opened the wrong door, and instead of going back into Seungmins room you found yourself in an entirely different room. 
A gasp of horror left you when you took in the contents of the new room. Along the walls were pictures of men- not just any men but all of the victims of the serial killer. Next to their face pictures were cut outs from news articles about their murders and graphic photographs of the crime. 
What the actual fuck is this? Why would he have all this?
Your eyes scanned the contents, seeing laid out maps of homes and locations. There was a deafening beating within your chest as your brain ran a million miles a second, trying to figure out just what you were seeing. With shaking legs you backed out of the dark room, not realizing you were no longer alone until your back met a sturdy chest. 
You spun around to find his hard stare, your own eyes wide with fright.
“You weren’t supposed to find this.” Seungmin spoke lowly, a sternness in his tone that sent shivers down your spine.
“S-seungmin, I-i don't understand, what is all of this?” You tried to back away from him but he grabbed you by your arms before you could, his fingers digging roughly into you making you wince. “Ow, Seungmin let me go.”
“I can’t. Don’t you see I can’t let you go? Not now when I have you. After everything I did for you, I can never let you go.”
Pure fright was the only thing that filled you as you came to realize exactly what he meant.
“Seungmin.. What did you do?” 
His face never changed as he yanked you to him forcefully, his nails threatening to leave bloody crescents from how hard he gripped you. You tried to swing your arms to get him off of you but he was too strong, pinning your arms down and shoving you vehemently down the hall until he reached another room you had never been. 
Seungmin swiftly opened the door then using his strength he shoved you into the room, your body falling to the hard floor. He closed it behind him quickly, his dark orbs trained on you. 
You were crying now, salty tears steadily streaming down your face. With a coo Seungmin crouched in front of you, reaching his hand out to wipe your tears. You shuffled back away from him, trying to create as much distance between you as possible. 
Seungmin sighed in frustration and stood up again. He began pacing and pulling at his hair, “I should have known you would have a bad reaction. I should have waited before bringing you here. But fuck I just couldn’t help myself. Stupid, I’m so fucking stupid.” 
“I- I don’t.. Seungmin what is going on?” You were practically begging for answers. 
“They had to go.” He said simply. “Each one of them was a threat to you- to us. I just knew if I let them live they would pursue you. They’d try to put their slimy disgusting hands on you, touch you as if they owned you. No, no I would- could never let that happen.” He crouched again, invading your space making you squeal and turn your head away. He grabbed your face and forcibly turned your head to face him. “You belong with me, not with them.” 
You tried to shake your head but his grip didn’t let you. “Seungmin.. This is insane. Yo-you can’t just kill someone because they talked to me.” 
A borderline evil smirk overtook his face, “But that’s the thing, I can. And I did. For you.” He leaned in closer so your noses were touching. Your whole body was shaking in complete fear. You couldn’t believe that the man you were falling for was a serial killer. That the playful, sassy man who danced with you and played smash bros could possibly be this twisted and lethal. 
His next words instilled terror in you that would stay with you for as long as you lived. 
“Everything I do is for you. But don’t worry, babe. Now that I have you here safe with me I don’t need to kill anyone else. Because no one is ever going to come near you again. It’ll be just you and I forever.” 
The deep pit within you told you exactly what he meant; you were never leaving here. He was going to keep you trapped in his web until your last breath. 
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©doitforbangchan 2024
likes, comments and reblogs are encouraged! I love to hear feedback, it keeps me going :)
Permanent tags: @athforskz , @jehhskz and @seungfl0wer
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one-annon · 5 months ago
can you do one where reader has a threesome with the sawyer twins and they kill reader during?
waahh im so sorry this took so long!!! writing block hit SO hard for some reason!! shockingly got this to 2k words - this is also my first x reader smut so please forgive me! hope this is good! (is it obvious im awful at staying serious)
Twins Threesome
you had just started your job at K-OKLA. so far, it was going great! stretch was really nice and lg treated you like a younger sibling. they were patient with you throughout your first few weeks, helping you sort through records as you were instructed. you enjoyed your job and the people you worked with. most of the time, you were just asked to grab a cd, or help lefty in the back with calls.
what you weren't expecting was blood over the floor of the building. you promised to bring your coworkers back some good food. everything was a wreck and you weren't sure what had happened. where were stretch and lefty? were they safe? had they left early? was this a prank? so many questions ran through your head as you looked around. everything was trashed. it was quiet. well, mostly. the only noises came from the office area. you spent some time in there..could they possibly have just spilt something that looks like blood?
you were cautious as you opened the door. instead of finding your coworkers, you found two men. one was laid out on the couch, his purple sunglasses resting on his head. the other man was sat on the floor, messing around with what looked to be - and you hope werent - animal bones. it didn't take long for the men to notice you. what the hell were they doing here? you couldve sworn you were closed during the nights.
"o-oh! another one!" the man on the couch laughed, sitting up where he had been laying. neither of them were very..appealing. but you also didn't have a very normal taste in men. the parts of them that made them relatively gross looking added to their charm. to you, they were both handsome. what a weirdo (me too). the shorter one on the floor lifted his head, a goofy grin on both of their faces. "ooh, and they're real p-pretty!"
you couldnt help how your face heated up at the hippie lookin man's words. pretty? it wasn't very often you get called that. how nice.
the men approached you. "y-yer right..they are p-pretty- th-think we can g-get a taste of 'em, bobby?" he turned to this supposed bobby fellow. you weren't sure what you were supposed to do. two guys were pressing you to a wall and calling you pretty. do you; a) kick the crotch and run b) scream for help c) get horny?
well, a and b were the most logical. you pressed your hands to their chests, trying to push them off. "who are you! let me go!" you shout, lifting your chin to hopefully get your chances of a sliced neck slimmed down. the two men pressed closer, bobby grabbing at your arm and slamming it against the wall. your wrist was seized of all movement, forcing you to sit and squirm. of course..c was still there. it was still an option. you were into men like this. mean, creepy men. men who could (and would) kill you. you were sure what they meant by "a taste" but they both seemed to want some of you. were they gonna eat you? is that what happened to lg and stretch? you shiver at the thought of ending up dead and in these guys' dinner.
"let you go? o-oh but doll! we're j-just starting!" the hippie cackled, turning to the man in the green shirt. " 'member that r-rope in m' bag, nubbins? grab it for me?" nubbins. okay..bobby and nubbins. good to know names. nubbins scurried off, rummaging through a book bag with patches and stickers. bobby turned back toward you, a wicked grin on his face. "n-now listen here..we aint gonna hurt ya yknow? j-just gonna explore your pretty body a little!"
you weren't sure how to feel about that. it's been a while since someone had touched you sexually but also..you didn't know these guys too well. just their names and that they were batshit crazy. and wanted to apparently have sex with you. you could always just escape after…get them tired enough to escape. that could work! perfect. you had a plan and were prepared for it. "fuck..okay." you whisper, biting your lip.
the shorter one, nubbins, was back at your side, maneuvering you to face his brother. choptop held your waist tight, kissing at your neck and watching as the other tied your hands together. he would've done it himself but he knew nubs had been itching to do some bondage recently. they always shared their cravings with each other.
you were forced onto the couch, back down. bobby situated himself between your legs, nubbins just above your head. both men look equally as excited and you cant help but feel yourself get heated. choptop leans over you, the tent in his bellbottoms rubbing so deliciously over your crotch. "stay real still for us now.." he whispered, hands trailing over your body. his hands were warm, light touches going over your chest and down to your thighs.
nubbins was fucking around with his pants, shoving them down with shaky hands before he desperately palms his cock through his dirty boxers. "theyre pr-pretty bobby..think they c-can take y' all?" he was staring down at you with crazed eyes. a small patch of precum was pooling up at the front of his boxers and if they werent removed soon it might drip onto your face.
choptop was already tearing your clothing off, his hands grabbing and scratching anything he could. nubbins was moaning above you, small high-pitched noises that came out paired with little puffs of air. "theyll be fine." he smiled at nubbins, pausing at your underwear. it looked hella beautiful on you..too bad! he reached into his pants pocket and held out a pocket knife. what the fuck was he doing? "hope these a-aint yer faves!" he chuckled.
you screamed as your underwear was cut in half. it left a bloody cut down the middle of your abdomen- neither seemed to care. bobby groaned at the sight, fishing his cock from his boxers. you could hear nubbins doing something similar and, after a quick glance at them both, you realized just what you were facing. nubbins' length rested on your cheek, heavy and full. it had more length than girth but you knew it would still reach your guts if you were taking him from the other end.
bobbys cock wasn't much different. maybe a little more girthy. neither of them seemed to shave and they both were uncut..and leaking. nubbins rubbed his cock up onto your face, watching closely at your expressions. you let out a pathetic mewl, squirming and trying to get away from the mess he was slowly creating on the couch.
you were too busy thinking about their cocks to notice the cold feeling on your neck. nubbins panted heavily, the blade against your jugular shaking from his grip. "careful with 'em, nubbins.." you heard bobby warn, spitting on his fingers and running them over your hole. you shivered at the feeling, shouting when he started shoving a finger into you. you cried, tossing your head back onto the other twins' lap and exposing more of your neck to him.
it hurt like a bitch. you already had a whole finger in you and you felt like it was too much. bobby pistoned his finger in and out of your heat, making sure to curl it. nubbins shifted his positioning, moving himself and your head just a little. he pressed his thumb into your mouth, prying your jaws apart and slowly pushing his dick through your lips inch by inch. he tasted rather salty, but it did keep you quiet.
you stared up at him, watching as he tilted his head back and let out a loud moan. if you had to guess, he hadn't been blown in a while - or ever. you at least tried to make this somewhat pleasurable, running your tongue down the underside of his shaft. nubbins whimpered, pulling his cock back before easing it in again.
you choked up around his dick, lifting your leg to accommodate whatever the fuck bobby was up to. a second finger was pushed into you, then a third. he seemed to be getting antsy. and he was. bobby was getting jealous of the treatment you were giving his brother and felt he needed attention too! his cock mattered too didnt it?
you groaned at the stretch, closing your eyes tightly. "thats it…" you heard bobby say. a little shuffling was the only warning you got before his fingers were removed and replaced with his cock. in your opinion, there wasnt enough lube. but you couldnt really speak your opinion due to nubbins' cock, so you defaulted to a loud scream and a gag.
bobby leaned down, his lean frame towering over yours. he pushed your shirt up, holding it to your shoulders. you whine loudly as the ac's cool breeze hit your nipples, though the uncomfortable freeze didn't last too long. choptop grazed his tongue over your hardened nipples, giving you a bit of warmth from the saliva. he nibbled and sucked and licked and thrusted. long and slow thrusts in and out of your hole. it was starting to feel good for you, fucking finally.
the two kept their pace relatively the same, pounding you from every angle they could. bobby kissed over your skin, leaving small bites and bruises in his path. his hips continued to slam into yours, heavy breathing cooling your hot skin. nubbins was in the same state, moaning and crying out every time your tongue dug into the slit of his tip. he seemed to be the more sensitive brother, the inexperienced one. despite the rather submissive noises he was making, he was a little more violent than bobby. he was the one holding a knife to your neck. he was the one holding your hair with one hand to aid him in fucking your head on his cock.
bobby was a lot more patient. he had sped his thrusts up, but he was still gentle. he held onto your hips, digging his blunt nails into your skin. "good fuckin' doll.." he would mumble, nipping your ear lobe every time he got closer to your neck. bobby made sure to keep an eye on his brother. while he didn't mind the extra meat, he would rather you stay alive during your ride back home. how else was he supposed to keep you in their shared room if you couldnt even walk yourself up the stairs? he wanted to hear you scream, man!
unfortunately for you, he wasn't able to stop his dear brother. nubbins got a little too excited and ran the knife across your bite-covered throat. he grunted, pressing the tip of his cock all the way to the back of his throat and shooting his load. it was warm, salty, and it was a lot. you werent worried about that though. what you were worried about was the fact you were actively bleeding and you were losing your vision. nubbins let his cock slip from your mouth, panting hard from the adrenaline his climax gave. "aw-…aw shit.." he muttered.
choptop groaned, relishing in the way your body tightened up around him. he followed soon after his brother, filling your hole with the same substance that was down your throat. he looked up, noticing how you were currently dying. literally. "god dammit nubbins!" he shouted, frowning. "i-i told ya to keep 'em livin'!! i dont want no corpse in our room!"
the boy scoffed, crossing his arms and looking down at you. neither of them seemed very concerned about how you were bleeding to death. "ah, fuck. now we better put this one out o' its misery…" bobby grumbled to himself, tugging his dick out of you and watching as his cum leaked out. he snapped back out of his thoughts at a gargled scream you attempted. bobby huffed, rolling his eyes as he buttoned his jeans and sliced your throat just a bit deeper, making you meet your end.
the last things you heard at the end of your time on the shithole planet of earth were two guys arguing about what to tell their older brother when they arrived home with a body full of cum. what a way to end your life huh? ---- how the hell do you end a book also its 2 am if you see any mistakes no you dont (thank you again for your request! again i deeply apologize for the delay <3)
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riveracheron · 1 year ago
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eh. might as well post this now. a few of these are wish fulfillment rather than actual theorizing but explanations under the cut
i have an alchemy hyperfixation and all the alchemy stuff in tmagp makes me very excited so a lot of my theories are related to that
spoilers for the pilot btw
main character gets an eye injury - the image will not leave my head. in the magnus institute ruins statement there was this whole thing about redcanary having some kind of encounter with or experience with eye trauma and that feels like something thats just. gonna come up again
another mechanisms va - self explanatory, we need to complete the set. would love to hear kofi or rachel.
gwen has trauma related to something that happened with elias - this is going on the theory that she’s not elias’ counterpart, but a relative of some kind. something spooky happens to him and that pushes gwen to research the paranormal.
character referencing nicholas flamel - all the main characters have names that reference alchemists, and nicholas flamel is probably the most famous alchemist of all time. i doubt he’ll be given the smirke treatment because that kinda already happened with the transphobic wizard books, but someone could be sharing his name.
mag 114 statement is relevant - thats the. hill top road statement that deals with other realities, and anya (the statement giver) could be from the protocol verse. we could totally hear about the aftermath of her departure
alice/sam/gwen = three primes - the three main alchemical symbols on the OIAR crest, and a good sort of symbolic trio sorter. the three peimes are salt, sulphur and mercury, and are the basis for alchemy. the down to earth, reliable salt, the firey, unpredictable sulfur, and the adaptable, easygoing mercury. i think these could apply i just want to have it called out in universe
lena is a good person - i don’t think they’d pull the evil boss thing twice. i just think lena’s weird mannerisms are from her autistic swag
celia is related to or is agnes - (related to as in. her story involves agnes, not that shes like. a sister.) this comes from a theory by @/pinklotjeart, i think. basically: through the way her death was described (spark returned to the lightless flame) and some timeline discrepancies and general avatarness making it weird, agnes might not be Dead dead. and celia’s counterpart, lynne - well, she saw a fire ghost. also, both her and agnes are the only non one-off characters who have shakespeare names afaik. agnes MONTAGUE, celia from as you like it…
annabelle cane is related somehow - self explanatory, she was at hilltop road when everything went down. might have been pulled in.
a famous alchemist is robert smirke’d - self explaining, give me more canon historical figures jonny
another kitty cat - i want more kitty in podcast is that a crime
augustus is not jonah - we hear jonah’s voice as ben meredith in 193, so im skeptical that tim fearon’s character is jonah for that reason.
oiar group has a messy moment that devolves into actual physical violence - mmm angst i think they deserve to smack eachother around a bit
bonzo cult - yeah.
oiar found family - we got the group of coworkers that hate each other angst last time gimme the “hurting one to get to the others” and self sacrifice angst this time
colin dies early - mmmm i cant say much about this bc its based on one throwaway line at the MCM panel where jonny doesn’t mention colin in the main character group. so . death flags.
oiar is containing the entities scp style - this was a super early theory of mine, either this or theyre using them for power or energy in some way. even more heavy handed capitalism metaphors yay
someone gets ushanka’d - its computer horror: the podcast. that’s all
cookbook statement - a few clues in the ARG had to do with cookbooks, and alex and jonny have already said they’re getting weird with the statement formats (they mentioned an insurance report!) so. cookbook doesn’t seem too far-fetched
tiktoker/influencer character - archives was 2010s and they had a podcaster and youtuber, which were like. the big things. whats the hip trend now??? instagram and tiktok baybee
protocol editors va a small role a la mag 100 or the wtgfs cult - those characters were voiced by other rq team members (ie helen as laverne and martyn as robin) and the team has since expanded!! some editors dis stuff for cry havoc, so im guessing nico, annie, april and others will get a small role!
a villain’s goal is creating the philosopher’s stone or other alchemical thing - tmagp is heavily inspired by alchemy, and the philosopher’s stone was the main goal of alchemy!! it would grant you eternal knowledge snd the ability to turn lead into gold- which seems like a good. evil dude’s ambition
the desolation gets more focus - the institute burned down, the oiar crest has a lot of sulfur symbols (the fire element), alchemy as a whole having to do with fire, celia and her connection- it paints a very. lightless flame picture
trip to germany - a lot of the arg was set in and around berlin, and there was that exchange between sam and colin about german in the pilot! i could see a germany trip happening in the same way jon took a trip to china and america.
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notahorseindisguise · 4 months ago
hi guys . just got home from work. god today was CRAZY. right as i left for work there was suddenly this massive massive thunderstorm, loud as fuck thunder and lightning everywhere and it was really scary i hate driving through normal rain as it is . i was like already running late for work and then on my phone i saw a message from someone who i literally never thought id hear from again. just fully thought i was dead to this person, and so like . it was nice to hear. but also filled me with anxiety. then i got to work and expected a really quiet shift cause we only had one booking, but then we had like a million walk ins so i was so fucking busy, but i was genuinely on my a-game, i feel like i did everything perfect i did, i did my job and most of my coworkers job really well . had a really really nice table with someone who i wanted to be friends with on it, but they left before i asked her for her instagram, but also the whole time i was working i was also overthinking everything, i was thinking about this person and how things went down and how things happened and i realised that deep down i really dont think im a good person . which is incredibly hypocritical because i dont think theres such a thing as a fully bad person. so i think im going back to therapy. and then mum texted me and asked if i could take dad to work tomorrow, (his cars broken down right now) which means ill need to be home by 8, which means the climbing session i planned on having tomorrow morning has to be pushed even earlier . it was gonna be 7 to 8 before, now it has to be 6:30 to 7:30 so i can get home in time . but its already 10:30pm so with me wakjng up at 6 theres no way im gonna get a good sleep. and then ill have to take dad to work, come home, hopefully nap and get some sleep, then go to lunch with the person i was talking about earlier, come home, try to nap some more, go to work, and hopefully throughout all that find the time to tell my mum i want to go back to therapy . so !!! theres that. anyway im gonna eat dinner now and try to sleep. you don't have to read tbis post i just .. needed to write things down
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hoshifighting · 5 months ago
one day ur gonna kill me. let it be known if i show up dead it was probably ur fault. ur INSANE. sometimes i will read ur fics and then take a moment nd stare at my wall and think. and thats what im doing rn. oh boy am i thinking. i literally love u wtf😭
AND IDEA: hang these photos on your wall and pretend that it is us;;
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ok so im writing this in school so thats y u aren't gonna see this until like noon or smth when i have internet to get on tumblr with lmao
im curious how do you hc they got together after 2 happened :0000
bc i hc that after john survived the fall he got like- taken in my the agency, b ut they had to watch him and make sure he didn't go back and try to take over the world, also hes declared dead- but the agency placed him with reggie bc they can trust him yk
and i imagine their relationship kinda started out rocky and reggie was rlly kinda nervous but still angry yk? juni was just pissed the fuck off lmao
oh oh oh and, it wasn't immediately the one bed trope, juni was originally on reggies couch, but then the couch either broke or phoenix burned it/threw it out a window :333333
imagine this entire rant was given to you by the adhd creature and youll know exactly what i looked like writing this
OMG HEYYYY OKAY OKAY gonna put this ramble under a cut so it doesn't get long but I have thoughts and FEELINGS on how these shrink dinks meet face to face. This may be a little all over the show because I love them and I'm doing this on my laptop to keep up typing with my stream of thought lmao
Don't offence to this as I mean it just as a funny thing that I observed but I think every starstruck shipper starts off with John getting shipped off to the agency and that's so funny to me. I started off with that because of a buddy's AU/Askblog from like 2 years ago, and honestly I think it's a really solid and reasonable foundation for their relationship to be built off! It's the whole forced proximity thing which breeds fondness between them because they are stuck as coworkers basically.
Overall I agree with the way you see it, having written a fic with a similar premise to it almost two years ago now (crazy) but I'll give my more "these thoughts aren't hidden through inference of prose" for your reading pleasure.
Starting with Reggie, I think he is very civil to JJ, especially when they speak, but honestly I think there would be a genuine level of betrayal, as parasocial as it stems from, for Reggie when it comes to Juniper. In the end, Reggie was a fan of Juniper and his work, so that whole thing of "finding out someone you idolise is a terrible person" would crush him because Reggie is a really sweet guy and would likely only like Juniper as much as he did because he thought Juniper was also a good person. This then meaning that he has to share space with that guy, who is probably bitter and feeling another 1000 things (elaboration coming soon), would be really bloody weird! He's got to deal with the whisperings of his old celebrity crush which he had to snuff out basically instantly because oh God he's going to set of nukes is a pretty damning reason to not want a crush on a guy. He's also having to deal with the fact that Juniper has tried to kill his top Agent (and probably friend) several times within the span of a week, and to top it all off he now has to basically play chaperone to him while at the agency? It wouldn't be a great way to kick off a new relationship, platonic or otherwise.
Juniper is a really bonkers kettle of fish in his own right because there's a lot about him to consider. In the eyes of the public, and very potentially the law, he is dead, and potentially has lost basically all his estate to that fact, so the unimaginable wealth and privilege he would be used to is just gone within probable days. It's implied that JJ was a "self-made man"/achieved the "hollywood dream" in game two, so while yes he'd be pissed at losing all of his niceties, he's also just lost everything he's worked for across his acting career. As much as I don't think he'd admit that it's a huge blow to him, it would be, and I think that's shit for him lowk. Also, he's absolutely still healing from various injuries from that fall of his, so that's adding to his angst.
Alas, Juniper is quick to trigger, and I think to Reggie's civil nature, he'd be much more passive aggressive, at least at first. Unlike Reggie, Juniper has no reason AT ALL to like him, so I think the whole idea of Juniper trying to prove himself to Reggie is even more special because it's a genuine act of trying to be a better person. I'm jumping the gun a bit, but you get what I mean. My main deviation from your interpretation, ALTHOUGH I did basically write that into my fic from 2023 (same one as previous, which is the first junicrane fic on ao3 haha), is the whole them living together. I think I prefer them as coworkers so much more, partially because it amuses me, but mainly because it gives them some time away from one another as to be their own character and how they would think about the other in isolation.
ALAS! Onto my other main interpretation of them which splits into two sub-interpretations (and then there's another minor interpretation after that (and a tiny one after that) so stay tuned!). This main interpretation is generalised and unified by Juniper basically surviving the fall, then making his own way back to a mainland and then basically moving to some kind of safehouse and living in secret.
The deviation comes from how Reggie and JJ would then meet. My main interpretation, and one I've considered writing into a multichapter fic before (though I am terrible at commitment so it is staying as a brain-child for now), is Reggie being suspicious of Juniper just disappearing. This came from how on the ARG website offshoot of his desk, there's two different things relating to JJ and I like to think that's from him investigating his death. To me, there's a significant gap between IEYTD 2 and 3, and to try and distract himself on his worry over Phoenix, Reggie basically goes on a non-agency approved man-hunt for Juniper because his "tracking skills are still up to snuff". And yeah! Reggie finds him! And Juniper as absolutely wracked with paranoia from living in secret and it takes everything in Reggie to convince John that this isn't an agency thing and he's not going to get taken away. John is still a bitch, but he's a terrified one, and despite Reggie's better judgement, he feels bad for him, and somewhat takes it upon himself to keep checking up on JJ. I can go on about this interpretation, buttttt I may save my other plot beats incase I want to one day actually write it
My other version of the whole Juniper making it out is, while yes he's still very paranoid, it's somewhat liberating to no longer be in the public eye. The whole "if juniper went to a juniper look-alike contest, he'd come second", yk? I've prettymuch always hc'ed Juniper as gay, and pretty repressed about it being a famous actor in the public image in the 60s, so being able to finally express that to some degree would be pretty fulfilling for him! I actually wrote this one into a oneshot, being the second starstruck fic ever on ao3 so that saves me from yapping so much about it here. The TLDR is that Juniper basically meets Reggie by chance and has to deal with. ALLLL of the feelings that comes with that.
Onto a HEAVILY more AU version of what I think happens post-IEYTD 2,,,, but Juniper staying allied with Zoraxis and being a double agent for them and working in the Agency. My friend Imp has a more positive version of this where JJ ends up defecting to the Agency's side, and I love that, BUT.. I also really love the idea of just keeping Juniper as an evil character. 2 Dimensional villain or whatever, sometimes they can be just as fun as fully fleshed out characters and I appreciate that. I have a very short Spotify playlist which basically is the moodboard for this AU, but basically play Government Hooker by Lady Gaga and you'll understand. Actually here it is. Go my Scarab. I like the idea of Juniper still playing into his charismatic actor thing to get Reggie to fall for him again, only to break his heart and trust again. I don't often entertain this MAINLY because I like them as this insufferable mushy couple but I do absolutely get a kick out of the complete OPPOSITE of this. Putting them under the microscope etc etc
And then my teeny tiny one is my whole post IEYTD 3 theory that Juniper is the Phantom andddddd that he and Reggie end up working together in IEYTD 4 pleasepleasepleaseplease Schell Games make it happen I would KILL for these guys to speak to one another PLEASE it would be great/silly. Alas I really like the idea of it going in a direction with inspiration from Phantom of the Opera because. I like musical theatre and Juniper is an actor and goddamnit it's the Phantom. It would be whimsical
Alas. I have been into this ship for years, meaning that I have had so much time to play around with it in my head and, while this isn't all of them, these are the main heavy hitters that I go back to. Barring one, but that's got NOTHING to do with the canon of IEYTD, and to be fairrrr me and my buddy may make it into a fic project one day so I will hold off on questions about that one for a while >:3
Other than that! I hope this made any sense at all, I really like these guys and I think you can tell, so I hope this was enjoyable to read :]]]
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diazheartsbuckley · 8 months ago
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So I got a few people who requested this and im so excited to reignite the passion I have for this story so im gonna give you a little bit more than a few sentences 🥹
🚨Cop!Eddie x Doctor!Buck au (where Bobby and Athena are Buck’s adoptive parents)
TW!! Mentions of gun violence
Buck leans back against Eddie’s desk, arms folded tightly across his chest and his lips curls into a straight line as he waits for his boyfriend to finish the last of his paperwork.
Ever since the shooting at the hospital, Buck had felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious, crawling out of his skin at the slightest bit of loud and sudden noise. And a heavy door slamming shut in the distance raises his pulse almost instantly, his entire body flinching and he swallows harshly, trying to swallow down the tears that were forming in his eyes. He didn’t even feel safe in a police station, surrounding by armed police officers. He didn’t even feel safe next to his boyfriend. Buck barely had time to digest that thought, Eddie’s hand gently made its way onto his lower back.
Buck also hadn’t been back to work yet. He tried. He even tried more than once but all he could think about was seeing several of his friends and colleagues lying dead on the ground in a blood of their own blood. He had known some of these people since med school and now they were just…gone. And despite the fact that he had seen people die before, it had never been like this. And he had never held a dying coworker in his arms, begging him to help her. Molly is-…was his friend. And he could feel the weight of her dead against his when he woke up in the middle of the night. He could feel and see his white coat being soaked in a loved one’s blood.
“Hey. You wanna go?” Eddie says gently, noting Buck’s heavy breaths and far off stare.
“Maybe I should get a gun” Buck turns to look at him. Maybe it doesn’t make sense. Maybe he shouldn’t get a gun but it’s the first thing that comes to mind.
Eddie blinks a few times as he stands up, searching Buck’s eyes for an explanation that never comes. “Buck, that’s not a good idea. The last thing this city needs is more guns in the hands of untrained civilians” Eddie tries to reason.
“But you could teach me, right? You’re an instructor” Buck points out.
Eddie wants to argue with Buck’s logic but he’s also right. He is certified as an instructor. But Eddie has to put his foot down even though he hates it. He knew that Buck was scared. He knew that he was barely eating or sleeping, even after seeing a psychiatrist. But this wouldn’t help at all.
“I could” Eddie takes a deep breath in before he continues. “But I’m not going to. I know you’re scared, I know that you feel helpless-…”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Buck cuts into the middle of it. “Then help me!” It comes out louder than anticipated and has a few of the surrounding officers looking at them. “Help me, Eddie. Please, I-I-I can’t spend the rest of my life feeling like this” Buck’s bottom lip quivers as he speaks but he doesn’t care who can see or hear him.
He needs this.
He needs to feel safe again.
He needs to be able to protect himself and his friends and coworkers.
He needs to not feel like a nine-year old defenseless kid again.
He needs to not feel scared ever again.
Make me write ✍️
Using this as my tease tidbit tuesday (even tho it’s technically wednesday here 🤫)
Some of y’all also requested it in my asks so consider this your tag for both the story and ttt/wip wednesday 🥰
Tagged by @wikiangela @weewootruck @dangerpronebuddie @hippolotamus 💕
Tagging!! @tizniz @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck
@honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @wildlife4life
@thewolvesof1998 @bidisasterevankinard @butraura
@giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @actualalligator
@actuallyitsellie @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings
@devirnis @jeeyuns @jesuisici33
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @fionaswhvre 🦋🩵
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month ago
Yknow maybe my animations ARE good. Cuz i got (technically) THREE job opportunities on my youtube channel (under the same @) for some reason, two in the same year/month i think. The first one i made a singular drawingbfor a... long dead fnaf indie animation 😭 the second (same person, different indie show), i was a storyboard artist and got to draw TWO scenes! :] sadly the creator has given up on both shows after moving me to the next show, but it was still fun snd they were really kind to me and my "coworkers"! The stuff i drew weren't my greatest creations... but i feel so proud of myself for even GETTING the chance to have those opportunities.
Oh. The third one? Uhhh, i was GONNA be a storyboard artist. But i got a bad vibe from the host, and they were a bit rude. I said i was busy and i sorta am! Im a workaholic for the wrong things, such as my own art projects. I mostly turned it down cuz they said it was a poppy playtime smiling critters show. I hate poppy playtime.
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cupidzome · 4 months ago
i think that everyone can tell now that i like seeing stainmight domestic & happy — so instead of posting more random art i'm gonna elaborate on my stainmight domestic au , & i'll probably have to tag it later!
im just yapping about how chizome survived, their living situations, what they do, & how they get together
my askbox is open too (ineed more excuses & ideas of what to write for them since my pen cannot always move) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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first of all, how chizome survived!
i imagine that chizome was dead for a while. maybe an hour or two, but people had rushed to toshinori's aid and he demanded they get stain from where he was blasted up by afo. and though he was pronounced dead on the scene, toshinori begged for them to do whatever they could to at LEAST see if he could be brought back.
and lo and behold, chizome was very very narrowly brought back. he was in a coma & he has lasting damages on his body (and his psyche from how mad he was when he woke up in the hospital) but he's alive!
(ive got a writing draft on this part,,)
second, living situations.
chizome was placed in an ERC (Enriched Residential Care) for his injuries and for his mental state. toshinori has an apartment that's close to ua, that he bought when he first decided to start teaching there. close but far enough so that if he's found and attacked, ua won't be in any danger y'know? something something a metaphor for how he distanced himself in almost all parts of life in order to keep others safe
when chizome is cleared to leave, he'd start living with toshinori though so toshinori is no longer alone!
i didnt wanna place chizome with toshinori immediately, because 1) i LOVE slowburn and 2) i think both toshinori and chizome have respective personal problems that they need to deal with; jamming a guy who's used to being isolated but wants to connect with other people's feelings and feel 'useful' and 'normal' — with a guy whos used to being isolated and carefully keeps multiple parts of him under wraps to solely present himself as a villain and someone unredeemable — MIGHT not go the best way. toshinori tries to connect with him on a deeper level out of guilt for chizomes devotion towards him almost causing his death (haha almost), and chizome rejecting it all and centering himself on toshinori because he's got nothing else to live for... great angst but thats NOT what im going for.
third, what they do!
i sincerely doubt that a hero gave chizome that glider he had, and with the special shaping of his swords and his do-it-yourself attitude, i imagine chizome as a mechanic if he's got a job (he'd want to provide for himself & toshinori obviously). he's gone a step up from gas station cashier!
and i imagine toshinori is still a teacher (but he's gone to college and began to lean towards history teachings) at yuuei, as a freshman teacher because his attitude and teachings really help the newest students. he'd LOVE working with izuku, in fact, i know he jumped for joy seeing that young midoriya was his coworker (and then cried because young midoriya was his COWORKER not his student)
fourth, how they get together!
i imagine that they were still in-contact with each other but extremely busy. not in a 'we dont talk anymore!' way but in a 'bakuman-esque; they encourage each other to work on themselves for the goal of living happily ever after with each other, and text nightly!'
and when chizome is released from care, he gets to have an apartment near toshinori! and that's when they fall deeper into love with each other. first phase was getting attached to ech other due to the stress of war, second phase was properly sliding into a relationship due to truly learning about each other!
i can already imagine chizome and toshinori both going 'i'll work extra hard for the next week, so i've got no work to do when it's time for me and him to go on a proper date!' and chizome waiting patiently for toshinori all bundled up in the winter (he ends up giving toshinori his scarf out of concern but then they BOTH start sniffling).
its a really cutesy au, but chizome will NEVER not be some degree of unhinged. whenever toshinori is in danger or he sees something bad happening, whatever is in his hand becomes a weapon. in fact — toshinori goes running off to danger first, and chizome outlaps him
theyre just TOO sweet together,, i love you stainmight/toshizome
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mihai-florescu · 2 months ago
1 & 25 <3
The thoughtful Tia, hii!! Thank you for the questions:3
1. Song of the year?
Weeell spotify says it was wuthering heights by kate bush, but i think knights' discography ended up being irreplaceable in keeping me alive this summer...hmm if i had to choose just one...maybe ironic blue. It is on a playlist from when i was paranoid that i wont survive if i dont listen to it, crazy roulette & artistic partisan in the morning.
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Nod nod especially in the second half of the year i made a bunch of ocs, rotated the ideas for their stories in my head, and then put them back in boxes inside my brain. I made the alien gals, fascinated by humanity through rose tinted glasses of media they got their hands on, coming to earth and experiencing the horrors. I wonder what that could be about!
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Ive drawn them in my sketchbook a few other times but this is the only digital colored ref so far...
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Aaanyway, then i also had mt fujo, a vtuber who reviews bl media and her nr 1 online hater (for reasons of they both ship their otp differently. AxB vs BxA is no joke) is actually her sweet irl coworker she has a crush on. But they dont know... until they do. Her outfit is supposed to have that aoba figure as a necklace/central piece of sorts
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And recently ive been doing animal gijinkas. No story, theyre just fun character design exercises
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Ah and i have a mhyk oc based on Margarita from The Master and Margarita. Gonna copy paste a message i sent oomf about her (since oomf is the reason i read the book in the first place and one of the reasons i finally read mhyk, it felt right they'd hear about the oc): Her lore is shes a eastern witch who fell in love with a human writer. He wrote a novel that paralleled their story, shedding a positive light on human-wizard relationships. In the town they lived in, he was mocked and the book was forbidden from being published, out of humans' bitterness towards wizards. This put a lot of strain on both him and their relationship, soon enough he got sick and died. In grief, margarita flees to a forest where she builds a library where all kinds of forbidden and banned books can be found. She also specializes in restoring objects. Her magical focus is a torn page of the book her partner had written, the one that was banned, the page being one of the few remnants of its existence. On the side, after she restored his book, she hopes to use her object restoration and psychometry (feeling memories inside objects) powers to bring the master back to life through the memories inside his book. She toys around with making other puppets like this before she can try to bring him back, but has been unsuccessful in her goal so far. Murr has visited the library in the past, and now one of his soul shards resides there; he appreciates her dedication to restore and keep banned books and also her commitment to her gone lover. I envision western and eastern sages wizards would get called to a mission at the library, and it would stir them up. Shy for the fact that hes doing a similar thing except murr isnt dead, faust because the forbidden books include some about what actually happened to him in the past, etc...
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This was a first sketch, im not sure if i want to keep it, but still. Some sort of visual.
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starsoftheeye · 9 months ago
TMAGP 18 Reaction
The tags of this episode are worrying me
Based on the tags and the title I think this episode is gonna have something about Alice maybe investigating whatever she saw, or at least being reminded of it
He didn't recognise her? What does that mean
Only faintly?
Creepy basement nightmare factory is a good name for it
Sam and Lena hi
pffft im loving lena more and more with each episode
no celia :(
oh no is jack okay??
"it"??? alice and lena can bond over their inability to talk normally about babies lmao
oooh augustus statement
i cant remember if willow tree close is a name we recognise but i cant find anything on it on the wiki
wdym "i hope she stays silent"??? what does that mean!!
oh thats what that means
shes just built different its fine
wait thats like the lady alice saw. is this a common occurrence?
omg she walked for so long her feet broke and she died of starvation
now im really starting to believe the "talking dead victims are from the fear domains in tma" theory bc how else can you explain this
"can i have a cigarrette" guy from tma?
wait what was that noise. thats the first time theres been a proper noise separating the reader from sounding more human to their usual monotone voice isnt it?
sam maybe... dont talk to the recently traumatised woman about the case that is extremely similar to her traumatising experience
alice you're deflecting with humour isn't working we know you're traumatised babe
alice youre way too nonchalant about this
sam honey i get you wanna know things but please stop
curiosity killed the cat
oooh is gwen gonna tell them?
omg she actually is
things are happening so fast im very worried
see i'm kinda hoping she doesnt mention mr bonzo because i think if my coworker told me that the weird tv mascot who liked to prank ppl in the 90s was removing limbs then i would think they were insane
oh god she is gwen honey thats the least plausible example you could ever give. like yeah lady mowbray is a human but shes been involved in a case and celia met her too shes a better example to give
oh god i hate the "someone doesnt get believed when telling others about something supernatural" trope but i hate the "someone gets laughed at when telling others about something supernatural" trope even more
samama "doesnt quite get when to quit" khalid everyone
oh gwen honey :(((
"so... that was weird" bro you just made your coworker cry maybe apologise????
i am not liking sam rn im sorry
alice gnot wanting to interact with gwen rn is killing me since shes the only one who could understand any of it but she refuses to get involved and its killing me. girlie you know its real
oh does georgie not know about celias little sleepwalking/teleporting habit
nvm she might be about to
lmaoo georgie ilysm
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cronchyy2 · 2 years ago
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Made a spot oc based off of my google bg (which should be the very last thing on this post)
His villain name is Nebulos (which he made up on the spot) (lol lmao get it) (im so funny)
His main ability is making and using black holes not just to use them as "spots", but also use them as, well... real black holes. Like warping things and sucking stuff up and spitting them back out at full force.
Before he took this obscure form, he was an astronomer. An astronomer who was obsessed with studying this strange, un-named space cloud that was notorious for making things vanish once something gets close to it. He, along with a crew of astronauts, went to the cloud themselves to see why this was happening, but everyone but our main guy insisted they stay a good way's away from it for safety reasons. But he insisted on getting close enough to see what this space cloud was hiding, so he took a space suit and went out himself when everyone else was off sleeping or something.
Turns out there's a black hole just sitting in the middle of this space cloud. It's been there for a while and yet nobody has noticed it for some reason. "Amazing," our guy thinks. Revealing the secret of this cloud is most definitely gonna make him rich. However, it seems that he was too fascinated by the future to not pay attention to the present.
He was getting sucked in. Very slowly.
That thought in his mind wasn't the only thing that clicked either. The cord keeping him from drifting away broke from being pulled so hard by the force around the hole. He desperately tried to change his trajectory, but he knew it was over. He was going to get engulfed by a black hole, and nobody was going to know how he disappeared. That was his last thought before the consumption. He felt the time and space shift as the hole absorbed his body, contorting it beyond recognition.
And after he was taken, the hole vanished along with the cloud.
It doesn't take long for the astronauts on the vessel to notice that their boss, along with the cloud, straight-up vanished. But what can they do? You can't arrange a search party in outer space. So they go back to Earth, empty-handed.
Almost a year has passed and everyone close to our main guy knows that he is dead. His family, friends, and coworkers have moved on from this (mostly). However, one day, word breaks out about this strange "black hole" spotted somewhere outside of a city.
The first time a black hole spawns directly on Earth.
It has also been reported that just after it spawned, a strange humanoid/cosmic figure emerged from it.
Before he came up with a name himself, people would call him "The Cosmic Horror", "The Vortex", and other related names.
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...Anyways here's the wallpaper, as well as my vision of the wallpaper.
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