#my buddy gary
goneahead · 8 months
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These were the ACTUAL instructions given to Mardi Gras volunteers at my winter camp this year. I'm dying😂😂😂
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clerk427 · 9 months
My friend gifted me a small wooden cross on Christmas (thanks, Vera!). And I got an idea. I present to you...
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AU where "everything is the same but instead of loosing value, John's crucifix gets smaller each chapter".
Should probably work on the name, hm. Pose references were done by yours truly!
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boxofthings · 5 months
Meat and Roach, watching Ghost uncomfortably interact with a random girl at the bar:
Meat: Wow that guy's aloof. Can't imagine wanting to sleep with him.
Roach: ...yeah
Meat, jokingly: You wouldn't sleep with him, would you?
Roach, deliberately not making eye contact:
Meat, who made a bet with Royce on who could seduce Roach first (he bet on himself): You haven't slept with him, have you?
Meat, now shaking Roach: You haven't slept with him have you??
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ssaalexblake · 5 months
Gary the garden (kitchen) spider died today after a year of living in the alcove of the kitchen window, and I'm legitimately upset about it 😭
Goodbye spider friend who stayed in his area while I stayed in mine and ate fruit flies for me.
You were a real one, Gary.
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toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
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Roach has complicated... feelings
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fancycolours · 1 year
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GARY LEWIS pictured at breakfast in his London hotel before leaving for Amsterdam. (September 24th, 1965.) Photos taken by John Pickering.
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
it's funny how i will say i am going to work on [insert multi-chapter wip name of choice] and then i end up working on a oneshot instead
case in point: currently writing a "buddie are neighbors and buck is a little too loud while doing his sex toy reviews for onlyfans" au (for a 911 bingo prompt, even though bingo closed over a week ago)
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
Finally used my lobster bath bomb from lush valentines day uhhhh 2022? 😳 and I smell soooooo soft 🥰🥰🥰
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furbyfanclub · 2 years
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the boys got their necklaces!
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
"I wanna dance with somebody" e 5 clássicas biografias musicais esquecidas que você precisa conhecer 
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myvinylplaylist · 8 months
Gary Busey: The Buddy Holly Story Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1978)
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Epic Records
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foptbw · 15 days
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Artist note -> I redesigned Gary a little because in the drawing he had buck teeth and brown hair like Timmy and it always bothered me that they gave him black hair)
Timmy: You guys know about Chloe and AJ and Chester and me…. as for Crocker I don't… don't know… after he broke into my old home and… with the help of AJ I got a restraining order against him. Mom and dad thought it was unnecessary. You'd haveta ask AJ I think he knows more about that situation than me.
After… well… anyway Trixie actually was pretty nice to me. She would bring me new comics and Veronica defended me from the other popular kids. According to Trixie helped her realize that life is more important than what people think of you. She's a comic creator now. Vernonia and Trixie got married a few years ago. Vernonia is a child therapist now! I think Chloe is still friends with them! She's the godmother of their daughter! They were all really good friends since they were cheerleaders together. Their daughter is adopted but according to Chloe she's just like her moms but sweeter.
I don't know what happen to Vicky… I duh wanna see her again. I don't need ah babysitter anymore. After everything changed for the first year I haddah had a babysitter again and it was so much worse. And Tootie was pushy too pushy. She never knew when she was takin things too far and Vicky always was going on about if I thought I was too good for her little sister. But, luckily like magic my… cousin stayed with us over the summer and Tootie fell in love with him and she left me alone. I don't remember having a cousin Gary. But, that's who he said he was and my parents agreed, I don't remember a lot of thing so. Yah. Chloe says that they have twins now, a boy and girl Tammy and Tommy. She showed me since they are my family I guess and because her goddaughter was in the picture.
It's best to leave this to AJ or Chester they keep in touch with people more than me. They know more bout that stuff than me.
Chester: Crock pot is still out there hunting fairies. He appeared at the reward ceremony that Galax hosted and made a big fuss. Luckily Timmy can't go to Galax events because he triggers the magic detectors so he hadn't been there. As for Trixie, like Timmy said she is happily married to Veronica now with a little girl of their own. Total tomboy. Chloe's little monster buddy.
…. After Timmy's memory loss his parents started hiring Vicky to watch him again. They had stopped when he was 13 leaving him to just fend for himself mostly. For the first few months it was mostly bad days for Timmy. He's able to take care of himself a lot better now, and only have bad days sometimes. If you think Vicky was mean to kids, you couldn't imagine how cruel she could be to a 15 year old who mentally was around a confused 9 most the time.
Tootie's obsessive crush had gotten worse and worse as we all got older. Despite what many would think, Vicky is rather protective of her little sister. Which make putting your foot down and telling Tootie off rather hard. Tootie wanted to prove that she'd be by Timmy's side even after his memory loss.
Well lets just say Timmy didn't miss them once AJ help him move to Dimmadelphia. Lasts I heard Tootie got together with that Gary guy, I think he was Timmy's cousin or something. They have kids now.
As for Vicky I heard she works as a private school art teacher and party princess. How she is still working with children I will never know.
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mpregandproud · 22 days
Isaac II (Part 2)
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In the days following the pregnancy announcement, the excitement died down and things returned to normal. Isaac and I went back to our day-to-day lives, although we now had twelve young people around the house who needed our undivided attention, although none of them would be staying home much this summer. Sandra, Dylan and Nate have found jobs during these months, so they will be spending more time outside than indoors. Cristina has decided to spend the summer at a college friend's house in the Caribbean. Philip and Edward have gone as monitors to a camp where our youngest children, Esther and Lucas' children have also gone to spend a few weeks. So after a couple of crazy weeks with everyone we had the house to ourselves again.
As always happens to me when my kids are away from us for a season I get anxious. Isaac doesn't understand how at this point in our lives I still get so nervous when they're not with us, but I can't help it. And like every time I have a period of anxiety I end up eating like crazy. It seems as if my body is begging me to eat to fill the emptiness I feel inside. Emptiness, well, you know it's a figure of speech knowing that it's growing life inside me again. Chocolate, chips, burgers, pizzas… my cravings were completely out of this world.
Isaac tries to reassure me. According to him “it's normal to be so hungry, you are pregnant again and this is coupled with the cravings you usually have when our children leave”. Maybe he is right, as always, but whether it is because of the pregnancy or not I am afraid of gaining back as much weight as I did when Sandra left me. Twenty years ago I went from having an athlete's body to sporting a very pronounced beer belly. Even before I got pregnant for the first time I had a huge belly. Isaac often reminds me “how sexy you were when I met you, with those curves. As soon as I saw you on the soccer field I got a hard-on, no one has ever made me so horny at first sight”. Let's just say Isaac is not very subtle when it comes to talking about how much he likes me. Why lie, I love it when he's like that, it lifts anyone's spirits.
The reality is that two weeks after I started having these cravings, when I was still a month and a half pregnant, my muscles were once again hidden under a layer of fat. My butt was regaining the splendor it had during my last pregnancy. My thighs were starting to grow, and my hips were gradually widening. As for my belly, it was getting rounder and rounder. I had never gained weight so quickly, 33 pounds in two weeks must be a record for any human being.
Within two weeks of announcing my pregnancy to the family, I had my last veterans soccer game of the season. The team that Frank, Samuel, Gary, Lucas and I had formed had qualified for the regional final, so I had no choice but to play in the final. Only Lucas knew I was pregnant, so this was going to be the perfect opportunity to announce to all my soccer buddies my new situation, a condition that would prevent me from playing soccer with them again for a while.
I arrived with Lucas in the locker room. He was the one I told about my intention to reveal the bombshell to the rest of the team, so he asked me to come with me to give me all the support. When we arrived, everyone turned to look at us. 33 extra pounds don't just hide, so I guess it was to be expected that I would stand out in a group where everyone was more or less in shape.
“I see you've made good use of these weeks off,” George, Gary's brother and the team's goalkeeper, patted me on the belly. “Man, anyone would think you were pregnant again,” Frank said with a chuckle. “But how can he be pregnant again after all this time, Frank? Don't talk nonsense!” added Gary. "And if you let him do all the talking? You sound like a bunch of blabbermouths talking non stop?" said Samuel, who was the team leader for a reason.
“Thank you Sam. Yeah, I guess I owe you all an explanation”, there was silence in the locker room. Everyone sat up and looked at me, except for Lucas, who stood a step behind me as if trying to give me support. “You see, Frank wasn't so far off the mark, my husband Isaac and I have become pregnant again. After all these years I'm going to be a dad once more, so I think this will be my last game for a while”, I told them.
They had all seen me pregnant before, so they weren't entirely caught off guard either. One by one they came up to me and gave me a hug. Some of them took the opportunity to make jokes. Some put their hands on my belly and told me that I would now become their lucky charm. Others took the opportunity to grab my ass and remind me that in a few months babies would be coming out of there. Be that as it may, everyone was very kind to me and very supportive.
The moment to wear the team uniform was a little more delicate. With all the anxiety and nerves about playing soccer again, I didn't realize that the clothes would no longer fit me. I looked like a sausage stuffed in that jersey, and the size of my butt would no longer let me put the pants on it, it wouldn't ride up that high. I grabbed my phone and called Isaac to ask him to bring me the uniform from the first day I played on the team, a year after giving birth to the sextuplets. It was a much bigger uniform, I was sure that one would fit me.
Luckily Isaac hadn't left the house yet to come see me, so he was able to grab the jersey and pants and deliver them to the locker room before the game. Of course, everyone took that moment to congratulate him on his future fatherhood. The question of how many children I had put in my belly this time was a recurring one. In fact, we asked ourselves that question at that time, although we would soon find out de number.
The game started and I played as a starter. The game was going well, by the 35th minute we were leading by two goals, but at that moment I started to feel a slight pain in my belly. I assumed that the fatigue of playing again with excess weight was behind this discomfort, so I decided to ignore it and move on.
The second half came and after 15 minutes the pain had become so intense that I collapsed on the field. I put my hands to my stomach and writhed in pain on the grass. The game stopped and the whole team came to my aid. “Dan, are you okay, do you want us to make a change so you can rest? I don't know if in your condition you should be doing these efforts,” Lucas told me. Samuel asked the trainer to change me and between him and Lucas they helped me out onto the field so Ben could come in in my place.
I sat on the bench. The pain instead of dissipating was getting worse. Between cold sweats and the intense pain I was feeling in my belly area I felt so bad that I asked the trainer to gesture to Isaac who was in the stands to come down and pick me up and take me to the hospital for a check up.
Isaac picked me up and rushed me to the hospital. “Where did Sandra, Dylan and Nate stay?” I asked him trying not to think in the pain. “Don't worry, Cal will take them home,” he told me. “Who's Cal,” I asked, not understanding at all. “Oh, right, that you haven't met him. Cal is Sandra's boyfriend. They met at the movie theater where she is working and have started dating. She wanted to introduce him to all of us today,” Isaac said, holding my hand to reassure me a little more.
As soon as I arrived at the hospital I was taken to the doctor who had checked me two weeks earlier to confirm the pregnancy. She asked me to lie down on the gurney. She took my blood pressure, drew my blood and asked me to take off my clothes. She poured a cold gel on my belly and proceeded to give me an ultrasound. I don't know if it was out of fear of what would be on the screen or what, but that day I couldn't see anything she was looking at.
After a few minutes of analyzing me, Caroline, which is what the doctor's name was, looked at Isaac and I and started talking. “Daniel, this was just a scare today, but this is a warning not to overexert yourself. At fifty years old and with a pregnancy like yours, I recommend that you get all the rest you can and not make any effort if you want the pregnancy to come to fruition”, Caroline said very seriously. Isaac and I were very scared, our hands were shaking and we didn't know how to react. We looked at each other and he hurried to put his arms around me and kiss me on the cheek, “everything is going to be okay, my love”, he whispered.
I couldn't hold back the tears. Apparently everything was fine, otherwise she would have said something to us, but I couldn't hold back the tears. “Could I have lost the pregnancy?” was the first thing I could ask. “Yes, it could have happened, but fortunately he got you here early,” she told me, although she was looking at Isaac smiling at him in approval.
“Doctor, you said a pregnancy like yours, what do you mean by this?” asked Isaac.
“You see, Daniel, you're fit, well, you were a few weeks ago when I first saw you, before you put on so much weight so quickly. But we can't get around the fact that you're 50 years old. Age is a risk factor, no doubt, but it's not just that. You are expecting quadruplets, which is also a commendable challenge for any pregnant person, young or old. You will have to take very good care of yourself and be on strict bed rest. I think you have a very big family, so you will have to support him as much as you can these months,” the doctor said.
“Quadruplets, four at once is the number we were missing,” I said laughing out loud. Caroline didn't quite understand the situation, but Isaac and I were laughing as if my comment had been the best comment ever. We explained that in my previous five pregnancies I had a singleton, twins, triplets, quintuplets and sextuplets, so with quadruplets we were definitely coming full circle. It will be true that there was a plan for me to get pregnant again. The collection had to be completed.
When we arrived home our three children were waiting for us, my sister Esther, Lucas and his husband Adam. Lucas left the victory celebration of the team to find out if I was well. There was also Cal, a dark-haired and very, very tall boy. He was 23 years old, played soccer and looked like a hero out of a medieval legend. When I saw him I looked at Sandra and winked. “You've inherited your father's good taste,” I said when Cal had already left later that night.
“You have had us so-worried,” my son Dylan said to me. “Dad, is everything okay with the pregnancy?” his brother Nate asked. I gave both of them a hug, which Sandra joined in on as well. “My sons, you can be very calm, I'm fine and so are your four brothers. Your father has had a small crisis and the doctor has forced me to maintain strict rest. For the next few months I will have to spend a lot of time in bed, but everything will be all right”. “We will have to help Dad as much as we can for the next seven months, this is a job for all of us”, Isaac added.
“You've always loved being treated like a queen, little brother”, Esther joked. “You don't know what to do to do nothing anymore, eh, buddy”, added Lucas. And yes, these funny people are the ones who have to take care of me so that nothing happens to me with the pregnancy, I have it complicated.
Go to Part 3
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physalian · 3 months
Another 5 Character Types the World Needs More of (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
I did not expect these two posts to continue getting notes. So. Here’s some that didn’t make the cut and a few new ones.
1. Character who is immune to everyone else’s bullshit
This can either be funny or a breath of fresh air. I’m talking your drama cast of 15 all losing their minds over “he said/she said” and fixating on so many ridiculous and arbitrary problems… meanwhile Chuck over here is skinned with teflon and completely immune to tropes like manufactured miscommunication or drama, who’s juuust shy of being genre savvy to Get Shit Done like this is their second time around the block and they are not happy to be back.
The first one to pop into my head is Soundwave from TFP. He has no voice actor for 99% of the show and doesn’t have a face and is only the focus character for like, 2 episodes, but whenever he’s on screen you can just see “I’m surrounded by idiots” playing on repeat in his head. This con is brutally efficient, never messes up, and is never wrong and while everyone else is caught up on ladder-climbing and revenge quests, Soundwave is over here vibing and keeping the whole cause together.
2. The Femme Fatale, but a man
This is not sexy suave abusive asshole hero you’re supposed to root for, who’s a male power fantasy. This is literally the exact same trope, but a man. Meaning, he gets the same revealing uniform, the same “I’m letting you think you’re in charge but really I’m pulling all the strings”. Crucially, he’s straight, because most of them are gay-coded (because the man being in the submissive, ‘girly role’ is horrifying, he must be gay). This dude weaponizes toxic masculinity, making the villains extremely uncomfortable and throwing the villain’s own power fantasy back in their face.
This dude unabashedly flirts with his captors just to get in their heads, removes all concepts of personal space, and makes straight villains seriously question their sexuality. He has social engineering down to a science. I’m sure there’s one that exists, but every one I can think of is already queer-coded and that’s not good enough. So just. Black Widow. But a man.
3. Mary Sue/ Gary Stu who becomes the villain
Since these characters are the product of insecurity and lack of self-awareness… the example for this trope is Titan from Megamind. This character is absolutely the hero of their own story, practically perfect in every way. They think they’re the best at everything without trying, flawless in features and personality, and everybody loves them. And genuinely, they are just that good.
So good, that they live long enough to become the villain. Obviously people who write Mary Sues with full sincerity have no idea that anything’s wrong or problematic, but a genuine Mary Sue whose perfection is their greatest flaw without them even realizing it would be an interesting villain because I’m getting sick and tired of “sympathetic” villains who are really starting to feel like excuses for abusers to be abusive because they were smacked around as a kid.
4. Paragon who is wrong, but also right?
Apparently I’m in a Transformers mood today. There’s an episode where the Autobots’ medic/second in command does the whole “desperate scientist tests their invention on themselves with horrible results” trope and he gains the strength and speed he otherwise hasn’t had in like, eons, and starts kicking ass and taking names (and committing war crimes) to the point where his team is like “uh, buddy, slow down a bit, you’re starting to act like a Decepticon”.
The best part of that episode is where Ratchet (medic) completely unloads on Optimus about how he’s too soft, about how he’s had a million chances to end the war and murder Megatron (which is true) and yet Optimus lets the window pass again and again still hoping for Megatron’s redemption… while in the process, countless Autobots keep dying, collateral keeps happening, all because Optimus is stubborn and won’t just get it over with.
We know Ratchet is right, because throughout the next season, Optimus is a bit more… shall we say, ruthless, in trying to legitimately end the war, Megatron’s redemption be damned. But that episode ends with Ratchet nearly dying when trying to kill Megatron himself, and understanding that the Autobots are Autobots for a reason, because they’re “good,” and sinking to the enemy’s level won’t be a good foundation for a peaceful post-war survival of their species. Point being, sometimes being a Paragon is an incredibly selfish virtue.
5. Parents who know what’s up
So, while I am a firm supporter in the dead parent cliché because parents are super inconvenient sometimes, when it’s not that kind of story and the parents are a big part of the plot… while also being idiots (like Disney and Nickelodeon sitcoms circa 2008), just to make the kids sound smarter, it’s just been done to death. Everything you could think of, your parents probably did when they were your age so having competent parents in the plot as a well-meaning obstacle that continues to surprise the hero is pretty rare in stuff like YA. Usually it’s “I must lie to them to keep them safe” meanwhile Sally Jackson is over here murdering her husband with Medusa’s severed head.
They don’t have to join the hero team, but parents painted as bumbling idiots is a disservice to the mischievous teenagers they used to be. Or just the parent who really does know the kid better than they do, like when kids anxiously come out and the parent is like “honey I knew since you were 3 let’s go get ice cream”. I didn't watch Glee but that one dad who was like "son all you wanted was a pair of sensible shoes, I knew." So yeah. Smart parents. More please.
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart commentary and extras.
This is what I gathered during my first watch. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the audio bits like I did for seasons 1-7 eventually! I'll catch all the little details then 💛
Let me get this out of the way. They did not answer the most important question of all.
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In the past, Doc and Jackson have said that what they say in the commentary isn't necessarily canon. What is canon is what's in the actual show, not what they explore outside of the show because they're always changing their minds. Sometimes they disagreed while answering questions. Take that as you'd like.
Jonas didn’t abandon The Monarch after the plane crash intentionally. He assumed he died or he ran away before he got there. They hinted that Jonas downed the plane himself.
When asked if Jonas loved Rusty they say he’s a bad person, the villain of the show, and a monster. Jackson thinks he might have been a boy adventurer himself. They compare him to baby boomers forcing their children to live the lives they wanted themselves.
Does Rusty have the other twin killed when only one dies? Jackson says only when they witness the death. He referenced Ice Station Impossible. Brock has done it before.
Ritchie Valens refused to join The Guild and Red Mantle and Dragoon’s (Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper) initiation was to kill him so he wouldn’t tattle.
Doc says the second sons are the ones who succeed in The Guild, not the first sons, because they’re most likely to become evil and that’s why Dean was chosen as The Guild’s successor.
Doc described two episodes he would like to do: 1. "Heads in the water." Which is the heads of characters bobbing in the water after a crash for the entire episode. An all dialog bottle episode. 2. An episode that starts off like a regular Venture Bros episode. Then a henchman dies and everything pivots. 21 calls his wife and says “Real sorry but your husband died in service” (Doc put on his 21 voice here). We then see the wife and daughter (from another marriage) and follow them in their lives.
What is The Monarch's favorite ABBA song? Doc thinks Waterloo and Jackson thinks Take a Chance. They riff as Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend for a few seconds.
Gary's a big Sneaker Pimps fan.
Rusty doesn't have a middle name. If you ask Rusty he'll say the S stands for sexy or science or SUPER science. Rusty’s favorite musical is Starlight Express or RENT (Jackson disagreed). He's never actually watched them but he likes the advertisements.
Brock Frog is the guy that "brings in bagels". A 3rd generation Italian American from "bricklayer stock." He fell out with his dad because he wanted to bring bricks into the future. He teamed up with Professor Vigo Dale, who screwed him out of half of the company after Brick Frog gave him all of his brick ideas.
Mantilla has the ability to make things invisible by touching them but claimed it was teleportation. “It’s all bullshit…and she had money from her past”
Mantilla has been "garbage picking" from The Monarch’s trash, such as Dr. Mrs.'s costume ideas in season 3 that she had thrown away and their wedding invitation.
The guys in the warehouse with Jefferson were all roommates in the 90s.
We would have had a full episode of Force Majeure and Jonas Venture's rivalry.
We would have had another episode of Billy and Colonel Gentleman "John Wicking" after Mischa was found dead right before a doggy costume contest.
Matt Berry was supposed to voice Force Majeure.
Why does The Monarch hate Doc so much? Jackson says “Obviously it (the thought that Debra left him for Rusty) bothers him a little more than he said.”
They called Gary's hair “the popular millennial cut” and made him "half Glen Danzig half Wolverine."
Doc has drunk his own urine multiple times because they pee in bottles in the Astrobase. "Recently".
During the last scene in the movie when everyone is talking, Gary and Hatred were talking about a loofah. Hatred asked Gary "Ah...you use a loofah?". Dr. O was talking about intermittent fasting.
24 made a guest appearance in the "Fan Questions" extra for a few seconds.
They refused to answer the questions about Scare Bear and what Rusty and Billy were doing in the time machine in case they're able to continue the story.
They made a joke about telling people just enough in the commentary to get them excited and want more. (A “joke” haha)
During Prom, Pete and Billy would have studied the Push It video extensively. Pete would’ve entered the dance floor and “boxed it out” to make space. Billy would’ve walked in the circle nonchalantly. Then they would have recreated the entire dance.
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conchoronzon · 5 months
Is it possible when you have the chance can you do a stepdad vore stepson because wife wanted to get rid of old family with ex husband
Joe's bachelor party was supposed to be pretty simple. His brother, Gary, my future uncle, was the one who was planning all of it. A small group of us guys just hanging out at the hotel a couple of days before the wedding. Video games, beer, poker, tanning, steaks.
When my phone went off while at the pool, Joe splashed some water my way. He may have been a suave lawyer, but he was always a little playful. "That Grindr?"
And of course, that led the rest of the guys teasing me. Gary grabbed his speedo with a chuckle and said. "I ordered some women. Wouldn't have done that if I knew we had a cocksucker here."
"I'm not going to suck your cock, uncle," I said.
Joe grabbed me. "So he gets to be 'uncle' but you still won't call me 'dad,' huh? Little shit." We went under water.
That night, we were drinking beer in Joe's room. We were on our second round of Texas Hold 'Em. Porn played on one tv on silent - gay porn, a sort of "first person to get hard has to suck everyone's cock thing, no doubt more teasing aimed at me. On another, some violent action flick I'd never seen played. The effects were outdated. My vision was getting a bit blurry. My eyes were heavy. Why was I so tired?
"You okay, bud?" Joe asked, and then I passed out.
When I cam too, groggy and blinking away the blurry lights, my head was pounding. My limbs were stiff and heavy. My breaths were small, but it wasn't like it was hard to breathe. Everything was cool and sticky. Gary was grinning down at me. He was naked. "He's awake," he called. The rest of the guys cheered.
I was on the table. The guys were over by the TV. They were all naked, including Joe. God he was handsome. Nice thick cock, too. What was I thinking? That was gross. Shit. Were they making good on the whole "having a cocksucker around" thing?
Joe made his way to the head of the table or, rather, where my head was. His heavy balls pressed down against my forehead. They were so warm. "Too bad you didn't want to call me daddy while choking on my dick, kid," he said. He called me that when he wanted to piss me off. I'd just graduated college. I was a grown-ass man. Him being a prick like that sometimes was why I refused to call him dad. Not to mention, he still wouldn't be my step-father for a few more days.
He ground his balls against my face, then pulled away and leaned over me with a wicked grin. "If you had, I probably would've kept you around. But your mom wants a family of our own, and if you don't want to be my pet, then..."
His jaw unhinged like some creature from a horror movie. My slow heart stopped for a moment. When it came back too, the world was dark and wet. His tongue pulsed beneath my head. His teeth gently scraped over my back. Slick, wet sounds, swallowing sounds, filled my ears as I slipped further... inside my mouth.
Joe was eating me.
My head dangled over the abyss of his throat. Outside, the guys cheered him on. Someone was rubbing their cock between my feet. Others were engaging my hands.
A slight, impossible light filled his throat. Saliva spilled down the pink walls of his throat. "Stop," I whispered. I didn't have the energy to scream. Then I was falling head first down the cavern. It pressed tight against my flesh and, shameful though it was to admit, it felt amazing. I was hard and leaking by the time my cock slid into Joe's mouth. His tongue slipped between my cheeks and prodded at my hole.
Almost as if it were a last breath, I moaned louder than I had in my entire life. It was a plea, though what for I couldn't tell. To cum? To get fucked by future dad? For him to finish eating me?
When my feet passed between his lips, they were covered in the cum of his brother and buddies. I curled up in the tight, warm, slightly smelly embrace of Joe's stomach. He belched, and the sound rattled my brain. I went dizzy.
"Looks like I'm pregnant with you now," Joe said. "Gonna call me dad now that I'm pregnant with you?" Of course he was teasing me. He never refused a chance for that.
"What did you do?" i asked.
"I ate you. And now I'm gonna turn you into a big steaming pile, you piece of shit," he laughed. "You want to be my shit?"
The warmth was starting to sting my skin and the inside of my mouth and nostrils. "I don't want... to be shit, daddy," I pleaded.
"Lesson learned: never turn down daddy."
I woke in a sweat, my dad's thick, hairy arms wrapped around me. We were naked in his bed. We started sleeping like this on my 21st. I drank with him for the first time and started crying about mom's death. He cried too. One thing led to another, and he ended up pounding my ass like a beast.
It was a dream. It was just a dream... but...
"What's wrong?" Dad asked, snuggling into my neck.
"I had a dream you ate me," I said.
Dad pulled me tighter against him. When he whispered, there was a growl. Something hungry. "Did you remember being daddy's shit? Getting flushed down the toilet? How you kept begging me not to digest you? You told me I'd get to fuck you all I want." His cock hardened against my ass. "You know... It might be time for me to put my boy back in his place." His big hand grabbed my cock. "Steal all your youth while you melt away into a big meaty soup in my gut. Maybe next time you'll remember sooner. Beg me to eat you." He licked my ear. "Wanna test it out, baby? No promises I'll let you out."
Despite the pounding of me heart, I nodded. "Yes, daddy."
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