#my brain is active and awake
dapper-lil-arts · 7 days
What is your opinion on appledash and twipie?
hoo boy. I was wondering when someone would ask me the burning question about super popular ships.
Okay before i get into it I'll say right now that I'm an extensive romance writer. I've done multiple fics who focus strongly on romance, it's my favorite genre, I've done a LOT of it, and I work on multigenre so I'm always like. Trying to work extra hard to make stories interesting, compelling, character driven, etc etc.
If you want to say "volume doesn't equal quality" to me, i dont fucking know, read my fics before saying that my writing sucks lmao.
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And this is just a little bit, I started writing these in january. Anyways, what I mean by this is that I tend to think a LOT when thinkin about romance, I consider every angle, every possibility, I'm not the kinda person that goes "I ship them bc theyre cute" And nothing else, yknow? Yeah you can consider me pretentious if you want, i'm that family guy suit wearing meme lmao.
Anyways, when it comes to writing romance on adapting characters, I often consider multiple angles, such as canon chemistry, fanon chemistry, tropes the characters exist on and tropes they can easily build upon, and one of the most important: What does each of these individual characters want/don't want in a relationship, and what can they provide each other.
There are characters for example that dont express any interest in romance, but that doesnt mean they wouldnt have an ideal partner n whatnot. (Like Twilight not rly ever expressing desire for romance, but very much benefiting from ruling alongside someone) There are characters that are obsessed with romance, but might actually be best with an ideal that isnt what they expected. (How rarity wanted a handsome prince, but might instead just want a fiercely loyal partner that fullfils her emotionally and phisically etc.)
So now we get to the ships that you mentioned.
Twilight sparkle is a studious nerd who enjoys a quiet day reading and relaxing, she loves learning and exploring ideas quietly. How the hell would she ever be happy with Pinkie, who CANNOT sit still, clearly doesnt care for studying or being quiet, and wants to be the center of attention all the time. Sure you could try to spin it as an "Aww the kitty want's attention" But that really isn't enough for me; And it's kinda messed up to HAVE to put your interests aside to give attention to your partner. ...Especially when canon Pinkie's track record with twilight is usually just annoying her over anything and everything.
anyways, canon Pinkie gets together with Cheese sandwich, which is essentially a copy of her. A bit lame, sure, but with it we can understand what she wants in a relationship; she want's to be challenged, she wants someone to match her freak, or at least accompany it. Yeah it's still lame to have a copy of her, but we can take it from the canon exactly what she wants, even if it isn't necessarily what she needs.
What the hell does Twilight provide that Pinkie wants? How does Twilight challenge pinkie on her favorite things, on partying, on living wild? Twilight wants to be chill and read books, why would that be anything but excruciating to pinkie, ESPECIALLY canon pinkie who revels on interrupting and annoying and making the whole room pay attention to her?
This is elementary stuff to me, it's one of the reasons why Sunset x Pinkie works so much, because although Sunset is NOT a copy of Pinkie, she absolutely can match her freak, they can challenge each other and push each other further, they can be a dynamic duo that both love their respective methods of partying. It's lovely! (And hey Sunset has amazing chemistry with twilight for similar reasons, they were both studious under the same teacher, magical overachievers, etc etc etc.)
Imagining that Pinkie has to mellow out to get with someone is kinda weird, since, its the cornerstone of her character that shes bubbly, hiperactive, and loud. And in sunpie you got the brilliant "People that cheerful make me nervous-- Well, not all people, hi Pinkie." ANYWAYS lets get to appledash, I've written enough and got more stuff to do.
In the subject of tropes, this ain't opposites attract, but it isn't equals attract either. People tried convincing me that its smth related to butch v butch romance? but idk if I'm sold on it, generally like... Even if you don't take canon Rainbow into account and how she antagonizes AJ (and most people frankly) and you take it as it is, why would Applejack want to settle down with someone that doesn't care about family or farm work and has no business experience and whatever?
And why, goddamn why, would rainbow dash, the flyby crazy soaring high girl that loves to always be in the skies want to live in a goddamn farm, idk man idk. Sure you can make the argument that it's cute that they'd 'settle' for each other after a rivalry, but eh, they're not even official rivals like lightning Dust, and still! And if you want Rainbow to settle for a quiet life with someone she cares about... Fluttershy is right there, and she is much more chill, much more dedicated to a quiet life, AND she's a childhood friend. If you want Rainbow to get with a rival or with someone that can match her freak, both Lightning Dust and Spitfire are right there, both pegasi, both characters that have this importance and connection to her favorite thing: FLYING (Maybe rainbow is a little bit racist??! Lmao) I also think it doesn't help that AJ has history with so many femme girls that are all rly fun pairs with her (Rarity, Rara, Autumn blaze, Cherry, etc etc) So Rainbow 'the girl that doesn't shower Dash' feels like a sore thumb sticking out on that trend.
Applejack wants someone she can be fiercely loyal and loving with, she's a family mare and she is (by obvious reasons) grounded. Those aren't exactly the perfect fit for Dash, it feels like they'd have to compromise too much to be together.
generally for me is hard to multiship when there's a bunch of better character chemistries surrounding these character. I've refrained from mentioning rarijack too much on this whole shebang but like CMON. And hey. Appledash shippers. If you try to 'gotcha' me and say that appledash is canon, I'll remind you that you have less content than Korrasami. If that satisfies you, lmao, then you have my pity
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amelia-yap · 7 months
Dumb question did you ever end up watching Ice Queendom?
i have! waiting for each ep every week was pain.
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ananxiousgenz · 2 months
mmm. hi. hey. yeah. sorry. *ahem*.
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otiksimr · 6 months
I am sitting down on the number block carpet I want to hear about him
Bob is an eldritch monster (I've just been calling their species Worldeaters, I don't have any plans to change the name) that eats planets and rocks in general (Stars too but that's a rare snack).
He was laid on Earth sometime during the end of Precambrian Era. And hatched a year BEFORE the Cambrian Era officially started. His parents kind of just left him there (due to their species they can't exactly stay with him, they do visit sometimes though!) with a babysitter so he wont be completely alone growing up.
Bob's just kind of vibing on Earth until he reaches maturity :)
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commander-ledi · 4 months
several times per day my brain is like "you are a faggot (compliment)" @ myself, and i just internally thank my brain for it
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the-trans-dragon · 8 months
I've started wearing those Breathe Right strips at night and that's been nice because I can indeed breathe right at night, and now I just tried out a sleep mask for the first time and. they're so good. What a good combo.
I also love the way my wife described them, as "armor for sleeping" 🥰 I am so well equipped!
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starwrittenfates · 5 months
OOC ;; Because of the headcanon I wrote for Lily last night, I’m now tempted to make a Dark!Lily verse! 👀👀
So many verses for both Lily and Severus I wanna try out!
Childhood verses (their time before Hogwarts)
A Lily Among the Snakes (Slytherin!Lily AU — where she's sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor)
Legacy of the Half-Blood Prince (Hogwarts Legacy verse — where there’s no Voldy or Death Eaters and Severus becomes a Potioneer in the future)
Animagus verse for both of them
Let me know if you’re ever interested in exploring one of these. 😁
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taibhsearachd · 1 year
Also, I need to let you guys know that I got maybe four hours of sleep last night, if that, so Mags was talking about how interesting Enkidu's color is. (It really is very striking, idk if it comes across in pictures but in reality he looks almost shimmery platinum.) And Mags had already called him fawn (because he did look fawn in the picture we saw before we picked him up), so my tired brain was just not processing what I know about dog genetics for a long time (btw, one of my older special interests; it's not active anymore, but I can explain almost anything about why your dog or cat is the color it is).
All of which is to say... we picked the boy up at 1pm. At 10:45pm, after a nap and some food, I suddenly announced, out of nowhere "HE'S NOT FAWN HE'S CREAM". Because suddenly my brain was functioning enough to remember how dog colors work. I'm a normal human being.
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compendiumhistoria · 1 year
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and more arts! I asked Delta @skullshoal to design The Proprietor and handed him a wild amount of colors, then asked if I could and did color it myself and figured it out!! thank you again my friend for drawin' them <3!
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yardsards · 2 years
i think the issue with having an extremely inconsistent sleep schedule is not that your overall daily schedule will be out of wack (i am quite fine with changing schedules) but rather that all hours of the day are Schrodinger's Bedtime. like, going to bed just feels like An Option at all times and this leads to a lot of laying in bed almost dozing but not really sleeping
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 8 months
🫣 is scared of their own shadow?
Cartwright, at times. She has relaxed a great deal since arriving here, but...losing her old trainer was very traumatic for her.
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pepprs · 2 years
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#purrs#what if i was experiencing ordeals so mortifying and horrors so horrible i could not talk about them to anyone in full honesty and truth and#transparency not even the dearest people in my life who love me and actively want to support me and listen to me or my tumblr mutuals who#are literally my bestest friends who live in my phone and in some cases outside of it so instead i locked myself in my rapunzel tower and pr#proceeded to cut off my hair and then cut off my dress and then cut off my brain so it could stop perceiving stimuli and reacting to it#despite wanting to get better and thinking it’s getting better and i couldn’t even tell my therapist because he doesn’t get me but it takes#too long to find a new one and i don’t have time and also my tower was getting renovated and also i was a little bug who was getting.#crushed by giant rain drops falling on my shell and bending my antennae so im dizzy and also it’s as almost midnight and i had to be up at a#work awake in 6 hours and ready to fscilitwtbeblike 3 things but i was screaming and howling and pounding on the floor over the dumbest most#normal sjit in the entire world that i couldn’t tell anybody i was struggling over because it would make everybody in the world blow up and#die and explode. what if i had to communicate the horrors through memes and vague posts every single day and that was all that was truly at#my disposal and everyone thougut i was being weird and standoffish and mean but really i was pulsing hurt like a strobe light every second o#of every day. becaus ei think if all of that was true i would simply go to sleep without doing the dishes and redacted redacted redacted red#redacted. and i wish i could. but i can’t. I’m just a little beetle and the rain drops are so huge. lol#delete later#puslng INCOMMUNICABLE hurt *. like morse code. like fire flies. Because literally… 💡💡💡💡💡#<- girl who has had separation anxiety since the day she was born. but also girl who never texts anyone back. girl who is a hypocrite 🥰
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creamecream · 9 months
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“I want to hold you close,
Skin pressed against me tight,
Lie still, and close your eyes girl,
So lovely, it feels so right,
I want to hold you close,
Soft breath, beating heart,
As I whisper in your ear,
I want to fucking tear you apart,”
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kraviolis · 1 year
anyways i got sidetracked from what i was originally gonna post. now that im off my medication for the foreseeable future (with minor exceptions like whenever my mom shares their adderall with me) ive become more acutely aware than ever before exactly how genetically predisposed to addiction and substance abuse i really am
#krav talks#im actively craving alcohol at any time of the day#and only after i got drunk ONCE#the cravings arent severe but its more of like “man drinking would make me feel so much better rn a drink sounds so good”#sorta the same as basically craving like a donut or something#ive experienced this before with smoking when i was like 15 and stole a pack on my mom's cigarettes#i would have a smoke every morning when everyone was asleep but never developed a full addiction bcus i literally forgot where i put them#but that nicotine craving has never gone away#and ive kept a close eye on it since then bcus FUCK being addicted to nicotine that shit is so expensive#i literally cannot afford to be addicted to anything i can barely buy myself shampoo rn#but if someone offered me a cigarette.... yeah i'd take it#im doin the same thing with alcohol rn. well im being a little more indulgent#bcus alcohol isnt as cancer-inducing as smoking#and its more socially acceptable#but yknow. keeping an eye on it. being self-aware of my own habits.#last night i really wanted to drink but instead i had like 7 coffees so im all good#oh im 100% addicted to caffeine honestly#for a brief moment when i was 18 im pretty sure i was close to an adderall addiction#but then i stayed awake for 72 hours that one time and heard people whispering my name and thought my food was made of maggots & ants#so i cut that shit out for the most part. my brain functions & sleeping habits have never been the same since then :)
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running-in-the-dark · 10 months
I think I just. really need a break?
I'm so fucking stressed and exhausted all the time. I don't do anything. I'm not busy. but there's so much on my mind and there's always another thing and yet another doctor's appointment and now we're constantly looking for and viewing apartments and obviously there's that constant feeling of 'I need to be writing my thesis right now' but I just. can't.
I just. need some space to breathe. and I won't have that for at least a couple more months. actually probably until like... April, at least.
I can't do this anymore. I try to do some stuff every day (right now it's painting all night. but it's all so bad and I'm not getting better and I don't like anything I'm doing, so it just makes me feel worse), but it does nothing. it's just a waste of time. the only thing I could actually do anything about is my thesis but I've tried explaining this over and over again - I don't know how to do that if my brain won't let me, I can't force myself to be able to think, no it's not as easy as 'just sit down and start' I literally look at the source material and it's like I'm trying to read a language I don't know. I look at the words and they instantly disappear, I can't process them, I can't fucking think about them, I don't know what to do and everyone is so disappointed in me
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cornelianlute · 9 months
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since ff.9 has easter eggs and references to older ffs, through the collective n.omura-like brainstorming between me and jenny (@.ragingfists), we came to the conclusion that g.arnet and e.iko's relationship could/is potentially like sarah's with her younger sister. our n.omura-like reasoning is because g.arnet's real name is sarah, her mother is jayne (like sarah's mom) and we both feel that g.arnet and e.iko view each other like sisters. (it's been a while since ive played 9 all the way through so i'm unsure if this is actually confirmed about them in either 9 or dffoo.) other reasonings were because of w.off with castle cornelia being a summon (ragnarok (i think the particular summon is a ff.6 reference) like how alexandria castle in ff.9 is also a summon (alexander). e.iko also helps both sarah and g.arnet with awakening both summons.
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