#my azzy 🥺💕
atinyniki · 5 months
guys what if i said i was having a midget baby in 40 weeks
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simp4konig · 1 year
"Can't sleep?" König x Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: 3704
Having flashbacks about the battlefield and unable to fall asleep after an exceptionally draining mission, you go seek the comfort of your Colonel in the middle of the night.
*Slow burn
*ANGST!!💔... dw it gets wholesome at the end i promise ❤️
*Thanj you to Azzy!! (My No.1 Fan...🥹🫂💘) for this request !!!🙋🏼‍♀️💫💞💞✨Love u too🫶💕,, I kind of 🥺slightly🥺 maube a littke bit🥺🥺🥺went off prompt and König isnt affected by the mission per se BUT i have fulfilled the CUDDLING part!!! ☺️☺️pls dont show up to my fhome with pitchforks and torches im sry it just sorta happened ok😱
Also i rhink i have dementia bc I thought someone else rqsted König comfortinf rreader in a storm???😰😰Turns out nobody did so maybe i hallucinated it or smtj idk🤷🏼‍♀️Anyways I thought to merge these two ideas together so lmk what u think abt this lil (by "lil" i mean WAY too long🤪) drabble🙏💕
*Reader is pining for König
*Events loosely take place in the KönigxKing (as in, reader's call-sign is "King" storyline) mini-series. This serves as a slight backstory for King (reader). Again, this is by no means in any chronological order in relation to the series, so this can also be read as stand-alone! :)
You couldn't sleep.
It was raining relentlessly outside, the pitter-patter of water droplets hitting your window. Storm clouds boomed loudly outside, and despite the blinds being pulled tightly shut, lightning occasionally flashed through the cracks, elongated shadows of buildings forming on the walls.
Counting down the seconds until you'd hear the rumbling thunder, it would only be a few kilometres away, and you'd shudder at the sound, shivering.
While tossing and turning in bed, you had kicked off your covers and were staring at the ceiling, still wide awake. Normally, a storm like this would be like a lullaby to your ears, yet now it did nothing in helping lull you to sleep.
Even if you wanted to sleep, how could you when those corpses haunted your nightmares?
Laying in bed, your mind replayed the same scenes like a movie reel, the same screams like a broken record:
Lifeless, unblinking eyes with mouths agape and an expression of fear permanently engraved on their pale faces; flies swarming in hordes to harvest the soft tissues of the irises and tongue, eating the human mush; limbs contorted in unnatural positions, arms and legs crushed by the force of detonated mines, bones broken under the weight.
Rumbling roaring of machine guns and the deafening explosions from hand grenades meant that the high-pitched ringing would drown out everybody's yelling, muffle all noise from your surroundings, and you'd only be pulled out of your daze when you'd find yourself stumbling on unstable ground, on bricks and cheap concrete that had all crumbled.
Bodies would drop so fast it'd take at least seconds for you to register whether it had been an enemy or an ally.
You'd pull the trigger, but seeing a bullet go through someone's forehead and the exaggerated shock stamped on their face — a permanent expression in their final seconds remaining forever in death — left you wondering why you would ever sign up willingly to do this.
Disorientated, you'd struggle to pull yourself together, would enter far too many close calls for a soldier to count, and would only get a grip once you saw a familiar face, a reminder that you weren't alone in the warzone.
Even now, the sonorous sound kept echoing in your head, and, if you listened closely, it resembled hundreds of hoarse shouts, so many people screaming at once in collective agony.
You flinched as a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the sky.
Sparing an absentminded glance at your digital alarm clock, your eyes widened slightly at the time: 1:56am.
Damn... you thought. ...it's that late already?
Drills would begin at 7 o'clock, and you had to have woken up at 6 to brush your teeth, get dressed, eat, and mentally prepare yourself for the day, so you kissed a good night's sleep goodbye, and accepted the telling off from your superiors the following morning for under-performing.
...Still, how could you sleep after what you had experienced? What you experienced and would continue experiencing?
Accepting high-pressure missions and a demanding workload once you had enlisted, you thought that your ability to keep calm under pressure and stay composed would mean that you would have been unaffected by the shooting by now, and be taking everything in your stride. Calm, composed, and unaffected, is what you had thought you'd be. Surely you'd be able capable enough to cope with it all?
Yet, you weren't any of those things. Never getting used to the stress that would persist even while on supposedly "low-intensity" extractions. You'd always be on edge, always recoiling at hands that would reach over to tap your back as encouragement or hold your shoulder in reassurance on base.
You believed you could never familiarise yourself with the panic and unpredictability of missions and being hyper-aware of something, anything, everything going wrong, with the adrenaline that would course through your body and take over your senses in times of fight or flight, with the nerves that would keep you on edge hours after landing safely on base.
But, most of all, with the nights you'd lay in bed, unable to fall asleep: nights like these, when every time you closed your eyes, you saw the eyes of dying comrades; when every time you walked along the corridors, imagined yourself diving across the floor and felt shattered shrapnel breaking under your feet; when every time you sat in an empty room, heard ear-piercing blasts and the ricochet of discarded shells just missing your head.
Whereas the other operators seemed to be completed unmoved by any of their deployments and would shrug their shoulders off of the events, the anxiety for you lingered, trauma deep within your soul consuming you whole.
How could you ever get over the fact that you were shooting real people? Losing real soldiers?
...Losing yourself along the way?
All this work took a toll on your psyche, but comparing yourself to the other soldiers made you feel like such a coward, and second-guess ever enlisting in the first place.
...Well, you did so because it had been your only option all things considered, but looking back on it, you thought that maybe it would have been better if you hadn't chosen anything at all.
Accepted the grave nature of your failures in life, the same life that would have had inevitably ended with you pre-maturely in a grave.
After all, you had no job prospects to look forward to, no dreams to strive for, no aspirations to achieve.
Failing your school exams time and time again until you had finally achieved a result that was good enough didn't earn you any security, as you weren't exactly employable with grades you had just barely managed to claw to even pass.
Really, it was hopeless. You were hopeless.
To say your family was disappointed in you would have been an understatement. Out of three children, you were labelled the disappointment child, the underachiever and failure.
Your two siblings worked as a lawyer and an engineer respectively, while you had never even been able to grasp the basics in education, never spoke with your teachers of anything other than the worrying results of your exams, never came home to share a thing with your parents you had accomplished with a smile of pride stretched on your young face like your siblings did.
Never. Because you weren't ever good enough.
At the dinner table, your siblings boasted of promotions and of revolutionary research, of trials and of successes, of their brilliant breakthroughs, as you sat on the side of the table, listening from the sidelines, excluded from all of the grandeur that you couldn't relate to.
Still, it was always better to keep your mouth shut than to make a dent in the conversation, further embarass yourself and prove how lowly you were, than to have so many pairs of pitying eyes talking down on you in patronising tones, of the subtle condolences from your parents and their regret with triumphant smirks and condescending attitude from your siblings.
In a last ditch effort to make your parents proud, you made the decision of joining the military. You were young and impressionable, under the impression that your parents would finally be impressed.
...Of course, they weren't. In fact, your decision made them even more disappointed, shaking their heads sympathetically with strained smiles stretched on their lips.
Maybe that was the reason you couldn't handle the pressure of the military, you thought. You were weak, incompetent. Pathetic.
Although no one told you explicitly or made you feel that way directly, somehow, you always had felt inferior. Somehow, you felt that no matter what you did, how much you did, how well you thought you did, you wouldn't ever come close to the others's level.
That, despite your effort and dedication, you would never be good enough. Would always be inferior no matter what, because you always had been and would always be so.
...Your Colonel never made you feel that way, though, and you never quite understood why.
After all, your interactions were few-far-and-inbetween. It made you wonder what made you feel this way, and what spark ignited the warmth you'd feel when he was around.
Although a man of few words, the words that he did say to you would matter, though. His praise, his acknowledgement, his always being there made you want to keep going and prove your worth to him.
It started off as sporadic encouragement:
Your skin glistening with sweat, an accented voice would say "Gute Arbeit," over your crumpled body on the gym mat.
Offering you a gloved hand, you grasped it gratefully, and he pulled your tired body with ease. "Good job, King."
A lopsided smile from you as you'd wipe the sweat from your forehead and brows after sparring with someone else, limp limbs barely keeping you standing. His eyes were betrayed no emotion under his veil, yet a thin-lipped grin was behind it.
"Thank— you— sir!" You'd manage to breathe out, still panting for breath. "I did— my best, but— I didn't win."
"That does not matter," he'd say, speaking in a tone you couldn't quite recognize. "Very good job. Keep it going. Soon, you'll be able to pin even me down."
You'd laugh weakly at his words, yet would immediately feel a surge of motivation to keep working hard, and would train up to the point of exhaustion behind closed doors. Thinking you'd be alone, you'd punch a dufflebag with grunts of effort, missing the tall silhouette observing you with crossed arms in the corner, satisfied.
Then, those became casual greetings;
"Guten Morgen, soldier. Nice day, ja?"
Turning around, you'd see your Colonel walking towards you, frame visible even from a distance.
You smile broadly, eyes crinkling up in genuine joy, before you caught yourself and coughed. "Y-yeah!"
"Always a nice day whenever you're around, sir," you'd tease, playfully winking at him as he approached you, yet you were yet to master it without blinking both eyes.
He'd chuckle heartily, flattered, then shook his head to hide how his face flushed under his veil, and held up a hand.
"Thank Gott I have you here. My day would have been ruined."
"Have a good day, sir!" You'd call after him brightly, and he'd turn around for a final time with a two-fingered salute. Strange, since he was your superior, not the other way around, but you shrugged this off as a friendly gesture.
Until it developed into a sort of mutual connection.
In your eyes, at least.
You didn't want to assume that you two were friends, as the man was way out of your league. Strong, muscular, and a disciplined soldier — a Colonel, no less — a man of influence.
Besides, he, conversing with the only-recently-recruit-turned-soldier that was the slowest to understand a joke, did not comprehend complicated terms, and was the least bright out of the entire faction was not something you wanted him to be associated as, didn't want to tarnish his reputation.
You reasoned that you didn't want to bring down the Colonel down to your low level, so you kept your relationship as just that; associates. Aquaintances. Nothing more, out of respect for your Colonel.
Little did you know, the Colonel had developed a soft spot for you.
It seemed as though the storm had gotten worse, as the rain was unrelenting, and the tapping on the glass increased with force. Booming thunderclouds made your room shake.
A sigh as you turned to your side again. 2:07am.
Your thoughts moved back to your Colonel, and you started missing him, longing for him. The warmth that radiated off him made you wish he'd take you in his arms, hold you close to his chest, and you suddenly felt so cold. So lonely and cold.
Maybe it was childish of you to be feeling this way — he was your superior, after all, and you had no reason to be so attached — yet your daily encounters made you gain feelings for the man. Made you feel things when he was around.
Somehow, he brought you security. Made you feel protected. Safe. Like you could always count on him for having your back.
Made you forget that you were so useless, and was the reason for the fuzzyness within your chest, the buzzing feeling you'd feel as you'd be grinning from ear to ear after speaking to him.
Made you feel like you weren't pathetic. Weren't a wasted wishing star. Instead, you were appreciated, seen, even.
You wanted to see him. You wanted to be with him.
...Would he want you, though?
No. Of course he wouldn't. You weren't good enough.
A deep sigh. 2:15, the digital alarm clock displayed.
...What if he actually did want you? Not even as a partner, but just to be around him? Breathe the same air as him? You thought you weren't worthy of his time, but maybe, just maybe he wouldn't see it as such a waste.
Another crash of lightning brought you to your senses.
Finally making up your mind, you huffed in exertion as you pushed yourself off your stiff mattress, not bothering to organize the mess of blankets on the floor.
Walking with certainty, before you realised it, you were at König's bedroom door. Standing behind the door, hand hesitatingly reaching for the handle, you bit your lip, confidence wavering.
Should you really go through with this right now? What if he was asleep at that moment and all you'd do is disrupt his slumber? It wouldn't be fair of you to disturb him so late in the night, especially when he had so many responsibilities.
Still, you inhaled deeply, and, as quietly as you could, knocked twice.
You almost jumped out of your skin at the familiar accented voice of your Colonel.
"Come in," he said hoarsely. His tone was almost warm, inviting, yet you shook your head at the idea, and pulled the handle.
Entering inside, you slowly closed the door behind you. When you turned around, König was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows resting on his knees, seemingly deep in thought. Wearing a tank top and cargo pants, his head was hung low, his veil hanging loosely over his head.
The blinds were drawn open to reveal the sky dominated by darkness, the grey curtain of monochrome on the nearest buildings cast down by the clouds, the raindrops that remained on the windows and the rhythmic echoes against the pavement as they dropped in syncopation.
The sight, his presence, were both so... relaxing. In a way, your anxiety was relieved by the tranquility of the scene, and it made you forget the internal turnoil you had been going through for the past few hours, made the tension in your body fade.
"Ah, King," his arms dropped to his sides and he raised his head to meet your eyes in the dark. "I had a feeling that it would be you."
You fidgeted nervously, not knowing what to do.
"Bitte, schön," he said, patting the empty space beside him on the mattress. "Please, sit down. I insist."
Slowly lowering yourself to his side, you sat at a reasonable distance away from him. With the both of you sat down, the size difference was still very noticable. His height made him hunch over you, and one of his thighs was like the two of yours combined.
So nervous, you didn't even notice how his back slumped so you'd be both at a similar level.
He cleared his throat. "What brings you here so late in the night?"
An awkward tug of your t-shirt collar.
"Can't sleep," you stated simply.
"I see." He was quiet for a few moments. Then: "And you decided that my room was the place to go?"
Your face heated up, and you averted your gaze. "Well, sir, it's j-ju—"
"—Nein," he cut you off, holding up a hand to stop you. "I have told you so many times not to call me that. Call me König."
"But— but you're my superior," you gasped, mouth agape. "You deserve to be addressed with respect! I couldn't possibly—"
The protest died on your lips again as the man shook his head, the loose material of his veil following his movements. "Nein. None of that matters. I want you to call me by my first name."
A heavy silence lingered over the two of you, words left unsaid by you both.
"So," König prompted, "what brings you here, King?"
Pausing to think over a pretence, the best you could come up with was: "The storm scared me."
"Ja?" Even with the fabric covering his face, you could almost see the skeptical smirk on his lips.
"A soldier like you afraid of loud clouds? Some rain?" He chuckled.
"Really, I'd have thought you better than that, King." If you didn't know him well enough, you'd have thought he was mocking you, yet despite the sarcasm his eyes held a genuine concern for you.
An bashful laugh escaped you as you rubbed your arm, nails slightly digging into your skin.
"Okay, tell me the truth, King," Leaning forward, his tone became serious. "I know for certain you aren't scared."
He searched for your eyes, yet you avoided his gaze.
"Something is troubling you. Is that it?" He cocked his head to the side, fabric falling loosely over his shoulder. "You can tell me, King. I am your superior, you know. You should tell me these things."
"Well... it's j-just—"
You bit your lip, willing the tears to stay in your eyes.
Don't cry. Don't you dare cry.
König watched you, patiently waiting for you to continue.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, vulnerability showing in your eyes. "—This recent mission, it was— it was really, really difficult. And I just..."
König shuffled towards you until your knees were almost touching, watching you intently. As your body trembled, a hand hovered in uncertainty by your shoulder.
Sniffling, you wiped the wetness on your face with your arm, voice breaking.
"I-I just think that I'm not strong. That I'm... weak. Not— not good enough to be working with people that are so much better. So much stronger—"
Your breath hitched in your throat, voice coming out in a broken sob. "—I-I mean— I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't be so... weak. I should — I should be better. Wh-why—"
Tears flowed freely down your face. "—Why can't I be better, König? Why am I so— so useless?"
Without saying anything, König wrapped his strong arms around your body and pulled you against his chest, pulled you close so you could let it all out. For a few moments, he let you cry, ever-so-gently stroking the back of your head, fingers running through your hair. Weeping into his chest, his steady breathing soothed you.
Once you recovered enough from your emotions, you pulled away, downcast. Face red and blotchy with tears, eyes puffy and pink from crying, lips quivering and voice hoarse, you felt so pathetic. So, so pathetic.
"F-fuck, s-si— König—" Trembling. "I'm so so sorry. I'm too emotional, please, I'm sor—"
"Nein." His tone was soft, yet firm. Definitive. "You have nothing to apologise for, King."
Both hands cupped the sides of your face, tentatively tilting your face upwards. His expression was forlorn, and you felt tears brimming in your eyelids again.
"...You're not weak. You're not pathetic. You're not useless. I see you always trying so hard, King, always giving it your all..."
He paused for a few moments, deliberating over how best to put his thoughts into words. "...Maybe... maybe your best isn't the best out of anyone's bests, but it's the effort that counts." He rubbed the back of his neck, then let out a mono-syllabic laugh. "Scheiße, did that make sense? Sorry— I'm not good with words—"
You glanced away. "—Hey," his hand reached to hold to side of your face. "Look at me, King."
"You're not weak, not pathetic, not useless," he repeated, voice wavering.
"You're none of those. You're better than you think you are. Your inner strength," a finger pointed at your chest, "your heart, it's so full of goodness. So full of so many good things that don't define you, but instead changed you for the better."
"Maybe... maybe you aren't the aren't the best, haven't been the best, or never will be the best, but it's not your fault. You try so hard, and the odds... the odds are stacked against you. And, sometimes... sometimes it's okay to not be the best. You don't have to be fearless, the strongest, perfect. You can just be... you."
His eyes were pleading in the dark. "Please don't doubt yourself. You're so— so much better than you imagine."
A shaky breath. "So much stronger than you tell yourself. I can promise you, you are your own person. Other people's successes don't define you."
König turned around to glance at his alarm. 2:36.
When he turned back, your face had slowly regained the colour on your cheeks, eyes sparkled, chest rose and fall at a steady pace. You said nothing, yet König knew you listened to every one of his words.
"Looks like it's too late for you to fall asleep in your own room," he whispered, gently caressing your face. "Stay here with me, King."
Eyes immediately widening in surprise, you were about to protest. "B-but— I couldn't possibly, König—"
That protest died on your lips as König's arms engulfed you again, and brought you down against his mattress so you were laying on his chest. Cocooned like a protective blanket over you, you didn't need him to say anything more. You felt so... safe. Loved.
The storm outside seemed to calm down, and lightning no longer crashed against the window. Rain faltered, and some clouds were separating in the darkness of the sky.
Before you knew it, your eyelids became heavy with drowsiness, feeling a wave of calm wash over you, cleansing away your sorrows.
Just before you fell asleep, you heard König say something in German, barely above a whisper, but you did not understand:
"Schlaf gut Schatz. Ich liebe dich."
I don't know who needed to hear that, or if anyone even did, but I stand by the words I wrote. Although you are reading this, and are likely a stranger, and I'll never face you in real life, I want you to know that you *are* good enough. And if it takes a person on the internet using a fictional character to tell you so, then so be it. You are still valid. 🫂
Note: i rhink some of the ppl that read my previous fics will be able to tell that i went tryhard mode on this one 💀💀
Its mostly bc im back in school and were going over all the stupid fancy shmancy literative devices and figurstive language (god why cant u call it literallt anything else i swear why does it have ro be so unnecessarily overcomplicated just call it sentence structures or writing techniques istg.man😭)so i unconsciously chanelled all of thise boring technicalities into this 😬
With me writing as a hobby you'd think I'd have the highest grades in English? No💔I wish LMAO
I NOW HAVE 130+ FOLLOWERS!!! Which is unbelievable if u wsk me bc etf why wre eo mwnt people following me i don't deserve this qt ALL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU ALL 🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I still remember when @puff0o0⭐ began their self-aware au with König and Ghost qnd ive qlways veen cheerint for her from the sidelines ☺️☺️come to find out shes been mentioning ME in THEIR podts and writing on their blofs thwt my CoD blog is good and i.????😭😭😭cant????????😭😭😭😭😭 Literally -99999 damage and an ARROW 🏹 STRAIGHT thru the HEART 💘🥹 I LOVE U B (platonically ofc dw)😽💕💓💓❤️💞💞💕💞💕💞💞💞💕
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Hey 🥰🥰 congrats on the milestone sweetie!! 💕
May I request Mammon + 💐🤗 + “Do you remember when we first met?”
I thought ab making it sfw, something romantic. I think you'll enjoy it. Everything for our hubby hah 💕💕 he's so wholesome! Tbh can't wait to see what you'll come up with! Have a nice day! ❤️
aaaahh hi! thank you 🥺 you’re such a good artist everytime i see you in my feed i’m like, what are you doing here? im just a little guy.
like a little rat chef, i will cook something up for you!
(This got way too long I’m sorry LMAO, I have feelings for him)
Also, this one is a liiillll suggestive
He’s been really antsy since you fell ass first onto Satan.
He’s been really fidgety since the whole hellfire newt syrup incident.
He’s been really shy since Solomon brought you back to the Devildom for undisclosed reasons.
He’s been really docile since your return.
And for the LIFE of you, you can’t figure out why.
You tried interrogating the others, hoping to gather any information as to why Mammon was being… well… less of a dick to you in general.
You always had this playful back and forth with the second born that you had come to love. But, with his usual bite gone, you began to worry something was just wrong.
“Hun, you always make him all fidgety. And sweaty. It’s really gross”, Asmo says, scrunching up his face in disgust.
You huff, rolling over on his bed to face him. “I’m aware. But this is worse than usual. It’s like he’s scared of me all of a sudden. Like he’s avoiding me.”
“We’ll, Id say he’d be an idiot to ignore the likes of you, but he’s also, quite frankly, always an idiot.”
“Azzy”, you deadpan, sending him a pointed look. He throws his hands up in defeat.
“Okay, okay! I get it. You see something in my poor, stupid older brother. And while I can’t fathom what that is, I know he sees something in you too. We all do, but he definitely wants to fuck you.”
“Asmo! Not helping!”
The avatar of lust continues staring at his nails, fussing with a bottle of polish as he fills in any visible gaps.
“Hmm… have you tried being direct? Sometimes you have to be direct with these men. Ya know, take what you want?”, he glances in your direction, licking his lips.
“I’m just trying to figure out why he’s ignoring me! I’m not trying to get into his pants.”
“A shame, really.”
“Here’s an idea! Let’s spy on him!”, he sings, eyes blowing wide with excitement.
“What? No! No, I can’t do that. That’s like, an invasion of privacy!”
“Oh, and you think he hasn’t done the same to you?”
Your face falls a bit as you question him, “…has he?”
Asmo lays a tentative hand on top of your. “Sweetie, we all have.”
“Huh. Like together or?”
“Not important!”, he smiles, “What is important is that we get this show on the road so we can get intel.”
The sickening grin on his face does nothing to settle your nerves.
That’s how you find yourself here, comically shoved up against Asmo as you shared a bench in town square, peering out at the subject of your affection from behind a copy of the latest edition of the RAD newspaper.
“There is absolutely no way he won’t spot us”, you grumble to the strawberry blonde.
“He will if you don’t be quiet! Now watch!”
“What is he doing?”
“It looks like he’s buying something from that stand. ~Oh, could it be?”
You don’t like the glint in Asmo’s voice.
“Could what be?”
“It looks like he did listen to my advice”, he smooths. You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“What advice? Asmo what’s going on? What aren’t you telling me!”, you try to sound urgent, but you have a feeling he won’t tell you either way.
“No need to worry love”, he chirps, “Looks like my dear older brother will be back in your good graces soon enough”. He grabs your wrist, dragging you back towards the house with a force you know you cannot break free from.
“Just trust me on this one hun!”
As night begins to fall, you sit alone in your dorm room nervously biting your thumbnail. You and Asmo’s rendezvous did nothing to quell you worry, and on top of that the fifth eldest was being cryptic as hell since you got back to the house.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts. “Asmo, I already told you if you’re not going to tell me what he’s doing, leave me alo-”
The words die in your throat as you rip open the door to be met with the piercing eyes of the second born.
“M-Mammon…hey uh, what are you doing-”
Once more you go quiet, eyes flitting down to where he held a large bouquet of yellow roses.
As you return your gaze to his face, you find him beet red, and almost…shaking?
“I uh- I-I, I got these flowers and I just thought you’d want them. N-No reason! I-In fact, they weren’t for you! They were for u-uhhh…little d no. 2! Yeah! But since I can’t find him, you can have ‘em.”
You lean against the door frame, crossing your arms across your chest, smiling up at him.
“Uh huh, little d no. 2, huh? What made you want to buy him a dozen roses?”
“What? Can’t a proud papa bring his son some flowers?”
“Oh, so now you admit he’s your son?”
“I-I didn’t. I mean- Ugh! Here! Just take ‘em!”, he exclaims shoving them into your hands, pushing past you into your room. You swear you hear him mumble “pain in my ass”, to himself. You can’t stop the grin that spreads on your face.
You shut the door, making sure to lock it. Something tells you this isn’t going to be a normal conversation, and the last thing you need is Levi bursting in asking you if you want to watch the latest episode of “Help! My Mystical Girlfriend Turned Into A Cat and Now I Want to Be One Too!”
He sits on the edge of your bed, hands nervously gripping his knees for dear life. His gaze is fixed on a spot on your floor, and you can’t help but tease him.
“My floor that interesting, huh?”
He snaps out of his stupor, turning to look at you. You swear you see him gulp.
“So, what’s up with you? Ever since I came back, I feel like you’ve been distant. I missed you Mams, and now I’m here and you’re avoiding me?”
It takes him a beat, but he squeaks out a small “sorry.”
You hum, a small noise of recognition before scooting a little closer to him on the bed. He visibly tenses.
“DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN WE FIRST MET?”, he nervously lets out, cutting you off. He still won’t make eye contact.
“Of course I do. How could I forget!”, you giggle. “It’s the first time someone threatened to eat me if I didn’t give them all my ‘mortal possessions’”.
He seems to loosen up a bit at the joke, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I was kinda a dick back then.”
“Oh? Only back then?”
“Watch it!”
You suppress your laughter as he continues.
“At first, I only saw ya as a pain in my ass. AND ya still are. B-But then I got to know ya and we started doin’ everythin’ together and… I dunno”, he trails off.
“You don’t know…what?”, you question.
He runs a hand over the half of his face not cover by his glasses. His eyes close as he takes a deep breath.
He turns his position to better face you, eyes now looking directly into yours.
“I guess…I dunno when you became so important to me.”
You’re both quiet for a moment.
“Asmo told me I should tell ya, but I’m no good at this stuff,” he gives a small forced chuckle. “And I probably wouldn’t have realized, but yer leavin’ back to the human realm…I think you took a part of me with ya.”
“An essentially I guess I’m tryin to say…dammit..I’m tryin to say… GIVE IT BACK, OKAY?!”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his sudden raise in voice. “And how do I go about doing that, Mammon?”
He seems to pick up a bit of his usually bravado, finally getting out with it. “Well, obviously if ya take something from the Avatar of Greed, ya gotta pay it back, with interest.”
You smirk, leaning into his personal space, bringing your face closer to his, eyes glancing down to his lips.
“Oh yeah? Can I sign up for your payment plan?”, you mumble, trying to express your need with your movements.
He almost shoots backwards before catching himself, composing his nerves and moving his eyes to your own lips. “I dunno, ya could be payin’ it back yer whole life. Might still not be off the hook after that.”
“Mmm, I better get started then”, you whisper, leaning in to close the gap between the two of you.
He tastes sweeter than you ever imagined, lips slowly molding to your own as you feel goosebumps beginning to form. One of his hands wraps around you, tentatively holding you closer to him, not letting you go, never letting you go.
You lean back after a beat to get some much needed air in your lungs. He shakily breathes out, eyes closed like he still can’t believe what just happened.
You smirk at him as you reach a hand up to his cheek, thumb running gently back and forth.
“Will this destroy my credit, golden boy?”
He opens his eyes, gaze much more intense now as he looks toward you, something unreadable in his eyes.
“No. But… we might just destroy this bed frame”, he grins wolfishly as he pulls you down.
Huh. What do you know? Asmo was right about something.
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peachtarott · 11 months
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Chibi comm for bestie @hauteclare ❤️❤️ my beloved Azzie 🥺💕
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azsazz · 1 year
I would love to know about these from your latest writer ask! 💕
Hiiiiiii babes 💙💙
🥺 - Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
So I already answered this one and said best friend fics always put me in my feels but also the ones where they finally realize that they've been in love with the other character forever. Like hello? Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you (1D references for the win).
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I like to use themes/references about the moon and stars. It's fitting for the Night Court but it makes me feel so happy inside. Hmm...I know there's def more but off of the top of my head I can't think of any...😅
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Hehe obvi AZZY but I really do enjoy writing for Eris and Rhys, which surprised me because I didn't think I'd like writing for our High Lord, but his are some of my favorite fics. 💙
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spectra-bear · 4 years
Wife missing hours @relaxedpixel
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atinyniki · 1 month
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he’s learning bangla 🥹
(translation, bomi = vomit)
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atinyniki · 2 months
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azzy is a bad rule enforcer.
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atinyniki · 10 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ❤
idk what you look like but at least you’re beautiful on the inside !!! (he’s the spawn of satan)
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atinyniki · 1 month
ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊ send these stars 🌟✨💫 to your favorite blogs and remind them how bright they are! ெ♡༚
guys azzy loves me sm
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atinyniki · 6 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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simp4konig · 1 year
Omg it's my pookie dookie bookie nookie mookie snookie rookie wookie kookie cookie quookie tookie fookie lookie zookie vookie anookie sookie frookie crookie loonkie poodle pie cotton swab boogie bear 🥺🥺
– Azzy / leader of the Kinga Fan club / KINGA'S NO.1 FAN
OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kinga/Your No.1 Appreciator
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