#my apologies for the small delay 🙏
2aceofspades · 10 months
Oh mi gosh! Raphie with stickers Ahhh I can't. I love it so much. Raphie is such a comfort charactor for me. He's so loving and sweet. I would love just a *Big* hug from him. Like lifting me off the ground type hug and like pats from a hard day for being overwhelmed and stuff like that. We love Raphie must protect him at all cost!
*thank you for taking the time to read this love you so much 💜💜. And inknow me and other peiple are very proud of you. Your doing so great!*
Yes!! Raphie deserves all the stickers his big ol' heart desires 🤗❤️✨
I mean...just look at this precious lovely baby 🥺
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He deserves all the love 🙌❤️✨
Thank you so much for your ask! It made me smile quite a bit 🤗
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Ghost helping a male reader through a panic attack please🙏🙏🙏🙏
i will certainly try my best anon, thank you for requesting!! sorry it took me so long to get to this, i’ve had a lot of unnecessary and downright bullshit delays that caused me to hold back on writing as much as i do. also i hope you don’t mind but i did kind of tweak it a little and decided to use my own personal symptoms of PTSD (even tho the one i’ve been diagnosed with is a bit different)
Ghost x Male!Reader: A Ghost’s Aid
Trigger Warnings: angst with a happy ending, PTSD, panic attacks, hyperventilation, uneasy feelings, traumatic memories
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Life in and of itself is forever cruel. Countless years in which this cruelty has been seen and those most affected by it suffer its effects forever. Experiencing them yourself as your task force worked alongside the 141 and Los Vaqueros and previously with Shadow Company against Al-Qatala, you had developed a difficult reaction for certain situations that caused you to react too quickly. You would find yourself eventually with a diagnosis of PTSD after Graves’ betrayal as well as being separated from Johnny and Simon. Hours of the 24 hour cycle constantly passed within the 365 days of the year and you spent most of them awake out of fear of reliving that night in your dreams. Rainy days especially made it worse, often forcing you to stay inside until the storm was over and done with as you dealt with an episode on your own.
However, this time you would find yourself to be dealing with one in the presence of somebody else: Simon “Ghost” Riley. Though he wasn’t exactly the emotional type, you knew he still cared about everyone around him. You had just been hiding in a corner, hands clutching your head as you laid there panicking. “Y/N? What’s going on?” Simon asks, coming out of the room you were letting him stay in and into the living room where you were hiding. “F-Fuck…Simon please help me…” you whimper softly, hyperventilating terribly as you’re finally getting over that clearing. Grasping the situation a bit properly now, Simon then comes next to you and carefully sits you up and checks you all over for any wounds. He sees the bullet wounds you had gotten all that time ago, and gently grazes them with his fingers.
“It’s a hell of a thing, isn’t it?” Simon mumbles softly. He had begun to carefully and gently rub your back in a way to help you calm down. You simply nod, unable to form words as you continue to hyperventilate while attempting relaxation. It would take you an entire hour to finally calm your entire body down and regulate your breathing. “I’m sorry you had to see that…I wasn’t expecting rain…” you whisper. “It’s no worry, don’t apologize for anything related to your disorder. Anything you need right now?” Simon asks. “Wanna share a cuppa?” you ask. He gives you a nod accompanied with a slow blink before standing up. Simon obviously gives you a helping hand as well, helping you walk a little until you feel like you can on your own.
“Thank you…” you mumble, going and washing your hands before grabbing teacups and your teapot to transfer the boiling water into once it’s done. “So what’s in the cabinet then?” Simon asks as he takes a seat at your table. “I only have Earl Grey.” you say, opening the cabinet and grabbing the small box of authentic Earl Grey tea leaves. “I reckon I’m quite alright with that.” Simon says. Smiling a little, you nod and lean against your counter as you wait for the water to boil. “How often does any of that happen? The thrashing and hallucinations.” Simon asks out of genuine concern. “It happens when it’s raining the most and in my sleep, but that’s only sometimes…” you say, crossing your arms against your chest and sighing. “I see. You’ve got a prescription?” Simon asked again.
You pipe up a little, “Reminds me, I’ve gotta take a pill.” you say. “Have you eaten though? I know some medications require you to eat before you take them.” Simon says. “Yeah. I had already eaten beforehand though so I’ll be fine.” you say, walking back over to your cabinet and taking out your pills. You take one and sip some water from a water bottle you had around before going back to where you had been previously standing. The atmosphere of the kitchen grew a little tense, causing you to become unnerved and intimidated by Simon’s presence and intense gaze. “You’ve been suffering alone, haven’t you?” Simon suddenly asks, cutting the thick atmosphere.
Unable to look him in the eye, you just stand there and keep your gaze away from his own. “Look, I’m not the best with words and never have been—you can ask us for help.” Simon says. Though his voice doesn’t sound too reassuring, you know it is. Hell, the man guided both you and Johnny towards him once Graves betrayed you. It’s okay to trust Simon. “What if my panic attack gets really bad? That stuff was just mild—it’s so much worse.” you say. “Then let me help. It’s not like I haven’t saved your ass countless times; what’s so different about this?” Simon asks. “I don’t want to burden you.” you say, finally meeting Simon’s eyes. “Don’t give me that. I know you’d do the same for me.” he says. You stay silent for a moment, contemplating what he just said.
“You’re right…it’s just…I feel like I don’t deserve it. I knew the shit I was getting into and for fuck’s sake I thought I was going to die that night.” you say. “I helped save your ass then as well. Let me do it when we aren’t in the field. No protests, that’s an order.” Simon says sternly. “But-“ you pipe up only to be interrupted by the hardened man, “But nothing, I’m going to help you. Am I understood?” he says. You remain quiet, sighing softly as the tea kettle begins to whistle as it has reached completion of boiling the water. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer, Corporal L/N.” Simon says. “You’re understood…” you say as you take the kettle off the heat. “Atta boy.” Simon says.
The man then stands up and carefully takes the kettle from you, pouring the water into your teapot with the leaves to allow for it to steep. “What makes you want to help me?” you ask genuinely. “Don’t quite like seeing a teammate continue to potentially hurt themselves like this. I know it’s not your fault and you can’t help it, but you can always ask. No harm.” Simon says. “I see. Well cheers, Simon—I can’t really express how grateful I am that you want to help.” you say, lightly punching his shoulder. “It’s really nothing to thank me for. I’m just being a decent person—for once.” Simon says, rolling his eyes a bit and scoffing. You can’t help but smile, giving him a nod. It felt nice to have someone to rely on, even a scary dog like Simon.
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pradnyesh1008 · 6 months
I took the time to read your interactive story and I have to say that the story is engaging and inspires me to reread your story again.
The choices were really stimulating to discover other parts of the story that were described in detail in a great way. The pace is slow, but it's a pleasant rhythm, full of suspense. As for the writing, I find it great, but you wrote “Don’t ingnore me” instead “Don’t ignore” (in the beginning of the game) , it shows that you are working hard. Keep up the good work.
I have some questions:
1) How much is the demo?
2) When will ROs arrive?
First off, thank you so much for taking the time to read my interactive story and for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you found it engaging and inspiring. 🙏
I must apologize for the late reply. About the choices, I’m glad you found them stimulating! They’re indeed just descriptions for now, but I’m working on a rework to make them more interesting and fun to read. Now, onto your questions:
The demo is 100k+ words long and includes the prologue and the first chapter. I hope it gives you a good taste of the world I’m trying to build.
As for the ROs, they will most likely arrive in Chapter 3. There’s a small chance they might show up in the middle of Chapter 2, but it’s highly unlikely. I promise they won’t be delayed any further.
However, keep in mind that in Chapter 3, they are still children. Some are older than the MC, some are younger, and some are the same age. The first choice about your MC’s sexuality will be given when they turn 16. They are 14 now, so for romance, you’ll have to wait a bit.
I hope this answers your questions! If you have any more, feel free to send me a raven. I’m always here to chat.
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roleplayingorchids · 1 year
(Just a small apology and explanation for delays and taking days to answer RPs~ also rest is under the cut because I ramble a lot 😅)
I won't do this too often on my RP blog
(just a heads up I have recently received a new job, an old one I had over a year ago but still. Through my pay went down a dollar I've got better insurance so it was a nice trade-off.
I'm only stating this announcement to let people know that my replies might be a day or two from when you post them... As I have four replies on this blog and two roleplays on my mature blog [not linked for those who might be triggered by Gore or mature themes, I didn't want too many people triggered]... So in total I have about five or six, two of them not related to the Spiritober Event...
As I want to do art for all the RPs that I am in, this will take some time... The job takes up majority of either the morning or the evening leaving me with enough time left in the afternoon to possibly get a few artworks done... But children also take up my time as well, and they can be a bit of a handful especially when they constantly ask to play on your personal switch for 30 minute game time 🤣 this is just letting people know why it takes so long for me to reply recently as I normally would immediately reply or have it done the next day.
Thank GOD [or whatever higher power you thank] that Drafts are a thing on Tumblr 🥰🙏
I do understand that a lot of y'all have patience with my role plays and I appreciate that as I show the same respect to others...
In-turn with how long it's taking me to reply I might extend it halfway through November or to the end since I'm not having another event pop up later, but that is only if y'all want to partake in the Spiritober event a little longer~)
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deadlyleomidget · 2 years
Hello! Recently, i read one of your miyuki fanfiction tittle' More than a Shadow'. It's totally interesting with beautiful storyline and i like it so much!! If you don' t mind i have request can you make a story about all Seido team including managers go to beach outside summer tournament to spend their free time. During at the time, there are random guys try to hit on Azusa at the beach and I was wondering what miyuki reaction. I hope you accept my request and doing well in your life as well as continuing this story.
P.S. Sorry if my request sounds cringey to you and out of the topic.🙇🙏
Hi Mimioshine! I hope all is well with you. I’m so glad that you like ‘More Than a Shadow!’ Thanks for the request. It was not cringey at all. It was fun to write and it gave me the chance to include a beach scene like a quintessential shoujo anime lol. My apologies for the delay. I hope you enjoy what I came up with. Happy New Year! 
“Bakamura, don’t go running off so you don’t get lost!” Azusa yelled after the southpaw started running toward the ocean along with Furuya and Kominato. The team decided to go to the beach on their day off before the summer tournament started as a way to relax and decompress from the grueling summer training. 
“She’s right!” Isaski exclaimed in agreement. “We don’t want to be looking for three first years on our one day off.” 
Miyuki snickered. “That also goes for you, Azu-chan,” he teased the manager. 
Azusa glared at him. “I. Don’t. Get. Lost.” 
“Then why do we always find you with those three?” The elder Kominato brother pointed out. 
The manager clenched her fists. “Just because they get lost doesn’t mean that I do.” 
The third years along with Miyuki and Kuramochi just laughed at her explanation while the manager grumbled away. 
“Don’t worry Azu-chan, I’ll make sure to keep an eye on you,” the catcher said in a faux reassuring tone before leaving her behind. 
Azusa pouted while crossing her arms across her chest. That was not what she had in mind when Miyuki said that he would keep an eye on her. She had been excited to go to the beach not only because she thought it was a great chance for everyone to do something fun outside of baseball. But also because she wanted to show off her new bathing suit to Miyuki. She looked down at her white bikini that she was showcasing by letting her yellow hoodie unzipped in disappointment. She was hoping that he would notice it and compliment her on it. But that seemed like a pipe dream now. It seems like she was not impressive enough for him. 
“Narumiya-san!” she heard Sachiko call out her name. “Stop moping and come here to help us cut the watermelon!”
“H-hai!” Azusa said before running towards Sachiko who was with the rest of the managers sitting on a big blue blanket underneath an umbrella of the same color. She quickly sat down to help them out in silence. She figured that it would distract her from the pang of disappointment that she was feeling. She should be okay if she focused on that along with the noises from the waves crashing, the chatter from the entire team who were either swimming or burying each other in the sand, or the seagulls above her. 
“Your swimsuit is very cute, Azusa-san,” Haruno kindly complimented her. 
Azusa gave her a small smile before slicing her piece of watermelon “Thanks Haruno. Your swimsuit is very cute as well,” she replied, nodding at her plaid pink and white bikini. 
“Yes, it looks very good on you!” Takako exclaimed. “Is it new?” 
“Not that new,” the blonde nonchalantly. “Your swimsuit is very pretty too. Red is definitely your color!” Azusa complimented, pointing at Takako’s red bikini. 
Takako smiled back. “Thanks!” 
“So are we not going to mention how weird it is that she is quiet and nice today?” Sachiko pointed out teasingly. 
Azusa narrowed her eyes at her senpai. “We were having a nice supportive girl moment, Sachiko-senpai,” she deadpanned. 
Yui giggled. “That was actually a mature comment from you, Narumiya-san.” 
“Should we play a game after we’re done slicing the watermelon?” Haruno proposed, trying to dissipate the tension. 
“That’s a good idea!” Takako exclaimed. 
“What should we play?” Sachiko asked, forgetting about picking on Azusa. 
“I forgot I brought a beach ball!” Haruno said, grabbing her bag from behind her where she had the multicolor beach ball. 
“You’re the best Haruno!” Yui smiled. “Should we invite some of the boys?” 
“Absolutely not!” Sachiko shook her head vehemently. “Most of them suck when it comes to playing anything other than baseball.” 
Takako giggled. “Sachiko is right. We don’t want to have any injured players right in the middle of the summer tournament.” 
“That would be the worst nightmare,” Azusa pointed out, getting her long blonde hair out of her ponytail to readjust it. “Let’s just let them be,” she added, sparing a glance towards at them. It seemed like Sawamura and Furuya were up to something dumb again and Miyuki was laughing at them as usual. 
After reaching their decision, they put all the sliced watermelon on sealed tupperware for those who wanted to eat and made their way to an empty space on the beach. They divided into two teams: Sachiko, Yui, and Takako Vs. Haruno and Azusa. At first, Takako wanted to join the first year girls, saying that it wasn’t fair to gang up on them. But Azusa refused. She felt as if they were pitied and she hated that. Fifteen minutes later, she sorta regretted it because as sweet as Haruno was, she was the most clumsy girl ever. How did she allow her pride to make her forget about that ? At this rate, there was no way that she was going to win against her senpai. 
“Seems like you two need some help there?” Azusa heard an unfamiliar masculine voice say. 
“Huh?” she turned around and was met with a pair of bright green eyes that belonged to a handsome guy with short sandy brown hair. He looked as he worked out since she could tell that he had a toned physique underneath his blue pullover and his matching blue swimming trunks. He shot her a cute boyish smile which unnerve her a bit. “W-what do you want?” the blonde manager asked. “And who are you?” she also added with skepticism. 
“Azusa-san, that’s not nice,” Haruno lightly chastised. 
“Please forgive her manners,” Takako said to the stranger in an apologetic tone. 
The stranger shook his head with a small smile. “No, it’s okay,” he said. “I apologize. I can see why I made her uncomfortable,” the handsome stranger added. “My name is Takeru and I just noticed that her team seems to be at a disadvantage,” Takeru introduced himself while glancing at Azusa. 
Azusa took a small step back. “And why would you think that?” she narrowed her eyes at  Takeru. “Do you think we’re losing or something?” she added in annoyance.
Takeru chuckled. “No, it’s not that,” he said amused. “Your team has two people while their team has three. That is all.” 
“Oh,” the manager blushed in embarrassment. 
“And you want to help them, like a knight in white shining armor, Takeru-kun?” Sachiko asked in a teasing tone. 
“I would love to if you guys would have me,” Takeru replied. 
“But it wouldn’t be fair if their team has a guy in it and not ours,” Yui fake pouted. 
“Yui!” Takako chastised. 
“Yeah, we would finally have an even number of players,” Azusa pointed out, oblivious. 
Takeru ignored that comment. “I have another friend who might be interested in playing,” he pointed out towards the far left where another guy was sitting under a green umbrella. He waved at his friend so he could come over. 
“Now, that’s more interesting,” Sachiko said with a smirk as the other friend was coming over. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair and a similarly toned physique. 
‘Why would Sachiko-senpai care so much about having an even number of players? Maybe she is more competitive than she lets on!,’ Azusa thought but decided not to dwell too much on that. She had a volleyball game to win after all. 
A while later, the match was becoming more intense as they were now even. Not the ideal situation as Azusa would hope but it was certainly better than losing. While Haruno’s volleyball skills have not improved, Takeru and his friend Kei made it up two-fold. She had to admit that they were a good team. 
“Take this!” she exclaimed, throwing the ball a little too hard. So hard that it went all the way towards another group of people. 
“Good one!” Kei exclaimed, high-fiving Azusa. 
Yui groaned. “We have to go get it quick,” she said, running back. 
Sachiko grinned. “Yes, we need to go get the ball quick,” she said in agreement and took Takako’s hand. “You should come too Takako-senpai,” Sachiko added, without letting Takako say anything in response. 
Azusa blinked in confusion. “Do all three of them need to go at the same time?” 
Takeru and Kei chuckled in response. 
Haruno gasped. “Maybe they all left to come up with a strategy against us!” 
“You’re absolutely right, Haruno! Azusa widened her eyes in disbelief. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that sooner.” 
“Well, whatever that is I’m sure we can beat it,” Takeru said confidently while Azusa nodded. 
“In the meanwhile, we should recharge. What about getting a drink?” Kei suggested. 
“That’s a great idea!” Haruno said. “We have some water bottles. Want some?” she offered. 
“Sure!” both guys said in unison. 
“I can come to help you,” Kei offered. 
“Oh thank you!” Haruno smiled at him. “Azusa-san, I’m going to be right back,” she said, turning to the blonde manager. With that, she left for where they are staying along with Kei. 
“You and your friends are very fun,” Takeru said with a small smile. 
Azusa chuckled awkwardly. “You think so?” she replied. “I always think that we’re too much at times. Maybe because of what we do.” 
“What do you mean?” Takeru asked in curiosity. 
“We’re managers,” Azusa replied in a matter of fact tone. “So we’re always busy and on the go.” 
“So you’re sports team manager? That’s really cool.” 
Azusa blushed, averting her gaze. “You think so? Thanks.” 
“Are you kidding me? I’d be the luckiest guy in the planet if I had a manager as pretty as you,” he said smoothly. 
Azusa blinked several times. She then laughed nervously. “I… Uh… I don’t know about that,” she said awkwardly. “You’re too nice,” the manager tried to sound somewhat normal. Why was he saying these things and what was she supposed to say back? 
‘Haruno please save me.’ 
“Azusa!” she heard someone call out her name. But instead of Haruno’s voice, it turned out to be a masculine voice. An overly familiar masculine voice for that matter. 
She turned around, somewhat grateful for the distraction, to meet Miyuki who was approaching her and Takeru. 
“Hi, Miyuki-senpai,” she greeted him with a small wave but then stopped when she noticed his demeanor. His cheeky smile from earlier was long gone and now he looked rather serious with the playfulness gone from his eyes. 
She noticed that he glanced over at Takeru and then back at her. “Are you okay?” he asked, staring into her blue eyes. 
Azusa knitted her eyebrows in confusion. “Why are you asking me that?” 
“Umemoto-san said that some guys were bothering you so I came to check on you,” Miyuki replied, sparing a glance (or more like a glare) towards Takeru. 
“Bothering me?” Azusa exclaimed incredulously. 
‘What’s wrong with Sachiko-senpai? Making stuff up like that.’ 
“Yes, that’s what she said,” Miyuki reiterated. “Is this guy bothering you? You were looking very uncomfortable.” 
“What? No!” she exclaimed, trying to hide the blush spreading across her cheeks. Why did he have to know her body language so well? 
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Takeru asked, also confused by the situation. 
“That’s the same question that I had for you,” Miyuki replied curtly. 
‘Now, what’s wrong with him? He’s not aggressive like this,’ the manager thought to herself. 
Takeru took a step back and then glanced at Azusa. “Are you with him by any chance?” 
“Well… Yes. We came to the beach together along with them,” she pointed towards Sachiko, Takako, and Yui. Along with the rest of the team that was frolicking in the water but Azusa wasn’t sure if that part was also clear. 
Takerui took a step back while he shook his head. “I’m sorry man, I didn’t know that she was already taken. No worries, I’m leaving,” he added, putting up his arms in the air as if he signaling that he is giving up. He turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction. 
“Taken?” Azusa whispered to herself. 
Miyuki let out a deep exhale. “At least, that’s taken care of.” 
“But now it seems like he thinks that we’re dating,” the manager pointed out, turning towards the catcher. 
Miyuki shrugged. “So?” he replied nonchalantly. 
“So…I… Uh-” 
“Do you care?” he asked, narrowing his brown eyes at her. 
Azusa immediately shook her head. “No, of course not.” 
“I don’t care either,” Miyuki said. “Now, let’s go. You can’t be all alone looking like that.” 
Azusa glared at him. “Looking like what? What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” 
Miyuki gave her a glance over. “Like this,” he motioned at her bikini. 
“What’s wrong with my bikini?” she asked again, this time around in a more timid tone. Did she really look that bad? 
The catcher ran his fingers through his brown locks. “Nothing is wrong with you,” he replied in a sheepish tone and then averted his gaze. “You… You…,” he stammered, still not facing her. “You look cute in your bikini, okay? And that means that a lot of guys are all over you. So it’s best if you stick with me… For safety purposes of course.” 
Azusa’s heart skipped a beat when she heard utter the words “cute.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. 
“You think I look cute?” she asked giddily. 
Miyuki grumbled as a small blush made it’s way across his face. “I already said that you did,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest. 
“I just wanted to make sure,” she giggled. 
“Well, now you did. So let’s go,” he motioned for her to follow him. 
“We’re leaving for my safety… Ne?’ 
Miyuki let out an exasperated sigh as he narrowed his eyes at her. “You sure like making me repeat myself this afternoon,” he said in a half- teasing tone. 
“I just wanted to make sure,” she teased back. 
“Of course,” he deadpanned. 
“And Miyuki-senpai?” 
“You wouldn’t happen to be jealous… Right?” Azusa asked in a cheeky tone. 
Miyuki promptly turned around.
“We’re leaving!” 
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elgaravel · 18 hours
How do you do ? I hope to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.🙏🙏
Vetted By Femme intifada on telegram.
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
apologies for the delay. i'll link your fundraiser here and i encourage others to donate and share
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themesis · 3 days
Hi 👋, My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
my apologies for the delay, i haven't really opened tumblr these past few days
here is the link to donate!
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adulthumandog · 6 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
My apologies for the delay, I've donated to your campaign and I encourage any others that see this to do the same. I hope that you and your family will be safe, and I'm praying for your wellbeing. ❤
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jennyjoyce · 10 days
Hi 🌟,
I hope this message finds you well. We're facing tough times due to the conflict in Gaza, and we've only managed to raise a small amount so far to support my family and me. Your help could make a huge difference. 🙏
If you're unable to donate, sharing or reblogging my pinned post would be incredibly helpful in spreading the word. Every bit of support counts. 💪
Pinned post: https://www.tumblr.com/ahmedharara/757031731268386816/weve-been-able-to-raise-only-120-so-far?source=share
Donation link: https://gofund.me/f751a38a
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support! ❤️
Apologies for the delay Mohammed, of course. Wishing health and safety for you + your family.
$5,240 raised of $35,000 target
You can find Mohammed's fundraiser here.
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caserobard · 24 days
Hi 🌟,
I hope this message finds you well. We're facing tough times due to the conflict in Gaza, and we've only managed to raise a small amount so far to support my family and me. Your help could make a huge difference. 🙏
If you're unable to donate, sharing or reblogging my pinned post would be incredibly helpful in spreading the word. Every bit of support counts. 💪
Pinned post: https://www.tumblr.com/ahmedharara/757031731268386816/weve-been-able-to-raise-only-120-so-far?source=share
Donation link: https://gofund.me/f751a38a
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support! ❤️
apologies for the delay, i was away. shared so other people can also donate! 💕
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flare-dragon · 29 days
Hello, my dear friend
I am Mahmoud Jihad from Gaza, currently living in displacement after losing my home. I was studying Information Technology and caring for my sick father and siblings.I started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for studying abroad. Your support can make a significant difference. Thank you!
Please donate even a small amount 🙏
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Apologies for the delay. I wish the absolute best for you and your family, and hope you can finish your studies~
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mindshelter · 1 month
Thank you for your support, I hope you can help me and donate even a small amount to protect me and my family from death😞💔🙏
of course! apologies for the delay. i made a donation a few minutes ago, and i will re-link yoaur campaign here for visibility:
(again, maria's campaign is vetted! please help out if you can.)
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lanternouslobster · 1 month
Hello, 👋
I wish you and your families safety and happiness from the bottom of my heart. ❤️
Please help us save my family from these difficult circumstances. 🙏
Kindly reblog his from my account with your friends or donate if you are able. 🌹
A small act of help could save an entire family amidst this devastating war. 💔
Thank you all for your support and kind hearts. 🌹🩶
I apologize for the delay in response. Followers, please donate if able and reblog!
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theomenroom · 2 months
Hello, 👋
I'm Ahmed from Gaza. The war has turned my life upside down—I've lost everything: my home, job, and means of income. My children and I have also been seriously injured. 😔
I desperately ask for your help to protect my children, get them out of Gaza, and continue my medical treatment abroad.
Thank you sincerely for considering a small donation of 5 euros for my innocent children. My campaign is verified, and you can verify my story by requesting any details you need. I assure you, I'm not a robot or a scammer. Please donate and share my story to help those in need. Thank you deeply. 🙏
shared, apologies for the delay
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Fluffy inappropriate time! Number 5 and 24 please? 🙏
I’m not sure how fluffy #5 is, so I had to put a little extra fluff in #24. Thank you for always making sure my inbox is never cold and empty. 😘
#5 Will always smack your ass when they pass by.
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You were a good girl, someone who followed all the rules and always made sure to say please and thank you. So when Will Hobbs asked you out, he made a promise to himself to always treat you like a queen. And for the first couple of months he stayed true to his word. He had finally convinced you to sit on his face and let him devour you. His hands were digging into your side and when you came, you let out the sweetest juice, that Will lost himself for a moment and spanked your ass. You gasped and jumped down and sat next to him in the bed. Will immediately started apologizing, his large hands held your small face. You bit your lip and couldn’t make eye contact with him when you asked if he could do that again. Will smiled and lay you across his thick lap and gave you two taps on your bottom. It had been almost a year since that night. Will still open doors for you, treated you to nice dinners, and kept his apartment way too hot for his liking when you were over. But Will also loved hearing that little gasp escape you. So whenever you walked past him, he just couldn’t stop himself from smacking your ass when you walked by.
#24 Randomly squeezes your breast, even in inappropriate situations.
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Ethan Page was a grown man, who loved cartoons, video games, toys, and titties; more specifically your boobs. You loved all that about your boyfriend, that he stayed true to himself despite what other people would say and think. The only thing that you didn’t love was that Ethan could not stop himself from squeezing breast. You would walk backstage after your match, and Ethan would be there with a hug and a squeeze, not caring that Tony Kahn was right there. At the grocery store you would ask what fruit he wanted and he would say “some melons,” than reach out for a grab. The worst or maybe the best part was that it was never just a quick squeeze. No Ethan would slowly Caress each breast, his fingers would than slowly trace over each nipple, making sure they were hard and you were wet before pretending he didn’t do anything. It was after a long day multiple delayed flights and you were finally home. Ethan wrapped you in a long hug and kissed the top of your head. As soon as you stepped back he went in for his squeeze. You couldn’t stop yourself from snapping. “Jesus Ethan. Can’t you give it a rest?” He said he was sorry, gave you a kiss and told you he would start your laundry while you showered up. That night laying in bed he opened up. “I just can’t believe a girl as hot as you would be into me,” he wrapped you in his arms. “Sometimes I still think of myself as that chubby kid everyone laughed at for still liking power rangers. But I will stop.” You snuggled in close to Ethan. “I never said you had to stop,” making sure he could feel your hard nipples against his chest.
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purplellamanator · 3 years
hello boo! i started watching this reality show about a famous soccer players wife so i re-read your iconic interview mania and can't predict the weather fic. i kind of have a question tho about the latter.
"Kazuha swallowed. She saw the expectant gaze but she wouldn't be able to understand unless he did more than watch her. She felt like he was going to get frustrated again and wanting to avoid that, she said slowly, "Are you feeling better?"
Knowing something else was bothering him, she should've just asked. But she was worried. She didn't know what she did to warrant his bad mood and quite honestly, she was afraid by what his response would be.
It wasn't what he wanted to hear. She saw that when his hand slowly clenched into a fist before even more slowly, releasing. She saw the disappointment clear as day"
what exactly did heiji expect to hear from her. I've been wracking my brain but i couldn't find an answer
Hello 👋 thanks for rereading my fics 💜 I’ll do my best to answer! And sorry for my delay in responding. I wanted to make sure I answered this thoroughly. So I’m gonna be honest- it’s been a long long time since I wrote that. So I’ll do my best but truthfully there are small details that I add that even I forget. So I’m sorry 🙏 I took a look at it again. And again I have to apologize cause I’m gonna run through the whole scene to kind of break it down for myself if that makes sense 😂 so some of this you’ll probably be like ‘well duh, Kay. I noticed that the first time I read it.’
So- He’s already attracted to her obviously from the way he got mad that she was trying to kiss him when she commented about his wet hair outside. And I know it’s cliche but the fact she has no idea who he is and disregards him so easily is appealing to him. But it didn’t hit him that she actually cared about him to an extent until she said she was staying in the living room with him to make sure he’s okay. This girl that he’s been arguing with constantly that he thought truly hated him, was laying on a floor to make sure he slept peacefully and would wake up. The appreciation is somewhat obvious to her when he actually calls her Kazuha. But I tried to make it clear throughout this part here- that even though Heiji is somewhat delirious, he’s being very open about how he feels about her. It’s not love but he recognizes that he likes this girl. Then she wakes up and it’s to him already watching her. So Kazuha of course has no idea for how long but it’s enough for Heiji to have the realization that she stayed with him the whole night. On a floor. He wants an explanation. Again this girl treats him as a disdain to be around. It’s circling back to that realization that clearly this girl doesn’t hate him as much as she says. But when she goes to check him for a fever again, he doesn’t allow her. Cause now that he’s more aware, he’s kind of got his usual defense up. Of what is this girls actual intention. He doesn’t understand. He wants her to tell him bluntly. And then she says she was worried. But that doesn’t sit well with him because why is she worried? She shouldn’t be if he’s as painful to be around as she’s told him. And Kazuha backs down. She gets bashful and doesn’t say what he wants. And he’s frustrated because to him- he’s been very obvious. He’s called her a yeti- yes. But mostly because to him she is so far from that that the description is laughable. He’s called her beautiful. He got angry when she didn’t kiss him. He’s being so obvious and Kazuha is not revealing anything. She won’t even comment on what he said which is that she’s beautiful. Which could mean she’s embarrassed or she really doesn’t care all that much and was just being a good person watching over him. It makes him feel rejected. He feels like he got shut down.
Sorry for the long and drawn out explanation. Again, I had ti break it down for myself as I read it to sort of remember. I hope this helps answer the question rather than give you more! But I’m always open to talking about it 💜 and you know what, whatever way you wanna interpret it is good too. I left it pretty open ended with things like that and the ending too cause I was never sure if I’d be able to come back and add something to it or elaborate. But thanks for the questions is giving the opportunity 😘💜
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