#my allergies are going crazy
fulldenimjackett · 4 months
ramble alert:
i am playing five night at freddys IN REAL LIFE right now because i am house sitting for five nights (must sleep in their house) and their cat is the devil i guess. im already not a cat person, they make me nervous and im pretty sure im allergic to them but this cat wont leave me alone for a second. i am typing this at two am because he keeps jumping on my head at screaming in my ear. tried locking him out of my room and he pounds on the door and screams. then he throws up on my bed for some reason so i am sitting wide awake on the couch, he is poking me and yelling i am losing my mind. this is night one
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Getting wedding finery for Saturday. I found a cute vest/pant combo and we snagged a nice dress for my betrothed. I do want to look nice even if it’s just the little courthouse thing but damn the month has been expensive.
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gifti3 · 7 months
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the cutiest (●ˇ∀ˇ●)💗
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draw-your-self-ship · 7 months
Draw your F/O bringing your self insert a bowl of soup (or other light comfort food) while they’re not feeling well!
Do NOT Interact: Pro//ship, adults who ship with minors, and real people shippers.
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salt-baby · 7 months
how concerning is it that your doctor responds to your MyChart message in 30 minutes and has you in for an office visit two hours later? asking for a friend
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eyes-of-nine · 2 months
hey hey listen to me pls skip your abs workout if you're experiencing allergy symptoms please do it for your own good
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morethanwonderful · 7 months
One of the things I think of a lot with regards to John is—why didn't he have any friends in his real life?
None of the beta kids ever seem to mention having irl friends that they miss in the aftermath of the apocalypse. And yeah, they've got a lot of other stuff going on, and it's not really in the narrative's nature to bring up people not somehow involved with sburb, but on a watsonian level, if any of them had other friends that died in sburb's aftermath, you'd think they'd say something about that grief at some point.
It's relatively easy to explain away the other beta kids' friendlessness. Jade lives alone on an island, Dave is Dave (raised in an extremely weird way that does not make him well-suited for regular life), and Rose's mom is strange and rich enough that Rose probably goes to some shitty private school or has an online tutor or something.
But John is such a public school-type kid through and through. He's just some guy. But the more I think about him, the more I'm thinking about why he must not have any friends. He canonically spends most of his time online.
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He's into (poorly) coding, shitty movies, online games, and magic tricks, none of which are a particular recipe for popularity—especially not as a twelve year old in 2009. He also has a peanut allergy.
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Unfortunately, that's also probably a social strike against him. Schools are historically really bad at dealing with kids with severe allergies. There's decent odds John was eating alone and isolated at an "allergy table."
Overall, he's kind of made for being a run of the mill social outcast. He's not Dave levels of weird, and he might not be horribly bullied, but he absolutely strikes me as the few to no friends sort in a really painfully mundane way. He's just some dweeb. He's painfully sincere and enthusiastic most of the time, yet clearly has some self-hatred issues deep down that he doesn't like to think about.
He likes unpopular things and lives his life online. And pre sburb, at least his online life seems happy! He has good friends! But I can't help but wonder what his hours not at his computer screen were like. It's hard being twelve years old and goofy and awkward and friendless.
All those deeply repressed internalized thoughts about how lame he is have to come from somewhere, y'know?
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strawberrybyers · 6 months
lesson learned this week: if your teenage niece asks to throw a party at your house, say no because you might end up feeling trapped in your bedroom due to not wanting to encounter a group of teens in your own home so now you’re thirsty, and being thirsty triggers anxiety and anxiety triggers nausea and nausea triggers more anxiety which triggers stomach cramps which triggers more anxiety which triggers more nausea and i’m still thirsty on top of that. i am fighting for my life in here 😭😭 i think i could start crying i’m having so much anxiety 😭😭
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buffysummers · 2 months
on tonight's episode of "what the fucking fuck"
My dog, Anya, has been getting chronic ear infections since she turned 1. She's 3 now, and after spending thousands on vet bills (she basically had an infection every 6 weeks), my vet was like maybe you should go to the dermatologist. I was like, yeah, ok, makes sense. So, two months later (that's how long it takes to get an appointment) I finally go. Drop 463 dollars for them to check her ears out and give me medicine. But, like, that's just a temporary fix. A bandaid over a bullet hole, one might say. The issue is her allergies since that is what's causing her ear infections.
So, basically, I'm going to need to put her under anesthesia so they can do a deep cleaning of her ears (this is a part of her ear that I cannot reach to clean, and it's so close to the eardrum so she needs to be put under because if she moves, her eardrum could get punctured and rupture) and then they're going to do a skin allergy test. After that, once we determine what she is allergic to, they are gonna create a serum to either inject her with or give it to her by the mouth for like 8-12 months. It's meant to help her build up a slight immunity to it. (She could literally be allergic to grass lol like I feel like that is what's going on). She will never be 'cured' like you can't cure allergies, but she will at least not be miserable and getting infections every 6 weeks.
Long story short, they just told me the estimate is going to be 3,277 dollars. There is no way I can afford that I couldn't even afford the 463 dollars today lol. I want to die. I feel so badly for her I just want her to be healthy and happy but like, even my sister, who has a really good job and is engaged to someone who also has a really good job, would struggle to pay this. I feel sick. There is no insurance for me to use to make this cheaper. I am fucked.
I just needed a place to rant and panic so just ignore me but please send good vibes Anya's way <3 She is, at the moment, not itchy because of the treatment I got today.
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ducktollers · 2 months
dragged my hand over my bedsheet snd it sounded weird so i turned on my flash light to see if there was like. fucking plastic or smth there idk. but it was just the sound of my leathery eczema hand skin against the fabric. what if i killed myself
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zehina · 2 months
At this point I shouldn't even have gotten out of bed. Fuck this day in general.
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lesbianhallieparker · 11 months
It’s imperative that I have a candle burning at all times
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girlwikipedia · 6 months
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had to wake him up earlier than id like but at least i got pics and he got to go outside in the warmth
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this-doesnt-endd · 8 months
I feel like my crown just shifted up oh my god
#i have a cleaning thursday before work so like i can tell someone#but also why did i do that i schedualed it super early like im already regreting it#considering itll be the day after valentines which means my shift ends at 9/9:30#and ill have to be there at my dentist by 7:30am#its whatever i just need to finish my dental work at the office then get my wisdom tooh pulled and ill be done w my teeth health wise#and then its onto the allergy shots which reminds me i have to reschedual my appt w my ent hoepfully its not anything too crazy far out#but i wanna talk w him and be like hey these shits are expensive what are my options or do u wanna be a homie and update my diagnosis#so they can get covered by my insurance cause i think if i can breath at like even 80% capacity my life would immensly change#and i was reading abt how like major chronic allergies lead to inflamation and my drs were concered abt that n i know i need to lose weight#but not being able to breath thru my nose hinders that to a degree#but like severe allergies are horrible for inflamation and like fucks up ur body and its like no wonder i feel horrible all the time#and itll prolly massively improve my sleep which also helps you#and i gotta go see my thyroid dr whos on the opposite end of town and wont answer the fucking phone to schedule and appt#cause i have to do that to renew my prescription and frankly i wish my primary dr could take care of that or get a new thyroid dr in general#but shes on maternity leave so ill have to wait for that#my dentist is also on maternity leave so ill have to see a diff one#i also ghosted my cardiologist but he literally called and was like ur fine the tests we ran showed ur in good health#but u should be more in shape and i didnt want another lecure abt being fat so i didnt go but i prolly should tho my results#prolly arent relavent anymore#and ive attemped ive done my bike workout a bit but its also been winter and i cannot bring myself to do anything besides rot in bed#most of the time and if i am going out its like to the movies or events where i just stand around and talk to people very low effort#i also have to email that lady abt my cetificate i still havent gotten abd the haircut place who charved me twice and write that damn review#that ive forgotten so many times
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
It's that dreaded family member vent in the tags 😭
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Today was such a mixed bag in terms of events that happened (so much happened 😳) but I’m currently riding the high of having found the perfect dress that makes me genuinely feel pretty and happy about my body! The last time that happened was prom 10 years ago with a ridiculous ball gown I’ll never wear again lol but that’s not even the best part! The best part of this perfect dress that will work for all occasions- casual get togethers, weddings, date nights, etc depending on jewelry and outerwear- is that it was found at a thrift store for $5!! Literally could not have been more perfect 🥰 after 3 kids I had kind of resigned myself to never really liking my body again and was focusing on body neutrality. But this dress gave me such a confidence boost! I didn’t even know it was possible.
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