#my OC: Damien Major
honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.12 When the Party's Over
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Not long after he finished his applications, Johnny was surprised to find he was invited to interview at Rainy Day Entertainment.
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He had a successful interview with their hiring manager, and from there, was scheduled to meet with the company's CEO, Damien Major, for his final interview.
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Johnny was a little intimated at first but quickly turned on the charm. Damien was surprisingly grounded for someone running such a successful company.
It turned out his early childhood was similar to Johnny's--raised by a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. They chatted about their favorite video games and SimTube channels. It seemed more like a conversation between two old friends than an interview. Johnny was inspired seeing how Damien achieved so much despite having a rough start to life.
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Damien offered Johnny a position on the spot, which he happily accepted. Being a Production Assistant wasn’t exactly his dream job, but it was a big company with a lot of room for growth.
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At the very least, it made his dads happy. Johnny hoped they would stay that way.
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smile-files · 4 months
What is camp keshet about, if you don't mind me asking?
okayy!!! so, for one thing, the story has morphed a ton since it was called "camp keshet". now it's called "the mothmen" and has a completely different setting: a boarding school! it retains the butterfly/moth symbolism and imagery of previous iterations of the story.
in general the story has major themes of transformation, growth, making the world a better place (tikkun olam), identity, friendship, and love. there's also a lot of gay, trans, and autistic people here if you're interested :)
the boarding school, named "lady alexandra's academy for bright pupils", seems quite altruistic on its surface: an affordable, high-quality middle- and high-school education for everyone! but its corruption is hidden in the fact that it is supported by several wealthy donors… the school very covertly grants privileges to students who are children of these donors: it places them in an "honors program" which gives them perks, such as priority class choice, better dorms, and other things like that. they get away with this by having a placement test for the program, opening sign-ups early, and letting these rich families know first before other families, making it so the program always gets filled up with rich kids. the benchmark to get into the "honors program" is really low, so most of the kids aren't even that smart; it was really just a sneaky first-come, first-serve system. the kids in this program, rich and popular, are known as the "social butterflies" by their peers -- and, in addition to the aforementioned privileges they receive, the social butterflies are more likely to get away with things and be favored by their teachers, and many bully their peers. they also wear different uniforms than the other students: some element of their clothing (i haven't decided what yet) is white for them and brown for the others -- referencing cabbage white butterflies, a very common butterfly, and pantry moths, a very common moth.
so that's the setting! …well, what about the characters? for reference, the story starts when all of them are starting high school at the academy. also, i should note how racism is significant in two characters' backstories (lexi and shai) -- i obviously have no personal experience with being the target of racism, being white, and of course i want to tell stories about people different from me, but i'm open to critique about the way i go about things. i try to deconstruct white savior and white guilt tropes, for example, between shai and damien, and i feel like i'm successful in that, though i'd love to hear what others think.
lexi is quite the interesting person! throughout her life, she has always found making friends very difficult. she'd always be too loud, or too annoying, or too weird, and nobody ever liked her (a victim of classism, anti-asian racism, and anti-autistic ableism, though none of this really clicked for her at the time). the same friendlessness continued when she began to attend the academy for middle school -- this was only amplified by the corruption of the school, as many social butterflies relentlessly bullied her. but, weirdly enough, throughout all of this, lexi was never upset at the people who hated or bullied her -- she was just upset at the fact that she was lonely. well, lexi noticed that she wasn't the only one tormented by the social butterflies -- so she came up with a plan. she would unite many of these less-than-privileged students in a group she would call "the mothmen", telling them that she would lead them in a revolution against the social butterflies. she had no real intention of following through, and she didn't care about anything happening to the social butterflies -- she just wanted to have people liking and listening to her. she just wanted friends. there lies one of the strangest things about lexi -- for the longest time she didn't realize that she, personally, had stake in this revolution too, that she was also a victim of bullying and bigotry, that she really does care about the issue she's been pretending to care about. she starts out the story forming the mothmen, and spends a while just making them do meaningless tasks just to keep them around -- all the while trying to be all buddy-buddy with them, when, because they actually care about the issue, this is more like a job than a social thing, and that she's more of a boss than a friend. she becomes incredibly clingy to damien, and later noah (whom you'll meet in a bit); she gets called out for her bs by damien; she eventually learns to care about people and things, with shai's help, and helps lead the mothmen to an actual revolution. lexi is one of my favorite characters i've ever written: she's so pathetic and weird and cool, a ball of volatile, selfish emotions wrapped in the shell of a charismatic and caring leader. she's pretty awesome.
the next two characters really transition mid-story, so i'm gonna be deadnaming and misgendering them a little for the sake of clarity (using the names and pronouns they would be addressed by in the relevant times)… sorry shai! sorry noah!
noa was best friends with this girl named miriam in elementary school (i'm pretty sure the both are jewish and that they were at a jewish elementary school). miriam and noa were thick as thieves, as far as noa could tell, and they did everything together. noa was going to move after 5th, as her family couldn't afford any of the middle schools nearby -- miriam and noa made a promise that they'd only be friends with each other, that everything would stay the same the next time they met. well, noa certainly kept up her end of the bargain! noa resigned herself to not make friends with anyone else, and not change a thing about herself. this ended up being really odd for her, as she's a ridiculously sweet, endearing, easygoing, and easy-to-get-along-with person: many people in middle school wanted to be friends with her, and she'd like them quite a bit herself, but the word "friend" scared her off and made her distance herself from them (nobody ever really cared enough to look into that, though… it didn't take much of a push for them to abandon all investment in noa's emotions). so noa spent middle school completely friendless -- and, oddly enough, miriam never seemed to pick up the phone or respond to her letters. no matter! noa was still fine to wait for her (noa is a very naive and loyal person)… right? well, she was kind of sad… and she was always a very nervous and very sensitive person, so it was kinda hard having nobody there for her anymore… it was also hard, because noa was starting to feel that maybe she wasn't a girl, but didn't wanna act on it and break the promise of staying the same (she takes things seriously and literally… always purposefully written to have autism). all of this is still the case with noa by the time the story starts and she enrolls at the academy -- but a lot, and i mean a lot happens to change things! she gets recruited into the mothmen by lexi; she ends up actually befriending someone, hannah, after being terrified of the notion, and the two help each other get over their pasts and be their trans selves (now noah and shai respectively); he gets a weird gay thing going on between him and damien (though he's gay for shai and lexi too, let's be honest); oh yeah, and he gets to punch miriam in the face, who turns out to be the leader of the social butterflies, but more on that later. noah is such a fun character -- so full of love and sadness and fear and loneliness, with such a big heart that it's too big to fit in his body. i love him so much and he's so close to my heart for too many reasons to describe <3
now hannah… hannah went to the same middle school as damien. and that school was also full of rich bullies, though they weren't formalized in some group like the social butterflies. hannah always thought she wasn't a girl, that she was nonbinary, and expressed as much, but was relentlessly bullied for that and other things -- not only was she queer, but she was also black, and many of her peers were downright horrible to her. then she began to lash out -- being cruel to all of her classmates, even those who weren't mean to her, and threatening some into being her "friend". one day, though, damien -- whom we will later meet as a rich, quite privileged guy -- defended hannah from his friends' bullying. because of his social impact, folks stopped bullying her nearly as much, and she in turn stopped lashing out -- but she also began to idolize damien, who now was her first friend, seeing him as her redeemer, the one who showed her the truth of friendship. hannah began to morph herself into him: she hid away all of the stuff that was the bullies' target -- her transness, her blackness, her righteous anger and rage even (damien, being cis, white, and calm, is none of those things). she assimilated in every possible way, and continues to do so upon attending the academy. hannah and damien had become good friends; he let her swap the part of the academy uniform that was white for him and brown for her such that she could really assimilate and pretend to be a social butterfly. and while she does end up getting some of the privileges (not like that was her goal in pretending), she still faces some racism from her social butterfly peers. all the while though, hannah's being overly kind and sweet, trying to be friendly with everyone, and perhaps be who damien was to her, to someone else -- this someone else ends up being noa, whom she ends up discovering is really weird about friend stuff while trying obsessively hard to be his friend. through wanting to help noa with her self, hannah realizes she has to help herself with her own, and with him find themselves. they end up calling themselves "shai", the hebrew word for gift which noah taught them. they end up working through their complicated relationship with damien, leave behind the assimilation, and get through to lexi who has had similar problems making friends. there's also other stuff going on with her too, with the mothmen and the social butterflies. god i love shai! augh! such a complex character!! as mentioned before, this covers a lot of territory i'm not personally familiar with, so please tell me if you have any issues!!! yay!!!
next is damien!! in middle school, he was the perfect kid: rich, popular, good grades, handsome, you name it. well, he was perfect to everyone else, at least… damien hated himself! he saw every flaw in himself, such as his emotional detachment, coldness, and inaction, and hated how nobody else did, instead loving him unconditionally. nobody ever got upset at him for anything… he had a very strong moral compass, and was appalled that he wasn't facing repercussions for not doing the right thing. normally, he never stopped his friends from bullying others just because he wouldn't let himself emotionally engage with either them or the victim (he spends a lot of time emotionally engaged with himself, however) -- when he pushed himself to stand up for hannah, it was mostly just to get rid of his own guilt for never doing the right thing in other, similar situations. he ends up being caught between guilt/self-pitying and actual investment in the right thing -- he realizes the former in himself, and ends up feeling extra guilty for that! oh yeah, he's also kinda ashamed about being gay and not facing any homophobia cuz of his privilege… but anyway, out of anger towards his fellow rich elite, and out of shame for being a part of it, damien begins to take on an edgy persona, pushing himself away from the aesthetic of privilege he used to have by default. he swaps uniforms with hannah at the academy so he can be free of the elite class there, the social butterflies, and in so doing can fight them on the side of the mothmen. damien remains good friends with hannah, but their relationship is inhibited by the fact that hannah idolizes him and he pities her. he ends up being pushed away from his self-centered reasons for fighting bigotry/the social butterflies (i.e. guilt) when he discovers lexi's self-centered reasons for starting the mothmen to begin with (he's outed as being secretly rich around this time, lol) -- his relationships with shai and noah also develop, pushing him more into actually wanting to change things for the better, including himself, without all of the moping and pity parties, and he ends up helping a lot in getting the revolution going. i'd say i'm more invested in the others than i am in him, though i still love him immensely and think he's super fun! guy who's always pissed off for the wrong reason…
last but not least is miriam!!!!! (sorry, more deadnaming!) after noa moved, miriam completely forgot about her -- miriam was never actually that close to noa, despite what noa (and miriam herself) thought in elementary school, and the promise completely slipped her mind (not that it was ever a reasonable one -- but the principle certainly escaped her too). she made new friends and completely changing herself, including transitioning into a guy (jonah) right before high school (worth noting is that he also fell out of touch with his new middle school friends before going to high school, as he wasn't that close with them ever). jonah's father was a huge donor of the academy, making it easy for it all to be very hush-hush about him being trans; aside from family and a few staff members, everyone at school knows him to be biologically male. because of the importance of his dad, and his general richness, jonah becomes head of the social butterflies at the academy. and wouldn't you know it? he actually gets really close to them! he has a small, formalized in-group, and he genuinely gets along with all of them. because of this, he becomes incredibly defensive of his being trans, worried he'd lose them if they find out -- this comes to a head when he sees noa at the academy (whom he instantly recognizes, as she looks the exact same), who's now a threat, as she knew him as a girl: if she recognized him, it'd be game over. because of this, jonah starts to harbor some strange kind of hatred for her, as if she represents his past (as well as his hidden transness) -- all the moreso as he watches him transition into a guy too. i don't have it all fully fleshed out, but there's a lot of internalized transphobia going on here, and he has his friends pick on him because of that. i imagine throughout this whole thing, hannah ends up friends with jonah as well, and a lot of weird stuff happens there as well… maybe (before recognizing themselves as nonbinary) she sees jonah pick on noah (beginning to transition) one too many times and she lashes out, both revealing the social butterfly ruse and the transness (this is an idea i thought of just now)… and there's stuff between jonah and damien as well -- jonah has an inkling damien's secretly rich, and keeps trying to get him to associate with the social butterflies, for one thing. and, of course, lexi at first pretends to hate jonah's guts, but partly through seeing the horrible things noah and shai face because of him, she realizes how truly terrible he is and everything. i don't know if i want jonah to be redeemed or anything, but he's certainly a complex character. the horrors of internalized transphobia! ahh!! he gets beat up by noah during the revolution though, so it's okay. if he does get redeemed to any extent, maybe he tries to get his dad to do something to fix the school? i don't know? i'd have to think about it. either way, a fun character!!
yay! so that's that. a bunch of gay weirdos go about ending the reign of bigots at their school in multiple bizarre ways, if they're actually going about it at all
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griffonsgrove · 8 months
OC || Introductions
hello my darlings!! I've really been wanting to introduce a few of my main characters to you all!! I was thinking of possibly doing headcanons/oneshots/drabbles in the future! (May be purely self-indulgent but we'll see) That being said, This is basically a very brief intro and info dump about each character. So let's get started!!
All characters and art belong to me!! Like I've said before I'm an artist and draw scenes and characters. I have a shit ton of art of all these guys that I'd love to share if anyone's ever interested!
cw: death, murder, cannibalism? minor sexual themes (one of my ocs is an incubus), minor violence.
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I've had her the longest, I made her several years ago. She's literally just a self-insert for EVERYTHING I enjoy sshejwka. But on another note! This is Night, she's a humanoid griffin hybrid (griffins being the mythological beast, half eagle half lion). She's very sweet and friendly. She's so mom-coded omg. Like she'll bake you little treats, makes sure your dressed for the weather, and reminds you of things you need to get done.
She has this locket around her neck that she keeps close to her. This is because it contains her "soul" or "spirit" inside of it. Every griffon has one, and it's what helps her to transform. Which btw shapeshifterrrr. Her true form being that of an actual griffin. She's a gentle giant though don't worry.
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I know what you're thinking and no, he's not related to Bill Cipher. Tom is a 25-year-old art college student. He's a no-nonsense kind of guy, and very easily irritated. He's a fine arts major and does a lot of painting. He HATES his roommate (there's literally nothing wrong with him he's so nice and friendly, tom is just a dick). He's got a pet snake!! He's a hognose named Poncho! He's a total stonerrrrrrr, it's the only time he'll be chill honestly.
He and his roommate live in a city style apartment, on the first floor, complete with a basement. Unbeknownst to his roommate, Tom has a secret black market business selling organs to dealers. The basement is where he does all the harvesting, it strictly prohibited for anyone to go down there. It makes hella money though, which he uses to help pay his tuition (art college is expensive!)
Orphan btw. His mom is Night actually (an adoptive relationship) She loves and cares about him very much, the same goes for him. He usually acts more behaved if she's around.
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Roman is, well he's a--thing?? creature?? I haven't decided in all honesty but he's dangerous. He travels all across the country, making sure to be well hidden. He's a serial killer oop. His signature weapon being a bowie knife. Bros got some major sadistic and animalistic tendencies. Eats his victims btw. He can't rly show his face in public, and the mans gotta eat right??
He likes to hunt. His victims are essentially "prey" to him, and he does so enjoy the thrill of a chase. He's got a looooooong tongue (as you can see) he's accidently bitten it once or twice with those sharp teeth of his. Has a tail as well, yk what espeons tail looks like? yea it's like that. His ears are sensitive btw he doesn't like them being touched.
Can never stay in one spot for too long, constantly on the move, he's got great stamina and can run for quite a long time.
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WOOO. RUFFmEOW. BIG STRONG MAN LETS GO RAGHHH. ya so this is Damien. As you can tell I love him very much and I'm so very normal about him. He's an incubussss (sex demon basically). Literal definition of a Himbo. He's a big beefy guy who's wholesome and sweet, despite his line of work.
Super flirty, and also hypersexual. It's what he feeds off of, and how he regenerates and gets his magic. which btw, he can be summoned!
He's got a looot of body hair, happy trail for dayysss! Also has a bunch of peircings, snake bites on his face, and nipple peircings on his pecks. He's got numerous scars littered all over his body too. He's really sweet an attentive, as well as respectful! What more could you want in a man??
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BIG WOMAN. she's literally just my "villain" version of Night, however she's not a self-insert. I gave her, her own story and lore. She's the main antagonist in an animated series I'm creating. Her name is based of the Mythological woman "Alecto" Who was a fury of the underworld, she symbolizes rage and spreads it across the world.
She's very quick to anger. "hot-headed" (Pun-intended). The back of her hair is literally fire, and it can grow and change depending on her mood. Those gauntlets on her arms are strong AF and razor sharp, you do not want to get on her bad side. Ngl, she kinda feral at times, yk how Miguel O'Hara literally ran on all fours to chase after Miles Morales??? Yea she does that.
She's evil muehahshegsh, but also classy. She's also really tall!!! like about 8'6'' DAYUM. she'll crush you.
annnndd thats a wrap!! These are the main Oc's that I adore and use on a regular basis, they each hold a special place in my heart. I rly would love to do occasional drabbles or head canons with my babies at some point, but I'm not sure anyone would read/enjoy them 😭
Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoyed my small ramble about these guys, as you can see, I'm totally normal about them.
Oh!!! and if you're ever wanting any more of my art just lmk!! I mainly post my writing on this blog, but if y'all wanna see, I can def show!!
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theladyofshalott1989 · 8 months
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Damien Andrew Evans (My OC/MC from the Like Moths to a Flame series)
*I modeled his character off of a young Garrett Hedlund. Here are some photos of Garrett (one with his hair down long - LMtaF Damien - and one with his hair short - BB Damien):
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I wrote this in a frenzy last night (referencing my already copious notes from the past… hmm… eleven months??? WHAT), so I apologize if it reads like word-vomit (LMAO). BUT, without further ado, here is my Damien info-dump. Damien is my OC from my series, Like Moths to a Flame, which I started on Wattpad in March 2023. Check it out if you are so inclined (AO3 link because AO3 is better…please don’t hate me, Wattpad police haha).
General Info:
Born and raised in London
Lives in a huge estate in Mayfair
Father’s family comes from old money
Birthday: 13th December 1874 
Mother: Mary REDACTED Evans (yes, redacted because it’s a spoiler for Burning Bright)
Died shortly after Damien turned two 
Father: Andrew Robert Evans
Magistrate in London
Workaholic, doesn’t interact much with his son, leaves him to his own devices the majority of the time (he is very lucky Damien is a good boy; the shenanigans Damien could have gotten up to if he was so inclined…lmao) 
Half-blood (only found this out after he came to Hogwarts; his mother never shared this information with his father)
Only child
ENFP (apparently) (thanks Myers-Briggs test!) Fueled by interaction with others (being an only child and spending most of his time alone during the summer holidays deeply damaged him)
Attracted to the same sex (and has known this for as long as he can remember)
Alas, he is super self-conscious about his sexual orientation, having grown up in Muggle London, where being gay is a crime. He is also quite secretive because of it; he wants to open up more to people (it’s in his nature) but is hesitant until he feels he can trust them fully. This can take a while. 
Nearly everything he does, he always has this nagging thought in the back of his mind (it follows him literally everywhere): Would my mother be proud of me? (He has never told anyone this; it also haunts him immensely)
Highly intuitive
Very forgiving (arguably to a fault) of anyone he grows to love and trust
Feels very deeply, but, again, he tries his best to hide it. Something must be terribly wrong or extremely upsetting for him to cry in a public setting. 
Not very organized (also has a problem with tardiness), EXCEPT when he is at home. He doesn’t want to make a mess for the servants, so he is extremely meticulous and clean when he’s home for the summer. Any other time, he couldn’t care less (LMAO). Physical Description:
Very unique brown eyes with golden flecks in them (Seb is absolutely obsessed)
Taller than average (a little taller than Sebastian, much to Sebastian’s chagrin)
Long blonde hair (just past his shoulders) that he keeps tied back in a low bun (his preferred style)
Sebastian would much rather he wear it down and loose (he is quite vocal about this), but he eventually is like fine…you do you, fam
In Burning Bright, Damien has to cut his hair short so his father isn’t suspicious. He has a cute little tuft at the top of his head that sometimes cascades across his face, which Sebastian is enamored with
(Eton, the all-boys boarding school Damien attended before Hogwarts, has strict uniform and hygiene protocols and would never permit him to wear his hair long; Damien’s father thinks he is still attending Eton so he must keep up appearances)
Lithe but muscular, a testament to how active he is when he arrives at Hogwarts. His go-to when he’s not in classes is to ride his broom around the Scottish Highlands and complete Merlin Trials. He is obsessed with finding and completing them all. (What a Ravenclaw…)
Ample arse though (LMAO) which Sebastian loves… (Seb is an arse-man; you’re welcome HAHAHAHA)
Tan from being outdoors most of the time
Sharp jawline, broad neck and chest, prominent collarbone (he is quite thin), very angular features
Light spoiler for stories post-Burning Bright: Older Damien is a bit heavier in adulthood (and Seb loves this development)
Magic Reveal:
Damien never had one of those “oh shit what just happened???” magical moments, so when Fig showed up on his doorstep with his Hogwarts letter at the very beginning of the summer in 1890, Damien thought it was a joke. When Fig did some magic for him to convince him, Damien lost his goddamn mind. He was thrilled, but also terrified. Fig told him not to worry, that he could stay with him over the summer to prepare Damien for the school year. 
Damien’s father was (unsurprisingly) not home when Fig arrived. Damien also asked Fig not to say anything to his father. Fig sensed there was some tension between Damien and his father and agreed (for the time being). Eventually, once Fig got to know Damien better, he decided Damien was right and it was for the best that his father didn’t know about his magic. This was the moment when Damien realized he could fully trust Fig. Surrogate father/son bond activated <3
Their backstory (if Damien’s father asked) for why Damien was gone over the summer was that he was traveling with a friend from Eton. Damien’s father was hella neglectful and didn’t even bother to ask, which to be fair, made things super easy for Damien and Fig (LMAO). 
The color green
Flying (he loves how freeing it is and the feeling of the wind in his hair)
DADA is his favorite class (his early dueling wins probably played a factor; poor Damien didn’t have a lot of wins in his life prior to coming to Hogwarts, well…besides being rich AF LOL)
CATS (dude adores cats to the EXTREME; he would love to adopt all of the ones he finds wandering around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade; I even have a headcanon that very early on in his time at Hogwarts he smuggles a cat into his room - a room which he shares with Amit, Everett, and Andrew, mind you. Unfortunately, Amit is allergic, so that plan goes to hell in a handbasket rather quickly.)
Magic (obviiiiiii); he still can’t believe his luck that he’s at Hogwarts
The Wizarding World and how accepting it is of all forms of love. He cannot believe his lucky stars that he can be openly affectionate with Sebastian. It even takes him a while to realize this because no one straight up told him and Sebastian at first wants to keep their relationship on the down low since he’s still trying to figure out if Damien feels as strongly about Sebastian as Sebastian feels about Damien. Silly boys #idiotsinlove
Herbology (he SUCKS at it; Sebastian and Damien have this in common, but Damien is much, much worse. He never uses magical plants in his duels because he is bitter about how bad he is at growing them and doesn’t want to spend money buying them at the Magic Neep hahaha)
Close-minded people (which is why he is understandably upset and confused by Sebastian’s very vocal hatred of goblins; it nearly ends any potential of a relationship from that point forward, but Seb does eventually apologize more than once *PHEW*)
Dark Mongrels, and to a certain extent dogs (le sigh) (light spoiler for Burning Bright so I won’t go into detail about it)
Interactions with Other Characters:
Fig -
Fig was the father Damien always wanted. Supportive, understanding, a wealth of knowledge. Losing him was absolutely devastating; it nearly broke Damien. 
Natty -
Besides Sebastian, Damien’s second kindred spirit. When Sebastian and Damien aren’t on good terms for a large swathe of Like Moths to a Flame, they are joined at the hip. Sebastian even worries that they might be a couple at one point and is very jelly. (C’mon Seb, read the freaking room!)
Poppy - 
Damien likes Poppy but is a bit intimidated by her. He still really enjoys her company, just in moderation. Ominis -
Damien willfully ignored him before they officially met. He didn’t realize it at the time, but eventually comes to the conclusion that he was jealous that Ominis was best friends with Sebastian. Notably, he easily sensed that Ominis wasn’t into Sebastian romantically, so that was a relief at the very least. Damien was super annoyed by Ominis after the encounter post-Undercroft. He couldn’t understand how someone could lose their temper so easily. Eventually, they do bond… hilariously, it’s Ominis that makes the effort to get to know Damien better. (Of course Ominis knows that Seb and Damien are snogging; he’s ~scary~ perceptive; at first Ominis is just vetting Damien in a protective “I need to make sure you’re a good person for my best friend” kind of way, but then he eventually realizes he enjoys being in Damien’s company. Likewise Damien to Ominis. They eventually also bond over classic music (Ominis lets Damien borrow his gramophone every so often and they sometimes even listen to it together.) 
Amit, Everett, and Andrew - 
Damien’s roomies! He likes Amit and Everett a lot, but definitely has more in common with Everett since they are both obsessed with flying. Damien even buys Everett a broom so he can stop using a school one. Damien finds Amit a bit awkward, but in an endearing way. He would beat someone up for realsies though if he ever overheard anyone make fun of him. 
Andrew and Damien don’t really care about each other either way. Andrew hangs out in different crowds. They don’t talk much. 
And yes, I realize that Duncan Hobhouse is also in Ravenclaw, but I've decided he has his own room. Damien finds him annoying, even though Everett is friends with him for some reason lmao.
Sebastian - HOOOO BOY HERE WE GO Damien fell for Sebastian HARD almost immediately after meeting him (their dialogue after the match in DADA was such a turn-on hahaha). He really struggled to play it cool that entire exchange though. He does succeed (sigh), but later… um… goes back to his room and yeah, in my headcanon he furiously does what you would expect lmao.
Sebastian immediately found Damien intriguing BUT he was not sure why. He had always appreciated the beauty of both genders, but he had only ever been with a girl so it never even crossed his mind that he could be romantically interested in Damien. He didn’t realize until <BIG SPOILER FOR LIKE MOTHS TO A FLAME> Damien asked Seb to kiss him in the Undercroft. Once their lips touched, Sebastian had one of those *connect the dots <Charlie from It’s Always Sunny at the blackboard scribbling nonsense> moments* and is like… OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And then he just rolled with it. Doesn’t question it at all he’s so confident in what happened. Damien is immediately his. MINE MINE MINE seagulls from Finding Nemo gif. 
Unfortunately, Dark Magic was a HUGE cockblock (*sad face*) and their budding relationship combusted to the extreme. Damien was devastated but would NEVER admit it so he lost himself in his other friendships (thank you for being there Natty, you QUEEN). As we all know, Sebastian sucks at expressing himself (LMAO say it louder for those in the back), so he avoided Damien like the plague and stewed in his anger. But he is confused and upset and just a turmoil of emotions and it plagues him. A proverbial storm cloud follows him everywhere he goes. 
And then all hell breaks loose with the relic (DAMN YOU RELIC), BUT Damien and his strong intuition senses something is up and realizes that Seb is not himself. He activates stealth mode and becomes Seb’s shadow without Seb realizing, following him around and making sure he is okay. After the catacomb ~incident~, Damien won’t let him out of his sight and refuses to permit him to head back to the castle alone. In fact, it scares him so much that once they make it back to the castle, Damien has an OH SHIT I LOVE HIM BUT HE JUST MURDERED SOMEONE moment and he is so lost in his thoughts that Sebastian runs off. This haunts Damien immensely because he is so worried that Sebastian is going to hurt himself. And then, of course, he gets all caught up in the repository / goblin invasion stuff that he is distracted, but he still follows Sebastian around when he can. #sneakyDamien
And I’m not going to go into further detail because massive spoilers for the end of Like Moths to a Flame hahahaha.
So, that’s my Damien. He is my ~goodest~ boy. And he has definitely stolen my heart. <3
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alexis-royce · 8 months
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Youuuuuu got it @windienine ! Updating an old post since the formatting broke on it:
Like any good OC gremlin, I have playlists for all my favs. The one I’ll put before the cut, though, is Kinesis’ theme song, written by Andrew Huang. He legit wrote it for Evil Plan. It’s both about my OC and it has a slick guitar theme that is just….EVERYTHING. It is the best character theme I have and I adore it.
Here’s a pile (though not even close to all) of character songs under the cut:
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Evil Plan
Kinesis: Upside down - Barenaked Ladies, Defeat You- Smash Mouth, half the Dr. Horrible Soundtrack because of course, Evil Genius - Pat Benatar, Bank Job- BNL. A reader also once sent me “Sexy Supervillain” by Fanatical, and I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
Alice: Science Vs Romance, Rilo Kiley , Do It - Spice Girls.
William: Vanishing, BNL.
Lemon and Lime - Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
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Anna & Susan - Odds Are - BNL
(Cannot for the life of me find the rest of those playlists. I’m sure there were a ton. Anyway I know a fuckton of weird old musicals, it’s mostly them.)
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morphE - Mage: The Awakening Campaign
Campaign Theme: Dark Blue - Jack’s Mannequin
Ammi: Esperandote - Rika Muranaka & Vanesa Quiroz
Sanguine (The First One) - Mister Blue Sky in G Major
Amical: Golden and Green - The Builders and the Butchers, Hurricane - Panic!, Killer Queen - Queen
Billy Thatcher: Every fucking song from Chess, The Musical, by Tim Rice and the boys from Abba
Hendrik Rakove: Hurt So Good - John Mellencamp, Lovefool - Spencer Day’s Cover, Love Me Dead - Ludo, Grace Kelly - BYU A cappella cover, Talk about You - MIKA, It’s All Been Done - BNL, Boomerang - BNL, The Show Must Not Go On - Harvey Danger, Circus- Drew Gasparini and Lindsay Mandez.
Andrew Cross: Camisado- Panic!
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Closing Shop - (The weird experimental meta campaign that literally ate itself)
Steam Rising - Murder By Death, Devil’s Calling - Florence and the Machine, Talkin at the Texaco - James McMurtry, Keepin’ It Real - Barenak BLOW BY KESHA BLOW BY KESHA GET MY SONG RIGHT GET IT RIGHT, Sometimes the Line Walks You - Murder By Death
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Exit Signs- Slashers/mixed nWoD Campaign
Season One theme: What if I’m Wrong - Damien Rice
Season Two Theme: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Cyril: Disaster - Drew Weston, A Little Irony - Tom Milsom.
Dea ‘Exit’ DeLus: When I Grow Up - Tim Minchin, Break Your Heart - BNL, If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray, Crystalline - Bjork, Still - Ben Folds, Come Into My Head - Kimbra, Dinner at Eight - Rufus Wainwright, What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club, Big Dark Love - Murder By Death, Bitter and Sick - One Two,
DRT: Bitter Rivals - Sleigh Bells, Passcode - BNL.
Swing: Boogie Feet - Kesha.
Deirdre Whitman: Welcome to the Ball - Rufus Wainwright.
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NonPlatonic Forms
I’m Gonna Win- Rob Cantor Boomerang - Lucy Schwartz, Hate that you know me so well- Bleachers, Jericho - Rufus Wainwright, Guster - Center of Attention, Toe to Toe - BNL, Give It Back to You - BNL, Limits -BNL (I apologize for nothing I love Silverball), Blood - ANIMA!, Amy aka Spent Gladiator 1 - Mountain Goats, and of COURSE- Dead Inside by Patricia Taxxon!
- Other characters -
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Channery Keene
Artificial Heart - JoCo, Erase Me - Ben Folds Five, Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench, Haunted - Maya Kern, Cake - Melanie Martinez, Bulletproof- La Roux, Cassandra - Area 11, Stolen - Greentree, Guster - Simple Machine, Make Me Feel - Janelle Monae, Could I Leave You - (specifically Donna Murphy at the Sondheim’s 80th concert).
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Chrome and Prism
Kiss with a Fist - Florence and the Machine, Langhorns - Spybeat, Dancing’s Not a Crime - Panic!, Thanks I Hate It - Simple Creatures, Sweet Talk - Saint Motel, This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller, Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
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Harold Ludicael
Consequence Free - Great Big Sea, Sea of No Cares- Great Big Sea, Don’t Threaten me with a Good Time - Panic!, Dust and Ashes from Great Comet, I Need to Know from Jekyll and Hyde; Boy Decide - Murder by Death, Spring Break 1899 - Murder By Death, My Type - Saint Motel.
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
Hey three questions?
Are requests open besides commissions?
Do you have any female ocs?
Will requests solely be for your ocs?
Three answers!
1. Unfortunately no, I don't have requests open. I can't afford to do art for others for free, and now that I just got my first job I'm gonna be a lot busier than I used to be, so finding the time/motivation to draw is gonna be harder for me to navigate
Also I feel like it defeats the purpose of me having commissions open while also making art catered for others for free, I gotta make money somewhere yknow
And from what I've seen in this community a lot of the requests artists get are for one-off prompts or characters, which just isn't my cup of tea. I can't get invested in a character or a drawing that is just like a one-time thing, if that makes sense?
I don't want that to snowball with me getting flooded with requests from people for random prompts they wanna see drawn out
I hope that makes sense, and please don't see this as me being upset at the question, I just like to be thorough with my answers and explain why /gen
2. I do! Unfortunately not a whole lot that I draw, my main female oc is Vanessa, and I just love her to bits. Her and Damien are stuck like glue so most of my drawings of her also include her lovely hubby~
If you're wondering about me drawing female weight gain, I'm just not really into that, for a number of reasons, but the main one being my feelings towards the female weight gain community, and how it treats women mostly just as an object for pleasure. As an afab person, it just makes me really uncomfortable how I see women portrayed in the feedism community, since from what I can tell most of the people that create/seek out that kind of content are cishet men just looking to get off.
I know that's not the entire female wg community but it's unfortunately the majority of what I've encountered, and it's just turned me off from the subject completely. There are *very* few times I'll see female weight gain portrayed in a way I can appreciate, and those few are like little gold nuggets that I gotta find by sifting through all the shitty stuff, it's just not worth it for me
It just feels dehumanizing, idk
As a fat person who has always been fat, and who is (unfortunately) still perceived by the general public as female, I've seen first hand the way society treats people like me, the backhanded comments and fatshaming and diet culture, and the horrible things I've been called before.. I see it all too often in the female feedism community, it's just a big no no for me overall
Sorry, I kinda went off on a tangent there, hope I didn't derail this post too much-
3. If I were to ever open up requests, I would say yes, they would only involve my ocs. I use this blog sort of as a public sandbox, where I can just kinda play around with my ocs and share my art with you all. I want the focus to be on my ocs and my own original content, with the exception of my friends and mutuals ocs which I do enjoy drawing from time to time
TLDR, yes, if I hypothetically opened requests they would only be for my ocs, just to keep my blog clear of clutter and random prompts I'm not interested in. I don't want to add another layer of stress to my life with requests and stuff that I can't keep up with
Maybe someday TTwTT
But yeah! Thank you for your questions, anon, it's always nice to have a prompt like this so I can share my thoughts, however messy they may be TTwTT
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kaitaiga · 5 months
Talofa! For my baby boy Damien! From the OC ask game if you’re up for it! Since I am curious about this handsome Aussie fella🥰🥰🥰
HELLO TARO!!! Thank you for asking!!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Hmm…I really think Damien’s only phobia is unstable heights. He’s quite literally shitting himself every time he has to do a parachute exercise, especially over land 🪂
He’s gotten used to it over time though…
🙌🏻 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Damien has 3 other siblings!
Older brother Thomas (missing) -> older sister Sienna -> Damien -> little sister Zoe!
🍎 - What is the OC's relationship w/their parents like?
At this current point in time, Damien is starting to rekindle his relationships with his parents, Arthur and Audrey Mae. The connection between them fell apart once Damien made the decision to enlist into the army, rather than taking charge over the family farm, leaving the parents pretty angry at him. Also as Damien’s father wasn’t present for quite a bit of his life, it was like a major “fuck you, I’m not taking up that responsibility”.
Over time though they’ve slowly come around to the idea of him serving, seeing all his achievements and such :)
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deadal3x · 9 months
"Stories of The Forgotten Demigods" MASTERPOST
Series and fics found on Ao3. Series link is here
Discord server can be found here; come say hi!
if you have any questions, please- ask me using CuriousCat or, ask using my Inbox! My asks are always open- and be sure to follow my Twitter, as I am constantly talking about the series over there!
"Sealed his Fate (Change the Prophecy)" A Fic following Damien Monroe and Grayson Bailey throughout the years leading to the Battle of Manhattan. (Details their life through the Five PJO books)
"Every Scrap of You (Would Be Taken From Me)" A Fic following twin characters Wyman and Warren O'Connoly as they find their place in the world as demigods, following a devastating loss. The twins must persevere as they help in the efforts against Kronos's army.
"A Mask of His Disguise (You don't know What He's done)" A fic following Alexander Jason Wayne as he discovers the truth about his father; who just so happens to be a greek god- and the truth about his mother's past and upbringing. Turns out, AJ's not the only demigod in the Bates-Wayne family. (Details my Sona's life from the time he gets to camp throughout the major events of the Riordanverse.)
"Always an Angel (Never A God)" A story told from Ethan Nakamura's perspective, giving us the full story of what truly happened on the Princess Andromeda. There was No Love on that boat.
"Rose Tattoo (You'll Always Be There with Me)" A fic following Russian demigod Canobie Nikolaevich Volkov as he struggles to escape captivity from the Russian army, navigates life post escape, and how his role in the war against the Romans play out.
Giants Fall (Who Will Save Us?) [RELEASE DATE TBD] Follow Damien Monroe as he fights to stop Gaea from awakening; and how he learns to separate himself from his past, and truly begin his healing process. (details Damien's story through Heroes of Olympus to Trials of Apollo, and COTG/WOTTG)
"Morph (They're Just A Ghost)" [RELEASE DATE TBD] A story following the forgotten Chase cousin- Jasper, son of Loki and Randolph Chase. (Takes place during MCGA.) Jasper is stuck trying to follow the right path when he gets the news his cousin Annabeth is in town, and that his other cousin, Magnus has died. Read to find out how Jasper finds himself with a family he never thought he'd have.
"You're on Your Own Kid (You always have Been)" You've heard the stories of their children. The endless pain, the wars, and more the demigods fought in. Now, it's time to hear how they came to be. How their mortal parents met the gods. (A deep dive into My OCs Mortal Parents' lives before they became the parent of a Demigod Hero.)
"Grayson Bailey's Poetry Book" ❝True suffering is the pain that isn’t physical.❞ This collection of Poems are canon and non-canon poems written by the eldest son of Dionysus himself, Grayson Bailey. each non-canon poem will be specified. Typical canon trigger warnings apply.
PLAYLIST LINKS: (songs are still being added to them!)
Overall Playlist for the Series, "Stories of The Forgotten Demigods"
A Master post for the Cabin playlists is here
A Master post for Canon Character playlists is here
A Master post for The OC Playlists is here
A playlist of solely Taylor Swift songs that fit SoTFD.
A playlist of solely Twenty One Pilots songs that fit SoTFD
"I don't like to celebrate my Birthday"; A playlist based on Damien's "Cursed" Birthday; aka December First.
Strawberry Wine; A playlist for Grayson Bailey and his love Interest, Chris Rodriguez.
Timeless Pomegranate; A playlist for Luke Castellan, and Damien Monroe.
Strawberry Ghosts; A brotherly playlist for Damien Monroe and Grayson Bailey
Pomegranate Wine; a playlist for the ship Castrien (Damien X Castor)
Undead Soldiers and their general; a playlist defining Damien and Clarisse's friendship
Wysdom and War; a playlist for the twin children of Athena.
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vulpini-mage · 1 year
tell me about your HON rewrite
Uhhh, this is so much longer that i was expecting it to be and not cohesive.
some pretext about what happens before Zoey shows up. Nerefet is the big bad of the series. rather than being this major powerhouse that everyone is in awe of, she's this overzealous social climber that was banished from high vampire society and is slowly building up power to take everyone down and take what she considers her true place, the ruler of all vampires.
Aphrodite was her most recent pet project after the last one died on her.
Aphrodite was a major vampire nerd before being turned into, a menace in every vampire forum, studying everything publicly known about vampire culture, you get the picture. but it worked out.; in vampire society, she has been making a name for herself.
The important thing here is that Nererfet only cares about being the most powerful and at the start of the rewrite that's vampires. once she discovers something better, she will sell out the entire vampire race to get something greater. Aphrodite actually cares a lot about vampires and vampire society. and once she figures out nerefet isn't as devoted she wants to annihilate her for that
zoey is the perfect replacement.
zoey is fucking dumbass; she's sorta a heather duke/Starscream; always been kept mostly in check by a queen bee (her mom, her older sister, and her friend Kayla) is constantly trying to be the head bitch but the second she gets a bit of power, she can't handle it. so in this zoey's not so much mary sue, she is just not considered a threat compared to other characters so she gets to glide by while in house of night. she will not let go of any sort of power for love or money and will take everyone down with her.
so we have; gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss: vampire edition, and these three are the most powerful spirit users in centuries.
everyone else in vampire society: why tf are we stuck with them?
other than these three let's talk about zoey's friends.
stevie rae is the most reluctant about becoming vampire; of all the nerd herd she is the most put together before being turned; meaning she'll be the one going through it the most. she's desperately holding on to her humanity.
the twins, their gimmick was paper thin, made no sense, and fucking stupid, so now they're actual twins with Erin being albino. Erin is not part of the herd; she's part of Aphrodite's crew here. she's been alienated most of her life from her albinism, kids are cruel and she's always got called a vampire; it got worse in high school. so when the opportunity to be a creature of the night came up she jumped on it.
Shaunee's been told to look out for her sister for as long as she can remember and being her sister's keeper has colored a lot her personality. the second most reluctant to become a vampire; at the start, she and her sister aren't talking. no one knows that they're twins, just that they got to the school at the same time.
Damien......I don't know. his personality was basically gay™ and the only one who studied for the SATs. here's the tentative plan for Damien; since this takes place during '07 he would have gotten bitten to escape his homophobic parents and maybe he got the idea to be bitten by an online friend/boyfriend.
I'm struggling to figure out how to remove zoey's Cherokee background/ magic; mostly it doesn't make sense, I believe it used to just add a mystical element into the series and I do not feel comfortable touching that.
a little expansion on my part: in the original, there were humans, vampyres, red vampyres, and oc gods, and gods.
in this: vampires, ghouls, damphirs, vampire hunters, and humans, maybe some others.
Stevie Rae still dies in book 2. Book 3, no wait. lemme explain the timeline.
the series og timeline fucking stupid, semi takes place in real-time of the 7 years (2007-2014) that the first books were being published then another 6 books from the end of the original books to the start of the spin-off.
but by the time series is over everyone is about 17. Zoey was 17 for 9 years. I know I really should give a damn about the timeline but that does mean that every single thing that happens in the course of the series happens in a little over a year. and that does bother me.
In this version, book one takes place over the course of 3 months from 10/31 to 12/24, Zoey's birthday
book two is from March to June. etc.
Zoey in og was 16➡17, so she was a sophomore. in this, she's 15➡16, and is the youngest of the group, so her awful self entitled attitude makes more sense.
aphrodite and Erik are 17 so they will be full vampires soon.
oh like I said, Stevie rae still dies but her spirit is still around. Zoey gets attacked by her ghoul self and accidentally fuses stevie rae's spirit and body together and makes her into a damphir. stevie are runs away in the chaos and later we find out not only can she walk in the sun but she has spirit powers in addition to her earth powers and has been turning ghouls into damphirs. they're the same group as the red vampyres. this includes Kramisha, nerefet's former pet project.
she still has the gift of prophecy but not bad poetry. Aphrodite still has her visions. kramisha's gift is limited in information but focused on a target while Aphrodite's vision is overloaded with information but happens randomly.
There's more but this has been sitting in my drafts for months and maybe I'll get more ideas to do something with this
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hexedrosel-arts · 2 months
Emorys for the soul, and silly notes
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Emory is the angel of death in my universe, and could just end a majority of my ocs but she prefers to have as little death as possible.
My little pink princess who will kill you with her huge scythe(but only if you're already dying, she has some humanity)
There are things she can't do, like touch people without gloves(her magic is so out of wack that touching anything living will rot at her touch). Kiss people, eat without gloves, even touch walls for texture. But she can at least sew and make sure that death for those she loves come swift and soft(she promises to close their eyes and touch the heart with the most gentle finger)
She knows that she will be immortal until her twin dies again, but she will keep them safe until she feels it is time to go.
Emory also enjoys death, it is her job, even being trapped in a place she doesn't belong she deals with death. Elliot has plants that he doesn’t like, so Emory kills them for him(put of his view, it disgusts him to see his plants go, even if he hates them). There are some mortal things she can touch and kill, it helps her feel alive.
Emory does not like Winter, he is a nice old man, her twin likes the man, yet Emory finds him repulsive. The man is time itself, he is forever immortal, even if he dies, he will have a replacement. Emory does not like that, a man like him has been around too long and knows too much, he can avoid better than anyone. Time is the biggest killer it puts Emory and those before her to shame.
Ash was a nice to Emory, he was pleasant and taught her the things rich people know. Emory hates him. Not as a person, but as mortal. She didn’t mean to do what she did back then, she wasn't aware of the loose rock in the cliff. He was supposed to die, Emory had fallen there before, she woke up 3 days later with her body still healing.
She watched as in a minute of her running down to see the mangled body she never got to saw, he was up and fine, black blood dripping down his face, a dopey smile on his face. Emory never regretted that moment then, nor the other moments when she accidentally hurt him.
Emory wants to hug Lace, they did a lot for Emory. Healing her wounds, taking care of Edden when she snapped her neck. Lace did a lot for a ghost with no form. Emory and Lace had powers that could counteract each other so they could touch skin, Emory could touch Lace's hair, their body, their heart and soul without rotting them. But she didn't want to.
Lace was better than Emory at many things, keeping things alive, caring for Edden, wrapping Damien's wounds. But if Emory was jealous for one thing, it is Lace's ability to look like a woman. Lace had only learned from TV, cartoons, games and movies on how to look like a woman. Thick body, hourglass, all the stuff Emory could achieve with medicine she could never afford, or a personality that Emory could never have. Lace could shapeshift to have that body, they could act meek and sweet as they were barely aware of life for a long time, Lace could do that without trying, without wanting to be a woman, and Emory hated it. But Emory loves her twin, the yang to her yin, or maybe the yin to her yang? Her opposite. Emory just wishes that Lace would stop mocking her with their shape-shifting.
Emory wants them to be confident. She knows the jealous is not from her, but she can't tell from where it resides. Maybe she just has problems unrelated to her need for death.
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bool-prop · 8 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜 YOU KNOW WHO I'M MISSING!!!
It was between Damien and Peter, but Damien is actually my oc so I'll go with him.
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He's terrified of bodies of water. Even a bathtub filled with water gets a bad reaction from him. He prefers showers.
He wanted to be a doctor as a career but fatherhood and his curse made that nearly impossible. He is still willing to try if a reliable solution pops up.
He is a gamer. He plays almost all types of games. He plans to become a streamer.
He illegally makes moonshine. It's actually a successful gig for him. He sorts them by strength and a few of them are named after "Queen" songs.
He has a chocolate allergy but that doesn't stop him from eating it. Fortunately for him, it doesn't come with a major reaction; just stomach problems.
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the-passer-outer · 2 days
why do my ocs randomly tell me shit like damien what do you mean you went to college but can't remember what your major was
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
This is an old tag from @andromedaexists
Post 3-5 songs from your WIP Playlist and why they remind you of the WIP.
I'm going to break this down into 4 posts, one for each major storyline.
1st is Imperium
Unbreakable - the friendships and love between the characters are so tight and deep that they are unbreakable. No matter what happens, the hurt, the doubt, the fights, whatever...they will always be there.
Warriors - kind of self explanatory. The main characters are all warriors at heart. They fight to protect humanity and the peaceful residents of Imperium from evil and the Princes.
Not Gonna Die - more than once someone in the group has faced death and the chorus:
No, not gonna die tonight
We're gonna stand and fight forever
No, not gonna die tonight
We're gonna fight for us together
No, we're not gonna die tonight
Fits so well. The Pixie saga. I think I've posted when Abriella almost went into stasis and this was so true. This was recently true of Kaylin and Asher. The coming confrontation with Damien...
My Story - when it comes to battles, and there are some coming, this is just perfect. The lyrics speak for themselves.
Tagging @sunset-a-story @raincoffeeandfandoms @blind-the-winds @saltysupercomputer
The other 3 WIPS will be in separate posts
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willywarfy · 1 year
Welcome! Please read before interacting!
This is just a silly little rp blog, I've fallen back into WKM and WMW obsession and crave the characters SO MUCH so why not make yet another social media account centered around them
Admin intro!
Wilford's is further down
But hey, call me Night! Ooc i am 22, I don't rp nsfw with anybody under 18. My time zone is EST and am most active from 4 pm to 2 am. My rp style is literate, sometimes more or less depending on who I'm roleplaying with. My favorite tropes are angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, and action. In addition to rp I will be posting fics, headcanons, and art here as well.
Wilford intro!
Certainly crazy, but not as much as you might think.
After literally taking the lives of others and seeing them get back up, with the help of how weird reality seemed to be afterwards, Wilford forgot. He forgot EVERYTHING. A subconscious decision his mind made for him for him to cope. Now he's a crazy, happy, party animal. He loves martinis and disco. He insists he doesn't have some weird magical abilities, and claims he's just "learned to adapt to the world around him." He can appear anywhere he wants to in reality, and can read people's thoughts if he wants to. He can bend some images of reality to his liking, nothing major but just little details. Like if he needs a small object.
If interacting pre WMW:
He still doesn't remember anything. Abe hasn't found him, and he's spent his days happy. If someone were to make him remember, it would be a really hard blow to his mental state. He'd try very hard to hold on to the peace he had found, trying to block out everything as he did before. But it wouldn't work, as he now is hanging around (your character) who reminded him of everything. It would be very hard to break down his walls and get him to talk about anything he was feeling, but it would be clear that he is struggling from his demeanor. But, if he doesn't remember what happened, he would be a crazy, happy party animal still.
If interacting post WMW:
He's not as happy as he once was. With his memories of his trauma and the causation of others traumas, he's changed. Not completely. He's still kinda crazy, definitely eccentric, but he's a bit more understanding of his fellow human beings now. He's more caring, and wants to be there for others- those he likes, anyway. He spent so long feeling nothing but happiness that now he feels every emotion very intensely. He loves deeply, rages occasionally, and gets depressed at times.
My ships and muses!
Wilford Warfstache (obviously)
The colonel
Actor Mark
The Host
Irl Mark occasionally
ABESTACHE!!!! I prefer abestache over anything else!
Wilford x Actor Mark
Wilford x Yancy
Wilford x Engineer Mark
Other ships:
Damien x Actor Mark
Damien x Abe
Actor Mark x Abe
Darkiplier x Actor Mark
And you can suggest a ship not listed and I will let you know what I think! Very rarely I'm open to OC pairings, and I only do mxm ships.
Wilford lives in a small one bedroom apartment, everything decorated with pink and rainbows.
Wilford is pansexual and is open about his sexuality
He is genderfluid, specifically between male-aligned and some non binary genders. His pronouns are he/him.
He likes dabbling in femininity, though cautious about who knows that if not a modern setting.
He loves the idea of settling down with someone, despite how much it seems to be the opposite
He either owns or will buy an axolotl, because "it is a strange but beautiful creature, like me!"
Loves alchohol and sometimes worse things
Not much, just be respectful. I will let you know if I won't be able to answer for longer than a day, and if I haven't explained that and haven't answered in 48 hours you can remind me. Just send a reminder, don't resend your rp reply. That's kind of rude in my opinion. I am open to nsfw, only if you're 18+. We'll discuss triggers together, I have a few headcanons that may be triggering to others so I won't post those publicly. I find anything less than a couple sentences to be boring and am never really motivated to answer those. Respect my rules, I will respect yours!
Rp tags!
Louise- #themadmansregrets
Abe- #dancingwithmadmen
Dark- #themadmansforgiver
Other Wilfords- #matchingwiththemadness
Celine- #madlovelongforgotten
And yeah that's it! I may add a few things here and there. My dms and asks are always open, so feel free to start a convo or dm to rp!
For asks, just clarify if you're speaking to pre or post WMW Wilford, as that will determine how he answers.
Thanks for stopping by!
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nikoldragonne12 · 1 year
Old post:
Major changes of Despicable Minions (DM AU):
My AU "Despicable Minions" takes place in 2024 now, not in 2023;
Amber already graduated with a Master degree of Art History and Visual Culture in Toronto university. She currently works in her fathers' bakery as their personal designer (she designed their logo, the interior, as well as she designs the pastry they're selling) - she also sometimes gets designing requests from her friends and acquaintances.
Lucy and Tom were born in 1974 from now on (I kept the month and day of birth, though).
Important: According to Wiki, Lucy's age is 35 - 36 but one time it was changed to 40 ~ 45 and then returned to the first info, so I made a compromise and chose age between it - in my DM AU, Lucy was 39 during Despicable Me 2 events and 40 in Despicable Me 3.
Amber, Tom's daughter, was still conceived by accident - Tom and Evelyn were university students at the same faculty and then became coworkers.
What I changed is their relationship - when they conceived Amber, they were already married.
I haven't changed Evelyn's cause of death - she died of postpartum complications, some weeks after Amber was born. It's unknown how many weeks it was after Evelyn's daughter was born (which is another change) - what I kept is that Amber doesn't remember her mom and that Tom was deeply hurt after his wife's death.
In one of my first minion artworks on DeviantArt I stated that Wendy's full name is "Wendeline" - now it's changed to "Gwendoline" because I already have some other OCs with a name "Wendeline" and I don't want them all to be mistaken for each other.
I also changed her personality a little, as well as personalities of some of my other minion OCs (I didn't post all of them on my DA, so you'll only see the newest version :-) ).
Ruby and Bianca Wilde are now twin sisters, both born on 27th March 1950. Ruby is still the older one.
I discovered a mistake I accidentally made when creating Master Chow's grandson because a name "Lei" is actually more used for women. Therefore, Lei is now Master Chow's granddaughter and she runs the martial art school in San Francisco with her husband Tao.
Due to changing info in most of the characters' profiles, I will try my best not to touch them and keep them in W.I.P. (work in progress) until the Despicable Me 4 movie comes out.
Therefore, most of the facts and infos I'm going to upload soon will be focused on my OCs (meaning Amber, Tom, Damien, Ruby, female minions, etc.)
Thanks for understanding!
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foxboyclit · 9 months
🍀💀🎓 and Howl for those OC asks!
hi uriel!! ty for the ask
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
the original campaign i made Howl for had dark fantasy/horror vibes and was set in fantasy!victorian england, which is where i got inspo for their aesthetic. some other main inspirations for their design & personality were Damien Bloodmarch and Laura Jane Grace!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
oh this is a good one, ik i wrote some major fears for them but theyre more "general"/based on said fears already happening. i think for a while it was ravens because they were Not on their goddess' good side for a hot minute. i dont think they have any, but on a related note they cannot comfortably hold a slingshot. makes them anxious
i dont see them being a huge fan of spiders, but its not full-blown arachnophobia, they just prefer the creepy crawlies not be in their house
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
about 4 years! theyre the 2nd oldest of what i'd consider my "main" ocs (out of like. fae, iphis & nydalla)
emoji-based oc asks
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