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krakrac · 2 years ago
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get digitized bitch
been thinking a bit about him, this is what ive got (cw for suicide):
he is around 20 yo and he found out he is a mutant just a few years ago, as he always was the overly careful and dutiful child so he has never had any serious injury – and the small ones regenerated faster than he even realized they are there. now the fun part: not only can his body heal wounds extremely fast but its also extremely sensitive because of it, hence the suffering from sensory overload. physical touch is a huge no-go, loud sounds as well.
now how did he found out? the sensory overload causing him breakdowns has start to become too much for him to the point he took a knife and tried to slit his wrists. suprise suprise it didnt work out! he healed in an instant but it made him pass out as his body wasnt used to healing such huge wounds and consume too much energy. upon waking up, he immediately picked up the knife and with suicidal intentions away tried to cut his palm. he stared amazed as he watched the flesh heal, leaving only a bit of blood behind.
he tried to live with this realization for a few more years, finished high school successfully before packing his things, intending to turn himself into the facility as the life in the city has started to become more and more tormenting for his senses. he especially feared he might killed himself by different means because despite everything he still valued his life and loved some of its aspects, so the facility seemed as the best option for his safety.
oh yeah and when he was a child he crawled into a drawer because the texture of the clothing inside it was soothing for his senses and he really wished he could become a piece of cloth.
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oceanic-stars-system · 5 months ago
Mutantgenic is a xeno-origin for systems and headmates related to the Mutant species from the X-Men franchise.
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penguin--person · 1 year ago
click this
fuckk i cant send you a link.. fucked up and evil.. ill put it in the replies of this ask. or the rb. who knows.. also.. thank you again for your drawing of dolochov it was very sweet!!!! and niceys of you... shes only five also not that old.. if anyones old its this guy. old man old guy
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NO PROBLEM she’s so fluffye and old. To me
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mad-masks · 2 years ago
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@electrish 💓90’s Jean💓 Headpiece: @mad_masks #JeanGrey #XMen #JeanGreyCosplay #MutantMonday #mutantcosplay #mutantgene #xmen97 #XMenCosplay #90sJeanGrey #90sXMen #xmenanimatedseries #XMenfan #ElectrishCosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #mad_masks https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0_D2lpAwB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haroldgeorge · 3 years ago
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Here’s another one for the 👉🏽#cyclopsobsession hash-tag. #haroartist #harostyle #havefunwithyourart #marveljuly22 #marveljuly #marvelcomics #sketchcardharo #wipharo #upperdecksketchcard #alluresketchcard #psc #xmenharo #marvelharo #comicbookart #marveljuly2022 #mutants #mutantgene #fabercastellusa #fabercastell #cyclopsharo #cyclops #scottsummers (at Turlock, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgX4yE7v5E_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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causatum-a · 4 years ago
wipe your eyes   ›   maroon 5 .
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❛  we’ve  been  through  tougher  times,  you  know  it  gets  worse.  ❜
starter call | @mutantgened .
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phoenixforce3008 · 8 years ago
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Sophie Turner A.K.A Jean Grey #marvel #jeangrey #phoenixforce #phoenix #sophieturner #mutant #mutantgene #omegalevelmutant
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xgened · 4 years ago
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                                   ... ft @mutantgened​
WASTING  AWAY  IN  A  PRISON.  shame  curls  around  a  fragile  heart.  licked  by  a  curse,  a  boy  grows  up  feeling  wrong. ��plagued  by  the  unfathomable  and  it  never  makes  any  sense,  none  of  it.  but  then  he  finds  other  people  like  him,  powers  they  don’t  understand  crackling  beneath  their  skin.  he  finds  a  girl,  her  smile  like  a  flower  he’d  never  pick.  he  watches  her  sway.  he  sees  the  good  in  her  and  she  doesn’t  see  any  good  in  him.  but  no  matter  how  abandoned  he  may  feel,  there’s  a  guy  twenty  feet  away  from  him  who  thinks  noelle’s  body  belongs  in  his  hands  and  he  won’t  turn  a  blind  eye.  not  when  he  sees  the  look  on  her  face.  the  disinterest.  ❝hey,❞  booms  through  the  room,  over  the  melody  that  commands  these  lonely  hearts,  and  his  seething  sword  materializes  in  his  grip.  stern  gaze  finds  greedy  fingers.
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                        ❝touch her one more time and i’ll cut them off.❞
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bichazards · 4 years ago
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❛  oh  good,  a  gun.  that  would  have  been  helpful.  ❜
starter call | @mutantgened​ .
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turtleboyz · 2 years ago
Trigger warning: body horror
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Sooo when Mikey get extra mutantgen he gets zits that are literally breaking his shell and could die BUT when dogpound get extra mutagen he turns into a cool demon hound so not fair!
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hamatoclan76 · 5 years ago
My favourite TMNT 2012 episodes (part 1)
I have been thinking writing about my favourite episodes for quite while now.Keep in mind this is not supposed to be a list of ¨ top best episodes¨ from tmnt 2012. There are many episodes that i think that are amazing but they don´t enter in my favourite list episodes for different reasons.
Most of the episodes i included in this list are the ones i often find myself rewatching and are the first that pop up in my mind when thinking about the series. 
I'm going to write two parts about this because i don't want to make the post so long.
Let´s start!:
Slash and Destroy 
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When tmnt 2012 fans and non- fans talk about the best episodes of the series, most of the time they mention Slash and Destroy and it´s easy to see why:
The episode itself plays like a psychological horror movie, with Slash as a physical manifestation of Raphael´s darkest desires. He represents everything that Raph could become if he let the most toxic parts of his personality take control him.
Slash himself it´s very good antagonist, he isn´t just some random mutant that appears to destroy Raph´s brothers. He´s Raphael´s best friend and he knows many things that the rest of the Hamato family doesn´t. His uses this at his advantage to make Raph join his side and leave his brothers.
Raph in this episode is fantastic as well. We get to see a lot of his character, from his bad temper and how he thinks the team is ¨holding him back¨ to how far he willing to go to protect his family, even if that means fighting his friend.
Despite it´s tone Slash and Destroy has some of the funniest moments in the season: The subplot about Leo trying to get the mutantgen canister from other humans it´s hilarious. It doesn´t feel forced and doesn´t interrupt the drama, it´s nicely connected to the rest of the story.
I could write a lot about what makes this episode work so well, but i would like to keep that for other post.
New Girl In Town
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This episode serves as introduction for Karai´s character and it´s one of my favourite for many reasons:
1)  It´s excellent for Raphael´s and Leonardo´s character arcs. Leonardo tired of how his brother doesn´t respect him as leader, decides to leave the role to Raph since he thinks it would be better if he was the one in charge.
Later, Raph finds out that being the leader isn´t as easy as it seems, when he's forced to give an order that would put the life of his brothers at risk he completely freezes up. He learns he can´t handle the burden of making difficult decisions as he cares for his family so much he´s afraid of accidentatly hurting them.
As for Leonardo, he tries doing things his own way for once, he decides to take a break from the team and ¨have fun¨.  In this episode he acts more like a "rebel" than his typical "good boy", which is quite refreshing to see.
He also learns that he shouldn't expect getting praise for being the leader. Splinter explains to him that the important part of being the one giving the orders is choosing to carry the burden. That's why Leo is the leader because he knows he has to be responsible in making decisions.
2) Karai is very interesting character that completely changes the dynamic of the main protagonists. She usually likes playing Leo and tries pursuing to join the bad side in this episode.
Her exchanges between Leo are very entertaing as well. They acts as friendly rivals and we get to see that she's actually not that bad in the end since she helps the turtles fighting Snakeweed.
"New girl in the town" it's a wonderful introduction for her, as it shows her as someone who it's morally gray instead of just evil.
3) The fight at the end is awesome. I really like how Leo and Raph work together to defeat Snakeweed. Raph decides to trust Leo's orders and follow his commands.
I think it's good way of showing they both have learned their lessons and how their relationships is changing.
Metalhead rewired
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One thing i really like of tmnt 2012 it when two character fight, there isn't always one side who it's "right" and other who is "wrong". Sometimes they both make good points and "Metalhead rewired" is a good example of that.
This one is great for Donnie since he really wants to help the team with his inventions but.. as Leo tells him, they can be a bit dangerous and Donnie can lose control of them.
Here we get to see how Donnie's passion for science and technology can put his brothers at risk and how Leonardo also can be stubborn at times and struggles with being open to new ideas.
It's one of those rare instances in the series in which we see Leo and Donnie fight. They usually get on well since Donnie has no problem with following orders. He sometimes sarcastic with Leo but he rarely tries to an argument the same way that Raph does.
The thing it's that Donnie's and Leo's arguments are usually more about strategy than personal problems. While Raph's and Leo's fight are related to their slibing rivaliry and how their personalities clash with each other.
This episode deals with loss as well: Metalhead sacrifices himself to help the turtles escaping from the Kraang prision. While it's true that he can be rebuild it, i think it's still a pretty sad moment that it shows that Metalhead was a robot with good intentions in the end.
Vengeance is Mine
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This another very memorable episode that tons of fans remember. The plot and the dialogue it's very well written and much like "Slash and Destroy" has tons of metaphors that worth of analyzing.
This episode it's mainly about Karai and her relationship with Shredder. It how revenge often being doing more harm than good and end up hurting everyone involved.
It starts with great action scene about the turtles helping Karai escape from Shredder's prision. Overall it's very intense scene due to being surronded by very dangerous enemies and they in Shredder's lair.
The scene in which Karai reunites with Splinter is really heartwarning. She doesn't say any word, she just.. hugs him, happy that she finally able to be with her real father. It's a very memorable scene.
And i really love how she later hangs out with the turtles during their training. It's such a cute scene.
The problem is that Karai really wants to make Shredder pay for what he had done to her family. Splinter tells her it's not really worth of her time, that all that matters is that they are now finally able to be together.
Karai sneaks out anyways and she gets captured by Shredder.
This forces the turtles and Splinter to go rescue her. While they are fighting, Oroku Saki accidentantly cuts the chain that holds Karai, making her fall into the mutagen and transforming her into giant snake.
I think i really like how the episode ends in a tragedy, showing how blinded Saki has become for getting his revenge that he even hurt someone he considered her daughter in the process. The scene is acts as a parallel to death, who died exactly in the same way.
Buried Secrets
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I really enjoyed April the first time watching the series. It's was very interesting to me to see this girl that used to have a normal life have it completely changed because of the Kraang and "Buried Secrets" was not the exeption.
I really like the amount of psychological horror this episode has: April just wants to be with her lost mother who really turns out a defective monsters that shares her mother's memories and devours each one of the turtles.
On one hand April is finally able to learn more about her backstory and why she has Kraang powers. It was something that wasn't completely necessary for the series to explore but i really like the writers took the time to explain how O' Neil family was being experimented on.
On the other hand it's a really sad since her "mother" wasn't real in first place. It's has to be desvasting to find out your mother/father is really just a monster who is hurting your friends.
And like i said, this is one of the scariest enemies in tmnt 2012. It's very creepy how she just goes hunting each turtles one by one and no one know what's happening.
Mikey was great here too. He was the one that first suspected that April's mother wasn't what she appeared to be. It shows that while he sometimes he's a bit naive, he knows when something is seems off and take things more seriously.
Okay, i leave the list here for know. I would probably be posting the other half during the weekend.
I hope you enjoyed my post! Feel free to talk about your favourite episodes in the comments (or by reblog). I would like to see which ones you like.
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krakrac · 2 years ago
how would rt feel about the other test subjects? and also! i might have missed this in his lore post, but, how does he feel about leaving his family and friends behind?
i think he would prefer to be left alone, as he always did, just doing his silly little things. he probably wouldnt mind another test subjects approaching him and would attempt to hold a conversation with them, unless he found them too loud or annoying.
and uhhhhh im gonna pretend i totally didnt forget about his family and friends when composing the lore ahah. i guess he never had the greatest of a relationship with his parents and siblings and leaving for the facility was therefore a relief for him. being the quiet kid lost in books and his own world didnt help him make many friends and tbf he was never good at it to begin with. he managed to make a few friends at school but he slowly lost touch with them as his condition worsened throughout the years, sensory overload taking most of his energy, so he spent a lot of time just sleeping. therefore, worrying about leaving friends behind wasnt that much of a problem.
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mrrufesblaq-blog · 6 years ago
I am The Hulk aka wolverine #Superman #Healfactor #mutantgene #GodsPeople #GODSon #prayforme (at AdventHealth Altamonte) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0V_nanU6q/?igshid=jrcl3n39i4bc
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ourplanetall · 8 years ago
BRAVO !  We are just become the most evil creatures in the history of the universe.
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haroldgeorge · 3 years ago
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If you have an old sketch, repurpose it and give it new life. It works. #haroartist #harostyle #havefunwithyourart #marveljuly22 #marveljuly #marvelcomics #sketchcardharo #wipharo #upperdecksketchcard #alluresketchcard #psc #wolverineharo #x23haro #xmenharo #marvelharo #xmen #x23 #marcelcomics #comicbookart #marveljuly2022 #mutants #mutantgene #thewolverine #fabercastellusa #fabercastell #pentel (at Turlock, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUysc_PDNV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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namjoonsyoongi · 7 years ago
Ooo I can't wait for your gabentine fic!!! There's been a serious lack of fanfics for them lately! Have you read "Something to Prove" by mutantgene or "Chasing Waves" by clementineeverett? Those are the best gabentine fanfics I've read:)
wow thanks man! means a lot! I’ve read both of those and can agree they’re probably the best out of the fandom, but I don’t believe either have been completed or updated lately, which is a shame. I actually took a fair bit of inspiration from “Chasing Waves” for this fic, it made me ultimately decide to have everything take place in a highschool setting rather than the apocalypse like in the canon. Thanks for the message!!  
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