#why is he kinda a self-insert in some aspects bruh
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krakrac ¡ 2 years ago
how would rt feel about the other test subjects? and also! i might have missed this in his lore post, but, how does he feel about leaving his family and friends behind?
i think he would prefer to be left alone, as he always did, just doing his silly little things. he probably wouldnt mind another test subjects approaching him and would attempt to hold a conversation with them, unless he found them too loud or annoying.
and uhhhhh im gonna pretend i totally didnt forget about his family and friends when composing the lore ahah. i guess he never had the greatest of a relationship with his parents and siblings and leaving for the facility was therefore a relief for him. being the quiet kid lost in books and his own world didnt help him make many friends and tbf he was never good at it to begin with. he managed to make a few friends at school but he slowly lost touch with them as his condition worsened throughout the years, sensory overload taking most of his energy, so he spent a lot of time just sleeping. therefore, worrying about leaving friends behind wasnt that much of a problem.
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teamsteffy2point0 ¡ 8 years ago
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Hey Team, so yesterday's episode was kinda...Meh. I mean, I am sure #Steamers are happy...for now. The so-called Board meeting was boring. Waiting Ridge and Quinn to give into temptation is going slow. But I guess the “highlight” of the day was Wyatt settling in on his decision to let go of his wife who no longer wants him, if one could say that she ever did in the first place? Now, I stand behind my statement that #Statt should have never happened. They just never made sense to me to rush something that wasn't there. They were more forced than Livy saying “I love you” for the first time. You knew it wasn't real for both parties involved, so why push it? Steffy and Wyatt were great at being friends and  that aspect of their relationship was entertaining, but an Epic love story...naw bruh. Never saw it, never felt it and couldn't be convinced of it. Just a waste a time and character development for those two.
But as I mentioned before, Wyatt letting go (and yes I know it may not last seeing the way Bell is stuck on his Triclusterfvckangles from Hell! lol) brought something to attention that Eric said about him. He said that Wyatt moving on was great for his Self-Care and that part of this story is true. Whether you like Wyatt or not, him coming to realization (as slow and tragic as it was) that he needs to move on with his life and find someone who is worthy of his Love is a gift of Self-Care and Self-Love. I only wished that Steffy would come to that realization for herself, but we are going to stay with the positive, right? Lol Okay.
The Art of Self-Care is something that we all need to learn to do for ourselves in our daily lives. Whether it be moving on from a bad relationship or just finding time to give yourself some space to heal or let be,  it is very important to find those moments to nurture and care for the most important person in your life...Yourself. We are all worthy of Self appreciation and Love and if you are waiting for others to give you permission to do so, then you would be doing yourself a great disservice. No one is harder on You than Yourself, so why not LOVE and CARE for yourself just as much?
Right now, I am learning a Self-Care regime for myself. Taking time in my day to “Break away from Negativity”. It seems too easy, at times to give in to ALL the Negative forces that seems to surrounds us which has many of us in “Fight” mode. So it is Good to find a way to give yourself permission to just not be in that space and seek out the Positive. Here are some great tips I found that I hope will be helpful to you guys also...
Many times, people’s negativity comes from one small thought or occurrence and it takes them into a deep, winding spiral. Imagine your mind is like the ocean: the deeper you get into the negative thinking patterns, the darker it gets. There is no need to drown yourself in the negativity, but you do need to explore it. Nine out of ten times, the negativity is much deeper rooted than people allow themselves to see or feel. The main problem is that people don’t spend time or give themselves space to look at what’s really there.
The practice: The first exercise is to get to “know thyself”. Get a piece of paper and a pen and start writing:
Where do I feel negativity in my life? Is this negativity coming from me and my insecurities, or do I believe someone else is making me feel negative? How do I actually want to feel? Why don’t I allow those feelings to happen?  What is stopping me from allowing myself to feel positivity? Why do I feel comfortable in this negativity? What do I need to be happy? What is something I can do today to help bring positivity into my mind and my life?
Ahh, the busy mind. The mind loves to control us and be in the driver’s seat. It will do anything to keep us from quieting down, even if it brings us negativity. The ego is a great part of the human experience and we do need it, but we also need to be aware of it. If you’re a busy working professional and have ever tried meditation, you know how hard it is to quiet the mind (aka the ego). It is always gabbing in our ears, telling us what we ‘should’ do next, what we ‘should’ eat, who is being mean or rude to us, what we are ‘supposed’ to do every day. Starting a routine meditation practice is the best way, in my opinion, to begin quieting the mind.
The practice: To begin simple meditation practice, set your timer for ten minutes. Sit comfortably or lie down. Take 3-4 deep breaths and allow yourself to simply be. If you have an overactive mind, no problem. You can play a simple guided meditation or listen to soft, relaxing music so your mind has something to follow. I send out a simple ten-minute guided meditation every month to my clients and they use it for the entire month as their practice. The more you try to overthink it or believe you have to do it ‘right’ in order to receive the benefits of meditation, the more you are feeling the ego trying to avoid stillness.
When was the last time you gave yourself a mental break? There is so much pressure out there to be perfect and aligned with life that it is overwhelming for all of us at different times. So, rather than feeling negative and being mean to the negativity in your mind and feeling even worse about yourself, practice compassion with this exercise.
The practice: Place your hands over your heart. Feel yourself breathe and slowly allow your breath to drop into your heart space. Imagine all of the thoughts in your mind and allow them to come into the heart. Take some very deep, slow breaths and feel love from your hands going into your heart. Give yourself a few moments to feel compassion for yourself. Visualize your life and all of the things you’ve already accomplished, even the things that you don’t believe are worthy of recognizing. Feel how much you matter, just because you are here and you exist in the world. Without judgment or belittling yourself, simply feel love and compassion for yourself and all of your life experiences.
Sometimes the mind is just too strong. Here are two additional techniques to help you move the energy and get it out of your own head:
Emotional freedom technique (EFT or tapping). This is a great way to start moving some of the negative thoughts around, especially if you feel like you can’t pinpoint where they start or what they’re really about. There are several tutorials available online and a short video on my website on how to start. Essentially, you begin tapping the side of your right hand with your left fingers, and repeat the sentence, “Even though, I feel all of this negativity, and I don’t know where it’s coming from, I deeply and profoundly love and accept (you can also insert the word trust here) myself.” Do this three times, then begin tapping in a variety of different points on the body and repeat, “I feel all of this negativity.” Eventually the body will open up and a sense of relief will enter the mind.
Full-moon release. Take a piece of paper during the next full moon and write down all of the negativity you want to release. Really feel yourself opening to release all of those negativities, different things, people, projects, thoughts, etc. Allow yourself to connect and go as deep as you’d like with what you want to release. Then, take the piece of paper and either burn it outside under the moon or sleep with it under your bed or pillow and shred it the next day to release the energy.
In the practice of reiki, there is something we use called the reiki precepts. These are everyday mantras to practice calling in that which you are ready to receive and be.
The practice: When you wake up in the morning, before even getting out of bed, place your hands on your heart and try saying some of the mantras below – pick the ones that speak to you. You can also add your own words to make them more relevant to what you feel and need every day, depending on what’s going on that particular day. I do recommend picking a couple that you always say so you can really bring those elements into your life. Say and speak this mantra to yourself and, if needed, say it several times throughout the day to allow your mind to exercise these thoughts. Visualize them as seeds being planted in your mind. Eventually, they are grown and you are living them without even needing to focus on them.
Just for today, I am open to the positivity of my life. Just for today, I am ease and grace. Just for today, I am kind and compassionate to myself. Just for today, I release my negativity. Just for today, I trust and let go. Just for today, I am open to receive.
The power of this word is incredible. If there are times where you just can’t shake it or move the negativity out of your mind, try using om.
The practice: Sitting in a quiet space (even the car is a perfect place, and I do it often between meetings and appointments), begin saying or singing this word aloud. Do this for several minutes and you will feel clarity, a release of energy, a shift in your mind and an opening of energy. You can even set a timer for three minutes and simply practice saying the word until the time is up. If you’re in an office space or can’t say this word aloud, no problem. Internalize it. Close your eyes and feel the word being sung throughout your mind and body. Again, three minutes is recommended.
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