#music recital
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ij16 · 8 hours ago
Guys I have a guitar recital today
Guitarrrrrr will haunt my nightmares
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psstwantsomecheese · 5 months ago
Finarfin will usually remain neutral whenever Feanor and Fingolfin get into dumb arguments but since music is an important part of Eldar culture and all three of them happen to have sons that are really talented harpists I like to think it's one of the only true petty rivalries that Finarfin allows himself to indulge in because
1. Eh it's not killing anyone
2. Get some really good bangers out of it
3. Fuck you Kano wishes he could play as well as my Findarato
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frisbee-in-orbit · 2 months ago
the curtises have a little calendar thing on their fridge and two-bit likes to write dumb shit on it
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thatsbelievable · 9 months ago
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dumbcrustyassbitch · 6 months ago
remembering that time when i watched mean girls 2024 once every day for 20 days straight
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my honest reaction
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slozhnos · 8 months ago
alright someone needs to cast me in newsies already because i’d be off book so quickly
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deadliestpieceontheboard · 1 year ago
I think in another timeline Kevin would have loved ballet classes
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ven10 · 11 months ago
One of the Quagmire triplets canonically plays the violin! If it was Isadora or Duncan then Nero’s “concerts” would have been so much worse for them….😀
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ALSO!!! Quigley plays the ACCORDION!!! 🪗 I’m saying it’s Quigley who plays it bc in TSS he mentions reading a book by L.Snicket on how to play the accordion!
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(Also there’s some pretty cool foreshadowing of ‘The Carnivorous Carnival’ with there being a miniature circus tent under the table in their bedroom!!! 🎪)
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leisplayhouse · 5 months ago
pov you guys are the only theatre people i interact with except for my cousin (veteran theatre kid) and my partner
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valewritessss · 6 months ago
Is somebody gonna match my freak(watch edits to Hamilton songs)
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shorlinesorrows · 1 month ago
sometimes I run into discourse about The Odyssey vs. EPIC: The Musical and I get tired
this is why I think we need to start taking a more oral tradition approach to stories like the Odyssey tbh, and I'd argue stories in general
The original and the adaptation being different, or the characters being different, doesn't make one or the other Wrong.
EPIC isn't claiming to be a direct retelling of the Odyssey, and the Odyssey doesn't need to be put under a moral microscope just to prove that "Odysseus was a Bad Guy Actually i can't believe you like EPIC" or "The Actual moral of everything is This."
Analysis is good, but we don't have to do it to spite other people's enjoyment of a piece of art!
One of the most beautiful things about many oral traditions is that the story changes over time. It grows to fit the ideas and needs of the people it's being told to and the place it's being told in. Each storyteller remembers different details more vividly, or adds a little flair, or forgets a few words, or adds a few words, and it grows.
EPIC doesn't have to be the Odyssey, and the Odyssey doesn't have to be EPIC. Enjoy them both. Adaptations and spins off of stories aren't a bad thing in themselves, even if they're different.
Heck, the Odyssey was almost Definitely an adaptation, conglomeration, or re-telling of other stories that were told orally before it was written down. And I'd bet that it continued to evolve and change even after it was put to paper. I highly doubt The Odyssey the only version of this story there was, long before our time.
It's fine if you dislike one or the other in any adaptation! Hell knows I've absolutely despised some adaptations of media i enjoyed in the past. That's not a bad thing. But one story isn't objectively morally better or worse compared to another in adaptations.
Basically, my whole point is that both the Odyssey and EPIC are Great to me personally, but they aren't completely the same thing and that's what makes them great.
And I think people maybe need to be ok with that!
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dalvs-wife · 11 months ago
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uaaahgjsdfhk goobs,,, i love them.... also can i mention that dalv being a musician is SO important to me? bc. boy its just a whole thing...
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alackofghosts · 1 month ago
my parents poke fun at me sometimes for being Obsessive, and i always wanna be like hey i am more than my 5 interests, i have depth!!! and then something comes along to remind me that i am exactly like that. all the depth of a puddle
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ectonurites · 2 years ago
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Byler Week Day 4 — Summer Love
you say 'summer love' and my mind immediately goes to Teen Beach Movie 🤷‍♂️
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azul-maria-elias · 4 months ago
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Lo que significa ser Paul McCartney
Fotos: Paul McCartney durante sus conciertos en el Got Back Tour en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Me resulta difícil poner en palabras el cúmulo de sensaciones que me ha tocado vivir en estos últimos días. Tengo apenas 19 años recíen cumplidos, y como regalo de cumpleaños he tenido la enorme satisfacción y alegría de poder asistir a un concierto de ni más ni menos que Paul McCartney el pasado 6 de octubre de 2024 en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fueron tres horas las que necesitó McCartney para cambiarme la vida y alterar la química de mi cerebro. No puedo encontrar palabras precisas para explicar lo que sentí en aquel tiempo y lugar.
Aún me soprendo de haber estado cantado —gritando— canciones que se compusieron hace tanto tiempo. Miraba a mi alrededor y me encontraba con una impresionante mixtura de personas en mi misma situación. Grandes y jóvenes, en pareja, sólos o en familia, todos movidos por un único motivo: los Beatles. Es tan inmenso lo que los Beatles causan en las personas alrededor del mundo, que es simplemente emocionante. Como estos cuatro jóvenes de liverpool revolucionaron la historia de la música y consigo dejaron una marca eterna en la vida de miles de personas, me hace pensar que tuvo que ser obra divina, parte del plan divino del Señor que en su eterna sabiduría y cariño nos brindó uno de los regalos más hermosos que pudo darnos. Digo esto porque cada día soy inmensamente felíz gracias a los Beatles y a Paul McCartney —y a Wings, por qué no—. Felíz de poder ser expectadora del arte de Paul McCartney, uno de los hombres más talentosos y carismáticos que pudieron haber existido, como pude comprobar aquella noche.
A través de casi cuarenta canciones grité, lloré, salté y bailé invadida de un fervor que sólo la música de Paul puede causarme. Fue una de las experiencias más maravillosas y embriagadoras de mi vida. Al salir, me invadieron las ganas de querer seguirlo por todo el mundo, reviviendo cada momento de ese espléndido recital.
Al observarlo en el escenario no pude hacer distinción alguna entre él y el Paul de los 60s o 70s. Era el mismo simpático joven, desbordado de esa energía que volvía loco al público de The Cavern Club. Fue emocionante, porque fue como realizar un viaje en el tiempo, transportarme a aquellos años en que los Beatles se comieron el mundo y empezaron a escribir una historia hermosa, sin saber si quiera que le alegrarían las horas a una jovencita argentina décadas más tarde.
Narrar como transcurrieron los días siguientes al recital es algo complejo. Pocas veces experimenté tantas sensaciones y de tantos tipos como en aquellos días. Las horas eran eternas o muy breves; experimentaba una terrible presión en el pecho o un alivio como ningun otro; lloraba desconsoladamente o reía mientras bailaba. Mi vida se puso de cabezas después de semejante experiencia y no podía evitar preguntarme, ¿Cómo seguir después de algo así?
Porque no se puede pretender que después de ver a alguien que amo con tanta intensidad, que siempre es motivo de mi alegría, que formó parte de la banda que me cambió la vida, aquella por la que me desvivo y quisiera dedicarle todas mis horas de vida, sea un evento transitorio. Siempre quedaré marcada por esa noche, la noche más feliz y loca de mi vida, la que siempre habré compartido con Paul McCartney.
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bluberimufim · 1 year ago
And what have I done with the precious, limited time I have to prepare for NaNo?
Did I outline? Did I plan out my WIP? Did I develop characters and themes?
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