#music for soul searching
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space-deer · 2 months ago
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Space Deer - Regrow Your Soul (No. 84)
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melliieem · 6 months ago
Call off the search for your soul,
Or put it in hold again
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wildthings04 · 3 months ago
I am currently fascinated by fair haired men with moustaches, Natalie Mars bangs and or penis, Dan on master chef, side boob which will be a life long love, why I like pictures of woman having a pee, could I stand going to some gigs again, I’m searching for my libido, the young soul rebels, a decent take away, a reason to carry on, and my fucking glasses.
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months ago
i'm not really into making new years resolutions, mostly bc i know the way that i am and that my attention span flutters around and i tend to cycle through interests in phases that come and go at random, but i do think it would be nice to give instrument practice a try again since i have SEVERAL and only really learned the basics on some. plus my partner has others ive never learned. it would be nice if i would actually take time to learn something to the point i could do something with it lol.
instruments, and also languages again. but specifically refining what i know of spanish. a few years ago, i'd hit the point where i wasnt quite bilingual, but i was somewhat close to that mark. i could practice talking to my dad [spanish is his first language] on the phone and hold decent conversations, and i'd gone with a few of my classmates in high school one summer on a sort of exchanged program we had with a school in spain for a few weeks, and i could fumble my way through conversations with my host family parents who didn't really speak english. [it was a bilingual school so the students def knew english better than we knew spanish lol but i still learned a bit and it was really fun]
but u know what they say... use it or lose it... i've gotten rusty for sure 😔 i took spanish in middle/high school for like five years? up to ap spanish senior year, which our teacher said youre essentially fluent by then, plus in elementary school we always had basic spanish classes. i was going to try and minor in spanish in college, but i was kind of overloading myself that first year and was also STRUGGLING to keep up with the reading for spanish class. i already am a slow reader just in general [i would also struggle to keep up with reading assignments in english classes so it was extra hard in a language i was still trying to grasp] so i ended up dropping the minor pretty quickly after i'd had i think the semester requirement. i was bummed, but i needed to keep my head afloat with what i could handle.
but then i really wasnt using it as much. my dad's pretty much the only person in my life that's a spanish speaker - he and his whole family are bilingual, but i'm not very close to his side of the family and theyre spread out all over the place anyway. my dad and i also have a complicated realtionship sometimes lol but also over time we stopped speaking in spanish as much. fairly recently when he called me he started speaking in spanish, and i was like, in the middle of something when he called me and not really in the mood to talk anyway, plus i just couldnt hear him well on the phone lol so i was like ??? and he just kinda laughed and was like ohhh youve lost it, you dont remember 😌 and ive been in kind of an internal crisis since then lol
my parter also said the other night there was a family outside that asked him for directions but they only spoke spanish so he kinda had to fumble his way through it, and he was like "you probably woudlve done better" cause while we both learned some degree of spanish and have a mixed latino family background, i learned and used it a bit more for a time. but tbh i dont think i wouldve been able to help!!! bc ive forgotten a lot!!! it's one of those things where like i think i could probably recall a lot once i had it refreshed, but pulling from memory is like... dial tone.... and also the social anxiety is a major thing. like i always really wanted to reach the bilingual state because i do like that part of my culture, and i know a lot of my family on my dad's side grew up bilingual but i didnt really because blah blah parents divorced whatever it's complicated lol. but i wanted to keep that connection to the family culture and also just because i think it's good for people to learn multiple languages [i know other countries seem to be better at this at a base level, but here in the US it's not as much of a standard]
but i'm really bad at like, all the things you need to learn a language, even in my native english state. i'm slow at reading. i get distracted. i dont have great listening comprehension if i cant hear you perfectly clearly or there are overlapping sounds. i have social anxiety and often avoid talking to people.
you gotta read to learn. you gotta hear words to learn. you gotta have conversations to practice. ive met bilingual people whose native language is spanish and theyd always be nice and be like "oh you can always practice with me sometime!" and id be like ahahhahfhsd i will die if i do that. because im scared at being bad or really embarrassed at how much ive forgotten. so like i had chances and wouldnt use it lol. my own fault for not being proactive =_=
a few weeks ago i did once again try that method of like, playing video game in target language. i switched my animal crossing new leaf game to spanish and made a new character. that was fun, tho it also was a lot of reading and a mix of me trying to get the gist of what they were saying and having to pause and look up words if there were too many i didnt know. i think i had that same issue when i did it a while back with city folk lol it was just kinda overwhelming for me at the time and messed with the FLOW. but i think i also tried that back in high school so i think i could do a lil better now, but still.... slow.
i also was doing duolingo again for a while, but i'd heard they started using AI in their lessons and i really didnt want that to potentially have me learning things wrong without realizing based on the things i heard people saying about shit they were finding in their lessons. but ive never tried any of the other language learning app or whatever tho so i kinda just came to a halt after that. which sucks!!! because it was at least keeping me lightly practicing!!! i was learning a lil portuguese that way too for capoeira since we were doing songs and it helped that i knew spanish, but for now i think i'd be nice to just focus on one lol.
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ladytemeraire · 2 years ago
Actually, I lied; one more niche nerdy Riverdance post.
So I looked up sheet music for Riverdance - the titular set piece, not the whole show - just for kicks and giggles, because I was listening to it again and marveling at how it changes tempo and pace and rhythm over the course of the piece, and I wondered how one would conduct this, and...
As near as I can tell from sheet music online, this song goes from 9/8, to 7/8, to 6/8, to 12/8, over the course of an approximately 6 minute piece.
What, and I cannot express this enough, the fuck.
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singeratlarge · 4 months ago
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “A Search for Home (Full)” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/a-search-for-home-full —An ambient, David Bowie-influenced song-path into urban soundscapes, with refractions on the chill electronica sides of Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. It echoes the quote by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “I think you travel to search and come home and find yourself there.”
peter chauncey—arranger, composer, & vocals
Johnny J. Blair—bass, keyboards, & production
Will Mandell—trumpet & mixing
#search #home #ambient #soul #DavidBowie #jazz #urban #landscape #MilesDavis #HerbieHancock #peterchauncey #johnnyjblair #willmandell #keyboards #trumpet #recording #SanFrancisco #BayArea #singersongwriter #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie
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maxgicalgirl · 8 months ago
It will never fail to astound me how some people just go through life without hobbies. The fuck you mean you don’t have A Thing that you can’t go 5 minutes without thinking about ?? What do you do with your time ??
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littlecherrywine · 9 months ago
- Non relinquam vos solum iterum. 🍷
Song of the day : Mingginyu - Dear All My 💫
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scenteddinosaurparadise · 1 year ago
Petition to make Sundays Sonder Sundays. Where you spend the day Sondering and listening to Sonder
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callixton · 2 years ago
watching the greatest showman mostly to see if there's music in my range but also bc why not yknow. anyway holy shit this guy Sucks
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merevide · 1 year ago
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kingofkingsschizo · 1 year ago
Hey there, I’m about to start uploading music soon, all the track art is in. It’s time to get her done. I have some original music posted on my page already you can check it out but I have guaranteed hits coming. stay tuned. Stay up all the way up.
Wally aka DEFIANT over 300 songs
Search me on the BandLab app where it is all produced and saved. Preview it first 43k plays
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ranjith11 · 2 years ago
Proof Of Burden - Andthen (Official Lyrics Video)
Discover the soul-stirring melody of "Andthen" by Proof Of Burden in this official lyrics video. Immerse yourself in the emotional journey as the heartfelt lyrics are beautifully brought to life. Let the music and words resonate with your soul in this captivating visual experience. Don't forget to like, comment, and share the video to spread the message of this powerful song. Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring music and lyric videos. Enjoy the music! 🎶 Proof Of Burden - Andthen (Official Lyrics Video)
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singeratlarge · 6 months ago
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “A Search For Home (Remix Full)” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/a-search-for-home-remix-full —An ambient, David Bowie-influenced song-path into urban soundscapes, with refractions on the chill electronica sides of Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. 
peter chauncey—arranger, composer, & vocals
Johnny J. Blair—keyboards
DJ Luxxury—bass, drum programs, keyboards, & remixing
Will Mandell—trumpet & mixing
#search #home #ambient #soul #DavidBowie #jazz #urban #landscape #MilesDavis #HerbieHancock #peterchauncey #DJLuxxury #blakerobin #johnnyjblair #willmandell #keyboards #trumpet #recording #SanFrancisco #BayArea #LosAngeles #singersongwriter
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13thpythagoras · 6 months ago
back in 2010 I was dating this web designer and I wanted to start a blog, she got me set up with a pretty website for my blog and I started posting my crazy ish...'twas Pythagoreanism dot com and org, and then I claimed pythagoreanism on tumblr, but they promptly gave that handle to someone else even though I had claimed it and made a PW. So after like 2 months of tumblr/Pythagoreanism being a shit blog with like 10 posts in black and white of fucking linens hanging, I'm over here like starting an anarchist cult a la fight club, nah white sheets Pythagoreanism tumblr art blog and me are not the same lmao like I did a feckn seance with Pythagoras back in 2010 I'm like bro what do you wanna fuckin tell the world? And yeah my life got plenty more magical after that, I learned some very strange secrets, I had 4000 facebook friends but when I saw they were censoring me I just deleted it, I was locked out of tumblr over them stealing my username for like 6 years so I used an alternative tumblr in that time along with twitter, then I noticed the Twitter CEO doing genocide-tourism in Myanmar so I started a twitter boycott long before elongated muskrat bought that garbage fire, and that led me back to tumblr where I decided to embrace losing my original username, and go with the 13th Pythagoras line to evoke the reference to reincarnation and the tribute to the many claimants of having been Pythagoras, all of whom might not be wrong it's just a silly lil game but Pythagoras was a lucky philosopher to have lived a century or two before like, Alexander the Great, and then Jesus Christ, so including Pythagoras it's plausible to say those are like the 3 primary founders of western civ as we see it today. I later once saw an alleged portrait of Pythagoras and ngl he kind of looks just like me? haha only later did I discover that the freemasons literally call Pythagoras their original founder
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spiritualgangstrb4be · 18 days ago
2 years ago i wrote a poem that defined what my heart and soul had been through
2 years later the very essence of that same heart and soul has walked through the fire and flames stronger and more transformed then ever , hearing my poem turned into a song is beyond incredible . It obviously needs alot more editing , this was the first time I’ve ever done something like this and would love to hear any advice or suggestions on what I shoukd change or not change .
The possibilities are infinite
I will heal you , I will soothe you,I will bring you roses for I too am covered in thorns
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