#music before bed
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months ago
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Penelope's final gambit, you will always be famous, no matter the subtext.
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suntails · 18 days ago
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let me out
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warningsine · 4 months ago
Love seeing the new generation find out how, well, gay "Wicked" is.
Closeted high femme dressed as the lesbian flag not getting on her rebellious activist bestie's broom and regretting it for the rest of her conformist life.
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hanvanmusic · 2 years ago
🌟Mystical Sleep Sanctuary: Deep Relaxation, Healing and Stress Relief with Soothing Ambient Music
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backpackingspace · 3 months ago
Okay so with the line "the olive tree where we first met" we have two equal hilarious options.
When penelope was sassily like oh I'll marry you if you make a living bed out of this tree right here! Cue penelope stumbling over odysseus very very carefully digging up the tree "because how else is he going to get it to itacha we can't have a wedding bed out in the open in sparta duh"
2. Penelope, knowing that Helen's suitors would soon be arriving to take over her home for a while. Snuck out and went on her own wacky shenanigan filled journey where she scoped out all the major players. Odysseus caught her spying in an olive tree. And when she got back she told Helen she had dibs on the cutie from itacha.
#epic the musical#epic spoilers#Itacha saga#penelope#Odysseus#Odypen#odysseus x penelope#Young odypen courting was filled with wacky nonsense basically canon confrimed#The line “....where we first met” implying that they first met under that specific olive tree#Which has to have some absolutely insane logistics that only odypen (and maybe Athena) could pull off#Odypen being �� 🤝 rat bastards in love#Option one odysseus Athena please please please helpppp me pen said she'd only marry me if I made a wedding bed out of this tree#Athena: once again I think you are praying to the wrong person but fuck it how do you think you're going to keep that tree alive#Odysseus: ....a large bucket?#Athena gimme a sec okay I need to go have ares bash my skull in before I watch something this stupid#Athena: checking in on penelope her chosen weaver only for her to be pulling her hair out#Penelope (to her cousins): why did I fucking say that! Beating fathers already an impossible challenge why did I say that#He's going to think I was making fun of him! He's not going to want to marry me now!#Helen: weren't you? Making fun of him?#Penelope: That's not the point!#clytemnestra: Hey he's digging the tree up and has the biggest bucket I've ever seen#Penelope: what?! Trips over every item in the room and gets tangled in her curtains blushing like crazy#Athena: ....it's been a while since I checked up on diomedes training. He'd never put me through this nonsense#Option 2#Helen's maybe a little nervous and wants to know more about who she has to potentially marry and penelope promises her she'll get rundown#Helen did not expect penelope to disappear but she probably should have....it'll probably be fine. Right?#Some kings penlope just straight up greets some she stays hidden and spies#Odysseus is the only one who catches her (he trains woth Athena in the olive Grove#She was not happy when odysseus nearly tripped onto her spear point face first when he saw the strange pretty girl)#And odysseus who's been king for a few years now knows every lady's face because he'll probably have to marry one of them someday
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asofterepilogue · 3 months ago
I know that penelope saying "don't tell me you're not the same person, you're always my husband" is just supposed to be her saying that all she cares about is that he's odysseus and he loves her (and don't get me wrong it IS incredibly sweet and romantic and it makes me tear up a little)
but considering the first thing odysseus does in the musical is commit war crimes and then he just never stops at all, it tickles me to think that she's also saying he's always been a horrible little monster, she's always known, and she thinks the horrors are part of the fun.
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captaincrowe · 3 months ago
Anyway, after watching the Wicked movie again, I think my ideal outcome of the love triangle in a canon divergence scenario is "Gelphie and their free-range boytoy Fiyero who comes and goes as he pleases."
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daryfromthefuture · 7 months ago
bttf the musical deserves the world for giving us these kinds of moments alone
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sporadicallyanenthusiast · 3 months ago
I know we all desperately need to heal after the Ithaca Saga, but I can't stop thinking about the aftermath of everything. When the initial euphoria settles down and they have to deal with the consequences of, well, EVERYTHING. And especially how strained Odysseus and Telemachus' relationship becomes when neither of their expectations is met and they don't know how to deal with the reality in front of them. That they're both real people and not the idealized versions of each other they kept in their heads for 20 years. And Penelope once again trapped amidst the tension in her family, but this time she has to be the bridge between the two people she loves the most in the entire world. And Telemachus changes so much in the meantime she feels like she's learning to be a mother again. All of that while Odysseus is just learning to be a father for the first time. Just. The angst.
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 4 months ago
here is the second poseidon 'snippet'. this takes place after this part! hope you guys enjoy a little look into poseidon's home life...
first snippet here!
there's a masterlist now!
*not long after poseidon had received telemachus’ gift and said good night to everyone*
poseidon: *making his way through the ithacan palace’s halls to the entrance for the gardens*
poseidon: *holds a hand to where the gift is kept in his chiton and thinks back to all of telemachus' questions and interest in him* 
poseidon: *internally to himself* hmm i wonder what he would have thought, if he knew his father’s and mine’s true relationship-
odysseus: *calling from behind poseidon* poseidon!
poseidon: *jumps a little because he didn’t hear odysseus approaching*
poseidon: *puts his hand down and turns to face odysseus*
poseidon: odysseus…i’ve been gone only moments, what have i possibly done?
odysseus: nothing-
poseidon: *hand on his hip* what do you want then? 
poseidon: *pinches his nose bridge with his free hand*  please don’t say another dinner
odysseus: what- no!- *coughs*  
odysseus: trust me there will be no family dinners for a while…
odysseus: *under his breath* sitting for hours next to you was enough ruthlessness for one evening
poseidon: *dropping his hand from his face* what was that?
odysseus: i said what i said
poseidon: *rolls his eyes* well next time, maybe don’t let my niece get involved
odysseus: *grinning* oh so you want a next time then?
poseidon: *hand drops from hip and slightly panicking* THAT’S NOT- I MEAN-
odysseus: *tucks hair behind his ear* 
odysseus: oh poseidon, as good as that sounds….
odysseus: *now has his arms crossed over his chest* 
odysseus: *facade drops* …no thanks.
poseidon: *sigh of relief* 
poseidon: just- just tell me why you’re here
odysseus: *still in little shit mode* i mean this is my palace, i do live here
poseidon: *about to start pulling out his own hair in frustration* 
poseidon: odysseus…please
odysseus: *grin returns* yes, yes, go on, since you’ve already proven you’re so good at begging…
poseidon: *scowls* 
odysseus: *grin finally leaves his face and his arms return to his sides*
odysseus: ok look… i just thought, considering i was the host for this evening, i would follow xenia and escort you back to the cove…
poseidon: *sighs*
poseidon: *shakes his hand in front of him in a ‘no worries’ motion*
poseidon: no need… i’m able to make my own way back home
odysseus: are you sure? i mean they are your brother’s rules…
odysseus: *not really wanting to ever see zeus again after his last experiences*
poseidon: *dropping his hand and snorting out a laugh* i’ll make sure my brother doesn’t bother anyone about the lack of normal hospitality tonight
poseidon: *turning back around to leave* go back to your family odysseus
odysseus: *not to look a gift horse in the mouth* uh sure
odysseus: *about to turn and make his way back to the dining hall*
poseidon: *from over his shoulder* oh and odysseus?
odysseus: uh yeah?
poseidon: ��don’t go easy on my niece
poseidon: remember… ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
odysseus: *rolls his eyes and while he now knows that phrase isn’t true now….he decides to humor poseidon* 
odysseus: wasn’t planning on it.
*both leave in opposite directions*
*a short while later in poseidon’s palace*
poseidon: *walking into the bedroom* wife i’m back
*no response or movement*
poseidon: *raised eyebrow as he thought she’d be home* amphitrite?
*still nothing*
poseidon: *sighs* i guess she made last minute plans for tonight
poseidon: *goes to get changed when he remembers about his gift*
poseidon: *takes the gift out of his chiton, unwraps it and looks at it again*
poseidon: *remember telemachus' smile from the happiness of him accepting it*
poseidon: *huffs a laugh at the fact that odysseus produced a son that may look identical to him, but completely different in personality* 
amphitrite: what’s got you laughing? what do you have there?
poseidon: *quickly shoves the gift back in his chiton, and turns to face his wife*
poseidon: *dodging her question* i thought you weren't here… you didn’t respond to my calls
amphitrite: i was just checking on fysallída, he hadn’t been his usual self tonight.
poseidon: *eyes widen in worry* 
poseidon: what do you mean? he was fine earlier! is he sick? should i call apollo?
amphitrite: *smiles at poseidon’s worried rambling* 
amphitrite: *moves closer to poseidon and brushes her hand through his hair in comfort*
amphitrite: and he still is fine my love. i think he just missed you tonight.
amphitrite: also while our nephew may be able to help some animals… i don’t think sea creatures fall under his ability
amphitrite: besides, he was playing with pelagos and kýma 
poseidon: *the worry leaves his eyes* if you say so... i’ll just check on him before we go to sleep.
amphitrite: *hand leaves poseidon’s hair, and now joins her other one in crossing over her chest*
amphitrite: now, back to my original question…. what do you have there that had you laughing?
poseidon: *was hoping she’d forget* uh… uhh…
poseidon: …moly?
amphitrite: *raised eyebrow* 
amphitrite: the king of ithaca- odysseus gave you…moly? 
poseidon: *furrowed brows at the thought of odysseus giving him a gift*
poseidon: this isn't from odysse- *coughs* i mean- no… he didn't 
poseidon: it's… from his son.
amphitrite: *now has both her eyebrows raised in disbelief* 
amphitrite: the prince of ithaca, gave you moly.
poseidon: *now panicking as he's the god of the seas, not of lies* 
poseidon: well if you didn’t know…they're descended from hermes… 
poseidon: and he practically hands out this stuff… the prince probably didn’t know what it truly was.
amphitrite: *staring at the clear not moly shaped item, hidden in her husband’s chiton*
amphitrite: *deciding to leave it be for now* uh huh, whatever you say husband
*poseidon leaves the bedroom and heads to the palace reef gardens where amphitrite had not long come from*
*sensing the gods approach, bioluminescent corals light the area like oil lamps would on land*
poseidon: *staring out into the reef* hmm where is he?
poseidon: *makes a whistling noise like a dolphin’s echolocation*
*two whinny’ing noises are heard, then seconds later two hippocampi appear and are hurriedly making their way to poseidon*
poseidon: *strokes the both of them on their faces* yes, yes i'm home… where’s fysallída?
poseidon: *suddenly feels something small, bump repeatedly into him from behind and hears tiny grunting sounds*
poseidon: *snorts in laughter and turns around*
*the tiny grunting noises get louder and quicker in excitement, the small sea creature that has been bumping into poseidon is none other than…a small yellow pufferfish*
poseidon: *placing his hand out for fysallída to settle into* hello little one, i heard you caused amphitrite some worry earlier
*fysallída puffs out a little bit and then wiggles more into poseidon’s hand still making tiny noises*
poseidon: ah! none of that…i said i was going to be gone this evening
poseidon: besides, i can’t always be home, i do have godly things to do i'm sorry to say
*pelagos and kýma both whinny at poseidon’s back*
poseidon: *turning around with fysallída still in his hand* and we can’t forget, you have these two to keep you company
poseidon: now, i’ve had a long and tiring evening, so i’m going to retire for the night. 
*the pufferfish gives a final wiggle and swims out of his hand and then settles in between the two hippocampi*
poseidon: ok, you can all go back to whatever you three were doing-
*the three sea creatures all start to turn to leave*
poseidon: *putting one hand on his hip and raising the other to point at all of them, like he’s talking to children rather than sea creatures* 
poseidon: but! try not to get into too much trouble, yes fysallída i am talking to you mostly
*almost ignoring poseidon, they all quickly swim back in the original distance they came from*
poseidon: i swear to zeus, if i wake up to an angry nymph at my palace doors again…
*poseidon claps his hands and the bioluminescent corals dim in response, leaving the reef in darkness again. he then turns to go back inside his palace, and finally head to sleep for the night*
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year ago
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Samurai and Ninja in crappy pics because December here is under a constant cloud and I just want y'all to see them all golden and cute without learning how to take aesthetic pictures 🥴 💙❤️😆🥰
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productofaritual · 1 month ago
Would You Fall In Love With Me Again but it's Revivedboo coming back to Snowchester/c!Tubbo
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Henry!Two Bit almost cutting off Soda’s celebration to say his “I wish it was one of us line” and then the silence that follows is actually sickening and I love it
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dcbutinamrev · 10 days ago
No but I feel like Ponyboy would reread his book not only comfort reason but to prove himself that Johnny and Dally are still alive
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backpackingspace · 7 months ago
Do we think odysseus started pranking Athena and her temples at some point? Because I do. He argued that it was good for sneaking and evading training. And you know what Athena couldn't argue that. Her chasing odysseus across the island was good training.
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chicago-geniza · 3 months ago
Was reading a fic where Armand and Daniel were asking each other about what the idea of home meant to each of them respectively and while watching this Lower Decks episode set on DS9 with its familiar scenery and score and color palette and Cardassian architecture and camera angles I realized, for a person who lives purportedly in the real world, this fictional space station feels the most like home to me. I've been watching DS9 every year, usually multiple times a year, for most years at least an episode every day, since I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm turning 32 next year. DS9 has been more of a constant, stable presence in my life than anywhere I've ever lived and I'm more attached to the station than to any physical place. That's my portable homeland lol
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