#*amphitrite and poseidon in bed*
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 3 months ago
here is the second poseidon 'snippet'. this takes place after this part! hope you guys enjoy a little look into poseidon's home life...
first snippet here!
there's a masterlist now!
*not long after poseidon had received telemachus’ gift and said good night to everyone*
poseidon: *making his way through the ithacan palace’s halls to the entrance for the gardens*
poseidon: *holds a hand to where the gift is kept in his chiton and thinks back to all of telemachus' questions and interest in him* 
poseidon: *internally to himself* hmm i wonder what he would have thought, if he knew his father’s and mine’s true relationship-
odysseus: *calling from behind poseidon* poseidon!
poseidon: *jumps a little because he didn’t hear odysseus approaching*
poseidon: *puts his hand down and turns to face odysseus*
poseidon: odysseus…i’ve been gone only moments, what have i possibly done?
odysseus: nothing-
poseidon: *hand on his hip* what do you want then? 
poseidon: *pinches his nose bridge with his free hand*  please don’t say another dinner
odysseus: what- no!- *coughs*  
odysseus: trust me there will be no family dinners for a while…
odysseus: *under his breath* sitting for hours next to you was enough ruthlessness for one evening
poseidon: *dropping his hand from his face* what was that?
odysseus: i said what i said
poseidon: *rolls his eyes* well next time, maybe don’t let my niece get involved
odysseus: *grinning* oh so you want a next time then?
poseidon: *hand drops from hip and slightly panicking* THAT’S NOT- I MEAN-
odysseus: *tucks hair behind his ear* 
odysseus: oh poseidon, as good as that sounds….
odysseus: *now has his arms crossed over his chest* 
odysseus: *facade drops* …no thanks.
poseidon: *sigh of relief* 
poseidon: just- just tell me why you’re here
odysseus: *still in little shit mode* i mean this is my palace, i do live here
poseidon: *about to start pulling out his own hair in frustration* 
poseidon: odysseus…please
odysseus: *grin returns* yes, yes, go on, since you’ve already proven you’re so good at begging…
poseidon: *scowls* 
odysseus: *grin finally leaves his face and his arms return to his sides*
odysseus: ok look… i just thought, considering i was the host for this evening, i would follow xenia and escort you back to the cove…
poseidon: *sighs*
poseidon: *shakes his hand in front of him in a ‘no worries’ motion*
poseidon: no need… i’m able to make my own way back home
odysseus: are you sure? i mean they are your brother’s rules…
odysseus: *not really wanting to ever see zeus again after his last experiences*
poseidon: *dropping his hand and snorting out a laugh* i’ll make sure my brother doesn’t bother anyone about the lack of normal hospitality tonight
poseidon: *turning back around to leave* go back to your family odysseus
odysseus: *not to look a gift horse in the mouth* uh sure
odysseus: *about to turn and make his way back to the dining hall*
poseidon: *from over his shoulder* oh and odysseus?
odysseus: uh yeah?
poseidon: …don’t go easy on my niece
poseidon: remember… ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
odysseus: *rolls his eyes and while he now knows that phrase isn’t true now….he decides to humor poseidon* 
odysseus: wasn’t planning on it.
*both leave in opposite directions*
*a short while later in poseidon’s palace*
poseidon: *walking into the bedroom* wife i’m back
*no response or movement*
poseidon: *raised eyebrow as he thought she’d be home* amphitrite?
*still nothing*
poseidon: *sighs* i guess she made last minute plans for tonight
poseidon: *goes to get changed when he remembers about his gift*
poseidon: *takes the gift out of his chiton, unwraps it and looks at it again*
poseidon: *remember telemachus' smile from the happiness of him accepting it*
poseidon: *huffs a laugh at the fact that odysseus produced a son that may look identical to him, but completely different in personality* 
amphitrite: what’s got you laughing? what do you have there?
poseidon: *quickly shoves the gift back in his chiton, and turns to face his wife*
poseidon: *dodging her question* i thought you weren't here… you didn’t respond to my calls
amphitrite: i was just checking on fysallída, he hadn’t been his usual self tonight.
poseidon: *eyes widen in worry* 
poseidon: what do you mean? he was fine earlier! is he sick? should i call apollo?
amphitrite: *smiles at poseidon’s worried rambling* 
amphitrite: *moves closer to poseidon and brushes her hand through his hair in comfort*
amphitrite: and he still is fine my love. i think he just missed you tonight.
amphitrite: also while our nephew may be able to help some animals… i don’t think sea creatures fall under his ability
amphitrite: besides, he was playing with pelagos and kýma 
poseidon: *the worry leaves his eyes* if you say so... i’ll just check on him before we go to sleep.
amphitrite: *hand leaves poseidon’s hair, and now joins her other one in crossing over her chest*
amphitrite: now, back to my original question…. what do you have there that had you laughing?
poseidon: *was hoping she’d forget* uh… uhh…
poseidon: …moly?
amphitrite: *raised eyebrow* 
amphitrite: the king of ithaca- odysseus gave you…moly? 
poseidon: *furrowed brows at the thought of odysseus giving him a gift*
poseidon: this isn't from odysse- *coughs* i mean- no… he didn't 
poseidon: it's… from his son.
amphitrite: *now has both her eyebrows raised in disbelief* 
amphitrite: the prince of ithaca, gave you moly.
poseidon: *now panicking as he's the god of the seas, not of lies* 
poseidon: well if you didn’t know…they're descended from hermes… 
poseidon: and he practically hands out this stuff… the prince probably didn’t know what it truly was.
amphitrite: *staring at the clear not moly shaped item, hidden in her husband’s chiton*
amphitrite: *deciding to leave it be for now* uh huh, whatever you say husband
*poseidon leaves the bedroom and heads to the palace reef gardens where amphitrite had not long come from*
*sensing the gods approach, bioluminescent corals light the area like oil lamps would on land*
poseidon: *staring out into the reef* hmm where is he?
poseidon: *makes a whistling noise like a dolphin’s echolocation*
*two whinny’ing noises are heard, then seconds later two hippocampi appear and are hurriedly making their way to poseidon*
poseidon: *strokes the both of them on their faces* yes, yes i'm home… where’s fysallída?
poseidon: *suddenly feels something small, bump repeatedly into him from behind and hears tiny grunting sounds*
poseidon: *snorts in laughter and turns around*
*the tiny grunting noises get louder and quicker in excitement, the small sea creature that has been bumping into poseidon is none other than…a small yellow pufferfish*
poseidon: *placing his hand out for fysallída to settle into* hello little one, i heard you caused amphitrite some worry earlier
*fysallída puffs out a little bit and then wiggles more into poseidon’s hand still making tiny noises*
poseidon: ah! none of that…i said i was going to be gone this evening
poseidon: besides, i can’t always be home, i do have godly things to do i'm sorry to say
*pelagos and kýma both whinny at poseidon’s back*
poseidon: *turning around with fysallída still in his hand* and we can’t forget, you have these two to keep you company
poseidon: now, i’ve had a long and tiring evening, so i’m going to retire for the night. 
*the pufferfish gives a final wiggle and swims out of his hand and then settles in between the two hippocampi*
poseidon: ok, you can all go back to whatever you three were doing-
*the three sea creatures all start to turn to leave*
poseidon: *putting one hand on his hip and raising the other to point at all of them, like he’s talking to children rather than sea creatures* 
poseidon: but! try not to get into too much trouble, yes fysallída i am talking to you mostly
*almost ignoring poseidon, they all quickly swim back in the original distance they came from*
poseidon: i swear to zeus, if i wake up to an angry nymph at my palace doors again…
*poseidon claps his hands and the bioluminescent corals dim in response, leaving the reef in darkness again. he then turns to go back inside his palace, and finally head to sleep for the night*
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acorn-summit · 11 months ago
A reality TV show about the Olympians removing problematic elements like sexual assault.
Every episode opens with a shot of a bedroom. Zeus pops up from under the covers, accompanied by a woman. Each episode it is a different woman. And it can NEVER be Hera.
Since Hades isn’t an Olympian he doesn’t have a throne on Olympus so every time there’s a meeting and he’s there they give him a makeshift throne. And as the series continues his ‘throne’ gets more and more ridiculous. At first it starts off as a fancy chair, then it becomes a basic chair, a beanbag chair, a pre-schooler chair that he can barely sit on, a yoga ball, a mechanical bull, a giant rubber ducky, a bucket, etc.
Hermes and Dionysius need to initiate 90% of the drama. I can 100% see one of them going “Hey uncle P I think I saw Amphitrite walking away from father’s bed chambers.” Which is definitely not true, but they live for chaos. Poseidon, Zeus, and Hera all try to kill each other. And after starting drama Hermes and Dionysius just sit back, sipping wine, and eating popcorn as everyone tries to kill each other.
At some point Poseidon is chilling out with someone and there’s a knock on the door, the other person goes to answer it and comes back. Poseidon is all like ‘who was it?’ And the other person says ‘oh don’t worry about it. It was nobody’ and Poseidon has an aneurysm.
Hades and Hestia are the unproblematic characters. Hestia wishes everyone could get along and all Hades wants to do is avoid is crazy relatives, hide in the underworld with his wife, and pet his doggo.
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aryxchse · 11 months ago
No cause now I need more. Like I don't know headcannons or something about how they got together and how their parents reacted.
Something- anything please I am begging😭
percy jackson x daughter of amphitrite! reader headcanons.
a / n : feeding my inner self ship here LMAO and also this is literally headcanons that made up from my ass, so idk if amphitrite would have a cabin, because they didn't make one even for her honor sooo.. yeah
warnings : cursing, fighting, blood mention, injury mention, basically just two waterbenders in love
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- it was all camp half blood's fault
- you didn't had a cabin of your own, but they thought you staying in the poseidon cabin was the best decision
- well it was.. until percy got claimed
- you both had to share the same cabin, and he wasn't the best at keeping it clean
- all those years, getting a 10 from the cabin check, you got 5 because of him
- and it made you furious
- but, a nice girl you are, instead of breaking his heart, you warned him
- "next time we get a 5 from the cabin check, i will break your surfboard into pieces 😊"
- "yes ma'am 🫡" no ofc he didn't said that
- but he thought that as he nervously shake his head
- well, he didn't really had a time to clean his cabin, so the promise was forgotton
- and you learned to pick up after his back
- it was a beautiful afternoon when annabeth barged into your cabin
- "percy's in a fight and we can't stop him."
- these are the questions that you should've asked when she said that : what's that have to do with me? what am i even gonna do? why are you coming to me? what the fu-
- but what you did instead : run to percy
- alright, i guess you two have a bond now
- "alright seaweed brain, get your ass back up," you said as you yanked grabbed him by the arm and pushing him aside
- he tried to run to the boy he was beating back again, but you just pushed him by his chest and slowly lead him to your cabin
- "dude what the hell is going on with you?" you asked as you both enter. he was panting, sitting on his bed and holding his head. "percy? i asked you a question."
- "he was saying something shitty about you, and i couldn't just stand there and listen him. okay?" he said, not facing you.
- oh
- ooohhhhhh
- 😏
- "why though?" you sat next to him on the bed, too suprised to even get mad at him
- "you always got my back in cabin check so, i got your back outside, i guess." he simply shrugged
- alright mr in love
- and with that, you both got really close
- this was your breaking point in 'awkward energy'
- surfing competitions where it's just you two racing? check
- married dolphin and shark plushies? check
- going to an aquarium? double check
- the animals were once your enemy back then because of your mother, was your friends now
- same as percy
- and when you both started dating, percy realised how relaxed he was around you
- like when he was little, he would listen to ocean sounds to calm himself down after a stressful day
- and you have the same affect on him
- later he learned that children of amphitrite have that affect on children of poseidon and that's why annabeth bringed you that day
- talking of the parents
- the meeting was the most hilarious thing happened to you both
- because they already knew
- "ohh lord perseus and princess y/n"
- "ohh they're kissing"
- and suprisingly gossip spreads around ocean VERY FAST
- you both got a call from atlantic or smth to get there fast
- they weren't angry or anything, poseidon loved you and weirdly your mom loved percy
- they were just.. suprised
- "what type of history shit is going on here-"
- you understand where percy got his humor from now
- alright moving on to real parent SALLY MF JACKSON!!
- you think you being her ex's wife's daughter will make her hate you?
- well yeah, but sally jackson is the definition of angel
- and she doesn't care about your godly side as long as you're making percy happy by just being in his life
- so as you can say, you guys are already besties
- moving on again to u and percy
- underwater kisses duh
- silly blue shirts about fishes
- watching ariel, moana, lost fish nemo and dory and all of the sea shit together
- and recreating the musical scenes
- you having a signature pegasus friend like him
- and him having a dolphin one like you
- you guys just rule the lake atp
- living in the same cabin is the best thing ever happened to percy
- because he get to cuddle you EVERY NIGHT without having to worry about getting caught
- and tyson? basically your children
- seashell jewelry gifts from percy
- always wearing blue together
- also eating blue food
- this fic is really long rn but you both are yue and sokka tbh
- give yue one more chance!!
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mythica0 · 2 months ago
Ok, I kinda feel greedy asking for this.. but that Poseidon x Amphitrite fix was so good I just HAVE to have seconds! X3
Can we maybe get a Part 2..?
What if Poseidon got into a massive Lee Mood? Because, he keeps thinking back to that one night and how nice it was, and.. he wants more of it. But he'd sooner get stabbed in the face with his own trident before he ever admits that!
But with nothing else working to quell this annoying feeling he soon realizes he doesn't have a choice. So one night imagine Poseidon's just sitting there beside his wife, mumbling and stuttering over his words, blushing like an idiot and making 0 eye contact as he struggles to make this request as indirectly & vaguely as possible. But Amphitrite's able to catch on surprisingly fast, and she's more than willing to grant her husband's wish. He just has to ask~ 😉
The whole prompt is basically Amphitrite teasing the hell out of her husband, and this time, she's a lot more ruthless (get it~?) in her attacks (i.e. lots of upper body tkls, gill tkls, neck kisses & belly raspberries).
(P.S. Out of slight curiosity, since I know everyone has different visual descriptions for Poseidon in their stories- does your Poseidon have gills on his sides/ribs or his neck? Sometimes I get a lil confused while reading. 😅 Which specific artist's version of him (AnniFlamma's, Neal's, Gigi's, aulith's, Willows', etc.) are you envisioning when you write him?)
Stupid moods
🎂: Epic the musical
Summary: after a sweet night of tickly cuddles, Poseidon finds himself craving more, much to his dismay.
A/N: this is soooo cute absolutely!! Also, this is a sequel to Sweet Lovin’ so read that first! Not sure I like the ending, but whatever.
Happy new year and Enjoyyyyy!! :D
(P.s: my version/picture his gills are on his neck, and because I’m an artist I imagine my own design!:3)
Stupid moods
Poseidon was irritated.
The previous night, his loving wife have given him a night of cuddles, which ended up with him being gently tickled until they went to sleep.
And now he wanted more. And he hated it.
He felt all buzzy and fizzy, like a soda can that had been shaken. And it was so. Annoying.
All day he tried to ignore it. Pretend it didn’t exist.
All day he yelled at his brain to stop.
But it just wouldn’t listen. Pictures and daydreams flooded his head without his permission, and it was getting difficult to focus.
Obviously, he could just ask his wife to help him, but that was so embarrassing he thinks he might actually rather be skewered by his own trident.
So on the day went, this stupid mood growing and growing with every minute it went unsatisfied.
And finally, it reached a point where Poseidon couldn’t take anymore. If he didn’t do something about this dumb craving now it was going to be a problem. He didn’t really have much choice, unless he wanted to live with this annoying, insufferable buzzing for the rest of his immortal existence.
So, when he climbed into bed with his wife, ready to relax and then go to sleep, he attempted to ask. But it was still incredibly embarrassing, so he stuttered and blushed and really struggled to get the words out.
“Hey, darling?”
Amphitrite looked over curiously. “Yes, my dear?”
“Can you- uh.” He failed to say it directly, needing to find work arounds. “Can you do the- the thing?”
Amphitrite tilted her head a little in confusion, and Poseidon was looking anywhere but in her eyes. This was quite out of character for Poseidon, so Amphitrite was reasonably curious. “I’m sorry?”
“Y- Y’know, the thing. The one you- the thing you did last night?”
At these words, Amphitrite’s eyes widened in realization, a small, fond smile gracing her features.
“Of course honey. But.” She paused for dramatic effect. “I want you to ask. Directly.” Her voice was soft and gentle, but also teasing, making Poseidons already intense blush even worse.
“Uh- I-“ he stuttered a bit, still incredibly flustered and embarrassed.
“Well, if you want something you have to ask for it! It’s only polite.” She teased again, clearly enjoying the lighthearted chance to mess with him.
He stammered for quite some time, but eventually managed to spew it out, the words quick and tumbling as if he was trying to rip it off like a bandaid. “Pleasetickleme!”
As he finally succeeded, Amphitrite smiled and pushed Poseidon down so he was lying rather than sitting. “Of course, my love.”
She leaned down to whisper in his ear, her voice low and teasing. “Your safe word is trident. Use it wisely, because once you say it, I’m done.”
Once he nodded, she pulled back, putting on an uncharacteristic sort of tickle monster persona. “You know, since you asked, I’m not going to be merciful.”
Poseidon tried and failed to mask the excited shiver that he felt at the words.
“You’re going to be a hysterical, breathless mess by the time I’m through with you. No matter how much you beg me to stop, I won’t. I am free to do whatever I want to you, and no matter how bad it tickles, you can’t do anything about it.”
Her voice was sinister and mischievous, in a playful sort of way, not genuinely evil by any sense of the word. That teasing lilt, full of a playful kind of mischief, sent butterflies racing through Poseidon’s tummy, excitement zipping along his spine.
“Are you ready, darling?”
He gave a small, sheepish nod in response, and without any further words, Amphitrite started to rake her claws over his ribs, a fast, gentle motion that left him no chance to hold back his giggles.
“Ehahahahaha Oho myhyhy- ehehehe!”
“Haha, such cute little giggles, my dear~” Amphitrite teased, cooing in a way that made Poseidon blush all the more, his face turning a light pink.
Poseidon squirmed slightly under the hold, despite not wanting to get away. It was overwhelming. It was torturous. It was exactly what he wanted.
She scratched and scribbled at his ribs, pinching up and down the bones. Poseidon squirmed and giggled, unable to stop himself from laughing as that fizzy feeling fully exploded into a ticklish, tingly sensation of butterflies in his stomach.
“Eehehahaha ahaha- ihihi- ehehehee!” He was unable to get words out, not knowing what to say, or wanting to put in the effort to speak clearly through his joyful, bubbly giggles.
Amphitrite cooed, leaning over her husband teasingly as she raked along his ribs. “Tickle tickle tickle~”
Poseidon erupted into a much deeper blush, and as much as he hated to admit it his giggles grew a little more frantic at the teasing.
“Nohoho-! Dohohont dohoho thahat!”
“Do what?”
“Sahahay thehe wohord!”
“Oh? What word? Tickle?” She smirked, feigning ignorance.
“Yehehehehes! Thahat wohord!”
“Hmm.. I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands, my dear. Besides, it’s such a fun word, isn’t it?” She grinned playfully, moving up to scratch at his armpits as she began to tease once again.
“Tickletickletickletickletickle! tktktktktktk!”
Poseidon let out a small, giggly squeal. “Eehehehehe nohohoho!”
Amphitrite smirked, speeding up the scratching, to which she got frantic protests.
“Ahahahahaha! Whyhy- hahahahahaha-!”
Amphitrite huffed a laugh. “Every time you say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ or ‘don’t, anything of the sort- I’ll make it worse.”
“Whahahahahat?! YohOU cahahant doho thahat!”
“Actually, I very much can. Remember, you aren’t in control here, darling.” She emphasized the endearing nickname, making her voice low and teasing. Which, of course, caused Poseidon’s blush to double in size.
“Aww, how cute! You’re turning all red~ is my teasing getting you all embarrassed and flustered~?” She cooed slightly, which only intensified the mentioned blush.
“Nohohoho-! Dohohont tehehease!”
Amphitrite immediately increased the pressure on the touch, turning it into drilling. “What did I say about protesting, hmm~?”
Poseidon’s laughter grew in pitch, frantic but still joyful. “AhahahahahHA-! Ohoho myhyhy gohods thahat TIHIHICKLES-!”
“That’s the point, honey~”
Amphitrite trailed her hands down his sides, a light, teasing touch, leading all the way down to his hips. Once she reached the spot, she squeezed and then drilled into the divots of the bone.
“GYahahahahaha! Nohohoho-! PlehehehEASE-!”
“That’s more protesting, darling~”
Getting the implication of the teasing words, Poseidon frantically protested, only digging his grave deeper.
“Nononono- dahaharlihing plehehehehease-!”
Amphitrite ignored the protests, continuing to drill into his hips and also going up to pepper tickly kisses all over his neck.
At the new, more gentle touch, the sea god scrunched up, his giggles becoming more bubbly.
As much as he was protesting, Poseidon was having the time of his life right now. It tickled so damn much, and he loved it.
While still sprinkling kisses all over his neck and ears, Amphitrite moved her hands to scribble at his belly, making sure to use her claws for extra ticklishness.
“EE- ahahahahaha- dahaharlihing-!” He erupted into louder laughter once more, squirming uncontrollably. He arched his back slightly, which only increased the pressure of the nails on his tummy, making him laugh even louder.
“Yes dear?”
“Ihi- ehehehehe-!” Poseidon had to cut himself off from protesting, knowing it would only make it worse for him.
“Ahh, you’re learning. Let’s see if I can get you to protest some more~”
The words sent shivers down Poseidon’s spine, a frantic, giddy nervousness settled in his chest and stomach. Amphitrite removed her hands from his tummy, and started to blow raspberries there instead.
“EE- nohoho- ahahahaha-!” Poseidon failed to stop the fruitless pleas that spilt from him, squirming around and laughing loudly as his tummy was assaulted with ticklish sensations.
“Hehe, there we go~ now I get to make it worse~”
“AhahHA- PlehehehEASE- myhy lohoHOVE-“
She ignored his pleading, starting to add nibbles with the raspberries on his tummy, using her claws to trace his ear fins at the same time, the conflicting feelings of harsh versus gentle driving him crazy.
“AHAHA- ehehahahHA- ohoho myhy- pleheheHEASE-!”
Amphitrite decided to let up for a moment. “Ah, fine. I don’t want you to give up just yet~”
She stopped the raspberries, and started to just gently trace along his sides, making sure to tease at his ribs, drawing swirling patterns along his skin that left him in a fit of bubbly giggles. He was a little embarrassed to say that he melted at the touch, the gentle shapes relaxing him.
“Aww, look at that. You’re turning into a little puddle of giggles~”
Poseidon didn’t bother to deny it, a few contented hums mixing with his warm giggles. Amphitrite waited until his eyes were closed and he was super relaxed, then she suddenly stopped the tracing.
“Whaha-“ Poseidon’s confused protests of why she stopped were cut off by a scream of laughter as she blew a massive raspberry over his gills, using her hands to scribble and scratch at the gills in the other side of his neck.
“AHAHAHAHA- OHOHO GOHOHODS NOHOT THEHEHERE PLEHEHEHEEASE!” His laughter immediately grew loud and hysterical, his shoulders scrunching fruitlessly to try and block the sensation.
He protested frantically through squeaky, loud laughter despite not meaning any of this. It was absolute torture, complete and utter insanity. And he loved it.
His face was flushed from laughter, tears falling from his eyes as his stomach quivered and trembled from all the laughing.
“Oo, looks like this is a lovely little sweet spot, hmm~?” Amphitrite’s teasing made Poseidon’s already flushed face even redder, his cheeks feeling like they’re on fire from the warmth rushing to them.
“AHAHAHA MYHY LOHOVE- AHAHA- PLEHEHEHEASEE!” He struggles to speak through his laughter, gasping for air in between the loud, joyful sounds.
Then Amphitrite moved both her hands to scratch at his gills, even wiggling slightly underneath to the insides. And just when Poseidon thought it couldn’t get any worse better, she added raspberries and nibbles to his tummy, especially over his navel.
Poseidon couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. All he was in that moment was just pure, complete, joyful laughter. All his thoughts could say was ‘it tickles, it tickles, it tickles!’ It was so maddening, so amazingly horrible. As much joy as this was providing, Poseidon really was struggling to breathe now, his stamina running low and his sides starting to ache from the workout, his limit thoroughly reached.
As soon as the magic word was said, Amphitrite stopped. Poseidon panted with leftover giggles, feeling intense lingering tingles over his gills. He had a feeling that he would be struck by giggles just at the thought for weeks to come.
“Aha… Wohow..” he panted out, going to wipe his eyes from the tears, but Amphitrite got there first.
“Are you okay, my dear?”
“Yeheah… I’m Ahalright. Juhust.. neheed a minute.” He giggled, taking deep breaths to try and get the air back into his lungs and the warmth in his face to cool down.
“Was it everything you wanted?”
Poseidon’s brain was so thoroughly turned to mush from the maddening feeling that he couldn’t even think straight enough to be embarrassed, just giving a sleepy hum. He was exhausted after that.
“Would you like some water?”
“Yehes please..” Poseidon answered quietly, and Amphitrite stood up to go get him some.
Poseidon found that he couldn’t stop giggling for the life of him. He still felt it. It was as if it was so intense that it was burned into his nerves and it wouldn’t go away, leaving happy, giddy feelings lingering along his gills.
Short after Amphitrite returned with a glass of water, handing it to him. “Drink slowly, love.”
He just hummed in agreement, sipping off the water for a while as Amphitrite gently rubbed her hand along his stomach to try and ease the leftover tingles.
“Okay, let’s go to bed. I’m guessing you’re tired after that, huh?”
Poseidon hummed as he set down the now empty water glass. They cuddled up in the bed, and Poseidon gave a contented, sleepy hum.
Sleep didn’t take long to descend upon him, and he fell asleep in the comfort of Amphitrite’s loving arms.
———THE END———————————————————-
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amphitriteswife · 1 year ago
How would Poseidon handle a baby?
🔱🪸Poseidon x amphy! Reader 🦈🐚
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❗️Note: Reader is Amphitrite and dark skinned, she is mostly in the first half also ooc Poseidon
💙🤍tags💙🤍: @miss-seanymph-pani @vilereign @nicasdreamer @viostar2095
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Poseidon was staring at his son, Triton. His eyes slowly watching the little baby’s movements as he was sitting in your lap, his little hands playing with shark plushie. It was a gift from his older brother who seemed to adore his nephew. ‘AAarr! Aarrr!’ Triton said extending his arm towards you, his little hands moving the shark. Poseidon just looked at his son as if he was stupid. ‘No Triton, sharks don’t make sounds like that.’ Poseidon said to Triton who was wiggling his feet in annoyance. ‘AARRRR!’ Triton said louder as he moved the shark. Poseidon just sighed in frustration. ‘Why does he keep saying that?’ Poseidon asked you as he shot a glare at his son. Triton noticed this and looked back at him. Poseidon just stared at him, he looked exactly like himself, which was scary. Triton had his blonde hair and blue eyes but your dark skin. It made Poseidon’s skin crawl every time he saw the same deep blue emotionless eyes look at him. ‘He’s evil.’ Poseidon said staring at the same eyes as his own, just this time in a lil baby form. Triton heard him and started crying. His little face scrunched up and his eyes tightly shut. Poseidon flinched a little. Triton was no easy kid. He inherited your siren voice which meant that he had a beautiful voice…yet a high pitched one when it needed to be. Triton’s screams could be heard all around the palace. The glass shaking and even Poseidon had to cover his ears whole Triton was screaming and crying
You quickly grabbed Triton by his sides and lifted him in your arms. He instinctively laid his head against your shoulder and began to lower his voice. He was now crying like a regular baby. His little hands balled into fists which he touched your hair with. After a while he had calmed down and his scrunched up face went to pouty one. ‘Ama’ Triton said pointing his finger at random stuff in the room. Poseidon looked at him before he took Triton from your arms. ‘You look tired. Go to bed.’ Poseidon said to you with Triton trying to crawl up his shoulder. You agreed with him and gave him a kiss. This caught Triton’s attention, his little figure stopped trying to climb up Poseidon’s shoulder and turned to you, his little shark tail hitting Poseidon in the face. ‘Does he have to wear the stupid onesie?’ Poseidon asked as Triton reached for you with his tiny hands. You laughed a little at Triton and softly brushed his blonde hair with your fingers. This resulted in him smiling at you and wiggling his legs as he giggled softly. Poseidon readjusted his grip on Triton and gave you another kiss. Upon seeing Poseidon kissing you Triton’s smile turned upside down as he again wiggled his little legs, only this time in annoyance. You smiled at Triton who was babbling to Poseidon and gave him a kiss on his head. Triton smiled and reached the top of his with his lil arms just where you kissed him. Poseidon just stared at the baby as if he was the devil. You patted Triton’s head before you went to your chambers.
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
‘Hey- stop that- Get down from there! Don’t put that in your mouth!-’ While you went to bed, Poseidon had a whole baby to take care of. He never understood how you could take care of…this. He didn’t like how the baby looked at him as if he was going to beat him up. Triton,who missed you dearly, was crawling around the room and throwing stuff at Poseidon. ‘Hey- Quit that! That’s not how a prince should behave!’ Poseidon told Triton sternly. Triton just looked at him innocently before he stuck his tongue out at him. Poseidon frowned and narrowed his eyes at the baby before he poked his cheek. Triton reacted by shaking his head and closing his eyes which Poseidon had to admit was cute. Poseidon watched Triton as he sat on the floor, hands on his lap and back straight. It was common for him to act with ✨etiquette✨ even when it came to watching his baby. His eyes watching how triton was interested in his own hands, turning them and clenching them into fists, rather than the million toys he bought him. His strict tactics didn’t work, so he tried mimicking what you always did to Triton. He softly grabbed Triton by his sides and brought him to his face. ‘Why won’t you play with the toys?’ Poseidon asked him in a gently voice as he looked his little baby in the eyes. He could hear Triton’s little breath’s his little blue eyes searching for something before they found it’s destination. His hands reached for the curl hanging down on Poseidon’s face as he put it in his mouth. Poseidon sighed and softly pulled his har out of Triton’s mouth and instead brought his binky to his lips. Triton opened his mouth to take the binky but just before that Poseidon turned it so that it was upside down, this way Triton let go of the grip he had on Poseidon’s luscious blonde hair and instead brought his hand to his binky. Triton sucked on the binky and blinked at Poseidon who was sliding his hair back so that Triton won’t grab it again. Triton began to fuzz in the time Poseidon was fixing his hair. Poseidon looked at the baby in confusion and thought to himself for a moment, after a while he looked at the clock and realized Triton must be hungry.
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 time skip
Poseidon was looking at his baby who was sitting in the high chair with a plate of food in front of him. He was around 9 months and had already started weaning. On his plate was broccoli (that Poseidon ofcourse didn’t make) A sweet coconut yogurt and some nuggets. Triton was sipping on his juice and looking at Poseidon. After a while his attention shifted to the plate, his little fingers crabbing the broccoli, he made a sound and started swinging it around. ‘No. Don’t do that.’ Poseidon told him and softly grabbed his fist and tried opening it. He underestimated his strength and it took way more of his to actually make him drop the broccoli. Triton in the mean time had his eyes set on the yogurt. Poseidon held a baby friendly spoon in front of Triton who was reaching for it in slow motion. After he got the spoon in his grasp he scraped it against the plate before he tried stirring the yogurt, resulting in some getting onto the spoon. Triton blinked a few times in interest before he started eating the yogurt, which he finished pretty fast. Poseidon took his bib and wiped his mouth. Triton wasn’t too fazed by it and started on his nuggets, he took a bite and his eyes went wide, put a hand over his mouth and started blowing. Poseidon couldn’t help but laugh a little at how Triton reacted to the heat of the nugget. Triton kept chewing and eventually got used to it. He then also cleared his nuggets and pointed to his juicebox. Poseidon grabbed it and held it in a way so that two os his fingers weren’t too far from the straw. This way Triton couldn’t accidentally shove the straw on the back of his throat. Triton took a few sips and then looked at the broccoli on his plate. He took a bit and scrunched up his face before he spit it out. This made Poseidon sigh as Triton refused to eat Broccoli since he was 7 months. Triton shook his head when Poseidon offered him the broccoli again but this time in a manner that he would feed him. Mid shook Triton stopped and looked at something else. He grabbed Poseidon’s hand and tugged on it while whining. ‘What? Stop whining.’ Poseidon said as he took Triton out of his high chair and put him on his lap. Triton pointed behind him and he turned around to see what he wanted. He wanted an orange. Poseidon look at the bowl of oranges and then back at Triton who was making grabby hands at it. He put Triton back in his high chair and grabbed a orange, peeled it and fed it to Triton in little pieces. Triton’s mood shifted to a happy and cheerful one after he got his orange.
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
After Triton’s dinner Poseidon was holding the baby in his arms. One placed on his daiper and the other on his back, softly patting it. Triton’s head was laid into the crook of his neck. Poseidon gently patted his back and slightly bounced him in his arms to make him sleepy. He actually had to admit that this wasn’t so bad, despite it being very tiresome he Triton was a cute baby…that was until he felt something in his diaper and looked down and the baby. ‘Did you just shit on me?’ Poseidon asked highly offended ‘nu uh. Take it away.’ Poseidon said to a servant and handed over the baby immediately.
After a while you woke up and Poseidon was so thankful that he kissed you. ‘That thing shat on me!’ Poseidon complained to you. ‘How could he do that to me! I’m his father! That’s so disrespectful!’ Poseidon ranted to you. You just plopped your head back on the bed and saw that Triton was sleeping his crib, you smiled and closed your eyes to go back to sleep despite Poseidon still ranting.
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⭐️Thank yall for reading this ⭐️
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likethexan · 9 months ago
I fuck with the Nerites/Poseidon ship not because I like old man/young man (really not my thing sorry Ganymede) but more on because I headcanon Nerites as only a bit younger than his Nereid sisters (5 years max) Since Hesiod never mentioned his age, only that he’s the youngest child of Doris and Nereus.
Nerites and Poseidon creating Anteros or Mutual Love makes Amphitrite/Poseidon/Nerites an interesting dynamic (even if its non existent in mythological text). Amphitrite obviously doesn’t want Nerites in her marriage bed (see the myth of Scylla) but that’s her brother, so of course it’s complicated.
Also, Nerites capturing the attention of not one, not two, but THREE gods (aphrodite, poseidon, helios) is such a flex even if he turns into a shellfish at the end (I like to think Poseidon does turn him back but not before laughing his ass off).
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psychesalcove · 8 months ago
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„ i think we're one of the same, i don't think we could help it (no i don't think we could help it) ”
𝜗𝜚 headcanons with percy with a child of amphitrite and their dynamic!!
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requested: yes, by anon !!
⚠️: not proofread AT ALL, percy being sassy as usual, nothing else i believe!!
💬: thank you so much for the request anon!! I decided to do some headcanons with this, which I hope is okay with you—if not, feel free to send in another ask and I'll get to writing it!! ALSO i thought i had uploaded it but i just saved it to my drafts, so im so sorry for not seeing my mistake sooner!!
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𖹭 some background info on this, amphitritea is the wife of poseidon—so this dynamic would be like step siblings in my mind, so that's what I'm going on!!
𖹭 when you first got to camp, percy emideantaly felt like he should get to know you–he didn't know why, but something about you seemed familiar in a way he couldn't place
𖹭 so ofc, like the social butterfly he is, he goes up to you and introduces himself to you,
𖹭 you already know of him bc of the whole savior of olympus and forbidden child thing going on, but you introduce yourself to him
𖹭 he invites you to sit with him so you don't have to be dangling off the hermes table bc of all his kids, and you happily agree
𖹭 the next few days, you are off doing your own things, but you and percy still say hi and stuff when you see eachother
𖹭 about a week has passed since you arrived, and still no sign from your godly parent
𖹭 and, literally no one could figure out who's kid you might be (even my girl annabeth was struggling with you)
𖹭 it was canoe race day, and you got paired up with percy (he def didn't beg Mr. D to have you in his group)
𖹭 you and percy were doing well in it (obv since he's a literal child of the sea), and you two ended up winning
𖹭 and, as percy moved to high-five you, a familiar blue glow appeared above you,
𖹭 you look up, and see a symbol of twin dolphins, the sign of Amphitrite, the wife of poseidon
𖹭 both you and percy were both shocked (probably him more than you)
𖹭 but, he quickly got over his shock and high fived you super hard
𖹭 "you're my sibling oh my gods oh my gods!!"
𖹭 he's like actually so happy when you got claimed
𖹭 but, he knows it can be hard getting used to being in a cabin alone after being with the hermes kids, so he helps you all he can
𖹭 this includes him helping you decorate your space, either with Polaroids of you and your mortal parents and friends, getting fairy lights hung up, and getting some stuffed animals on your bed, and a lot more things
𖹭 he wants you to know that you can always come to him for anything at all!! Even if it is a crush (even tho he knows you would go to piper for that)
𖹭 he would have so much fun introducing you to Tyson,
𖹭 like the three of you would be besties omg
𖹭 you and percy would also do that trend where you make bracelets with eachothers eye color (tyson would have one 2 don't worry 🙏)
𖹭 and both of you would religiously wear them and almost never take them off unless it's deemed unsafe to be wearing)
𖹭 percy would also make you practice with him, mainly bc he wants to be sure that you are prepared if any monster invasion happens or you get sent on a quest
𖹭 on the topic of a quest, he would be like a dad with a teenager going to their first dance or party
𖹭 he's actually so worried for you and what could happen; he's constantly asking if you have everything packed, if you brought enough ambrosia, etc.
𖹭 he'll def talk to chiron and Mr D abou the quest saying that he should also be able to go on it
𖹭 and then he gets all pissy when he can't come
𖹭 he's like: "wdym I can't go with them ☹️🙄😠"
𖹭 ALSO sally absolutely adores you
𖹭 he brought you over to his apartment for the first time and introduced Sally to you and BAM
𖹭 sally now has three kids, along with paul
𖹭 she's also worried whenever you have to go on quests, she makes you food and gets everything you need ready like omg I need sm like her
𖹭 you and percy have also definitely gone to some type of water park and just like,
𖹭 bullied all of the kids there with your water powers
𖹭 but then u guys get kicked out for being too loud and in the lifeguards words, "loitering"
𖹭 you both had to look that word up on Google afterwards
𖹭 percy and you also have sleepovers sooo often
𖹭 mr D at first tried to get you 2 to stop having them
𖹭 but you guys were like "we're siblings we share the same cabin wdym we have to be in different cabins 🤨🤨"
𖹭 percy and you also have beds set up in eachothers cabin that's just, yours or his bed
𖹭 and when you have the sleepovers, the two of you make the best pillow fort known to kind (you probably got the idea from annabeth)
𖹭 on the topic of annabeth, you two would emideantaly become besties
𖹭 percy will never tell either of you but he got a bit jealous of you guys when you first met
𖹭 you'll probably become friends with all of the 7 bc of your relationship with percy (I say that the 7 are all friends no one could make me think otherwise)
𖹭 percy and you have little hangouts where you chill at the bottom of the lake and just chat ab anything — even with the animals down there
𖹭 the two of you also have def went to an aquarium and made everyone think your psychos bc you talked to all of the animals there
𖹭 overall, percy thinks of you as his sibling, and loves knowing that you'll always have eachothers side <3
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king-of-the-fish · 3 months ago
(Amphi & Posei fluff? mayyybeeeee :3 / @4mph1r1t3 )
[Amphitrite knocks on their chamber’s doors. Her voice is soft.]
𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐧? 𝐠𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲..? 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧?
[She sounds sleepy but doesn’t voice it at all.]
[Poseidon looks up from where he was reading in bed]
Of course dear. You know you don't have to ask, it's your bedroom too.
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messymoonmad · 3 months ago
here's some freaky idea for you:
amphitrite and ody helping poseidon after a long day.. in bed 😈😈
Some of you are trying to turn me into an R34 artist lmao
You'll have to try harder to make me draw smut
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justcressida · 1 year ago
Medusa Penelope slaps hard! Please continue👀
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Okay, so let's move on from mythology. Under pressure from the Eckhart Family and Yvonne's return, the Reader took up residence in Athena's temple as a priestess.
Initially, Poseidon describes all the people around as 'bugs', but no matter what, he is an excellent watchmaker.
Of course, Athena and Poseidon often clash, and this means that Poseidon is almost always there to see the lovely priestess.
Damn, he has a wife and even a child, but this woman is even more divine than a Goddess.
Of course, Athena is an intelligent woman, but Poseidon's arrogance never made her admit that she was attracted to a human.
So what was expected eventually happened. The care of a God is no different from the apocalypse for woman.
You had time until Athena understood. Poseidon was a very strange man. He knew she couldn't stand up to him, and his words were as sharp as a knife, but sometimes his attention was breathtaking.
Each time, he would emphasize that you were a mortal, but he would spend the night between your legs. He was arrogant, arrogant, daring, but when you fought back... He liked it so much that he could hardly contain himself from grinning
He thought many times about kidnapping you, having you in his own land, but there were some things he couldn't get rid of. How many nights did Amphitrite spend alone in a cold bed? How many times have their children been rejected by their father? He does not remember because he was busy entering the temple, hiding his presence from Athena.
You looked so much alike. Your details were also hidden in each other, but in the end, this twisted love was found out.
No one could blame the tyrant of the seas. You were the one who was punished. Your beautiful curls, your gaze at the snakes turned into death.
Who can blame you? Even the curse that was given did nothing but honor his existence with more beauty. He's still very much in love. He's still very possessive. And you know what? He doesn't even need to hide it anymore
Poor Amphitrite, her husband is now in her bed with a cursed woman.
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that-little-fucking-shit · 4 months ago
Poseidon : So… what would you do if you were in bed with me? Amphitrite : Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Poseidon : Yes. Amphitrite : I'd sleep.
And this, kids, was how nobody was born.
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dandelion-blues · 1 year ago
Bittersweet Blood
What if Loki was Sally Jackson? Thus, Percy is born a half-blood of two gods from differing patheons. It's time Loki and Percy took the Marvel Universe by storm.
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Chapter 2, Part 5: The Sea Protects
Triton looked deep in thought as he calmed down and finally looked up, “I don’t think the child needs to forgo their Norse heritage. The Greek and Norse worlds are vastly different, and knowing about the Norse side of things shouldn’t increase the child’s danger like it will if they know about the Greek side. Because even Greek gods' scent increases with their awareness, and there are plenty of monsters and gods who would take advantage of a young god.”
Triton adds, “In fact it would probably be more beneficial for the child to know about their Norse side sooner, so they can practice their powers and will be more than prepared to fight monsters and survive. Of course, only when they are old enough to properly handle a weapon.”
Loki smiles in awe. He wants his child to know their Norse heritage, for it to not just be some dirty secret. Loki is glad. It feels much better to just hide parts of his child’s heritage, not forever, just until they can learn to properly defend themselves, and later to learn their Greek heritage when it’s time to tell them when it’s time to accept their destiny.
Poseidon grins widely, “And that means I can still train our child how to use a trident and how to command the ocean and strategize. I’ll just have to pretend to be an Asgardian.”
‘That I can still be in their life.’ went unsaid, but Loki and Amphitrite heard it loud and clear.
“How will we explain our names, though, and powers? We can’t even risk any hint of Greek into the child’s life to keep them the safest? And will the child live on the surface?” Triton asks.
“Well, I think that would be for the best. I do quite want to continue living on the surface even if it is lovely down here.” Loki responds.
Loki continues, “Also, I am very familiar with changing names and appearance. In fact I have a current mortal identity known as Sally Jackson, and she, I, am quite proud of how well I was able to adjust to Mid-” Loki cuts himself on, remembering what Poseidon said about calling Earth Midgard, and clears his throat, “Human culture.”
Then, Loki’s face goes white. He just admitted that he was female sometimes, and oh Norns, would they be disgusted with him?
Except all he sees when he looks toward Amphitrite and Triton all he sees is interest, and is that adoration from Amphitrite.
Loki shakes his head, he knew he was overthinking, but still that fear of being judged doesn’t just go away. Even when he’s been accepted and supported by Poseidon and his friend Malia. It’s still hard to tell others and not assume the worst.
“Hmm, can you help us with that dear?” Amphitrite asks sweetly, her voice like honey.
Loki nods his head eagerly and confesses, “Sure, though the most important thing is to find appearances and names that you are comfortable with and connect to, especially if you’ll be using them for an unknown time. For instance, though I picked the name Sally and later the mortal last name Jackson on a whim, I connect with the name, and Sally is who I am when I’m female. Though I did recently add the middle name Sylvie, since she was the first name I chose when I was younger, and I still wanted her to be part of my name.”
Loki looks away, embarrassed and still a little scared.
But Amphitrite grabs Loki’s hand and smiles, “That sounds lovely dear, and I would love to see her sometime.”
Loki smiles back, ‘see her’, not ‘meet her’. Amphitrite distinguished that Loki was still the same person as Sally, but just female.
“Alright! We’ll have to talk some more later. It’s getting quite late, and I’m sure Loki wants to go to sleep in his own bed.” Poseidon states.
And wow, Loki is feeling quite tired now that he thinks about it, and nods in agreement.
Before they turn to leave, Amphitrite grabs Loki’s hand and asks, “Can I hug you?”
Loki looks bewildered, “Yes, but why?”
Amphitrite gently hugs Loki, her large mer body dwarfing Loki’s small frame, but it felt so nice and comforting.
“I just thought you needed one.” Amphitrite answers.
“Thanks.” Loki whispers to her.
“Goodbye Amphitrite and Triton, it was wonderful meeting you too, and we’ll meet again sometime soon.” Loki waves to his new friends? Family? Family, Loki decides.
“Goodbye my Βασίλισσα (“Queen”), and πολύτιμος γιος (“precious son”), I’ll see you again soon.” Poseidon tells his family.
“Goodbye father, and goodbye Loki.” Triton says, his face, bright gold in embarrassment.
“Goodbye my love, and make sure to keep Loki safe.” Amphitrite warns. “And see you soon υπέροχο σμαράγδι (“lovely emerald”).” Amphitrite whispers just to Loki.
Loki's face heats up bright red, and Amphitrite just grins sharply back.
Then, Loki grabs Poseidon’s hand, and he flashes them into Loki’s cabin.
Loki smiles, glad to be around back home. Home, huh, that feels right. And not too long afterward makes his way to bed, and drags Poseidon along and whispers in his ear, “Thank you for everything.”
“Of course my love.” Poseidon whispers back, just before the curtains of night fall upon Loki and he falls asleep.
And that's the end of chapter 2! Hope you all enjoyed this fic and crossover. The rest will be posted on ao3 eventually.
Also, some things will be changed and edited before I post to ao3, so if you do eventually read it on there, please keep that in mind.
One such change I already made is that Percy will only be partially aware of his Norse heritage at first, not that Sally/Loki is a god.
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thatposidengirly · 1 month ago
heres Rio’s chapter :3
Chapter 2: Rio Caraden Smith (Child of Poseidon)  
This day can’t get any worse. First, I get claimed by my Godly parent, you might think that’s a good thing, considering I'm a child of one of the Big Three gods! And POSEIDON NO LESS! And the fact that I just had to get claimed in front of my teacher, a FURY(one of the goddesses of vengeance, Tisiphone I think)! I was in class zoned out as usual, when a holographic trident appeared above my head. I didn’t notice until my Teacher (the Fury) tackled me out the window. Where I threw her in front of a bus and ran as fast as I physically could. 
After that, I prayed to Hermes, by reciting “May swift-footed Hermes, guide of words and meaning, who clears the way for unity and understanding, be with me: I honor you and praise your might”. It felt weird since he’s technically my cousin. But he gave me some bus tickets so, Thanks, Hermes! It took about 2 hours to get from my school to the edge of Long Island, where I met Sunny (a child of Apollo)  and Ace (a child of Nemesis). I met Ace first, they’re nice we met on the bus ride, and Sunny met us after Ace and I got off the bus, she had just enough money to get us some snacks from a liquor store, and we had to combine our Drachmas to hail the Grey Sisters Taxi to the border of Camp Half-blood.
In the cab I sat in the middle, Sunny was on the passenger side and Ace was on the driver's side. Sunny was blushing for some reason; she reminds me of my girlfriend Scarlett. She’s a Daughter of Hermes, Sunny told me this was her eighth year at camp, and this is my first so I'm nervous about how my first day will go.
When we arrived at Camp Sunny, Ace and I all split up to go to our cabins. The Poseidon cabin is empty, besides a few beds and decorations, it feels so lonely. I went to the infirmary to go see Sunny, she was already working. After the day went by Sunny and I went to the campfire, we had fun eating s’mores and singing campfire songs, and that’s when I got claimed, again, Poseidon’d trident started glowing over my head, and then a rainbow also appeared over my head.
Sunny looked at me confused “Poseidon and Iris?” Sunny said in a confused tone. And trust me she’s not the only one confused, after that, the rest of the day is a blur, I went to the big house to talk to Chiron but that’s it.
The next day was extremely eventful, I was at the beach praying to my dad when a Hippocampus(AN ACTUAL HIPPOCAMPUS) came out of the water and just bowed to me, I named her Lorelei, She’s very cute, and she wanted me to get on her back, so in total laps of judgment I got on her back and she rode into the ocean. Yea I know I also thought I was a goner, We passed an underwater Palace, I think I was a mermaid but more shark-like, and then we arrived on an Island with a beautiful palace.
I MET POSEIDON! He’s letting me stay at his palace for however long I want, he introduced me to his wife Amphitrite. While I was on my way to my new room I met my family. Orange is one of my half-siblings, along with a few others, notably, I have a cousin who’s the daughter of Amphitrite, her name is Coral, we met when I went to get a midnight snack and she was there eating a cup of Noodles, we had a fun little chat. That’s it for now see ya later alligator! 
Yes. Perfection. This is exactly how I think she would write, lol 😆
Also her Regina George-ing her teacher 😂
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4mph1r1t3 · 3 months ago
*Icey walks next to Amphirite and flops down, tired and annoyed*
Hiiii ma.. I let Hermes get drunk in my house... now everything's glittery.
*They just lay into her and sighs*
Can I crash here tonight?... and deal with the disco ball i call a home later
- @1ceyanonhasarrived
[The goddess chuckles. She sits up in her and Poseidon’s bed. Her robe slips off her shoulder. Amphitrite nods her head.]
𝐎𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧?
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mythica0 · 3 months ago
Hello fellow Epic fan! Hope you're still open to requests because I'm here to donate~! 😉
So I recently discovered that Poseidon has a wife of his own, named Amphitrite (whom I really hope he's more faithful to than Zeus is to Hera); I've also been craving more Lee Poseidon as of late, so how about we combine the two.
Scenario: Amphitrite sees her hubby's been in a really grumpy mood all day (no doubt because of some pesky mortal again) so she wants to help him take his mind off it with some sweet personal TLC in the bedroom~ (mostly cuddles and kisses, dw) That's when she rediscovers some pretty adorable things about her little lord of the sea~ 😊
TLDR; I want some wholesome couple fluff involving lots of tickle kisses (mainly on ear fins or gills).
Hope that's good enough for a description for ya!
Sweet lovin’
🎂:Epic: the musical
Summary: after Poseidon comes home from an upsetting encounter with a mortal, Amphitrite wants to help cheer him up.
A/N: I don’t know much about Amphitrite, so I’m basically winging her characterization. Also, as a teenager who’s aroace and never been in a relationship, I’m hoping that I wrote the lovey-dovey stuff okay. With all that being said, enjoy! :3
P.s: (oooo, sorry to disappoint but Poseidon actually had more lovers than Zeus 😅)
Sweet lovin’
Poseidon walked into the fancy, decorated underwater cave, and the first thing Amphitrite heard was a sigh.
She turned to look as her husband stepped into their cave, their underwater home, looking tired and stressed. She walked closer, gently and slightly hesitant.
“My dear? Are you alright?”
Another long, deep sigh. “Yes, love, I’m fine. Just had some problems with that damn mortal I was telling you about.”
She smiled a bit, fondness and sympathy sparkling in her eyes. “I see. How about a bit of a cuddle night?”
Poseidon’s eyes lit up a bit at the words, although he tired to hide his extreme excitement as a more casual acceptance. “Yeah, that sounds…nice.”
Amphitrite chuckled a bit at the facade, but decided not to bring it up. “Alright dear, you go take a warm shower and I’ll get the bedroom set up, okay?”
Poseidon smiled a bit. “Thanks, love.”
She walked up to him and gave him a little peck on the cheek, needing to stand on her tiptoes slightly to reach. “Of course, darling.”
Poseidon kissed the top of her head in return and then walked off towards their bathroom. Amphitrite heard the water start running as she walked into their bedroom.
She looked through the room to find the most cozy, warm blankets that they owned. The cave was, well, a cave, but it was still fancy and furnished in a way fit for an Olympian, including a large, soft bed.
As Poseidon washed away the stress of the day, Amphitrite busied herself with making a comfortable nest of pillows and blankets on the bed. She dimmed the lights, and put on some soft music, trying to make a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.
Not long after she had finished, Poseidon stepped out of the bathroom in a comfortable robe for sleep. He walked into their bedroom and saw the little nest.
“It’s lovely, dear. Thank you.”
“No problem, my love. Now let’s cuddle!” She encouraged, pulling him towards the nest.
He chuckled and followed, and then they both climbed into the bed and wrapped their arms around each other in a warm embrace.
For a while they just cuddled calmly, but at some point, Amphitrite started to lightly trace Poseidon’s back.
He huffed a bit of laughter through his nose, and muttered lazily. “Darling, tha’ tickles..”
Amphitrite smiled, fond yet mischievous. “Oh, does it now?”
The teasing tone sent a shiver down Poseidon’s spine.
“Maybe this will help cheer you up, hmm?” She whispered, her voice full of affection. She wrapped her arms around Poseidon a little tighter, and then started to intentionally tickle, tracing and scribbling lightly at his sides.
Poseidon started to giggle, the light touch eliciting a light, airy sort of laugh. “Lohohove, nohoho..” he complained half-heartedly, but both of them knew it wasn’t fully genuine.
“Awww, but your little giggles are so cute!” She teased in response, her voice full of love. She leaned forward and started to pepper his neck with light, ticklish kisses, even making ridiculous little exaggerated noises.
Poseidon felt so silly, but yet so loved, as the various light, tender touches produced joyful giggles from him. “Ahamphitrihite plehehease! Thahat tihihickles!”
“That’s the point, dear, I’m tickling you!” She paused her little kisses to respond. She loved the giggles of Poseidon, how sweet and gentle they sounded in contrast to his usual rough personality.
Despite his protests, Poseidon was pretty happy right now. He definitely felt much better than he did when he came home. Amphitrite continued to trace little shapes and lines all over his sides with her long claws and lightly kiss along his neck and ear fins, eliciting soft giggles.
It was such a warm, loving and cozy environment, and Poseidon felt so cared for and loved.
It was all soft and gentle, each little giggle or teasing word no louder than a whisper- until Amphitrite decided to blow a small little raspberry on her husband’s gills.
This resulted in a quite embarrassing squeal from the god of the tides, followed by a bright blush and protests. “Dahaharlihing nohOt thehe gihihills!”
“Aww, are your little gills super-duper ticklish, hmm? Do they make you all giddy and happy~” she cooed gently in response, only furthering the redness on his face.
“Nohohoho, daharlihing stohohop!” He protested, unserious and gentle, gently pushing at her head where she was kissing and blowing raspberries along his gills. He was laughing much louder now, deep, belly laughs that echoed along the stone walls of the cave.
“I don’t know, dear~ are you sure you’re feeling allll better? No more yucky stress, hmm~?” She teased again in response, voice gentle and loving in the way only she could be.
“Yehehes, ihim hahahappy, ihi prohohomise!” It wasn’t a lie either, he truly was happy. The whole night of cuddles and tickles had done wonders to brighten his mood.
But Amphitrite wasn’t done just yet.
“I don’t know if I believe you~ maybe I should do one last thing, just to be sure, hmm~?”
“Plehehease, nohohoho!” Poseidon protested once again, a giddy sort of nervousness building in his chest.
Amphitrite ignored the untrue protests, and then pulled him closer. She’s scribbled her sharp claws along his sides and blew a big raspberry on either side of his neck at his gills at the same time, causing loud, rumbling laughter to escape from him.
After just a moment, she stopped, leaving him with leftover, breathless giggles.
“Ohoho myhy… yohou reheally know hohow to make a mahan lahaugh..” He smiled widely as he said it, giggles sprinkled into the words.
Amphitrite smiled, and leaned in close to Poseidon, continuing to cuddle as he let out all the remaining giggles. “Do you feel better?” She asked, genuine and fond.
Poseidon nodded. “Yes, love, thank you.”
“Of course, darling, anytime.”
And they held each other close for the rest of the night, until they drifted into a peaceful, loving slumber in each others arms.
———THE END————————————————
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amphitriteswife · 2 years ago
Poseidon x !Amphitrite! Reader
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(Angst no comfort) ( you are Amphitrite)
Im so terribly sorry for how bad this is
Amphitrite, one of the 50 nereids and Poseidon’s wife. Everyone always thought how lucky you were to be his wife. But they were wrong. You tried. You really did even though no one saw it. Not even Poseidon.
You were the oldest nereid, so ofcourse Nereus and Doris were happy. They gave you a star shaped hair clip because it suited you’re hair color. You enjoyed your life with your sisters. You were often found playing in the waters or just looking at the beautiful sea creatures. You knew how you often got some more duties than the others because you were the oldest but you didn’t mind it. Until it came to marrying Poseidon. When you heard that Poseidon would come to the palace to pick a wife you found yourself indifferent to the information. You didn’t want to get married. You wanted to remain your peaceful life and maybe be a one of the virgin goddesses. Yet he picked you. Why? Why did he pick you? Only he knew the answer to that question. You looked at your father to maybe say something. He knew you didn’t want to marry but he didn’t say anything. Upon seeing the sight of your father not looking or even saying anything at you, you hoped maybe your mother would chime in to save you……But it never came. No one said anything as it was now confirmed that you had to marry Poseidon.
Then the wedding came. Your sisters helped you get ready. Even the goddess of love herself came to help you. Yet no one saw how unhappy you were. No one said anything. No one did anything about it. The wedding was totally not something you would’ve ever thought about. Slowly but surely the dreams you had faded away. The looks of the gods who were in distaste because Poseidon was marrying a nymph. Oh how they hated it. You were no goddess you were no were near them. You should’ve been happy, over the moon to even look at Poseidon. Yet you weren’t. Alright, maybe you were overreacting, maybe it wasn’t all that bad. Maybe he was just putting up a facade. Right? You tried to convince yourself it was true that maybe everything will be alright. That maybe this was just not as bad as you thought it would be. Oh how naïve you are. When you arrived in the palace you saw the look on the face of the palace staff. Pity. They pitied you for what he would do to you. You tried to be what everyone wanted you to be. What he wanted you to be. You always tried to help him. Help the staff. Help anyone. Yet when it came to you no one even bated an eye. You did everything you could for anyone. You went out of your way to help Poseidon with paper work. When he was asleep you did his work so that maybe he would be a little less moody. Yet it always ended with the feeling of a sting on your cheek. You couldn’t help but cry. Even when he called you pathetic you never denied what he said. You loved him. You loved your Family. Yet none of them ever did anything.
You were helping the palace staff with hanging the bed covers. However one of them flew away so you reassured the staff that you would get it. You grabbed the cover and covered yourself with it because it was so heavy. It felt warm. It felt cozy. It as if someone was embracing you. You kept thinking about how warm until one of the staff came to you. ‘Lady Amphitrite!’ You didn’t even turn your head as you just kept staring straight ahead. ‘Are you alright? My lady?’ She asked you as she noticed that you weren’t reacting to her. ‘……I sometimes just want to disappear….’ You told her honestly. She looked at you shocked and hurt. ‘My lady! Don’t say such things! You are very much appreciated!’ You didn’t even try to hide the fact that tears were rolling down your face. ‘I try…why does he hate me so much?…’ you started sobbing. How could a cover bring you to tears? This just proved how pathetic you were. You always had hoped that maybe someday things would be different. That you’d be happy. After all you never expected Poseidon to love you back but he didn’t have to make your like a living hell. You knew you were unloved and unlovable. But you still convinced yourself that maybe someday….just maybe the world would be kinder to you. You cried every day, for him. All for him. Perhaps you clung to false hope because you knew the real one was never there…
You knew you weren’t going to make it out alive when you got married to him. Whether it would be Poseidon who got enough of you or the gods. You knew the end was near so you had nothing to be afraid about. After all there would be no one who would miss you. Poseidon never cared. So you would be doing everyone a favor right?
You were in your chamber staring outside when you heard your doors creek. You could hear the footsteps coming towards you but your eyes remained on the sight in front of you. ‘Not even going to great me? You lowlife.’ You already knew who’s voice it was and didn’t even bother to turn around. ‘Good day to you too, husband.’ You responded. ‘Tch’ was all he could say before he stood next to you. ‘Something you have to say?’ You asked him still not bothering to look at him. Poseidon noticed this and proceeded to do the same. ‘No.’ He responded looking at the fishies together with you. ‘Nice sight huh?’ You asked breaking the silence. ‘Hmmh.’ was the only thing he said as he kept looking at the fishes. It was kind of cute how most thing never even got his attention but when it came to sea life he seemed to almost have a strange spark in his eyes. You let out a little laugh as the fishies seemed to ignore his attempts at touching them. Upon hearing your laugh the fishies soon turned their attention to you ad they all started swarming around you. Poseidon simply looked at you and the fishies in amusement. The fishes began to cuddle you as they were all ignoring Poseidon’s presence. Poseidon slowly put his arms around you and began to gently pull you towards him. The fishies were now surrounding both you and Poseidon. Poseidon didn’t mind you as he was to busy looking at a group of goldfish. Perhaps he wasn’t all that cold? Poseidon soon began to spend more time with you. Much to your dismay as you had already given up on ever loving him again. He found you pretty strange as you had told him ‘Nothing can hurt you if you’re not here.’ He found himself a bit weirded out by you but as long as the fishies didn’t ignore him anymore it was fine.
‘Proteus.’ Poseidon called for his trusted butler. ‘Yes? Lord Poseidon? ‘Call my wife.’ Poseidon told his butler. He was feeling a little generous today and had wanted to see his beloved wife. Proteus without objection immediately began to walk towards your room and when he opened the door he was met with a unpleasant sight.
‘Lord Poseidon!’ Proteus called out to Poseidon who was in his night wear. ‘What is it?’ Poseidon asked him a bit irritated that you weren’t there with him as he had asked to. ‘My lady…she.. she has been…’ Proteus couldn’t even come out of his words as he was still in shock of what had happend. Poseidon immediately barged into your room and saw you’re lifeless body. He couldn’t even say anything as a million questions popped into his head. Who would do this to you? And why? And how? All he could do was hold you in his arms as he muttered a very shaky ‘i’m so sorry.’ He noticed the knife in your hands as he had realized that you did this to yourself wich made him feel even more powerless and guilty. He let out a sob as he realized that he failed as your husband. Instead of being by your side he was the first to abandon you. Oh how wrong he was to treat you so poorly. Even the palace staff could only watch how Poseidon was shedding tears over you. They tried to convince him to let you go but he refused to do so as he couldn’t accept that you weren’t here anymore. Until it hit him about what you had said. The words still replaying in his head. ‘Nothing can hurt you, if you’re not here…..’ he should’ve known this sooner. He should’ve known you were never alright. But he didn’t and he regrets it.
No one had noticed anything different about Poseidon. Still the ever stoic white blonde man. Except for his older brother. Poseidon was still standing in your room looking at the fishies. ‘Are you okay?…..’ Hades asked his brother with worry spread across his face. ‘…….I miss her��.. I miss the sea.’ He responded still not facing his older brother as the only thing on his mind was you. ‘The sea is still there…Just without Amphitrite.’ Hades told him a bit confused by Poseidon’s statement. ‘I know but it was always different when she was here…She made it feel like home…’ Hades had already noticed the shakiness in his voice as he walked to his brother to comfort him.
Thank yall for reading this. This was inspired by my mental breakdown so shoot out to that 😘
@lady-pani-dabaddie @viostar2095 @lotusmybeloved @monstertreden @posei-dont-mina @bimmiscourt
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