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davidwfloydart · 2 years ago
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FUNGHI NELL’ACQUA #fungifanatic #fungilover #fungiaffair #mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #amazingnature (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl162a3LkHjGYJTqbpYdXKHwZ7sq9qN3dGFYUA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juergeneidfotografie · 2 years ago
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Hallo Zusammen, Pilz-Foto 2/3 😊 Habt einen schönen Tag und gutes Licht 📸 . . . . #mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #mushroom_moods #pilze #fungus #naturfotografie #nikondach #patchworkfotografen #the_gallery_of_magic #naturephotography (hier: Kerpen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkixzkssWZK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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erfigh · 3 years ago
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#mushroomtree #mushrooms🍄 #mushroommagic #mycology #mushrooms_of_our_world #allthemushroomhashtags #fungifanatic #mushroomidentification #mushroomlove #mushroomsociety #mushroomsofinstagram #fungi_fan_club #fungiofinstagram #fongs #bolets #chusayinka #setas #micologia #romania #rumania #ig_romania #romaniamagica #visitromania #romaniapitoreasca #igersromania #beautifulromania #igromania #travelpic (en Surdesti, Maramures, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciop44aqC2K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deepblueeyes-26 · 3 years ago
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∴ Came across this spooky bunch last year on my road. I love how shaggy manes tend to look like ghost, & that they start to show in all of October. If you notice the one off to the far left has two pine needles of debris on its cap, to me they look like eyes. Therefore I give you this Halloween Boo-a-shroom! 👻 ∴⁣
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jclema · 4 years ago
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Sulphur Tuft #photonemal #divine_forest #worldwide_mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #Mycophoria #mushroomsofinstagram #all_bokeh_addiction #bokeh_addicts #fiftyshades_of_macro #9vaga_naturemiracles9 #dof_brilliance #dof_of_our_world #excellent_nature #kings_macro #nature_perfection #dof_explore #macro_highlight #charming_nature_#fiftyshades_of_nature #inthemoodfor_macro #still_life_nature #magicmacroworld #ig_nature_naturally #instanaturefriends_ #nb_nature_brilliance #bpa_nature #macro_royals #nature_of_our_world #lensloves_nature #macro_delight (at Menzies Creek, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQkbHesMKnp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thrivenaturali · 4 years ago
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Another massive mushroom find, can anyone identify this one. It was growing on a fully healthy tree high up above the ground. Never came across something like this one! #thrivenaturali #mushrooms #mushroomhunting #mushrooms_of_our_world #mushroomsofinstagram #picoftheday #giantmushroom #mushroomart #mushroomsociety #hiking #nature #beauty #coolstuff #identify (at West Don Parklands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7X0qvBhf5/?igshid=1n6v56uldy9w
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juergeneidfotografie · 2 years ago
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Hallo Zusammen, Wie war euer Tag? Heute habe ich es geschafft, nach Feierabend, ne Runde fotografieren zu gehen. Noch habe ich die Fotos nicht gesichtet. Die Objekte der Begierde waren Pilze, ein paar Blumen, Landschaft und Sonnenuntergang. Ich weis, etwas chaotisch, aber es ging nicht anders 😂 Hier mache ich mit der Pilzserie weiter. Es freut mich sehr, das die Fotos so gut und noch mehr freue ich mich über die Kommentare 😉 Jetzt wünsche ich einen schönen Abend und einen guten Start ins Wochenende bzw in die Ferien. 😊 . 90mm - f3.8 - 1/80sec - ISO100 . . . . #pilze #pilzfotografie #pilzzeit #mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #mushroom_photography #fungus #fungi #naturfotografie_deutschland #natgeoyourshot #nikondach #bilddestages #the_gallery_of_magic #outinthewoods #waldspaziergang #gooutdoors #kerpen_natur #sevenetteswerk #patchworkfotografen #tamrondeutschland #yourshotphotographer (at Kerpen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJFaUhMPSa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jhmich · 5 years ago
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The fungus among us. More shots from our walk the other day. #fungus #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroom🍄 #mushroom #mushrooms_of_our_world #fungusamongus #fungusphotography #fungusofinstagram #flowers #flowersofinstagram #gardendesign #gardening #gardening4pleasure https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNDZU_gaSm/?igshid=13y2hflhe9nz4
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therapeuticshroom · 5 years ago
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The Morchella elata species of #fungus is sought after by #mushroom hunters. They should be eaten cooked, not raw, due to small amounts of toxins destroyed through cooking. #mushrooms🍄 #ediblemushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-bjTTMNQy/?igshid=a166zlushakm
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wordswimmer · 5 years ago
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If you remember the folk group, The Mamas and the Papas, you might recall their song, “All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray.” They were singing about a winter’s day, not a hot and rainy summer’s day in Florida. But their song came to mind this morning as I passed these mushrooms making their appearance as rain and humidity (and lots of heat!) created ideal growing conditions amidst the pine needles and live oak leaves. #mushrooms #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroom #mushroomart #mushrooms_of_our_world #floridamushrooms #floridalife #florida https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEvsr4nzSm/?igshid=tteqzvs7n9eo
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jclema · 4 years ago
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Sulphur tuft #photonemal #divine_forest #worldwide_mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #Mycophoria #mushroomsofinstagram #all_bokeh_addiction #bokeh_addicts #fiftyshades_of_macro #9vaga_naturemiracles9 #dof_brilliance #dof_of_our_world #excellent_nature #kings_macro #nature_perfection #dof_explore #macro_highlight #charming_nature_#fiftyshades_of_nature #inthemoodfor_macro #still_life_nature #magicmacroworld #ig_nature_naturally #instanaturefriends_ #nb_nature_brilliance #bpa_nature #macro_royals #nature_of_our_world #lensloves_nature #macro_delight (at Menzies Creek, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQN8oF5M5EO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jtoonmanwilliams · 5 years ago
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Stump Puff mushrooms Photography by Jeff Williams© #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroom #mushrooms #mushroomphotos #mushrooms_of_our_world #mushroomphotos #mushroomsociety #mushroomart #mushroomphotography #indianamushrooms #photooftheday #parksandrecreation #indianaconservation #indy_photolife #indyblogger #indyphotographer #indyartist #indy_photolife #indianaconservation #indianafreelancer [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_IwtrnxcW/?igshid=9zkssc38iu1m
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chriscarterart · 5 years ago
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My favorite birthday present yesterday was a bag of local mushrooms from the Easton Farmer’s Market. Thank you @mariasagingwell ! A perfect entry for this week’s spread in my Perpetual Plant Journal. Drawn and rendered in pencil, followed by watercolor. #watercolourpainting #mushrooms_of_our_world #botanicalart #chriscarterart #explorewithchriscarter #drawingsketch #mushroomdrawing #blacktrumpet #craterallusfallax (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B32jJfRF5Yc/?igshid=dmaa43paqc3b
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davidwfloydart · 5 years ago
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All dressed up... the Turkey-tail 🦃 🍄 #mushroom🍄 #fungilove #mushroomart #mushrooms_of_our_world #forests #forestphotography #mushroomspotting #mushroomphotography #nature_brilliance (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gCbXFB4IhSl7EUOfpaXhRzqtbVXx2i-lLyFI0/?igshid=2lscez93kbil
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juergeneidfotografie · 3 years ago
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Hallo Zusammen, … und weiter geht die fröhliche Reise durch den Wald. Diesen Kameraden habe ich am Waldrand gefunden und abgelichtet. Dem entsprechend war es heller und das wollte ich auch mit diesem Foto transportieren. Ein wenig bin ich um den Pilz rum gekrochen um das Bokeh ins Bild zu bekommen. Was auch sehr angenehm war, am Waldrand war der Boden nicht nass 😀 . Jetzt wünsche ich euch einen schönen Abend und viel Freude mit diesem Foto. 😊 . Btw, ich mag ja die dunklen Foto sehr, so hell ist irgendwie ungewohnt, aber es sollte so rüberkommen wie die Situation war. Was haltet ihr davon? Lasst es mich gerne wissen. . 90mm - f3.3 - 1/80eec ISO100 . . . . #pilze #spechttintling #mushrooms #mushrooms_of_our_world #fungilover #fungusphotography #pilzfotografie #pilzliebe #divine_forest #forest_magic #yourshotphotographer #bilddestages #nikondach #nikoneurope #naturfotografie_deutschland #raw_allnature #raw_germany #the_gallery_of_magic #sevenetteswerk #thisaintartschool #patchworkfotografen #tamrondeutschland #natgeoyourshot #bokehphotography #bokehlove (hier: Kerpen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGgO27D4tk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gainsdalf-the-gwei · 6 years ago
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The tiny kingdom. Red cracked bolete and a member of the Mycena family. . . . #fungi #mushrooms #macro #macrophotography #mushrooms_of_our_world #mycena #bolete #fungiphotography #fungilove #fungi #bokeh #tl70 #mintcamera #instaxmini #instax #fujifilm #fujiinstax  #instantfilm #instaxlove #instaxphoto #チェキ #polaroid #mood #shootfilmgobroke #photography #analog #analogphotography #fungal #nature (at PNW) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24XEMnHekp/?igshid=1knjiw4yb7h0i
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