#muse: mad mew mew
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//New muses added (Including some old muses that were removed a while back)
Nagomi Wahira (Akiba Maid War)
Ranko Mannen (Akiba Maid War)
Sam Sharp (The Loud House)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Muffet (Undertale)
Undyne (Undertale)
Princess Peach Toadstool (Mario)
Leaf Green (Pokemon)
Hemlock (Fortnite)
The Machinist (Fortnite)
#ooc#muse: nagomi wahira#muse: ranko mannen#muse: sam sharp#muse: mad mew mew#muse: muffet#muse: undyne#muse: princess peach#muse: leaf green#muse: hemlock#muse: the machinist
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How do you feel about Drayton and maple
Shit uhhhh
I think I've heard of a maple, researcher girl, right? I don't really recall the other name. Probably not too important
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Kittycat is pink and small and likes trucks. Nobody’s caught it and we’re both gonna keep it from getting caught. Its good at hiding and it likes pranks.
Kittycat is gonna turn invisible and hide again. Wish it could play more. Dunno if I should talk about Kittycat but nobody seems to mind?
#//OOC: if I don’t make a truck joke every time a mew is mentioned an angel loses its wings to me#muse mixup madness: what once went wrong
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How I make characters, blogs, and plots: A guide by Bench
Hello! Due to popular demand, I'm making a post about my development process for making Pokemon IRL-related stuff.
I should note, this is my methods. You're fully free to use your own methods for making Pokemon IRL stuff! Don't feel pressured to copy me.
With that out of the way, I hope you all find this useful!
Part 1: Initial Ideas
Usually, the first thing I do when creating something new for Pokemon IRL, whether that be a character, blog, plot, or something else, is ask myself, "What would be a fun thing for other people's characters to bounce off of?"
@wingsofachampion, all the way back in late 2022, I introduced to the Pokemon IRL community because I saw all these blogs for regular trainers, and thought, "I wonder what'd happen if I threw a PMD character into the mix, how would everyone interact with them?"
For @goldenrodchef, I thought, "How would people interact with someone who isn't physically human, but is trying to appear human online?" (Back when I started his blog, he was trying to hide the fact that he got turned into a Pokemon.)
For @zoruascanbetrainerstoo, my process was a little different. I was trying to find a way to keep myself focused on my mainline marathon, and decided to make a blog about it. But I couldn't figure out a protagonist for it, until I had the idea, "What if this trainer isn't human? How would people interact with a Pokemon trying to be a trainer?" And so I brought back my concept for Illanero from back in 2021, and made xem the protagonist of the blog.
For @interregionalgyminspections, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a gym inspector?" For @askthelonelyninetales, I asked myself, "How would people interact with an immortal non-legendary being?" For @amewwayofliving, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a legendary trying to live among humans?" And for @obletadetective, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a detective character?"
Of course, this is leaving out the fact that many of these characters are ones I had made (or canon characters I modified) long before making their blogs, and simply ported over to Pokemon IRL. @interregionalgyminspections and @amewwayofliving are the only active characters I have so far that I made for Pokemon IRL first.
Still, asking the "What would be a fun thing for other people's characters to bounce off of" question helped me figure out which characters to port over. And it helped me come up with those two brand-new characters, too.
It's a similar story for making plots. Tropius' whole plot with her special name derives from my PMD worldbuilding, yes, but also from the question "How would people interact with someone being afraid to say their name?"
Think of plots as sorta a variation of Muse Mixup Madness. A time period where stuff happens to your characters, except instead of being variations of your characters, it's the main versions, and has lasting impact. Muse Mixup Madness lets you get as wild as you'd like with the variations. So get as wild as you'd like with your plots! Have your character catch that legendary, or undergo that mental breakdown, or travel to another region, or anything! Ask that question of "What would be something interesting to happen to my characters, and how would people interact with that?", and once you have an idea, you have the seeds of a plot!
Part 2: Development and Planning
Once you have that initial idea, it's time to develop it! There's lots of ways to do it, and I even use multiple ways myself! But the method I use the most is improv.
The details of the pantheon of Mew's world, and a lot of Breve's advice about gyms, all entirely improv, created on the spot.
I know, this answer is probably disappointing. But improv is a powerful tool. "Yes, and" can create masterpieces, it's what this community was first built on. Make up things on the fly to make your characters and blogs more detailed! It's how I first came up with the idea of Gen being an aspiring chef.
If that's not good enough for you (which is perfectly understandable), @paldean-ranger-brandy has made this lovely post about a bunch of questions to develop your characters. I highly recommend checking it out!
Besides that, you can also plot things out, planning for the future of your blogs. For example, I plan on revealing Tropius' special name eventually, but that's a long ways away.
For planning ahead, I like to ask myself three questions. "How do I want things to end up?" "What will cause things to end up that way?" "How do I build up to that cause?" I then fill in the gaps between these three questions, and I have a character arc!
Part 3: Staying Committed
I've heard from several people that they have trouble keeping their Pokemon IRL blogs active, which is completely understandable. I myself struggle with that sometimes.
My main advice for staying committed is to keep throwing interesting stuff at your characters. Things like plots, events, and relations with other blogs.
One of the biggest things that has helped me keep Gen's blog active is that I keep having him form new connections with people. Almost every time a new eeby pops up, I have him reach out to try to help.
For Illanero's blog, what keeps me committed is the amount of stuff in the mainline Pokemon games for xem to react to. Every time that something major happens in a mainline Pokemon game I'm playing, that's a potential new post for xyr blog.
And for Tropius, when I come up with new PMD worldbuilding tidbits, I usually can have her making posts talking about it. There's also just looking around my home to see if there's something she might not understand, like dressers, and making a post about her being confused by that thing.
One of my favorite methods of staying focused on a character is to have them play a game, or read a book, or watch a show, and liveblog it! I've done this with Tropius reading book 1 of Warrior Skitties, and Gen playing A Hat in Time.
Bonus points if the story has things that will emotionally impact your characters. Like a good media leaves us thinking about it for long after we finish it, have your characters think about the media they've experienced. Have them write analyses on it, or rant about it, or even make a fanfic about it!
Keep throwing things at your characters! It's enrichment for them, and for you.
Part 4: Taking Breaks and Letting Go
Not every blog is going to keep your attention indefinitely. Some you might lose interest in for a while, or even entirely. It's a necessary skill to know when it's time to stop, whether that be temporarily, or permanently.
Back in around March of 2023, I was getting a bit exhausted with Pokemon IRL. It was getting really tiring to keep up with. So I took a break, until June 30th. And when I returned, I felt reinvigorated, with fresh motivation! If you're started to get tired with a blog, or Pokemon IRL as a whole, a break might help a lot!
But sometimes, a break isn't enough. You might come back, and still feel disinterested. In those cases, it's sometimes best to say goodbye.
Take my old self-insert faller blog, for instance. I had taken a break from it when I started receiving anon hate on it. But even after I tried posting on it again, it still felt uncomfortable and unfun. So I decided to completely convert the blog into something entirely different, and stop writing my self-insert faller.
It might be scary to say goodbye, but sometimes, it's what's best.
Part 5: Conclusion
That's about all I can think of right now. I might make another part to this eventually, with answers to any questions any of you might have.
By the way, feel free to ask questions about any of this! I'd be happy to answer!
And feel free to reblog this, too, to spread it around! Don't feel pressured to, though.
Thank you for reading through this all!
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Rip of the week: 25/11/2024
Slope Dude
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: Summer-Colored Smiles ~ The SiIvaSummer All-Star Festival Collection
Ripped by eg_9371
You may notice it's been a while since the last post, as it was with the post before it, and so on. Truth be told, the switch to weekly posting came with its own set of issues for my flow of work; mainly, that I've gotten too damn ambitious in my writing for some of these posts. I'm incredibly happy with the end results of a lot of them and feel more confident in being able to wholeheartedly recommend reading any of my post-hiatus posts than I do a majority of my pre-hiatus posts...but it also means that I'm met with self-induced hurdles on how and what to write about. I can't just cover a rip that I just find funny and neat; It has to be historical, it has to be magnificent, it has to have immaculate pathos, has to tie into the SiIvaGunner spirit or whatever else I find myself waxing on about...
No, you know what? Screw it. I'm behind on my posts anyway. We're doing a simple goodie today. Writing the same day it's posted, of a rip I just keep returning to for a good laugh, with no strings attached. Old-school style. Slope Dude.
Back on Lagplane, I mused a bit about the novelty of memes that leave us almost as quickly as they arrive, the consequences of the intensely rapid meme economy born from modern social media. It was a lot of waffling to justify writing about a flamboyant Andrew Tate impersonator, but it's hardly as if these trend-based jokes are a new occurrence on SiIva. I'm reminded of how 2016 saw a handful of rips poking fun at then-notorious online figure Keemstar, for instance – but perhaps stranger than these, are when jokes on SiIva crop up without any recent relevancy, are incredibly prominent for the length of a season or so, and then fade away just as suddenly as they appeared. Unlike Stuck Inside of FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE fame, unlike the Mad Mew Mew Becoming Uncanny rips, unlike so many other jokes on the channel...the appearance of Game Dude on SiIvaGunner throughout Season 4 felt as if it came out of nowhere, made even stranger by just how limited its presence felt. We got a handful of rips, a bunch of appearances in medley rips, a cameo in a lore video, and then the tune was out just as quickly as it had entered. No relevancy, no big explosive tie to the themes or intent of Season 4 Episodes 1 or 2 in particular; just a silly theme with a handful of rippers who decided to play around with it.
Part of me wonders, akin to rips like old town ribbon race, just how much of the appeal of the joke here becomes lost without whollistic knowledge of its lore. The tale of Game Dude is one of the internet's many bizarre sidequests, long overdue for a YouTube video essay a la HBomberGuy's body of work to truly bring it all to light, yet for now still remaining obscure enough to only be spread in whispers between those who know. It was the kind of thing I myself was given the "privilege" of uncovering on my own terms after first watching a Game Grumps episode built entirely on indirectly mocking him and growing all-too-curious about what he's up to; one of many Angry Video Nerd Clones trying and failing ever so badly at being funny playing bad video games, Game Dude's last legacy online would be to be known as the guy who fled his home state when called to court over stalking his ex-girlfriend. It gives the imagery of a bumbling, somewhat pathetic figure, someone who tried and failed to find online fame through poor mimicry and wound up unable to take proper responsibility for themselves. Like the aforementioned Lagplane, it adds just that extra aura to the theme song attached to the character, the original intro to his theme songs; once a song with the levity focused on the games and show now feels as if its mocking the very person making the videos themselves. Indeed, few things are as certain as life, death, and the Nostalgia Critic effect.
All that is to say, that I get a lot of amusement from the Game Dude theme, and of all its handful of rips focusing exclusively on it I think eg_9371 hit the nail right on the head with Slope Dude. There's no gimmicks, twists or turns; its as simple as a melodyswap/arrangement rip can be, an Outertale or Jesus of the Underground that trades in the pathos and nostalgia for a complete commitment to the silliness of the bit. Slope from Super Mario RPG, like much of the game's soundtrack, already has such a bombastically silly tone to it; the buildup to the main melody finally kicking in at 0:14 in particular sells the joke so much harder, a marching band drum roll all to introduce the fucking Game Dude theme. The instrumentation feels absolutely perfect for the tune and is matched equally as perfectly by the context said tune appears in in the game, running after Booster up a slope midway through the game. The hummability of the melody, the context of Game Dude's situation and the silliness of the sound means the jokes write themselves; as one commenter says, "He is the Game Dude // He is so rude // He flees the country // when his court date is due".
As per expected of eg_9371 and his ripping prowess, Slope Dude is about as pitch perfect as it could be, an idea pursued to its logical endpoint much like Forest of Tears or dong music. Regardless of scale or time invested, the rip ends up being enjoyable in such a simple way, applying the perfect amount of levity applicable to such an absurd figure of YouTube's past. It's likely a lot of SiIva viewers completely forgot that Game Dude was at one small point considered a reoccurring meme on the channel, and he never quite got anywhere past his introduction the same way something like the similar-in-spirit Minecraft With Gadget of Season 2 got with Become as Gadget. Yet the small handful of rips featuring him were still there, all condensed all into Season 4 Episode 2 in particular; and though he's likely to remain forgotten by most fans, I'll remain a loyal Game Dude – and Slope Dude – fan until nobody else remains.
#todays siivagunner#season 4 episode 2#siivagunner#siiva#eg_9371#game dude#avgn#angry video game nerd#super mario rpg#smrpg
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On ships, shts, and riches: long random musings
I am back with another entry. Anyway, Imentioned in my previous blog post that as much as I adore ForceBook, I do not mind if TopMew do not end up together. The reason is that I am the type of viewer who seeks fulfillment by rooting for fictional pairings that deserve each other.
On ships
I want endgames that will make me say: "Ah, they deserve each other" and it goes both ways. If the pairing is good for each other, I will definitely say "Congratulations, my favorite soft and warm fictional babies. I hope you are happily married with your cats and dogs in a homey apartment." Same way for miserable and 'problematic' fictional couples. I will definitely tell them: "You deserve each other, children. I am rooting for whatever you do after this series ends but please do not let each other go. Be toxic for each other and do not bring an 'NPC' in your relationship."
I want to root for couples because they deserve each other. Not just because they are played by a fixed ship.
I want to root for couples because they deserve each other. Not just because they are played by a fixed ship.
I want to root for couples because they deserve each other. Not just because they are played by a fixed ship.
And as Cnetz has said, important things must be said thrice.
On shxts
I want mess because Only Friends is a messy show with messy characters.
In relation to this, I know people might call me a walking contradiction because I want it to be messy but is Mew's defense lawyer but that is beside the point.
Going back, if this is a mess and P'Jojo's team got permission from the management to go all out--I hope they go all out. You know mess as in messy rooms that got featured in Clean House TV show where you get all sorts of junk piled up. Not messy as in those with staged 'clean with me' videos by influencers. That or short videos featuring a Chinese woman, whose husband's ex for some reason will visit their house, so she will throw fruits and dragon seeds on the floor and clean it with smart gadgets. I love those videos but you are getting me, right?
We are still in EP 4 and as much as I say that things will go south, I am not really sure whether it will really go south until the Earth's core. The reason--first point: the fixed ships. Yep, including NeoMark in this case. I know that the couples will end up together or just, you know not really endgame but fulfilling or open-ended. And I am not going to lie to you, I (as in me only, not you, in case you get defensive of your ship) will find it disappointing if couples end up together just because...
Like if you take a quick look at the Only Friends YouTube comment section, most commenters will tell you that they never care for other couples and just want their favorites to be endgames or they will be mad. I mean who doesn't want to see your favorite real-life ship playing fictional characters smooching on the screen with a happy ending?
Not me if they do not deserve each other and just ended up to pacify people.
On riches
As we all know, in Only Friends, the team looked for pairings who they thought would fit perfectly for the roles--except NeoMark. The two are wild cards. Anyway, the thing with casting popular ships in an ensemble will definitely give you a sure hit--money or recognition, or recognition funded by money aka dedicated fans who will nominate and vote for selected award shows (with voting system).
However, an ensemble is a double-edged sword, especially if the fandoms involved are established and composed of shippers. For example, MSP worked because, at that time, the casts did not have core fandoms and shippers. The majority also understands that every character is essential in that show. This explains why aside from those kids being awesome performers, everyone in the cast is included in the fanmeets and tour. Even if others have a minor role.
You will barely see people saying that Ship X should be the lead instead of Ship Y and that We should skip Couple X scenes because they only want their favorite couple on screen. But in Only Friends? Ah, it's a mess. The same goes for Moonlight Chicken. 👀
As to why it is a double-edged? You are guaranteed with viewers but the headache is more insane. Directors are probably drinking right now and trying not to pull their hair over edgy fans.
In addition, I really think that the fans-production team relationship in shows, especially if composed of established ships, is always paradoxical. I have yet to watch MLC (I am sorry but it's on my watchlist) but this is very apparent in Only Friends. Paradoxical in the sense that viewers think that their favorite characters' endgame is at the mercy of the director but also think that they are over the production because some fans can get entitled and say "I will not watch your show anymore because you are breaking up my ship."
This is also true for the production team. I am sure the OF team does not think that they have total control over their craft. Sure, they have control over music scores and shooting locations but they have to take into consideration if the fans will go insane and if it is bad for business if everyone has a bad ending.
Well, I am just a normal internet user and my thoughts are just well, thoughts. People will not be affected by it. Unless you are raising your eyebrows at me now.
Yeah, it's just my tiny hopeful side of me speaking. I know business is business. At the end of the day, it's always about ships, shxts, and riches.
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The last time I considered picking up Undyne again my wife went feral sicking her Mad Mew Mew muse on me (/pos).
It'll probably happen again.
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[Muse Mixup Madness pinned post, ooc under the cut]
Hey this is Guppy
I think
I think I need time to unwind and would like to answer questions
I have two pokemon
Isaac (Zoura) and Deli (I have no idea at this point)
Lemmie get my thoughts together again
AU version of Guppy on the blog for muse mixup madness. Deli is a planned character for the current blog but will be making an appearance later. Also, the Zoura is a zombie just like with the plate situation but this time Guppy has not even noticed.
Deli aka Delirium is taking the form of several legendaries but is closest to mew genetics-wise... And this is Not A Good Thing.
This is a chosen au Guppy. He's like an inch away from starting an evil team and does not even know it.
Also, Tammy did NOT stick around in this au.
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From Whispers To Screams - 2009 part 2 // Heavy Cross

Thursdays 11:00am-1pm EST bombshellradio.com #indierock #neosoul #alternativerock #artrock Repeats Fridays 3am EST 1 Keep The Streets Empty For Me - Fever Ray 2 Uprising - Muse 3 Heavy Cross - Gossip 4 Can You Give It - The Maccabees 5 I Hate The Way - Polly Scattergood 6 You Don't Know Love - Editors 7 Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 8 Battle Hymn - Faith and the Muse 9 Austere - The Joy Formidable 10 Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys 11 Who Can Say - The Horrors 12 Pills - Archive 13 Beach - Mew 14 Me & Mary - Asobi Seksu 15 1901 - Phoenix 16 Pieces - Dinosaur Jr. 17 Beyond Here Lies Nothin - Bob Dylan 18 We Let Her Down - Chris Isaak 19 People Got A Lotta Nerve - Neko Case 20 Forever Young - Madness 21 Johnny Got A Boom Boom - Imelda May 22 Ride - Prefab Sprout 23 Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear 24 Summertime Clothes - Animal Collective 25 Pussy - Rammstein 26 Black Hearted Love - John Parish & PJ Harvey 27 1999 - Love of Lesbian 28 Spellbound - Doves 29 Chasing Pirates - Norah Jones 30 Fais battre ton tambour - Emily Loizeau 31 Wild Young Hearts - Noisettes Read the full article
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More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: The World Ends With You.
Muse #2- Shoka Sakurane.
Age 16-20 ( games )
Shoka Sakurane is a Reaper in NEO: The World Ends with You who belongs to the Shinjuku Reapers. She is a low-ranking Reaper whose job is helping new Players become accustomed to the rules of the Reapers' Game and signing them up for the Reaper Networking Service (RNS). Despite her initial hostility towards Rindo and the Wicked Twisters, she later becomes a Player and joins their team as a party member.
Shoka is introduced as a rude, stubborn, blunt and bored young woman who is extremely snarky and sardonic. She can be very abrasive, arrogant, mocking and condescending towards those she disagrees with, such as Rindo and Fret, to the point where she is arguably a bully. She quickly says that she expected Rindo and Fret to get "slaughtered" as soon as they entered the game. She also tells the duo point blank about them being dead and in the afterlife. Other, lesser instances of her bluntness is her calling their initial team name stupid and dubbing the duo as losers. She seems to enjoy teasing the players and likes getting a rise out of people and treats Rindo as if he were a helpless baby, calling him "Rindykins", asking if the missions are too tough for him, and always departing with a "Later, losers."
At one point, having had enough of her negative attitude, Rindo tells Shoka to shut up and get lost, causing her to wander away after saying he's no fun when he's mad. It is hinted that Shoka is not used to people valuing her opinions; at one point, she tells Rindo that he may have luck with his objective at Shibuya Hikarie. Shoka is astonished when Rindo actually takes her advice and she begins to berate him for doing what she suggested, causing him to call her out on what would even satisfy at her at this point and if she would prefer to be ignored entirely instead.
Shoka is less than enthused with her job of monitoring the Players and views it as one would view any other boring job, not caring about climbing up the Reaper corporate hierarchy as it just means more work. She is quick to leave once her shift is done, even if that means leaving new players in the lurch without proper explanation for the game (it is possible she did this to Nagi Usui hence her confusion). Having grown bored of the Reapers' Game in its current state, she not-so-secretly hopes someone will come along and shake things up. She shows considerable annoyance toward Players who are slow to learn the rules, such as when she calls Rindo and Fret "dummies" and "bozos" when they were unaware of the UG. Despite this, she does also provide some helpful information such as informing them of the need to come in first to escape the game and explaining the differences between the Realground and Underground. She even helps more directly while a Reaper. This is usually done in secret or through her Swallow account.
Shoka is an avid fan of Gatto Nero, enough for the Reaper who tasked them with dressing up with the brand from head to toe to instantly regret it, her saying that the task itself is a 'piece of cake' immediately after it is given out. Her smartphone case is themed after Mr. Mew. She describes herself as being directionless until finding Gatto Nero upon arriving in Shibuya.
Prior to this time, Shoka was rather uncaring about life in general, and rarely made her own decisions, instead going along with whatever happened. She claims that she didn't care whether she was erased or not when she first played the game, and she also became a Reaper in large part because she simply saw no reason not to. At first, Shibuya made her uncomfortable because it forced her to make decisions and define herself among the people of the city, but once she found Gatto Nero, she became more enthused with creating her own style and defining herself on her own terms, eventually bringing her to love the city. The fact that she did not care about returning to the RG also greatly suggests her human life was quite lonely and that she never received much love or appreciation when she alive.
Shoka's brash and uncaring exterior hides her true feelings, to a certain extent. While she did genuinely enjoy being a Reaper, she also ends up becoming disillusioned with it when things go too far, putting Shibuya and the Wicked Twisters in jeopardy. Shoka becomes distressed at this, and ultimately chooses to side with the Twisters during week two in order to help save both them and the city she has grown to love.
Being fired from the Reapers and her FanGO accounts being lost causes her to re-evaluate her life priorities, and her smug attitude begins to dissipate once she experiences vulnerability when she is left to fend for herself against a Noise and is almost erased. Rindo's sympathy for Shoka, asking if she has anywhere to go and if she wants to join their team, transforms her personality as she forms friendships with Rindo, Fret, Beat and Nagi, and decides that she doesn't want to lose them to Shiba's plans. She cares deeply for the team even if she is not the best at expressing it, in particular with Rindo, with whom she played FanGo for three years, and who she eventually becomes friends with in real life. She also has strong friendships with many of the Shinjuku Reapers such as Ayano, who she considers a big sister, and even Shiba and Susukichi, though she seems to not want to admit it.
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my princess my baby my beloved my poor pathetic little mew mew i wanna hold him in a little pendant and wear it around my neck at all times, i wanna take his heart between my hands and feel his soul i wanna ruin him and i wanna throw him around and analyze him and i wanna draw him until i go insane, like those artists and their muse, how they would be driven to madness after painting hundreds of portraits of her but they can't capture her beauty, nobody can, but they can't help but keep trying, like it's a curse, like they have to, their muse is the only thing their heart desires, i want to understand what makes him tick and i wanna study every line on his face and every nuance of his lips and i want to bite him i want to bite his soft inner cheeks, that part that's closer to the nose, i want to bite his nose too actually, and his lips until they almost start bleeding, his cheekbones, the hard edges of his jaws, maybe that would help me portray him better, i want to draw him with my soul, i want to feel that god hole and taste the edges of it, i want to draw his every expression, his every feeling, i want to feel the wrinkles on his clothes and how they bunch up around his chest, and around his forearms because he keeps raising his sleeves, i want to see how the light touches his eyes, i want to see how it changes the colors and so i can capture them all one by one and hold them close to me, i want him in the best ways and i want him in the worst ways
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Lmao thank you for tagging me, this was kind of hard! Wanted to choose a handful from a few of the series I love. Tried to stay diverse.
Mad Mew Mew/Dummy (Undertale/UTDR) We go way back, she meant so much to me even before her more substantial character arc that made people actually care about her lmao. Will never forgive the fact it was never implemented in any capacity in the PC version of the game. I need more of her, pls Deltarune pls.
Patches (Soulsborne as a whole) He is just a funny lad, a silly little goober, my chummy chum chum. No matter how strange things get, he is always kind of comforting to bump into. He is like, a familiar face in unfamiliar worlds. You know what to expect from him, always, yet he always finds ways to surprise you. Good character.
Magolor (Kirby) A close call between him and Nightmare, but ultimately, I needed to go with the egg boy because he is just so much fun and has plenty of characters to bounce off of. There's something very alluring to his personality. Mischievous little man, never stop exploiting my trust and my money (actually please stop doing the latter I beg of you)
Curly Brace (Cave Story) Surprisingly, she has been a muse of mine since time immemorial. There's something about her that just exudes joy, I don't even know how to explain it. But yeah, robo girl best girl, loved kicking ass together while in hell.
Golbez (Final Fantasy) I didn't think much of him besides his theme being awsome, but his writing in Dissidia kind of elevated him for me. He is such a sad figure and I love his potential bond with Cecil. Also, he is a powerful warlock in big armor, like, hello??? That's the kind of design I am an absolute simp for lmao.
It was fun! I love these blorbos so much ahahah.
Ok, now tagging... (only if you want to participate ofc) @hazmatmaid @sweet-sirin @tangerinethecat @greenblueyulum @alan-p-49
5 Comfort Characters, 5 Tags
Thanks for the tag @mako-neexu, this seems pretty fun.
Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (orv)
Bedivere from fgo
Watanuki Kimihiro from XxxHolic
Romani Archaman also from fgo (i cry thinking of this man)
Xiao from Genshin Impact
Honorable Mentions (bc they deserve it): Oberon Vortigern, Dimitri fire emblem, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xie Lian tgcf.
Tags: @loomss, @chaoticending, @torrentialslide, @lee-hakhyun, @thevoidofshitposts. Of course, it's completely optional, and anyone interested can participate.
#tag game#ahhh I like the range in this one lol#I don't know why I felt like describing why they are my comfort characters... but I did anyway#I could go into much more depth but it's probably best if I don't#there were other choices from these series and a few more...#but I am satisfied with this selection#val-reblogs
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The fest familiars theme is actually just weasels??? Oh my word bless the FR devs for giving me all the weasels my mustelid-loving heart desires 🙏
#i know other ppl aren't thrilled about the theme but I am LOVING IT#elemental weasels were made for ME SPECIFICALLY and that is wonderful#anyway I don't even have that much time to grind this fest...things got chaotic and now I'm moving literally across the country#but mad respect for elemental weasels man#gotta be one of my favorite decisions for the FR staff to have made#mew's musings
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my favorite monster prom character.
#Down Your Spine ;; OOC#Startling Shrilly Screams ;; Mew Mew#she's just escaped... complete change in media#but also yes she's why my mp muse list is off#it's madness oh god oh fuck.....
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An anon requested some #8d9bbf with #f0f8ff as the gradient of mad mew mew non gif icons. I hope you like them, have a nice day ^^
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