#muse: futaba sakura
gluttonemporium · 11 days
Instant Loss: Sumireko lost a game to Futaba, and her penalty for losing is being devoured, churned and rendered down into squishy fat for a bratty gamer girl.
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"C'mooooon! I thought you said you've played this game before?"
All alone now in her room, the NEET was jabbing what used to be her playmate. Hey, they agreed on these rules together! The loser was lunch for the winner! Sumi actually seemed kinda into it when she agreed to play...
Her gut had gone sloshy a whole hour ago, and the only sounds coming from it were nothing close to human speech. It wobbled and squished under Futaba's fingers without even a hint of anything solid inside... in fact, it might actually be getting pudgier by the minute!
"You weren't just being polite when you said you were good at Trinity Ultima Mirror, right? Cuz boy, that sure backfired for you, huh~?"
The greedy NEET snickered, delivering a slap to her busy belly as it continued processing her friend...
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beautyxofxdestiny · 5 months
Futaba should really avoid trying to hack into G-Tech. It's a BAD idea. But it's so secretive!
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"That sounds like a challenge to me."
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virtuousfuta · 1 year
‘Nude Beachgoing’ (for Futaba) - @marukyustrxptease (Makoto)
Send ‘Nude Beachgoing’ For our muses to go to a nudist beach. (Still accepting!)
Futaba hummed happily as she and Makoto had arrived at the beach, and walked over a vacant spot that the two could set up at. Followed by setting up her stuff, and looking to Makoto. "I'm actually glad we gave this a try. A nice, warm, and clear sky. The relaxing sound of the ocean waves and cool breeze from the wind. That and the only suit you need to wear is the one you got for your birthday."
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oraclememehacker · 4 months
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"You think you have it tough? Imagine never being able to see Sojiro again after failing him and being corrupted further than you already were...no curry for me ever again."
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
Can we check in on Futaba?
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Beep beep beep beep!!!
"h..hnngh.. H..hrluuuk!!! M..muuhre.. D..drink.."
The vats her feeding tubes were filled with lard and energy drinks destroying the poor neet's heart even more with the high salt they had.. Yet she couldn't stop she can't stop chugging them..
Another barrage of waste assaulted her walls the posters of her favourite animes and figures of games.. They are all slowly covered with her waste.. And yet she continues to chug..
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jcurneysend · 9 months
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"NO WAY-!"
Futaba dashes over, and makes a dramatic stop- this tech store had it! The graphics card she needed for that mmos new graphic update!
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...Still, there was a crowd. Where Futabas face showed joy, she began to tense and take a step back, growing a bit spooked.
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etherbonded · 1 year
👀 and 🍨!
MUSE TALKS ABOUT MUN (me!!) // accepting!
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 
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" This is a REAL funny way to introduce me 'n all but I was just about to full combo a song Sumire hadn't yet! ...But uh, for the most part yes we get along. We especially agree on the fact we can't stand certain foods and textures. "
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" I think actually Eden gets along with the majority of us, the only ones who may not get along with her all the time would be Shin and Metsu. ...To explain it, they don't exactly hate her, they're just fairly picky. "
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" PFFFT, prickly, yeah. That's one way to say it for sure, but nevermind that, she does care for them a lot. And believe me, although they're more quiet than other muses it does not mean they're far from her mind."
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" ...I mean I can't say these brats are wrong as much as I want to. "
" ... " It's silent agreement on Jin's part.
🍨 What is the mun’s favorite ice cream flavour? 
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" Eden's favorite ice cream flavor fluctuates depending on their mood and how picky their taste buds are being that day, buuuut their current favorite is Neapolitan! They're a sucker for the stuff hehe. "
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||Persona 5 muse tag dump||
~Ren Amamiya (The Phantom/ codename Joker)(Persona 5)
~Goro Akechi(black mask/codename crow)(Persona 5)
~Yusuke Kitagawa(Unforseen fox/codename Fox)(Persona 5)
~Ryuji Sakamoto(Boneface/codename skull)(Persona 5)
~Makoto Niijima(fist of the phantom star/codename queen)(Persona 5)
~Ann Takamaki(the flashy princess/codename panther)(persona 5)
~Futaba Sakura(The Navigator hacker/codename Oracle)(Persona 5)
~Sumire Yoshizawa(The Sword dancer/codename Violet)(Persona 5) 
~Morgana(The gentlemen thief/codename Mona)(Persona 5)
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
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i fell into a picrew hole
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gluttonemporium · 1 month
And that's how Haru and Ann came back to Futuba wedged up to her thighs in Makoto's dick.
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"... Huh. Don't say we didn't warn you."
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"Haaah, Futaba-chan... we told you this would happen if you kept teasing!"
Hard to tell if Futaba could hear them, but her yelling face imprint in Makoto's balls made it clear how she felt-
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beautyxofxdestiny · 2 years
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"Did you know it's actually really easy to hack your 3DS? Anyone can do it!"
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playingwithstarsabove · 9 months
Curry Ingredients
( This is basically a Persona 5 x Fire Emblem Engage crossover script I made for fun.)
Alear: Oh, hello there Ren, Futaba!
Ren: Hey Alear.
Futaba: Hey-O!
Alear: Is it your turn for Kitchen duty, Ren? I already see you prepping several tools already.
Ren: Yep. Already planning on cooking some curry since Futaba wanted some. I'm.... Already bracing myself for Bunet's questions.
Futaba: He's near Inari's level when it comes to weird questions....
Alear: Inari?
Futaba: It's my nickname for Yusuke.
Ren: (clears throat) ANYWAY, what do you want to eat, Alear?
Alear: Well, I would be remissed to pass up on your famous curry and coffee. Would that be okay?
Ren: Yeah, I could go make some. (pauses, realizing something) uh, just to be clear, do you want some, uh, special condiments on your curry for a specific taste.
(Futaba pays full attention now with wide eyes.)
Alear: (confused) No, not really. I would like some of the regular curry you make. It's what everyone likes, after all.
Ren: Well I'm honored that you think so, but... Are you sure you don't want something like sour lemons or bitter herbs in your curry?
Alear: (As Futaba sucks a breath in) No, but why those ingredients in specific?
Ren: Well it's just that Nel, Rafal, and Vyle pretty much got.... Rather extreme modifications on theirs.
Alear: "Extreme modifications"? What do you mean by that?
Futaba: Oooh boy, here we go...
Ren: How should I start...? Well, Nel's meal started off normal, at least until she poured an entire salt shaker on it and put salty sardines on it. And for some reason, that STILL wasn't enough for her.
Futaba: I walked in on her grinding rock salt with a cheese grater. The sounds still echo in my ears....
Ren: Then Rafal ordered the " sweetest curry you could ever make" I gave him every sweet condiment that comes with curry, but like Nel, THAT wasn't enough to satisfy him. Next thing I knew, he was putting sugar cookies with icing and candy on it.
Futaba: If a normal person took a bite of that, they'll probably get into sugar comas instantly. ....Just looking at it made me want to barf rainbows....
Ren: And finally, there was Vyle's. She put a LOT of ghost peppers on her curry and had this expression of happy torture on her face even though she was sweating buckets. I had to make sure she was okay multiple times.
Alear: (stunned silence.)
Futaba: Yeah. That's... Why we needed your input earlier....
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virtuousfuta · 1 year
‘-Oh’ (for Futaba) - @marukyustrxptease (Kasumi)
Send ‘-Oh’ For the sending muse to walk in on the receiving muse masturbating. (Still accepting!)
Futaba was in her own little world as she stroked herself off. To where she forgot that Kasumi messaged her earlier that she was coming by. Jumping a little and moving her hands to cover the member between her legs when she walked in on her. Face turning pinkish-red as well as she looked at Kasumi. "H-Hey Kasumi. W-What's U-up?"
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oraclememehacker · 8 months
Online Meeting IRL (Futaba/Sylvia)
Location: Akihibara Time: Afternoon
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"Damn, the Featherman search was fruitless." Futaba let off a sigh as all she was finding was the usual common stuff in all the stores that she usually perused. It was either stuff she already had or stuff that she didn't have room for in her really small room or that she just wasn't interested in to begin with. Well, she decided to check out another shop that sold figures.
It was a nice little shop, and had figures from various pieces of media, including Pokemon/Pocket Monsters. She always found it amusing that the west basically shortened the name and it became the standard for everywhere. Well, it was a more fun name to say anyways. As she was perusing the place, some Pokemon music playing through her headphones, she saw something interesting.
They were rare minifigures from Tomy from 1998. And they were just standing there out in the open. Maybe the owner didn't quite understand their value. She went to pick up the Charizard one when she felt a hand grab hers. She jolted back in surprise as she saw who it was. She didn't know who they were but she was certainly taken by surprise.
"Oh um...s-sorry about that...h-heh, you um, took me by surprise...I'm glad I didn't knock those down."
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
O great Futab
What is thy wisdom
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"ahh.. Wheeezeee!!~ b..buy v..vr headsets.."
GrrrrRRPPp Frrrrrbbshlouuush!!!
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gluttonemporium · 3 months
With a gut as big as hers I’m shocked Futaba hasn’t come for Haru’s title as the heiress apparent to the Big Bang Burger empire! Surely the blobby NEET can put away more than Haru can right? The only way to tell is to have the girls face off, eating as much Big Bang Burger (and employees) as they can and comparing their guts afterwards!
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"Ffffffface it, you're looking at you're number one cushtomer, ain't that right? I deserve alllll the burgers and money-!"
Futaba might be a bit dizzy from the stuffing-
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"Futaba-chan, that's... really not how this works! I told you, before we started..."
Sure, Haru agreed to the contest because it seemed fun - and their overflowing guts gurgling with lunchmeat proves it, but she never staked her company on it!
CEO life wouldn't suite the NEET anyway.
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