#through the grit and the dirt stands the blooming flower ╰┈➤ SAKURA
etherbonded · 2 years
👀 and 🍨!
MUSE TALKS ABOUT MUN (me!!) // accepting!
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 
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" This is a REAL funny way to introduce me 'n all but I was just about to full combo a song Sumire hadn't yet! ...But uh, for the most part yes we get along. We especially agree on the fact we can't stand certain foods and textures. "
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" I think actually Eden gets along with the majority of us, the only ones who may not get along with her all the time would be Shin and Metsu. ...To explain it, they don't exactly hate her, they're just fairly picky. "
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" PFFFT, prickly, yeah. That's one way to say it for sure, but nevermind that, she does care for them a lot. And believe me, although they're more quiet than other muses it does not mean they're far from her mind."
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" ...I mean I can't say these brats are wrong as much as I want to. "
" ... " It's silent agreement on Jin's part.
🍨 What is the mun’s favorite ice cream flavour? 
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" Eden's favorite ice cream flavor fluctuates depending on their mood and how picky their taste buds are being that day, buuuut their current favorite is Neapolitan! They're a sucker for the stuff hehe. "
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etherbonded · 2 years
summons a spirit fox, it has little lightning bolts coming off of it, but it's careful to go up & rub against sakura.
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' cute. '
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One may ask, how absolutely adorable could a spirit fox that has little lightning bolts coming off it be, well the answer is very simple.
IT'S SUPER ADORABLE TO HER, especially with how careful it is in rubbing against her. She's not going to stop smiling about it any time soon, especially due to her SOFT SPOT for things she finds cute.
And on top of that, it's something that her dear lover had summoned, that's truly what makes it THAT MUCH BETTER.
" Very cute ~ ! "
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etherbonded · 2 years
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She loves her wife very much, she is going to scream and shout about it to the world.
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etherbonded · 2 years
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It tis her date of birth c: <3
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etherbonded · 2 years
❛ i was worried something happened to you. ❜ for queen sakura :>
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" Oh Miko... I'm sorry I worried you. But I can assure you that I'm fine, they had just taken the squad I was leading off guard. "
The Kunoichi gently rests her forehead against the Guuji's as she wraps her arms around the other, as if to make up for the time she has been gone on her mission. The times in which she couldn't stand directly by her dearest one's side. Green eyes filled with nothing less than love and adoration meet the Guuji's gorgeous purple eyes that were reminiscent of the Inazuman lightning.
" ...I promise to make sure they're more careful next time so you don't have to worry a single hair on your head. "
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etherbonded · 2 years
m....mom........ 🥺🩸 ( for sakura )
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" ..Yes Toga- "
Oh? Ooooh, Toga is asking for blood. Her hand slips into her doctor's coat pocket to pull out a pint of blood from a recent blood donation. Always gotta keep one on her when it comes to Toga! Can't be unprepared.
" It's from a recent from a blood donation, I hope you like it sweetie. "
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etherbonded · 2 years
❛   it takes a lifetime to die, and no time at all.  ❜   to Sakura
QUOTES THAT BROKE ME // accepting &lt;3
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" EXACTLY. And that's why I studied under Tsunade, I got tired of just being helpless watching people get hurt trying to keep me safe. She taught me everything I know besides Kakashi-Sensei. "
It's no shocker that Sakura Haruno grew TIRED of being weak and never being able to protect herself, afterall who wouldn't feel that way when they're surrounded by TALENTED NINJAS belonging to WELL-KNOWN CLANS. She knew form the moment Sasuke left the village, if she didn't try harder then she'd likely DIE before she'd ever bring him back home. And that's quite frankly not the most ideal thing.
Sasuke is unfortunately a part of the reason in which she chose to take up training with Tsunade. But over time, it became less about that and more about being glad to help.
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etherbonded · 2 years
“hey, babe.” For SAKURA!!!
UNPROMPTED ASKS // Always accepting &lt;3
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" Hehe, hi my dear, looking as amazing as always I see ~ ♥. "
Plants kiss on Karin's forehead with the utmost affection because she's so very in love with them.
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etherbonded · 2 years
cont from x @wraethis
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Her own cheeks flush at Naruto's own kisses, god she loves him a lot. She's loved him for a good while, because although she told him that she loved him then because she was DETERMINDED to take Sasuke out by herself, it wasn't a false statement. He likely just didn't realize it at the time, and hell she doesn't think he realizes it even NOW.
...And it's with his sudden remembrance that Christmas is tomorrow that has her thinking she might be correct in that assumption. But don't take that as her calling him dumb because he's anything but, he just doesn't always catch onto things instantly.
A smile tugs on her lips before planting one final kiss upon his lips gently before speaking,
" You're everything I NEED and more MY LOVE, you being here and alive is enough for me. ♥ "
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etherbonded · 2 years
cont from x @wraethis
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They have gone through challenges to get to this point yes, but it was worth every single one of them to see Karin so at ease for once. Her own heart melts being able to see them so at ease, it makes her just want to kiss them all over and tell them just how much she loves them for everything that they are and more. But then the other begins to do the same in return to her own face, and god,
So that's when Karin hands her the gift, and when she opens it she wonders why Karin might be worried she'd complain about it. Because selfies of their time together pulled on her heart strings so hard it warms her heart even more and makes her want to melt into Karin's arms and never leave.
" Karin, I LOVE it. Thank you for this. And I think I will be putting this next to my bed so I can wake up to your face and think about how much I adore your when I first wake up in the morning ~. ♥ "
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etherbonded · 2 years
@wraethis : ❛   i’m supposed to be the one who protects you from monsters. i’m not supposed to be one.  ❜  - Karin & Sakura
QUOTES THAT BROKE ME STARTERS // accepting &lt;;/3
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" You're no MONSTER Karin, a monster wouldn't care about protecting me, a monster wouldn't feel bad about the things that they do. You're just as much of a person as I am dear, and even if you were a monster I'D LOVE YOU REGARDLESS. "
She knows Karin hadn't meant to cause her harm, afterall Karin clearly doesn't like seeing her hurt whether it be emotionally or physically. Maybe some would be afraid, maybe even UPSET and Karin for this happening but no, not Sakura.
For Sakura loves Karin despite what the other likely sees as FLAWS or MONSTROUS TRAITS, because to her she sees no monster. She just sees Karin, the person she holds oh so dearly and loves so extremely. And despite what some may think, Karin has never scared Sakura truly, because how could Sakura be scared of someone who has just never been given the love and care they deserve?
" ...Karin, I won't tell you how to feel, but just know that you've NEVER been a monster to me even now. To me, you've just been you, and that's who I fell in love with. "
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etherbonded · 2 years
cont from x @mikouji
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" You're a SWEETHEART, truly. "
A smile easily GRACES itself upon her lips as they exchanged a quick yet always pleasant hug. Because who wouldn't love a hug from someone they've been missing so much?
While yes, she is technically here on a MISSON to make sure that nothing happens to the medical supplies that were a bit of a pain in the ass to find, who says she can't take a break and see her dearest one. It's not like her FRIENDS are incompetent, she knows she can trust them to not mess it up.
Besides, what kind of lover would she be if she didn't try to make time for her?
" ...Mmm, both. We're on a mission to safely deliver medical supplies but my friends are looking after it right now since I just reaallyyy missed you. "
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etherbonded · 2 years
karin brought queen sakura some flower's from ino's shop, so tru
UNPROMPTED ASKS // always accepting &lt;3
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She's smiling so hard it's almost like her face is going to get stuck like this, god how did she get so lucky to be able to marry of the most GORGEOUS and THOUGHTFUL person in the world? Sigh ♥.
" Thank you my dear, I love them. ♥ "
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etherbonded · 2 years
cont from x @sinseater
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There's always a sense of comfort she feels when she intertwines her fingers with her love. It's almost as if a way to confirm this is real, and she's not going to be left waiting all over again. Giggles followed by a warm smile are given when they touch foreheads, seafoam green eyes gaze tenderly into red eyes, with nothing less than adoration in them.
" Aw now don't combust from embarrassment dear, then how will I be able kiss your adorable face? "
She begins to pepper the other's face in light feathery kisses, and she's not going to stop until she's kissed every inch of the red head's face.
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etherbonded · 2 years
❛  you really have no idea.  ❜ - ( karin to sakura )
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" I know that you're hurt, and that's all I care about Karin. Now shush and let me HEAL YOU. "
Was it foolish to heal up someone who could likely cause harm to her? Yes, but when has she ever let DANGER stop her before? Besides, she couldn't in good conscience leave Karin with such a wound, for while they weren't exactly the best of friends, she wouldn't call Karin her enemy despite it all either.
Call it foolish, or hell even call it NARUTO rubbing off on her with his own kindness, but she genuinely cannot find it in her to see Karin as a bad person. Maybe they could be friends or something else one day, but that would take time.
But that's okay, because she knows how to wait.
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etherbonded · 2 years
❛  i won’t let you down.  ❜ - naruto ( shippuden, cause im too lazy to make icons of him older)
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I know you won't, I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about how FAR YOU'LL PUSH YOURSELF.
It's what she wants to say, but she knows that he'll say that it's fine and that he never would go back on the promise he had made her back when they were ONLY 13. At this point, there's only a tiny bit of hope clinging onto her heart that Sasuke will ever come back to the village. She will wait for him as long as she has to, she promised herself that, but she's not sure HOW MUCH MORE HER HEART CAN TAKE BEFORE IT DIES.
She's strong, hell she's been training to become on the same level as her SENSEI when it comes to both strength and healing, but no amount of training could strengthen the FRAGLIE GLASS HEART she shelters behind her confident exterior.
" I know you won't, it's you afterall. You're not one to go back on your word. But at least TRY to remember I'm always right by your side, you're NOT ALONE. "
Maybe to some her words are rude, but there's always an underlying care behind them. And quite frankly, she's sure that he knows by now that she cares for him.
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