#muse: alex danvers
kyliafanfiction · 10 months
I'm glad we got gay Alex, but I have to admit, there was real potential in Lord Danvers. It could have been a fun ship.
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pippytmi · 1 year
spy!au + meet messy + you never saw me ? If not that's fine, I just thought it would be cool. :)
spy!au + meet messy + you never saw me 
“So on a scale of 1-10, how much do we hate the fiancée?”
A wry laugh escapes before Kara can even try to quell it, and she briefly removes the unlit cigarette from her mouth to muse, “You know, I've heard a saying that goes ‘never judge a book by its cover.’ Fascinating stuff, I might have to send it to you.”
“Ugh. Journalists—so idealistic.” But Nia is grinning as she snags the barstool at Kara's right. “Where is the elusive Lena Luthor anyway? Do we finally get to meet her?”
Kara shrugs. “Beats me,” she says. “Last I heard, she was running late.”
“Late to her own engagement party? Finally, someone I can get along with,” Nia says. Before Kara can even get a word in, Nia's attention is immediately stolen by the bartender coming over. “Hey M’gann, can I get an amaretto sour?”
“Sure thing,” M’gann says absentmindedly, her gaze otherwise zeroing in firmly on Kara. “Danvers, you better not smoke in my bar.”
“I won't,” Kara swears, raising both hands in a show of innocence, and M'gann rolls her eyes.
“Journalists,” she echoes Nia's earlier sentiment, but with an entirely exasperated deeper meaning. “I'm putting Nia's drink on your tab.”
“Well in that case…” Nia twists around, already waving her hand as if to beckon someone over. “Make it two, Kara's buying a drink for the bride to be. Alex! Don't—I know you can see me, come here.”
For as much as Alex stressed the importance of everyone showing up tonight, she doesn't seem very…well, happy. And while Alex is not typically one to gush, Kara had expected at least a smidgen of joy on her sister's face, not the harried expression she's currently sporting.
“What?” Alex asks, eyes them both suspiciously while fidgeting as if she’d rather be anywhere else.
“Um, hello to you too,” Nia says. “Clearly, you need this. Where's your soon-to-be better half?”
Alex accepts the drink when Nia presses it in her hand but frowns, however slight, at the question. “She's—on her way,” she says, pausing to take a sip from her glass before her gaze falls on her sister. “Oh, gross, Kara. Since when do you smoke?”
“I don’t!” Kara pouts, feeling like a broken record. “Can’t I be edgy and have a cigarette to look cool?”
“That’s the most pretentious thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Nia says, delighted, while Alex just groans.
“Come on, Kara, not tonight. Just be normal for once in your life,” Alex sighs, already distractedly glancing back to the front door like she is willing her fiancée to just walk through any second.
“You guys don’t understand the intricacies of being a method actor,” Kara argues, waving her cigarette in the air to make her point. (And also, because it is kind of awkward to keep it in her mouth without doing anything with it, not that she’ll admit that). But it’s clear she only has half the audience she had a second ago; Alex is half a world away the second her phone starts to ring.
“I’ll be back,” Alex says, handing off her glass to Nia who is more than happy to finish it.
Kara dejectedly puts the cigarette back in her mouth. “I just realized something.”
“I don’t actually know how to smoke. What if someone expects me to, like, smoke with them?”
Nia presses a fingertip to her chin and  ponders the question seriously. “Either you're screwed, or they will just think you're a dork. The reaction will depend on the person, really.”
Kara's shoulders slump. “So I won't be cool?”
“Journalists generally aren't cool,” Nia unhelpfully offers. “But I'm sure you could make it work for you. You'd be like…one of those grizzly story-seeking sleuth journalists.”
Kara groans, thumping her forehead on the bartop. “That seems more like a private investigator thing,” she says. “Darn it. I'm going to have to start from scratch.”
“I'm all in favor of quitting method acting for one night,” M'gann chimes in, still eyeing Kara's cigarette distastefully. “Now do you need a refill or are you going to fall asleep here?”
“Yeah, sure,” Kara says, lifting her head in order to sheepishly push her emptied club soda over. “Pour me a double.”
That joke never lands—M'gann just rolls her eyes and refills the glass, wiping her hands off before moving down to another patron. Nia scoots her stool closer to Kara once she's gone to reassuringly say,
“I like the pretentious cigarette. It makes you look like a hipster…they’re coming back into fashion, you know. Just like leg warmers.”
Kara wrinkles her nose. “I don’t think anyone really liked leg warmers.”
“That’s how I know you were unfashionable in high school,” Nia says. Then, apparently already bored with the topic at hand, she turns around in search of their former company. “Hey, where did Alex go? I haven’t even bought her a round of shots yet!”
“That’s a good question,” Kara says thoughtfully. “Maybe Lena showed up?” But when she swivels her chair to aid Nia’s search, she can't spot her sister either; considering Al’s Bar is a hole in the wall with not many patrons, that can only mean Alex has stepped out. “I'll go find her.”
All things considered, the night is pleasant—when Kara emerges without her jacket, the air isn't quite cool enough to make her go back in to retrieve it. She walks around the corner to the alley where everyone goes to smoke, but Alex isn’t there. Alex is also not in the 7-11 across the street, nor is she two doors down at the diner. (Kara orders a donut to go just to be 100% sure Alex won’t emerge from somewhere inside, of course, like a diligent sister).
Eventually, her pointless search leads her right back to Al’s. Nia has apparently had enough alcohol to drag Kelly to dance; Winn and James have begun a spirited game of pool; Querl has commandeered the jukebox and is studiously adding 80’s dance music to the queue. Alex, however, is still notably missing.
With a groan, Kara collapses at the bar again. “Can I get a water, M’gann?”
“You got it,” M’gann says, filling a fresh glass from the tap. She moves on immediately after to another customer, and Kara’s question about whether M’gann has seen Alex dies before it even forms. Kara sighs, takes a much-needed sip of her water, and resolves to just melt into her stool when all of a sudden she hears:
“Is this seat taken?”
It should be noted that, in the past, Kara has encountered situations far worse than this one. Moments where her life was in danger, even. She likes to think she has mastered the ability to remain unfazed in the face of the worst surprises at this point of her career.
But then again…she’s never actually met her sister’s fiancée before. And in a truly horrific turn of events, Kara ends up spit-taking all over her shoes.
“Oh crap, I am so sorry,” Kara says, making a mad grab for napkins off the bar and crouching down to pat at Lena’s heels. “Are you—okay, can I get, er, anything—” She doesn't even know how to apologize at this point, so tongue-tied she is just about to offer her own shoes off her feet.
Lena Luthor doesn't answer right away. She takes a delicate step down, and her hand covers Kara's in order to make her pause. When Kara musters the nerve to cautiously meet her eye, Lena gives her a small smile.
“It's fine.” Lena looks much more <i>vivid</i> than the photographs. Everything about her is sharp; the angles of her jaw, the eyeliner she wears, the intensity of her green eyes when they're trained on Kara. Even her voice edges on the sharper side, not quite cold but almost. “Kara, right? I recognize you from Alex's pictures.”
Kara barely remembers to nod. “Yes, I…recognize you too,” she says. “It's nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Lena draws her hand away immediately after, and Kara hastily rises up in order to put some space between them.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Kara asks quickly. “M'gann makes a great…sour.” She cannot for the life of her remember what it is that Nia ordered, and from the strange look on Lena’s face, she has 100% gotten the name wrong. “I don’t really drink.”
Somehow, that awkward confession makes Lena’s face twist, like she is trying not to smile. “Alex mentioned you’re sober,” she says. “I hope it’s alright, that she did.”
“No, yeah, it’s not a secret,” Kara says, but in her mind she’s thinking Alex and Lena talk about her? About what? Hopefully not embarrassing stuff. Shoot, knowing Alex, it’s 100% embarrassing stuff. “And I wouldn’t expect you to have any secrets with Alex either way, so.”
“Right.” Lena takes a careful seat besides Kara, her expression since gone entirely blank. She orders a scotch, Kara sticks to water, and they immediately maintain an awkward silence that M'gann raises a judgmental eyebrow at Kara for.
Kara clears her throat, desperate for any attempt of making nice she can muster. “So have you seen Alex?” she says.
“Today?” Lena has her glass raised to her lips, but she doesn't drink. “Not yet.”
“Oh. Well, I'm sure she's around here somewhere,” Kara says, and tries not to find it weird that Lena and Alex did not see each other at all today despite apparently living together.
This time Lena takes a long, thoughtful sip of her drink, and she turns her head to regard Kara silently. “Kara,” she says, as if testing the name all-too-carefully, practiced and halting like she wants to call Kara literally anything else. “Would it be a fair assessment to assume you don't like me?”
Kara’s grip on her glass falters in a single blink-or-miss-it second before she manages to control her surprise. “What?” she says weakly. “I know we don’t know each other, but, if Alex likes you of course I like you.” Flustered, she backtracks to say, “I mean Alex loves you. Obviously.”
Lena doesn’t put Kara out of her misery. At least, not right away. No, she just smooths out the imaginary wrinkles of her form-fitting dress that she has chosen to wear to this dive bar, drums her fingertips against the sticky wood of the bar counter, and gazes pensively beyond her company in a way that can only be described as lost. Then,
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t meant to be an accusation,” Lena says. “What I meant is, I'm sure you must despise the idea of me.” An attempt at a smile crosses Lena’s lips, but it’s a sad one. “Today was mostly about putting your mind at ease over any misconceptions you might have.”
“Well, I’ve only known about you for like a week, but I can honestly say I have zero thoughts about you,” Kara says quickly. Then frowns. “Wait. That was supposed to sound reassuring. Can I start over?”
The engagement ring on Lena’s finger shimmers even in the poor lighting, and she rests her cheek against her palm, gazing at Kara with a curious, half-amused kind of look in her eyes. “The floor’s yours.”
“I’m not the kind of person who assumes the worst about other people,” Kara says, reaching for her water again, if only to tip it towards Lena reassuringly before taking a quick sip. “And if you make Alex happy, then I can only assume you’re a good person. Also, you might be a saint to even put up with her.”
Lena’s mouth twists into a proper smile, however small. “The way you two talk about each other is so…” She shakes her head as if she can’t quite finish that thought. “You two are clearly very close.”
“Unfortunately, yeah, I'm stuck with her,” Kara quips, and that at least feels normal—talking about Alex is a safe topic. Even if she hasn’t bothered to come back to her own engagement party. “Do you have any siblings?”
“A brother.” Any semblance of a smile vanishes entirely at that, and Lena hastily finishes the remainder of her drink.
Kara gets the feeling she has said something horribly wrong. “And are you two also…close?” she finishes her train of thought awkwardly, even if she already knows the answer.
“No.” The stony way Lena clenches her jaw suggests that Kara isn't winning any brownie points, here, and she has to bite her tongue to stop from pushing on. “Excuse me, can I get another?” Lena beckons M’gann over when she has a second, and M’gann gives Kara another questioning look but doesn’t say anything to her directly.
“I’m sorry,” Kara feels the need to say. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Oddly enough, I believe you,” Lena muses. “You did mention your sister has hardly talked about me.”
“I'm sure she would've,” Kara tries to reassure her. “I just don't see her too much nowadays, with my work.”
“Mm. You’re a journalist, right?” Lena asks, and there is something in her gaze that makes Kara feel hot under the collar. “Or was it a kindergarten teacher? I know you and your sister have an affinity for switching careers.” Something about the calculated way she pauses to take a sip of her drink, gaze expectant over the rim, causes Kara's heart to plummet into her stomach.
Kara, in turn, promptly chokes on air. “What? You—you know? About—” She stops. “I’m not sure Alex was allowed to tell you that.”
“Not even if we're going to get married?” Slowly, Lena begins to smile. It's a real smile, one Kara hadn't realized Lena was capable of until now. “Your sister might be the most by-the-book person I've ever met. Unfortunately for her, I was able to connect the dots about you myself.”
“Ah.” Kara drums her fingertips against the bar counter, feels her cheeks warm slightly with embarrassment.
Lena places a hand on Kara's forearm—a warm, gentle heat Kara can feel through the thin sleeve of her T-shirt. “That was no fault of yours,” she says reassuringly. “She slipped up talking about your job. It was fairly easy to connect the dots.”
Somehow, that does nothing to dissolve the dread slowly building up in Kara’s chest. Alex never slips up. Kara is the resident Danvers sister fuck up (Alex’s words exactly), and all at once Alex’s disappearance tonight becomes decidedly unsettling.
“When did she tell you about my job?” Kara blurts out. “Do you remember?”
“Yesterday, I think,” Lena says, and she regards Kara questioningly. “She was telling me about everyone who was going to be here today and what your friends do for work. Why?”
“Was she working? Looking at her computer or her phone or anything?”
“Yes, that’s all she ever does.” But it’s odd, the way Lena says it, like she’s not bothered in the slightest.
It could be nothing. It probably is nothing. But Kara still scans the bar with a renewed vigor in search of that familiar scowl that she cannot find. “She was just here,” Kara mutters aloud. “She wouldn’t have left without telling someone.”
“Alex?” Lena watches Kara carefully, no doubt trying to decide what to say. “Has she not told you if she’s running late?”
“No, she was here already,” Kara says. “I don’t think she would have—” She shakes her head to herself, cursing inwardly. She can’t assume that Alex has been dragged away for a work reason. Maybe it has something to do with Alex getting cold feet. Either way, telling her sister’s fiancée that the woman she’s supposed to marry has abandoned her engagement party doesn’t seem like it would do Alex any favors. “I’m sure she’s just in the bathroom or something. Uh, I’m going to just…” She pulls out her cigarette in a poor cover and says, “Go outside, for a smoke break, if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” Lena says. Then, “Would it be alright if I joined you?”
If Nia knew that Kara’s stupid cigarette would have led to this moment, she would laugh her ass off. Repeatedly. Kara supposes it’s a small mercy that Nia is still dancing with Kelly, so she is spared of any and all jokes at her expense.
It’s not until they’re outside that Kara sheepishly confesses: “So full disclosure…I don’t actually smoke.”
Lena doesn't look particularly surprised at the fact. “It's an odd thing to lie about,” she says, and tilts her head, surveying Kara with a sharp look. “Oh,” she says afterward. “I’m sorry. Clearly, you lied to get away from me, and here I am following you around.”
Kara swallows. Hard. “It’s not that,” she says, even though it kind of is. 
“It's okay.” Another touch, this time gently to Kara’s shoulder. Lena has a strange, half-wistful look on her face. “Take your break. I’ll go inside…I should introduce myself to Alex’s friends and keep it convincing.”
That is such a peculiar way to phrase an otherwise normal statement, and Kara feels her brow furrow subconsciously. “What?”
But Lena has turned away by the time Kara even forms the word, and Kara watches, bewildered, as Lena takes two steps forward before immediately whirling back around. There is no other way to describe it, but—Lena has gone sickly pale in the moonlight, as if she’s seen a ghost. Before Kara can ask what’s wrong, Lena has hurriedly bridged the gap between them and grasped Kara’s face with cold, shaking hands.
“Can you turn around?” Lena asks quietly.
Kara does, but she knows her cheeks have gone hot and red by now, so unaccustomed to both the proximity and the specific person before her. “Lena, what’s—”
“I have something very urgent to ask you, and please don’t overthink it,” Lena rushes to say.
“Okay.” Kara tries not to fidget; she has had a gun held to her head several times before and yet, this is the most overwhelmed she has felt in years.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Kara blinks. “What?”
“Please,” Lena adds on, as if that makes the question any saner.
And maybe it’s the desperation in Lena’s voice, in her eyes, in the way she keeps on trembling, but Kara recognizes someone in danger. She doesn’t understand what on Earth is going on, but she slowly nods, and trusts that if Alex kicks her ass later it will be for a good cause.
(Kara is not, however, prepared for Lena to immediately kiss her like she’s starving, hands still tight against Kara’s cheeks, dragging Kara so close that Kara is essentially caging her against the wall). 
It feels like forever, but not in a bad way. Kara hasn't kissed someone in so long that she feels clumsy, almost like she is outside of her own skin, hands falling against the gravel of the bar’s outside walls in order to stop herself from grabbing at the inviting curves of Lena’s waist.
When Lena gently pushes her away, Kara hastily steps back, digging her fingernails into the palms of her hands to keep from doing something dangerous (like reaching back in). Lena looks as if she's calmed down enough at least; she blushes when she meets Kara’s eyes, glancing down at the floor for a brief moment.
“Thank you,” Lena says. “God, if I was recognized out here of all places Alex would have lost it.”
“Recognized?” Kara echoes. She follows the way Lena jerks her head to the right, where the shadow of a man is disappearing into the alleyway. “I…don't follow.”
“That man used to work for my brother,” Lena sighs. “I don’t know if he would have remembered my face, but better safe than sorry.”
Kara opens her mouth, pauses, and then shuts it when she realizes she has no clue what to say. Her phone buzzes in an all-too-welcome distraction, but her blood runs cold when she sees it’s from Alex.
Can you tell everyone the party’s cancelled? Lena’s sick. Also let the cat back in before the night’s over.
“Shit,” Kara involuntarily curses when she sees that familiar code phrase. Suddenly everything makes sense: the secrecy, the mysterious brother, the fact that Lena cannot be recognized in the streets outside of a dive bar used as a front for the average spy (or average drunk that security allows in for the cover). “Lena, are you in witness protection?”
Lena squints at Kara like she is the one dropping a bombshell. “Yes? Did you not know that?”
“No! What the—why would Alex bring you here?!” Kara frantically texts her insane sister back.
Is there a curfew?
The sooner the better. I’m at Dad’s house right now or else I would do it myself.
That next coded message makes Kara exhale, finally, to at least know Alex is safe. Something big must have happened if she is dragging Kara into this without so much as a briefing, sure, but Kara also knows that Alex would not have trusted her with anything less.
“Lena,” Kara says, “can I ask you something urgent now?” She pauses when she immediately remembers the firm pressure of Lena’s lips, and quickly adds, “It doesn’t involve kissing.”
“Fair enough,” Lena says, enough amusement coloring her tone that Kara briefly flushes all over again.
“Can you trust me to get you home tonight?” Kara doesn’t wait for an answer before she goes on: “I know you don’t know me. But you know Alex. And I swear on my life, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Alex, and by extension that means there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Lena nods along with every word slowly. “You take your job very seriously.”
“I do,” Kara says firmly. (And, hopefully, comfortingly).
“Then I trust you, Kara Danvers,” Lena says. “If that’s even your real name.”
And for a brief moment, Kara’s not a spy fighting a clock on a mission she knows nothing about; she is, instead, a normal person who is capable of seeing the humor of her almost-sister-in-law who definitely knows more than she has clearance for.
“It is,” Kara says—even deigns to smile before she can quell it. “By choice.”
“That sounds like there’s a story somewhere.”
“I’ll tell you all about it sometime,” Kara promises. “Maybe even tonight, if in exchange you tell me your real name.”
“Unfortunately, Lena Luthor is my real name,” Lena says. “Alex said it was fine to tell her friends, so, this party was her idea. She even came up with the marriage idea so when my last name is changed, no one will care.”
The cogs finally start turning in Kara’s head far slower than she cares to admit. “Hold on. So you and Alex aren’t actually engaged?”
Again, Lena stares at Kara like she’s grown two heads in the last thirty seconds. “No. You seriously didn’t know? I thought you were just being weird, Alex says you get really into your method-acting stuff.”
“No.” Strangely, the first thing Kara feels is relief; she doesn’t have to actually tell her sister that she kissed her future wife. The second thing is, quite reasonably, alarm. “Okay I don’t know what the hell is going on with your case, but you mentioned someone who used to work for your brother, right? How bad is the threat?”
Lena hesitates. “It’s…kind of a long story.”
“So really bad,” Kara fills in the blanks. “Crap. We need to go.” She quickly shrugs off her jacket and presses it into Lena’s hands. “Put this on. There are no cameras in this area, but we’re going to hit some when we get to the parking lot.” 
“Is everything okay?” Lena asks, though she hurriedly does as Kara says.
“I’m sure it is,” Kara tries to assure her. “But it’s just a precaution until we can reunite you with Alex and confirm.”
Lena doesn’t seem like she believes Kara entirely—or at least, the way her expression remains a fraction confused definitely indicates as much. But at the very least, she does not argue, though she does make a point to ask, “Where is Alex?”
“She just got tied up at work.” Kara leads the way to the parking lot, careful to hover at Lena’s side on the off chance any threat might  materialize. “I don’t know where your current safe house is or if it’s been compromised, so I’m going to take you somewhere else. Is that okay?”
“Not like I have any choice,” Lena says wearily. “So am I not allowed to know when everything’s gone to shit? Or will everyone just keep telling me it’s okay when it’s not?”
Kara swings open the passenger side of James’s car (he’ll forgive her for this later) and waits for Lena to sit down. Lena doesn’t. “It’s—complicated,” she says.
“How so?” Lena crosses her arms and still does not move. Kara is still holding onto the car door, inadvertently standing too close; she feels strangely helpless when Lena looks right at her with eyes dark and determined.
“Full disclosure,” Kara reluctantly admits, “I…have no clue what’s going on with your case. I’ve been in the dark and Alex can't exactly  share the details through a text, so, the truth is I have no idea if everything has gone to shit. I know that is the very last thing you want to hear since I’m supposed to be protecting you, but—”
“Actually,” Lena says, and her look has softened, “that makes me trust you.”
“Yes. I appreciate that you will tell me upfront you don't know,” Lena says. She sways slightly closer, enough that Kara stiffens, but it's only to duck into the car after all.
Kara shuts the door only after a very brief pause. This should not be as hard as it feels. For a week she has been associating the idea of Lena Luthor as her sister’s fiancée and it’s tough to wrap her head around the fact that the opposite is true.
(And it has absolutely nothing to do with how attractive Lena is. Or that kiss. For the record.)
The dashboard of James’s car reads 7:19 PM; his radio is playing a news station; the gas tank is half full. Kara makes note of everything and decides she will drive as far as she possibly can before it hits empty.
Lena is quiet, at first. And while there is nothing special about the bumper-to-bumper traffic or the hazy street lights or the clouded night sky, Lena keeps her gaze trained outwards, head resting against the tinted window.
But then, “My brother killed twenty people.”
Kara grips onto the wheel and tries not to outwardly react. She has, of course, always had a terrible poker face. “Oh.”
“It gets worse,” Lena says uneasily. “I designed the technology he used to kill them.”
There is no possible response Kara can imagine which might be appropriate. In the end she settles for: “That actually doesn’t seem like a long story after all.”
“I assumed Alex would have told you that, at least.” Lena begins to drum a pattern with her fingertips against the center console. “Do you think the worst of me now?”
“I guess that depends,” Kara says slowly, “on whether you designed that technology for the purpose of killing people.”
Lena gives a curt, kind of disbelieving half-laugh, half-scoff. “They were nanobots,” she says. “I was trying to use them to cure cancer. But my brother…well, he didn’t see half the potential I did.”
Kara casts a quick glance at Lena, finds her staring straight ahead with a stony expression on her face. “Lena,” she says gently, “that doesn’t sound like it was at all your fault.”
“Everyone tells me that.” More rhythmic drumming, each beat more hesitant than the last. “I don’t know when I’ll start to believe it.”
When she was a kid, Kara had been thrown into the foster system with little more than heartache and a wish to find the cousin she never would. She had never felt so helpless—so unsure—and something about Lena’s guilt right now brings her right back to that moment. Like she’s just a little kid, knees pulled up to her chest, waiting for a sign that would never come.
“It’ll be hard,” Kara says softly. It has begun to drizzle rain, and she mindlessly sets the wipers, watching them flick back and forth as they wait for the light to turn green. “But it will get easier. I promise.” 
“Odd thing to promise,” Lena notes, but Kara can feel her gaze burning against the side of her head, and Lena sounds…lighter, somehow. “Can I change the station?”
“Sure.” James will hate it, but Kara doesn’t mind. Lena chooses a jazz station that frequently breaks with static, and it’s by far the most peaceful hour-long drive Kara has had in a while. 
They pull up to the safe house when the clock reads 8:34 PM and the rain has petered out; the air feels damp and thick with residual humidity, but otherwise, the tranquility of the quiet gives Kara a good feeling. Lena has fallen asleep in the passenger’s side, and Kara softly nudges her awake.
“Here,” Kara says, handing her James’s emergency bag once they make their way up the house steps. “This should have a change of clothes. They’ll be too big, but better than your dress at least…if you’re hungry there will be granola bars in the pantry. We can’t risk ordering anything else right now, unfortunately.” She digs into her pocket for the batch of safe house keys she has on all times and locates the right one, pressing it surely into Lena’s hand. “Until we know for sure if I’ll be briefed on your case or not, just…assume you’re going to be moved tomorrow. Also, you never saw me. Like, officially.”
Lena wipes at her eyes with her palm, absentmindedly smearing her mascara. “You’re going to leave me here?” she says, hugging James’s bag to her chest.
“No, of course not. I’m going to be sitting in the car, out here,” Kara says. “I just mean like in general, you know, if I don’t end up getting briefed on your case it would be all kinds of not-allowed to be talking to you. So if anyone asks…”
“Ah,” Lena says, “right. I’ll just make up a cover story for my cover story.”
“Yeah, you know, we need to protect the bureaucracies and all that,” Kara says. “If I'm even using that word the right way.”
“And you're supposed to be a journalist?” Lena smiles ever-so-slightly. “Good thing you're decent at your day job.”
“Only decent?” Kara feels her own mouth twitch with the promise of her own smile. 
“I'd give you five stars on Yelp,” Lena says confidently, and Kara laughs, unable to stop herself from full-on grinning.
“Well if you need anything,” Kara says, and gestures over her shoulder to the car. “You know where I'll be.”
“Thank you.” Lena places a hand over Kara’s wrist, and just squeezes there briefly, her hand slightly cold but her touch overwhelmingly gentle. “Um. Would it be—would it be allowed to ask if you can stay with me inside, instead? I don't really want to be…alone.”
“That would make plausible deniability much harder to fake,” Kara tries to protest, but Lena is biting her lip and looking at Kara underneath mascara-smudged lashes and really, there is no other option but to cave. “…but I guess I could break a rule or two. Or twenty-seven.”
Lena smiles fully this time with obvious relief. “And here I thought I'd have to work harder to corrupt you.”
Kara pushes her glasses up her nose and says, “I’m a little concerned you were planning to corrupt me, but I mean. It’s one night.” She follows Lena inside when she opens the door, surveys the untouched room with a quick, satisfied glance. “Just as long as you don’t get me into trouble.”
“I’ll try my best not to,” Lena says, making a beeline for the couch to inspect James’s emergency bag; she pulls out an oversized T-shirt with an exhausted sigh. “Can you unzip me?” Already she’s pulling her hair off her shoulders, exposing the graceful slope of her neck, and Kara almost forgets to lock the door behind her.
“Y-yeah,” she stammers out, once again fiddling with the glasses that she doesn’t need, and she knows it right then and there: Lena Luthor will undoubtedly get her in trouble. And judging by the way Lena gazes so shyly at Kara over her shoulder, she knows it.
(But, well. In the grand scheme of things, Kara figures a little trouble never hurt anyone).
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Now tell me why do I have the idea of Lena and Kara getting ready to leave her Penthouse for an event but as they’re about to leave Kara grabs Lena, pins her against the wall next to the door because she can’t take it anymore…she just has to have Lena right then and there, her desire for her doesn’t afford her the patience of waiting until they get home 😭😭
So . . . this just kind of . . . came out *ahem* I make no apologies.
As for the other dirty prompts in my inbox, I see you! I am but a subject to the muses. but hey, smut begets smut right?
Rated M for sMut
Also, fair warning, this turned out rather vanilla lol so I hope y'all still enjoy!
"Leeennaaa." Kara calls out, letting her head flop against the back of the couch. "What is taking you so long? You look beautiful, I promise!"
There's the sound of shuffling in the bathroom before Lena's voice comes back through the closed door.
"Just a minute! I'm almost done!"
Kara whines, eyes drifting closed . "It's been fourty-five minutes. I've beaten like twelve levels on the match game on my phone."
"Not all of us have super speed, darling. Or perfectly coiffed curls, for that matter."
"You have a perfect everything." Kara counters. "Now can you please get your perfect self out here before I starve to death?" She takes off her glasses to squint at the smudges on the lenses.
"Is this your master plan as Luthor? Make me fall in love with you and then starve me to death while waiting on you to get ready for dinner? I can see the headlines now - 'Supergirl defeated by Lena Luthor, long term starvation plan executed perfectly by wife.'"
Lena's laugh is tinkling.
"First of all, the media doesn't know that I'm married to Supergirl; so the headline would be about Kara Danvers. Second of all,: I'm a better Luthor than my brother, darling, if I wanted you killed then you would be dead before you had time to put two and two together."
And Kara knows that Lena is joking.
Knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that her wife is teasing and would never hurt her - well not without a safe word. But the undeniable truth behind the honey sweet tone sends a shiver down Kara's spine.
Rao, why did everything this woman does have to turn her on?
Kara squirms in her seat as she reaches to untuck the corner of her shirt and uses it to wipe at her glasses.
"Well yes, but we can leave the 'you're evil, I'm Supergirl' role play for another day please? I'm really hungry."
She can hear Lena's long suffering sigh even without her super senses as she holds her glasses up to the light; frowning when she still sees smudges.
The unmistakable click of Lena's red bottom heels sounds on the hardwood floor behind her, as she tries once again to scrub at her glasses.
"Thank goodness, let's go, I've been dreaming about these appetizers ever since the last time we ate at Ralphio's."
The aforementioned heels come into Kara's peripheral vision, and she hurriedly pushes the glasses back on her face.
She blinks once through the streaks that her dress shirt has made on the lenses before she remembers that she doesn't actually need them to see the beauty in front of her and pulls them off.
The expletive slips out unbidden, and Kara fully blames it on Lena's bad influence; because she lived with Alex for years and managed to keep her vocabulary clean, but now she apparently cusses like some sort of deviant.
To be fair, it's really not her fault.
No one should be held responsible for what they say when Lena Luthor-Danvers is standing in front of them dressed to the nines.
"What was that, darling?"
Kara slowly gets to her feet, letting her eyes trace a lazy path up from the floor so she can fully appreciate Lena.
The heels of course, showcasing perfectly flexed, creamy white calves all the way up to just below the knee; where a short but enticing slit slices it's way up Lena's thigh. The dress hugs Lena's curves in all the right places, guiding Karas eyes up the swell of her hips to the soft crescent of her abdomen.
Briefly, she worries about Lena's ability to breathe in the dress because of how snug it is around her ribs; but then the material cuts away to show off Lena's cleavage, the black lace trimming barely containing Lena's breasts where they threaten to spill over, and she's distracted again.
Her eyes trace the lace over perfect skin that she wishes was beneath her fingers - or god, her lips. She doesn't think she has a collar bone kink, but she definitely has a Lenal kink; so she lets her gaze meander slowly to Lena's exposed shoulders before darting to the column of her throat.
She can see the muscles of Lena's throat contract as she swallows, and sinful red lips are moving - saying something that Kara's distracted brain isn't processing.
Lena's holding back a laugh, and something tells Kara that this isn't the first time she's repeated herself.
Trying to break the spell, Kara shifts her attention to Lena's eyes; but - oh boy was that a mistake. Lena's applied her eye makeup a little darker than usual tonight, and her green eyes sparkle like a faraway planet in the night sky.
"I - I'm sorry?" Kara's mouth goes so dry that the back of her throat sticks together, and she coughs, embarrassed.
"Are you ready for dinner?"
"Dinner? I -uh -yes, dinner. Right." mentally, Kara kicks herself; forcing her body to do her bidding instead of lusting after Lena.
"Apres vous, Madame." She gestures to the door, and that's when her body's obedience ends. Lena's hair is swept up into a tight bun, and the back of her dress is cut just enough to tease.
Her fingers twitch, and before she can stop herself, her fingertips are ghosting along Lena's skin - trailing the path from the chain around her neck down to where he sleeve is hugging her shoulder.
She can see in Lena's posture when her breath hitches at Kara's touch, and it's then she loses her last remnants of self control.
All it takes is one long stride forward and she's caught up with Lena, her front ghosting Lena's backside and her lips lowering down to caress the same milky skin her fingers just left.
"Kara . . ." Lena's voice is shaky and she can see the tremble in the hand that reaches up to undo the chain lock on the door.
Grinning, Kara lowers her head once again to lave kisses against the taut skin of Lena's neck; her left hand following Lena's until she closes her palm against the back of Lena's hand. Kara gently pushes forward until Lena is pressed between the door and Kara's body with their left hands laced together.
Kara's right hand comes up to Lena's waist, and Lena's knocks against the door as she braces herself against the sudden force of Kara's grip.
"Kara . . . " Lena repeats in a strangled whisper.
"Yes, my love?" Kara barely pauses her kisses to mouth the words against Lena's skin.
"Dinner . . . " Lena shudders as Kara hits a particularly sensitive beneath her ear.
"We have reservations. . . "
"You have standing reservations at every fancy restaurant in National City." Kara corrects, before closing her teeth around the shell of Lena's ear.
Lena's fingers clench where Kara has them pressed against the wall.
"Do you want me to stop?" Kara offers thoughtfully, tugging Lena more flush against her, fingers grazing the underside of her bosom.
"I - . . ."
"Words, Love - mind reading isn't one of my super powers."
"Kara." Lena's voice quivers. "Fuck."
"Was that a request or a demand?" Kara smirks.
"Either, both, I don't know, just - "
"As you wish." Kara promises, using just a hint of super speed to spin Lena so that her back is against the door, their left hands remaining laced above Lena's head"
It Lena's turn to smirk.
"Are you quoting The Princess Bride to me?"
Kara's right index finger comes up to hook around her upper lip like a fake mustache.
"My name, is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father, prepare to die."
Lena laughs, a full on belly laugh that's a complete juxtaposition with the sexual tension in the air, but it somehow turns Kara on even more.
Grinning, she takes advantage of the way that Lena's head is thrown back against the door and bows her head to claim Lena's neck once again. This time, her lips quickly give way to teeth - grazing and nipping at the quivering skin.
She feels the sharp tug in her hair before she's even realized that Lena's free hand has moved, and she grunts into the freckle on Lena's neck. Her weak knees let the majority of her body weight fall into Lena and the door, and she feels their bodies meld somehow closer; Kara's knee slipping between Lena's legs and shifting her dress up her thighs.
"Kara." Lena's voice is a whispered prayer against her ear, and Kara can't help but chuckle as absolute want and need race in shivers down her spine.
She pulls away slightly, waiting until Lena's unfocused eyes have lost their glazed look and met hers, before brushing the lone strand of hair that's escaped from Lena's bun away from her face.
"You know, we could always send a driver to get takeout if you still want those appetizers." Lena pants out, even as her hips subtly grind down onto Kara's thigh.
"Mmmm, but you got all dressed up." even as she speaks the words, Kara uses both of her hands to pull Lena's hips into hers.
"I only got dressed up to look nice for you." Lena admits with a gasp as she steps out of her heels. The loss of height presses Kara's knee deeper into her center.
"I do like that one suit you have, in particular."
"I swear to god, if you say birthday suit -" Lena threatens.
Kara huffs a laugh, toeing out of her own shoes.
"I was going to say the purple Tom Ford, but I'm partial to the birthday suit as well."
"Don't get cheeky with me, Supergirl." The severe look on Lena's face might have worried others but Kara can see the smile pulling at her lips.
"Cheeky, huh?" Kara's hands drop to palm Lena's ass, squeezing suggestively.
Lena swats at her shoulder.
"Well if you're going to get violent Ms. Luthor." She ducks under Lena's grasp, using her handholds to hoist Lena over her shoulder.
"Hey!" Lena protests, fisting her hands in the back of Kara's shirt to try and maintain some semblance of control even as her legs kick helplessly in the air.
"That's Mrs. Luthor-Danvers to you!"
Kara's laugh echoes down the hall as she carries Lena to their bedroom.
"My apologies." She tosses Lena onto the bed, barely letting her settle from the bounce before crawling over her predatorily. "Mrs. Luthor-Danvers."
"Better." Lena breathlessly concedes before tugging Kara's lips down to hers.
Kara could spend hours kissing Lena - has spent hours kissing Lena - their mouths moving in a practiced dance that somehow leaves her satisfied and yet wanting more; tongues and lips bruised and tired.
But tonight, tonight she wants more.
Needs more.
And if Lena's moans and her nails digging into Kara's skin though her shirt are any indication, then Lena wants more too.
She buries her face in Lena's neck, reveling in the way her tongue and teeth draw out ragged gasps from the woman beneath her.
They both grind their hips, searching for friction, but Lena's dress is in the way. By some unspoken agreement, Lena lifts her hips and Kara balances on her knees and her mouth on Lena's shoulder - one hand pushing the dress up and out of the way and the other jerking Lena's panties down past her knees.
She has little time for a victory celebration though, because Lena uses her distraction at staying balanced to flip them over.
"Hey!" she half-heartedly protests, but it falls on deaf ears as Lena gives the seam of buttons on her dress shirt a sharp tug - sending buttons flying across the room.
Lena uses her hand on Kara's chest to balance as she leans back on her heels and as Kara takes in the scene; she would swear under oath that she'd never seen a more beautiful sight.
Lena's fancy dress is rucked up and twisted; and breasts that were once merely teasing their presence are now playing a very indecent game of hide and seek with every ragged breath her chest heaves. Her once immaculate lip stick is smeared almost pornographically, and more of her jet black locks are framing her face than are left in her bun.
"You're beautiful." Kara breathes out reverently, fingertips tracing an indistinct pattern up Lena's thigh.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go put on that Tom Ford suit - "
"Don't you dare put on any more clothes." Kara lets some of her signature 'Supergirl' authoritative tone leech into her voice, but Lena only laughs.
"Or what?" she teases, even as Karas hand slides between her legs and her fingers swipe through her slick.
"Or I'll have to rip them off of you."
"Is that a threat?" Lena moans as Kara's fingers explore her heat. "Or a promise?"
Kara grins wickedly, two fingers sinking into Lena's cunt with practiced ease.
"Oh, that's definitely a promise."
It's something she's watched probably a hundred times, but there's just something about Lena riding her fingers that she can't tear her eyes away from.
Kara's name sounds like a prayer on Lena's lips, and she can't help but feel a rush of pride at the blush that's spreading across Lena's chest.
One of Lena's hands is behind her on Kara's knee for leverage and support, and the other is fisted in the remnants of Kara's shirt. The green pendant that Kara made her for their last anniversary bounces just above her breasts, drawing Kara's attention but then Lena moans her name again, and she's distracted - watching pearly white teeth sink into maroon lipstick stained lips.
It's a beautiful thing watching Lena come undone, feeling Lena come undone.
The way her body rocks and trembles as she reaches the edge of orgasm, as she clenches around Kara's fingers, as her eyes roll back and drift closed- senses too overwhelmed to keep them open.
It's almost as beautiful as the lazy smile that crosses Lena's face as the last rhythmic shocks fade. The way her body sags almost in relief to be released from the building tension.
Almost as beautiful as the way Lena's hand pushes hers away as the stimulation becomes too much. The way she collapses next to Kara on the bed, already moving into snuggle position before her body fully hits the mattress. The way she pants as she joins her hand with Kara's and brings them to her lips to give an almost innocent kiss the fingers that brought her to ruin.
"That's - I'm just - give me a second." Lena pleads, but Kara only laughs placing a kiss to their joined hands herself before easing off the bed and slipping back to the living room to grab her phone.
"Hey!" Lena's weak protest calls after her. "Where are you going?"
Before the words have even completely left her mouth, Kara is rounding the doorway to the bedroom; taking in Lena's disheveled state with a grin.
"Well, I figure if we order those appetizers now, they'll be here by the time we finish the next round."
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daisy-thetoxic · 9 months
DESERT ROSE | Kara Danvers
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Fem gip spider girl- Phoebe Parker part 2
Part one
(I might make this into an actual Fic.)
Fluff, mentions of intimacy, possessives, golden retriever x black cat.
Phoebe grabbed the glasses from the cabinet as she helped Kara prepare dinner for her and her annual friends night.
When she started dating the blonde superhero, she didn’t realize how different her and Kara actually were, but that’s what made them perfect together.
Kara’s golden retriever energy lightening up the room, whole Phoebe black cat energy threatens anyone who dare disturb Kara.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” Kara tells her, walking to her as she came back from the living room.
“This is important to you, babe, I’m fine. Just your friends.” Phoebe muses as she was her won boss anyway, her and Lena going 50/50 on the company due to both of them being billionaires and well Phoebe loved working, especially photography. Reporting just came with the job.
Phoebe rolled up her sleeves, revealing the tattoos she had prior to getting bitten by a spider. Her black silk shirt matching her dark aesthetic as a silver necklace hanged from her neck. It was a matching one with Kara.
She had supergirls symbol while Kara had a spider. And the some of the many rings Kara got her her littered her fingers.
“You get the door, I got the pasta.” Phoebe tells her as her hair was in a lose pony tail, her black curls showing off.
Kara stiffened for a second, signaling she was listening to the footsteps walking towards her door.
“Just a sec.” Kara tells her, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a lingering kiss knowing Alex would be too over protective to let her kiss her girlfriend. Older siblings were a pain in the ass.
“Your cute.” Phoebe muses, watching her walk off before taking the Pasta out the oven, mixing the salad in a giant bowl with a salad grabber thing? Phoebe didn’t really pay attention to what Kara told her it was. Too busy staring at the blonde.
She brought it all the to the table as Kara greeted her friends, opening the door for them.
“It smells great, Kara!” Winn hums as the smell hits their noses.
“Thanks!” Kara smiles widely, proud of herself even though Phoebe had to make 99%, the on 1% helping put the cheese on the pasta. Phoebe didn’t mind as long as it made Kara happy.
“Hey Miss. Patera.” Winn greets her, still not used to seeing his boss outside of work.
“Please, Phoebe outside of work.” Phoebe tells him, giving him a brief smile before walking back into the kitchen.
“Damn.” Kelly mumbles to Kara as her, Lena, and Alex gawk at the woman who was currently grabbing wine from the cabinet.
“I know.” Kara tells her, starring at her girlfriend as she could practically hear the cocky smirk she was wearing.
“Babe? Could you bring the ranch in here?” Kara asks her as she walks towards the table, setting the napkins out once she breaks her trance.
“On it.” Phone calls back out, grabbing the sauce before walking into the kitchen. The wine bottle in her other hand as she sat next to Kara.
“Uno!” Kara calls out as she leans back into Phoebe, sitting in her lap as she played Uno with her friends.
Phoebe on her phone as she went online shopping, buying more things for Kara, who could see it.
“Attached to your phone, much?” James comments, narrowing his eyes at Pheobe. His comment creating unwanted tension.
“Have something to say?” Pheobe looks up at him, raising an eyebrow in a challenging way.
“It’s friends night.” James laughs, although no one laughs with him. “Phones aren’t typically allowed.”
“James-“ Kara glares at the man, annoyed with his constant jealousy.
“It’s fine, he’s right.” Pheobe hits order on her shopping cart which was really a bunch of stuff for Kara before putting her phone down.
Lena looks at Pheobe knowing the woman well enough, hiding her smirk.
Pheobe grabs the cards, shuffling them through her fingers, slightly showing off.
“Reverse. Reverse again, plus four, change the color to red and uno.” Pheobe calls out her cards as she sets it down before setting her last card down, winning the game, and leaving James with about 24 cards.
“Should have warned you she was a pro at Uno, banned her from playing.” Lena laughs, as James looks at his cards and back up at the woman who kicked his ass.
Kara stiffens as she hears something in the distance, police sirens and crashing. “Babe. could you help me get the mail?” Kara turns to her.
Pheobe focuses on her hearing, hearing the sirens too. “Of course.” Pheobe smiles, allowing Kara to get up before following her out.
“Are they?” Lena turns to Kelly who smirks. “Go little Danvers.”
“Hey hey hey, they did not sneak off to…” Alex shivers in disgust.
Before she could get up, super girl flies past the window, with Spidergirl swinging behind her, showing off as she flung past the window.
“That explains a lot.” Winn muses, putting two and two together.
“What? How?” James rushes to the window, watching them swing and fly off.
Pheobe lands on Kara’s balcony, roses in her hand as she takes off her mask, walking into the building.
“You didn’t-“ Kara walks over to her, bringing her in for a hug, making sure not to smoosh the flowers.
“Here, my love.” Phoebe’s Russian accent showing as she grabs a box from her pocket.
Kara’s eyes widen in pure happiness, making Phoebe smile at her. “Open it.” Phoebe tells her, setting the flowers in a vase.
Kara opened it to find a rose ring, decked out in diamonds as a sapphire sat in the middle.
“Babe- I-“ Kara’s words got stuck in her throat as she put the ring on her right ring finger.
Phoebe walks up behind her, wrapping her arms around Kara’s waist.
“You deserve the world, Mon amour.” Phoebe kisses her neck, her black of her suit contrasting to Kara’s pastel clothes.
Phoebe pulls Kara back into her as Kara lets her head fall back onto her shoulder, enjoying the attention.
Kara gasps softly, turning around so she was facing Phoebe. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Phoebe smiles, pulling her in for a kiss, her hands trailing down to the blondes waist, gripping it.
“Show me.” Kara tells her softly against her lips. Getting a smirk from the spider superhero.
“Jump” Phoebe mumbles against her lips as Kara wouldn’t let them part for a second. Following the command Kara jumps, Phoebe grabbing her thighs for her legs to wrap around the superhero’s waist as Phoebe walks them into the bedroom, not disconnecting their lips for a second.
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froottalks · 1 year
Twisted Desires - Kara Danvers x male reader
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[summary: kara is new to the city. her sister alex is there to show her around along with her best friend and collegue, the reader, who is a very charming person.... oh and did I mention a psychopath too?]
The city lights of National City painted a vivid tapestry against the night sky, a canvas of dreams and secrets. As the evening breeze swept through the bustling streets, Alex Danvers paced the sidewalk outside the airport terminal. She checked her watch impatiently, her dark hair dancing in the wind. Beside her, a tall, broad-shouldered man stood with a confident aura that seemed to draw the curious glances of passersby.
The man, (Y/n) (L/n), the head forensics coroner at the National City Police Department. Renowned for his brilliance and charisma, he wore an air of confidence that matched his reputation. He was Alex's best friend, and his smile hid a world of secrets.
Alex's attention snapped back to the terminal as the familiar figure of her sister emerged from the crowd.
Kara Danvers, with her warm smile and hopeful eyes, had arrived in the city to start her new job at CatCo Worldwide Media. Alex's lips curved into a grin as she waved at Kara, who returned the gesture with enthusiasm.
"Kara!" Alex called out, engulfing her sister in a tight hug.
"Alex! I've missed you so much," Kara exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine affection.
Introductions were made, and (Y/n) extended a hand to Kara. "I'm (Y/n), Alex's partner in crime and fellow crime-fighter. Welcome to National City."
Kara's cheeks flushed slightly as she shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n). Thanks for picking me up."
"Anytime, Kara," (Y/n) replied, his smile holding a certain charm that made Kara's heart skip a beat. She quickly looked away, hoping her blush wasn't too obvious.
As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, the trio found themselves at a lively bar in the heart of the city. Laughter and music mingled in the air as they settled into a corner booth. The dim lighting cast intriguing shadows, a fitting backdrop for the enigmatic (Y/n).
"Kara, meet my partner in solving crimes and causing mayhem, (Y/n)," Alex said with a playful grin.
Kara smiled shyly at (Y/n). "Nice to meet you again."
(Y/n)'s eyes held a glint of intrigue as he observed Kara. His mind was a labyrinth of thoughts, each one meticulously analyzed. The subtle nuances of her smile, the way her eyes lit up when she spoke, all were stored in the vault of his mind.
She's new to the city, shy yet kind-hearted, (Y/n) mused internally. A perfect addition to my little narrative.
Alex ordered drinks for the trio, and as (Y/n) went to retrieve them from the bar, Alex leaned in closer to Kara. "So, what do you think of (Y/n)?"
Kara's cheeks tinged with pink as she tried to hide her embarrassment. "He's... charming."
Alex smirked. "Oh, I see the sparks flying already."
Kara looked down, her fingers playing with the rim of her glass. "It's just a first impression, Alex."
(Y/n) returned with the drinks, his gaze shifting between the two women. He had an uncanny ability to read people, to dissect their intentions and desires, and he knew he had made an impression on Kara.
As the night wore on, laughter and conversation flowed like the drinks at their table. Kara found herself drawn to (Y/n)'s wit and charm, while (Y/n) savored every stolen glance and subtle interaction. The city lights seemed to dance in his eyes, a reflection of the twisted narrative he was weaving.
In the midst of the revelry, (Y/n) excused himself to get more drinks. He stood at the bar, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the counter. His mind was currently a whirlwind of thoughts, analyzing Kara's every move, every expression.
Her curiosity is palpable, and her innocence is a canvas I can paint upon, (Y/n) thought, a smirk playing at his lips.
The night continued, fueled by laughter and camaraderie. Kara's heart raced as she found herself laughing at (Y/n)'s anecdotes, his presence magnetic and alluring. She tried to conceal her growing attraction, but her sister's teasing glances didn't go unnoticed.
As the night came to an end and the trio prepared to leave the bar, Kara's gaze met (Y/n)'s one last time. Kara's cheeks warmed and she quickly averted her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, (Y/N)'s mind was already concocting a narrative that would bind their fates in ways she could never have imagined.
{Part 2} out soon.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 3 months
We're All In This Together-Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl, Batman, Superman, The Flash
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Leonard Snart, Mxyzptlk, John Stewart, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cat Grant, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Winn Schott, Caitlyn Snow, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Nora Allen, Alura Danvers (OC), Alex Danvers, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, Eliza Danvers, J'onn J'onzz
Summary: Kara, Clark, and Barry are taken off guard by a request by the imp Mxyzptlk: watch over and protect the children of their alternate selves from a different Earth. Will our heroes rise to the occasion?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Kara and Barry smiled as they watched the kids sleep. Kara stretched, looked down, and chuckled as she stared at her watch. 
Barry raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Kara smiled and said, “We have been standing here staring at them for 30 minutes now.”
Barry smiled and said, “But they are so adorable.”
Kara chuckled and said, “I know, but we should probably be a little more productive. I know I am officially on leave, but I did have three articles I was in the middle of working on…”
Barry sighed and said, “I know what you mean. I had several cases I was working on. Normally, you have to offload your cases before going on leave. Not sure if Mxy in all of his planning arranged all of that.”
Kara shrugged and said, “He seemed pretty thorough…”
Barry rubbed the back of his neck and said, “I will probably run to Central City just to make sure. By the time I find out, I’ll swing by S.T.A.R. Labs to talk to Caitlyn, Felicity, and Oliver.”
Kara raised an eyebrow and asked, “Wouldn’t Felicity and Oliver be in Star City?”
Barry nodded and said, “Normally, but S.T.A.R. Labs is hosting an energy-saving conference with Caitlyn and Felicity being some of the main panelists. Oliver is hosting the entire thing.”
Kara winced and said, “Crap, I forgot with everything going on that I was supposed to be covering that event with Jimmy and Winn today for Catco. I need to check to see if they got someone to replace me for that or not.”
Barry asked, ”Did you want to meet at S.T.A.R. Labs while they are setting up for the event? I would imagine Clark would be back before then.”
Kara nodded and said, “Sure.”
Barry smiled and said, “Okay. Well, I am headed out. I will see you shortly.” 
And with that, Barry zoomed off as a red blur. 
Kara chuckled while shaking her head. She turned to head to the kitchen to grab her laptop when she heard her phone ring. She quickly zoomed to her room to grab her phone. 
“Ah, Kierra. So your phone is working.”
Kara stuttered, “Ms. Grant…”
“You seem surprised to hear from me,” mused Ms. Grant. 
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “I just didn’t know that you got up this early.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I decided on a quick vacation to Paris yesterday. I am several hours ahead of you right now.”
Ms. Grant cleared her throat and said, “That is beside the point. I must say, Kierra. I know that we don’t communicate all the time, but as your mentor, I thought you would have the decency to let me know of important life changes.”
Kara stared at the phone shocked. She knew that Ms. Grant would have received the email from HR about her leave. However, Ms. Grant usually had her assistant field through those emails and dealt with it unless it was something that needed her direct approval. Kara had started to shift slightly back and forth. 
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “I get that you wouldn’t have been able to tell me in person, but I at least expected a phone call, not a random email from HR saying you have three months of parental leave.”
Kara winced and said, “Ms. Grant, I didn’t mean any slight about not letting you know about the adoption. When, my friend, cousin, and I went into this, we didn’t know that it would be this quick of a process.”
“Adoption agencies usually give you some type of guideline of when you get the child.”
Kara stuttered and said, “We didn’t go through the adoption agency though. We had to do the reclaim process with LexCorp…”
The line was silent for a moment before Ms. Grant said softly, “Oh…I didn’t realize…” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment and asked gently, “Are you okay Kara?”
Kara looked down at her phone in surprise. She had seen multiple sides of Ms. Grant’s personality ranging from anger to indignation, but this gentler side she was displaying was a new one.
Kara said warily, “Yes, I'm fine. Why?”
Ms. Grant was silent momentarily before saying, “What Lex did to you and the others….that is such a violation. I am surprised honestly that Lex didn’t get a harsher sentence for what he has done…”
Kara gave a soft smile and said, “Oh, I agree with you. However, I choose to look at the positive which is that my friend, cousin, and I have three little ones to fawn over.”
Ms. Grant gave a slight chuckle. 
Kara frowned and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “You are the only person I know who takes such a bleak situation that Lex caused, and puts a positive spin on it. I heard that LexCorp hadn’t been notifying the biological parents when they would give their child to them so some of the parents were not prepared for the kid’s arrival. I hope that you had a more positive experience than that.”
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “Nope, we just had an hour warning before the kids arrived.”
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “The nerve of those Neanderthals.” Ms. Grant sighed and said, “That probably explains why HR put on rush on the leave of absence request for you. Normally, it would have taken a couple of weeks for approval, but we have been making exceptions with this whole LexCorp thing.” Ms. Grant paused for a moment and said, “If you need help with making living accommodations or kids supplies….”
Kara smiled and said, “Fortunately, we had enough space for the kids and enough supplies for them.”
Ms. Grant breathed a sigh of relief and said, “That’s good to hear. It is not only good to have supplies, but also to have a good support system. You know the saying that it takes a tribe to raise a child.”
Kara chuckled and said, “Actually, we are gathering our tribe as we speak. We just got the kids today, but we are throwing a party this Saturday to introduce them to family and friends. I would love it if you could come.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I unfortunately won’t be able to attend. I promised Carter we would stay in Paris until Sunday, but….” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment before she asked, “How old are the kids?”
“The three kids are six years old.”
“That is perfect! They are the same age as Carter! We should do a playdate.”
Kara smiled and said, “I would like that.”
“How would next Monday at around noon sound?”
Kara was surprised. She didn’t think that Ms. Grant would take her up on that so quickly.
“Sure. Monday at noon would be awesome.”
“Wonderful. I will text you my address and Kara….”
“Yes…” said Kara hesitantly. 
Ms. Grant said warmly, “Welcome to motherhood.”
Read the rest on AO3
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brckentales · 1 year
hey there! this is a new multimuse rp blog, that features characters from dc & marvel (with more to come later!) . crossover friendly & headcanon based. i'll have a detailed muse list soon, but feel free to pm me or interact to set up RPs in the meantime! the writer is 18+, and i ask anyone who follows to be an adult as well, as this blog will feature mature themes, including heavy adult content, so please bare that in mind. i'm also completely open to writing on discord, if that's your preference!
also, this pinned post and everything else is mostly temporary. i'll be working on making everything look nicer as i go along!
under the cute, i’ll include a few things, including my muse list, some muses / characters i’m looking for to write opposite with, and a few other details for rp!
my messages are always open, feel free to dm!
i'm open to most kinda plots and pairings, open to any themes and ideas, we can discuss whatever tbh. i don't have any real limits here.
there’s a more detailed muse list below, but honestly? i can play most any male character tbh, whatever fits the plot or pairing we go for! i can do canons, crossovers, or ocs —— it's all a yes from me! feel free to suggest someone who might not be on the list.
again, i’m pretty flexible and can write some characters outside of this, whether canon or oc, so feel free to suggest anything, this is more just for inspiration, tbh.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin, Signal, Batman Beyond, Green Lantern / Kyle, The Flash / Barry, The Flash / Wally, Impulse, Green Arrow / Oliver Queen, Green Arrow / Connor Hawke, Arsenal, Aquaman, Aqualad / Kaldurah'm, Superboy / Conner, Superman / Jon, Cyborg, Booster Gold, Hawk, Hawkman, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Black Adam, Vandal Savage, Scarecrow, Flashpoint Batman / Thomas Wayne, Bane, Reverse-Flash, Black Manta, Ocean Master, Lobo, Swamp Thing, Jimmy Olsen, Joker
Daredevil, Punisher, Hawkeye, Spider-Man / Peter Parker, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man Noir, Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, Archangel, Green Goblin / Norman, Green Goblin / Harry, Doctor Doom, Human Torch, Deadpool, Bullseye, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Havok, Kingpin
GOT era: Jaime Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon
HOTD era: Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Gwayne Hightower
Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Zuko, Mako
now here's the main gist of of what i'm looking for! if you can play any of the following characters, i would absolutely love it!
Cheshire / Jade Nguyen, Artemis Crock (from Young Justice), Yara Flor, Lois Lane, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Black Canary / Dinah Lance, Zatanna, Ravager / Rose Wilson, Huntress / Helena Bertinelli, Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire / Carol Ferris, Punchline, Supergirl, Spoiler, Lian Harper, Catwoman, Batgirl, Dawn Granger (Titans TV), Starfire, Lilith Clay, Hawkgirl, Lady Shiva, Mera, some Arrowverse girls (Iris West, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance)
Elektra Natchios, Psylocke, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Rogue, Kate Bishop, Lorna Dane, Susan Storm, Sersi, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen, Wanda, Laura Kinney, Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff, Danvers (MCU), Mary Jane Watson, Hope van Dyne (MCU), Claire Temple (MCU), Agatha Harkness (MCU)
Ashe or Kiriko
Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Jessie Rasberry
Abigail Roberts, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill
Leia or Rey
Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre, Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Visenya I Targaryen
Azula, Suki
Teddy Duncan (Good Luck, Charlie), Alex Russo (Wizards), Carly Shay (iCarly), Tori / Trina / Jade (Victorious), Sharpay Evans / Gabriella Montez (High School Musical)
Heather, Gwen, Courtney
Starlight / Annie January (The Boys), Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force or older), Daphne Blake, Kim Possible, Colette (Ratatouille), Cinderella (Disney), Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Ellie Williams (TLOU2), Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher show)
Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Gemma Chan, Madison Beer, Anne Hathaway, Anya Chalotra, Victoria Pedretti, Jessica Chastain, Emeraude Taubia, Jenna Dewan, Candice Patton, Sydney Sweeney, Alice Eve, Caity Lotz, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Olivia Wilde, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Conor Leslie, Minka Kelly, Alejandra Guilmant, Kennedy Walsh, Olivia Rodrigo, Hailey Bieber, Doja Cat, Hailee Steinfeld, Dakota Johnson, Corinna Kopf, Florence Pugh, Lili Reinhart, Ariana Grande, Scarlet Johansson, Bridget Mendler, Madelyn Cline, Sabrina Carpenter, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jenna Ortega, Olivia Cooke
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
hi there! i use they/them pronouns. 25+ rp writer looking for 21+ discord rp writers. i am very friendly and i promise i don't bite. i write in english but i welcome anyone who is using online rp to practice their english. most of my writing will be 3+ paragraphs in length. i have only listed my preferred muses and comfort ships.
dm or like this post and i will get back to you.
(note: my ships will not be heavily based in smut or lewd - content will remain sensitive to the canon ages of each character listed)
doctor who:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write jenny flint, clara oswald, 11th doctor, donna noble, rose tyler, amy pond, and river song
✒ ships: jenny x vastra; 10th x rose; river x the doctor
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write dean winchester, charlie bradbury, lilith, and meg
✒ ships: dean x cas
once upon a time:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as henry mills, regina mills, ruby lucas, merida, peter pan, and belle french
✒ ships: regina x emma; merida x mulan; ruby x snow; belle x rumple
chilling adventures of sabrina/riverdale:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as sabrina morningstar, theo putnam, dorcas night, lilith/madam satan, veronica lodge,
✒ ships: sabrina x betty; zelda x lilith; veronica x betty; toni x cheryl
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write nebula, rocket raccoon, mantis, yelena belova, deadpool, kitty pryde, rouge, loki laufeyson, and squirrel girl
✒ ships: kitty x rouge; yelena x kate
dc comics:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write kara zor-el, lena luthor, nia nal, and alex danvers
✒ ships: kara x lena; kara x nia; lena x nia; alex x kelly; alex x lena
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write janis ian (mean girls), karen smith (mean girls), barbara maitland (beetlejuice), delia deetz (beetlejuice), and elphaba (wicked)
✒ ships: janis x cady; adam x barbara; karen x gretchen; elphaba x glinda
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: morgana pendragan, merlin, and morguase
✒ ships: morgana x gwen; merlin x arthur
the addams family/wednesday:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: wednesday addams, thing, gomez addams, morticia addams, and yoko ono
✒ ships: wednesday x enid; yoko x divina; mortica x larissa; gomez x morticia
american horror story:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: queenie, scarlett winslow, zoe benson
✒ ships: scarlett x ruby; scarlett x maya; zoe x madison
stranger things:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: max mayfield, robin buckley, eddie munson, will byers, vicki, and eleven hopper
✒ ships: steve x eddie; will x mike; max x eleven; max x lucas; robin x nancy; eddie x cindy; vicki x robin
lost girl:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: kenzi malikov, bo dennis, evony fluerette marquise
✒ ships: bo x tamsin; bo x evony; bo x kenzi
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: mia (the fallout), tara carpenter (scream); mindy meeks-martin (scream); glen (chucky); glenda (chucky); tiff valentine (chucky); moira karp (some kind of hate); bonnie harper (the craft); sara bailey (the craft); z (warm bodies)
✒ ships: mia x vada; tara x amber; tara x quin; tara x mindy; tiff x chucky; moira x kaitlin
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cipher04 · 1 year
Fandom Frenzy (Doubling friendly) Seeking Roleplay Partners
Note: Not replacing any current partners, just always seeking to add more partners.
About Me:
I am 18+ and will only write with partners who are also 18+
Willing to double as any gender, any pairing, any fandom
Prefers writing male characters in male x female relationships (will do AxA when doubling)
Enjoys romance and action in my stories
Laid-back, communicative. I will not ghost you!
Flexible writer, quality posts: post length varies depending on the plot and the post, but my typical range is 1-3+ paragraphs
Attempts to reply every 1-2 days, but will let you know about any unintended absences
Prefers third-person
Willing to play canon characters and original characters
Prefers long-term stories
Most of all, I enjoy writing and collaborating. I consider myself easy to get along with and being able to bring my writing partner joy with each reply is something that drives my passion for this hobby!
Open to nsfw
Bonus: Not required, but I enjoy sibling dynamics. Keep in mind, I'm talking about platonic sibling interactions. If we're doubling with OC/Canon, it could be particularly interesting for our OCs to be siblings. It increases the depth of our world and increases interaction between characters. Again, not required. 
You can add me on discord at fandomfan#0404 or send a chat or message if interested.
Seeking partners who are willing to play a canon female character. I have plots, pairings, and ideas for each fandom that I list here.
I am not picky. I will not be upset if you do not portray the character with 100 percent accuracy. Please, do not expect that there will be pressure to be perfect. I enjoy it when my partner adds their own twist, anyway
Willing to double and play as anyone you want in return!
Canon characters that I am seeking a partner to play will be listed under the fandom
Pairings that I am seeking are listed beside the character, but these are not the only pairings I am willing to do. Again, for your half, I'll do whatever you want.
Here is the link to the entire list of my fandoms: https://cipher04.tumblr.com/post/678212321698611200/muse-post
If you will play someone from my list below, I can play something from any of these fandoms if you so desire! There might be others I know about as well so feel free to suggest other fandoms too
Fear The Walking Dead/The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark
Maggie Greene
Nancy Drew (CW TV show)
Nancy Drew
Betty Cooper
The Lost World (1999 TV series)
Veronica Layton
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Cassie Lang
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Karen Page
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron
Nina Chase
Saint X
Emily Thomas
RPF: With the Women's World Cup going on, I am would absolutely love it if someone could play Alex Morgan from the USWNT for me! I would love to pair her with a male character, either a male OC, another athlete/celebrity, or even her actual husband if you're a fan of their relationship. If I'm using an OC, I am open to a number of pairings from my OC being her coach, to the OC being another professional athlete, an athletic trainer, or even just an average Joe! Tons of ideas here. However, if you like the idea but aren't a fan of Alex, I'm down to hear out any other footballer that you might wish to portray. I am willing to double with RPF as well and can play any celebrity you want, not just limiting it to sports!
If interested, you can react to my post or you can send me a chat. Thanks!
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soughthopeoldd · 1 year
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Hello friends !! Welcome to my blog I hope you enjoy your stay. I'm a pretty laid-back kind of partner. I don't expect you to reply to every one of our threads, every day. I don't need fast replies. I'm okay with long or short threads and convos/one-liners but please be nice. I do not come here to perform for anybody. Talk to me privately. resolve any issues considerately and I think we'll have fun! Also I follow damn near everyone back lol I just love writing so lets chat!
This blog will also contain nsfw themes, triggering content, violence, and other things but it will be tagged.
Note: I am very slow and selective and my interests shift quite often so forgive any delays in our threads.
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Call me MEADOW or SUNSHINE. I'm 30, I've been writing on here and other sites for probably 15 years I think and I've done it all but right now I just wanna have fun. My reply speed will be random. I'll use icons some days, gifs others, and sometimes larger images so I would recommend blacklisting " large image cw ". Be patient with me, please.
21+ only for follow
Personals DNI or you will be blocked
Rules | Cast | Credits | Verses | Mains & Exclusives | Promo Credit
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Grace Scott ( One tree hill )
Allison Roe ( One tree hill )
Joshua Scott ( One tree hill )
Princess Bean ( Fantasy )
Tessa Cameron ( Fandomless )
Prince Finnegan ( Fantasy )
Layla Williams ( Sky high )
Kate Schmidt ( Fear Street )
Princess Aurora ( Malecifcent )
Mckenzie Fox ( Teen Beach movie )
Evie ( Descendants )
Benjamin Florian ( Descendants )
Troy Bolton ( High School Musical )
Violet Parr ( Incredibles )
Rapunzel ( Tangled )
Emmett Cullen ( Twilight )
Jacob Black ( Twilight )
Bella Swan ( Twilight )
Charlie Swan ( Twilight )
Leah Clearwater ( Twilight )
Noah Flynn ( Kissing Booth )
JJ Maybank ( The outer banks )
Rafe Cameron ( The outer banks )
Wednesday Adams ( Wednesday )
Klaus Miklaeson ( Legacies )
Landon Kirby ( Legacies )
Hayley Marshall ( Legacies )
Maya Hart ( Girl Meets World )
Carly Shay ( Icarly )
Barbara Roberts ( Babie Media )
Cat Valentine ( Victorious )
Nathan Scott ( One Tree Hill )
Liam Dunbar ( Teen Wolf )
Scott McCall ( Teen Wolf )
Stiles Stilinski ( Teen Wolf )
Derek Hale ( Teen Wolf )
Eddie Munson ( Stranger Things )
Robin Buckley ( Stranger Things )
Steve Harrington ( Stranger Things )
Max Mayfield ( Stranger Things )
Dustin Henderson ( Stranger Things )
Jim Hopper ( Stranger Things )
Meg Masters ( Supernatural )
Dean Winchester ( Supernatural )
Jo Harvelle ( Supernatural )
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Frank Castle
Bruce Wayne
Harley Quinn
Kara Danvers
Nathan Drake ( Uncharted )
Joel Miller ( The Last of Us )
Chloe Price ( Life is strange )
Nathan Prescott ( Life is strange )
Kate Marsh ( Life is strange )
Max Caulfield ( Life is strange )
Alex Chen ( Life is strange )
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lxstreign · 1 year
Howdy !m 24 and welcome to my blog! I have gone back and forth on using this or not but decided I needed to finally let it go. anyways I overwhelm myself a lot so i’ve decided this time around Im only going to have four muses, some with alt fc but for the most part this will be it. 
anyways! I’d love to write with you and please don’t hesitate to reach out! Im looking for all types of partners, open to nsfw  , but I also love world building and lovey dovey plots too ! I also do Cannon and non Cannon characters! 
blog will contain a mixture of nsfw and none. Most nsfw will be discord however im kind of picky about discord so just ask!! never hurts to try
wanted| plots| inspo| open starters
Replies redoing muse page
highly mused&inspo queued for a while
I really don't have many
Don't be a dick
no god modding
MINORS DNI!! i am a grown ass bitch and do not need the problems, Im sorry 9/10 things will be left untagged.
remember this is for fun, activity sometimes in and out.
Don’t use me for all males . I love my male muses and always want to play them however don’t use me .
Ricki Monroe fc- Francia raisa
Jayden Hart fc- main fc Madison Bailey alt fc: Zendaya
Jude Harkness fc- Michael Evans Behling
Tucker ‘TC” Callahan fc- Sebastian Stan/ Timothee Chalamet
Special Muses *only used when High muse*
Sybil Callahan fc:Aubrey Plaza
Fritz Stark fc:Mason Gooding
Artie Mori-Darren Barnett
Cannon Universes I do
Stranger Things
Greys Anatomy/Station 19
9-1-1/9-1-1 Lone Star
Vampire Diaries/orginals
Chicago Med/Fire/PD1
One Tree Hill.
and many more!
Kate Bishop
Yelena  Belova
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
Wanda Maximoff
Carol Danvers, 
Wanda maximoff
Mary jane Watson fc switches.
Groot (fc:thomas Doherty)
Bucky Banes
Peter Parker 
Lydia Stark (oc, Olivia Orbien)
Andy Herra 
Maya Bishop
Travis Montgomery
Theo Ruiz
Ben Warren (Michael B Jordan fc)
Victoria Hughes
Jo Wilson
Sloan Riley (sydney Sweeney)
April Kepner
Atticus Lincoln
Derek Sheppard
Amelia Sheppard
Meredith Grey
Alex Karev
Mark Sloan
Jackson Avery
Lexi Grey
Levi Schmidt 
Carina Deluca
Andrew Deluca 
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danviers · 9 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag 9 others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
MUSE NAME: alexandra danvers
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: I don't mind tumblr im, but discord is much better for me.
EXPERIENCE: I've been rping since probably 2005 ( generally on forums ), but I started on tumblr in 2011-ish.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I love angst. I thrive on angst, hurt / comfort, etc. that being said, I also like a bit of fluff mixed in - alex is a huge romantic and deserves to romance and be romanced, and I won't ever deny her or myself that. smut is probably the thing I'm least likely to write, although I will with the right partner and if it makes sense for the plot. I'm just not good at it.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: ' gender bending, ' anon hate, bigotry, vague posting, excessive callouts, and love - bombing / toxic positivity. I've been in the rpc long enough to have no time or patience for any bullshit ( particularly after experiencing SO much of it ), and I won't hesitate to hard block anyone who partakes.
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes are excellent ice - breakers, but I do love a good plot.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: generally I write 2+ paras and start rambling, but if I'm feeling burned out or incredibly lazy I can write something short - especially if it's a meme reply.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: these days it's the mornings, weekends, or within the first hour or so after I'm done with work. by the time I get off work at 8pm my brain usually just wants to shut off, so I try to work around that.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE:⠀in some ways, maybe, but that's not for the dash. c: tagged by: stolen from the dash! tagging: anyone who wants to do this.
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papcrrings-arch · 1 year
Maze Plotting/Starter Call
Under the cut you will find a starter/plotting call for my muses relating to the upcoming event. I have included how they ended up in the maze and if I am open to death and memory alteration. You are welcome to like this post and I’ll message you for plotting or you can reply to this post with some starters you want. I will accept 3 starters per writer and I am capping it at 5 starters per muse of my own. I will, of course, roll for any starters you ask for. Please specify for who if you reply to this post! Starters in italics include death.
Angelica Schuyler
How did she get in: dragged in my magic
Open to death and memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Anna of Cleves
How did she get in: dragged in my magic/another person (not plotted)
Open to death and memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Anthony Bridgerton
How did hhe get in: dragged in my magic/another person (not plotted)
Open to death
Current Starters (1/5): Daphne Bridgerton (29 - Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them)
Charlotte La Bouff
How did she get in: dragged in my magic
Open to death and memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Princess Courtney
How did she get in: dragged in my magic/another person
Open to death and memory alteration (and any new connections pls)
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Diego Hargreeves
How did he get in: went in willingly (likely to help someone in danger)
Open to death
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Duchess O'Malley
How did she get in: went in willingly (likely looking for her children)
Open to death and memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Barbie (31 - The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around)
Effie Trinket
How did she get in: dragged in my magic
Open to death and memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Fliss McKinnon
How did she get in: went in willingly (out of curiosity/to help people)
Open to death
Current Starters (1/5): Dale Cooper (3 - Living scarecrow )
Finnick Odair
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death
Current Starters (1/5): Annie Cresta (16 - Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in)
Henry Turner
How did he get in: went in willingly (probably curiosity)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Isaac Lahey
How did he get in: dragged in by magic/another person (not plotted)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Joseph Hernandez
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Kate Denali
How did she get in: went in willingly (to protect others/fight monsters)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Edward Cullen (17 - Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask)
Lucerys Velaryon
How did he get in: dragged in by magic/another person (not plotted)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Bianca Di Angelo (26 - Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud)
Major Lilywhite
How did he get in: went in willingly (to protect people)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Dis Durin (12 - Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around)
Marcel Gerard
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Rebekah Mikaelson (21 - Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark)
Mark Sloan
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death
Current Starters (0/5): Amelia Shepherd (8 - Ghosts), Alex Danvers (31 - The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around)
Maximum Ride
How did she get in: went in willingly (canonically cannot stop herself from helping people in danger)
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Iggy (20 - Living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn)
Neville Longbottom
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death & memory alteration
Current Starters (1/5): Luna Lovegood (26 - Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud)
River Song
How did she get in: went in willingly (out of curiosity and will help people she comes across)
Open to death
Current Starters (2/5): Twelve (24 - Dementors), Rory Williams (4 - skeletons)
Salazar Slytherin
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Not open to death or memory alteration. He has been through enough.
Current Starters (2/5): Harris Hufflepuff (5 - a hoard of geese), Godric Gryffindor (23 - Gelatinous cube)
Sansa Stark
How did she get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Simon Lewis
How did he get in: dragged in by magic/another person (not plotted)
Open to death
Current Starters (1/5): Isabelle Lightwood (10 - Stormtroopers)
Stefan Salvatore
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death
Current Starters (3/5): Caroline Forbes (12 - Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around), Enzo St. John (13 - werewolf), Josie Saltzman (7 - The area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. Characters are aware of this when they enter the space)
Teddy Lupin
How did he get in: dragged in by magic
Open to death
Current Starters (0/5): N/A
Xenophilius Lovegood
How did he get in: went in willingly (no awareness of the dangers, just curious)
Open to death & maybe memory alteration?
Current Starters (0/5):
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skyofstorms · 1 year
The Muse Headspace
I could probably design images for each one in time, but for now, here's the masterlist of masterlists when it comes to my muses. Like...every single muse I've used [save a few novel muses] are on this list. Beware, my friends. It's a nightmare - 257 muses listed with fc and species [Canon or lore based mues are in bold]. Yes, there are some repeat faceclaims, I don't wanna hear it. @forwardlion, I want you to know this is your fault.
Abigail Phantomhive | Claire Holt | Demon
Abraham Greenfeld | Keiynan Lonsdale | Human
Adam Milligan/Winchester | Jake Abel | Human
Ahn Taehui | Lim Sejun | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Akali Tethi | Aeri Uchinaga | Human
Akello Caine | Jussie Smollet | Leopard Shifter
Aleksi Holland | Harry Shum Jr. | Mage
Alexander Lightwood | Matthew Daddario | Nephilim
Alexian Holloway | Alberto Rosende | Human
Aliceon Hartigay | Katie Cassidy | Polykinetic [Pyro, Techno, Terra, Cryo]
Alistair Hypanile | Hayden Christensen | Katagarian Tiger
Alizair Hollis | Dominic Sherwood | Arcadian Wolf
Allison Argent | Crystal Reed | Human/Raven Spirit
Amelie Rayne | Rambo Suicide | Water Elemental
Amelyra Shanarra | Summer Glau | Witch
Amy Waterford "Sailor Mercury" | Nicole Gale Anderson | Senshi
Anabel Lightwood-Bane | Arden Cho | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Andrea Kattalakis | Gemma Arterton | White Tiger Shifter
Andrei Cruz | Jeremy Renner | Black Panther Shifter
Anneliese Romanova | Vanessa Kirby | Dhampir
Annabelle Brunelli | Jacqueline MacInnes Wood | Human
Annika Mitchell | Bully Suicide | Ocelot Shifter
Anthony Stark | Robert Downey Jr. | Human
Ares | Manu Bennett | God
Armand Tempest | Brian Krause | Owl Shifter
Artemis Crescent | Kwon Ji-yong | Mauian
Ashelina Logan | Malese Jow | Werewolf
Asmodeus | Godfrey Gao | Greater Demon
Audrey Briarose | Sarah Jeffery | Psychic
Aziraphale | Michael Sheen | Angel
Baelfire "Neal Cassidy" | Michael Raymond-James | Human
Belinda Oriella-Curani | Taylor Momsen | Succubus
Belladonna Trumpet | Miranda Kerr | Pegasus
Bellek Mosely | Ian Bohen | Phoenix
Brady Johannsen | Chris Pratt | Psychic
Bradley Harrison | Anthony Mackie | Jaguar Shifter
Bruce Banner | Mark Ruffalo | Gamma Enhanced Human
Bruni | Osaki Shotaro | Elemental
Caleb Danvers | Steven Strait | Warlock
Camael | Jensen Ackles | Angel
Camryn Adelaide | Glitz Suicide | Poly Shifter
Carrie Devereaux | Radeo Suicide "Chelsea Vitorio" | Human
Cassidy Merlyn | Dakota Fanning | Vampire
Castiel | Misha Collins | Angel
Catarina Loss | Sophia Walker | Warlock
Cassandra Rogers | Chloe Moretz | Human
Ceannaire Mellark | Daniel Sharman | Fenrir
Cerberus | JR Bourne | Three Headed Demon Dog
Chae Nari | Lee Chae-yeon | Feline Shifter [Rusty Spotted Cat]
Charlie Goodwin | Jesse Labelle | Wolf Shifter
Chelsea Barton | Scarlett Johannsen | Witch
Chezna Lumiere-Conriocht | Devon Shigaki | Werewolf
Chinami Kennedy | Heo Yoorim | Human
Cho Sorren | Choi Seung Cheol | Psychic/Red Panda Shifter Hybrid
Choi Byeol-Dal | Roseanne Park | Forest Nymph
Choi Byeol-Jageun | Lee Felix | Rainbow Nymph
Choi Subin | Jeong Yunho | Poly Feline Shifter [Serval, Siamese, Marbled Cat]
Christopher Argent | JR Bourne | Human
Ciel Phantomhive | Jeonghan | Demon
Clarissa Fairchild | Katherine McNamara | Nephilim
Clark Morrigan | James Marsters | Warlock
Claudia Hale | Lyndsy Fonseca | Werewolf
Cleossandra Reid | Candice Swanepoel | Angel
Clinton Barton | Jeremy Renner | Human
Cora Hale | Adelaide Kane | Werewolf
Coraline Basilik | Kristyna Panochova | Fenrir
Crimson Macabre | Reita | Dragon
Damien DeLuna | Tyler Hoechlin | Vampire
Daniel Cross | Keahu Kahuanui | Werewolf
Daniel Mahaelani | Keahu Kahuanui | Druid
Darius Talbot | John Boyega | Human
Demetrius Beltre | Charlie Carver | Griffon
Demkos Florian | Tyler Posey | Human
Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Werewolf
Desmond McKnight | Alex O'Loughlin | Wolf Shifter
Dionysus | Darren Criss | God
Dokuno Kokoro | Uruha | Snake Shifter [King Cobra]
Dominique Brady | Alona Tal | Druid
Druid Harrington | Shane West | Human
Eden Tryphist | Elsa Hosk | Human
Elijah Mikaelson | Daniel Gillies | Vampire
Elijah Roanoke | Stephen Amell | Siren/Incubus Hybrid
Elise Macabre | Kwon Yuri | Dragon
Elliot Erso | Joseph Morgan | Fox Shifter
Emile Hargreaves | Kellan Lutz | Witch
Emilea Curani | Charlize Theron | Faunis
Eros | Adam Lambert | God
Esmerelda Logan | Emeraude Logan | Human
Evelyn Queen | Sofia Carson | Witch
Ezekiel | Jeffrey Donovan | Angel
Fang Blackwater | Alex Meraz | Fox shifter
Fenrick Kelos | Josh Duhamel | Thunderbird
Fenris Conriocht | Zac Efron | Werewolf
Finn Storm | John Boyega | Human
Fiorin Basilik | Cody Christian | Psychic
Fury Peltier | Jackson Rathbone | Katagarian Wolf
Grif | Jason Momoa | Human
Hades | Ian Bohen/Cheyenne Jackson* | God
Hak Jiwoon | Kim Hongjoong | Nogitsune
Harry Hook | Thomas Doherty | Feline Shifter [black Maine Coone]
Hayley Marshalls | Phoebe Tonkin | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Heather DeRoya | Emily Van Camp | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Hera | Meghan Markle | Goddess
Hope Dracul | Daniela Ruah | Vampire/Angel Hybrid
Hwang Beongae | Momo Hirai | Pheonix
Hwang Seungki | Kim Youngjo | Kitsune Tribrid
Hwang Taeyang | Wong Yuk-hei | Phoenix
Ian Logan | Ian Somerhalder | Werewolf
Isabelle Gautier | Jill Wagner | Human/Succubus Hybrid
Isabelle Lightwood | Emeraude Toubia | Nephilim
James Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Jameson Morgan | Liam Hemsworth | Witch
Jasmine Estrella | Dali Suicide | Bunny Shifter
Jason Carter | Sebastian Stan | Dragon
Jasper Hale/Cullen | Jackson Rathbone | Vampire
Jasper Kallihan | Joseph Morgan | Warlock
Jayden McNamara | Jake Johnson | Dark Fae
Jefferson Hatter/Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Magically Inclined Human
Jessica Hawkblue | Claudia Kim | Warlock
Jin Galeon | Jennifer Lawrence | Human/Vampire Hybrid
Jocelyn Celine Herondale | Holland Roden | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale | Dominic Sherwood | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale Jr. (JR) | Will Tudor | Nephilmi
Jordan Kyle | Chai Hensen | Werewolf
Joseph Dixon | Nicholas Hoult | Technokinetic
Julian Moore | Colin O'Donaghue | Human
Kaina Red | Son Ga-In | Dragon
Kallin Elijah | Willa Holland | Hellhound
Kane Lancaster | Robert Downey Jr | Demon
Kang Kija | Kang Min-hee | Thunder Kitsune
Kataigida Parthenopaeus | Tom Ellis/Dylan O'Brien | Demigod
Katherine Elysia | Taissa Farmiga | Fae
Kevin Hawkblue | Ruki | Weretiger
Kim Jeongwon | Han Jisung | Sugar Glider Shifter
Kim Seonyul | Moon Taeil | Siren
Kiniko Hajime | Cho Kyu-hyun | Vampire
Kira Yukimura | Arden Cho | Thunder Kitsune
Kirishima Kyung-jae | Nakamoto Yuta | Witch/Siren Hybrid
Kirishima Touka | Kim Jiu | Ghoul
Kol Mikaelson | Daniel Sharman | Vampire/Witch*
Kole Winston | Tyler Hoechlin | Fae
Konstantin Udinov | Riker Lynch | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Kouga Hajime | Han Groo | Vampire
Krigare Storm | Joseph Morgan | Imp
Kuradei Phantom | Jung Seung-bo | Umbrakinetic/Wolf Shifter Hybrid
Kwon Yuri | Moon Byul-yi | Sensitive
Kyo Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Kyle Artmen | Jay Ryan | Jaguar Shifter
Kyrian Stone | Jonathan Rhys Myers | Psychic/Siren Hybrid
Laura Hale | Meghan Ory | Werewolf
Lee Hajun | Kim Jong-in | Warlock
Lee Minji | Kang Seul-gi | Psychic
Lee Sanghoon | Kim Dong Young | Monarch
Lestat DeMyre | Dave Salmoni | Elf
Lim Eunjin | Jung Wooyoung | Incubus
Loki Laufeyson | Tom Huddleston | God
Lucien Callihan | Ian Bohen | Human
Lucien Hoijer | Matthew Davis | Griffon
Lucifer Morningstar | Sebastian Roche | Angel
Lucille Quinnzel | Ashley Benson | Human
Luke Garroway | Isaiah Mustafa | Werewolf
Lydia Branwell | Stephanie Bennett | Nephilim
Macaria | Meghan Ory | Goddess
Margaret Leigh | Jakhara Smith | Psychic
Magnus Bane | Harry Shum Jr. | Warlock
Maia Roberts | Alisha Wainwright | Werewolf
Malia Hale | Shelley Hennig | Werecoyote
Malika Udinov | Clair Holt | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Marcellus Gerard | Charles Michael Davis | Vampire
Markus Ducaine | Steven Strait | Werelion
Maryssa Dixon-Bennett | Selena Gomez | Druid
Matthew Bennett | Jake Abel | Werepanther
Maxine Owens | Griffin Ramsey | Demigoddess
Melanie Barnes | Alexandra Daddario | Genetically Enhanced Human
Merrick Bennett/Hadriel | Jake Abel | Werepanther/Angel
Mia Mosely | Adelaide Kane | Phoenix
Michael Caboose | Jake Johnson | Human
Michael Hartford | Ian Cohen | Human
Michaelis Moon | Lee Teuk | Dragon/Human Hybrid
Mieczyslaw Stilinski | Dylan O'Brien | Human/Spark
Mikabane House | Meagan Tandy | Red Panda Shifter
Mila Martinez | Katherine Mcnamara | Psychic
Miles Brunelli | Matt Cohen | Vampire
Momiji Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Moon Eukyung | Jeon So-yeon | Demigoddess
Moon Heechul | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Snake Shifter
Moon Kona | Park Jisung | Ice Nymph/Snake Shifter
Morgan Lovec | Norman Reedus | Imp
Morgana Krajick | Zoe Saldana | Angel
Morriginya Branwen | Cho Seo Young | Semblance Gifted Human
Nam Arwen | Chonnasorn Sajakul | Elf/Werewolf Hybrid
Natalee Grybyx | Maggie Q | Seer
Natasha Romanov | Scarlett Johannsen | Enhanced Human
Nataliya “Nekome” Dashwood | Ashley Greene | Cheshire
Nevinovat Fata | Crystal Reed | Hawk Shifter
Nicholas Hightower | Gavin Free | Cat Shifter [Russian Blue]
Niklaus Mikaelson | Joseph Morgan | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Niklaus Udinov | Sam Pettyfer | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Nikolai Buchannon | Hunter Hayes | Human
Nikolaia Udinov | Chris Hemsworth | Witch
Padme Amidala | Natalie Portman | Human
Park Sungjin | Kim Geonhak | Kitsune/Vampire Hybrid
Persephone | Holland Roden | Goddess
Peter Hale | Ian Bohen/Michael Fjordbak | Werewolf
Peter Parker | Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland | Genetically Enhanced Human
Qrow Branwen | Lee Donghae | Magic Gifted Human
Quinton Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ragnor Fell | Tom Hiddleston | Warlock
Rebecca Daniels | Holland Roden | Human
Reno Akujin | N/A | Mako Enhanced Human
Rex Coltin | Chris Evans | Snake Shifter [Diamondback]
Reyna Wingyr | Grace Park | Fenrir
Ryan Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ryn Hollings "Sailor Chibi Moon" | Bella Thorne | Senshi
Ryuu Kyosuke | Lee Taemin | Dragon
Sainika Winston | Mackenzie Foy | Fae
Sebastian Mills | Cody Christian | Hellhound
Sebastian Morgenstern | Will Tudor | Demon-blooded Nephilim
Serena James | Kristin Kruek | Phoenix
Shane Westfield | Nick Groff | Psychic
Shin Chan Young | Lee Dae-Hee | Seer
Siobhan Conriocht | Penellope Mitchell | Werewolf
Snow White "Mary Margaret Blanchard" | Ginnifer Goodwin | Human
Son Jin | Lee Dong Hyuck | Ice Nymph
Son Minho | Kim Chan Young | Naga
Spencer Todd | Shemar Moore | Human
Steven Rogers | Chris Evans | Genetically Enhanced Human
Sun Kyujin | Lee Siyeon | Witch
Sun Seoyun | Park Seonghwa | Cursed Vampire
Sun Wukong | Yanan | Faunis
T'Khani Ekundayo | Chadwick Boseman | Ghost
Tarael Lightwood-Bane | Brant Daugherty | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Tatiana Novak | Hannah Marks | Angel/Human Hybrid
Terra Riley | Nina Dobrev | Kitsune/Werewolf Hybrid
Thor Odinson | Chris Hemsworth | God
Tigerlilly Sikari | Elizabeth Loaiza | Seer/Weretiger Hybrid
Tristan Royans | Nick Bateman | Fire Kitsune/Human Hybrid
Tsukinora Kitoai | Jay Park | Werelynx
Tykeisha Caine | Taraji P Henson | Demon/Leopard Shifter Hybrid
Valerie Wilson | Shay Mitchell | Human
Valora Lovelace | Genevieve Padalecki | Cheetah Shifter
Vanessa Choi | Kim Hyo Yeon | Psychic
Victor Rivera | Devon Sawa | Human
Victoria Mosely | Crystal Reed | Phoenix
Vio Curani | N/A | Demon
Vishal Malik | Taylor Lautner | Nephilim
Wanda Maximoff | Elizabeth Olsen | Mutant
Weiss Schnee | N/A | Semblance Gifted Human
William "Spike" Pratt | James Marsters | Vampire
Xavier Rybolt | David Castro | Demon
Xavier Remmington | Sinqua Walls | Poly Shifter [Jaguar, Doberman, Wolf]
Yoo Daeshim | Kang Yeosang | Tribrid/Demigod
Yoo Jangmi | Jeon Ji Woo | Snow Leopard Shifter
Yukihara Arashi | Minatozaki Sana | Fae/Siren Hybrid
Yura Rybolt | Lee Ga-hyeon | Human
Zacariah Morgan | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Witch/Seer
Zane Hertzfeld | Rasmus Ledin | Seer/Vampire Hybrid
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multibcrn · 1 year
Hi I'm Argos. This is not my first RP blog! I can't wait to write again. That being said, I have a lot of muses--- Some of them being Kara Zor-El Danvers, Meredith Grey, and original characters such as Blak-Ur. There are more than these on this blog. Anyway, hope you have a good day --- can't wait to write with you! Under the cut is a list of my muses in no particular order :)
Meredith Grey
Kara Zor-El Danvers
Lena Luthor
Morwenna Chenowyth
Dwight Enys
Alex Danvers
Belle French
Carina DeLuca
Maya Bishop
Lillian Luthor
Christine Daae
Erik / Phantom of the Opera
Rumplestiltskin Gold
Winn Schott Jr
Lois Lane
Kelly Olsen
Jamie Taylor
Dani Clayton
Jeremiah Danvers
Morgan Phillips
Giselle Phillips
Cat Grant
Ross Poldark
Elizabeth Chenowyth
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starswritten · 1 year
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✰  𝐒 𝐓 𝐀 𝐑 𝐒 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐓 𝐄 𝐍   ── an independent, private, and highly selective multimuse writing blog for both canon and original characters from various fandoms including grey's anatomy, the vampire diaries, harry potter, and more. please read rules before following! this blog exclusively uses beta editor. i can also be found on @optimst.
current highest muse characters:  alex karev. annie cresta. bonnie bennett. harry potter. imra ardeen. kai parker. kara danvers. lexi howard. rory jeffery.
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carrd. / pinterest.
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