#muse spotlight
mymanymerrymuses · 2 months
Putting Jemima in the muse spotlight because it's her birthday on the 20th
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For anyone that's interested in writing with her, here's what you need to know:
-She's from The Promised Neverland. -She's five years old. -Shy and kind of nervous, but also very sweet and determined to be brave. -Very affectionate. -Her identification number is 31394 - like all the children it's tattooed on the left side of her neck. -She's a mid-range scorer on the daily tests. -Her dream is to have a picnic in a flower field.
She's got several verses, alongside her canon verse.
Magic au: Some of the children gain magical powers on their sixth birthday. Their magic is what they're being farmed for. Jemima is only five when they escape, so they don't know if she'll have a power or not. When her sixth birthday comes around, she presents with a power. When she's happy or excited, Jemima glows. Her whole body giving off light, brighter depending on how happy she is. She can sort of concentrate it to her hands so she's 'holding' it, but the glow comes from her entire body.
Hellaverse au: The children are still human and still being farmed for meat, but Grace Field house exists in hell. The children are being raised up and sold off on the black market so that demons can eat human flesh. They manage to escape after learning this fact, and spend their days hiding as they try to find someone who can help them get to earth to live as normal human children.
Imp au: Another hellaverse au, but this time the children are imps, living in an orphanage that is, for the most part, genuine. But genuine doesn't mean good, and the children are raised terribly, only to then be sold off to work before they're even nearly old enough. When Ray discovers that the caretaker is his biological mother, he sort of snaps. Ray burns down the orphanage, and in the chaos of the fire, the children scatter. Though some stick in pairs or little groups, Jemima winds up on her own, trying to survive on the streets until she can find somewhere safe.
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quentafeanorians · 2 years
Muse Spotlight: Rochëru
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*Do not repost the art. It's a piece I had commissioned.
Red hair? ✔️ Prince? ✔️ Old as balls? ✔️ Special skills? ✔️ Unnecessarily angsty history? ✔️
Yes, this is Rochëru, son of Olwë. A Teler born in Middle-Earth and to Middle-Earth returned... with the flight of the Noldor! Friend of Oromë, friend of Nahar, and weaved into every possible story I loved when I first read the Silmarillion. One of my first Tolkien brain-children. And you know what? Funky as he might seem now that I look at him more critically over a decade later, he's still got a lot of fun to offer ;)
Where & When to find him: since he's extra old™️, he will fit within plots set practically across all of elven history in Middle-Earth, and in a crazy amount of locations.
Personality: a free, rebellious spirit in his youth, he grows in to a kind, patient and warm person in his maturity. He's easy to make friends with. Just make sure you treat the horses right ;)
You can find more about him and his dramatic history HERE ;)
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my-name-is-apollo · 2 months
The males who've crossdressed had certain reasons to do so - Dionysus and Achilles to hide their identity, Heracles because he was a slave - but I've not yet come across any reason given for Apollo to have done that too. Hyginus mentions that Apollo wore women's gown, but he doesn't tell us why.
Just an observation.
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fyodior · 6 months
Reader helping Sigma though his first rut??
He would be so whiney and teary eyed. Just begging reader to cum inside and to pls make him a daddy.
Dazai and Chuuya trying to see who can knot reader the most and they end up knotting reader at the same time.
Honestly the omegaverse just makes my head go in circles. I feel like there just isn't enough a/b/o fics now a days 😕
yesyesyes omg. keeping this gn!
sigma would be so scared and confused, so overwhelmed by these new feelings and impulses he can’t control. all he knows is that his mind is completely clouded with pure, unadulterated lust and he needs to breed so fucking bad. he’s never experienced anything like it before - neglecting food, water, sleep; he can’t even conceive of doing anything but fucking. of course, this is a very juvenile scenario, but it’s par for the course for someone’s first rut. sigma just has the… luxury of it kicking in as an adult. though he is very lucky to have you as his rut partner :) to keep him cool headed where you can, remind him to eat and drink, keep him from tearing his damn skin off.
and of course, allowing him to fuck to his heart’s content. you put up no fight as sigma quite literally drags you to the bedroom and pulls your pants down just far enough so he can mount you and slide his aching, leaking cock inside you. his loud groans and whines fill the room once he bottoms out, almost driven to tears with how perfectly your tight, warm hole takes him. nonsensical babbles spill out of the poor man’s mouth as he fucks you desperately, heavy aching balls slapping against your ass as he thrusts into u like his life fuckin depends on it.
the real fun comes when he’s getting close, when his knot slowly starts to swell - which honestly doesn’t take long in his state. he’s begging you, pleasepleasepleaseplease let me cum inside, please have my babies, and you just laugh and tell him its okay. his groan of relief as his knot swells to its max and he releases inside of you, flopping on top of you completely exhausted and finally satiated. though it doesn’t last for long at all, and you prepare yourself to be pushed to the ground or against the nearest wall the next time it hits your poor sigma <3
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Rebecca is ready for the new school year and so am I!
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mayfromjohto · 8 months
This is my Sceptile and he's the best boy in the whole world and don't you dare say anything different.
[Image: a photograph of a Sceptile. it seems to be interested in something behind the camera.]
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Hi! Does anyone on this lovely app know how to turn off notifications?
I keep getting them even though I have never signed up for this place in my life, and I am incredibly busy trying to finish up incident paperwork with the Ranger Union after what happened yesterday. And it’s kit season in the pack, and Kee needs to get picked up later… But yes! Busy! Don’t need distractions!
Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance!
-Verde 🌿
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melverie · 1 year
Has Beel ever gotten the event spotlight treatment btw
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devsmuses · 3 months
open to; all! rory has just gotten back from her first headlining tour and your muse is upset with her about something.
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rory's done her best to be patient with them considering the situation she'd put them in was far from what occured in a normal relationship. it wasn't common to spend months away from each other, only catching two or three days together if they were lucky. she truly empathizes with them and what they must be feeling, but she was back now and they were putting a damper on her homecoming party with their attitude. "can you at least try and act like you're at least a little bit happy i'm back from tour? this isn't how i pictured my first night back to look like."
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 7 months
Hello. This app seems to have downloaded itself onto my phone. Or perhaps I downloaded it by accident...?
Does it...always assign such sappy usernames?
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viktere · 7 months
just a note going forward, i am hardcore obsessed with aurora, and she will always be one of my top muses hehe
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visionkept · 7 months
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It's today ! The BEST DAY of the year, mark it in your calendar folks - this CELEBRATION can't be missed by anyone.
Oh and here she comes, the star of the day - the princess of Teyvat, it's the most acclaimed lady of inazuma, THE LEGENDARY AND LOVED BY MANY. . .
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❝ Meow. ❞ Happy CAT DAY to her and the rest of the kitties ( but especially to HER ). ❝ Meow ! ❞ She and her FISHY BREATH desire the attention she deserves.
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quentafeanorians · 2 years
Muse Spotlight: Súlfinnel Rochilvenel
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Súlfinnel is a young sinda. Born in Lothlorien, she grew up in Rivendell. Her mother is a tailor, and her father a soldier and a hunter. From both of her parents she had learned useful skills though she did not perfect any of them.
From the youngest age she was drawn to the wilderness and heights. There was no tree and no cliff around Rivendell that she had not climbed in her youngest years just to gaze down upon the world and feel the wind in her hair which earned her the name Súlfinnel.
It was during one of her climbing journeys in the valley that she met one the great eagles, Candrovail. They were both children at the time, around the same age mentally even if the number of years in count differed. Easily a bond of friendship was born and the pair became inseparable for long years, meeting at the heights of Imladrs. They taught one another their tongues and their worlds and shared secrets and comfort of each other’s company. And it was due to this friendship that another name was given to her - Rochilvenel, Sky Rider.
As the years passed and they both slowly reached their maturity, their bond did not weaken. Candrovail’s interest in elves and men and other races only grew stronger and in turn, Súlfinnel’s heart dreamt of highest peaks and open plains and endless forests. They began wandering together, at first only nearby their homes but with each passing year they went on and on, discovering the beauty of Middle Earth together.
Súlfinnel acquired many skills throughout that time, both at home and during their journeys. With Candrovail’s help she learned the tongues of many animals and their customs. He had also taught her of the winds and clouds and forecasting the weather which turned out to be an exceptionally useful skill. From her father she learned archery and hunting, and how to wield daggers and short swords. And though she would not fit within an army, her fighting skills are good enough to protect herself in the wild from beasts and orcs. She’s been taught basics of elvish healing as well and on her own she had also learned how to treat and care for injured and ill animals. She know how to make her own arrows when she runs out of them and how to repair her belts and satchels if needed. From her mother she learned how to sew though her creations are rather plain and simple in comparison to her mother’s.
Where & When to find her: Rivendell, Lothlórien, Eregion, Misty Mountains, wilderness. Third Age.
Personality: Quirky, individualistic, open, merry, naive, quick-witted, impatient, excitable.
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segnisacfessis · 7 months
Me: Wow I'm having so much fun writing this is so great and I'm glad that I'm keeping things reasonable with only one muse Ann, Junpei, Minako, Yuko, Chie, and a whole army of other muses knocking my door off it's hinges therefore obliterating it from existence: Did someone say something???
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shadowed-corners · 4 months
? I don’t think this is my blog?
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nematanthus · 8 days
Album Review: Drones-Muse
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Release Date:
June 5 2015
Dead Inside
Drill Sergeant
The Handler
The Globalist
Favorite Track:
Least favorite track:
Album art opinions:
The album cover features a character in front of a screen wearing a white collared shirt holding in one hand a red joystick. The screen in front of the character has an image of many humanoid figures in a march. The characters head is also a red joystick, and an arm wearing a suit has ahold on the characters head/joystick, implying that the character is being controlled just as it is controlling the figures on the screen. This album covers concepts such as corruption and brainwashing, so the cover is very fitting, showing that even those "in charge" are typically also being controlled by something bigger/more powerful than them.
Color: 5/10
Recognizability: 7/10
Vibes: 7/10
Total: 6/10
Music opinions/notes:
This is a concept album where we follow a characters' journey through being indoctrinated into the military, losing all sense of self, and then their eventual defection and the fallout from that decision. This is an album that is straightforward and unashamedly political, anti-war, and anti-military. The two interludes this album has are both emotionally charged and rather intense. the first, "Drill Sergeant," is a clip of the soldier character we follow being yelled at by a superior, showing the stakes of what this character has gotten themself into, which leads right into the song "Psycho" which is from the drill Sergeants perspective, showing his plan to make this character, and the others like them "killing machines". The second, "JFK," is a clip from former US President John F. Kennedy, speaking on the Cold War, which leads into "Defector," which is when our main character decides to leave the military post they signed up for. Defector is followed by Revolt, probably the closest thing to happy this album touches, wherein our character realizes that all hope is not lost and you can rebel against the powers that be and fight for what matters. Overall, this album was well made and tells a captivating story with a simple rock sound, while still having interesting instrumental moments.
Mix: 8/10
Lyrics: 8/10
Instruments: 7/10
Vibes: 6/10
Total: 7/10
Total Score: 7/10
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