#muse celestia ludenberg
mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
What's bigger, Celeste's ego, or that absolutely wrenched, pale, and cellulitic pile of useless lard she calls her ass?
That ego has slowly dwindled after the nurse had her way~ destroying the poor gambler's body those cellulite ridden asscheeks covered in a black tong.. As it was slowly being costumed by gambler butt..
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Sat on her ass all day eating or playing with mikan or others wbo csme and destroying them getting them as future (temporary) servants~
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
okay but.
ultimate fashionista junko enoshima expected to tailor everyone's clothes when they don't fit anymore. when the other students go through growth spurts. when their clothes start wearing out.
ultimate fashionista junko enoshima holding up a needle and thread and running a mini-class on here's how you fix your own fucking clothes because some of it they can do on their own.
ultimate pop idol sayaka maizono who knows a few tips and tricks for her idol outfits, so she comes alongside and together they just. stitch together clothes from literally nothing.
every single outfit bearing their fingerprints through the entire trial.
every single outfit the work of their hands.
(ultimate soldier mukuro ikusaba knows how to stitch things together, knows how to look at a gushing wound and bind it, how to set a broken bone. she's good for a quick fix, but not for the intricate needlework.
ironically enough, ultimate gambler celeste knows that bit - needs to know how to fix her extravagant goth costumes. they take their skills and they bend them to new tasks. they make their school a home before it gets ripped from them.)
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Oh wow I actually managed to write something for @dr-rarepair-week-blog
Soulmates Au, Celeste/Makoto, Soulmates have both the name and first words spoken on one wrist each.
Common Greetings
Makoto could barely concentrate through the introductions, mechanically introducing himself to each person he approached. He knew he was stalling, saving the one he most dreaded and most wanted to talk to for last. Words itched on his wrist, the words that bonded him to his soulmate, 
"Things just keep getting curiouser, and curiouser." The girl in black had said at his introduction, perfectly matching the words on his wrist. The girl who was almost certainly Taeko Yasuhiro, the girl he had wondered his whole life about. 
Did she know? Her face was cool as ice, with no single twitch, a perfect poker face. It was just his luck that the panic of all that was happening had made him use such a plain and average greeting. Surely she had to know either way, though? He had said his name. It would match the name on her other wrist even without him saying something completely recognizable.
Still, if she knew, she really did give nothing away about it. A perfect porcelain yet blank expression stared at him, as if daring him to even think himself able to approach her.
He didn't want Ishimaru to yell at him again for wasting time, though, so he steadied his nerves and walked over to her.
"I do not think we have been introduced, my name is Celestia Ludenberg." She said with a small smile, eyes that had before seemed regal boring into him with an intensity. If daring him to contradict her.
 Feeling caught off foot at the unexpected name, Makoto could only stumble out, "Celestia...Luden....huh?" 
It was true that the threads online had called her that, but he thought it was just an alias. Was he wrong? Was this all just a coincidence? He couldn't be sure; her sleeves puffed around the wrist, making it impossible to glimpse. 
Best to not be caught staring at a woman's wrists, though, that could end poorly.
Her smile turned icier after a beat of thought, tilting her head in a way that made his heart beat faster," Ludenberg. It is my name. But I would prefer for you to call me Celeste. "
Even with her eyes closed in an icy smile, he still felt like he was being challenged. She was a gambler that was for sure. He hadn't been entirely sure; with how tight-lipped and stoic the girl in purple had been, he almost thought her to be the gambler if it weren't for the lack of gothic clothing. Now, though, there could be no doubt.
A part of him wanted to curl away from her like a housecat, but from how his wrists practically itched in her presence. He knew he'd have to assert himself, to play her game.
" Um, you are Japanese right? "He cautiously asked, feeling himself stand up straight to look her in the eye. 
Her eyes opened like a flash of lightning, not quite looking at him, but still managing to seem like she was trying to pry every little detail out of his soul, then judge it unworthy.
" Of course, "Her voice was tight, controlled, and almost natural. He was surprised he could even pick up the slight tension hidden so well. "Why do you ask?"
It felt rude to pry further, like he should just leave this alone if he valued his life, but... If this was his soulmate, he needed to be able to stand strong to her. Soulmates were equal, after all; he had to be able to not bow away from her eyes. 
So, with more confidence than he felt, he asked," If you don't mind...could you tell me your real name? "
Her eyes looked his dead in the eye, silent, before she let out a cold chuckle like she was a queen trying to decide whether to behead one who had slightly inconvenienced her. "I don't know what you're talking about, Celestia Ludenberg is my real name."
Her gaze grew even more intense, leaning slightly closer to him. It took all his effort not to dart his eyes away, uneased by the amount of eye contact. 
"But as I mentioned, I would much rather you call me Celeste."
It was clear that she wouldn't budge, polite in a way that seemed more forceful than a rude dismissal would. However, he knew she had caught her attention from how her eyes never left him. Even if it felt like a mouse catching the attention of a panther. 
"I look forward to getting to know you better." She said, clearly dismissing him even as her eyes stayed on his. The hand on her chin as she chuckled, subtly flashing the metal accessory on her finger. He felt a shiver go down his spine at the clear threat. Could someone so menacing really be his soulmate? 
He wanted to keep pushing, but then Togami spoke, and he found himself losing his chance. Still, even as attention turned away, he could still feel her eyes burrowing into the back of his head.
Celeste was no fool; she had seen the recognition in the droll boy's eyes when she first spoke. Makoto Naegi, a common trash name with a common trash greeting meant for a common trash girl. She wasn't Taeko anymore, though; she was more, something greater who had no need for someone so common or basic. 
Still, he had managed to surprise her a little; few would make eye contact with her like that, and even fewer would challenge her words so brazenly. So perhaps he wasn't a completely worthless tool. No F rank like she had wondered he would be. Even if Taeko had certainly been F rank, he was at least a C rank, maybe even B if if he kept this up.
She let out another small chuckle; even if he was the soulmate of a girl long dead, perhaps she could still find at least a bit of entertainment from him. He'd make a decent footman in the future, perhaps, at the very least.
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colossalgluttons · 10 days
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Titan Celeste.
She demands perfection from her servants or else..
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“Everyone should love my massive pale gothicc orbs of ass. I didn’t grow myself so massive to be ignored.”
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
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colacoins450 icons , part 5.
Ultimate Dirk, Homestuck, Onetruequestbodiment - @exploratory-otherkin
Jade Harley, Homestuck, Menheryandedollgire - @kirby-in-wonderland
Marnie, Pokemon, Dollgay - @kirby-in-wonderland
Peregrine Mendicant, Homestuck, Vasquestic - @despoir
Mafuyu Asahina, Project SEKAI, Stainedglassic - @princegender
Wayward Vagabond, Homestuck, Desoladventuric - @heavenly-passing
Airi Momoi, Project SEKAI, Dollprotagonist - @nepetaisms
Nene Kusanagi, Project SEKAI, Ventaversa - @nepetaisms
Davesprite, Homestuck, Solvior - @imvasic
Espurr, Pokemon, Tinydangimal - @neopronouns
Buro, Muse Dash, Silkroadgender - @exploratory-otherkin
Mizuki Akiyama, Project SEKAI, Shatterlectic - @imvasic
The Girl In Black, Muse Dash, Depthsisolationic - @exploratory-otherkin
John Egbert, Homestuck, Unnecsidequestica - @voidcoining
Celestia Ludenberg, Danganronpa, Lifegamblic - @voidcoining
Hatsune Miku, VOCALOID, Wastelandollic - @succullusion
Rin, Muse Dash, Mikailkilljoy - @begendered-mogai
Sailor Suit Buro, Muse Dash, Digidollboy - @begendered-mogai
Marija, Muse Dash, Maidollcorian - @neopronouns
Fluttershy, My Little Pony, Alderflorahair - @imvasic
Dirk Strider, Homestuck, Friendladventuric - @princegender
Wan Shi Tong, Avatar The Last Airbender, Scrollgender - @botbinary
Sollux Captor, Homestuck, Wastelandlexic - @revenant-coining
Rin, Muse Dash, Emniralic - @despoir
Terezi Pyrope, Homestuck, Bizdiceian - @heavenly-passing
Gamzee Makara, Homestuck, Miridentity - @imvasic
Tulio, The Road To El Dorado, Snakeyesen - @begendered-mogai
Pinkie Pie, My Little Pony, Alderfruigummi - @begendered-mogai
Roxy Lalonde, Homestuck, Isoislande - @begendered-mogai
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thehouse-o-girth · 4 months
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mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
A good medical operator make sure her patients get a little bit of exercise to remind them that exercise is horrible for them is exhausting and only makes them feel worse so they should never move unless necessary
"aahh... Huff... Ahh.. P..please! Can't we stop?!.."
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"ahh... Huff... I..it hurts... M..my legs.. Ahh.. Wheeeze!! We have to do 5 more laps?!.."
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"g..god.. I..it fucking hurts!!.. Ahhh.. When i get my hands on that whore.. Huff... Ahh.. I..i swear.. Hnngh"
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The 3 lardasess did their nest to run laps around the hospital... Well less run and more waddle for mikan's entertainment... All those calories they were losing they would just gain them back again after lunch... But they would nrver want to go through this again.. And would just obediently guzzle lard just as mikan asked~
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"c..come on!! Girls k..keep going please! I..its for your own good! Y..you wanted to lose weight right!?"
The nurse drooled watching them sweat like the hogs they were, shorts riding up their butts white shirts covered in sweat making them transparent miu moaning.. Celes cursing her and kirigiri's gut roaring for food..~
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
Okay but the idea that Celeste's video was about her cat.
Which means that, knowing he was going to lock her away for probably the rest of her life, Jin Kirigiri decided Celeste couldn't bring her pet cat with her.
On the one hand, how cruel can you be?
On the other hand, imagine if Celeste had been allowed to bring her cat with her. Imagine how often Junko would have to chase that thing down. Imagine it trying to attack Monokuma and Monokuma looks down and can't attack the cat but still kills Mukuro for stepping on him. Celeste's cat keeps using Monokuma as a scratching post and he keeps being more and more torn up the further into the game you get.
It's like Gundham and his Four Dark Devas but, you know. Celeste and her cat!
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How do you think Makoto`s and Nagito`s luck work?
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*deeep breath*
*Slams my ruler onto the whiteboard* ALRIGHT
To understand Makoto and Nagito's luck, we must first understand Luck in the Danganronpa universe.
First off their are multiple types of luck, and not all luck talents are built the same. That's the first thing you need to understand, every luck talent is a unique personal talent to each individual. Luck talents can't really be compared because they're so different from each other and can even create other talents.
Case in point the true second luck talent we had in the series...CELESTIA LUDENBERG. While not the ultimate lucky student, her gambling talent is NEAR COMPLETE LUCK, something she FREELY ADMITS.
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While this kind of thinking is more associated with Komaeda, it is actually CELESTE who first brings up luck as something beyond just chance, but instead as something more akin to religion. She even compares it to fate, Celestia will tell us in her FIRST free time event exactly what she thinks of luck. Which correlates well with Komaeda’s thinking. First of all the immutability of it, that you are simply born with that luck and nothing can ever change it, then there is the thought there is no inbetween luck it is only Good luck or Bad luck and it’s those two things that determine basically everything. Celestia and Komaeda have a very similar worldview, the only difference is the fact Celeste’s luck is only good and has such given her a much more positive view of it. Celeste seems to have spent a lot of time thinking about luck, and has a lot of faith in it, seen how in another free time events despite not knowing how to even play, she won a Shogi gambling competition.
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While Celeste has a habit of exaggerating and dramatics, I think she’s telling the truth about this story, it matches up with her beliefs after all. No skill or talent carried her through to the end and to victory, just pure luck, her gambling luck that is the basis of her talent.
From this we learn that luck talents are much broader then just ‘lucky student’ and can make up a lot of different talents based on how it presents themselves with everyone having unique sets of luck and activation requirements. With both her and Komaeda sharing similar views on luck, it’s clear that those with lucky talents tend to find luck to be immutable and simply just a piece of ones self that can never be changed. Luck is everything to those with powerful enough luck, to the point it becomes almost blinding and overshadows skill, though Celeste seems to feel a bit ashamed that she didn’t at least make an attempt at having skill at Shogi. A little dog can’t become a big dog, and someone with bad gambling luck can never have good gambling luck and vice versa.
This isn’t true.
As you may have noticed if her gambling luck is that good that it overrides skill completely, then how did she lose? By how her talent works as long as it’s a gamble, she wins. Period. Nothing to be done about it. How did she lose the gamble of her life?
Easy, Makoto’s luck works as a luck nullifier.
You may be asking what the hell I’m talking about and I redirect your attention to the short story of Makoto Naegi’s Worst Day Ever.
“People often say that men are defined by their names, and indeed, in his thirty-two years on Earth, Jutarou had never once thought of himself as unlucky. In fact, he had been blessed with abnormally good luck. By the very nature of his work, he had found himself in a number of dangerous situations in the past, but every time—without fail—a series of fortunate flukes guided him to safety. 
While his luck could be considered one of his strengths, he wasn’t fond of admitting it. 
Rather, allowing himself to end up in situations where the outcome was in fate’s hands was unacceptable to him. He knew good and well that, in his line of work, even the smallest of slip-ups could mean disaster. 
Jutarou was a thief. 
The most important thing to him when he was on a job was reducing the potential influence of forces outside his control—luck, other people—to an absolute minimum. In his mind, a thorough, well crafted plan was the cornerstone of any job. He always formulated and executed his plans by himself, and any job for which that wasn’t possible, he wouldn’t take. There was nothing worse than being betrayed by a partner who let his greed get to his head, and besides, Jutarou didn’t need anyone slowing him down. And he especially didn’t need to be asking for help from on high. 
Naturally, his current job was no different. He had planned everything and put that plan into action all by himself. His target had been a small jewelry store in a nearby shopping district. Jutarou had received information that, despite looking run-down, the store had a hidden stash of extremely valuable jewels. And to top it off, the owner was a bit of a penny-pincher, so security was light. 
It was an incredible opportunity—the kind that you only ever got once or twice. 
So Jutarou crafted an intricate, but bold, plan, and then he went through with it. Naturally—as far as he was concerned—everything went without a hitch, exactly as it was supposed to. His plan was perfect, leaving no room whatsoever for outside interference. And there had been none. 
Spoils tucked away in his bag, he calmly stepped onto the bus. Jutarou liked to make use of public transportation as much as possible while on a job. It was easier to blend into the crowd in a bustling city by riding a bus or train than it was driving a car or motorcycle, and by dressing like a businessman on the job, he practically disappeared. 
The disguise worked, too. Not a person on that bus gave him a second look as he took an open seat at the front. 
Finally certain he had completed his work, Jutarou let out a small sigh of relief. As the bus vibrated gently beneath him, he silently basked in the satisfaction of a job well done. 
And then, a sick twist of fate made quick work of everything he had accomplished. Only, it wasn’t his luck that laid everything to waste—rather, he was just caught in the crossfire of some teenage boy’s misfortune. Some boy who just happened to climb onto the same bus as him. It was a stroke of bad luck so overwhelming that even Jutarou who, up to that point, had been blessed with such incredibly good luck, was helpless to prevent it”
Meet Jutarou who appears to have a luck talent of his own, the main antagonist in the short story. While he doesn’t like purely to rely on it, he notes that he is a very lucky man and multiple times in the story comments about how his luck never fails him. Until it does. Makoto Naegi’s bad luck was so strong, it had OVERRIDDEN his good luck, giving Jutarou bad luck to give Makoto WORSE luck. 
This trend continues throughout the story, despite Jutarou’s best efforts and best luck to get himself not arrested, Makoto’s sheer bad luck is enough to dissuade EVERY attempt as the situation only gets worse and worse for Makoto until it ends up with the groceries that Makoto was ORIGINALLY SENT TO GET ending up basically exploding. 
This incident directly leads into Makoto getting into Hope’s Peak, as his luck is SO BAD that in that same explosion the original lottery winners invitation gets destroyed and they do a new drawing, this time pulling Makoto’s name.
Luck talents have no effect on Makoto because his luck counteracts it, it doesnt matter how good your luck is, if Makoto’s luck wants to involve you, you have no control over the luck in the situation anymore. From this we learn Luck talents interacting with each other can have odd effects, especially if Makoto is involved.
There is a second piece of evidence that Luck talents aren’t quite as straightforward as “you’re born with it” and his name, is the mortal god himself, Izuru Kamukura
As Hajime Hinata, his luck is well, it’s not great, but I wouldn’t call it bad either. He’s average, very plainly average. Then he got a lobotomy and became Izuru, and suddenly something has changed. Izuru DOES have good luck, and he has an intense amount of control over his luck that he can even can beat Komaeda in a gun fight. Which means not only is Luck a real talent despite how Komaeda bemoans, it has some way to quantifiably measure and implant it as his Luck talent is just as artificial as the rest of his talents. Luck isn’t just chance or fate, it’s a legitimate part of someones body that can be implanted into someone else with the right tools. Which is, SO MUCH TO UNPACK. 
We don’t learn HOW they implanted luck, so we can only guess where luck resides within a human body. Wherever it is though, this implies while people are indeed born with a specific luck pattern that is otherwise immutable this pattern can be tampered and changed by an outside source with the right know how. Celeste is essentially correct in the fact humans are born programmed with the luck they have, but we lack the specifics. I am pointing a gun at the hope cultivation program if you’re going to break the geneva convention at least LET ME KNOW how you implanted fucking LUCK!
Luck is beyond just how we view luck in our world, luck is an inherent part of them, I’d dare to even call it another sense. Like a sense of sight or sense of direction, everyone has a sense of luck. Some don’t have much of it, some of them have little, and some of them have enough of it that it almost seems like a magical power.
Of course now that we have a loose understanding of how luck just works in this setting, this tells us little on how luck works for those two specifically.
Makoto’s luck is known to be the most confusing even in universe, as his luck is a liar. Bad luck often is good luck often is bad luck. It is impossible to tell if something is good or bad when it comes to his luck until like three years later after all the dominoes and butterfly effects have mostly settled. Celeste says there is no in-betweens but Makoto’s luck LOVES its grey areas. Making things be both bad and good at the same time, Makoto’s luck cannot be divided into good or bad because it’s always both at the same damn time. The only think about his luck that’s in any way clear is that it refuses to let him die. No matter how bad his luck seems, the moment he could genuinely die, his luck swoops in to grab him from the brink. 
Like yeah he lived thats good but now he has trauma and thats bad and now he can help and thats good but that helping is also being used as propaganda and that’s bad. Makoto lives in a state of greys, his luck refuses the black and white views of Celeste or Komaeda, everything his luck does will be both bad and good, creating mostly just confusion. It’s easy to see how Makoto just kinda shrugs it off as just unfortunate and moves on with his life, his luck keeps trying to be good and bad at the same time.
Then there’s Komaeda, who has only bad luck. Which you may be saying “what? But his luck can be good!” and I ask you how good his luck really is? His luck constantly kills the people around him and even killed him. Sure sometimes he gets paltry rewards like money or freedom, but in reality, the scales are NOT balanced. An inheritance can’t make up for dead parents, winning the lottery  doesn’t erase the trauma of being kidnapped.
Even moments where his luck seems to work in his favor only makes him miserable, winning russian roulette wasn’t a triumph or good luck for him really, it only drove him insane. 
If I had to name Komaeda’s luck I’d go for something like short term benefits with long term consequences. The bad effects of his luck always echo farther and go on for longer then the good effects which are often quick distractions or quick victories. However Komaeda lets himself settle for this, pretending like the scales actually have any meaning, letting himself have bad luck and thinking the small rewards of it measures up to the sheer amount of bad luck it took. 
Komaeda’s luck can give him the things he needs in the moment, but there is always consequences for it’s use. Komaeda pretends like it's an equivalent exchange, but actually looking at, even the 'good' parts often brings him suffering. Like yeah he's rich and has freedom, but he's lonely and unable to connect to people. Even the best parts of his luck are only good short term before also becoming more akin to bad luck.
His luck is basically a deal with the devil, he receives pain and suffering, and he receives... a whole bunch of sodas! Just ignore the fact the scars will last longer then the soda and you can pretend it all balanced out.
It’s easy to see how he fell into the viewpoints he did when he basically has to lie to himself to make his luck more tolerable or seem fair. Especially because unlike Makoto's, his luck seems perfectly willing to kill him if he's not careful.
Of course these are only my current views on their luck cycles, my mind and thoughts are CONSTANTLY changing on this, because it’s just, so nebulous. One of these days I’d love to do a luck deep dive on all the characters and see what other talents are secretly luck talents.
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colossalgluttons · 10 days
Blackjack of Death
Meanwhile, in Celestia's mansion...
There had been one worst-performing servant of the entire extensive roster of servants that serve 18 hours a day, 7 days a week to Celeste. Annie Gide, from the humble town of Honfleur, France, was told to redeem herself through a game of Blackjack against the like of Celeste, who is known to never lose in such a game.
If she won, then she would escape punishment. If she lost, she would be sat on by Celeste until death.
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On one relatively miniature chair that Annie sat on and the gargantuan throne that the corpulent, pale titan that Celeste sat on, it was currently 2 to 0 in this best of five, in Celeste's favor. She was winning every single round so far in a one-sided manner. In Celeste's cards, she had a Jack and an Ace in her hand, summing her score to 21.
On the brown-haired, 5'0" and 100-pound servant's hand, it was a 4, a 10, and a 3. She hesitated to hit, but.. she knew that Celeste had perfect scores every single time. She had no choice.
And so, she drew a card.
"Little one, do you believe you can beat me?"
They revealed their cards. Annie busted at 25. Celestia had the maximum score of 21. Annie in complete shock and fear marked on her face dragged herself away and out of the chair, as Celeste approached her slowly, but yet catching onto her.
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"You played a pathetic game, Annie. It's only fitting you die a flattening death."
Celeste came crashing down onto Annie's short, frail frame, and in no time, she was completely flattening the maid with all 2800 pounds of her, her pale ocean of an ass destroying her body, slowly.
And so..
Annie's life was over. In mere seconds. Celestia smirked.
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nevermindtheweights · 28 days
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gainprincess · 2 years
Is there a student in particular that Celestia likes to shove with her gut against a wall to directly belch in their face?
She wouldn't say there's one in particular, but it is fun to get reactions out of Sayaka. She's cute, and has a fun time rubbing Celestia's belly.
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thehouse-o-girth · 4 months
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in hindsight, for Homura, the last thing Madoka heard was the complete opposite of a warning...
"Please-... DO-..."
"...Homura-chan... Just hang on!" The pinkette held her soul gem out to begin transforming, but before she even could everything else happened so fast. The broken tv in-front of her flashed to life with static. Madoka's mind went blank for a moment as her body went limp... and then off her feet she was swept as if the tv itself had absorbed her.
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On the other end within the house itself, Homura could suddenly see Madoka's figure growing clearer... and closer to her side...
"WAIT STOP-" But it was unfortunately already too late. Too late for her to stop her from coming after her, and too late for Madoka to reconsider her options as she had already been brought on through. Her sights went from the dusky junkyard that she was looking around to the dark home-ish "comforts" of the house's internals, highlighted slightly by the dark red sky outside... Homura could barely even parce together a proper response as she finally got the chance to see the girl in the flesh, the one that she was most worried about at this moment. Completely and utterly in one piece. In any other case, this would be a time to celebrate and be joyful. Happy that Madoka was safe and sound... Yet in this moment... Homura couldn't feel any of that... Instead, all Homura could feel was regret as now Madoka was also stuck here. "Ma- Mah... Madoka..." "..." "..." "..."
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"I'm so sorry... so... So... Sorry for this..." And just as Homura would get to her knees in front of the girl, that's when a friendly face would check back in just in time.
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"NNghhh... HEY! Would you PLEASE, mind keeping it down a tad? Some of us are actually trying to get some sle-"
... ... ...
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"Ah- Er-" "..." "Did..."
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"Did I... ᴴᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵃʷᵃᵏᵉⁿ ᵃᵗ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ?"
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Closed RP Starter for @aikidoheroine
Strange, scary things had been occuring in the small village of Hope's Peak. Residents had been disappearing from their homes on a regular basis, many of whom were never seen alive again. The men would inevitably turn up within a day or two, usually pale and weakened, often dead or dying, always with strange marks on the side of their necks. The women, on the other hand, simply vanished, never to be seen again.
On the outskirts of the village, at the very top of the mountain, a large mansion had been built, one that the residents refused to go near. With the constant disapperances, and the state some of the victims had been found in when they resurfaced, it was soon widely believed that a vampire had taken up residence there. As the people grew more terrified by the day, they would eventually seek out the aid of a famous vampire hunter, hoping that perhaps she could put a stop to it, once and for all.
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solartomes · 1 year
general character tag dump part 9/idk man
grelle sutcliff ❤️ ic. grelle sutcliff ❤️ musings. grelle sutcliff ❤️ visage. grelle sutcliff ❤️ wardrobe. grelle sutcliff ❤️ mannerisms. grelle sutcliff ❤️ aesthetics. tenjou utena 🌹 ic. tenjou utena 🌹 musings. tenjou utena 🌹 visage. tenjou utena 🌹 wardrobe. tenjou utena 🌹 mannerisms. tenjou utena 🌹 aesthetics. enoshima junko 🎀 ic. enoshima junko 🎀 musings. enoshima junko 🎀 visage. enoshima junko 🎀 wardrobe. enoshima junko 🎀 mannerisms. enoshima junko 🎀 aesthetics. celestia ludenberg 🪙 ic. celestia ludenberg 🪙 musings. celestia ludenberg 🪙 visage. celestia ludenberg 🪙 wardrobe. celestia ludenberg 🪙 mannerisms. celestia ludenberg 🪙 aesthetics.
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