#muse : mikan tsumiki
mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
What is the best and worst part of living in the hospital?
"o..oh it's amaizing I'm surrounded by medicine and people that need me! A..and they can't manage to be A minute without me hehe!~ i..it is just so perfect there's nothing bad about this there never could be something bad about this!!"
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That's the good parts... But... What about the worst part?.. Well you're gonna have to check the basement of the hospital.. Heavily guarded by monochrome bears named monokuma.. is the basement...
Beep.... Beep... Beep... Beep...
A horrid smell inundated the area.. Weak moans and heavy breathing
Frrrpfflbltt braaaaaaap slouuush..
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"Miihkaahn leet'sh meh wheezee ...*Brrbllpfft*... g-gooh.. ...*splat*... Pleashe ahh.. ...*FprrpffrRrptlbllltTT*... iih p-proomiishee huff.. ...*splat*... ih ...*brap*... woohn't'sh ...*Frrrpffpbltt*... b-buuhlly ...*gasp*... ...*Brrbllpfft*... yoouu ...*bworrRRPPp*... ...*Blrrbpfft*... pleeaahsheeh. ...*burrRRPP*... ...*Splrrpffrtbtlt*...
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despairs-memorial · 2 months
@dead-or-lie liked for a starter!
It had been awhile since they were able to talk to each other, but Sonia had tickets to the latest horror movie playing in theaters! While she would normally invite Gundham out for such a thing, the last time that happened, he ended up needing to leave due to an incident with an animal in the film and the only other person she could recall enjoying horror movies was Mikan, so she eagerly went to approach the nurse with the tickets.
"Tsumiki! If I recall correctly, you are a fan of the horror genre, correct? If you have the time, would you wish to accompany me on an outing? I recently got some tickets, and I wish to use them for hanging out with a friend!"
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blubberymuses · 5 months
Doctor's Orders!
Have more than three meals a day!
Eat more than five thousand calories a day!
Laze around as much as possible!
Think less, eat more!
Appreciate your (declining) health and newfound curves!
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-Mikan Tsumiki, The Ultimate Nurse.
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
One of Mikan's character notes is that she hates clothes that are too big and thus consistently buys things that are actually too small so that she doesn't have to deal with them being potentially too big.
But Mikan. Bestie.
Your beloved is the Ultimate Fashionista.
Junko's just over here making Mikan clothes that fit because Mikan has probably never had anything that fit right once in her entire life. Mikan, this is what clothes that fit feel like. Isn't that nice. Don't you want more of those.
Followed immediately by Mikan bought her own Ultimate Despair nurse's outfit that is absolutely too small.
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caramialunaestelle · 2 months
@the-ultimate-muses sent:
Out of all the people prone to injury in her class, it was perhaps most surprisingly Gundham that hardly ever relied on her for aid. While Fuyuhiko might seem the obvious choice, his aversion to medical professionals mostly steemed from mistrust, something that was no longer a problem when it came to the nurse. He could handle smaller, less trivial wounds by himself, but would call upon Mikan for the more griveous of afflictions. Gundham differed in the sense that he had a bit more professional medical training than any other member of his class, animal first aid being the first and foremost of it, then followed by knowledge of antivenoms and how to treat common animal afflicted wounds caused by a variety of bites and claws. There were very few times he found himself out of the realm of self reliance, and even fewer times when it would result in a call to the nurse's phone in need of help. This was one of those times. For once he had made the smart desicions of staying put after an injury to his leg, the pain enough to detur him from attempting to hobble his way to the nurse himself. It was his own foolishness that led to his current predicament, another rare thing when it came to the breeder, Gundham having fallen down a steep incline in the woods surrounding the school while searching for an escaped rabbit. The rabbit he had found, it tucked into the inner pocket of his coat, thankfully after his tumble, it having come right up to him as if giving up it's little game of chase now that he was hurt. Body scuffed with a myriad of scratches from branches with bruises slowly forming among them, it was his leg that had kept him in place with how his ankle throbbed. He didn't know if it was broken, but at the very least it was horribly sprained, enough that he had only managed to stubbornly stumble a few steps before finding himself back in the underbrush. So he called Mikan, his usually even tempered voice strained through the phone as he relayed what had happened to the nurse, now patiently waiting for her to follow his trail of flattened flora to where he had ended up. //can i interest mikan in a Dumbass?
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//You always can!!
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Of course, the nurse panicked as she heard Gundham's story of how he got injured. As he strained to tell her all the details, Mikan packed a bag with as much first aid as she possibly could. From the sounds of it, he'd broken his ankle or knee, but until she managed to actually take a good look and assess the situation she could only speculate.
Mikan moved as quickly as she could, following his directions on how to find him. When she finally did arrive she quickly knelt down next to him and opened up her sack of medical supplies. "I'll d-do my very b-best to fix it!" She spoke through her obvious panic.
"Y-You f-fractured your ankle!!" Mikan gasped, noticing the awkward angle his foot was bent. "This is far more serious than something I could fix but... We have to g-get you back to the school campus so we can call an ambulance..."
She pulled out a splint and some tension bandages. She'd set his ankle in place then support him as they walked back to campus. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and set all her supplies out neatly in a row.
"Okay... Th-this might... This might hurt a little but I p-promise it'll only last a minute," she explained as calmly as she could.
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wordswithoutcontext · 2 years
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gluttonemporium · 28 days
D20: Kokichi visits Mikan to get a check up on his big tummy! He lifts his shirt with the hope that she "accidentally" gets sucked in and finds better use as extra belly fat.~
Total: 14
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"Oh, whoops. I forgot that was there!" He lied, as his titanic tummy spilled out to fill the examination room! Mikan disappeared under a wave of brat fat in seconds, going until it hit the far wall and wobbled to a stop!
But sadly, his hungry navel had missed its target. The stuttering nurse was engulfed in a healthy patch of side belly instead of being crammed in! Oh well, can't get a "Hole in One" everytime...
"Lemme just..." Kokichi stuck his tongue out as he squished and moved his soft gut around. Manipulating it was easy when you knew what you were doing, and the liar had tons of practice... soon Mikan's whimpering face was lined up with his navel, and-
"Aaaah, there we go! Thanks nurse, I needed someone to check up in there! Get real deep for me, 'kay~?"
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humunanunga · 1 year
broke: Mikan content being full of sexy nurse fanservice
woke: Mikan content being full of sex ed psas
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
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This was her first day working in a hospital this advanced sure she had a small hospital back in her home village but this was something completely out of the ordinary for Dr Katara (any muses you want to interact with her)
"w..welcome! M.ms katara!! I..I'll try to show you the ropes~ a..and you'll be able to meet t..the director later!"
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"i.i was told you use water bending t..to soothe pain and hesl wounds! B..but I'm not as sure how effective it'll be for our patients.. S..still if you have any questions just ask! I..I'll do my best to guide you through this process!"
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Honestly Komaeda and Mikan being mlm and wlw hostility will never NOT be amusing to me, i think they need to fight in a denny's parking lot, everyone else can be found families after the simulation but those two need to be worsties for life. I need Hinata holding them both away from each other by the scruff with the most tired expression while they try and claw and hiss at each other.
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dokitm-arch · 2 years
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me, dusting off the blog after yet another 50 years of vanishing with a pack of caprisun: so, i’ve been rewatching most of d/anganr/onpa content and have the three games which i plan to replay because ahaha, gotta love myself being enabled by SOMEONE to play ‘em, again...you know who you are and i’m only reminded by the utter guilt and misery my girl, mikan, has to go through after waking up from her vegetative state in neo world program. having to accept the harsh reality of the horrible actions she’s done in the name of “love” for junko, which was never real. having to come to a horrible realization that SHE pushed nanami to her death....SHE brought her closest friends, the first friends she ever had, to watch their representative, who brought them together, get killed and succumb to despair. having to finally see the damage mikan has done to her ACTUAL LOVE this applies for any ship i have with her be betrayed by her after abandoning them for junko’s “love”... it’ll destroy her. completely, utterly destroy her with so much guilt...and she’s already mentally unwell, to begin with. it’s those awful realizations that have mikan initially distance herself, fully, from everybody. for the first time, mikan feels completely undeserving of any attention she’s craved for so long... for the first time, she feels undeserving of forgiveness. 
it is only by the unconditional support from everybody that mikan does find her own footing, no matter how much time it took because they’ve all had an understanding, and come out of her miserable state just enough to at least redeem herself by saving the survivors of the final killing game, in hope arc. while mikan’ll never be able to get rid of these awful feelings nor thoughts, not even the grim reality of being unable to bear children due to removing her own womb in replacement of junko’s, she now knows they all have each other and she has done a contributable part in saving kirigiri’s life as well as everybody’s reputation by pinning the blame for what happened to future foundation on the remnants of despair. in her eyes, she is forgiven by those she’s come to rescue and it’s this reassurance that will keep her marching to an unforeseeable future. 
tl;dr: pluto feels for d/anganr/onpa for the 139192992992929292929th time all over again, thx 4 coming 2 my TED talk.
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blubberymuses · 14 days
Who is the biggest and unhealthiest blob on your clinic mikan? How do they stay alive? My bet is on kirigiri because of yours and junko's teamwork~
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"K-kirigiri-san's actually in s-second place.." Mikan nonchalantly states as she taps a pen to the side of her wobbly second chin, in thought before her anxieties come crashing in "At least t-that was the case last time I check, m-m-maybe she's overtaken.. her... I-i'm sorry if I lied to you, forgive me!~"
As for how she keeps her patients alive, well...
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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!! "Haaaaaah.. Hooohh.. M-Muhsht'sh shoohlveeh... UUUURRRRP!~ whaat'sh.. BWWORRRRP!~ nehxt'sh... mmmmmfph.. foooouuuuUURRRRRRRRRPppp~ breakfasht'sh..."
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
junko: my girlfriend would have to be lethal and cunning and despairing, just as i am. mikan: -trips over her own feet while entering the room, struggles to get up while trying not to cry- junko: that one. i want that one.
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caramialunaestelle · 15 days
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"P-Please don't put d-dirt under your pillow for the Dirt Man™. He's n-not real and doesn't e-exist and it is UNSANITARY!!"
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wordswithoutcontext · 2 years
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