#muscle homo
mrwavellswaps · 10 months
Aftermath of The Homo-Bomb (Trevor)
Collaboration with @sivfenrir
(Make sure the read the ➡️ Prologue ⬅️ first)
After so many interviews already, Wavell had found himself standing in front of the door outside of yet another flat. Inside he could already feel the energy of someone who’d experienced the effects of the homo-bomb. He could just tell that this one was different, however.
It was strange really. Even when it came to other anomalies, the residual magic energy that their bodies gave off usually felt the same. Hence the interview to see what went on with them. This person though, it felt odd. Wavell could tell it was his magic therefore they had to be a homo-bomb victim.
However, the energy they exuded was much more potent for some reason. Naturally, this only intrigued the warlock further.
“This one’s bound to be interesting…” he mumbled to himself while stepping up to the door before giving it a rhythmic knock.
He waited for a good few minutes outside, the rhythmic tapping of his shoes was his company. He knew someone was home so he had no idea what was taking them so long. Were they pretending not to be home?
Could be understandable if they’ve undergone a big transformation and are afraid to show it. Wavell had already dealt with a few similar cases where he had to simply teleport inside because people wouldn’t just answer their doors for him.
He was beginning to think this was going to be another situation like that until at last he heard the twisting of a lock from the other side followed by the door swinging open.
The guy that answered the door was a huge jock of a man. Incredibly tall to the point where his head almost hit the top of the door frame. Wide with thick powerful-looking muscle that was consistent across his entire body that made him seem like an adonis.
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A feat which was only amplified by how young he looked. Early twenties Wavell would guess. Youthful yet jockish-looking features matched with a head of short brown hair and a trimmed beard that gave him an air of maturity and masculinity. In short, he looked as though he’d just stepped out of someone’s wet dream.
“Y-yo man. What’s up?” He asked in a somewhat nervous-sounding tone.
“Sorry to bother you but I’m interviewing everyone that’s recently been affected by the strange events that have transpired here recently.” Wavell began, thinking back on all the people he’d interviewed so far over the last couple of days.
“My name is Mr Wavell and I was hoping I could come inside to talk to you as well. There’s been a common pattern through most people that were affected however there’s been some strange outliers along the way as well. I’m curious to know if you fit into either of those categories.” The devilishly handsome warlock smiled kindly. There was a sensation that enveloped the jock from the warlock.
“Oh… sure.” The jock felt a warm and welcoming presence emanating from Wavell that he found himself trusting instantly. He stepped aside and allowed the well-dressed man to walk past him and into the flat.
He shivered a little as Wavell brushed his hand against the bigger man’s thigh on the way past. “I don’t see much of a problem if you’re helping.” The change in speech patterns was quite noticeable.
As Wavell walked through the hallway and into the living room, he couldn’t help noticing some of the other rooms. Unsurprisingly there was a bathroom and what seemed to be a closet as well as a kitchen however what caught his eye was that there seemed to be two bedrooms.
Curiously he took a quick peek inside each and they were both certainly occupied by two very different people. One room was filled with all sorts of sports memorabilia, weights, and exercise gear scattered around, clothes strewn across the room in a rather untidy fashion, and a shameless box of tissues on the nightstand next to the bed.
The other room however was different. Scientific posters lined the walls, collections of comics and collectible figurines all tucked away neatly on shelves, the bed looked almost freshly made with everything seemingly in its place.
He could see that there was an attempt at cleaning up the former room, the weights stacked in the corner as well as some of the clothes folded on the bed. But clearly this was interrupted, most likely by his arrival.
“Does anyone else live here with you?” Wavell questioned.
“Not really. I guess it’s just me now.” The hulking man responded, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “Tons of things on my mind now that the house is all mine.”
Wavell narrowed his eyes a little at this. “Hmm. Okay, well why don’t the two of us get sat down and we can talk alright big man?”
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He made his way towards one of the large living room couches, sitting down before patting the seat beside him until the jock sat down and made himself comfortable, manspreading a little in the process.
Once they were both ready, Wavell whipped out his trusty notepad once again and let the questions roll. “First of all, I don’t believe I asked your name did I?”
“It’s Josh.” He said confidently but before Wavell had a chance to write it down he doubled back on himself. “Wait. No. One of my names was Josh. And David.” A strange thoughtful look crossed the man’s face.
“One second, my name got mixed up.” His eyes darted to the left as he whispered under his breath. “Shit, I forgot already. What was the name?”
His eyes then darted to the right, continuing to talk to himself. “We didn’t affirm the name overnight, it’s Trevor, right? Yeah.”
He looked up to the interviewer and confidently repeated the name as if he hadn’t heard. “My name is Trevor bro.”
Wavell stared at this man in awe. He’d just been talking to himself as if… There was more than one person in his head. How bizarre.
Could this have been the homo-bomb’s doing? Regardless he scribbled down the final name as well as the other two he’d given. “And your last name?”
Trevor thought for a moment again, conversing with himself under his breath a little until finally coming to a decision. “Griffin.”
“Okay Trevor Griffin. We’re coming back to that later but can I ask how old you are and what you do?” Wavell was already starting to suspect what might be going on here but decided to go ahead with the usual line of questions for now.
Trevor sat in thought for a minute. “Well… I guess I’m still 21. I was born in February.” There was then a twitch in Trevor’s eyes for a moment. “But I was born in April.” There was a subtle shift in his tone of voice again.
Wavell squinted. “So… You have two birthdays?”
“Yeah? I guess so.” The adonis replied genuinely. “Also at college, I major in physiology.” Another twitch “But I also major in sports studies!”
Wavell stroked his beard a little. “Physiology and Sports Studies huh? Those are two rather different things to major in at once.”
He was starting to piece it all together now. The shifting of tones. Talking to himself. Multiple birthdays. Twice as much residual magic inside his body compared to most. There was only one explanation to this Wavell could think of though he never thought the homo-bomb would deviate so much as to do such a thing.
“Trevor. What exactly happened to you on the night of the event that caused so much chaos in this town?”
Trevor shuffled in his seat a little. “You’re gonna think I’m completely insane when I tell you.” He glanced over at the handsome older man again. Once again feeling so safe and comfortable in his presence. “But here goes I guess… I’m two people. At the same time. It’s hard to explain but I-”
“You’re a fusion. A merged being made up of two people.” Wavell interjected. “Am I correct?”
A look of shock and confusion crossed Trevor’s face. “Y-yes. I think so but… how the hell did you know that?!”
Wavell patted the jock’s shoulder. “I’m an expert in this kind of stuff, big guy.” The power of his magical aura intensified, causing his and Trevor’s eyes to shimmer for a moment. “Now I want you to tell me everything about yourself and how you came to be.”
Trevor nodded almost hypnotically before beginning his tale.
Before Trevor, the flat was owned by two college sophomores, Josh and David just a few days before the Homo-Bomb. Both lived a distinct lifestyle with some overlap, just enough to co-exist without being entirely homogeneous.
David was the smaller one of the two. He’s been a rather skinny dude all his life with little to no meat on his bones. This combined with him being a late bloomer led to some inevitable bullying throughout his high school years. It also didn’t help that he was a total definition of a nerd. Thick-rimmed glasses earned him the classic and unoriginal nickname of ‘four eyes’. And to top it all off he was crazy about things like comic books and collectibles, a craze that would follow him into adulthood.
However if there was one thing he always had going for him, it was his brains. In typical nerd fashion, he was usually the smartest person in the room and always excelled in education. Especially when it came to science. Hence when he left high school to go to college, he immediately jumped into a physiology major.
By this point, he’d hit a huge growth spurt and finally had some decent facial scruff growing in, not to mention he got contact lenses to replace those old glasses. He even tried to put on some good muscle but eventually settled for a lean and toned look instead as he decided to focus more on his studies rather than trying to push his body past its ectomorphic limits.
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And then there was Josh. He was pretty much David’s polar opposite in almost every way imaginable. Unlike his nerdy roommate, Josh was an early bloomer back in high school and had always remained one of the bigger kids as his dad taught him everything he needed to know about building muscle through his teen years.
It didn’t take long for him to get scouted by the gym coaches and before he knew it he was one of the star jocks! Always being one of the most popular guys who quickly made a bunch of other jock friends while playing football. And having been blessed with such handsome looks, he was always a hot topic around the school. Naturally after leaving high school, he found himself going after a sports studies degree in college.
As he entered his twenties Josh grew even bigger. His muscles burgeoned even thicker and stronger with every workout until he was finally closing in on his dream physique at only 21 years of age. Of course, he knew that if he tried he could get so much bigger but that wasn’t what he was looking for. He couldn’t help noticing how all of the biggest dudes he’d played football with sorely lacked speed. That said he wanted to retain a body that was large and powerful but still agile on the field.
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“Quite literally two opposites living together under one roof. It was a miracle.” Trevor chuckled a little as he stared upwards, having his mental reverie.
“How did that come to be, if I may ask?” Wavell smoothly asked and interrupted the daydreaming the massive jock was going through. Being brought back on track, the guy focused his eyes back on the conversation partner and continued.
When David left for college he was quick to find a flat near the college grounds but he knew he wouldn’t be able to afford it for long all on his own. Luckily it was a two bedroom so he spread the word and posted online about needing a flatmate.
What he didn’t expect was to get a response from none other than one of the most popular jocks from his old school, Josh! He had slightly mixed feelings about it as Josh and his jock friends would frequently tease him back then however it was also Josh that always stopped things before it went too far.
Still, though, David’s little gay heart just couldn’t resist the idea of living with such a hunk that he’d shamelessly jerked off to a few times in the past.
And so eventually the day arrived when Josh showed up, suitcases in hand and ready to move in. For David, it was like a dream come true! Getting to live with such a hunk. To be so close to him all the time. He even offered Josh the bigger bedroom of the two to further entice him to stay.
And somehow it worked! Josh moved into the flat and pretty soon he’d made himself at home.
Initially, it’d been awkward between the two. They both remembered what went on back in their high school days but neither of them wanted to bring it up. Slowly, however, they began to grow closer as friends. They found that they had a few common interests here and there as they made small talk with one another until they eventually got to a point where they could consider themselves friends.
Surprisingly it was Josh who made most of the effort. Always started conversations and invited David to watch football with him and whatnot.
It was then that it became clear to David that half the reason Josh had bullied him at all back in high school was because of his jock bros encouraging him. But now it was the two of them, Josh was a pretty cool dude.
When people found out that a gay nerd like David was living with a jock such as Josh, they always assumed the worst. For Josh to tease or berate David about his sexuality or push him around and call him names or even pull those stupid frat boys' kinda pranks like farting in David’s face or something else is just as gross.
But it wasn’t like that at all and a lot of people almost didn’t believe him when David said that he and Josh were cool now. Especially when he told them about how they even sat and watched TV together in the evenings.
“You know it’s crazy. After the torment Josh and his friends had put David through in high school, neither of them imagined they’d eventually become friends one day.” Trevor leaned back in his seat a little and turned his head towards Wavell.
“And soon enough they were chilling and laughing like best buds. High school always makes it seem like two people can’t get along just because they aren’t both nerds or they aren’t both jocks.” Trevor laughed a little as he placed a hand over his chest, smiling.
“But in the real world, it’s nothing like that. Even two people like Josh and David who seemed wildly different can still find common ground and get along.”
Wavell smiled softly. “It would seem that way.” He noted down a couple more things as he replied. “You also mentioned that David had somewhat of a crush on Josh and would have frequent sexual fantasies about him. How did this budding friendship affect that?”
Trevor’s face started to go a little red. “Well, you see…”
Naturally, this growing bond between the two would only serve to further David’s crush on the jock to the point where if Josh went out to hang with his bros, David would sneak into Josh’s room. Not for anything malicious. He just loved getting to bask in the natural scent that filled the room. A mix of sweat and cheap deodorant that was strangely arousing to the nerd.
He would even go as far as to try on some of Josh’s clothes from time to time and even though they never fit, just pulling on his stuff gave David such a rush.
Could you blame him? Josh was everything David was missing. Sure he might’ve been highly intelligent with a lot of good qualities but it's always been a deep-rooted desire of his to be huge and strong with bulging muscles.
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To have all that confidence and charm that Josh exuded so naturally instead of being so meek and small. That envy he had for the jock was one of the reasons he’d begun to fall for him so much as what was once just lust turned into something much deeper. This connection however was something David never believed he’d have a chance to explore.
Whenever he wasn’t at college or home, Josh was hanging out with his bros which mostly consisted of other jocks he played with back in high school. He loved them all to death but unfortunately, they weren’t always the best influences even now they were in their twenties.
Half the time he came up with something mildly homophobic to joke about which Josh tried not to encourage as much now. A lot of their nights out would consist of going to bars where they’d try to pick up chicks.
Josh already had a girlfriend which he’d been seeing for over a year now so he usually didn’t participate so much however once his bros found out that Josh was staying with that gay little nerd they used to bully, they began accusing him of being homo as well.
They teased him about it so much that they eventually told him to prove that he wasn’t gay by fucking a chick from the bar. And that’s what he did. He flirted with a few babes until he convinced one to go with him to one of the private bathrooms where he practically ripped her clothes off and started slamming into her pussy. All the while his bros were listening just outside listening to their moans as they fucked. He only stopped fucking her as he pulled out last second to cum and not get her pregnant. Moments later he emerged from the bathroom only to be greeted by his bros jumping and cheering around him.
Of course, it wouldn’t take long for news of that to get back to his girlfriend and she was furious when she confronted Josh about it. He felt so guilty that he couldn’t even deny it and just like that she broke up with him on the spot.
Later that night he’d come home to the flat wasted. David was quick to pick up on this and helped Josh to his room. He managed to get Josh onto his bed but just as David was about to leave the jock to sleep it off, he said something that made David’s dick jump.
“You’ve got a really cute ass bro…” Josh mumbled, pawing at his crotch a little while chuckling drunkenly before passing out.
“Interesting.” There was a pleased glint in Wavell’s eyes. “So you’re saying that Josh was gay the whole time as well? Concealing his homosexuality so that his jock friends wouldn’t find out?”
Trevor shrugged. “I mean… not exactly? He did legitimately like girls but he also liked dudes just as much. Maybe even a little more. But he just suppressed that side of himself for the reason you mentioned.”
He slumped in his seat a little with a somber look crossing his face. “Even after leaving High School, he was so scared to show that side of himself due to years of keeping it hidden…”
“Until a bad breakup and some liquid courage got him to slip up” Wavell finished.
Trevor nodded. “Pretty much… God, I wish those years were different. That I could’ve… I mean *Josh* could’ve felt safe enough to come out.” He let out a long sigh. “Oh well. The past is the past.”
The revelation of Josh’s bisexuality (or at the very least bi-curious) came as a massive surprise to the nerd. Unfortunately, it seemed by the next morning Josh had completely forgotten about the remark.
But David certainly hadn’t. And with it in mind, he waited a few weeks for the break up to blow over before finally deciding to nut up and put his cards on the table. It happened one night when Josh had encouraged David to watch some soccer with him. Throughout they cracked open a bunch of beers until they were both pretty drunk and that’s when David finally came out and said it.
“Josh. I used to think you were an asshole but… you’re actually really awesome… and super freakin’ hot.” He slurred his words a little while his eyes scanned across the jocks bulging muscles that strained against his clothes. “You’re just so big… and strong…” He shuffled a little closer on the couch. “W-will you… be my boyfriend?”
There was a moment of deafening silence as Josh simply gazed down at David with an expression the drunk nerd could hardly decipher. That is until Josh leaned in and smashed his lips against David’s without warning, kissing him roughly.
David was quick to reciprocate until before long he felt his jock flatmate picking him up off the couch and carrying him to the bedroom. It didn’t even seem real to David as they began pulling off their clothes and revealing Josh’s body in its full glory but he couldn’t deny how real it felt when the muscle-bound jock started sucking him off.
But of course, Josh was still bigger in every sense, cock included, as before long the bisexual hunk was pounding his thick rod into David’s ass. Both of them moaned at each other about how great it felt until Josh blew his load deep inside David’s hole.
From that night onwards the pair just kinda fell into a relationship.
The friendly bond they’d formed before growing into something far deeper. A genuine and loving connection as well as being Josh’s first ever relationship with another dude. And strangely it felt more fulfilling to him than any he’d had with women. Almost like he and David strangely completed each other. Similar to how David envied Josh’s dedication to his awesome physique and confidence with others, Josh secretly envied David as well.
Sure he might’ve had the looks and the body but he was nowhere near as smart or organized as David was. With brains like that Josh could’ve taken himself to the next level with becoming an athlete and personal trainer. And yet he felt as though he was cursed to simply be a big dumb jock.
Neither of them realized that the other was carrying similar feelings of envy until one day, after a couple of months of dating, David happened to mention after having sex that being with Josh made him feel ‘whole’ in a strange way. Like Josh was everything he was missing. Only for Josh to completely agree, saying that he felt the same. It was a strange sentiment they shared but finally having it out in the open only made them closer.
So much so that it even evolved into some kinky roleplay sex between the couple where they pretended to swap bodies before fucking as weird as it sounded. Since Josh pretty much always topped, when they did these body swap role plays David had even managed to convince Josh to bottom once or twice for them.
By this point, they thought they’d accepted their envy and overcome it. Instead opting to be a happy couple that complimented each other’s strengths. So much so that Josh had even been considering telling his bros about them. Something that David appreciated greatly.
But little did they know this was only scratching the surface. Their true desires to be ‘completed’ went so much deeper than even they realized. To a depth that would’ve been thought impossible to reach.
“Up until yesterday, they were probably the happiest they’d ever been. Both are finally in a loving relationship with someone they found themselves deeply connected to. David even believed it was fate. But then… they weren’t David and Josh anymore. They were me. And I was them.” Trevor put his face in his palms, trying to rack his brain around it like he had been for the past day and a half.
“Can you tell at all how it happened Trevor? Do you have any memories of David and Josh combining to become you?” Wavell scratched his chin with the bottom of his pencil.
Trevor rubbed his temples, trying his best to think back to when it happened. “I’m not sure… I can remember pieces but it’s blurry.” He closed his eyes, trying to put himself back in that moment when he came to be.
“I remember everything around me having a somewhat purple hue… and I was horny. We were horny… fuck, I was hard and leaking. I was stroking my cock on the bed and also walking to my room? It's hard to remember in the haze. I just remember feeling like I'm fucking and being fucked. And then I woke up. One guy on Josh's bed. Me." Trevor groaned as he just couldn’t remember, but also because the python in his pants was tenting it from the memories. Wavell could see it grow.
"If I were to guess I’d say Josh and David’s memories of the experience are overlapping in mind. It’s a common thing to happen with newly merged people who’ve shared experiences. Those experiences tend to blur and it can sometimes be hard to make sense of." Wavell explained calmly.
“As you may or may not be aware, many people have been affected by this recent magical event but you’re the only ones to have been affected like this. Can you think of anything that may have caused this?” The warlock asked him with a slight smile.
"Well, I was always admiring how big Josh was. Not only huge and muscular but capable of reaching it at this age was impressive.” Trevor explained without skipping a beat and continued.
“While David was stuck small and thin thanks to genetics. But I think envy might’ve played a part as well. I envied the smarts in David, and I also envied the physical prowess of Josh. But in that way, we always complimented each other." Trevor lifted his heavy arms and gave them a flex, gleefully watching his biceps bulge.
"Sorta like two halves. We joked that we were like one well-oiled machine. Always laughed it off. Though now that I'm one person, I’ve started to realize just how much the envy made us wish it was true, despite us logically thinking it couldn’t happen." He put his fists together, one an open palm and the other a rock-hard fist to visualize it.
Wavell nodded thoughtfully. “So you believe that your envy and desire for one another may have been the cause? An agreement between the two of you that the sum of your best parts would create something or someone much better than both of you.”
Trevor was amazed by how well this Wavell guy was keeping up. He already felt an odd sense of deep trust around the distinguished-looking man but he still imagined Wavell would think he was crazy.
And yet it was the opposite.
It was as if this suited figure interviewing him somehow knew everything Trevor was saying was truthful. "Yeah… I mean that’s gotta be it right? Josh wanted more smarts so that he could cruise through this course and be the private trainer he dreams to be, while David wanted the body so he could bro out and be more confident."
"And now do you feel as though you embody all of those things, Trevor?" Wavell grinned and showed off his pearly whites knowingly.
"Well yeah, bro. I’m still fucking huge… but I feel so smart as well. My brain is bursting with as much knowledge as my muscles are with size!" The jock cockily gloated off, flexing his biceps beside his head.
Hearing that got a smile out of the interviewer. “That’s good Trevor. That means your merge was a balanced one. Not one half more potent than the other.”
He took a few extra notes. “Still… It’s a shame you can’t remember the actual process of it all.” The warlock was already getting ready to place a hand on Trevor’s forehead to induce a vision of that night as he had with a few others so that both he and Trevor could see it in more detail.
"Yeah, I kind of wish I did as well…” The brainy jock hummed until suddenly his eyes widened with realization. “Wait a fucking second, I *can* check that night out! I installed a hidden cam in Josh's room so that I can rewatch our sex scenes.”
His eyes then darted to the side a little again. “Wait, you put a camera in my room?!"
He mumbled to himself. “Hey, I didn’t post it anywhere.”
Trevor paused for a second as he remembered something. “Well… not anywhere public anyway.”
Standing up, the hunky jock took a deep breath and asked Wavell to wait on the couch for a second.
He made his way to Josh's bedroom which was obvious by the weights and football posters inside it. He dragged Josh’s desk chair and placed it in front of the corner shelves before stepping onto it. Trevor had underestimated his height as the moment he stood up straight he thudded his head on the ceiling, his thick skull absorbing the impact with a loud thunk. He rubbed his head as he stayed hunched.
“Ouch, whew, I’m tall now huh? Probably didn’t even need this chair. I’ve got to be at least 6’5” or something now. I’ve gotta measure myself soon.” He chuckled a bit as he reached over the top of the shelves, and produced a rather large boxy camera that was most likely powered by a single large battery.
“No wonder I never noticed this before. I rarely ever reach up here.” He looked at the small camera in his hand as he stepped off the chair before shoving it back in its place.
With the camera retrieved, Trevor picked up the laptop and the data cable from Josh’s table and returned to Wavell’s side. With his thick hands being both foreign and normal, it took him a minute to set up the camera with the laptop.
“One sec. I think this could answer what happened that night.” Trevor said as he scooched closer to Wavell until their thighs were pressed before placing the laptop on the suited man’s lap, trusting him completely.
“All I remember was the euphoric pleasure I described to you but that’s all really.” He shifted his sitting pose, the rod of his tenting his pants.
Wavell glanced to the crotch of the jock and could see the rod within the shorts. He couldn’t tell if this was from Trevor getting so intimately close to him or from David’s side remembering all those nights of rewatching the videos on that camera. Probably both.
The drive loaded and a bunch of videos with different dates popped up. Wavell pulled up the video that matched the night of The Homo-Bomb before executing it to run. The video player started and initially showed Josh’s empty, yet still messy, bedroom.
“Ah yeah, I set it to record things at set times for when we usually fuck.” Trevor chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “Thankfully I think it was recording when it happened.”
They fast-forwarded the video, watching as Josh soon went to bed. Wavell opted to slow the tape back down so they could watch the part where Josh was getting undressed, revealing his bulky body to the hidden camera. Trevor blushed a little but also couldn’t help getting an even more enormous hard-on.
Noticing this, Wavell smirked. “Rub yourself a little if you need to. I am.” The warlock lifted the laptop momentarily to reveal his bulge and his free hand groping at it.
Something like that would ordinarily have set off alarm bells for Trevor that this might not have been a normal interview but once again he found himself oblivious due to the subtle haze Wavell’s magical aura had put him under. Instead, he simply took the man’s advice and groped his crotch at the erotic sight of one of his former selves.
They watched on as eventually Josh went to bed, prompting them to fast-forward the video once more until the purple fog was located in the preview slider. The footage began playing normally as the fog descended onto the jock sleeping in only a pair of shorts…
David made his way into his clean and well-organized room as seen through the open doorway while Josh entered his messy room, oblivious to the small camera up on the shelf watching him keenly as he began to get undressed.
He peeled off his shirt and tossed it across the room before hopping onto his bed, keeping his shorts and athletic socks on. He grumbled a little, tossing and turning in bed for a while until he finally dozed off to sleep. Josh wouldn’t be asleep for long however as soon after he did, a purple fog began seeping into his room.
It wrapped itself around his body before pushing itself inside through any entrance it could find. Most of it went in through his mouth but some entered through his nose, ears, cock, ass and even just seeping through his very skin until all of the fog's magic had been absorbed. Instantly Josh became hard.
It was clear as day through the huge tent he was sporting in his shorts. This was a very common result across those who’d been touched by the homo-bomb’s magic.
In most it simply meant that their sexuality was being altered and that before long they’d be gay… except Josh, for the most part, was already gay. Most could assume it was the homo-bomb erasing what little bit of hetero he had but it would soon become clear that wasn’t the case.
“Mmmm fuuck David… David…” Josh started to groan in his sleep while groping at his boner. He wouldn’t stop grumbling about needing David. It sounded like he was having an intense wet dream but he would only continue to mumble about how they had to be together. They were two of the same.
That they had become one.
The kind of stuff you’d normally expect to hear from someone who’s utterly obsessed with another person. His cock jumped constantly at full length, begging to burst out of those shorts. Even as Josh’s eyes slowly fluttered open, waking him from his slumber, he continued to grumble about his boyfriend. “I… neeeed… David…”
Trevor himself was pursing his lips as he watched the video with the interviewer. It felt weird, watching what was essentially a porno with a stranger in his room.
Before long Josh started getting restless and looked as though he was about to get out of bed. Before he could though, his bedroom door creaked open, and in walked none other than David. But as the nerd walked into view of the hidden camera, it became clear that he was under the same spell as Josh.
He stood in only his underwear with a vacant expression and a huge bulge displaying his erection that pointed straight ahead. It might not have been as big as Josh’s but it was certainly respectable.
“Josh. I need you…” He began muttering the same phases the jock had been moments prior. “We need… to be together…”
He began following his dick and walked straight towards the bed. Towards Josh, who was eagerly waiting for him. It was like they were in some kind of horny trance that was drawing them towards one another. And it was working as within seconds David was practically falling into bed with Josh and the moment he did they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Kissing and groaning while they tugged off whatever clothes they had left on.
Trevor was moaning as memories bombarded his head, feeling more of the memories of that intimate time being replayed directly in his head. He couldn’t help it as he watched the video.
Pretty soon they were both buck naked as they pressed their bodies tightly together. David was on top while Josh hugged him tight from below, wrapping both his bulky arms and legs around the nerd.
Embracing this, David began thrusting their crotches together and frotting their cocks. Grinding his skinny 5-inch cock against Josh’s girth of 7 inches.
“Fuuuuck… fuuuuuckk… fuuuuck meeee!” David started to beg. “I need you inside me, Josh! I need you inside me!” He thrusted himself harder against his boyfriend while his asshole began to pulse. Hungry for dick.
It was the only way they could get even closer than they currently were. And they needed to be closer. So much closer. So as much as he didn’t want to stop hugging David, Josh agreed. In the end his cock was just as eager to plunge deep inside.
They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, seeing the magical purple glow coming from them but not thinking anything of it. It didn’t matter to them.
Instead, Josh tugged David on for one last big kiss, smashing their lips together and kissing deeply before finally releasing his smaller boyfriend and maneuvering their bodies to get in position. He moved out from under David before pushing the nerd down onto his stomach.
Ordinarily, Josh would eat David’s ass out a little and prepare him for what was to come but they were both far too impatient for that. And so, like a horny animal, Josh slammed his cock inside David’s hole as fast as he could causing the nerd to yelp in pain and satisfaction as Josh plunged himself as deep as he could go.
He buried himself to the hilt with a dumb grin as the recording camera blinked in the corner of the room. “So deep… wanna be… deeper.” Josh groaned out as he slowly pumped his cock inside the man below.
He soon started to rest his body weight on top of his boyfriend, lying on top of David while wrapping his hands around him from behind while continuing to bury his cock nice and deep.
And David welcomed it lovingly. Feeling Josh’s large muscled body pressing down on him from above while his hole was filled with dick felt almost euphoric.
He didn’t want to move or be anywhere else. Just like Josh he only wished to be closer… and that’s exactly what the homo-bomb was about to grant.
It began with Josh’s cock.
Something inside him told him to just go for it and plunge as deep as he possibly could. So he pulled back a little, steadied himself, and without warning rammed his cock deep inside David as he possibly could. Balls slapping against the nerd's ass as the jock’s cock disappeared inside the hole.
In doing so both men let out a deep moan as Josh’s cock began fusing with David’s hole making it impossible for Josh to pull back out.
They should’ve been mortified at the realization but it only turned them on more with how amazing it felt to be attached. Connected at last.
So much so that Josh continued to hump David as best he could despite it all.
Josh kissed along the back of David’s neck lovingly as they gave in to the magic. Completely oblivious to what it was doing to them. They were so focused on staying as close as possible that they didn’t even realize their bodies were slowly becoming more and more stuck together.
Josh’s chest began merging into David’s back. David’s ass merged further into Josh’s pelvis as even the jock’s balls became stuck to David’s taint. Even Josh’s hands which were still wrapped around David’s body gradually sank in.
But the camera caught it all.
It was hard for it to pick up on the small details at first but it soon became clear even on video that the couple was slowly sinking more and more into one another’s bodies. But even so, their moans only grew.
As their bodies became intertwined, so did their sensations.
Josh began to feel the writhing pleasure of David’s cock as it bucked below them as well as the sensation of being filled by his own dick. And David started to feel as though he were fucking his own ass!
They shared every little sensation. Perceiving everything the other felt and more! It was far beyond anything they’d felt before. Almost otherworldly!
From the camera’s point of view, it looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.
It soon became clear that their bodies weren’t just becoming stuck together as their legs finally sunk into one another completely leaving behind just one pair of large muscular legs between them.
They were merging!
Josh’s cock was absorbed and added on to David’s length, making their new shared cock thicker and longer to the point where it exceeded both of their former manhoods with a girthy shaft that sat at an impressive 9 inches.
At the same time, David’s ass was absorbed as well, adding to Josh’s already thick butt and giving them a bigger rounder jock butt to share.
By this point, everything below their waist had become one and they knew it. Both men moaned about how great it felt to share one pair of longer buffer legs and a giant cock.
Now instead of Josh humping David, they were humping the bed sheets below them together.
Josh’s arms that’d been wrapped around David’s torso soon disappeared inside and their mass was redistributed towards David’s skinny arms. They could both feel it as their now shared arms grew thicker with muscle. All of Josh’s hard-earned size combined with whatever small amount of muscle David had to create two huge powerful arms for them to share and flex together.
At the same time, their torsos were pulled closer and closer together until they finally became one. They shared a pair of large juicy pecs and cobbled abs between them along with a wide back and massive boulder-like shoulders! Their entire body having combined into one hunky form with the only thing left being their heads.
The pair continued to fill the room with their moans but as they did, their voices started getting mixed up! It sounded as though Josh’s deep voice was coming from David’s mouth and vice versa.
But they didn’t care. As far as they were concerned they shared everything now.
Josh let out one last guttural groan before pressing his face against the back of David’s head and allowing it to sink inside. In doing so David’s face then began to twist and contort as his features started to mix with Josh’s, slowly becoming a perfect balance between the two as even their voices merged into one.
All until there was nothing left of the two individual men. Only one who represented them both.
Feeling that they were finally complete, they let out a joyous roar of pleasure. Finally having become the embodiment of their desires! A feeling so incredible that they couldn’t help blowing the fastest load of their lives together all over the sheets below and onto their stomach. Their massive new dick shooting jets of their new potent seed. So much so that they ended up passing out face down on the bed in a pool of their cum…
It wouldn’t be until they woke up the next morning that they’d get a chance to see their new combined self in the mirror for the first time
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Trevor wanted to be embarrassed. Who wouldn’t be!?
This interviewer had pretty much just watched a porn video of his two former selves fucking before merging to become Trevor!
He should’ve been mortified and yet, thanks to Wavell’s calming and erotic aura, Trevor had found himself plunging a hand into his shorts and jerking his massive meat.
“I promise I don’t remember *any* of that Mr Wavell…” Trevor pleaded as he jerked. “All I remember is that we both went to sleep in our beds and when we woke up… I was me.”
His mind rewound to yesterday morning when he’d first awoken as Trevor. Face down on Josh’s bed with a puddle of half-dried cum beneath him. Now he knew why.
Wavell put a hand on Trevor’s shoulder and smiled. “I believe you. Sometimes a transformation like that can be so intense that you don’t even remember it happening.” He then nodded towards the video. “Case and point.”
The warlock then closed up the laptop and moved it off the side, once again revealing the bulge in his suit pants after watching such a hot merge unfold. “It’s a shame though. Looks like you really enjoyed yourselves.” He smirked, groping his crotch a little.
Trevor was so enthralled by Wavell’s mere presence alone that it overpowered his desire to question the man. He didn’t care that this interviewer was getting just as horny as he was after watching that video or that he seemed to be strangely familiar with what happened to Trevor.
None of it mattered right now.
“So Trevor. I can’t help but notice you’re struggling to unify yourself.” Wavell began, rubbing a hand along the nerd-jock hybrid’s thick pecs. “You can’t speak as one yet. You need to take turns controlling your form.”
“Y-yes! It’s like… playing a single-player game where we have to keep passing the controller back and forth.” Trevor confirmed, bouncing his pecs absentmindedly as Wavell rubbed them. “Kinda like our bodies are one but… our brains are separate?” He was confused about his figure of speech as well.
“That’s an apt description. Usually, when a merge like this occurs it can take some time before the two separate minds can work as a single unit.” Wavell started with a hopeful tone and gave him a reassuring smile.
“However in time the two of you will be able to share thoughts non-verbally and eventually will be able to control your new body in unison as if you were always one person. Your interests and personalities will slowly meld together until eventually, you’ll just be Trevor. Inside and out.” The warlock nodded at his growing smile, happy that he could truly be one.
“And how long will that take? Days?” Trevor asked with trepidation and excited expectation.
Wavell hummed slightly as his hand drifted beneath Trevor’s shirt and began feeling his abs. “Hmmm more like… months to years.” He shrugged. “But if you want I can speed up the process for you.”
Trevor mulled it over, his two minds discussing their situation.
Of course, they enjoyed having a sense of individuality but it certainly wasn’t efficient. It took them twice as long to make decisions on anything and they were bound to have disagreements over who was in control of their body. In the long run, it was only gonna cause problems for them.
That said, they decided it’d probably be better if they became one sooner rather than later. “Let’s do it then. Speed me up. Make us whole.”
“Alright then. But first, I think I should introduce you to someone…” Wavell smirked before standing and closing his eyes.
There was a moment of silence as Trevor watched on curiously. But the silence was swiftly broken by Wavell letting out a roar before bursting out of his tailored suit with a sudden growth of gigantic muscle.
His biceps and thighs, pecs, and back all ripping the suit to shreds before the material began reshaping itself into more comfortable gym wear.
Following that, Wavell’s silver hair was replaced by a ginger-blonde color while his face grew younger and more jock-like until his transformation was finally complete.
“Ahhhh that’s better… nice and huge. I haven’t been out to play since I threw that damn Homo-bomb.” Kyle Wavell commented while rolling his neck a little before flexing.
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Trevor was too stunned to speak. So far he’d just been going along with everything but this was something else! That hot middle-aged interviewer just transformed into a jock before his very eyes!
Yet as insane as it was, his cock couldn’t help drooling pre-cum at the sight and making a wet patch in his shorts.
Seeing this Wavell grinned cockily. “Don’t worry big man. A lot of people who see this side of me have that reaction.”
He stood over Trevor, looking down at him past his huge pecs. “I thought I’d show you that you’re not the only one to have more than one person inside them.”
Trevor’s eyes widened. “You mean… you’re a merge? Like me??” He couldn’t even think of the fact that this jock was the cause.
“Well… not exactly. I work more as a hive-mind I guess. It’s not as strange as it sounds though.”
He tapped the side of his head. “There is only one mind in charge that makes decisions and controls this body and that’s yours truly, Wavell. However, I’ve absorbed two other dudes into myself and it’s their bodies that I use.” He made a number two with his fingers. “For example right now I’m tapping into Kyle. Using his young meathead body while also drawing on his personality all while the real Kyle is still buried deep inside me. The same goes for Chris, the version of me you’d been talking to up until now. They’re both just parts of me now that I can use whenever I please.” He explained with a smirk, closing one finger for each persona he described.
“Do they… like it?” Trevor questioned, somewhat nervously.
Wavell laughed. “They might not have been willing at first but as soon as they were a part of me they realized how much of a privilege it is bro. Being able to bathe in the vast ocean of magic for the rest of their lives. For them being a part of me is like having a constant never-ending orgasm. Sometimes I’ll even check in on them to find them making out and fucking.”
Wavell shuffled back onto the couch, sitting his huge frame on Trevor’s lap and rubbing his big muscle ass against Trevor’s bulge. “So yeah. They like it.”
Trevor gulped.
By this point, he hardly knew what he was hearing. All he knew was that this guy was anything but an ordinary interviewer.
Before he could do or say anything else, however, he felt this new hunk’s lips being pressed against his own. Kissing him long and deep. In an instant all of his doubts and worries about what or who the hell Wavell was melted away into nothing.
“So. How about we get you fully melded together bro,” Wavell stated, breaking the kiss. “This is gonna be hot as fuck.”
He rolled his ass over Trevor’s crotch, teasing him a little more, before finally standing back up and whipping out his cock. It was fat, heavy, and intimidating just like Trevor’s. “Now the way this is gonna work is you’re gonna suck me off until I bust down that gorgeous throat of yours. From there my magic cum will take care of the rest.”
It sounded like some kind of perverted prank yet as Wavell slowly edged his thick cock closer to Trevor’s mouth, the merged hunk couldn’t help but believe the mysterious man before wrapping his lips around the tip.
Wavell let out a satisfied grunt as the merged adonis began slowly taking more and more of the cock in his mouth, allowing it to slide in, inch by inch. All the while sucking and lapping up any precum he could get from the warlock. That delicious saltiness slowly drove him mad with lust.
Since the moment Wavell showed up at his doorstep, the thought of sucking the silver daddy’s cock had been lurking in the back of his mind and now that Wavell had become this hulking jock, that desire had bubbled over completely.
Truth be told Josh was never very good at sucking dick. He tried of course but they always knew David was the master when it came to dick-sucking. Hence David took control over Trevor for this part. Putting to use all the cock sucking skills he’d learned over the years.
He took as much of Wavell’s fat rod as he could before running his tongue along the shaft and suctioning the tip only to deep throat it again moments later.
Going through all the motions to service Wavell’s cock as best he could. Even stopping from time to time so he could suck on the warlock’s balls a little before returning to the leaking dick above.
“Mmmm yeah. Good boy.” Wavell grunted while rubbing Trevor’s head.
This went on for a good while as Trevor soon wrapped his hands around Wavell’s waist to keep him from moving, not the warlock planned on going anywhere.
The pair were completely oblivious to the time. Trevor was simply sucking away happily in an attempt to drain the fat balls before him and before long 20 minutes had flown by without them even realizing it!? He must’ve been more entranced by Wavell’s cock than he thought.
Wavell pounded the back of Trevor’s throat, feeling himself getting close at last. His balls began to churn as Trevor had already blown multiple loads over himself by this point.
Yet as Wavell continued to throat fuck his most recent interviewee, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he’d been having a little too much fun with these interviews.
Hell Chris Wavell had been doing them all up until now, the side of him that was supposed to be more mature and level-headed, and yet still half of the interviews ended with him getting sucked off. Oh well. He was getting the results he wanted so what was the harm?
Before long Trevor let out a long muffled groan as Wavell shot a thick load of cum into his mouth and right away he felt its power going to work.
As he drank the rich ball batter, Trevor could feel his two minds merging. The line between Josh and David was quickly becoming blurred as if Wavell’s cum was the glue sticking them together.
Forging them into one mind. One consciousness.
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Wavell certainly wasn’t lying when he said his magic cum would take care of the rest.
After a few intense moments, Wavell could tell his work was done and slowly pulled his saliva-coated cock out before tucking it away.
Meanwhile, Trevor was silent for a moment, trying to comprehend the change.
He still had all the memories and experiences of both Josh and David but now he felt like his own person. Like all of his thoughts were finally straightforward and linear, not needing to be a decision between two minds.
It was incredible! He felt truly complete at last! He felt… perfect.
“I’ll be honest bro. I could’ve just completed your merge without the face fucking but seeing that video got me so damn riled up!” The hulking warlock admitted.
“To make it up to ya I’ll toss in a freebie and alter your reality to make life easier for you my man.” With that Wavell placed a heavy hand on Trevor’s forehead and focused.
Merging as many aspects of his two former lives as possible. Making it so the world believed Trevor always existed and his sums did not. Giving him a mix of friend groups, giving him one of each parent (Josh’s father and David’s mother) while the other two parents were family friends, keeping Josh’s Sports Studies course as a major while minoring in Physiology on David’s side.
All that and more to perfectly blend the two lives into one. Blending them into Trevor.
“Woah.” Was all Trevor could say as Wavell removed his hand. “I… don’t know what to say…”
He looked down at his hands, finally feeling as though they were his and something he shared with someone else.
“You don’t have to say anything dude. My execution of the Homo-Bomb might’ve been a *tinnny* bit sloppy but if your desire to merge was strong enough to cause my magic to deviate that dramatically then it was probably meant to be.” Wavell gave the merged hunk a wink.
“Besides, this was pretty fun for me. Anomalies like this make it fun. Not to mention I got some pretty good notes!” He glanced over towards the notepad he’d set down before transforming earlier. “Speaking of, I don’t feel like finishing those off. That’s all Chris.”
In an instant, the warlock’s massive muscles began to deflate once again to a still impressive but much more modest size.
His face grew more mature and his hair turned silver once more.
Within moments the dashing Chris Wavell had returned with the gym clothes Kyle had created morphed back into a fitted suit. He straightened his tie a little and smiled. “Well. I suppose my work here is done.”
He grabbed the notepad and checked over the notes he’d made earlier before adding some extra ones. “Interviewing you has been quite the treat Trevor. You’re one of a kind in this little experiment of mine.” He explained while writing.
“I wish I could stay and chat longer with you but there’s still more subjects I must att-“ Wavell was cut off as he was suddenly wrapped up in a big hug.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Trevor exclaimed, holding the warlock tight and even lifting him up off his feet for a moment.
“Oh. Uhmm… you're welcome Trevor.” Wavell responded awkwardly.
It was rare he ever received something like a hug from anyone besides his boyfriend. It was strange but… nice. Though he wasn’t much of a hugging person he just sort of patted Trevor’s back.
Trevor didn’t mind though. Not one bit. He just wanted to show Wavell how grateful he was!
“I feel as though you’ve made me everything I was always meant to be. Everything Josh and David wished they could be!” He continued as he slowly released his grip on the suited man.
“I don’t know exactly what that Homo-Bomb thing is that you were on about but I’m so glad you made it! You’re a hero…” He leaned in and gave Wavell a big kiss on the cheek causing the all-powerful warlock to blush slightly.
“Hero huh?…” Wavell pondered on the word. He’d never really seen himself as a force for good or evil.
Just a force.
But he couldn’t deny how hearing that made his heart flutter just a little.
“Well. It was my pleasure, my dear friend. I hope now you can lead an even more fulfilling life than your former selves did.” He gave Trevor a sincere pat on the shoulder.
“Oh, and I probably shouldn’t have told you about the Homo-Bomb. As far as everyone is concerned, I’m just investigating the event.” Wavell twirled the pen in his fingers and spun it onto his ear.
“Usually I’d erase your memories… but if you can promise to keep it between us then I’ll let you remember.” He smirked with a purpose.
“Of course. I won’t tell a soul.” Trevor confirmed with a big smile.
“Good. Well in that case I’ll be on my way. I might come back to visit sometime though to see how you’re getting on.” Wavell made his way towards the door, Trevor following close behind him. “Oh, and you should probably change those shorts.” He said, turning around and glancing down at the huge wet patch Trevor had from cumming over himself earlier.
With that, the Warlock said his farewell to the new completely merged man and was finally on his way towards his last handful of subjects.
Dane had been doing a good job at interviewing a lot of them so it was going to be fun to compare notes once they were finished. Speaking of, he should probably read over what he got written down…
Trevor Griffin (David and Josh). 21 years of age. College students studying both Physiology and Sports Studies. Two different birthdays converses with himself and has twice the amount of residual magic in his body.
Before the Homo-Bomb he was two people, David and Josh.
They were acquaintances in high school and found themselves forming a romantic connection after moving in together for college.
Quite the surprise since they seemed to be social opposites. They started a relationship shortly after Josh went through a breakup and claim to have been very happy but always found themselves desiring more.
Being envious of the things the other has achieved but in a way that made them feel as though they were parts of the same whole.
Josh wishes he was smarter and David wishes he were buffer and more confident.
These desires seem to have been so strong that they created an anomaly when they were affected by the Homo-Bomb.
Camera footage from Josh’s bedroom shows that, unlike most others who underwent individual changes, they were instead drawn to one another in an extremely intimate way.
David is seen being lured into Josh’s bedroom by the magic where the two of them made love until they started fusing into one being.
That being would be Trevor. A seemingly perfect mix between the two.
Trevor didn’t have any memory of this merge until he was shown the recording. His physical body is perfect however his two minds are not.
On the inside, David and Josh are still separate beings who are struggling to control their shared form.
This is something that likely would resolve itself in time however I decided to help them along and merge their minds myself.
With my help, they’re now a complete fusion with a new reality to go along with it.
That said I’m baffled that the Homo-Bomb would deviate to this degree. I know that I should’ve been more careful and performing such a new and experimental spell as Kyle probably wasn’t the best idea but this case truly goes to show just how unpredictable magic can be when not perfected.
I’ll need to keep this in mind when I next try to perform the Homo-Bomb.
Once again, however, despite them not being my intention, I’m pleased with these results nonetheless.
Seeing such an intelligent hunk such as Trevor be born out of this spell is quite a delight and he seemed to think the same judging by how grateful he was after figuring out I was the one that caused all this. I’ve allowed him to keep his memories for now as long as he keeps all this secret.
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mrwavellswaps · 11 months
Aftermath of the Homo-Bomb (Andrew and Mateo)
(Make sure to read the ➡️ Prologue ⬅️ first!)
Wavell sat across from the happy gay couple who’d gleefully let him into their home. They were practically wrapped around each other on the couch, smiling and giggling as they subtly groped one another. It was as if they were trying to be civil but just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not that Wavell minded, if anything he thought it was cute. It reminded him of the way he was with Dane most of the time. So giddy and happy to be in the other’s company.
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“Sorry uhh… what did you say you were here for?” The man in the red shirt asked with a smile, not remembering why exactly they’d let this stranger into their house.
“Well I was hoping I could ask the pair of you a few questions regarding the strange event that took place in this town recently. From what I know, a vast number of people here have been affected by some otherworldly power and my colleague and I have been gathering data on those who’ve experienced it. So what I wanna know is, have either of you been affected?” Wavell asked but of course he already knew the answer judging by the aura of magic emanating from the couple.
The two men looked at each other and giggled before holding hands. “Ohhh yeah. Big time.” The other man in the black shirt replied. “I still can’t believe it but honestly I think we’re happier than we’ve ever been!” He boasted before leaning in and giving his boyfriend a kiss.
Wavell smiled softly. “It would seem that way.” He watched as the pair stared at one another lovingly, practically undressing themselves with their eyes. “Well I’d be delighted if you could tell me all about it.” He reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out a note pad and pen before waving them about comedically. “My name is Mr Wavell by the way. And you are?…”
The man in the red shirt answered first. “My names Andrea-” He stopped rather suddenly, chuckling a little. “Sorry, I mean Andrew. Andrew Gardener” He corrected.
The other man seemed just as amused by the slip up. “And I’m Mateo Ramos.” He added.
Wavell quickly scribbled down the names of the two men. “Andrew and Mateo. Such wonderful names for an equally handsome couple” he complimented, causing the two men to blush. After which he went through the usual routine of questions. Asking their ages, what they do for work and what types of people they consider themselves to be. He quickly found out that they were both the same age, 28 years old, with Andrew being about 3 months older. As for jobs, Andrew explained how he worked a simple office job not far away while Mateo worked as a model and personal trainer. When asked how they’d describe themselves, Andrew seemed to think of himself as a quiet but hard working and considerate person while Mateo believed himself to be confident, outspoken and always driven towards his next goal. All stuff Wavell seemed happy to write down.
“Now tell me. What’s your story. How did the pair of you get affected by strange event that’s taken hold of this town?” Wavell finally asked, eager to know if these two were your average homo-bomb case of straights gone gay or if one or both of them were somehow anomalies.
Andrew and Mateo gave each other a knowing look look before Andrew decided to speak up. “Well you see, we were actually already a couple before this but we weren’t a gay couple…”
Night of the Homo-Bomb
After a long day of work, Mateo and his girlfriend Andrea had come home at last. Mateo had been fully booked for the day with clients to train at the gym while Andrea had been working non-stop at the office. Needless to say they were both happy to get home and chill out in each other’s company.
As they ate dinner together, Andrea went on to tell Mateo about her day. Telling him about how they’d been considering people for promotions at work recently so she’d been working extra hard to get one. She was already one of the most efficient workers amongst her peers anyway so she was hoping she’d have it in the bag. However for some reason they kept putting the men in her office at the top of the consideration even if they were objectively worse at the job than she was! She loved her colleagues but the blatant sexism her bosses were showing had her wanting to rip her hair out! She couldn’t help wishing she were a man like Mateo, maybe then she wouldn’t be undermined and under appreciated.
Mateo sympathised with his girlfriend. He knew how hard she worked and how she deserved a promotion more than anyone in that office. It was just a shame the higher ups were refusing to see that. All he could was console her while offering her the encouragement to keep being amazing until her bosses were forced to recognise her. Hearing that really seemed to put a smile on Andrea’s face,
Before they knew the couple were falling into bed together that night, kissing and holding each other close. It wasn’t long before they were fully nude and engaging in a little foreplay before Mateo got his cock lined up with Andrea’s entrance. The room filled with lustful moans as he made the plunge inside. Little did the two of them know, this was the last time they’d ever get to experience this type of sex…
Once both parties were satisfied they got themselves cleaned up and rolled back into bed, now completely exhausted. It wasn’t long before both Andrea and Mateo found themselves steadily drifting off to sleep and as Andrea's eyes fluttered shut, she couldn’t help wondering if her life would’ve been easier had she just been born a man instead.
Soon after the couple were fast asleep and holding one another close. Mateo’s large manly body pressed against Andrea’s smaller feminine one. Little were they aware however that a certain warlock and his dashing boyfriend were hovering above the town as they slept. Not long after that very same warlock unleashed a magic explosion on the town of which he deemed ‘The Homo-Bomb’. A powerful mass of magical energy designed to explode into a mist turning any straight man within its radius completely gay. And that’s exactly what it set out to do.
The purple mist surged across town, infecting many a man in its wake with its power and changing them for the better as the warlock deemed it. Naturally it didn’t take the magical fog very long to seep its way into Mateo and Andrea’s bedroom as well.
As expected the fog surged into Mateo’s body first after swiftly identifying him as a straight man. Pushing inside his muscular body through any entrance it could find. His mouth, his nose… his asshole. Infiltrating his body as efficiently as possible. Immediately his cock jumped up, hard as a rock once again, as the magic began twisting his desires. Any attraction he would’ve had towards women was morphed into an attraction to men. Filling his head with desires for big pecs, muscle butts and fat cocks. Not stopping until Mateo was completely and utterly homosexual with his current dream turning to that of a sex dream with all kinds of hunks surrounding and fucking him.
Normally the mist wouldn’t have a reason to stick around. The only other person in the house was Andrea and the warlock hadn’t programmed it to do anything women. Yet for some reason the magical fog was drawn towards her as well as it connected with her thoughts. Her wish to be a man. And so the fog did something it wasn’t programmed to do and entered the body of a straight woman…
Like Mateo, the mist coursed into her from every entrance it could until her body was filled with enough magic to begin some kind of transformation. Andrea couldn’t help tossing and turning as her body lit up with pleasure just as her boyfriends had before. Only it wasn’t her sexual desires that were going to change, it was her body.
Strangely enough the transformation began with her head. The likes of her long blonde hair receding significantly into a shorter, cropped cut before darkening to a brown hue. The soft shape of her face began to fade in favour of a sharper look that was most visible in her chin and jawline as they grew wider and more pronounced. Her eyes on the other hand became less feminine and more deepest while her eyebrows thickened and her nose broadened. Even her somewhat thin lips from before found themselves plumping up into lips that anyone would be lucky to kiss, only now they were being surrounded by a thick stubble that’d quickly sprouted across her face. As the last of her features readjusted themselves, Andrea’s head had transformed completely into that of a man. An odd contrast to her still womanly body for sure. But it wouldn’t remain that way for long.
Once she had the face of a man, the transformation spread further down her body starting with her neck. It thickened quite noticeably as a lump in her throat made itself visible. Almost immediately her feminine moans turned to masculine grunts due to the sudden dropping of her vocal cords until it settled on a much deep commanding resonance.
Those same masculine groans would only continue to be heard as Andrea’s traps and shoulders began to bulge. Growing thicker and broader alongside her upper back. Already she was gaining that wide upper body shape that most men strived for which only looked more impressive as her chest started to develop. Her modest breasts shrunk down to almost nothing while her nipples became far less pronounced. Her chest didn’t stay small for longer however as moments after it began growing again, only this time with powerful muscle. Swelling into two powerful pecs that would demand attention from anyone that laid eyes on them. Looking like swollen pillows of muscle you could fall asleep on that could become hard as a rock with a single flex. While her waist reformed into a more masculine shape, her arms were already well on their way as well.
After her back and shoulders had grown to such a wide degree with powerful muscle, her still dainty arms and hands looked very strange. However they wouldn’t look out of place for long as veins ran along them, thick and pulsing. She grumbled in her sleep as her arms began pumping themselves up, her tiny hands growing into meaty calloused mits that were made for picking up heavy weights at the gym. All the while, biceps and triceps burgeoning with new size and muscle, gaining the kind of explosive strength Andrea could only have dreamed of! Soon enough her biceps and forearms were almost as big as her boyfriends, so thick and juicy. She could probably curl at least four times the weight she could before, maybe even more! With massive guns like those anyone would think twice before messing with her now, lest they want a taste of just how powerful her manly arms were.
With that Andrea’s whole upper half was all man. Huge back, giant arms, massive pecs. She was already becoming quite the specimen but of course her transformation wasn’t done just yet with her lower half still looking incredibly feminine. But that would be fixed soon enough.
The next target on the magic’s hit list was Andrea’s ass. She’d never been all that gifted in the rear area having always had a rather small butt. Or at least she did until now. When the transformation spread to her backside she couldn’t help clenching her ass tight while it changed. Before long it lost its feminine in favour of a more masculine form. But that wasn’t all as even after obtaining a man’s butt, it decided to grow like the rest of her body had so far. Fattening with muscle that caused her body to rise up a little until she finally adorned the kind of big round bubble butt you’d normally see on pro football players. Seems like she’d have to deal with people always wanting to walk behind her from now on just to watch her thick man butt jiggle with every step.
But with that one of the biggest changes was finally on the horizon. Andrea couldn’t help letting out a deep murmur in her sleep as her ovaries began twisting and pulling inside her. It was as if someone had stuck their hands inside her and was trying to pull them out somehow… and they succeeded. On their journey down her ovaries had morphed into a fat pair of testicles, protected by a large ball sack that’d pushed its way out and now sat comfortably between her legs as her pussy quickly began sealing up behind it. Just before it could finish however, a small fleshy tip pressed its way through. The small sensitive piece of flesh soon found itself growing at an alarming speed until it was fully recognisable as none other than a fat cock. It flopped and bucked around between Andrea’s legs as it proceeded to grow to its full soft length of five inches before continuing to grow via an erection. The bedsheets soon began to tent as her cock grew harder and harder by the second until it reached its full length of seven and a half inches with some hefty girth to go with it. For most men having a dick that big would be considered a dream come true on its own, not to mention the cum factory that was her fat bull nuts already churning plenty of semen.
With Andrea’s new manhood already locked and loaded, there was only one part of her body left. Her legs. And the very first thing they did upon begging touched by the magic was lengthen, increasing her height substantially. Her torso had already stretched taller whilst it was packing on muscle earlier so her total height by now must’ve been around 6’2, much greater than her former 5’7. But of course it wouldn’t stop there. Andrea couldn’t stop herself from mindlessly bucking her hips in her sleep, rubbing her erection against the bedsheets while her legs began to bulk up. Quads and hamstrings, all the muscles that made up her thighs, flexing involuntarily as with every flex they packed on more and more muscle. Becoming thicker by the second to help give her new balls plenty of protection. It was a good thing she slept naked as any underwear she’d have been wearing would’ve been easily torn apart by thighs as massive as hers were now. The kind of muscle thighs most people would beg to have their head between just so they can be pressed between their thickness and feel their power wrapping them up. Thankfully her calves also received a similar treatment, bulking up considerably with new mass which served to help round out her manly body. All that was left was for her dainty feet to expand and that’s exactly what they did, growing into huge size 13 men’s feet. There’s no way she’d be able to walk into a room from now on without someone noticing her thunderous footsteps.
With that a few final touches spread their way across Andrea’s body. Most notably a light dusting of body hair that covered her chest and legs to give her that extra sense of masculinity. And with Andrea’s transformation came to close with the magic believing it’d done its job in creating another homosexual man. Yet she still refused to wake from her deep slumber, instead beginning to toss and turn in bed with her hard cock bouncing all over the place until finally she found herself spooning Mateo. A small lustful grin spread across her face as she managed to slide her cock between her boyfriend's ass cheeks before subconsciously thrusting her cock back and forth between them. With how pumped she was already after such a transformation, it didn’t take long before Andrea was already blowing her first load all over Mateo’s back with a dumb satisfied smile all over her manly face.
The couple would certainly have quite the surprise waiting for them when they woke up the next morning…
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“So you’re telling me that you went to sleep as a happy straight couple and by the time you woke up, Andrea had become Andrew and Mateo suddenly found he was into men now instead?” Wavell clarified while making notes.
“That’s pretty much it. Everything was normal when we went to bed but when we woke up, this is how things were.” Mateo confirmed, looking over at his once girlfriend now turned handsome boyfriend.
“I don’t even remember turning into a man honestly.” Andrew admitted as he ran a hand down his muscled torso. “I guess I slept through it somehow because when I woke up I was already a total hunk! I’m even wearing some of Mateo’s clothes because there was no way in hell any of mine were gonna fit.”
Wavell nodded. “Well I have to say this is certainly interesting. Mateo, you seem to have been affected in the same way as most other men in town. By far the most common theme has been straight men somehow turning gay.” He then turned to Andrew. “You on the other hand are much a different case. For a start hardly any women in town were affected at all so the fact that you were is already an anomaly. But unlike most men, you didn’t experience a change in sexuality but rather a physical transformation! I’ve come across a few others who’ve undergone things like muscle growth, age progression and more but you’re the first one I’ve seen to undergo a complete sex change from woman to man! It’s both incredible and perplexing…”
Andrew smiled. “Oh it’s definitely incredible alright.” He flexed a bicep before giving one of his pecs a squeeze through his shirt. “Being a man feels better than I could ever have imagined! Before I always felt weak and frail but now I’m just so huge and powerful! It’s fucking great! I can practically feel the testosterone flowing through me! Honestly I don’t even care how it happened, I’m just grateful that it did because I never want to go back!” He claimed boldly as one of his hands slid down towards his crotch before giving it a hefty squeeze. “I don’t have to deal with boobs, periods or getting pregnant anymore. Plus now that I’ve got this manly body and a dick between my legs, I can finally see what all this male privilege stuff is about!” He smirked. “Once everyone at work sees how I’ve changed, maybe those sexist old men at the top will finally consider me for a promotion now that I’ve got a pair of balls in my pants.”
Wavell seemed rather amused by the former woman’s response. “So I take it you’re happy with your new body Andrew?” He chuckled. “That said, might I ask what your favourite part of it is?”
Andrew thought about it for a moment, looking down at himself. “God I don’t know. There’s so many things I love about it. My deep new voice is one. I just love how masculine it sounds. My pecs feel amazing as well. One of the first things I did after waking up was trying to bounce them and I got the hang of it pretty quick.” He flexed his pecs a little through his shirt gleefully. “But fuck these arms feel amazing. The way my biceps bulge anytime I move them is just intoxicating. They’re just so massive and flexing them makes me feel like I'm invincible! Honestly I could go on about every part of my body but I’ve gotta say, as predictable as it sounds, I think my favourite part has got to be this new cock.” He admitted as the very manhood he spoke of began chubbing up a little in his pants. “I was a little nervous to touch it at first because it was so weird and different from what I’m used to but after I got in the shower for the first time, I couldn’t help touching it. It’s crazy how it can go from being so soft and floppy to hard and firm at just the slightest stimulation. And I have to admit, cradling my balls felt pretty good as well.” His face went a little red, feeling as though he might’ve overshared a little.
“Well I’m glad to hear you seem so comfortable with your new body already. Not everyone would adjust to such a change so fast.” Wavell shifted a little in his seat, trying to hide his own erection slowly growing in his suit pants “Now this next question might seem a tad personal but I’m curious to know, have you masturbated or had sex since your change Andrew?”
The new man blushed a little. He might’ve been openly grabbing his crotch a moment ago but a question like that had certainly caught him a little off guard. And yet for some reason he almost felt compelled to give this man an answer. “Well I… might’ve touched my dick a little too much while I was in the shower. It just felt so good, you know. Having a cock is so different to a vagina. It’s like once it gets hard it’s nearly impossible to ignore. I just kept touching and stroking it until… I came.” He reflected back on the memory, remembering just how incredible it’d felt when his dick spasmed and released ropes of hot cum all over the shower wall. “I also think I came in my sleep after becoming a man. When we woke up I was spooning Mateo and he said his back felt all sticky…”
“So you’ve experienced a male orgasm but… you haven’t tried gay sex is that right?”
Before Andrew could answer, Mateo chirped in. “No we haven’t. We thought about it a lot after waking up that morning but I’ve never had sex with a man before and Andrew has never had sex as a man before so the thought of it has been sort of intimidating for the both of us. It feels like we’re virgins all over again.”
“Ahhhh I see. So what you’re saying is you want to have sex but the idea of having sex as two men scares you. I can understand that. Sometimes new and unfamiliar things can be scary but don’t worry, I can help you with it.” Wavell got up from his chair and made his way over to the couple across from him.
“Wait, what do you mea-” Andrew was cut off as Wavell placed a glowing hand on both his and Mateo’s head. Their eyes began to glow a bright purple just like Wavell’s as the warlock's magic surged into them. Suddenly their brains began to swarm with a mass of brand new knowledge on gay sex. It was as if every trick in the book for two men to pleasure one another was suddenly revealed to them. At the same time Wavell made sure to elevate their libido’s to an almost unbearable level, causing both men to groan out as their cocks shot up to full length and bulged against their pants in an obscene and uncontrollable fashion.
With that Wavell took a step back, releasing them from his magic. “So boys? How do you feel now?” He asked, smirking inwardly as he watched the two hunks struggling to comprehend what the magical being before them had just done.
“I… I feel…” Andrew struggled to get a word out as his cock bucked as it strained against his pants, demanding attention. “I… feel like… I need… TO FUCK!” He shouted as thoughts of nothing but sex, dick and ass clouded his mind.
“Mmmmmm god… me too! Need to FUUUCKK!!” Grumbled Mateo who was having a similar issue of not being able to think of anything that wasn’t related to sex as he groped his rock hard cock through his pants. In an instant Mateo jumped on top of Andrew, grinning down at him lustfully as his boyfriend returned the same look. Their faces slowly drifted closer and closer as the gap between them shrunk until it closed at last with the touching of their lips. Touching softly as kissed gingerly at first but quickly their desire for one another began cracking up the intensity.
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In no time the couple had jumped up from the sofa and began making out with a fiery passion. It was clear Andrew was now the taller of the two, standing a good 2 inches taller than Mateo, which was ironic considering how short he once was. As they kissed feverishly, they held each other as close as possible until the only thing separating their muscled bodies was a few layers of thin clothing. But of course that didn’t stop them from rubbing their crotches like such hot dogs as they both kept at least one hand firmly grasped on the other’s ass.
“Mmmmm… I’m gonna pound your tight fucking ass so hard with my dick.” Andrew claimed between kisses as he reached down to unbuckle his pants. Mateo in turn followed his lead and within seconds the two men allowed their throbbing cocks to flop out into the open. Andrew couldn’t help but grin maliciously as the difference between the cock sizes became painfully clear. Mateo had a rather average dick that sat around a respectable 5.5 inches hard with decent thickness. Andrews however was a whole other beast as it’d grown to a monstrous 8 or more inches with girth so thick it was bound to make anyone scream. “Guess I’m the man of the house now huh?” Andrew teased while smacking his giant dick against his boyfriend’s smaller one, causing Mateo’s face to go red as he couldn’t believe the man that used to be his girlfriend had a dick so much bigger than his! Yet at the same time he couldn’t help finding it so damn hot..,
Without another second to think, Andrew gripped the waist of Mateo’s pants and yanked them down to his knees. “Kick them off and show me your ass.” Andrew demanded like the powerful man he now was. Naturally Mateo obeyed, tossing his pants and underwear to the side before turning around and crawling onto the couch. Back arched and ass up in the air, ready to be serviced. “Fuuuck yeah that’s perfect…” Andrew grunted as he knelt down, mesmerised by the sight of his lover’s thick fuzzy ass. His face slowly drew closer to the two hairy globes until finally he pressed his face between them, finding himself in heaven as he did. After that it didn’t take long for Andrew to put some of his new knowledge to good use as he started eating out Mateo’s ass like a porn star. Digging his tongue in deep and tasting the inside of his boyfriends tight virgin hole. “Mmmphh mmmphhhh fuck… I never knew mmph… how amazing it is to eat ass! mmmmmph!”
Once Mateo’s hole was finally prepped, Andrew was eventually able to find the strength to pull his head out of the other man’s hairy ass despite wishing he could just stay there forever. Instead he got back up onto his feet before stripping off, throwing his clothes across the room. Soon enough Andrew stood naked in all his male glory with his fat monster dick standing at full attention. Not wanting to waste any time however, Andrew shuffled forwards a little before rubbing the tip of his dick against Mateo’s hungry hole. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He was going to penetrate another person. Something he’d never imagined being able to do. Andrew always thought he was destined to be the one getting penetrated. But now, as a thick veiny cock throbbed between his legs, he finally had the chance to be the one doing the thrusting!
With a hungry grin Andrew just couldn’t contain his lust any longer. Without a second of warning, he pressed the fat head of his cock inside Mateo’s ass causing the former straight man to bellow in a mix of pain and pleasure. That initial feeling of pressing his cock inside another person set off fireworks in Andrew’s brain. Without even thinking he lost all self control and slammed his entire 8+ incher inside his boyfriend's tight hole causing Mateo to scream a flurry of swears due to the almost unbearable feeling of having such a giant rod stuffed inside him all at once. However he was soon silenced as on instinct Andrew reached around and covered Mateo’s mouth, muffling his pained cursing.
“Be quiet and take daddy’s dick bitch.” Andrew blurted out as he slowly but surely began to pump his cock back and forth, starting with a gentle rhythm. “It might hurt now but you’ll learn to love it you little cock slut.” The dirty talk came to him so naturally like an instinct. “Fuck I love being a man…” he muttered to himself under his breath.
As this went on, Wavell was still very much present and sat in the chair across from the pair of horny men. He couldn’t help whipping out his dick and stroking it a little as he watched Andrew slowly move his hips back and forth while he found his footing. He knew he should probably stop interfering with his subjects but it was just too damn fun!
Gradually Andrew began to pick up the pace, ass clenching a little with every thrust as he got faster and faster. “Fuck fuck fuck! Mmmm yeah! I’m the only the fucks around here from now on! You got that!?” He proclaimed in a lustful haze.
“Y-yes sir… nnnrgg…” Mateo just about managed to grunt out, his asshole feeling as though it was on fire from the sudden invasion. Andrew’s giant fucking dick hurt so fucking much… So why the hell was he actually kinda enjoying it?
“Good boy.” Andrew gave Mateo’s ass hearty smack that left a red mark before gripping Mateo’s hips and drilling his cock into the hole with even more aggression than before. Thrusting back and forth in a way that almost seemed primal. Like Andrew wanted nothing more than to breed his boyfriend’s ass. “That’s it! Your thick muscle ass belongs to me now! Don’t you forget it!” He groaned while burying himself to the hilt, balls pressing against Mateo's aforementioned muscle ass.
All Mateo could do was agree and comply with everything Andrew said as if being speared on that giant dick was somehow hypnotising him into doing so. He used to be the dominant one in their relationship but now he was being pinned down and fucked into a oblivion like a submissive slut.
Neither of them knew exactly how long they fucked for. They were so horny they completely lost track of time. For Andrew all he cared about was breeding boyfriends hot ass to the point where he was jackhammering into it with such speed and strength that the decorations and furniture around the room began to shake and creek. Books and ornaments began falling off shelves and onto the floor but that wasn’t about to stop Andrew. He had one goal and one goal only and that was to fuck. He moaned out, plowing that ass with everything he had until finally his balls began to churn. “NEED TO… BREED… ASS… NRRGHHAAAAHHHHH!!!” Andrew let out the most animalistic roar of his life, the deep bass of his voice reverberating through the entire house as finally he busted a load. His fat dick practically flooding Mateo’s hole with how much cum his balls had produced.
After a couple minutes of cooling down Andrew carefully extracted his softening cock from Mateo’s backside, allowing a pool of cum to spill out from the hole as he did. “Now that was some of the best sex of my fucking life… dudes have it soooo much fucking better.” He commented while giving Mateo’s butt a playful pat. “No wonder you guys always wanna fuck like rabbits.”
Mateo could hardly even respond. His asshole was throbbing from the pain of being stretched so wide by Andrew’s dick while his own cock was still hard as a rock and ready to blow any second!
Seeing this, Andrew leaned down and planted a few kisses along the back of Mateo’s neck. “Awww I’m sorry baby. I know I got a little carried away. I thought you were exaggerating when you said dicks have minds of their own but I could barely control this thing.” Andrew smacked his soft cock, slick with cum, against Mateo’s ass cheeks a few times. “I meant what I said though…” he continued as he got up from the couch and walked around until his soft yet still fat cock was right in front of Mateo’s eyes. “From now on I’m the one that gives dick and you’re the one that takes it. Got that?” He smacked Mateo’s face with his dick a few times in a display of his new manly dominance.
“B-but Andrew… your butt… it’s so big and juicy now. You’ve gotta… let me have a go at it.” Mateo whined between heavy breaths while Andrew continued to lather his face with cum.
Andrew glanced over his shoulder at his huge new bubble ass and shrugged. “Yeah, I suppose you’ve got a point. It would be a waste to not use this thing huh?” He agreed before turning around so that his fat muscle ass was right in Mateo’s face. “Fine. If you’re good and do everything daddy says then I might let you have a go at my ass from time to time.” He didn’t even give Mateo a chance to respond before grabbing the back of his head and pressing it between his colossal ass cheeks, smothering his newly submissive boyfriend between them. Moments later he heard a deep muffled moan come from Mateo as he finally blew a fat load.
“Well that was certainly a wonderful performance, you two.” The sound of Wavell’s voice made both Andrew and Mateo jump. Somehow they’d been completely oblivious to the man’s presence this whole time. How the hell could they have forgotten he was there. It was as if he’d been invisible to them somehow. Not only that but he now seemed to be tucking his dick away as his suit was soaked in a cum. “I have to thank you for the entertainment but it would seem I’ve got everything I need so…” He waved a hand and suddenly his clothes were clean again. “I shall bid you farewell.”
The warlock got up from his chair once again before outstretching a hand towards Andrew to which the man cautiously shook it. “I hope you enjoy your new life as a big dicked man. Judging by how you just dominated your boyfriend, I’d say you were born for it” he complimented. “And as for you Mateo, just do everything Andrew tells you to do. Before long your asshole will be begging for his dick. Trust me.” He patted the other man on the back. “And remember everything that happened here today stays between us.” Wavell’s eyes glinted that familiar violet. Andrew and Mateo didn’t question the man. Simply nodding and agreeing with him.
With that done, Wavell left the newly gay couple to clean themselves up so they could get back to sorting out their new lives. It was mainly Andrew who’d have to go through the headache of changing a bunch of legal documents and what not so, as one final favour, Wavell did a tiny bit of reality bending that would take care of it all. It was the least he could do after his experiment was what had caused all this.
As he made his way towards the next person he needed to interview, Wavell skimmed over the notes he had for both men.
Andrew Gardener (formerly Andrea Gardener). 28 years old. In a relationship with Mateo Ramos. Works an office job. Believes himself to be hardworking and considerate while also being a quiet person around others though his interview seemed to suggest otherwise. Prior to homo-bomb he was a heterosexual female who’d apparently been yearning to know what it felt like to be a man. This desire may have triggered some sort of abnormal reaction with the homo-bomb as instead of ignoring her, the homo-bomb transformed her completely into a tall muscular man with functional male genitals. Despite such an intense physical transformation, the subject doesn’t seem to be distressed or upset about it. Instead he seems to have adjusted to his new body rather quickly and seems eager to explore it and the benefits it may come with. He didn’t have much issue exploring a male orgasm once alone in the shower; however he was nervous to undergo sex for the first time as a man. Due to this I took it upon myself to bless him with all the knowledge and experience of gay sex he’d ever need while cracking up his sex drive. He naturally slipped into a more dominant role with his partner Mateo, partially due to his significantly above average penis and testicles. In conclusion Andrew is without a shadow of a doubt an anomaly. The homo-bomb was never intended to affect women whatsoever so the fact that it did shows that the spell itself still has lots of perfecting to do. That said, I can't say I’m not pleased with the results. Not to mention the subject seems happier than ever now with his new body.
Mateo Ramos. 28 years old. In a relationship with Andrew Gardener. Works as a model and personal trainer. Believes himself to be confident, outspoken and driven to which I can’t attest. Unlike his now boyfriend, Mateo does not seem to be an anomaly. Prior to the homo-bomb he described himself as a heterosexual man but now he seems to be completely homosexual. The subject didn’t detail to me any other changes either mental or physical that would suggest he was affected in an abnormal way. Similar to his boyfriend however, he did feel some anxiety about having gay sex for the first time so I took the liberty of giving him knowledge and experience in gay sex also. With a quick amp to his libido as well, he and his boyfriend were all over each other. Once Andrew displayed a dominant nature and his larger penis, Mateo seemed quick to accept a more submissive role. In conclusion I can confidently say Mateo has been affected by the homo-bomb in the intended way.
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“Looks good to me.” Wavell muttered while walking up the steps to a different house, sensing another homo-bomb affected individual inside. “So… who have we got next?”
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580 notes · View notes
daddygymrat · 1 year
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63 notes · View notes
sjw-publishings · 2 years
No Homo Bruh
A mini sequel to Stay Straight Babe
“Love you Babe~”
Robin Prescott kissed his boyfriend Brendan Gaye. The two lovers were glad to live together during this isolation period, as they embraced each other lovingly without the need for restraint.
Robin was the more ‘less flamboyant’ of the couple. Dressed in a plain shirt and sweatpants, pretty casual brunette next door kind of look, always dominating his boyfriend...though sometimes he does wish for the opposite to happen...
Brendan, well his pink tank top and booty jeans shorts. Honey, that fabulous pink hair screams ‘I have a boyfriend’ anytime of the day. Lips painted cherry red, and makeup that his boyfriend ironically always get entranced with...ah well, easier for his lover to follow his instructions. Maybe one day he could somehow convince Robin to act more desperate and hunkier? Hahaha! Yeah right!
Though it is kinda stressful coming up ways to be sassy. But hey, what he lacks in muscle, he’s got his Wit! And speaking of Wit!
“Get yourself prepared, its going to be a cat fight! Hehe~!”
Brendan strutted to his room, giving a couple of winks to his boyfriend before shutting the door. They needed to be prepared...for the most exotic time of their lives...
“Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten too much of those delicacies...”
But of course, speaking of exotic. They had just finished some overseas Asian delicacies advertised to be nearby where they lived. The orders came earlier and both lovers feasted on it like the best thing they ever had in their lives.
No idea why it was so good...but they probably shouldn’t have overate...
Lifting up his shirt, Robin felt the rough grooves and rumbling from below. Hot salsa like the special chilli that he just can’t get enough of! But mmm, despite the rumbling...he only thought of the delicious exotic delicacies from earlier.
Rubbing his abdominals, its almost as if the food was a huge ‘ON’ as those Abs clenched in delight, taking on a dark tanned hue as the spicy hot peppers rose up six pillars of muscle below, shifting belly rubs to admiration as he...really worked hard on those, didn’t he?
The rumbling...somehow went upward? Inaudible growling as he felt the spice pressing against his flat chest. Pumping firm air like a hot air balloon, as he rubbed and...
He tossed away his shirt, giving free reign to his palms to massage those growing balloons. Gotta rub...gotta treat right. Nipples jutting outward with every touch, solidifying two bowling balls like the sport which he always competed with his boyfriend at...
And...came in second. Tch.
But whatever! He was still hot? Both figuratively and literally! Thank God he went shirtless, or the room’s gonna die of heat cause he’s around. Y’know, cause he’s hot. Who said his boyfriend makes all the remarks?
Doing quick back twists on the couch like a warm up. Rotating as the dark tan flowed across his shoulders. Broadening up, widening up, like a real man would, not some Beta.
“Ain’t a Beta...”
Light growls rumbled his vocal chords, twisting his shoulder blades with satisfying waves as his height towered over 6ft 2, smirking as his wide back overtook the sofa.
“Only an alpha...”
Growls continued, as a more aggressive and masculine tone began brewing. Bringing his arms upward, stretching to the ends of the couch selfishly, he had a huge muscular bod, had to display it...specially that hot tan he got from Asia.
Oh man...was Asia great! Met a couple of bros who were just his style. Working out regularly with HUGE GAINS. Flexing his biceps shamelessly, tanned and HOT, like his Bros, though he was hotter of course.
Posing powerfully, getting up the couch and heading to open space, tan spreading downwards with every step. Dropping away the girly swishes in favour of a masculine swagger, with those thick juicy glutes in those sweatpants.
Like a mornin’ routine.
He was a fitness jock, envisioning his firm lips alongside them bicep curls. Man was he delicious. Remembering those sweet chicks spanking his hard butt and complementing him, tracing his bodybuilder muscles with such admiration and...
What...he was Bi?
Yeah...and they were HOT. Nothing wrong with that right? Sides, flirting with that chick on the takeout phone line saved Trobin Prascott tons of bucks considering he just came back from overseas.
He was dating a dude, yeah. But he was a total ladies man through and through. THRUSTing his manhood, he cannot wait until he could start going clubbing again to start pounding some ladies. Dominating a gay guy over and over has been getting boring...
Speaking of gayness...
Giving a couple of firm grabs to his butt, smirking as his hole refused to take in his middle digit. A man like him doesn’t get penetrated, he does the POKING…poking around for more of that take out of course. He was still an alpha, and an alpha’s gotta eat.
Gotta have more...
His mouth hollered instinctively, before tossing the empty food takeout to the trash can. That ‘two-headed snake’, or whatever insult he yelled just now, ate all the rest of the take out.
It was hard enough he was away from Asia and cannot revisit due to work. But that was the last of the takeout. A man’s gotta eat. Fight, Eat, and POUND PUSSEH!
Tossing his body on the couch, spreading his legs wide as he whipped out his manhood and JERK! JERK! JERK! You-FAGGOT YOU CANNOT EAT LIKE SOME-
“Is everything fine hun?”
Responding instantly, disrespecting his boy...boy, his faggot roommate from across the closed door. He doesn’t give two craps to being nice to that Homo, he’s a FAAACKIN muscle man. He ought to act like one.
His mouth continued to splutter foreign vulgarities and insults, which only intensified the throbbing with every forceful tug. Sweatpants darkening into a dark compression, accentuating his frame with the wiggling of his musky, size 16s.
He was such a MAN. Rude and coarse, vocal chords echoing that deep frightening bass that sends shivers down to his enemies while rocking that impenetrable masculinity he knows his ladies love him for.
As for the men interested…WHAT?-
With that hollering command, immediate photos of loving times PUNCHED away into multitude combinations of beautiful babes, self portraits,and overall power and masculinity of wrestling and workout trophies he ever so prides on.
Posing an uncontrollable FLEX, a bodybuilder’s arrogance out of his incredible bod and good looks. Barking out a loud guffaw, his jaw sharpened and squared out as the manly dustings of dark raven facial hair generously coated his chin.
BZZT, like a razor arrogantly trimming off down the slides of his ear, all the way down to his neck. Masculine clean-cut roughness styled the Malaysian-Indian man with a short gelled top and front, a prominent contrast to his loud and boisterous personality. But he loved his style, cause-
Bathed in foreign customs, the man tugged his hard on furiously, nostrils flaring down a quick trail of his moustache lined above his lips, tasting the remnants of that sweet spicy salsa on those thick lips, before flashing those arrogant curry-stained pearly whites.
Brows furrowing with thick dark strips, eyes narrowing in a mixture disgust and cockiness, a Kampung champion like himself ain’t a PANSY and will never be one, how STOOPID do they think he is to ask-
Are you Gay? ARE YOU GAY?
Troy Praveen bellowed a loud Beastly roar, letting out his coconut juices like the MAN he is, a huge messy douchebag…that was what he was….
That’s FAAAACKIN right, he settles fights with his FISTS.
His faggy roommate was in for a FIGHT, and he’s gonna get everything down on camera. And of course, you might be thinkin’, two men wrestling one another is really GAY, how will that impress the chicks?
Brotha…all he gotta say is-
“No Homo Bruh.”
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gingerbredman1989 · 6 months
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Two Bodybuilding Bros out shopping at "Homo Depot"
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fishwithlegsandaheart · 3 months
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