#ive just been calling them angel bites
ollieverwooo · 5 months
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doodles because im so normal about them. exams are today so im about to kin abel's mother
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dizzybizz · 2 months
al lsasints steret 🥺
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i lvoe alll saints stereettttrahghghhhh
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yns-world · 2 years
art imitates life, life imitates art
part ii of the euphoria au!outer banks series
part i part iii part iv
title: art imitates life, life imitates art
pairing: euphoria au!rafe cameron x reader
summary: lexi's interpretation of your relationship with rafe was very...interesting.
words: 2.3k (this is the first long fic i've written in literal years...i'm not even exaggerating either 💀)
warnings: toxic relationship, slight dv, mentions of murder, attempted murder, rafe cameron as his own warning, euphoria craziness
a/n: it makes my heart overflow with so much love and appreciation when i saw everyone's reactions to the first part of euphoria au!rafe 😭😭 i can die a happy woman knowing that someone said that i wrote rafe in a canon way 🕊️
fem reader, racially ambiguous, any size reader
italics = scenes in the play
Y/C/N = Your Character Name
R/C/N = Rafe’s Character Name
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Lexi peeked behind the curtain, astonished at the full auditorium. She still couldn’t believe the number of people who showed up. Seated near the front was Maddy and her gang. While Cassie and Nate sat further away in the middle. Rafe and Y/N sat a few rows behind Cassie and Nate.
Lexi walked on stage, her nervous jitters noticeable but she still kept a smile on her face.
“Our Life is a lot more complicated than adults would make it seem. We’re going through our most important developmental years, this is the time where our personalities shift and form. This is also a time where we experience our most memorable relationships.”
Actors that represented Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N entered the stage, laughing and walking in sync. 
“Is that supposed to be us?” Maddy scrunched her face in confusion. “I don’t even look like that.”
Lexi continued her narration.
“During these fleeting high school moments, we solidify friendships and create new ones.”
While the three girls are talking in the prop hallway, a tall, blonde actor treaded on the stage, making an exaggeration of biting his nails. He kept his gaze down and bumped into Y/N’s character. 
“The girls swore that they would never let a boy come between them, but it seemed as though Y/C/N had other plans. It’s almost as if her plan all along was to let a boy come in between her and everyone else.”
Maddy’s and Cassie’s characters were visibly heartbroken and betrayed as Y/C/N gazed lovingly up at Rafe’s character, not paying her friends a second glance. 
Cassie turned her head to glimpse at Y/N but Y/N kept her eyes glued to the stage.
“But was the relationship worth it? Y/C/N cut off her friends to have more freedom with her new boy toy-- or so she thought.”
The backdrop changed to a classroom and Y/C/N’s phone rang and rang until she finally picked it up and put it on speaker.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’ve texted you 57 times! Why aren’t you answering me?!” R/C/N spat accusations left and right, but Y/C/N just rolled her eyes before hanging up mid-sentence. 
A couple chuckles were heard in the audience, some even from Cassie, and Rafe visibly tensed. His jaw was clenched and his grip around Y/N’s hand was tighter, almost to a point where it hurt. 
“You call it love, but I call it Stockholm syndrome. You’re not the sweet, innocent angel that everyone believes you are. Sometimes I think R/C/N could’ve been normal if he hadn’t met you.”
The scene switched to Y/C/N’s room, where Y/C/N and R/C/N were in the middle of another fight. 
“You’re so fucking crazy R/C/N! I wasn’t even flirting with him! And don’t you EVER call me a fucking slut, you psychotic piece of shit!” Y/C/N jabbed her finger in R/C/N’s face with each word. R/C/N tried to smack her hand away but Y/C/N reacted quicker and slapped him across the face. 
The scene went silent and the actors remained in their places. R/C/N’s hair fell over his face, covering his expression. Y/C/N didn’t move an inch. 
A hush fell over the audience. Some dared to sneak a glance at Rafe and Y/N but one look at Rafe’s fuming face scared them back into place. 
“This is absolute bullshit. This is what she fucking invites us to? She’s supposed to be your fucking friend.” Rafe started his heated rant and Y/N knew all too well what came afterwards.
“Shh baby, it’s okay. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She never had a boyfriend before, what would she know?” Y/N brought Rafe’s hand to her lips and planted a reassuring kiss on his knuckles. She then reached her hand behind his head and began massaging his scalp to ground him.
After a few beats of stillness, Y/C/N broke out of her daze and carefully approached R/C/N.
“I’m sorry, baby. I was scared.” Her voice was soft and calculated. 
R/C/N slowly raised his head to look at her and was frozen to his spot. He didn’t try to move when Y/C/N brought her hand to rest on his red cheek, the same hand that hit him. 
If anything, he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. 
“Puppy Love” by Paul Anka started playing in the background. 
They called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they’ll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so
Silent tears rolled down R/C/N’s face. 
I cry each night
My tears for you
My tears are all in vain
“You made me hate myself. Sometimes I wish I would’ve just dated myself.” R/C/N whispered, his voice thick with tears. He still leaned into Y/C/N’s hand.
Y/C/N wiped his tears with her free hand and leaned up to plant her lips on his. The light focuses on them as their kiss lasts for a few moments, before the entire stage goes black.
The audience is quiet, still trying to process what they just saw. Y/N glimpsed at Rafe out of the corner of her eye and his gaze was focused on the floor. Tears stung in the corners of his eyes but he was quick to wipe them away; but not quick enough for Y/N to notice. 
“Rafe….” For the first time, Y/N didn’t know how to comfort him. She had no words to offer him. She retracted her hands off him and placed them in her lap; she was scared to touch him, to break him further.  
This isn’t who she was, right? This is just a show of theatrics. None of this was real. 
Various degrees of self-awareness, disgust, and sadness flashed across Y/N’s face in a matter of seconds until she wore a common face of fury. 
“That Lexi bitch had no right to make a play about real people, she didn’t even fucking ask.” Y/N thought. “She has no fucking clue what the fuck she’s talking about.”
Just as Y/N was about to get up from her seat, Rafe grabs her wrist and pulls her back down.
Rafe applied more and more pressure onto Y/N’s wrist as the seconds passed. The two were dead silent, staring back at their reflections on stage. 
Is this how the world saw them? Was this really them? 
Maybe out of ignorance, or maybe out of pure denial, the couple was glued in place, unable to move a single muscle. But their rage was a silent one, a terrible storm waiting for the perfect time to strike.
The lights return back on stage, this time lighting up Lexi who stood on a prop football field. 
“R/C/N and Y/C/N certainly had an unusual form of love. It was a deadly love, a love that could kill you if you weren’t too careful. Interestingly enough, no matter how much R/C/N showed his devotion, it was never enough for Y/C/N. She was always looking elsewhere.”
The light shined over Y/C/N flirting with some random football player. They cracked jokes and Y/C/N laughed a little too loud and a little too hard. She threw her head back and placed her hand on his firm bicep.
“God, you’re so funny! I never knew you were such a jokester.” The football player reveled in the attention, getting high off her compliments. 
Simultaneously, a light shined above Lexi, who stood on the other side of the stage, by the fake bleachers. Next to her was a furious R/C/N, who had a brick in his hand.
A heavy blanket of silence fell on the audience, a silence so loud that you could hear the actors breathing into their mics. 
Everyone knew what this event was referring to, but no one dared to speak a word of it. 
Instead of the usual anger that Rafe wore throughout the entire play, a cheshire-worthy smirk graced Rafe’s lips, a low chuckle erupting from his throat as he waited for what's next. 
He locked eyes with Lexi, daring her to say the next words. 
Lexi was about to fold under his scorching stare, a stare that only saw red-- but she had a show to run. 
The show must go on. 
Lexi cleared her throat, and spoke each word while maintaining full eye contact with Rafe.
“Nature versus nurture, a debate as old as time. In this case, was R/C/N always this crazy or did Y/CN create this monster? Was R/C/N born this way or did she groom a killer?”
As soon as that last word left her mouth, Rafe was already out of his seat and half-way down the aisle before anyone else could react.
“Y/N, put a fucking leash on your mutt!” Maddy jeered. 
Initially, Y/N was going to try and stop Rafe but Maddy’s comment put a halt on that plan. Instead of trying to put a lid on the atomic bomb that is her boyfriend, she let him roam free. Rafe always was her greatest weapon. 
“What good did leashing your boyfriend do for you? Oh wait,” Y/N laughed, turning to Cassie. “You lost your boyfriend to your best friend.”
“Let me at this whore!” Maddy struggled against her friend’s restraint. 
While Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N were thrashing it out in the seats, Rafe was already on stage and cornering Lexi. 
“You think you’re real smart, huh?” Rafe wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her against the wall. He brought his mouth to the side of her head and whispered in her ear. “Do you wanna know how I killed that son of a bitch?” 
Lexi’s eyes were turning red due to a lack of oxygen, and her attempts to claw at his hand were futile. 
“I had him in my hands, just like this.” Rafe applied more pressure to her throat. “I squeezed until his eyes popped out of his sockets.”
But before he could go in for the final kill, Nate pushed Rafe off of Lexi, who collapsed onto the floor and tried to catch her breath. 
“You’re a real fucking pussy, Cameron. You’re nothing but Y/N’s bitch.” 
Rafe shoved Nate back.
“At least I’m not fucking the whole school. Who knows what kind of STDs you got?”
That was all it took to rile Nate up. The two boys threw punches that rang through the entire auditorium-- everything was audible, the fist-to-face contact, the cracking of jaws.
While the boys were breaking each other’s bones and the girls were clawing each other’s faces off, the police were called and arrived at the scene. After a few attempts to break up the fighting, all the perpetrators were escorted outside, placed far enough apart and with plenty of enforcement to prevent another altercation.
As the police were taking statements from the witnesses, the main group sat on the curb of the school-- bloody, bruised, and beaten. Each person lost in their own thoughts and regrets until Y/N finally spoke up. 
“How did we end up like this? We’re unrecognizable.” Maddy and Cassie remained silent, only sending each other glares.
“It’s all his fucking fault,” Nate gestured at Rafe, who sat a few feet from him. “You should’ve never come to this fucking town.”
“Rafe’s not completely at fault.” Lexi defended. “You still would’ve slept with Cassie regardless if he came to East Highland or not.”
“I don’t want to hear you fucking speak, you sick bitch.” Y/N groaned, holding her head in her hands. The conversation fell into a beat of silence before Cassie spoke up.
“In a sick way, this is like a bonding moment for us.” Cassie noted, looking at the group.
“What. The. Fuck. Cassie.” Maddy was so over Cassie’s bullshit, but Cassie continued.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always come back to each other, It’s like we’re all connected.”
Rafe scoffed while Nate just shook his head.
“This crazy bitch.” Nate muttered under his breath.
“Who wants to get something to eat?” Y/N asked, still holding a tissue to stop her bloody nose. Her question was so out of the blue that everyone thought they hallucinated it, until she repeated herself.
“I’m starving. It’s up to y’all, but I’m getting some food.” Y/N extended her arm to her boyfriend-- who had a black eye and bruises littered all over his face-- but he was quick to help her up to her feet. 
“I’m going.” Rue answered, appearing out of nowhere. 
“Me too.” Jules added, wrapping her arm around Rue’s shoulders. “Why not?”
Maddy looked at her friends and shrugged. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
As the group began walking away and discussing possible food options, Cassie, Lexi, and Nate rushed to catch up. Meanwhile, Lexi strayed a few paces behind everyone else.
She took in the sight in front of her-- a group of teenagers, surely flawed, yet they still have so much to experience. 
Cassie is right. Lexi thought. We are all destined to be intertwined, for better or for worse. 
Lexi would be sure to start working on the sequel of her play when she got back home.
a/n: if you enjoyed reading, please consider reblogging and tipping, they help my account more than likes :)
DON’T BE A GHOST READER!!!!! let me know your thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc in the comments!!! i love talking with y’all <333 
like i mentioned in the previous post, don’t hesitate to send me any ideas/requests for rafe or euphoria au!rafe <3 (just read my request rules in my pinned post before you do)
i have an idea for a sequel to this specific oneshot but idk….lmk if y’all want me to write it 🤭 (spoiler: the sequel might include the euphoria au!pogues….but y’all didn’t hear that from me 👀)
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risetherivermoon · 4 months
spoke about this briefly before, but heres a more in depth post w/ me rambling about my idea and explaining the au by showing off my notes and everything
anyway, the idea im talking about is like a social media/twitter (i will not call it X, fucking bite me) thing about the teens using twinote (an app that can make fake tweets) mixed with me using my own art to add stuff to it, and the idea of maybe making a secondary blog to answer asks as the characters,
this format idea is mixed with an au ive been thinking about involving hell and heaven stuff, (im not immune to hazbin hotel hype nor am i immune to any kind of bible fanfiction) so heres some notes about that;
basic desc:
Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
(edit: contents for this au can be found at @3sinnrsn1angel)
additional notes & more yapping about my ideas below the cut, be warned!!!
- Scary & TJ live in the 7th ring of Hell, each circle is a different city & has a different monarchy
- Taylor as hell royalty is an angel hunter. Scary is also an angel hunter
- angel hunting is treated as a sport by the royals, and as a bounty-hunting type job by the sinners, done when angels fly overhead of hell to deliver messages and keep demons in line, there tends to be a lot of air traffic that makes hits easy
- tho this universe mostly surrounds hell & heaven, people can still cast spells and do magic, though its a skill you have to master
- TJ is a magic user and runs a magic shop, he and Scary live in the overhead apartment above the shop
- Normal's grandfather is a part of Heaven's council, which means Normal was a high ranking angel
- Lincoln's father, Grant, was also a part of Heaven's council before Link's falling
- Hell Demons buy and barter sinner souls constantly, and it has become a competition between the royals to have the most souls as well as angel kills
- Hell Demons & Sinners are cool with angels co-existing amongst them, and will not hunt them if it's an angel on the ground and out of uniform (most angels who go through hell are wearing heaven garbs) though it will bring weird looks and comments people are mostly unbothered by it, Heaven is unaware of this or that angel refugees are living amongst sinners
- this applies to fallen angels as well
- this will probably be a polywagon fic, ill see where the wind takes me
(hermie does exist but 4 the sake or spoilers ill leave the info on them to that)
the rest of the details i have written down about this au are spoiler-adjacent but this is what ive got for you! heres a little bit more about the formatting style i have in mind, im sorry (not sorry) about yapping so much i just like to info-dump
basically ill be using mostly fake tweets using twinote, as well as messages between the teens also using twinote, i did kind of some tests to get down the kind of energy i want for this and to see if this format works well with these characters so ill show some ss of that here as an example:
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(all pfp art is by me)
theres also the factor of me not using this blog to post this series and using a secondary blog, id mostly be doing that to make sure asks and content of this project is secluded from my other stuff,
speaking of asks, id use the ask box on said account to get questions and do a type of q&a thing where the audience can ask the teens questions and ill make art for/write them responding to it, also maybe responding to questions from a creator & ooc pov
i also make art just for funzies and if it fits in the plot anywhere, as well as making the characters pfps n stuff, heres an example a little by showing off a piece that (if i decide to really commit to this which i might since ive been having this idea rattling around in my head for a bit) ill be using in it (prob 4 pfps)
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(using this to also show off the teens designs for this au lol)
lemme know if yall find this interesting because im pretty into it already lol, and ill see what i can come up with for getting it all started, if u got it this far congrats you read all my yapping! also id love to answer any questions abt this au as well (ooc obvi)
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peridyke · 2 months
How many comics do you have? and where can I find them?
thank you for asking!!!!
sadly right now i don’t have any finished comics to show off as I only recently got the time to seriously work on my art BUT i do have a variety of projects that i can show off! there’s some stuff i’m actively working on and other stuff that’s more of a back burner thing but let me list out everything i’ve done/have planned on doing
1) angel bites
ok so my current project i’m working on right now is called angel bites and it’s actually going to be a fun lesbian erotica comic about an angel girl and devil girl who are bandmates and who secretly hook up on the side. i’m currently in the process of thumbnailing this one and i’m guessing it’s gonna be around 60 or so pages. once im done i’m gonna have the comic up on patreon/have it for sale digitally on a platform like itch.io BUT the first 20ish pages are sfw so I will post those publicly for free so i can show off my work and characters.
i designed these in universe pin ups that i haven’t posted publicly yet and even though i wanted to wait until i finish the third one in the series that’s a little sillier theyre my most recent and best looking art of the characters
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2) sacrificial lamb
sacrificial lamb was my main focus for a bit but i’ve taken a break from it for the time being to work on other projects. it’s a more serious project than anything else i’ve been doing but it’s one i’ve been planning out since 2021 and that i do want to seriously look into getting published when it’s finished. it is a lesbian horror comic about a butch lesbian rabbit whose femme cat girlfriend gets sucked into the darker side of new age spiritualism. here is my WIP of the cover and a finished page
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3) claw wrench
this is a lower priority project of mine but one i still want to make exist in some form one of these days. it’s about a teenage cat named milly going to live with their estranged super genius mad scientist half sister named mindy and her robot assistant mr. rogato. it would be a newspaper strip style comic with a few larger plot threads. i might start it up one of these days after i’ve gotten some other comics under my belt and i feel like i have a better mental image of what i want the writing to be like. here’s some designs i did in 2021
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4) be mine, valentine
this is a project featuring characters of mine who i’ve had for a few years but only recently decided i wanted to turn into a short story. it’s about a peryton coder named cupid who is unbeknownst to herself a trans girl egg discovering her identity after being hired by a trans girl sex worker unicorn named valentine to help build a website for her work. it’s a short but sweet little love story that i have to plan out better before i seriously work on it but i can see it being something i make in the near-ish future. there will be some nudity and sexual themes but nothing pornographic so i will upload it for free online when it’s done ^_^ sadly i um…don’t have a sfw drawing of valentine yet LOL so you’re just gonna have to deal with a cropped pic
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5) thalassophobia
this is probably most relevant to peoples’ interest who follow me and something probably remember. thalassophobia is a really big steven universe fan comic i started writing to give lapis a more complete arc. i had a lot of passion for it back in 2022/23 but steven universe hasn’t been on my mind as much recently so it’s gone on the back burner. still i put a ton of work into it so i’d like to come back and finish writing it one day, although for the actual comic process i might see about getting some help on pages and colors and such since considering the scale i think it’s way too big for me to do solo. here’s a cover and a few test pages i did
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I HAVE ONE MORE COMIC TO TALK ABOUT BUT IVE USED UP THE IMAGE LIMIT i’m gonna finish in a reblog so give me a second
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cloudcountry · 6 months
i created my own ikemen wrapped for 2023. this is how i feel about the routes i played by the end of the year!!
this isnt spoiler free so tread carefully!!
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im sorry jean you would have had a higher rating if i DIDN'T play your route. i'm mostly neutral towards a lot of them but i ADORE the top four. it becomes even funnier when you realize that the top four are the only ones whose routes i have completed.
i played isaac's route twice, shakespeare's route twice, vincent's route once, and arthur's route once. i started comte's route only to drop it, and i am currently on jean's route!! i did not diversify my suitors at all JAHSJASGHD
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
one thing i remember about isaac is when he started to fall in love with her, the scene in the church when he tied that ribbon in her hair. i nearly choked when he called her darling, he was smiling so sweetly and holding her so close. it was such a tender scene.
( honorable mention to that certain fanart i was tagged in so many times that the op called me a true isaac lover or something along those lines. it made me really happy that so many people, even people i didn't know, knew how much i adore him. )
for will, my most memorable moment of him was when i realized i loved him after playing vincent's route. i hadn't cried that hard over a character's misfortune in a while, but will's always been good at giving me a rollercoaster of emotions.
( honorable mention to vio calling my love for will blinding, ive thought about it a lot ever since she said that C: )
my most memorable moment of vincent was when he tried so hard to make mc genuinely smile on her first few days in the mansion. he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so he tried his absolute best to make sure she could be herself and be happy. he really is an angel.
for arthur, it is one hundred percent his apology to mc for almost biting her. i've never seen him look more like a sad puppy in my five months of playing and honestly, it was so nice to see him reflecting on his actions and actually being able to admit his feelings (since we know arthur isnt the best with that.)
( once again, honorable mention to my enemies to lovers arc with this man. he's really not as bad as he appears, he is one of the most tender hearted and sweet men in the whole game. give him a chance if your heart allows it!! )
even though i'm not done with either comte's or jean's route, comte's most memorable moment was when he called the mc strong in chapter one. it was nice too see someone acknowledge her situation and try their best to help her instead of biting her. side eye.
and on that note, i'm sorry jean but your most memorable moment is the only one that made me angry. i hate that he bit her and i hate that the writing just skipped past it like it meant nothing. im blaming this on the writing itself because i believe jean's route is a good route so far, but it would have been so much better if it had a different beginning. but if i pick one that was actually wholesome, i'd say whenn he took her to the field of lilies and said the flowers were very her.
i started playing on july 2nd, 2023!! and what a journey it has been ^^
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my first route was yves!! i wanted to play licht's first but people talked me out if it because his route is HEAVY!! i ended up playing rio's, then licht's, then nokto's, then i played about halfway through clavis's before keith's route was released. i played keith's route twice and then hopped back over to clavis, and i'm currently finishing up his route!!
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
when mc chased after yves when he was leaving for obsidian just to tell him she loved him i was SCREAMING. i remember really admiring how much strength it must have taken to go to the kingdom that abandoned you.
for rio, it was 100% the discussion he had with nokto about how he doesn't want to be with mc because he might put her in danger by being with her, but ultimately he can't help himself. that was such a good insight into his character.
licht's route was. intense. and because of that it was packed with moments that i agonized over. but overall, i think what nokto told mc about how the closer she got to licht, the more she was hurting him stuck with me the most. it really showcased the bond between the twins and sent a knife through my heart :C
i actually forgot i played nokto's route and skipped right over him, and that probably says a lot LMAO oops. honestly i thought his route's pacing was weird but the romantic ending was very cute. the most memorable moment from his route wasnt even a cute one HELP!!! when mc straight up slapped him for no reason and he was like "oh so slapping me helps you huh??" and she was like " :(( no...." and then they made out like WHAT!!!
clavis is also a very memorable person, and after spending a lot of time analyzing him i know why so many people love him now. something that really stuck with me was his philosophy on government and how the current ruler decides whats right and wrong. i think the same about people in power so it was nice to see my sentiments reflected in a prince.
oooh its time for my favorite prince!! keith also had a lot of memorable moments and ive been sitting here for like ten minutes trying to pick out the best ones.
for nice keith, i'd say the moment when he told mc he would try his best to stop saying "a guy like me" and "i'm sorry" over and over. it really touched me because i know how hard it is to break that habit and it made me really happy when he said he'd try ^^
wicked keith was such a TEASE but the most memorable moment with him was when he and mc went out to that cafe and he actually answered a lot of her questions. i know that may seem trival but it felt like a sigh of trust to me and that felt really sweet.
( honorable mention to the scene were they gave mc the earrings they picked out for her during the christmas event, i actually cried. )
i started playing on july 11th, 2023!!
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my first route was kyle ash and honestly i'd say for a guy i don't like romantically his route was very memorable. he's a great first route and if anyone is a bit indecisive as to who they want to pick i'd definitely recommend him!! ANYWAYS moving on, i played harr's route next, then edgar, zero, jonah, then i tried playing ray's but he was being stinky so i started lancelot's route.
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
like i said, kyle had one of the best route i've ever read. listen to vivi aka the ikerev authority people. i remember lots of bits and pieces from his route, such as his determination to keep people alive, his pig goo, mc making him soup so he wouldnt drink himself to sleep, his gentle care for her once he figured out he liked her, how he pointed out the full moon and told her she could go home and was happy when she chose to stay, how he waited until everything was over to let her know how he felt, how he DIDNT DRINK on the night he wanted to make love to her, OUOTUOROUGUOUROHGH IM TELLING YOU HIS ROUTE WAS TOP TIER. but the thing that stood out to me the most was how him and mc worked together to save amon, and furthermore, to uphold kyle's principles. it was so heartwarming when mc told him to stick to what he believed in (even if i wanted to punch amon's teeth out during that scene)
i would keep talking about kyle's route but i have to move!! on!! because harr's route was peak domesticity. the first time he took his mask off in front of mc is one of my favorite moments (i actually did a happy little dance when i saw the other half of his face ehhe) because it shows such beautiful trust in her and arghgougohugo INSANE.
the most memorable moment of edgar's route was absolutely when he was so hesitant to let alice hold his hands, but when she takes them so comments on how warm they are. it was such an emotional moment because edgar was definitely feeling very complicated but alice was still there for him. i love them together :((
( honorable mention to vio saying i was alice reincarnated when i talked about that scene were they were all calling sweets evil LMAO that made me very giddy ^^ )
( second honorable mention to edgar asking mc if she thought pickles were a wolf in sheep's clothing??? weirdo. )
i was intrigued by zero all the way back in harr's route, and i started to really like him during edgar's route when he was trying his best to protect mc, which was really sweet. absoLUTELY the most memorable moment in his route was when he was fighting against the magic tower and he emerges from the rubble with an injured arm and a smile, just to tell alice "i'm home." i was crying like a BABY. zero i love you. please marry me.
jonah's route is a classic and a fan favorite, and i can see why. he starts out being arrogant and hell (and its irritating tbh) BUT he melts so quickly under gentle love and care. anyways, the red army routes seem to have a theme of giving up your position for what you believe is right because it happened like three times okay!! and jonah became a "traitor" to the red army just to protect alice. it was him and her against cradle and i will NEVER forget that.
lancelot's first impression was really bad but after playing all the red army routes and finally, his own route, i've grown to like him a lot. what really sticks out to me about his route is when he takes mc away from the dance floor because they're being stared at and they have a heart to heart. he tells you a single white rose would suit her or smth along those lines and when i looked up the meaning and saw it meant hope and renewal i DIED.
i started playing on july 27th, 2023!!
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my first route for sengoku was mitsunari, then kenshin, then kennyo, then sasuke, then kanetsugu, then yoshimoto. the only routes that didn't bore me to death at the end were mitsunari's, kennyo's (i was actually shocked when the route ended, it felt like the perfect length to me), and sasuke's. i can't speak for yoshimoto though since i just started. i feel like ikesen has a tendency to reallyyyy stretch out the routes but maybe thats just me.
a memorable thing about each suitor i played this year:
mitsunari was such a good first route for me, and the most memorable part of his route was definitely when he challenged nobunaga for mc. not only was it unexpected but i was so proud of him for betting so much on his plan AHGRHGG mitsunari my beloved.
kenshin's route was crazy but EASILY the best part was when mc rode into battle with an army of her own to stop kenshin from FLATTENING the country. she kicked ASS and earned the title "goddess of war" for what she did and that was so cool of her.
i played kennyo's route because of the parallels between him and kenshin and WOW i did not regret it. his route was phenomenal but the most memorable part was when mc and him buried the bell that kennyo had kept with him to remind him of all the lives he felt he was at fault for losing. it symbolized finally letting those people have their peace, and furthermore, kennyo's inner peace. it was beautiful.
sasuke really got me when he THREW himself into battle with kenshin after kenshin lied about him and mc liking each other. sasuke's desperation to let her know that he couldn't stand her being with someone else made my heart RACE. it was so nice to see a suitor finally being on the more "selfish" side.
kanetsugu's route had the Wonderful experience of mc carrying a head!! a decapitated head!! and while i'm sure he has a lot of cute moments (one of them being when he told mc he loved her and she FREAKED OUT) I CANNOT GET OVER MC PICKING UP A DECAPITATED HEAD LIKE ITS NOTHING!!! shes a trooper.
yoshimoto's route gives you the unique (and memorable!!) experience of a warlord actually viewing you as a friend instead of an enemy!! (keep in mind this is coming from someone who has only played ONE oda forces route. im constantly on the "enemy side" oops) i thought his mindset was very refreshing after months of "oh nooo we cant see each other we're enemiesssss"
i started playing on july 27th, 2023!!
this took me so long to write oh my goodness. it was fun though!! im thinking about how all of this information is only five months worth of playing so i dont know how im going to handle TWELVE MONTHS PLUS A NEW GAME but i'll figure it out. i might leave the fandom before then idk!! who knows!! but anyways thank you if you read my thoughts i love sharing them even though i know its a lot hehehe
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ferraricatt · 7 months
Rotten Teeth pt1
A/N: Im new to tumblr but would like to share my new projective ive been working on! Enjoy! :)
“Esfir come on!”
They yell my name through their cracked lips; the sound replayed like a pull to my chest as I allure myself to them. Dragging my shoes through the deep trench of snow. Dragging myself to familiar faces; mama and papa. I like mama and papa. The cold air dries my throat heavy; thirst envy. I like mama and papa.
I hush through the silent wind; the snow builds up. It keeps building. It kept building. The more I walked; their voices grew further.
I hiss through my teeth; clutching into my mittens. Digging through what use to be shallow but deep waters. The snow is up to my neck, but even then; I still ache to go further. I reach out. Nothing. But I still keep walking; drown myself in the snow as I’m pulled underneath the white sheets. A beckoning voice still echoes in my head.
At this point I don’t even think there is a voice calling out to me; it’s all in my head. I can’t move. My calves freeze; my hands out to grasp. I’m drowning. My breath suffocating underneath the blanket. I can’t breathe within myself.
Up until that final call breathing for my name. I take one more step; fully burying myself in snow. Beyond the clouds I delve in; Where is mama and papa?
I feel this sitting knot in my stomach; the explains of a thousand rotten to my very core. It hurts. Aches to my very red gums as I bite hard onto my finger. My thumb like a toothpick - bite marks on the skin of her. Mama. Maybe if I wasn’t left for dead; things would be different. She wouldn’t be screaming. Her fists wouldn’t be red from punching. And her face, her face wouldn’t be gasping. The stain prints the edge of my fingers show on her body. Her eyes wide, jaw open as a gateway for flies to swallow in. A pit of blood sinking my knees in. I clench my gums. My bones hardening at the taste of flesh. The many layers of thin calluses acting as a coat of loose scotch tape. My front teeth pulling the skin apart like a zipper.
The snow sprinkles onto Mamas body. Had it been her suicidal attempt that let to this. I’m hungry. Like deer meat, unattended and tether. I drag this knife along her chest. Spreading her open, uplifting the metal lid for my entree. A crunch followed with a smack. She didn’t say anything. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to say anything. Are you awake Mama? You taste delicious. Digestion into my stomach like I sought after. Mama. Mama. Mama. My teeth hurt. But it’s like I can’t stop. My breathe eluding to the monstrous wind. My teeth red.
The yellow fat in your body tell me otherwise, I always thought humans were just red and redder on the inside. But with you; you have purples, blues, pinks, and yellows. Like wadded up gum. A rainbow designating deep within you. Nose deep into your body, a starving dog eating grass as a coping lullaby. My tongue swirls around the flesh. Digging my chipped nails into your skin.
The place smelt of manure and reeked of blood. In front of me I finally look up. My mamas hair draped over the snow, her body spread like an angel. In my hand lied the very old knife she used to carve herself. Beside her pale; ghostly face. Is the broken skin at her stomach. I wish for beckoning arms to hug me, telling me I’m okay. Telling me that things will be better. I’m just a kid. I’m vile for this. I’m wrong for this. I’m so sorry.
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry mama.
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thenextchapterbegins · 5 months
@sinnerxroulette (Angel Dust to Alastor) "So, I got a question. Or, a few.....Which of yer magic paint cans gets used fer sex? Can you mix tha paint ta make new colors? Can't you just, like, bite someone and SUCK their paint out like a vampire? Or somethin'...?"
"Violet. come now that is an easy question. im surprised you didnt realize it yourself." Alastor says with a smirk. "Violet can be a lot of things. hope, inspiration but it surprisingly also ties into sex. i suppose the act is connected to life in a way which violet helps to grow so. i dont know." he shrugs.
"As for color mixxing...its complicated, ive been told you can mix colors together however different colors or paints as you call them interact with each other in weird ways. some react better or worse. ive been told in the void that color itself is sentient. that it speaks to you. though i have not been in the void long enough with my hearts to find out if that is true or not."
"As for sucking it out like a vampire. i could but it is the same problem as with souls. yes it would be more plentiful to acquire pyschically but it is also much more risky. people could see or find me out. it is simply more stealthy and noone knows im doing it."
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
hey friends! my collection of writings lives here. under the cut you’ll find an eddie munson vampire au one shot, an eddie munson x ofc fic (multi parts and chapters and she’s a total bad ass, you’ll love her), and a fic revolving around lore from the band ghost! if you take the time to read any of my work, you’re amazing and i’m grateful that you’re here. enjoy!
and don’t be afraid to message me i’m just shy
you’re losing me — Terzo/Papa Emeritus III x reader and Copia x reader — heavy angst with a sprinkling of smut (in progress) — ao3 link
You were in a years long relationship with the leader of the Satanic church, destined for greatness at his side. Or so you thought until he became a serial cheater. However, while your relationship with the Ministry's current Papa had been tumultuous for some time, you were finally pushed to make the choice you'd been avoiding - leaving him for another senior clergy member (and Papa's half-brother). This ignited a battle to balance the scales of power which Papa Emeritus III had tipped heavily in his favor to the point of abusing it. From there, you’re set on a cataclysmic journey that reveals your true self. Your current and former relationships are put to the test when your destiny, which is far more important to the church than you could have ever imagined, is finally revealed.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii |
Between Breaths (An XXX Perspective) — terzo x reader smut — ao3 link
You're the Head Witch at the Ministry. Arguably at times you hold more power than the current Papa, Papa Emeritus III. You've always hated him and you assumed the feeling was mutual. But what happens when he calls you out on it?
God Called In Sick Today — copia x oc, mafia au — ao3 link
When a mission goes south, Copia is left scrambling to figure out a plan to get the mayor-to-be in favor of the Emeritus family. That’s where Arianna Diodati, the Mafia Princess of his (very Catholic) rival, comes in. He plans to use her as a bargaining chip to get what he wants. Did he place the right bet or did he take more than he bargained for?
Console the Griever — Copia x GN!Reader — one shot where Copia gives reader the comfort they need to help them as they grieve loved ones.
Love Bites — Eddie Munson x OFC — Vampire AU one shot
Foolin’ — Eddie Munson x OFC — slow burn, angst, fluff (completed)
Kat Ramsay was forced to move to Hawkins for her senior year, which she planned to get through with her head down, so she can go back to her rock’n’roll life in Los Angeles. She never expected her world to be turned upside down as she learned to open her heart, let others care about her, and accept herself with the help of the Freak of Hawkins High.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 |
A Very Kat Ramsay Christmas Special — Eddie Munson x ofc — fluff (completed)
Kat surprises Eddie with an epic Christmas gift he’ll never forget.
Part One | Part Two
For Whom the Bell Tolls — Eddie Munson x OFC — established relationship, fix it fic (completed)
Eddie and Kat’s relationship is put to the test as they join forces with everyone to take down Vecna. (It’s season four, only with Kat, and Eddie lives.)
1. Lullaby | 2. Voodoo Dolly | 3. Chains of Misery | 4. Metal Meltdown | 5. Veteran of the Psychic Wars | 6. Warning | 7. Youth Gone Wild | 8. Crazy Train | 9. Detroit Rock City | 10. Living Bad Dreams | 11. Leather and Lace | 12. Somethin’ to Hide | 13. Road to Nowhere | 14. Got the Time | 15. Renegade | 16. Symphony of Destruction | 17. Run To The Hills | 18. Friends Will Be Friends | 19. Pull Me Under | 20. The Thing That Should Not Be | 21. A Forest | 22. Demon’s Night | 23. Turn on Your Light | 24. Break On Through | 25. Everybody Wants to Rule the World | 26. The Final Countdown | 27. Breaking the Law | 28. Never Tear Us Apart | 29. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) | 30. Master of Puppets | 31. The Four Horsemen | 32. Die With Your Boots On | 33. The Last in Line Holding Out for a Hero | 34. For Who the Bell Tolls | 35. Spellbound | series playlist
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tendebill · 7 months
life update: im making some progress on both of my diplomas, my prospects on my final exams range from "imma pass this ez" to "i will bite off my own toes before i pass this shit", i have barely had time to draw and i have once again been kicked into oc brain, gently, but suddenly.
that being said, here's some random ass thoughts i've had abt ocs recently:
i wanna give David a change of weapon. he would start with that bigass sword of his, maybe it would get destroyed at some point (i was thinking the part of the plot where he almost kills Maffi during one of their usual overthrowing shenanigans) and he would go without a weapon for a while. but then he would pcik up dual sabers. maybe someone would make them for him. or maybe they would be Maria's? like i can imagine her fighting with them, and him picking them up years later, towards the end of the story as another reminder to be better.
besides that i was thinking of swapping James' saber for a yatagan? its like a short sword from Turkey.
(both of these were induced by a trip to a museum btw)
ive been thinking about making Lucy losing her hands canon. maybe its because ive been itching for some darker themes/plot points, but i also think it could be fun to explore it as a side-quest/side-plot for Lucy and Dots, to explore them a bit more as characters, before they (temporarily) go their separate ways in chapter 5. so like, making them bond so their separation hurts more. plus i think after a while Lucy would appreciate not having to wear gloves when she works with chemicals, cuz she cant get burned anymore. and i think it would be fun if they went on a whole journey, so they could find someone to help build the actual prosthetics, and then find some way for them to work and allow lucy to FEEL and shit. i was thinking about involving one of the gods or demons from Deiterra (where Angelica is from). it would be a good "excuse" to focus on Lucy and Dots some more, because I often feel like i dont have enough space for them in the main plotline.
on that note, i think it would be fun to have some kind of plot point like that for James and Cyan? chapter 3 seems like a good place, because thats when Cyan and James sorta team up with Angele, in calling out Ellie's bullshit (and bout them trusting Seph and putting them all in danger, all that stuff). So maybe having James and Cyan come to this agreement that they need to back up Angele and go against Ellie could happen during some sort of mission the two of them were sent on? i dont have any details yet, but i like the idea of them talking it through AS theyre doing the mission, and Cyan coming to the (oh so terrifying) conclusion that theyre gonna have to AGREE with ANGELE on SOMETHING. and James being maybe just a little bit smug about it.
idk i dont have any more for now. i am sleepy. goodnight <3
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qumiiiquinnquin · 1 year
its almost going to be 10 years since i was sa’ed. and im still trying to find a justification for it and trying to figure out who really was to blame.
did i ask for it? i remember being a bit daring because i thought he was bluffing. but it happened. and i remember a lot of it vividly. some of it feels like the blurriness of a dream.
im still trying to understand. but im only understanding nothing. he insulted every other girl in that cul-de-sac. he insulted my sibling and called them ugly. he made dirty jokes a lot. but he called me beautiful. and on the day , he made a bet with me. if i performed the act he requested , he would give me candy or money. i dont remember which it was. during the incident , he still called me beautiful , and called me baby.
sa is a criminal act. you can go to jail for it. but he was 12 or 13. i do not know if a kid so young who did it to a 10 year old girl would have gotten in trouble. i had no proof myself to present to anyone. and i laughed off a friend at the time who told me i need to talk to someone.
ive said his name , but it may have come off as like a name of endearment. especially regarding my comments of how i cant exactly let him go , even though i have an indescribable hatred of him. his name was angel. i hate that i still remember that , even after all these years.
the incident has only left me thinking for the past year or so to just give my body up for others pleasures. i think that's all im worth. ive been gr00med as well , by adults online. and i will not be surprised when i get four letter r worded one day. im expecting it.
i cant let myself fall in love because im afraid to encounter someone like him again. i want to be loved , not used.
it feels so paralyzing. each time i think about it my freeze response is triggered. each time i want to say something about it , it feels like i lose my ability to speak or type. the flashbacks have been terrifying. i cant escape it. the memories lead to shaking and feeling very hot and embarrassed , and his touch comes back. there's no possible way to distract myself anymore from the memories and flashbacks. i got up to get cantaloupe not long after thoughts came on tonight to just eat and forget about the incident , but it does not taste like much now. and its not blocking out the taste of the french kiss you forced upon me 8 years ago , as well as biting my tongue. even though he did not...have i word with me nor did he four letter r word me , if i did not escape i know it would have happened. and i beat myself up relentlessly lately for escaping. i tell myself i should have stayed and made him happy. after all , i agreed. though i did not really know what he meant. and i thought it was a joke. until he had taken my hand and led me to the small foresty area of the cul-de-sac , and your friend tagged along. he watched as everything happened. i remember very vividly that you and him were making jokes and laughing at my under clothes , and you stopped and started being sweet with me and calling me affectionate names when you saw i almost burst into tears.
and you got off somewhat free. i havent told too many people at all. the first time i said it aloud to my psychiatrist , my voice shook so bad that you would think i was about to start sobbing. even though i laughed it off like usual. and even though what you did was a crime , there'd be no way for me to report you now. all that happened to my knowledge was that one kid’s mom thought you had done it to her daughter , not me
since it will be the tenth anniversary in two years , i may make a cake with something like “congrats! you survived ten years :)” written on it in frosting. i dont recall the exact day or even month that it happened. or time of year either. so i think ill just celebrate myself in late november of 2026.
i wish i could go back to the 5-year period of my life where i had completely forgotten about what you had done to me, Angel.
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boojersey · 2 years
☕ fave mcr eras and albums?
1. revenge (obviously i mean look at me i am drenched in black and red at all times and gerards hair was just so nice) specific parts include flour face gerard and that photoshoot with the blood covering his hand in a building with brick walls and arches it looked like a church basement and the vampire one for kerrang where its a girls back and theyre covered in blood and hes biting her neck hehe, reasoning for it being my favorite is it has only one song i skip (ghost of you) and every other has a lot more that i usually do and just how theatric and dramatic but also edgy everything was, tbp is more theatric BUT theres more Hope vibes and this is that but with despair and blood and guns and coffins and that just appeals to me fundamentally way more especially when im in my bag. it probably has my most favorite songs too, like to the end cemetery drive jetset life and HANG EM HIGH OR MOTHERFUCKING DIE. maybe my favorite mcr song but im not thinking too hard when i say that
pic of my closet below lmao two of my favorite drawings ive done (theyre for sale wink wink! dm me if interested anyone, gerard is blacklight reactive)
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2. bullets, its just so suburban i feel like I'm back in Jersey its October and im walking past cul de sacs and the sunset is bright fucking orange its fantastic its art in every sense and its full of sorrow bc its the closest album chronologically to 9/11 and gerard had the least sureness in the future but he was so confident and it just bleeds into everything so hard, my favorite moments in life are majorly moments similar to what i described. wearing a hoodie and jeans and converse and observing the way the streetlights color the concrete and asphalt, especially if theres been rain. chinese food from family restaurants and rolling rock beer and sitting at neighborhood playgrounds on the swingset rocking back and forth with the carbonation buzzing in your brain. favorite moments include the pic of frank and gerard smoking on pool chairs and that pic of them in some grandmas house with wooden walls and a china and tchotchke cabinet and lace curtains and im pretty sure mikeys sitting on the leg of a couch.it was my desktop bg for a year or two.
3. black parade; i really appreciate the death topic and i will admit i struggle to get on the Hope wavelength throughout esp in famous last words ykno the keep on living part but there are some of my favorite fucking demos like emily and all the angels and im Pretty surE desert song but smack my ass and call me a moron if its wrong. i will say visually other than the marching band outfits its the least interesting era, the white hair was just kinda there to me and no one else had anything outstandingly russling my jimmies. frank did have some cute hair curls on his bangs tho sometimes. i do rlly like the whole haunted vibe tho bc of the paramounts effect on them tho, when i notice it in songs and lyrics it is pretty effective in makin my spine straighten with the hollow eyed, sleepless and frankly a little scared nervous energy. house of wolves has been in my rotation the past month or so bc it reminds me of trevor gta a lot. wttbp i skip every time just about. i save that song for when people are trying to be emo allies and queue it on the aux or when it comes on the radio or in public. blood is AMAZING and reminds me a lot of the song air from the hair soundtrack, and i wonder if gerard was trying to specifically mimic that songs vibe because if u ask me thats very gerard. i think overall the concept and the lore of the album's fruition appeal to me more than anything else, i also love mother war and some of the other various character designs.
4. current era; im saying this because foundations of decay is literally that promising of a single and the shows' outfits are so wonderful and the energy and love and happiness is just so fucking palpable that i already know this is where the new album is gonna sit for me. its gonna be so fucking good. we all know this so well. favorites include nurse gerard the mikey fuckin way shirts and that slicked back hair gerard mmf yum
5. danger days; im SORRRY i just. the songs only appeal to me on a surface level aside from destroya and i always just get rlly bad feelings when i see pics of gerard bc i know he said he was starving himself and it makes me :/ more than anything else seeing him. i feel Bad saying he looked hot. this is also the only album with songs i actively dislike within. i will say that when i say i like destroya. i fucking Love destroya. its so good its so fucking good its everything to me. OH and im gonna include the killjoys comic in this and say that even though i love it so fucking much its not enough to put it above current era. its not that i dislike danger days. its that every other era is so strong compared in my mind that since something has to be last it will be this. favorite moments include the videos of them behind the scenes for na na na laughing and having fun the photoshoot with the backdrop where they're all underneath it and gerard looks like a fucking otherworldly being level insane like hes made of porcelain and the mv shots of them in the trans am at night especially going in the tunnel speeding ass out of town. i will add that i discovered mcr thru sing bc it was on a rhythm game i owned at 11 and i still remember the two days before mcr broke up when i finally remembered to give them a listen and openly cried watching them all die in the killjoy vids so theres a nostalgic rawness that part of me wants to leave preserved like an artifact at a museum.
anyway novel over those are my full thoughts on the mcr eras
things i didnt mention that i shouldve include the bat buckle the infamous stage kiss the spitting and gerard palming his cock through his jeans on stage lmao
oh also dewees is great and needs more recognition
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like me littles, like me scamp, like the tides in the water ive revealed and rebeled my vamps, bite reasons, bite... pant... the lower the levels the lower the tramps, i am says the man, i aint says the rants, and over and over again they tug at my tracks, exposure to dance, devoted and lapsed, devour this is thee, thus, trust hour, mask by mask.. im a family of secrets and those secrets just float, we dont fly, we wont die, unless given in to those homes who cant thought process the hyms jokes.. tradition calls for us, put together is what they ask, with combined each one has junked outs and prick trusts, and how if anytime could we come to forget? the way the hidden boi lover we both love to hump, fuck! yes! yumm, just tork the skill saw so i can afford this bill spawns, reel in conks, let her out of thyns trunks, grow grosser, closer, sweet reeping of what she knows jerks, of what shes held in her own blown first, no sir, sir? cloud those judgement who think it not right to hurt, cause little the lady princess, and her mommy the flirt is nothing but relentless, hex less and more about strick pests and why the honor, value, and moral codes is the chosen taught firsts.. each baby beasty, demon wing, children dragon "G", and angellic troubled "THING" could have been given to the card sharks down the street or the strapped up snake monsters that live out in front, but hell no, hades trusted the creations of the new world to our dirty minded fucks, cant you smell BRO? im doomed love. and the parental geminic ancesters blessed be thier omen touch have taught the bite mind and MR. TUX & PUFFIN.. the dooze BUGS, in trinned blood, how exactly the mam behind the written scribes like these, one by one, most of love thin and most the lust twins, puts in between shit so those who dont know cant see it and cant show more then a whole bank of nothins if tried to claim it up, down, west , east or brown cause in the endings my pimps on drugs.. you got to, have to, still find our one kin we still keep hid and threatened like a loose Mutt. JUST APPROVED ON WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE WANTS PLUS TIED TO HER TAIL SHE DRAGGS ALONG US, ALL THE BIGGEST BINDGERS ON THE LOOSEREST OF THUGS. :K!NG$ OR¥0N :K!NG$ JUHπK :K!NG$ T££DO :K!NG$ HO∆¶ AND LASTEST BUT NEVER LEASTEST :K!NG$ ¢HUπK.... and as e¥e the M£ × my •K°T•P8 ++ NOONE not even the skies legacy rivals can decipher, collide, explode, recycle, evoke, entitle, or revote reload on this very first original compete title.. i bet ya"ll just streakin on them poochy pockets bout 6 days from now still not bustin my motha fuckin me nutts, cause im just swimming, im just wrigging, just... "im just slitting the holes of the suckunuss SKUNTS" so none have a choice against whers the anti-christ blind matter gets taught about G.L.U.T.T.O.N.S { goodnesses/*l_q*f_w*/underworlds/treasonaries/telepheople/omenizement/NATIONNESS/(&)sTUNKs } The 8 required legallities by fedreal neglectant bilaws any 'ROyAL Blood KIn has to know before registered into the © ROUNDHOUSE DEN, SO PREPARE THOSE WHO KNOW THESE FOR THE NEXT AND HOPEFUL FINAL ATTEMPT AT |MARK•SHALL LAW| √√√√√√√√√√√√ '12..onnne ttwoo skilled by mentalist killings so #IYKYK #BIOTCH #cudlclubs #bubssuch #TuddleTimms #RUST #4reelTT #designerDRUGS # XUEBALL #12LUV
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Hazbin Worlds Collide Ch30
(Mako/Velvet/Tristan and part by Palettepainter101 Maizy/Wild-Card/Angel-Cake/Gemstone/Hannibal/Queeny -me)
It was in that second Mako wished a black hole would swallow him.
The putrid smell hit him harder then a fucking truck! His nose and snout wrinkled in disgust at the vile new smell, brows furrowing in displeasure. God it smelt awful! Dare he say more bad then the last time Basil tried ‘cooking’ - if Mako could even call it that. What Basil has done was make some indescribable black burnt mess that tasted as if it was made of dirt and week old chicken!
In fact, at this new scent, Mako suddenly realised just how much he loved Coal’s cooking, and how much he missed it. Mako had never really given much gratitude for Coal’s cooking, often just giving a ‘thanks’ or ‘nice meal’. Mako wasn’t much of a picky eater, but he often found Coal’s hobby of baking sugary treats a bit silly (especially since he was working in the mafia with them for fuck sake)
But sweet Satan himself what Mako wouldn’t give to have one of his bloody honey glaze cinnamon rolls!
The large pot of doom was plonked down on the middle of the table with a heavy sigh form the little chef, before he shyly peered back to the others. Tristan, trying his best not to inhale through his nose, gestured stiffly to said pot “Everyone! Hannibal has made us a..” he regarded the pot “..Meal..”
Silence fell through the room, and everyone began to exchange discreet side ways glances, although no one needed to speak a work it was clear that their stomaches, where about it be thrown into a very awkward and bad situation.
“O-Oh!” Brinda, attempting to break the silence, let out a merry chuckle “I-Isn’t that just sweet! Eheh, right Velvet?” The orange cat gave her petrified looking friend a hearty nudge on her arm with her elbow. Velvet did nothing but let out a very light ‘uuh’ under her breath.
Brinda‘s large grin twitched, and she kicked Velvet under the table “RIGHT?” Velvet bit her lip, arms reaching to hold her shin, before she pulled a nervous grin and tried her best to look excited “Uh, Of course! Just wonderful!” Everyone in the room began to agree, nodding their heads in faked enthusiasm - perhaps a little too much enthusiasm
Thank whatever kind of guardian angels where watching over them (if demons even had guardian angels) but Hannibal seemed blissfully unaware, and beamed a bright grin - not the largest grin, but it was now more noticeable. “That’s great!” Before anyone could even begin to prepare themselves for this torture they’d have to endure, Hannibal has speedily placed a heaping portion of food in front of each of them “I-It’s Uh, a new recipe Ive been practising!” He beamed another bright smile, before sitting himself down at the table.
Everyone looked down at their food in pure fear, like at any given moment it would burst to life and eat their faces off! They felt kinda stupid, it was just food!..Very, VERY bad smelling food, but still!
And Mako, in his infinite wisdom, knew exactly what to do: “..I’m not eating this gar-“
Everything on the table jumped, as Velvet swiftly kicked her foot hard onto Mako’s leg, Mako was able to hold back the majority of his yelp. Biting his lip his hackles raised, and he leaned forward, resting his head on the table, before he began to bash his forehead into it. Everyone at the table blinked and looked around uneasily, all of course, except for Velvet and the young prince Wild-Card.
Velvet, had her sharp toothed Cheshire grin plastered across her face, sweating nervously and seeming to not notice Mako’s head bashing in the slightest - clearly she was guilty for the kick. And the young prince, well...he was trying his best to hold back his not so quite snickering, which was quickly silenced from a quick scowl from his lover.
“What Mako was GOING to say was that he would just LOVE-“ Velvet used her magic to push Mako’s bowl of food closer to him “To have first try of your delightful food!” She shot Mako her most smuggest grin, evil glint in her eye “Right?” Mako’s eye twitched, his face flushed red from anger as he let out a small growl, glaring daggers at the deer across from him.
“Really!!” Hannibal questioned excitedly, practically standing up in his seat as he looked to Mako with child like glee. Mako felt a pit in his stomach, that sneaky little tyrant spawn! She KNEW she had put him in a difficult spot! That sly little!- Mako wanted to say no, god he wanted too! Either he eats the food and suffers possibly never tasting food again, or having to suffer the wrath of everyone in the room for upsetting a stupid kid..the decision was harder then he thought.
...Grumbling Mako grabbed his bowl and yanked it towards him, all the while making dead eye contact with the deer across from him who was still smiling away. He’d show her! He’d proove to her he wasn’t some coward! Then SHE’D have to suffer just like him! Picking up his utensil Mako picked up some food..was it too late to back out?
Mako peered to his left, still seeing that Hannibal was looking at him, he could practically feel the excitement radiating off him...Mako looked back to the food and gave an uncomfortable grumble, he was missing Coal’s cooking more and more now
He suddenly lowered his untensil and quickly went to stand, sweat gathering at his brow “I need the bathroom-HRCK?!” A red magical hold surrounded the end of the fork, and before Mako could blink the fork and the horribly vile substance it held on the end was shoved into his mouth, throwing him off guard.
Mako felt like he was going to self implode, as the colour drained from his face
Everyone. Fell. Silent
“Here, PAL, let me help you with that.” Everyone of course, except Wild-Card.
Maizy face palmed and then sighed through her nose, before giving Wild-Card her most blankest, irritated, and most unamused face she could muster. Mako’s eyes where as wide as plates..and there was maybe a small tear forming in his eye, he felt like throwing up, god what in the ever loving fuck did this kid put in this food?!
“Uh...” Angel cake clapped a set of hands together, while the other pair gently patted Mako’s back, as if to say ‘your sacrifice shall always be remembered’ and ‘I’m so sorry for you’ “He loves it!” Angel-cake quickly blurred out, nudging Tristan besides her who quickly nodded along. Once again, their obvious lies were not seen by the young moth and even gave a small squeal of excitement “That’s great! I even made a dessert to go along with the meal!!” He looked around at everyone “Shall I go and-“
Everyone yelled in unison, making Hannibal flinch.
“..What we meant to say was-“ Maizy tapped her staff three times on the floor, and in a poof, she was standing next to Hannibal. Leaning down to his height she smiled and gestured to the door “Why don’t you go and fetch Queeny to try some food! She’s been at that machine for quite a while now has she not?” Hannibal soon left the room, and once he had gone, Mako ripped the spoon from his mouth and starting coughing and wheezing - which Wild-Card obviously found very amusing.
Mako tore his small whiskey bottle out of his coat and downed the drink in less then 2 minutes, he gasped greedily for air, before he made a mad dash to the kitchen. “Oh dear..” Angel-Cake stood, and peered inside the kitchen cautiously, where Mako was leaning over the sink and drinking the tap water like he was about to keel over and faint from dehydration at any moment.
“BWAHAHAHA! THAT WAS HILARIOUS! PURE GOLD!!” The prince bashed his paw against the table, cracking up with laughter, despite everyone’s blank faces and cocked brows. The only other that seemed amused by the situation was Velvet, Who was giggling away behind her hand. “You two shouldn’t have done that..” Brinda pointed out, arms crossed and ears folded back to show her disapproval.
“Oh come now dear! You must admit that Mako deserved that!”
Brinda cocked her brow
“...Oh come now! Don’t tell me a teenie weenie part of you didn’t find that funny!”
Brinda sighed, shaking her head.
“Easy there Mak!” Angel-Cake patted the wolf’s back as he continued to chug down the tap water, he gasped and heaved over the sink, giving a sickly groan “Uh..you Okay?” The spider asked sheepishly, while at the same time preparing herself if Mako was going to suddenly try and leap at Wild-Card.
Mako gagged “I think I’m gonna be sick..”
As Mako’s stomach continued to suffer, Wild-Card has finally began to calm down. Velvet clapped her hands together, smiling at the prince “Splendid job deary! Such expert accuracy and devilish ness!” She held a hand to her chest, smiling smugly “Id say it could even rival my own chaotic-ness~”
Wild-Card, snickering a bit, pretended to give a bow and tipped an imaginary hat “Why thank you my lady!~”
The two snickered, while Maizy and Brinda exchanges unamused looks. Maizy made an ‘ahem’ noise, before she spoke “That wasn’t very wise of you.” Wild-cats made a ‘psh!’ noise paired with an eye roll “Oh come awn babe!” He jabbed a claw in the direction of the kitchen, where Mako made a sickly groan noise “It’s not like that bozo had it comin’! Sides..I coulda done worse.”
Maizy continued to look unimpressed “What would Aunt Charlie say?” She questioned, titling her head
“Oh Maizy dear-“ Velvet leaned over the table a bit, crossing her arms and raising a brow “It’s all harmless fun and games! Its not like Wild-Card tried to murder him!..And let’s face it dear, Mako was going to blankly walk out if Wild-Card hadn’t intervened.” She gave Wild-Cars a playful nudge, earning a chuckle
“That doesn’t mean what you did was right.” Brinda added, a rare tone of authority had grown in her voice and her face held a nasty scowl, the likes of which only Husk could love. Velvet, realising Brinda nor Maizy where amused, backed down, giving off a small huff as she leaned back in her chair.
“...I’m not apologising.” Wild-Card stated
“Agreed.” Velvet replied
Maizy face palmed and groaned “Remind me again how old you two are? Because you’re acting like k-“
Cream splattered everywhere, as a three layer dessert went flying across the room and landed dead in Wild-Card’s face. The prince blinked, face caked in frosting as heavy lumps dropped onto the table and floor. Maizy blinked, as did Brinda, clearly just as shocked
“HA! Take that that princey!” Mako said as he flipped him off with a middle fringed, still looking like he was about to faint at any moment. Wild-Card gave off a low growl, and before Maizy could intervene, Wild-Card grabbed his bowl of food and flung it at him. But Mako was faster, and he ducked before it could hit him
Sadly, that wasn’t the same for Angel-Cake. The horrid stew splattered all over her face and top of her dress, she peered down at her dress as thick blotchy mascara began to run down her cheeks...Her fists slowly clenched as she snapped her gaze to Wild-Card, her mothers famous glare adorning her face.
The prince gulped “...Oops.”
Angel cake growled, and without looking, grabbed the nearest plate of food from the counter and threw it at Wild-Card.
Only for it too land on Gemstone
“HEY!” She growled, whipping off the sticky food from her face and letting it fall to the floor with a heavy squelch sound “Uh, baby! Maybe you shouldn’t-“ too late, Gemstone hurled her drink at Angel-Cake, but with the food on her face her vision was affected, and it ended up colliding with Velvet.
“Ow!” Velvet rubbed her head where the glass had hit her, and gasped at the sight of the drink dripping and soaking her favourite suit. Her eye twitched, Static quickly growing round her, as the nearby ham radio began to randomly play.
In little time at all, a huge food fight had began, food flying from all directions as it decorated the floor and everyone in the room. All that is, except for Brinda and Maizy and Tristan, who where taking cover under the table. Tristan flicked some stew off his shoulder “Well..THIS isn’t how I expected this to go!” He said while gesturing to the chaos.
Maizy sighed “Agreed.”
“Well..” Brinda peered to Maizy “Can’t you do something? You’re the one with magic here!” Maizy hummed, tapping her chin “..Yes” she answered, before adding “But I need to concentrate! I can’t cast magic with all this ruckus! I’m not as powerful as my daddy just yet! I need to be able to focus-“
With a final clang of a plate dropping to the floor, the whole room fell silent once more. Brinda, Tristan and Maizy, all slowly emerged from under the table once they thought it was safe, and immediately, their eyes fell to the door, where everyone was looking...and they quickly understand why.
There, in the doorway, was Queeny. Face covered in a serving of Hannibal’s stew. She opened her eyes and blinked, and then observed the scene before her: with everyone looking dead at her with wide eyes, everyone either had their arm outstretched for throwing something, or had one arm over their shoulder as they prepared the throw something.
She hummed
“...Not quite what I expected to see.”
0 notes
"All Bleeding Stops...Eventually"
(probably needs further editing)
I don't remember the first time I heard this said in the Emergency Department, but as a young person, I thought it was cold, harsh, and rather insensitive. After a decade or two of seeing the most horrific things, working through them, and "processing" them all, I absolutely LOVE this quote.
As an analogy, I might say, imagine spending a perceived near eternity on a tiny boat, ALONE with a large hole in it. You may have a radio that works sometimes, but no one you can really talk to. You have a Dixie cup, a mason jar, or coffee mug. Maybe all you have is your balled up shirt, bra or pants, and you are constantly emptying the water out of the boat in the best way you possibly can. Maybe there is a person that was in your boat but is no longer there, and you are grieving the loss of him or her. The water is always too deep for your boat to stay safely afloat and you are wet, exhausted and without anyone to talk to about it; every day. Ultimately this will stop. It has to, and on some level you know this. I have heard of similar less detailed analogies, like putting band-aids on arterial bleeds. It is a similar concept. If you don't have the proper equipment, knowledge or resources, you are basically screwed. You will either come up with some better idea on how to stay afloat, get rescued, or you will exhaust yourself to the point of letting go. When your boat sinks, you are left floating and treading until you can no longer. Maybe it will be the sharks that relieve you from your suffering (I have heard the bites are nearly painless initially as they happen so fast). Either way, "something has to give", so to speak. After an exhausting battle, sometimes it may be better to float and tread gently than spend every waking moment emptying water from your sinking boat.
One evening early in my (so called) career, I worked on a trauma victim, a 72 year old man with no lower face from a shotgun blast. He survived despite the fact that all of the tools we needed to keep him alive were absent. Everything we did took too long. He seemed like a lost cause by all accounts. He lost so much blood it smelled throughout the hospital, and he probably should have been dead. No matter what we did wrong, he was going to live. For whatever reason I cannot explain this fully.
I worked on a trauma case of a 27 year old girl who was hit by a truck while walking at dusk (near dark) with her friend. When she arrived to us by ambulance, she had no large intact bones. This was at first obvious during the multiple attempts to intubate her, because the entire front of her face moved in and out during the process (which is not supposed to happen). Attempts to start IV's were unsuccessful; her arms and legs had no firmness or skeletal structure. We were left with just basically boneless skin and muscle.
She had left an imprint of her face in the front of the truck that impacted her (according to accounts from the paramedics). She appeared to be bruised, yet fully pristine and intact from the outside, generally speaking. Our equipment was working, we had all of the tools we needed. We were all working as best as we could and we had adequate staffing for the situation.
Though there was so much emotion and obvious trauma on that night, what sticks out in my mind to this day, was the feeling that it seemed the only person in peace, was the accident victim. She was the only person going to rest, for a long time. Nearly everyone else would be scarred from this situation. She just looked like a sleeping angel with soft rubber-like arms and a broken/bruised face.
Of the traumatized others left behind, was the completely sober man who hit her. He was driving the speed limit at night on his way to work and rounded a curve. She was in the road slightly and her friend was in the grass. He didn't see her until it was too late. The friend with whom she was walking and talking recalled how she looked beside her and was suddenly was walking alone, just after a truck passed by. She was confused. It happened that fast, and she didn't know for a few minutes where her friend was. The remainder of the traumatized were (I am certain her family), paramedics, emergency workers, firemen, police, doctors, nurses, and ER staff. For all of the work that was done, that we did, it was heartbreaking and devastating that we could not save this young woman.
I still know exactly where she was hit, the spray paint in the road lasted for months after the investigation. I never pass this part of town without thinking about her. I have several places in this town like this. I don't know if paramedics and EMS workers feel the same about scenes they work, but after many years, I realize how many traumatic memories I drive around to avoid on a daily basis; the day care fire, my aunt's apartment, the scene of the crash of my friend from high school. The list is almost limitless. Avoidance and compartmentalization have helped me. Although some days it is just easier not to leave the house at all.
Feeling out of control and unable to help or save someone is the most helpless of all feelings. I have been somehow involved in enough tragic scenarios in which I finally ultimately realized, the outcome of this situation is out of my hands. I was fighting against something or someone I could not and still cannot fully explain. It is a feeling I have gotten a lot in my life. Most of the time the feeling was of peaceful acceptance after a long and frustrating fight. It was as if someone said to me internally, "It's okay, no matter what you do, this one is mine. Feel free to fight more if you want." It was as if the chaos of life, God or the Universe dictated who lived and who died, and that was it. I had no choice in the matter, which felt futile and pointless at times. In some ways though, it was like a kind, "throwing in of the towel" from a manager/coach who knows you did your best.
This is not a kind of thing easily accepted by some trained medical professionals, when saving lives is part of your job description. If a person dies on "your watch", it is your fault. You did something wrong, you didn't do enough, there wasn't enough staff, the staff were not properly trained, or there wasn't enough ancillary support. Maybe patient transport was delayed, or maybe it was a political or funding issue. For someone like me, it was always my fault. I didn't do a good enough job. Those feelings linger, sometimes for years. Sometimes for decades. However, every now and then I would get that welcomed feeling of peaceful acceptance.
Performing CPR on a friend who doesn't survive is a terrible situation that would wreck some people. One incident like this could destroy the mind of a person. I have detailed this particular story in another one of my writings so I won't describe it here just now, but it is ONE trauma that hasn't left my mind yet. I doubt it ever will.
The losses in these cases are heartbreaking, horrific and catastrophic. The effects of even one of these types of incidents can be mentally, emotionally and sometimes even physically devastating. These events are often not even recognized as trauma until the "adrenaline" wears off. It took me years to realize after seeing and dealing with so many traumas, that they can leave permanent wounds.
In all of the departments I have worked in, emotional or psychological trauma to workers from patient incidents was not something ever really spoken of. There was always another bloody, sometimes gross, possibly life threatening thing waiting in the waiting room, or rolling in on the next ambulance. We had rooms to clean, supplies to restock, and we had to be ready for the next one. We didn't have time to mentally deal with any one case. It was always on to the next thing, every time. I suppose this is how I deal with things now. I do whatever is next.
We were the ones who ran towards disaster, blood, gore, and trauma. It was almost an unspoken rule, we couldn't complain about any of it. We were ALL dealing with the sight and experience of terrible things. Not all of us the same incidents, but all terrible at some point. So we would tell jokes, prank each other, and compartmentalize the trauma. I personally still love dark humor. We ignored, suppressed and did other types of (often unhealthy) things in our spare time to deflect, negate, or drown the unwanted feelings and memories.
Laughter, to this day is my favorite coping mechanism. People wonder how I can just shut a part of my brain down and watch stand up comedy. I don't have a good answer for this; except I have been doing it for so many years. It has helped me through a lot of ugly thoughts and kept me "mostly normal", considering the circumstances.
I am just one individual with some skills, but so much of life, I have learned, is out of my control. Some days it felt as though the harder I fought, the harder life has kicked me right in my ass! Fighting alone indefinitely is not reasonable, apparently. So, I fight less now, but I can still scrap with the best of them (occasionally).
I look back on everything and think to myself, how did I even do it? Could I do it again? Would I ever want to? What could I do differently that might have made things better? Honestly, I don't even have answers for these questions. I am slowly coming to terms with memories, traumas, and negativity from all of these things. Mild changes in my mindset and philosophy over the years has helped me somewhat.
It is good to know that all bleeding stops eventually. It is a comfortable thought and fact that gives me peace when I am struggling (too hard or for too long).
0 notes
queercumsparkles · 2 years
Ive thought of this for a while,
It's basically where Fresh is this rare breed of parasites
A very sexual one. They need to have sex, or at least swallow cum to survive.
They can eat regular food, it just tastes bland to them
Here's a oneshot for you
Fresh and Error were currently having one of their cuddle sessions. He was grateful Error paid him little to no attention otherwise he would’ve noticed the constant squirming he was doing. Before coming here, he’d made a bet with Lust, that he wouldn’t cum before their session ended. And he was so damn close.
Lust had the volume all they way up, constantly stretching his slick, tight walls. Biting his lower set of teeth, he shifted, Error removing himself off of his lap. “We’re gonna have to—” Fresh was barely halfway through his sentence before he felt a sudden wave of pleasure rush throughout his body. “—Cut it short today. I’m kind of busy after this.”
Error looked intrigued. I’m fact he was! Fresh had no longer started to act like the emotionless parasite everyone knew. He was so touchy, specifically where his genitalia would be if he’d formed any. He noticed a similar pattern with certain Sanses such as Red, Blue, Nightmare (who had no shame in touching him back in those areas.), M’Lord, a couple of Papyruses as well.
Sanses like Lust, he also hung around often. He was primarily in either Lust’s or Nightmare’s AU, which now confused him. Fresh used to never want to be involved in sex but now he was so… weird. And it’s weird to call a 90s themed skeleton weirder.
Actually, he even stopped wearing nineties themed clothing. He always saw him in pastel or soft colored turtlenecks. All of which revealed his ribcage through a small triangular hole in the center. Most times it was a sweater and shorts or on rare occasions a skirt. Luckily for today, he’d actually put on pants. Yesterday he’d called him in the middle of a shower and just the thought gave him a hard-on. He shook it off.
“You’re leaving earlier and earlier. Why?” Fresh stumbled as he stood up, stretching and made a noise he could only hope came from stretching. “Sorry. Normally I’d be happy you want me here so bad, but I really gotta go. Lust called and he wants to hang, so sorry!” Fresh hopped into a portal to UnderLust.
He couldn’t find Lust anywhere so he decided to ask Lust’s Papyrus, Passion. He’d had many nights of pleasure with him. He was more on the vanilla side of things but he knew how to use what’s between his legs. Just the thought made Fresh shiver from pleasure. Plus, the vibrator didn’t help. “Oh hello, angel!”
Angel was a nickname given to Fresh by quite a lot of monsters in this AU, though Passion was the first to call him that. “Come for another session~?” He purred, wrapping his arms around Fresh’s waist and sliding his hand into his pants. Fresh moaned, pecking his neck. “Mm, no, sorry baby. I’m actually here for Lust. He’s not here I’m guessing?”
“You’re sure you can’t squeeze me into that tight schedule of yours?” Passion’s words were so lewd. It turned him on so much. He started to kiss Fresh’s neck. “I’ve been terribly lonely. And here you are, looking ravishing as always.” Fresh moaned.
“I’ll come play with you soon but I gotta see Lust Kay?” Passion pouted but then he kissed him. “I’ll be waiting~” He sang as Fresh made a portal to see if Lust with with Nightmare. And here Nightmare was, in his robe, talking to Lust without a care in the world while Red scowled. Lust noticed him and waved him over.
“You made it!” Fresh headed over to Lust and then Lust suddenly turned the volume up and Fresh gasped dropping to his knees as he felt his walls stretch. “You were late, baby.” Lust purred, “You wanna be good for me don’t you?”
He asks, as he tugs on the purple fuzzy collar Fresh wore. “Uh-huh,” He breathlessly responded. Lust chuckled and tugs him into a kiss, licking into his mouth, lowering the volume a bit. Fresh moaned into his mouth needily. Lust pulled away, completely turning off the vibrator and slipping his hand under his skirt and pulling out the vibrator and throwing at Red who just held it. Disturbed and also turned on.
He’d never seen the parasite so needy and whiny before. Aside from when his whole style randomly changed. Nightmare meanwhile, he was a different case in Red’s opinion. He was a goddamn horn dog for him. All he ever talks about, (aside from work and asking about their days,) he talks about Fresh. Even invited him to a personal dinner to talk.
Nightmare was smitten and he didn’t even deny it at this point. Red scoffed and threw it onto the couch, beside Nightmare who had his complete focus on the parasite. “So!” Lust started, clasping his hands together. “Red, Nightmare, could we make a little compromise?” He asked.
“Depends on what it is,” Nightmare answered, leaning on the couch, now looking up at Lust. “Great!” Lust rushed to sit on the couch beside him. “You know about Fresh’s um- While parasite thing and,” He glanced at Fresh who was playing with his sweater, face still flushed.
“Yes?” Now they were confused. “Well, apparently, he’s a rare breed. Like, last of his kind rare.” Nightmare frowned, cocking his head to the side as he became concerned. “Is it something bad?” He asked. “No, no!
Well yes in terms of how he needs to survive.” He muttered the last part. “But, I assure no harm will come to you, just— He’s a very… intimate—sexual to be precise. He needs lots of sexual activity. He isn’t hungry at the moment, but he has been deprived of it lately since clients started coming back in. So I was wondering,”
Red groaned as he watched the smile on Nightmare’s face spread. “Boss no,” Lust looked between the two confused. “Boss yes,” Nightmare purred. Lust glanced between the two of them. “Could you, if you’re not busy of course, would you mind taking care of him?
I don’t know how long it will be until we can get the clients to go down, but please.”
“Of course.” Lust grinned, “Oh joy! Thank you so much! I can um, grab his clothes if you want, I think I’ll have to go shopping soon. Plus, clients are always so nosy. I’ll come back tomorrow with his stuff.” He said as he opens up a portal. Fresh looks up at him and frowns.
He removed his shades and pressed a kiss to his head. “You gotta stay here for a while okay baby?” Fresh whined. “Why?” Lust chuckled. “You know why. Clients. I’ll see you later!” He walked into the portal and it closed behind him.
Fresh looked to Nightmare who smiled, hands clasped behind his back, robe revealing a bit of his ribs. “Do you want me to prepare you a room?” He asked. Red groaned and walked away— or tried. “Red, dear, I never said you could leave.”
Nightmare turned around to look at Red. “Since you’re leaving, can you inform everyone else there will be a guest?” Red waved him off as he made a portal, stepping into it and closing it behind him.
“Well, I hope that was a yes,” He spoke aloud. Fresh really didn’t wanna move. Nightmare turned around to look at him and he looks so sexy. He’d always had strong desires towards Nightmare. He’s curious about his size. Hell, he’d give him whatever he so desired as long as he gets something in return of course.
“-resh?” Fresh snapped out of his thoughts. Nightmare’s cheekbones were a barely visible shade of turquoise. “Are you hungry? I don’t believe you eaten anything or did you already eat? I’m not one to cook, but Horror could make you something when he gets back?” Fresh was a little hungry.
Error wouldn’t agree to it, but Nightmare would. “I’m kind of hungry,” He started eyes slowly going down to his crotch where it was covered by the fluffy robe. Would he say yes? Fresh debated on asking, a small frown on his mouth.
“Poor thing,” Nightmare started, not bothering to hide the desire in his voice. “You must be starving.” He purred as Fresh looked at him. He was soaked and he needed something in him. Now. “Please?” He wasn’t sure how to address him.
“Take this to the bedroom?” He gestured towards the stairs, and Fresh was up in an instant. Nightmare chuckled, teleporting the both of them to his bedroom. Fresh plopped onto his knees eagerly. “You’re such a good boy,” He praised, forming his cock, allowing his robe to open and Fresh squeezed his thighs together to stop his fluids from leaking.
“Let me feed you darling,” He said as he held his now hardened cock, to Fresh’s mouth. “Open wide~”
Red stepped out the portal annoyed, half expecting to see Nightmare going down on Fresh, but he saw nothing. “Thank fuck.” He muttered as he slumped into the couch. “Dude is that a-”
“Guys come quick!” Dust dragged his feet as he follows behind Cross who’d dashed off to go see the issue. Red groaned and got up to go see as well. Killer’s skull was against the door, his face was flushed and Horror looked ashamed. Killer peeked though a crack and his face grew redder. “They’re really goin’ down on Boss.”
“I don’t think-”
“Shut up Cross.”
Maybe if he told them it was the parasite, he’d get embarrassed and leave. But he seemed be pretty damn happy sucking Nightmare off. Nightmare was praising him, moaning under him as Fresh eagerly sucked him off. Stroking whatever he decided not to shove down his throat. “Damn. I’d kill to have them suck me off like that.”
“If you knew who it was you wouldn’t.” Killer scoffed. “Cmon, I’d never say no to a blowjob. Especially with a cutie like that.” Red watched as Fresh pulled away and kissed the tip, Nightmare damn near melted into mush at his touch. “Close?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Gonna cum,” Fresh giggled softly, “Yeah?”
“Dude don’t keep me in the dark. Tell me.”
A small gasp caught their attention. Nightmare gripped the sheets tightly as he released his load into Fresh’s mouth. Whatever he couldn’t swallow dropped onto his thighs. Fresh pulled away licking any semen that he failed to swallow off of Nightmare’s thick girth. The lewd expression on Fresh’s face told him he was full. “Thank you daddy~” He purred as he nuzzled his leg.
“‘M full,” Nightmare smiled softly as he let his formation fade away. “Come, you need rest dear.” He said as he picked Fresh up with a tentacle and pulled the blankets over him. He sighed softly then turned to the door. “Come in~!” He heard some. Shuffling then Cross came stumbling through the door.
Horror came in looking so ashamed. Nightmares smiled widened as Red came stumbling in as Dust strolled in expressionless. “Aw, did you enjoy the show Red~?” He teased. Red flushed and started fussing while Nightmare smiled innocently, leg propped up on top of the other.
He soon turned his attention to Horror who looked guilty. “Sorry Boss,”
“Nothing to be sorry about. And it’s not like we haven’t already seen each other naked before~” He flushed. He waved him off. “It’s fine. Though I do have an idea in mind since all of you were so eager to watch,” He smiled. “Why don’t we take our turns sharing him, hmm?” He asked.
“Hell no,”
“Boss I said no!”
Fresh woke up a few hours later, feeling arms around his waist. He turned to see Nightmare sleeping soundly beside him, robe completely revealing his ribcage. “It’s rude to stare honey.” Fresh yelped. “You were awake?!”
“You were going to pounce if I wasn’t?” He teased. “Wha-” Nightmare laughed softly. “I’m joking,” Nightmare leaned into the palm of his phalanges. “But I am curious,” He started, trailing his hand up Fresh’s arm. “How have you been all this time? You seemed to be having fun.”
Fresh’s eye lights sparkled. “Oh trust me I am!” Nightmare cocked his head to the side. “Oh? Tell me all about it.” Fresh grinned starting to tell him all about the things he’d done, often rambling or just bouncing on the bed excitedly. Fresh was very fidgety when he was excited.
Nightmare hummed softly as he traced the colorful markings on Fresh’s ribcage. “You’re such a tease you know,” Fresh spoke, breathlessly. “Mm, am I?” Nightmare pretended to think, “I don’t think I am.”
Fresh sat up lower half formed into a female body. His pastel pink sweater rolled up his thighs. “You are.” He purred, hand going squeeze his formation. Nightmare laughed breathlessly. He pinned Fresh’s hands above his head, cheekbones flushed. Fresh’s were flushed as well.
“Well then so are you darling~” He purred, tentacles going to tease Fresh’s soaking hole while he places soft kisses on the soft, smooth, ectoplasmic skin before him. Fresh moaned, eye lights hazy. “Oh dear, seems my tentacles have a mind of their own today.” He leaned to where Fresh’s ear would be if he had any. “I’ll be sure to thoroughly give you a great time,” Fresh looked up at Nightmare, giggling a bit.
“S-Since you’re— Mmph- Making me feel good— I’ll- I’ll help you t-too,” He squeezed the tip of his cock making Nightmare gasp and then chuckle.
“Oh my~ How naughty of you,” Fresh moaned once more, starting to pump Nightmares girthy shaft as one of Nightmare’s tentacles finally entered him. Fresh squeezed the shaft, watching as Nightmare flinches and then moans. His eye light had gotten larger, almost heart shaped. He buries his face in his neck. “Pretty. You’re so pretty.” Fresh paused.
He flushed. “You think I’m pretty.” It was more of a statement than a question. Nightmare pulled away to look at Fresh, his movements also stopping. “I’m, sorry.” He was embarrassed. “I’ve always, mm, always thought you were pretty. Stunning even.”
Fresh’s eye sockets filled with tears, covering his mouth as he took a moment to process. Nightmare was surprised to be suddenly enveloped in a hug as Fresh kissed him. He kissed back nonetheless. Just happy to be in his presence. Fresh pulled away smiling shyly as he looked away. “Only Dusty would call me pretty.”
“He’s right though isn’t he? You’re quite the eye candy.” Fresh snorted and laughed. “You sound so old!” Nightmare chuckled kissing his nasal. “I’ve been alive for over 500 years darling, I’m much past old by now.”
“You’re fucking ancient.” Fresh snorted. Nightmare paused and Fresh froze. Shit. “You’ve got such a potty mouth.” Fresh smirked a little. “Oh, but you seemed to be enjoying it earlier,” He teased.
He chuckled. “Should we continue this another time?” He asked. Fresh huffed, “No. Didn’t get all wet just to look pretty.” Nightmare chuckled. “I suppose it would be fair to finish where we’ve left off.” Nightmare’s smiled turned just the tiniest bit wicked.
“Or I could head back to bed.” Nightmare watched as Fresh fidgeted, squeezing and rubbing his thighs together as he flushed. He must be starving. He thought as Fresh crawled over to him. Nightmare had shifted earlier, sitting up, spine resting against the plush pillows.
Fresh’s phalanges grabbed his shaft as he pressed a soft kiss to it. “Please,” Fresh looked up at him as squeezed his thighs together. “I’ll be good.” He pressed a kiss to the tip. “I can be good for you,” He whispered.
Stars, those eyes. “Damnit,” He whispered. Fresh licked the tip and then looked up at Nightmare for approval. His other eye light was a heart, his soul glowing a bright pink. He smiled at him and gave him a small nod.
Fresh hummed quickly shoving the tip into his mouth, moaning softly as he started to bob his head up and down. Nightmare could help but smile at the sight before him. His pretty (girl?? Boy??) was so eager the please him. He moved his phalanges to gently caress his face. So pretty. Nightmare threw his head back as Fresh went down lower to his shaft.
He was so wrapped up in bliss, he’d forgot about holding up his kingly appearance. It’s been decades since he’d felt this good. He, nor Fresh noticed the tentacle sneaking up to Fresh’s hole and shoved itself inside. He was warm. So warm.
His voice was so sweet, stars everything about him was sweet. Fresh clenched around him, lewd squelching noises filling the room as the two got lost in their bliss. His cock twitched, indicating he was close. Nightmare moaned, eye light in a the shape of a heart as drool slid down his chin. Tongue lolled out of his mouth as he felt waves of pleasure suddenly flow throughout his body.
“Gonna cum,” He said, Fresh hummed, pulling away and pumping his cock. “Gonna cum for me?” He sounded so lewd, still so sweet. “You’re so cute,” He purred. Nightmare was completely disheveled, robe completely showing his ribs, eye light heart shaped and fuzzy, tongue lolled out of mouth.
He giggled, feeling Nightmare twitched against him. “Gonna give me a big load?” He asked, squeezing the tip watching as semen leaked out of the tip. He’d never seen Nightmare so lewd before. He really hoped he could get another chance and this wasn’t some wet dream again.
Fresh eases the tip into his mouth suckling and slurping on Nightmare’s cock like it was the tastiest thing ever. (I mean, it is though.) He’d forgotten about the tentacle inside of him. It was limp. He wiggled his ass and watched as Nightmare flinched and whined eye light rolling to back of his skull. Stars that was so hot.
He moaned softly as Nightmare’s hot load filled his mouth. Luckily, he swallowed all of it this time. Fresh pulled away, licking up any droplets he missed. Nightmare panted softly, cheekbones flushed. Nightmare looked almost adorable as a small smile came to his face.
“We can’t keep our hands off each other can we?” He said with a chuckle. Fresh giggled. “I guess we can’t, then.” It wasn’t long before Nightmares tentacle pulled out of him. Nightmare flinched, barely moaning. “Oh dear.”
Fresh hummed. “Nighty?” He started, tracing circles into Nightmare’s ribs. “Yes dear?” Fresh flushed. Maybe he wasn’t ready for it yet?
It probably would fit inside him anyway. “Wanna keep going or are you too tired?” He asked, both wanting to keep going and generally wondering if he’s should call it a night. He could settle for a blowjob, he’d be pretty hungry tomorrow though. Nightmare sat up, smiling ever so softly. Stars he was so cute.
“Come, I’ll do my best before tire myself out. It won’t much unfortunately, it’s been centuries since I’ve last had sex with someone.” Fresh just smiled. Nightmare cocked his head to the side. “What?” He asked.
“You’re just so cute.” Nightmare paused and flushed. “A-am I?” He stammered. Fresh giggles, “You are,” He purred.
Nightmare smiled shyly. Fresh hummed, crawling up to the pillows and laying down, legs spread so Nightmare could see his soaked cunt. He watched the blush spread across his cheekbones, a droplet of sweat sliding down his cheek and dropping onto the bed. Fresh used his fingers to spread his puffy slick lips as he ran his tongue over his teeth lewdly. “I’m ready~”
“May I..” He paused and swallowed nervously, cheekbones flushing impossibly more. “Can I try something?” He asked. Fresh nodded, brow raised. “Okay,” Nightmare whispered, mainly to himself.
Nightmare let out a soft breath as he teased the sensitive bud on Fresh’s clit. Fresh moaned, arching his back. Nightmare glanced up at Fresh. He smiles softly as he presses a soft kiss to his slick hole. He gently licked into him, moaning softly at the sweet flavor.
He started to lick into him, allowing Fresh to buck his hips into his face squeezing his thighs ever so gently. Fresh shuddered, gripping the pillows. “Stars, that feels amazing,” He whimpered and bucks against him as Nightmare enjoys every little noise escaping him.
“If keep that up I might— hngh- I might cum,” Nightmare pulled away looking a little dazed. “I don’t mind, feel free to.” His eye light was heart shaped as he licked the slick off his face. “C-cmon, please? I don’t think I can wait any longer.” He whined.
Nightmare softly before chuckling. He kissed his skull. “The things you make me do,” He murmured. “Do you believe you’re ready? I don’t think it’s gonna fit.” Nightmare looked concerned.
“It’s fine honey. The pain gives it a thrill!” He exclaims, smiling. “You’re so cute, Nighty.” Nightmare glances away from him and huffs still smiling. “We’ll discuss all of this tomorrow yes?”
Fresh just silenced him with a kiss. “Please just put it in. Just wanna think about you tonight.” He sighs softly into the kiss, slowly inserting himself into his soft warm hole. Fresh whimpered against his teeth, legs wrapping around him.
“You’re alright love.” He murmured softly, kissing his neck. He wondered if he should push the rest in. Hear his cute little cries. He flushed at the thought. He should save that thought for another time.
Fresh pulls him into a sloppy make out session as he bucks his hips a little to test the waters. Fresh whimpered into his mouth, legs wrapped around his waist. He pulled away burning his face in his neck. “Is it okay to move?” He strained out, desperately wanting to move but held neck because of his concern. (You damn simp.)
Fresh nods, cute sniffles leaving him as Nightmare set at a slow pace, unintentionally going deeper and potentially rearranging Fresh’s nonexistent insides. Soft moans left each other as they simply basked in ecstasy. (Though Fresh’s were potentially higher than Nightmare even imagined, all the times he’s fantasized about this moment.) Neither paid attention to the presences they’d felt outside the room. They only felt, heard, and saw each other.
Nightmare’s tentacles went to tease Fresh’s most sensitive spots, (One being on the back of his nape) as the two shared a sloppy, sex induced, kiss. Fresh’s senses felt so dull.
She was tingly and warm all over. Everything felt good. It felt better than all the times Lust and he had done it. It’d almost felt like when she and Dust did it. It was filled with so much love and care for one another. She’d always had a strong attraction to Nightmare, she’d always thought it was sexual.
Fresh pulled him into another kiss, muffling their moans. Nightmare kissed back ever so gently. He treated her like she’d break. She felt loved. It was like with Dust. God, she misses him.
Nightmare pulled away resting his forehead on hers. She’d only just noticed. His eyes always shown with so much affection towards her.
His smile was soft and loving, every touch was gentle and carefully placed. He wants her. He wants to be with her. She felt warmth swell up in her chest. She felt so fuzzy. She wanted him but why did she still want Dust? Why was she so selfish? Why do they want her?
Nightmare panted softly, pressing a kiss to Fresh’s temple. “I’m, I’m close. D-do you want me to pull out or..?” The stutter made Fresh’s soul swell. She shook her head. Wrapping her legs around him as he finally came, feeling his load fill her up brought her joy. He was inside her. That sparked something in her.
She felt Nightmare pull out to lay beside her panting softly. She panted, staring up at the ceiling. “Night?” She panted out. He shifted. “Yes?” He replies, giving her his full attention. It makes her smile.
“I think I love you,” She feels him hug her. “I… I can feel it. You still have feelings for Dust though,” He points out. She laughs.
“I don’t know what I want. I just know I love you both.” She shifts on her side to look at him. He smiles. “Promise we’ll discuss this tomorrow?” She nods.
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