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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb eleven
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ynstyles i mean…this is literally art! missing my man but im obsessed with these outfits!!
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harrystyles i look like i need about 25 showers!
ynstyles @/harrystyles naw! i like my man sweaty 🥵
fuckynyes i want boaf!
ynstyles @fuckynyes boaf???
fuckynyes @ynstyles holy shit! yn replied to me. i can die happily now!!!!
ynforstyles fashion icon married to a fashion icon will remain iconic
daniellaxo i wanna see my hottie besties face! you’re starting to turn into a harry fan page 🙄
ynstyles @daniellaxo oops! my husbands just hot af
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harrystyles the photos i get from my wife while im on tour
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ynstyles still a pretty bitch!
daniellaxo @ynstyles periodt baby!
sobabygirlhs prettiest woman to exist! harry hit the jackpot
harrynews so jealous of harry :(
youngharold3 she’s just like every other bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️
ynstyles @youngharold3 only this bitch gets to lie next to harry fucking styles so, is she like every other bitch?!?! 🤪
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ynstyles ☀️
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harrystyles wife 🥵😍
youngthug 🤪🦋
chrisbrown 😮‍💨😮‍💨
treysongz 😍😌😍
offsetoffical 🫣😮‍💨
future 🫠
daniellaxo wtf is going on right now?!?
zayn um—@/harrystyles you better get em’
harrystyles @zayn doesn’t bother me. i won and still win in the end 🤣
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ynstyles happily married 🫣😌
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harrystyles shut them up, baby!
ynstyles @harrystyles like, what?!?! are they all insane?
harryupdates i was totally shocked!! they all just came out of nowhere
treysongz baby, we aren’t worried about no harry fucking styles. hit me up when you want a real man 😌
ynstyles @/treysongz ha! harry would beat your ass! but good luck though!
gemstyles @ynstyles they must not know who my brother is?!?!
ynstyles @/gemstyles they see him being comfortable with who he is and what he wears and think he’s soft like, girl! my husband ain’t a punk thank you
zaynlashes yeah, harry isn’t someone to play with. you can just tell, dude!
olivawilde trust, harrys good with his hands ;)
harrynews @/olivawilde oh that’s not—
future 🤣
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb two
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harrynews harry seen in italy recently with his sister @gemstyles and some friends
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harryfan0 he looks good
daddystyles i want him!
harrystylesharry why does this bitch have to look so motha-fucking-good!?!?!
zaynharry it’s not fair he gets to look this beautiful
goddesstyles harry in italy will always be superior
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ynstyles kisses 😚
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ynrry holy, shit!
ynforevs i need her in ways ive never needed anyone else before.
jtofficial girl crush 😻
kehlani i love this outfit!!!
harrystyles2ndwife i get why im in second place.
togoagain im crying at how pretty you are.
treysongz @chrisbrown you were right 🫣
chrisbrown @treysongz im saying
selenagomez love you so much, baby
yngirlssupport i cannot get enough of her! i swear!
vogue our woman crush
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harrystyles i was texting @ynstyles
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ynstyles lies! you were definitely texting nialler
niallhoran @ynstyles can’t blame a man for being in love with me, yn
harrynews i believe it, one thousand percent
lizzo 😂
harryliveontour 🙄
corbstyles dads being weird again
harrystyles @corbstyles you’re suppose to say “dads being cool, again!”
corbstyles @harrystyles uncle zayn’s cooler!!!
zayn @corbstyles tell him, kid!
louist91 @corbstyles i take offense to that kid!
olivawilde 🫣😍
ynisoverparty im so sick of her. she’s mad annoying!
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ynstyles im so sick of her. she’s mad annoying.
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ynforevs clocked them!
ynrry she really couldn’t care less about what his fans think of her! this is why i love her so fucking much.
rosensss best friend, slay!
ynaunt taught my girl well!
annetwist love you forever. no matter what anyone says.
goals4yn i fucking love her! she always makes his toxic fans look dumb af!
corbstyles ladies and gentlemen, my mom!
harryissingle i bet his team hates her! the way she’s messing with harry’s career in the long run. h needs to divorce her now!
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ynstyles you can’t out do the doer, okay? you can’t outshine the shiner baby 🤷🏽‍♀️
ynslay again, slayed!
harrynews every single time!!!
harryyn i fucking love her.
niallhoran tell them!
rebeccaaaklaus i can honestly say she’s my favorite celebrity wife that’s not famous. she doesn’t give af about what any of her husband fans think of her. she will clock them each time!!!
throwthestone queen 😌
harrystylesfineline she’s so mother for this.
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jqmalikhsgib · 7 months ago
insta blurb fifteen
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ynstyles hi, im back!
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ynrry omfg, we missed you! it’s been months! what have you been up to, baby?!?!
ynstyles @ynrry sorry darling! i needed a mental health break from social media. ive been taking care of my kiddos and took some vacation time with my family! 
ynxharry we miss you so much!
ynstan i love you and miss you and hope you never leave us again
lizzo good to see your beautiful face again
tmz oh?? is our beloved yn back with us?
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ynstyles hs3 is about me. just ask him 🦋🫣
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ynrry and we believe it!
zayn that’s all he ever talks about. i know it’s about you.
annetwist ❤️
longhairharold i need someone to write a whole ass album about me. it’s only fair, god!!
harrystyles not even gonna deny it 😌
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ynstyles i got to have babies with this man! i still get to make babies with him too. over and over and over and over again 😌
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corbstyles mom!!!
ynstyles @corbstyles sorry baby
selenagomez living all of our dream :(
harrynews she has no shame and i love it!
ynxharry she will always remain mother!!
freaklikeme and she’s serving each time!
harrystyles …and over and over and over and over…
ynstyles @harrystyles 🫠😋
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb thirteen
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harrystyles 🏖️☀️
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harrynews they’re all together!!!!
corbstyles finally a vacation!
harrystyles you act like i never take you guys out 🙄
corbstyles @harrystyles sorry dad! i needed this. high school is kicking my ass!
harrystyles @corbstyles sucks to be you!
longhairharold payton hair is so long!
ynrry i miss yn. i know she’s on a bit of a cleanse from social media but it’s been a week since she posted. all thanks to #that side of the fandom 🙄
ynylnstylesud @ynrry same! they piss me off not gonna lie. but it’s probably best for her mental health and whatnot. which is why im happy she’s gone. she’s looking out for herself and her family.
ynharry oh my god, i love themmmm
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corbstyles older brother duties while mom and dad enjoy date night!
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stylesfamily corbin!!!! how tall are you exactly?!?!
corbstyles @stylesfamily 6ft even. almost taller than my pops!!
finelineera how old is hayden now?
corbstyles @finelineera he’s about to be eight months in three days.
harrystyles look at my babies. they’re so well behaved!!! can’t wait to come home and cuddle all three of you
corbstyles @harrystyles you’re ruining my bad boy rep
louist91 @corbstyles you have no bad boy rep, nerd!
corbstyles @louist91 and you wonder why @zayn is my favorite uncle!!!
louist91 @corbstyles hey!!
zayn @louist91 @corbstyles 😎
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harrystyles three beautiful kids and one amazing wife has made me the man i am today! also, my daughter is amazing at golf! niall would say it’s because of him but in reality, it’s her old man that’s taught her!!! 
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niallhoran wrong again! she gets it from uncle nialler
louist91 pfttt @niallhoran your golfings got nothing on football!! ⚽️ she will be a star, i promise!
annetwist so glad you found love, baby. even if you were so young. you and yn belong together!
unclejessie my nephew is getting tall. stop growing little dude @corbstyles
corbstyles @unclejessie don’t think i can, uncle jessie
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb twelve
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ynstyles slut 4 harry is gonna be tattooed on my forehead!
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harrystyles slut 4 yn is already tattoos on my ass so why not? 
harrynews same babes!
ynrry mother!
zayn oh—
corbstyles i think im gonna be sick
harryforpres i need him in ways i never thought i needed a man
slut4harry im gonna pretend this was a personal shout out from yn!!!
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ynstyles famous for loving you. hated for the same.
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ynrry you two are so cute and your story has so much depth. like you both went through so much. i can’t understand why people don’t love you!
harrynotstyles i love them! they’re cuties 😍
sunflowervol6 i need them both!!
stanselandstyles i think they’re all just jealous. the only explanation
annetwist :( we love you darling. just know that, okay?
zayn fuck them all!
henhenhendall if you weren’t so fake and admit you couldn’t give three shits about harry. you only care about his fame and fortune and you prove that each fucking time.
hendallendgame @henhenhendall and the simple fact that he cheated on her multiple times! the man was clearly bored and didn’t want her anymore. it’s almost as if she got pregnant on purpose with their daughter so he’d feel more guilty and stay. she’s so desperate
ynstyles @hendallendgame @henhenhendall let me just tell you something that no one knows! i was literally divorcing harry. i had filed and sent him the paperwork. he literally cried on the phone every single night, begging me to not break up our family. i didn’t care what he had to say for three whole months. i just wanted him to be there for our kids! but after a while i missed him and i knew he was working on himself so i told him we could try and work our shit out. i wasn’t ever gonna spill anything but i just talked to my husband and he said it was okay. one of the people he cheated on me with was your favorite model. oh yeah, that’s right, misses kendall jenner herself. so kindly fuck off and leave my marriage alone! i love harry more than anyone in this goddamn world! fuck anyone who believes otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️
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tmz uh oh! yn styles went on a rampage with two harry styles fan accounts. she talks about divorce but more importantly she spills one of the women styles cheated on her with. looks like miss jenner has some explaining to do! click the link in bio to find out more!
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harrynews the fact that i had a feeling. i love harry but, yikes!
women4women i am not surprised. hopefully yn leaves this man one day
longhairharold wow. i wouldn’t know how to feel if i were yn. to cheat on her with someone of that high class and beauty. don’t get me wrong, yn is prettier in my opinion but, she’s the complete opposite of everything yn is. i just—why harry?
stylesfamily i feel so bad for yn
harrystyles i messed up and i regret all my decisions! i will not be explaining anymore. my wife and i have moved on and we’re gonna raise our three beautiful kids and the fans who still constantly come for her will be blocked! please leave me and my family alone. and always, treat people with kindness
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
sea view
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varietymagazine “fame just got to my head,” styles starts. “it was all my fault. im the reason my family was almost broken.” click the link in our bio to learn more about harry styles life, music, and more!
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Harry Styles: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! 
When we hear the name Harry Styles, most of us scream our lungs out. The ex One Direction member holds our hearts in his hands without batting an eyelash.
Harry Styles was born in Worcestershire, England February First to Anne Twist and Des Styles making Gemma Styles an older sister. Harry would describe his childhood like any other.
“I was just a normal kid, playing football in my backyard,” he states. “I’d make fun of my sister while she called me a butthead before we’d go and watch something on the telly.”
Styles opens up about being a child from divorce. “My mom and dad had problems. They’d fight here and there and Gem and I would just hold each other in one of our rooms. My parents finally decided enough was enough and separated. I was ten years old, somewhat heartbroken but ultimately relieved.”
When Harry was eleven he met the most loveliest woman he’d ever seen. She’d just moved from America with her dad and five older brothers. The moment Harry saw her, he just knew!
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off of yn. She was breathtaking. I had to get to know her!”
Harry and Yn relationship begins when they were only twelve years old. From that moment they were each others first love. Harry states he’s never felt love like the one he’s had with YN.
Harry opens up about his personal life with his wife and his kids. Including the moment they became teen parents.
“We were young and dumb. The only thing we were thinking about was each other. When she called me crying, telling me she’s pregnant, we were just about to hit fourteen. We’d just started high school and we were scared shitless. I ended up getting a job at the local bakery and our parents helped us as much as they could. When our son was born we never felt so much pride and joy. We created this tiny little human out of love. Nothing has ever made either of us feel more proud.” Styles goes on to say.
Harry then talks about his dream of being a singer. He opens up about how silly he thought it was, but how his mom, sister, and wife talked him into auditioning for the X-factor.
“If it weren’t for my family, I would have never went to that audition! My mom and sister always encouraged me to live my dream. In my head it was a given. ‘Of course they’ll say this, im their son and brother.’ I thought to myself. But YN wasn’t either, I guess it was different when I heard it from her.”
Styles smiles as he discussed how he use to sing their son [Corbin Styles] to sleep. “He’d have this huge smile on his face. Every single time he’d close his eyes, he’d fight his sleep just so he could hear me sing. That’s really when I knew, I gotta audition!”
In that moment, Harry’s life changed forever! He was apart of the biggest boyband in the world, One Direction. Being put into a group with four other boys [Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik] Harry talks about his relationship with each band member.
“Being put into a group with four different boys was difficult, sure! Of course it was exciting and love there in the beginning. We’re just five boys who had the same dream. But we’re also five boys with five different personalities, five different voices, five different views of the world, five different love stories. We bumped heads a lot, especially towards the end,” Styles states. “I think after four years of constant tour, no breaks, arguments, screaming, and barely seeing our families, we were all kinda done. At this moment I was married to YN, she was pregnant with payton, so I wanted to be there for her and both of our kids more. Louis was about to have his own baby, Liam was dealing with his own battles, Niall had family troubles, and Zayn had left the band. We were all kinda worn out. It was time we ventured out on our own and see where life would take us. In a way, it made our relationship better. Niall, Louis, and Liam are all uncles to my children. Zayn was my best friend in the band, he was named god-dad.”
We asked Harry about his first album, how it came about. “It was simple really! I’ve been writing my own music for a long time. I went to Jamaica with my wife and kids and it was lovely. I put together my own band, figured out which songs I wanted out there, and once it was ready, we set a date and even prepared for tour.” Harry smiles at the memory. Though it never reached his face.
This is when we asked him about his second album. Fine Line had been release two years after his self titled album, Harry Styles. Hearing it makes your heart break.
Harry talks about his relationship with wife. He opens up about his arrogance, ignorance, and his affair[s].
“I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I was a shit husband for a long time,” Harry tells us. “The moment we made it big, I’d get this big head and think, ‘fuck im the shit!’ so many women wanted me and would do anything to have me. I was weak and stupid. They all knew I was married with kids, I never hid that from my fans or obviously the women id sleep with.” Harry takes a deep breath. “YN and I would constantly argue. She’d cry herself to sleep at night when I didn’t come home or back to our hotel room when the boys and I were on tour. I remember when she packed her bag and left me.”
Harry wipes his tears before he continues. “It was around the last few legs of tour. I’d been sorta seeing at least two women regularly. [for privacy reasons harry didn’t mention names] She wrote me a note, stating she couldn’t do this anymore. She told me I either needed to get my shit together or she’d divorce me and get full custody. In this moment I knew, I needed to find myself again. Once tour was over, I flew to Japan, took a few friends, began the process of writing fine line, and went to therapy. I was gonna do everything in my power to get my family back together. from there, YN, me, and the kids would work on our new dynamic. I was slowly getting my family back.” Harry states.
Harry opens up about how a lot of the fans blamed YN during the time they’d been split up.
“I wanna clear this up, YN had nothing to do with our split. A lot of people assumed she’d been the one cheating or using me. She was always faithful and couldn’t care less if I had millions or pennies. She loved me for me. Fame just got to my head,” Styles starts. “It was my fault. I’m the reason my family was almost broken.”
YN has been known to be vocal to people who constantly hate on her. Harry opens up about the relationship she has with his fanbase.
“I think if you can’t respect your favorite artist relationship, you’re not a real fan. Truth is, YN is my wife. I almost lost her years ago, I’m not gonna lose her over something so petty. She’s the mother of my children and my wife. People should respect that!” Styles states. He continues to talk about her social media comments and post.
“She can do whatever she wants! I don’t control her, nor does my team! YN has always been very open when it comes to our marriage. She’s not gonna sensor herself simply because others can’t get the hint. That’s one of the many things I love about her!” Styles finished.
During our interview, Harry opens up about his next album before he leaves.
“The next albums gonna be filled with more love than anything. I think this one will be filled with dancing, smiles, and laughter. I’m really excited to share it with the world.” Harry states before he politely shakes our hands and walks over to his family.
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jqmalikhsgib · 9 months ago
insta blurb one
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corbstyles happy father’s day to my dad! he’s a rockstar in the eyes of millions but a dork to me and my sister. somehow my mom fell in love with this weirdo. 🤷🏽‍♂️
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harrynews happy fathers day to harry!
harry5ever happy dads day to the only dad ever.
harryssstylles he’s my dad too, corbin!
harrystyles im not a dork!
ynstyles @harrystyles you kinda are, nerd!
niallhoran happy fathers day, h!
lizzo happy daddys day to our daddy
harryedsstyles imagine getting to call harry styles your father?!?! how is life fair?
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ynstyles i thought moving to the uk when my father got a promotion at the age of ten was the end of the world. turns out id meet the man i would end up marrying at the age of twelve, have our first baby, and become a family of the two most amazing kids on the planet. happy fathers day to my husband. love you so much, babe.
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harrystyles thank you, baby. you’re my absolute world!
zayn happy fathers day, dude!
harrystyles @zayn you too!
onedirectionfan happy fathers day, harry!
harrynotstyles happy fathers day, harry! we love you.
annetwist happy fathers day, baby boy. love you always
gemmastyles happy dads day to my brother! love you forever and ever.
louist91 happy fathers day, h. hope you enjoy it
harrystyles @louist91 you too!
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harrystyles milf
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harrynews yn is literally definition of milf!
stylesfam i want her!
ynstyles 😳
corbstyles 🤢
harryfan3 he’s not shy at all!
dojacat i wanna fuck her too. you’re not special!
chrisbrown 😍
harryfan2 @chrisbrown stay away from her!!!
kendalljenner woman crush everyday!
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb five
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harrystyles hayden james styles coming soon @ynstyles
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harrynews no fucking way!
lizzo ah! congratulations again, h and yn!!
putapricestyles im—
ynrry yes!yes!yes!
zayn so happy for you both. can’t wait until my third god child is born!
annetwist this is so exciting! can’t wait to meet him.
gemmastyles happy for you little brother, always!
ynstyles can’t wait for hayden to be here.
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corbstyles mom ‘n’ dad
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harrystyles caught us in 4k. is that what the kids are saying now?
corbstyles @harrystyles i cannot believe you said that, dude!?!?
ynstyles your dads cute, too bad he’s not single :(
corbstyles @ynstyles how am i normal?!?
preston_p dude, i still can’t believe your dad somehow managed to bag your mom. like, how?!?!
harrystyles @preston_p excuse me, sir! i am a catch!
harrynews @preston_p im—
damndaniel your parents are literally sickening!
harrystyles @damndaniel if you ever wanna step foot into the styles household again, you will never call me and my lovely wife sickening. you dweeb!
harryeds harry such a dad! i can’t—
styleharry may i ask why their aren’t any photos of you, corbin?
corbstyles @stylesharry um—idk just never really posted my face. but i swear i look like my dad one thousand percent! i didn’t even inherit my moms skin tone. im as white as they come thanks to him 🫣
harrystyles @corbstyles this is true!
corbstyles should i do a face reveal?!?
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corbstyles this is half of my face. as i said, im my fathers son one thousand percent. honestly, most times im not sure if im even my moms biological child 😂 if it weren’t for my hair, which in this photo its sorta straightened, i would question it every time!
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harrynews you do look like h from what i could tell!
harrystyles sorry buddy, but your mom is your mom! no denying that.
ynstyles ha! tell that to the twelve hours i endured giving birth to you, kid!
harryeds wait, are those harry’s pearls?!?!
corbstyles @harryeds yep! stole a few from him!
unclejessieyln kid, you should see what your great grandmother looked like! trust me you definitely have yln genes in ya! 
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corbstyles full face reveal. with the curls❗️
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stylesfamily okay, now i can see your mom! you look like her too!
ynstyles my beautiful boy!
harrystyles always jealous of the curls, kid. :(
annetwist ❤️
harrynews harry styles 2.0!!!!!
tpwkhstyles omfg!!! you totally look like h!
foreverharry1d i—
ynisoverparty 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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jqmalikhsgib · 7 months ago
insta blurb fourteen
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corbstyles my favorite vacation activity is taking random pictures of dad
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harrystyles how rude!
annetwist ❤️❤️
gemstyles get him, corey!
lizzo and we thank you for your service sir. 🫡
jamescorbin he looks like he’s ready to scold you each and every time!!
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harrystyles baby, you are the love of my life
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ynrry i can’t with the cuteness!!
harrynews harry’s so in love!!!!
notyourstyles i want what they have :(
stilesstyles ahhhhh i love themmmmm
ynkoolkid please give me love like theirs
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youarehome are you home yet? click the link in the bio to find your door.
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lizzo got my door!
harrystyles are you home?
zayn why’s my door have chickens, you ass!!
harryupdates is this the new harry era?!?! please tell me we’re getting an album
myharrystyles oh my god! we’re about to reach harry styles new era. im excited but also sad to say goodbye to fine line era
corbstyles my door is my dad staring at me disappointed
harrystyles @corbstyles ha! probably is
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb three
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ynstyles happy 7th birthday to my baby girl! when your dad and i found out we were pregnant our lives brightened up even more. the moment you were born you made mommy and daddy love stronger. without you we’d be incomplete. mamma loves you more and more each day. we’re gonna make this the best 7th birthday a girl could possibly ask for! we love you pay-pay <3
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harrynews happy birthday payton
gemmastyles happy birthday to my favorite niece. love you always!
louist91 happy birthday, payton
niallhoran happy birthday, pay. love you lots!
zayn happiest birthdays to my god-baby. love you forever and more.
lizzo happy birthday, from your auntie liz
harrystylist happy birthday to the coolest little girl out there.
harryliveontour happy birthday to the best nepo baby out there. we adore you!
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harrystyles 7 years your mom gave me you. 7 years of love, 7 years of laughter, 7 years of happiness, 7 years of being a girl dad. you and your brother are the greatest little gifts a guy could ever ask for. happy 7th birthday, payton rose. here’s to 7 more years and more with you. love, daddy <3
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stylesfamily happy seven years to payton!
annetwist my grandbabies getting so big. tell her to stop it, harry!
harrystyles @annetwist i wish, mom.
olivawilde happy birthday, payton
selenagomez happy birthday to, pay!!!
kendalljenner happiest of birthdays to the coolest kid!
ynstyles our babies growing up too fast. don’t like it.
farmerstyles happy happy birthday!!!
stylersss happy birthday, kid!
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harrynews some images of payton styles birthday party. it was barbie themed. literally the cutest!
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harryfan0 cuteee!!
harryedstyles this is so adorable!
ynisoverparty 🙄
ynrry this is so pretty! and i love how it’s child themed. a lot of these celebrities make their kids parties look too adult-ish for the aesthetic.
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months ago
insta blurb sixteen
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corbstyles timeline: the last three years
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ynstyles my first born baby <3
harrystyles you look like me more and more!
annetwist love you, baby boy
gemmastyles you look so young in the first photo!
zayn first god-son! love ya kid
harrynews he’s so adorbs!!!!
yniseverything he looks so much like h. that’s so crazy! yn genes really said, nope!
ynstyles @yniseverything facts!
yniseverything @ynstyles ahhhh
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ynstyles pretty bitch
view all 44,899 comments
harrystyles the prettiest woman on the planet. my wife
yniseverything she’s so beautiful!
longhairharold we need more of yn!
ynrry absolutely!
tmz we love yn!
cardib ;)
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harrystyles ☀️🍒☀️
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harrynews ahhhhhh!!
ynrry they’re so fucking hot i cannot stand it!
ynrrymyparents they’re goals!
ynstyles hottest couple i know!
corbstyles my momma and papa
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb six
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harrystyles celebrate with me. a little fun party with a few friends and family. new mini music video coming out soon!
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harrynews he said this as if he was inviting us to actually join a party!!! why is he like this?
ynrry i can’t wait!
corbstyles dad didn’t even invite me :(
harrystyles @corbstyles adults only, kid!
harryfirstalbum harry hates us forreal because why did i think he was giving tickets away to an actual party?!?
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harrystyles 💜
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ynrry they’re so goals!
stylesfamily i fucking love them so much.
heszjm okay but like they’re literally perfect!
edwardstyles i want what they have!
carolinastyyles forever my favorite couple.
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harrystyles hayden is here!
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stylisharry omfg! congratulations!!!
liampayne congrats, guys!
niallhoran hayden, it’s your favorite uncle!
lizzo happy happy happy!
annetwist happy to have him be here.
hazzahazz so fucking glad he’s here! congrats to yn and the styles family!
ynrry okay! no wonder yn isn’t on insta! congratulations yn and harry!
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb seven
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ynstyles mama styles back after being gone for four months 😚
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ynrry omfg, we miss you!
yncani your hair is so pretty! i need.
ynrrystyles god, she’s literally the most beautiful human to walk the earth
corbstyles hi, mom!!!
ynstyles @corbstyles hi, cory <3
harrystyles i got to marry her!!!
ynstyles @/harrystyles i got to marry the most talented rockstar out there! im the lucky one 🤪
ynisoverparty2.0 @ynstyles you’re such a gold digging whore 🙄
ynstyles @ynisoverparty2.0 yeah, but im only a god digging whore to my husband so—🤷🏽‍♀️
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ynstyles fun fact, i really don’t give af what others think about me. im still that bitch!!!
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weloveynrry and is!!
hswifeyn periodt!
jtofficial 😌
kyliejenner ❤️❤️
protestynrry we really don’t give af you don’t give af. you give off gold digger energy. harry deserves better than you
ynstyles @protestynrry who, you?!?! don’t be delusional! i was with harry before fame and fortune and during his cheating stage. baby, i ain’t going no where 🤪🤪
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ynstyles the way i love my husband! like, i will put up with all the bullshit over and over again. he’s worth all the hating ass bitches who have this weird obsession over our marriage, like…? be so forreal right now. if it’s not me, who do you think he’d pick? you?!?! girl, you’re like twelve years old, honey. get it together and stop hating on my relationship with your favorite artist. we literally want the same things babe, for harry to be happy and healthy. let’s move tf on, please?!?!
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harryupdates she’s so right. people just need to like get over it!!!
harrynews h loves her. why do people hate on her so bad?!?!
sabrinacarpenter so true, bestie!
taylorswiftfandom idk—i kinda get it. if she would stop stirring up trouble with his fans, maybe they’d leave her alone.
harryedstyles but like, they’re so fucking annoying! yn really feeds us when harry isn’t on social media or touring. if anything we should be thanking her.
annetwist don’t worry about the hater, baby girl. you know we love you regardless!!
corbstyles mama of the year!
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ynstyles the look he gives me honestly makes my heart pound and my ovaries cry!!! put another baby in me @/harrystyles 😖
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harrystyles yeah?
ynstyles @/harrystyles immediately!!
coolkidstyles oh—
corbstyles gross! i refuse to believe my parents aren’t virgins
harrystyles @corbstyles oh, kid! how do you think you got here??? 😬
zayn @corbstyles trust me, kid, your parents are gross
stylesattack yn is us we are yn
ynstyles @stylesattack like, babes!!! he’s literally everything.
stylesattack @ynstyles no fucking way you responded to me!!! ahhhhhhh
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb four
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ynstyles my man 😍
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ynrry period!
harryed i love how she’s just like us!
harrynews @harryed yeah, except she’s married and had two of his kids
harryed @harrynews 😖
harrysourfriend he’s so beautiful!
fuckynstyles ew, why is she here?!? go away!
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ynstyles bitches will be like: “ew why is she here?!? go away!” knowing this is me and their fave on a daily 😌
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harrystyles09 i fucking love how funny she is!
ynstyles4ever she really couldn’t give three fucks.
fuckinharrystyles dead ass laughing.
dojacat get them, baby!
wildinstyles im literally laughing on the floor!
stylesfamily i saw that comment and was about to say something until i saw that you posted again and immediately said, that’s right bitch!!!
ynisoverparty she’s so insecure. it’s dead ass funny
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ynstyles imagine thinking im insecure. that’s insane. anyway, gonna go give my husband some hea—🫢
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hsyscsps she slays each time!
mothertia she’s so fucking funny i swear.
hendallisreal yeah, she’s definitely insecure.
finelinestyles so mother!
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months ago
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ynstyles my angel boy <3
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harrystyles our baby boy is so adorable. we make cute kids
ynstyles @harrystyles he really is a cute kid!
annetwist my littlest grand-baby 🥺
harrynews him so cuttttteeeee
longhairharold he’s the most adorable baby on the planet
harryforpres we need more pics of hayden
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harrystyles appreciation of my wife. she is a goddess!
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harrynews oh—
gemmastyles she is a beauty
queenyn omfg!!!
ynforevs i do not have any words. just thoughts 😮‍💨
corbstyles why, dad? why?!
selenagomez beauty
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ynstyles married my best friend ❤️
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harrystyles so grateful to still call you mine after all these years
annetwist so happy you gave my boy a chance, darling!
lizzo my favorite couple
loversfineline i need this in my life!
harrynews a love like ynrry is what we all deserve!
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months ago
insta blurb eight
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corbstyles dads trying the mustache, again!
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ynstyles ahhhhh 😍
annetwist my baby-boy <3
longhairharold now grow out your hair again, babe!
lonniep i love a man with a beard ;)
prestonquest dude, your dad looks like he’s about to arrest me. tell him to shave the police facial hair.
corbstyles @prestonquest ha! he does kinda look like a cop.
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ynstyles category is: my man 😍
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ynrry god, you two are so my parents! idc if im thirty-five.
ynstyles @ynrry idk how that works since we’re still in our twenties, but absolutely baby!!
harrysadsong i want both!
harrystyles20 i love you, yn!
ynstyles @harrystyles20 and i love you, darling!
corbstyles dad looks annoyed in the first photo
ynstyles @corbstyles he definitely was!
stylesfamily i love when yn gives us harry updates. since tour is on a hiatus, i missed him! thank you yn for feeding us!!!
ynstyles @stylesfamily anything for my stylers ;)
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harrystyles the one thing i got right in life has been you, baby. i don’t know where id be if we split up. i love you so fucking much, yn! im so grateful you gave me our three beautiful children. i can’t wait to have more little nuggets with you and grow old with you. my forever person! <3
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ynstyles stop it! you’re making me cry babe :(
corbstyles dads such a sap sometimes
annetwist so grateful she’s apart of our family
harryrealfan gross! give us music not this shit
ynstyles @harryrealfan and just like that you’re another hater on the blocklist
harryedstyles god, he’s so in love!!!!!
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