#murrays monument
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mtaartsdesign · 7 months
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“Making Their Mark,” presented by the Shah Garg Foundation and curated by Cecilia Alemani, is a monumental exhibition featuring 80 significant women artists from the last 80 years. Among these notable women are #MTAarts artists Firelei Báez, Faith Ringgold, Sarah Sze, and Elizabeth Murray.
On view in Chelsea through Mar 23, the exhibition “champions the lives and work of women artists, bringing into vibrant relief their intergenerational relationships, formal and material breakthroughs, and historical impact. Through drawings, mixed media works, paintings, sculptures, and textile works, the artists of ‘Making Their Mark’ rechart art history through their singular, iconic practices.” - Shah Garg Foundation
1: Firelei Baez, “Ciguapa Antellana, me llamo sueño de la madrugada (who more sci-fi than us)” (2018) at 163 St-Amsterdam Av (C) station. 📸: Osheen Haruthoonyan
2: Faith Ringgold, “Flying Home: Harlem Heroes and Heroines (Downtown and Uptown)” (1996) at 125 St (2,3) station. 📸: Trent Reeves
3: Sarah Sze, “Blueprint for a Landscape” (2017) at 96 St (Q) station. 📸: Tom Powel
4: Elizabeth Murray, “Blooming” (1996) by Elizabeth Murray at 59 St/Lexington Av-59 St (N,R,W) station. 📸: MTA A&D/Rob Wilson
5: Elizabeth Murray, “Stream” (2001) at Court Sq (E,M,G,7) station. 📸: MTA A&D Rob Wilson
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beguines · 27 days
Hatfield himself and a companion (unarmed and in the company of their wives) were gunned down and murdered by Baldwin-​Felts gunmen on August 1, 1921, on the steps of the McDowell County, West Virginia, courthouse, where they had arrived to answer a trumped-​up indictment. The gunmen were acquitted, claiming self-​defense, although this claim seemed preposterous. The murder of Hatfield, already a hero to the miners, enraged mining communities throughout the state.
Armed miners began to pour out of the mountains to end the police state that kept them from organizing in the two counties. By August 24, 1921, more than ten thousand armed miners in Charleston, the state capital, were preparing to march. Labor marches throughout Appalachia had a long history, much like earlier revival meetings. Workers and their families would often rally, listen to speeches, and march for days, agitating in large areas on behalf of unions. As mine owner violence worsened, the marches became armed. Corbin claims that a conservative estimate of the number of armed coal miners who took part in the eventual march was between fifteen and twenty thousand. The miners were well organized, led by hundreds of miners who were World War I veterans. They had commissary, food support, and hundreds of medical personnel to take care of the wounded, and above all they had weapons, including numerous large machine guns seized from coal mine supplies. Corresponding to their proportions among miners in the state, roughly 25% of the marchers were African-​American.
The main battle took place on Blair Mountain, where armed miners did battle with a private army led by Sheriff Don Chafin, the coal-​company-​financed dictator of Logan County. As the miners fought their way to Logan County, President Calvin Coolidge sent federal troops into West Virginia, allowing coal companies and their minions to destroy the union. Then–​UMWA vice president, Philip Murray, claimed that if the army had not intervened, the state would have been rid of the mine gunmen. This is by no means certain, as Shogan argues. What is certain, however, is that the arrival of federal troops ensured that the miners and their union would suffer a monumental defeat. By the end of the decade, union membership in the state, which had been many tens of thousands, had dwindled to the hundreds. The spirit and remembrance of Blair Mountain, however, was a factor in making West Virginia coal miners among the first workers to mobilize and organize in the early 1930s.
Michael Goldfield, The Southern Key: Class, Race, and Radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s
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historicalbookimages · 5 months
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🗿 Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America: . London: Published by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, J. Murray & H. Colburn, 1814.
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annoyingthemesong · 2 years
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Tis the season, and there are a lot of under appreciated seasonal films I come  back to year after year. 
Scrooged for one. This movie is so monumentally underrated, with a classic Bill Murray performance and it’s full of great side character actors (Carol Kane and especially David Johansen of the New York Dolls), populating this delectably dark take on the Dickens tale. I love that these actors are on Bill Murray’s level - rather than just playing off him. 
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 6 Thoughts
Disclaimer. Been drinking all day. So if I don't make any sense, or I sound extra horny, blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol!
Kade in her cheerleading outfit screaming about catching Sam and Mon kissing is giving "I'm very very very upset about this" vibes. And if you don't get the reference, quick! Go play A Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray right now. You're welcome. Lol.
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2. Sam, your friends are just teasing you. They've grilled Mon as your future girlfriend, given her a Masterclass in "How to read Khun Sam", and have also helped her get you jealous, which was the push you needed to finally bite her lips and put us ALL out of our collective misery. They know you've wanted to taste every inch of her since you first brought her over. Nobody's buying the "it's no big deal. We are all carnivores biting off lips and noses. It's how we show 'true friendship'" routine.
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3. Sam: Everyone kisses those they are close to. It's no big deal.
Jim: Cool. Let me kiss your girl real quick. Since we're close and all.
Also Sam: *Bitch slap*
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4. You go MUMMY!! Lay claim on your girl! Look at baby girl's Mon's face at Sam saying "I'm the only one who can play around with Mon"! Mon’s like shiiiiiiit. I didn't sign up for this. But also that's kinda hot. But also Khun Sam wtf?!!! And you know what Mon? All of your emotions are valid right now.
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5. But with all seriousness though. I sincerely hope that someone helps Sam pull her head out of her ass and apologize to her friends. Yes, she doesn't process emotions well cuz of the stunted development she's undergone, having lived with THE WITCH that is her grandmother, but between the pushing of Tee last episode and the slapping of Jim, who is STILL PREGNANT last time I checked... Sam really is just saying "Fuck all! I don't care" isn't she? And we haven't seen any proper apology from her to them, on screen yet. Which...
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6. Aaaaaaand this is why Mon is best girl! Look at her putting her foot down and insisting that Sam apologize to her friends. You tell her Mon! A simple phone call after s slap like that, just wouldn't cut it. Sam needs to put in some more effort! Honestly, ngl, if I'm Jim, I would totally make her WORK for my forgiveness. What can I say? I'm a vengeful brat and as much as I would go to the ends of the earth and hell itself for my friends, I expect that the respect me enough to not slap me in the face, no matter the provocation.
7. Gods. Tee is soooo fine. Did I rewind that shot of her by the window, in that black and white striped shirt, an unholy amount of times? Yes. Yes I did. Look at her fingers. How lean they are. How they look holding her phone. Look at that cut of her bangs. Look at the effortless way she's leaning. She can effortlessly just slide into my bed. Tee!!!! LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
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8. There you go! She apologized, and came bearing gifts!! I honestly hope that part of her character development will be that when she monumentally fucks up in the later episodes (and she will because we've ALL seen the trailer), and is begging Mon to take her back, she will come as herself, with just her words and sincerity, and no gifts in hand. Then we will have come full circle, and gods! I love a good grovel moment!! Is it really groveling if you aren't eating gravel? [Does that make sense? it makes sense in my head though, so I hope it makes sense!]
9. Gah! Her finger hearts is so adorable. BE STILL MY HEART!!!!!!! I would have totally folded like a wet paper napkin if that had been me.
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10. Jim is totally a better person than me. Cuz I would have totally leaned in and given Sam a big smoosh. It's what she deserves for that "consider it a lakorn" apology! Although not gonna lie, all that soft kissing, got to me. Dammit! Have my friends and I been doing apologies wrong?? Is it really an apology if there's not just a teeny tiny bit of kissing involved??? Send help! My brain can't process this!!!
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11. Hahahaha. That kettle whistling is the sound of Mon's jealous reign. Sam really REALLY needs to thank her friends. The effort they have put in, to help her get, and secure her girl! Ha!
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12. I get that Mon is pissed and rightfully so. But, this tantrum she's throwing in the presence of her coworkers will just cue them in faster that she and Sam are dating. Like girl, use your sense. You are at work right now. Cut that shit out!!!
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13. Just when I think Sam can't get anymore adorable, she pulls this tattoo rhyme and dance routine that is making me lose my shit! Look at her pretty gorgeous face. Argh!!! Khun Sam. This is why you own our hearts. Forever!!
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14. You see that Sam? You are not the only one with a monopoly on being jealous! You tell her Mon!!! Make her work for it!!!
15. There you go Mon my love. Lead Sam into admitting that you are different. You are special. You are beloved. Cuz we both know your girlfriend is a little slow on things that involve her desires, and wants. Once again, FUCK THE WITCH THAT IS HER GRANDMA!!!
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16. Girlllllll!!! What do you mean by you're sisters??? Do you kiss your sisters with that mouth?? What in the incestous fuck???? See what I mean??? Every facet of Sam's emotional constipation can be laid at the feet of the witch that raised her. Urgh!! Sisters my ass!
17. The Lord is TESTING me!! Girl! HOW ARE YOU SAYING EVERY OTHER WORD BUT GIRLFRIEND???? That's what Mon wants you to say. You wants you to think of her as YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!! Mon, my love. I extend my condolences to you sweetheart. It looks like you really picked a troublesome one. Cuz what in the...
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18. Her little competitive spirit. Sam, my love! I can never stay mad or frustrated with you for long. Gah! Everyone, let's collectively say a prayer for poor Mon. How on earth would she ever be able to resist Sam's little pouting moue? Or the little fist bump she does when she wants to win.
19. Ha! She's spotted Kirk, in his clandestine meeting with our lady of lying lips. I KNEW THAT HE CAN'T STAY HIDDEN FOR LONG. Now watch him somehow convince Mon to keep it a secret from Sam, which we all know wouldn't backfire at some point, causing Sam to lose faith in Mon. Right? Right?
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20. Urgh! Say what you will... But Nita's turned eyefucking into an art form. Look at her turning all that focus on Mon! So sorry Ms. Nita. Mon's hopelessly in love with Sam and won't give you the time of the day. I on the other hand, can be convinced to make terrible life choices, and you will be a bad decision I will never forget.
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21. Oh Chin. Khun Sam isn't after her throat anymore. She's after her mouth. Those boobs. Her thighs. And the heaven between said thighs.
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22. Mon. Sweetheart. You're adding both your girlfriend (almost, anyway) and her fiance to your Facebook???? And you don't think this will backfire at some point???? It's not occurring to you that this is a very very bad idea???
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23. I love how food is their love language. Sam's go-to for solving any problem with Mon is to just offer to buy her food, and you know what? Valid. I too turn to food for a lot of my emotional comfort. And now I'm hungry. Urgh!
24. Bought this and that my ass! Girl did you clear out the ENTIRE supermarket????
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25. Oh no! The minute her parents were like "absolutely" go up to her room and everything, I died. Because all I could think of was the Khun Sam shrine Mon has going up there, and sure enough, Sam's found EVERYTHING!!!!
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26. Urgh Mon! Couldn't you have left us with a little more of that caging? Let us sink into it properly, before you break the spell by reaching for a reason why you've been avoiding Sam, that isn't the truth? Which is that you are in cahoots with Kirk to keep vital information from her, and it's making you feel guilty, hence why you're doing all of this???
27. The hand to the jaw??? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCk!!!
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28. Fghghjgjhgjhghjgjhghjghj. I sooooo knew this was going to happen. Rofl. Mon was talking about the emotional capacity of a dog to love, ergo "love me Khun Sam. That's what I want us to be to each other. I want to be the person you love, unconditionally and without restraint."
What Sam hears instead: "Get on your knees and bark, woman!"
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29. Sam makes the cutest dog though. Gah!!! Look at those eyes!!! And that perfect moue of her mouth!! Can you all tell that I'm OBSESSED with Sam's mouth? OBSESSED!!!!
30. That kiss!!! That kiss!!! The lip bite. The hand grip! The ravishing her in her childhood bedroom. The heat of the moment, against the soft pink innocence of the room. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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31. DID YOU ALL CATCH THAT??? YUKI ASKING IF TEE'S ALSO PREPARING FOR JIM'S DANCE???? YESSSSSS!! I called it!!! Tee's already sunk her teeth into that girl!! How can anyone resist my butch Queen? It's just not possible. Not when Tee looks like THAT!!!!
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33. Sam looks soooo happy and cute. Look at her little dances. Khun Sam, you're doing amazing sweetie!!!!
34. Mon Girl! You nearly slipped up there. And you think adding him on Facebook wouldn't have your secret slipping out? Ha!
35. Kirk. Whatever you're planning, DON'T DO IT!!! Don't even think about doing it! And don't trick Mon into helping you. URGH!!! I HATE THIS!! This is soooo going to break her heart isn't it? I'm not ready for the pain!!!
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36. Aunt Weena. No matter how "Good looking" you think Kirk looks with Sam, she looks even BETTER with Mon, and that's a fact! Urgh! I really hate all this pressure, and I KNOW Kirk is about to do something I will absolutely hate as well. Fuck!!
37. OMG!!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!!! Look at Tee's shirt. It's the same colour as Yuki's dress. THEY ARE MATCHING!!!! My secondary ship is sailing y'all!!! You know what? If I can't have Tee for myself, I can reluctantly share her with Yuki, cuz my girl also deserves happiness.
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38. I really REALLY love this friend group. The way the conversations segues from heterosexual coupling and marriage to "Yo! Mon! How did Sam confess her feelings to you?" is giving me LIFE!!!!
39. OMG!!! Sam's pleased smile at Mon catching the bouquet! Be still my heart. Oooof. Imagine if the show finds a way to gift us a Sam and Mon wedding in episode 12??? I WILL SCREAM!!!!
40. Urgh! Kirk. How like a straight man to interrupt when the sapphics are eye-fucking and all mushy with emotions, to center himself in the moment. Urgh!!! Fucking Kirk!
41. Hold up. Is this motherfucker trying to propose??? HOLY SHIT! He really is proposing. Firstly, HOW DARE YOU??? Secondly, you piece of shit. Why the fuck are you proposing at someone else's wedding??? Why are you making the moment that is meant to be about Jim and her husband, about you? What in the actual FUCK???? Can y'all tell that I HATE, HATE proposals at weddings? It just reeks of selfishness and bad manners. Jim is a better person than me cuz I would have walked straight up to his ass and told him NOT AT MY WEDDING YOU NARCISSISTIC PIECE OF SHIT! URGH!!!
42. I also REALLY REALLY hate public proposals. It's manipulative AF, and relies on the crowd to get you to force the other person's hand to accept your proposal, and I hate it!
43. Urgh! URGH! I hate this ending. I hate it. Mon my darling. My baby girl. You don't deserve this. And the preview for next week's episode?? Looks like we're prepping for even more pain. FUCK!!!
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thishadoscarbuzz · 14 days
308 - The Monuments Men
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With another George Clooney film on the horizon with Wolfs, it's time to revisit the diminishing returns of his directorial career. In the 2013 season, his WWII quasi-comedy true story ensemble film The Monuments Men was an on-paper awards magnet. With a cast that included Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, and Bill Murray as a team attempting to rescue centuries worth of art from destruction by the Nazis, the film released two underwhelming trailers before being punted into the next year. Released in February 2014, the film made much more money than you probably remember, but failed as an awards vehicle.
This episode, we rehash Clooney's directorial career and discuss the film's struggle in the editing room. We also talk about the film's mismatching of its stars into pairs, Jean Dujardin's Oscar run with The Artist, and Clooney's reaction to Tarantino saying he's not a movie star.
Topics also include Drunk History, Tim Walz's summer playlist, and Alexandre Desplat.
The 2013 Academy Awards
The 2014 Academy Awards
Tarantino Drags Clooney
Demi, Myself, and I podcast on Patreon
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ludmilachaibemachado · 2 months
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July 28th 1968 - 'Mad Day Out' photoshoot. (Location 5 - St. Pancras Old Church)🪴
They then went to the Old Church and St Pancras Gardens near Regent's Park. Don McCullin first photographed the group standing on a small grassy hill to the left of the entrance steps and gate. A nearby flowerbed was in the form of a circle with the inscription "1869-1968 NDFS".m🪷
The second location was a bench north of the hill, south of the central monument, the Burdett Coutts Memorial Sundial. A little further southeast of the monument is a drinking fountain🌸
Tom Murray (photographer): "Paul noticed that I try to capture those moments when their faces take on some silly expressions or unusual poses. When he saw me filming him drinking from the fountain, he sprayed me with water."🌵
The next site was next to the mausoleum of architect Sir John Soane, which is located in the eastern part of the park. They sat down on the grass near the mausoleum, next to a sign: "Please Keep Off The Grass.". To the north of Sir John's mausoleum was the Coroner's Court of St Pancras, where they were photographed with an elderly man reading a newspaper on a bench🌹
The group then posed against the backdrop of St Pancras Hospital among the tall mallows. Then they came to a bench north of the monument. After that, they were photographed in the arched doorway of the church🌻
Via Beatles and Cavern Photos FB🪴🪷🌵
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kaiyves-backup · 6 months
The award-winning 2014 Hollywood movie The Monuments Men, exposed audiences around the world to what was arguably the greatest treasure hunt in history. The movie, starring A-listers George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bill Murray, tells the true story of a World War Two platoon that came to be known as the Monuments Men, a group tasked by President Franklin D Roosevelt with rescuing art stolen by the Nazis during the course of the war. 
While the film shines a light on the harrowing work involved in protecting and recovering art from the Nazis, there's one part of the story not told by the movie: the Monument Women. Alongside the men who were engaged in the important effort of preserving priceless cultural treasures for future generations, there were also women who played a key role in that effort. And now, nearly 80 years later, those overlooked women are getting their close-up thanks to a New Orleans exhibition.
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The Monuments Men was described as follow:
A cultural war. During WW2 the nazis stole a real treasure in art (paintings, sculptures...) and the Monuments Men were charged with preventing more theft and getting back the stolen masterpieces. The Sovietics are taking the art from the Germans as war reparations, so they don't have just one ennemy to deal with, and many people are less than enthusiastcs with helping them. A++ cast too, Clooney, Damon, Bill Murray, Bonneville, Blanchett...
1917 was described as follow:
A beautiful movie that is made so that it is (or looks like it is) in only one take. It's about two British soldiers during WW1 who have to cross into enemy territory to give a message to a group of 1600 men that they are going into a trap.
This movie was absolutely amazing!! Takes place during WW1 and centers on two British soldiers delivering a message to stop a British battalion from attacking and falling into a German trap. Historically accurate and filmed to look like it's all just one continuous shot (which was super cool to watch). Great cast and crew and it did a really good job capturing the horrors of trench warfare. Full of action and also some really sad and touching moments. HIGHLY recommend it if you haven't seen it
Was edited to look like it was filmed as one continuous take
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goatsandgangsters · 9 months
In Dracula, however, an unusual variety of documents is collected to make up the dossier; not just journals and letters (which are quite traditional in novels), but memorandums, telegrams, title-deeds of property, railway timetables, dictionaries, newspaper cuttings, monumental inscriptions, notebooks, phonographically recorded case-notes of psychiatry, and a ship's log translated from the Russian. ... It seems that the most powerful defence against the Undead is not the crucifix, nor the bulb of garlic, but the typewriter, with which the thoroughly modern Mina Murray becomes the secretary and filing-clerk of her own destiny. ... Yet there are also strange affinities between the vampire, a shape-changer from the ancient past, and the transformative potential of the new technologies of writing. The sucking of blood from other people's bodies, for example, is analogous to the absorption of their words into the master narrative: Mina's transcriptions mirror Van Helsing's furious transfusions, as each attempts to overcome the vampire by pumping words or blood from one repository to another. In this sense they imitate the monster they are trying to annihilate: Van Helsing attacks the vampire with vampiric methods, drawing blood out of young men and pumping it back into young women; while Mina siphons words out of recorded speech and recirculates them in the form of typewriting. ... The effect of this enormous effort of transcription is to disauthenticate the voices of the witnesses. At the end of the novel, when Harker opens the safe in which the documents are stored, he marvels that 'in all the masses of material of which the record is composed, there is hardly one authentic document: nothing but a mass of typewriting'. ... Just as Dracula attempts to absorb all blood into his own body, so Mina's 'vampiric typewriting' absorbs all voices into the uniformity of print.
Maud Ellmann, “Introduction,” Dracula by Bram Stoker
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historicalbookimages · 4 months
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🗿 Researches concerning the institutions & monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America: . London: Published by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, J. Murray & H. Colburn, 1814.
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Composer Murray Gold Returning to Doctor Who for 60th Anniversary and Series 14
Composer Murray Gold Returning to #DoctorWho for 60th Anniversary and Series 14
Award-winning composer, Murray Gold, will be returning to Doctor Who for the 60th anniversary celebrations starring David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor! Gold composed the music throughout the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors’ eras, originally joining with Russell T Davies for Series 1 and seemingly ending his monumental musical journey on the show with 2017’s Twice Upon a Time. And…
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scotianostra · 2 years
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November 10th 1839 saw the birth of Thomas Ross, he became best known for the partnership of MacGibbon and Ross, who wrote comprehensive multi-volume books about Scotland’s castles and churches.
If you haven’t heard of the duo, I can be sure that you will have seen some of  his drawings that were included in their books, I have used these many many times on my posts to show how castles would have looked in the 19th century. Thomas Ross was the son of a farmer, also Thomas Ross, and Ann Murray. He was born at Wardheads, Errol, and attended local schools before going to Glasgow around 1855 to work as an assistant to architect Alexander Kirkland. He soon moved to the office of Charles Wilson, winning a measured drawing competition during his time there. He spent the proceeds on a study trip to Yorkshire, visiting Fountains Abbey among other sites.
In 1862 he began as an assistant to David MacGibbon in Edinburgh, and was made a partner in the firm of MacGibbon and Ross ten years later. Soon after this he married Mary MacLaren. Ross began sketching the architecture of Scotland along with his senior partner, contributing to the latter’s public lectures, and culminating in the pair’s major publications. After MacGibbon’s moved to the continent, Ross managed the practice alone, and also continued to make sketching trips for their ongoing publications. The books brought in many commissions for restoration work, but many schemes were never realised, and business declined generally.
After MacGibbon’s death in 1902, his place was taken by his son Alfred. Ross himself was appointed as a founder commissioner of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) in 1908, and was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1910. RCAHMS is now a  part of Historic Scotland, holding many photographs and artwork from our old buildings, also giving details of field reports of visits made to these structures through the years, again a great resource for me when I put a post together about a castle and it’s history.
Fred MacGibbon was later appointed architect to  RCAHMS, but was diagnosed as diabetic and resigned in 1914, dissolving the practice. He died the following year.
Ross continued alone until 1916, when he retired to his home in Saxe-Coburg Place, Edinburgh, occasionally undertaking small commissions. He was arrested in 1915 for sketching in a prohibited area, while studying Rossend Castle in Fife, and fined five shillings. In 1918 he was elected to the Royal Scottish Academy as Professor of Antiquities.
He died three years after his wife, at the age of 91, and was survived by his son James MacLaren Ross, also an architect, and two daughters. He is buried in Comely Bank Cemetery in north Edinburgh.
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ao3feed-j2 · 2 years
The Fifth Element
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oNVlrHA
by candygramme
The world is being menaced by Evil, and only one person can save it. Fortunately he has help!
This is not a story for the faint of heart. There were so many opportunities to lampoon, that I really didn't know where to begin – and if you read then you will certainly notice that I didn't have the sense to know when to stop! All I can say is that I am deeply sorry.
In here you will find a villain the likes of which has never been seen before. You will find a hero of truly monumental ability, and a being who is just about perfect. You will find character death, bravery in the face of impossible odds and a variety of TV heroes past and present, from Star Trek to the X-files and beyond.
I wish to reassure readers that no Tom Wellings were harmed during the making of this movie. It was all done with smoke and mirrors. He will be fine, I promise.
My thanks go to spoonlessone for her stellar beta, and for the way she joyfully joined in the silliness. I also wish to thank the script writer of the Fifth Element, and tinkabell007, whose words I frequently stole. The story was written in 2008.
Words: 28259, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Alex Krycek, James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock, Lt. Uhura, Mr. Scott, Dr. McCoy, Kim Manners, Dawn Ostroff, Chad Lindberg, Eric Kripke, Gabriel Tigerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jared Padalecki, Jim Beaver, Katie Cassidy, Bob Singer, Lauren Cohan, Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Han Solo, Chad Michael Murray, Christian Kane, Sandy McCoy, Jensen Ackles, Steve Carlson, Jason Manns
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oNVlrHA
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