murkimera · 8 months
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Choco [pr]
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*looks at martyn on tumblr*
*remembers that thing about creators and fans being much too close together now and not having a healthy divide between fandom and franchise*
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eggwhiteswithspinach · 11 months
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murky waters
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thearcanecat · 7 days
Pulp Musicals as dice
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Bonus - Printing press plate
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Edit: There’s more now.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
What's BANDits? I've heard the term before but idk what it is
BANDit stands for "Birds Are Not Dinosaurs" - its. IE, its the term for the group of "scientists" that have continued to insist birds did not evolve from dinosauria despite literally boatloads of evidence to the contrary.
You see, we haven't always known birds are dinosaurs. When we were first thinking about evolution (in the Western World, remember: lots of colonized people had ideas about evolution *and* paleontology that White People essentially wiped out when we colonized them), a lot of people pointed out the similarities between many of the dinosaurs being found and living birds. MANY. It was common knowledge in the 1800s among scientists.
But then along came this guy Dollo. Dollo didn't like the idea birds evolved from dinosaurs. See, he found wishbones in birds. He found wishbones in some of the triassic weirdos of the past, things that dinosaurs would evolve from. But he didn't find wishbones in dinosaurs. And Dollo was convinced that a structure couldn't re-evolve if it had been lost during evolution. So, to him, there was no way birds could be dinosaurs.
There were problems with this:
he didn't know about how traits are gained and lost genetically. In fact, he didn't really know about *genetics*. There are lots of ways to re-gain a trait you lost (if you only lost it by turning off its regulatory genes, or you re-evolve it convergently, that kind of thing).
at the time, we had dinosaur wishbones. we just didn't know thats what they were.
since then, we have found waaaaay more dinosaur wishbones. And also, tons of other evidence. so much evidence. at this point, there is literally nothing else birds could be.
it took time to build up that evidence. For the entire first half of the 1900s, and a good chunk of the second, no one believed birds evolved from dinosaurs.
But then we started to find the evidence.
And we found more.
And more.
And more.
By the 80s, it was becoming pretty clear that birds probably evolved from dinosaurs. At this point, documentaries and fictional material are even referencing it. But, there was still a group of skeptics, the first true BANDits (because at this point it was not the majority opinion). And that's okay - skepticism is important in science.
Its the fact that they KEPT being skeptical even as more and more evidence poured in. By the mid-90s, it was incontrovertible, because we had found fossils of feathered but very clearly nonavian dinosaurs. By the 00s, we were finding them CONSTANTLY.
And yet, the BANDits kept BANDiting.
Most of them have died, because they were old and stubborn. Very few new scientists are BANDits. It's really just
A) in russia, because russia has had a... weird history with paleontology. I don't want to get into it
B) those remaining few old people who refuse to change their minds in light of new evidence (this would be Feduccia)
in the 10s, they were really annoying, because enough of them were still around that people thought they were good scientists (they're not), and so if you said "birds are dinosaurs" at least one person would bring up banditry to prove you wrong, and then you had to go on a whole spiel, and it was exhausting
In the late 10s and now 20s, that's pretty much dead. It's just impossible to argue with anymore. I don't know how Feduccia keeps publishing his crappy books, but I really wish that someone would say "I can't publish this" bc people read them and think they're right.
Like, birds are *such* dinosaurs that we don't even know at what point dinosaurs are firmly birds. It's kind of murkey, because nature doesn't do categories.
So, yeah. That's what a BANDit is. They're almost extinct. May they become as such by the 30s.
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angelicyoongie · 1 year
The Obsidian Pearl (teaser)
Preview: Sailing through The Dead Man’s Passage is a death sentence and the whole crew knows it. Your Captain is not left with much of a choice, not when the ship’s stock is as good as gone and you’re still a week away from the nearest port. It doesn’t take long before you realize that starving to death would’ve been a kinder way to go. You can only watch, helpless, as the crew jumps ship one by one, leaving you alone with the demon lurking in the murkey red water. You wish you could have starved to death, warmed by the sun, as the creature beckons you to jump into the icy water – “Come to me, pet” – and you can’t do anything but obey.
Coming soon in June! Set in the same universe as The Crimson Shell.
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toonsurvival · 26 days
Last Update of this Fanmade Rockstar Roses AU
[Maybe...it really depends...]
Remember this AU does not Belong to me it Belong too....
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OK I know this AU is supposed to be Dark and serious but...
I have a Funny scenario where Rainmaker one day at Work just minding her own Business doing paperwork or whatever Managers do.
While she's doing that Marble realized that Misty forgot to Grab her Lunch Box today and Decided to Visit her Work Place.
She put on her Disguise 🥸 and get ready to set of with "Gear Riggy" once she finally reaches the Building...
She went to the Front Desk 😳 in a Timid Childlike Voice...
"Excuse Me, I'm Down here."
Cog looks over their Desk
"Well Hello there little Missy, what you need help with?" Why aren't you in School they thought
"My Mom forgot to Grab her Lunch, so I brought it for her."
Tries to put it on Desk but Failed so they walked around their Desk to help her out.
"Do you want me to Deliver it to your Mom? or you want me to Call her on the Speaker?" Why does she look so Similarly to someone I know?
"Call her Please."
"OK what is your Mom's Name? If you don't know I can use your name instead to call her." What is this Nagging Feeling I'm having???
"My Name is Murkey Monsoon and my Mom is Misty Monsoon" she innocently said
The Cog gave Murkey a surprise look on their face "Oh... Wow! OK than kid I'll call 📞 your Mom right know." HOLLY SH×T MISTY HAD A KID?!?!
Turn on Speaker 🔊 in Building "Miss Rainmaker your Kid is here to Drop off your Lunch, please come to the Front Desk." THIS IS GOOD GOSSIP MATERIAL!!! BUT I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS???
Rainmaker flying down to the Desk "Hi Sweetie~ 👋 thank you for bringing my Lunch." kneeling down to give hug.
"Hi Mommy!" Jumps to give Hug 🫂 back.
The Cog from the Desk look at them back and forth, holy s*** they look so damn identical!!!
OK maybe a little bit different but still!!!
"Here’s your Lunch Ma'am."
"Thank you." Grabs the Lunch Box from Cog while carrying Murkey and Gear Riggy in her Arm.
"Do you know how to get back home 🏡 Darling?"
"Don't worry Mommy! I know how to get Home."
Rainmaker Gently put both of them down.
"OK then walk home Safe!"
"We will!"
Murkey & Gear Riggy happily exist the Building
"So... how old is she?" The Cog looked at her Curiously
"She's 6 Year Old" Rainmaker said
"OK then... I have one more Question to ask?"
"What is it?"
Rainmaker look at them in a very disappointed look but not really surprised.
"I've always have been a Mother in the Very beginning, why do you think 🤔 I worked so hard to reach the Manager position 😅 like I gotta feed my Kid somehow."
The Cog from the Desk looked at Rainmaker in Shock 😲 and have no Idea 💡what to do with this information.
Holly Sh×t! Holly Sh×t!! Holly Sh×t!!!
While they we're screaming in their head Rainmaker flew away back to their Office.
Here's a Closer Look of Murkey Monsoon and Gear Riggy 😀
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Random Information
• Murkey is Home Schooled.
(Fake Info to tell Cogs)
• Murkey accidentally Burnt Riggy's Right Eyelashes while cooking with her Mom.
(Fake Info)
• Murkey is natural Timid around Cogs but is Terrified of Cogs who got a very Scary Upgrade (Since they do not look Kid Friendly at all.)
• Rainmaker and Murkey made sure to make a lot of Family pictures just in case Misty needs to act like a very Proud Mother.
• Gear Riggy is not allowed to Breath out fire 🔥 because it's too Recognizable, but they are allowed to Bite though.
• Murkey makes Consumable Art 🎨 of Rainmaker's Lunch/Dinniner and sometimes it will have little cute Messages on it like.
"Love U Mom"
"Have a Great Day~"
"Remember to take a Break"
"Keep up the Good Work"
"Have a Lovely Day Mom!"
(Cogs will either get Jelly of Rainmaker's Cute Lunch Box/Bento Box that Murkey made or Curious what it looks like.)
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williamstrother · 7 months
Sabine is not Luke
It's quite frustrating how some people tend to think Ezra and Sabine hooking up is "incest", when they are not even related, so it's not. Hmm. I'm kinda confused, why some people tend to treat it that way. I've not nothing against Sabine being a Jedi, but the way Dave Filoni is portaying her relationship with Ezra dosen't make sense. He flirted with her in Rebels, yet she turned him off. Ironically in seasons 3 and 4, they got more interactions. It was never an idea we pushed on Dave, but judging from the epilogue and Ahsoka, Sabine did display some mannerisms that resembled romantic intent. In the OG trilogy, Luke didn't have that strong of an attachment to Leia. only had curosity of the events that surroned her involvment. He also didn't make an issue over her falling for Han, instead assuming the role of the casual obbeserver of an obvious relationship between the two and not wanting to get in the middle of it. Also the idea of Leia being his sister was a twist, which became the core of their dynmanic. Ezra and Sabine could never replicate that (due to having no blood relation), instead replicated Kanan and Hera. It's kinda impossible, actaully. If the idea of those being a platonic pair was something Dave wanted, he could've given each of them different love interests, selling the idea, but never did, hence why many fans shipped them. Ironiclly despite Ahsoka seemingly trying to bury the ship sorta backfired with Sabine displaying traits remsebling romantic intent. Even the reunion also seemed to echo a romantic scene. Despite Ezra's strange line of Sabine being like a "sister" (while scratching his head a bit), he still flirted with her and the two even acted very nervously with each other, leading some fans to questio if it was true he saw her that way (with his previous attempts to woo her also furthering that same question). Also Luke and Ezra are very similar, yet completeyl different characters, so trying to replicate a previous dynmanic wouldn't feel very unique. Thankfully, Sabine is not related to him, so the two hooking up would not be too much taboo, despite what a lot fans are saying. It's not as odd as they think. Still Dave's take on this is pretty questionable and conisdering all the parallels between Ezra/Sabine and Kanan/Hera, it only confuses the future of their realtionship going forward or what the point of it is. The future is pretty murkey about this.
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the-good-neighbors · 1 year
Pulled some artist's proofs from my latest print yesterday
It's not my favorite piece, but i still think it's cool
Prompt was pandoras box (and murkey), and I decided to go with Masque of the Red Death, bc idk brain really likes poe
I plan to do more with Masque tho, maybe a digital print ?
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(The image is a lil blurry too. I apologize for that)
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bluebird-poetry96 · 2 months
Partial Hospitalization Program
What is this feeling inside me?
Like I'm moving through murkey thick water, with an unending amount of mud at the bottom - I'm heavy, feet are sucked in - redging them up takes all of my strength. The strength of my soul; the strength of my body. Running on spite, I put one foot in front of the other. It takes everything in me to move forward.
-Raven Blue Bell
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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Nolabelbrew: Murkey escaped and went to Austin! Luckily the boys at Family Business caught him... apparently these guys had experience capturing deceptively delicious demons. Maybe we should join with these guys and deliver some good to Texas!
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minisculecakes · 4 months
Turkey? I barely murkey
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
This is gonna sound probably stupid but how are bats mammals. That and, what would be their closest ancestor?
bats are mammals because they are descended from the most recent common ancestor of the platypus and the mouse.
or, if you want to go old school, they're mammals because they have mammary glands.
the evolutionary history of bats is a huge effing mess and murkey af. I'll leave that to @synapsid-taxonomy
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the-ultimate-muses · 5 months
"You are safe with me." hajime for kaz
Navigating Murkey Waters Starters (X)
The trip back to campus had been a haze of dissociation and pain, Kazuichi not registering the bus ride, the walk to the school, nor having made his way to Hajime's dorm. Hood of his sweatshirt pulled up to hide his face, there was a bruise steadily forming under his left eye, the contact having been knocked out to leave him lopsided in both sight and color. He still wasn't fully there, arms wrapped tightly around himself as tears slowly dried on his cheeks, only to slowly come back the more his friend had talked to him, it being the first sign that Kaz could in fact hear him.
Despite that, the reassurance had been the first thing Kaz had really heard, his eyes snapping to meet Hajime's as he asked in a voice that was so very small. "Do you promise?"
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s1lvermane-capt · 1 year
Please calm down, firstly, please try to evacuate the area. Saving them may be a bit hard, and you may get dragged into the pool and drown. And don't worry, as I may have an idea as to where your location may be.
Secondly, I doubt it would be a Silvermane Guard trying to drown your friends. You mentioned something looking like grudge, which I assume is the fragmentum, not a Guard.
I'm on the way with some backup just in case, so please do not worry.
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ruewrites · 2 years
Hey! So recently found your AU “The next Gen” and I saw that you mention something about Magic babies if I’m not mistaken? Can you give us some input on what exactly they are, I’m imagining they’re well…babies made with magic, but are there any difference between them and well for a lack of a better word regular babies?
Anyways I really enjoy your Au’s have a good day/night!
(@leviathanswingman I am once again tagging in case I miss something or if you want to add in)
Hey Anon!
First off I'm super happy you're enjoying our AU enough to ask about it! It is something I think is fair to say we enjoy brainstorming for!
So, essentially magic babies are another way to conceive and have well... babies (we've decided that demons at the very least can do this). When we say magic babies, I suppose they can also go along the lines of emotion babies, so like similar to how Satan was born. So in short, even in the AU people don't know much about it (hence why Solomon and Asmo had no idea that Lilith was even a possibility). Out of all of the kids (so far) only Solomon and Asmo's kids are magic babies.
But what exactly does this mean?
The differences mainly stem from how they develop. A magic/emotion baby "pregnancy" isn't going to be like a normal one (you ain't gonna find these babies on an ultra sound). They are born from emotion and rely on magic as a huge part of their development from the parental unit they are using to form. During this period they can affect both parents, but especially the one they are using to develop.
Symptoms we have discussed thusfar can include the following:
Nausea stemming from magic use/outside magical influence
Enhancement of one's sin
Clinginess/Increased attatchement to other parent(s) of child
Seeking out additional comfort from partner and/or surroundings
Additional scents/magic traces that may attract other demons
Aches and Pains (varying in severity)
Occasionally cravings can also occur
Using Solomon and Asmo's relationship as an example, there have been a few times we've tried to hit on this. Asmo clings to Solomon (more than usual), he doesn't like it when Solomon leaves for long periods of time (which also plays into how magic babies are born) and experiences bouts of exhaustion. With Lilith the symtoms were more mild for a multitude of reasons. Asmo was not in a fantastic spot mentally when she was conceived and Solomon did have things to do (wizardy man that he is) and a multitude of other reasons led her to being a bit premature. Now with Ariel symptoms are a bit stronger. We get to see Asmo's lust amplified, in both his sexuality but also via blood lust. He has issues with another demon thinking he uses his charming abilities as well as family members commenting on his perfume, both of which are baby symptoms, not Asmo's doing himself. This also ties in to some of the danger in child rearing in that it is entirely possible that other demons may seek them out to eat them. Magic babies are rare, but they can give a power boost if consumed (especially one born from a demon lord and a powerful sorcerer) (it should be noted that non-magic born babies can also be targeted). With Ariel, Solomon's moods are also more affected. He has a harder time leaving Asmo alone, is (somehow) even more affectionate (somehow) towards his partner, and feeds into and off of whatever emotions Asmo may be emitting.
Once again, there is little known about these types of conceptions even in the Devildom to the point where people know certain conditions must be met, but the rest is a little murkey. Because of this these children are rarely planned and most of the time they are accidents. Even when planned, the best anyone can do is attempt to follow the conditions and hope something works.
In terms of being born... they're just kinda... uh... Athena'ed out? Kind of?
In short, the difference is you can just sex and
But you also can't just magic and
The process is complicated, condeluted, and uncertain and also comes with it's own set of symptoms.
Thank you again for asking! I love talking about Obey Me and the AUs I post about! I'm happy you enjoy the AUs :D
(Seriously, thank you for asking, it means a lot to know people enjoy it!)
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