#mum odalia
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charizardstolemynickname · 2 years ago
odalia is in the oracle coven :)
AHH Thank you!! I did think it was something like that, but for some reason it all went out of my brain
On a slightly unrelated note, I am DESPERATE to learn more about the other covens, like I want to know the WHOLE logistics to the Oracle coven, and the Beast Keeping coven, etc. IT INTRIGUES ME SO MUCH, I just want to learn everything!!
Anyway, THANK YOU for the answer, I was going mad trying to remember it
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bxmblxbee · 6 months ago
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mr-damian-s-power · 7 months ago
I think it’s genuinely disgusting the amount of disrespect Camila gets both from the fandom and the show.
All scenes of her expressing her love for Cosmic Frontier was scrapped, she constantly has to deal with a selfish brat for a daughter (WHO NEVER APOLOGIZES TO HER FOR EVERYTHING SHE DID BTW), and a good number of fans not only see her as a bad abusive mother, but also think Eda is a BETTER mom to Luz! And even the show tries to push this narrative even though Camila has NEVER been a bad mom ever.
Bro, don't even get me started on the way Camila is treated! (Well, you have anyway, so here we go!) When I see people calling her a 'bad parent', or in some cases, 'abusive', I just feel like my brain's crapped out. Did we watch the same show?
Let's see who Camila is! She's a widower trying to live with her hyperactive and unruly daughter. When her daughter's unacceptable behaviour gets too much, she arranges to have her spend the summer at a camp that should help give her a big reality check and teach her to be a functioning member or society.
How is that abusive? Some people can only dream of having a mother who cares like that.
What kinda soft meek parents did these people have? She is a woman who is doing her best! If anything, after Luz set snakes loose on her school, she's lucky nobody got the police involved (but that's another can of worms for how Luz's introduction is terrible for a character we're meant to feel sorry for). When these people act like Camila is anywhere on Odalia's level, or even worse, I just wanna reach through my screen and give them a good smack.
And that about Eda, I'll just say this! Eda is the Mum that Luz WANTS! An enabler! Someone who will just let her do whatever. Camila is the Mum that Luz NEEDS! Someone who will put their foot down and say 'no'.
Then, when Camila is finally putting her foot down, her daughter runs away and gets replaced by a shape-shifting Demon who lives with her for months. Then, she finds out her daughter picked these people she's known for like a few weeks over her just because they enable her. Gotta be brutally honest, selfish is an understatement.
Then, if I'm correct, she apologises to Luz for saying she'll send her to the camp. NO CAMILA! Don't compromise like that! That just validates Luz into believing that YOU were in the wrong there.
Tl;Dr Camila is the furthest thing from a bad parent as you can get, but the show and fandom paints her as bad because she dared to tell Luz 'no' and actually tried to be a responsible adult.
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vickysaurus · 1 year ago
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"It's so good to see you again! How are you feeling? Are you eating well? I heard all about the Petrification Ceremony. Trust me, I have a lot of strong words for that Belos."
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"Mother! Mother, you know, I was there too."
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"Oh, hello to you too, sweet flea. Still dyeing your hair, I see. Well, it's very sleek. Now give me a moment with Edalyn, dear. It's important."
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Oof. I forgot quite how impressively strong a contender Gwendolyn manages to be in the 'worst mum' competition on a show that also includes Odalia Blight.
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lovethebadguy · 2 years ago
Alright. I've seen a heck of a lot of gifs and fanart and comics about The Owl House. I'm finally gonna watch it and write down some of my observations.
(spoiler alert, obviously)
• Omfg her name is "loose". I've been pronouncing Luz like it rhymes with "buzz" this entire time.
• Nothing could have prepared me for Hooty's voice. In fact, no one sounds like I thought they would. Eda is Wendie Malick? Was no one going to tell me this?
• I've only known King for five minutes, but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
• King's voice was also not what I was expecting, which in hindsight was foolish of me. I knew it was Alex Hirsch. The Bill Cipher vibe should not have been a surprise.
• When does Hunter get here?
• Amity is the snobby high-achieving school bully?! BUT THE ROMANCE?!
• I know it's coming. I've seen far too many cute fan works of Amity and Luz for that not to be the case.
• Ahhh. There's a teeeeny tiny glimpse of the Lumity that is to come. All is right with the world.
• Gus is just a little fella. Comics did not fully portray how smol he is.
• When does Hunter get here?
• I am up to episode 16 and I still watch the opening theme in its entirety for three reasons. One: it's fantastic. The music, the animation, it's all tops. Two: I'm waiting to see when/if the image of Amity changes. She still turns her back at the moment, but she's warming up, I know it. And three: the image of King perched on Luz's shoulders just before the title card makes me smile every time. He's so dang cute.
• Ok. So, I obviously already knew from tumblr that The Owl House is beloved, in part, for its representation of LGBTQIA. And now that I'm experiencing it first-hand? I totally get it. Everything feels so natural and understated. Luz blushing when either of the older Blight siblings spoke to her? The short, sweet glances between Luz and Amity? They're all the typical moments you'd expect to see between a male and a female character, and it's honestly so refreshing (and surprising, coming from Disney) to see it happening between two girls in a way that feels real. I am all aboard the Lumity train.
• In the span of 10 minutes, Eda has referred to Luz as "her kid", called herself "mama", and been shown wearing a watch with King's face on it. I love Mama Eda so much.
• Amity has fallen so hard and honestly? Same.
• OMG EPISODE 18! I think that was my first glimpse of Hunter! Lilith cursed Eda?! Eda sacrificing herself for Luz! The end credits with that haunting beating of the heart!
• Season 1 is done and dusted! All those feel good family and found-family moments. This show has so much heart. Gravity Falls is one of my favourite shows, and The Owl House seems to share a lot of its tropes and themes. I'm really loving it! I have so many things I should be doing today. Am I going to watch start watching Season 2 instead? Darn tootin.
• ENTIRELY NEW OPENING SEQUENCE!! I love it! Everyone's kicking ass! And Hunter is there!! And they kept the final scene with King on Luz's shoulders!
• They're setting up The Golden Guard as this new, mysterious, powerful rival for Season 2. But I know too much so every little glimpse of him has me sitting here grinning goofily like a proud mum at her son's soccer game.
• Gus is less smol. Kids grow up so fast. :(
• Finally met Amity's parents (beyond the shadows of them we saw in Amity's memory). Odalia sucks. But I officially love one tired dad.
• "Stay away from my Luz!" !!!!!!!
• Baby King is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. King is king of MY heart.
• The Hunter episode was everything I ever wanted. He must be protected at all costs.
• Huh. Tumblr gave me a veeerry different impression of what Darius was going to be like. Incoming plot twist?
• Eda immediately destroying the stress toy because of her need for chaos whilst never once breaking eye contact with Bump nearly killed me. I choked on my tea. Worth it.
• Hunter has just learned the truth. Someone give this kid a hug.
• KING IS A TITAN?! How big is my sweet baby boy gonna get?
• Steve is so cool getting around in his Steve shirt, just doing Steve things. Haha, classic Steve.
• Luz and Amity just shared their first kiss and it was perfect. And I feel like the animation in that scene was extra nice? Maybe it was just me, but it just seemed beautifully bouncy.
• Once again, the near-silent end credits for part one of the finale haunt my soul. Part two now. Bring it on!
• ...Take it back. D:
• That musical montage to kick off Season 3 packed in SO MUCH STORY. Luz coming out as bi and introducing Amity to her mum was incredibly sweet. Vee (who I admit I was a little bit creeped out by until now) has captured my heart. And I absolutely adore the friendship between Gus and Hunter.
• "Time to go home, Flapjack." 😭 HAS THIS BOY NOT BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?!
• Raine being hearteyes for Harpy Eda, Camila being hearteyes for King, everyone being hearteyes for Stringbean? Mood.
• Obsessed with Eda's haircut.
• My girl Willow has been carrying a lot. Her realising that she needs to let things out and lean on her friends was such a tender moment.
• Willow and Hunter linking their pinkies! ❤
• Not prepared for this amazing show to be over, but here we go...
• Brb, too busy crying.
• Still crying, gimme a minute.
• I was holding it together riiiight up until Flapjack's grave. "Thank you for finding me" broke me.
• Ok. So, generally speaking... this was pretty much everything I wanted in a finale. Happy, healthy relationships, hints at future pairings, redemption for characters who deserved it, and a big middle finger to those who didn't (which, honestly? Refreshing af).
• Eda and King going feral after losing Luz, the reveal of Titan Luz, and the trio coming together to defeat Belos was utter perfection. The animation was on point!
• I am not ashamed to admit I said "NOW EAT THIS, SUCKA!" with Luz.
• Also, the Dad bod, the "Bad Girl Coven" tshirt, and the "I loaf you" pun were exactly what I should've expected from King's dad.
• The time skip end credits were a wonderful way to let us see the characters we know and love, living their best lives. Hunter finally able to exist peacefully, making new palismans with his own little Bluejay on his shoulder (admittedly, I'd hoped he'd get a wolf, but the Bluejay did seem well-suited), Willow and Gus truly coming into their own, Lilith rocking the Harpy form (and hinting a possible romance with Steve?? EDIT: ignore that, I just learned that Lilith is aroace and I am so excited about it.), lil' gangly King growing bigger and stronger... well, I don't need to keep pointing things out. Suffice to say, there were so many little details that worked together to create a beautiful picture.
• In the span of three days, I've watched a show that so many people were obsessed with for years.
• I get it now.
• Thank you Dana Terrace and everybody involved with making The Owl House. The world needs more shows like this, with a great story, genuine characters, represention of people from all walks of life, and heartfelt messages.
• Excuse me while I go and wallow in misery over the fact that it's finished before I start consuming as many fanfics as I can find.
• OH! One final note as someone who learned far too much from tumblr before actually watching the show. I kept seeing fanart that seemed to depict a Hunter lookalike (so, Caleb) and an Eda lookalike, who apparently was Evelyn Clawthorne? CLAWTHORNE?? So here I am waiting for another flashback/memory episode that would lay it all out and do that big reveal BUT APPARENTLY THAT'S FANON??? Y'all had me thinking I'd missed an episode.
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lilmcttens · 11 months ago
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👻⊱ Amity is struggling with the fact Mother's Day is coming and her forced visit with her mum is coming up. Though she would rather call her 'Odalia.' Her family needed to get through a few hearings before Alador could have sole custody of her and her older siblings. This was Spider-Horse shit! Amity knew better than Anyone else in her family their mother was toxic for all of them but she was still forced to be in the same proximity as her once every few years. She wished every time she was 18 already!
"This is Snorse-shit, this is Snorse-shit, This is Snorse-shit."
Amity couldn't wrap her brain around how this was necessary.
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random-autie-fangirl · 2 years ago
A question to be solved before I go insane...
Okay, due to Reaching Out happening on Monday 22nd August 2023, I have a timeline mostly figured out but I'm fairly sure the events of eclipse lake, yesterday's lie and follies at the coven day parade all happen on three consecutive days because Luz wouldn't wait to visit her mum once she has the titan's blood, and fatcdp definitely seems to be the first time Luz has talked to her friends since she visited her mum. And follies at the coven day parade happens on a school day so I have to ask...
Do eclipse lake and yesterday's lie happen on the weekend, making the huge isles-wide festival happen on a monday night (when everyone has to get up for work and school the next day)?
Or is that Eclipse Lake and Yesterday's Lie happen on a Wednesday and Thursday (putting fatcdp on Friday), and Willow, Gus and Amity all managed to get out of school somehow to look after Luz when she's sick
(Maybe they said they'd had a sleepover at Luz's house and all caught the common mold off each other and Bump...just let it slide, though there is the issue of everyone's parents, especially Odalia)
(Also, it's much easier for Luz to get off school in Yesterday's Lie because she's just one person and was sick the day before so it's much less suspicious)
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blight-magic · 2 months ago
When Kleo smiled, some of Amity's tension was also released. She smiled with her friend, feeling like the two of them had just snuck out of their houses. Despite being out of Odalia's clutches for years now, she still felt like that more than she didn't. It took years, she guessed, to heal from all the wounds her mum had inflicted on her. Maybe there were some that would never go away, only fade into scars.
Hopefully, Kleo got out sooner and it wouldn't be as hard for her.
"Exactly," she said. "I believe you should pick your own family. We don't need anyone else if we have each other-- and Professor Sanchez too," she allowed.
She wasn't sure if the professor felt the same way but-- he still cared more about Amity than her parents ever had. Maybe it was better to have a father figure instead of a father.
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School Nights () [Klamity]
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callisto-sykes · 2 years ago
So I just finished watching the new promos for the owl house and here are a few things I noticed:
In the trailer
- Lilith with short hair and it’s back to it’s og color that’s a slay but she’s crying over hooty who is a Jack in the box and I’m not prepared for that honestly I am also curious about how her hair got shorter my theory is that is has something to do with escaping the collector considering we know she and hooty were together at the day of unity so they probably experienced the collectors take over together
- raine is a puppet all the coven heads are also puppets but I’m focusing on raine because it also appears that eda is about to fight them. Edas hair is shorter and she is feathery, I’m going to assume it’s because she hasn’t had any elixir because she’s been captured at the day of unity and the reason she’s not a puppet is because of king and possibly because of the owl beast if it turns out the collector created the curse. king is also holding onto hooty watching in the corner. There are a few signs around saying keep out and beware of beast probably referring to the owl beast that eda has recently detransformed from so that makes me think maybe eda is escaping and has run into raine and the coven heads who are going to stop her from leaving. This looks like a good opportunity for a parallel to follies at coven day parade. And if I wasn’t already devastated about raine being a puppet I am hysterical at the thought of a fight between raeda.
- bump being captured is another devestating moment JUSTICE FOR PRINCY B but the other teachers have also been captured so the hexside students are in there own hope they’re ok
- the owl house graffiti probs from the emperors coven because it says so. maybe the owl house was a base for survivors for awhile because the graffiti wasn’t there in oh titan where art thou also one says there is no titan which definitely suggests that it was written after belos betrayed the isles. Also I love the parrel of the very first episode with luz saying welcome to the owl house it’s absolutely heartbreaking
- the hand. My immediate though was Caleb. So I think we’re getting a new grim walker that belos will possess like hunter especially because of the goopy look of the relatively normal hand and I have to say I’m excited to see how grim walkers are made but also utterly terrified :)
- amity’s face she’s obviously at hexside because of the background and i just find it so funny that she still so judgmental
- belos’s cave. it’s really cool to see that he managed to lock it with glyphs that’s really cool but also BAD BELOS BAD DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER GRIMWALKER
- HUNTER PROTECTING WILLOW she’s reaching for someone and Hunter is pulling her away and I think I know who it was from another promo which I will discus later. But let’s just think about the huntlow moment for now pls
- wtf is Mattys new look wtf I deadass laughed for so long when I saw it lmao. But I will admit it might be an homage to Steve which makes me laugh slightly less
- a battle in the detention pit. the wall of eyes is a give away but amity is slaying
- a scene where they pull some of luzs memories out from what I can see it’s grom and Phillip and I don’t think where ready for camilla to find out about all of that but I am hoping for an eda memory not just traumatising ones but there is an explosion that happens so maybe they go to the detention pit for safety??? But I really hope the memories will be ok and that luz isn’t trying to erase her memories on purpose
- then there’s a scene with the collector and king flying in the same street as the hex squad was in so maybe that’s why they are running that also confirms my willow theory from the other promo. This could mean king knows luz made it back to the demon realm and that leads into a theory from another promo
- Camilla fight scene slay
- eda turning into the owl beast at the end definitely confirms my previous eda was captured as the owl beast theory
Collector promo:
- the first thing king wants to do when he gets back with the collector is wanting to go see the owl beast I’m really happy he knows all his family is relatively safe and maybe he will help her escape and tell her luz is back if he knows :)
- MUM ODALIA LMAO RIP ODALIA GET WHAT U DESERVE no she’s actually miserable and I’m so happy she’s tryna make the isles her kingdom and the collector just wants pizza bagels. Also keen to find out why he calls her mum odalia?
- now my willow theory. The collector has Brought back more puppets? That’s what I’m going to call them and lone and behold willows dad is one of them. The puppets are the same from the street scene which suggests willow saw her dad went to reunite with him but ended up watching him be turned to a puppet and Hunter had to pull her away. I am very very very sad like actually sobbing but let’s think of the huntlow moment my friends THE HUNTLOW DO NOT START CRYING PLS
The Camilla and luz promo:
- I don’t have much to say not much to analyse all I can say is this probably happens pretty close to the start but Camilla is such a good mum like she really wants luz to stay their even though she doesn’t t like it
Yup so that’s my analyses of the promos LESS THAN 24 HOURS TO GO GUYS AHHHHHHHHH
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someowlhouseaccount · 3 years ago
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I think it's interesting how this episode is about Amity and her dad, but you can tell that the issue with her mum is definetly worse once you notice all the times she's mentioned, and she's not even seen in this episode once. You think Alador's bad for not paying attention to Amity and not treating her seriously, but at least she can try talking to him in the first place.
Odalia signing her up for the tryouts: Amity doesn't attempt talking to her about how she has other plans, but she does try to tell Alador about the brawl. Amity tells her dad about her new hair colour, but hasn't told her mum about why it's purple. With Odalia wanting to change it back this whole time, you'd think there'd be an opportunity somewhere there for her to say "oh but it's purple to match the abomination coven!" - but nah, she does not talk to Odalia at all 🙃 I think this episode is just preparation for the "boss fight" that is Amity's mother and Luz's mother - this episode was about both of their dads, but an episode about both of their mums would be an even bigger thing for them to confront. For Luz, Camila is the one she has to tell about the demon realm, and for Amity, Odalia is the far stricter one of her parents.
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pdalicedraws · 3 years ago
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I was gonna not post these til I have the next chapter closer to done but here’s the grom outfits I drew up for my own reference for this fic, plus the goofy-ass lil height chart I made bc while the people in each pic are in scale to each other they’re not across the four images. 
I need some dumb teenagers in fancy outfits, okay, that episode was a lot. 
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vickysaurus · 1 year ago
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'Mama to Mittens, remember our deal: Make this look good, and we'll forgive your recent lackluster performance in school.'
Amity: "Yes, mum..."
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"Oh no, it's undefeatable. How will I ever escape?"
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"O-of course, w-well that was b-but a beta test. We can't wait to see you all next week when we reveal the uh… the finished product in all its glory!"
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"Amity! You just lost us a lot of money! What's with you lately?!"
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Odalia: "I see. Looks like our precious Mittens has been getting... distracted."
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myohmyimanxious · 3 years ago
- Alador wasn't present for any of his children's births. Not bc he didn't want to be, but bc odalia wouldn't allow him time of work to do so
- He was so happy to see amity grow up looking more like him with the brown hair and similar traits
- He wishes he put up more of a fight against odalia for how she treated their kids, and feels guilty about not being more present and standing up for them
- Eda and Raine were the worst people to put together, bc they caused C H A O S during their hexside days
- Sometimes Lilith, Darius, Alador and Perry would also join in, but it was mostly Eda and Rainey
- They have a Look™️ which means LETS CAUSE TROUBLE ON PURPOSE
- It's part of the reason Darius sought out Raine for the rebellion and knowledge
- Darius and Raine and Eberwolf always played pranks of Adrian Graye but never got caught. Adrian found it infuriating
- Darius takes Hunter in after everything goes down
- Eberwolf lives next door and likes to cause chaos and wrangles hunter into doing it too much to Darius's dismay
- Mud baths are a staple. But hunter and eber have to be hosed down before being allowed back into the house
- Hunter begged for Darius to tell him about his predecessor after the dust settled. It took Darius a while to do so but he did eventually
- Lilith will not hesitate to punch anyone who disrespects hooty
- They're ride or die pals forever and always
- Hooty still kinda freaks Raine out even after all this time
- Hunter and Amity have a secret pact that is basically if one of them needs the other for any kind of fight they come no questions asked
- They also go to each other when talking about childhood trauma
- Luz and Gus bond over losing a parent
- They first do so in the human realm when Gus asks about her dad
- Gus's mum died when he was like 5 or 6 so he doesn't remember her very well other than that she was ill for most of his childhood
- Gus has no idea how strong he is
- He was arm wrestling amity and accidentally hurt her arm bc he was so into it
- The hexsquad don't get it when Luz calls him Lennie after that, and she won't elaborate
- Willow gives people specific plants to certain people as gifts
- For example, Gus gets one that symbolisies friendship, amity gets one symbolising strength, Luz gets one symbolising honour, and hunter gets one symbolising love
- The way the others had to hold back tears when she gave them out made her cry as well
- Hunter is terrible at sharing unless it's with Gus or Willow
- Eda will bite you if you try and take food from her plate
- Raine tried once, they never tried afterwords tho
- Lilith and hooty go off on little adventures every now and then
- King and Luz always refer to each other as brother and sister, even in the human realm
- King is also very clingy over Luz and Eda now (more so than before)
- I like to think that if the collector is tamed and looked after they get to be a real kid, who doesn't cause chaos for the sake of it
- I also like to think that the collector and hunter would be close almost like a sibling relationship but not quite?
- Like the collector is like MY GRIMWALKER HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME and hunter is like this is my star child who I can't get rid of
- Initially, bc of this, the collector is clingy with hunter and somewhat jealous of his other friends but soon grows used to it
- Hunter is basically their parent but also sibling? Like I say it's an odd dynamic
- King and the collector often hang but it's a little awkward at first
- Lilith and Raine actually get along really well once they properly get to know each other, tho they don't hang out much
- When the do they just embarrass Eda
- Luz is still very much an outcast at school when she returns to the human realm but it doesn't bother her in the same way as it did before
- She's a lot harder now so stands up for herself and others more as a result of her time in the Boiling Isles
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 2 years ago
Matchups are opened!!
Sure, I’ll give it a shot!
> Physics, Chemistry, Philosophy, Tactics & Strategy Games, Classical Literature, Writing and “Epic” Fantasy as a genre, both for reading and gaming!
> Chess, Writing, Reading, Headcanon-musing and theory-suggesting, watching scientific & historical documentaries, and baking! If there’s other people involved - board games can be a blast!
> Heterosexual, She/Her.
> 18+
By: @luminescent-on-high
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Alador Blight!!
>You both prefer to keep to yourselves- with a few select others in your very small social circle.
>Those being his kids and their friends-
>He only talks to a limited amount of people, so his social skills are very poor.
>Will 100% play chess with you, will win 40% of the time.
>He is secretly a nerd, and due to Odalia being a bitch, and never letting him have his own opinion, he could never express his own likes and interests. #Odaliahateclub
>Will spend hours talking to you about whatever. Physics, abominations, classical literature, his kids- everything!
>His kids will tag along and play video games with you guys. King always robs the bank in monopoly. Gus ends up bankrupt. Amity and Luz sit together in their riches due to teaming up.
>You and Alador just watch and enjoy the chaos when either of you aren’t playing.
>You get along with Amity over your like in the fantasy genre.
>Alador isn’t allowed in the kitchen. So when baking, he will be a source of encouragement. Edric is also not allowed in the kitchen. He will try to help though.
>You and Luz introduce him to human history and science. He was so amazed, yet discovered just how dumb many humans are.
>I mean, come on. Why was gravity only a shocking realisation when an apple fell and hit Newton on the fucking head!?
Relationship Tropes:
Tired Dilf + Cool step mum
Nerd + Nerd
Pair of walking disasters who can’t function without the other or their kids at this point
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megadan94 · 3 years ago
People keep talking about how none of the kids staying with Camila have mum's back in the demon realm (Odalia doesn't count), and how that makes her the perfect person for them to bond with, since she's such a good mum, but there is one kid we're forgetting here:
Ironically, the one kid who should be unambiguously her's, is the only one that does have another mum back there. One that she wants to get back to, one that she's put before Camila in the past, one that she wanted to save so much that she almost didn't go through the portal back to Camila. She was literally the only one who needed to be forced through the portal.
The symbolism of all her friends rushing through the portal, while she stayed behind to try and save Eda, is not lost on me.
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blight-magic · 1 year ago
Hearing about Kleo's mother inevitably made Amity's brain prickle with thoughts of Odalia, like she was still crawling inside her. The difference was that Odalia-- and the Blights in general-- had little interest in sorcerer holidays. Alador was too busy with Blight Industries and Odalia actually belonged to the Church of the Titan, which was a different practice of wicca. Not that Odalia was overly religious either. Amity suspected she stuck with the Church for its political power on the Isles rather than true belief.
So even though Amity would have had Ostara off, she would have used it to get ahead with school work and practicing dueling drills.
Actually celebrating was much, much better.
"Yeah, hopefully your mum gets it-- and it's not like you're not celebrating obviously. Like, this whole party thing! A real celebration for once. Last year I just lit a few candles and gave away half my wardrobe," Amity said with a small smile.
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Ostara Awakening *O* [Klamity]
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