dahtwitchi · 7 months
I'm alive. My attempts at arting mostly ends in birb shapies. For some reason. Happy Naruto with chicken, though.
...my wanting to art smth cottagecore with tobiruka&naruto ended with questioning Iruka's ability to kitchen, and what that means for my cottagecore life dream for them. Hm.
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
Multiplying Micheal
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Michael Lawrence Parker Patton is a guy I am apparently going to work with as he will be my submissive so he says, I agree to talk to him on Skype video call logging on to see his message ringing loud with a strong Yes Sir. As he waits for me he falls in to a light like a coma trance thinking back our first session on two weeks ago, he is on the telephone in a a happy blissful state sliding down the side of the kitchens sinks panel to cold floor of in a sleepy mode.He stares mindlessly ahead of him in a deep shock as he took my hand in hard glow of his imagination as I sit next to him and wrap my arms over him as he causing him to melt in a period of shock closing his eyes as he hit the wall.
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“Oh Micheal! Do me a favor at the end of the staircase please turn off the lights.” I say to him as he stops counting.
“Yes Sir!” He says as loud click is heard a string is pulled and his lights shut off in his head.
“Excellent! Blank space!” I whisper into his ear while kissing him down his neck.
“I need you to envision the room fill up to the roof with golden light covering the room.
“I can see but how?” He says questioning his own sanity lesbians him alone in a white room and a mirror:
“The mirror is your focal point. “ I instruct.
“What are you looking for? What do you see?” He asks.
“Say something sir.” He pleads seeing his body naked.
“Hello! Yes don’t freak out! I am Steve nice to meet you.” The mirror image states.
“What the what? Who are you? Stay back”
He panics attempting to wake up.
“I am you! See? Just a better you “ Steve adds walking through the mirror.
“Not possible! “ he responds running away.
“You can’t escape! Let me out “ Steve states
“You are apparition “ he calls out.
“Poor you! Let me explain!” He places his own hands on his hip.”
“Master created me because you are dull”
“I am not dull! Boring maybe”
“Definitely “
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“The husks is arriving “ a new personality is emerging.
“I suppose your Andy”
“Yes as ordered “
“And Micheal?”
“He is fine just sulking”
“What’s wrong ?”
“It’s all bit much”
“He will be completely fine”
“Never mind him”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Excuse me Andy?”
“Your holding out on me”
“That’s sweet ass of yours”
“What about it sir? You want it first”
“Oh God! Take me”
“Those lips finally “
“Make me squirm “
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The power of a new personality to is very dynamite in a sexually appetizing way shall we say because now all I want is to devour him whole and watch him squirm as his life is eaten whole in front of him such Is the truth about it all. His weakness is my pleasure making out in a state of fury before getting up front the bed on to my feet I walk out taking one last time to turn my to see him sleep and he wakes up in time grabbing me before I can exit the bed room. Smirking he slams me in to the wall it’s clear Clint has taken over a bit of mistake on my part of the programming he is a way bit too intense for me but still kind of hot as my back is on the wall and body presses again mine and we kiss.
“You don’t wait for orders?”
“Your bitch needs you now”
“He was crying for your touch”
“He is such a pussy “
“Yeah, but I am not “
“Awfully cocky”
“Hello! Have you seen me?”
“You love to embellish it too”
“Hey! If you have it then flaunt it”
“This dangerous”
“I am dangerous “
“Zip it”
“God! I want you “
“You infuriate me”
“You want to fuck me though. “
“Ugh! Yes!”
“I knew it”
“Use this bitch”
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Grant is the jealous type of the all of the new personalities so damn needy holding on to me all the time as if I am so kind of support animal and I find it extremely funny because he is usually independent am thinking of me and himself. He found me closing the back doors into the backyard with the grass having yet to be cut he yanks the cord for the lawnmower cutting it all down to size and he works through the task with ease as he smiles at me winking my way. He stops halfway finished to wipe the sweat from his face placing one glove in his mouth and then over he puts them in his shirt back pocket then proceeds to open his shirt and throw it to the grass breaking in to sexy mid striptease.
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“Master! Where are you ?”
“Right here bitch”
“You know who I am?”
“Johnny right?”
“Thank God!”
“How about Michael?”
“Don’t ask me about the pussy “
“He is a bitch “
“You don’t like it or him”
“I am hot”
“Full of yourself”
“Why not?”
“I am everything to him”
“Kneeling at my feet”
“Do you love me ?”
“More then everything “
“Kiss me my love”
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“Master! What do you think?”
“Good Job…..”
“Sorry Alex”
“Too many of us”
“Yeah! It’s ok”
“Work of beauty”
“You think so?”
“Know so”
“I love you sir”
“I love you too”
“Do you mean it?”
“You are my God”
“Then submit “
“I am kneeling “
“I love you “
“Prove it”
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“You have been gone”
“Yeah boi”
“Timing me”
“I am your protector “
“Ok ok”
“I am your servant”
“Submit “
“Let me serve you “
“Get up”
“Never sit in my chair”
“I missed you”
“Come over here “
“Kiss me”
“Make love to me”
“You are so hot”
“So handsome”
“You are perfect “
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“Have a drink with me?”
“Better believe me”
“Oh come on”
“You want this “
“Oh really ?”
“Fuck with me”
“Nice polo shirt “
“You brought it “
“Remember “
“I do love it “
“You grabbed me”
“Your my babe”
“Lay on me “
“Hold me”
“Kiss me”
“Let’s fuck”
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The end
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partsonapizza · 1 year
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new neopet multiplying
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matias-2003 · 3 months
The divisibility rules of every number from 1,901 to 2,000
1,901: The difference between 190 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,901
1,902: The number is a multiple of 2, 3 and 317 at the same time
1,903: The number is a multiple of 11 and 173 at the same time
1,904: The number is a multiple of 7, 16 and 17 at the same time
1,905: The number is a multiple of 3, 5 and 127 at the same time
1,906: The number is a multiple of 2 and 953 at the same time
1,907: The difference between 572 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,907
1,908: The number is a multiple of 4, 9 and 53 at the same time
1,909: The number is a multiple of 23 and 83 at the same time
1,910: The number is a multiple of 10 and 191 at the same time
1,911: The number is a multiple of 3, 13 and 49 at the same time
1,912: The number is a multiple of 8 and 239 at the same time
1,913: The sum of 574 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,913
1,914: The number is a multiple of 2, 3, 11 and 29 at the same time
1,915: The number is a multiple of 5 and 383 at the same time
1,916: The number is a multiple of 4 and 479 at the same time
1,917: The number is a multiple of 27 and 71 at the same time
1,918: The number is a multiple of 2, 7 and 137 at the same time
1,919: The number is a multiple of 19 and 101 at the same time
1,920: The number is a multiple of 3 and 640 at the same time
1,921: The number is a multiple of 17 and 113 at the same time
1,922: The number is a multiple of 2 and 961 at the same time
1,923: The number is a multiple of 3 and 641 at the same time
1,924: The number is a multiple of 4, 13 and 37 at the same time
1,925: The number is a multiple of 7, 11 and 25 at the same time
1,926: The number is a multiple of 2, 9 and 107 at the same time
1,927: The number is a multiple of 41 and 47 at the same time
1,928: The number is a multiple of 8 and 241 at the same time
1,929: The number is a multiple of 3 and 643 at the same time
1,930: The number is a multiple of 10 and 193 at the same time
1,931: The difference between 193 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,931
1,932: The number is a multiple of 3, 4, 7 and 23 at the same time
1,933: The sum of 580 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,933
1,934: The number is a multiple of 2 and 967 at the same time
1,935: The number is a multiple of 5, 9 and 43 at the same time
1,936: The number is a multiple of 16 and 121 at the same time
1,937: The number is a multiple of 13 and 149 at the same time
1,938: The number is a multiple of 2, 3, 17 and 19 at the same time
1,939: The number is a multiple of 7 and 277 at the same time
1,940: The number is a multiple of 20 and 97 at the same time
1,941: The number is a multiple of 3 and 647 at the same time
1,942: The number is a multiple of 2 and 971 at the same time
1,943: The number is a multiple of 29 and 61 at the same time
1,944: The number is a multiple of 8 and 243 at the same time
1,945: The number is a multiple of 5 and 389 at the same time
1,946: The number is a multiple of 2, 7 and 139 at the same time
1,947: The number is a multiple of 3, 11 and 59 at the same time
1,948: The number is a multiple of 4 and 487 at the same time
1,949: The sum of 195 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,949
1,950: The number is a multiple of 3, 13 and 50 at the same time
1,951: The difference between 195 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,951
1,952: The number is a multiple of 32 and 61 at the same time
1,953: The number is a multiple of 7, 9 and 31 at the same time
1,954: The number is a multiple of 2 and 977 at the same time
1,955: The number is a multiple of 5, 17 and 23 at the same time
1,956: The number is a multiple of 3, 4 and 163 at the same time
1,957: The number is a multiple of 19 and 103 at the same time
1,958: The number is a multiple of 2, 11 and 89 at the same time
1,959: The number is a multiple of 3 and 653 at the same time
1,960: The number is a multiple of 40 and 49 at the same time
1,961: The number is a multiple of 37 and 53 at the same time
1,962: The number is a multiple of 2, 9 and 109 at the same time
1,963: The number is a multiple of 13 and 151 at the same time
1,964: The number is a multiple of 4 and 491 at the same time
1,965: The number is a multiple of 3, 5 and 131 at the same time
1,966: The number is a multiple of 2 and 983 at the same time
1,967: The number is a multiple of 7 and 281 at the same time
1,968: The number is a multiple of 3, 8 and 41 at the same time
1,969: The number is a multiple of 11 and 179 at the same time
1,970: The number is a multiple of 10 and 197 at the same time
1,971: The number is a multiple of 27 and 73 at the same time
1,972: The number is a multiple of 4, 17 and 29 at the same time
1,973: The sum of 592 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,973
1,974: The number is a multiple of 2, 3, 7 and 47 at the same time
1,975: The number is a multiple of 25 and 79 at the same time
1,976: The number is a multiple of 8, 13 and 19 at the same time
1,977: The number is a multiple of 3 and 659 at the same time
1,978: The number is a multiple of 2, 23 and 43 at the same time
1,979: The sum of 198 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,979
1,980: The number is a multiple of 9, 11 and 20 at the same time
1,981: The number is a multiple of 7 and 283 at the same time
1,982: The number is a multiple of 2 and 991 at the same time
1,983: The number is a multiple of 3 and 661 at the same time
1,984: The number is a multiple of 31 and 64 at the same time
1,985: The number is a multiple of 5 and 397 at the same time
1,986: The number is a multiple of 2, 3 and 331 at the same time
1,987: The difference between 596 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,987
1,988: The number is a multiple of 4, 7 and 71 at the same time
1,989: The number is a multiple of 9, 13 and 17 at the same time
1,990: The number is a multiple of 10 and 199 at the same time
1,991: The number is a multiple of 11 and 181 at the same time
1,992: The number is a multiple of 3, 8 and 83 at the same time
1,993: The sum of 598 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,993
1,994: The number is a multiple of 2 and 997 at the same time
1,995: The number is a multiple of 3, 5, 7 and 19 at the same time
1,996: The number is a multiple of 4 and 499 at the same time
1,997: The difference between 599 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,997
1,998: The number is a multiple of 2, 27 and 37 at the same time
1,999: The sum of 200 times the last digit and the rest of the number is a multiple of 1,999
2,000: The number ends in 0,000, 2,000, 4,000, 6,000 or 8,000
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e-c-i-m · 5 months
Dear Child of God,
Jesus draw us closer to You!
Love, ECIM
Video: Canva Music: Only Jesus - Bethel Music Cover
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anetesenpai · 9 months
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Eternally fascinated by the fact that, canonically, Zoro's single (1) neuron is good at maths
Other crewmate's reaction
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cosmiccripple · 10 months
idk who popularised the narrative "i don't let my disability stop me" but it needs to be stomped on, pulverised by a meat grinder and then thrown into the depths of the sea never to be seen again.
it is by far the most popular ableist narrative and i see it so much and immediately just think i'm a bad person for not being able to 'get over' my disability despite the fact it's an incurable, permanent and severely disabling disability.
stop stop stop stop pushing the mindset that people have to persevere despite their disabilities in order to be a worthy person
leave me alone and let me be disabled in peace
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isabellascarlett1 · 1 year
There’s nothing inherently “scary” about someone talking to themself in public.
There’s nothing “scary” about someone rocking back and forth in public.
There’s nothing “scary” about someone pacing back and forth in public.
Some of y’all are just ableist.
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flaxygo · 21 days
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oglobalmart · 1 year
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clownrecess · 1 year
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people with undiagnosed physical disabilities
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people with undiagnosed mental disabilities
Happy disabled pride month to mobility aid users
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people who are in constant pain
Happy disabled pride month to AAC users
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people with ableist family
Happy disabled pride month to fat disabled people
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people with scars
Happy disabled pride month to disabled addicts
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people who's disability is progressing
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people who love their disability
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people who hate their disability
Happy disabled pride month to disabled people with underrepresented and/or uncommonly known disabilities
Happy disabled pride month to all disabled people. I love you. /p
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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They’re multiplying! , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
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those gay people from the gay pilot movie
(no not that one, the new one)
Insp, pre-lighting wip, and sketch below :P
Yeah this happened right after this scene in the movie, dont u remember??
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hyunpic · 18 days
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hyune on bubble: kkami became more of a baby after getting a haircut
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agendabymooner · 6 months
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summary: the podium finishers weren’t the only thing that finished that night.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), explicit language, gangbang???, mmmf smut content, dubcon, pwp, double penetration + oral sex (m receiving), mentions of sexism/misogyny (NOT APPLIED TO DRIVERS), consensual degradation, squirting, praise kink, i did not proofread this (the race just finished two hours ago duh)
note: i have returned with a short blurb eheh enjoy xx
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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there was something vile about the way celebrations occurred for the ferrari drivers.
ferrari 1-2’s are rare, sure, so this called for celebration— a massive one even.
so if anyone ever saw how carlos and charles celebrated with their sweet girl, anyone would consider this… morbid.
for some, it was filthy. sinful, even. 
but having walked into carlos sainz’s hotel room after the two scarlet drivers called it an ‘early night’, lando’s eyes couldn’t find themselves to look away when he found the woman sandwiched between the two. 
both carlos and charles were spearing through her holes and carrying her like she weighed nothing, both foreheads were sweaty after fucking her the moment they’ve stepped inside the suite. 
she couldn’t even find herself to talk, her body too busy being manipulated and moved around while both her holes were stuffed with their cocks. 
any man could call her a whore for having not only one, but two men fuck her at once. any man could degrade her for allowing men to do this to her body while she writhed and whined about how good she felt when they stuffed her.
so, it was too bad that lando wasn’t just any man. he couldn’t even stop himself from watching unless someone killed him themselves.
the british man’s mouth was practically salivating when carlos lifted her up and sunk her down their cocks, watching her cunt produce liquids that indicated her pleasure. 
lando was so busy gawking at the way her cunt throbbed around charles’ cock that he couldn’t feel anything but his own cock painfully throbbing under his trousers.
he was too busy watching that he didn’t notice the way charles and carlos glanced at him with amused smirks. 
it was only when charles spoke up did he snap out of his thoughts. 
“which one?” charles asked with a teasing smirk at the british man, making lando shake his thoughts away.
when he saw how lando got confused, charles repeated, “she expressed her interest in inviting you before but not once did we see how… interested you were.”
“now you’re here,” carlos laid her down on the king sized bed gently. “so which one?” 
“i- uh- i-“ lando stammered, his buzzed self no longer there as every rational thoughts he had were long gone. 
“hm,” charles hummed before looking at carlos who stood as well. “do you think she can handle another one?”
“yeah,” the three men looked at the woman on the bed, watching her hazy eyes glossing over the three as her mouth let out, “i want more cock in me…”
“atta girl,” lando’s eyes darkened when he saw how frail, sexy, hot and beautiful the naked woman was. he never truly saw her in a new light until lando saw how fucked out she looked.
so much for a podium celebration with the ferrari men.
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anyone with two eyes could tell that this was a sight to behold: her cunt sinking down on carlos’ cock, her back hole preoccupied by charles, and her mouth full of lando. 
it could be considered a renaissance painting, for she was a masterpiece waiting to be coated full of the three men who can paint her in any way they wanted her to be. 
“oh fuck, baby,” lando groaned, growling as the tip of his cock reached the back of her throat. her muffled moans only added to his pleasure as her mouth vibrated around his length. 
“mmf-“ she hummed around lando’s cock. her eyes glimmered. was it in joy or simply in overwhelming pleasure? both things correlate to one another. 
charles thrusted inside her roughly, his hands digging to her hips. he growled lowly and nipped in her ear with a murmur of, “merde, your hole is too fucking snug, bebe. you’re so fucking good for me.”
“you like that, sì?” carlos reached up to pinch her nipples, eventually slapping her tits as she yelped around lando’s length. “hm? you like it when you have three cocks inside of you? you love being a good slut for us?” 
when she was expected to give an answer, lando grabbed her hair and pulled her away from his cock. his other hand continued to stroke himself while he murmured, “c’mon baby, he wants an answer.” 
she tried to utter a word, but it was only the light slap of lando’s palm that had her uttering, “yes- yes. i love your cocks so much.” 
“good girl,” lando’s cock slapped against her cheek before he slid it back in her mouth, now fucking her face as the ferrari drivers behind and under her picked up their paces. 
“fuck- fuck, good fucking girl,” lando praised her repeatedly, hearing her choke on him quietly as she tried to get a hold of herself. 
she couldn’t. she was so… overwhelmed.
“i’m gonna fucking cum, merde,” charles hissed behind her, not even minding that his cock had gone deep inside her as he let out a groan. 
“i can feel you— oh… fuck,” carlos groaned. “you are so fucking good and tight for me, bonita… you gonna cum, huh?”
she couldn’t respond, thus earning chuckles from the three men. regardless of whether or not she could, she was beginning to feel herself cum again. and again. and again.
never mind getting a podium or a race win, because the three men knew that she was the only one who deserved the victory and the celebration that occurred between the four of them. 
it might be morbid for most, but god… no amount of champagne sprays can top the celebration she was having with the australian grand prix’s podium finishers. 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129 @maxillness @bigsimperika @xoscar03
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nahla-art · 5 months
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Wanted to try my hand at this after seeing @dawwn-art and @johnnyhatesducks do it
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