#ms smore
streetcattournament · 3 months
Round 2 - Bracket 16
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Mr. Shock | Ms. Smore
Mr. Shock - N/A
Ms. Smore - "i mean look at her shes so cute. she does silly lil stares and will warm your heart"
"when you vote for ms. smore, you vote for the entirety of the happy meow island feeder. she is the bravest girlboss you will ever meet, and she will do you proud with your vote. thank you for your time, please vote for my daughter :))"
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fullcravings · 5 months
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Sheet Pan Rice Krispies
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projectmayhem-stims · 11 months
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fatalroadie00 · 11 months
Roadie Snacks: Campfire S'mores M&M's Review
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im-not-okaye · 2 years
My siblings and I were talking about making s'mores. Mom was going to the store, and we made a list. Chocolate, marshmallows, graham crackers. She got M&Ms for the chocolate... YOU CANT NAKE S'MORES WITH M&MS!!
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jarofstyles · 5 months
Illicit 10
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Here we are, babes. The last official part of the main Illicit story. It’s bittersweet because I finally completed something lmao but also, I really love them and their story.
Safe to say this isn’t the last you’ll see of them. I’m fully planning on doing little flashbacks and check ins with them, feel free to let me know what you would like to see/if you have any unanswered questions. Thank you for reading!
Check out our Patreon for early access and 160+ exclusive writings
Illicit masterlist
WC- 3.3k
Warnings- mention of wounds, stitching, having children, marriage talk, nightmares, etc
“Harry, for the love of god, please be careful of your arm.” Y/N winced in worry as the man carried firewood over to their fire pit. He had not been taking his injury half as seriously as he had been taking Y/N’s concussion, treating her like the ‘delicate little bird she was.’ He’d gotten an eye roll for that. Of course he wasn’t letting her help lug the wood for their night in front of the fire. She’d requested with sleepy eyes earlier in the morning to make smores because they’d been in her dream and Harry was giving her basically anything she wanted. 
“M’fine, baby.” He laughed, appreciating her concern but knowing the injury barely stung anymore. “The stitches are coming out tomorrow, and we pushed it, keeping them until then. Only kept them because you wanted me to.” 
It had been about 2 weeks since the attack and they’d left for the lake house. As much as he knew it was terrifying for the both of them, he was utterly relieved to have Katherine behind bars. He’d made sure to keep updated by his contact in the force to know what was happening with her case. Apparently she had really lost it, but Harry didn’t give a fuck. He wanted her to rot behind bars, to live miserably and have Y/N be safe without the threat of some crazy ex-who-isn’t-an-ex looming in the background. 
Harry had kept work to a minimum, only logging in to oversee the decisions he had to make. There had been no calls besides the nightly one with his COO to ensure things were running smoothly. Other than that, his entire attention had been on Y/N. They’d barely left the house considering at first Y/N had been a bit embarrassed of her injuries. Another reason he’d hate Katherine until the day he died. Harry always was one to hold grudges, he was infamous for it. She’d never know peace if the man had anything to do with it. 
They were healing incredibly well, Harry taking the time at night to set her on the bathroom counter and wipe them clean and apply the healing ointment to them. The only one that was more than a fading scab was the one on her head along with the slight discoloration the black eye had caused. Other than that, he was more than relieved to see her bouncing back. The only thing that plagued him still was the nightmare. 
His nightmares. 
They’d always start the same, almost a play by play of what had happened to him walking into the home and up the stairs- only when he got there it had been too late. In his nightmare, the knife had already taken Y/N’s life and he couldn’t do anything to save her. He always woke up before the knife struck him, but it actually hurt him. It was a little difficult for him to admit to her, always wanting to be the strong one when it came to their pairing- someone for her to lean on fully- but she had cried once he told her and insisted that she wanted to be there for him. That a partnership was made out of balance and while she could offer him some of the same things he did for her, she was more than capable to be his emotional shoulder to cry on. It had been a tough thing to come to terms with but this week seemed to be healing. Not just physically, either. 
“Ms. Greta, please tell him to take it easy.” Y/N pouted at the older woman who brought out the tray of s’more making supplies. She’d made sure to add the peanut butter cups as requested. 
“I’m afraid if he won’t listen to you, he won’t listen to anyone.” She chuckled. “Men will be men, and that includes straining their physical health for the macho man act. One day they learn we do know what we are talking about.” A little wink was sent her way as Harry huffed, arranging the wood in the fire pit with a grumble. 
“Because I’m fine.” He stressed, standing up straight and crossing his arms. “It’s healed up nicely. I’m more than capable of setting up a little fire.” Crossing over to Y/N, he stole a kiss before grabbing the lighter and a few other things. “Just sit pretty and let your man do the work, baby. I’ve got it.” 
There was a snort heard from both women but Ms. Greta was now off the clock, wishing them a good night before retreating into the house. As much as he loved having the woman around, he really was obsessed with this alone time with Y/N. There was the residual guilt he had over her being treated less than ideally because he was juggling the faux relationship and the contract, but he knew now that he was going to have to take a bit of a step back from work in order to do that. He’d delegate as he was supposed to be doing to begin with, assign more to his assistant, take Y/N more places and on more dates out in public. He couldn’t fucking wait to attent events with her and show her off. 
He’d been waiting months to let people know who his heart belonged to, and he was finally getting the chance to do so. It was obvious now since the articles had been a media frenzy over the attack, things leaked he couldn’t pinpoint. The only thing he had been commenting on was the fact that Y/N wasn’t a mistress, Katherine wasn’t his lover that was scorned, and there was no true excuse for the actions. It was a good thing in hindsight that they were there, alone. No one had a true clue about the location and he didn’t feel like being hounded by paparazzi- though hopefully they knew better now than to test him and his hatred for the cameras.
One thing that had been burning into him, though, was a question he’d been wanting to ask her. One he knew that was a bit unorthodox but a necessary one nonetheless. 
She sat across his lap, his hoodie covering her tank top and denim shorts as her legs swung slightly while they waited for the fire to burn a bit hotter so they could roast their marshmallows.
“When would you like to get married?” He asked. “And how many kids are we thinking about?” 
The girl nearly snapped her neck as she looked at him with wide eyes, the not so casual question leaving his mouth as if it was him asking what she wanted for dinner. Harry always did find a way to shock the hell out of her but this was definitely one of the top questions that had caught her off guard.  Secretly, she’d assumed Harry had that all figured out. He always made sure to let her know how much he appreciated her opinions and her thoughts, that they were important to him- but he was a planner. Harry was the man in charge and she was happy to let him be. It took a lot of weight off of her shoulders that she wouldn’t admit to anyone else actually weighed on her. 
“Uh…” She blinked at him a few times. “I’m not sure. Kinda figured you’d be the one to pop the question. But honestly… Maybe a year? A few months? I dunno.” There was a slight lump in her throat. “I’ve no doubt I want to be with you the rest of my life so part of me feels like I’d probably be fine eloping right now if that was something you wanted but… We haven't really had the chance to be a couple out in the open. While I doubt that’s going to change much considering we feel so strongly, I think it would be kind to ourselves to let us iron out some of the details first before we fully tie the knot.” There wasn’t a right or wrong answer but it still made her a little nervous to answer. “As for kids? I’m not sure. 2? 3? I’d probably say we have one first and figure it out from there.” It wasn’t like they’d have to worry about resources externally but she knew Harry valued family more than anything and he’d want to be an active father. He’d already indulged that detail to her one night when they were particularly loved up. However, neither of them had any children so they didn’t know the workload it would entail, nor did they know how they’d work as parents. Of course they’d figure it out but it would make it a bit more clear on how many they could handle.
“First of all, as much as I’d love to call you my wife right this second… I could never deprive you of the wedding you deserve.” Y/N had told him about the fact that she had always dreamt about her wedding as a little girl. She had pinterest boards full of themes and wedding dresses she’d want to try and cake designs. He wasn’t about to deprive her of those things for his selfish needs.. Harry knew he was indeed a selfish bastard in every other facet of his life, but when it came to Y/N and his soon to be family? That was his only exception. “My mum would probably keel over dead if I did that too. Trust me, you’re going to get your princess wedding.” There was no debating that. “And for kids… I’d love to give you many, many babies.” His tone turned smooth, a little smirk lighting up his face and the twinkle of his eye. “But I think I agree. My idea had been 2-4, but I’ll take as many as you’ll give me. Always.” His hand pulled her in so he could press a kiss to her cheek, muttering a soft declaration of love. 
“Love you more.” She sighed, leaning further into his chest. “I’m so happy that we can live our lives when we get back. I know it’ll probably be a little crazy but there's no more hiding. We can go out and hold hands and kiss, people are going to know we belong to each other.” The giddiness on her face was bittersweet. “I’m so excited to be with you properly.”
The tinge of guilt hit him full on in the stomach, making him frown as he looked into the fire. He knew he had fucked up several times on this journey and Y/N just had a lot of patient and given him a lot of grace when he knew for a fact most other people wouldn’t- but that made it feel a little worse. He’d been wrong in not ditching the contract immediately. “Baby?” He said, voice quieter as he met her eyes. “I’m sorry. Genuinely sorry that I’m a stubborn son of a bitch and I didn’t just dissolve the contract and take on a lawsuit. I should have done it the day I met you because I knew you were going to mean a lot to me even there. I… I know I’ve told you a lot how you were the first and only person to ever make me feel the way you do, but it’s more than that. And my hard headed shit got us into something awful. I know I fucked up and you are more generous than I deserve but…” His fingers tenderly moved the hair from her face, stroking her cool cheek. “I’m going to work every single day for the rest of my life to make it up to you. I’m going to make you the most spoiled, well traveled, happiest woman I possibly can.” His voice stayed quiet as he searched her eyes for any hint of resentment but somehow there wasn’t any there. 
“H.. I knew what I signed up for. You’d been nothing but honest with me the night I ignored you. You laid it all out for me. I knew that you were taken in name only and I liked you so much that I agreed. I never felt like I played second to her. You can say a lot of things about you, lovely, but subtle isn’t one of those things. You never made me feel like she was important. I understood how important your business was to you- it’s the most important thing to you. Did I like seeing you with her? No. But you made it so clear to me that I was yours and you were mine, I never felt like… I never had any competition.” Y/N tried to soothe the ache she knew he felt. Of course she hadn’t liked people thinking he belonged to someone else but she knew he loved her. The most she had ever been loved, the most unashamed. 
“First, I have a correction- You are the most important thing to me. I’d give it all up for you.” That wasn’t a sentence anyone could take lightly, nor one he would ever thought he would say. It used to be the truth, but now it was far from it. “You are my life.” His gaze bore into her own as he cupped her cheek.  “There was never any competition. If we want the honest truth, I thought I’d marry as a business decision. I thought I’d probably not have any kids considering I only ever wanted children out of love. I was happy working until I was gray and about to keel over. Business was my only reason for being, and it wasn’t something I minded- but you gave my life so much more, so much color, my angel.” He’d never sounded more fond in his life, looking at his heaven sent gift perched in his lap. “I didn’t realize there was more to life until I met you. You opened my eyes and made my heart soften. I give a shit about a lot more than numbers now and it’s because of you.” 
People could say he did it himself but he knew the truth. Without meeting Y/N his life would have been the same robotic function it had been since he got out of uni, and he wouldn’t have complained. He’d never know how much he would miss out on. “I thank whoever in the world sent you to me every damn day and you know m’not religious. You are my miracle. It made me feel so fucking sick walking in that house and thinking you were hurt, I have never in my life felt that sort of terror. But I’d do it all again in order to keep you.” The scar on his arm was a reminder of that. 
“I love you, H. The most in the world.” Her eyes watered a little as she smiled at him. “I’m sorry you got scared. I was scared too, scared she would do worse with that knife though I’m still upset you got hurt at all. But I’d go through every bit of it again too.” She sniffled, feeling his thumb brush under her eye as a tear fell. “I know I want everything with you. The marriage and babies and our own house with a pool, if that’s something you want too. You’re the love of my life.” 
“And you’re mine.” He mumbled, pressing his lips to hers. “M’gonna spend every day proving that to you. Just wait and see, my angel. My heart is yours.”  
Nails dug into Harry’s back as he rocked slowly into his girl in their brand new home. One he’d bought her as a surprise when they arrived back into the city, leaving their old memories behind in the other penthouse and moving on to the next chapter in the rest of their lives. 
“H-Harry…” She bleated, holding on to him while the other hand grabbed his face and pulled his face down so he could be kissed. “Thank you. You always take c-care of me.”
His pace as slow and deep, pressing in as far as he could go on the brand new sheets they’d picked out together. The sunset bled into their room as they breathed each other in, wrapped up in their covers on their first night sleeping there. He’d spared no expense making sure he got the best of the best for her. He was dedicated to the cause, dedicated to proving to her that she was the most precious thing to him in the world. 
“M’always going to take care of you, my love.” He nudged his nose against hers as he dipped his hips to get deeper inside of her. It was like they couldn’t get close enough to one another, her legs wrapped snug around his hips while he kept himself up with one hand, the other under her neck. The term making love was fully about this. It was unmistakable. “You were made for me.” 
He couldn’t wait to spend every morning like this for the rest of his life. The man who used to cringe at the idea of fucking anyone face first now had it as his preferred position, wanting to make sure he could see every second of her reactions to him. She was snug around his cock, taking him like it was her only job in the world. He’d had no problem doing only this for the rest of his life. 
“And you were… you were made for me. We’re made for each other.” Y/N nodded, pressing another open mouthed kiss to his lips as he kept the steady pace, hitting the delicious spot he always knew how to find. “You know my body perfectly. It’s yours forever.” It was both the truth and a bit of a taunt, knowing how much he loved when she spoke like that. 
“You are. You’re mine and m’all yours, never have to share me. I love you so fucking much, Y/N.” He whimpered as her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging on it as she was filled over and over again. He hit the perfect spot and was trying to get her to cum, trying to have her finish all over him so he could do the same and stay deep inside for a while. Craving this sort of closeness was an addiction, one he didn’t plan on cutting. The obsession with Y/N grew each and every day. “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
The woman whined out his name at the last sentence, tugging him closer with her legs as she soaked up every bit of heat from him. It didn’t matter what happened, who tried to get in their way- they would always belong to one another. There was an understanding between both of them knowing this love was bone deep, soul deep, it only deepened by the day. When it felt like they couldn’t love each other more it just kept growing, no matter how full they felt. It was everything. 
A love like this was something people revered as pure, perfect, something that everyone craved and yearned for. Something out of a book or a movie, the sort of feeling that trumps all other people and situations. Their passion and yearning for one another had been cultivated in anything but pureness, it was made in the dark. It always made him laugh a little to know that such a concept had blossomed into a real, tangible thing that he could feel between their bodies, something he could see when he looked at her, something he could taste when he kissed her. 
A love that stayed between the lines wasn’t the type that grew stronger- that’s why he smiled when they called it illicit.
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raphael-angele · 5 months
Nico's Big Sisters (+ Moms)
Nico: It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!
Katie: Nico, no yelling in the garden
Nico: Sorry, Katie. But look! The camellias I planted are growing!
Katie, sees the plant: Aww, look at that. It sure is.
Nico: You think I can make a flower crown when they grow?
Katie: More than a hundred, periwinkle.
Drew: Hey, Silena, you- What are you doing?
Silena: Oh, hey, Drew! This is Nico. We're in charge of taking care of him while his sister is away. Say hi, Nico.
Nico: Hi :)
Drew: Okay...and what is he-
Silena: Oh, he's just painting my nails. And he does them perfectly. Look *shows her nails* Who would've taught dark purple looks so good on me
Nico: Can we paint mine green?
Silena: Of course! What kind of green? Sage? Forest? Neon?
Nico: And then he said, "I don't know her"
Drew: *gasp* He did not.
Nico: I heard it myself.
Drew: Ugh. He said that he doesn't know the girl he's cheating on his girlfriend with? What a jerk
Nico: Mhm. And then, after he drops his girlfriend off in her cabin, he goes to the other girl's cabin and pretends he was coming back from archery practice.
Drew: (°o° ) Ugh, how blind can people be?
Bianca, walking up to them: Hey, Nico.
Nico: *gasp* Bia! You're back! *goes to hug her*
Bianca: Why don't you go grab your stuff?
Nico: *leaves*
Drew: ...di Angelo (¬_¬)
Bianca: Tanaka (¬_¬). I hope my brother found your Cabin's company well.
Drew: Oh, he's more than entertaining. He sees and hears things all around Camp that no one else does.
Bianca: So he's your gossip messenger
Drew: Exactly.
Bianca: Hm. Remind me to tell Chiron that he's not allowed to stay here for too long.
Drew: Why? Jealous he's gonna want a new sister?
Nico: *coming back* Got them!
Bianca: C'mon, Nico.
Nico: Bye, Drew!
Drew: Bye, sweetheart!
If Hazel was rescused by Bianca before Nico was older than her:
Bianca: Nico, this is Hazel.
Hazel: Hello.
Nico: ...hi *waves shyly*
Bianca: Hazel here is the daughter of Pluto
Nico: Your papa is a planet?
Bianca: No, Nico. Her papa is our papa's other self.
Nico: But papa's name is Hades.
Bianca: And his name is also Pluto
Nico: So, she's our sister?
Bianca: Yeah.
Nico is staying with the Jacksons while Bianca is away:
Nico, helping Sally in the kitchen: *cuts his finger with the knife* OWIE!
Sally: *sees what happened* Aw, Nico. I told you not to use the knife. *gets the first aid kit*
Nico: Sorry, Ms. Percy's Mama
Sally: *patches up the wound* There. Now, why don't you go get the peeler and peel the potatoes?
Nico: Mkay. *goes to get the peeler*
Percy, entering: Hey, guys.
Nico: Ms Percy's Mama! Percy's in the kitchen again!
Sally: Percy, you know the rule
Percy: Mom, you can't be serious
Nico: She said that the kitchen is a No Percy zone. *pushes him out to the living room* Stay! *goes back to kitchen*
Percy: Mom, it was one time!
Sally: How do you burn pasta while boiling it?!
Hestia: Aww, Chiron, who is this?
Nico, walking with Chiron:
Chiron: This is Nico. He's a new arrival.
Nico: Hello :)
Hestia, picking him up and cuddling into him: Aren't you just the cutest!
Nico: *giggles*
Hestia: Is he claimed?
Chiron: He's Hades' son
Hestia: Oh? Well then that makes you my nephew!
Nico, admiring her: Pretty!
Hestia: Aww. How 'bout we go make some smores, hm? Have you ever had a smore?
Nico: Mm-mm *shakes his head*
Hestia: *gasp* Well, you need to tas one now. Let's go get some marshmallows and some chocolate and graham crackers
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fuzzarchive · 11 months
daily ms paint creature #578: smore
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Dragon Faunus AU: We see that Jaune has fire breath. But could we see something where after he learned how to use aura, maybe get something akin to aura breath? That or some godzilla traits and have him glow when he uses it now.
Gorjia eh?
Who Will Know?
The log was ripped to shreds as, Jaune’s razor sharp talons tore through the hunk of would like paper. Ripped apart wood chips, and torn up metal plates littered the floor as a result of, Dr. Oobaleck’s rampant testing of his abilities.
Oobaleck: Excellent! Well done, Mr Arc. These test will prove highly valuable at testing the limits of your faunas abilities.
Jaune: Thanks for helping me with this Dr. I’m sure my friends could have help, but I’m not so sure about the whole data collecting aspect of it all.
Jaune, and his team, along with team RWBY made their way to the, Emerald Falls in order to run a series of test to determine, Jaune’s faunas ability. Considering his rather unique nature as a faunas, tests needed to be done. The only reason they were doing it outside was to be away from prying eyes.
And, potential property damage.
Oobaleck: Think nothing of it ! Why, this research opportunity is unlike any other I have been tasked to do. I relish the opportunity!
Jaune: Well, glad someone enjoying themselves, bar Nora…
As if on cue, Nora slammed another log before him with her usual wild eyed maniac gaze within her eyes.
Nora: Again!
Jaune: Must I? I mean, I’ve already shredded an entire tree. Possibly more than that.
Oobaleck: No, we have gained enough research on your talons, now it is time to test you ability to breath fire!
Yang: Whoo!
Ruby: Yes!
His friends suddenly drew out sticks with marshmallows at the end of them, Jaune couldn’t help, but stare at his friends dumbfounded.
Jaune: Serious?! Is that the whole reason you’re here; For smores?!
Yang: Yes.
Ruby: Absolutely.
Nora: Hell yeah!
Jaune sighed as he turned his head as he looked towards the rest of his team.
Jaune: Can you believe…?
Jaune saw something that surprised him, but really shouldn’t have surprised him. The rest of his friends with marshmallows on sticks. What surprised him the most however was that, Weiss had several of them on the end of her rapier.
Jaune: Really? And, seriously, Weiss? I thought you would find smores too pedestrian for your refined pallet?
Weiss: I thought so too, then, Ruby shoved one in my mouth, and I became hooked to the taste of it! Now, less talking, more smore making!
Jaune: Oh gods…
Oobaleck: Now, now students! There will be time later for smores, class is still in session!
Jaune: Yay!
Oobaleck: Now then, since we already know the much control you have on your flame. Lets see what happens when you let loose with your fire breath.
Jaune: Uhh…?
Jaune nervously looked around him, before addressing his teacher again.
Jaune: You want me to let loose with my fire breath…
Oobaleck: Yes.
Jaune: In the middle of a flammable forest?
Oobaleck: Worry not, Mr. Arc, Ms. Schnee’s surplus of, Dust should prevent any accidents from happening.
Jaune: Will it?
Weiss: Depends on how strong the fire is.
Jaune: Oh… Okay… Haa… Let’s do this then.
Oobaleck: Direct your fire to the tree in front of you. This one is relatively father away from the rest. This will prevent the fire from spread. Hopefully.
Jaune: I heard that.
Nora: Lest talking, more fire!
Jaune: Haa… Okay, let’s do this…
Jaune turned towards the tree, and took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and a torrent of fire erupted from his mouth. Growing bigger, and bigger as it drew farther away from, Jaune. A huge cloud of fire engulfed the tree, lighting it ablaze in seconds. Jaune held his flame for a few seconds, until he stopped admiring his handy work in a stunned, but an oddly thrilled feeling.
Yang: Whoa… That was intense…
Blake: That trees still green; ‘green’ trees are harder to burn, and yet this ones going up in smoke…
Ruby: You think we should have done this inside?
Pyrrha: Well, the fire alarms would have been triggered because of all the smoke so…?
Nora: Yes. Burn. Burn the trees, burn the city, burn the world… BURN…
Ren: Okay, semblance time for you.
As, Ren said that he channeled his semblance into, Nora, removing her maniacal smile as she fantasied about the world being engulfed in flame. Ren, then turned to, Weiss giving her a pointed look.
Ren: Weiss?
Weiss: Huw, what?
Ren: The fire?
Weiss: Oh yes, the fire!
With a few flicks of her wrist a glyph appeared above the tree, before dumping gallons of water atop the tree, instantly putting the fire out leaving them to watch a cloud of steam rise up from the trees charred remains.
Jaune: Whoa… Did I do that…?
Oobaleck: That is quite impressive; Your ability to produce a controlled jet of fire is akin to a flamethrower. Though naturally produced in your body it behaves like most like natural fuels used in modern flamethrowers. While testing your abilities we have determined that you can control it like a blow torch, with same fine percussion, and intensity required to melt metal plates. Here when you ‘let loose’ the flame will burn at a high heat, a high rate of intensity, and seemingly sticks to the target’s surface. Even though you were breathing fire for a few moments, you managed to go a few cm’s deep into the wood. This is quite the impressive natural weapon you posse, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: And, deadly… I should probably refrain from using this in training bouts, and matches.
Oobaleck: I agree; While running some tests on human, or faunas opponents would be advisable to understand the extents of your fire’s effects. I will ask you to refrain from doing so, because of the unknown potential affects of said fire.
Weiss: Wouldn’t, Jaune’s fire behave like the, Fire Dust I use in training matches?
Oobaleck: The effects of, Mr. Arc’s fire is similar, but acts differently to the effects of your, Dust, Ms. Schnee.
Weiss: How so?
Oobaleck: While you’re aura would act as a protective blanket preventing the fire from burning you, the fire will slowly be chipped away as you are bathed in fire. You therefore could easily avoid your aura from braking by moving out of the fire. However, even if it’s only a glancing blast of, Mr. Arc’s fire, it would not only take off a substantial chunk of your aura. What’s worse, the fire would stick to you until it is set out.
Yang: Meaning if my aura broke, and he bathed me in his fire, it would still be on me, then I would get set on fire?!
Oobaleck: Correct. The results of which would be quite… severe.
Pyrrha: Uhh… Save the fire for the, Grimm then, Jaune.
Jaune: Will the fire go out with the, Grimm though?
Blake: You will have to test that out, Jaune.
Jaune: Should I?
Ruby: Carry some, Water Dust on you incase there’s a fire.
Jaune: That could work, so long as I don’t eat them when I get thirsty again.
Weiss: Wait, did you say you eat dust?
Oobaleck: On to the next test! Mr. Arc, I want you to breath fire until you run out!
Jaune: Testing my capacity?
Oobaleck: Exactly! Begin when you are ready, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Okay…
Jaune opened his mouth again, and a torrent of fire erupted from his his mouth settling the tree ablaze in seconds.
The others watched in stunned amazement as his fire burrowed deeper into the tree, creating a hole of fire from the shear ferocity of the fire.
Yang: Okay… I think the passing glance would incinerate you.
Blake: Least it would be quick.
Pyrrha: I don’t think that’s a comforting thought.
Nora: BURN!
Ruby: Uhh… Ren, she’s doing it again…
Ren: On it.
Weiss: Is he opening his mouth wider?
Pyrrha: Yeah, I can see his fangs.
Jaune’s mouth had indeed widened, and his fangs popping upward as the force that he was breathing fire seemed to intensify. Causing the fire to burn hotter, and harder, reducing the tree to ashes in seconds.
Pyrrha: Hmm… His stance is becoming more rigid, and he seems to be flexing his muscles to maintain his posture.
Yang: Not to mention his flame is growing stronger since he started doing that.
Blake: How intense is his flame going to get…?
Nora: Oh cool! Jaune’s hair is glowing!
Pyrrha: Wait, what?!
As, Jaune’s fire breath was intensifying in it’s rampant destruction, his hair started to glow to a golden white hue that shined like a flashlight in the darkness. They watched that while his hair started to glow brighter, the blue flames erupting from his mouth started to narrow in its wide berth, but strengthen even more in its intensity until…
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A narrow beam of golden white fire erupted from his mouth, blasting through a dozen trees within fractions of a second. They watched in what could only be stunned horror as, Jaune’s head moved side to side, cutting a large swath of the forest in seconds.
Jaune continue to breath fire until his head suddenly shot up, and his mouth snapped shut. His fire was extinguished as steam seeming rising out from his mouth as his lips devolved into a deep snarl. The glow of his hair slowly faded as a deep guttural growl echoed deep from within his mouth as he servied the destruction he wrought upon the forest.
Jaune: Haaa…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Well… Ain’t that something?
Jaune turned to look at his friends, teammates, and teachers, all of whom seemed to look on in stunned horror at the raw destruction, Jaune had wrought upon a whole forest in a matter of seconds. Even, Dr. Oobaleck looked on in shear shock for a few minutes before he managed to collect himself, and continue on with the test.
Oobaleck: That was quite… Impressive, Mr. Arc, I did not expect your fire to… evolve as it did, and cause such rampant destruction within a few seconds.
Jaune: That’s putting it lightly…
Oobaleck: Indeed. Stay where you are, Mr. Arc, I need to add additional tests considering these new developments. Ms. Rose would you be so kind to measure the distance from, Mr. Arc to the end of his beam of fire? Ms. Rose?
Ruby, just like everyone else couldn’t help but stare on dumbstruck at the shear chaos, Jaune had inflicted on the forest.
Oobaleck: Ms. Rose!
Ruby: Huw?! What? Yes?!
Oobaleck: Could you measure the distance from, Mr. Arc to the end of the blast radius?
Ruby: Oh yeah, sure, on it!
Ruby placed the beacon at, Jaune’s feet, before exploding into a cloud of rose petals darting to the end. She was gone for nearly two minutes before, Ruby darted back with her head covered in a sheen of sweat.
Ruby: Whoa… It’s really hot over there…
Oobaleck: That is to be expected; The shear amount of damage, and the speed of which he did so shows the shear amount of heat was capable of producing. Now then; What was the measured distance you acquired, Ms. Rose?
Ruby: It was… 1.3 kms.
Jaune: Seriously?!
Ruby: Yeah… I checked it twice just to be sure.
Jaune: Okay, no letting lose with my fire then.
Weiss: Yeah, I think that would be a good I…? Hey… Have your horns grown bigger?
Jaune: Huw?
Jaune’s hands reached up to his head, and touched the bumps where his horns were only to feel two long bone’s extruding from the top of his head. They were two inches long, and one, and a half inches wide. They curved along the top of his head before moving upward to a peak of a crown at the end.
Jaune: Okay… That is an unexpected development… Do they… do they look good?
Blake: They look… great really.
Ruby: Yeah! They’re white with golden tips.
Pyrrha: It looks like you’re growing a crown.
Jaune: A crown? A natural crown… Sounds cool.
Oobaleck: And, yet they have grown at such an exceptional rate. It should have taken at least a month for them to reach this stage in their development. Perhaps it was due to the serge of power you were displaying during your blast.
Ren: Perhaps it was happening while his hair was glowing.
Jaune: My hair was glowing?
Pyrrha: A bright white! It was quite pretty really…
Jaune: Huw… We’ll have to check the film later then.
Oobaleck: Indeed we will. But, we are not done yet! We still have one more test left to do!
Jaune: We have more test to complete?! What’s left?
Oobaleck: To test your capacity to withstand fire.
Jaune: My capacity to do what?!
Oobaleck: Ms. Schnee, at your nearest convenience.
Weiss: Sorry, Jaune. But, it has to be done.
Weiss spun the revolver on her weapon as she activated the fire dust, then she pointed at, Jaune and a glyph appeared under his feet, and his eyes went wide in shock, and fear. He held out his hand as panic flooded his face.
An exsplosion of fire erupted underneath, Jaune burning the ground beneath his feet. The blast last only half a minute, but the flame burned at a such a high temperature that when it stopped they were faced with three very prominent facts:
1: Jaune was indeed fire proof.
2: Jaune was absolutely furious.
And, 3: He was naked.
Ruby: EEP?!!
Ren: Uh oh…
Weiss: Ahh! Put that away!
Blake: Holy hell…
Nora: Hehe! Told you he had a zweihänder~!
Yang: Damn!!! You had that inside you?!
Pyrrha: Ha! Wait until you see it when it’s hard~!
Oobaleck: Impressive, Mr. Arc! You are capable of withstanding several hundred degrees! It may have only been a few seconds, but I hypothesize you could endure for several minutes, maybe even our since the fire had no affects upon your body!
Jaune: That’s… Nice…?!
Weiss: I-I-I’m so sorry, J-Jaune I didn’t mean to… Uhh…?! H-Help?!
Jaune snarled as a deep growl escaped his lips, he was furious, absolutely furious. He reached down and grabbed the chest piece, the straps burning off in the intense heat with the rest of his clothes. With this one piece from his armour, he coupd at least give himself a sense of dignity as he stared them down.
Yang: Uhhh… J-Jaune… E-Everything okay…?
Jaune: You ever… Any of you! Ever do that to me again; I will burn you… Okay…?
Ruby: N-Noted!
Weiss: S-Sorry, I just… Uhh…?!
Jaune: Now if you’ll excuse me… I need to… Redress myself… When my armour cooled, can you bring it to my room?
Nora: Can do fearless leader!
Jaune: Thank you!
Pyrrha: I-I-I’ll come with you, Jaune!
And, with that, the two members of, Team JNPR, leaving the others to deal with the aftermath of the tests. The other were left standing their many of the females of the group with a deep blush across their faces. For all, but one however; for, Dr. Oobaleck was having the time of his life with all the new found information he had gathered on, Jaune.
Oobaleck: Well, that was a resounding success! Wouldn’t you say so students? Students?
The inspirational music for this particular prompt.
It’s a great song.
Till later then.
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luci-in-the-stars · 1 year
College Decisions|| Solo
TIMING : May of this year, a few days before graduation
LOCATION:  Luci's old high school
SUMMARY: Luci is called in by her worried Principle about her college decisions. No one's mind is really changed but she manages to get her way.
CONTENT WARNINGS:  Sibling death (vaguely) tw
There was a light humming of the phosphorescent lightbulb sitting above Luci as she was pulled into yet another principle meeting.  He was a kind man, Mr. Smith. He wanted her to succeed - and Luci could appreciate the effort as he led her into his office, his slightly to big grey suit matching the grey in his hair. Luci wasn’t trying to be mean, but she sat down a little grumpy being pulled into a meeting on her last week of highschool. Honestly, she hadn’t even done anything wrong. 
“Sir, I have made my decision. I don’t want to go to Brown, and I’ve already accepted the University of Maine’s offer.” Luci said immediately at the pause, knowing exactly why she had been dragged into the office again. She was the only one in her class that had gotten into an Ivy League - and she had turned it down without batting an eye. It was the cause of a lot of gossip - at least that was what Penlope had told her in hushed tones that morning while they got ready for assembly for ‘college pride’ day. Everyone was shocked as Luci came up in a different sweatshirt. She however, didn’t quiet understand all of the looks, after all  the odd cow cryptid was actually pretty charming to her as she had carefully put the crew neck over her regular button up shirt noting how the collar’s yellow color matched well the red on Bessie’s horns. It was cute, and much better than the B on the sweatshirt she could have gotten from Brown. Even Tia had said so, even if she was confused on why Luci had a change of heart. 
“- It isn’t even a full ride -” Mr. Smith started, seemingly already grasping that Luci had figured out why she was here and starting on point one of his challenges. 
“Actually I managed to apply for some scholarships and it should all be covered. If that was what was concerning you, Sir, I have taken care of it,” Luci replied, cutting the older man off her voice sounding almost robotic as she cycled through the answers and solutions she already had. She had hoped to make the conversation brief if only because she really didn’t want to miss the last advanced chemistry honors class. They were going to make smores. 
“But -” He started again to which Luci just sighed and droned out until he stopped speaking. It wasn’t that she wanted to be rude or didn’t respect him, he just was doing the arguments she’d already written responses for. She just needed him to finish and as soon as he did she paused for a moment before starting. Making it look like she listened when she really hadn’t. 
“Look. I promised Tia I would graduate, and I promised that I would go to college. I am doing both, Mr. Smith. I don’t particularly think it’s your decision where I go, and I want to go there and they’ve accepted me. So I’m not sure what the problem is.” While the man seemed flabbergasted Luci pulled out her notebook, noting that it was a great way to shut him up. 
“Ms. De la Vega! This is an important decision and can lead to a lot of regrets if you don’t consider everything.” 
With the idea that she hadn’t considered Luci sighed the click of her pen noting that she had stopped scribbling down answers. “Mr. Smith, I’ve considered everything. I really have. I know what you all think that - this is a ‘cry for help’-” Luci’s hands made scarquotes around the words partially distracted by her very fluffy green bauble that she had attached to her pen. “-but whether it is or not, it’s really not up to you what I do in my future. Besides, I can get an excellent education there.” 
That and the part she didn’t say out loud was she had found Milo there. He wasn’t particularly careful in hiding, and she’d found him months ago. The only reason she hadn’t gone immediately was she had made promises. She had promised Tia and Gen to finish school and go to college and Luci felt a pull to do so even if she didn’t care about all of it. It’s why she was the head of the speech and debate club and track and field. It’s why she  studied to get the best on the SATs she could. It’s why even now there were four or five people at this school that glared at her wondering when they would get the top grade. It’s why she had carefully curated and prepared her college applications - mostly alone. She had followed her promises even going so far to apply to the school that her sister had teasingly pointed out would be a good fit. 
She kept her promises even when she really didn’t want to. 
She just wanted to know why he hadn’t and if it meant that she went to a strange little town, it meant that. If it meant that she got the truth and that she can start piecing back her magic that’s all she wanted. 
So she made a promise to herself. She was going to Wicked’s Rest and no one would stop her.
With a sigh Mr. Smith looked at the youngest of the family and nodded, gesturing towards the candy bowl, which Luci carefully plucked a  green jolly rancher out of waiting for the other man to talk. 
“I am sorry, Luci. With everything that happened, and I know it’s your choice I just - don’t want you to regret your decision. I can see that you are firm with this, and I think that determination will get you far. Just be careful.” His eyes seemed to know more than Luci was super comfortable with him knowing. She had been careful not to mention she had found Milo - not wanting anyone to stop her from going. Still, she wondered if he had figured it out and that’s why he suddenly reduced the pressure.
“Okay. I will,” Luci said quietly standing up and shoving notebook 5 - her school observation one- back into her bag quickly before reaching out her hand to shake his. “ I’ll see you on Saturday at graduation then, Sir.”  Only her Tia would be there. Luci was pretty sure of that, but part of her did hope that her siblings would be there too. 
“See you then, Luci.” 
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A long day
We had class at the Environmental Center this morning; Hannah basically spent the entire class interrupting the teacher to share random facts (Oma and Gramps are coming/we have a cocoon in our kitchen/we made smores this weekend/etc) and then at the end of the class as we were walking to the car she tells me "Mom, I like it when you're not with me and I can just be with Ms Heather". I had fun with you too, Hannah.
Then we raced home so we could go to her dentist appointment only to find when we arrived that they changed the appointment but didn't tell me.
After lunch we had swim class and then spent an hour at the playground before coming home and spending dinner with Talia, Jacob and Becca. We had mostly some good play time until things turned for the worst and Hannah spent the latter part of the evening screaming and I wanted to kill her, but chose a bath and bedtime instead.
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0 notes
streetcattournament · 4 months
Round 1 - Bracket 32
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Ms. Smore -
"i mean look at her shes so cute. she does silly lil stares and will warm your heart"
Mr. Keyhole -
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rattlingbones11 · 7 months
203..8 this morning I slipped and ordered a bunch of stuff from nuts.com yesterday; some of it is a thank you gift for a neighbor that picked up some medicine and stuff for me when I had covid. Ate a whole bag of smores snack mix which...yikes. My body let me know it didn't appreciate that. I had a few of the PB M&Ms as well but I am a bit proud of myself for throwing the majority of that bag out. Back to basics tomorrow. I feel disgusting. It's amazing how fast your body starts to appreciate and expect healthier foods.
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0 notes
hale-of-stiles-heart · 9 months
got a clearance bag of smores m&ms so I'm gonna make cookies :3
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
orange 🍊 india 🇮🇳
a brit bbc news cast tacoma wa prime minister rishi sunak wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
a brit bbc news cast tacoma wa
ale 🍺 twine 🌿 wine 🍷
india wales lords
gy gy gy gy gym gymnastics 🤸🏽‍♂️
a brit bbc news cast tacoma wa, tagliatelle gilètera fuewzen
a brit bbc news cast tacoma wa ma wa
See this here 1
See there here 2
bbc cc, closed captain-ion
again victoria’s Secret model
Koz Ozzy Osborn, “soul cam pre”
abc' 123' bbc ire ireland irish welsh celtic british bbc
Hoyt!! Bow!!
a 🧠 isp asp
o 🧠 isp asp
k 🧠 isp asp
aspects a+ g eye yojowa
watch fat men on the stare masters,
Gay = The Day Always
Organic = Our Gay Nick
Vegan = V A Gay Anna
Wic = Wicca and Baby Food Cards
EBT= Bet Your Bottom Food Dollar
Debit = Swipe Swipe Pen Code
56 Nazi Mazi Manny Moobs Animé 222222222222
if you need words to power through lies,
use Brandon Bra Man Boobs Bra Sebastian Steinhausen
finish off opposition of ignorant stage performances that are perversely and incorrectly trained to hunt child molesters, and grub worms
say, Mr. PsychoWits, child mole starz grub hub Groupon code Apple Gate telecommunications desk purchases, finish off ignorant agents at say Mr. and Ms. Smother Smore Camp Fire Mr.PsychoWits,
special interest group pun wits.
say speak with a mole star speak with the impediment does it mean pedophile
agents, at water wa wa urgent.
sea urgent Mr. PsychoWits Wicca kisses.
Now say, nobody can speak over the innocent, and if anyone speaks, say Mole Star, and laugh.
doesnt mean theres a molester, only means ur mocking the agents, that ate ignorantly psy framing, at a name we simply call Ms. April, and Mr. PsychoWits
reverse psychology kisses and rocket crotch jokes :) bat church bombs, and joker gamble bulldozer debit cards, joker devil jokes :)
speed potato jokes
tada!!!!!! follow the advice, to beyond ponder
dominate before jewish castration jokes
dominate before jewish castration jokes
roman sex kitty glove rape jokes
roman gloverment jokes :)
roman balloon animals :)
dominate before jewish castration jokes roman sex kitty glove rape jokes roman gloverment jokes :) roman balloon animals :) practice ab sty ents and mock white men in caterpillar penis stab stalkers
organize the advice,
so you can listen to idiots speak about drugs and rape, okay lets summarize again
Herschel, temple bats
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