#ms marvel fic
Strange Situation: Episode 1 - Move-in Day
Series Masterlist
Description: The young avengers are living in an apartment together. However, they have no idea that each other are superheroes. They begin making ridiculous excuses for their injuries and being out late.
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*not my gif*
America's POV
I enter the rather large apartment space. Even though I expected it to be big with five roommates, this far exceeds my expectations.
I make a mental note to thank Strange for the recommendation later.
I'm so glad I decided to move in first. I don't have much (anything, really, if we're being honest) but I get first dibs on room choice.
I walk through each room and make an evaluation. Finally, the last one on the corner catches my eye. It has a giant window looking out into the New York City skyline, giving it plenty of sunlight.
I set my one bag down on the bed and take a moment to breathe everything in. I finally have a home, a place to go to. And I finally have my powers under control. I can actually stay in this universe and have a place to call my own.
Minus, like, everything else I need to survive. Strange gave me some cash (actually, a lot of cash by this universe's standards) to go shopping. I really should pay him back at some point.
He's become like a father figure to me. Even though, since last week, I haven't heard from him. I'm not too concerned—he's got all that world-saving to do—but it would be nice if he'd given me a little warning.
I hear the front doorknob turn.
Kamala's POV
"Kamala, walk. Go." My mom pushes the bag she is holding against me. I walk through my new front door.
"Good sized kitchen. Nice view." My dad surveys the place. "Living space, very nice."
"Dad!" I whine. "Can you help me with this box and stop admiring everything?"
"Kamala, don't talk to your father that way." My mom gives me a pointed look. "I will leave you here to do everything yourself."
"Okay," I mutter, rolling my eyes and shoving my light frustration down.
A girl's head peeks around the wall. I smile awkwardly and she returns it.
"Hi," I start to wave but hide it with a hair flip. "I'm Kamala."
"America." She smiles more comfortably.
"Does it matter which room I pick?" I ask. America shakes her head with a shrug. "Okay, cool."
"Kamala, where's your bedroom?" My mom shouts much louder than she needs to, considering I'm standing right behind her.
I walk straight forward into the closest room possible, dropping the heavy items I've been struggling with on the ground.
Cassie's POV
We just walked into the building when the security guard came up to my dad.
"Ay Scott, I haven't seen you in years!"
My dad turns around and smiles. "Hey, how are you man?"
I turn to physical mush inside. Imagine one of my new roommates sees me waiting around for my dad like a kid.
"Dad." I whisper harshly.
"Alright. I'm moving my daughter in right now actually. I'm sure I'll see you again." He shakes his friend's hand.
"Ah, good choice. It's a beautiful building." The man winks and me.
I walk quickly to the elevator.
I hear something slam on the floor from inside the apartment. My dad and I share a worried look and try the door. It has been left unlocked.
We walk in and hear a lot of commotion from the left, then a girl comes bursting out of one of the rooms, groaning. She stops when she sees me and smiles.
"Hi! I'm Kamala!" She says sweetly.
I smile back. "Cassie."
Another girl walks up beside Kamala. "I'm America."
I smile. "I like that name, it's cool."
"Thanks," she smiles widely.
"Cass, let's get your stuff in and then you can talk, okay?" My dad says, awkwardly just standing behind me the whole time.
I nod. The doorknob clicks and we all look at it.
Kate's POV
I walk through the front door and am greeted with four pairs of eyes staring me down.
"Hi," I give an awkward little wave. I quickly pull my hand down and curse at myself.
"Hello." One of the three girls says. "What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Kate." I smile (more like grimace, I've been in here for two seconds and I've already done something embarrassing).
"I'm Cassie," the girl smiles.
"Kamala!" A completely new voice yells from somewhere out of sight. "Come help your father!"
The girl on the left gives and awkward little wave and scurries away.
"I'm America." The last girl smiles. "Nice to meet you."
"Is this everyone?" I ask.
"No, I think there's one more person, but they're not coming till tomorrow." America shrugs.
I nod. "Lot of people for one apartment."
America laughs. "It'll be okay."
"Has everyone taken their bedrooms already?" I suddenly change the conversation.
"Yeah, I think the one next to me is open though." She beckons me to follow her.
Okay when I say I've been writing this for months, I mean I've been writing this for months smh. Finally college has settled down and I'm just posting this first thing to get something out even tho its not very long. It will be longer in the future I promise! Let me know of suggests in the comments!
Buy me a coffee?
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venator-signum · 11 months
kamala khan would have the most horrendous ao3 author's notes known to man
"hey guys sorry the update is late i switched places with an avenger (ajdgrhsh literally crying) and a really cool space scientist lady and then got into a fight and some alien dudes wrecked my house and then I met Nick fury and I was literal space it was crazy and I had to help save the universe and saw said scientist lady give up her life to save all of us... anyways hope you like the new fic, branching out with an arranged marriage au for this one!!!"
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I read a fanfiction crossover where they were the main ship and it was glorious hasn’t been updated since 2022 I don’t think but it was glorious so in celebration and morning I drew this👹
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Imagine your ex-girlfriend Captain Marvel getting annoyed when you aren't more upset that she's married
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You and Carol had a complicated history. Long story short, you met in space when you teamed up to save a planet, you got together, had a wonderful time together before Carol refused to commit and you left. Despite Carol being more powerful than use power-wise, most people said you had Carol wrapped around your little finger and it was true. Around you, she wasn't Captain Marvel but a shy infatuated girl and you loved the effect you had on her, even after you'd broken up. So when you heard Carol was in some trouble courtesy of a mutual friend, you couldn't pass up the chance to stop by and say hello.
"Oh my god it's the love of your life Y/n!" Kamala cried when you walked into the room and you could practically feel Carol holding in a scream. She always tried to have nerves of steel and acted like nothing bothered her but you could see right through that. You smiled and held your hand out to the younger girl "I like you, are you new?". "Yes! My name is Kamala Khan but I go by Ms Marvel". You nodded "oh yeah I heard about you, nice name" glancing at Carol who looked away. "Oh my god Y/n knows my name!" Kamala cried and you gave her a few seconds to fangirl, stepping away.
"Hey" you said to Carol "so Valkarye mentioned you needed me?". "I didn't tell her I needed you!" Carol said "I just...thought this could use some backup". "What could use some backup?" you asked before seeing Monica. "Hey Monica" you waved and she waved back "hey Y/n, thanks for coming. We're definitely going to need some help". You nodded "yeah that's exactly what Carol just said!" loving he way Carol's eye twitched "now just remind me what's going on here again?". "It's probably easier to show you" Monica said and she raised her fist, it lit up and then Kamala was in front of you. You blinked and looked to where Monica was now standing a few feet away "oh yeah, you definitely did the right thing calling me".
After a bit of brainstorming, you worked out how this all started, how Dar-Benn was channelling her power and more importantly what she wanted. "Where would she go to get water?" Kamala asked. "Hmm maybe Borni?" you asked but Carol shook her head "Borni is bigger but Aladna technically has more water on the surface". You thought before nodding "yeah you're right but that's a technicality. Most people assume it's Borni because it's better known, I think she'd go there". "No it's definitely Aladna" Carol said and she gave you that "just go with it, I'm right" look so you shrugged "fine, if you think it's Aladna then let's go". Carol nodded at you and then promptly rushed away which made Monica laugh. "How exactly did you leave things to make her so jumpy around you?". You smiled "let's just say, I was open about how I felt for her and wanted something she couldn't commit to. So I told her to call me when she was ready. Guess she's still working out if she's ready".
Once the ship was set with Aladna's coordinates you went to get changed into your battle gear and Carol knocked on the door. You smirked as she quickly stepped inside "are you really trying to catch me undressed Danvers?". "No of course not!" she cried and you chuckled "well that's a first" before turning back to her "so what's up?". "Nothing I just, I wanted to call you" Carol said "to ask for help. I just didn't want to...complicate things between us. I haven't seen you in nearly a year and it felt unfair to call you to help me after how things ended". You shook your head "Carol I will always be here to help you. You never have to hesitate to ask that of me no matter how things ever are between us. Your safety will always be my priority". Carol stared at you for a few seconds before shaking herself out of her thought. "Thank you" she said, coughing as her voice cracked "that is certainly good to know". You smiled "don't act like you wouldn't do the exact same for me, I know if I called you, you'd come running" and with a wink you stepped away leaving Carol stuttering after you.
There was no point arguing though, she knew you were right.
You spent the next few hours catching up with Monica and learning all about Kamala, who you'd decided you were adopting (she was very happy with this). Carol flitted in and out, and you managed to get her to join in with the festivities for a bit. You got her to smile as you told a story of how you first met and she looked like she actually relaxed for a second...until she saw Kamala was crying and she remembered she was Captain Marvel not just Carol Danvers.
Finally you arrived at Aladna and you all prepared to meet the royalty of this planet. "Y/n have you been here before?" Kamala asked and you shook your head "surprisingly not, there's a lot of planets in lots of galaxies and honest water isn't really my thing". Kamala nodded, understanding your reasons but you noticed Carol was acting more jittery than usual. She was playing with her hands a lot which was her tell for nerves and you were going to ask what was wrong when she looked at you. "Okay just don't freak out" she said and you were surprised to find she was directing this completely at you.
"Me?" you asked "what would I freak out about?". Carol winced and tried to explain before she just made a noise and stepped out the door. You laughed, shooting a "what's with her?" look to Monica and Kamala and then followed.
Aladna was a weird planet but you got into it. You could cope with the singing and found it hilarious to see Carol in the middle of it. She looked so cute in her jellyfish hat especially because she looked so out of place but was doing her best to be professional. It finally made sense when someone called her princess. You all quickly worked out Carol had married into royalty and she looked at you as the crowd swept her up in their choreography. Even as she was twirled around her eyes were fixed on you but you didn't look back at her. You just enjoyed the music and copied Kamala's lead.
When the prince appeared and made a bee-line for Carol, you worked out this was the husband. You didn't love their dance but did love Kamala and Monica's response to it and leaned into their humour to hide your discomfort. Finally Carol let go of that man and returned to you, eyes downcast.
"Nice dress Aurora" you commented and Carol looked up at you. She saw your smile and quickly waved her hands, turning her clothes back to normal. "Or is it Ela?" you asked "she's the one with magical dress-making skills right?". "Oh my god I can't believe you've watched Frozen!" Kamala cried and you grinned "I had to see what all the fuss was about plus pretty much everyone in the universe has heard that song... wait that gives me an idea. Have you guys seen Frozen?" you yelled to the crowd and 40 seconds later Carol watched as you sang Let It Go without a care in the world.
This was not how Carol expected this trip to go. She expected a lot of glares, passive aggression and maybe a few punches. She thought you'd be mad at her or upset. She thought you'd care she had gotten married but apparently not.
"Who is your friend?" Prince Yan asked watching where you were now on a table singing to the people who really seemed to like you, "That's Y/n she's my...ex...well not really..we're...". "Partners" Kamala chimed in trying to help and Carol winced but nodded "yeah something like that, she's helping us too".
"Will she need armour too?" Prince Yan asked. "No need" you said making Carol jump as you appeared behind her "I'm good". You stared at him, a casual cool look on your face and Carol's heart sped up to see the two of you standing metres apart. "Okay then" Prince Yen nodded giving you a smile which you didn't return. "Please...follow me" he said stumbling over his words a little as he turned away from you in a hurry. Carol could've sworn she heard you chuckle but when she turned around your expression was still the same didn't give a shit carefree smirk she'd seen since you got here.
All suited up, you prepared for Dar-Benn...and then got your asses handed to you royally, which honestly you blamed Carol for. She was off the whole fight, wasn't connecting well with Kamala or Monica and almost got herself killed with her stubborn determination to save the city. She got into such a state you had to pull her from the pilot seat and land it yourself. "What was all of that about?" you asked her but she shot away from you "no, I don't want to talk to you" she said and shoulder barged you as she rushed outside.
Of course, you couldn't take something like that so followed her.
"You don't want to talk to me?" you called after her "why what have I done?". "Nothing that's the problem!" she yelled and you blinked "what was I meant to do Carol?". I just thought you'd care that's all!" Carol said calmer but still heated "what have you forgotten all about me or something? You've barely focused on me since you got here and I can't deal with this right now. I'm meant to be responsible, I've got to keep Kamal alive and I'm trying to repair my relationship with Monica...all while trying to save multiple planets but all I can think about is does Y/n still care about me?".
"Do I still care about you? Are you kidding?" you asked "the ball is in your court, how are you the one insecure right now?". "Because it's you!" Carol said "you never get flustered around me, not in the way I get flustered around you and you were the one who walked away from me! I never asked you to leave, you were the one strong enough to leave me and I...I couldn't have done that" she admitted "I wanted to contact you, to tell you to come back so many times but I was terrified you'd say no. I could handle a lot of people rejecting me but not you Y/n and then you appear here, with this speech about you'll always help me but then you didn't give a crap when you found out I was married! You don't care?". "So you wanted me to care about that? To create a fuss?" you asked and Carol shook her head "no of course not...well maybe. I didn't want you to punch Yan or anything but a little jealousy would've been nice. It would've shown you still wanted me".
You shook your head taking a step back from her and as you muttered "that is the stupidest thing I ever heard" Carol felt her heart sink until you finished.
"How could anyone not want you?" you asked.
Carol blinked "what?". "Carol, to me, you are the bravest, strongest most fierce girl in the world and I cannot imagine a universe where that isn't true. So yes, of course I still want you!" you said hugging her and Carol melted into you, shedding the tears she'd been holding in for days.
When you separated and calmed her down you took her hand "so want me to tell you everything I've been holding back the past 24 hours?". Carol nodded "yes" and you smiled "I think I never should've left you, it was unfair for me to leave you alone to deal with everything plus I knew you wouldn't take care of yourself if you had nobody here to witness your lack of self-care and I'm okay with your marriage". "You are?" she asked surprised and you nodded "yeah mainly because I know I could kick Prince Yan's scrawny ass in under a minute and I'd love to show you that sometime". Carol blushed slightly "please don't" and you shrugged "fine but the second you want me to, it's done. Plus I could tell you weren't attracted to him in the slightest so I had nothing to be worried about. I know you're type and he's not me". Carol smirked "you're sounding pretty confident there Y/n, you know a girl can have more than one type right?". "Yeah but not you" you replied and then you finally did what Carol had been wanting you to do for days.
You kissed her.
"You okay?" Kamala called when Carol reappeared on the ship "did you and Y/n sort things out?". Just the mention of you made Carol's heart speed up but she managed to keep a neutral expression. "Yeah everything's fine, let's get going" and she rushed out the front door.
She knew you weren't done with her and the second this all ended you'd get your moment together...and Captain Marvel could not wait.
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So guess who saw The Marvels and had to rush home to write about how amazing Captain Marvel is?
The whole film was stunning but I especially loved how human it made Carol and how she realised she needed the love and support of other women in her life.
Her being more mortal and soft made me think of how cute it would be for her to have a super powerful girlfriend she's a bashful teenager around and this was born!
Hope you enjoyed it ;)
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Just thinking about Kamala Khan and her boyfriend Kon-El, and her two boyfriends-in-law, Tim and Bernard, and look. She and Bernard would be allowed to hang out unsupervised ONE (1) time. Tim and Kon lost contact with them for a week and when they finally popped back up they had uncovered a centuries old conspiracy like :DDD wym you thought we were dead or kidnapped or worse? what's worse than dead or kidnapped? oh yah don't touch that it's cursed :) very sweet of you to worry DON'T YOU DARE TAKE THAT MOUNTAIN DEW IT'S MINE
They drive home because the logistics of Kon flying all of them is a bit dicey and ten minutes into the drive Bernard and Kamala are snoring in the backseat
(To be clear, Tim and Kon do NOT count as supervision)
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My stupid little guys
Spider-Man Vol 2 #8
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Series Announcement!
Hey hunny bunnies,
I'm going to be writing a series about the idea from @onetimetwotimesthreetimess: a sitcom sort of thing where the young avengers are all living in an apartment together but they don't know that each other are superheroes so they're constantly trying to make up ridiculous reasons for injuries/being out late.
Characters: Kate Bishop Kamala Khan Peter Parker America Chavez Cassie Lang
If anyone thinks of more characters from the MCU I'm missing, please comment!
Leave a comment to join the taglist!
A masterlist will soon be created for it once the first episode is posted.
Thank you for reading :)
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marvels-meme · 1 month
Fanfiction recommendations for ✨️ The Marvels ✨️
i'm gonna be fine (but maybe not tonight) by SleepyMaddy — Gen Oneshot, 5.3k words — Somehow, out of all that multitude of scenarios, out of all those options, Kamala had never pictured Captain Marvel, Earth’s mightiest hero, her role model and namesake, awkwardly eating chicken korma at her parents’ dinner table. The cognitive dissonance is kind of a lot to take. Or: after reigniting Hala's sun, Carol crashes in Kamala's back garden.
Pieces of Her by RynRose4 — Mature, 8/8 chapters, 15k words — Monica is gone. Captain Marvel shatters. Carol picks up the pieces and after three decades of running, finally starts to heal.
and i've got a lot to pine about by djinnandtonic — Teens And Ups, Oneshot, 4.7k words — Kamala knows that she was primarily the one who believed that Monica would come back to them. Whenever she would say it, her family would look at her with these soft sympathetic eyes as if trying to break the news to her. Carol in the beginning looked like she didn’t even know what to say to that. Even Nick Fury had that stoic spy look that meant that he believed that too. But not her. Never her. Kamala never once stopped believing.
i'll do my best to meet you there halfway (or the whole way) by SleepyMaddy — Gen, Oneshot, 4.2k words — After the disaster on Aladna, Monica and Carol talk.
foreign and familiar by serenesapphic — Gen, Oneshot, 5.5k words — "Frankly a little dumbfounded, Monica watches with her mouth slightly open as Binary taps some buttons on a monitor in the room, revealing what she can only guess are her vitals. A quiet panic begins to rise in her throat. After one final swipe, Binary turns back around." Or: The rest of The Marvels end credit scene.
harmonize with the echoes by ariesnoctua (SleepyMaddy) — Gen, Oneshot, 5.1k words — On the way to Aladna, Monica and Carol have a conversation, a moment, and something to eat — not necessarily in that order.
The (Un)Official Adoption of Carol Danvers by 324b2fun — Gen, Oneshot, 2k words — Carol doesn’t realize it quite yet, but the Khans have decided to adopt her after everything. Fury helps.
Daily Arab.org click to help Palestine 🍉
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I don’t know if it’s only me, but I’ve been seeing a lot of Spider-Man fics where he’s in Gotham transported or transmigrated and I’ve seen so many at this point let’s change it up. Put Miles Morales in there or another superhero. My personal favourite pic would be Ms Marvel because I love her so much and she would handle it like a pro 
Please excuse my ass handwriting. It helps to capture the essence of a doodle
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bisamwilson · 1 year
hey honey! 💖 sambucky and 25. things you said in front of other people!
thanks for the ask, sweetheart <3 does something over 1k words count as a snippet oops (from this list)
"I just wasn't really feelin' it, y'know?" Sam laments to the circle of older ladies around him, sighing while they all nod along knowingly.
It's the first Thursday of the month, which means the local older women's book club is meeting in a small room off the church building where Sam's daddy had preached for twenty years, and, just like every first Thursday of the month that Sam's been in Delacroix since he was fourteen years old, Sam came by to help them set up tables and chairs for all the potluck food they bring with them.
And just like every first Thursday of the last six months since Sam and Bucky had rented a little house down here for when the world isn't on fire--last month excluded, given New York City, at least, was actually on fire--the first fifteen minutes of the local older women's book club is spent lightly interrogating Sam about his love life.
"How many of these dating app first dates have you been on, Sam?" Ms. Sheryl asks from beside him, her arms crossed over her chest.
Sam looks up at the ceiling and counts them in his head, each disappointing match after disappointing match. "Twelve in the last two months, Ms. Sheryl. Thirteen if you count the woman from NOLA I met at a jazz bar and had to leave after five minutes because an emergency mission came up. She unmatched me after that."
Ms. Sheryl nods, her lips pursed, and Sam thinks he might've accidentally just proved a point he didn't know she was making yet. "And how many of those got second dates?"
Sam's saved from having to answer that disheartening, kind-of-a-rhetorical question from the late arrival of Ms. Josephine, newcomer to both the book club and to Delacroix.
She'd moved here about a month and a half ago, about half a year after her husband had passed away, looking for a new start. Every interaction Sam's had with her thus far has been honestly lovely, and he already knows she's got a soft spot for Bucky given how much of her house he'd come over to help fix since she'd moved in. Sam's had his fair share of her "thank you" cooking, and knows full well she's as wonderful a cook as she is a lady.
"Evenin', ladies," she says, holding some kind of dish in her hand that smells downright heavenly. "And Sam," she adds with a wink, smiling when Sam takes the dish from her and sets it over on the table with the rest of the food. "What'd I miss?"
"Sam was just lamenting to us about his dating woes," Ms. Jackie replies, with a tone full of sympathy but a playful twinkle in her eye, taking Sam's hand and patting it soothingly when he comes to stand next to her, leaving his previous seat open for Ms. Josephine.
Sam laughs and squeezes Ms. Jackie's hand. "You've got a son about my age, right, Ms. Josephine? Is he single?"
All the other ladies in the room chuckle along at Sam's joke, but Ms. Josephine just looks confused. "Did something happen with you and Bucky?" she asks, concerned. "He didn't mention it when he came by to fix one of my hinges this morning."
Sam's eyebrows furrow this time around. "Not that I know of? Not unless something has happened in the last thirty minutes since I checked my phone, anyway, but he's not generally the type to call in any case."
Ms. Josephine's face morphs from confusion to contemplation, and she crosses her legs at her ankles and crosses her hands over her lap. "So are y'all in one of those relationships where you can date other people then? I saw some article about that a few weeks ago. Must have some real good communication between the two of you to make both that and all your superheroing work."
She sounds almost impressed, but Sam doesn't really have the mental capacity to acknowledge that right now, not when his brain got stuck on the word "relationships" applied to Bucky and himself.
He looks around the rest of the group to see if any of them are gonna correct her while he's still stuck in his state of shock, but finds all of them just looking vaguely amused.
He shakes his head minutely. "Ms. Josephine, Bucky and I aren't dating."
Her eyes go more than a little wide. "Wait, so you did call it off?"
Sam shakes his head again, a little more vigorously. "No, ma'am. We weren't ever dating in the first place. Did Bucky tell you we were?"
Ms. Josephine shakes her head right back. "Never explicitly, Sam, but it ain't exactly hard to tell when somebody's head over heels. He talks about you like you went and hung the moon for him. Just yesterday he came by and asked if I'd seen one of the recent news segments about you, gushing about how amazin' you look flyin' up there. 'He's so fast, and nimble, Ms. Josephine,' he said to me, all moony eyed. 'It's like nothing you've ever seen before. Sometimes I swear he looks like an angel when he's got his wings spread out.'
"And that's not even countin' the things he says about you when you've been home for a bit. He's always talkin' about whatever fishin' you've done recently, or charity work you've been doin' around here or in NOLA, or how excited you were to buy new cat toys the week before. Every time I ask him if he's got any special requests for thank you meals, he always asks for something with a spice level I'm still not sure he can handle, tellin' me all about how it's been one of your favorites since you were a kid. Bucky's spent at least four days a week at my house pretty much since I've moved in, Sam, and I'm pretty sure I know more about you than I do about him, given how much he talks about you."
Sam's world is starting to tilt on an axis, but he's saved from having to speak up by Ms. Jackie throwing in her two cents. "You know he hates the smell of the flowers he buys from me for y'all's table every week," she says, tone full of faux nonchalance. "Says they're a little too fragrant for his nose because of the serum, but he buys 'em anyway because you always smile when you see he's brought home fresh ones."
Ms. Sheryl's lips quirk up. "You know he replaced damn near every faucet in my house as payment for me helping him with some of the most complicated bits of that sweater he knit you for Christmas. Said it had to be perfect because he knew how cold you always get any time you have to go north of here."
Ms. Maybelle comes in with the final blow, and it hits Sam like the steel chair in all the WWE shows AJ insists on watching every week. "And it ain't like you don't do the same things neither, Sam. Every time I see you it's, 'Hey, Ms. Maybelle, how you been? You wanna see this cute picture I got of Bucky and the cats earlier? They fell asleep on the porch swing he built for us.' You spent the first five minutes of the book club session two months ago debating whether or not Bucky should grow his hair out because he wanted new opinions that weren't yours, and at least half of that was you trying to explain how nice he looked before with the long hair even though it was greasy, but how you like the way the short hair feels when he has his head in your lap on movie night."
Sam doesn't really know how he can defend himself here, but he's got some argument on the tip of his tongue about how their couch was just a little too small for the both of them and their cats, so the head in the lap was the obvious solution. He doesn't think it'll do much damage control, but he thinks he should at least make the attempt.
Instead, he turns back to Ms. Josephine kind of on autopilot. "He called me an angel?" he asks, his heart a little fluttery, and Ms. Josephine just smiles.
"I'll, uh, see you all here same time next month?" he asks as a kind of permission to leave. "I think I might need to go see what my roommate is up to."
"Bring your boy with you next time, Sam," Ms. Sheryl replies, nodding him towards the door. "It's much more fun to tease you both together."
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hollie47 · 3 months
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Title: Five Times America Chavez Kissed an Avenger and the One Time an Avenger Kissed Her Author: Hollie47 Rating: G Word Count: 3,000 Pairing: America Chavez/Kamala Khan Fandom: MCU Summary: America has a crush and she handles it terribly.
Read Here on AO3
This was written for @marvelfemslashweek. Day 6: Powerful.
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The Big One
I’ve managed to get myself back into an MCU mindset, and have decided The Time Has Come to start working on my master fix-it fic. Or rather, what’s going to become my master fix-it fic series.
The to-do list so far includes:
-Natasha comes back after Steve returns the Soul Stone, but thanks to time travel screwiness she pops back into the Compound with everyone else and participates in the final battle against Thanos
-Tony still sacrifices himself, BUT! Another version of him, from a timeline where they lost the final fight and Thanos decided to be petty by erasing the entire human race from existence except Tony, gets brought to this universe a couple years later. Supposedly the two are nearly identical up to that fight, so he’s more than a little alarmed when no one recognizes the name Peter Parker
-Steve puts all the Stones back and comes home, passes on the shield to Sam, and moves on with his life instead of that bullshit ending that made no damn sense for his characterization
(-I have yet to watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier, so I dunno what will or won’t remain the same with those two, but I can promise There Will Be Shenanigans)
-WandaVision mostly plays out as per canon, but dagnabit, I want my Scarlet Witch to remain a superhero and a decent person. So! She stumbles across America Chavez, they find a universe where Agatha won and kept Billy and Tommy around as pets/servants, kick her ass, and bring the boys back with them to start a new life
-Eventually Vision will return as well, with newly constructed Viv as a peace offering. The twins are quite taken with their android sister and immediately start figuring out the best ways to get into trouble together
-May Parker receives medical attention soon enough to survive her wounds, albeit in a coma; Peter can’t legally visit her in the hospital but sneaks in a few times as Spider-man, and I promise I’ll eventually have her wake up for their tearful reunion, just gotta get through a few other things first
-Back to Tony: it’s a little awkward, feeling like he’s taking over another man’s life, but Morgan’s delighted by this turn of events and that’s really hard for anyone else to argue with. Even so, as grateful as he is to get his family back, Tony can’t help but feel frantic over what the heck happened to his other kid. The photo of him and Peter is still in the kitchen, and Pepper recognizes it when he shows her, knows that it’s been there ever since they moved into the house, but she has no clue who the kid is
-Eventually we get a big family reunion style event with all the Avengers and spouses and kids, new and old, and from there find a way to bring Peter back into the fold with a handy dandy loophole to restore memories of him at the same time. There will be fluff. There will be tears. There will be old characters and extra ones, a few gratuitous mentions and some background cameos, and I’ll find a way to wrap it all up with a big bow
-With an Epilogue, of course, featuring my Champions kids, because they’ve given us a fantastic Kamala Khan and I need to build on that
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indigosabyss · 5 months
i hear your "Coulson is an Avengers BNF in the MCU that Kamala knows about and is excited to meet at the next AvengerCon" and raise you: the fanfiction side of the superhero fandom would be much smaller, so everyond there generally knows each other. Coulson has betaread a couple of Kamala's fics.
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skylarkblue · 3 months
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Title: First Date Author: skylarkblue Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairing: Doreen Green/Kamala Khan Rating: T Word Count: 2,342 Warnings: None
Kamala is having a very nice panic attack, thank you, when it's interrupted by a cheerful girl with a tail. She's intrigued.
Read on AO3 here!
Written for @marvelfemslashweek Day One: Space!
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karmirage · 11 months
fic masterpost
yeah i do have other marvel fics on my ao3 but some of them i wrote in high school also some of them i don't vibe with anymore
note that some of these are from a while ago! my perceptions and takes on characters change and grow, so if i wrote something, sometimes i won't agree with the characterization later. keep that in mind.
on that note: many of the old fics name Xuân as Xuyen, bc that was the fanmade actually-Vietnamese alternative to Xi'an before her name was changed in canon.
Family Colors (2018): 1,679 words. Standalone (there used to be a second chapter but I didn't like it so I got rid of it). Gen, Kamala-centric, Civil War II era. To whom do the Captain Marvel colors belong?
cloudburst (2019): 423 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. ever wake up to a thunderstorm?
Retail Therapy (2020): 1,209 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. Early-krakoa era -- I wrote this just a bit after krakoa became A Thing, when we didn't know what had recently happened with more minor characters like terry. also i think they're very cute.
Morning Song (2020): 955 words. Standalone. James Proudstar/Terry Cassidy. idk I think Jimmy would like cooking.
if you don't mind me saying so (i love you) (2020): 25,423 words. Part 1 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. my funny little fake dating indulgence. the epitome of "I wrote it for me but you can read it if you want" (as so many of my works are). i haven't actually reread this one i have no idea if it's good or not. but it sure exists.
Days Off (2020): 1,523 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam wakes up sick and Roberto tries to help.
sunlight (2020): 2,090 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Seasonal affective disorder strikes Roberto.
the whole 'not being dead' thing (2020): 1,094 words. Standalone. Gen. Early-krakoa era. Jay is resurrected and catches up with his new nephew.
Winner Takes All (2020): 2,006 words. Two chapters (so far. might fuck around and add another chapter idk). Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Utopia-era. sparring and unsaid feelings and also Doug's new ability to read body language.
i don't want to spend my life (without your kiss goodnight) (2020): 1,702 words. Rated M for non-explicit making out. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. the world has not ended so obviously let's party
my home in you (2020): 2,122 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. patching up the other's wounds.
The Meaning of Family (2021): 10,926 words. Standalone. Gen. Ruth-centric. Ruth bonds with her family -- because she does have family, and no x man is truly ever alone. Also, possibly, she might kill someone in the future.
live our life like we know we could (ONGOING/HIATUS): 22,300 words. Part 2 of "love like fools." Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Post mission, post reveal, navigating uncharted relationship waters.
in the name of the moon! (2022): 4,382 words. Standalone. Gen (though it's tagged as Sam/Roberto, and you can certainly read it like that if you want, but that's not the focus). Sam textile artist real To Me. also: halloween and sailor moon.
i mean every word i say (2023): 1,559 words. Rated T for mention of sex. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Sam's been keeping secrets, and that makes Roberto nervous.
we will never be forgotten (2023): 2,689 words. Standalone. Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa. Roberto gets mindwiped, knocked out, and a visitor in the infirmary (in that order).
you're never gonna get a second take (2023): 2,166 words. Standalone. Dani Moonstar/Xuân Cao Mạnh. don't you just love those undercover missions where they have to dress in fancy clothes? yeah so does xuân
nothing holds me back at all (2023): 1,461 words. Part 1 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Dani-centric. Dani rides a horse for the first time (with her father's help).
you can never take this part of me (2023): 1,691 words. Part 2 of "the memories that make us." Gen. Sam-centric. Sam goes fishing with his dad and his gaggle of younger siblings.
works in progress (that I'm posting to hold myself accountable so I actually finish them someday):
- the rest of "the memories that make us" (i.e. the other 13 parts, one for each of the original nine and the six academy x era students. all of it is me practicing writing kids)
- king/lionheart Sam/Roberto medieval au. even tho I hate royalty the aesthetics kind of slam
- megafic (62 chapters planned! six tie ins! almost fully canon compliant all the way up to war of realms!) the ties that bind & related works wrt the better endings au
- rewriting document of high school fics (mostly samberto. I'm more or less a one trick pony)
- several shorter smaller things that I just have to work up the courage to post (including practice with NSFW writing)
- not a fanfiction: but my long ass academic paper (fully cited) that talks about the mutant metaphor and the actual minorities within the x men and my huge large spreadsheet that goes with it.
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batcavescolony · 2 years
Everyday I am reminded that Kamala Khan writes RPF (real person fanfic)
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