#move over oh great heavenly pillar
imafraidoftomorrow · 4 months
Listen. I'm about to say something completely unhinged. And I have no logical basis whatsoever to back this claim up, but I just know it in my heart to be true.
Mobei Jun's cock knots when he cums.
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angelmavmurdock · 3 years
Our Little Secret: Part Two - A.R.
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Word count: 2880 Summary: Lenora introduces y/n and Arvin and something seems to spark between the two of them. 
Arvin's POV
I got home from work at 4 which was early for working in the mines.
"Afternoon, Earskell." I nodded my head as I walked up the stairs to the porch of the house where Uncle Earskell sat on a rocking chair.
"Afternoon, boy." He nodded to me.
I walked inside and took my jacket and cap off, sitting them on the side table by the door.
"Grandma?" I called through the house.
"Kitchen!" She replied.
I walked through the house and into the kitchen where Grandma was cooking.
"Hey," I kissed her on the cheek.
"You're back early," She smiled.
"Yeah, we got off for the weekend." I said, sitting down at the table.
"That's great. You need your sleep." She stroked my hair.
I smiled weakly, "I know."
Grandma went back to cooking and I looked around with my brows furrowed.
"Where's Lenora?" I asked curiously.
Grandma sighed, "She said she'd be studying after school so I guess she's just caught up. She knows to come home by 5."
I clenched my jaw. I was very protective of Lenora. Probably too protective. I hated the fact that she wasn't home straight after school. She could be getting harassed by those god darn bullies again. The boys in that popular group of school always torment her. She does nothing wrong, Lenora is the kindest and sweetest girl out there, she wouldn't hurt a fly, but that's what those assholes like.
"She should be home straight after school, Grandma." I shook my head.
"She's nearly 18, Arvin, you have to let her become her own woman without you shadowing her."
"She's hardly a woman, Grandma. She's gettin' bullied senseless by those popular boys." I scowled.
The popular group in school never liked people like Lenora who were smart and kind and timid, that's why they prey on her. They never liked me much but after a handful of fist fights, they got the memo to stop. Anyway, I was out of school so it didn't matter.
We heard the front door open and I snapped my head around. Lenora had come in with a huge smile on her face, looking almost flushed with glee as she skipped through the house.
I stood up, "Where the hell have you been?" I asked sternly, looking down at her.
"Woah, Arv, what's wrong?" She asked, her brows furrowed.
"Did those boys hurt you? I'll kill them-"
"No! They didn't!" She smiled, holding my shoulders.
"Then where were you?"
"I met a girl who's new to town and we got to talkin'! Oh she's lovely, we're already close!" She beamed, sitting next to me at the table.
I squinted and joined her, "Who is she?"
"Her name is y/n. She's from New York, can you believe it?! And she lives up-state with her mother - who is from Ohio originally - and her father."
"She lives up-state? And she's friends with you?" I asked, raising a brow.
"Yes, Arvin. She's so nice. You'd expect her to be really mean because she's in the popular group but-"
"Nuh-uh. No way. You are not hanging out with a girl from that group." I pointed at her.
Grandma called uncle Earskell inside and sat our dinner in front of us.
"Why? She's not like the rest of them, Arv. She's really nice and we'll be hanging out a lot more so expect to see her around." She smiled.
I shook my head, "They'll be playing with you, Lenora."
"No they're not! She told me she doesn't even like them! She's just in the group because she was new and everyone was goin' crazy over the fact she was rich and from New York." She took a bite of her food.
"She don't sound like good news to me." I shook my head.
"Arvin, Lenora can be friends with whoever she wants. You should invite her over for dinner." Grandma smiled.
"Oh she'd love that!"
I rolled my eyes and continued eating, a scowl on my face.
It was Wednesday and I was waiting outside of the high school to pick Lenora up. She didn't mention going to see her mother's grave but just in case, I came along. I waited outside, lighting a cigarette as I watched some students flee the grounds before the bell. My elbow rested outside the window, breathing in the smoke then blowing it out and breathing in fresh air.
The bell rang and not even a minute later kids were flowing out the doors. I watched them, trying to spot Lenora and any of the assholes that would follow.
I turned the radio up and kept watch, she was usually one of the first out. I was getting angsty. Where is she?
I nearly got out the car to search for her but I saw her arm in arm with a girl in a cheerleading uniform.
The cheerleader was beautiful. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail by a yellow ribbon and her skin was glowing. The cheerleading uniform was a yellow and blue cropped top, showing her midriff, and a white pleated skirt with white frilly socks and soft shoes. They were walking out together, laughing and Lenora looked really happy. I smiled briefly but I remembered...
That's the popular girl.
"Arvin!" Lenora exclaimed, waving at me.
They jogged over together, looking at me through the car window. The cheerleader seemed shy.
"This is y/n, remember I told you about her?"
I moved my eyes over to her, scanning her body from her shoes to her eyes. She blushed and gulped, looking away.
"Vaguely." I commented, blowing smoke out of my mouth.
"Well, Grandma said it was okay for her to come over for dinner so could you take us back home?" Lenora asked.
I licked my back teeth, looking at Lenora's hopeful face to y/n's awkward one.
I sighed, "Fine."
They squealed with joy and they got in the car; Lenora next to me and y/n in the backseat.
I drove off and we sat in silence, letting the music play through the radio into the car.
"So, y/n, you're here from New York?" I asked, throwing the cigarette butt out the window.
She nodded, "Yeah."
"You live up-state?"
She nodded again, "Yeah."
I looked at her through the rear-view mirror.
"You don't speak much do you?" I asked.
"Depends on who I'm talking to." She retorted.
I bit my tongue and held back a smile. She definitely wasn't the shy girl she seemed to be.
"You're accent is southern, how do you get that from living in the big city?"
"My mother is from Ohio. Not Coal Creek but she lived here her whole childhood so I just inherited her accent." She spoke but didn't look at me.
"But your daddy's from New York?"
"I'm guessing you were the popular girl back in the city, huh?" I asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
She licked her teeth, turning her head and looking back at me.
"Yeah but I don't like it. It just happens." She shrugged.
I nodded slowly, thinking of my next question. I was just trying to catch her out. I needed her to say something nasty so I could tell Lenora never to talk to her again.
"Where about up-state are you?" I finally asked.
"Fernpark House." She said.
"Fernpark House?" I repeated, turning around to look at her in shock.
I didn't realise she was that rich.
"Arvin!" Lenora whisper-shouted at me.
I turned back around and didn't ask any more questions.
Fucking Fernpark House. The biggest house in the whole village, maybe even the whole fucking state.
I drove the girls back to the house and they leapt out the car as soon as I came to a stop.
"Careful, Lenora!" I shouted after her as she and y/n jumped up the stairs.
I shook my head and sighed, turning the car off and getting out. I walked up the stairs and nodded to Uncle Earskell again.
"Hey boy, who's that girl?" Earskell asked.
I sighed, leaning against the wooden pillar at the top of the porch stairs and bringing another cigarette out. I cupped my hand over it and lit the end, inhaling then exhaling.
"Lenora's new friend, y/n."
"y/n? That don't sound like an Ohio name."
"She's new from New York. Popular, rich, city girl. Livin' up state in Fernpark house."
"Fernpark? Damn boy, she's doin' good for herself." He chuckled.
"Yeah well, somethin's off about her. No popular kid's ever wanted to hang out with Lenora. I bet it's a set up." I shook my head, taking another breath of tobacco.
Uncle Earskell shook his head, "Just cause she a cheerleader don't mean nothin'. You gotta stop being so darn protective over Lenora."
"How can I stop when those jocks are after her?" I raised my voice.
I sighed, "Sorry, it's just frustrating I can't do nothin' about it. Now one of them is in our house?"
"That's an innocent girl, Arvin. Not a 6 feet tall hooligan wantin' to harass a young girl. Let it go."
I dropped the cigarette and squashed it with my foot, "Easier said than done."
We sat down for dinner at the usual time. I sat next to Uncle Earskell while Lenora and y/n sat opposite. They had a whisper fight about who would sit where and I couldn't tell if she didn't want to sit across from me or Earskell but she sat in front of me. I lifted my glass to my lips, watching her over the crystal as she sat down.
She was beautiful and looked innocent. Her skin looked soft and glowing and the smile she seemed to constantly wear was almost infectious...and I'm not a smiler.
Grandma served us food and she sat at the head of the table, next to Uncle Earskell and Lenora.
"Let's pray." She smiled before everyone dipped their head.
"Heavenly father..."
I looked up from my lap like I usually did. I wasn't religious or a prayer so I usually just stared into space. But this time, I had somethin' to look at. I looked up and y/n was sitting opposite me, eyes clearly open but kept lowered to be respectful. I watched her with my head still tilted down, looking at the way her mouth twitched side to side with awkwardness. She must have felt my gaze on her because she looked up and we caught eyes. A small smile lifted my lips and she flashed a genuine smile at me. It was our little secret.
"The power and the glory forever, amen."
We all lifted our heads and dug into the food. Grandma spoke to y/n most of the time and she gleefully complied, chatting away. Grandma clearly already loved her. I seemed to be the only one wary of her antics.
It hit 9 o'clock and I was sitting in the living room listening to the radio, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I heard Lenora's door open and she came out with y/n who still had her uniform on and carried her backpack on one shoulder.
"Thank you so much Mrs Russel for havin' me." She smiled to Grandma as she got up to say goodbye.
"Oh please, call me Emma, and it was no trouble at all, darlin'." Grandma rubbed y/n's back.
"Are your parents outside?" Lenora asked.
"Oh no, they're not collectin' me I'll just be walkin' home." She smiled.
"Nonsense, you are not walkin' alone at this time of night with that outfit on." Grandma said.
I kept my back to everyone, prayin' Grandma didn't call on me.
I clenched my eyes shut in annoyance, knowing what she was about to ask.
"Why don't you take y/n home?"
"Oh no please, I don't wanna be no trouble-" y/n began to protest, probably knowing how much I didn't want to.
"No, come on Arvin. He'll take you no problem." Grandma smiled at me.
I sat my glass down and rubbed the cigarette out on the ash tray.
"No problem at all." I said, standing up.
"Great...thank you." She smiled.
While y/n said goodbye to everyone I grabbed my cap and jacket with my keys inside. I opened the door for her and she quietly thanked me on the way out. Lenora stood by the door and waited on us. We got into the car and it was already awkward. I turned the car on and we buckled in, waving to Lenora as I reversed out and drove away.
I turned the radio up once we got on the straight road.
"Pretty woman, walking down the street,"
I heard y/n's soft hum as she listened to the radio. I looked over at her. She had her elbow outside the car and rested her head on her hand, letting the wind fawn over her face. Some of her hairs became loose but she didn't mind. She looked gorgeous.
"Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet,"
"Do you know where you're goin'?" She asked softly, still not looking at me.
"Yeah I know the way." I said.
"No one could look as good as you."
"You like the radio?" I asked, coughing awkwardly.
She nodded with a smile, "I love music."
I smiled slightly, "Me too."
"What's your favourite song?" She asked, turning her head to look at me.
I shrugged, "Don't have one. I just listen to whatever's on the radio."
She moved more so she would be facing me.
"You don't have a favourite song?" She asked, a smile spread across her face.
"No." I smiled briefly at her then focused on the road again.
She paused for a second, looking at me.
"Hmm." She hummed, sitting normally in the seat again.
"Pretty woman, won't you pardon me,"
"Well, this is one of my favourite songs." She said.
I looked over to her, "Yeah? Why?"
"He talks about her nicely." She smiled.
I scoffed, "That's what makes you like a song? If a man talks of a woman nicely?"
"Well yes, it's important that a man talks about a woman nicely. Or else he's just a sick bastard on the highway to hell." She commented.
I scoffed a laugh which turned into a chuckle. She laughed too. Again with that somewhat dark humour you wouldn't expect a girl like her to have.
I turned up on Fernpark drive and kept driving through the wooded area. The road was real smooth, unlike everywhere else in this town. That's when you knew you were well off.
"You can just drop me here-"
"No need, I'll drop you outside your house."
"But my ma and daddy might see you and think-"
She stopped mid-way through her sentence.
I looked over to her. Her mouth was open, not saying anything like she had frozen in time.
"Your ma and daddy might see me and think what?" I prompted.
She was gonna say somethin' about my tatted clothes and my rusty car. Somethin snobby. I had her, finally.
"They might think we've been...you know..." She fiddled with her fingers.
I held back a smirk cause' I knew what she was implying. I just wanted to hear her say it.
"What?" I finally stopped the car outside her house.
"They might think we've been doin' somethin'."
I chuckled lowly, "You're gonna have to be more specific, darlin'."
She gulped and her cheeks flushed pink, "Submarine racin'!" She whispered, grabbing her bag from the floor of the car.
I raised my brows, "Submarine racin'? I doubt it. A pretty, rich girl like you wouldn't date no worker like me that's for sure, never mind submarine racin'."
She tilted her head, "I will date anyone I want to, Arvin. Even some worker like you. As long as a man treats a woman right, then that's all you can ask for ain't it?"
I smiled and nodded, "I guess so."
"But so we're clear; I wouldn't date you because you're Lenora's brother." She said proudly.
"But you find me attractive?" I smirked, licking my lips.
She stuttered, "No. I don't find you attractive, Arvin. And I would never date you, so don't try and put words in my mouth."
I held my hands up, "I wasn't gonna."
We sat silently, both thinking about what it would be like to date or even submarine race...
"y/n?! Is that you?!" A woman in a white silk robe shouted by the door.
"Shit. I gotta go, thank you Arvin!" She called, jumping out the car and shutting the door.
She hurried up to her mother at the blue front door and I could hear the distant questions being asked.
"Who is that?" "Lenora's brother?" "He drove you home?" "He polite? He nice?" "Fine."
Her mother waved and I waved back before driving out of the grounds and down the private road until I hit pot-hole city on the ground again.
I kept driving back home, noddin' my head to the music.
"Pretty woman, walkin' down the street..." I sang to myself the whole way home.
Submarine Racing: "Watching the submarine races" is a euphamism for making out (and more) in a car.
{Tags: @notanordinaryprincess95​}
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harryspet · 4 years
why won’t you love me | peter parker
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[Warnings] peter parker x dark reader, yandere reader, sub!peter, dom!reader, crime boss au, stalker au, senior year au, kidnapping, violence, underage drinking, noncon sex, oral sex (male receiving), bondage, peter and reader are 18
A/N: This is inspired by two ideas I received as well as the lyrics  “I will have you, yes, I will have you. I will find a way and I will have you. Like a butterfly, a wild butterfly, I will collect you and capture you.” Obsession- Animotion for @mariessecretfantasies​ 500 Follower Writing Challenge! Please go follow her and read her dark fics :)
In which Peter won’t love you so you force him to. 
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist 
Mr. Shum was famous. You, his daughter, were not. This led you to hosting parties at your father’s mansion to up your cool points. It was senior year and, since everyone wanted to party, you were often the one people called. Your father didn’t mind, it only solidified his cover as a gracious and kind businessman. His kind eyes and humor was enough to make a lot of believe it but you knew that you were the only person he was kind to. 
You’d seen enough severed limbs to know that was true. 
Brad had set the entire thing up and all you had to do was order your servants to get things in order. Peter was coming tonight and you’d finally get the chance to properly thank him for saving your life a few months ago. Maybe you’d even confess your feelings and the life you always dreamed of would start tonight. 
Maybe you’d start with like instead of love. You loved him but maybe telling him that would scare him away. You didn’t want him to run from you. 
You had known Peter since fifth grade but he still felt out of touch with him. You were never more than friends. Not even close friends, practically acquaintances. That was going to change. 
The dress you were wearing was completely out of your comfort zone but you did your best to dress like the other girls did at your school. It was a silver body con dress that gripped your curves and highlighted features that you didn’t even know you had. When Brad saw you, his mouth was completely agape, “Woah, you look great!” Your mouth began to tug into a smile but, before you knew it, he was shoving a large paper bag into your hands, “Put this in the punch, will you?”
You looked down to see several bottles of vodka, “Is that safe?” You asked, your tone worried. 
“Yeah, of course,” Brad insisted, starting to walk away, “This is going to be amazing, Y/N!”
You sighed walking over to the refreshments table. People were already starting to show up and soon the entire senior class would be there. You twisted open the bottles and poured them to the glass bowl. It wasn’t long before kids were shoving their red cups into the mixture. 
After you were done, you simply dusted your hands together and went to look for your spider darling. Your giant living room flashed with multicolored lights as a song by a rapper you didn’t know played loudly over everyone’s shouting. Like instinct, you could sense where he was. You found him slouched against a white pillar, sipping at a red solo cup. 
He was wearing one of his nice button ups and a pair of jeans. Oh god, you loved the color blue on him. Any color looked good on him actually, “Hi, Peter,” You smiled, tapping his shoulder. He seemed to be distracted but you blamed it on the alcohol, “Enjoying the party?”
As his head turned and those brown eyes looked into yours, your heart melted, “Y-Yeah,” He stuttered awkwardly, leaning his hand against the pillar, “Your house i-is beautiful … nice decor.”
“You think so?” You tried not to seem eager as you imagined Peter coming over all of the time. After school to study … maybe the two of you taking a dip into the pool. You imagined that his body was heavenly. Sculpted by a God-
“Yeah, it’s great,” Peter grinned. He grinned at you, “Y-You look nice. I’ve never seen you dress like that.” Did he think you were cute or was he trying to spare your feelings? Did he prefer how you normally dressed? You were overthinking. 
“I’m trying something new. You look nice too,” Peter nodded his thanks, “You’re drinking?” You gestured to his cup. 
“Nope, sprite,” Peter said, “May would kill me and I have to make sure Ned gets home in one piece. I don’t know if alcohol is really my thing…”
Did he look down on you because you were throwing a party that was serving alcohol? Did he look down on you because you were drinking? You held your cup close to your side as you said, “Me too. I mean, I don’t really get the people who can only have fun when they’re drunk …” You were sure your conversation wasn’t going well but Peter still seemed to be receptive to you. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he did have feelings for you, “So, we’ve missed you at Academic Bowl.”
“I’ve missed you guys too,” Peter said, causing your cheeks to heat. You knew he was referring to everyone in Academic Bowl but you couldn’t help but take it personally, “I wish I had the time. This moment right here is the only freedom I’ve had in like six months.”
“And you’re spending it caring for a drunk Ned?” You raised an eyebrow. 
Peter shrugged, chuckling, “Well, when you say it like that it sounds crazy,” You loved his laugh. You loved how he nervously tucked his hand into his front pocket. 
“Peter, I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while,” He perked up and looked at you attentively like he actually cared. You played with the ends of your dress nervously, looking down a bit as you decided to finally let your feelings go, “That day on the bridge when our bus was about to go over the edge … I never knew real fear until then. I thought I’d experienced all the trauma in the world but nothing could compare to that a-and you save me. I’ve never really met someone who’s cared for other people so much … It made me start thinking,like  actually thinking about things and-”
As you looked up, you noticed he was looking past you. He had completely tuned out of your speech, and as you turned your head, you got a glimpse of what he was looking at. MJ was standing by the mantle of the fireplace, talking to some girl. 
You couldn’t breathe. Your heart was shattering. Peter reached out to grab your shoulder, “I’m so sorry. Keep going, please.”
You shook your head, a fake smile on your lips, “It’s fine. I have to do something. Thanks for coming!” You scurried off before he could utter another world. The moment you turned back, he was already gone and walking over to MJ. 
You crushed your cup, causing the liquid to spill out. 
You could kill MJ. She already broke Peter’s heart so why was he running back to her? Why couldn’t she let you have him? Why was everyone so hell-bent on destroying your happiness? Your thoughts were overwhelming and the only thing that seemed to keep them at bay was Brad’s special punch. 
You tossed your cup down, watching it fall three stories to the ground. Looking over, you wondered if you could survive the drop. As you lost your balance for a moment, you pressed your back against the roof, giggling. Your world was spinning so much. 
It was a wonder that you hadn’t fallen off from climbing up here in the first place. You took a deep breath and pulled out your phone. You scrolled through your contacts, your vision blurry, before recognizing the heart emojis attached to his name. 
You closed your eyes for a moment as you pressed the phone to your ear. You guessed he was in the middle of a conversation, the hint of laughter and joy in his voice, “Y/N? You’re calling me from your own party?”
His voice only reminded you of why you loved him in the first place. You hated the control he had over your every emotion. You hated how you craved him and he remained oblivious to it.
“I didn’t … I didn’t want to throw the party. I just wanted to see you. I wanted you to see me in this dress,” Your voice was solemn as you slurred into the phone. 
“I got that you had to tell me something but then you stormed off … You sound very drunk. Where are you exactly?”
You shook your head as if Peter could see you right now. You opened your eyes and the night sky was above you, “I try so hard … nothing ever works out the way I want.”
“You try so hard to do what? Where are you, Y/N?” You could hear him moving around, his feet shuffling, and the murmur of Pop music. 
You looked around, “On the roof … I needed fresh air.”
“On the roof? And you’re drunk?”
“I think …” Your voice trailed off, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m over everything. I was being crazy. I get so attached sometimes even though it hurts me-”
“Please don’t move, Y/N,  I’m going to help you down,” You sat up from your position which only made your head spin more. 
“Peter, just listen to me! You never listen to me,” You pouted, “You never see me. I have to accept that it’s never going to change. You’re gonna chase the girls who break your heart, not the ones willing to love you …. Peter? Peter?” You heard nothing from the other side. 
Before you even had time to be disappointed, Peter’s head peeked over the side of the roof, “How did you even get up here?” Peter groaned, lifting himself up. He was still a good twenty feet away from where you had wandered on the slanted roof. 
Peter actually came. He cared enough to talk to you in person. You’d been wrong about him. It caused you to grin but Peter’s face only held worry. Peter began to slide towards you, even taking a second to look over and see how far the drop was, “Give me your hand,” He ordered you as he moved closer. 
You proceeded to pull your feet from over the edge and try to stand up, “Just let me tell you how I feel-”
“Y/N,” He whisper shouted your name, attempting to not frazzle you, “Sit back down, please.”
“If I don’t tell you now then I’ll never get the chance!” You slurred, trying not to stumble.
“You’re going to kill yourself, please sit back down,” Peter said back, every step closer only caused you to step back. Peter stopped, subtly trying to equip his web-shooters.
“It doesn’t matter! I don’t want to live in a world where you’re not mine-” A shriek left your lips as you finally stepped the wrong way and you fell over the edge. You waited for the impact but the jolt you felt was not from the pavement. You were spinning and, as you looked up, a web was connecting you to Peter. 
Peter let out a heavy sigh as he pulled you up. He carried you back to the balcony. The two of you didn’t stay upright for long because your knees gave out and Peter caught you with his arms. He softly brought you to the ground and you stared up into those brown eyes with admiration. 
He saved you. 
You reached up to touch his cheek, “Y-You love me?”
“Jesus,” Peter shook his head, “What?”
Suddenly, you were sober. 
You noticed a crowd had gathered around the two of you. You looked like a disaster, your dress riding high, and your mascara running down your face. Peter pulled your hand away, an exhausted look on his face. He stood up before saying, “Can someone get her some water? And find her somewhere to sleep?” That was all he said before he left the balcony. 
This was different than any other rejection you had ever felt. 
“Darling, it’s the ninth day you haven’t gone to school.”
You didn’t look up from your desk as your father entered your room. You were still typing at your computer, writing a scientific article for your organic chemistry class. You were still typing away as you felt a hand on your shoulder. It caused you to pause as your lips pressed into a thin line. 
“I’m getting my work done,” You said to him, still not willing to look at him. You weren’t going to school and you were using your work to distract you from the fact that you asked Peter Parker if he loved you in front of a bunch of people. Not to mention that you drunkenly fell off your own roof. 
Peter hadn’t attempted to contact you, and judging by the talk you heard online, you were officially psychotic in everyone’s minds. 
Your father set a white box on your desk and you immediately recognized the log. DONATELLI”S PASTRIES. You opened the box to find your favorite, a red velvet cupcake, “Thank you,” You said, your mood threatening to improve. 
Your father sure did know how to buy your affection. 
He sighed before saying, “I hate to see that boy breaking my little girl’s heart. First, he threatens my business, a goddamn child is getting my partners arrested, and now this. I preferred it when he was fighting aliens.”
Your fist clenched tightly as you listened, “Superheros think they can do whatever they want.”
Your father agreed, “I really came in here to propose an idea to you,” You perked up at that, “What if I told you I could take care of your spider-boy problem?”
“It’s a matter of keeping him distracted long enough to strike. Putting civilian lives on the line seems to do it for him. Besides that, I’ve come into a very valuable resource that will keep him sedated long enough to toss him into the Hudson and makes sure he sinks to the bottom.”
You thought for a long moment, “I don’t want you to kill him, Dad.”
Your father cocked his head to the side, his eyebrow raised, “You know you collect things … Mr. Medina’s left pinky … that police officer’s badge,” Your father was well aware of what he did with his enemies but he had not expected his daughter to take after him, “I want to add him to my collection.”
“I see,” Your father nodded, “Then it’s done. Anything for my little girl.”
A spider for your collection. 
You smiled wickedly. 
It was a screaming bus of children. That’s what landed Spiderman in the clutches of Mr. Shum. Luckily, they had survived but Peter wasn’t sure if he would. His face was dripping with blood and the bullet wound to his abdomen didn’t look to be healing anytime soon. 
Peter hung from the ceiling by his wrist, the chains he suspected were made of vibranium or at least a knock off version of it. His spidey sense was completely off and his swollen eyes didn’t even allow him to see the punches as they came. 
Peter fought as hard as he could but the darkness eventually consumed him. 
He awoke to the feeling of warmth being pressed to his skin. As his eyes slowly opened, he found a smiling you hovering over you. Immediately Peter jolted up but was pulled back by chains attached to the bedpost. As he attempted to move his legs, he felt the same thing. 
You shushed him, “Hey, calm down, you’re going to tear your stitches,” You whispered, dabbing the wet cloth against his face. Peter flinched at your touch but you kept it up. You were straddling his waist and as Peter looked down he realized he was completely naked, “I didn’t think you’d wake up so soon-”
“Y/N, what the hell is going on?” Peter’s voice was tired, desperate, his face starting to turn red, “Where are my clothes?”
“I had to give you a bath, it’s been days since you passed out,” You told him and it frightened Peter how calm you were, “I’m not like my father, I’m going to take care of you. He just had to show you what would happen if you tried to hurt me.”
Peter watched as you hinted at his bandaged abdomen, “Why? Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love you,” You grinned, running your hands over his muscular chest. You assumed right. His body was completely perfect and now it was all yours.
“Don’t say that,” Peter winced.
You leaned down closer to his face, “I’ve loved you for a long time, Peter.”
“Don’t say that!” Peter started pulling at the chain again which only led you to press your fingers, hard into the bandage on his abdomen. The boy cried out in pain and it broke your heart. 
“Why don’t you love me too?” You asked, starting to grow frustrated, “I love you so much but you don’t even care! Why can’t you just love me back?”
“Because that’s crazy!” He shouted back, “We’re only friends and kidnapping me is not going to change that!”
“Kidnap?” You questioned, shaking your hand, “You are my one and only love, Peter. How can it be kidnapping if I must be with you? If I must have you as my soulmate?”
“Y/N, please. My family and this city needs me-”
“And MJ needs you?” You pressed your hand against his chest, staring him down, “Huh? The girl who rejects you and yet you chase her while I’m here willing to love you. If only you loved me back-”
“Y/N,” Peter tried to calm himself and ration with you, “If you just let me go, we could make this work. You’re right, I’ve been blind. I’ve been chasing MJ when I should’ve been chasing you.”
Your shoulders slumped and your eyes seemed to lighten as you heard his words, “You mean it?” 
Peter nodded eagerly, “Y-Yes, and we could go on a date together. We could get to know each other more,” You were nodding now, the idea of it sounding completely magical. This was all you ever wanted, “If you undo the chains, we could do that.”
Your mouth quickly turned to a frown and you sighed. Peter watched as you went still, “I can’t risk it. You’ve shown me time and time again that you don’t know what’s good for you,” Peter shook his head, the fear starting to settle in as your hands rubbed up and down his chest. Peter continued to flinch as they moved lower, towards the area between his legs, “You’ll have to learn to love me, Peter.”
“S-Stop,” Peter begged as you finger traced along his length. Like the teenage boy you knew he was, he easily started to grow hard beneath your grasp. 
“I’m not one of those girls who thinks you should save your virginity for marriage. I think you should wait until you meet the right person,” You palmed his cock in your hand, feeling it getting harder. You watched as he pulled at his chains and his face contorted into different expressions of disgust and desperation, “And you’re my person, Peter.”
You licked your palm, lubricating it before placing it back on his cock. You pulled and tugged, pumping up and down. You smirked as moans threatened to escape those pink lips. You leaned down and, as Peter turned his head, you placed kisses along his jaw. 
“Y/N, please…” He begged. 
“Please keep going? Please show your love for me by milking me dry?” He shook his head and you grinned, “My hearts been a toy for you all these years, perhaps now you'll understand what it is to be someone’s toy.”
You moved down Peter’s body, planting kisses and hickies before your mouth reached the member between his legs. Peter lifted his head, watching, “Okay, okay, I understand! Don’t please!” You felt his legs thrash as your tongue licked his pink tip. 
You held onto his muscular legs as your tongue swirled around his tip. Peter’s head flew back in ecstasy as you took him further into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down, your tongue still swirling. 
His deep groans effectively soaked the area between your legs and you loved how they turned to whimpering and pleading. Peter lasted longer than you expected but it wasn't long before his body contorted and warm liquid sprayed down your throat and into your mouth. As you removed your mouth, you continued to pump his softening cock which caused him to thrash around even more from the over stimulation.
You swallowed what was left in his mouth and began to kiss up his body. His eyes gave a look of defeat, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell you how much you liked it,” You said as you kissed his neck, “Baby steps, right?”
You laid down beside him, basking in his warmth. Now you weren’t just the awkward daughter of the famous Mr. Shum. You loved somebody and that somebody was going to love you. 
You deserved that love.
hope you enjoyed this!
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sk8 au week - day 2: royalty and soulmate
reki kyan was nearing his eighteenth birthday and he had yet to meet his soulmate. reki has heard the whispers of the people in the town about people who don’t find their soulmates. it’s not that he didn’t have one -he did, for your information, thank you very much- but because reki was from a royal family, and therefore a prince, he was to be married off and did not have the luxury of being with his soulmate. unless his soulmate was from another royal family, but reki had seen where his red string lead: straight into the center of the town below. so no such luck for another noble as his soulmate.
reki’s mother had tried to let him build friendships and hopefully relationships with the other royal children around his age, but reki had dreams about meeting his soulmate and never developed anything more than friendship with the other royals.
reki stared at his red string, eyes tracing its path down into the village, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone. sometimes when he sleep he caught glimpses of a tall, pale, slender figure and bright blue eyes. reki wondered what those eyes would look like mere inches from his own.
suddenly a book smacked into the back of reki’s head, startling him from his daydream.
“what the fuck-“ reki’s head whipped around.
“hey there slime.” said a voice.
reki groaned at the sight of the boy sitting atop his desk.
“hello miya.” he grumbled.
“what’re you looking at?” the young prince asked, a catlike smirk breaking out on his face.
“nothing,” reki said pushing himself up and walking over to miya.
“so is your mom still making you meet that prince for dinner tonight?” miya hummed as he twirled a pen in his hands.
reki’s mother was much more kind with her son and his romantic predicament, compared to reki’s father who was ready to marry his son off without a meeting between the spouses. but after his father ran away with the sevrant girl he impregnated no one stuck to his old rules.
“yes, but i have a plan to escape and i need your help.” reki said placing his hands on miya’s shoulders.
“i’m all ears,” miya said leaning forward as if reki’s mother was outside the door and eavesdropping this very moment.
“ok so i need you to mix up joe and shadow’s schedules so they’re both in the great hall at the same time. we cant have a fancy dinner set up if the cook and florist are in there at the same time now can we?”
“i like what i’m hearing.”
“and then i need you and koyomi to either distract the stable hand while i sneak through the barn.”
“done. is that all you need?”
“yep. the rest is up to me. joe accidentally let it slip that his soulmate is the craftsman in town and that he sneaks out at the exit behind the greenhouses to meet him. so thanks to joe i’ve got my escape route all planned.”
“well look at this, prince reki ditching the feast planned just for him. who would have thought?” miya asked with a laugh.
“well after how the last dinner ended it’s not that surprising.” reki said with a shudder as he remembered the glazed goat falling onto the poor princess who was just looking for a potential marriage partner.
miya let out snicker at the memory. “well now that you say that...”
“anyways i have to hurry if i wanna make it before my mom sends a servant to make sure i’m ready.”
“oh right right let’s go. i’ll go get koyomi and head to the stables. see you soon.” and with a wink miya slipped out the door and was gone. grabbing a cloak from his bed, reki fastened the clasp and dashed out the room after miya.
he was sick of all this arranged marriage bullshit, he was sick of it all. reki just wanted to meet his soulmate and fall in love. he knew his thoughts were selfish though. he was the eldest of the four kyan children and his mom was doing her best to rule a kingdom by herself, so by default his marriage was bound to be political. it was very unlikely he would end up with his soulmate.
and so that’s why reki was going to meet his soulmate tonight. he would meet them and apologize for being a lousy soulmate before heading back to the castle to meet the prince who he was supposed to be dinning with.
for most of reki’s life he soulmate had lead to a place up in the snowy mountains. but within the past few years the string moved into the town below the castle reki lived in. just like fate his soulmate moved to his home town. but it was someone else’s fate, not his. so reki made up his mind weeks ago: meet his soulmate, apologize, then finally agree to a political marriage. his plan would take away his curiously about his soulmate, it would hopefully lessen his guilt about not being able to be with said soulmate, and it would make his mom happy. so why didn’t he like what he was about to do?
ignoring the heavy feeling in his stomach reki pushed on. running quietly through the halls reki hid behind stone pillars and over large plant pots when he needed too. finally reaching the barn reki slipped into there to see miya and koyomi talking away with the stable hand over a loaf of bread and some pieces of cheese.
slipping past the trio and out into the courtyard beyond reki doesn’t make a noise. he holds his breath all the way to the green house, and doesn’t let it out until he’s well into the tunnel behind it. some time ago a tunnel was dug in the large wall protecting the castle, the entrance was hidden by vines on both sides. the cave was known only to a select few.
as reki hurried through the cave he began to think back to some of his earlier suitors. he remembers his best friend who he could have seen himself marrying despite not being soulmates. but his friend got sick and went back to his kingdom and reki never heard from him again.
but tonight was about his soulmate. so reki trudged on, squinting for the cave opening.
before long the prince was stumbling out of the vines and onto the street. luckily it was mostly empty. empty except for a tall man with long pink hair and glasses.
at the sound of someone falling through the leaves he looked up but seemed shocked to see a teenager.
“your not kojiro.” the stranger blurted.
“and your not- actually i wasn’t waiting for anyone and i have no idea who you are...or who kojiro is.”
the man stared at reki for a minute before recognition flashed in his eyes.
“prince reki! what are you doing outside of the castle?”
“i um...well you see-“ but reki was cut off by a rustling behind the vines and a large figure falling out of said vines.
“kaoru you will never believe the day i had...” joe trailed off, eyes catching sight of a panicked reki and surprised kaoru.
“joe?” reki blurted at the same time joe said “reki?”
the two stared at each other before reki made a run for it.
but joe caught him by his hood so reki didn’t get far.
“kid what the hell are you doing here?” joe said apparently forgetting all formalities one should talk to their prince with.
“not of your business! and i could ask you the same!” reki yelled as he struggled to get free from joe’s grip.
“i’m meeting my soulmate. and i’m going to ask you again, what are you doing here?”
reki sagged, giving up the struggle. “same here,”
“you’re meeting your soulmate?” kaoru asked.
“yes, what about it?” reki said crossing his arms. it had all gone so good until now.
“aren’t you supposed to be in a arranged marriage?”
“yes so i’m going to meet my soulmate and apologize before agreeing to an arranged marriage.”
“what?” joe said, surprise causing him to loosen his grip. taking the chance reki dashed away. ignoring the yells behind him reki kept on running. nothing can stop me now, reki thought, i’ve come this far.
eyeing his string, reki ran through the streets watching it get tighter and tighter. reki was too focused on the string that he didn’t see the boy in front of himself until it was too late.
the boys slammed into each other hard, the medicinal products in the other boy’s hands clattering to the ground.
“oh shit sorry-“
they both spoke at the same time causing the boys to look up at each other abruptly. the boy had bright blue hair that went down past his ears. he was tall and lanky, his skin almost as pale as snow. bright blue eyes that reki had sworn he had seen before. but when reki’s gaze meet the boy‘s hands, his heart stopped. a thin red string connecting reki’s own finger to this mystery boy’s, hung in the air. a red string of fate; a soulmate string. this boy was his soulmate.
eyes snapping back to the bright blue ones reki knew his soulmate saw it too.
“well shit.” reki blurted and the boy began to laugh. it was a sweet noise, like the chime of heavenly bells. and so reki began to laugh too.
“well i guess you’re my soulmate. that makes this search a lot easier then.” standing up and reaching out a hand to his soulmate, reki began to speak. “so you probably know who i am and therefore i can’t marry you -or be with you quite frankly- and i’m very sorry for that and it’s selfish of me but i have the responsibility of the kingdom on my shoulders and i can’t fail my people.”
“what? ‘kingdom’? what are you talking about?” the boy‘s blank stare bored into reki.
“...i’m the prince. and i’m going to be king someday. and as much i want to be with my soulmate -you-, i have to be responsible for my people -which includes you-.”
realization dawned on his face. “ooh, i see.”
“and honestly i don’t care about the difference of ‘rank’ between noble and townsfolk but other royalty do.”
“well my moms a doctor if that means anything.”
“a prominent roll indeed but unfortunately not enough for the in-law of a prince. well not in my eyes, but in the eyes of others.”
the boy hummed in though. “well she was the queen of the kingdom in the mountains before my father fell to illness and some corrupt politician overthrew her and had us banished. do that mean anything?”
“you- you mean you were a prince?”
the boy nods.
“oh my god. oh my god! this may just work then! i may be able to be with my soulmate and still have a marriage that pleases the royal court!” reki’s eyes light up in happiness. “that’s only if you do want to be with me i mean.” he added.
“well you’re my soulmate, are you not? so we’re meant to be together, no?”
“well yes of course. but i wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it and all...”
“of course reki.” the boy said sweetly while reaching out and clasping reki’s hands in his own.
reki almost melted at the use of his given name spoken by his soulmate.
“oh wait can i call you that? is that ok?”
all reki could do was dumbly nod.
“my names langa by the way.”
“langa,” reki said testing out the way the name felt on his tongue. “i like it!” he smiled and watched as langa’s face turned red.
“well should we head to the castle or something to relay the news?” langa asked, turning to reki.
“hmmm i think we can wait a minute. wanna show me around the town?”
“it would be my honor.”
and so the two boys disappeared into the lively bustle of the town as the laughed away and held each other’s hand like a lifeline.
~ ~ ~
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Since you're taking requests can you write a smut fic of Liam and MC📝 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks for the fic request anon :)
if y'all want to send in any requests my inbox is open and you can refer to this prompt list.
Word count: 1.5 K words (damn I crossed the limit T_T)
Author’s note: I’m taking part in this week’s @wackydrabbles and the prompt will be in bold
Also this is my first time writing Liam X MC so I hope you like it heheheh
forgive me if I make any mistakes 
It had been six months since Anastasia had be crowned queen of Cordonia yet, her role as a queen seemed natural to her. Her strong political science background had been a blessing, but the ease with which she slipped into her duties almost made it look like she had been destined to be a ruler.
She was kind and ruled with a fair hand. The people of the country loved her and the neighbours acknowledged and appreciated her uncompromising and generous nature.
But, it wasn't just her. Liam had also matured and evolved as a ruler. The both of them worked like a well oiled machine but at the same time, they pushed each other to do better. Just like iron sharpening iron.
There were moments where they disagreed but that only strengthened them and their love for each other.
So it wasn't really surprising that Cordonia flourished under their rule.
A knock resounded on the Mahogany door of her office. "Come in." Ana said without looking up from the papers.
"Your majesty, we have got a correspondence from Princess Marguirette and the Auvernese." Her assistant spoke up as she entered the office.
Standing up, she walked too the bookshelves, taking out an old book on Cordonian law. "Give it to me, Reya."
"Well the good news is that Princess Marguirette has agreed to opening trade for textiles and pulses. She plans on coming down here in a week to hammer down the fine points."
A satisfied smile made its way to her face. "That's good. And what about the Auvernese?"
"They rejected the treaty."
Ana let out a harsh breath, and straightened her blouse as she muttered. "Well, I expected them to that after the entire pissing contest I had to endure the last time I met them."
"Anything else your majesty?"
"No. That would be it Miss." Liam spoke up from the entrance of the door, as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms.
Reya bowed her head and walked out of the room. Ana's blue eyes brightened as she saw Liam walk towards her.
"Hey there stranger! How is negotiations with Amalas going?"
Liam let out a groan as he wrapped his arms around her. "Could go better. She is a stubborn woman."
"As all good monarchs should be." As she slid her arms around his lean waist, looking up at him.
"That's correct, but still tiring. But, there is joy in doing it for our people, you know?" His dark eyes meeting hers.
"I get what you mean. It feels like I'm a mom and they are our children."
"That's the perfect analogy. Side note, you would make a great mother."
"You would make a great father too. Together we can conquer everything, love."
Liam grinned and bent down to kiss her chastely. Ana let out a sigh of content as warmth and happiness rushed through her veins.
The kiss was short, much to her disappointment. "Come with me I have a surprise for you." Interlocking their hands, he tugged her, forcing her to fall in step with him.
They walked down the beautiful gardens of Valtoria, the evening breeze a relief from being coped up in the study all day. They chatted about random things and it felt nice to just pretend that the weight of the world wasn't on their shoulders.
Liam looked around and stopped Ana, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Close your eyes."
"Whyyy? I will end up tripping and dying."
"That's why you have me, Ana. I won't let you fall." Sighing, she complied and Liam's warm hands covered her eyes.
After walking a couple hundred metres, Liam stopped and dropped his hands from her eyes. "Open your eyes."
Ana opened them and what she saw before had her gasp. "Oh my god."
It was a quaint gazebo on the water, which had climbers creeping up the pillars. The climbers bore beautiful purple flowers. The roof of baby blue in colour and the intricate designs on the fence were beautiful. Fairy lights were strung and candles were set on the stairs which made the entire place look magical.
"Happy six months, my queen."
Her head snapped towards Liam as realisation struck her like a train wreck. "I can't believe you remembered and I forgot. I was so busy and it may have skipped my mind. Fuck, I'm so so-"
Putting a finger on her lips, he stopped her mid rant. "Now, we won't have any of that here. There is more."
"There is more?"
And there was.
Pillows and blankets were strewn on the floor and a picnic basket lay in the corner with a bottle of wine adjacent to it.
Liam pulled her towards the gazebo, excitedly. "What are you waiting for. Let's eat. Chef Gustav made some spectacular meals which you would like."
-------------------------------------------------------- "So... How did you like your surprise?" Liam asked as he looked down at Ana, who was comfortably leaning her head against his chest.
Her blue twinkling eyes looked back at him. "This was the best gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you Liam."
"Only the best for my love."
She shook her head. "I just feel guilty that I couldn't pull a romantic gesture for you. You deserve the best too."
Kissing her forehead he spoke. "No. You are a gift in my life and I am so greatful for that."
Ana leaned back, smirk playing on her lips. "So if I'm a gift... Does that mean you are gonna unwrap me?"
Liam chuckled lowly at the joke, a heated gaze landing on her, causing a shiver to go down her spine. "Do you want me to?"
"It's our six month anniversary, so why not?"
That being said Liam surged forward and pressed his lips against her soft ones. It started slow but in an instant it became urgent and desperate, as if someone poured gasoline into a fire.
Without breaking the kiss, Ana straddled him and ran pushed his jacket off his shoulders. Liam's fingers nimbly unbuttoned her blouse, exposing the swell of her breasts.
He bent down and placed fiery hot kisses up her neck as she threaded her fingers through his soft black hair.
Pulling him by the hair, she forced his lips back on to hers. She ran her tongue over his bottom lip which made him groan and push his hips against her heat, indicating her effect on him.
Liam's hand wandered to her back where he unclasped her bra, exposing her breasts. In a fluid motion, he grasped her by the hips and laid her down on the blankets, before climbing on top of her.
Getting on her elbows, she panted. "You are way too dressed for the ocassion."
"Shall we remedy that?" He spoke as he unbuttoned his shirt, slowly and tantalizingly. Ana growing impatient reached to help him but he just pressed her hands against the pillows.
"Now, be a good girl and keep them right there. If you move them, I will have to start all over again."
Wordlessly, she nodded and Liam pecked her lips before shedding his shirt of, the strong planes of his chest, gleaming under the moonlight.
His lips kissed and sucked the sensitive skin of her collarbone before making his way down south. The moment his tongue swirled around her breast, she arched her back, feeling her insides turning into liquid.
He placed lazy wet kisses along her stomach which had her going crazy. "Please Liam."
"Please what?" He asked as he unbuttoned her jeans.
Lifting her hips, he pulled her jeans and underwear completely baring herself to him.
"Taste me." She pleaded.
Throwing her legs over his strong shoulders, he nipped her inner thigh before burying his face into her womanhood.
Ana's moans wafted through the night sky and it felt like music to his ears. "Look at how much you need me." He spoke in a husky voice as his tongue lapped up her arousal.
"God yes." She breathed out as she felt his deft finger enter her.
His tongue teased her sensitive bud which had Ana trembling. Involuntarily, her hands sank into his hair, her nails raking the scalp.
Almost immediately, Liam's hand clasped her wrists and he pinned them against the pillows. "Tsk tsk. What did I say Anastasia?"
"Liam stop playing and fuck me."
Liam chuckled lowly and pressed his lips against hers. And at that moment, he sunk into her.
She feels so heavenly...
He started slow, letting her get used to him before picking up his pace. One of his hands grabbed her waist to keep her in place, his fingers digging into the flesh. His hips snapped and he pounded into her relentlessly, pleasure coursing through their veins.
With every stroke, she was pushed to a new high, a new level of euphoria. She was so close and so was Liam. He could feel his lower spine tingle and abdomen tightening, which made his strokes shorter and faster.
"Come with me, Ana."
And she did.
Like a coil snapping, she climaxed. Shockwaves of pleasure rushed through her making her eyes roll to the back of her head. Liam groaned and buried his face into her neck breathing heavily as he dumped his load, her walls squeezing around him.
After a few minutes when their breathing returned to normal, Ana wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forehead. Liam snuggled into her and pulled a blanket over them.
"I love you Liam."
"I love you too, Anastasia."
I hope you liked it hehehe 
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Unfinished Business
(An unfinished ficlet about 6,000 year old idiots learning how to kiss.)
Crowley drained his glass. “Have you?” he asked, punctuating his query with a blithe, “Ever?”
“Ever what?” 
Aziraphale knew exactly what. And Crowley knew he knew exactly what, going by the way his eyebrows were slowly inching up his forehead like twin, fuzzy caterpillars whose souls had shuffled off this mortal coil and were beginning their ascent into the afterlife. 
Aziraphale snapped his book shut as fussily as possible, which was pretty damn fussy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said. 
“You do,” Crowley rebutted. 
Aziraphale spun on his heel. He busied himself with tucking Moby Dick back where it belonged on his desk with the other Melvilles. He could feel Crowley’s gaze bore into his thoracic vertebrae while he stalled, trying and failing to soothe the heart pounding in his chest for no good reason. He flattened his palms against his lapel; a little pat-pat to make sure they were lying neatly. 
“No,” Aziraphale finally admitted. Followed by a defensive, “Have you?”
Well, that was a surprise. 
Azirapahle glanced at Crowley over his shoulder, assessing. Both of Crowley’s arms were akimbo on the back of the sofa, legs sprawled artfully and--dare Aziraphale think it--invitingly. His ankles crossed and the gleam of his snakeskin boots lambent in the dim light of Azirapahle’s shop.
“I thought that sort of thing was…” Aziraphale twiddled his fingers in an approximation of something or nothing at all. “...a part of your lot’s milieu.” 
“I don’t have a lot. Neither do you.”
“You know what I mean.”
Crowley smirked. “I rather thought kissssing was more of a heavenly affair.” He tilted his head to one side. “Love...” he drawled with a curl of his lip, like the very word was in itself divine, and perhaps it was. “...’n all.”
“Ah.” He had a point. But...
“You don’t have to kiss someone to have sex with them, angel.”
Aziraphale could feel himself turning red. The avatar of his body was betraying him altogether. “I-I know that!” (He hadn’t.) “Sex isn’t always governed by lust, you know.”
“Mmm, was never really my thing.”
Aziraphale blinked.
“Lust,” Crowley specified. 
Aziraphale blinked again.
“Icky.” Crowley smacked his lips, frowning. “Humans. They leave gobs of themselves everywhere. All those fluids and hair and skin!”
“You’re a snake,” Aziraphale reminded him, exasperated. 
“Well, yeah. But that’s…” Crowley shrugged. “...snakey, innit?” 
Aziraphale rolled his eyes. 
Crowley sprang to his feet. He jabbed a finger at Aziraphale, a devilish lilt to his voice when he crooned, “You’re curious.” 
“I am not!” Aziraphale lied. Badly. He scampered away, collecting a stack of books from one organized mess and sorted them into another organized mess on the other side of the room.
Crowley trailed along behind him with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Or as stuffed as they could be in his tight, leather trousers. He followed Aziraphale from one shelf to the next, twisting and turning around a pillar here, a marble bust there, more and more amused by Aziraphale’s bluster and fluster. “You are!” he sing-songed. “I saw you making goo-goo eyes at the lovebirds in the park.” 
Aziraphale blanched. He tripped over a step ladder he never really used anyway. Stupid. Why did he even own such a thing? It wasn’t like he needed it. “I was making eyes, as you so eloquently put it, at the love they were emanating, not--” He tripped again. This time into an entire bookcase, which was something he needed. So focused was he on preventing the impending avalanche, Crowley effectively trapped him against the shelves by the cunning use of what Aziraphale knew to be called leaning. 
“Oh, dear,” he murmured.
Crowley watched him avert his eyes to the ceiling, the floor, and back again. He waited until Aziraphale deigned to look at him. Approximately one minute and ten seconds, which wasn’t that long in the great scheme of things, but a rather ridiculous amount of time not to look at the person standing in front of you. “Do you trust me?” Crowley asked when their eyes finally met.
Aziraphale was offended. Did he trust Crowley? Of course he trusted him! A thousand times--six thousand times--yes! Aziraphale meant to say as much, but ended up squawking instead. And that was rather embarrassing. So he nodded. But he wasn’t happy about it.
“Say it.” A flash of teeth. Equal parts commanding and pleading, which must have inadvertently spirited all the oxygen out of the room because it was suddenly difficult to breathe. And necessary, besides.
Aziraphale swallowed thickly. “Yes.”
Crowley edged closer. Invading his personal space. Not that he’d never done that before. Personal space was all very relative to beings who can will themselves as small as a microbe at any given moment. But still. Right then and there, the air between them hot and humid, it was quite invasive.  
One beat. 
Neither of them moved.
“Alright?” Aziraphale asked, tentative.
“Yeah--no--” Crowley stammered. He cleared his throat. “I’m fine. Fine. Are you…um...?”
“Fine, yes.”
This was absurd.
“You started it,” Aziraphale mumbled.
“I--no--nyrk--look! You wanna do this or not?”
Aziraphale pursed his lips. “I suppose. If it’s you.” 
“Right. Okay, then.” Crowley bullied himself flush against Aziraphale’s chest.
They were nose to nose. Still familiar territory. They regarded each other, a little cross-eyed, and Crowley pivoted ever so slightly to his left so their noses not only touched at their tips, but slotted side by side. Which was very much new. And nice. Soft and warm and they could feel each other’s pulses hammering away uselessly, but somehow unavoidably.
Aziraphale shut his eyes. He wanted to see, but Crowley’s features had gone all blurry. He wasn’t sure he could will his vision to adjust because are those Crowley’s hands on his waist? He licked his lips, nervous, and made the most outrageous yelp when the tip of his tongue met flesh and sweet Jesus and his barefoot apostles. 
Aziraphale had sampled the most exorbitant wine, the most delectable foods the Earth has to offer. No fruit, fermented or otherwise, compared to the brief taste of Crowley’s lip. Whichever one it had been. Sweet and firm and delicious. 
“Sorry,” Azirapahle gasped. It had been an accident even though he liked it.
“No, it’s…” Crowley’s hands kneaded fretfully against his waistcoat. “...do it again.” 
“Okay.” Aziraphale stuck out his tongue. A bit shy. A bit overwhelmed. A bit what-the-Hell. And so he probed, just there, and licked with unrestrained indulgence.
Crowley’s spine went ramrod straight. “Aziraphale,” he spoke the angel’s name like a benediction. And then, “Aziraphale!” Scandalized. Delighted.
Aziraphale squinted open one of his eyes. Then the other. “Did I do it right?”
Crowley had the most annoying and sinfully crooked smile on his face. “You made an Effort!”
“Oh.” Aziraphale sighed irritably. “I had to!”
Crowley was looking at him the exact same way he did when Aziraphale told him he’d given his flaming sword away six thousand years ago. 
“The fit of my trousers just wouldn’t do without the Effort, dear.”
Crowley blatantly stared at Aziraphale’s crotch. “Is it functional?”
“Not sure, really.” 
Crowley gawked at him. 
“It’s simply for aesthetics, mind you. Would you rather I didn’t…?”
“What? I--no--of course! It’s--it’s fine, yes.” 
“Do you have…?”
“Is yours functional?”
Aziraphale was pretty sure he was Falling because his veins felt like they were on fire.
“Would you rather I didn’t?”
“It’s fine.”
“Good. Shall we?” Crowley swooped in close without waiting for a response. Their noses knocked and their mouths pressed firmly together over their teeth, but Aziraphale’s tongue was back where it belonged and Crowley positively melted into the sensation. Sighing, sinking firmly into the spit-plush of Aziraphale’s mouth (before remembering himself), and standing back up to his full height. And, oh. That was rather delicious, that friction, their clothes rucking up and up and yes. Crowley managed to restrain himself, allowing space between their lips once again, and he reveled in the sensation of Aziraphale tonguing right where he used to have a soul patch in the 1590s. Nothing until this moment had made him want to revisit that particular facial hair trend.
“Hath ith?” Azirapahle asked.
Regrettably, Aziraphale’s tongue retreated back into his mouth. “How’s this?”
“Great,” Crowley all but sobbed. “Keep going.”
Aziraphale didn’t have to be told twice. Not when it mattered. And his natural curiosity got the better of him. After probing the same spot with his tongue five or six or twenty times (He lost count.), he pursed his lips for just a little sip. He privately thought that Crowley never truly learned how to use his human legs, his hips the fulcrum of his languid and snaking gait. But, standing? Crowley had that down to a science. Contrapposto, mostly, a holdover from the Renaissance, his body striking an S-curve that would put The David to shame. It was an art form, really, so it came as a shock when Crowley’s knees betrayed him altogether.
Aziraphale caught him around the middle. “Are you alright?”
The question was barely posed before Crowley regained his footing and pinned him up against the bookcase hard enough to send a few volumes toppling to the floor, saved in the nick of time by a quick snap of Crowley’s fingers.
“Do that again,” he demanded, almost frantic. 
If Azirapahle thought there had been no space between them before, he was sadly mistaken. Crowley nuzzled their mouths together, curtailing a desperate whine with an explosive sigh the moment Aziraphale sandwiched Crowley’s philtrum between his lips and suckled just so. 
“Oooh.” Crowley almost sounded in pain. “Fuck me.” 
Aziraphale pulled off Crowley’s lip with a wet pop that seriously did things to Crowley in places he didn’t even know he had. “W--really?”
“No! I mean, yes! But no. Later. Kissing now.” Crowley bit down on Aziraphale’s bottom lip and tugged. Not quite sipping, but just as good. If not better. And there was Crowley’s forked tongue drawing him in and further in. His teeth sharp in the best possible way, followed by a massive slurp that had Aziraphale’s eyes rolling back in his head before Crowley released him. 
Aziraphale boggled, wide-eyed and panting. He was surely going to discorporate. “Oh, my God!” 
“Don’t bring Her into this.”
Both of them glanced overhead.
No, best not to call upon the Almighty in flagrante. 
“So that’s what all the fuss is about.”
“I’d say so, yeah.” 
Aziraphale was on him in a flash, drinking greedily at his lips, one after the other, and Crowley absolutely refused to wait his turn nicely. Because he wasn’t. Nice, that is. Not even a little bit. That was the good thing about being a snake, he thought, unhinging his jaw just enough to devour Azirapahle’s mouth and they both moaned in unison at the feel of hot, wet heat and breath and slick and fuckfuckfuck!
A sudden gust of wind, a loud FWHUMP. The sound of a lamp smashing to the floor, maybe.
Crowley’s wings were fanned out behind him. He was gasping for breath like it was something he needed to live, fingers wound tight in Aziraphale’s coat. “Fuck,” he said. 
“We need to slow down.”
Crowley snarled, “Any slower and I swear I’m going to literally explode.” 
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incarnateirony · 5 years
15.11 and moving forward
Some of you may have seen my Putrefied in Purgatory video surrounding 15.09. Putrefaction is the reduction of a material to its barest state for a new foundation, rotting away to the alchemical Blackened state to rebuild on new stages of whitening (which seemed to crest in 15.10 for Dean), then yellowing and reddening en route, though for completion there's other stages ahead of us (as per what I lended towards in Philosopher's Gold, also 15.09 video.)
But I think what I need to do is discuss the tree.
I *AM* gonna need you to bear with me right now, because I’m about to data-dump out a bunch of information and then go back over and explain how this is connecting to what Andrew Fucking Dabb and company are doing actively, episode by episode. If you don’t get it on first read, that’s fine, once I start putting it in terms and concepts and show stuff you get, scroll back and re-digest in frame.
Okay so, let’s drop some points. You may have remembered me making early videos of Belphegor as the ruler of Thagirion after 15.01 (x) and later, one called Worthy of Love for Tiphareth (x), but not before he who blocks and hampers the heart guides walked them through flames they were not yet ready to access (x), causing an unlevel involution between the Three Principles with Castiel reaching a reddening while Dean sat in darkness and Sam struggled to maintain his own light.
 This is going to become very important to my babbling, but the concept is that there is a nega/void/blockage version of the tree that has “evil” versions of each node. Tiphareth’s shadow is Thagirion. Tiphareth is the essence of love, true and genuine. It dominates the heart chakra, and its disputer, Belphegor, the blocker, is he who does not believe in love and observes marriages for dissent and further aggitates the blockage in the path. Sound familiar?
This Sephira is in some respects the most important of all. It is the centre of the whole system; it is the only Sephira below the Abyss which communicates directly with Kether. (Think crown/godhead/source -- white node #1) It is fed directly from Chokmah and Binah; also from Chesed and Geburah. (I’ll... get into these another time, they’re a higher segment) It is thus admirably fitted to dominate the lower Sephiroth; it is balanced both vertically and horizontally. In the planetary system it represents the Sun; in the system of Tetragrammaton it represents the Son. In other words, the Son is an interpretation of the Father in terms of the Mind. [Tiphareth is] thus representative of [the four] elements at their practical best.  (Book of Thoth, p.181) 
You don’t say. (vaguely screams into fist about who and what the Mind is and who and what the Father in this Aeon is)
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Soft Husband Gaze Dot Gif not found in tumblr search so I’ma nab and tag another by @starsmish​
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Dean and Cas’ blowout over Jack, “you’re dead to me”, was over Cas knowing something was wrong with Jack, and not telling them, and Dean’s anger leading to distrust.
That was putrefied in purgatory, everything laid bare. And while they haven’t had their heart to heart yet (that big good omens energy shot is probably from 12, a bobocuda episode like The Future was), here–
Cas already had his gasping, shocked, clutched reunion with the son. Sam came home and gave a squeeze too.
But Dean walked up, put a hand behind his son’s neck, stared deeply into his eyes to see if it was him. And, as if doubting himself, looked to his somber husband, who silently communicated and affirmed it, and Dean knew, and trusted, and believed, and their son was home.
Someone launch me to jupiter please
oh wait neverfuckingmind, Dabb and co are working on that shortly.
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Tiphareth, the heart, is the central vein, the power between godhood and the terrestrial earth as manifest in Malkuth.
I had pointed out the choice taste in Dean emerging from black in a white suit to look into yellow light and past red drapes in 15.10 and that Dean seemed to be approaching his whitening, but that’s even truer now.
The phases I speak of bear relevance to these.
Just--humor me and see earth as the blackened base from the human perspective, even if the blackened base of the Shadow of Man lies beneath the Ain Soph (which I’ll show some inverted trees for later). I’ve spoken of lunar light in regards to the whitening before, and it even rose in my Reflection video about crucifying the ego before it was too late (x) (please mind the video was made a year ago now based on hermetic pattern spec)  “The moon gives me her secret, a confidant; as full and bright as I am, this light is not my own and a million light reflections pass over me.” 
(aside re: crucifying the ego, it’s about removing the blackened snake of our unrefined parts of the self, similar to putrefaction, so a step we just crossed)
In alchemy, albedo is one of the four major stages of the magnum opus, along with nigredo, citrinitas/xanthosis and rubedo. It is a Latinicized term meaning "whiteness". Following the chaos or massa confusa of the nigredo stage, the alchemist undertakes a purification or rectification in albedo, which is literally referred to as ablutio or absolution – the washing away of impurities. This phase is concerned with "bringing light and clarity to the prima materia (personal material)". But the transmutational state is ... well.
“The whitening phase is ruled by the moon and as such is reflective, in that it does not have its own light. The maturation of the whitening happens via reflection and is often described as mirroring. The reflective processes, of thinking and feeling, dominate the direct experiences of intuition, sensation and imagination. Knowledge is King, and Mystery is banished by the whitening ego's searchlight. Perfection is idealised, and imperfection seen as weakness. Immediate gratification is expected. Nothing is allowed to mature. Lacking true wisdom, we are children in adult's bodies. Our leaders lack the vision to see the real problems, and the guts to really change things.
“The first main goal of the process... highly prized by many alchemists... is the silver or moon condition, which still has to be raised to the sun condition. The albedo [whitening], is so to speak, the daybreak, but not till the rubedo [reddening] is it sunrise. The transition to the rubedo is formed by the citrinitas [yellowing], though this, as we said, was omitted later.” (x)
Now let’s take a look at how that applies to Yesod in the middle pillar, above Malkuth, both of which gain power from light *elsewhere* -- that is, Tiphareth.
Of Yesod: 
“After the double excursion into misfortune, (Hod and Netzach) the current returns to the middle pillar. This Sephira is the seat of the great crystallization of Energy. But it takes place very far down the Tree, at the apex of the third descending triangle, and a flat triangle at that. There is little help from low, unbalanced spheres like Netzach and Hod. What saves Yesod is the direct ray from Tiphareth; this Sephira is in the direct line of succession. (Book of Thoth) “
Yesod is that subtle basis upon which the physical world is based....It is the Astral Plane, which in one sense being passive and reflecting energies from above is lunar, even as the moon reflects the light of the sun. The Astral Light is an omnipresent and all-permeating fluid or medium of extremely subtle matter; substance in a highly tenuous state, electric and magnetic in constitution, which is the model upon which the physical world is built. It is the endless, changeless, ebb and flow of the world's forces that, in the last resort, guarantee the stability of the world and provides its foundation. [...]  The general conception of Yesod is of change with stability. (Regardie, 1994)
So let’s take a quick aside on that double journey into instability in Hod and netzach, and I’ll leave everyone to think of how this correlates now.
The position of Netzach is doubly unbalanced; off the middle pillar, and very low down on the Tree. It is taking a very great risk to descend so far into illusion, and, above all, to do it by frantic struggle. Netzach pertains to Venus...and the greatest catastrophe that can befall Venus is to lose her Heavenly origin. (Book of Thoth, p.182)
The sphere of Hod represents on a very much lower plane similar qualities to those obtaining in Chokmah. It is the lower plane, first primitive version of union and sharing between the divine masculine and feminine (SPN video recs [x], [x] ) as mirrored to Netzach’s above details.
So we’ve got... lesser unions *scrolls over 15.9* cast down Mark wedding, check, from a blackened putrified base of Malkuth not yet even fully acquiring its own awareness of reflected light in Yesod or Albedo. 15.10 Dean does seem to start gaining some sense of light and dream, if reflected off of imaginings of others while coming out from behind the curtain *checks* but it’s not fully manifest yet. Now the heroes struggle through descending into illusion and frantic struggle, questioning all they know in existence, or their “luck”. *checks* 
Now, Fortuna tells our heroes a good deal of what we knew they needed to hear. In the end it really isn’t about their luck. Heroes aren’t extinct, but it’s not about playing god’s game, it’s about playing their own. The divine feminine told them the secrets of the gods and, in a way, it is the steps towards mastering their human sovereignty.
Notice the lunar card path lending towards the lunar Yesod node, for example, even using arcana -- given this is Grey’s system, there’s a few others.
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Uh, ignore the given card/highlighted path for now, that’s there for reasons you may recognize that I’ll bang on about elsewhere.(Aeon, for the record, is basically the same as Judgement and World=Universe, and Lust=Strength different naming system -- you’ll notice the second names on the first chart apply here, though in a matter of descending vs ascending. A few are different; and I’m not gonna pledge up and down which version Dabb is using, so I’m more going to take the raw idea that works across multiple models)
In the interim -- and defaulting back to Tiphareth after following the path of the Sun through Art, towards the philosopher’s stone of unabridged love, marriage, the sun and the son, the moon reflects the light of the sun, the Rising Sun, albeit not yet back to its proper reddening -- the yellow familial light I’ve banged on about in this show, even beyond our romantic pairings. The sun had been lost and the family and the three principles fell into chaos, needing to rebuild. And yet, as Castiel brings home Jack, we see the growth even in these few episodes: 
With pain and distrust betrayed in purgatory, over having failed to communicate issues with Jack, once everything was laid bare and rotten to base to rebuild in Purgatory, Dean looked to Castiel after doubting himself staring into Jack’s eyes to know if their son was truly home, and by a look, he knew, and accepted, and as weighty as it was, that family was complete.
Back to Tiphareth as the four elements in harmony, we have our future playing field here. 
I will tap back to Hod reflecting Chokmah though, at a lesser value, by citing some points of Chokmah: “male creative energy, wisdom and the expression of a single idea in terms of duality. It transmits the idea of the divine unity to its feminine counterpart, the understanding, somewhat as a man transmits the essence of his character to his wife so that he perceives his inmost nature, itself unintelligible to him directly, by observing the flowering of that essence in his son. “
Cough. blossom.
the yellowing is upon them all now, in actual harmony, with the return of the sun by which to reflect their light in Yesod, but furthermore, to step forward.
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Hm. What saves Yesod is the direct ray from Tiphareth.
Their su/on. Is home. And the yellow light, if faint at first, as they come to speak, has returned, lingering between them. The yellowing itself comes from moving into a form of being where one’s own soul is less a reflected light of the grand scheme of things and one’s own personal, generated light, and that is landing upon us shortly.
To like, fully break down this path shit I’d have to go full like alchemical sermon here, but I’m more trying to map out just how artistically rendered this show is using these paths. 
So where do we go now? The crown, Kether, is our goal. But we’re not ready to Priestess rocket straight that direction, as much as there’s still a strong overshadow of Kether upon them, even if the Star’s light descending leads towards hope. 
But we’ve left the primitive base triangle now. Geburah and Chesed await. 
The introduction of the number Five shows the idea of motion coming to the aid of that of matter...The result is a complete upset of the statically stabilized system. Now appear storm and stress. (The Book of Thoth, p.180)
Despite the fact that Geburah is a feminine potency, as are all Sephiros [sic] on the left-hand column of the Tree, practically all its attributions are male and vigorous...This is not confusion of thought, but a recognition of the necessity for equilibrium." (Regardie, 1994)
Geburah represents on a much lower plane the Sakti force-element attributed to Binah. (Regardie, 1994)
The quality of Geburah is summed up in the general idea of strength and power and force. Its card based attributions are strife, disappointment, defeat, and worry. That which the heart must overcome with strength.
Lots of crazy mystic math involved but summarily Righteousness, Mercy, and Love, combining seemingly diverse ideas.
 "below the Abyss"; therefore, in practice, it means solidification, materialization. Things have become manifest. The essential point is that it expresses the Rule of Law...The manifestation promised by Binah has now taken place. Chesed...is the highest idea which can be understood in an intellectual way. (The Book of Thoth).
These are given to travel to Chokmah (which I’ve noted already) and Binah “For she is omniform as Love and as Death, the Great Sea whence all Life springs, and whose black womb reabsorbs all. She thus resumes in herself the duplex process of the Formula of Love under Will" (Little Esssays Towards Truth, "Love") - planetary association Saturn, so you may.. *gestures back at other videos* (x)
Like... Rowena’s Reverse Womb Symbolism Dot Jaypeg, “Death is an infinite vessel.” (reminder drop x)
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“In short, Binah is the substantive vehicle of every possible phenomenon, physical or mental” (Regardie, 1994)
opposite chokmah, as above mentioned in the masculine presence of the union to meet the godhead.
These lovers must still walk different paths for a time, but will meet across the void of hidden knowledge before standing at the crown, if only after facing their strife and personal strength, taking the understanding of the moon and fortuna, to not play another’s game, to blossom into holding one’s own light along with completion in the family unit, and to find wisdom in the hidden things between them, by which the aged hermit, the hierophant, he who held the unofficiated wedding’s gold, the incomplete, lesser manifestation at Hod, and formerly cast it down -- as his foundation to approach the crown.
At more immediate, Netzach is also led forward by Fortune or Fortuna towards Chesed. The Hermit, a role Sam has heavily embodied on his Hierophant path, crosses from Tiphareth. As the one that impressed Fortuna, Sam is likely the one to hold the torch of her words right now, and figure out how to make Chuck play their game. Whereas Hod travels the road of the Hanged Man, each to find their strength sourced upward from Tiphareth, the heart, the sun, the son, the marriage, the family light, the yellowing, with adjustment through Tiphareth removing some of the pillar of severity and the hanged man road ahead of the struggling, still separated union.
Death descends from Binah to Geburah, enacting her volatile change and meeting the path of the hanged man, empowered by heart and adjustment; the hierophant will meet and become the hermit at Chesed. The path of the united lovers is an inevitability in any system rising from the heart towards the path of the hanged man in affiliation with the divine feminine, death's forces included; and the hierophant enacts the emperor on way to the divine masculine. The Emperor and Empress' marriage will end up being the fundament by which to face that final triangle of upper creation.
For those of you who remember me banging on about Art/Temperance versus Lovers arcana all goddamn hiatus, enjoy seeing them spawn out of Tiphareth there.
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Here the red eagle and white lion commune and share in their parts, for the restoration of the golden orphic (x) child and great work under the hands of the Hierophant against the pillars of overseeing divine fem/masc (here represented in Adam and Lilith, other versions Adam and Eve)
Just... honestly just read this (x) if you want to know more about how each of these elementson those cards correspond to the above paths.
So I guess this is a really long magical way of shipper Sam is gonna have to get these two knuckleheads cosmically married and complete before standing as the godman and subverting the allfather with the rebirth of the heart and their su/on. And hopefully not have Eileen recreate the Rowena thing on the way. Or Cas for that matter.
The complete deconstruction of the lovers in purgatory was necessary, having been in the cursed and evil, inverted tree and blocked at Tiphareth. Now we can build forward in light and knowledge and the sovereign journey of man, even if it has its pitfalls and misfortunes. The Empress’ marriage to the Emperor makes foundation for the Fool (which isn’t what it sounds like) and the Magician’s completed work, finalizing the top triangle of unity to complete their magnum opus against god. Man created the gods, and are to soon prove themselves the equal of him.
And that’s my rambling because I suck at teaching this shit.
*nervous chuckling for potential ways for Castiel’s deal to work out right now*
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sasorikigai · 3 years
"five times touched" ( can I have u h h some Hanryou goodness plz )
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send me "five times touched" for a drabble about five times my muse touched yours! || @sonxflight || selective accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 一. Lost in the throes of unstable world without everything he had lost in the relentless tides of his tragedies, Hanzo Hasashi would often aimlessly stroll down a broken path, staring out a window with no view, unable to count the things he has. While the times are indeed intense, the feelings within them are immense, and they come undone raw; broken and shattered, seeking a consolation for their hearts, battered. Without Ryou Sakai in the swelling niche of his heart, he would no longer resonate his life with screams of passion - from the paper drenched with ardor, blooming bleeding words. For the phrases swell the raging flames within, and keep he will, these words, etched forever in his heart, inscribed into the depths of his core. Even when a song of melancholy fills the air mingling with the torrential wind his soul beams in his chest, and even familiar death kindly grabs hold of his hand and wraps its arm along his back pulling him closer, charmingly twriling him round and round, with a dip, his passion-filled eyes would gaze at Ryou Sakai, as he would slowly drift into the open ground as his conscious will be tugged at tenebrous shadows, to be consumed beneath the darkness. Lest the ephemerality of it will soon relinquish beneath the radiance of dawning presence; not only of his own magnificent flames, but of Ryou Sakai’s sunshine, so glorious that his own demons would recede at its very sight. 
二. Hanzo Hasashi sees nothing; for he is an abyss, like something that he shouldn’t be able to see. A nightmare, and Scorpion’s presence had been nothing, but a hindrance to his progress. How could he be so daring, evermore defiantly and stubbornly so, for his test of patience is worth his lifetime. The Grandmaster still stands still and yet, he feels the lulling breath of excruciating fatigue on the back of his neck, and his breathing is rapid, his eyes full of tear, as he stands rigidly, itching to run from invisible foes. He will face the great volcanoes of dawning magma and chase the demons of the sky, dousing the stars with catalytic fuel of his love and exert the sweetest, softest touch brushing against his beloved, causing warmth to spread throughout the samurai. The persistent wind causes his eyes to transfix upon the dancing desiccated leaves, and Hanzo joins in in tandem, swaying and twirling a smile that makes its way to his flushed face. Near the throes of his heavenly meditation, it manifests as his resilient strength, as in his candor, brazen revealing of his vulnerability, comes the strength of Hanzo Hasashi’s human nature. How he hopes to become Ryou Sakai’s pillar, the bedrock of his architecture, as his beloved had immensely helped him to break the life’s paradigm to live in the present, not in unalterable past. 
三. He almost forgets this feeling; the knot in his chest, asphyxiating and cold sweat inducing. Rotting his soul, devouring him whole, keeping his body locked into place until the next morning. This feeling makes him Scorpion’s prey, not as much a clueless white tailed deer stuck in monsoon mud pits, paralyzed by the struggle and steadily suffocating under his hungry gaze, but of becoming unraveled beneath the drifting nightmares, as his shadows would play him oh so softly. For his history is full of scars - from countless attempts of opening his heart, with a slaughtered romance in the stars, as he often sinks back to the lowest valley of disappointment or fly up to the highest empyrean sky of happiness. Yet, there are glacier icicles in his vertebrae, along the sharp contours where tendrils of darkness lay dormant and hibernate, until his most vulnerable moment strikes. In the throes of swelling unconsciousness, how his limbs seek a consolation for his heart, battered. When the times are indeed intense and unbearable, as the feelings within him become evermore immense, Hanzo Hasashi seeks Ryou Sakai’s embracing presence, calming the roaring restless thunder within; through echoing heartbeats and shared exhalations, as the near-suffocated fire begins to effulgently burn. 
四. If the red string of fate is true, Hanzo Hasashi would imagine that all around them is a cluster of strings that can't be helped be tangled all up. Maybe that's why they cross each other's paths before the right one, cause they needed to untangle their knots first to clearly know what's at the end. He likes the certainty, that no matter what, he will get there, to his beloved. In a lightning flash moment of clarity, he would find himself entangled and coalesced, until their boundaries became indefinable, as his eyes, fierce and gorgeous like the scorching embers he commands, would trail Ryou’s warm, well-muscled body pressing against his more heavier and bulkier form. Balmy and calloused fingers heating up the defined expanse of revealed skin, in reverence and absolute devotion, the mantras of serenading symphony emanating within as the once-wandering path of his gossamer touch traces the fine trail of hair dipping lower and lower to paint a visible stroke in a slow, leisurely path, until the wet heat of both their hardness as waves of trembling pleasure cascades, becomes lapping surge of waves through his body. And he moves, akin to a heatwave, all sun-roughened and muscle, lithe and graceful like a panther, as the heady, dark, and alluring scent of him intermingles with the fire and deep wood. He shifts, intending to press a passionate kiss as the intoxicating drag against Ryou’s walls begins the probing ministration, as his fevered, unhurried words become almost trance-like. “How you plunge me, towards carnality’s insanity and its inevitable eternity.” A tantalizing smile is painted raw and warm against his beloved’s cheek, as he thrusts slow and even, asserting, filling Ryou Sakai, in order to be filled in return as the fervent drag continues to cause him to roll his hips. 
五. Ecstasy consumes him, with the electrifying, skin on skin, and a certain urgency that almost makes the air become ablaze around them. The burning pleasure at the base of his belly builds, crashing over him like a series of well-choreographed waves. They move together, joined as one, and all Hanzo Hasashi could think of is the building heat in his core that threatens to overwhelm him. How he reels, in the quieted moans as he seeks purchase against the expanse of Ryou’s back. Fused at one another’s hips, with each powerful thrust sending numbing electricity lancing up his spine. They are simply dancing through the golden twilight hour after the saturating rain, as slick perspiration plasters them beneath the splendor of effulgent landscape, through the radiant basking swell of dawn’s break. The fire begins to surge and soar, as he meets his beloved in impassioned and eager purchase, the carnal smacks rendering his awareness to float towards cloud nine. Mandibles of his hold painting expressionistic strokes over Ryou’s shoulders and small of his back as his demands are being met with the heated breaths and the press of teeth against the shell of Ryou’s ear, he finds himself erupting, spurting his own essence with much abandon as light olive paints with pristine, pearly white. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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noncommited-writer · 5 years
Highschool au! peter is a shy, Star wars and decathlon nerd who gets A+ and had few friends and tony stark captain of the football team, popular and also smart. they are dating and the school loves them. tony sees flash bullying peter.
Oh jesus I'm sorry this took so long! I have no excuse, I just had writer's block and wasn't sure on how to write this thing down. But here you go!! I hope you haven't forgotten you sent in the ask😅
“Parker!” Peter jumps in his place in front of his locker, a smile curling his lips as he covers his face with the locker door. “Don’t stand there and pretend that you’re not hiding from your boyfriend.”
Peter peeks out from behind the metal, watching Tony lean against the locker next to his, blushing when he throws a wink his way. A gentle hand covers his and even when the team captain leans in to place a soft kiss on his lips, his smile doesn’t go away.
“You had a good time last night?” Tony mumbles against his lips, pushing back Peter slightly so their intimate moment is covered by the open locker. Peter nods, teeth biting down on his lip to stop the adorable giggle—god, does Tony love that giggle—from escaping, and Tony steps closer in his space to press their foreheads together, a moment of serenity and tenderness as they stare deep into each other’s eyes.
Some bitter teachers in their school may call it high school puppy love, but students know better. No one in their school has ever seen a couple so in love with each other, yet also act like an old married couple who have the other’s back. They’re a match made in heaven, ready to pull through for the other at a moment’s notice. People see them share affection in the school hallways—yet, somehow it isn’t as gross but more sweet—spend free periods in the library, and they always see one of them cheering on the other at their competitions. Tony is the loudest to cheer when Peter wins the decathlon competitions, and Peter makes the most obnoxious poster boards for everyone to see at Tony’s football matches. They even see Tony joining in on the conventions Peter and his friends go to. The last year’s school year book named them ‘Couple Most Likely To Get Married’.
“Yeah, your mom was really happy to see me, huh?” Peter says. Tony laughs softly against his lips, “She’s always happy to see you. She asked if you liked the lasagne she made.”
“I haven’t gotten to that yet. It was heavenly. Can I ask for the recipe? Aunt May could learn a thing or two from her,” Peter says. Tony purses his lips, “Well, May isn’t that bad at cooking—”
“Oh shut up. You spat out her date loaf the first time you came over.” Peter smiles, and Tony melts. God, what he wouldn’t do for him.
“Also, did you finish up the part I told you to?” Peter asks. Tony waves a hand, “Yeah, the last five pages of the thesis. I read the first part of it. It was absolutely brilliant, babe. I’m sure Mr. Johnson will give your part an A.”
Peter flushes under the praise but he shakes his head, “But your research on the nanotechnology was even better. I’m pretty sure I was breathing heavily at the end of reading it. All the science gets me hot and bothered.”
Tony laughs, brushing their noses together, “Is that so?” A hand sneaks behind Peter and slides up his shirt, thumb brushing the skin with feather-light brushes. Peter’s throat closes up, his eyes going glossy, and a smirk forms on Tony’s handsome face; an aching urge for Peter rising within him. “We make a great team, don’t we?”
Peter snorts, “If you count making out every twenty minutes during our work productive, then yeah, we make the best team.”
“You and Ned still having that Star Wars marathon tonight?” Peter hums. “Wanna join?”
“Nah, I’d be taking away your friend bonding time. Besides I still have to fix Butterfingers’ UI. He ran into a pillar in my lab. And damaged his CPU.”
“Okay, but meet me after school for lunch, alright?” Tony nods and places a quick peck to Peter’s flushed cheek, just in time for the school bell to ring. They pull away, dopey grins on both their faces.
Peter shuts his locker door, walking in the opposite way down the hall to get to their respective classes.
Peter is walking down the school halls, earbuds—that Tony manufactured for Peter himself—plugged into his ears. School was over but apparently Tony got into trouble for exploding something in the chemistry lab, which—Peter wonders how is that even possible, they were doing a simple gas test—led to Tony getting sent to the Principal’s office. So, he’s waiting for his boyfriend to come back from his lecture on ‘endangering the students’.
Peter snorts at the thought; everything that Tony does is a calculated risk (he’s a genius like that), he wouldn’t have played with explosions if he knew it’d hurt a classmate.
Although—Peter frowns—Tony doesn’t have that same caution when it comes to himself. Peter will have to ask if he sustained any injury from the explosion, because Tony isn’t the type to disclose his own pains and struggles.
He takes out his phone, ready to shoot a text out to his boyfriend.
Peter freezes for a moment, inwardly groaning. Flash. For the life of him, Peter can’t really think of a reason to why Flash keeps taunting and teasing him. They have been in the same school, class, and even co-curricular activities for about half of Peter’s life. He doesn’t get why Flash always has it out for him; Tony says it’s a defense mechanism for his insecurities. Peter see reason; there’s no absolute reason for Flash to be insecure because of him.
“What do you want, Flash?” He slowly turns around, a resigned look on his face. The teenager in his polo—with that collar always turned up in a douchebaggy way—and the sweater tied around his neck, saunters up to Peter, that same sneer on his face.
“I was in that lab with your boyfriend and wow, you know to pick ‘em. Guy was being reckless.”
“Nuh uh, I’m not doing this today, Flash. This is a good day for me, don’t ruin it.” Peter rolls his eyes.
“Look, your dickwad of a boyfriend could’ve gotten me killed!” Flash says, a somewhat worried glint in his eye.
“Tony wouldn’t have done it if he knew someone would get hurt.”
“Well, he did it anyways! And he nearly burned my face off!”
“What, did he hurt you? Or anyone in the lab?” Peter asked, ready to walk away from this and just move on. It’s a waste of both their time.
“That’s not the point. It’s that your boyfriend is stupid and reckless enough that he even tried it in the first place!”
A warm flush goes up his neck, his Spider-sense going off, “Don’t you dare say that about Tony.”
Flash scoffs, his eyes rolling, “Oh come on. Your boyfriend is so entitled that he thinks he can pull that off because what, his dad a billionaire? And can easily get him off?”
Peter’s fingers twitches, an itch to wrap it into a fist quickly overwhelming him. Tony rarely talks about his dad but when he does, it’s usually during three a.m. conversations over the phone when Tony is crying or boiling in anger. Peter knows they don’t have the best relationship—borderline abusive, Peter would say—so it irks him when Flash brings him up as if he has a right.
“You don’t know anything, Flash. Mind your own business.”
“Stark is an entitled dick who thinks he owns the school.”
“You’re describing yourself at this point!”
“He’s selfish and doesn’t even care if he endangers students which you—” Flash points a finger in his face, “—should be ashamed of.”
Flash stares at him, doing a once over on Peter. “As if you’re any better. I bet your boy toy got you that dumb Stark Internship only because you sleep with him.”
Peter feels a flash of hot anger—only a split second but it’s enough—and he steps into Flash’s space, hands coming up to shove him, not holding back. Flash stumbles, eyes wide, not expecting that strength from the lanky teenager.
“Shut up,” Peter hisses, eyes a flurry of emotion.
“What is going on here?”
They both turn to see Tony in the middle of the hallway, eyes flying between the two of them. Both of them close their mouths with a click. He takes a moment to let his gaze stay on Flash, something flickering between those depths of brown. His face is impossible to read when he walks over to them, each movement graceful and assured; confident. Peter and Flash are transfixed, quiet and staring.
Their reactions are no surprise. Tony Stark has the power to bring a room to complete silence just with his presence. He can even shut Flash up, which is usually no easy feat.
Once he’s within touching distance, Tony takes Peter in—wide eyes, furrowed brows, mouth clamped in a thin line, and shoulders set straight with tension. Not sparing a glance to the other person in the conversation, he mumbles, “Can you repeat what you said, Flash?”
The teenager breaks out of his stupor. He keeps quiet, all bravado now dust, uncertainty clouding his eyes. At his silence, Tony snaps his head towards him, face blank but eyes piercing, “Tell me. What. You. Said.”
“I don’t think we really need to—”
There's movement in the air, within a second, Tony is in Flash’s space, hands hoisting him up to his face by his polo collar, breathing heavily and eyes wild. His knuckles are white, barely containing the anger bubbling inside him. “And I think, that you have no fucking right to dig yourself into others’ business.”
Flash squeaks, face fearful. He’s like a mouse, his arrogance gone and in its place is cowardice, shivering under Tony Stark’s hateful, burning gaze. Peter is just standing there, unsure of what to do. A part of him revels in how protective Tony is, another whispers to him he should stop Tony.
“If you think you can get away from saying my boyfriend sleeps with me for a fucking internship, I’ll make your life fucking miserable, do you understand?”
Both Peter’s and Flash’s eyes go wide.
“I’ll make sure you’ll never get an internship in any company, make sure you’ll never walk the school’s halls without anyone talking shit about you behind your back. I can make your life a living hell.”
Flash swallows hard, sweat forming on his forehead and nose. He’s shaking, Peter notices. When Flash looks over to him for help, the fear in his eyes is what startles Peter.
“Tony, stop.” His boyfriend doesn’t say anything, still holding onto Flash. Peter takes a step forward, hand reaching out to press into Tony’s lower back, reaching under his denim jacket and shirt to caress his skin. It’s warm, like the anger is coursing throughout his whole body. He leans into him and mumbles, “Stop.”
Tony takes one last look at Flash, one last furious and scornful glance, and drops him like a sack of potatoes, “I’ll find out if you say shit like that to Peter. So I suggest you stop that bullshit right now.”
Flash takes a few steps back, keen on getting out of there as fast as he can. But he stops, and takes a moment to gape at the picture before him. It’s the image of both of them, Tony standing there in all his power and rage—like the ruthless businessman he’ll be in the future—then there’s Peter, who’s whispering sweet nothings into his ear and caressing him softly to calm him down.
For a split second, Flash feels both utterly terrified and in awe of them. Because what he sees are two people who can rule the world some day, who fit perfectly and work together like a well-oiled machine. He won’t be surprised if they turn out to be the world’s power couple. With Tony who’s willing to do anything for Peter, and Peter who’s willing to stand up for his Tony even at the cost of himself.
For a split second, they look like the most powerful king and queen to exist.
But Flash quickly shakes that thought out of his mind, and respectfully nods, getting Tony’s message. He quickly gets out of there, walking away to lick his ego’s wounds.
Tony turns around to face Peter, worry etched into his features. “Are you okay?” he asks, his hands coming up to cradle Peter’s cheeks. The teenager nods, melting in his hold, his own hands wrapping themselves around Tony’s waist. “I’m fine.”
Tony places a sweet kiss on his forehead, taking in the scent of his hair and warmth. “I’m pretty sure you made Flash shit his pants.”
Tony is silent for a moment before he chuckles, nodding. “Yeah, won’t be surprised.”
Peter smiles, feeling the calloused and protective hands on his face, and mumbles, “Let’s go for lunch. I’m hungry.”
“Okay, baby. Sub Haven or Delmar’s?”
“Let’s go Delmar’s, don’t feel like shoving too much bread in my mouth.”
“You’d usually take a lot in your mouth, though.”
Peter sighs dramatically, faking exasperation.
“I won’t if you keep up with those sex jokes.”
Tony laughs, carefree and loose.
“Alright, alright.”
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inverted-what · 4 years
🔥, 🧡, 💤, 🌸 for Miss Nebula 👉👈
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
starry nights
loves warm colors more than cold
loooves the smell of baking bread and also strawberries
when ppl are selfish >:(
squeaky balloon sounds
oh my god asparagus she hates it, will act like a toddler if you try to make her eat it
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or role model or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!). Her daughter (future son) Cas! Oh boy Cas is her favorite person!! They’re the only true family she has and she holds them so near and dear to her heart!!!
Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so? Haha! She’s very close to genuinely hating Loba :).  She strongly dislikes her after using her friends and lying just to get what she wants. They had sorta similar childhoods, both having to grow up without parents with different foster families, so their pain is somewhat related. But god almighty, at least Neb made sure she turned into a good person. Loba on the other hand… Neb has some not so friendly words about that gal.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
Nebula was so much more soft spoken, quiet, and just overall small seeming. Shitty childhoods can do that to you :)!
Nebula grew up in the foster system, getting picked up and dumped by multiple families over the years until she was able to move into a college dorm at 16 because she was a bit of a prodigy. Neb is still a bit more on the quiet side, but she’s learned to be more assertive and to stand up for herself (when she realizes she’s being treated poorly which isn’t often due to conditioning) and others. I think the most important thing she’s learned though is how to love unconditionally and be kind. Growing up without family or many friends and instead with unloving caretakers tinted her view on the world for the longest time. She was never treated too great, but she knew it was wrong. She was alone and she knew she didn’t have to be. She decided to be the change she needed in her life, starting to go out more and let people into her heart and shit yanno… Neb’s just a literal ray of sunshine for others, always wanting to be that pillar of support because she doesn’t want anyone to feel as lonely and unloved as she did growing up.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
[I’ve let this sit in my inbox for a while because I’ve been trying to find a voice claim that I like, but no avail. If you have an idea, pls share!!]
God, her voice is soft and so motherly, yet still bright and youthful!! I kind of want her to have a slight Kenyan accent too, but nothing too strong yanno? It’s slightly on the deeper side but her laughs… Okay, straight up I can’t explain her laughs because I’m gay as hell but they’re just.. Heavenly. And when she laughs harsh and sudden she snorts and it’s the cutest thing… Ms. Cosman PLEASE return my calls. EDIT: this is ? sorta close to what she sounds like in my head? her voice is deeper and her accent is lighter (if link doesn’t work, feel free to dm me!!!)
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holycrapharry · 4 years
Flowers All Around
Harry and Y/N have been flirting every time they run into each other at the farmers market. She’s the girl who delivers the flowers and he’s the one who enjoys fresh produce. It isn’t until she gets stuck in the mud during a delivery that they finally tell each other how they feel.
Y/N walks into the flower shop with an irritable mood due to tossing and turning all night, thinking about that stupid Styles. Not to mention those flower pots she broke. She has no time to adjust. Her sister is looking at her with a disgusting sweet look and it tips her off, “What? What do you want me to do?”
“I need you to deliver these little bushes and stuff to the east end after you drop these off at Tilly’s. Someone ordered them but doesn’t have a car.”
Y/N groans and looks at the clock, “But I don’t have a car, I have a bike with a cart.”
“Well, then you better get a move on.” She rolls her eyes at her sister and snatches the address card from her hands. Where is this place anyway? Barton Cabins? Great, she’ll never get the cart through there. It would be her luck that it would start pouring the rain as soon as she arrives at Tilly’s. It just had to be an outside market, it just had to. Y/N rushes under the little shelters, trying to protect the little tiny buds from drowning.
“Looks like you got here just in time!” Tilly laughs and pulls her under one of the awnings. “Want some coffee? It’s fresh.”
“I would but I have a delivery. They paid extra for same day and Vivi will kill me if she has to refund them.”
Tilly fiddles through a box and hands her a raincoat, “Don’t argue with me, Sugar. Here’s a thermos of coffee, too. When you deliver this person’s stuff, throw it in there face for making you go out in this.” Y/N can’t help but laugh at her, she’s such a lively old woman.
“Thank you. I’ll see you Wednesday, ok?” Tilly nods and waves then goes back into the little hut. She pulls the hood of her coat over her head and heads to the other side of town.
Harry is also on his way back, well, he’s on his way home. The chain on his bike broke, leaving him to walk into town and get one. The rain becomes so heavy that he can’t see very far ahead. He sees someone. It’s her, Y/N. Her voice is always so sweet. It’s heavenly, even with those words flying out of her mouth. He watches her struggle just a bit more before walking over to her. “You need some help?”
She looks up at him and he thinks he’s just died. He knows he’s smiling and god, he feels like a creep now. After what he thinks is about fifty years, she responds. “Oh, that’s very sweet of you and yes, please. I’m going to the forth cabin.”
“I think you’re bringing me my bushes…” he says while running a hand through his hair. Wow, his eyes are much greener than she remembered. Not coffee will be thrown in his face. He lifts the back of the cart while she pushes forward, both fighting the mud. They get the front tires out but have to focus on the back, which look doomed. “I’m sorry I’ve got you out in this, I just figured you would have a car.”
“It’s ok. If you ever go to the docks, the hills over there are actually worse. I can handle it.” Harry’s arm is touching hers as he pushes the cart and heart flutters. “So, why are you out in this rain?” She asks. Something about her is refreshing and cute. And still beautiful.
“Oh…um, my bike chain broke and I got caught in a downpour on my way back from the shops. Why are you out here?” He scolds himself, you know that, idiot. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I’m not the best conversationalist.”
She begins to speak again, slightly laughing. “That’s a shame when you got a voice like that,” he notices that she looks down at her feet when she speaks. He wants to know if she’s nervous, if in fact she does look at the ground when she’s nervous or if she’s just trying to be more careful where she steps. Harry smiles at her compliment and doesn’t even try to hide it. “I think we have it! Come on!” They both push and both of them lose their grip and the cart springs forward, making Harry tumble over top of Y/N and covering them both in mud.
“Shit! I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” He pulls her up and looks at her mud-covered knees and hands. The ends of her hair are muddy and there’s a bit of hair stuck to her cheek. He brings his hand to her cheek and wipes the skin, not even caring if it came off too forward. She only moves her head up and down, a little too enamored by how great he looks covered in mud. “Come on then, I’ll fix you some tea and call a car, yeah?”
He’s so nice and look how pink his lips are, oh my gosh and the mermaid on his arm, and wait, “What’s your name? I mean, you introduce yourself as Styles but that can’t be a first name.”
Harry takes over her cart, directing the handle bars down the messy road. “M’Harry. Harry Styles.” He smiles and he has perfect teeth and dimples. Did she dream him up? “And what’s your last name, love? You introduce yourself as Y/N.” What a smirk.
Love. That’s getting put down in her journal. “It’s L/N.” She steps on a rock and falls down, again. “Ow!”
He comes to her aid and quickly spots her bloody leg. “You, Miss L/N, are just as delicate as the flowers you deliver. Can you walk?” She nods and he holds out his hands for her. He pulls her up and she leans into him due to the pain in her shin. “Take that as a no. Sit on the bike with me, I’ll pedal.” She scoffs and is about to opposed when he stops her, “It’s fine. We’re on gravel now and the rains not letting up. Come on.”
She climbs on the bike seat and sighs, “This is so embarrassing.”
“I ripped my pants yesterday at the post office. Now, that’s embarrassing.” He swings his leg over and begins to pedal.
Y/N giggles, “Did you really?”
“Yeah. I dropped a letter and when I bent down they ripped right down me ass.” Y/N slapped his shoulder and laughs.
She even lets out a little snort, “Ok, that’s way more embarrassing.” The rest of the bike ride is silent and if it was awkward, she didn’t notice. She was too busy looking at the muscles in his back, how to moved and twisted while he turned.
The bike stops and she blinks the water droplets out of her lashes. “You need help getting off?”
“What?” Get your mind out of the gutter, Y/N.
“Can you get off the bike?” He holds out his hand again and she gladly takes it. She steps on the porch and lets out a sigh of relief that she’s out of the rain. She removes the jacket to reveal a powder blue dress. The thin fabric clings to her body and shows off every curve. Harry watches her lean against the pillar to look at her leg, which is a huge mess. “Let’s get you cleaned up? I feel terrible that I made you come out here, I don’t wanna be the reason that you get an infected leg. You can clean up.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” They both leave their muddy shoes outside and Y/N Immediately gets the shivers. “Hey, do you have a phone? I should call my sister.”
He notices her shivering and he doesn’t know what to do to help her. He just feels guilty. “Of course.” He leads her to the phone and listens to her explain the horrific situation to her sister, who probably thinks he’s out to get Y/N or something. He leaves her to finish her call and heads to the kitchen to make some tea. He hears her feet shuffle into the kitchen and when he sees just how horrible she looks his heart breaks. She’s still cute as a button, but she’s miserable. “Come sit down. Let me see your leg.” He doesn’t give her time to lift it herself, he gently examines it and eases it down again. He goes to the sink and comes back with a warm rag to clean her up. “I’m so sorry.” He dabs at the tiny cuts and is tempted to kiss her skin every time she winces, but he can’t do that. That’s crazy. That’s weird.
“I’m just really clumsy. It’s not your fault.” She tries to control the chatter of her teeth but she just can’t, she’s freezing. “Ow!”
“I’m sorry. Sorry.” He winces along with her and they both jump when the kettle whistles. “Um, what tea do you like? I’ve got earl gray, lemon, peppermint,” He opens up another drawer and pulls a box out, “Oh, and another lemon.”
“I’ll take peppermint, thank you.”
“I don’t have any sugar left but I’m sure it’ll help warm you up.” He gives her a sad smile and repeatedly folds a napkin.
“Can I use your bathroom? I’m sure I look absolutely horrible.”
“But you couldn’t.” Her cheeks turn pink under the dirt and he clears his throat. “It’s um, It’s right beside the bed.” She smiles at him and sluggishly makes her way to the bathroom. When she looks in the mirror she wants to cry, and she does cry. She sits on the edge of the tub and has a pity party. “Y/N?” Damn it, she didn’t close the door. “Does your leg hurt? Do you want some aspirin?”
She continues to cry and blubber. “Today is so horrible. I’m just, I’m just,” she hiccups and he still finds her so cute, “I dropped two flower pots today and got stuck in this rain. I ruined one of my favorite dresses and I’m all bloody and I’m in a cute man’s bathroom and I look like a caveman.” She sobs and he understands why she’d be overwhelmed, tough day.
He crouches down in front of her, grabs a towel and wipes her face. “If it helps, I feel like a complete shit head. And you still look beautiful covered in dirt.”
She looks at him with tears in her eyes and sniffles, “I don’t feel beautiful, I feel gross and my hair is crunchy.”
Harry chews on his bottom lip, not sure what he can do for her. “I’ll be back in a sec.” He makes his way back to the kitchen to check on her tea. He adds a bit of honey and stirs it in on his way to the bathroom. He finds Y/N looking down at legs, all covered in splotches and dirt. “Tea’s ready. Found some honey for you, a little sweetness can help with a sour evening.” A smile appears on her face but she still doesn’t look up. “You want me to call a car, love?”
She nods her head and takes a deep breath, “Yeah. Viv told me it was getting’ bad out.” Harry brushes his thumb against the side her her knee and stands to leave the room again. The simple touch gave her goosebumps and she brushes it off by taking a sip of tea. She sets the cup down on the edge of the sink and stands, trying to smooth out the muddied dress. She gives herself another look in the mirror, frowning and huffing while she picks a leaf out of her hair.
A few moments later Harry reappears and leans against the door frame. His hands are fiddling with his shirt and he clears his throat, “So, um, the, uh, the cab can’t come out. The creek went over the bridge and, yeah.”
Y/N exhales, “I’m sorry I got you wrapped up in this. I’m quite dramatic.”
Harry comes closer to her and furrows his brows. “Oh, No. This is my fault. If I hadn’t made you come out here you’d be at home, all cozy and well, clean.” She looks so tired and he wants to make her feel better. “I don’t mean to be, like, forward but you can clean up here. I can give you some clothes and I have stew, got a good recipe. Just like me Mum’s.” He grins at the last few words and it makes her feel welcome. She likes that a simple meal can make him nostalgic. “At least let me give you a comb for your hair, you haven’t stopped messing with it since we got here.”
She picks at the clumped together strands of hair and tries to think of a reason to object but can’t. She would love a shower and stew, oh god yes. “I think I’d like to. For the cuts and stuff, you know?”
“Yes, of course.” He smiles brightly at her, knowing she’d used up all the hot water if she could. “The towels are in this closet and I’ll bring you something to put on. You like flannels or linen?”
He watches her remove her necklace and place it on the little shelf above the sink. “Oh, um, whichever. I-I’m not in the position to be picky.”
“I promise you’re not imposing. The hot water is a bit tricky, let it run for around 25 seconds before you add cold; otherwise, it tends to stay cold.” He lets outs a cute giggle, one that actually makes her stomach flip, “Got lots to fix around here.” Harry disappears and quickly reappears with folded clothes. “Just washed them s’morning.”
Y/N grabs the soft fabric and briefly touches his hand in passing, “Thank you for this. As soon as the bridge is clear, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“It’s no problem. I’ll go warm us up some of that stew. ‘Member what I said about the hot water, 25 seconds.” He taps the door and shuts it for her, leaving her alone to wash up. She peels off the dress, unknowingly letting a few dried clumps of mud fall to the floor. She hangs the dress and her bra on the back of the door. She tries to be discreet by stuff her underwear into one of the dress pockets.
Once in the shower, she feels like a new person. She feels lighter and refreshed. The shampoo and the soap, it smells like concentrated Harry and she loves it. She can’t pin point what the scent is but it’s just delicious. Just as she steps out of the tub, the lights begin to flicker. “Well, great.” Y/N envelopes herself in the soft shirt, which is a lot larger than she thought. Upon exiting the bathroom, she stumbles on the long legs of the pajamas and her head snaps to radio static. Harry is by the stove, filling a bowl with something that smells amazing.
“Said that it’s gonna be rainin’ all night. Come sit. I found some bigger bandages, it’ll cover that big one a lot better.” The lights flicker again and Harry sighs deeply. “Is it like, common for the electricity to go out around here?” She thinks he must not care for storms. His posture has straightened and he keeps looking out the windows when the rain pelts at them.
Y/N reapplies her band aids and continues to watch him. “Scared of the dark or something?”
His turns to walk towards the table and sets the bowls down. “I’m not scared of the dark. It gets cold at night and I don’t want you to get sick. I don’t know if I have enough wood for the fireplace.”
“Oh.” Her hands fiddle with the spoon beside the bowl and he joins her at the table. “I’ll be fine. The shower helped, thank you.”
Harry looks up from his bowl, chin resting on his hand and smiles sweetly at her. His smile falls as the lights flicker again. “I’m gonna go look for some candles and stuff. Why don’t you go sit in the living room, eh? There’s a blanket on the couch and I’ll start you a fire when I gather everything up.”
He pats her shoulder as he leaves the kitchen once again. He always has such a gentle touch and wow, nice hands. Y/N heads to the couch, bowl and all. She pulls the blanket over her legs and begins to eat the stew. The warmth of the broth lifts her spirits. She continues to eat even as she hears Harry reappear. “Harry, this is fantastic. Did you make this?”
“Yeah, the man I work for has a wife that’s always giving me recipe cards.” Her eyes lift from the bowl to respond but the sight before her leaves her speechless. Harrys arms are full of wood and there’s a lantern hanging from his forearm. His hair is wet and his shirt is clinging to him yet again. She can see that he has another tattoo on his chest but can’t make it out through his shirt. “You ok?”
Her cheeks turn pink and she looks to his face, “Yes. Just, um, a little tired maybe.” She just can’t keep her eyes off of him. He bends down to sort the pile of wood by the fireplace. His back is to her, giving her a full view of his back. His hands stack the logs strategically and he then throws a match into them.
“It should get goin’ soon. Bloody freezin’ out there.” Harry rubs his hands together and pokes at the fire. She feels the overwhelming urge to comfort him, make him feel warm. Within seconds she’s up off the couch and crouching down next to him. “What’s the matter?”
He looks so worried and he tries to study her face but he jumps a bit when her hand touches his cheek. “I could see you shaking from over there, stop trying to fight it.” He puts down the poker and leans his head into her hand. “It’s your turn to get some of that stew. I’ll be right back.” Harry is left wanting more of her touch when she scampers off. Her hand was so warm and soft.
A shiver knocks him out of his daze and he pulls the wet shirt from his body only to have it drop right back to his skin. “Runnin’ out of clothes.” He peels the shirt from himself, unknowingly revealing himself to Y/N. She stays in her place at the door way, perfectly mystified and concerned by the tiny round scars on his shoulders and chest. His skin looks soft but she knows it’s cold to the touch due to the rain. As Harry turns around with a shirt from the hamper he sees Y/N in the doorway. “Oh, I didn’t know you were back.” He walks up to her, not a care that he’s shirtless, and gladly takes the bowl from her hands. “Thank you. Now, go get back under the blanket, sweetheart.”
He winks at her, which clearly stops her heart as well as her legs. “Why don’t you dry off and we’ll eat together?”
“Alright.” He smiles before ducking into the bathroom. Y/N settles back to the couch, this time with an extra blanket to wrap around the both of them. While changing, the lights flicker heavily. “Shit.”
When he returns to find her laying on the couch, cocooned in a quilt. “Please, get under the blanket with me. It’s cold and I can’t feel anything from the fire yet.” Her plea is adorable; she looks like a lost kitten.
He cuddles in with her, rubbing her arms and accidently touching her nose with his, “I feel like there’re flowers all around when you’re with me.”
“Yeah, my own garden walking around with me at the market.” To his surprise, she kisses him. Her lips are soft and he suddenly feels self-conscious about his chapped ones. “I hear that’s a good way to keep warm.” She kisses him again and when he grabs her chest she moans. Just seconds after he puts his hand under her shirt the lights go out, and they stay out. “Lights went out.”
“I don’t care.” Their kisses become much more heated in the dark, more passionate and aggressive. Harry’s hand dances down from her chest to the drawstring of the pants. He begins to untie them and she begins to stutter, “Um, I’m a, I don’t…” He gives her a confused look but begins to understand what she means.
He prays that he hasn’t made her feel uncomfortable. “Do you mean, like, nothing at all?”
“Well, no. I mean, um, I’ve only been with one other person and he stopped before anything really happened.”
“I’ll have to make up for lost time then.” He rests his hand on her, feeling the short hair the heat coming off of her. “I don’t have to use just my hands; I can use my mouth.”
“Your mouth?” Her voice becomes higher and a tad squeaky from the anticipation.
His hand exits her pants and he generously licks one finger, “It’ll feel good. I promise.”
“But what do you mean?” Do people really do that? Don’t people just use their hands?
Harrys hand slowly slides back in her pajama bottoms and inhales sharply when he presses down into her folds, “I’ll kiss you right here,” He lightly grazes her clit and her thighs snap closed around his hand, “I know you’re nervous but you don’t need to be. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He rubs his finger is a tiny circle and her head falls back. “I would do this but with my tongue.” He removed his hand again, smiling as she whines. “Do you want that?” He kisses her neck and decides to mess with her just a bit more, “I bet you’ve got the sweetest little pussy. Just thinking about how good you must taste has me s’hard already.  All the boys in town and ya picked me, s’honered.” Y/N bites her bottom lip and her legs involuntarily widen. The movement lets him know she needs some sort of relief. “What do you want me to do?”
She swallows and groans when he nibbles on her skin. “Do it.”
He knows what she means but he wants her to say it, “What?”
“The mouth thing. Do it. Please, just do it.” He gladly moves down her body.
Harry assists her in taking off the pants, lightly gasping at the fact that she isn’t wearing any underwear. He kisses her injured knee then gives her thighs special attention. “So soft.” He teases her by switching off between each thigh. After five grueling minutes, he kisses just above her slit. He kisses lower, landing on top of her clit and he moves her legs over his shoulders. He’s only planting gentle kisses on her but she’s already moaning. The butterflies in her belly turn into a pulsing in her pussy and she needs more. How has she gone this long without feeling this?
She can’t help the movement of her hips. The grinding into his face causes her to whimper and Harry to groan. “Feels so good. Oh my god.”
“I can make it better.” Before she can question it, he spreads her open with one hand and begins to lick and suck on her with no mercy.  Y/N cries and moans for him not to stop and he couldn’t if he tried. She tastes just as good as he thought and she sounds so fucking good. He wants to feel how tight she is but he doesn’t want to hurt her. “Do you think a finger would be ok?” He keeps his thumb on her clit to replace his mouth, “If it hurts, I’ll stop. I just wanna make you feel good. You sound so fuckin’ good when I touch you.” She waits a moment before nodding her head. Y/N widens her legs even more and tries to focus on the sensation of his thumb.
He licks his finger and drags it down her folds before slowly entering it into her heat. The warmth that engulfs his finger is unlike to anything he’s ever felt before. He imagines how good it would feel on his dick and he groans loudly. “Oh…” She sounds surprised, pleasantly surprised.
“Is it good?” He then continues to the soft kisses on her center in place of his thumb. The vibrations of his voice against her just adds to the overwhelming feeling of it all. He very softly moves his finger inside her until he hears that long drawn out moan. He couldn’t explain to her how proud he is that he’s the first one to find that spot for her. He feels her squeeze around him and he’s so hard that it’s beginning to hurt. “Tell me how it feels.”
She tries to catch her breath but can’t bring herself to move her head to look at him. “It feels different but I like it. I like it.” He sucks on her clit just once and pumps his finger twice. “Oh god.”
“Tell me more, please.” He wants to hear her shaky voice; he wants to see if he can taunt her.
“I, uh, I feel just so fuckin’ good.” Her hand grips at the cushion below her and she finally looks down to see him do his magnificent work. “I feel dirty but I love it.” He then smiles against her but doesn’t are stop. “It feels soft but hard and everything feels wet. I can feel the tip of your nose and the stu-stubble on your chin.” She gulps and it feels so good that her eyes start watering. “I can feel your ring and I can’t stop thinking about licking it clean when you’re done.”
Harry stops his movements and looks at her, thinking she’s done something wrong she begins to panic. “Jesus Christ, baby. You’re gonna kill me.” He kisses her once more, then her stomach before settling between her legs. “Put your hand in my hair and kiss me.” She doesn’t hesitate and begins to kiss him. His arm slips under her back and he moves his hips against her. The friction immediately gives her what she needs and she feels an unfamiliar tingle. The grip on his hair tightens and her leg swings around his back. He wedges his middle finger between them and fucks her with it while he moves his hips, “I wanna feel it. I wanna feel you come for me, Y/N.” He feels her pulse and he watches her struggle with what she should do. “Relax and let it happen. It’ll feel so good, I promise. I’ve got ya.” Her face buries into his neck and he feels the start of her orgasm. “That’s my girl.” She moans his name and moan louder when he thrusts his fingers upwards. Her thighs tighten then loosen around his waist. “Feel good?”
She only nods her head in agreeance. He removes his finger and she quickly grabs his wrist, directing the finger into her own mouth. Harry is speechless. “I’m sorry.”
“Fuck, don’t be sorry. You suckin’ on my fingers like that makes me want to explode.” Y/N smiles and bites the tip of his finger before bringing it into her mouth again. He smiles at her, “Cheeky.”
They share another deep kiss but both jump at the sound of a loud clap of thunder. “I forgot about the storm.” Harry grazes her thigh and notices that the fire is dying down.
“Me too.” He kisses her nose and gets up, adjusting himself. “The fires dying a bit. How about I get it goin’ again and we get in bed?” He realizes his words are suggestive but he just wants to hold her. “I mean go to bed, like sleep.”
“I know what you meant, Harry.” She pops up off the couch and shimmies into the soft linen pajama pants. “Can I have a match for the lantern?” He hands her the tiny box and grabs her wrist before she can turn away. He pulls her to him and kisses her cheek. “I’ll sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No, you have to keep me warm.” She seems so innocent until she pecks his lips and heads to the bed in the corner. “I like this cabin.” Y/N lights the lantern then turns down the blankets and fluffs the pillows. She turns back to Harry, who is now walking toward her, unbuttoning his shirt.
“It’s quite small, but I like it too.” He hangs the shirt on a hook and runs a hand through his hair as he reaches for her, making them both tumble to the bed. She likes that he can be playful.
“Where’d you get these?” Harry rests his cheek on the top of her head and sighs heavily, glad that he has her to hold on to.
“Had a brother who went in with me but I was the only one who got out. They went right through me but I hit the ground so hard that he thought that was it for me. He was running over to me but didn’t make it.” She silent for a moment until she realizes what he’s talking about. Harry was a soldier.
Y/N kisses the scars on his chest and he kisses her forehead. “Is that why you came here?”
He holds her a little tighter and sighs, “Whenever I’d go down to the shops or see the guys, everyone would just look at me like I was a ghost like I wasn’t supposed to be the one who came home. He had a wife and a son, I don’t think she’s looked at me since it was over.”
“I’m sorry, Harry. For just everything.”
“It’s not your fault. You made getting covered in mud good again.” He sees a tiny smile creep over her face and he lifts her chin, “You know if you’re still feelin’ apologetic you could make it up to me with a kiss.”
“Oh can I, now?”
She kisses just under his ear and gives a tiny lick, “Mhmm.”  
She kicks off her pajamas pants and goes back to kissing his neck, “What’re you doin?” She doesn’t answer, she just leaves sweet nibbles on his collar bones. “You don’t have to do that; I was just kiddin’.”
“I want more of you.” Her lips barely touch his neck and her hand is resting above the band of his underwear. He can see the blanket covering them move up and down slightly as he grows for her. She moves her hand to tug at his hip, signaling him to roll on top of her. She can feel him through his pants and she lifts the shirt over her head. Harry looks down at her chest, wide eyed and heart pounding. “You’re gonna have to keep me extra warm now.”
Harry watches the goosebumps rise on her skin as well as her nipples harden. “You’re naked.”
Y/N giggles, “Yes, I am.” Her eyes float down to where he’s hard and back up to his eyes.
“What’d ya want?” He kisses the corner of her mouth, up her cheek, then stops at her ear, “What’d you want me to do?”
“Take your shorts off.” Her thumbs are already connected in the hem of them, ready to pull them down herself.
“Are you sure?” He feels her fingers wiggle and his heart beats even faster. She nods and opens her legs, allowing him to get even closer. He removes his underwear and lowers himself back between her legs. He rests himself between her slit and her hands grasp his neck. Harry licks his hand then gives himself a quick stroke before place himself back to her. “I’m not gonna go in yet, ok?”
“Ok.” He slides himself up and down, both gasping when the head of his dick hits her clit.
He grabs hold of himself and positions so that the head his at her entrance. He strokes himself but never moves forward, instead, he returns to his previous position. The new wetness allows him to glide smoothly and firmly. He takes note of the look on her face, a look of nervousness and pleasure. “All you have to do is tell me to stop, I’ll stop, love.”
“I just, is it gonna hurt? The girls told me it would hurt.”
“I wish I could tell you. We don’t have to do it. I’ll use my mouth again.” His smirk is undeniably gorgeous; she bets that he was popular with all the girls back home.
“As fantastic as that was, I want to do this.” She pulls him closer and he kisses her softly. “Just be slow.”
Harry takes a deep breath and pushes himself forward, making sure to only go in what seems like a centimeter at a time. His forearms rest beside her shoulders and hands cradle the very top of her head. “Ya okay so far?”
She’s in no pain but it feels…stretched, foreign. “Yes, keep going.” He precedes until he’s fully in her, stopping due to her frozen expression. She suddenly feels sore and much fuller than before, but it’s good. Her eyes are shut and her mouth is hanging open.
“I’m gonna move again.” She stays silent but that first thrust releases a cry from her throat. “Do I need to stop? I’m sorry.”
They can’t stop now. She feels like just needs it. “No, no.”
Harry grunts, “I wish I could tell you how good this feels.”
“Try.” She could listen to him for hours.
“Warm and wet. Feels kind of, tight around me and,” Her hips meet his and he’s taken aback. It felt so damn good and she didn’t even realize what she did. She whimpers and he lowers his head to the front of her throat. “and so fuckin’ good.” He plants kisses on her throat and stills his hips, hoping that she’ll raise her hips again.
She whines and does just what he wanted, “Please don’t stop.” He doesn’t move and she wiggles her hips again. “Harry.”
“Yes, Sweetheart?” Her hand runs through his hair and he continues to kiss her neck.
He can feel her become impatient but he’s decided that loves the sound of her begging. “Move a little bit, please? Just a little bit.”
“Your turn to tell me how you feel.”
It’s hard to think up the words with him kissing on her neck like that, “More tingly than before. It burns but it feels so good.”
He has her widen her legs and he brings a hand down to hold her hip as he thrusts. “Gonna go faster and I’m not gonna stop, ok? Not until you tell me to.” She grabs his forearm and braces herself. His hips move at a steady rhythm and while her brows are pulled together, she keeps moaning out his name. “Doin’ so good for me. Fuck.” He gets a bit ahead of himself and begins to come undone. “I have to stop, I have to.” He pulls himself out, coming into his own hand. “I’m sorry.”
He feels embarrassed and kind of an ass, “Because you didn’t- Can you hand me that towel? Thank you. You didn’t come.”
“I did once today.” He can’t help but match her silly grin.
“Let me use my mouth again. It’ll be better than the first time.” How could it get better? He begins to lower his head down onto her and the feeling of his mouth takes her back to how good she felt on the couch. “Don’t hold back. When you feel it, let it go.” He spreads her open and this time, adds two fingers. “This good?”
“Oh fuck.” He smiles as he lowers is mouth to her clit. He moves his fingers and licks hard. She’s sore and tender but it still feels unlike anything else. “Do that thing you did before.”
He curves his fingers upward and she smiles at the sensation. He sucks on her and listens to her noises carefully. She starts off breathing deeply, then tiny groans and then moans for him not to stop. He couldn’t stop if he tried. Y/N puts her hand on the back of his neck and pushes down. His fingers and mouth speed up and he looks up at her when her thighs start to shake. He then feels it, that tightening around his fingers. He removes his mouth and watches her face as she comes. She says his name repeatedly and he kisses her thigh, “Such a pretty thing.”
She shivers and Harry pulls up the blanket with his body. “Do you do that to other girls?”
His brows furrow and his hand rests on her belly, “I’ve only had eyes for one girl since I got here. Funny story actually, the first time I saw her it was just starting to rain. When I got the chance to kiss her, the lights when out. And when I made her come for me, thunder shook the house. I’m beginning to think she’s some sort of goddess, Mother Nature maybe.”
She smiles to herself, “Mother Nature?”
“A goddess.” He kisses the side of Y/N’s head and begins to whisper, “Yeah. You see, she grows beautiful flowers and all sorts of plants. She always smells like honey. She’s sweet and tastes like it, too. Her kisses are magic; they can heal all kinds of things.”
She turns her body to him so that they’re face to face, “Magic, hmm?” His arm moves around her waist, pulling her closer allowing her head to rest on his bicep.
“Come to think of it, maybe she’s a witch. She could’ve cast a spell on me to make me fall in love with her.”
“What?” Y/N gasps, but keeps a smile on her face.
His eyes almost double in size, “What?”
Still smiling, she tries to look at his face. “What did you say?”
“Nothing.” She pinches his back and he jumps. “Hey!”
“Harry Styles, you tell me what you said!” He looks at her with a pout and his eyes are sad. “Say it again.”
“Fallin’ for you.” He talks quietly, like a scared little boy or one who was just scolded for sneaking cookies before dinner. “Wasn’t sure before but I am now.”
He looks down and picks at the sheet between then but she lifts his head back up to kiss him, “Don’t have to be scared of me.” Her leg swing over his hip and nuzzles at his cheek. “Hold on to me.” He scoots her closer and smiles as her arm tucks under his, rubbing his back slightly. “I want you to fall asleep knowing I feel the same way and I want you to wake up knowing that I’m fully without a doubt in love with you.”
Harry goes to sleep thinking about flowers and Y/N. He drifts off feeling safe for the first time in a long time.
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Of Heaven and Fire Part 10
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So, the storm is building and when it get’s bigger, we’ll see a spiral and then devastation, like a tornado. And all I can say is. Buckle up and I’m sorry. I’m usually the quintessential soft, sweet and fluffy writer, I don’t know where all this angst is coming from, but this story is keeping me sane during quarentine and maybe that’s why this story is as emotionally charged as it is. 
Tagging the crew. @probablyclever​, @imherefortheforthefanart​ and @funmadnessandbadassvikings​, your comments are giving me LIFE. And if anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know. Enjoy. 
Of Heaven and Fire Part 10
The next morning came all too soon, you barely got any sleep the night before because all your worries kept eating away at you and once the storm died out. More angels and more heavenly moura than you could ever count surrounded the fleet. Two weeks ago you would have cried tears of joy and relief, now, just seeing them gave you dread. What looked like clouds was just...all angels and heavenly moura and you couldn’t tell which was which at this distance. It was an awe inspiring sight. And all the orcs were too afraid to come up on deck. 
“My Lords.” You greeted Suriel and Prince Cordene along with Prince Oriles who came up from the water via a pillar of water as you looked out and noticed the water practically teaming with merfolk trying to corral schools of fish. 
“Benyana, as you can see we brought reinforcements.” Prince Cordene practically crooned as he gestured to his many troops. “I have brought a hundred and fifty legions.” He bragged. 
“And I brought 200 legions, all who are ready to do your bidding.” Suriel beamed smugly as Prince Cordene tried to cover up his jealous glare. But you could see his feelings in his eyes. You didn’t know if you had the energy to juggle their competing egos today. 
“I see that and I’m eternally grateful for them. But I must prey upon your patience because this fleet still needs to fish. They can not return empty handed and as it stands, they are fearful for their own innocent lives to even come up onto the deck.” You tried to plead. 
“Well let us then send messages to them that they have nothing to fear from myself and my troops at least.” Suriel was the first to offer. 
“Likewise.” Prince Cordene immidiately added. 
“Thank you, that would mean a lot to me.” You thanked him sincerely as Suriel simply raised his hand and angels flew to every ship to deliver that message followed by Prince Cordene’s troops as well. 
“And please allow me to offer my own services, even as we speak, my citizens are schooling the various kinds of fish together. Please, tell me which ones you would most prefer.” Oriles offered before he pulled a wall of water up next to the ship that had the different kinds of fish in their own sections. Organized from the smallest to the largest which made you gasp in delight and astonishment. 
“Cugas, come here please.” You called before Cugas peeked his head above deck before he seemed to be pushed onto it by his crew below deck. 
“Hi,” Cugas greeted meekly before he came over. 
“Captain Cugas, I am Suriel, let me assure you that you and your fleet have nothing to fear on our account, Lady Benyana has informed us that you need to fish before you can return home since the fish are a food source for your clan. Please feel free to do so without fear. Once your boats are at their fill, then we escourt this fleet back to your harbor safely.” Suriel reassured him which you were grateful for. 
“Thank you.” Cugas nodded. 
“Prince Oriles is being oh so kind and considerate as to offer his assistance in the fishing.” You began as you reached into the column of water and got Oriles’ hand before you pulled it out and kissed his knuckles affectionately before he quickly and easily flipped his hand so that he was holding your face as you could see out of the corner of his eye that Prince Cordene was getting insanely jealous again. 
“Cugas, since I still only know a little about fish, I will follow your lead, please pick which ones you think would be best both for your clan and for Suchi.” You put to Cugas as you pulled away from Prince Oriles as he then lowered the wall and moved it around so that Cugas could get a good look at all the specimens. 
“This is the craziest thing to ever happen to me.” Cugas muttered under his breath to you as he looked at them all. 
“Oh, just wait.” You muttered back through a smile. 
“Uh so if I could get some of…” Cugas started to order off as he went through all the fish presented to him, especially happy that there was just a huge, massive variety and even the greater fish like tuna and swordfish, ironfish, cloud shark and stromwelo was offered as he then directed which boats he wanted which fish to go on and then which kind of crabs and lobsters he wanted in the pots before they got into position around the black eye of water and dropped their nets and in a matter of minutes, every net was full to almost the ripping point of the nets and in a matter of hours every hold on every ship was so full it was to the point of almost bursting before you saw the water dragons come up and blow ice at the boats, just enough that they had a nice layer of ice around the hauls, instead of being jagged like crystals, it was smooth as if it was carved that way and the boats were suddenly smoother in their sailing and the fish holds themselves were instantly frozen solid before you thanked the dragons personally before they presented you with a bubble that floated up from below the water up past it’s surface and into your hands. It was a sphere of what looked like a large ball of jade and while it was cool to the touch, it didn’t freeze your hands but the moment it touched your hands, it started to change colors into brilliant blues and purples and even pinks and reds. It was hypnotizing. 
“A special gift for the princess, your new most precious possession.” Yingshen winked at you. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her gratefully. It looked like it should weigh quite a bit but it was incredibly light before it shrunk down in size so that it fit into one hand and you were able to put it into your little purse like satchel for safe keeping as your instincts told you to protect it because it was something especially precious and something you should guard with your life and that the power contained within it was greater than you had ever known before and you were grateful it was contained, you would have to learn how to handle such power before you could wield it. 
“So while the nets are being put away, I wish to speak to all of you. Once I return to Suchi- I will begin accepting courting proposals. However, I would like- in writing- the rules of courting in each of your spheres, according to your ways, traditions and cultures and once I have all of them- I will read them and consider them before I set out my own rules on how I will wish to be courted and terms that will be fair and acceptable to all. And I can tell you right now that the first rule that no harm is ever to be done or even threatened against myself, my family, my colony or any of the other competitors, their families and their own dwelling places, be it a town or clan or tribe or city or whatever and there will be no sabotaging the other competitors.” You put to them as they weighed those terms over. 
“More details to follow, as soon as I figure them out myself.” You added which got them all to grin. 
“Agreed,” Suriel was the first to offer. 
“Yes, agreed.” Oriles agreed before Cordene begrudgingly agreed as well as you could already tell he had planned on sabotaging everyone else. 
It was almost instantaneous that once the fleet was squared away and the fleet was pointed back to port- the stiffest breeze the sails could take began to blow before a massive ship came up from the waters, it was the largest and most magnificent ship you had ever seen in your life. Like it was it’s own city on a ship and was so much larger than any ship in Cugas’ fleet and it followed the fleet before the winds picked up. The winds were so strong and so deliberate that what had taken you three days to sail out- now took barely a day to sail back and you barely had time to pack up your room with help from Brock as he watched you anxiously clean and pack. 
“Hey,” Brock softly murmured as he stilled your hands and made you just stop for a second and look at him. “Talk to me.” Brock invited. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry, I just...can’t.” You excused yourself as you pulled away from him but he quickly pulled you into a hug and just held you before you broke down crying.  
“I’m sorry,” He apologized. “It really is all my fault. I was being incredibly selfish in taking you and keeping you, I should have set you free that first night. And now we’re both worried about everyone around us being collateral damage.” He apologized and it was like he was pouring a soothing balm to your soul as you clung to him. 
“We’ll get through this, you’ll see.” He reassured you. 
By sunset you were back at Stormbreaker’s harbor and Brock’s family was at the docks waiting for you along with another family, judging by the way they were dressed, were of great importance but the relief on Brock’s family’s face when that shackle was nowhere to be seen on you was readily seen as you watched as Oriles came off the ship, sporting a pair of legs as you could tell he was still getting the hang of walking on them, his trident however still in his grasp as he came to stand with you as you introduced everyone to your new “friends” and revealed that Suriel and Cordene were also tasked with bringing you home and that no one should be fearful of the heavenly forces above all of you. 
“Oh thank the gods.” Rhos exclaimed as she hugged you tight before you pulled away and picked Kari up and held her tight, kissing her cheeks affectionately as she hugged you back. 
“Warchief Onvan, this is our moura friend Benyana.” She introduced you to them before he introduced himself and his family. 
“It is most auspicious that you’re here to celebrate the alliance. For we’ve discovered that our clans are sister clans.” Onvan announced. 
“Oh?” You feigned surprise. 
“Yes, it’s been discovered that the warchieftess is auric orc and Hurricane Breaker is the only clan to have auric orcs.” Onvan revealed proudly as you gave a curious look to Rhos who gave you a meaningful look in turn.  
“Auric...like, gold? Gold orc?” You repeated in confusion before they all turned around and you saw that...all of them had the moura gold neck tattoo. 
Oh shit. Fuck. 
You didn’t need to feign your surprise, your jaw was on the floor as your eyes got wide as you gasped as you and Prince Cordene were both shocked as you two looked in surprise at each other with hints of alarm while Suriel simply had a knowing smirk on his face. 
“What’s going on?” Oriles whispered to Suriel who gestured for him to just watch the scene unfold. 
“Wow. That’s..that’s amazing.” You tried to flatter despite the panic whirling ferociously in your chest. 
“Come, a feast is already ready for your return, let the others unload the boats.” He invited as his little ones came forward and encircled around you and urged you to come with them as Oriles, Cordene and Suriel and Brock followed you and you could see the panic in Brock’s eyes as Rhos was just simply trying to remain calm as you walked with them to a magnificent tent had been set up across from the warchief’s house and you sat down with the other kids surrounding you as they inspected all the embroidery on your clothes with eager eyes and fingers as you made your dress even bigger with stories sewn into the embroidery on the skirt to keep them and Kari entertained as you noticed Kari also had her hair up and it showed off her own golden neck tattoo as the guys sat nearby, all except for Suriel giving Brock a wide berth. 
��So tell me about auric orcs, I’ve never heard of them before.” You invited the warchief’s family.  
“For countless generations our clan has had this mark. When our babes are born, they grow a feather blanket out of it and once the blanket stops growing and detaches itself from the baby, the gold night happens, our god Zirvush comes alive and takes the feather blanket as it’s tribute and leaves behind the most wonderful treasures as a blessing! We use these to buy what the baby needs and what the family needs. And part of the blessings is that we cry diamonds!” Duzi, on of Onvam’s daughters who was only about seven or eight,  informed you excitedly before she went over and got her baby brother from her mother, one of Onvam’s dozen wives but not his warchieftess and the baby boy- who was only a few months old and brought him to you. 
“See? It’s almost done growing but it’s still stuck, once it’s done and it comes off, like an umbilical cord after a baby’s born,” she explained as you gathered him into your arms and started to coo at him. He had to be the most precious baby orc boy you had ever seen as you held him as he stared up in awed wonder at you, his little hands reaching out to grab your own free finger before he cooed back at you. 
“Aren’t you just so handsome! And oh so strong, you have a grip like iron!” You cooed at him and begin to rock him gently as you just take a moment to appreciate him as Onvam and his family beamed happily while you were sure Onvam’s eldest son Bedhu was imagining all the ways he could impregnate you judging by his leering at you holding his youngest half brother even though he himself had six wives too, all with children his younger sibling’s ages. 
“Warchief Onvam, I’m well aware that my grandmother has contracted you to bring me home and I know all the details of that contract. And while I know you are anxious to deliver me there, I have a proposition for you.” You began as you continued to rock the baby as Onvam and Bedhu practically drooled at your choice of words while the others simply looked to you curiously.  
“I know that your clan is quite rich while Stormbreaker is poorer by comparison. I wish to bring great wealth both to Stormbreaker but also to your clan as well.” You explained as you could feel Brock flush with a bit of embarrassment which made you feel a little guilty but you didn’t show it. “As it stands, all but one of the ships in port have their holds frozen solid, frozen on purpose by my friends Yingshen and her mate Pantaou that are a mated pair of oriental water dragons that I befriended in my times in the sea as a siren. Because as you’ve been informed, I’m a moura, granted a half blood mountain moura but a moura nonetheless and mouras and dragons, no matter the species are always allies and I’ll happily group you in with the blessing the water dragons have given me. If you don’t fish right over the black eye, but fish around it with shallow nets- they won’t destroy your boats and I trust your fleet as well as Stormbreakers fleet can come to an agreement about fishing that will benefit everyone, in fact I dare say you’ll have more success if you fish together. Now the fish and other seafood in those holds is intended for Suchi. Since I know the river that Stormbreaker sits on goes straight to the mountains that Suchi rests in. At the base of the mountain, where the river meets them is something of another harbor where all the merchants who travel up this river go to unload their ships of goods headed to Suchi and that they get paid in gold for their cargo at Suchi as well as the other colonies. I wish for Stormbreaker to be another merchant to Suchi and the goods they will sell will be some of the seafood they catch. And I wish for Stormbreaker to keep all the proceeds of that sale both this time and everytime in the future. But the citizens in Suchi may not know how to cook it, or at least cook it well. When you go with us, I want every good cook in your clan to bring all their cooking supplies and when we get to the colony square inside the gates, set up cooking stations, the citizens of Suchi will gladly pay Stormbreaker for the fish, but they will also pay you to process, clean and cook it all for them. I want the cooks in Stormbreaker to also feel free to do the same and the ice around those blocks of seafood will hold until we get there. No one should eat spoiled seafood and once it all sells, then you and Stormbreaker will be free to go back down the mountain back onto your boats and go out to sea to fish again. And if you sail in the circle current around the black eye over the water dragons, they will freeze your holds but only your holds and you’ll be able to come back, not just to Suchi but to the other colony Twilla that is at the top of the other side of the mountain who’s river estuary your own clan sits on and you can repeat this process and you’ll be able to sell all that you catch twice, once raw and again cooked. Ask ridiculous prices for it, make the cheapest fish go for a gold piece a pound and another gold piece for it cooked. And you’ll be able to repeat this as much as you want in addition to improving the river and the harbors in your territory as Stormbreaker will do the same in theirs and simply ask for either a flat fee from all those merchants to sail in your river to Twilla or a percentage of their own sales, whichever you prefer. Have your people pack as quickly as possible. Once you deliver me home, consider all of the terms of your contract with my grandmother fulfilled, nothing further will be asked or expected of you and you’ll receive your final payment and blessing before we even leave for Suchi. Because you’ll need those funds to buy whatever you would need or want because Suchi is an expensive place to stay for any length of time.” You proposed. 
“My clan will need a few days to get ready, will that be too long?” Onvam returned. 
“No, that’ll be just fine, I will need time myself to convene once again with my grandmother.” You smiled appreciatively at him just as a feast was brought out for you as you readily shared the giant portion of your food with all the little ones, helping them to eat too as food was brought out to the other guys, as Cordene and Oriles looked at the food wearily but after a few bites began to dig in as Suriel and Brock ate as well as you enjoyed yourself with Hurricane Breaker. 
As you walked out of their tent into the warchief’s house, you started to pace in their living room as you tried to grasp everything and all the components to this huge puzzle and try to figure out how they could be pieced together. 
“What?” Prince Cordene asked. 
“I need everyone’s help. I need to set a trap. That baby’s cloak is a day or two away from coming off. I need to know who this “Zirvush” is.” You explained. 
“Hide in plain sight as a bird then, in a “cage” if need be.” Brock shrugged as you all blinked in surprise. 
“Have Suriel and Prince Cordene hide their legions in the clouds themselves. I’m sure Suriel has a way of hiding them in plain sight too.” Brock suggested as Prince Cordene went to point out how beautifully simple that is.
“Then that only leaves me a day to strike the deal with my grandmother.” You insisted. 
“Uh, actually, let Prince Oriles go get her, he can get her and come back faster than you can. Time is of the essence. And Yana, no need to change into a bird to hide in plain sight, I’ll do that. They’ll be suspicious if they see you in a cage since they already know that you’re free.” Suriel stopped you as Oriles was all too eager to do so before he quickly left and you didn’t think twice as to Suriel’s objections. 
Come morning, your grandma was in the water at the end of the dock as you sat on the end of it and talked with her and she begrudgingly gave Hurricane Breaker their final payment which they happily accepted as well as a gift for yourself. Quite a bit of treasure, a whole treasure trove full, conveniently in another orb. This one was gold in color and carved like it was made out of pure gold with a slot at the top, all you needed was to turn it over and limitless fortune would fall out, like a piggy bank. You thanked your grandmother and offered to go on one last swim with her but she stopped you. 
“No, don’t bother getting any more than those pretty little feet wet Darling, I’ll see you again, probably more than you realize.” She hinted with a knowing grin before she swam away into the dark depths as you mentally chided yourself for being so transparent that even she could see your affection for Brock. But one look over at the builders down the coast building their own harbor, you got a brilliant idea...
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sk8 au week - day 2: royalty and soulmates
reki kyan was nearing his eighteenth birthday and he had yet to meet his soulmate. reki has heard the whispers of the people in the town about people who don’t fine their soulmates. it’s not that he didn’t have one -he did, for your information, thank you very much- but because reki was from a royal family, and therefore a prince, he was to be married off and did not have the luxury of being with his soulmate. unless his soulmate was from another royal family, but reki had seen where his red string lead: straight into the center of the town below. so no such luck for another noble as his soulmate.
reki’s mother had tried to let him build friendships and hopefully relationships with the other royal children around his age, but reki had dreams about meeting his soulmate and never developed anything more than friendship with the other royals.
reki stared at his red string, eyes tracing its path down into the village, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone. sometimes when he sleep he caught glimpses of a tall, pale, slender figure and bright blue eyes. reki wondered what those eyes would look like mere inches from his own.
suddenly a book smacked into the back of reki’s head, startling him from his daydream.
“what the fuck-“ reki’s head whipped around.
“hey there slime.” said a voice.
reki groaned at the sight of the boy sitting atop his desk.
“hello miya.” he grumbled.
“what’re you looking at?” the young prince asked, a catlike smirk breaking out on his face.
“nothing,” reki said pushing himself up and walking over to miya.
“so is your mom still making you meet that prince for dinner tonight?” miya hummed as he twirled a pen in his hands.
reki’s mother was much more kind with her son and his romantic predicament, compared to reki’s father who was ready to married his son off without a meeting between the spouses. but after his father ran away with the sevrant girl he impregnated no one stuck to his old rules.
“yes, but i have a plan to escape and i need your help.” reki said placing his hands on miya’s shoulders.
“i’m all ears,” miya said leaning forward as if reki’s mother was outside the door and eavesdropping this very moment.
“ok so i need you to mix up joe and shadow’s schedules so they’re both in the great hall at the same time. we cant have a fancy dinner set up if the cook and florist are in there at the same time now can we?”
“i like what i’m hearing.”
“and then i need you and koyomi to either distract the stable hand while sneak through the barn.”
“done. is that all you need?”
“yep. the rest is up to me. joe accidentally let it slip that his soulmate is the craftsman in town and that he sneaks out at the exit
behind the greenhouses to meet him. so thanks to joe i’ve got my escape route all planned.”
“well look at this, prince reki ditching the feast planned just for him. who would have thought?” miya asked with a laugh.
“well after how the last dinner ended it’s not that surprising.” reki said with a shudder as he remembered the glazed goat falling onto the poor princess who was just looking for a potential marriage partner.
miya let out snicker at the memory. “well now that you say that...”
“anyways i have to hurry if i wanna make it before my mom sends a servant to make sure i’m ready.”
“oh right right let’s go. i’ll go get koyomi and head to the stables. see you soon.” and with a wink miya slipped out the door and was gone. grabbing a cloak from his bed, reki fastened the clasp and dashed out the room after miya.
he was sick of all this arranged marriage bullshit, he was sick of it all. reki just wanted to meet his soulmate and fall in love. he knew his thoughts were selfish though. he was the eldest of the four kyan children and his mom was doing her best to rule a kingdom by herself, so by default his marriage was bound to be political. it was very unlikely he would end up with his soulmate.
and so that’s why reki was going to meet his soulmate tonight. he would meet them and apologize for being a lousy soulmate before heading back to the castle to meet the prince who he was supposed to be dinning with.
for most of reki’s life he soulmate had lead to a place up in the snowy mountains. but within the past few years the string moved into the town below the castle reki lived in. just like fate his soulmate moved to his home town. but it was someone else’s fate, not his. so reki made up his mind weeks ago: meet his soulmate, apologize, then finally agree to a political marriage. his plan would take away his curiously about his soulmate, it would hopefully lessen his guilt about not being able to be with said soulmate, and it would make his mom happy. so why didn’t he like what he was about to do?
ignoring the heavy feeling in his stomach reki pushed on. running quietly through the halls reki hid behind stone pillars and over large plant pots when he needed too. finally reaching the barn reki slipped into there to see miya and koyomi talking away with the stable hand over a loaf of bread and some pieces of cheese.
slipping past the trio and out into the courtyard beyond reki doesn’t make a noise. he holds his breath all the way to the green house, and doesn’t let it out until he’s well into the tunnel behind it. some time ago a tunnel was dug in the large wall protecting the castle, the entrance was hidden by vines on both sides. the cave was known only to a select few.
as reki hurried through the cave he began to think back to some of his earlier suitors. he remembers his best friend who he could have seen himself marrying despite not being soulmates. but his friend got sick and went back to his kingdom and reki never heard from him again.
but tonight was about his soulmate. so reki trudged on, squinting for the cave opening.
before long the prince was stumbling out of the vines and onto the street. luckily it was mostly empty. empty except for a tall man with long pink hair and glasses.
at the sound of someone falling through the leaves he looked up but seemed shocked to see a teenager.
“your not kojiro.” the stranger blurted.
“and your not- actually i wasn’t waiting for anyone and i have no idea who you are...or who kojiro is.”
the man stared at reki for a minute before recognition flashed in his eyes.
“prince reki! what are you doing outside of the castle?”
“i um...well you see-“ but reki was cut off by a rustling behind the vines and a large figure falling out of said vines.
“kaoru you will never believe the day i had...” joe trailed off, eyes catching sight of a panicked reki and surprised kaoru.
“joe?” reki blurted at the same time joe said “reki?”
the two stared at each other before reki made a run for it.
but joe caught him by his hood so reki didn’t get far.
“kid what the hell are you doing here?” joe said apparently forgetting all formalities one should talk to their prince with.
“not of your business! and i could ask you the same!” reki yelled as he struggled to get free from joe’s grip.
“i’m meeting my soulmate. and i’m going to ask you again, what are you doing here?”
reki sagged, giving up the struggle. “same here,”
“you’re meeting your soulmate?” kaoru asked.
“yes, what about it?” reki said crossing his arms. it had all gone so good until now.
“aren’t you supposed to be in a arranged marriage?”
“yes so i’m going to meet my soulmate and apologize before agreeing to an arranged marriage.”
“what?” joe said, surprise causing him to loosen his grip. taking the chance reki dashed away. ignoring the yells behind him reki
kept on running. nothing can stop me now, reki thought, i’ve come this far.
eyeing his string, reki ran through the street watching it get tighter and tighter. reki was too focused on the string that he didn’t see the boy in front of himself until it was too late.
the boys slammed into each other hard, the medicinal products in the other boy’s hands clattering to the ground.
“oh shit sorry-“
they both spoke at the same time causing the boys to look up at each other abruptly. the boy had bright blue hair that went down past his ears. he was tall and lanky, his skin almost as pale as snow. bright blue eyes that reki had sworn he had seen before. but when reki’s gaze meet the boys hands, his heart stopped. a thin red string connecting reki’s own finger to this mystery boy’s, hung in the air. a red string of fate; a soulmate string. this boy was his soulmate.
eyes snapping back to the bright blue ones reki knew his soulmate saw it too.
“well shit.” reki blurted and the boy began to laugh. it was a sweet noise, like the chime of heavenly bells. and so reki began to laugh too.
“well i guess your my soulmate. that makes this search a lot easier then.” standing up and reaching out a hand to his soulmate, reki began to speak. “so you probably know who i am and therefore i can’t marry you -or be with you quite frankly- and i’m very sorry for that and it’s selfish of me but i have the responsibility of the kingdom on my shoulders and i can’t fail my people.”
“what? ‘kingdom’? what are you talking about?” the boys blank stare bored into reki.
“...i’m the prince. and i’m going to be king someday. and as much i want to be with my soulmate -you-, i have to be responsible for my people -which includes you-.”
realization dawned on his face. “ooh, i see.”
“and honestly i don’t care about the difference of ‘rank’ between noble and townsfolk but other royalty do.”
“well my moms a doctor if that means anything.”
“a prominent roll indeed but unfortunately not enough for the in-law of a prince. well not in my eyes, but in the eyes of others.”
the boy hummed in though. “well she was the queen of the kingdom in the mountains before my father fell to illness and some corrupt politician overthrew her and had us banished. do that mean anything?”
“you- you mean you were a prince?”
the boy nods.
“oh my god. oh my god! this may just work then! i may be able to be with my soulmate and still have a marriage that pleases the royal court!” reki’s eyes light up in happiness. “that’s only if you do want to be with me i mean.” he added.
“well you’re my soulmate, are you not? so we’re meant to be together, no?”
“well yes of course. but i wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it and all...”
“of course reki.” the boy said sweetly while reaching out and clasping reki’s hands in his own.
reki almost melted at the use of his given name spoken by his soulmate.
“oh wait can i call you that? is that ok?”
all reki could do was dumbly nod.
“my names langa by the way.”
“langa,” reki said testing out the way the name felt on his tongue. “i like it!” he smiled and watched as langa’s face turned red.
“well should we head to the castle or something to relay the news?” langa asked, turning to reki.
“hmmm i think we can wait a minute. wanna show me around the town?”
“it would be my honor.”
and so the two boys disappeared into the lively bustle of the town as the laughed away and held each other’s hand like a lifeline.
~ ~ ~
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The Presence of God
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a prayer by Charles Spurgeon
OUR Father, which art in heaven, our hearts are full of gratitude to Thee for Thy Word. We bless Thee that we have it in our houses, that Thou hast given to many of us to understand it and to enjoy it. Although as yet we know not what we shall know, yet have we learned from it what we never can forget, that which has changed our lives has removed our burdens, has comforted our hearts, has set our faces like flints against sin, and made us eager after perfect holiness.
We thank Thee, Lord, for every leaf of the Book, not only for its promises which are inexpressibly sweet, but for its precepts in which our soul delights and especially for the revelation of Thy Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. O God, we thank Thee for the manifestation of Him even in the types and shadows of the Old Testament. These are inexpressibly glorious to us, full of wondrous value, inexpressibly dear because in them and through them we see the Lord. But we bless Thee much more for the clear light of the New Testament, for giving us the key to all the secrets of the Old Testament, for now, reading the Scriptures of the New Covenant, we understand the language of the Old Covenant and are made to joy and to rejoice therein.
Father, we thank Thee for the Book, we thank Thee for the glorious Man, the God whom the Book reveals as our Savior, and now we thank Thee for the Blessed Spirit, for without His light upon the understanding, we should have learned nothing. The letter killeth, it is the Spirit that giveth life. Blessed are our eyes that have been touched with heavenly eye-salve. Blessed are the hearts that have been softened, that have been made ready to receive the truth in the love of it! Blessed be the sovereign grace of God that hath chosen unto Him a people who delight in His Word and who meditate in it both day and night!
Our hearts are full of praises to God for this Man of Truth, for this unmeasured wealth of holy knowledge. Lord make us to enjoy it more and more. May we feed upon this manna; may we drink from this well of life. May we be satisfied with it and by it be made like to the God from whom it came.
And now, Lord, our prayer is to Thee at the mention of Thy sacred Book, that Thou wouldst write it upon the fleshy tablets of our heart more fully. We want to know the truth that the truth may make us free. We want to feel the truth that we may be sanctified by it. Oh! let it be in us a living seed which shall produce in us a life acceptable before God, a life which shall be seen in everything that we do unto the living God, for we remember that Thou art not the God of the dead but of the living.
Lord, we ask that Thy Word may chasten us whenever we go astray, may it enlighten us whenever for a moment we get into darkness. May Thy Word be the supreme ruler of our being. May we give ourselves up to its sacred law to be obedient to its every hint, wishing in all things, even in the least things, to do the will of God from the heart and having every thought brought into captivity to the mind of the Spirit of God.
Bless Thy people. Bless them in this way by saturating them with the Word of Thy truth. O Lord, they are out in the world so much. Oh! grant that the world may not take them off from their God. May they get the world under their feet. Let them not be buried in it, but may they live upon it, treading it beneath their feet, the spiritual getting the mastery always over the material. Oh! that the Word of God might be with us when we are in the midst of an ungodly generation. May the Proverbs often furnish us with wisdom, the Psalms furnish us with comfort, the Gospels teach us the way of holiness, and the Epistles instruct us in the deep things of the kingdom of God.
Lord, educate us for a higher life and let that life be begun here. May we be always in the school, always disciples, and when we are out in the world, may we be trying to put in practice what we have learned at Jesus’ feet. What He tells us in darkness, may we proclaim in the light and what He whispers in our ear in the closets, may we sound forth upon the housetops.
Oh! dear, dear Savior, what could we do without Thee. We are as yet in banishment, we have not come into the land of light and glory. It is on the other side the river, in the land where Thou dwellest, Thy land of Immanuel, and till we come thither, be Thou with us. We have said unto ourselves, How shall we live without our Lord and then we have said unto Thee, “If Thy Spirit go not with us, carry us not up hence.” Oh! be to us this day as the fiery cloudy pillar that covered all the camp of Israel. May we dwell in God. May we live and move in God. May we be conscious of the presence of God to a greater extent than we are conscious of anything else.
Bless the churches. Look on them, Lord. Cast an eye of love upon the little companies of the faithful wherever they may be and help them and their pastors, and may the churches be in every place a light in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation. O God, we are waiting and watching for a display of Thy great power among the people.
It is an age of great luxury and great sin and gross departures from the truth. We beseech Thee, defend Thine own. When Thine Ark was carried captive among the Philistines and set up in the temple of Dagon, Dagon fell before it, then didst Thou smite Thine adversaries in the hinder parts and put them to a perpetual reproach, and Thou canst do the like again, and we pray it may be so. Oh! for the stretched out hand of God. We are longing to see it in the conversion of great multitudes by the Gospel, that those who have said, “Aha, aha, the Gospel has lost its power,” may be made foolish by the wisdom of the Most High, even as Jannes and Jambres were made foolish when they could not do so with their enchantments, but God was with His servant.
O, Jehovah, Thou art the true God, God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, this God is our God forever and ever. He shall be our guide even unto death. Them who spakest by the apostles, speak still by Thy servants, and let Thy Word be with as much power as when Thou saidst, “Let there be light, and there was light.” Oh! for the lifting up of Thy voice! Let confusion and darkness once again hear the voice of Him that makes order and that giveth life. Oh! how we would stir Thee up, Thou gracious God. Our prayers would take the form of that ancient one, “Awake, awake, put on Thy strength.” Art Thou not He that cut Egypt and wounded the crocodile? Hast Thou not still the same power to smite and to vindicate Thine own truth and deliver Thine own redeemed?
O Lamb, slain from before the foundation of the world, Thou art still to sit upon the throne, for He that is on the throne looks like a Lamb that has been newly slain. O Jesus, we beseech Thee, take to Thyself Thy great power. Divide the spoil with the strong. Take the purchase of Thy precious blood and rule from the river even unto the ends of the earth.
Here we are before Thee. Look on us in great pity. Lord, bless Thine own people. With favor do Thou compass them as with a shield. Lord, save the unsaved. In great compassion draw them by the attractive magnet of the cross, draw them to Thyself, compel them to come in that the wedding may be furnished with guests.
With one heart we put up our prayer on the behalf of the teachers of the young. We thank Thee, Lord, that so many men and women are ready to give their Sabbath’s rest to this important service. Oh! grant that zeal for teaching the young may never burn low in the Church. May any that are taking no part in it and who ought to be, be aroused at once to commence the holy effort. Bless the teachers of the senior classes. May their young men and women pass into the Church. May there be no gap between the school and the church. Bridge that distance by Thy sovereign grace. But equally bless the teachers of the infants and of the younger children. May conversion go on among the young. May there be multitudes of such conversions. In effect, we would pray that no child may leave the schools unsaved. Oh! save the children, great Lover of the little ones. Thou who wouldst have them suffered to come to Thee, Thou wilt not forget them, but Thou wilt draw them and accept them. Lord! save the children. Let all the schools participate in the blessing which we seek and by this blessed agency, may this nation be kept from heathenism, this city especially be preserved from its dogged disregard of the Sabbath, and its carelessness about the things of God. Oh! bless the Sabbath school to London, to every part of it, and let Jesus Christ be glorified among the little ones, and again may there be heard loud hosannas in the streets of Jerusalem from the babes and sucklings out of whose mouths Thou hast ordained strength. The Lord be with these dear workers throughout today and make it a high day, a festival of prayer and faith, a time when Jesus the Lord shall especially meet with them and bless them.
God bless our country! God save our Sovereign! Grant guidance at this time to all with regard to the political affairs of this nation. Grant Thy blessing to all ranks and conditions of men and let every nation call Thee “blessed” Let all tongues speak the name of Jesus and all men own Him as Lord and King. We ask it in His name. Amen.
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ukulelecal · 6 years
The Lady In Waiting - Part One
In which you’re the lady in waiting for the princess, and the mysterious, quiet prince has taken a certain interest in you.
Warnings: none
Pairing: Royal!Calum Hood x Reader
A/N: here we goooo, part one!!!! tbh i have so much shit i want to happen but like it can’t happen till later in the story and i just want to get there already lol. also, as always, feedback is appreciated x 
Series Masterlist
“Remember, when you see the royal family, curtsy. And don’t speak unless spoken to. The king and queen are kind people, but they can be a little stingy on the etiquette.”
“I’m sure my curtsy is atrocious,” Y/N fretted, looking over at Carlisle worriedly. They were currently in a carriage, making their way to the city where the palace was. Their kingdom, called Vavia, wasn’t very big, but the trip from her village, Georgetown, to the city, Alexander, was about forty five minutes. Y/N had never been to Alexander; she’d heard it was beautiful.
“If it’s that bad, you’ll learn. Trust me. They want to see you’re making an effort, they don’t want just anyone being the lady in waiting for the princess. Just try, or they can send you back to Georgetown just as quickly as you arrive,” Carlisle explained, giving her a pointed look.
Y/N bit her lip, turning her gaze to look out the window. If she was the least bit out of line, they could give her the boot, hell, they could execute her-
She snapped her head to the source of the voice, finding Carlisle staring at her with a look of concern and confusion.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s going on?” He continued, shifting a bit in his seat. Y/N shrugged, fiddling her fingers in her lap.
“I’m just a little nervous, I guess,” she muttered. “I mean, it’s the king and queen. The princess, the prince. And I’m working for them. It’s just scary.”
Carlisle sighed, reaching over to pat the girl’s shoulder.
“I understand. I was nervous when I first started there as well. But trust me, as long as you behave properly and such, you won’t be punished or anything. You’ll be great,” he preached, sending her an encouraging smile. “Speaking of, we’re just arriving.”
Y/N turned to look out the window again, mouth falling open at the sight in front of her.
The palace was massive; it looked as big as the entirety of Georgetown. It was extravagant, with grand pillars and golden accents among the whole exterior. Y/N was in absolute awe of the place. It definitely was quite the upgrade from Aunt Mary’s house. It was old, small, falling apart at the seams, but the palace? The palace was the opposite.
The driver brought the horse to a stop after being let in through the gates, right at the lavish front doors. Carlisle thanked the man and ushered her out. She stared up at the building, eyes wide with amazement. Carlisle chuckled, placing his hand on her back to lead her inside.
As soon as she was just one step in the door, Y/N felt out of place.
She didn’t belong there. The people who belonged there were royalty, noblemen, monarchs, and Y/N wasn’t any of those things. She was just...Y/N. She had no title, nothing to her name. She came from Georgetown, of all places, one of the poorest villages in all of Vavia. Everything about the palace screamed elegance, everything was pristine and valuable, but everything Y/N ever had was quite the opposite.
She could only hope they wouldn’t be judgemental of her status.
“You’ll be meeting the royal family in the grand hall now,” Carlisle said evenly. “Remember to curtsy, smile, and don’t be too chatty.”
Y/N took a deep breath, trying her best to keep her composure. Carlisle was comforting, but words could only do so much when reality was setting in the way it was. She was in the palace. On her way to meet the royal family. It was real; she couldn’t pinch herself and wake up in her house in Georgetown. This was happening. Guards stared her down as she walked, clearly confused as to who she was and why she was there, but did nothing seeing she was with Carlisle.
He lead her through the winding hallways until they reached a large set of doors, intricately carved mahogany. Carlisle wasted no time in pulling the doors open, knowing Y/N may overthink if he waited.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat the moment the doors were fully open.
There were four thrones against the opposite wall, gold frames with dark velvet cushions, on a raised part of the floor with a few long steps leading up to them. Each seat was occupied by a royal; King David and Queen Joy were in the middle two, while Prince Calum sat at his father’s side and Princess Mali-Koa at her mother’s side. Y/N had never seen them in person, only in photographs. It was surreal, seeing them in the flesh.
She didn’t realize she wasn’t moving until she saw Carlisle pass her out of the corner of her eye. Willing herself to calm down, she scurried to catch up to him, and took his perfect bow as her cue to curtsy.
Her trembling fingers reached for her dress, holding the skirt between her fingertips, and stuck her leg behind the other, clumsily bending her legs and bowing her head. She stumbled, nearly losing her balance, but quickly stood up again. Heat spread from her cheeks down to her neck as she clasped her hands in front of her. First impression and she nearly falls out of a curtsy.
“Your majesties. I have returned, and I believe I have a wonderful candidate to be Her Highness’ lady in waiting.” Carlisle gestured to her, grinning. “This is Lady Y/N Y/L/N.”
Lady. That’s new.
The girl forced herself to look up, and she was painfully aware of the intense gaze of four pairs of royal eyes on her. She remembered Carlisle’s advice to smile, and she forced one onto her face. She knew it looked unnatural, she knew the tension in her shoulders was probably visible, but she couldn’t help it. Anxiety still bubbled inside of her, and she subtly dug her nails into her hands to stop them from shaking.
“Lady Y/N,” the king repeated, rising from his throne. Her heart pounded against her chest as he descended down the steps, stopping right in front of her. She looked up at him, the smile diminishing from her face. He looked serious, as if he were studying her, and then a warm smile tugged at his lips. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
He extended his hand, that Y/N shook hesitantly. His grip was firm, while she barely held on to his hand at all.
“You as well, Your Majesty,” she said softly, thankfully remembering being taught how to properly address nobility as a child. The queen approached as well, her expression inviting.
“Welcome to our home, Lady Y/N,” she greeted.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
It was going decently well so far, aside from almost falling over in front of them and being on the verge of panicking.
The princess then approached, a bright smile on her face. She gently shook her hand, and Y/N’s eyes travelled down to the diamond encrusted bracelet around the girl’s wrist. It was probably worth more than her house.
“It’s really great to meet you,” she said sweetly. Y/N smiled, now on especially high alert to make a good impression. This was the princess Y/N was going to be serving; if she hated her, she could easily make her life a living hell, and Y/N would completely be at her mercy. Not that the princess seemed cruel, but it was nonetheless a possibility that was eating her away.
“You as well, Your Highness,” Y/N began, cursing the way her voice trailed off at the end of her sentence. “I’m honored to serve you.”
“Oh, a lady in waiting isn’t a servant,” she chuckled. Even her simple laugh radiated grace. “You’ll see.”
Y/N wasn’t sure if “you’ll see” was a good thing or not, but she couldn’t ignore the pang of dread that poked her heart.
The prince was the last person to greet her. Y/N had always thought he was handsome when she saw him in photographs, but in person, he was on a whole other level. His eyes, a feature you couldn’t really see in the colorless pictures, were heavenly. She forced herself to focus; she didn’t know anything about him, and he would never go for someone like her. Besides, she was just here to support Aunt Mary.
“Lady Y/N,” was all he said as a greeting, extending his hand like the rest of his family had done. He shot her a small grin, dark curls falling over his forehead. From what she could tell, he was a tad quieter than the rest.
“Your Highness,” she mused, shaking his hand.
Y/N didn’t miss the way his gaze trailed down to their interlocked hands, or the way his eyebrows pinched together and the slight frown on his lips when he looked at them.
Confused, she stole a glance down as well, just as they pulled away, and there was only one thing about either of their hands that stood out to her; the nail marks on her skin. She had been digging her nails into the tops of her hands due to nerves when they were clasped together, leaving little crescent shapes indented on them.
She would never have thought it was relevant. They weren’t permanent, and it’s not like she was bleeding. No one else noticed. No one else even looked down at their hands. Why did he?
It probably meant nothing, but Y/N didn’t seem to be thinking clearly about anything at the moment.
“Where do you come from, Lady Y/N?”
The sound of Princess Mali-Koa’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she consciously tucked her hands behind her back.
“I come from Georgetown, Your Highness.”
Although she couldn’t be sure, she swore she saw the king and queen’s expressions change, just a bit, and not in a good way.
Georgetown meant poor. Georgetown meant criminal.
“Georgetown, up north, right?” The princess continued, her and her brother seemingly unfazed by her village of origin. Y/N nodded.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
The conversation continued, mostly the family asking Y/N some basic questions about herself. The prince still stayed quiet, gaze fixed on the new lady in waiting with his eyebrows still furrowed.
Why in the world was he still looking at her?
“Carlisle, show the lady to her quarters, please?” The king eventually said once the conversation died down, shooting a tight lipped grin Y/N’s way. “Dinner will be brought to her there.”
“Oh, let her dine with us tonight!” Princess Mali-Koa exclaimed, turning towards her father. “She just arrived, we should give her a warm welcome!”
The king sighed, giving his daughter a pointed look.
“Well, I say yes,” she interrupted, gaze returning to Y/N, who was staring at the princess with wide eyes. “Lady Y/N, would you like to join us for dinner tonight?”
Y/N had to clench her jaw to keep her mouth from falling open. Dine with the royal family? Surely she couldn’t. Why should she? She didn’t belong at their table. She could tell the king wasn’t happy, but she was the princess’ lady in waiting, afterall. Wasn’t she supposed to do anything she asked?
“I-I would hate to impose,” was what ended up coming out of her mouth, wanting to slap herself for stuttering.
“Nonsense, I want you there,” the princess countered with a kind smile. “Mr. Denning can show you to your room now, and someone will come get you later to show you the dining hall, okay?”
She glanced at Carlisle, who had been quietly standing off to the side, a signal to show you out.
“Of course, Your Highness,” Carlisle responded, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. The man bowed one last time, and Y/N dipped into a curtsy, that she thankfully didn’t nearly fall out of, as well.
“Dinner with the royal family, that’s big,” he continued once the doors to the grand hall shut behind them, grinning down at the girl. Y/N took a deep breath, shaking her head in disbelief as they walked.
“This is crazy, Carlisle,” she mumbled. “I just got here, I have to have dinner with them?”
“Hey, it’s a good thing!” He encouraged. “The princess clearly likes you already. Hardly any staff gets invited to have dinner with them, let alone on the first day. It took me a year to be invited to their table.”
“And how long have you been here?” Y/N asked, trying to distract herself from the fact that she was about to have dinner with the Hoods.
“Oh, about twenty three years. I started just before the prince was born,” Carlisle explained. “I watched him grow up. The princess, too. I remember watching them learn to walk, and then watching them learn to be royalty. They’ve grown to be such sophisticated adults, and I know Prince Calum will be a wonderful king some day.”
Y/N glanced up at him; he had a fond smile on his face, thinking back on the memories of Calum and Mali-Koa as children. Y/N couldn’t help but smile too. He clearly had a great relationship with the Hood siblings. It was heartwarming to see.
“That’s great, Carlisle.”
The two eventually reached Y/N’s quarters, a room in a fairly secluded area of the palace. Carlisle explained that the quarters of the other staff were just in the surrounding rooms, but as the lady in waiting of the princess, she had the privilege of having her own, although she would have to share the staff washroom with the others.
Carlisle pulled open the door for her, and Y/N peaked inside. It was small, only a simple single bed, a small dresser and mirror, and a closet, but it was definitely a step up from what she had in Georgetown. Her house only had one bedroom, which belonged to Aunt Mary, and Y/N slept on the ratty sofa in the living room with all her clothes in a little wooden trunk in the corner.
“Alright, I do believe some new clothes will be made for you once they get your measurements, but just wear what you’ve got on for now. The room is stocked with other necessities, so make yourself at home until someone comes by to take you to dinner,” Carlisle rambled, shooting a smile to the girl.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, stepping in the room. “And, thank you for bringing me here. This is an opportunity I never thought I’d have.”
“Ah, don’t mention it,” he responded humbly with a shrug. “I knew you’d be a great fit. Have a good evening, Y/N, and enjoy dinner.”
“Thank you, Carlisle.”
With that, the man left the room, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts.
She sat herself down on the edge of the bed; it wasn’t huge, but it was definitely softer than anything she had ever slept on.
She rested her elbows on her knees, resting her chin on her hands. Dinner with the royal family. How exactly does one go about that? The most formal dinner she had ever been to was when some old friends of Aunt Mary’s came to their house for dinner, before she got sick. She had put on her best clothes, and used her best table manners.
If she had known she was going to end up living at a palace and dining with royalty, Y/N would have worn something a little nicer to go out shopping that day.
Her dress was plain, nothing special or expensive; a solid gray, paired with a pair of old black boots. The entire outfit used to belong to Aunt Mary, before they became hand me downs.
Y/N pushed herself up and walked to the mirror, hands reaching for the hair brush that was placed on top of the dresser for her. She ran it through her hair, trying to make herself look as presentable as possible. Glancing down at the dresser again, she noticed there was an array of a few basic makeup products lined up. Makeup had never been a luxury she could afford back in Georgetown. She wouldn’t know what to do with any of it if she tried.
Deciding there was nothing much else she could do, she sat at the edge of the bed again, leaning backwards so the top of her head was against the wall. She willed her heart to stop pounding, to feel calm for just a moment. Of course, it wasn’t going to happen.
Soon enough, she heard a knock on the door, signalling someone was there to take her to dinner. She took a final deep breath and made her way to the door, pulling it open. A young woman with dirty blonde hair tied in a sleek low bun stood at the other side, a tight grin on her face.
“Lady Y/N, my name is Reese. I’m here to escort you to dinner.”
“Yes, thank you,” she responded, stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind her. Reese turned sharply on her heel, heading off in the direction of the dining hall.
The walk was short, and Y/N quickly found herself in front of another large set of doors. Reese pulled them open, and Y/N could see the family already sitting at the table.
“Enjoy,” Reese whispered with a grin, letting Y/N step inside before shutting the doors.
Everyone looked up at the noise, eyes all landing on her. Remembering her etiquette, she dipped into a curtsy, smiling softly.
“Hello, Lady Y/N,” the princess greeted sweetly.
“Hello,” she responded, making her way over to the extravagant table. The king and queen sat at the ends, the prince and princess at the sides. A fifth chair had been added to the setup, right next to the prince.
The room was large, with large windows overlooking the gardens outside. It was beautiful, from what she could see, and Y/N hoped she would have the opportunity to explore them one day.
“Let me,” Prince Calum said as Y/N approached her seat. He stood up from the table, moving to pull out her chair for her. She flushed, bashfully sitting down and allowing him to tuck the chair into the table.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” she said breathily, glancing up at him as he reclaimed his seat next to her. He grinned, and Y/N felt her heart flutter in her chest.
“Of course,” he responded, gaze turning back to the table. Y/N followed, eyes widening as she finally took in the sight of the food in front her.
Y/N had never seen this much food in one place before. She probably couldn’t even identify what half of it was with how gourmet it was prepared. Each plate was already set up with a helping of each item, and more of everything was set on silver platters in the middle for whoever wanted more.
“Please,” the king said, gesturing to the food. Everyone reached for their cloth napkins and placed them on their laps, Y/N scrambling to do the same. She wasn’t ill mannered at all, but the last thing she wanted to do was seem like a slob.
Y/N followed suit as everyone picked up their silverware and dug into the food, carefully holding the utensils in her hands. She cut into the piece of fish on her plate, eyes fluttering shut once she put it into her mouth. She had never tasted anything quite like it.
“Good?” The queen asked, and Y/N glanced over at her.
“Incredible,” she responded, softly shaking her head. “We don’t eat quite like this in Georgetown.”
“I can imagine you don’t,” the king grumbled under his breath, earning sharp glares from the rest of his family.
“Don’t be rude, Father,” the princess scolded the man, who ignored the comment and continued to eat. Y/N sighed, gaze dropping down to her plate. She should have expected it. Everyone seemed to have the same mindset; more money means better. She was painfully aware that she was considered lesser than the rest of Vavia, all because of something she couldn’t control.
The rest of the dinner was awkwardly quiet. After the king’s snarky comment, no one felt inclined to say anything. Whether or not the queen, prince and princess agreed with him, they knew it was rude of him to say it. And Y/N? Well, what was she supposed to say?
After dessert was served - a fantastic strawberry turnover - Y/N thanked the family for dinner and excused herself, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. The tension was thick in the air, and Y/N blamed herself for it. She was the outlier.
She had paid attention to where Reese was going on her way to dinner, and she was pretty confident she could find her way back. Not even halfway into the walk, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and her breath caught in her throat as she whipped around.
It could have been anyone; Carlisle, Reese, a guard, but it wasn’t. It was the prince, standing there with his eyebrows pinched together like they had been earlier in the day when he saw her hands.
“Your Highness,” she greeted unsurely, taking a tiny step back.
“Lady Y/N,” he responded, running a hand through his intricately styled hair. “Look, I just wanted to say sorry. For what my father said. That was completely out of line.”
Y/N sighed, nodding. She didn’t want pity, but it was sweet of him to say something.
“It’s alright, really,” she answered, shaking her head. “No need to worry.”
“Tell me if he says anything else like that to you, okay?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. Was he actually concerned? He could have just brushed it off, as it wasn’t his problem. He acted similarly earlier in the day.
“O-Okay,” she found herself stuttering in shock.
“Okay,” he concluded with a soft smile. “Goodnight, Lady Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Your Highness.”
Y/N watched as he walked away, heart hammering in her chest.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
taglist (send me an ask to be added!):
@cosmixcalum @cold-coffee-clifford @depressed-teapot @sick-orca @singt0mecalum @cashtonsicetea @stylessilhouette @bbyboyycal @thepixiedreambitch @emotionalhue @xxsometimestheywinxx @bluevxnus @calssunflower @stupid-gracie
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starswornoaths · 6 years
12. Accolade
The accolades and chronicles of the adventures of the Warriors of Light have been meticulously written, edited, and published by the Bard of the group, who wanted to have an accurate retelling of the stories to prevent their tale from turning myth.
That she also wrote a romance series as it happened in front of her eyes was besides the point.
Featuring a friend’s character: Zephina Arlentes! (I’d link her profile, but she has no tumblr, but I have borrowed Zeph with permission!)
In the time since she had turned her coat and pledged herself to Ishgard, Lucia had come to know herself rather well. She was a creature of habit, liked her tea a certain way, and was slow to warm were she describing her temperament kindly. Had anyone told her a year ago that she would consider several Warriors of Light— with their high energy and eclectic lives— some of her closest friends, she might have entertained the thought of referring them to a chirurgeon to get that crack in their skull checked.
As thing were she was, in fact, incredibly close to the small number of Warriors of Light that had crossed the Arc of the Worthy with all their eclectic enthusiasm.
Though even that had some level of routine to it, she realized; even if she could not predict the precise when of their strange and abrupt interruptions to the status quo, that they happened was a constant. With the accumulation of their accolades— chronicled by the Bard in the group— the taller their tale grew and with it, Lucia’s definition of normal had warped— at least, where her newfound little group of friends was concerned.
So when Zephina— the aforementioned Raen Bard— sprinted into the Congregation of the Knights Most Heavenly, jumped over Lucia’s desk and said, “I’m not here,” while nudging Lucia’s legs out of the way to crawl underneath the desk, it was only surprising that Lucia was only just barely startled by it all.
A year ago, Lucia would have held her at swordpoint, demanded to know what had prompted such a gross display of disrespect and what the meaning of all this was. Now, she merely sighed and moved her legs to allow for ample room for the petite Raen to hide in with her tail tucked about her without even looking up from her report.
Normal was relative to those around you, Lucia conceded to herself with a sigh. 
The First Commander opened her mouth to ask what had possessed Zephina to behave in such a way, but the door opened — gentler this time, at least — and in stomped a rather red faced and displeased looking Serella.
“Where. Is. Zephina.” The Paladin ground out.
The two of them were fighting? Strange, Lucia thought. The two of them were thick as thieves, as far as she had understood it. Had something of great import happened between them? A curious development in their tale, she mused.
“For full disclosure,” Lucia spoke up. Well aware that she was not getting work done any time soon, she looked up from the report she had been reading over. “My answer differs vastly depending on why you are looking for her.”
“Because she’s been making money off of my misery!” Serella said in a harsh whisper, her face aflame. “My pain! My own internal struggle! She’s been taking it all to the bank!”
Lucia arched a brow but was, admittedly, intrigued.
“I will likely regret asking, but how?” The First Commander asked.
“She has a book series,” Serella began, crossing her arms. Her fingers tapped against her arm. “She’s written an entire series based on my emotional turmoil.” She narrowed her eyes. “And she didn’t even tell me.”
“Are you referring to her chronicling your travels?” Lucia asked. “For though your accolades are many, your grief is fairly plain there—”
“No.” Serella huffed. “Those don’t bother me— she told me she was going to do that.” With a sweep of her hand, she explained, “she writes this, this romance series under a pen name: Scintilla Weiss.”
Lucia froze— she knew that author name. How could she not? It was on the cover of every book of the newest series that had currently stolen her attention. Over the last new moons the At Her Gates romance series had really taken off in Eorzea detailing a heart wrenching will-they-won’t-they between the series’ main heroine Sera Soulshield and a commander of a neighboring nation Myrick Boreas as they work together to end a bloody and brutal conflict—
Well. It was more than a little vindicating to know she had not been reaching in making certain comparisons, then.
“It’s this slow burn obnoxious thing she’s been writing on inaccurate assumptions and—” Serella had begun to rant in earnest, pulling Lucia out of her revelation.
“I have heard of this author.” Lucia spoke up. Steepling her fingers together on top of her desk she continued airily, “‘twould seem Zephina has been busy.”
“To put it mildly.” Serella deadpanned. “Now where is she? I have yet to properly throttle her.”
“I have not seen Lady Arlentes.” Lucia answered in an even tone. She maintained a neutral expression as best she could with the revelation that her current favorite author was hiding under her desk. “I wish I could be of greater help— perhaps she moved to the Pillars in the hopes of finding shelter with House Fortemps?”
Serella narrowed her eyes in suspicion but Lucia was, as ever, unflinching.
“I don’t have any evidence to call you out on this,” Serella admitted. “But I think you’re lying.”
“That is entirely possible.” Lucia said with a shrug.
“Well, if you do see her,” Serella said, already turning to leave. “Please inform her that she’s dead as soon as I find her.”
“I shall.” Lucia said with a small wave of farewell. She waited several minutes following the doors closing after the Paladin before leaning to look under the desk. Zephina blinked owlishly up at her, her knees tucked to her chest like a child. “She is gone.”
“Oh, you’re an angel, Lucia!” Zephina sighed, clamoring out from behind the desk of the First Commander. “Thank you!”
“Though I’m sure you heard,” the First Commander mused, dipping the tip of her quill in the inkwell. “I have been asked to inform you that upon her discovery of you, you will be dead.”
“Yeah, thanks for that.” Zephina grumbled, scuffing the floor with her boot as she pouted.
“Have you truly been publishing those books without her knowledge?” Lucia asked her.
“I wasn’t sure she would even care.” The Bard sighed, gathering her long ebony hair over one shoulder. “I changed the names, the setting, everything but what was happening between them— and the whole centuries long struggle bit, but even that I changed! I was sure it would be fine!” She paused before quietly admitting, “well, that, and I didn’t think she’d ever find out.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think she would even want to read romance novels.”
“Aside from the fact that your series has swiftly grown in popularity since release,” Lucia said, returning to her paperwork. “It was only a matter of time before she caught wind of it— in particular around the Congregation.”
“Is,” Zephina said, blinking stupidly at her. “Is it that obvious who I’ve been writing about?”
“It is.” Lucia admitted. “But even if it were less...apparent,” she sighed. “Templars are notorious gossips, I fear. I’ve found more than a few of them reading over your books and whispering about how...similar it all sounds.” She spared her a sidelong glance. “Though I would recommend, perhaps, hiring an editor.”
“Editor?” Zephina parroted, tilting her head. “I mean, makes sense, but what makes you say that?”
“For an entire chapter in the last book,” Lucia mentioned as casually as one spoke about the weather. “You stopped calling them ‘Sera and Myrick’ and just called them ‘Serella and Aymeric.’ If people did not suspect before—”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Zephina held her hands out in front of her, eyes wide as saucers. “You read that?”
“Of course,” the First Commander affirmed. She felt a smile creep onto her face. “I did not know that you had written it for certain, but I was fairly certain that someone in your group was writing it— the tale seemed to eerily mirror your own exploits and accolades.”
“You read romance novels.” Zephina was still stuck on the first point, it seemed.
“Aye, many.” Lucia admitted freely, nodding. “Yours is the most current one I have had the chance to read. ‘Tis my favorite new series thus far.”
“I can’t picture you reading romance novels.” Zephina confessed, at a loss. “Let alone mine.”
“I have a rather vast collection of them,” Lucia admitted freely, still only just looking past her paperwork. “I enjoy them immensely.”
“Why tell me this?” Zephina asked. “You know I’m a gossip, too.”
“Because,” Lucia said with a grin, at last looking up at her. “No one will believe you.”
“You—!” Zephina gasped, pointing at her. “Oh, that’s just cruel!”
“Perhaps.” Lucia said with a shrug, already turning her focus back to her work. “I imagine Serella is far enough into the Pillars you could make a hasty retreat.” She paused a moment before adding, “though for my troubles in hiding you away, I would like a first edition copy of your next book.” She spared her a sidelong glance. “Signed, if you please.”
“Suppose I could do that.” Zephina grumbled. “Provided I even get to live long enough to publish the damned thing.”
“You had damn well better.” Lucia said offhandedly, even as she leveled a hard glare at the Bard. “You left it off at an awful cliffhanger, you miserable cretin.”
“Sorry.” Zephina said in a tone that indicated she was not, in fact, sorry. “Fair warning: next book probably won’t see them together either with the rate they’re going— else it would no longer be based on real events.”
Lucia pursed her lips in displeasure but otherwise said nothing as the Bard dashed out the door. Returning to her paperwork, she had an errant thought of speeding things along as it were though quickly dismissed it; it was not her place and besides— if anything would have been the catalyst for them, she would have thought the Lord Commander nearly dying while ‘Sera’ was away would have done it. As things stood all it did was add the most frustrating chapter in the entire series. She had nearly thrown her book at the wall at the end.
Romantic fools, the lot of them, she thought, fully aware of the irony. She focused on her report to avoid feeling frustrated over it again.
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